How to put backgammon. Rules of the game in short backgammon! Short backgammon - the goal of the game

The chase board is similar to chess, only the action takes place from the inside, and not with exterior, as in chess. The field is divided into 24 holes, 12 with each side of the field. 30 checkers are used, 15 pieces of different colors for each of the two players, two Zara. Zare - ordinary dice (Cubes).

Collecting chips, beginning and goal

Backgammon are long. Each player sets all his checkers in the first hole of the right upper corner of the board. Its right part is called the yard whites, the left is the courtyard of black. The first one walks, whose zag will show more points when throwing. The second game begins the winner. The goal of the game is to translate all your checkers counterclockwise on the last quarter of the boards, the "house" (if for your chips to consider the first one where they cost) and then throw them away. Both cubes are thrown to make the stroke. If at least one of them fell on the edge of the board or flew out of its limits, the throw repeat. The amount of points of the points determines the number of wells on which one or two chips can be moved (which player itself solves).

Move of checkers in long backgammon

In the first move, one checker moves to the number of holes that will show the burdens. At one time with the "head" (the hole, in which they put in the beginning), you can take only one chip. An exception is made if the same number fell on cubes ("Kush", four strokes are allowed), then two chips can be removed. For example, if "Two" fell out, there are options:

Remove one chip from the head and go four times two wells;

Remove two, and go both two times two;

Remove two, one - one move by two divisions, the second three moves two divisions.

When on the field all checkers, with the "koshi" go four times, what chips and how, solve themselves. It is forbidden to put a checker in the Lunka, where it is already alien, you can put on the "head". If, for example, the first move was "Kushi" six, the only option is to remove two checkers and rearrange them into the seventh well, the next move hits the "head" of other people's chips.

The player needs not only as soon as possible to move its chips on the last field as soon as possible, but at the same time also to interfere with the opponent, occupying as much as possible the number of wells. Then the enemy will lose its moves and it will less options Movement. If, after throwing, there is nowhere to walk due to the fact that all possible for the fission move is occupied by other people's checkers, they skip con. Refuse to turn, even if it is not profitable, it is impossible.

Digging chips, end of the game

You can start throwing checkers only when they all be in the "house". Throw them down by the number of points dropped: it fell 6 and 4, checkers are removed with the sixth and fourth from the end of the field, the wells. If in the nests, the number of which fell, no chips, there is a move on this number (fell 1 and 2, when everyone stands on the sixth hole - there is a move on 1 and 2 divisions; 6 and 5 when everything is already on the first field - two are thrown ).

Does not happen, the one will defeat all the checkers. Your throw!

Backgammon - ancient oriental game. Scientists have not yet been determined by the birthplace of this passion. But even despite this, today there are a large number of people in the backgammon, receiving tremendous pleasure from this.

In antiquity, people also loved to play backgammon. Archaeologists were found a board, which, according to their assumptions, was made more than 3 thousand years ago.

In this eastern Game There are other names:

  • Backgammon.
  • Brand.
  • Shesh-Besh.
  • Kosha.

Backgammon greatly develop thinking and logic, help calm down and share. 2 people play the game.

Table: "Composition" of the game.

Rules of the game in backgalls step by step:

  • Initially worth putting playing chips. They are set up in the right side of the corner. The arrangement of chips is carried out in a row vertically.
  • Then 2 players throw burdens to determine the right of the first turn. The first one goes the player who had a large combination in the cubes.

For the first move from the vertical series, the checker is removed. According to the rules, this is called "remove from the head".

For gameplay Cubes are always used. They determine the number of moves. Since the playing bones in the game two, the player when throwing them receives two digits. This determines the number of its steps. The numbers are summed up and the player goes. According to the rules, one cell is one step.

But there is a second option: when two digits are dropped out, it is not necessary to summarize their components. You can go like two chips to the number of dropped playing bones.

Example: Dropped on one cube 4, and on the second 2.

Two options:

Summation: 4 + 2 \u003d 6 strokes with one chicken.
Separate steps: 2 steps with one chicken, 4 stroke the second.

  • Going checkers exclusively counterclockwise.
  • Starting on the game field The player is right only on an empty cell or on its color. It is prohibited on the opponent's color. You can stop on your chie, that is, put it on top. This action called "put on the head".
  • "To take off the head" the checker is allowed only once in one step. Example: on the playing bones drops 5 and 4. If this is the first move of the player, then the numbers are summed up and the 9th turns are obtained. In other cases, you can make 5 steps on the board with a chicken and 4 steps with a head, removed from the head.
  • If the bones fall out so that the player is forced to dwell on the cell of the enemy, then this move is skipped.
  • When dubbed (1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3, 4: 4, 5: 5, 6: 6), the player is awarded the right movement of his checkers 4 times on the resulting number of playing bones. That is, when dubbed 2: 2, the player can: make 4 strokes for 2 steps.
    Make 1 running for 4 steps.

Tactics and Strategy Games

Strategy in Tawla - Translate its own playing chips on the opponent's field.

Types of strategies:

  1. Speed \u200b\u200bgame. The goal is to quickly move the game items to the house.
  2. Holding game. Hold 2 checkered on one hole until you manage to knock the rival blot.
  3. Lock. The essence is the construction of a long wall of checkerels for blocking the transition of the enemy.
  4. Blitz strategy. The essence is a quick closure of the house.
  5. Beckheim. The essence is to build a hole with two checkers in the opponent's house.

Winning Tactics:

It is necessary to place 6 chips in the fourth quarter. This action is called "bring home". After last chip Planned in the fourth quarter, the checkers "drive out" by throwing playing bones:

  1. The eponymous chip dropped at the dawn of the number.
  2. The chip drives out, under the number that came in the process of folding numbers.

Important! The victory is assigned to the player, who has no gaming cheche on the board.


For victory in the game you need to resort to tricks or possess a unique mind and logic.

Tricks and secrets for winning YUKGEMMON:

  1. Help the opponent to lose. Provide it losing the closure of all the tops. For yourself, leave three checkers in every recess on the board. After the enemy starts opening the wells, they need to close them immediately.
  2. Do not allow the enemy to occupy three deepening near the base of the vertical series.
  3. Put the heads away from the sixth position.

Varieties Nard

Nights Nerrad:

  1. Long backgammon - classic.
  2. Short backgammon.

The differences between them are concluded in some rules:

  1. The lack of broken chaseckers in long nards.
  2. If the short backgammon is put on the rival's checker, it beats.

Note! There is an abundance of games on short and long boards.

Table: Game varieties.

Name Description and Rules
American Playing white chips:

Two in the first hole.
Two in the second hole.
Two to the third hole.
The rest are put on board the boards.

Sealing black checkers:

Two in the ninth hole.
Five in the tenth hole.
Three in the eleventh hole.
Five in the twelfth well.

Rules are unchanged. Home Goal - Move all game subjects On the opponent's field and drive your checkers.

Dutch thrillfather All chips need to be introduced into the game from the side.
Unit-two The advantage of this game is the lack of arrangement of checkers on the board.

After selecting the right of the course, they are taken from the board to carry out the stroke.

Keils. Keils is very popular in England. This game Develops human mathematical abilities.

It was developed by a mathematician named Henry Deaden.


Eleven puts in a vertical row.
One put separately.

When making a step, one checker is taken, located next to the side.

Cuba Cubo is a kind of backgammon. Her main feature It is that instead of chasers, players use coins.

27 coins folded in nine columns, each by 3 coins.
The move begins with removing the coin from any column.
Winning is awarded to the player who climbed the last coin.

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Backgammon (sometimes refer to the French manner - Trick-Tric) - one of the oldest board games. According to its rules, it is close to Seneet - the very first of the well-known board games in the world, invented by the ancient Egyptians - and popular games Type "Who will come to the finish." Unlike chess or checkers, in the backgammon, success for the most part depends on the case.

Short backgammon is one of the varieties of this game, which is primarily aligned. Actually, this was determined by the name of the species: the original location in the short nardians is as if the game continues for a long time.

Initial arrangement

Each participant has fifteen chips. The triangular fields are numbered from the first to 24th, starting with the first triangle of the player's house (groups of fields in which you need to smuggle all the chips before removing them from the game). At the same time, for each participant, the numbering is individual, because at home are located in opposite ends.

Here is the initial location of the "gaming material": each of the players of two chips is located in 24 triangles (the furthest), five - in thirteenth, three stand in the eighth and five - in the sixth. In "ordinary" (more familiar to us), a similar situation (conditionally, it is most often not so symmetrical) is only for the middle of the party.

Each player has its own pair of playing bones, as well as its own glass in which the bones are mixed before throwing. In practice, of course, glasses are not always used.

The meaning of the game is the same as in ordinary backgamps: rearrange all your checkers in your own home and remove them from the game. The one who will make it first wins. It is clear that it is impossible to play in this game, although in practice such "unofficial" rules are sometimes introduced - a draw is declared if the second player removed all his chips for one way later than the first.

Who should walk first

To determine who will be honored to honor the first move, playing throwing one bone. The first one walks, who the figure on the upper face was more. With equivalent numbers on cubes, they are thrown again - as long as they are not different.

Movement of chips

The bones thrown as a lot at the same time determine the movement of the first chip. It moves on the number of items (they are also referred to as a funny word "pips"), equal to the amount of numbers on both cubes. Movement is made towards the house. You can move any of your chip, but in the event that the end point of the stroke is open - that is, there is no enemy chip there.

After the first moves, playing in turn throw out two bones and make moves. If, let's say, the numbers 5 and 2 fell out, then one chip can be like to seven points immediately, but only with the condition, if the fifth or second items relative to the beginning of the course are open. You can, in addition, the first trick is to be like 5 fields, and the second is 2.

If the bones were the same numbers, then this is called "double" (often use the Turkic term "Gosha"). At the same time, the playing should be four times on the same number of fields specified on each cube.

If the move is generally impossible to do, the player, naturally, misses it. However, if you have the opportunity to walk, then the move must be performed, even if it is unprofitable to playing.

How to beat the opponent's chip

This feature distinguishes short backgammon from ordinary. If the opponent's chip is located on the last stroke, but only one, the player can take this triangle, and the opponent's chip is put on the "bar" (prison analogue). Such a move is called "Blot". When any chips fall into the bar, the player must "charge them" with their next move, that is, put in the rival house on those fields whose numbers are indicated on the collapses. While all the chips are not exhibited, it is impossible to produce ordinary moves. During the placement, the player can also beat the opponent's chip.

You can remove chips only when all of them gathered in the house - the last group of six points. Chip emission rules are most conveniently illustrated on a specific example.

Suppose one remaining chip stands on the fifth field. If one of the bones is one of the numbers - five, then this chip can be thrown out. If one of the numbers is six, then the chip can also be thrown out. If the total amount of numbers is less than five, then the chip need to make a simple move. If during the course of this trick broke the opponent's chip, then during the same course it is impossible to throw out this chip; However, this rule is often ignored, especially in the "prison" species of the game.

At the stage of throwing chips, a situation can be created when one or more chips will be broken. In this case, they are usually exhibited in the initial position (in the house of the opponent), bring to their home and only after that throwing out.

Game options

Backgammon - classic and short - have, besides basic, other varieties that differ in some additional rules. Other of them are amazing. For example, in the standard Caucasian backgammon, it is prohibited in one move to beat the enemy's chip and hide, that is, get up on the field where other different chips are already available.

Short backgammon - the game is exclusively European, its rules have been developed not so long ago - in the XVIII century. At that time, the Eastern novelty attracted mass attention in the European world, but there it was decided to streamline a little and rationalize. More logic and thinking were added to the game and the moments that seemed unnecessary and only tightening the process were added.

Classic "Eastern" backgammon - the game is very and very ancient. The ancient board for her even found in the tomb of Tutankhamon. Especially loved to play her ancient Persians. Thus, backgammon is much ancient chess.

Like Egyptian Senenet (it was mentioned above), backgammon in the countries of the Ancient East ended mystical meaning. So, the chips depicted the stars, and the fields at each half of the field symbolized months of the year (after all, they were twelve from each half). According to Nardam, they even tried to predict the future. In Persia, playing this game was allowed only to the highest class of people - scientists, philosophers, astrologers, rulers. Even hitting the antique Rome, the backs of their status have retained their status - only rulers constantly played in them, and on certain days it was allowed to play less influential ourselves.

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Backgammon (brand, trik-truck) is perhaps the oldest board game in human history. Games with boards and playing bones, judging by the archaeological excavations, were known to the Sumerians and the ancient Egyptians. A board game with very similar rules was already known in ancient Rome. In the current form, the game appeared in medieval Persia. Since the XII century, there are also in the backswestern Europe.

In this article we will talk about the rules of the game of backgammon for beginners (step by step).


The game is held on a special chalkboard with checkers. Two rivals play two sets of checkers (white and black). The goal of the game is to spend all your checkers around the board as soon as possible around the board, as well as make it difficult to promote the opponent's checkers. Won the one who first managed to bring checkers from the field. The number of moves depends on the bone throw: thus, when playing in the backgammon, the luck plays a major role. At the same time, for the successful completion of the party, the player should work head and competently apply the strategy.

There are two varieties of the game with different rules: long and short backgammon. Long backgammon is a classic version of the game, known in the East and in Russia. Short backgammon is a European, reformed version of the game created by the Englishman Edmond Hyl in the XVIII century. IN lately Short backgammon received distribution in our country, but did not push long backgammon.

We will describe the rules of the game in both of its versions.

Cubes, board and checkers

Inventory is simple: a blackboard with twenty-four holes, two cubes and thirty checkers (fifteen white and as many black).

The playing field is the inner side of the board (as opposed to chess and checkers). The board is divided into two halves (this separation is called "bar").

In short backgamps, the arrangement in front of the party occurs as follows. Opponents sit down opposite each other from different sides of the board. Each player builds checkers of his color in the right top well of the game board. In fact, your checkers will be built in a row on the right side of the board, checkers of the enemy - on the contrary. The initial location of the checkers is called "head".

The color of the checkers does not define the priority of the stroke (this question is solved by throwing bones)

During the game, you will need to spend your checkers through the wells (fields) at the top and bottom edges of the board. The right upper hole at the start is already busy with your checkers, the left left - is busy with enemy checkers. Rivals lead their checkers around the board counterclockwise. Your task is to hold them first through the holes of the far edge of the board, and then through the holes of her neighbor in the right near-quarter quarter, which is called your "home". After that, you can start withdrawing from the board of your checkers. Your opponent performs the same task - his "house" is (from your point of view) on the far left edge of the field.

Backgammon: Rules of the game for beginners with pictures:

The winner is the one who managed to first bring all her checkers from the game.

The third mandatory element of the inventory is two cubes (playing bones). In the backgammon they have a special name - burdens. Before each move, the player throws both bones. From the amount of possible points it depends on what actions will be able to make a player.

Rules of the game in long (ordinary, classic) backgammon

At the beginning of the game, all checkers of opponents are set up described in the previous section, in the "head". Then by throwing cubes, players determine who owns the first move.

Before making a move, the player again throws two bones to determine how much steps it can move the checker forward. For example, the dropped numbers 3 and 2 allow it to remove the checker "from the head" and promote it into three holes and another two ahead. The next move does the enemy, then the players continue to walk in turn.

Removing "from the head" of checkers, players can move only one checker for their turn. But there is an exception: in the rules of the game in the backgammon there is a double. If the bone drops with the first throw of the bones: 3 and 3, 4 and 4, 6 and 6, you can walk with two checkers (for example, when you throw 3 and 3 to promote both the other for three cells).

  • go to one checker twice in one course (for example, if 2 fell on one cube and 3 on the other - go to one checker for three steps and right there - two)
  • go away with two checkers (when you throw bones 2 and 3 to move one checker for 2 steps, another - by 3 steps).

This is a very important point: the player can choose which option is more appropriate, and proceed by circumstances.

If one's own checker is already standing in the hole, put its checkers there (in any quantity) - you can.

If the head of the enemy is already standing in the hole, it is impossible to put his checker there.

It is impossible to go to an arbitrary number of steps.

Walking back it is impossible.

Skip down, if there is any opportunity to go, it is impossible. According to the rules, it is necessary to make a move in your turn, even if this action worsen your position. You can skip the move only in the case when the rules do not leave the opportunity to go.

Backgammon game, photo:

If a double fell (the same throw of two bones), then the total number of steps doubled. For example, when throwing 4: 4, the player does not go to 8 holes forward, but at once on 16 (one checker on 16 holes or two checkers on 8).

During the party, it is preferably not only as soon as possible to bring all the checkers to your "house", but also put sticks in the wheel enemy. After putting six cells in a row, you create a "impassable barrier", through which the enemy does not break through. We remember that walking onto the well, the enemy's neck, it is impossible, and, let's say, when you throw bones on 5 and 4, it is impossible to immediately go to nine points forward, and you can only 4, and then immediately 5 steps (or first at 5 , and then on 4). Thus, jump over the "bridge" from six pile of the enemy will not work.

With regard to the construction of "Bridges" there is a limit. You can build a bridge only if there is at least one checker of the enemy in front of this departure.

When all the checkers are already in the "house", the player will start shooting them from the board to completely complete the party. While at least one checker stays on the board, your party is not completed. It is done too by throwing cubes. So, when throwing 1 and 3, it is removed on one checker from those that stand in the first and third hole on the right. If all the checkers are already removed from this field, the checker is removed from the older position. At the same time, checkers can not only be removed, but also to move in the "house."

It is believed that there are no draws in the backgammon. However B. last years One exception has appeared. If one of the opponents already removed all the checkers from the field, you need to give another one move. If, for this move, he will also have time to remove all checkers, it is believed that a draw came.

The end of one party is not the end of the match. Opponents can spend several points on glasses. It is important that there are two types of victories in long nurses. A more complete victory is called "Mars" (one enemy has already completed the game, and the other has not had time to introduce all its checkers in the "house"). The loser "Mars" loses the double number of points.

Rules of the game in long backgammon: video

Rules game in short backgammon

Between two varieties of the game a lot in common. The same board, the same amount of checkers. So we will tell only about specific features Short backgammon.

The rules of the game in short (fast) backgammon are such that the enemy's checkers move towards each other (white and black house are opposite each other). Therefore, the game is more like a battle than running around.

The rules are allowed and prescribed to shoot down from the board the enemy's checker. As we remember, in long (classic) backgambles, you can not put your checker in the hole, if there is already someone else's checker. In short nurses, the rules are different - if only one checker is in the hole (this is called "blot"), the enemy can throw it away, putting his place for this. But if in one hole more than two checkers nor take them, nor dwell on this field - it is impossible. Downed checkers fold on the "bar" (the trait that divides the field in half). The opponent of the Inex falls into a unprofitable position: the next move is prescribed to return his checker into the game. To enter her in the case falls in the "house" of the enemy, that is, at the maximum distance from the goal - its own "house". Which hole to put it, determines the throw of the bones. So, if the bones are shown 3 and 5, then you can choose from put a checker to the third or on the fifth well. If it is impossible to make such moves technically (the wells are occupied by two and more enemy's checkers), you will have to miss the move and try our luck next time.

"To beat" the enemy's checkers is to slow down its promotion to the finish line and, therefore, increase your own chances of winning. For this reason, it is quite dangerous to occupy a consolidated field (Lunka).

You can win in short nurses in different ways. A more complete victory is called "Mars" (if the loser did not have time to remove any checkers from the field). An even more complete victory is called "Coke" (if the loser failed to remove any checkers and, in addition, at least one of his checker stayed at the bar or in the "house" of the enemy). Mars gives a double number of points, "Coke" gives a triple amount of points.

Rules of the game in short backgammon: video tutorial

Rules of the game

Evaluation of users 5 out of 5 (only 10 votes)

The rules of the game in short backgammon may seem confusing, but they do not cause any difficulties after several training parties. Therefore, probably, many of the gamers of board games are divided with their results of the game, preferring to spend their leisurely moving the chips on the placed board.

The essence of the game in short backgammon

Two people take part in the game. Player's task - Translate all your checkers through the entire game field in a circle and bring them out of its limits.

It would seem that it is impossible to come up with it easier. But even such elementary gamelike backgammon hides a lot interesting moments. It is not easy for each participant. The end result of the game depends not only on the random issue of the bones of the values \u200b\u200bfor subsequent moves.

How to play backgammon short?

In short backgammon playing on a blackboard with twenty-four cells, called items. Points are combined into four groups of six cells in each. These groups are called - house, courtyard, enemy house, enemy yard. The house and the yard are divided among themselves, which stands over gaming field and called bar.

The result of the game

Short backgammon differ from other games on the board in that they do not provide a draw. Always clearly defined the winner and the loser.

The party in the backgammon wins the one who first reaches the finish line, namely, it dismisses all their figures outside the gambling field. If one player is a winner, then the second is automatically considered to be a loser, even if the difference as a result of only one next move.

In backgammon online, you can play every time with a new partner, you can also participate in the so-called online tournaments. The result of the competition is determined by the generalized result for all the played parties in the backgammon.

All the results of the games played for each player are entered automatically into the electronic consolidated table. The winner in the online tournament is the one who is at the end of the table gains a greater number of victories. The loser is the one who is gaining a smaller number of victories.

The Rules of Caucasian Narrad there is a difference from the rules in the usual short backgamns:

In the Caucasian backgammon in their house you can not kill the enemy's checker and hide. In other words, a checker who beat the head of the enemy can not move the same move so that she stood on another checker and was twin, that is, out of reach for impact. Kill and cover the tipped checker other - you can. Kill and move further on a free field, but not hiding - you can. Kill and throw off (if there is no other stroke) - you can.

Symbols remained:


Rating: 5 out of 5

Rules of the game

Extremely interesting game. It is short backgammon.


Rating: 5 out of 5

Rules of the game

not bad, not bad

Rating: 5 out of 5

Rules of the game

Rating: 5 out of 5

Rules of the game

It is good that you have rules with pictures. Otherwise, how to play.

Rating: 5 out of 5

Rules of the game

Short backgamps are very different from long. In fact, this is a completely different type of game on the same board and the same checkers.

Rating: 5 out of 5

Rules of the game