Passage Stalker Lost Alpha DC. Stalker Lost Alpha Passage. Codes for opening safes in the game

Cordon game accession.
Beginning of the game LOST ALPHA As in original version Games Stalker Tch, takes place on the location of the Cordon, where the main character wakes up in one of the rooms located in the bunker of the Sidorovich family. Rising up the top we have a dialogue with a merchant, who gives us the first task. The task is not very difficult to find the artifact, it will not be difficult to find it, coming out of the bunker, take the left at the same time looking at the mini-card where the label of its location is indicated. Look more carefully so in the grass it is badly visible, the signals of the detector to help you. After you find the artifact, Sidorovich will give a few more simple tasks, after the execution of which you need to move toward the landfill.

The area is an abandoned dump.
After hitting the landfill, by analogy with the original TC, we respond to the call of the demon and help to defend an attack, then do not forget to help the stalker name for the nickname. After helping all those who need to follow the hangar to meet with gray. From a conversation with a gray, the main character understands that his path is nor somewhere and on the Agroprom.

Terrain Agroprom.
After the transition to the Agropro, by analogy with the original game without a delay, we put forward the help of the stalker with a nickname. After his salvation, Mole, as a sign of gratitude, tells us about the existence of a cache arrow and describes in detail the location of his notes. Go down and start looking for, after you find asylum and notes, go to search for a cache, which will be located in one of the transitions between corridors. This place you will learn about the hospital skating chambers there. On this, our mission in the dungeon is fulfilled, after which we find the way upstairs and choose.

After you find yourself on the surface and make the first sip of fresh air, the pda will be sent a message asking for help. The sender of which will be some rats. You can find this character in the trailer located on the swamp. After a conversation with the rats, it turns out that he needs to get a certain case with documents, you kindly agree and go to the research institute where the cherished case with documents inside will wait for the third floor. These documents you will need to deliver a bartender who is located on location bar.

Terrain bar.
To get to the bar, you must move on the road until you dare to the barrier, after passing which it is worth turning left and continue moving directly on the road. Moving the unit post fell to the bartender and giving him the documents found on the agro line Moving to Comrade Petrenko, which can be found in the bar.

Dark valley terrain.
The first thing to be done after moving to the location is to go to the farm in one of them stalker named the demon. From the conversation with which it becomes clear that you need to get to the factory which is the base of the gangsters. After the demon will present its plan, we break to its implementation. The first to find the entrance to the factory - it is located in the lips in the waters behind the factory. Poltergeisti is constantly graze in this place. There you will find three corpses of the gangsters from one of which you need to take a suit and dress it.

Dressing into a gangster suit, you can safely go to the Borov base. Going to the territory you need to find one of the hangars in which there will be an overpack, close to which you will find a drunken gangster and in conversation he will tell you a password for passing inside the factory. After hitting the inside, the location of the buildings is much changed, our goal is the workshop with the machines in which we find a stalker named Vadik. From the conversation with him we learn about the location of the documents, they are located on the second floor of one of the administrative buildings.

Further, the fun begins which we will arrange the military who will shoot all that will be moving, may fall and the chief hero will come. Therefore, it is necessary to rise to the top as soon as possible. Selling on fresh air Next to the building we find one of the wonders of the domestic auto industry called Niva and Davim as much as possible on gas.

It is necessary to move towards the gate that the original was the transition to Cordon. Our walk will complicate the helicopters pursuing us, but not paying attention to them and not releasing the leg with the gas pedals crossed the border of the locations and continue the movement already in the dark dell.

The area is dark hollow.
Once on the location under the squall of the bullets, we continue to move towards the railway tunnel. Moving through the tunnel until the left wall you will see a spill. Passing through it you will get into place called mines. We go straight until the stop, then turning the left lose consciousness from the head of the head. Waking up you will see the chapter of grouping sin. The leader's name is Veles, after a cute conversation you receive a new task from him to search for documents on the basis of Borov. I take the surface to the surface take the direction to the Borov base. Hiking or on the car here to solve you.

The terrain base Borov.
On the basis of Borov without surprises, it will not be no me too. The head of the gangsters will offer you to play in Gadayku, where the price of the loss can be your life. The correct answer under the number 4. Next, receive a cipher from the safe and take the documents. As soon as the documents are in your hands, the gangsters become enemies, and you will have a lot of shooting to get out of the base. At the shooting, all moving your supplies will tell you that it is time to go down to the next laboratory again, this time X-18.

Laboratory area X-18.
To enter it, we will be able to descend before at the basement of one of the admin. Buildings, pre-entering the code obtained from Petrenko in the message. The code from the door is 5271. Going to the laboratory search the guard room, there will be first documents in the table. There you will see the computer for which you need a hacking code that appears later. Therefore, go further.

Coming out of the room, turn left and move right in the direction of the door, then we go down where we see the table, over which there is a document number 2. Take the documents we go along the way we find and kill the Burera, whose hand I asked to bring Petrenko. Next, we go to the room with elevators make your way to the right mine and begin to climb it until it does not reach the open door, through which you can get into secret room.

In this room we find the corpse lying at one of the installations. We take the PDA from the corpse, in which it will be code 9231 from a computer that will find nearby on the table. On the table there will also be the cherished documents number 3. All of us remains to find two more documents. Document number 4 is in the room above that where you found the burerra, you can get into it through a break in the floor. Document No. 5 will find in the basement in one of the rooms, look for the table they are on it.

Next, we go to Velez to pass performed tasks. As soon as he returns you a weapon, we go to Comrade Petrenko. After the appearance at the bar, there will be a certain stalker from the grouping sin at the entrance, as a result of which Petrenko and Barman cease to communicate with us. To solve this problem, we go to the sprout to perform the task of the veles. In order to make it us, we need to get to the plant sprout. When entering the location, you immediately get a task, the goal will be a meeting with the group's debt leader.

Terrain Rostock.
After meeting with the leader of the debt, we get another task to destroy the surviving mutants. To do this, we go to the tunnel and taking one of the ecologists an old gas mask put forward to the plant. At the plant, our goal is to search for 3 pda and killing 4 bloodsuckers. The first two days can be found at the construction site. To search for the third, you need a gas mask received from the ecologists, so near the building and indoors of the administrative building where the passage will be a poisonous gas. Search for pda is needed on the second floor.

One bloodstream will meet you almost at the entrance to the plant. The rest will wait next to those places where you will find PDA. All tasks are completed, we go to report to the leader of the debt, which will inform you that the key from the laboratory must be taken from Petrenko. We move to the bar.

Terrain bar.
After arrival in the bar, we go directly to Petrenko, then to the bartender. Returning back to Petrenkoy gives the key and code 4526 to enter the Laboratory x-14.

Terrain Rostock.
Once again on the plant go to the transition to the secret laboratory, the mark on the map will be. We fall into the corridor very similar to the one that was in the sarcophage. Moving along the corridor we find the code door, enter the code pass. We find passing through the right corridor the second door, open the same code. Once in the laboratory on the table we will see the documents and PDAs that you need to bring Veles. In the same room, we see a passage in the wall and the door, open it (it opens without code), come in and kill blood blood, about which we learned from the conversation with Petrenko. After the assay with it, the task can be considered performed. Next, we move to the mine to Velez report on the execution.

The locality of Veles.
Veles will report. What the secret traders from the dead city will come to contact the main hero. In the meantime, you choose from the mines you will come a message from Professor Sakharov in which it is reported that he has it to you. And if you go on Amber to Professor.

Amber terrain.
From Sakharov we get a task to find documents that are in the hands of mercenaries, which are stationed in the dead city. Take the task and arriving in the city, go to school. We pass freely to the leader of mercenaries, but when talking with him, he recognizes the shooter and the protagonist turns into a prisoner, while losing the whole scarb and weapons. In sharpening we meet with a marsh doctor who reports GG that its PDA is faulty. The liberators of two friends, as the military becomes not strange. After the release, we go straight along the corridor and opening the safe take your things. Next, we return to Sakharov.

After words of gratitude, the professor reports that he can restore the PDA, but for this it needs the details. The first thing is needed by new wires, let them go to the laboratory and in one of the rooms on the shelving we find wires. The second that you need are fees that, according to Sakharov, we can get a marsh doctor. And this means you need to run on big swamps.

The terrain of big swamps.
Once you appear on the swamps, get ready for a meeting with military helicopters that will fire you. Spicy in the thickets of the root and pasting when the military will fly away, go to the doctor. After talking to him, it turns out that the protagonist is the arrows and in connection with this we need to find the ghost. You can find it on the location of army warehouses.

The terrain of army warehouses.
Ghosts Search go to the village, where bloodsicles lived, namely to the eastern part of it. There will be a bunker in which there will be a ghost. The ghost will ask to pick up artifact stolen mercenaries. We go to the village where in the original we met a skull dolly. Crawing with mercenaries it turns out that it was another squad and they have no art. We go to the meeting with the accompanying, along with which on the way I get under the emission and he dies. Reaching the tunnel to the dated tunnel and destroy mercenary. Searching it to find the very artifact. We carry to the ghost, he sends us to Sakharov for amber.

Amber terrain.
Giving the professor the necessary fees and artifact, we wait for it when it repairs our PDA. Meanwhile, you can chat with Circular. We take the PDA and from the message that came immediately, find out that we need to urgently arrive at Petrenko.

Terrain bar.
In the bar are going martialctions. We find Petrenko and carry out a task to destroy helicopters. We climb on the roof of the building where the Arena was located, we find a killed fighter with a grenade launcher and knock on two helicopters. We return to Petrenko and find out that we need to go after Voronin and Bartender in the surroundings of Pripyati.

The locality of Pripyat.
In the basement of the department store we find the newly created bar. You will not be able to get into it as the door to it will be closed. In order to get inside speak with nearby Lilk. Going inside we go and speak with a bartender. Barman sends to Voronin, and he, in turn, to Ivantov. Ivantsova We are looking for a vegetable store basement. Ivans explains the arrow that it is necessary to turn off the installation in the Laboratory X-16 and on the radar. But before performing the task, you need to take a tuned psi-helmet from Sakharov. We go for amber.

Amber terrain.
However, not everything is so simple, Professor informs us that he does not have a helmet. He was transferred to the laboratory located at the cement plant. Next, the proposal should take a non-tuned helmet to protect yourself from strong radiation when crossing the territory of the radar.

Terrain cement plant.
After passing the radar, we find ourselves in a certain village. Immediately at the transition to the left you will see the car, sit down in it and rush along the road in the direction of the tunnel with the transition, before the start of the emission. The release overtakes the GH in the transition, after that you will find yourself in the bunker of the scientists of the cement plant. From the conversation with scientists, we learn that the tuned helmet is from a group of scientists who are at the moment measurements. Due to the loss of communication with the group, we will be asked to go to search for the group. Moving a label that will lead us to the village, on the old dam. Moving towards the dam, approaching her descending the stairs and see the door under the pipe, we enter the bunker. We find that there is no one there, then we get from the unknown named Hermita message. Go to it in old church, We rise to the second floor and find out that traces of scientists lead to the Laboratory X-19. We go to it and there we find the corpse of one of the scientists and picking up the killed helmet go to the Laboratory X-16.

Terrain Laboratory X-16.
After entering the laboratory, the main character dwells in some kind of forgetting, the military, scholars walk in front of him, in other words we arrive in a dream. Next, it is necessary to talk to all scientists below and rising to the top of the main console we see two talking scientists. After some time, the task is activated on the inclusion of 1.2 and 3 control panels. After their inclusion, we turn on the main console. After its inclusion, the main character wakes up and the timer turns on. Further actions will be held by analogy with the original version of the GAME game. Disconnect all the consoles, jump in the break in the floor, we fall into the tunnel and go to the surface. After entering the surface from the sent message, we find out that you need to move on a radar to meet with hermit.

Radar locality.
After arriving at the radar, we look at the mark on the map, where the location of the hermit is marked. One of the trailers you will see something mean between man and a break. When talking, it turns out that this is one of the workers of the Laboratory X-10. Talking to him learn that the key is needed to enter X-10. It will give us the key only after we bring its equipment hidden on the radar. We get a task to search for a hermit cache. The path is not close to use the car. We give things found in the cache, in return, he calls us code 218 from the safe. Moving among the radioactive pouch with the garbage we find the former house of hermit, open the safe and take the documents on the bunker. Next, we go to X-10.

Terrain Laboratory X-10
When entering the laboratory, we immediately get two tasks. Disable Castle # 1 and 2. Move the left by the corridor until you see a transparent greenish image of the scientist. Come to him and climb the stairs, after which you will get into the room where the installation of the first lock will be installed. We return and come back in one of the corridors on two bures, we kill them and pass further by holding the right to see the corpse of the scientist next to which PDa lies. We select it and remember the code. He is useful to us later. Next to the room with huge vertical installations you will see a metal staircase, climbing it will stand the remote control of the second lock. After turning off the locks, our goal turn off the PC is returned and find two arcing transparent scientists, next to them will be the door. I go into it by first introducing the code that was recorded in the PDA of the killed scientist 3823. Going to the premises to see another corpse of a scientist next to him PDA. We select PDA and turn off the switches on two main consoles. After disconnection, we return to the door to the outlet of the lava, but it turns out to be closed. Next will open the door, the timer will turn on and you will need to destroy the fiery poltergeist at that moment. In the time set time, we need to leave X-10. Next, in the surroundings of Pripyat to a meeting with Voronin.

The locality of Pripyat.
Again we go to the warehouses, then in mg, then on the radar and turn in the neighborhood of Pripyat (Chernobl town). We go to the bar, speak with the bartender, then we go to Voronin. Voronin complains that the old, military development was tortured - the earthquake machine and it must be turned off. Walk to turn off the car. The car in the bunker under the old dam, the laboratory X7. After the transition, we immediately go straight, you will go a green hologram for us, it is not necessary to shoot it, in front of the first ladder we turn to the corridor to the left. We pass straight to the wall and turn to the right, we go again without turning anywhere through the door and turn again to the right. We go again everything along the corridor and redeem on the ladder, the poster "Caution, a low ceiling" hangs over it, rising through it, turn left and again the lasy up, climb on it and then go down. We again in the corridor, turn right and go to the first turn to the left. Without reaching the wall, turn to the door to the right, go straight and again the staircase with a poster "Caution Low Ceiling" rose, turn the right on the ladder, again on the ladder and here we are indoors where this earthquake is worth it. It resembles a fitting with a brain, as in the underground laboratory on amber.

Turn off it and go back. In one of the corridors, the ghost will meet in a dark rainfall with a hood and the front will be a fiery strip, it is impossible to cross it, it is necessary to just stand and wait, the ghost will disappear and the band too. Go to Voronin. Voronin is delighted, thanks and says that someone left a note for us. We go to the meeting, it turns out the conductor. He says it is necessary to go to the fang. We go to the warehouses and talk to the fang. He refers to Pripyat will meet with a ghost in the hotel. We must go to Pripyat. Before the transition from the warehouses, the radar comes a message from the ghost that a direct passage is blocked by the military and it is necessary to go through the dungeons of Pripyat. Transition to the dungeon on the radar.

The terrain of the dungeon of Pripyat.
After the transition, we fell into the hospital from clean sky. We meet with the conductor. He escorts us before entering the dungeon and then we go. We fall into the tunnel, we go and on the left we see a long staircase. Raised it, at the top there is some kind of habar, we go directly and turn to the left. We get into the room where in the floor of the hole, and in the aisle there is a KAMAZ. We jump into the one opposite Kamaz. We go straight, see the BTR and on it the staircase, climb the stairs and go through the tunnel behind Kamaz. We see a semi-dressed tunnel with crowded pipes and under the pipes there is a stalker corpse, another one on the pipe. We jump on this pipe, then we move to the flooring and in a small cave there is a corpse, and about him documents. We take these documents and there we find some kind of code (4134) until we know where he and just remember it.

We continue to move along this tunnel. Turn to the right, there I can see the body of the dump truck, turn again to the right. On the second metal column we climb higher. We go to the end of the room, we turn right on the right and see a hole in the floor with a staircase. We go down and go through the tunnel before the rolled, turn on the left in the side tunnel. We go on it, we turn to the right tunnel on the fork, and we get to the hole in the floor. On the left there is a staircase, descend on it. We go further on the tunnel, on the way again a hole with a staircase, descend below. We go further and rest in the encoded door. A message comes that you need to find documents with the code. And we already picked up some documents with the code. We use this code and fall into the standard dungeon of Pripyat from Zov Pripyat. We go to the main hall. We immediately go to the dispatching and climb to the very top, in the original zp there was a control panel, we go to the balcony and go on the balcony, we find a staircase and go to another balcony, again we go and again we find the staircase on the top balcony, we get on it and go In the opposite direction to the room and there will be a transition to Pripyat.

The locality is prong.
After the transition immediately comes a message about the help of the military fought off the monolithpetes. We go and shoot several monolithpers. A message comes that you need to meet with Vasilyev. We go to the meeting, Vasilyev at school on the second floor. He thanks us and asks to help ecologists to carry out measurements. We go to ecologists. Ecologists on the second floor of kindergarte. The main ecologist asks to accompany his colleague to the bus station, protect him and help in carrying out measurements. At the bus station itself there is a burer, it is necessary to destroy it immediately on the coming on the second floor, there are two zombies on the second floor on the rear staircase, they also need to destroy them, otherwise they kill the botan and the task fails. After that, approach the scientist and help him conduct a measurement. The task is counted and we are fun running along with scientists in the kindergarten to the main environmentalist. The main ecologist is shaking in front of us and gives an orange suit and an elite detector. A message comes that you need to meet with the ghost in the hotel. We go to the hotel, find the room and speak with the ghost. We get a task to go to nuclear power plants. Transition to NPPs in the same place, behind the stadium. You can go through the stadium, but there is a sniper sit, and you can get a stadium to the right, there are a couple of sausages. We go through the transition to nuclear power plants.

When entering, we get a task to talk with the commander of the raid detachment. We help them first destroy the BTR beyond the gates, then destroy the ambush of the monolithpes, I will destroy the grenaderators, we speak with the commander, he asks to still destroy the mutants, there will be 2 waves of mutants and then zombies will appear, they shoot everything, they say with the commander, he leads us to the captain.
We approach the captain Makarov, he says something there, then begins to talk to us. It offers to sit in the BTR and conduct intelligence for the presence of monolithpers in the NPP. We are going along the road while Kerosin does not end, we return back, Makarov fights, shoot all the monolithians and then we speak with Makarov, he informs that the entrance to the sarcophagus where we shot monolith. We go to the sarcophagus (door code 4237).

The terrain of sarcophagus.
In the sarcophague we go the corridor and rest in the door, open and go into the room. We go to the computer on the table and try to open it, nothing happens - no power supply. A task appeared to find the battery. We go to the opposite door from the entrance. We go on the corridor again, climb the stairs, everything is the same as in the original sarcophage, we go to the premises of the destroyed reactor, how to go to the monolith, and there will be a case under a piece of metal. We take a battery from it, the task appears to feed backup power. We go back to the room with a computer. At the entrance, we look at the cinema and pass to the control panel, it is marked in PDA, and from it from the bottom of the smoke. We approach and press the Use key, I have it e, a task appears to take codes from the main generator. We go to the computer, open it and download the text file, the lowest. We get the task to get to the generators.

Terrain generators.
When entering the generators, we immediately see the ghost, we speak with him and run behind it through the generators. As soon as the generators, the ghost will speak again with us and we will get the task of finding a secret tunnel, go through the territory of the base and destroy all the military there. After that, we celebrate the ghost and go to the entrance X2, in the original it is Warb. Ghost opens the door and we go down.

Laboratory area x2.
The laboratory resembles X18, but here a little different. After the login we are waiting when the door to the staircase opens. We go to the next level, we find the control panel of the emergency generator, it does not turn on, the generator is to fill. We find fuel and approach the installation. When you hover the cursor to the pipe appears the inscription, click the "Run" button further turn on the generator. The task appears to disable blocking. Go down even lower, the right door will be right, we go to the left. We find the remote and turn off the lock. Now we need to get special, privileged, access. We find the computer on the table and turn it on. We find the downstream text file, the lowest, and download it to yourself in the PDA. All, we got special access. Now you need to turn off the lock, go to the next room and find bullets there, turn off it. Now you have to go through some kind of scanner. It is necessary to walk to the code door and try to open it, nothing happens, you need a code, and for this you need to find a computer of the administrator and get the code from the door. Go back to the next level. We open the grille and go into the room, we find a computer and turn it on, find the SYS system file, the lowest, open it and write down the door code (code 2345). We go back to the door and enter the received code. Open the door and go to the laboratory similar to both in X18, where the documents took. We see a computer on the table, but it is not needed for us. We go to the control consoles, to the right of the table with a computer, three pieces are standing along the window.

We approach the average console, it has a switch and when you guide the mouse to it, the tips_war_gen_switcher will appear click the "Run" button. And the task is triggered, a new task appears "Meet the Ghost on the Cemetery". We go to the cemetery and speak with the ghost. After talking to us and watching the film, we throw us on Cordon to the basement to the sidel.
Further starts fripnels.

Secrets and tricks

1. You can find useful use Red barrels, cannors and cylinders. For example, on your way the zombie crushes arose, and spend the precious cartridges on the brainless walking troupers. In this case, we throw our combustible inventory under the feet of the zombies and make a shot. It is usually better to apply in dungeons or narrow places where it cannot be circumvented. And you can just a knife, but it looks not so impressive. Yes, and pleasure from the explosion is more.

2. On the Bilda amber on the site with the car, which next to the Sakharov bunker, right in the long part of the guard booth in the locker there is a rifle LR300 and a bubble of wine.

3. Evil joke from LA developers. In the Laboratory X-7, where it is necessary to turn off the earthquake generator, in the flooded hall on one of the racks there is a radio receiver, from which German marches sound. It is possible to turn it off by pressing the F key. However, there is a strange mechanism - after turning off the radio will appear with a dozen individual pseudo-dogs, and some will be phantoms sent by a real psi-dog.

4. If you really need to get into the place where the game does not allow, or feel at the site of God, we call the console and write Demo_Record 3 - overview of the terrain from a bird's eye view! As it should be descended - it goes through ENTER (carefully, from a high height you can be killed, although the stalker hint from the fall is greatly different from real life). Consider not your character flies, but the camera itself, a short brief - slow down the speed of the SHIFT camera, to speed up very much - Ctrl, just higher than the speed of standard WS - the left and right mouse button, the left is responsible for the front movement, right of course for the reverse move .

5. In Dark Hollow after turning to the road leading towards the Cordon, on the left side of the roadway, look for a cross with a gas mask, in the center of the abnormal group with an increased radiation background. Around the group several unscrews + the cross itself is a cache. In it, SVD, SVU, OTS-14 Thunderstorm, about 5 ordinary first-aid kits + cartridges to SVD and thunderstorms. In general, the dark deching justifies its size with many rich whins and is definitely worth spending time searching for other caches and other delicacies.

6. The same hollow. About refueling with mercenaries. Where the cave in a rock, near the hill along the stairs, house. In the stove, a whole elite detector.

7. In the location of the village, when the first time we are looking for ecologists, in underground rooms, resembling a bar, in one of the green lockers there is an orange overalls of the ecologist. Also, on this subway, the boxes are scattered in which the tools lie. For each set of Di Di tools, gives a secondary task, which can be gone alternately to him.

8. Very useful for your monetary pocket feature with endless antiviruses! By the way, something like that was in the original TC with Kruglov and Sakharov. It can be seen from all ecologists irrevocably progressing the sclerosis ... After hitting the cement plant into the bunker to scientists, approach Di di, we begin the dialogue, and as soon as it gives us an antivirus, we close without remorse and reiterate the dialogue wader in full! And so an infinite number of times until it gets to take antiviruses from him! Hardcore and simple honest players It may not like it. But freebies in moderation is useful. Perhaps you have the latest patches and this Bagago-hole was Zaladan.

9. In the dark hollow on the roof of refueling there are arrows for RPG, and the installation itself can be removed from the soldier who shoots you from the bus stop halfway from the dark valley to the bridge, on the same location.

10. This can be called not a cache, but just a small secret of the game. Surely I am not the first attentive who found it. When the leader of the Greykov Veles takes the gear from you, gives us an ordinary ak and a jacket of Bandos, it is not necessary to be satisfied with the issued. Behind you, the blue box on the racks in which all your belongings lie, and you can calmly take it without any consequences for the plot and relationship with sin.

11. On the territory of Amber Lake there is an army skate. Lies on the shelf in this building. Which building - I will not say Wink Develop Eyemer and try to find yourself, the initial search conditions are there.

12. When we pass amber and find a scientific bunker with Sakharov and the Military on the guard, about it there is a descent to a hole, it stands about him Stalker with a sour mine, with which when the first meeting is triggered by a sound dialogue. How to listen to his problem - we accept the quest for the search for his weapons in this cave. We descend on the descent of the pit, furring along confusing tunnels, carefully remember our routes, not paying attention to the slow zombies and in the end we will find a room with those bloodsuckers. If you still have a hunt to live - we use the pheromones issued to us so as not to become a potential dinner of bloodsows and pass through the room with a mad background (you can even run, blood circles will not respond). We grab a thunderstorm and choose back to the surface according to the route learned already. For this quest, an upgraded stalker hands ... SEVE! Very good overalls, especially if before that you were worn in "Zare" or God forbid, in a new leather novice.

13. Not quite a secret, rather similar to trading nuances, many probably need to know. In the bar, the entire trophy habar is more profitable to sell Petrenko than bartender. Prices are much more pleasant, plus a lesser, unlike bartender, absolutely buying everything. Finally - when you are going to the long-haired walker, and do not want guts in order - we buy provisions from the stalker brothers. I do not know how about the other, but "on to eat" they have a literally penny

14. If someone managed to sow sleeping bag at least it is impossible, you can go to the location of the dead city, go into a gray building without windows. Inside there is an empty dried pool, you should climb the stairs, and then you will immediately see the coveted lockers. In addition to the bag there there are still batteries, VOG-25 and the anomalies detector.

All passwords from doors and rooms, as well as safes and sarcophagus.

1. Code from the safe in the new bar - opens only when debated.
2. Password from the locked room in X10: 1234.
3. Code from Savior Borov: 495.
4. Code to Safe Petrenko: 123.
5. Code to many computers: TOP_SECRET.
6. Code to Borov's Sauit in Dark valley: 295.
7. Code from the entrance to X-18: 5271 Code to Computer: 9231.
8. Code to safe in the location of sprout, in a chemical building: 437, where we use gas masks. Safe is located in a small room, climb from the roof.
9. Code from the safe on the radar: 218. The Quest associated with it gives a nomad on the same location.
10. Code from the door to the dungeon of Pripyati: 4134.
11. Code from the entrance to the sarcophagus: 4237.
12. Code from the safe on the Cordon at the Military: 471.
13. Password in tunnels to enter Pripyat. There should be a corpse of Stalker: 14. 14. We remember where the stalker corpse was seen under torn pipes. We must jump onto these pipes, and there will be wooden carriages of the passage in a short tunnel - here there will be documents with the code code: 4134.
15. Password from the subway in Pripyat: 2345
16. Password from the computer on the second floor of the base of the mercenaries on army warehouses, where they hid from the emission, we look at the PDA, he falls from the corpse, which was taken by the artifact.

Stalker is a cult shooter from a third party who loved the fans of the postpocalypsis, games like a "phallut" and just good players. The project tells about the life and life of the Hunters for artifacts in the exclusion zone - the limits of the Pripyat and the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Stalkers are divided into groupings, each of which pursues their goals. Here there are also those who are hiding from justice gangsters, military, molded to maintain order, as well as mercenaries, the origin of which causes more questions than answers.

The enthusiast group from Dez0Wave Team decided to recreate the very atmosphere of the "Stalker of Dreams", which was promised by GSC developers in the form of screenshots of the locations conceived by them. But as it turned out, in the end everything was redone, recycled and trimmed. So came out "S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Shadow Chernobyl". Dez0Wave many years collected information on grains for many years to recreate the initial idea, and implemented a large-scale addon - "Stalker: Lost Alpha". The passage is not much different from the original. Read more - in the article.

History of creation

When only was developed "S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Shadow Chernobyl", the screenshots of the upcoming release popped up on the network. Gamers very pleased the graphics, ideas, atmosphere. After the release of the game everything was great, but not the way, as in the pictures. The graphics were lowered, many locations are removed, a number of manthants conceived before the mutants are cut off, and the NPC behavior is simplified. Volunteers from Dez0Wave and decided to return everything to the conceived sources. The duty name was chosen as back to the roots ("Back to roots"), but later changed to S.T.A.L.K.E.R: LOST ALPHA.

What changed

The main changes affected, of course, graphics. She was completely redone and rethought. IN new version The vegetation is carefully worked out, the NPC behaves smarter - the characters are no longer worth it in place, but periodically make ripples in surroundings in search of a habar or artifacts.

Added about 27 fully new locations. Some are designed from scratch, but most of them accounted for all the same enthusiasts to discuss days and nights in various forums, collect information on the grains, and after reaching work.

The basis of the new plot was the same story labeled from the "Shadow Chernobyl". He must restore the lost memory and eliminate the Stalker Arrow. All the same, but dez0wave so everyone redesigned that the desire arises to re-pass the game. There were several side quests that make the project more diverse.

Emission has been added, during which monsters lose their mind and begin to behave simply unpredictable. There are asylum wherees and NPC can hide from emissions. Here you should behave carefully, because in one shelter may be members of the warring groups.


In Stalker: Lost Alpha returned the monsters carved by the developers: chimeras, burers, green dwarfs, as well as the incomprehensible Misha Gammy with a good-natured face, which some players identify as a type of buddy, others-cut pseudochelovka (photo below).

And also in the forest on the way to the metallurgical factory you can find a very strange and aggressive creature. Externally, very similar to the Burera, but naked. Perhaps this is a green dwarf.

Lamed in "Stalker: Lost Alpha"

Passage as the process has also undergone some changes. For example, the main character appeared quite human needs - he is hunger, thirst and fatigue. So it should be fed, walk and give sleep. Violation of the regime is fraught with the loss of endurance, which will very much difficult to the game in Stalker: Lost Alpha. The passage will turn into torment, and the laundered will fall from fatigue at every step, and short runs in order to dodge the bullets will end with long shortness lips. Especially if the backpack is clogged to failure.

The minus is that the inventory remains the same as in the "Shadow Chernobyl". It was more logical to borrow such from the Zov Pripyat.

The mechanic of the flashlight was changed - it is now hanging on the belt, and the battery is needed for work. Otherwise, the hero can stay in the pitch darkness to the nose with some controller.

Another innovation is the ability to communicate with stalkers through PDA.

Buy transport

The "Stalker: Lost Alpha" game became more diverse: the means of movement appeared, which is very acquitted - a lot of locations, and they are big. There is both civil and military equipment. There is a chance to find during wandering around the zone, and you can simply purchase merchants.

For example, a bartender in the "100 x-ray" player has the ability to take one car to choose from. The price is only rather big:

  • the usual domestic "six" - 120,000;
  • the car "Niva" of the army sample is already 150,000;
  • the same car, but the medical is as much as;
  • UAZ will also cost 150,000;
  • t40 tractor - similar cost;
  • the usual "Niva" is already 200,000;
  • "Moskvich" both ordinary and convertible will cost the same price;
  • similarly, with a seventh-convertible;
  • as well as in stock RAF 33111 for 200,000;
  • KAMAZ is already more expensive - 300,000;
  • the most expensive - BTR-70 - 500,000.

Searches for cars

If reluctant to spend such money, you can search for yourself. The main thing is not to be lazy and carefully examine the locations. For example, near the outlet of the dark dell near the abandoned building there is an abandoned sample of army transport - UAZ.

Near the road in the same location there is "Moskvich". If you have a pretty closer to the abandoned village, the player will find a tractor, and Niva is located near the gangster base. It is only necessary to silently silent, without having received the automata in the distance.

There is also a "Niva" white color near the transition to abandoned warehouses.


Honestly, installing fashion to "Stalker: Lost Alpha" a little stupid. In fact, the addon includes a significant number of updates. The developers added new types of weapons, armor. The game was even returned to the grouping "Sin" carved by the GSC. In general, it is recommended to abuse modifications in the already modified game only to those who are vital to have a strictly defined mod available, which gives something extremely necessary. For example, a rainbow unicorn.


A separate point is to allocate this mission under the Chernobyl NPP dome. In this part, there is little different from the original passage of the game "Stalker: Lost Alpha". The sarcophagus is still the same: you need to find a computer, sue it, finding the battery, return to the room where PC is standing, run it and download codes. All this is accompanied by strange visions, the presence of blood blood, dwarf and monolith voice.

In the original version, there was plenty of monolithpers here, and for each site of the corridor had to fight. A very illogical move from the "Lost" developers to remove fanatics.

Perhaps you can put a bold minus release.


In conclusion, I should say some words of criticism to the project. You need to start with the presence of console commands. Cheats on "Stalker: Lost Alpha" not only provided, but already integrated into the game. The cherished key starts the input string, it is necessary only to register G_GOD 1, as the labeled becomes invulnerable both to the shooters of enemies and to radiation fields and anomalies, has an endless stock of the cartridges and can carry any gravity in their backpack. That is, one team turns the game in the similarity of Skyrima.

Codes on "Stalker: Lost Alpha" from doors, safes and computers can still be found independently. But due to the fact that many elements that create the effect of litters have been added to the game gameplayNo one becomes insured from bugs, departures and losing this information. Therefore, some passwords have to either pick up, or look for all the network on the expanses.

In the game "Stalker: Lost Alpha" passing almost all side missions It comes down to a tedious monotonous running on huge semi-empty locations in order to exit point A and come to the point B.

Although it is stated that the story of labeled was supplemented by many interesting elements, but such a very dubious content and cause more questions than answers. Such innovations only spoil the plot of the classic game.

Mutants that were early cut out, do not possess any unique abilities, their artificial Intelligence It is absolutely no way optimized under what is happening around the event. They represent themselves just pieces of cannonous meat, and therefore, the presence of them in the game is absolutely not carrying any value and deprived of all sorts of semantic load.

The economy within the game is absolutely not balanced. From any pseudo, such a lot of money may fall out that the player will be able to buy all the goods from all the players of the game and to run immediately to storm the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, especially not straining.

Due to the above negative sides of the project, a number of game communities are very skeptical of Stalker: Lost Alpha, describing the project as a discrepancy between a color cover and poor-quality inner component. During the time spent on the development (2007-2014), it was possible to thoroughly consider all the details of the game. Therefore, a number of skeptics sentenced, not subject to appeal: "You can not - do not try!"

Fans and stalker fans, refine! On the Internet appeared Addon to S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl. In this case, this is not just another and uninteresting addition, but a real major DLC, which completely changes the game and gives enjoy the new stalker. So, Lost Alpha will return to the game all that we liked so much before the appearance of Shadow of Chernobyl ..

The cordon native to us significantly added in size. In order to run a card from one end to another, you will need a minimum of fifteen minutes. And this is not counting numerous branching, bridges, dungeons, etc. And the most interesting thing is that it is only one location of twenty-seven! In order for the gamer not fallen asleep while getting to the destination to the game returned cars. The choice is large, ranging from the old, who drove the Zaporozhets and ending with a new, brilliant BTRD, it all depends on your desire and wallet.

The first quest involves stripping the plant from malicious gangsters, then then we will get the first real weapons. At first, the game does not release us on the "Fresh Air", giving it to understand that it is not necessary to deviate from scene line. But by taking experience, weapons and points you will be able to ride in the open Alpha. But here everything is not so good. The expanses are huge, but there is nothing much to do .. although there is no, you can dig in the dump in search of the desired "things", you can explore the underground laboratory, hunting artifacts, and perform mini-quests. But you get tired of you soon and the huge world will remain unexpected, but opposite the straining.

Laundered became even more like a person. Without food, water and sleep can not do, it stands one of these parameters to fall below the norm, consider everything, they disappeared. In the eyes darkens, the hands are shaking, nothing good should be. It is not easy to survive at all, a dark night - the test is not for the faint of heart. The flashlight eats batteries like mad, darkness - even an eye of a sharp. Dangers take you on every step. Additional patches will be published to Lost Alpha, which will undoubtedly add even more gloss and interesting quests to the game. In the meantime, we play what is. P.S.:

Stalker Lost Alpha Passage

Wallpaper from games - The main character Stalker
Watch Dogs. Passage. Watch Watch Dogs 2014, video.
Stalker shadow Chernobyl video passage
Stalker: Chernobyl shade passing game

Table fans of the game Stalker for several years waited for the appearance of the fashion "Lost Alpha", and finally waited.

Release took place in April 2014. Due to the fact that the game is full of all sorts of tricks and secrets, with the solution of which is not so easy to cope on their own, we decided to save your time and collected here useful informationwhich you can come in handy during her passage. Codes to safes consist of three digits, for the set of which you need to do a special procedure. By typing the first digit, clamp the edge of the safe handle. To dial the second click on the center and rotate until it clicks. If it was never heard, click Reset and repeat the entire procedure again. By typing the third digit, press the edge of the handle again.

Codes for the opening of safes in the game:

  • In the frequenter, Petrenko Bar is the easiest code for the safe - 123
  • In the location, the Dark Valley is the base where Borov is located. Code 295.
  • In the location, the sprout has a building with chemicals, where it is necessary to wear gas masks. In a small placement of this building there is a safe with code 437. You can get into the room through the roof.
  • Hermit from Location Radar reports the numbers - 218. There you need to look for the safe itself.
Start watching it online on YouTube:

Codes for doors
During the game, you will come across the doors that are open using codes.

  • To penetrate the X-18 laboratory, type 5271, and to access the computer - 9231.
  • Doors in the dungeon open, if you dial 4134. To be in the sarcophage - 4237.
  • For most computers, Password top_secret is relevant.


  1. In the amber region, you can get two beautiful costumes.
  2. On the road to the dead city, on the right side, a bunker is surrounded by many anomalies. Inside there is a rack, if you look at the upper shelf of this rack, you will find a great army body armor there and the first-aid kit.
  3. Overalls sowing is given for the passage of the quest, in which you are looking for a thunderstorm.
  4. Tunnels, where you will wander, silent bloodsuckers, so it is desirable to grab a shotgun and take more cartridges with you. Scientists will need a piece of wire, which can be found during a walk through the tunnels.

Important moment. Before you go through the dead city, there is no particular sense to accumulate money. When you gather there to go, it is advisable to spend money, otherwise they are still taken away.

Way to make:
The opportunity to get the money appears closer to the end of the game, but, nevertheless, it can be useful. Throughout the gameplay, collect parts of the snorkel, and when the possibility of getting Didi from the cement plant, the quest for the extraction of these most parts of the snorkell, you can safely pass them with a scientist, and at the reward to receive an expensive antivirus. This quest can be repeated repeated. It is enough to be saved for this, and then download just saved game. Three boxes with details also give up to this scientist.

Secrets and tactics by Lost Alpha

You can find useful use of red barrels, cannors and cylinders. For example, on your way the zombie crushes arose, and spend the precious cartridges on the brainless walking troupers. In this case, we throw our combustible inventory under the feet of the zombies and make a shot. It is usually better to apply in dungeons or narrow places where it cannot be circumvented. And you can just a knife, but it looks not so impressive. Yes, and the pleasure from the explosion it turns out :)

On the Bilda amber on the site with the car, which next to the Sakharov bunker, right in the long part of the guard booth in the locker there is a LR300 rifle and a bubble of wine.

Evil joke from LA developers. In the Laboratory X-7, where it is necessary to turn off the earthquake generator, in the flooded hall on one of the racks there is a radio receiver, from which German marches sound. It is possible to turn it off by pressing the F key. However, there is a strange mechanism - after turning off the radio will appear with a dozen individual pseudo-dogs, and some will be phantoms sent by a real psi-dog.

If you really need to get into the place where the game does not allow, or feel at the place of God, we call the console and write demo_record 3 - overview of the terrain from a bird's eye view! As it should be descended - it goes through ENTER (carefully, from a high height you can be killed, although the stalker hint from the fall is greatly different from real life). Consider not your character flies, but the camera itself, a short brief - slow down the speed of the SHIFT camera, to speed up very much - Ctrl, just higher than the speed of standard WS - the left and right mouse button, the left is responsible for the front movement, right of course for the reverse move .

In Dark Hollow, after turning to the road, leading to the Cordon, on the left side of the roadway, look for a cross with a gas mask, in the center of an abnormal group with an increased radiation background. Around the group several unscrews + the cross itself is a cache. In it, SVD, SVU, OTS-14 Thunderstorm, about 5 ordinary first-aid kits + cartridges to SVD and thunderstorms. In general, the dark deching justifies its size with many rich whins and is definitely worth spending time searching for other caches and other delicacies.

The same hollow. About refueling with mercenaries. Where the cave in a rock, near the hill along the stairs, house. In the stove, the solar elite detector.

In the location of the village, when the first time we are looking for ecologists, in underground rooms, resembling a bar, in one of the green lockers there is an orange overalls of an environmentalist. Also, on this subway, the boxes are scattered in which the tools lie. For each set of Di Di tools, gives a secondary task, which can be gone alternately to him.

Very useful for your monetary pocket feature with endless antiviruses! By the way, something like that was in the original TC with Kruglov and Sakharov. It can be seen from all ecologists permanently progressing the sclerosis ... After hitting the cement plant to the bunker to scientists, approach Di di, we begin the dialogue, and as soon as it gives us an antivirus, we climb the dialogue without remorse and reiterate the dialogue - welcome in full! And so an infinite number of times until it gets to take antiviruses from him! Hardcores and just honest players may not like it. But freebies in moderation is useful. Perhaps you have the latest patches and this Bagago-hole was Zaladan.

In the dark hollow on the roof of refueling there are arrows for RPG, and the installation itself can be removed from a soldier who shoots from the bus stop halfway from the dark valley to the bridge, on the same location.

This can be called not a cache, but just a small secret of the game. Surely I am not the first attentive who found it. When the leader of the Greykov Veles takes the gear from you, gives us an ordinary ak and a jacket of Bandos, it is not necessary to be satisfied with the issued. Behind you, the blue box on the racks in which all your belongings lie, and you can calmly take it without any consequences for the plot and relationship with sin.

On the territory of Amber Lake there is an army skat. Lies on the shelf in this building. What kind of building - I will not tell the development of the eye and try to find yourself, the initial search conditions are there.

When we pass amber and find a scientific bunker with sugar and military on the guard, about it there is a descent to a hole, there is a stalker with an acid mine, with which the sound dialogue is triggered at the first meeting. How to listen to his problem - we accept the quest for the search for his weapons in this cave. We descend on the descent of the pit, furring along confusing tunnels, carefully remember our routes, not paying attention to the slow zombies and in the end we will find a room with those bloodsuckers. If you still have a hunt to live - we use the pheromones issued to us so as not to become a potential dinner of bloodsows and pass through the room with a mad background (you can even run, blood circles will not respond). We grab a thunderstorm and choose back to the surface according to the route learned already. For this quest, an upgraded stalker hands ... SEVE! Very good overalls, especially if before that you were worn in "Zare" or God forbid, in a new leather novice.

It's not quite a secret, rather similar to trading nuances, many probably need to know. In the bar, the entire trophy habar is more profitable to sell Petrenko than bartender. Prices are much more pleasant, plus a lesser, unlike bartender, absolutely buying everything. Finally - when you are going to the long-haired walker, and do not want guts in order - we buy provisions from the stalker brothers. I do not know how about the other, but "on to eat" they have a literally penny

If someone managed to sow sleeping bag (although it is impossible), you can go to the dead city location, go into a gray building without windows. Inside there is an empty dried pool, you should climb the stairs, and then you will immediately see the coveted lockers. In addition to the bag there there are still batteries, VOG-25 and the anomalies detector.

The code from the safe in the new bar - opens only when you get into debt.
- Password from the locked room in X10 - 1234.
- Code from Borov's safe 4 9 5.
- Code to Safe Petrenko 123.
- code to many top_secret computers.
- Code to Borov's safe in the Dark Valley - 295.
- code from the entrance to X-18 5271 code to computer 9231.
- code to the safe in the location of the sprout, in the building with a chemical 437, where we use gas masks. Safe is located in a small room, climb from the roof.
- Code from the safe on the radar 218. The Quest associated with it gives a nomad on the same location.
- Code from the door in the dungeon of Pripyat 4134.
- code from the entrance to the sarcophague 4237.
- Code from the safe on the Cordon at the military 471.
- Password in tunnels to exit pripe. There should be a corpse of Stalker. We remember where the stalker corpse was seen under torn pipes. We must jump onto these pipes, and there will be wooden carriages of the passage to a short tunnel - here there will be documents with the code (code 4134).
- 2345 - password from the subway in Pripyat.
- Password from the company on the second floor of the base of the mercenaries on army warehouses, where they hid from the emission, we look at the PDA, it falls from the corpse, which has taken artifact.