Literary game at summer camp. Scenario. Library quest. Our version of a literary journey through the book labyrinth scenario

Galina Murzaeva
Scenario for the holiday - the game “Through the Magic Labyrinth of Fairy Tales”

1. Vedas:

Guys! Today we are with you

not just talk about loved ones fairy tales. Today we will go to magical land. I’ll tell you now why we’re going there. A similar story happened to me today. I came to the group, as usual, and decided to check the books on the shelves. I look, and the characters have disappeared from the books, instead of pictures there are white sheets, look (demonstration of books). I'm at a loss where my favorite book characters went, how will children now read fairy tales? And then the postman brings me a letter. Yes, not simple, but magical, from the kingdom fairy tales. I'll read it to you now (reads the text of the letter).:

Text of the letter: Dear readers, boys and girls. Trouble has befallen our kingdom! Evil, kidnapped heroes fairy tales remake fairy tales fairy tales, release fairy tale inhabitants! Ruler fairyland - …

Well, let's help our fairy-tale heroes? And who's in fairy tales fights evil? (children answer)

That's right, so today the good one will help us wizard. The power of the evil witch is so great that he cannot cope with it, he asks for our help. The evil witch imprisoned our favorite heroes in the basement of the castle, in order to free them and return them to the books, we need to go through labyrinth, in which dangerous traps and difficult tasks are placed. Kind wizard sent us a diagram of this labyrinth and also wrote a hint:

(diagram is posted)

But we can't just go to fairy tale, we need to become fairy-tale characters. Let's split in two teams: a team of gnomes and elves. We will do this by drawing lots. (lots are being drawn)

Now choose a captain for your team.

Well, let's go to magical journey through the labyrinth!


the first color on the rainbow is red, we go along the red tunnel, and here is the first task.

First competition: Guess fairy tale.

1. I'm all round clew: 9. Hat with round brim

On the right is a side, and on the left is a side, And the smile is obvious,

Above - side, and below - side, And with sly eyes

And my name is (gingerbread man). Good-natured face.

2. The house is not big, try and find out

But it is roomy. What's his name? (Dunno)

You can fit 10 in it. The good doctor says

The most different residents. We conquer bronchitis

There is no lock on it. Measles, colds and sore throats,

This house (teremok). Diphtheria and scarlet fever,

3. So as not to create for yourself. And of course, with Barmaley

In life, we will also be able to cope with unnecessary difficulties.

Open house doors (Aibolit)

It needs to be done with caution.

That's what the rules tell us,

Signature: (seven kids) (The wolf and the seven Young goats)

4. Buckets come into the house with water.

The oven runs by itself...

What a miracle, really?

This tale of(Emele) (At the command of the pike)

5. Brother decided to drink water,

Don't recognize him now.

These horns and hooves

Why did he grow it?

My brother answers me

Me-uh-uh! (Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka)

6. To pluck this vegetable

Grandfather didn't have enough strength.

But they came to his aid

Everyone he asked. (Turnip)

7. Brother and sister

Great misfortune

But they will not be denied help

Magic stove

Milk River

And an apple tree on a difficult road. (Swan geese)

8. Everyone around knows this

I am a wooden boy

I grew up with dad Carlo,

And where it’s interesting,

Definitely, constantly

I'm sticking my long nose in! (Pinocchio)

Calculation of results.

Second competition: whose item is this, from which fairy tales.

1. He is a daredevil, he is a great guy, but he turned out to be a bad shooter.

Whose bow and arrow is it that led you into the swamp?

(Ivan Tsarevich, sk. "Princess Frog")

2. She had a small flower,

Handsome, scarlet.

(Nastya, sk. "The Scarlet Flower")

3. She only has multi-colored stones in her estate.

(Mistress of the Copper Mountain, Bazhova village)

4. A good hut stood at the edge of the forest,

The neighbor got jealous and kicked the tenant out.

(Hare, sk. "Hare Hut")

5. He has a needle, but is it of much use?

It is not for sewing, but for long life.

(Koschei the Deathless)

6. I’m not a stove, but I’m full of flames,

I see with six eyes, I hear with six ears.


7. Wears spurs on his feet, wears a braid on his shoulders.


8. A beauty was walking through the forest, found a bast shoe, wanted to exchange it profitably,

Yes, she lost her tail.

(Lisa Patrikeevna)

9. He has a hobby, he galloped to the light,

The light turned out to be a feather, such that the owner regretted it later,

Why did you pick it up and take it with you?

(Ivan the Fool, sk. "The Little Humpbacked Horse")

10. I don’t sweep corners with my broom,

I fly across the skies on a broom.

(Baba Yaga)


Third competition: Fairytale riddles

Name fairy tale, writer, heroine, where main character- the girl with whom I happened magic story.


1) Little Red Riding Hood

2) Cinderella

3) Fairy gifts

4) Sleeping Beauty (C. Perrault)

5) A pot of porridge

6) Lady Blizzard

7) Belyanochka and rosette (Br. Grimm)

8) Thumbelina

9) Wild Swans (Eliza)

10) Little Mermaid

11) The Snow Queen (Gerda) (Andersen)

12) Alice in Wonderland (Carol)

13) The Wizard of Oz(Dolly)

14) Pippi longstocking (Lindgren)


The fourth competition is musical. Children stand in a circle and dance the little duckling dance.

Fifth competition: Quiz by Pushkin's fairy tales.

(playing field diagram)

They guess one by one, not knowing the answer means skipping the turn.


1) Who did the queen order to destroy the young princess in Sk. O is dead. The princess and the 7 heroes? (chernavka)

2) What poisoned the young princess? (apple)

3) Insert word: The wind blows across the sea and... urges you on. (ship)

4) The name of the king who ruled in the tale of the golden cockerel. (Dadon)

5) Angry, grumpy character from tales of the Fisherman and the Fish. (old woman)

6) Song performer “In the garden or in the vegetable garden”. (squirrel)

7) The meeting place between the priest and Balda. (bazaar)

8) What did the old man throw into the sea? (seine)

9) What kind of bird was the princess turned into when she helped Prince Guidon in Sk. About Tsar Saltan? (swan)

10) Voivode, uncle of 33 heroes. (Chernomor)

11) Profession of the old man from tales of the goldfish. (fisherman)

12) What was the name of A.S. Pushkin’s nanny? (Arina)

13) Near what the queen sat, waiting for her king in the church. O is dead. The princess and the 7 heroes? (window)

14) What was the name of a resourceful, hardworking worker in one of the fairy tales A. S. Pushkin? (Bolda)

15) Name of the dog from Sk. O is dead. The princess and 7 heroes. (falcon)

16) The name of the groom of the young princess from Sk. O is dead. The princess and 7 heroes.


17) Who did the queen talk to about her beauty in Sk. O is dead. The princess and the 7 heroes? (mirror)

18) The name of the island past which ships sailed to the kingdom of the glorious Saltan. (brawler).


Sixth competition: Whose portrait?

1. Tell the truth, young lady.

There really was a queen.

Tall, slender, white,

And I took it with my mind and with everyone,

But she is proud, breaking, (Tsarina, Pushn A.S.

Willful and jealous. sk. O is dead. Princess and 7 gods.)

2. Meanwhile, it grew, grew,

Rose and blossomed

White-faced, black-browed, (Young princess from the sk. About the dead. To the princess

The character of such a meek one. And 7 god's. Pushkin A.S.)

3. The moon shines under the scythe,

And in the forehead the star is burning,

And she herself is majestic,

It looks like a peahen is performing,

And as the speech says, (The Swan Princess, Pushkin A.S., galloping O

It's like a river babbling. Tsar Saltan and his son. Prince Guidon)

4. “The arms are crooked, there are nails on the hands, the legs of a horse, the humps of a camel in front and behind, all shaggy from top to bottom, boar tusks protruding from the mouth, a hooked nose like a golden eagle, and pig eyes. (monster from the village Scarlet Flower


5. “One of them began to grow, grow, until it turned into a woman, entangled in the finest white tulle, woven, it seemed, from millions of snow stars. She was so lovely and tender, but made of ice, and yet alive. Her eyes shone like stars, but there was neither warmth nor peace in them.”

(The Snow Queen, H.H. Andersen)

6. “Is it really him? His eyes became small, like those of a pig, his huge nose hung below his chin, and it was as if there was no neck at all. His head sunk deep into his shoulders, and he could hardly turn it, and he was as short in stature as he was seven years ago.” (Dwarf-nose, V. Gauf)

7. “He wore a bright blue hat, yellow, canary. Trousers and an orange shirt with a green tie. He generally loved bright colors. Dressed up as such a parrot, he wandered around the city for whole days. I composed various fables and everyone told(Dunno, N. Nosov.)

8. “The most beautiful was the mistress of the palace, standing on the threshold, in the wide open doors. It was also cut out of cardboard; she was wearing a thin cambric skirt. There is a blue scarf on the shoulders. And on the chest is a shiny brooch. The beauty stood on one leg, stretching both arms forward, and she raised the other leg so high.” (Ballerina, sk. The Steadfast Tin Soldier,

G. H. Andersen)

9. “She was forced to do all the dirtiest and hardest work in home: she cleaned boilers and pots, washed stairs, cleaned rooms. In the evening, after finishing work. She climbed into a corner near the fireplace and sat there on a box of ashes.”

(Cinderella, C. Perrot.)


Seventh competition: Continue the poem. Lines are read from fairy tales K. I. Chukovsky.

Annex 1

Magic Letter.

Dear readers, boys and girls!

Trouble has befallen our kingdom! Evil the sorceress took away the magical power from all good wizards by deception, kidnapped heroes fairy tales, locked her in her castle. Wants remake fairy tales! Help, please save fairy tales, release fairy tale inhabitants!

Ruler fairyland -...

I am kind wizard, evil witch deprived me of strength, help me free fairy-tale heroes. The way out of the dungeon lies through labyrinth, full of insidious traps and difficult tasks. I am sending you his diagram.

In order not to go astray, you need to follow the rainbow.

Good luck guys!

Competition protocol.

Goal: to develop curiosity and interest in reading books; enrich students' vocabulary; to cultivate an attentive reader and love of books, the ability to work in a team.

The game is designed for students in grades 5-6. High school students can serve as sentries and “station guards.” Students receive an advanced task: prepare a team name, motto, emblem corresponding to the theme of the event; reread the fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin, the fables of I.A. Krylov; As homework, prepare a dramatization of the fable.

Equipment: route sheet for each team, puzzles, items for the Lost and Found, prizes (books)

A route sheet (made in the form of a fairy-tale map with stations marked on it) is given to each team, taking into account the fact that they should not intersect at the same station - the game is played simultaneously for all teams. For example, 1 team goes along the route: Lost and Found - Puzzles-words - Fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin - Puzzles-illustrations - Fables of I.A. Krylov - Numbers, 2nd team: Puzzles-words - Fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin - Puzzles - illustrations - Fables by I.A. Krylov - Figures - Lost and Found, etc.

Student fans who do not take part in the game remain in assembly hall and perform the following tasks: prepare an illustration for the work (the captains receive the task during the draw), answer quiz questions. The points they receive are summed up with the team’s results when summing up the results.

A table is attached to the route sheet:

Stations can be located in different parts of the school: in the library, in primary school, in the literature room, in gym, in the music class, in the assembly hall.

A sentry stands near each station and asks each team a riddle. After the correct answer is received, the team goes to the station it needs. The correct answers are recorded by the jury members on the team route sheet.

Time spent at stations is limited - 5 minutes.

Riddles of the sentries:

Although not a hat, but with a brim,
Not a flower, but with a root.
Talking to us
In a language everyone can understand. (Book)

You are familiar with the expressions:
About the first pancake, which is always lumpy,
About the rubbish that is carried in public...
What do people call them all? (Proverbs)

White field, Black seed, He who sows it rejoices. (Letter)

I carry a new house in my hand, The doors of the house are locked. The residents here are made of paper, everyone is terribly important. (Briefcase, books, notebooks)

A short phrase where the sounds are similar. We often cannot say it. Trains us on diction, sometimes with rhyme. What is the name of? Who can guess? (Patter)

In preparation for the event, it is necessary to draw (print) scrolls, make illustration puzzles, letter puzzles, select items for the Lost and Found Office, and think over the design of all stations.


Stage one. Presentation of teams (name, motto. For example, “Wings” - “If you read a lot, you gain wings in life!”, “Sorcerers” - “As soon as we wave our wand, we will immediately find the answer to everything”)

The captains are presented with scrolls. They return to the teams to read and answer. The team that gives the answer first receives an extra point and the opportunity to choose a route sheet.

My dear friends!

I found myself on a desert island and really need your help. In order to save me, you must go through a difficult path, demonstrate the courage and knowledge of true connoisseurs of the Russian word and great literature.

The one who first remembers my name will go on this journey along the shortest path.
(Robinson Crusoe, hero D. Defoe)

Stage two. Commands are sent by different stations so as not to interfere with each other in solving assigned tasks. Having answered the questions correctly, they receive further instructions along the route.


Fold the PUZZLES

(you can print out the illustration for the work of art yourself), guess the author and the title of the book: Baron Muhhausen (R. Raspe), Treasure Island (R. L. Stevenson), Harry Potter (Joan Rolling). For a complete correct answer (folded picture, book title, author) - 3 points.


Blitz tournament. The team answers questions about the fairy tales of A. S. PUSHKIN

  1. How many years did the old man fish? (thirty years and three years)
  2. Who did King Dadon turn to with a request for help? (To the Golden Cockerel)
  3. For what pay did Balda agree to work for the priest? (in 3 clicks)
  4. How long was the old woman queen? (two weeks: “one week, another goes by”)
  5. How many times did the old man throw the net before he caught the goldfish? (3 times)
  6. On what island did Guidon, the son of Tsar Saltan, build his palace? (on Buyan Island)
  7. How many years did Balda have to collect the rent from the devils? (3 years)
  8. What miracles did Prince Guidon have on the wonderful island? (miracle squirrel, 33 heroes, swan princess)
  9. Who did Prince Elisha turn to with a request for help? (sun, month, wind)
  10. Who did Tsar Guidon turn into in order to see his father, Tsar Saltan? (Mosquito, fly, bumblebee)

For all tasks - 10 points, for each incomplete answer - 0.5 points



Continue the famous lines from the fables of I.A. KRYLOV.

  1. And Vaska listens... (and eats)
  2. And you, friends, no matter how you sit down... (Everyone is not fit to be a musician).
  3. The trouble is, if the shoemaker starts baking pies... (And the boots are made by the shoemaker)
  4. The cuckoo praises the rooster... (Because he praises the cuckoo)
  5. The Swan rushes into the clouds, the Cancer moves back... (And the Pike pulls into the water)
  6. The titmouse made a name for itself... (but didn’t set the sea on fire)
  7. Did you sing everything? This is the thing... (So go and dance!)
  8. Ay, Moska, know... (she is strong, since she barks at an elephant)
  9. No wonder they say... (that the master’s work is afraid)
  10. Helpful fool... (more dangerous than the enemy)

For answers to all questions - 10 points (for each - 1 point)



Which literary heroes lost these things? Name the author and title of the fairy tale.

  1. Log (Papa Carlo, A. Tolstoy “The Adventures of Pinocchio or the Golden Key”)
  2. ABC (Pinocchio, A. Tolstoy “The Adventures of Pinocchio...”)
  3. The Crystal Slipper (Cinderella, H.H. Andersen “Cinderella”).
  4. Little Red Riding Hood (Little Red Riding Hood, the fairy tale of the same name by Charles Perrault)
  5. Flower (“Flower-seven-flowered” by V. Kataev)
  6. Oriental shoes with curved toes (Little Muk, fairy tale of the same name by V. Gauf)
  7. Lamp (L. Lagin “Old Man Hottabych”)
  8. Pea (H.H. Andersen “The Princess and the Pea”)
  9. Hat (Joan Rolling. Harry Potter)
  10. Apple (stepmother, A.S. Pushkin. “The Tale of the Dead Princess”)

For a complete correct answer (name of the hero, title of the fairy tale, name of the author) - 1 point, for an incomplete answer - 0.5 points



Make up the name of a work of art from the letters. State the author's name.


For a complete correct answer - 2 points


NUMBERS in literature.

Name works of art whose titles contain numbers.

For each answer 1 point. For an incomplete answer - 0.5 points.

For example, the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs”, the books by J. Verne “40 Leagues Under the Sea”, “80 Days Around the World”, A. Dumas “The Three Musketeers”.

Stage three.

Teams submit route sheets to the jury. Points are counted and the times for completing the stages are compared.
Teams demonstrate homework (dramatization of fables, fairy tales)
An awards ceremony is taking place.

Quest game “On the roads of adventure”

Goal: to develop curiosity and interest in reading books; enrich students' vocabulary; to cultivate an attentive reader and love of books, the ability to work in a team.

The game is designed for students in grades 5-6.

Equipment: route sheet for each team, puzzles, things for the Lost and Found, prizes (preferably a sweet prize)

A route sheet (made in the form of a fairy-tale map with stations marked on it) is given to each team, taking into account the fact that they should not intersect at the same station - the game is played simultaneously for all teams. The correct answers are recorded by the jury members in the route sheet for each team.

The stations are located in different parts of the school: in the library, in classrooms, recreation areas, in the gym, in the assembly hall.

At each station, participants are given words from which they must subsequently create a proverb. The winner is the team that scores the most points at the end of the game and puts the words together into a proverb before the others.

Time spent at stations is limited - no more than 5 minutes.


Stage one.

Students receive a task: prepare a team name and motto. The title and motto should contain either fairy-tale characters or some words about the book and reading. (3-5 minutes)

Team presentation.

The captains are given scrolls in which the route sheet is hidden.

Stage two.

Teams are sent to different stations so as not to interfere with each other in solving assigned tasks.


Put the puzzles together.(Annex 1)

(you can print out the illustration for the work of art yourself), guess the author and the title of the book: Baron Muhhausen (R. Raspe), Treasure Island (R. L. Stevenson), Harry Potter (Joan Rolling).

Scoring: For a complete correct answer (folded picture, title of the book, author) – 3 points.


Blitz tournament. The team answers questions about the fairy tales of A. S. Pushkin

    How many years has the old man been fishing? (thirty years and three years)

    Who did King Dadon turn to with a request for help? (To the Golden Cockerel)

    For what pay did Balda agree to work for the priest? (in 3 clicks)

    How long was the old woman queen? (two weeks: “one week, another goes by”)

    How many times did the old man throw the net before he caught the goldfish? (3 times)

    On what island did Guidon, the son of Tsar Saltan, build his palace? (on Buyan Island)

    How many years did Balda have to collect the rent from the devils? (3 years)

    What miracles did Prince Guidon have on the wonderful island? (miracle squirrel, 33 heroes, swan princess)

    Who did Prince Elisha turn to with a request for help? (sun, month, wind)

    Who did Tsar Guidon turn into in order to see his father, Tsar Saltan? (Mosquito, fly, bumblebee)

Grading: For each correct answer 1 point, for each incomplete answer - 0.5 points

Additional task: Name the fairy tale correctly A.S. Pushkin “The Tale of Tsar Saltan... (and his son, the glorious and mighty hero Prince Guidon Saltanovich and the beautiful Swan Princess"

Rating: For additional task- 5 points. The team must decide for itself whether it needs an additional task.



Continue the famous lines from I.A. Krylov’s fables.

    And Vaska listens... (and eats)

    And you, friends, no matter how you sit down... (Everyone is not fit to be a musician).

    The cuckoo praises the rooster... (Because he praises the cuckoo)

    The Swan rushes into the clouds, the Cancer moves back... (And the Pike pulls into the water)

    Did you sing everything? This is the thing... (So go and dance!)

    Ay, Moska, you know she is strong... (that barks at the elephant)

    No wonder they say... (that the master’s work is afraid)

Grading: For each correct answer 1 point.



Which literary heroes lost these things? Name the author and title of the fairy tale.

    Log (Papa Carlo, A. Tolstoy “The Adventures of Pinocchio or the Golden Key”)

    ABC (Pinocchio, A. Tolstoy “The Adventures of Pinocchio...”)

    The Crystal Slipper (Cinderella, H.H. Andersen).

    Basket (Little Red Riding Hood, Ch. Perrault)

    Umbrella Ole-Lukoje, G.H.Andersen)

    Oriental shoes with curved toes (Little Muk, V. Gauf)

    Lamp (L. Lagin “Old Man Hottabych”)

    Pea (H.H. Andersen “The Princess and the Pea”)

    Hat (Joan Rolling. Harry Potter)

    Apple (stepmother, A.S. Pushkin. “The Tale of the Dead Princess”)

    Walnut (H.H. Andersen “Thumbelina”

    Mirror (The Tale of the Dead Princess A.S. Pushkin)

Grading: For a complete correct answer (name of the hero, title of a fairy tale, name of the author) – 1 point, for an incomplete answer – 0.5 points


Letter PUZZLES.(Appendix 2)

Make up the names of works of art from the letters. State the author's name.



GOLDEN KEY (A.N. Tolstoy)

Scoring: For each complete correct answer – 2 points. In total, a team can score 6 points for this competition.


NUMBERS in literature.

Name works of art whose titles contain numbers.

For example, the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs”, the books by J. Verne “40 Leagues Under the Sea”, “80 Days Around the World”, A. Dumas “The Three Musketeers”.

Evaluation: For each named work of art - 1 point.

Stage three.

The jury checks the collected proverbs. (Pearls are mined from the depths of the sea, knowledge is drawn from the depths of books.)

Teams submit route sheets to the jury. Points are counted and the times for completing the stages are compared.

Team awards.

Annex 1

Annex 1

Appendix 2

Literary journey

3rd grade

Target : V game form repeat and consolidate students’ knowledge about the content of various fairy tales; cultivate a love and interest in reading, a sense of teamwork; develop logical thinking, memory, attention, communication skills, group work skills.

Equipment: visibility: technical equipment: travel route map, exhibition of books with fairy tales; "casket"; saucer; apple; " magic crystal"; spell texts; split proverb “A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it: a lesson for good fellows”: presentation of children's songs; presentation: crossword puzzle, fairy-tale characters, physical exercise; microphone, computer; multimedia board; handouts - three sets of markers; crosswords based on fairy tales by A. Pushkin(three copies); forms “Complete the drawing fairy tale hero"; three sets of cut cards “Match a Pair”(names of magical objects are fairy-tale characters) ; team emblems for each participant; tournament table of game results; certificates for awards.

Form of conduct : intellectual team travel game.


I . Introduction

1. Greetings

-Come in, hurry up, Our dear friends! Relax, have fun, you can't get bored here!

-We invite you to a literary journey!

The travel theme is so cute! She is close to everyone! “What a delight these fairy tales are” - that’s how it sounds!

    Teams taking part in the literary journey: “Sorcerers”(captain - ...), "Storytellers"(captain - ...), "Wizards"(captain -...).

    The competition is judged by a distinguished jury consisting of...

    The teams will go on a journey along the route, to the huts of three beautiful girls: Zabava, Lyubava, Alyonushka. And interesting surprises will await you in the huts.

2. Watch the video “Fairy Tales”.

3. Viewing the book exhibition. Conversation about the meaning of fairy tales in people's lives

-We prepared and reviewed an exhibition of books with fairy tales. How diverse the world of fairy tales is! What types of fairy tales do you know? What are the main features of fairy tales? What is the significance of fairy tales in people's lives?

4. Purchase of route sheets.

5. Familiarization of participants with the rules of the game.

Rules of the game

    If one question is asked to all teams, the first team to signal a ready answer with a raised hand gets the right to answer. If a team gives an incorrect answer, other teams have the right to answer this question.

    If questions are given differently for all teams, then the team to which the question was asked answers first. If a team is wrong, other teams have the right to answer this question.

    The jury evaluates all tasks and answers to questions in points.

-Good luck!

II. Main part

The teams disperse to the hut stations according to the route sheets and carry out the tasks of the Russian beauties.


    Collective compilation of proverbs from cut upside down cards “The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows.”Why do they say this?

    « Everything is in place!”

Each team received a set of cards. It is necessary to restore the full names of fairy-tale characters and the names of magical objects, consisting of two parts. For example, Baba...(Yaga). Which team will do it faster?

Team I answers: Sivka-Burka, Little Humpbacked Horse, little boy, flying carpet, Elena the Beautiful, Winnie the Pooh, frog princess.

Team II answers: Koschey the Immortal, Ivan Tsarevich, Dashing One-Eyed, Ole Lukoye, the invisible hat, Vasilisa the Wise, the seven-flowered flower.

Team III answers: running boots, crocodile Gena, magic wand, Humpty Dumpty, Miracle Yudo, Ivanushka the Fool, Marya Iskussface.

3. Mathematics in fairy tales

Numbers in fairy tales

- Name fairy tales that contain numbers in their titles or content. Who will give more answers? (7kids, 7 dwarfs, 7 heroes, 3 fat men, 3 bears, 3 girls under the window, 33 heroes, 40 robbers, a three-headed dragon...)

Logic problems

Question to the first team

Winnie the Pooh and Piglet went on an expedition to find the North Pole. They took a rope with them on the hike.(in case it comes in handy!).They tied four knots on this rope. How many pieces are there on the rope?(Five)

Question for Team II

Ellie walked to the Emerald City, and along the way she encountered terrible dangers: a tiger, an ogre and an evil spider. She met the spider earlier than the tiger, and the cannibal later than the spider. Who did she meet first?(Spider)

Question for Team III

All the characters in fairyland who have a car are very impatient. And the patient ones always glue the soles on their own shoes with holes. To repair the sole, you need to weld the glue. Signor Tomato cannot stand the smell of glue and does not glue the sole. Does Signor Tomato have a car?(Eat)

Game "On the contrary"

-I will say the names of fairy tales, giving them the opposite meaning. You must guess the correct name of the hidden tale. For example, I will say: “The cockerel is colorless.” This means that we are talking about the fairy tale “Ryaba Hen”.

    "Green Beret"("Little Red Riding Hood")

    "Barefoot Mouse"("Puss in Boots")

    "Girl - from the palm of your hand"(“The boy is about the size of a finger”)


Near the Lukomorye there is a green oak, A golden chain on the oak tree. Both day and night, the Scientist Cat keeps walking around the chain.

    Guys, what did the Scientist Cat tell you?(Fairy tales)

    And now he wants to know how well you know fairy tales? You have to complete the tasks of the Scientist Cat.

    Solve the crossword puzzle “We love the fairy tales of A. S. Pushkin.”

-Which team will complete the task faster?

Horizontally: 3. “My light,... tell me and report the whole truth: am I the cutest in the world, the most ruddy and whitest of all?”

    The great Russian poet, based on whose fairy tales this crossword puzzle was compiled.

    At the beginning of the tale, the old woman asked for a new one, but at the end she stayed with the broken one. 8. The witch-stepmother poisoned the princess with it.

  1. Vertically: 1. Sits on the spoke, inspects the boundaries and warns of danger. 2. The bird that helped Guidon and then became his wife. 4. The name of the dog is from the same fairy tale as the witch and princess(questions 3,8). 5. He hired Balda as a worker. 7. He searched for Lyudmila all over the world and fought with Chernomor.


Horizontally: 3. Mirror. 5. Pushkin. 6. Trough. 8. Apple.

Vertically: 1. Cockerel. 2. Swan. 4. Sokolko. 5. Pop. 7. Ruslan.

    Game “Say the Word”

-Complete the fixed expressions.

Questions for the first team Cunning as...(fox). Stubborn as...(donkey). Pouting like...(turkey). Trembling like an aspen...(sheet)..

Questions for Team II Cowardly as...(hare). Sleepy as...(fly). Sings like...(nightingale). I don't know how...(fish).

Questions for Team III Clumsy as...(bear). Red like...(cancer). It crackles like...(magpie). Cocky like...(rooster).

    Fabulous physical exercise

4. Find out the fairy tale characters.


A) Fruit and vegetable garden country, It’s in one of the fairy tale books. And in it the hero is a vegetable boy, He is brave, fair, mischievous!(Cippolino)

b) A girl appeared in the cup of a flower, and that girl was a little larger than a marigold. The girl was sleeping in the nutshell. What a girl, how sweet she is!(Thumbelina)

c) I wish the evening would quickly approach, And the long-awaited hour would come, So that I could go to a fairy-tale ball in a gilded carriage. No one in the palace will know where I come from, what my name is, But as soon as midnight comes, I will return to my attic.(Cinderella)


Quests of fairy tale wizards

    “What’s in the box?”

Look, here, in a high casket, a mysterious object is hidden. And the brave knight, with a keen eye, has been keeping it for many years. And the one of you who guesses what object lies inside, that same hour receives the Keys to the casket where the treasure is hidden.

- The “casket” contains hidden objects that replaced television in fairy tales. With their help, one could see what was happening in the distant kingdom, in the thirtieth statedonationWhat is thisbehindobjects?(Silversaucerand pouring apple)

    Magic crystal

-In addition to magical objects, the heroes of fairy tales were also helped by magical spells cast in magicalcrystall.

Which team will be able to read the spell of the Wizard of the Emerald City more clearly and in a friendly patter?




Scornk Moriks!

    Competition "Merry Artists"

- Which team can better draw a fairy-tale hero in three minutes?

    A hat is drawn on the sheet.(Dunno)

    Boots and a cat's tail are drawn on the sheet.(Puss in Boots)

    A key is drawn on the sheet.(Pinocchio)

    Blitz tournament

Each team will be asked 12 questions. You must give as many correct answers as possible. No more than five seconds are allotted for each question.

First team questions

    The unlucky suitor of Thumbelina, who lived in the dungeon.(Mole)

    What did the Fairy turn into a carriage for Cinderella?(Pumpkin)

    What was the name of the doctor from the fairy tale about Dunno “Shorties in the Sunny City”?(Pilyulkin)

    This fairy-tale heroine ran after the White Rabbit, but then turned into a deep well and found herself in an extraordinary country.(Alice)

    Who was deceived in the Land of Fools?(Pinocchio)

    As this hero himself said, he managed to pull himself out of the swamp by the braid of his wig, flew on a cannonball, turned the evil wolf inside out and shot the mad fur coat.(Baron Munchausen)

    His head is full of sawdust.(Winnie the Pooh)

    The girl Ellie and her friends were walking towards him.(Wizard Goodwin)

    Boa constrictor from the fairy tale "Mowgli".(Kaa)

    A hero from the fairy tale “Alice in Wonderland” who can smile and disappear.(Cat)

    What was this cat's name?(Cheshire)

12) Who turnedVhuge lionand then- to a small onemouse?(Ogre)

Questions II team

    It contained an egg with a needle, where the death of Koshchei the Immortal was contained.(Duck)

    Rodents who fought with the Nutcracker.(Rats)

    A vegetable with which you can compare the short ones from the fairy tale about Dunno in terms of height.(Cucumber)

    The surname of Mikhail Potapych from Russian fairy tales. (Toptygin)

    Znayka's favorite pastime. (Reading)

    This boy, as a punishment for impoliteness, was turned into a little man and made a trip with a flock of geese.(Nils)

    An African animal that changed its appearance after meeting a crocodile on the banks of the Limpopo River.(Baby elephant)

    This fairy-tale character always carried an oil can with him so as not to rust during the rain.(Tin Woodman)

    Bear from the fairy tale "Mowgli".(Balu)

    Who did Alice meet while swimming in her tears?(Mouse)

    What did Alice like most about books?(Images)

12) Who taught the director of the puppet theater Karabas Barabas a lesson?(Pinocchio)

Questions for Team III

    Who sings songs in A.S. Pushkin’s fairy tales?(Squirrel)

    The most well-read among Winnie the Pooh's friends.(Owl)

    What did Dunno draw on Pilyulkin’s portrait instead of a nose?(Thermometer)

    Man with a propeller.(Carlson)

    Prophetic horse from Russian folk tales.(Sivka-Burka)

6) This fairy tale hero worked as a doctor on a ship. One day his ship was wrecked. He was captured by little people.(Gulliver)

    He has a green tuft on his head, tugging at which will make you cry a lot.(Cippolino)

    A gymnast in a traveling circus who leads the fight against the evil three fat men.(Tibul)

    This creature, made of straw, was the companion of the girl Ellie in a magical land.(Scarecrow)

    Panther from the fairy tale "Mowgli".(Bagheera)

    What happened to Alice when she ate the pie?( Grew)

    In which kingdom is there a city where there were 10,000 mirrors on the streets?(Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors)

III. Conclusion. Summarizing.

ComanWe meet, and while the jury is summing up, the results of the last competition are being held"Guess the melody" . (the competition is based on presentation)

Message about the end of the game

    As you can see from our route, our fabulous journey has come to an end. Was it an exciting trip? Share your impressions!( Microphone method )

    You guys are great! We tried and worked together. It was clear from your answers that you love to read. You are attentive readers: you gave the correct answers to the most difficult questions.

    Now we will learn about the results of the game. The jury gives the floor.

Awarding teams with certificates

Final word

We had a happy holiday

But the hour of farewell has already struck.

We wish you see you again

May you preserve the joy of the holiday!