Best board games year rating. What to do with the child rainy autumn in the evening? Best board games

In 2017, several new publishers debuted, and the assortment of board games was noticeably expanded. While the shelves of Russian stores were replenished with the next localization of foreign hits, on the sites of crowdfunding regularly collected huge amounts of new Gikicovens. In our top - the most prominent releases of the year

Best overseas game

Applicants: Pandemic Legacy 2, Warhammer Underworlds: ShadeSpire

We will risk called GloomHaven the best adventure game in the world. The campaign in hundreds of scenarios, 17 classes of characters with a truly different manner of the game, a flexible system of difficulty levels, several dozen species of monsters, who do not need an villain player - they will cope with themselves and themselves. The character management is reduced to the manipulation of only 10 cards - it is your fighting techniques, and additional life. Legacy mechanics helps a good game to become magnificent. Separately pleased that Gloomhaven will be released in Russian.

Best role-playing game

Applicants: Fate Core, "Diary of an adventurist. Rules of the game"

Project by publication and translation desktop role-playing game Pathfinder gathered an incredible amount on Crowdrepublic - over 4 million rubles! It convincingly shows how many domestic rolewicks like complex fantasy games. The 600-page book contains a complete set of rules, including the steps of creating a character, chapters with equipment, artifacts and magic, as well as a volume section for the lead. Pathfinder rethinks classic Dungeons & Dragons 3.5, but a lot of small nice innovations lies with a similar basis. The most important thing is that the developers actively support the game: produce new products, arrange events. Pathfinder has long been popular in Russia, especially in desktop games clubs, where regularly organized meetings of Pathfinder Society are held.

The best domestic game

Applicants: "", "Indians"

"Bronze" was presented in the autumn "player" and collected many positive feedback. Those who are familiar with the author's prototype called Jazz Band, have long been waiting for her, but for the majority it turned out to be a pleasant surprise. "Bronze" complements the collection of Eurighters by another historical era and at the same time lays the players with expressive design and original illustrations. Mechanics "Bronze" pleases tactical space with a moderate influence of chance and simplicity when planning moves. Thanks to this, she liked so much and gickens, and lovers of family games.

The most stylish game

Applicants: "Signum legends. Battle for Vallore, "", "Bronze"

"Sickle" was heard throughout the past year. The game is largely owned by its popularity, whose 1920+ project has become the basis for its world. The original setting of the game, combining Europe in the 1920s and the future, illustrations made in the techniques of impressionism and naturalism, led to the delight and fans of the artist, and the happy owners of the board game. The creators of Sorp carefully recreated this style in the design of cards, robot-fur designs and in detailed plastic miniatures.

Game of the year

Applicants: "New Angeles", "This is my war," "Blood and rage"

"Conquest Mars" is a rare combination of European design and deep theme. Forget the same games about medieval builders and merchants. You are no longer on earth. You have to put out the ice hats and grow potatoes in the greenhouse. Get ready to launch orbital stations and output frost-resistant moss. Build a cosmoport on the gamonder and shelling Mars asteroids. Project cards accurately left pages: any of them offers a real step to flowering apple trees and the Space Brotherhood of Peoples. "Conquest Mars" withstands the test of time. Each card in the deck of projects is represented in a single copy, and the parties are very variable. There is no only true strategy in the game, and the interaction of players here is exactly as much as necessary for conflict euros. It is difficult to find another chain, in which a fantastic topic is so well woven with mechanics.

Shortly before the New Year's battle, Kurantov, some remember the achievements, others are building plans, and we decided to make top new board games in 2017 in Russia (who would doubt). In this, to confess, you helped us: the basis of the rating is the popularity of the tags among buyers. So, in front of you are the best of the best on the authoritative version of those for whom we work!

Emotional intelligence - 10th place

Age: from 12 years old
Number of players: 3 – 14

Just experiencing emotions not enough - you need to give them a verbal definition, and so that others understand you. The game is entirely based on emotions - which means you will learn to consciously manage them!

Monopoly (new version with clarification) - 9th place

Age: from 8 years old
Number of players: 2 – 6

In 2017, Hasbro Gaming announced the voting results for new chips for a cult "monopoly". Cute figures defeated, including duck. Otherwise it is a hit classical monopolywhich is sold worldwide for over 80 years. Therefore, it is not surprising that she fell into the rating of new stands 2017 and deservedly took 9 lines.

Jaws - 8th place

Age: from 16 years old
Number of players: 2 – 4

Your task is to convey to other players meaning of phrases from cards. They can be pronounced - what seemingly the problem? And the fact that it will have to do it with the plug-in jaws - more precisely, kapami - in the mouth! As experience shows, it is not as easy as it may seem - and, most pleasant, it is always madly fun.

My perfect year - 7th place

Age: from 12 years old
Number of players: from 1.

Can you quickly and clearly formulate what you want to achieve in the new year? We assume that there is no. With a set of "My Perfect Year", included in the list popular Board Games 2017 of years, everything will be easier. Included - 40 cards with questions. Answer them honestly, and you will figure out your plans, learn about yourself a lot of new things and perfectly spend time in a circle of friends.

Imaginarium Summer - 6th place

Age: from 12 years old
Number of players: from 3 to 6

Immerse yourself in the world of dreams and abstractions of Imajinarium has become much easier. Now, thanks new version "Imaginarium Summer" released in 2017, it is convenient to do this on the road. Please note: this is a full road version. The chips are attached to the box representing a field, and move directly on it, which is very convenient in transport.

Board game Stuka - 5th place

Age: from 12 years old
Number of players: from 4 to 7

In the middle of the ranking, it turned out to be "thing", literally turning the idea of \u200b\u200bclassical mechanics. Your task is to explain to other players meaning of a certain fragment gaming field. To do this, you can use a variety of means - words, gestures, pictures or others. Wins the one who first found a fragment you are talking about.

Answer for 5 seconds (Children's version) - 4th place

Age: from 6 years old
Number of players: from 3 to 6

The child chooses a card with questions. Children should be called two subjects or phenomena, older players - three. It is impossible to think for a long time - a fun bulling timer takes exactly 5 seconds. It is not only interesting to play, but also useful - children develop thinking and the horizons are expanding. Honored 4th place in the top of the New Year 2017 and the representative of the children's assortment!

Jackal Archipelago - 3

Age: from 6 years old
Number of players: from 1 to 4

The bronze prize is the continuation of the game story about Captain Shakal, I buried several treasures on the archipelago islands at once. Players managed by players stick to the shores, and adventures begin! In one of the most anticipated board games of 2017 under the cards you are waiting for all sorts of surprises. Only dragged all the treasures of Captain Shakal to his ship, you will become a winner!

Valera's time - 2nd place

Age: from 16 years old
Number of players: from 3 to 8

45 seconds, more than a hundred bilateral cards - and inflatable Valera, with which you need to explain as much as possible as possible. To keep the laughter is impossible.

Answer for 5 seconds - 1st place

Age: from 8 years old
Number of players: from 3 to 6

Here is the winner - the version of the game "Reply for 5 seconds", version for schoolchildren and adults! The same rules, the same five-second timer - but even more cards and even more interesting questions. In the countries of Europe and the United States, the English version of this game received a whole mountain of awards - and it is not surprising that it has become among the Russian buyers the most popular innovation in the past 2017.

We will give up and we will not delay you - I understand well that gifts in the form of the vendors do not buy themselves. We fulfilled your task - the rating of the best new board games 2017 is compiled and published. You will be from what to choose! And the appearance of new beams you can track, peering into the category

Currently released too many brilliant board games. In most of them you can play infinitely. And the more often you play, the deeper burn in this desktop hobby.

To help you understand this growing snowball, we have chosen the hottest innovations among the board games of 2017. Look and make your choice.

6 photos

The material was prepared with the support of the site You can buy hundreds of the most popular desktop games for the whole family.

1. This is my war.

This is my war is adaptation. computer Game. In many ways it follows the mechanics of the original. Players cooperate to survive in the torn city, improving their shelter during the day and hiding the supplies at night. Given the gloomy scenario, the game will tick you nerves.

2. Santorini.

Not every a new game - This is a gloomy battle for survival. Basic version Santorini is simple family game. The essence of the game is to build towers.

3. Patchwork kingdom.

Despite the fact that the game was released in 2016, she won the most prestigious premium in 2017 - Spiel Des Jahres. This German premium is designed to encourage accessibility and ingenuity in game design, and the Patchwork Kingdom has it all. Smart Sampling Rules and Counting Points Add to a significant depth game. It is suitable for family holidays, but at the same time is incredibly exciting for players of any age.

4. Sagrada.

If you dreamed of make stained glass windows for wonderful churches, then Sagrada will not disappoint you in this. Players use transparent cubes precious stonesTo create glass in your windows. But not everything is as simple as it seems. Simple rules, striking aesthetics and puzzle elements put this game to the list of the best table games of the year.

5. Century: Spice Road.

Century: Spice Road is a rapidly developing resource management game. As a trader spices, you start with a scant choice of goods. Your task is to improve trade and goods.

6. Gloomhaven.

Countless game characters And the villains, the rules are more similar to that books than on the rules of the game, the exciting history of the fantasy world. This game is considered the best desktop game of 2017.


The family plays a special role in the life of every person. Now, fortunately, a lot of entertainment is invented for family leisure. Desktop games are particularly popular, allowing to distract from various gadgets. Interesting, complex, causing a storm of emotions and truly fascinating - these are only a few of their advantages. They are able to unite all family members at one table, forcing themselves about their problems. Only now every year of the benchmark variations are becoming more and more, and, coming to the store, many buyers are scattered eyes. What to choose? How to choose something among the whole range exactly what everyone will like without exception? We offer in this article a selection of fascinating board games that will be a good entertainment for your family in a good autumn day.

This game is just ideal for both friendly company and for cheerful entertainment in the family. It helps in the development of attention, trains the speed of the reaction and teaches concentration. In addition, this entertainment in just a few minutes is able to raise the mood even the sullen guest itself!

The rules of this game are simple, so any player will be understood. All participants are issued funny toy mustache on chopsticks. Exactly the same are shown on cards that are included in the set. All of them are different colors and shapes. The presenter takes one of the cards and puts it on the table. If the card with the image of the mustache coincided with the species that the participant has, he must quickly slam her. A suction cup on the handle of the mustache will help catch it. If the participant slammed on his map, he takes her and put it in front of him, and if on someone else's, it returns a card back and adds two free of those that he managed to accumulate. When the "turn" falls out, the players are obliged to change the mustache: everyone transmits their card to the left. If you were lucky enough to drop the card "Catching a mustache", then all players simultaneously try to grab it.

The winner becomes the participant who collected the largest number of cards.

Who out of us did not want to become a spy for a moment to be to guess the secret code? With this fascinating game It became possible! It perfectly diversified leisure not only gambling boys, but also the whole family! The lucky ones expect a gift - gold coins and diamonds! Who will be the best spy and will open the ill-fated box?

The set of this board game includes: spy stethoscope, 18 game cards, 3 stickers on which diamonds are depicted, 15 gold coins, alarm sticker, instruction and safe itself.

Despite the complete set, which at first glance seems difficult, the rules of the game are simple and understandable. Lower the coin inside the safe. By the way, it looks very presentable: it is a bright red box with a door closed on the code lock. Now participants in the order of queue must choose one card with a number, by srolling the Koloysiko code lock of such a number of times indicated in its map. After that, the player should attach a finger to a special device scanning fingerprints (included). In the event that the correct code was entered, the safe door will open and coins will fall out of it! Light bulb on the door flashes green color. Now it remains only to pick up your reward! If the box has not opened, then this means that the wrong code was entered. In this case, the safe will publish a sound prompt, which the participant can only hear through a spy stethoscope. It is also included in the set. There are three types of sound signals. The first is "ping-ping" (high sound). It means that the correct number is more introduced. "Boom boom" is a slightly audible sound, which will prompt that the correct code will be less than the player scored. Well, the most terrible police siren! This means that you are not lucky, and this time the tips from the safe is not worth waiting ... the participant becomes the winner, which the first will collect coins (5 gold or 2 with the image of diamonds).

In order for the game to not bother with time, her creators decided to make three levels of difficulty in it. On the first, all participants do not use repeated cards that have already been in the game. On the second, these cards are already added to one stack to not yet used. At the last, most difficult stage, you will have to abandon the cards at all.

It is worth noting that for the work of this board game you need to purchase 3 AA batteries. You need to buy them separately from the set.

And this game will be interesting to those who are confident that he has the richest vocabulary!

This entertainment will be a beautiful view of the pastime and among friends, and in a family circle. The chances of winning the long-awaited victory here at all are equal - both by the child, and the parents. It all depends exclusively because what the number of words you know! The desktop game "Word for Word" perfectly trains the intelligence, thinking and, of course, makes vocabulary wider and richer.

It is represented as a small round panel with button-letters. The kit also includes special thematic cards with tasks (for example, names, vegetables, plants, fruits, animals). In total, they are 36 in the set. Now players choose one of the following, after which everyone alternately press the differently available platform buttons (those that were not previously pressed on the platform wheel are considered to be available) and call words.

All the complexity of the game is that only 10 seconds are given for each turn! It will not be possible to deceive anyone here - the built-in timer will notify you that time came out. The one who could not name the word for the specified period of time comes out of the game. The winner becomes a participant who will tell his response to the last.

Monopoly 00009 Monopoly Game Classic

Monopoly is a game that has long been loved by millions of people around the world. It can be considered legendary. Probably, there is no longer a person left, who did not hear about her. "Monopoly" teaches every player with cold calculation, tricks and enterprise. Not the last role is played here and good luck - after all, the moves depend due, how cubes will be thrown. It gives the game a special mystery and unpredictability, and the chances of winning appear at all without exception!

In the "monopolies", participants are engaged in buying and selling real estate, try on the role of the landlord, do not forget about the payment of taxes. Here everyone itself decides whether he will buy real estate plots or they will have to sell other players at auction. You also depends on whether renting rivals will have to pay rivals. Taking similar solutions, you get one step closer to victory or disappointment ...

The task of the game is to leave all your rivals by bankrupt and become one of the same owner of the entire property.

By the way, now "Monopoly" is currently sold in several versions (road, monopoly millionaire, etc.). But the "classical" still remains in pets from buyers. Become a part of amazing story with the "Monopoly" from the world-famous Hasbrough Corporation!

Spin Master 6039198 Board Game "Ropes and Stairs" Disney Cars

Your child is still quite a cloth, and all the above selections will be difficult for him? Not trouble, in stores you can find entertainment that will be interested in kids! The desktop game "Ranks and stairs" can be safely attributed to such. It will be a good choice for preschoolers - bright, colorful and so easy to use!

The kit includes:

✔ Field for a game size of 60 * 60 cm (4 puzzle element);
✔ 4 figures of heroes;
✔ Cube;
✔ Instructions.

Before the game, you need to perform a lung task for the development of logical and figurative thinking: to collect a puzzle of 4 parts. The collected picture and will be the game field. Now the participants have to get from the start (figure "1"), to the finish line (figure "36"). The way they expect so many obstacles!

Here will come across the cones that carry players closer to the finish line, and flags that make them come back back. Who will win the winner? Board game, by the way, in an affordable attitude to teach your baby to the numbers and the score! With such leisure, he will definitely love mathematics!

Perhaps, in each company there was a popular entertainment when the participant was glued to the sticker with any inscription, and the player had to guess what was written there. A similar game usually causes a storm of positive emotions and wild laughter! That is why it will become an excellent entertainment for everyone, regardless of age and profession. And what could be better than you think so the whole family? It is for such cases that this board game will be useful!

Its rules are familiar to everyone: each player is heard chips and cards with a variety of images that they must fix on their head using a special hoop (included). Now each participant asks the rest of the most diverse issues related to the specified subject. You can only respond to them only one "yes" or "no". Carefully treating all the above, the player should guess what is depicted on his forehead.

It is complicated by the game that every move is given a limited amount of time - hourglass Remove notify you when it came out. If the participant was able to guess, then he postponed his chip. The winner is the one who first will get rid of her chips.

This board game can be not only excellent entertainment, but also help develop logic, intelligence, attention.

Your family is one of those who can't constantly play at the same thing, but to buy a new board game every month is not possible? Then the family set is immediately from 10 board games - your perfect choice! It is convenient to take it with me anywhere: it does not take up much space, it is easy to fold and go. In addition, never get bored, because the type of game can be changed at least every hour!

Family set of 10 board games is a small plastic box. One part it is pulled out, and on it there are fields, wells and drawings for all games. Inside the box is the glued field for the backgammon. All figures are decomposed on several packets, which makes the set even more convenient to use.

The first game presented is chess. It enjoys extremely popular not only in Russia, but also all over the world. The game in chess is even conducted by various championships! It uses special chessmen, for example, the king, pawn, queen, rook, elephant. Each of them "goes" in a certain way. The task of the player is to build a combination of figures so that the King of the opponent has no further possible moves. Then the participant becomes the winner.

The second game, more simple, is checkers. It seems easy, but actually requires the same logic efforts as chess.

The same can be said about backgammon that come in the kit. They, contrary to various opinions, are not intended only for the elderly. As practice shows, representatives of all generations are played with pleasure and excitement.

Also here you can play crossbars - Noliki. Simple game Fascinating that it does not require a lot of free time and huge intellectual work. If you get tired of complex games, you can always change them to popular noliki cross.

In addition, there are both games in the kit that is not familiar with each: it is 60 Chinese checkers and a field for them. The essence of this entertainment is that it is necessary to go through all the playing field from one triangle to the opposite faster than all opponents.

Also in the set included mancala - a game calculated on two players. In it, the participant should alternately move all the stones from one well to another, and, ultimately, capture more stones than the opponent!

Another logical desktop game for two players is a mill. Her rules are that it is necessary to set all chips in a row to collect a mill, preventing this to make it enemy.

Another, no less exciting entertainment from this set is "picking sticks". Includes "Spin Master" 30 such chopsticks. The game will be interested in both children and adults. Here you need to pull out one stick and do not hurt all the rest. The winner is the one who left them is more.

The Mind Magic game is also included in the kit (game with balls) and insanity, which uses wells located in a row.

In addition, as pleasant bonus Additionally go two playing bones. They can be used for both their invented games and for those that come in the kit.

By buying this set, you can most brightly diversify your leisure, because here you can choose games for every taste!

Want to find out who is the most important in the family? Then define this person with .... Cooking! And this unusual culinary game will help you with this!

It includes:

✔ Conveyor with 2 ribbons,
✔ Details ingredients for the assembly of hamburgers,
✔ Culinary forceps,
✔ Cards containing the recipes of burghers.

Here each participant has to compete in accuracy and transshipment! The rules of the game are simple - you need to collect a hamburger according to the recipe (they are indicated on the cards are issued to all participants). But not everything is so simple! There are several difficulties at once. First, all this needs to be made by tweezers! And secondly, the burgers will move on the canvas, so the participants have to work in accelerated mode. For even greater excitement, there are several velocities of the canvas moving, which can be adjusted!

The best will be the one who will make more burgers who did not fall apart on the way to the finish.

It is worth noting the fact that the operation of this game requires 4 AA batteries. They are not included in the set, so you need to purchase them yourself.

Down of the tablets I. cell phones! Board game "Uno Deluxe" will be an excellent addition to the cheerful family evening. Azart, laughter, the restless thirst for victory is only a few emotions that await you with this unusual entertainment! The game is convenient, compact and does not require a lot of space! Her children love, since she is simple, interesting and truly fascinating!

In it, all participants will be distributed by seven cards. Other cards are formed in a deck, and the upper remains open. During the game, each participant alternately resets the matching on the table lying on the table or card form. In the event that this is not in your arsenal, then you have only one way out - take it from the general deck. When remains in hand last map., It is necessary to say symbolic "UNO." Counting points begins to be conducted after the first participant came out of the game - the sum of the rivals cards is considered. The winner must score 500 points.

And this game, undoubtedly, will like all intellectuals! She will help you find out amazing facts About our world, will expand the horizons, will introduce closer with the culture of our country! In order to become the winner in it, you need to be comprehensively developed. After all, there are questions at once in several categories! Fight in the intellectual ring of the whole family! Find out who among you will be the honorable title of the smartest!

Participants need to choose questions on the most different topics (for example, in history, geography, literature). If the player responded correctly, he gets a chip-for a certain color depending on the category (each area of \u200b\u200bknowledge represents its color). After 6 collected lobes of different colors, the player expects the most difficult test - the last, decisive question. If he knows the answer to him, the victory is already in his pocket!

Of course, the desktop games presented are fundamentally different from each other, have different goals and rules. But, despite this, they have a lot in common: they all create a fun competitive atmosphere, help in developing attention, logic, spectatic memory and figurative thinking. And, of course, thanks to them, the whole family can gather at one table, for a moment forgetting about all its problems.

In 2017, several new publishers debuted, and the assortment of board games was noticeably expanded. While the shelves of Russian stores were replenished with the next localization of foreign hits, on the sites of crowdfunding regularly collected huge amounts of new Gikicovens. In our top - the most prominent releases of the year

Best overseas game

Applicants: Pandemic Legacy 2, Warhammer Underworlds: ShadeSpire

We will risk called GloomHaven the best adventure game in the world. The campaign in hundreds of scenarios, 17 classes of characters with a truly different manner of the game, a flexible system of difficulty levels, several dozen species of monsters, who do not need an villain player - they will cope with themselves and themselves. The character management is reduced to the manipulation of only 10 cards - it is your fighting techniques, and additional life. Legacy mechanics helps a good game to become magnificent. Separately pleased that Gloomhaven will be released in Russian.

Best role-playing game

Applicants: Fate Core, "Diary of an adventurist. Rules of the game"

The project by publication and translation of the board role-playing game Pathfinder collected an incredible amount on Crowdrepublic - over 4 million rubles! It convincingly shows how many domestic rolewicks like complex fantasy games. The 600-page book contains a complete set of rules, including the steps of creating a character, chapters with equipment, artifacts and magic, as well as a volume section for the lead. Pathfinder rethinks classic Dungeons & Dragons 3.5, but a lot of small nice innovations lies with a similar basis. The most important thing is that the developers actively support the game: produce new products, arrange events. Pathfinder has long been popular in Russia, especially in desktop games clubs, where regularly organized meetings of Pathfinder Society are held.

The best domestic game

Applicants: "", "Indians"

"Bronze" was presented in the autumn "player" and collected many positive feedback. Those who are familiar with the author's prototype called Jazz Band, have long been waiting for her, but for the majority it turned out to be a pleasant surprise. "Bronze" complements the collection of Eurighters by another historical era and at the same time lays the players with expressive design and original illustrations. Mechanics "Bronze" pleases tactical space with a moderate influence of chance and simplicity when planning moves. Thanks to this, she liked so much and gickens, and lovers of family games.

The most stylish game

Applicants: "Signum legends. Battle for Vallore, "", "Bronze"

"Sickle" was heard throughout the past year. The game is largely owned by its popularity, whose 1920+ project has become the basis for its world. The original setting of the game, combining Europe in the 1920s and the future, illustrations made in the techniques of impressionism and naturalism, led to the delight and fans of the artist, and the happy owners of the board game. The creators of Sorp carefully recreated this style in the design of cards, robot-fur designs and in detailed plastic miniatures.

Game of the year

Applicants: "New Angeles", "This is my war," "Blood and rage"

"Conquest Mars" is a rare combination of European design and deep theme. Forget the same games about medieval builders and merchants. You are no longer on earth. You have to put out the ice hats and grow potatoes in the greenhouse. Get ready to launch orbital stations and output frost-resistant moss. Build a cosmoport on the gamonder and shelling Mars asteroids. Project cards accurately left pages: any of them offers a real step to flowering apple trees and the Space Brotherhood of Peoples. "Conquest Mars" withstands the test of time. Each card in the deck of projects is represented in a single copy, and the parties are very variable. There is no only true strategy in the game, and the interaction of players here is exactly as much as necessary for conflict euros. It is difficult to find another chain, in which a fantastic topic is so well woven with mechanics.