Tips to play World of Tanks. World of Tanks: Novice Tips. Always face to the enemy in World of Tanks

Try yourself as a tanker and warrior who can crush the whole company combat vehicle today can each using famous game World of tanks. It is unprecedented in it martialctionsWhere everyone who is willing to take into hand to control the whole crew can take part. So, for example, register, download and install the client - the task is absolutely for everyone. Those who love just spend their free time, enjoying a quiet and peaceful fight, just ride and kill enemies. They are not looking for tricky and secret ways in the game, but someone is now ready to kill the ally of your team, just using a much more skilled method of struggle.

Do there be in the game world of Tanks Secretswhich not everyone knows about? Is it possible to use tricks for quick earnings? How and what secrets work in famous game WORLD OF TANKS?

To win the victory, you need to have a strategy

By itself, the game is distinguished by a special type of victory: you can either capture the database of the enemy, or to twist every enemy who wishes to be on the way. If the second option is more suitable for active participants, then the first type to get a victory can be considered tactical.

The main secret of success with the rapid seizure of the base is to use small tanks in your destination. They are easily moving, go from firing and hiding. If you study the secrets of the game in the World of Tanks, the use of a lightweight tank to capture the base is what you need to pay special attention to. In this case, you need a faithful ally who can take a blow to its powerful armor and resist up to 100 seconds. In this case, the trick is correct: one way should be some kind of natural protection (stone), and the other is a heavy tank with excellent armor.


The main trick of the game is the technique itself. Only that player will be able to break through the tank, which at least he studied his armor, looking at the roller, which describes in detail about the weak and strong parts of the combat vehicle. For example, many "tankers" decide that the position on the mountain is the most profitable. Of course, on the one hand, all the players who took this position are right - find an enemy from the top point easily and quickly, but the problem is another. If the gamer sees a tank, which is like everyone else with a big mountain, then one trick works - you need to shoot in weak spots, that is, in the lower armor, and then after the breakdown, you can immobilize the technique and quickly destroy it, having received covert glasses for the accuracy.

Secrets of large income. How to quickly accumulate on expensive acquisition

When in World of Tanks, the secrets become known to everyone, they cease to act "on the player", but play against everyone. So, for example, a little-known trick to obtain a large income lies in the 5th level tanks. The fact is that it is on the combat vehicles of this level that there is a maximum income limit. That is, the details and innovations are not so expensive, and expenses can easily justify a couple of battles. If many people think that this is not so, then you can check, taking, for example, the tank of the eighth or ninth level. The costs of its update and pumping more than income, and a player, having a possession of such a car, simply goes into minus, if it does not shine the accuracy.

You can save on many things to know what

Secrets of the game in the World of Tanks are characterized by the fact that they are legal and laid by the developers themselves. For example, another popular cunning trick is considered to be the crew. As you know, hire a new crew for just a purchased tank - the pleasure is not cheap, but it is on this gamemer who can easily save most of the funds if simply disappoints the old crew. In addition pleasant bonus It will be that such a team will continue part of the experience from the previous work.

Savings and earnings: how to spend money productive

Waving secrets and tricks of savings in the game world of tanks, you can stumble upon a completely banal thing. So, for example, one chance to minimize costs can be considered special bonus codes that appear in holidays. To get a "bun" from developers, you only need to enter a code word that comes to the mailbox after some actions in personal Cabinet. This code player enters a special column and receives his prize. Whatever popular is this action, it becomes unknown for many, and therefore secret.

Unravel all in World of Tanks Secrets - Reality or Myth?

When players, thirsting to get more than they deserve, begin to search for "left" ways to obtain experience and silver, they sometimes fall on scammers who need only money from such trusting persons. If the gamer is looking for cheats for World of Tanks, then, most likely, it will be very upset when it does not find anything about this. It's all about a special "physics" of the game. The pumped tank can defeat the same combat machine, having only more solid armor. Because at what angle, the projectile turns out to be in the enemy's tank, will depend on the result: a ricochet, breaking or tank will be destroyed.

In World of Tanks, secrets and tricks lie in ordinary things. So, for example, increasing the performance of your client, the player can fully control the situation of the battle, and even only due to the fact that the picture does not freeze, and the ping does not jump. To increase the quality of the game in accordance with the client's version, you should regularly update modes for World of Tanks. From their presence and quality will depend on the resolution of the transmitted image, the response rate to the actions and various "prompses", which may affect the speed of the enemy's detection even under the masking grid.

Tricks and secrets: Using them to fully, you can quickly win

As already mentioned, the World of Tanks game is designed in such a way that cheat codes cannot be used to enhance experience, silver or gold. Only an impressive number of victories can bring success to the player. Fashion for World of Tanks is a great way to keep everything under control, install latest updates From developers and be a little better than all other tanks in the game. But to win, not enough to use bonus codes, activate them or apply the most powerful armor for your combat vehicle. To snatch a victory, we need a strategy, thoughtful tactics, which will become a secret weapon for the whole team. It is for this that a common chat is working where the allies can write about their ideas and offensive suggestions, how to quickly capture the enemy base. Many players are forced to turn off the chat as unnecessary, simply consider that it is easier to work alone. This is a deep misconception, since the only cunning in the game is called exactly the planned strategy of fighting or the capture of the base.

Belorussian online gamesand the World of Tanks (WOT), and in more specifically speaking tanks captured the minds not only Russian-speaking gamers, but also many foreign fans to shoot. It would seem that everyone knows how to play, but there are such (yes, do not be surprised) who just starts to know amazing world Tanks. Especially for beginners of three basic councils.

1. Always face an enemy in World of Tanks

We will take such a situation: on the way to your position there is a terrible site, overcoming that you substitute your side to the opponent, and we will test the chance of damage to the domestic tank. To do this, deploy the tank tower in the direction of the likely position of the opponent, in other words it is necessary to observe in the direction where it is scary. From this name "face to fear."

For example, Map Malinovka. Where there is a huge danger of light at the beginning of the battle, and you need to go to the flank, to the forest. Turn the tower towards the field and go until it becomes safe. Either the second example, on the clock map. If you are going to occupy a balcony, then in the squares F4-F4 or E4-E5 there is a huge danger that you can open, and if you unfold the tower to the opponent, then the chance to get to the position will be more.

Also on urban maps, driving spans between buildings is better to deploy the tower to the side, from where you can shoot. Following this advice, you will receive a consistency of advantages: First, under the shot, you substitute the most durable piece of the tank - this is a mask of the gun, which, in most cases, it is more difficult to break through than any other part of the tank. Secondly, you decrease the silhouette of the tank itself, because the smaller the visible area, the less chances to get into you, because it is best not a ricochet as well as not impetuure, but while the ammunition flies by. Thirdly, the tool is already directed towards the enemy and when it is lit, you will not need to waste time by turning the tower for the shot, you can only act more correctly and shoot, not risking to hit, quickly overcoming the terrible site.

2. Maintaining battle due to the corner in World of Tanks

The Council is facing heavy armor drivers, despite the fact that we apply to almost any technique. The appeal will go on how to find it right from behind an angle or news a shootout. It is very easy to go out of the corner, before turning out to be rolled out on the spare area, you must choose such a trajectory of movement so that the opponent does not see your side. Return sideways from behind the corner, substituting the board is unacceptable. To all of the other, you can please in the "rollery trap", which we told you in the past release and your fight will be completed on this.

If you defend the position by shooting due to the obstacle, then the most effective method will be a tanning board. To do this, you need to lean against the corner either to the very edge of the forehead forehead, then make an angle about 15 degrees and drive a little back. Your task is to shoot unrestrained either not a very skilled player to you in a very sharp angle, which will surely lead to a ricochet or impetuation, due to the fact that the ammunition will need to pierce the armor not across, but throughout that makes it many times thicker, As a rule, besides the possibility of providing it.

After the opponent or rivals were discharged, you need to drive away a little more than a little back, so you can already shoot, as before showing the opponent with a sharp corner of the front armor. After the shot, go back to the initial position, wait for recharging and repeat the reception. Applying this advice, you can shoot with superior rivals actually without risk for your strength, continuously defend your position, holding back rivals from the offensive, and at the end of the battle, we can gladly rejoice the "Metal Wall" medals.

3. Poor invisible and shoot World of Tanks

There is a method by shooting from bushes to stay unnoticed for the enemy, but first few about the mechanics of the game. After the shot, all bushes within a radius of 15 meters cease to mask you within a few seconds, and to avoid lighting you need to be at a greater distance at the time of the shot. Find out the desired range from the bush is very easy when sniper sight A bush through what you look, becomes opaque, then the distance is more than 15 meters and it is possible to shoot without fear of lighting.

To increase the effectiveness of this method, the invisibility of shooting, you need to stop when the bushes still remain transparent, but by moving out 1-2 meters, they became impenetrable, in such a position you can independently evode the enemy. After the enemy is littered, it will shine at least 8 seconds, this time is just enough to give a little back, thereby not very much increasing the scatter of the sight, but after the bushes become impenetrable, stop there, go out and go out and Shoot.

Following this advice, you acquire a consistency of advantages: first, after the shot you remain invisible, and therefore you will not give delivery, and you can do this reception even repeatedly. Secondly, you work on your own light, and therefore you will not need to share experiences and silver earned for the resulting shots with your allies.

The complexity of this method is that you shoot not by visible to the opponent, but according to its silhouette through an opaque bush and it is necessary to be attentive, considering what particular part of the opponent's tank is open to hit, since the silhouette is shown to you quite independently, which is visible, for example, Only the tower.

1.comanda game.
The main thing in World of Tanks is command game. Of course, you are not Colobanov, and even more so no Rambo to fight alone. You do not have to leave the allies on the flank and in general the flanks can't stop. It will still lead to the fact that sooner or later the rivals will come for you and begin to disassemble you from two sides. On each flank should be at least three tanks so that they can somehow distribute damage.
2. Always finish tanks with a small amount of strength points.
Here the main principle - the strongest survivors, that is, seek machines that have little HP. Do not spray Damag between multiple machines. Everyone wants to apply as much damage as possible, but for victory it is necessary to reduce the number of bits of the enemy. There are cases when the unfinished tank of the enemy hides and at the end of the battle finishes all the rivals. Do not forget to cover allies. It is better to have two living tank of 900 hp in the team than one tank with 1800 durability points.
3. Analyze the situation.
Always think your head. Do not be predictable. If you have left one on the flank, or the enemies know where you are, then you should not stand under a stone and wait for you to come. You can simply turn around and leave to another place. After all, it is better to retreat and make at least two more, three shots than to meet your death standing under the bush. Another principle is smart to do not go to the mountain, the smart mountain will bypass. This wonderful ancient saying applies to the situation when you are trying to climb the forehead on the tanks. If you can bypass enemy technique on the other hand, then why go to the frontal attack. Look at the map, you may be able to find a place for maneuver and surprise the enemy attack in a flank or back.
4. The initiative is punishable.
You must have common senseand you should not go to the attack one. Often the allies just look at what happens to you. They are not in a hurry to help you. And if you want to go to smash or strike on the flank, then you should ask for the allied support chat. After all, you have no goodnings in the team, and they can not always guess your decision to attack.
5. Do not leave the whole team flank.
Never throw a collectively flank. Many had such a situation when you see that one flank begins to lose. And the team throws all directions and rides a weak flank. The result is always alone. Defeat not all directions.
6. Move.
After each shot or light, change the position of your tank. If you stand still, it will naturally lead to the death of your car. World of Tanks has such a thing as a great Belarusian random. With constant motion, the likelihood of a ricochet or impetus increases. In the case, if you are hurried like an idol, the enemy easily fits the weak point and causes you damage.

Those who are just mastering the game wisdom of the Universe of World of Tanks want to learn a lot important information And tricks that will help them quickly get used to the intricacies of the game and become their among experienced gamers. We offer you current secrets and tricks World of Tanks that will help achieve success in the battlefields. Some of these tips will be useful and quite experienced players whose percentage of victories is stable below 50.

Secrets WORLD OF TANK: Where to start?

Ideally, if you have a mentor-friend who will suggest useful little things in the game and will help quickly get comfortable. He will give the right advice on the game World of Tanks. If you do not have such a friend, then carefully read this article and spend a lot of time to study the forums dedicated to the game.

We present the main secrets and tricks WOT for beginners:

  1. Before starting the game, configure the client: Turn off the vegetation (it prevents the review), server scopewhich often lags, adjust the marker to display the residue XP.
  2. Prepare for battle: I have not regrets free experience, put the hussley, and all the tanks install the rate, horns, strengthened drives Purpose, enlightened optics, etc. From the equipment you will need a fire extinguisher, a first-aid kit, Remkomplekt. As for beginners - at the beginning of the game you will experience a serious shortage of loans. So try to acquire removable equipment that can be simply removed from your technology without any costs. This is a stereo and camouflage network.
  3. Among the secrets world Games Of Tanks one concerns and gold shells. It is not worth spending gold coins on Gold Ammunition, on the contrary, it is better to buy them for ordinary loans. In general, get used to shoot with ordinary BB shells.
  4. The game very helps a mini card - get used to looking at her.
  5. WORLD OF TANKS cunning concerns and lacking a rush. It is she who ruins many newbies and makes a battlefield in the hangar in the first minutes of the game.
  6. Motor. To pierce enemies on the far and middle distance, forget about the auto trading and melt in weak and vulnerable places of tanks. Most machines are located in the lower frontal part or in the commander hatch. Not to mention the sides and stern. But in the near battle, when you are on a dynamic and maneuverable tank, turn your opponent - the route can really help.
  7. Zigzag-like riding will help to protect against artillery.
  8. Survival secrets in WOT touch and skill hide. It is especially useful if you are focused on the level of higher.
  9. After each shot, especially on Art, try to move from place to place.
  10. Do not be reckless special exercises that will increase care of the mini-card, will help to practice the accuracy of shooting and passing from the enemy shots.
  • Write into chat only in the case, for example, pointing to the places of accumulation of the enemy, the approach of the enemy, etc. Insults and discussions prevent your hollows and, accordingly, the general victory.
  • First of all, you need to take over the destruction of the enemy artillery. If you succeed, then the probability of victory will increase dramatically.
  • Playing on anti-tank sau, immediately look for shelter. And it is better at once a few. For open battle, medium and heavy machines are intended.
  • Strategy wOT. Games It is primarily in that this is a team game. Help the allies, getting on the grip, cover up on the grip, help the winding machines, focus with focusing fire on one enemy target.
  • Can't try enemy tank? Try to highlight it with your timmes, or at least knock him down the caterpillar.
  • Many players want to know the secrets of the statists in WOT. Although no special secrets of the skilled players keep the players, everyone converges in the opinions that they need to play on those tanks that really like. Raising the rating greatly helps the capture of an enemy base or timely shot down the capture of its base.
  • Many players for more successful game Learn the cards in detail, on which they have to play. Accordingly, knowing the secrets of cards in World of Tanks, bushes, market folds - you can play more comfortably and efficiently.
  • Do not be rendered to use fugasic shells. On Lowles, where the caliber of the tank guns is mostly small, they are usually useless. But on medium and high levels of the game, fugasic shells are becoming more relevant. Most of them have enough breaks for the affix of the board or the feed of enemy technician with the application of the maximum damage. Moreover, there is a game in the game great amount Players using only equipment with fugasic guns. In addition, the fugasic shells almost always apply at least some damage and their cost is very low even compared to conventional armor-piercing projectiles.

Among the secrets and tricks, the WORLD OF TANK is a thorough study of all maps and tanks. Knowing the features of the area, you will use the benefits of the territory. The game strategy primarily depends on the chosen technique. So playing on light tankYou need to quickly discover the enemy and try to survive.

Tricks in Wot touch both the game in the Commonwealth with tribesmen. Pay attention to the highlighted tanks and attack them first. Concentrated fire on one machine almost guarantees victory. The victory strategy of the World of Tanks is a constant development and improvement of tanks. Even the superiority of 10% may be crucial and ensure the victory of the entire team. If you want to use mods and cheats, it is better to choose official developments. In other words, paid options that can be bought in a premium shop. These include premium tanks, gold shells, consumables, etc.

I hope our tactical tips in the WORLD OF TANK will help quickly get used in the game and make a considerable contribution to the victory of their team.

I already spent more than 500 battles, which means that now I have at least some right to give advice to newcomers on the game world of tanks. This week finally took the master of the master. That is, I earned so much experience for the fight on this tank, how much did not receive 99% of the players in the last 7 days.

The very first advice that I want to give any novice tanker - find yourself a mentor. Comrade Derbunge, who brought me to the world of tanks, accelerated the process of my learning several times, fighting next to me and constantly adjusting my actions.

  • You need to write in the chat only in the case (pointing to the places of accumulation of the enemy, to warn artillery about the approach of the enemy, etc.). This item brightly demonstrates tankers' consciousness. Many newcomers begin to insult other players or discuss non-fighting topics.
  • The enemy's dislocation locations are conveniently monitored by tracers (smoke tracks that leave the shells). After all, the tank can be killed even without seeing it.
  • First priority is an enemy artillery. By destroying it, you bow the scales on the side of your team. Just do not blindly chase it. Sometimes it is more profitable to make the capture of the flag or protect your database, depending on the situation.
  • If you play for anti-tank sau (how I do it) - pick up good shelters. It is desirable to look for several shelters nearby. Then, in case of detection, you will be able to quickly overload and again to fire on the enemy. If you want to fight in an open field and constantly step - choose medium or heavy tanks.
  • On some maps it is more profitable to defend and wait (Westfield, Sand river, El Halluluth). In many respects, this is due to the fact that the defenders occupy heights and with the help of stereotrons are shooting at the rate.
  • Do not be afraid heavy tanks. Without support, they can become easy prey, especially for high-speed cars.
  • From the first battle, get used to the aim without auto trading. In the future, this will allow fire with greater accuracy.
  • Driving a slight tank, try to constantly maneuver. This will enhance your survival.
  • Most tanks have weakened vulnerabilities: turrets commanders, gas tanks, hatches ...
  • The main task of the light tank is to quickly detect the enemy and do not die.
  • If you can't punch an enemy tank armor with a regular shell, try a fugas.
  • Constantly leave from the enemy's fire. Otherwise you will become easy prey for artillery.
  • Light tanks and artillery can be destroyed by a ram.
  • Bushes cease to mask you after the first shot. Therefore, you need to constantly change the shelter.
  • To stop the enemy tank - get off the caterpillar. This is especially true against lungs and heavy tanks.
  • The lower the tank, the harder it is to notice.
  • Fixed tank is more difficult to notice.
  • Do not break the trees and buildings. Enemy artillery instantly notices such changes. Especially at higher levels. You will not even see the one who kills you.
  • Initially destroy those tanks that highlight your allies on the map. The concentration of fire on one tank is the key to the victory.
  • At the very beginning of the game, try to destroy all the enemy's light tanks. Otherwise, they will dramatically get to your starting location and destroy artillery.
  • The more tanks are in the capture circle, the faster the capture takes place.
  • Draw is equivalent to defeat.
  • During recharging, hide behind buildings, stones, baked tanks.
  • For shooting in hollows, a penalty is issued or even a ban.
  • If you rose from the game - reconnect. You have exactly 2 minutes for it.
  • The capture of the flag is equivalent to the destruction of the entire opponent team.
  • Do not chase fragas, think about the good of the team!
  • Improve the tank to the maximum. Sometimes only 10% of superiority play a decisive role.
  • In the cannon, everything is important: caliber, shooting speed, armored airproof.
  • Artillery is a dangerous opponent even in the near battle.
  • If you have a mat filter, instead of an obsteady break in the chat you will see the stars.
  • During the movement of the tank, shooting accuracy decreases.
  • The greater the angle of inclination, the higher the chance of the ricochet.
  • The shortens decide the outcome of the battle.

Video manuals for beginner tankers

Chit codes

The most common myth of the game World of Tanks is cheats. Many sites offer download various programs to increase the amount of experience gained, money, or, for example, to become invulnerable. But downloading such files, people simply open their computers for malicious attacks and do nothing in return. Rumors about cheat codes began to extend from the moment of official launch of the game.

As it was in practice:

  • Game came, successfully enjoyed by cheats in some other game.
  • Without having enough experience in tactical simulators, Gamer lost a lot of battles.
  • As a result, he concluded that the opponents enjoy cheat codes, so it is so often killed.

There are many unreasonable (in their opinion) of artillery at the very beginning of the game. People and the Nevcome, that shooting is conducted at the most frequent places of cluster enemy tanks "Blindly". Another factor generating rumors is the carelessness of the players. Using primitive passwords and establishing dubious software, they themselves give passwords from accounts in the hands of attackers and lose their accounts.

But a certain advantage over other users of the game World of Tanks can still be obtained. There are two solutions here.

Official cheats

Or, in other words, paid services. By buying gold for real money (via SMS or e-wallets), you get an advantage in the form of more powerful shells (gold), premium tanks, consumables, as well as an enlarged number of experience and gaming money.

Although, according to many experts gaming Industry, so far in the world of tanks influence real money Feels much weaker, compared to most online games. As a bright example, it is possible to bring a strategy, entirely and fully based on real money.

Unofficial cheats

Young and not very young crafts throughout history development WOT. Constantly come up with ways to facilitate the game. In another other, they are also called mods. In order not to run into viruses and other Labudi, I recommend to look at the corresponding section of the official game forum, which is also called - fashion and software. Among other things, the following are most often used:

  1. Sniper sights for tanks and sau.
  2. Olemener (Olemethr, XVM, calculator).
  3. Skirts with marked penetration zones.
  4. Modifiers for a mini card.
  5. Damage panel modifiers.
  6. Icons of shells, modules, tanks.
  7. Sound mods.
  8. Angara modifiers.
  9. Other…

I myself am indifferent to these "cheats". I never used, and I'm not going to use. In pursuit of beautiful numbers and achives, many forget the essence of any computer Game - Getting pleasure from the process itself. And if we worry about each lost party, then the game turns into infinite nerve stress.

Today everything. On tanks, I hope I will write more than one post. Follow the news.