Intellect is a game of clever and clever people. Game "Clever and clever" in elementary school. The most erudite viewer of the game

Target competition-games "Clever and clever": creating conditions for the formation of inventive thinking, productivity, digital literacy, effective communication and creativity junior schoolchildren.

Objectives of the game competition

  • to intensify cognitive activity children;
  • promote the development of the ability to competently express their thoughts in Russian;
  • create conditions for the development of self-organization, the ability to organize their activities, the verbalization of knowledge;
  • to promote the development of personal responsibility and communication skills when working in a team.

The "Clever and Clever" game competition is aimed at developing the following skills of the twenty-first century:

  • Communication skills- the ability to create conditions for effective oral, written, multimedia communication in various forms and contexts, to manage and understand it.
  • Creativity and curiosity- the ability to self-development, apply new ideas and communicate them to other people.
  • Ability to work with information and media- the ability to find, analyze, manage, integrate, evaluate and create information in various forms and different ways
  • Interpersonal interaction and collaboration- the ability to work in a team, to be a leader; take on different roles and responsibilities; to work productively in a team; ability to empathize; respect different opinions.
  • Ability to pose and solve problems- the ability to identify, analyze and solve problems.
  • Social responsibility- the ability to act in the best interests of the community.

Planned results:


  • be aware of yourself as a part of the team (with an interest and active participation in the collective work);
  • explain to myself: “what I want to know” (goals, motives) and “what I learned” (results);


  • on one's own make up a plan for completing tasks, solving problems of a creative and exploratory nature;
  • work according to a collectively drawn up plan, general agreement.


  • assimilate initial ideas about the characteristics of various professions;
  • explain the world animals (insects, spiders, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, animals), mushrooms, plants .
  • define your attitude to the world: to prove the need for a careful attitude of people to living organisms.
  • consciously follow the algorithm for performing actions in expressions with and without parentheses;
  • use in calculations at the skill level knowledge of tabular multiplication cases of single-digit numbers and their corresponding division cases ;
  • be aware of themselves as native speakers;
  • highlight groups of similar objects among dissimilar ones and give names to these groups ;
  • differ statements from other proposals, drive examples of statements, to define true and false statements .

Stages competition-games

Competition-game "Clever and clever men" is held in five stages.

  • The first stage "Warm-up" ( area of ​​general knowledge).
  • The second stage "Letters" (philology).
  • The third stage "Dress the captain" ( career guidance).
  • The fourth stage "Sharpshooter" ( maths).
  • The fifth stage of "Traveling around the planet" ( the world).

Approximate duration competition-games : 45-50 minutes

Interdisciplinary connections: « The world"," Philology (Russian language) "," Mathematics and ICT ".

Materials and resources required to conduct competition games.

Equipment: computer, projector, screen, interactive whiteboard, software, Internet access, Wi-Fi, personal Macbook and for each group of participants, a lottery drum, boxes in which items needed by people of various professions are stacked.

Didactic and handouts: cards with tasks for the lottery drum.

Participants of the game competition: Students of grades 1–2 take part in the game competition. Participants in each training institution represent a team of five people (captain and four team members).

Jury of the competition-game: The jury is formed from teachers (educators) of the participants of the game-competition.

Jury tasks:

  • evaluate the performance of teams according to specially developed criteria;
  • notify the participants about the decisions made;
  • take part in the awarding procedure for winners and participants.

Based on the results of five stages, the jury determines the winners and awards the teams.

Commentary for the teacher. Presentation accompanying the course of the competition-game consists of 17 slides.

  • 1 slide. Title
  • 2 slide. Game map. You can use hyperlinks to navigate to the selected slide.
  • 3 slide. Warm up. Returns are made in the direction of the arrow.
  • 4 slide. Literate. The hyperlink opens the game in Leaningapps. Returns are made in the direction of the arrow.
  • 5 slide. Accurate shooter. Returns are made in the direction of the arrow.
  • 6 slide. Captains competition. Returns are made in the direction of the arrow.
  • 7 slide. Travel around the planet. You can click the hyperlink to go to the desired slide. 1 - Forest. 2 - Desert. 3 - Ocean. 4 - Meadow... The transition to the final slide is carried out according to the arrow.
  • 8-11 slides. Trigger system configured. If you click on the picture with the image of the extra animal, the picture disappears. If the answer is wrong, the picture will start wobbling.
  • 8 slide. Forest. Return to the seventh slide by the arrow.
  • 9 slide. Desert. Return to the seventh slide is carried out according to the arrow.
  • 10 slide. Ocean. Return to the seventh slide by the arrow.
  • 11 slide. Meadow. Return to the seventh slide by the arrow.
  • 12. slide. Screensaver (title slide).
  • 13 slide. Congratulations to the winners.
  • 14-16 slides. Sources (not shown)

Event progress

I. Organizational moment.

Slide 1

Lead 1: We are starting a competition-game "Clever and clever".

Lead 2:

Lead 1: Your mentors will evaluate our competition.

The jury takes their places and receives the protocols.Annex 1

Lead 2: Participants in our game ...

The presenter lists the names of educational institutions participating in the game.

Lead 2:

Tell me, are you glad to be here? (Yes)
Do you have a lot of knowledge? (Yes)
Did you take your wit with you? (Yes)
Are you ready for a fair fight? (Yes)
Will you support your faithful friend along the way? (Yes)
Will you walk together? (Yes)

Slide 2

Lead 2: Girls and boys. Our contest "Clever and Clever" consists of five stages. The first stage "Warm-up" will help you show your general knowledge, outlook, erudition. The second stage, "Letters", will invite young philologists. The third stage "Dress up the Captain" is dedicated to different professions. Perhaps he will serve as a guide for some of you when choosing a future profession. The fourth stage "Sharpshooter" will take you to the field of mathematics. In the fifth stage, you will embark on Journey Through the Planet.

Lead 1:

May you play the whole game today
Success comes along!
Go ahead, friends! The game is calling!
We are rooting for everyone!

II. First step

Slide 3

Lead 2: So, we begin the first stage "Warm-up". Appendix 2

The lottery drum contains cards with the task. Representatives of each team take turns taking out a task card. The team confers and gives an answer to the question posed.

Evaluation criteria for the first stage

III. Second phase.

Slide 4

Lead 1: Girls and boys! Before you is the task of the second stage "Diploma". This is a grammar puzzle. It is made up of vocabulary words. Above and below playing field the letters are arranged. You need to select a letter and a word that contains this letter. The team that completes the task faster wins.

(Each team has a Macbook

Evaluation criteria for the second stage

IV. Third stage.

Slide 5

Lead 2: Our third stage is “Dress the Captain”. Appendix 3

We were visited by people of five different professions. We put their overalls and tools in different boxes. It looks like we got something mixed up. We invite you to carefully consider the contents of your boxes and those of your rivals. Find a uniform for your captain and explain what profession he represents. Be careful!

(In special boxes, tools, uniforms of a doctor, cook, sportsman, sailor, builder are laid out in a chaotic manner. There are items that do not belong to any of the above professions).

Evaluation criteria for the third stage

V. Fourth stage. Part one.

Slide 6

The fourth stage consists of two parts.

Lead 1: The fourth stage is "Sharpshooter". (Sheets with assignments are distributed to children. Appendix 4)

Lead 1: We invite you to consider the first round target. Shoot eight shots, fill in the blanks, and fill in the missing numbers. The multiplication table will help you with this. The task is given three minutes.

(After the completion of the work, the forms with the completed task are given to the jury.)

Stage 4 Evaluation Criteria (1)

Vi. Stage four. Part two.

Slide 7

Lead 2: We suggest that you test your accuracy using a second target. Shoot four arrows each (choose four numbers) and score exactly 100 points in total. The winner is the one who can find more options.

Evaluation Criteria for Stage Four (2)

Vii. Fifth stage.

Slide 8


We'll take the world map
Let's start the journey
On the seas, on the oceans
Countries and continents.
(The author of the poem Elena Knysh)

Leading: Girls and boys. We begin our journey around the planet. Be careful because some of the animals have gotten lost. Your task is to determine which of the animals got into someone else's habitat. Guess the riddle and you will find out where we got to.

The house is open from all sides,
It is covered with a carved roof.
Enter the green house -
You will see miracles in it!

Children(first team) answer in chorus: Forest.

Slide 9

Leading... Determine which of the animals should not live in the forest. If you give the correct answer, then the extra animal is sent to its habitat. If the answer is wrong, the picture will wiggle.

The slide shows a forest in which peacock, squirrel, magpie, hare, kangaroo, Elk.

Slide 10

Leading: We continue our journey.

There are large piles of sand in it
The dunes are called
And camels walk along them,
Stretched out by a caravan.

Children(second team) answer in chorus: Desert.

The slide depicts a camel against the background of the desert, Wolf, snake, jerboa, raccoon, lizard.

Slide 11


The kingdom of fish, whales, squids,
Sea stars, jellyfish, corals.

Children(third team) answer in chorus: Ocean.

On the background of the ocean are depicted: Pike, whale, shark, cancer, starfish, corals.

Slide 12


We walk on the carpet with you
Nobody weaved it.
It spread out by itself
Lies by the blue river
And yellow, and blue, and scarlet!

Children(the fourth team) answer in chorus: Lug.

On the background of the meadow are depicted: a mouse, deer, bumblebee, butterfly, quail, capercaillie.

Evaluation criteria for the fifth stage

VIII. The result of the competition-game "Clever and clever men".

Lead 2: The competition is over. The word of the jury to announce the number of points and the names of the winning teams.

Presentation of cups and certificates.

Intellectual game v kindergarten for older preschoolers 5-7 years old "Clever and clever men"

author: Boldareva Svetlana Aleksandrovna, practical psychologist, educator-methodologist, Preschool educational institution of the combined type No. 9 "Voskhod", Shakhtersk.
Methodical development will be useful for teachers preschool institutions... The game contains a variety of tasks for older children preschool age that develop mental processes, intelligence, independence. The main goal of the game is to diagnose the level of preparation of children for school.

Theme... Intellectual game for older preschoolers "Clever and clever"

- maintain an interest in cognitive activity;
- develop memory, thinking, attention, communication skills;
- to educate in children the ability to take initiative in order to gain new knowledge, perseverance, purposefulness, ingenuity, mutual assistance

1.Cards with tasks
2. Musical accompaniment("Dance teacher", "Fanfare" (beginning, rewarding, CD with musical fragments from children's cartoons)
3. Presentation
4.Hero - Mary Poppins

Game progress:

Music sounds.
Early, early sun rose
Good morning wished everyone.
And I congratulate you children,
I wish you all a wonderful mood.
An unusual day is with us today,
The game called - her hour has come.

Music sounds, children come in.

It's time for us to get to know better
Heroes of the day - intellectuals
Introduce yourself, dear friends,
We all need to get to know each other.
Introduction of the participants of the game

- So, we got acquainted with the team of participants, and now we present you another team - a team of a fair and objective jury, which will have to make difficult, very important decisions.
Jury presentation

Music sounds. Mary Poppins "arrives" on an umbrella.
Mary Poppins
I will open the doors to a fairy tale
Did everyone recognize Poppins Mary?
Both for adults and children
I am always full of ideas!
So that you can develop
Any difficulty to deal with
I'm in a hurry to help you,
I will invite you to the land of knowledge!
Preschoolers, pull yourself up,
Everybody look at me.
Let's repeat with me together
Oaths are kind words:
We swear to be friendly
CHILDREN: We swear!
And do not shed bitter tears.
CHILDREN: We swear!
To meet difficulties with a smile.
CHILDREN: We swear!
It is bold to overcome everything.
CHILDREN: We swear!
Leading: So, our intellectual game is open, and we will start it with a little warm-up (Slide number 2)

Mary Poppins
Slide 3

I will ask questions to each participant. For each correct answer, the participant receives one point.

1. What tree is afraid of the wind? (aspen)
2. What bird is called a forest doctor? (woodpecker)
3. Who swims faster: chicken or duck? (duckling)
4. What day of the week is it?
5. What is the name of the man-made bird house? (birdhouse)
6. How many seasons do you know? (4)
7. In what month do children go to school? (September)
8. What kind of drink can you get from an animal? (milk)
9. Which lasts longer: a year or 12 months? (same)
10. What flower pricks your fingers? (the Rose)
11. What planet do we live on? (Earth)
12. What cereal is used to cook pilaf? (rice)
13. An animal that Aibolit pulled out of the swamp? (hippo)
14. What can you see in the sky in the warm season after rain? (Rainbow)
15. What vegetables are needed to make borsch?
16. What can be seen from closed eyes? (dream)
17. What time of the year does a blizzard occur?
18. How many people pulled the turnip? (3, other animals)
19. Home Santa Claus. (Fridge)
20. What can be cooked but not eaten? (homework)

- The warm-up is over. The jury sums up the first results. And we invite the participants to take their places.

Leading: Smart, funny and resourceful guys have gathered in our hall. And the jury and our contests will help us choose the smartest one. Slide 4 (The presenter lists the competition tasks)

Mary Poppins chooses the Entertaining Maths square

Leading: Guys, here's the first task - unusual fruit examples.
Assignment: You need to correctly solve each example and in the empty cells write the number corresponding to the number of fruits in the example. Slide 5

Mary Poppins collects the cards, gives them to the jury.
Leading: Dear Mary Poppins! Please help us choose the next competition on our multicolored square.
Mary Poppins chooses the "Think - guess" square
Slide 6

Leading: And again the task with the cards. Guys, look at the picture. On the left are various objects, and on the right is a graphic representation of their parts.
Assignment: find a pair of an object and its graphic and connect them with a straight line.

Leading: Our guest chooses the next square ... ..
Mary Poppins chooses the Mysterious World of Nature square

Leading: And ... we'll have to work a little more with the cards. So, the task: determine what grows where, connecting with a straight line Slide 8

Leading: Mary Poppins! Again, we ask you to name the next competition.
Mary Poppins chooses the ABC square Slide 9

Leading: Guys, we ask you to come to the screen.
Children come up to the screen.

You will have to answer the questions that the doctor, the traffic police inspector and the EMERCOM officer will ask you. You get one point for the correct answer. Who will be the first to answer the question?
Children take turns answering the questions asked.
Traffic police inspector
1. The place reserved for walking pedestrians is called ... a) sidewalk; b) highway; c) street. Slide 10

2. How to cross the road correctly if there is no traffic light nearby. Slide 11

3. In which car - Volvo, Audi or Mercedes - would you agree to ride with a stranger? Slide 12

1. What to do if smoke appears in the apartment: a) wrap your face with a wet cloth and quickly leave the apartment; b) open windows and doors to escape the smoke. Slide 13

2. What does a firefighter put on his face when entering a burning room, and why does he do it? Slide 14

1. Drawer (locker), which contains the medicines available in the house. (First aid kit.) Slide 15

2. With the help of which organ does a person breathe: a) the brain; b) heart; c) lungs. Slide 16

3. Training the body with cold. (Tempering.) Slide 17

The jury sums up the results of the competition, and our guest Mary Poppins calls the next competition.

Mary Poppins chooses the "Along the Fairy Tracks" square
Leading: Do you guys like fairy tales? Then we suggest you take a walk along the fabulous paths.
(On the screen air balloons under the numbers. The child chooses a ball with a number.)

Slides to fairy tales Slides 18 - 27:
1. "Golden Key" - cap, alphabet, theater

2. "Sister ALENUSHKA" - hoof, goat., Girl

3. "The Frog Princess" - an arrow, a swamp, Ivan Tsarevich

4. "Three Bears" - plate, chair, bear

5. "Masha and the Bear" - a box, pies, a girl

6. " The Snow Queen"- palace, sleigh, boy

7. "Thumbelina" - mole, water lily, swallow

8. "12 MONTHS" - BOSTER, basket with snowdrop, stepmother with sister

9. "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish" - trough, seine, old man.

10. "By the pike's command" - oven, buckets, pike.

Mary Poppins: And now, let me announce a creative competition "Show the top class!"
Children dance to the music "Dance Teacher" with Mary Poppins

Leading: It will not be easy for the jury to sum up the results of this competition. All of you guys are so great!
- We suggest you sit down at the tables again, and Mary Poppins name the next multi-colored square competition.

Mary Poppins chooses the Grametek square.
Leading: To complete this task you need to do a sound analysis of the words: cat, rooster, fox and write the first letter of the word. Slide 28

Well done, we did it

The host collects the cards and gives them to the jury.
Leading: Dear Mary Poppins! Please select the next competition!
Mary Poppins chooses "Find the extra"
Leading: Here, guys, we have the last card. Listen to the task: you need to cross out one extra one in each group of objects.
Slide 29

The host collects the cards and gives them to the jury.
Mary Poppins: It’s my pleasure to call my favorite contest “Guess the melody” and ask you all to come up to me. Let's stand in one line and now a melody from your favorite songs, cartoons will sound for each of you, and you will have to name it.
So, the melody sounds for the player number 6 (who is the first, etc.)
Leading: Dear friends! So our meeting has come to an end. You all worked very well, passed the difficult tests with dignity, showed your knowledge and ingenuity. The floor is given to our jury.
(The jury announces the results of the intellectual game, awards)

Intellectual game "Clever men and clever men"


Raise the intellectual level of development of children and broaden their horizons.


1. Develop cognitive skills: the ability to observe, compare, classify, generalize.

2. Develop interest in classes in various subjects.

3. To cultivate perseverance, will and perseverance in achieving the goal.

4. Identify the most erudite student.

Event progress

I. Organizational moment .

Lead 1: We are starting a competition-game "Clever and clever".

Lead 2:

It's great that we are all gathered here today!
We see the goal, and that means - we care only upward!
We have the knowledge to conquer the peaks in stock!
We are smart and smart. It's time to play!

Lead 2: 3 teams take part in our game ……… ..

Lead 1:

Tell me, are you glad to be here? (Yes)
Do you have a lot of knowledge? (Yes)
Did you take your wit with you? (Yes)
Are you ready for a fair fight? (Yes)
Will you support your faithful friend along the way? (Yes)
Will you walk together? (Yes)

Lead 2:

Girls and boys. Our competition "Clever and clever" consists of four stages. The first stage "Mathematical" will take you to the field of mathematics. The second stage, "Letters", will invite young philologists. The third stage "Literary" will help us find out how much you read. The fourth stage "Nature Lovers" will take us on a journey into the natural world.

At each stage, 3 questions await you. You must choose one of them for yourself. You choose the number of points for the question yourself. Yellow card - 10 points, it includes one question, green - 20, consists of two questions and red - 30 points has three questions.

Lead 1:

May you play the whole game today
Success comes along!
Go ahead, friends! The game is calling!
We are rooting for everyone!

Lead 2: So, we begin the first stage"MATHEMATICAL". I ask the teams to select the task.

1 card ( Yellow card-10 points)

Two sausages are cooked for 6 minutes. How many minutes will 8 sausages cook? (6 minutes)

2 card ( green - 20 points)

1) Geese and dogs were walking in the yard. The boy counted their paws. A total of 8 paws. How many geese and how many dogs were there? (1 dog, 2 geese.)

2) There were 8 chairs in the room near the table. Two were moved to the wall. How many chairs are there in the room?

(8 chairs)

3 card ( red - 30 points)

1) Anya was presented with 8 books. She read everything but 5. How many books is left for her to read?

(5 books)

2) Chickens and one dog were walking in the yard. There were 10 paws in total. How many chickens were there? (3 chickens)

3) When a goose stands on two legs, it weighs 4 kg. How many kilograms will it weigh if you stand on one leg?


Lead 1: Attention, we are starting the second stage"GRAMOTEY". We select tasks.

1 card ( Yellow card-10 points)

From the letters you need to make the correct word BILUNIDK (alarm clock)

2 card ( green - 20 points)

1) From the letters you need to correctly compose the word AOSNVMTKO (cosmonaut)

Lays down with a stick on the line-

Walk along the bridge. (dash)

3 card ( red - 30 points)

1) From the letters you need to make the correct word BILUNIDK (alarm clock)

2) Guess the punctuation mark:

On a tiny ear

It looks like a curl

Tells us to stand a little

Will go out on the track-

Substitute a leg for everyone. (comma)

3) Arrange the words in alphabetical order: city, spring, watermelon, snow, fire, popsicle. (watermelon, spring, city, fire, snow, popsicle)

Lead 2: The next stage awaits us"LITERARY". We select tasks.

1 card ( Yellow card-10 points)

What did Pinocchio pull out in the Land of Fools from his jacket pocket before putting the golden key there? (leeches)

2 card ( green - 20)

1) The name of Pope Pinocchio (Carlo)

2) The hero of the fairy tale who lived with the glorious Dadon, "erased the boundaries of his kingdom" (Cockerel)

3 card ( red - 30 points)

1) A fabulous tree, in which “During the day and at night, the scientist cat walks around in a chain. (oak)

2) Uncle Styopa's nickname (Kalancha)

3) The wizard who always crawls into the bottle (Genie)

Lead 1: So guys, the last stageof our game "Nature Lovers". We select tasks.

1 card ( Yellow card-10 points)

Everything in this bird is not like that of others - the beak is not straight and not crooked, but a cross, and it hatches chicks not in summer, but in winter.


2 card ( green - 20)

1) How many legs does a spider have? (eight)

2) What is the largest ocean on Earth? (Quiet)

3 card ( red - 30 points)

1) Who has an ear on a leg? (at the grasshopper)

2) Which wild cat has tassels on its ears? (Lynx)

3) Name favorite treat storks. (frogs)

Lead 2: The competition is over. Word to announce the number of points and the names of the winning teams.

MKOU "Klyukvenskaya secondary school"

Intellectual game for younger students

"Clever men and clever men"

Prepared by: Shatalina S.A. - teacher, head of class

2013-2014 academic year

The game is built in accordance with the TV show of the same name and is designed for students in grades 3-4.

From the number of spectators - "theorists" by answering questions, 3 players are selected who have received the largest number of "orders". Among them there is a drawing of the tracks on which they will play. Whoever guesses the riddle faster gets the right to choose the track.

The red carpet is the shortest. It is impossible to make mistakes on it. On the yellow track, you can make a mistake once. The green lane is the longest, you can make two mistakes on it. Players who fail the track are ranked among the "theoreticians". Unused questions are addressed to “theorists” and give them the opportunity to receive the “order”.

Requisites: the image of three tracks (red, yellow, green), orders "Clever" and "Clever".

First agon

First Agon Selection Questions

Device, distinctive feature Carlson. (Propeller)

A tree adorned with a gold chain. (Oak)

Washbasins chief. (Moidodyr)

A formidable robber, the enemy of Aibolit. (Barmaley)

The name of a fairy tale in which a girl managed to break the evil spell imposed on a handsome prince turned into a monster. ("The Scarlet Flower")

What is the name of the most famous collection of Arabic fairy tales? ("Thousand and One Nights")

In which fairy land lives Humpty Dumpty? (Through the looking glass)

Favorite mushrooms of Baba Yaga. (Amanita) Presentation of the first three participants.

♦ Blue hair, huge eyes -

She is pride and beauty in the puppet theater. (Malvina)

♦ The toad will steal this heroine,

But the old mole will not hide in the hole. (Thumbelina)

Using antonyms (words with the opposite meaning), guess what kind of fairy tale is hidden under the expression "Ugly awake." ("Sleeping Beauty")

This ugly wooden doll with a large head and a huge toothy mouth was presented for Christmas to the girl Marie. What was the name of the doll? ("Nutcracker")

From what fairy tale excerpt: "The next day the maid began to rake ash out of the stove and found a small lump of tin that looked like a heart, and a charred, black brooch like coal." (Andersen's The Steadfast Tin Soldier.)

If the hero of the fairy tale fits this horse into the right ear, and crawls out into the left, then he will become such a fine fellow that he can neither say in a fairy tale nor describe with a pen. And if he does the opposite, that is, fits into the left ear and crawls out into the right, then he will again become the same as before. What is the name of this horse? (Sivka-Burka)

The name of the girl who temporarily replaced the doll of the heir to Tutti? (Suok)

Learn the tale by a few words from it: "war", "rooster", "astrologer", "king", "maiden". ("The Tale of the Golden Cockerel" by A. Pushkin)

The jury summarizes the results of the first agon.

Second agon

Selection questions for the second agon

Who managed to collect the rent from the devils? (Balde)

Who flew the cannonball? (Baron Munchausen)

The most famous policeman in the world. (Uncle Styopa)

What is the name of the field on which Pinocchio planted the money? (Field of Fools). Who did the frog princess become? (To Vasilisa the Beautiful.)

What was the name of the boy who lived with the toy animals: a bear cub, a donkey, a pig, a rabbit, an owl and others? (Christopher Robin)

The most unfortunate bird from Andersen's tale. (Ugly duck)

Parsley, Cornflower, Horsetail, Kolobok, Bug, Morel, Titmouse - whose names are these? (Dwarfs)

Presentation of the second trio of participants.

Riddles for drawing tracks

♦ For a well-known reason

I could not sleep on the feather bed. ("Princess on the Pea")

♦ Now everyone knows

Who lives in the old lamp. (Genie)

Question to the player on the red carpet

What is common between the fairy tales "The Ugly Duckling", "Thumbelina", "Flint"? (Author - Andersen.)

Questions to the player on the yellow track

The English folk hero, who was called the defender of the weak and the fighter for justice, together with his friends, the cheerful monk Tuk and the real hero Little John, settled in the Sherwood forest and did not miss an opportunity to attack the rich, enemies of the people, take their gold and give it to the poor people. Who is he? (Robin the Hood)

Fix errors in the names of famous fairy tales:

- "The Snow Princess" ("The Snow Queen");

- "The Wolf and the Five Kids" ("The Wolf and the Seven Kids");

- "Boy and Carlson" ("Kid and Carlson").

Questions to the player on the green carpet

Now these items are called: compass, roller skates, airplane. And what were they called in old fairy tales? (Magic ball, running boots, flying carpet)

Name at least three heroes of fairy tales, inhabitants of reservoirs. (Kikimora marsh, water, mermaid, goldfish, pike)

What is the name of the tomboy girl who, unlike other children, lives alone, by herself, in a house called "Vili Vverkhtormashki"? She is a great inventor. Her friends are Tommy and Annika. (Peppy Long Stocking)

The jury summarizes the results of the second agon.

Third agon

Selection questions for the third agon

The nickname of the rat from the tale of the adventures of Pinocchio. (Shushara)

Who traveled to the land of the midgets and the land of the giants? (Gulliver)

The heroine who became the wife of an elf. (Thumbelina)

Friends of Snow White. (Gnomes)

Who managed to make Princess Nesmeyana laugh? (Emele)

A bird whose feathers glow with a bright light. (Firebird)

A multi-headed fire-breathing dragon. (Zmey Gorynych)

The hero who was placed on the spire of the tallest tower. (The Golden Cockerel)

Presentation of the third trio of participants.

Riddles for drawing tracks

♦ A hero with a naval name is familiar to everyone,

In addition, he is a household cat. (Matroskin)

♦ Malicious old woman in an old-fashioned hat,

She is restless in her dirty tricks. (Shapoklyak)

Question to the player on the red carpet

List at least three fairy tales with numbers in their titles. ("Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves", "12 Months", "Three Little Pigs", "Seven-Flower Flower" ...)

Questions to the player on the yellow track

The most famous of the heroines of the fairy tales of G. -X. Andersen, a monument was erected in the harbor of Copenhagen, the city where Andersen lived and composed fairy tales for a long time. Who is this heroine? (Mermaid)

Name at least three golden objects used in fairy tales. (Golden fleece, golden cockerel, golden key, golden chain, golden egg)

Questions to the player on the green carpet

List at least three fairy tales with colors in their titles. ("Little Red Riding Hood", "The Scarlet Flower", "Blue Beard", "Ryaba Chicken")

After the publication of the most famous book by Defoe about the adventures of a man who ended up on a desert island, many writers began to imitate the author and write books about the adventures of people who were cut off from the world. Such adventures in honor of the protagonist began to be called "Robinsonads". What is the name of the hero D. Defoe? (Robinson Crusoe)

Name at least three heroes of fairy tales that differ from their relatives in small stature. (Thumbelina, Thumb-Boy, Little Humpbacked Horse, Carlson)

The jury summarizes the results of the third agon. Congratulations and rewarding of the winners.

Goals: to form the ability to solve problems with ingenuity, to consolidate knowledge of the Russian language, to intensify the cognitive activity of children, to expand and deepen the knowledge gained in the lessons of the surrounding world, to develop logical thinking, attention, ingenuity.

The form: intellectual quiz.

Methods: collective creative activity.

Equipment: cards with assignments in different colors: red - with assignments in mathematics; yellow - in Russian; green - for reading; blue - around the world; orange - from the field of art; white - general knowledge; a cube whose edges are painted in the same colors.

Event progress

The students divided into teams and chose a name. The captain of the 1st team goes to the leader's table. On the table are cards with assignments colored side up. The player rolls a die and then chooses one of the cards of the same color as the edge of the die. Reads the assignment. Team members think and respond. If the answer is complete and correct, the facilitator assesses it and writes down the result. If incorrect, then the right to answer is transferred to another team.

The world.

  • Is a tram at a stop bypassed in front or behind? ( in front)
  • What human organ is called a "motor"? ( heart)
  • The honey tree is ... ( Linden)
  • Is a bus or trolleybus standing at a stop bypassing in front or behind? ( behind)
  • What does a moose lose every winter? ( horns)
  • With the arrival of what birds do they think that spring has come? ( rooks)
  • What colored seas do you know? ( Black, Red, Yellow, Marble, White)
  • What is the deepest lake? ( Baikal)
  • Does the tree grow in winter? ( no, it freezes)
  • Which bird breeds chicks in winter? ( crossbill)
  • What substance on our planet exists in three states? ( water)
  • What is the name of the month of spring primroses? ( April)
  • What bird can fly with its tail forward? ( hummingbird)
  • Who sleeps upside down? ( bat)
  • What device can be used to navigate in any weather? ( compass)
  • What organ of a person is called a command post? ( brain)


  • What is Opening Day? ( exhibition of paintings)
  • In which country and in which city does the famous heroine of a fairy tale meet us? ( The Little Mermaid, Copenhagen, Denmark)
  • In which city did the great composer Johann Strauss live? ( Vienna, Austria)
  • Which tower is called "falling"? ( Leaning)
  • What is a palette? ( mixing board)
  • What is the Colosseum? ( construction in the center of Rome, it was built almost 2000 years ago. In the center of it there was an arena, around which there were rows for spectators.)
  • What is a landscape? ( painting depicting nature)
  • Name the composers.
  • What is the name of the animal painter? ( animal painter)
  • Where is the museum of the one and only ship "Vasa"? ( Stockholm, Sweden)
  • How are the streets in the city of Kostroma located? ( fan-shaped)
  • In which city is the museum of I.I. Levitan? ( Plyos)
  • What is enamel and in which city is it made? ( In Rostov, these are very beautiful jewelry with enamel - brooches, bracelets, earrings)
  • In which city is the cathedral, which was built for 600 years? ( Cologne, Germany)
  • What grandiose structure is in Egypt? ( pyramids)
  • What building is located in Athens? ( Parthenon - a temple built in honor of the goddess Athena)

Russian language.

  • Explain how you understand the expression: "the tongue is braided."
  • The word "patch" has several meanings. Name them.
  • What can run away?
  • The word "leg" has several meanings. Name them.
  • Explain how you understand the expression: "the apple has nowhere to fall."
  • What proverb can convey the meaning of the following sentence: Don't talk. ( keep your mouth shut)
  • Explain how you understand the expression “hanging on the phone”.
  • Find the word that is hidden in the word darkness.
  • Finish the saying: live a century - ... ( learn)
  • Explain how you understand the expression: "only the heels sparkle."
  • Find the word that is hidden in the word boat.
  • Finish the saying: what is written with a pen ... ( you can't knock it out with an ax)
  • What word is superfluous: joyful, cheerful, gloomy?
  • How do you spell the word in (u, e) n (e, u) gret? ( the vinaigrette)
  • What is the proverb about the book?
  • What sound could not be pronounced by the heroes of V. Dragunsky's story "The Enchanted Letter"? ( NS)


  • When we look at the number 3 and say 15?
  • Two daughters, two mothers and a grandmother with a granddaughter. How many in total? ( three)
  • If it rains at 12 o'clock in the morning, can you expect to see sunny weather in 72 hours? ( after 72 hours, i.e. in exactly three days, it will be night, which means there will be no sunny weather)
  • We often use the word kilometer. Meter translated from French means measure. What does kilo mean in translation from French? ( thousand)
  • How many years did the old man from "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish" by Alexander Pushkin go fishing before he caught the goldfish? ( exactly 30 years and 3 years)
  • The children went to the dining room in pairs. Yura counted 3 pairs in front of him and the same number of pairs behind him. How many children went to the cafeteria in total? ( 14 )
  • Seven brothers have one sister. How many children are there? ( 8 )
  • The table top has 4 corners. One of them was sawed off. How many corners does the lid have? ( 5 )
  • Two boys found 100 rubles in the yard. How much money will 5 of the same boys find? ( 100 )
  • From city A to city B the plane flies 80 minutes, and back 1 hour 20 minutes. Why? ( 80 minutes = 1h20min)
  • This figure can be straight, dull, sharp. ( injection)
  • A simple tool for drawing a straight line. ( ruler)
  • When can a person race at the speed of a racing car? ( in car)
  • Birds flew across the sky: a sparrow, a dragonfly, a swallow and a bumblebee. How many birds flew in total? ( 2 )
  • There are 15 students in the ranks. How many students are between the third and twelfth? ( 8 )
  • The wheel has 10 spokes. How many spokes are there?


  • What is the name of the literature about the future? ( fantastic)
  • How did Ellie end up in magical land? ( it was blown away by a hurricane)
  • The sorceress from Andersen's fairy tale "Flint". ( witch)
  • The object with which the princess pricked her finger from Charles Perrault's fairy tale "The Sleeping Beauty"? ( spindle)
  • The word that Kai tried to form from pieces of ice in Andersen's fairy tale "The Snow Queen"? ( eternity)
  • The nickname given to the young king by the arrogant and mocking princess from the Brothers Grimm fairy tale. ( Blackbird)
  • The name of one of the sisters of the heroine of Perrault's fairy tale "Cinderella". ( Zhavotta)
  • The place where the little robber from Andersen's fairy tale "The Snow Queen" kept the animals. ( menagerie)
  • The name of the beauty is the bride of the young man Yoringel, who was turned into a nightingale by the witch in the fairy tale of the Brothers Grimm. ( Yorinda)
  • The surname, which was invented for the owner by the hero of Charles Perrault's fairy tale "Puss in Boots". ( Karabas)
  • The document that the water rat demanded from the hero of Andersen's fairy tale "The Steadfast Tin Soldier". ( passport)
  • Down jackets on which the heroine of Andersen's fairy tale "The Princess and the Pea" slept. ( feather bed)
  • A plum treat bought from a merchant by Hans from the Brothers Grimm fairy tale "The Brave Tailor". ( jam)
  • The name of the sister of the eleven princes who were turned into birds by the evil queen in Andersen's tale "The Wild Swans". ( Eliza)
  • Who turned into eleven princes from Andersen's fairy tale. ( into swans)
  • Who brought Gerda to the prince and princess? ( Crow)

General knowledge.

  • Women's sleeveless dress. ( sundress)
  • Homeland of the first Olympic Games. ( Ancient Greece )
  • People who go to bed late at night. ( owls)
  • Hero of Russian folk puppet shows. ( Parsley)
  • Place of performances in the circus. ( arena)
  • Single-celled fungi used to bake bread. ( yeast)
  • Treasures hidden in the ground. ( treasure)
  • Fruit of a tropical palm tree. ( coconut)
  • What part of the word can be found in the ground? ( root)
  • Which wheel does not spin in the car while driving? ( spare)
  • Break between acts of the play, parts of the concert. ( intermission)
  • The contours of which country on the map resemble boots? ( Of Italy)
  • Smooth, reflective surface. ( mirror)
  • Place for the orchestra in the theater. ( orchestra pit)
  • A sense of proportion, the ability to behave in society. ( tact)
  • What kind of fabric can not be sewn into a shirt? ( from the railway)


  1. Zhirenko O.E., Yarovaya L.N., Kochergina A.V., Obukhova L.A., Gaidina L.I. Extracurricular activities: Grade 3. - M., 2007.
  2. Zhirenko O.E., Yarovaya L.N., Zhirenko O.E., Obukhova L.A., Barylkina L.P. Extracurricular activities: 2nd grade. - M., 2007.
  3. Arkharova L.I., Grebenkina L.K., Demidova S. B. Scenarios of holidays, class hours, games, entertainment. - M., 2004.