Windy peak of the column. Windy peak (location). Where is Windy Peak

This passage concerns only the main storyline.


The start of our adventure begins with a cart ride with the Stormcloaks - lawbreakers. We are being taken to a certain settlement of Helgen, where the executioner is already waiting. But before we go to the gods, we are given the opportunity to create our own character - choose a race, gender, appearance, etc. Having chosen the same name for our hero, we are led to execution, but the dragon that has flown in spoils the plans of the imperials, as a result of which we are saved from this fate.

The character editor has been noticeably improved. You no longer have to dig into it for hours to create a sane man, or a beautiful girl.

To freedom

In order not to burn alive from the dragon's flame, we run into the neighboring tower, where we climb the stairs up. Through the gap that has just appeared in the wall, we jump to the attic of a neighboring house, from where we go down to the ground and meet Hadvar. Together with him we head to the fortress, and, not paying attention to Ralof, we go inside. Hadvar frees us from the rope and offers to rummage through the chests. We take everything we find and follow him further through the dungeon, destroying the Stormcloaks along the way. Passing through the old pantry, we pick up all the potions, after which we go down to the torture room. Having searched the bag on the table, we find master keys in it. With their help, we break open the lock on the grate with the magician dead inside and take away valuable items from there. Following further along the cave, we come to a large cluster of Stormcloaks. We destroy them, pull the lever and go further along the bridge. There is no way back, we will have to go along the rivulet, which will lead us straight to the lair of spiders. Having dealt with vile creatures, we go further along the cave, destroy the bear and go out into the expanses of Skyrim.

Before the Storm

Everything, we are free and free to do whatever our heart desires. Hadvar invites us to go to the nearby village of Riverwood, where his blacksmith uncle can help us with something. We go there, following the map of the world. Uncle is in the forge, his name is Alvor. We tell him about the dragon's invasion, after which he offers to urgently inform the Jarl of Whiterun about this so that he sends soldiers to guard Riverwood. We leave for the city, but the local guard will not want to let us inside. We tell him that we have come to ask for help for Riverwood, after which he will gladly let us inside. The Jarl is located in the Dragon's Reach, this is the main building of Whiterun, it will not be difficult to find him. On the way, we will be blocked by Airileth, who will not like our arrogance. We tell her everything as it is, after which we approach Balgruuf the Elder. We inform him about the dragon, without mentioning the Petrel and our uncompleted execution, he does not need to know about it. He will send a detachment for Riverwood, and we will give some assignment for his court magician.

If you don’t have goosebumps right now, then I envy you.

windy peak

We leave with the jarl to Farengar. He offers us to get the Dragon Stone from the Temple of the Windy Peak. We agree and head to the temple, which is located on top of the mountain. If there are problems with climbing the mountain, then open the map, where you can clearly see where you can climb and where you can’t. As a result, having climbed the mountain and dealt with the guards, we penetrate into the temple. We destroy two bandits, eavesdropping on the conversation of which you can get a secondary task, and follow further through the cave using the map of the area. We leave into a small hall, where we destroy the robber. It is not worth pulling the lever in front of us right away. First you need to put the columns with signs on the left in the right order. We expose the following signs from left to right: snake - snake - fish. If we do everything right, then when the lever is switched, poisonous arrows will not fly at us, but simply the path will open further. Turn left and go down the spiral staircase. We pass a little forward, turn left, make our way through the web and meet a huge frosty spider. Having dealt with him, we free the poor fellow who got into the web, after which he runs away. We pass further, where we find that very fugitive dead, - rightly so. We take away the golden claw from him and follow on. We run through the blades and go down into the tomb, teeming with draugr. We leave it to a small river. We pull the chain near the grate and follow along the river through the cave. We turn right, go through the crack in the ceiling of the cave and go out to the door to the Sanctuary of Windy Peak. Once inside, we pass a trap in the form of all the same blades, destroy three draugrs, go upstairs and go across the bridge to the iron door, opening which we find ourselves in an unusual corridor, at the end of which there is a door with signs. To open the door, you need to arrange the rings in the correct order, after which you need to insert a golden claw into the center of the door and turn it. We put the signs in the following order from top to bottom: bear - moth - eagle owl. We turn the claw, after which the door will open. We go inside the sanctuary. We approach the dragon plate with a sign and study a new ability, after which Draugr the Lord will crawl out on us. Having dealt with him, we take the Dragon Stone from him, climb the path up, pull the handle to open the secret passage, and get out of the cave. We return to the Dragon's Reach with the help of fast travel, give the stone to Farengar, after which he proceeds to decipher it.

dragon in the sky

But to our misfortune, a dragon was spotted nearby. Airileth calls us to Jarl Balgruuf to discuss this event. We rise to the second floor, where we receive a reward for the Dragon Stone we found, as well as the news in the form of buying houses in the city. But, the dragon will not wait, so we head for Airilet to the western watchtower, where a fire-breather was seen. On the spot we find the surviving guard, who notices the approaching dragon. We arm ourselves with more powerful weapons and proceed to the battle with the winged demon. When he is defeated, we search him and absorb the soul, thereby studying the Scream. We select it from the magic menu and try it out. Having pleased this event, we return to Balgruuf and report on the completed task. We receive a reward in the form of the position of tan of Whiterun, our personal housecarl and the weapons of Balgruuf himself.

As it turned out a little earlier - we are Dovakin. The Greybeards, who are waiting for us in High Hrothgar, on the slopes of the Throat of the World, want to talk to us about this. We go there, but when we leave the Dragon's Reach, we will meet our housecarl - a pretty girl named Lydia. We take it with us and go to the Greybeards. Crawling along the endless slopes, we finally reach the village of Ivarsted. We pass the river over the bridge and climb the highest mountain of Skyrim - Hrothgar, where the Greybeards are located. Along the way, we will come across an Ice Troll that can heal wounds and restore health. The best remedy against him is fire. As a result, having reached the top of the mountain, we go into the temple, where we meet Arngeir. He asks to demonstrate our voice. Well, we turn to face him and use Shout, from which the old man almost falls off his feet. We listen to him and agree to the training. To develop our Shout and make it stronger, we turn to Einart, who is behind us. We stand on the emblem of power on the floor and absorb it. Next, we absorb energy from Einart and demonstrate three times in a row our increased Shout power on illusion magicians by holding the voice key. Now you need to learn a new power from Master Borri. To do this, follow him into the courtyard and stand on the sign on the ground. After absorbing the power from Borri, we demonstrate to Arngeir the new ability "Swift Charge", as Wulfgar did. To fully complete the tutorial, you need to get the horn of Jurgen, the Windcaller. Let's take on this assignment.

Traveling in the campaign of two pretty ladies is a separate joy.

Horn of Jurgen

This item can be found in Arngeir's Tomb in Ustengrav in the Hjaalmarch Marshes. It will take quite a long time to get there, so if you have already discovered Morthal, then we move there or to any other nearby territories, and from there we make our way to the swamps on foot. Arriving at the place, we deal with local bandits and go into the tomb. Inside we see a clash of necromancers and bandits. Necromancers, having done their job of exterminating the bandits, will go to us. It is better not to touch the illusion wolves, they will disappear on their own after the magicians die, so they should be attacked first. We turn right and follow further along the cave, without turning off the main path. If you get lost, a map of the area will help you get out. As a result, we get to the door that leads us to the depths of Ustengrav. We follow the path, jump over the fire trap, go out into a kind of dining room, where we find a bridge along which we pass from the dining room to a small cave. In due time, she will lead us to another huge open cave, at the bottom of which even fir trees could be located. By the way, it will also be possible to study the new Scream there. Nevertheless, we pass over the bridge and exit to the passage, which is closed by three bars. Right in front of them there are three stones, each of which opens its own grate. We get up in front of them, select the Swift Dash Shout, run between the three stones and use Shout to "fly" under the bars before they have time to close. Also, this Shout will have to be used when we pass through the plates with fire traps. After them, we destroy the frosty spiders, break through the poutine and open the wooden door. We pull the chain and go out into the hall in which we should have found Jurgen's horn, but instead we find a note. It says that the horn was supposedly taken by our friend and is waiting for us in the Sleeping Giant tavern in Riverwood, in a room in the attic, which we will have to rent in order to meet a stranger. There is nothing to do, you have to fulfill the will of the "friend". We pass forward and open the wooden door. We get out of the depths, follow the corridor and open the secret passage with the lever. Following the map of the area, we get out of the tomb and move to Riverwood. We go into the tavern and find Delphine, from whom we rent a room in the attic, which does not exist at all. However, there is a room on the left, which we enter. But, our friend is nowhere to be seen. After waiting a bit, Dolphin looks in to us, which turns out to be that messenger of the note. She gives us the horn and asks us to go into the room with her to discuss some business. But, before going on a new task, let's complete the current one. We return to the mountain to the Greybeards and give Jurgen's horn to Arngeir. Wulfgar will teach us the last word of strength, after which we will only have to stand between the Greybeards and endure the final test. This will complete the task.

Dragon in natural habitat.

Blade in the dark

We return to Delphine to find out what she needs from us. We go into the room, close the door behind us and go down for Delphine to secret cellar. She asks us to kill the dragon, which should soon be reborn. In return, she will give any information of interest to us. The offer is not bad, besides, we just know little about the Dragonborn. The dragon will appear in the Keen Grove, we can go there ourselves, or we can go with Delphine. In the end, having arrived at the place, Iddra meets us and conveys that the dragon has already been here and flew out of the city. We head there and see how it soars above the forest. We quietly sneak up to the stone with Delphine and see that this is the same black dragon that attacked Helgen when we were almost executed. He hangs in the air and calls to life another dragon, Saloknir. We kill a freshly baked dragon and absorb its soul, after which Delphine begins to fully believe us that we are Dovakin. We ask her about everything we want to know, and find out that she is a member of the Brotherhood of the Blade, which was created to destroy dragons and protect the Dragonborn.

Diplomatic immunity

Things are getting worse and worse. Dragons can not only be reborn, but also resurrect other such dragons. Delphine suspects that the Thalmor are behind this, but in order for the information to be confirmed, you need to get to the Thalmor embassy. She gives us the key to her tavern and offers to wait for her there to figure out a further plan for our situation. Arriving at the place, we go down together with Delphine to her basement and listen to her proposal. She can help us get to the Thalmor embassy, ​​but first we need to meet with her elf contact named Malborn at the Laughing Rat in Solitude. This city is quite far away, so we move to the good old Ustengrav and from there we follow the city on our own two feet. The main entrance from it can be found by following the road up from the warehouse of the Eastern Imperial Company to Katla's farm, where we will meet with Delphine later. Once in the city and looking at the execution, we go into the tavern and meet Malborn. We give him the weapon, which he will carry to the embassy in order to give it to us there, because. They are not allowed in with their belongings. Now it's time to meet with Delphine in the stable of the same Katla farm. At the meeting, she will give us a smart suit that we need to wear in order to get off as a guest at the embassy. She also needs to give all our things. When everything is done, we sit in the wagon and set off for the evening. Upon arrival at the place, we show the invitation to the Talmor soldier and go inside. Without wasting precious time on Elenwen, the local ambassador, we approach Malborn and give a sign that it's time to run away from here. But first we need to do something that will divert everyone's attention and let us escape from here unnoticed. To do this, we approach Brelance, which distributes drinks. We take a drink from her and give it to Razelan, who is sitting on a bench and waiting to be served a drink. As a token of gratitude, he is ready to arrange a small brawler who will help us escape unnoticed from the evening. We approach Malborn and hide from the holiday. We pass into the kitchen, from where we wrap it in the pantry and pick up our things that we gave to the elf. Now you need to find information about dragons, but you will have to rely only on yourself, because. Malborn will stay at the party. Sneaking secretly or not very past the guards is a matter of principle, the goal is still the same - to find Elenwen's room, where the information we need is located. To do this, we rise to the second floor and exit into the courtyard. Elenwen's private quarters are also located here. We penetrate inside, eliminate the guards and search the box in the ambassador's office. We take away the key and all the records that are there. After reading the note about dragons, we go down and open the door to the dungeon with the key. We find there the second box, in which there are records about Esbern. After reading them, we destroy the soldiers and take the key to the hatch. We open the hatch and go down into the caves, where we go back to the expanses of Skyrim. We return to Riverwood to Delphine and tell her that the Thalmor knows nothing about dragons, but is looking for Esbern. We need to find him, but before we go in search, we take our things from the chest. A rat cornered

Brynjolf, the type that will help you find Esbern, is in Riften, you need to get to him before the Thalmor. If you have not been to this city before, then at the entrance to it the guard will ask for some gold, supposedly this is an entrance tax. We convince him that we are not going to pay and go inside. You don't need much eloquence to convince a guard. Entering the city, we look at the market and find Brynjolf. If he is not in place, then you need to wait for the day. This help-hungry individual offers us to steal a ring for him, in return for which he will agree to help in the search for Esbern. We agree to this court case and let Brynjolf know. We wait until the people from the market crowd in front of him, and we ourselves quietly sneak up to the shop window, here in the market, and, breaking the lock, steal the ring. If the lock cannot be broken, or we are noticed, then nothing bad will happen, we just pay a fine and return to Brynjolf. Disappointed in our abilities, he will still offer us to work for him. But our task is far from this, we need to find the same Esbern, and for this we head to the Rat Hole, the entrance to which is located under the market. From there we make our way to the "Rampant Flask" and there is a bartender Vekela Warrior. For a fee, he will tell you that Esbern can be found in the Rat Hole in the Ant Hill. We head towards it, destroying the Thalmor soldiers along the way. Having found the door to Esbern's room, we knock on it and tell the old man that we came from Delfina, and so that he believes, we tell him her words "Remember the 30th Beginning of Frosts." After that, he will willingly let us in and tell us that the same black dragon that was in Helgen is called Alduin and is the Eater of the World, and that if he is not stopped, the end of the world will come. Fortunately, we will please the old man, because. we are the Dragonborn and we can stop Alduin.

Alduin's Wall

We need to escort Esbern to Delphine. To do this, we give him time to collect his notes and hit the road. On the spot we all go down to the same Dolphin's basement and listen to the old man. He suggests looking at Alduin's Wall, which supposedly will help us find out weak spots dragon and defeat him. We are waiting for the Delphine and go to the wall, which is located in the Temple sky harbor. If you don’t want to go with Delphine, you can immediately meet her with Esbern on the spot. We enter the temple, destroy the outcasts and exit to the raised bridge. To lower it, you need to deploy three columns so that they have the same sign, as on the far right. When the signs match, the bridge will lower. We pass through it and exit into the room with pressure plates. You can only step on the slabs with the sign that were on the previous three columns. Following only on them, we get to the chain and pull it. Now the trap is not terrible, you can safely walk on any plate, and besides, the bridge will fall just ahead. We go forward and go to the entrance directly to the Temple of Heavenly Harbor itself. To open the passage, we stand on the seal and spill our blood on it. The path is open, we go into the temple. Esbern, after examining Alduin's wall, reports that the dragon can only be defeated by a special Shout, which, unfortunately, we do not know. But the Greybeards probably know about this, you need to go to them. Throat of the world

We return to High Hrothgar and find Arngeir. Unfortunately, he does not know the Shout we need, but Paarthurnax, the leader of the Greybeards, knows him, and it would be a great honor to meet him. But since we will be a stranger to him, we need to learn some Shout, thanks to which we will have the honor of seeing the leader. Follow Arngeir and study the Creek " Clear sky". Thanks to him, we will be able to climb to the very top of the mountain, where Paarthurnax is located. To do this, simply aim at the ice whirlwind and use Clear Sky on it. Climbing the mountain, we meet Paarthurnax, who, in fact, is a dragon. Getting down to business right away would not be a very nice act, therefore, first you need to greet each other. We study the Shout "Fire Breath", which gives us Paarthurnax, and use it on the dragon. After that, he is ready to listen to us completely. We tell him that we want to learn the Dragonfight Shout. But for our troubles, he does not know this Cry, however, the Ancient Scroll will help us with this. We need to discuss this with Esbern or Arngeir.

ancient knowledge

The closest thing to get to Arngeir, so we go to him. He advises us to ask about this scroll at the College of Winterhold, so we'll have to head there. Having reached the College, we are met by Faralda, who says that it is not so easy to get to the magicians. We explain to her that we want to go there just like that, but she will ask to offer something in return for the College. We tell her that we are Dovakin, and by using Shout at her, we prove it. The path to the magicians is open, we follow the Hall of the Elements, from where we go to the Arcaneum. There we find an orc named Urag gro-Shuv. We ask him about the scroll, and so that he becomes much more friendly with us, we tell him that we are Dovakin. The orc will agree to help us with information to find the scroll. We give him a little time, after which he will put two books on the table. We read them and tell Uraga that the book "Reflections" is completely unreadable. He says that it was written by a certain scientist named Septimius Segonius. Surely he can help us find the scroll. We head to his lair, which is located on a small island, among huge ice floes floating in the sea. This mad scientist is ready to help us only if we make some notes for him. We leave for Alftand and penetrate into the ice caves. Following them, we leave in some metallurgical shop. Destroying the Dwemer spiders and spheres, we follow the corridors, rise to the second floor and exit to the door leading to the Animatorium. We pass between the walls and exit to an inclined rise, on which three small devices are visible that launch deadly traps. We step over them and go further to the closed grate, behind which you can see the lever. We pull for it, after which the grate will fall. Now you need to go down to the very bottom of the cave, moving both along a spiral staircase, as well as through the rooms inhabited by the Falmer. Going down, we go into the Alftand Cathedral. We jump over the mechanisms for launching traps on the floor and go out into the large hall. The path further is blocked by a grate, which can be lowered only by turning the lever, which is located a little higher behind. We pass forward, destroy the Dremora Centurion and activate the mechanism that will open the way to the Black Limit. Once in it and admiring the huge mushrooms, we follow the Mzarka tower. Having risen to the panels, we insert an empty dictionary into the dictionary stand and press four buttons in turn from right to left. True, in order for the third button to appear, you will have to indulge in the first two right ones. We pick up the Elder Scroll and go back to Skyrim.

If after all this you say that this is not one of the most beautiful games, I will bite you!

Curse of Alduin

We have the Ancient Scroll, now we need to read it at the time gap in the Throat of the World. We stand at the place of the gap, which can be detected by the curved air, go to the interface, in the "books" section, take the scroll and read it. We have traveled back in time when Alduin was banished to our present time. Having seen and learned the Shout "Dragonbreaker" from the heroes of the Nords, we return to our time and prepare for the battle with Alduin. With the help of the "Dragonbreaker" we studied, we knock Alduin out of the sky and begin to attack with all kinds of weapons or magic that we have. Also, Paarthurnax will help us with this. But no matter how hard we try, destroying the dragon, alas, will not work. It soars into the sky and hides on the horizon.


We need to find where he is hiding. We learn from Paarthurnax that the palace of the Jarl of Whiterun was once a dungeon for dragons. You can catch any dragon and lock it in a dungeon so that it will give out where Alduin is hiding. But, first you need to get permission from the Jarl of Whiterun, for this kind of activity. We go to him in the Dragon Reach and ask for help. He agrees to help only on the condition that Civil War between the Imperials and the Stormcloaks will end in peace. Arngeir can help us with this, to which we are heading. Now it remains only to report this meeting to Ulfric Stormcloak and General Tullius. To begin with, we go to the Stormcloaks, whose jarl is located in Windhelm. In the royal hall we find Ulfric and tell him that the Greybeards are calling him to a truce. He will not agree to take part in this until he is convinced that Tullius himself will not come there. But we do not like to run back and forth, so we tell him that if Tullius does not come to the truce, then he will show himself with weak side. After some thought, Ulfric agrees, and we go to Solitude to the Imperials. We explain to Tullius the importance of this truce, and as an incentive we say that Ulfric himself will also come to the meeting, which he cannot refuse. Now we return to High Hrothgar to Arngeir. The meeting is ready, but Delphine and Esbern also come to it. Nothing to do but take them with you. We follow the Greybeards into the hall and sit down in a chair. They will negotiate without our help, just occasionally we support either the words of Ulfric or Tullius, depending on who we are more inclined to. As a result, the meeting ends with a truce, and Esbern gives us a scroll that gives Odahviing's Calling Cry. It's time to go to Whiterun and prepare a trap for this dragon. We give a signal to Balgruuf that we are ready to start, and we follow him into the gallery, where a trap has already been prepared. We go out onto the balcony, select the Shout to call the dragon, hold the Shout key and release it so that our voice is stronger and the dragon can hear us. When he arrives, we attack him and gradually lure him into the hall, where the trap will work. After talking with Odaving, he will agree to help us.

No, seriously! Where else can you see such beauty?!

House of the World Eater

You need to get to Skuldafn, but you can only get there by air. We ask the Whiterun guard to release the dragon, after which we climb onto Odahviing and fly to the habitat of all dragons. Arriving at the place, we begin to move forward to the portal leading to Sovngarde. Making our way through the crowds of draugrs and dragons, we get to the temple. Having cleared its hall from half-dead mummies, we leave into a room with three columns and a lever. As in previous times, you need to rotate the columns so that when using the lever, open the left gate, because. the right leads nowhere, except to the chest. To open the lattice we need, we expose the columns with the following signs: eagle - snake - eagle. This must be done from the side of the lever, because. if you look at the middle column from the other side, then the sign will bifurcate there. We follow further along the corridors inhabited by spiders, and we leave already in another room, but all with the same columns. Now with their help we need to lower the bridge. The first column is located directly in front of the entrance to this room, the other two are on either side of the lever, which is at the top. On the lower column we set the sign of a snake, on the right - an eagle, on the left - a fish. We pull the lever and follow the bridge deeper and deeper into the temple. Climb the stairs, turn right into a narrow passage and exit to the bridge. On it we pass into a room with a spiral staircase. We go upstairs, where we encounter a closed grate. We destroy the draugrs and go into the room behind, where we find the lever from the grate. We pass further and exit to the round door, near which there is Draugr the Lord. Destroy it and take it from it diamond claw. Now you need to open the door. We expose the following signs from top to bottom: wolf - moth - dragon. We turn the diamond claw and the path is open. We study the new Shout and leave the temple. Having gone out into the light, we turn left, from where we exit to a ladder leading directly to the portal to Sovngarde. Without stopping for a second, we immediately jump the portal, without getting into a skirmish with the local dragons.


We are from Sovngarde, the city of souls. We go down the stairs and meet a Stormcloak soldier. According to him, Alduin is hiding in this fog, and in order to defeat him, you need to go to the Hall of Valor and unite with other heroes. We head to the place where Tsun blocks the way for us at the entrance to the hall. Despite the fact that we are Dovakin, he will not want to let us through until we prove to him that we are strong opponent. We prescribe him the first number so that he regrets that he started all this at all. On the bones of the dragon we cross the abyss and go into the Hall of Valor. After talking with Ysgramor, we approach the three Nord heroes that we saw when we moved to the past with the help of Elder Scroll. Having united with them, we act on Alduin. Dragonslayer

Together with the heroes we go outside and follow them. With the help of the “Clear Sky” Shout, we help the heroes get rid of the fog, but it will turn out like this from the third time. When the fog clears, Alduin himself will fly to us. Using the "Dragonboy", we force him to land, and begin to attack. When Alduin is defeated, we approach Tsun, who will return us back to Skyrim, and also teach the Nord Hero Summon Cry.

This concludes the main story, and we can move on to other unfinished business, and I'm sure there are many more.

Ahead was another door with a riddle. But to solve it is simple - you need to carefully look at the Golden Claw itself. Before us appeared a huge hall in the rock, and a flock of bats rushed in our direction with Fendal. The surroundings were suspiciously quiet. A huge hall-cave, beautiful, with waterfalls and no one?

I climbed up the stairs and found the first word of the Dragon - Ruthless Force. Here it is - the secret of Windy Peak! A huge wall on which a dragon had scrawled a word.

But where is Dragonstone?

As soon as I thought about it, I heard a crunch from behind. The draugr overlord emerged from the sarcophagus and began to attack. Thanks Fendal, helped me again. With the draugr overlord, the Dragonstone was found. In addition to the large chest near the draugr, there were 2 more nearby, hiding behind the waterfalls on both sides. Having opened the chests with master keys and taking everything away, we finally hurried to the exit.

At the exit of the cave on the left, in almost complete darkness, I saw a barely noticeable flask with a potion. My elven gaze has never failed me. I just want to quickly arrange my entire collection of potions on the shelves, I will think about buying a house in Skyrim.

Finally ending up in Riverwood, I made Lucas happy with the Golden Dragon Claw I found! And he thanked me for this, pouring out 400 septims, and allowed me to use things in his shop and in the house on the 2nd floor, and also allowed me to stay asleep when I wanted.

Since the time was late, after seeing the tired elf home, I thanked him for his help, put him to bed, and went myself, like a dragon, to sleep in the Windy Peak Temple. The robbers really created comfort near the entrance. I crawled into my sleeping bag and fell asleep looking at the fire...

In the morning I walked up Windy Peak again, gathered up the rest of my things to sell, and returned to Riverwood.

For people like me who like to collect everything, everything, everything, I highly recommend carefully examining every corner. You can find a hidden chest that is hidden in the web, or a completely invisible, barely gleaming, bottle with a very expensive and rare potion.

From there, I went straight to the Dragon's Reach to the magician Farengar and gave him the Dragon Stone, which he was very happy about. Near it I met a taciturn girl named Delphine, who was impressed by my courage to get this Stone.

As soon as my mission was completed, someone called me again...

The secret to open the last door is hidden on the Golden Dragon Claw.

The puzzle door is opened by the Golden Dragon Claw.

The bats.

Very beautiful and large hall in the cave.

The Secret of Windy Peak - The Word of the Dragon.

Draugr Overlord.

Lukas Valery was very happy about the returned Claw (on the counter).

Chests can be hidden in the web.

I've already changed and come to Dragon's Reach.

I gave the Dragonstone to the court mage Farengar.

In order to solve the mystery of Windy Peak in Skyrim, you must first complete the quest "Before the Storm". If you did this, now you need to talk to the jarl and then he will take you to Farengar.

The mage will tell you to find a dragon stone for him, and it looks like it's hidden. So, your main task is to find the Dragon Stone. Before you get to the Windy Peak Sanctuary, you need to drive through Riverwood. There are three ways to do this: The first way is on foot: you will earn more experience, but this path will take a long time and you will encounter dangers along the way. The second way is faster, but this is if you have a lot of money: go down to the stable and take the horse. And the third most convenient way: moving around the world map. Note: When you get to the temple you will have to perform side mission"Golden Claw".

After leaving the village of Riverwood, go along the bridge over the river, and then up the path into the snowstorm. You have to be on the alert, bandits are waiting for travelers here. Carved doors lead to the temple. Bandits also lurked nearby. You need to sneak past them unnoticed, or kill them. Then, after passing through various obstacles, you will enter the ceremonial hall. A bandit in a trap will die nearby. You need to open the grate. There are three pillars in the niche on the left above the grate. Passing the Windy Peak quest in Skyrim requires care, and then you will immediately notice that the pillars can be rotated. They need to be rotated in the order snake, snake, fish. Now you need to pull the lever and the grate will open.

If suddenly the pillars do not rotate, you need to exit and go back into the room. Then go down the stairs. You will hear the voice of a bandit asking for help. To help you need to go through a giant web and kill the spider. Cut the web with weapons or use fire. Note: In order to deal with the spider, you can use the paralyzing potion, which lies on the shelf in front of the hall with the lever. Now free the bandit. He will run away screaming that he will not share with you the treasures he promised for his salvation. It is better to kill him, but do not immediately rush after him. You will meet him soon. Follow him slowly. The thief will soon be under attack by the draugr. You will get it too. To defeat them, use the trap: walk along the left wall without stepping on the stone, and lure the enemies there so that they fall into the trap. After that, kill the enemy and take away the golden claw and the magazine that reveals the secret of the treasure.

These items will be needed to complete the Windy Peak Mystery in Skyrim. Now you need to go down, passing obstacles and killing robbers. Shoot down the vessels with arrows, they will break and set fire to the spilled oil, which will destroy the enemies. You will see a door with three rings. The central lock can only be opened with a golden claw. Here you are in the temple. This is a long forgotten grotto with a waterfall and burial. You ask how to get through the Windy Peak? To do this, search the area and find hidden chests. Then approach the wall with words of power. After you study them, you will be attacked by the guardian of the dragon stone.

He is quite strong and will have to try to kill him. After defeating the guardian, search the corpse. On it you will find the long-awaited dragon stone. To the left of the power wall there will be a ladder. Climb up it. Press the lever to raise the stone wall and you can exit the temple. Now take the stone to the mage. And give the golden claw to Lucan from Riverwood. In gratitude, he will give gold. You can return to dragon limit in Whiterun and talk to Farengar. The magician will be pleased with your success and will talk about the reward with the jarl. Any gamer likes to keep abreast of events in the world of information technology and therefore it is worth reading computer magazines even if you are not particularly fond of software and hardware. After all, any breakthrough in the computer sphere can be of interest to gamers + everything there you can find information about eSports tournaments and previews of new games.

windy peak(orig. Black Falls Barrow) - Nordic ruins in the game The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.
  • Location codes:



Most likely, these will be the first Nordic ruins that the main character will have to visit during his adventures. This place is a huge stone cascade on which the ancient Nordic temple of dragon worshipers is built. The temple rises on a mountain peak and its walls constantly resist violent winds and snowstorms. Traditionally, for such locations, the entire complex is only partially located on the surface. Most of it consists of tunnels and halls of natural and artificial origin, penetrating the mountain through and through. The location consists of two zones: Windy Peak Temple and Windy Peak Sanctuary.

The road to the Windy Peak can be shown to the main character by Camilla Valeria (immediately after she gives out the Golden Claw task). She leads the hero to the bridge, which is located next to the northeast gate of Riverwood. There is a fork just behind the bridge. The road to the right leads to Whiterun, to the left - to Windy Peak.

As you climb up the mountain, the weather will begin to change dramatically. The ground around will become snowy and it will be possible to observe the snowfall, turning into a real storm closer to the top of the mountain.

On the way to the temple, there is one Old Nordic watchtower, in which several bandits have settled - the sentinels of the main part of the gang, which will be encountered in Windy Peak itself. Noticing the traveler, they will not attack immediately, but only if you ignore their warnings not to approach. The danger is the leader of the bandit patrol, equipped with heavy armor. However, he does not go outside and stands on one of the platforms of the tower, and also attacks only when approaching (even if all the other bandits were killed). On the top platform of the tower, in the open air, there is a chest.

Walking a little further along the winding path, main character will finally reach the main complex of Windy Peak. At the entrance there will be a battle with the main part of the gang. Apparently, realizing that their patrol was killed, they attack immediately. A well-hidden treasure can be found near the walls of the temple.


Windy peak - temple

Passing through the massive gates inside the temple, the traveler will find himself in a spacious hall with gaps in the vault, letting in sunlight. Among the general devastation, traces of a recent fierce battle between gang members and a pack of malevolent rats are noticeable: two corpses of bandits (one of them lies on an ancient stone table, the other on the floor) and eight carcasses of predators. If the Stealth skill is developed well enough, then you can eavesdrop on a conversation between a couple of surviving gang members about a golden claw. Also here you can find an iron war hammer, two iron battle axes, an iron shield and a cleaver. Next to the fire is another chest.

On the way further along the tunnels, you can stumble upon a table on which there is nothing but a funerary urn. In the next niche is the same, only with two urns. On the floor, among the intertwined roots, lie two more carcasses of skeevers.

Further, the passage forks. A short path to the left ends in a dead end, in which there is nothing remarkable. Passage directly also does not abound with finds. Here you can find another corpse of a skeever and several racks and shelves with useless pieces of linen and equally useless ancient Nordic ceramic utensils, the presence of which is typical for all Nordic ruins. On one of the shelves you can find a potion.

The passage goes into a hall, which contains a small puzzle, only by solving which, you can enter the next room. The puzzle consists of three rotating plinths with drawings and three stone heads with the same drawings (the one in the middle fell to the floor). The task is simple: just turn the pedestals so that the signs on their front side coincide with those on the head sculptures and are arranged in the same order. The last member of the gang puzzles over the decision. If you watch him, you can witness his fiasco - the unfortunate man activates the lever and his body is pierced from all sides by the bolts of the triggered trap, and the grate remains closed. It is not difficult to guess that a similar fate awaits anyone who solves the puzzle incorrectly. Before you go further, you should climb the stairs and pick up another potion. There is nothing more to do in this room and you can go into the opened passage.

In the next room, you can find a table with a potion and a Thief (Pocket Pickpocket) textbook, two funerary urns, and a chest between them. Nearby on a stand rests a stone of souls. You should be careful here: three skeevers can attack from the back at once, or they will meet later, when descending the spiral staircase. After the descent, a room will open to the eye, in the center of which, on the table, are a scroll with a spell and poison. During further advancement through the tunnels, the voice of a certain Arvel the Fast will be heard, who at first will take the protagonist for one of his own (Harknir, Bjorn and Soling, apparently, his bandit acquaintances who remained at the entrance). The path is directly littered with cobblestones, among which lies a skeleton and a hidden chest.

The path to the left is clear and leads out into a large, cobweb-covered hall. To get into it, you need to cut through the layers of the web, in which Arvel the Fast got entangled. The web succumbs to being slashed a couple of times with any melee weapon. The hall itself is the lair of a giant frost spider, which attacks the intruder of his chambers immediately. There are many corpses of representatives of the intelligent races of Skyrim and the carcasses of malevolent rats entangled in cobwebs lying around, and there are also funeral urns. Arvel the Quick, watching the fight from his cocoon, will shout at the main character, urging him to kill the already wounded spider as soon as possible.

After defeating the spider, it turns out that the cocoon in which Arvel is entangled closes the passage to the depths of the dungeon, so you will have to help the unlucky adventurer and pull him out of the web. Before that, you can try to ask him something about the golden claw, but he will refuse to talk until he is freed. After gaining the long-awaited freedom, Arvel runs away through the tunnels, laughing at the naive simpleton. However, do not be upset, the further fate of this rogue is unenviable: after a few tens of meters through the tunnels, you can come across his lifeless body. Most likely, he was hit by a spiked trap located there. With him, Arvel will find the claw necessary to complete the task, as well as his diary with interesting notes about the claw. However, after finding it, the entry "Learn the secret of Windy Peak" will appear in the quest log.

Starting from this place, the dungeon is a catacomb in which the ancient Nords buried their dead. Here, most likely, the first "acquaintance" of the protagonist with the draugr will take place - the undead Nord dead, which are full here, pretending to be motionless in their niches. However, some of them do not really show signs of life. Their bodies can be searched for trophies with impunity.

The further path is a rather long wandering through the catacombs, teeming with undead and traps. The most unpleasant of them is a narrow passage with swinging, deadly pendulums. Shortly after it, by lifting the grate, you can go out into the natural underground caves, where luminous mushrooms grow on the walls. The tunnels will lead to a large natural well, in the center of which there is a bridge guarded by some opponent (depending on the level of the main character, this can be either a draugr or an ice troll that is quite dangerous at low levels). At the bottom of the well, where a narrow path leads along the ledges, there is something to pick up.

Windy Peak - Sanctuary

After passing through further tunnels and collecting all the trophies encountered, the traveler will enter the next zone of the dungeon - Windy Peak - Sanctuary. It's not as big as Windy Peak Temple, but it has more interesting architecture. Here you will meet several draugrs, after defeating which you can go through the iron door to the hall where the mystery door is located. To open it, you will need a golden dragon claw. It is not difficult to open it: you just need to use Arvel's diary, which describes how to do it with a claw.

Behind the door is a huge hall, at the opposite end of which is the Wall of Words and three chests: one is located directly in front of the wall, the other is right behind it, the third is on the left in the corner. Immediately after learning one of the power words of the Unrelenting Force shout, a master draugr will rise from the sarcophagus against the wall. After defeating him, from his corpse, among other things, you can take the dragon stone necessary to complete the Windy Peak quest.

Behind the hall there is a small passage leading to a small cavern with a strange altar and a chest. There is also an exit to the surface. After exiting the cliff, you can find a random potion.


This location is the scene of two quests. They are interconnected with each other, since the dragon stone cannot be obtained without obtaining a golden claw.


  1. A beautiful view of Windy Peak opens from the snow-covered cliff, which is located above the Torch Mine, due to the fact that this cliff is located slightly higher than the peak itself and not very far from it. You can get to this place on the road from Riverwood to Ivarstead, having reached the fork and turning from it towards the peak.
  2. If you go to the left of the massive doors, rummaging around the outside of the walls of the temple, in one of the corners you can find a small cache, consisting of two receptacles. The apothecary's pouch contains a couple of ingredients and possibly a potion, and the locked safe contains gold jewels, precious stones and / or rings (the level of the castle is fixed - "Adept").
  • If, keeping to the cliff, follow the path from the observation tower to the Windy Peak and look to the left, then you can see the hawk's nest, located on the steep side of the cliff and not far from the path. But you can get to it only by going around the rock and jumping on the cliffs.
  • If by entering console command tcl , go beyond the textures, an eagle can be found above the ice bridge patrolled by a draugr. He will periodically sit in a "nest" on a tree trunk hanging over the bridge.

When completing the Windy Peak quest in Skyrim, the player will definitely need to pick up the Dragon Stone. The task is taken from the court magician in Whiterun, this jarl is called Farengar Arcane Fire. dragon stone- a constituent element of the main storyline of the game.

The magician Farengar will ask you to get the notorious Dragonstone, while he will report that it is located on the Windy Peak. To pick up the dragon stone, you go in the direction where the mountains are. It is not safe there, because not far from the temple located in the mountains, bandits hang around, whom you need to kill. Clear the area and enter the temple. Surprise - a group of bandits also staggers inside. Therefore, be extremely careful. To begin with, eavesdrop on what they are talking about, and they are talking about the Golden Claw, which disappeared in an incomprehensible way at a merchant from Riverwood. Kill the bandits using the surprise effect.

Head further through the ruins, there you will find a puzzle. Its essence is to arrange the stones in a precisely defined order: a snake - a snake - a fish. To cope with the task, consider very carefully several signs that are above the entrance, as well as on the collapsed fragment.

Press the lever and go up the spiral staircase. You will have to clear your way, because you will be hindered by three individuals of skeevers. After getting rid of the creatures, you will find a room at the very bottom, but the entrance to it is tightly covered with cobwebs. Do not be afraid and remove the web, and then enter the room. Here, a huge spider will jump on you from somewhere above. It can give you a lot of serious problems, especially if your game character not pumped enough.

Having dealt with the spider, enter into a conversation with Arvel the Swift. He will ask to be released, and in return for this he will promise to give the Golden Claw that he had. But as soon as you let him go, he, along with the Golden Claw, will try to escape. You can do different things, for example, catch up with the traitor and personally kill him. Or you can let him escape, because he still won't be able to get far: he will be defeated by a group of draugrs, which he will inevitably run into along the way. The second option is preferable, because in the battle with the draugrs, Arvel will take some of their health from them, and this will only benefit you. The fugitive will die in any case - from you, from the draugrs, or fall into a trap from which he will not get out.

When this happens, you need to take the Golden Claw and the diary from him, and then move on. You will meet the Draugr, kill them and go up to the next tier, where you will find another puzzle. Check out Arvel's diary: it says that you can solve the problem after carefully examining the Golden Claw.

After solving the puzzle, go into a large burial hall, there is a wall of dragons, where the word of power is inscribed. There is a sarcophagus near the wall, and the Draugr Overlord will appear from there. He is your target, because dragon stone- him. Eliminate the Draugr, take the stone and return back to the quest giver. And you can return the Golden Claw to the merchant. We hope that after reading this guide, you will not ask a question how to pick up dragon stone in skyrim.