Training sessions for fifth-graders to increase the level of psychological comfort during the adaptation period. Psychological game "initiation into fifth graders" Residents of different countries

achieving intra-group cohesion, understanding one’s personal “I” as part of the general “We are a class”;
formation of a positive emotional attitude of students towards school and participants in the pedagogical process.

creating a friendly atmosphere during student interaction;
development of group communication skills;
increasing the level of class cohesion.

Game duration: 2 hours.

Decoration of the class (hall):
blanks of colored letters,
cake image,
children's school photographs from primary school (general and individual),
Mailbox and congratulations from subject teachers.
Sheets of paper for each student, table and chair templates, colored pencils, felt-tip pen.
Gifts for the class (photo album, children's drawings).
Prizes for competitions.
Tape recorder, recordings of songs (“Long live surprise!” Y. Entin, M. Minkov, “Song of the Crocodile Gena” E. Uspensky, V. Shainsky).

“Song of the Crocodile Gena” sounds. The psychologist greets the children and greets them.

Psychologist: Guys, today we have gathered for a very important and solemn occasion. You probably already guessed what event our holiday is dedicated to.

Answers: “Birthday”

Psychologist: Who do you think we will honor and congratulate?

Answers: lyceum, autumn birthday boys, class teacher.

Psychologist: Of course, we will not ignore our birthday people, but today we will celebrate the birthday of the class, the new team.

(On the board, to the inscription Happy Birthday, the word class is added).

I. Preparing for a birthday.

1. Inviting guests.

Psychologist: Let's think about who we will invite to our holiday (teachers, parents, lyceum administration, etc.)

Group discussion. It must be kept in mind that guests are invited to the whole class, and not to someone personally. The psychologist writes down the list of invitees on the board, and the children write them down on their own sheets.

2. Seating the guests.

Psychologist: We need to think about who will sit with whom (pair: guest - student).

Each participant draws a table and chairs on their sheet using templates. Chairs are drawn taking into account the number of guests.

3. Treat.

Psychologist: Guys, what are we going to treat our guests to?

It is proposed to list the treats in a chain. Children draw treats on their sheets. A picture of a cake with candles is hung on the board.

Psychologist: The symbol of a birthday is a cake with candles. And in the old days, the symbol of the holiday was the loaf.

Everyone gather in a circle -
We baked a loaf!
Who wants to eat it -
Come to us quickly, don’t yawn!

All participants stand in a circle and perform the folk choral game “Loaf”.

Like on a name day class
We baked a loaf.
Such a height
Such lows
This is the width

These are the dinners.
Loaf, loaf,
Choose whoever you want.
I love everyone, of course
But 5”A(B)” is the most.

Psychologist: Guys, how many candles will we light? (5 or 1). Our class is only 2 months old, so let's light 2 candles. Let's practice blowing out candles.

The exercise “Blow out the candles” is performed in a circle.

II. Celebration.

Psychologist: Let’s imagine that our guests have gathered and we can begin the holiday.

1. Congratulations.

The psychologist takes out a pre-prepared mailbox with congratulations (postcards and telegram forms). Children, if desired, take out congratulations from the mailbox and read them out to the whole class, and the name of the congratulatory person is not named, he must be guessed.

Examples of congratulations.

In our kingdom-state
Called "Lyceum"
Feast in the mountains - hurry quickly.
What a holiday! What a wonder!
Everyone is so cheerful and beautiful!

Happy birthday, 5 “A”
I wish you well
And love for the native word,
The team to be healthy,
Don't be sad, don't be bored
And get straight A's.

Teacher of Russian language and literature.

Fifth graders!
Congratulations on this new title! You have already learned to write and read, and now you have to conquer new heights of knowledge. You will be able to meet amazing world, to which you will be invited by Pushkin, Gogol, Zhukovsky, Andersen and Daniel Defoe. Read more, discover great world literature. And maybe, over time, one of you will be able to bring something of your own to it.

Teacher of Russian language and literature. (5 “B” class)

Dear fifth graders! Congratulations on the birth of your 5th grader!

School days,
They are fast.
The desk becomes cramped.
And beyond the threshold, a hundred roads
The map of life beckons us.
The century is rushing by,
We also need a run in life.
BUT don't forget:
Life path
It also depends on the start!
Always remember that without difficulty
You can't achieve victories in studies.
Only through hard work
Knowledge comes to you.
Maybe now, here among us
Future years Pythagoras!

Mathematics teacher 5 “A”, 5 “B” classes.

Dear Guys!
This year is your class's first birthday.
I congratulate you on this significant event - the birth of a new star of our lyceum called “5 A (B) class”. I wish you to grow, become stronger and not go out in the school sky. May the light of your star help each of you confidently walk through life, make strong friends, and expand your knowledge.

Sincerely, ecology teacher.

I wish you all to be healthy and strong. Be friends with physical education and sports. Good health is the key to success in later life.

Physical education teacher.

Dear Guys!
I really want you to grow up smart, to know well French and went to France to admire the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, and the Georges Pompidou Center. Be happy and healthy.

French teacher.

Dear fifth graders!
I sincerely congratulate you on your class birthday. I want to wish you success in your studies and good luck. Be wise, smart and kind, and I and my friends will help you with this, those who stand on the shelves and are silent, if you touch them, they will instantly speak. They will tell you about everything in the world - be strong friends with them, children.

Lyceum librarian.

My dear guys!
Every person has a home - not just a home with a roof over his head, but a place where he is loved and expected, understood and accepted for who he is.
On September 1, four years ago, you took your first step into the Land of Knowledge. Four years ago we began to create our own home, in which we felt very good together. This is our class. It's made up of building material with special properties: kindness, humor, mutual assistance, wisdom and hobbies. Each of you put your own brick into the construction of this house. We were together for four years. During this time we managed to become friends and get used to each other.
I will remember each of you, because over the four years spent together, students become as dear as their own children.
Of course, in our school life, not everything was always smooth, problems arose, but only the good things, the best that is in each of you, will remain in memory.

Your first teacher. (4 “B” grades)

Psychologist: What would a birthday be without gifts?

2. Gifts.

Game “Tie a Gift”.

3 pairs are selected (girl + boy). In pairs, touching hands are tied, and with free hands (i.e., one of the participants with the left hand and the other with the right hand) must decorate the box of chocolates with ribbon and tie a beautiful bow. The first couple to complete the task wins. After the game, perform the “Tasty Candy” exercise.

The song “Long live surprise!”

Psychologist: Guys, in honor of the class’s birthday, the lyceum administration has prepared a surprise for you.

Game “Open the gift”.

The surprise is hidden in advance in several boxes and beautifully packaged. Two participants, with their hands touching tied, must find a gift.

Psychologist: So, a surprise has been found - this is a photo album. Let this album become a kind of chronicle of the school life of your class. I also prepared gifts for each of you. These are your drawings on the topic “What I like about school,” which you drew as first graders.

Assignment for the whole class “Three gifts”. This is done in writing, followed by discussion.

Psychologist: If you had a magic wand, what would you give:

1. To the class.
2. Teachers.
3. Lyceum.

3. Games, entertainment.

Game “Cut the Prize”.

Prizes hang on long threads on a stretched rope. The player stands at a distance of 5-10 steps. He is given scissors in his hands and blindfolded. The task is simple: approach the prizes and cut off one of them.

Game “Feed me”.

First option. Two participants sit opposite each other. One of them will be with eyes closed feed another person yogurt using a spoon.

Second option. Both participants are blindfolded, and they feed each other bananas. Task: Feed a banana to your friend as quickly as possible.

Note. To prevent players from getting dirty, large towels must be prepared.

Game “Apple relay race”.

Two (three) teams play, which line up at the starting line in columns one at a time. At a distance of 20 m there are chairs (according to the number of teams), on which there are cut apples. The size of the apples and the number of slices cut should be equal. At the command of the leader, the relay participant runs to his chair, eats one piece of apple and runs back, standing at the back of the column. The team that eats the apple the fastest wins.

III. Summarizing.

Conducted in a circle. Children share their impressions of the game and take photographs as souvenirs.

Many famous people chose a motto that they followed throughout their lives. For example, some of V. Hugo’s works were crowned with the motto: “Make and remake!”

The Suvorov family motto read: “I am obligated - that means I can!”

The brilliant composer Franz Liszt: “Good or nothing!”

Come up with your own motto that you are going to follow throughout your life, as well as your symbolism.

. Any of those present names something incredible associated with some natural phenomenon, situation, thing, animal, etc. The rest agree with him or not. For example:

Can a bird survive without wings?

Can not!

Wrong. For example, the New Zealand kiwi bird has no wings at all.

Can a hedgehog not inject himself?

Maybe when he was just born. Newborns cringe at soft needles.

Right. Can mammals have ears on their legs?

No, they can't.

Right. This can only happen in insects, for example, in a grasshopper. His hearing organs are located on the shins of his front legs. Can animals hear with their stomachs?

Of course not.

But they can! Pisces hear.

Can't be! What do you think they hear with their swim bladder?!

Absolutely right. The swim bladder not only regulates the specific gravity of the fish, but also helps to hear, that is, it serves as a receiver and transducer of sounds. Vibrations of its walls are perceived by the fish's ear. In a word, the swim bladder plays the role of our eardrum.

. Origami- the ancient Japanese art of folding sheets of paper into various figures. Let's try, within three to five minutes, to make a small object or thing of our choice from scrap material.

Everyone knows the words from a children's song:

Dot, dot, comma,

A crooked face came out.

Hands, legs, cucumber -

So the little man came out...

The game involves two teams. In front of each is a piece of paper and a felt-tip pen.

Exercise: a dot or comma should create an image of some animal or object, that is, the drawing should look complete.

At a signal, representatives from each team draw a random squiggle and immediately pass the drawing to another team member.

The one who completes the task faster wins.

. Speak the tongue twisters quickly and clearly:

Praskovya exchanged crucian carp for three pairs of purebred piglets, the piglets ran through the dew, the piglets caught a cold, but not all.

The cucumber magpie returns from class. I spent the whole lesson chatting with the jay and returned home with a bad mark.

Senya carries hay in the canopy; Senya will sleep on the hay.

He reported, but didn’t complete his report, but began to complete his report - he reported.

The bear found honey in the forest, not enough honey, but a lot of bees.

Our chebotar is a chebotar to all the chebotars, no one can outdo our chebotar.

Repeat without hesitation: the dewdrops on the aspen tree sparkled like mother-of-pearl in the morning.

Grandfather Dudik played the pipe, Grandfather hit Dimka with the pipe.

Forty mice walked, carrying forty pennies. Two smaller mice carried two pennies each.

A woodpecker heals an old oak tree, a kind woodpecker loves the oak tree.

You can’t repeat all the tongue twisters, you can’t talk too fast!

. Come up with phrases (or words) that read the same both from left to right and from right to left. Such phrases are called palindromes. For example:

And the rose fell on Azor's paw.

Kiril is a lyricist.

I'm not crying, I'm sure.

Think of words that contain numerals. For example: forty (forty); swift (three); carpenter; currant; gun; watchman, etc.

Remember and name sayings and proverbs with numerals. For example:

Don’t have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends;

Seven do not wait for one thing;

Seven times measure cut once;

All for one, and one for all, etc.

Solve the crosswords:

1. Musical crossword:


3. A person who plays musical instruments.

5. The woman who sings.

7. A musical instrument with many strings.

9. “The Magic...” (Mozart’s opera).

10. One of the seven that form a melody.


1. A trumpeter plays it.

2. It was played by Troubadour in the cartoon “In the Footsteps of the Bremen Town Musicians.”

4. Policeman's musical instrument.

5. “One word, two words - it will be...”

6. The most unfortunate musical instrument- Everyone beats him.

8. “He doesn’t eat, doesn’t drink, but talks and sings” (riddle).


Horizontal: 3. Musician. 5. Singer. 7. Harp. 9. Flute. 10. Note.

Vertical: 1. Pipe. 2. Guitar. 4. Whistle. 5. Song. 6. Drum. 8. Radio.

2. Fairytale crossword puzzle.


1. A fairy-tale character who visited the moon with his friend.

2. A wooden man who terribly disliked moralizing.

3. Winnie the Pooh's faithful friend.

4. The hero of the fairy tale poem by A. S. Pushkin.

6. The heroine of a Russian fairy tale, grieving for her brother.

8. The princess bursts into tears from morning to evening.


2. A malicious old woman, a character in many Russian folk tales.

3. Signor vegetable.

5. Propeller Man.

7. The noble dog is the protector of Malvina.


Horizontally: 1. Dunno. 2. Pinocchio. 3. Piglet. 4. Ruslan. 6. Alyonushka. 8. Nesmeyana.

Vertical: 2. Baba Yaga. 3. Tomato. 5. Carlson. 7. Artemon.

On two notebook sheets letters are shown. Place the correct letters in the empty spaces to form the word:

. The names inside escaped from the words.

Find them quickly and read the whole word.

. Remember the sports that begin with the letters that make up this word:

. Choose the correct ending of the tongue twisters:

1. Kondrat has a jacket...

Too small;

A bit short; +

A bit old.

2. Good beavers are coming...

Into the forests; +

3. The clatter of hooves will cause dust to... fly.

4. Baker Peter baked...

Pies; +

5. Bull, blunt-lipped, blunt-lipped bull. The bull had a white lip...

6. Polycarp’s catch is three..., three carp.


Crucian carp. +

7. Black-and-white chicken, sock duck...

Flat; +

8. The box... the cow ate it.

9. The fox is running along...

Little forest;

Six; +


10. Lick, fox, ...


Honey; +

Little sand.

11. Varvara finished cooking the jam, .... and said the sentence.

Grumbled; +


She hummed.

. "Considerations."

Quickly answer the question asked:

Where does the water stand? (In glass.)

What can’t a person live without? (No name.)

The bird is noisy, very talkative. (Parrot)

What is between the mountain and the valley? (Letter "I".)

What does a person walk on? (On the ground.)

Seven brothers have one sister. Are there many of them? (One)

What disease does no one get on land? (Seasick)

Without what is it impossible to get a fish out of a pond? (Easily)

When is a fool smart? (When silent.)

What can you cook but can't eat? (Lessons.)

Which bird is made up of a letter and a river? (Oriole)

What is more common than a dark forest? (Stars are frequent.)

What tree does a hare hide under when it rains? (Under the wet eye)

What does half an apple look like? (For the second half)

What can you see with your eyes closed? (Dream)

Why does a duck swim? (From the shore)

What kind of stone is in the river? (Wet)

Which forest animals are called by their patronymic? (Fox - Patrikeevna, bear - Mikhail Potapovich)

You and me. Yes, we are with you. How many of us are there? (Two)

What question cannot be answered “yes”? ("Are you sleeping?")

. Remember which fairy-tale or cartoon character these words belong to:

1. " Good deeds You can’t become famous!” (Old woman Shapoklyak)

2. “It seems like it’s going to rain!..” (Piglet.)

3. “It’s nothing, it’s an everyday matter!” (Carlson.)

4. “Freedom for parrots!” (Parrot Kesha from the cartoon “Return of the Prodigal Parrot.”)

5. “I’ve lost my mind, what a shame!” (Freken Bok from the cartoon “Carlson is back.”)

6. “I am a cloud, a cloud, a cloud...” (Winnie the Pooh.)

7. “Guys, let’s live together!” (Leopold the cat.)

8. “I left my grandmother and left my grandfather...” (Kolobok.)

9. “Mom, why are you offending the snake?” (Vanya from the cartoon “The Golden Ring.”)


1. Development cognitive abilities students.

2. Formation of the ability to work in a group.

The class is divided into four teams of six people. The game consists of six rounds.

Progress of the game

Presenter's opening remarks. Presentation of teams (team name, motto).

Time 1. “Deep into the ocean - behind the secret.”

The leader asks riddles, and the teams take turns answering. The fifth riddle is a spare one, in case one of the teams was unable to answer in the order of their turn.

1. I can smell it a hundred miles away,

I spin at sea day and night

And like a hound dog,

I'm following the trail of my prey. (Shark.)

2. At the bottom of the deep sea

And at the very shores

Which fish are electrocuted?

Drives away all enemies? (Electric Stingray.)

3. I'm rushing across the sea,

I roam the sea,

Looks like it's reactive

I have a motor inside. (Squid.)

4. I have never known fear.

I will boldly repel the enemy.

A sharp nose, like a torpedo,

I can break through a tanker. (Swordfish.)

5. I love to live in gray seas,

IN dark waters I'm looking for food

Your tail is like a reliable anchor,

I throw where I want. (Sea Horse.)

Time 2. “Legends about flowers.”

Leading. There is nothing more poetic and picturesque than flowers. Legends and fairy tales about flowers have always inspired poets and composers. The works created by them sound like a hymn to nature, tenderness, and love.

Flowers, like people, are generous with goodness,

And, generously giving tenderness to people,

They bloom, warming hearts,

Like little warm fires.

Now we will check if you know the names of the colors.

Questions for Team 1:

1. In England, this flower is sung by poets; in fairy tales it serves as a cradle for little fairies and gentle elves. His homeland is Persia. From there it migrated to Turkey, and in the 19th century it came to Europe. In Holland there is a cult of this flower. In Amsterdam, two stone houses were bought for three flower bulbs. What is the name of this flower? (Tulip.)

2. Which flower is considered a symbol of the sun and a symbol of Japan? (Chrysanthemum.)

3. Which countries have national holidays dedicated to flowers? (Bulgaria - rose, Germany - violet, Yugoslavia - mimosa, Japan - chrysanthemum, England - forget-me-not, Russia - fern.)

Questions for Team 2:

1. According to popular legend, this flower arose from pieces of the sky that fell to Earth. Its color resembles the blue of the sea. Many peoples believe that this flower heals the sick. It is considered a symbol of a cheerful mood. It is one of the first to appear in our area. Its stem is thin and fragile, and the flower itself evokes tender and touching feelings. What is it called? (Scilla.)

2. The Latin name of this flower - “galactus” - comes from the Greek words “gola” - milk and “actus” - flower. An ancient legend says: when Adam and Eve were expelled from paradise, it was snowing heavily and Eve was cold. Then, in order to somehow calm her down and warm her, several snowflakes turned into flowers. What flowers are these? (Snowdrops.)

3. Where was the art of arranging bouquets born? (In Japan.)

Questions for Team 3:

1. Which flower admires itself all its life? (Narcissus.)

2. What does the concept of “ikebana” mean? (Living flowers or literally “flowers that live.”)

3. Legend tells that one of the beautiful daughters of Atlas, pursued by the burning rays of the Sun god, turned to Zeus with a prayer for protection, and the great thunderer hid her in a shady grove, turning her into a flower. Roman poets sang the beauty of these flowers. Goethe dreamed that his native Weimer would be drowned in the fragrance of these flowers, and, when going for walks, he scattered their seeds wherever possible. What are these flowers called? (Violets.)

Questions for Team 4:

1. Which flower is considered the last smile of autumn? (Astru.)

2. An old Slavic legend tells: the daring Sadko was loved by the water queen Volkhova. One day, in the moonlight, she saw her lover in the arms of the earthly girl Lyubava. The proud queen turned away and left. Tears rolled down from her beautiful blue eyes, and only the Moon witnessed how these pure tears turned into delicate flowers, like magic pearls. Since then, this flower has been considered a symbol of pure and tender love. What is it called? (Lily of the valley.)

3. What is a boutonniere? (A miniature bouquet of flowers, which serves as a decoration for hairstyles and clothes, is placed on the festive table with each cutlery.)

Time 3. “Water of Life.”

1. What place does the Amur occupy in our country in terms of basin area? (IV place.)

2. Name the tributaries of the Amur? (Left - Zeya, Bureya, Amgun; right - Hungari, Ussuri.)

3. Everyone goes around this place:

Here the earth is like dough,

There are sedges, hummocks, mosses...

No leg support. (Swamp.)

4. Falling from a great height,

He roars menacingly

And, breaking on the stones,

He gets up foaming. (Waterfall.)

5. Doesn't burn in fire, doesn't sink in water. (Ice.)

6. Born in the evening, lives at night, dies in the morning. (Dew.)

7. She grows upside down,

It grows not in summer, but in winter. (Icicle.)

8. Which one summer holiday associated with water water games, swimming? (Ivan Kupala Day, July 7.)

Time 4. “Smells.”

For this competition, you need to prepare samples of various plants: laurel, dill, parsley, rose petals, etc. Place each sample in a jar with a lid. Team representatives must identify the names of plants by smell. The one who gives the most correct answers wins.

Participants listen to a recording of various birds singing. The task is to determine the name of the bird by its voice. The team that names the most birds in the shortest time wins.

Summarizing. Rewarding.

While the jury is summing up the results, you can hold a song singing competition or listen to recordings of songs about nature, animals, and plants.

You can also hold a riddle competition:

1. The sisters are standing in the field -

The dress is white, the boots are green. (Birches.)

2. White sheep run around the candle. (Verba.)

3. Her sister is a pine tree in the forest. Tell me, who is she? (Spruce.)

4. No wonder this fashionista

Bent over the water.

All summer long it looks into the river -

He admires himself. (Willow.)

5. Takes from my flower

The bee has the most delicious honey.

And everyone insults me:

The thin skin is peeled off. (Linden.)

6. No one is scared, but everyone is trembling. (Aspen.)

7. Eh, bells, blue color,

With the tongue, but no ringing. (Bells.)

8. Grows wherever it needs to

And it bites and it burns. (Nettle.)

9. White peas on a green stem. (Lily of the valley.)

10. There is a curl in the garden -

White shirt,

Heart of gold.

What it is? (Chamomile.)

Scenario of the competition program for schoolchildren “Race with the Wind”

Goals: develop logical thinking, Creative skills, ingenuity, dexterity of students; contribute to the unity of the class team.

Progress of the event

Leading. Hi all! Today we are gathered here to find out which of you is the fastest! So, first task...

In some competitions the whole team participates, in others one person from the team participates, so that everyone can participate.

Competition "Fishing"

Each team is given a spoon. It is necessary to catch the largest number of peas floating in a plate of water with a spoon, which should be held in the mouth, in a certain amount of time.

"Pass the Ball" Competition

Each team stands in a line and begins to pass the ball:

Hands above your head;


Pinched between the chin and shoulder.

Competition "Who is faster"

Each team stands in a circle. Participants are given a piece of paper that is passed around the circle. Whoever makes the most circles in a certain amount of time wins this competition.

Competition "Practical"

It is necessary to find a new use for unnecessary, used items:

Empty tin can;

Leaky sock;

A burst balloon;

Burnt out light bulb;

Empty pen refill.

Competition "Writer"

Each team must compose a short story in which all words must begin with a certain letter:

(Adventurer Andrei Arkadyevich Antoshkin rented a car. He corporatized the watermelon barn, and Andrei was arrested by the ataman of the aborigines.)

Competition "Dance"

One person from each team sits on a chair. He will need to dance, without leaving his chair, the following dance:




Competition "Nogopantomnma"

It is only necessary to demonstrate the emotional state with the help of legs:






Competition "Sculptor"

It is necessary to imagine a monument, that is, to freeze in the form of a monument, which is called one of the proverbs and sayings:

Truth is born in dispute.

Love for all ages.

A well-fed man is no friend to a hungry man.

You never know what you can do till you try.

Don't have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.

Competition "Pantomime"

It is necessary to use pantomime to depict a person who is in a hurry and therefore does two things at the same time:

Irons linen + blow-dries hair;

Rocks a stroller with a child + draws a house project on paper;

Stirs semolina porridge + picks ear;

Buttons up + brushes teeth;

Cleans shoes with one brush + cleans trousers with another brush.

Competition "Creative"

It is necessary to come up with new names for old professions:

Fireman (boiler room operator)",

Cleaning lady (technical employee)",

Street cleaner;


Shoe shiner.

Competition "Fairytale"

It is necessary to come up with new fairy tale names for the following items:

Pillow, blanket, sheet;

Bag, briefcase, backpack;

Pants, T-shirt, coat;

Armchair, chest of drawers, bedside table;

Glass, mug, wine glass.

Competition "Linguistic"

It is necessary to say the sentences differently, without repeating a single word, but maintaining the meaning.

The fly landed on the jam.

There is a glass on the table.

The clock strikes twelve times.

A sparrow flew into the window.

The detachment was walking along the shore.

Competition "Fantasy"

It is necessary to come up with the types of goods that would be sold in stores. For example:

Everything for losers.

Everything for truants.

Everything for sluts.

Everything for repeaters."

Everything for malicious shoe forgetters.

Competition "Pairs"

Perform the simplest actions from the point of view of a normal person. But at the same time, two participants need to hug each other so that the right hand of one and the left hand of the other are free. For example:

Thread the needle;

Light the candle using matches;

Cut a paper circle with scissors;

Tie the shoelace;

Replace the refill in your ballpoint pen.

Competition "Pictogram"

It is necessary to write, using drawings, like ancient people, a short letter addressed to a friend:

Call me today at 6 o'clock.

Let's go play football in the evening.

Let's do homework together.

Give me a puppy for my birthday.

Bring me scissors and colored paper.

Training sessions for fifth graders to increase the level of psychological comfort during the adaptation period
Author-compiler: Yana Sergeevna Fursova, educational psychologist

The proposed training sessions are aimed at increasing the adaptive capabilities of fifth-graders and developing skills of confident behavior when studying at the secondary level. Classes help reduce anxiety in children, teach them how to use the support of others, help others and increase the level of psychological comfort.
The purpose of the training sessions is to provide psychological and pedagogical support to 5th grade students during the period of their adaptation to the learning conditions in high school.
1. Normalize the anxiety level of fifth-graders.
2. Develop collaboration skills with peers.
3. Develop confident behavior skills in fifth graders.
Form of classes: psychological training and relaxation with game elements and mini-discussions.
These classes are designed for 5th grade students experiencing persistent psychological discomfort during the adaptation period and include 10 classes, each lasting 60 minutes. Classes are recommended to be conducted by educational psychologists.
Expected results:
- acquiring skills for effective interaction with peers;
- reducing anxiety levels;
- development of confident behavior skills.
Final control is carried out in the form of repeated diagnostics at the end of the course to study the normalization of the level of anxiety and increase the level of educational motivation.

Lesson No. 1 “Hello! I too am a fifth grader.”
The participants, together with the leader, take their places, forming a circle.
1. Getting to know each other. Using the game "BALL".
o The participant says his name and passes the ball to his neighbor, who also says his name and passes the ball further until all participants have introduced themselves.
o The participant throws the ball to any member of the group, he says his name and throws the ball to someone of his choice.
o The participant says his name and the name of the person to whom he throws the ball.
2. Task “Rules that help us.”
The facilitator proposes to conclude an agreement on joint work, based on some rules that will help in the interaction of group members with each other.
Set the rules:
- Don't hurt each other.
- Do not discuss classes with anyone.
- Strives to be an active participant in what is happening.
- Have the right to express your opinion on any issue.
- Raised hands rule (“one on air”).
- Strive to listen to the speaker, trying not to interrupt.
- Have the right to receive support and assistance from the group.
Teenagers are invited to add to the list of rules, then they are adopted by voting, and the participants sign them. The rules are posted and are in effect throughout the entire period of the group’s work.
3. Exercise “How similar we are!”
Those who... love sweets take a step forward; those who have a cat raise their right hand; those who like to play football do squats, and the like. After finishing the exercise, everyone who is a 5th grade student is invited to join hands. At the same time, the presenter emphasizes how much the participants have in common.
4. Exercise “Continue the phrase”
A drawing of the “School Path” is attached to the board or attached. It depicts a mountain depicting the school path from 1st to 10th grade. Participants are asked to continue the phrase: “In primary school I remember most of all...”; “In fifth grade I would like...”
Everyone speaks in a circle, passing each other a ball or toy. The presenter notes the most interesting statements and optimistic expectations, draws attention to the fact that all participants have quite a lot of school experience, so the future path should be easier.
What will it be like?
The presenter suggests talking about what's new in the school life of students in connection with the transition to 5th grade.
5. Relaxation exercises for the arms
Imagine that there is a whole lemon in your left hand. Squeeze it as hard as possible. Try to squeeze out all the juice from it. Feel how your arm and palm tense as you squeeze it. Now drop it. Pay attention to how you feel when your hand is relaxed. Now take another lemon and squeeze it. Try to squeeze it even harder than the first. Wonderful. You are doing your best. Now drop that lemon and relax. Isn't it true how much better your arm and hand feel when they are relaxed? Again, take the lemon with your left hand and try to squeeze out every drop of juice from it. Don't leave a single drop. Squeeze harder and harder. Wonderful. Now relax and let the lemon fall out of your hand. (Repeat the entire process for the right hand.)
6. Exercise “School Path” (Rodionov, Stupnitskaya)
The presenter conducts a conversation with the guys about the part of the journey that has been passed and what is still to come.
7. Swap places on some basis. Everyone sits in their places, the driver stands, his chair is set aside. The driver says: “Those who have... (for example, have blue in their clothes)”, those participants who have the named sign quickly change places with each other, the driver strives to take one of the vacated places. The one left without a chair becomes the driver. The game stops when the signs begin to repeat.
Let's see how our lesson went. Choose two faces out of four, each of them is labeled: interesting or uninteresting; difficult or easy. Write down your choice on our improvisational drawn briefcase.
9. Homework. Make a selection of photo landscapes (electronic) that evoke an upbeat, joyful mood (about 5-6 pieces)

Lesson No. 2 “We are so interesting.”
1. Exercise “Let’s say hello”
Goal: creating a relaxed, friendly atmosphere in the group.
Progress of the exercise:
Teenagers, at the leader’s signal, move chaotically around the room and greet everyone who meets on their way. You need to greet in a certain way: one clap - we shake hands, two clap - we shake hands with our shoulders, three clap - we shake hands with our backs. The exercise is performed without using speech.
2. “I know what you love” with remembering others. Each participant says what he loves. Then the other participants must remember who likes what.
3. One starts a sentence, the other finishes it. For example, the first participant says: “This morning...”, the neighbor must repeat the beginning of the phrase and finish it, for example: “It snowed this morning,” then he says his beginning of the phrase, his neighbor completes it.
4. Discussion “Hypothetical situation - if you don’t have to go to school”
Goal: formation of positive school motivation.
Progress of the exercise:
Participants are invited to discuss an unusual situation - what will happen if you don’t go to school. Everyone expresses their opinion. All opinions are heard, the presenter notes the most original versions.
Discussion: What is the role of knowledge in human life?
Imagine that you are lazy fluffy cats and kitties. Imagine that you want to stretch. Extend your arms forward. Raise them high above your head. Now lean back. Feel how tense your shoulders are. Stretch as hard as possible. Now drop your arms to your sides. Well done, kittens, let's stretch some more. Stretch your arms in front of you, raise them up, above your head, throw them back as far as possible. Stretch harder. Now quickly drop your hands. Fine. Notice how much more relaxed your arms and shoulders feel. Now let's stretch like real cats. Let's try to reach the ceiling. Extend your arms straight out in front of you. Pull them as high as possible, lifting them above your head. Now throw them back, pull them back. Do you feel your arms and shoulders tense? Stretch, stretch. Tension in the muscles increases. Wonderful! Now quickly lower your hands and let them fall on their own. Isn't it true how good it is to feel relaxed? You feel good, cozy, warm and lazy, like kittens.
6. Video relaxation. Viewing photographs (via a projector) prepared by the children at home. Discussion after watching: impressions, how the mood changed.
7. Exercise “What is important to me?”
The children need to imagine that they and their parents are leaving for a long time to spend their holidays on a desert island. Parents suggest that children take a suitcase with them and pack exactly three things in it that are most important to them.
What will you choose? Write the names of these things on a piece of paper (5 minutes). Next, the children need to read the list and tell why they chose these three things.
- Did anyone choose the same thing as you?
- Whose records surprised you?
- Are there things in the world that are interesting and important to most of us?
- Which of the items that someone wanted to take with them was, in your opinion, the most unusual?
-Who did you learn anything new about?
8. Joint drawing. Each participant draws a line, a “squiggle,” on a piece of paper, this is done in order of turn. The result is some kind of general picture. Participants discuss what they did. You can come up with a name for the drawing, give it a name if it turns out to be a character.
9. Lesson reflection.
10. Homework.
Think and write down at home what qualities are important to you in the people around you (no more than 10 options).

Lesson No. 3 “Knowing ourselves”
1. Set the mood for the lesson. Game: “The sea is agitated once...” (introspection). The driver is selected. In the circle everyone says: the sea is worried once, the sea is worried twice, mine is worried three... you can use options: animal figures, freeze! Flowers and trees, freeze! My mood, freeze! (pay attention in advance: what his mood is like, what his face is like). The driver walks among the figures he likes, “revives” them, and from them chooses the next leader.
Question after the game: what was your mood, what color was it, does it often happen like this?
Draw your mood. What it looks like: something shapeless or similar to something, what color it is.
2. Throw a ball at each other with any question “about you.” Questions can be very different - about hobbies, family, what you did today. The person who receives the ball gives an answer to the question, then throws the ball to another participant with his question.
3. Exercise "Who am I? What am I?" (self-esteem, self-analysis)
4. Discussion of homework. Working with positive and negative qualities. Discussion.
Three sentences must be continued in writing:
1. I think that I...;
2. Others think that I...;
3.I want to be...
For each sentence, select 5 to 10 definitions from the list on the poster.
The number of matches is counted, and it is noted on the board how much the students have in common.
4. Game "Mishani's Mistakes". Use a toy. A story about any mistake or several mistakes that Mishanya made. Discussion.
5. Relaxation exercise.
Now imagine that you are little turtles. You sit on a pebble, on the shore of a nice, peaceful pond and bask, relaxed, but in the sun. You are so pleased, so warm, so calm. But what is it? You sensed danger. Turtles quickly hide their heads under their shells. Try to raise your shoulders up to your ears and pull your head into your shoulders. Pull harder. It's not so easy to be a turtle and pull your head under your shell. But finally the danger was over. You can pull your head out, relax again and bliss out in the warm sun. But beware, an even greater danger is approaching. Hurry up, quickly hide in your house, pull your head in harder. Try to pull it in as much as possible, otherwise they might eat you... But now the danger has passed and you can relax again. Stretch your neck, lower your shoulders, relax. Feel how much better this wonderful feeling of relaxation is than when you are all clenched. But again there is danger. Pull your head in, raise your shoulders straight towards your ears and hold them tightly. Not a single millimeter of your head should appear from under the shell. Pull your head in harder. Feel how tense your shoulders and neck are. Fine. The danger has passed again, and you can stick your head out again. Relax, you are now completely safe.
6. Game "I am real. I am super." Draw your real (real) self on one sheet of paper and your ideal – super – self on another. Sign.
7. Tell something good about yourself. Each participant talks about his skills, abilities, qualities, life events, and in case of difficulties he is provided with help.
8. Lesson reflection. What did you like?
What difficulties did you experience?
9. Homework. Come up with about 3 funny rules for school - ones that you yourself can laugh at. Then come up with two rules that could really help the school, the class, or you personally.

Lesson No. 4 “Meet someone new!”
1. Good-evil ball. Participants stand in a wide circle. They throw a ball to each other. The “good ball” is easy to catch, the “evil” one is difficult. Having learned to throw a good-evil ball, the participants throw different balls to each other, the one to whom the ball is addressed guesses whether this ball was “good” or “evil”.
2. Discussion of homework.
The guys take turns naming their funniest rule. And then a rule that could help the school, the class.
Issues for discussion:
- Which rule seems the funniest?
- Which of the proposed rules seems the most important? Why?
Those who wish to speak up speak out.
3. Conversation “We will study with excellence!”
Leading. Our lesson today is dedicated to “newcomers” - those who have never studied at our gymnasium before. Let's imagine, guys, that he wants to continue his education at our school. But before we help him get acquainted with school life, let's give him a name.
The guys put forward their versions and choose a name based on voting.
Now let's think about what we will tell him about life at school?
Children name options: about teachers; schoolchildren; about the lesson; homework; tests, written and oral work in class, etc.
Okay, then let's start, for example, with how to work in class.
The presenter offers a series of questions to which the guys give detailed answers, characterizing both their awareness and the opportunity to express themselves (the main thing is not to be afraid of mistakes when expressing their opinions).
A list of questions
1. Class work during the lesson
Why do you need to pay attention in class?
- If you didn’t understand something in class, what should you do? Why?
- What happens if you solve your homework incorrectly?
- Why do you need to repeat the rules before you start doing your homework?
- If something in class seems difficult, what needs to be done?
2. Working with educational material
- What books help us obtain additional information on the subject we are studying?
- Where and how do you know what to do in which subject?
- How often do you find out what is assigned from a classmate on the phone?
- Before performing a task, why is it necessary to learn the rules by heart?
3. Working on homework
- What subject do you start doing your homework with? What do you finish with?
Leading. So, we have already covered a lot, now let's find out how our friend is feeling after learning so much about school life?
Look at the form with a drawing of a tree. You see a lot of little people on the tree and next to it. Each of them has a different mood, they occupy a different position. Take a red felt-tip pen and circle the person who reminds you of Tom, his mood at the new school, his position. We will check how attentive you are. Please note that each branch of the tree represents his achievements and successes.
4. Relaxation exercise.
But an annoying fly arrived. It lands right on your nose. Try to drive it away without using your hands. That's right, wrinkle your nose, make as many wrinkles on your nose as you can. Rotate your nose - up, to the sides. Fine! You drove away the fly! Now you can relax your face. Notice that when you twisted your nose, your cheeks, your mouth, and even your eyes helped you and they also tensed. And now that you have relaxed your nose, your whole face has relaxed - this is such a pleasant feeling. Ooh, that annoying fly is back again, but now it lands on your forehead. Wrinkle it well, try to just squeeze this fly between the wrinkles. Wrinkle your forehead even more. Finally! The fly flew out of the room completely. Now you can calm down and relax. The face relaxes, becomes smooth, every single wrinkle disappears. You feel how smooth, calm, and relaxed your face is. What a pleasant feeling!
5. Game "Our Teachers". Throw the ball to each other, naming the subject, and the one to whom it was thrown must name the first name, patronymic (surname) of the subject teacher. Then he throws the ball to another participant and names another object.
6. Exercise “Here I am!” Did you guess right?
Fifth graders fill out a form in which they describe themselves and their hobbies, but do not sign the work (everyone puts their badge on it). They give up their options. The presenter mixes them and distributes them. When voicing a work, the guys need to find out whose it is.
7. Lesson reflection.
What did you like?
What difficulties did you experience?
Who is more difficult to evaluate: yourself or others?
8. Homework
Design and draw a high school student’s desk.

Lesson No. 5 “I and study.”
1. Exercise “With all my heart...”
Giving each other (imaginary) gifts. Gifts are depicted by movements without words. Participants guess what it is.
Goal: creating a friendly atmosphere in the group.
Instructions: Participants sit in a circle. The presenter invites the teenagers to give each other something from the bottom of their hearts. Teenagers take turns turning to the partner sitting on the right and giving him their gift, and so on until all participants have spoken. The most important thing is to present your gift based on the personal characteristics of the group member. Ask the person himself: “What should I give you?” or “What do you want?” it is forbidden. Everyone answers this question independently, focusing on a specific person, thinking about him, his hobbies, affections. After you present your gift, your partner should express his attitude towards it. If he liked the gift, then why, if not, then why and what he would really like to receive as a gift.
2. “Unfinished sentences” technique.
Goal: diagnostics of the prevailing motives in the learning of adolescents.
Instructions: the leader invites the students to write the beginning of each sentence and finish it themselves.
 In my free time I do...
 It’s impossible to know everything, but I want to know...
 I study for (what would?)….
 My favorite books (and why?)…
 The meaning of life for me (what?)…
 I implement my (what?) every day…
 Activities that I don’t care about (what?)…
3. Mini-lecture “How to organize your classes”

Lecture material:

4. Game “Getting Out of Problems.”
A leader is selected and the rest of the participants, forming a circle, begin to get confused, changing their position in the circle, but without taking their hands off each other. The driver’s task is to untangle the resulting figure, returning everyone to their original position.

5. Relaxation exercise.
Now imagine that you are trying to chew a very sticky piece of gum. It is very difficult for you to chew it, your jaws move with difficulty, but you try to bite through it. Press harder. You try so hard to squeeze it with your teeth that even your neck tenses. Now stop, relax. Feel how freely your lower jaw hangs, how pleasant it is to relax. But let's get down to this chewing gum again. Move your jaws, try to chew it. Squeeze it harder so that it is squeezed out through your teeth. Fine! You managed to push it through your teeth. Now relax, open your mouth slightly, let your jaws rest. How nice it is to relax like this and not fight with this chewing gum. But it's time to end it. This time we'll chew it up. Move your jaws, squeeze it as hard as possible. You try your best. Well, that's it, you've finally dealt with it! You can rest. Relax, let your whole body rest. Feel how all your muscles have relaxed.

6. Discussion “School assessment”.
Goal: the formation of positive learning motivation, relieving the anxiety of adolescents associated with the knowledge assessment system.
Progress of the discussion:
The facilitator poses discussion questions to the group:
Why is an assessment needed? Can it be replaced, if so, with what? Maybe “2” is not such a bad rating, but quite the opposite? Is a good assessment always an indicator? good knowledge and vice versa (a bad grade is an indicator of lack of knowledge)? What is more important: knowledge or assessment?
Discussion: It is important for every teenager to express his opinion.

7. Drawing “My mood at the gymnasium”
Goal: emotional and graphic response to the teenager’s states, stress relief.
Instructions: The presenter invites teenagers to remember in what mood they are most often in when they are at school or in class. Then the presenter asks the children to depict their condition on a landscape sheet using colored pencils.
After the teenagers have completed the task, the presenter invites those who wish to talk about their drawing and share their feelings and experiences.
8. Lesson reflection.
9. Homework “My emotions: help or hinder” (Examples from life).

Lesson No. 6 “Our emotions.”
1. Exercise “Complete the drawing and pass it on”
Goal: relieving psychophysical stress, uniting the group.
Instructions: Take a sheet of white paper and choose the most pleasant pencil color. As soon as I clap my hands, you will start drawing whatever you want. With a clap, pass your sheet along with the pencil to the neighbor on the left, he will finish drawing. Then I clap my hands again, and the sheet is passed further around the circle until it returns back to the owner.
Discussion. Was it difficult to maintain the theme of another person's drawing? Did you like how it turned out? Share your feelings and mood.
2. Discussion of homework
The facilitator conducts a survey of students in a circle, the emotional experience of students is discussed, feelings and life situations are analyzed (they are written on the board).
3. Game “Guess the Emotion”
A poster is hung with a schematic depiction of emotions, without indicating the states of the people. Participants guess what emotions are depicted on the poster.
4. Exercise “Shapes of Emotions”
The guys draw five large figures on an A4 sheet of paper. Then, having signed the names of four of them (anger, joy, fear, rage), they color with colored pencils. They come up with a name for the 5th figure and paint it using colors that correspond to its emotional state.
5. Game “Name the Emotion”
Passing the ball around, participants name the emotions that interfere with communication. The ball is then passed to the other side and emotions are called to help communicate.
6. Game “Pretend an emotion”
Emotions can be expressed through movements, facial expressions, gestures, and intonation. It is necessary to prepare cards on which one or another emotion will be written (joy, sadness, ridicule, resentment, fear, surprise, etc.). Each of the guys takes turns taking a card out of the envelope and trying to portray the emotion they got without words. The rest must guess what kind of emotion it is, then the guys “try on” this emotion or mood.
"Curiosity". Expressive movements: The head turns towards the action taking place, gaze. Pose: move one leg forward, transfer your body weight to it, one hand on your hip, the other hand down. Walk like this, look at each other, feel your body.
"Concentration". Expressive movements: the left hand rests the elbow on the table and supports the head tilted to the left; the index finger of the right hand moves along the imaginary text. Facial expressions: slightly squinted eyes, lower lip pursed. Walk like this, look at each other, feel your body.
"Astonishment". The mouth is open, eyebrows and upper eyelids are raised. Walk like this, look at each other, feel your body.
"Pleasure, joy." Reading the text, the girls depict the action of the plot: “a warm ray fell on the ground and warmed a seed in it. A sprout emerged from the seed. A beautiful flower grew from the sprout. A flower basks in the sun, exposing each of its petals to warmth and light, turning its head after the sun.” Facial expressions: eyes half-closed, smile, facial muscles relaxed. Walk like this, look at each other, feel your body. “Meeting a friend”: Expressive movements: hugs, smiles
"Good mood". Expressive movements: gait is a fast step, sometimes turning into jumps. Smile. Walk like this, look at each other, feel your body.
"Fatigue". Expressive movements: arms hanging along the body, shoulders down. Walk like this, look at each other, feel your body.
"Sadness." Expressive movements: drooping head, knitted eyebrows, downturned corners of the lips, slow gait. Pose: Walk like this, look at each other, feel your body.
"Disgust". Expressive movements: the head is tilted back, the eyebrows are furrowed, the eyes are squinted, the upper lip is pulled towards the nose, the nose is wrinkled. Walk like this, look at each other, feel your body.
"Anger". Expressive movements: increased gesticulation. Facial expressions: knitted eyebrows, wrinkled nose, protruding lips. Walk like this, look at each other, feel your body.
Close your eyes. Let's imagine that we are little birds. We fly through the fragrant summer forest, inhale its aromas and admire its beauty. So we sat down on a beautiful wildflower and inhaled its light aroma, and now we flew to the tallest linden tree, sat on its top and felt the sweet smell of a flowering tree. But a warm summer breeze blew, and together with its gust we rushed towards the babbling forest stream. Sitting down on the edge of the stream, we cleaned our feathers with our beaks, drank clean, cool water, splashed around, and rose up again. Now let’s land in the coziest nest in a forest clearing. You guys again. Open your eyes, each at a comfortable rhythm.
8. Exercise “Score the emotion”
The forms with various emotions ask you to give a score (from 1 to 10) to each emotion depending on how often the respondent experiences it. Then there is a discussion and a conclusion is reached.
8. Lesson reflection.
What role do you think emotions play in our lives?
What was new for you in the lesson?
What was already known?
10. Homework. Try to observe your behavior in different communication situations and note how you control your emotions. Write down your ways of managing your emotions.

Lesson No. 7 “Master of Emotions.”
1. Game “Bees” (onomatopoeia, removal of speech clamps, speech warm-up). Everyone “turned” into bees. The leader holds his hand horizontally at chest level - the bees are working busily and humming calmly. When the hand goes up, the bees are angry, showing it in their voice, when down, the bees are kind, they are kind, they also highlight the mood with their voice.
Main part: checking homework (observation, development of the child’s emotional sphere and expressive movements): walking in a circle or interspersed, depicting the emotion specified by the presenter. On command: “Freeze!” - they freeze in place and, without changing their posture or facial expression, look at each other. The 5 above mentioned emotions are played.
2. Game “Imagine with your feet” (observation, development of the child’s emotional sphere and expressive movements). In a circle: the leader names an emotion, everyone shows with their feet how this emotion can be depicted. Attention is drawn to the most interesting solution option.
3. Game “Tell a poem” (observation of intonation, facial expressions, development of the emotional sphere). The group is divided into pairs. One works, the second helps. Children's poems (4 lines) are distributed on cards. The facilitator assigns each pair an emotion with which they will work. The task is to tell or read a poem with a “received” emotion. They train in pairs, then talk in a circle. When everything has been said, those helping “receive” a different emotion, but the rhyme remains the same, and work in the same way.
For example:
My friend Valery Petrov
I've never been bitten by a mosquito
The mosquitoes didn't know about it
And Petrov was often bitten.
A microbe is a terribly harmful animal,
Insidious, and most importantly, ticklish.
Such an animal in the stomach
He will climb in and live there just fine.
The lady was checking in her luggage:
Sofa, suitcase, travel bag
Picture, basket, cardboard
And a little dog
The bears were riding a bicycle
And behind them is a cat backwards!
And behind him there are mosquitoes balloon! No, we shouldn't have decided
Give the cat a ride in the car!
The cat is not used to riding -
The truck overturned. I imitate an elephant
I pull my lips with my proboscis,
And now I'm letting them go
And I return it to its place.
Conversation: who managed to convey emotions? What was easier and what were the difficulties? Was it easy to “switch” from one emotion to another?
4. Game "Ha-ha". (Removing clamps, barriers). In a circle, sitting on chairs, put your head on the shoulder of your neighbor on the right in the circle. The host decides who starts. The girls’ task is to say “Ha-Ha” or laugh progressively: it starts with a simple “Ha!” - 1 time, the next girl on the left says: “Ha – Ha!” - 2 times, then – “Ha – Ha – Ha!” - 3 times, etc. If the order is broken and the players get confused, everything starts all over again. The beginner can be changed.
5. Game “Gaits” (analysis, observation, stress relief, emotional liberation). Each girl thinks of an emotion and the owner of the emotion (for example, a very old man, Small child, lion, kitten, bear, etc.).
They take turns walking in a circle, showing what was planned with their gait, and everyone else guesses what was planned.
Final part: summing up the lesson, discussing internal feelings when expressing a particular emotion. Identification of the most active girls.
6. Relaxation “Flower”

7. Game: “Animals”
The group is divided into 4 subgroups. 1 – piglets, 2 – kittens, 3 – kittens, 4 – ducklings. Look at each other and close your eyes. They must “mix” with their eyes closed and, at the command of the leader, search for “their own”, making sounds. The winner is the group that quickly found its way in the general hubbub and found “their own”.
8. Game “loving look”. (Awareness of your non-verbal empathic and expressive arsenal). The driver goes out the door. Among the participants, one is selected who will look at the driver with a loving gaze, indifferent, interested, offended, threatening, etc. The driver must guess from the facial expressions and posture of the participants who is looking at him. Afterwards, a discussion: what helped us guess how we managed to depict the look.
9. Lesson reflection.
10. Homework.

Lesson No. 8. “Do we understand each other?”
1. Role-playing gymnastics:
(stress relief, emotional revitalization)
- smile like a cat in the sun; like the sun itself
- jump like a grasshopper, goat, kangaroo
- frown like an autumn cloud, an angry mother, an angry lion
- walk like a baby, an old man, a lion
- skiing from the mountain: 1 – 2 – 3 – inhale, climb the mountain; on 4 - loud cheerful exhalation - roll down the mountain.
2. Exercise: “Where am I?”
In this exercise, the leading player - the detective - must name with his eyes closed where the person making the sounds is located.
3. Discuss and compare the concepts of “listening” and “hearing”.
Comparison of the concepts of “listening” and “hearing”.
 Think about why man is given two ears, two eyes and only one tongue?
 What is more important: to be heard or to be listened to?
 What is the most valuable and most important thing in life for you? (Write the options on the board.)
 When does a person feel good? (When he is loved, when he is healthy,
 when it is understood.)
 When is a person understood? (When they listen to him.)
4. Test “Can you listen?”
Each student receives a form with questions. There are only 7 questions, the guys study the result right away in class
Test “Can you listen?”
Each student receives a form with questions:
1. Do you often get distracted when talking to someone?
2. Do you just pretend to listen while you think about something else?
3. Do you react emotionally to the narrator’s words?
4. Do you often interrupt your interlocutor?
5. Are you listening or are you just pretending to listen?
6. Do you dream about something of your own when you listen to others?
7. Perhaps you think about what to say when you listen to your interlocutor?
Now let's calculate the results: the more “yes” answers you have, the worse your listening skills are. Let's think about the question: what prevents us from listening to others?
The psychologist summarizes the students' answers.
5. Exercise “Drawing according to instructions”
This exercise requires concentration and the ability to act according to the rule. First, everyone draws their own house. Then, having put away the drawing, they take out a blank sheet of paper and work in pairs - one draws a house with his eyes closed under the dictation of his neighbor-author. At the end, they compare whether the drawing is similar to the author’s. Then the guys change places. After the exercise, they exchange impressions: the partners are given the opportunity to discuss the progress of their joint work.
6. Game “Understand Me”
At the same time, all participants pronounce their word loudly, and the driver repeats all the words that were heard.
7. Relaxation exercise.
Now imagine that you are standing barefoot in a large puddle with a muddy bottom. Try to press your toes deep into the mud. Try to reach the very bottom where the mud ends. Tighten your legs to better press your feet into the mud. Spread your toes, feel the silt being pressed upward between them. Now get out of the puddle. Give your feet a rest and warm up in the sun. Let your toes relax... Isn't it true, what a pleasant feeling this is?.. Step into the puddle again. Press your toes into the mud. Tighten your leg muscles to enhance this movement. Press your feet into the mud more and more, try to squeeze all the mud out. Fine! Now get out of the puddle. Relax your legs, feet and toes. How nice it is to feel the dryness and warmth of the sun. That's it, the tension is gone. You feel a slight pleasant tingling in your legs. You feel the warmth spreading through them.
8. Dramatization of history.
Each participant speaks their proposal in a circle. The next one adds his own to the sentences; there must be a semantic connection between them.
Participants assign roles and act out the story, followed by a discussion.
9. Lesson reflection.
The facilitator asks questions for discussion:
Was it difficult to evaluate yourself?
What new things have you learned about yourself?
10. Homework
Monitor your mood for some time (for example, until our next lesson). After that, try to answer the questions:
Have you always been calm and cheerful?
Have you always been attentive and focused?

Lesson No. 9 “Be careful!”
1. Imagination exercise.
The presenter invites the children to become inventors and come up with everything possible options using the glasses case. You need to write down the options within 5 minutes. The winner will be the one who comes up with the most original and unique way to use the item.
2. Exercise “Experiment”.
Goal: to activate the attention of adolescents.
Instructions: Each participant is given cards on which texts are written with a seemingly chaotic set of letters, and is given the task of reading the last three passages in 30 seconds:
Discussion: What difficulties did you encounter while completing the task, and what helped you cope with it?
3. Mini-lecture “Rules of self-organization of attention.”
Goal: to introduce teenagers to effective ways of self-organization of attention.
Rules for self-organization of attention:
1. Plan your time in advance so that nothing distracts you during class hours.
2. When starting work, first organize your workplace.
3. When starting classes, mobilize your will as much as possible, try to stop thinking about what occupied your thoughts before. The best way- previewing the task material, drawing up a plan for the upcoming work.
4. Sustainability of attention largely depends on how well you understand the material being studied (understanding is largely based on knowledge of previous sections of the program). Therefore, when starting to study a new topic, preview the previous section and flip through the notes. If for some reason you did not study this material at all (you were sick, fell asleep in class...), start by closing the existing gaps.
5. If excitement, anxiety about the upcoming exam, or extraneous thoughts prevent you from concentrating on the study material, then take notes. Due to its continuity, this process makes frequent and prolonged interruptions of attention impossible. Reading the material being studied out loud gives approximately the same effect. Once you have managed to focus your attention, you can read to yourself.
6. Read new material so that it is deeply comprehended. But at the same time, remember that an excessively slow pace contributes to frequent cessation of attention to foreign objects, and then it is more difficult to force yourself to get involved in work.
7. Try to alternate reading with thinking and retelling, solving problems, coming up with your own examples, as this prevents the occurrence of a mental state of monotony, in which stability of attention decreases. Changing academic subjects while doing homework also helps maintain stable attention. However, such a change should not be too frequent: this leads to unnecessary fuss and superficial perception educational material.
8. Control and suppress involuntary shifts of attention to foreign objects caused by both external stimuli (slamming doors, sounds of a car horn, voices, etc.) and internal stimuli (mental associations). Having realized that an involuntary switch of attention has occurred, try to direct it again in the right direction.
9. If, while reading, you suddenly realize that you have “disconnected” for some time, force yourself to immediately return to the place where the disconnection occurred. To continue reading without such returns would mean wasting time and engaging in self-deception. Mandatory returns will not only ensure the assimilation of perceived material, but will also contribute to an increase in general attention fatigue.
10. Do not forget about mental hygiene, normal lighting and temperature.
Discussion: What was familiar to you and you have already used in your practical activities, and what are you just going to use?
4. Methodology “Arrangement of numbers”.
Purpose: assessment of voluntary attention of adolescents.
Instructions: The presenter invites the teenagers to place numbers in ascending order in the cells of the bottom square of the form within two minutes, which are randomly located in the top square. Numbers must be arranged line by line. The average norm is the 22nd.

16 37 98 29 54
80 92 46 59 35
43 21 8 40 2
65 84 99 7 77
13 67 60 34 18

Discussion of test results.
5. Exercise “Writing”.
Goal: development of attention, group cohesion, relief of excitement.
Progress of the game:
Participants stand in a circle, holding hands. One of the participants sends a letter, saying the name of the recipient. The telegram is transmitted around the circle by imperceptible pressing of hands. The task of the driver, who stands in the center, is to notice the squeeze. The one who is noticed becomes the driver.
6. Exercise “Six”.
Goal: activation and training of attention and intelligence of adolescents.
Instructions: Each group member takes turns naming numbers in the natural series: one, two, three... It is prohibited to name numbers ending with the number 6 and multiples of 6 (for example, 6, 12, 16, etc.). If a player gets such a number, he must silently jump and clap his hands. The one who makes a mistake is eliminated from the game. The game continues until there are three remaining attentive players.
7. Game “Don’t repeat yourself!”
Goal: development of attentiveness, expansion of vocabulary.
Progress of the game:
The game takes place in a circle. Participants speak in a circle on the same topic, without repeating themselves. The topic can be anything: weather, description of an object, person and much more. Anyone who violates the ban or fails to speak out leaves the game. The one who spoke last wins.

8. Game “Two things at once.”
Goal: developing attention to several objects at once.
Progress of the game:
The participants of the game are divided into 2 teams. The presenter hangs a homemade lighthouse and sets it in motion. Behind the pendulum he shows 3 reproductions: one after the other. The participants' task is to count the number of oscillations of the pendulum and retell the content of the reproductions. Then three people from each team are asked how many times the pendulum swung. One from each team is asked to tell the contents of the shown reproductions. The team whose members gave the most correct and accurate answers wins.
Discussion. Which exercises did you like the most? What difficulties did you encounter while completing the task? What are you going to do to continue to develop your attention on your own?
9. Lesson reflection.

Lesson No. 10 “Self-organization”.
1. Exercise “Hello and compliment as a gift”
Goal: relieving tension, uniting the group, maintaining a friendly atmosphere.
Instructions: As soon as the music starts, you will move around the audience, approach each other, establish eye contact, say hello, give compliments, writing them down on a sheet of paper to the person to whom they are addressed. After completing the exercise, everyone reads out all the compliments given to him.
Issues for discussion:
Has your health changed? If yes, then how? Why do you think your mood changed?
2. Mini-lecture “How to organize your classes”
Goal: informing teenagers about effective ways to organize self-training.
The presenter provides teenagers with short information on how to properly organize the self-preparation process.
Lecture material:
Before you start doing your homework, you need to properly organize your workspace.

General rules workplace organization:
1. First of all, there should be nothing unnecessary in the workplace. Otherwise, you will have to waste time searching for the right thing.
2. It is also very important to ensure that the workplace is clean. The cleaner the workplace, the easier it is to work.
3. The workplace must be in order in accordance with the work ahead. So, the light source should be on the left. It’s better to keep everything you need on one side (usually the left), and move what you’ve made and used to the right.
4. Place objects or a picture on the table in yellow and purple tones, as these colors increase intellectual activity.
5. You should never take on work abruptly, forcefully, or right away. Start preparing little by little, in parts, while remaining calm. If it is very difficult to gather your strength and thoughts, try to start with the easiest thing first, and then move on to studying the difficult material.
6. Conditions for performance support
7. Alternate mental and physical work.
8. Be sure to take rest breaks: every hour for the last 10 minutes you should either lie down with the gas closed or sit with your eyes closed.
Discussion. How do you organize your work? Based on the above, how do you evaluate the organization of your classes, what are you going to change?
3. Kinesiological exercise
Goal: stimulation of cognitive abilities.
Instructions: With the thumb and forefinger of one hand, we forcefully squeeze the phalanx of each finger of the other hand, starting from the nail phalanx, first from the dorsal palmar, then in the interdigital plane. Then we change hands. Then, with the thumb of your right hand, press on the middle of your left palm. With noticeable pressure, we make circular movements from the center of the palm to the periphery, in a spiral with exit to the thumb. Then do the same with the other hand.
4. Relaxation “Flower”
Goal: self-regulation of psychological state.
Procedure: The presenter prepares calm music in advance and invites the teenagers to sit comfortably, relax and get ready to listen to the instructions with their eyes closed.
Instructions: “Imagine a flower pot with soil. There is a flower seed in your palm. You plant it in the ground and the flower begins to grow. Here the stem appears, it stretches out... Leaves... Bud... Finally, the bud opens, and you see your wonderful flower... Look at it carefully and note what feelings it evokes in you... You take the pot with the flower and take it to the place , about which no one knows except you. Say goodbye to your flower... It's time for you to return, but you can always come to it when you are sad. Your breathing becomes deep and energetic. You have rested and feel a surge of strength... Open your eyes, stretch... You have returned from your journey.”
Discussion: What is your mood, did you manage to relax? If not, what prevented it? What feelings and imaginative ideas arose during relaxation? Do you know other ways to relax? Why is it necessary to master various relaxation techniques?
5. Exercise: “A real high school student is...”
Each group receives a piece of paper on which various qualities and properties of a person are written. Among them there are qualities that are important for educational activities, and there are also neutral ones.
The task of each group is to mark on the list those qualities that a real high school student must have. All groups have the same lists, but they often choose different qualities. The work is carried out within 5 minutes. Each group then chooses one representative. He remains at the board, the rest sit down in their places. The groups' choices are compared.
Sheets with the selected qualities are attached to the center of a sheet of Whatman paper (future flower).
6. Discussion on the following issues:
Can you tell me why a person needs friends? Does he need many friends? What should a good friend (good girlfriend) be like? What do you do for your friend (girlfriend)? Is a good friend like a brother or sister? How is it different?
The presenter invites participants to write the endings of the sentences in their notebooks: “Frankly speaking, it’s still difficult for me...”;
“Frankly speaking, it is very important for me...”
Participants are then asked to read their answers out loud if they wish.
7. Exercise “Looking for a friend” (like-minded person)
The guys are invited to try to create an advertisement called “Looking for a friend.”
In it you need to tell a little about yourself, indicate your hobbies and favorite activities. The ad doesn't have to be big. You don’t have to sign your text or come up with a pseudonym.
The announcements are then collected and read out. Participants guess who the author of each advertisement is: if they guess, they additionally name the positive qualities of the author.
Those interested can place their advertisements on a stand in the psychologist’s office.

8. Analysis of the lesson (feedback).
Let's see how our lesson went. Choose two faces out of four, each of them is labeled: interesting or uninteresting; difficult or easy. Write down your version on an improvisational drawn briefcase on the board:

1. Correctional and developmental program “Me and We!”, Mashirova N.V.
2. Program “First time - in fifth grade!”, Mashirova N.V.
3. Program of correctional and developmental classes with students in grades 5-11 of a comprehensive school, Martynyuk E. V.
4. Correctional and developmental program “Little Fairy”, T. N. Lomakina
5. Games: education, training, leisure / ed. V.V. Petrusinsky, " New school", M., 1994.
6. Warm-up games and psychotechnics // Fundamentals of group training technology. Psychotechnicians - I.V. Vachkov. Tutorial. Publishing house "Axis-89", 2000
7. Smid R. Group work with children and adolescents. - Genesis, M., 1999.
8. Electronic manual. To help the school psychologist. Psychological work at school. Issue 2. - M.: Publishing house "Teacher", 2009.