Chess sergey. Chess player Sergey Karjakin: biography, personal life, parents, photos, growth. Participation in the "Best of All" program

Sergey Karjakin is one of the brightest and most titled chess players of our time. He is one of those people they talk about - young and early. As a 12-year-old teenager, Seryozha becomes the youngest grandmaster in the history of world chess. To this day, he has added the titles of the world champion in rapid chess, Olympic champion, 2015 World Cup winner and World Blitz Champion (Doha 2016).

Sergey Karjakin during the international chess tournament (Wijk aan Zee, Netherlands)

Sergey was born on January 12, 1990 in Simferopol. According to his mother, already at the age of five, he became interested in playing chess, but then no one attached serious importance to this. True, the whole family helped as best they could, but Sergei himself showed enviable persistence. He often played with himself, of course, lost and about this was upset to tears. After the first successes, when Karjakin became the winner of the championships of Ukraine and Europe among children, he was noticed and invited to train at the chess club in Kramatorsk. There he will stay for two years and it is at this time that Sergei will receive the title of grandmaster, for which he deservedly gets into the Guinness Book of Records.

According to the chess player, great hard work helped him achieve such a result. As a child, he trained almost every day, practicing for 6-7 hours. Invaluable help was provided by the coaches who were always there, supporting with advice and a kind word. To fit into such a schedule, I had to study on an individual basis. After graduating from the Simferopol gymnasium, Sergei entered the Russian State Social University (Russian State Social University) with a degree in Social Pedagogy, graduating from which he received a diploma in 2013.

Change of citizenship

In 2009, the world-famous grandmaster decided to leave for Russia. And this is despite the enchanting success achieved as part of the Ukrainian team, when in 2004 Sergey Karjakin, together with his comrades, became champions of the Chess Olympiad. The main reason for this step is the lack of opportunities for full-fledged training and, as a result, vague growth prospects. And Sergey has the highest goal - to become the world champion. Since then, Karjakin has repeatedly taken part in the Russian national team in major international competitions, for example, in the World Team Championship.

Success secrets

Contrary to the prevailing stereotypes, the Russian grandmaster is convinced that a chess player must have excellent physical shape. Therefore, Sergey pays close attention to sports training - he swims a lot, moves on a bicycle, does game types sports (football, basketball, tennis). And friends from the world of sports help him in this. For example, Karjakin sometimes conducts running trainings with the athlete Maria Savinova, and he does hand-walking with his full namesake, world champion in modern pentathlon Sergei Karjakin.

Sergey Karjakin's kick on the ball during the weekend at the tournament in Wijk aan Zee 2016

At Karjakin's headquarters, there is always a physical training coach who determines the daily routine during major tournaments. His schedule must include a place for a pool, a gym and good sleep.

Looking at his career, a chess player is sure that in order to reach great heights and win major tournaments, you need to start playing from an early age. It is then that the foundation is laid on the basis of which further successes are built.

Chess achievements

By the age of 26, Sergei Karjakin has become a highly titled chess player. He is the winner of the 36th Chess Olympiad (2004) with the Ukrainian national team and the second prize-winner of the 40th championship with the Russian team (2012). Winner of the national club championship as part of the Tomsk-400 (2012) and Malakhit (2014) teams, where he became the best on the first board. In the same year, Sergei repeated his success together with Malakhit by winning the European Championship. In 2015, he won the World Cup in Baku, beating compatriot P. Svidler in a dramatic final.

In March 2016, Sergey won in, after which he took place for the title of world chess champion. Although Karjakin could not win, he showed a very quality game- the outcome of the match was decided only in a tie-break.

Sergey Karjakin and Magnus Carlsen. World Championship Match (New York, 2016)

In December 2016, Sergei Karjakin won the World Blitz Championship in Doha (Qatar), beating Magnus Carlsen.

A family

The first time Karjakin married at the age of 19, a 20-year-old woman from Kiev Yekaterina Dolzhikova (Grandmaster of Ukraine, International Master).

Sergey Karjakin and Ekaterina Dolzhikova

Karjakin commented on the divorce from Dolzhikova as follows:

"Did not get along. We are completely different. I am calmer, she is explosive. And in general - another. They met for two years before the wedding, and lived together for another year and a half. I hoped we would be able to get used to it, but ... Not destiny, I guess. "

Acquaintance with his beloved wife Galina took place within the walls of the university where the famous grandmaster was transferred and where the girl worked. The first time they met was when it was necessary to settle the formalities associated with the move, but then a close acquaintance did not work out. Only after the Olympiad tournament, where the Russian team became the second, the young people began a whirlwind romance. Galya is not at all an amateur in the ancient game - she studied at the chess department and knows many subtleties of this craft. In 2014, Sergey and Galina got married.

Wedding photography - Sergey Karjakin with his wife Galia (2014)

After marriage, the spouse became a regular at tournaments with Sergei's participation and turned out to be his lucky talisman.

  • Once Sergei suggested that all players who had overcome the rating of 2700 points be given the official title of super-grandmaster. But the majority of chess players did not support the idea.
  • Karjakin is not at all alien to his usual hobbies. In his spare time, besides sports, he likes to go to the cinema and play bowling.
  • According to Sergei, his first message to play appeared after at the age of 5 he heard an advertising slogan on TV with the words “Even a pawn can become a queen”.
  • During a simultaneous game held in London at the initiative of Lord Rothschild, Karjakin had to play on 20 boards against 72 opponents for 6 hours. During this time, he managed to reel, moving around the hall, a dozen kilometers.
  • Becoming an international grandmaster at the age of 12 years and 211 days, Sergei surpassed the achievement of his teammate Ruslan Ponomarev, who achieved this title at 14 years and 17 days.
  • At the age of 12, he was admitted to the coaching staff of Ruslan Ponomarev, after which he also turned out to be the youngest coach in the history of chess.
  • In an interview, Karjakin said that instead of chess, he could successfully engage in real estate activities.
  • For three years, from 2012 to 2015, Sergey Karjakin's sponsor was ALPARI (a dealing center providing access to the Forex currency market). Sponsorship was allocated under the motto “Let's return chess crown in Russia". In 2015, due to the difficult economic situation in Russia, the contract was terminated.

It's always more fun with a sponsor, even if you have to hang yourself with advertising stripes


Misha Osipov and Sergey Karjakin

Program "Best of all" with Maxim Galkin (December 25, 2016). Sergey Karjakin played with the young chess player Mikhail Osipov - a friendly draw!

Blitz game Svidler - Karjakin

The last game of the World Cup Baku 2015 with comments.

Games with commentary

Karjakin - So (Spanish Party)

Saint Louis, 2017

1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Bc5 4.OO Nf6 5.d3 OO 6.h3 d6 7.c3 a6 8.a4 Ba7 9.Re1 h6 (9 ... Ne7 10.Nbd2 Ng6 11.Nf1 c6 12.Bb3 d5 13.Ng3 Be6 14.exd5 Nxd5 (Harikrishna, P (2737) -Bakro, E (2715) Bill 2017)) ((It is worth considering the one recommended by Aronian) 9 ... b5 (of course, this move is not sacrificing a pawn, since) 10.axb5 axb5 11.Bxb5 (refuted by) 11 ... Bxf2 + 12.Kxf2 Rxa1) 10.Nbd2 Be6 11.Bxe6 fxe6 12.b4 ((This week Ding Liren lost in this variation with White Anishu Giri:) 12.Nf1 Nh5 13.Be3 a5 14.Bxa7 Rxa7 15.d4 Qf6 16.Re3 Nf4 17.h4 Qg6 18.g3 Raa8 19.dxe5 Nxe5 20.Nxe5 dxe5 21.f3 Rad8 22.Qc2 Nh5 23. Kh2 Rf6 24.Rd1 Rdf8 25.Rdd3 Qf7 26.Qd1 Rg6 27.Qe1 Qe7 28.Kh3 Rxg3 +! 29.Nxg3 Nf4 + 30.Kh2 Qxh4 + 31.Kg1 Rf6 32.Rd8 + Kh7 33.Rd2 Rg6 35.Rgh Rxg3 + 36.Kh1 Qg5 37.Qf1 h4 38.Re1 h3 39.Rd1 Qh5 40.Rd7 Qxf3 + 41.Qxf3 Rxf3 42.Rhd2 Kh6 43.Rd8 Kh5 44.Rh8 + Kg4 45.Rd1 Ne2) 12 ... Qe8 $ 146 (12 ... Nh5 13.Ra2 Qf6 14.Nc4 b5 15.Ne3 Bb6 16.Ng4 Qe7 17.Be3 Bxe3 18.fxe3 Rab8 (Anand, B (2786) -Carlsen, M (2832) Stavanger 2017)) 13.Nf1 Nh5 14.Be3 Bxe3 15.Rxe3 Nf4 16.Rb1 b5 (Prevents further advance of Karjakin on the queenside, but weakens the queenside of So. ) 17.Ra1 (Since the b-file has closed, Karjakin logically returns the rook to the a-file, which can now open at any moment.) 17 ... Qg6 ((The immediate one) 17 ... d5 (the same drawbacks , what and what on any move in the future, but right now Black could threaten with the advance of d4, weakening White's queenside.)) 18.Ng3 Qf6 19.Ne2 Ng6 20.Qb3 Kh8 21.Rf1 Rab8 22.g3 Qf7 (( Both grandmasters missed the obvious answer) 22 ... Nf4! (Which is quite strong, considering that the rook on e3 is hindered by its own knights.) 23.gxf4 (23.axb5 axb5 (23 ... Nxe2 + 24.Rxe2 Qxf3 25. Re3 (and White takes on c6, restoring material balance and gaining an advantage. On) 25 ... Qh5 (you can continue) 26.g4 (just to protect the h3-pawn.)) 24.Nxf4 exf4 25.Ree1 (and Black has an acceptable position, although White has everything under control.)) ((exchange can be enabled) 23.Nxf4 exf4 24.Ree1 bxa4 (distracting the queen) 25.Qxa4 (25.Qa3 Ne5 26.Nxe5 Qxe5 27.g4 Qb5) 25 ... fxg3 26.fxg3 Qxc3) 23 ... Qg6 + (important th check to protect the e6-pawn. ) (23 ... exf4 24.Nxf4 Qxf4 25.axb5 axb5 26.Qxe6) 24.Kh1 exf4 (with Black's advantage. White will have to return the knight, and Black is better off by attacking the white king.)) 23.Nh2 d5 (After maneuvering on both flanks, So decides it's time to move in the center. This decision requires a long-term repercussion analysis: by winning space, So gets long-term weakness on c5. When and if the white knight gets to the queenside, it will take an advantageous position on this square. ) 24.Rf3 Qd7 25.axb5 axb5 26.Kg2 Rxf3 27.Nxf3 Rf8 (It's never harmful to put a rook on a half-open file. The move in the game also prepares a tactical blow.) 28.Neg1 ((Karjakin would like to play) 28.Nd2? (but this immediately runs into) 28 ... dxe4) (28.Ra1 (it is impossible to advise not only because the rook should defend the kingside, but also because a tactical blow would await White) 28 ... dxe4 29.dxe4 Rxf3 30.Kxf3 Qd3 + 31.Kg2 Qxe2) 28 ... Ra8 29.Rc1 Qd6 30.Ne1 Nge7 31.Ngf3 Ng8 32.Nc2 Nf6 33.Re1 Rf8 34.Na3 Rb8 35.Nc2 Rf8 36.Na3 Rb8 37.Nb1 Nd7 38.Nbd2 d4 ?! (So ​​tired of endless maneuvering, but this move creates new weaknesses. Even if Karjakin constantly threatened to take on d5, this opening of the file for the rook did nothing, since the e5-pawn was very well defended. Now Karjakin transfers the rook to the c-file, attacking pawn on c7.) 39.Rc1 dxc3 ?! ((Better) 39 ... Rb7 (defending the c7 pawn (Karjakin).)) 40.Qxc3 Rb6 41.Nb3 (White's advantage has been determined. Finally, Karjakin can put the knight on c5. Wesley So does not want to suffer in silence and tries to counterattack) 41 ... Nxb4 42.Qxc7 Kh7 (42 ... Nxd3 43.Qd8 + Kh7 44.Rc8 (leads to a victorious attack.)) 43.d4 (Usually, White shouldn't give the opponent the opportunity to split his isolated pawns, but here the attack weaknesses on b5 are more important than improving Black's structure) 43 ... Qxc7 (43 ... exd4) 44.Rxc7 Nf6 (Karjakin was very pleased to find the following maneuver:) 45.Nc5! Na6 (45 ... exd4 (looks absolutely necessary.)) 46.Rc8! Nxc5 ((The combination was justified in) 46 ... exd4 47.e5 Nxc5 (47 ... Nd5 48.Nd7 (and the white knight is ready to deliver the decisive blow Nf8 +)) 48.exf6 (Black will have to give up a piece without any chances for a draw .)) 47.dxc5 Ra6 48.Nxe5 Nxe4 49.c6 Ra2 50.Kf3 (The next move surprised Karjakin. “The knight on h3 will be out of play.”) 50 ... Ng5 +? (50 ... Nf6 51.Rb8 Ra3 + 52.Kg2 Rc3 53.Rxb5 (obviously to an exit for White, but he would still have to solve technical problems to realize the advantage.)) 51.Ke3 Nxh3 52.Rb8 Rc2 53.f4 h5 54.Rxb5 Nf2 55.Kd4 Rd2 + 56.Kc5 Ne4 + 57.Kb6 Rc2 58.c7 Nd6 59.Rb3 Ne8 60.Nc6 Nxc7 61.Kxc7 Rc4 62.Kd6 h4 63.Ne5 1-0

Karjakin - Dreev (Sicilian Defense)

Isle of Man, 2019

1.e4 c5 2. Nf3 e6 3.d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6 5. Nc3 Nc6 (The variant of the four knights of the Sicilian defense is deeply developed by chess players from Azerbaijan. Dreev often works with the national team of this country as a coach and also knows him thoroughly.) 6 . Nxc6 (Karjakin goes to the main variation.) (6. Ndb5 (leads to a transition to the Chelyabinsk variation after) 6 ... d6 ((Historically, in the four knights variation, Black moved to positions in the spirit of the French defense :) 6 ... Bb4 7.a3 Bxc3 + 8.Nxc3 d5 (by the way, Dreev is a great expert on this opening too ...)) 7. Bf4 e5 8. Bg5) 6 ... bxc6 7.e5 Nd5 8. Ne4 Qc7 9.f4 Qb6 10.c4 Bb4 + 11. Ke2 f5 12.exf6 Nxf6 13. Be3 Qd8 14. Nd6 + Bxd6 15. Qxd6 Bb7 16.g4 (16. Kd1 (worse for White :) 16 ... c5 17. Bd3 Rc8 18. Kc2 Qb6 19. Qxb6 axb6 20.a4 Bxg2 21. Rhg1 Be4 22. Rxg7 Bg6 23.f5 Nh5 24. Bh6 Nxg7 25. Bxg7 Rg8 26. fxg6 Rxg7 27. gxh7 Rg2 + 28. Kc3 Rxh2 (Charnot, P (2532) -Navara, D (2724) Katowice 2019)) (16.Rg1 Ne4 17.Qe5 c5 18.Qxg7 Qh4 19.g3 Qxh2 + 20. Rg2 Qh1 21. Rg1 Qh5 + 22.g4 Qh2 + 23 .Rg2 Ng3 + 24. Kd3 Bxg2 25. Bxg2 OOO (Salimova, N (2260) -Videnova, I (2345) Pleven 2018. Videnova was preparing for the game with GM's husband Davorin Kovachevich, and the game was nominated for the best novelty of 2018 by New in magazine Chess.)) 16 ... c5 17. Rg1 Ne4 (“I didn't remember this move,” - Karjakin. It is interesting that Dreev made it after 30 minutes of deliberation, after Yu's move in the game with Shirov. After the game, Dreev admitted that he was thinking of a different answer, but his neighbor confused him.) (17 ... Qb6 18. Bxc5 Qxb2 + 19. Ke3 Kd8 20. Bd4 Qxh2 21. Bxf6 + (1 / 2-1 / 2 (22) Bacrot, E (2696) -Chernov, V (2391) Karlsruhe 2017)) ((Karjakin believed that Dreev meant the move) 17 ... Rc8) 18. Qe5? (“Then I found out that this is a weak move,” - Karjakin. But Shirov played so quickly on the next board, and Yu immediately brought the queen to h4. Karjakin decided that the neighbors remember home preparation.) 18 ... Qh4? (Return mistake.) ((After the game Karjakin showed) 18 ... OO 19. Bg2 d6 20. Qxe6 + Kh8 21. Bxe4 (and at first believed that he would win after) 21 ... Re8 ((but then he realized that rook is the best square) 21 ... Rf6! (and Black wins in the variation) 22. Qxf6 Qxf6 23. Bxb7 (with double blow) 23 ... Qxb2 + (Karjakin)) 22. Qxe8 + Qxe8 23. Bxb7) 19. Bg2 (The outcome of the game depends on who is the first to seize the initiative and start an attack on the king 19... Qxg4+ {В этот момент соседи отправились доигрывать в другой зал, и все стали думать самостоятельно… [#]} 20. Kd3 ({Широв продолжал} 20. Bf3 {что не нравилось Карякину ввиду} 20... Nc3+ 21. bxc3 (21. Kd3 Qxf3 22. Kxc3 Rg8 23. Rg3 Qc6 24. Bxc5 O-O-O 25. Bd6 Ba6 26. b3 Kb7 27. Rd1 Rc8 28. Rxg7 Rxg7 29. Qxg7 Bxc4 30. Kb2 Be2 31. Re1 Qxd6 32. Rxe2 Qd1 33. Qg2+ Rc6 34. a4 Qd4+ 35. Ka2 Qxf4 36. Qg7 Rd6 37. Qxh7 Rd1 38. Qh5 Qd4 39. Rb2 e5 40. h4 Rd2 41. Rxd2 Qxd2+ 42. Ka3 Qc1+ 43. Ka2 Qc2+ 44. Ka3 Qc1+ {½-½ Широв,А-Юй,Я, Большая швейцарка ФИДЕ и 2019}) 21... Qxf3+ 22. Kd3 Rg8 {(Карякин)} (22... Rf8 {тоже неплохо для черных.})) 20... Nf2+ {Ошибка, после которой партия быстро заканчивается.} (20... d6 21. Qxe4!? {Кажется удачным, но Карякин не был уверен:} ({«Есть и безопасное продолжение»} 21. Bxe4 dxe5 22. Rxg4 O-O-O+ 23. Ke2 Bxe4 24. fxe5 {«но это приведет к ничьей», — Карякин. Например:} 24... Bd3+ 25. Kf2 Rhf8+ 26. Kg1 Rf5) (21. Bh1!? dxe5 (21... Qxg1 22. Qxe6+) 22. Rxg4 O-O-O+ 23. Ke2 {белые сохраняют двух слонов и шансы на победу.}) 21... Bxe4+ 22. Bxe4 Qh5 (22... Qh3 23. Bxa8 d5 {еще сильнее, например:} 24. cxd5 O-O 25. Bc6 Rxf4! {вот почему так хорошо расположен ферзь черных!} 26. dxe6 Rd4+ 27. Ke2 Qxe6 {и с таким королем белые могут не надеяться на перевес.}) 23. Bxa8 O-O {«У белых материальный перевес, но следует d6-d5», — Карякин.}) 21. Bxf2 Bxg2 22. Bxc5 {«Я подумал, что почти выиграл. У меня большой перевес», — Карякин} 22... Rc8 ({Карякин предложил дать сначала шах:} 22... Qf3+ 23. Kd2) ({или} 22... Qh3+ 23. Kc2 {но в обоих случаях оценка позиции не меняется. Черному королю негде спрятаться, а белый хорошо чувствует себя в центре.}) 23. Rae1 Kf7 24. Re2 ({Белым казалось, что} 24. Bd4 {выигрывает, но ход в партии проще.}) 24... Qf3+ 25. Be3 {Слон черных не может отступить, и они проигрывают фигуру и партию.} 25... d6 26. Qd4 e5 27. Qxa7+ Ke6 28. Rgxg2 Rxc4 29. Kxc4 Rc8+ 30. Kb4 Qe4+ 31. Bd4 1-0!}

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Selection of games from Mega Database

Match Carlsen - Karjakin 2016

All games (12 classics + 4 rapid) of the Carlsen - Karjakin 2016 match for the title of world chess champion.

World Chess Cup Baku 2015

Final games between Pyotr Sidler and Sergei Karjakin.

Year of birth 1990
Current rating 2752
Country Russia

The future super-grandmaster was born on January 12, 1990 in the capital of Crimea, Simferopol. He became interested in chess at the age of six and a year later he fulfilled the norm of the first category. His chess development progressed very rapidly: at the age of 12 years and 211 days, he became the youngest grandmaster in chess history. In this capacity, Karjakin is included in the Guinness Book of Records.

Sergei is not only the youngest grandmaster, but also the youngest coach - at the age of 12 he was already part of Ponomarev's team of assistants when Ruslan won the FIDE world champion title. The child prodigy played the role of "tactical coach", although he was always distinguished by a versatile style of play. Since childhood, Karjakin has played "correct chess" and has equally strongly played positions of various types - from technical to irrational.

In 2010, the young and promising grandmaster changed the Ukrainian federation to the Russian one and moved to Moscow. Soon Karjakin began to study with Yuri Dokhoyan and Alexander Motylev. Per last years he has become one of the world's leading grandmasters. He has won victories in competitions of the highest level, such as super tournaments in Wijk aan Zee (2009), Moscow (Tal Memorial, 2010), Bazna (2011), Tashkent (stage of the FIDE Grand Prix, 2012) and others. In the summer of 2012, in Astana, he won the title of world rapid chess champion. Sergey Karjakin is confidently in the top ten rating and can be considered a favorite in any competition.

Sergey is sociable, friendly and open person and at the same time - an extremely experienced and strong team player. As part of the Ukrainian national team, he was already the Olympic champion (2004), and together with the Russian national team he won silver at the 2010 and 2012 Olympics. In 2012 Sergey became the champion of Russia in the Tomsk-400 club, showing the best individual result on the first board. In 2013, Karjakin won the supertournament in Stavanger, beating, among other things, the host of the field Magnus Carlsen. At the very end of 2013, Sergei became the world champion in the Russian national team and performed brilliantly at the Intellectual Games in Beijing.

Thanks to a consistently high rating, Sergey won a ticket to the 2014 Candidates Tournament. The debutant started the qualifying competition unsuccessfully, but played out in the second round - he won three wins with four draws and took a clear second place. Then Karjakin became the champion of Russia as part of his new club Malakhit, where he played on the first board. Then the second victory was won at the supertournament in Norway: Sergey Karjakin scored 6 points out of 9 and took the clear first place, ahead of world champion Magnus Carlsen, Alexander Grischuk, Levon Aronian and other top-class grandmasters. Sergey dedicated this victory to his wife Galia: the young people got married shortly before the start of the tournament, in May 2014.

In 2015, Sergei Karjakin won a silver medal in the Russian championship, and then became the owner of the World Cup, defeating his compatriot Peter Svidler in a dramatic final. Both Russian grandmasters have won tickets to the Candidates Tournament, which will be held in March 2016 in Moscow. At the end of 2015, Sergei and Galia had a son.

The Candidates Tournament in the Russian capital ended with the triumph of Sergei Karjakin, who won the right to the championship duel with Magnus Carlsen with a finishing victory over Fabiano Caruana. In the summer of 2016, as part of the Russian national team, Sergei won bronze at the Olympics in Baku.

Tournaments in which he took part

Sergey Karjakin became interested in chess at the age of five, and six months later he signed up for the sports section. “I saw an advertisement on TV. I don’t remember how it began, but it ended with the words 'a pawn becomes a queen.' there is such a wise game - chess, I introduced him to the rules in general terms. I asked him to play almost every evening, " quotes the grandmaster.


The chess player's mother remembered that before devoting his life to chess, he was also involved in other sports - tennis, judo, swimming, acrobatics. He also attended the computer section, was engaged in English, modeling from plasticine. At the same time, in the fourth grade of the school, the boy was transferred to an individual training program, since chess occupied almost all the time of the future grandmaster.

"Seryozha, due to intense training and friends, did not have much in childhood. Why are there friends - he shore every second, like in a blitz. I even opened a textbook with a notebook for him, put them in front of his eyes and changed them as soon as the son did all the exercises, "said Karjakin's father.

The paternal grandparents were also involved in raising the child. Ivan Gerasimovich Karjakin is a veteran of the Great Patriotic War, a participant in the defense of Stalingrad. Tamara Vladimirovna Karjakina is a former head teacher of the school, which taught chess to her son Alexander. She paid him a ruble for every game he won.

"For Seryozha, this amount was already frivolous, so I played with him for something more valuable - batteries. Not a single child in his childhood escaped the passion for Tetris, for which finger batteries ran out very quickly," said Sergei's father.

A few years later, the chess player's parents filed for divorce. Nevertheless, now the two of them are raising their five-year-old son Anton Karjakin. His older brother Sergei chose his name.

Now, despite the fairly young age - Sergei is only 26 - he managed to get married twice. The second wife of grandmaster Galiy Kamalov is three years older than him, according to Moskovsky Komsomolets. Nevertheless, Sergei considers himself more mature than Galia, who, by the way, also has a chess category. But the husband became a first-rate at nine years old, and his wife at 16.

Galiya Kamalova met Sergei Karjakin when the grandmaster, after moving from Crimea to Moscow, was applying for Russian citizenship. The chess player invited the girl who helped him with the registration of his passport on a date, but she refused him, citing lack of time. Nevertheless, Karjakin still waited for Galiya after work and took her to a restaurant. And so their romantic relationship began.

The girl recalls how her husband took her with him to international chess tournaments... "For the first time I went to the World Mind games in China in 2012: I thought, well, I’ll see Beijing, I’ll come off shopping. It was not so: Sergei did not let me out of the auditorium anywhere, he reproached me - while you were walking there, he blew two games. But it’s very sad to look at his moves for six hours in a row, ”Galia said.

The wife of the chess player said that the grandmaster had a desire to have a child almost immediately after the wedding. In October 2016, their son Alexei was one year old, but Karjakin was unable to celebrate his birthday with his family, as he had to fly to the training camp in Miami, where the last stage of preparation for the world championship match with Magnus Carlsen took place.

“We both believe that a man should be realized not only in his family, but also in his business, so I deliberately freed him from any troubles associated with caring for a child,” Galia said. At the same time, she noted that Sergei is a very "cheerful and loving" father.

"When on Easter he groped Lesha's first tooth that had erupted, he ran all over the house and shouted with joy. He loves to tinker with his son: he plays with his son, rolls cars, builds pyramids, dances with him in his arms, sings lullabies to him," said the grandmaster's wife ...

However, she noted that she never plays chess with her husband. "Absolutely all the photos on the Internet where we are at the board are staged," Galia explained.

Note that before the relationship with Galia, Sergei Karjakin was already married. His first wife is Ukrainian chess player Yekaterina Dolzhikova. The wedding took place on July 24, 2009. “We had known each other for a long time, got to know each other in Dresden at a festive disco. I invited Katya to dance, and the next day we went to the Dresden gallery together, looked at the Sistine Madonna. After that, we began to meet,” the grandmaster said.

Interestingly, one day after the wedding, Sergei Karjakin received Russian citizenship. At the same time, an acquaintance with his future wife Galia happened.

Soon Karjakin divorced Dolzhikova, commenting on the event in a rather standard way: “We did not agree in character. We are completely different. .. Not destiny, I guess. "

Apparently, Karjakin was very upset with the changes in his life. His work results deteriorated markedly, but the youngest grandmaster again began to storm Olympus with the birth of his first child. “Seryozha got married again. His child was recently born. His wife is a wonderful girl. The family plays a big role. Russian Naum Rashkovsky.

Let's remind that after the defeat two games before the end of the series, the total score became equal - 5-5. According to Karjakin, in time trouble he made a serious mistake. If after the main games the score is drawn, they will play a tie-break. The grandmasters will play games with a shorter time control, and then, if necessary, a blitz and the so-called Armageddon will take place - a mini-duel where the athlete playing with white pieces has five minutes against the opponent's four, but must win.

Good day, dear friend!

Sometimes a person becomes an identification mark of an era. Sergey Karjakin , in my opinion, personifies the process of revival of chess in Russia with his chess career.

By revival, I mean the return of interest in chess, both on the part of the state and in society as a whole. However, if you have a different opinion on this matter, write in the comments. Maybe I'm just wishful thinking.


Sergey Alexandrovich Karjakin was born in Simferopol in 1990 year. I got acquainted with chess in 5 years.

According to his parents, his love for chess manifested itself immediately, Sergei could spend up to 7 hours a day playing chess. When there was no one to play with, he played with himself and treated this occupation very emotionally.

Hard work is always rewarded. The results "were not long in coming."

After the first victories in children's competitions in Ukraine, then in Europe, Sergei was noticed and invited to the chess club of the city of Kramatorsk, a kind of "forge of personnel" for young chess players of Ukraine.

When Sergei was 12 , there was an event entered in the Guinness Book of Records. Our hero Sergei became a grandmaster. And not just a grandmaster, but the youngest in history.

V 2004... Sergei, as part of the Ukrainian team, becomes the winner of the Olympics. Chess, of course.


V 2009... Karjakin became a citizen of Russia. Since then, he has played for Russia in both individual and team tournaments.

The career is gradually developing. Maybe not so rapidly, but steadily. Sergey wins a number of major international tournaments.

year 2012

  • Won the 2nd stage of the FIDE Grand Prix tournament.
  • In the same year, Sergei Karjakin became the first at the World Rapid Championship (rapid chess).

year 2013

  • Won the tournament 11 categories Stavanger 2013

year 2014

  • Runner-up in the Candidates Tournament, behind only Anand.
  • Category 11 Tournament Winner Stavanger 2014

2015 year

  • Second medalist of the championship Russian Federation
  • Winner FIDE World Cup held in Baku. In a dramatic spectacular fight (not a single draw), he won the final of his compatriot Peter Svidler .

The decisive game already played in the blitz

It is in the format of a board:

At the foot of the summit

V 2016 Sergey became the first in the Candidates Tournament, and won the right to challenge the championship title. An interesting match with Magnus Carlsen , the reigning champion, took place in November of the same year.

The first twelve games played by the "classics" ended with a score 6:6 ... In accordance with the rules, the match continued in a tie-break - 4 games of rapid chess. After some hesitation, the scales tipped in favor of the reigning champion.

Nevertheless, Sergey Karjakin can safely bring this match into his asset. An equal fight with the best chess player in the world today is a positive result in itself and gives confidence for the future.

Which was confirmed after a very short time.

At the end of 2016, the World Rapid and Blitz Championship was held in Qatar (Doha).

In blitz, Sergei Karjakin scored a lot for such an even composition, 16,5 points out 21 possible. In chess language +12 ! At the same time, he won in a personal meeting with Magnus Carlsen. This fact became a decisive factor in determining the winner, because Magnus showed the same result in terms of points.

Sergey Karjakin was proclaimed world blitz champion .

One of his games in this tournament:

Karjakin - Ivanchuk , Doha, World blitz 2016, 1: 0

So, we see that Sergei Karjakin, despite his young age, is a titled chess player. He has already become the World Rapid Chess Champion, the winner of the Chess Olympiad. Sergei is the current world blitz champion.

In addition, Sergey Karjakin is an Honored Master of Sports of Ukraine and Russia, awarded the Order of Merit of the 3rd degree.

The main frontier remained unconquered - the title of world champion in classical chess. The most difficult and most prestigious.

Knowing the dedication and hard work of Sergei, there is no doubt that the next assault on the chess top is not far off.

Curious facts

  • Sergei said that his real taste for chess came when he heard the phrase “He can even become a queen” on TV.
  • Sergey Karjakin is not averse to combining chess with walking. A session in London against 72 players lasted 6 hours. God only knows how many kilometers the seancer had to wind. It can be assumed that the distance is commensurate with what a football player runs during a match.
  • Sergei became a grandmaster at the age of 12 and two hundred and eleven days, becoming a record holder in the Guinness Book of Records. Prior to him, the record holder was Ruslan Ponomarev, who received the title of grandmaster at the age of 14.
  • At the age of 12, Sergei has already become the youngest. But that is not all. He became the youngest coach when he was invited to the team of Ruslan Ponomarev, who at that time was a contender for the championship, and later became the champion.

Personal life

In 2014, Sergei married Galia Kamalova, whom he met while studying at the university.

Galia is Sergei's constant companion at all tournaments.

In 2015, the newlyweds had a son, Alexei.

Without exaggeration, we can say that Sergei Karjakin, despite all his already won titles, remains one of the most promising Russian chess players in the fight for the chess crown.

We wish Sergey creative success and good luck at the chessboard!

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We visited the family of a world champion challenger

One of the most important, exciting and unpredictable sports matches of the year, the 55th World Chess Championship, kicks off in Manhattan on Friday, November 11th. This will not be an ordinary match for amateurs. the oldest game on the planet: the last time a Russian fought for the crown was eight years ago, and won it ten years ago. That was Vladimir Kramnik, who is currently advising the current applicant. Sergey Karjakin is young, born in 1990, but his rival, reigning champion Magnus Carlsen, is his age. The Norwegian will turn 26 on November 30, which is the end of the tournament, and experts believe that Magnus will make the best gift for himself, confirming the title. The statistics of personal meetings, alas, are far from in favor of our player: 16 draws, 4 losses and 1 win. But what exactly is in his favor is a reliable rear, and this is a guarantee of success in any chess games, especially in such responsible ones. "MK" talked with parents, younger brother, close friends of Sergey Karjakin, visited his family and found out who protects the youngest grandmaster in the history of chess.

Sergei Karjakin at the April Fools' Day Chess Giveaway Tournament "MK".


Of the grandparents of Karjakin, only his mother's grandfather, 80-year-old Nikolai Vasilyevich Malyutin, is alive today. A civil aviation pilot from Feodosia, he flew throughout the Soviet Union. His wife Svetlana Potapovna Malyutina is from Zaporozhye, she worked as a teacher of drawing and home economics. These grandmother's skills helped to consolidate Seryozha's outstanding childhood successes, which at the age of 12 years 211 days made him the youngest grandmaster in history and entered his name in the Guinness Book of Records.

After significant victories, the grandmother baked a branded "chess" cake for her grandson, - the applicant's mother Tatyana Nikolaevna Karjakina smiles. - She drew a board on top of it, but not all the pieces were "exposed" on it, but only those that played a key role in the game. If the rook distinguished itself and it was with it that the move was made, which put the opponent in checkmate, then it was it that was taken out with chocolate and icing.

There were also long-livers in the son's family: his great-grandmother, Maria Yakovlevna Fidorenko, who worked as an accountant, died at 92. There were also outstanding scientists: his great-grandfather Potap Ivanovich worked as an engineer at an aircraft plant in Zaporozhye and improved engines for aircraft, including military ones. He received many patents for his inventions.

Mom was born in Zaporozhye, where great-grandfather invented, spent her childhood in Dushanbe, from where grandfather flew out, and gave birth to a son at 18 in Simferopol, where their family moved in the 70s. fully support his passion for chess. By the way, he learned about the very existence of chess ... from an advertising slogan.

On TV in 1995, a video was shown, where they assured that every pawn can become a queen, - the mother gives out a family tradition. - Seryozha at his 5 years old was intrigued by this phrase, he asked the household: “Who are the pawn and queen? And how is it - one turns into another? " We, of course, explained to him, and then his eyes lit up, and he never lived a day without chess.

He started playing at home at the age of 5 (dad taught), at 5.5 he went to the section and at first he lost exclusively to dad. But Karjakin did not immediately choose his path. A pawn, before becoming a queen, must move six cells, and Seryozha went through eight other circles before he felt that chess was his life's work. The boy was recorded on computers, English, plasticine modeling, acrobatics, tennis, table tennis, judo, swimming.

Whatever he undertook, he achieved success everywhere, because everything aroused interest in him, - my mother is proud.

With my mother, Tatyana Nikolaevna.

The inquisitive boy was sent to school at the age of 7 and already in the fourth grade he was transferred to home schooling according to an individual program, since chess gradually took up all the time. He nevertheless took primary education seriously: he finished quarters with "grades" and "grades", sometimes in one day he read the entire textbook on some subject. And not only read, but also mastered the entire program. The prodigy was no stranger to the usual children's games - football and basketball with friends in the yard.

I baked pies for my mother, and I kneaded the dough myself, however, it was not always edible, ”she laughs. - When he was 14 years old, he brought me from abroad a summer dress with a colorful pattern. I took a closer look - yes, these are cows! Flying cows! Flying cows smoking cigarettes! Into the case! And I guessed with the size. I still have it. Seryozha also loved pets. Shepherd Max and cat Matilda lived with us. Her son was named Motei - she was the only one who worked out sketches with him on her knees for 6-7 hours in a row, no one could stand it for so long. Therefore, he often played even with himself. And he cried bitterly for about ten minutes when he lost. It would seem, why grieve, because the other "he" won the same? Serezha was upset to tears that he had put a checkmate on himself, not because he had embodied a cool combination, but because the other “he” blundered a piece.

My grandparents on my father’s side are from the Russian hinterland. Ivan Gerasimovich Karjakin is from the village of Peresypkino in the Tambov Region. The captain of the ground forces, he went through the Soviet-Finnish war and the entire Great Patriotic War - he took part in the Battle of Stalingrad, defended Kiev, was awarded two Orders of the Red Star. After the victory, he was sent to Simferopol, where he served in the military registration and enlistment office. Tamara Vladimirovna Karjakina - from Stary Oskol, being the head teacher of the school, she also taught mathematics to children, and taught her son, Serezha's dad, chess.

It gave a strong incentive to play: the ruble is a game, ”Aleksandr Ivanovich Karjakin reveals the secret of success. - Huge money for those times! For Seryozha, this amount was already frivolous, so I played with him for something more valuable - batteries. Not a single child in his childhood escaped the passion for "Tetris", for which finger batteries ran out very quickly. But at the age of six, when he stopped losing even to his teacher, that is, to me, we gave up this business: he almost ruined me on batteries!

Serezha's dad is strong not only in chess, in which he worked as a coach in Kramatorsk, but also in business. Today in Crimea, in a village near Belogorsk, he grows grapes, strawberries, tomatoes, cucumbers on a farm on a farm, and breeds crucian carp and mirror carp in a pond.

In Simferopol, he took up different things, he was a bummer: he sold linoleum, tiles, wallpaper on the market, which he imported from Poland, Turkey, Ukraine; for several years he was in charge of a pie machine, - adds the dad. - The pies were baked with a partner - with potatoes or jam. Once, for fun, they overfulfilled the plan. Usually we gave out 3 thousand pies per shift, but here from 5 am to 7 pm they blinded and sold ... Guess how much? 7 thousand! With potato. 4 kopecks each. A food technologist by education, I cooked meat in a restaurant, butchered carcasses and smoked sausage.

At the same time, he did not get tired of training his son and freeing up his day for chess as much as possible.

Serezha, due to intense training and friends, did not have much in childhood. Why are there friends - every second, like in a blitz, he shore. I even opened a textbook with a notebook for him, put them in front of his eyes and replaced them as soon as the son did all the exercises, - the method of high-speed mastering of school material is given by dad.

The longest break in the life of the young grandmaster turned out to be like Mtsyri's, for three days: once dad noticed how tired he was after a regular tournament, and took the boy to the mountains. There he finally saw not a chess, but a real horse, which can not only jump, but also ride. He also fished, chopped with his father in computer games... Did he like these "three happy days"? Yes, but he also realized that without chess they are eternity.

Karjakin's parents divorced, but together they are raising his younger brother, 9-year-old Anton, whose name was chosen by the eldest. When he was born, Seryozha was already 17 years old. Anton has been professionally engaged in karting since the age of 5 and in November, as an older brother, he also participates in competitions in his sport. On the race track, he accelerates to 80 km / h and rushes with the breeze, dreaming of becoming a Formula 1 pilot. He is so well versed in technology in general and cars in particular that he poured a tank of gasoline and repaired a loosened handbrake with a headlight for his grandfather. He will be rooting for his brother at home via webcast.

I'll jump when Seryozha arrives in Simferopol, with him for the company in the pool! he shouts. - In clothes! That's what my brother promised!


In the next stage of the chess game after the opening, sacrifices, as a rule, appear, since the main events in the struggle develop - attack and defense, positional maneuvering and combinations. One such combination with a bold maneuver was brilliantly performed by Sergei - the future wife of Galiya Kamalova fell victim to a love attack. Where are chess king(albeit a potential one) without a queen!

She tells me the story of their love, sitting no longer at work, but in their three-story house with an apple orchard in the Odintsovo district of the Moscow region. There were so many apples before the match that they filled a whole room. Galiya is sorting through the chestnuts, teaching the concentration of attention of their son, the adorable toddler Alexei, who looks like his dad, like two pawns from one set. On October 19, he turned a year old, and on October 17, Sergei, not having celebrated such an important date with his family, flew to the training camp in Miami: chess is now above all, and every day counts.

He first saw his son a week after his birth, as soon as he returned from Macedonia, since the birth of the baby had to be exactly at the European Cup among clubs. Karjakin plays for the Russian national team and for the Italian club - in chess, in this regard, everything is like in football.

Serezha, as soon as we got married, immediately made it clear that he was ready to have a child, - explains Galia. - However, we both believe that a man should be realized not only in the family, but also in his business, so I deliberately freed him from any troubles associated with caring for a child. Our dad is loving and cheerful: when he found Lesha's first erupted tooth on Easter, he ran around the house and screamed with joy. She loves to tinker with her son: she plays with her son, he rolls cars, builds pyramids, dances with him in his arms, sings lullabies to him ...

Once Galia found her husband not singing, but reading: to put Lesha to bed, dad read to him ... "Eugene Onegin." It may seem strange to some, but chess players are educated people, they know that the rhythm of Pushkin's syllable has a beneficial effect on babies. Since six months after Lesha was born, Sergei became an applicant, he was no longer included in the process of raising the baby: he never changed diapers in his life, did not feed him, did not bathe ... But he can take a walk. He, the world blitz champion, loves fast chess and long walks.

Galia is three years older than Sergei, but they measure the difference in age ... by categories. Sergei completed the first grade at the age of 7, Galia - at 16. Yes, she also knows how to play chess, and not only knows how, but even before the decree taught others - kids at kindergarten... She began to study chess a year later than him, but Galia had not eight other circles, but twelve: beading, dancing, phytodesign, volleyball, theater, computer science, painting, drawing, choir, cutting and sewing, English, biology. Even for the school team of KVN "Brilliant" she managed to perform. By being her captain.

Needless to say, the Russian State Social University not only graduated with honors, but also, while studying at the faculty of social work, headed the council of elders of the entire university. It is not surprising that the rector did not want to let go of such an active girl after graduation and made her his assistant (and she also combined this work with teaching in a kindergarten and with work in the Moscow Chess Federation). The university itself helped promising chess players, and Sergei in 2009 just castled - he changed his Ukrainian citizenship to ours, since there were much more opportunities for its development in Russia. Galia was in charge of preparing the documents for the future Russian applicant.

A few days later, he called me and offered to have dinner together, - says Galia, embarrassed. - She replied that I work late and cannot meet in any way. She said and continued to work, and he ...

Sergei made a move with a knight - "iron": despite the refusal, he drove for a girl he liked.

He came and waits, and that's it, ”Galia throws up his hands. - He calls from the car and insists: come on faster, while no one saw us, as if he was in time trouble. I had to agree - we had dinner at a restaurant on Old Arbat, then they began to meet. The first time I went after him to the World Mind Games in China in 2012: I thought, well, I’ll see Beijing, I’ll come off shopping. It was not so: Sergei did not let me out of the auditorium anywhere, he reproached me - while you were walking there, he blew two games. But it is very sad to look at his moves for six hours in a row.

But Karjakin appreciates his faithful: pampers with orchids and giant bears, romantic weekend trips. She knows how to cook scrambled eggs, sandwich and tea. The applicant is fed not only by his wife, but also by her grandmother from Korolev near Moscow - she sends pickled tomatoes and cucumbers in boxes.

The wife and son are the most reliable rear.

Galia is also a girl from a good family. Pope, Nail Ravilovich Kamalov, is a lieutenant colonel, fought in Afghanistan, awarded the Order of the Red Star. Mom, Svetlana Arievna Kamalova, graduated with honors from the Finance Academy under the Government of Russia. Mother's grandmother, Valentina Vasilievna Kasyanova, a labor veteran, until last year worked as a leading specialist at the Mission Control Center - her exact position is still classified. Her husband, engineer Ariy Fedorovich Kasyanov, was visited by the most outstanding cosmonauts of the Union. Daddy's grandfather, Ravil Magrupovich Kamalov, like his father, a military man, a veteran of the Great Patriotic War, served in the Northern Fleet, defended the Arctic. Grandmother, Dufaya Khaidarovna Kamalova, is a teacher of the Russian language. In the family, Galia, like Sergei, has centenarians: her great-grandmother by her mother, Anna Kirillovna Kasyanova, died at the age of 103.

On the decisive days, Galia does everything possible to win her husband: a month before the championship, she flew to New York, chose a hotel for him, looked at the site for the confrontation of the year, which is already being compared with the legendary Spassky-Fischer match. Then, leaving the baby at home, she rushed after her husband to the training camp in Miami. Hockey players are usually forbidden to live with their wives before the competition, but chess is a delicate matter, here a date with your wife can both help and hinder, Galia floridly answers the question whether the applicant has sex before the game. The only thing that she does not do and has never done in all the years of their acquaintance and marriage is not playing chess with her husband.

Absolutely all the photos on the Internet where we are at the board are staged, ”she winks. - Once the photographer tired us of waiting, and without looking, I made a move. Sergei didn't even answer. I hope this move even exists!

If we are to play, the wife thinks, so with the champion. Here is an additional incentive for Karjakin, which the single Carlsen does not have.

Little chess player and great master... With Garry Kasparov.


Most often, in the final stage of the game, when it is time to checkmate, a pawn, as in that advertisement, is promoted to queens and gains an advantage that our challenger would not have achieved if he had one queen in reserve. A man from MK helps Karjakin to prepare for the main game in his life - our former sports reporter Kirill Zangalis, who became his manager five years ago. Then Karjakin was still little known to the non-chess audience, and now they recognize him even in the bathhouse.

Seryozha has not yet got used to many things after the popularity that has fallen on him, before the broadcast on the federal channel he drank brandy for courage, although he does not drink at all and was encouraged to leave me, - Kirill notes. - He's good not only at chess. In karaoke he sings passably, especially his beloved Lady Gaga. Once in a friendly football match he scored a penalty kick to Sergei Rodionov himself, the legend of Spartak.

Although the applicant gave up acrobatics as a child, when he sat down at the board, he did not lose his sports form - it is extremely important for chess players. She is watched by his peer and ... namesake - Sergey Karjakin, two-time world champion in pentathlon.

I advise him about the regime before the match, - the pentathlete worries about his friend. - Recommended to go to bed no later than 11 pm, get up no later than 6 am, drink warm water on an empty stomach not with lemon, but with honey, during a long break from chess, swim in the pool (2 km at a time), during a short break - pull up (three 10 times) and push-ups (three sets of 25 times). In the hotel, do not deny yourself your favorite pastime - walking on your hands. Especially if you win the game.

Karjakin’s chances of winning will grow, another candidate’s consultant, 12th world chess champion Anatoly Karpov, shared with MK, if Sergei pushes the board into the far corner and takes a break from eternal pondering moves, and instead of a hotel room he rent an apartment (there are no strangers and less anxiety), and he will also have his own cook and stock up on coffee, which Karjakin usually does not drink.

It is a pity that he does not have a general higher education, but a highly specialized one - social pedagogy, like that of a wife - the great grandmaster is experiencing. - To win, one needs knowledge both in philosophy and in psychology, but he does not have them. Well, okay, the main thing is that Karjakin overcome complexes in front of Carlsen and, like everyone else, stop seeing him as an unconditional favorite.

Sergei Karjakin, of course, has already turned from a pawn to a queen, bringing that mysterious ad from childhood to life. Now he swung at the chess crown, and prize fund- no longer batteries for Tetris, but one million euros, of which the Russian will get a little more or a little less than half, depending on how he plays.