Cognitive cash games. Qualities that develop games. ☺ Game "Mouse Hunting"

The content of moving games, game tasks, relay.

1. "Ladybug".

Directions: Development of static equilibrium, orientation in space, speech activation, consolidation of knowledge of the sequence account, formation of posture. Children stand along the walls of the hall face to the center. The leading turns away. They hide to someone behind his back under Mike "God's cow" and raise up hands. Driving trying to find someone toy moving from one to another. And they clap over their heads and buzzing, orienting the volume of cotton movement of a leading.

Complication methods: Approaching a hidden toy Children regulate the volume of a cleaner procratifiable:

1, 2, 3, 4, 5,

The cow hid again

7, 8, 9, 10, we will find it all together. "

2. "Talking Ball".

Directions: Development of the ability to differentiate efforts when driving and fishing, expanding the active dictionary, the development of attention during the tracking movements. Children stand in a rank. The presenter throws the ball to each player in order and calls any letter. The child, catching the ball, squats with him in his hands, and, returning the ball to the lead, calls the word on this letter. For example, "A" - "Watermelon".

Complication methods: presenter, throwing the ball, says the word.

The child catches the ball, highlights the first letter from the heard word, squats, and, throwing the ball leading, calls his word on the same first letter. Or: Lead calls the figure, and the child is the digits of the neighbors. For example,- "2", Need to be called "1" and "3".... The presenter says the word, and the child is phrase or offer. For example, "Crow" - "Crow sits on the tree."

3. "Focuscript".

Directions: Development small Motoriki, speed reaction fixing the knowledge of the sequence account, the formation of posture. Children stand in pairs, shoulder to shoulder, with one hand holding a partner by the hand, the other stretched to the side and holds the ribbon behind the corner. At the command of the lead all together begin to count to 20, trying to hide the ribbon as soon as possible in the fist. The winner is the one who will quickly hide in the hand of ribbon.

Complication methods: increase the length of the tape or replace on a sheet of paper up to half of the newspaper sheet.

4. "Flying socks."

Directions: Development of shallow motors of the toes, the speed of the reaction of hearing memory, rhythm. Children sit in a circle on the floor, hands in the stop behind. Legs stretched forward. One sock is stuck in a circle. Each child must take it with his fingers and move to the foot of the neighbor. You can transfer the sock by crossing, and not transfer.

Complications methods: the number of socks increases. Add simultaneous persvocation of a cleattive choir: "I'll take my sock, bring it to another,And I carry, I carry, I do not sleep, I will not take anything. "

5. "Draw the mood."

Directions: Increasing the emotional state of children, the development of small motility.

Each child gets along a tube of lipstick and he is allowed to approach any participant and "decorate" his face, hands: draw a smile, sun, circles, etc ..

6. "Lev Lever, Roe."

Directions: Reducing the psycho-emotional tension of children, the formation of the correct sound pronunciation "P", the activation of voice ligaments. The host says: "We are all - lions, a large lion's family. Let's arrange a competition, who growls louder. Once I say:" Rodchi lion, growls! "Let the most loud growl be shed." "And who can grow out even louder? Good smoke lions." It is necessary to ask to growl as louder as possible, depicting a lion rack at the same time. Then everyone gets up with each other, putting hands on the shoulders in front of standing. This is a steam locomotive. He puffs, whistles, the wheels work clearly, in the beat, each listens and adjusts to the neighbors. The locomotive moves in different directions, then quickly, then slowly, turning, then bending, making the loud sounds of "Chuch-Chuh-Ta-Ta". At the end of the game, "crash" can occur, and everyone is lying on the floor.

7. "Ranger".

Directions: Development of the ability to differentiate efforts when performing jumps, consolidation of knowledge of social and consumer orientation, the expansion of the vocabulary and knowledge of the objects of the surrounding world. All children get into the square - this is a quarrel. Lead announces: "Now we will collect a set of school." Each player shouts in turn than it will (handle, notebook, tutorial). If he in meaning guess, then jumps in the middle and sitting down, takes over the hands of those who are already "inside the Ranger." And so until all children find themselves in a circle. Then, if desired, the topic is changing to "vegetables", "flowers", "trees", "dishes", "clothes".

8. "Robot".

Directions: Development of spatial orientation, knowledge of traffic directions. A bandage is put on the eyes of the lead, he is a "robot". Children, saying "forward", "Back", "Right", "Left", "Stand", etc. And "lead" to its pre-agreed goal (doors, window, etc.).

9. "Find out a friend."

Directions: Development of tactile perception and attention, activation of auditory and muscle memory, thinking, developing small motility. On the eyes of one child is put on the bandage. The presenter brings it to any player where it should determine if he needs: who called the name.

Method of complication: Children stand on elevations, kneeling, to feel more difficult to find out to find out. Option: You can only recognize the player by voice, not touching it with your hands.

10. "Wonderful bag".

Directions: Development of tactile perception and attention, activation of memory, thinking of the account, the development of shallow motility. In the presence of children, put in the bag of 10 items, well they are familiar (toys from kinder surprises). Children in turn lowering their hand into the bag, feel one of the items, without removing from the bag, and aloud it is called. After that, the child takes out the subject and checks the correctness of his answer.

Methods of complication: Previously familiar objects omit in the bag, but so that the children do not see which set there is located. Children Possed must calculate the number of items in the bag, and then call them.

11. Zoo.

Directions: Prevention Flatcain, posture formation, activation of attention, memory, speech, development of the coordination of elementary movements, imitation of poses, movements of animal sounds, birds. Children are located on the site, each in their "cage" and depict animals: stork: stand on one leg, another bent, hands on the belt. Elephants: Stop on all fours, pull the lips - "trunk". "Drink water" - with noise pulling air, stretching "trunk". "Sprinkle with a driver" - raise your head and exhale with noise through compressed teeth. Bears: walking with simultaneous sound-powders, "R-R". Penguins: walking rolls from the heel on the sock, the hands are pressed, palm to the sides, at the same time pronouncing "Pi-Pi". Horses: Running or walking, high raising her knees, By clicking this language. Dogs: Stand on all fours, imitation flaw: "Rights".Qubs: Stand On all fours, deflection, imitation of meowing. Chihiki: Lit down, lifting and lowering the hands bent in the elbows ("wings") with simultaneous writing "Chicharik". Frogs: Arbitrary jumps from the stop crushing, simultaneously imitating the drinking frogs. Beetles: "FS", fell on the back, can not climb. The lead calls an animal, and all children are depicted. The best "beasts" are celebrated. Then everyone sit in the tram, they are built into the column, hands on the shoulders in front of standing, ride in a circle, and at the same time, by Christ-Jin-jin, "Jin-Dzin". Having drove the circle, the "Tramway comes from the rail" - children fall on the floor.

Methods of complication: several children form the tram and "ride the zoo". Other players depict animated in cells, without guidelines. Passengers "tram" must guess their animals depicted. Who gave birth to, he comes out of the cage and sits in the "tram".

12. "Beads".

Directions: Brush strength development, response speedcoordination of joint actions, consolidation of ideas about basic colors, strengthening cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Participants get up in a dense circle. They are beads of a beautiful necklace. Inside the circle - presenter. "Beads" closely pressing, spinning on the spot without breaking apart. The presenter is trying to "break" the necklace: tickles, mix, pulls in different directions, etc. If the leading it is possible, the beads "scatter" by the floor and ride on it. And the lead starts to catch them, take turns tightly keeping the first, second, third, etc., until Gather Again all the necklace.

Complication methods: Make multicolored beads - one is blue, the other is red, etc. (Take them on the hands of the ribbon of the appropriate color). Collect beads need alternating red and blue beads.

13. "Falling Ball".

Directions: Development of the speed of reaction, attention, memory consolidation of knowledge on social and consumer orientation, a sequence account, names of objects. Children form a circle. Inside it - driven with the ball inhands. Every child It chooses the name of the subject belly, for example, to the topic "wash": soap, toothbrush, towel, etc. Driving, throwing the ball up calls the "handle", called the player must jump and catch the ball.

Complication methods: Children are calculated in order of numbers and the lead calls the player's number. Or Each child chooses the name of the fruit: "Apple", "Pear", "Plum", "Banana", etc.

14. "Quickly Steps."

Directions: Development of speed of reaction and movements, static coordination, formation of posture. Players are built on one end of the site in the rank. On the other end with his back to the playing, face to the wall, becomes driving. He closes his face with his hands and says: - "Quickly walk, see do not yawny, stop!" So far, the leading pronounces these words, all players try to get closer to it as soon as possible. But when team "Stop!" They must immediately stop and measure in place, and leading quickly looks back. If he notices that any of the players did not have time to stop in time and made at least one move, driving it back, behind the initial trait. After that, the leading again becomes a wall and pronounces the same words. So continues until one of the players fails to get closer to lead and stain it earlier than he wants to look back.

Complications methods: All players put an object on the head (a soft toy blown by the ball) and follow that during the advance he did not fall forward. Or all playing, except for water, with closed eyes.

15. "Zhmurki".

Destinations: Development of dynamic coordination, attention during follow-up movements, orientation in space, strengthening cardiovascular and respiratory systems. The area is delineated by an arbitrary space, abroad which the players cannot exit. One of the participating ones put on a dressing. Playing turn it several times, and they themselves run away, trying to keepfull silence. "Zhmurka", listening to the slightest rustle, trying to catch someone from the gloa players. Caught becomes a "bumper".

16. "What has changed."

Directions: Activation of attention, memory, Thinking, speech Activities, development of static coordination. On the playground The host lays a number of objects (for example: hoop, rope, ball, foam cube). Children look at these items, turn away and run in the opposite direction. The presenter at this time removes any of the items or changes them in places. Children resort, look and say what has changed. The most attentive are encouraged.

Complication methods: 1) Children freeze in certain poses. The master turns away, and the choir says: "Once, two, three, four, five, well, froze again." During the progress of the cleattee, players change poses, and at its end - again freeze. The master turns and says that it has changed. 2) on the horizontal stand presenter has 2 to 5 letters or numbers (children turn away). The lead changes letters or numbers in places.

16. "Pumps".

Directions: Development of high-speed - power qualities, activation of mental processes, expansion of the horizon, orientation development in space, strengthening the cardiovascular system. Children in the stretch stop are located in a circle face to standing in the center leading. He loudly calls the subject, and children must jump up on the 2nd legs, if this item relates to a certain in advance: "Forest", "Flowers", "Animals", etc.

Methods of complication: before each child, the landmark - the hoop - he must jump into it. The hoop is gradually moving.

17. "Collect the Word."

Directions: Developmentality, the speed of the reaction, the consolidation of grammatical knowledge, the development of the motility of small movements with fingers, the acquisition of joint action skills. Children are divided into 2 teams. Each command is a set of letters. Teams must, having consisted, draw up the word and silently build. When both teams are ready, the presenter collects cards with them with letters, refers them to the stand and, mixing, lay out under it. At the signal, the 1st player of each team runs to the stand along the drawn line, selects the first letter and hangs it onto the stand. The second player highlights the 2nd letter, etc., as long as the word does not turn out to be on the stand. Wins a team that ended with the first.

Complication methods: 1) Movement in the relay is carried out by jumping on one, two, on the rope. 2) an increase in the number of letters in the Word component.

18. "Dunn.once ... "

Directions: Development of respiratory muscles, extension of the active dictionary, the development of dynamic coordination. Children are divided into teams. Each ball from table tennis. The first players will crawl on all fours and, blowing on the ball, try to spend it to the wall. At this time, the remaining players say choir:

"Dahn times, Danche Two, Denchet three, we squeezed to the wall." By proving the ball, the first players run back to the team. The second do the same, etc. Wins the team, finished first.

Complication methods: Tennis ball rolling between guidelines (printed balls, kegs).

20. "Touchingbefore..." .

Directions: Development of accuracy of movements, speed response to a signal, intelligence, intensification, memory, consolidation of representations about basic colors, forms, value of objects, strengthening cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Children are freely located around the hall. Leading loudly pronounces: "Touchbefore... Blue! "All children should instantly navigate, discover in the hall, in players' clothes something blue, run up and touch this color. Different tasks: basic colors, sizes, forms.

Complication methods: The names of the objects are included, with double definitions ("touch to round black", "wooden, yellow", etc.).

21. "Shaggy dog".

Directions: Development of fast response, attention, coordination of elementary movements performed under rhythm, activating speech activity. One of the walls sits squatting "dog". Children line up along the opposite wall in Shan and persuading the chorus cleattive slowly move, spin is smooth, in the direction of the "psa", saying the chorus: "Here the shaggy dog \u200b\u200bsits, in his paws, quicted his nose, quietly, peacefully he sits, not that dormant, not That sleeps. Let's go to it, wake and see: what will happen? " With the last words, children must approach the ps, clap your hands and turning, running to the opposite wall. And the dog catches them. Who is caught, fulfills the role of PSA.

Complication methods: increase the number of "pieces" to 2-3.

22. "Sleeping".

Directions: Development of coordination and coherence of movements with a partner of speed and accuracy of movement, switching attention. Children are divided into pairs. Each pair on the shoulder is the dressings of the same color. They become in the back of her friend, the second takes the partner standing ahead for anklenostop and on the signal a couple jump each on the leg of the same name. After the lead says the "four-way", children are lowered on all fours and crawl into different parts of the hall. After the team "Odnozhiki!" They get up and run to find their pairs with the same ribbon on the shoulder and, taking her to the leg, jump.

Complication methods: 1) The task is performed threesome. 2) The reference is not the team, but the movement of the master. For example: While the presenter is the "single-natured" when he sits down - they are "four hundred". 3) Leading after the "four-leg" command imperceptibly changes the ribbons on any player.

23. "Dragon".

Directions: Development of coordination, agility, coherence of movements with partners, activation of exhalation. Playing become in line, holding hands. The first participant is "head", the last - "tail" of the dragon. "Head" must reach the tail and touch him. The "body" of the dragon is inextricably. As soon as the "head" caught the "tail", the whole "body" disintegrates, scattered around the hall and falls to the floor. "Head" chloins in his hands - the "body" rises, its parts are going and again in pursuit of the "tail". All parts of the body of the dragon during the chase are hissing in exhalation.

Complication methods: increase turning radius, steamed.

24. "Machines".

Directions: Development of spatial orientation, consolidation of knowledge on socio-household orientation, activating speech activities. Children are divided into two teams: "Machines" and "Pedestrians". "Machines ride along the parallel streets", moving on all fours. "Pedestrians" are waiting at the intersection, drawn chalk. The presenter holds in hand 3 traffic lights (paper circle): red, yellow and green. When he raises a red circle, pedestrians say "Red - Clear, the path is dangerous" and stand at the crossroads, and the "cars" begin to move. When the presenter raises the yellow circle, the pedestrians say the choir: "Yellow - too,", "Machines" should "reduce speed". When lifting the leading green circle "Machines" must stop, and "pedestrians", pronouncing the choir "And Green Ahead - Come", begins to move the road to the crossroads. There are "cars" and pedestrians who stopped during. Then the commands change places and the game continues.

25. "Siamese twins."

Directions: Development of agility, coherence of movements with a partner with limited capabilities, speed of the motor reaction to a given signal, fixing elementary mathematical knowledge (digits - neighbors). Children are divided into a couple, get up to the shoulder, hug each other with one hand over the belt, put one leg next to and tie the knee above the knee. Now they are "Siamese twins." In this posture, the pair must, not extinguish the hands, reach the guideline (rack, ball, etc.) and return to the finish.

Complication methods: 1) Up to the landmark, Siamese twins should build a house from foam cubes of the same color that the tape connecting their legs. 2) with the "5" command, devoting to the stand, each pair of "twins" posts the numbers - Neighbors: "4"and "6".

26. "Fast Balls".

Directions: Development of the ability to differentiate efforts when transmitting various types and volume of balls, consolidation of ideas about the direction of movement, the ability to quickly switch attention. Playing form a circle. The presenter gives them 2 goals - small and large. Children in the signal pass the balls in a circle. At the signal "Great forward!" A big ball is passed, and after him, skipping 2-3 people, a small ball is passed. The little ball is trying to catch up with a big one. According to the signal "Little Forward," changes the direction of transfer of the balls, that is, a big ball catchies small.

Methods of complication: 1) Children pass the balls, closing their eyes / 2) one of the balls is stuffed.

27. "Mirror".

Directions: Development of attention, establishing contact with partner, synchronization of the implementation of the tracking movements. Children line up in a car before leading. He performs any simple movements, and children try to repeat them.

Methods of complication: Children are divided into pairs: one - "mirror", the other - leading.

28. "Stop, Hop, Once."

Directions: Development of the coordination of elementary movements, activating auditory attention, memory, strengthening cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

Children run column. According to the "Stop" signal, "Hop" stops - bounce, "times" - rotate and run in the opposite direction.

29. "Builders and Destroyers."

Directions: Development of thinking when designing, consolidating knowledge of basic colors, the development of accurate ability to differentiate the efforts in throwing balls of different diameters and weight, raising the emotional tone of children. Children are divided into teams. Each team chooses construction material (Poropolone Cubes, color task) and builds the fortress. After that, they fit the opponent's fortress. Each team has "cannon nuclei" - these are balls: rag, rubber, printed. In turn, each team member throws the ball into the opponent's fortress. With each successful hit, the storms make loud victorious clichues. That team wins, which will destroy the fortress faster.

Complication methods: Build a fortress of a specific color.

30. Throw ".

Directions: Development of coordination of movements in throwing items to the range of arbitrary methods, consolidate representations of the value, shape, color of objects and a quantitative account, strengthening cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Children are divided into two teams, which are located in the width of the hall opposite each other. According to the team "Throw - Ka", they begin to transfer foam foam figures to the opposite part of the hall. According to the sign "Zamri" - children freeze. And counting figures. Wins the team, on the beat side of the figures less.

Complication methods: 1) on the "throw - ka green" signal are greeted with green figures of any size and shape. 2) At the "Throw - Square" signal, the figures of any color and size are transferred, but only square.

31. "Sovka".

Directions: Development of equilibrium, speed response to a signal, expansion of the representations of the animal world, formation of posture. The guys diverge through the playground. By teammate: "The day comes - everything comes to life!", Children depict the sounds and movements of birds, animals (depending on the topic). Sovice at that time sleeps - is sitting Bending under Himself legs , bowing his head, closing the eye. On the team "The night comes - everything freezes!" Children move in a certain pose, demonstrating a beautiful posture, and the "sovuka" rises, and hesizes among children those who laughs or move, leads them to their nest, they also become sovuchuki and together go hunting. The game continues until 1 person remains on the playground - it is declared the winner.

32.The "can" and time "can not be".

Directions: weaken negative emotions, remove psycho-emotional tension.

Time "You can": Children are allowed to do everything: jump, scream, ride on the floor, throw, knead the face of the mirrors, etc. (up to 3 minutes). Time "Cannot": Children must calmly perform the tasks of the lead. "Time" can be alternate in one lesson or in different days, depending on the emotional state of children.

33. "Multicolored letters and numbers."

Directions: Fastening elementary grammatical and mathematical knowledge, development of attention, skills of joint collective action.

The hall is decomposed, multicolored pictures with letters and numbers are hidden. Children are divided into 2 - 3 teams. At the signal, one team wanted and collects pictures in the hall with a certain color of letters, the other is numbers. After that, each team choir reads its pictures, letters and numbers. The team wins, which has more cards of one color and fewer errors in their name.

Complication methods: Each team finds the letters of the specified color and makes up the word. Who has more letters in the Word, he won.

34. "Color Fight".

Directions: Development of coordination and ability to differentiate efforts in throwing objects, removal of emotional stress, strengthening cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Children are divided into pairs or teams. Each takes a foam figure (rectangle, roof, hemisphere, etc.). Playing throw them into any parts of the body, each other, publishing victorious clearances.

Methods of complication: children "wear" foam foam figures, encouraging hands and feet into holes in the figures and, depicting robots, continue the battle.

35. "Spheres".

Directions: Development of coordination of movements, shallow motors, fixing joint action skills in solving elementary mathematical problems. Children are divided into teams of 3-4 people. The presenter informs them an example:1+3. The team shall define the answer and the first players in the stretch stop, the hands of the back, are moving towards the stand, legs forward, choose the number under it: 4 and hang it onto the stand, and the same way is returned to the team. The following players are free to add 3 and hang "7", etc.

Complication methods: Accounting operations are more complex: from "20" each participant of the game takes "5". Wins the team,who will be "0" faster.

36. "Geese - Swans".

Directions: Development of the coordination of elementary movements with an abstract attention to the actions of other objects, activation of speech activities, memory. On one side of the site, the circle is drawn - "house" in which "geese" live. On the opposite side there is a "shepherd". On the side of the house - the lair "Wolf". The rest is the "meadow". Two are assigned to the role of "wolf" and "shepherd", the rest are depicting "geese". Go with proud posture, pull up the neck, fly: cramped with hands through the sides up and, omit, hiss - exhale "sh-sh-sh". The shepherd says: "Geese, geese!". Geese stopped and the choir responds: "ha, ha, ha". - "Do you want?" - "Yes Yes Yes". - "Fly". - "We can not. A gray wolf under the mountain does not allow us home." - "Fly, as you wish, only the wings take care." Geese, placing the wings, fly through the meadow home, and the wolf, ranging out of Logov, catches them.

Methods of complication: caught geese become wolf assistants. Children choir think how many geese caught a wolf.

37. The relay "Barls".

Directions: Development of equilibrium, orientation in space and accuracy of movements, prevention of flatfoot. Children are divided into 2 teams. Part of the team stands on one side of the hall, and the other part on the opposite. According to the signal, children must pass through the swamp, walking from "bumps on a hammer. As" bumps "- mugs drawn in chalk on the floor.

Complication methods: 1) Use low foam figures as bodies, 2) each participant is given two "bumps", with the help of which it should move the swamp, without sleeping the legs.

38. The relay "Zaitars".

Directions: Development of the ability to differentiate efforts in jumps and throwing, and the speed of the response to the signal, consolidating the knowledge of the quantitative account, strengthening cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Children are divided into teams. The first players jump with "bunnies" on the 2nd legs along the drawn line to the basket with rag "carrots". Everyone takes 1 "carrot" and returns to the command running along the drawn line. The remaining players do the same. Wins a team that ended with the first.

Complication methods: 1) jumping on one leg. Take the "carrot" immediately throw in the hoop. If I did not get, pick it up and return to the team. 2) Jumping by landmarks. Throw 2 carrots in the hoop. Choose from unfolded numbers, denoting the number of hits, and return to the team. The team that ended with the first and more successful snapshots in the hoop is wins.

39. "Sparrow and Cat."

Directions: Improving the technique of familiar movements with an abstracted attention to the actions of another object, the development of attention during the tracking movements, the development of equilibrium. "Varobushki" put "houses" within the playground, i.e. celebrate hoop (ribbon), chalk place where can LL hide "(become on socks, or in a" stork "pose). For gaming field She walks "Cat", meowing, shows claws. According to the team of the lead: "Sparobushki, flew!", Children jump out of their "houses", frolic, run, jump around the court, make wings, tweet. At the command of the leading "Cat goes!", Varobushki is hiding in their houses, and the cat tries to catch someone. Caught changes with the cat.

Complication methods: "House" - low foam figure. Purobushki jump on 1 leg. According to the team "Sparobushki bathe", children must jump into the hoop and imitate bathing. On the team: "pee crumbs" - sit down in another wool squat, fours and "peck".

40. "Emid".

Directions: Development of coordination of simple movements in abandoned attention to other objects, consistency of movements with partners, activating speech activities. Two "fishermen" are selected, the rest of the "fish". "Fishermen"., Holding hands, catch "fish", surrounding them with free hands. Caught "Fish" join "Fishermen" - "Neod" increases. Catching continues until 2 unmarried fish remains, which are declared "fishermen."

Methods of complication: "Fish" tease "fishermen", persuading a chorus: "Fisherman, fisherman, you catch us on the hook."

41. "Who is faster."

Directions: Development of spatial orientation, speed of response to the signal, coordination of simple movements, shallow motility, strengthening the cardiovascular system. Children are divided into teams. The first players in the guideline - the drawn line rolling the big balls until the end of the playing area, where they choose a ribbon of a certain color, and it is returned to the team, stepping through the gymnastic sticks laid on the floor. The second players do the same in the reverse order.

Complication methods: 1) flow the ball between guidelines (racks, foam foam figures, etc.). 2) Choose a ribbon and tie a bow on your leg. Jump over small obstacles.

42. "Cossacks - Robbers."

Directions: Development of coordination of simple movements in abandoned attention to the actions of other objects, equilibrium, consolidation of submissions about basic colors, activating speech activity. Playing divide into two teams: "Cossacks" and "Robbers". To distinguish the participants of one team from another, all the children are one of the teams tie a ribbon green, and the other - red. According to the conventional signal "Robbers" run in different directions. "Cossacks" chase them and slyat them, uttering: "Once - two - three - four - five! Here is the Cossack printing." And the "robber" freezes in place. But it can help unreasonable the same team, slamming her shoulder. Then the "robber" is considered free and runs away from the "Cossacks" again. When all m. the robbers "are awaited, a short rest is appointed. Then" Robbers "become the" Cossacks ", and the game continues. Wins a team that will quickly strip his opponents.

43. "Snow Baba".

Directions: Development of coordination of simple movements, motility of small movements with fingers, coherence of movements with partner and collective action.

The players are divided into pairs, each receives the task: for the set time (8 - 10 min), roll the snowball is possible greater than magnitude. All pairs across the signal run in different directions of the site, where it is easier for them to task. Wins a couple rushing to the specified date the biggest snow ball. Then everyone together is made of snowbabs with eyes, hands, nose, etc.


Directions: Development of speed-power qualities, accuracy of throwing, the development of small motility. Each player for 5 minutes harves up as much snow as possible. After that, from the set distance (3 -5m) Children begin to throw snowballs in a "hat" (bucket) of a snowman, trying to knock her down. Play until it is shot down. With 2 snowmen, the game is held between the teams.

45. "Snow Circles".

Directions: Development of speed-safety qualities, ability to differentiate efforts in throwing, strengthening cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Children are divided into teams of 2 - 3 people. On the wall of the house, circles with a diameter of 50 - 60 cm are drawn, the number of which corresponds to the number of commands. Commands are located on the line at a distance of 3-5 m from the shield. At the signal, children begin to throw snowballs, trying to get their circle as quickly as possible. Wigs the team that made it before others.

46. \u200b\u200b"Functions under fire".

Directions: The development of the speed of the reaction and the ability to felt, differentiate efforts in throwing, the generality effect. A line is noted about 6 m. Players make snowballs in advance and put them along the marked line. The first player must run along the shelling line so that the rest of the players do not fall into it in the snow. Then he becomes behind the line and helps to fir the second player. The game continues until all players run along the shelling line.

47. "Labyrinth".

Directions: Development of attention, generalization. In the absence of children, the leading in the snow prepares a maze from his traces in the snow. At the end of the "labyrinth" he hides the subject (a small ball). Children must unravel the labyrinth, go through his footsteps and find the object hidden. Wins the player who first will find a hidden object.

48. "Obgon".

Directions: Development of force, speed response to a signal, coordination and consistency of actions with a partner's actions. Children are divided into teams of 3 people. One sits down in Sanki, two are taken over the rope attached to the sleigh, get up on the starting line. At the signal, the children are carrying the sled, envelp the landmark and return to the starting line. Arriving on line first get the point. When each of the players visited the role of the ride, the number of points is calculated.Methods of complication: sitting on sledding can add a team point if it raises the snowball on the go.

49. Slotka.

Directions: Development of the speed of reaction, attention, accuracy, ability to differentiate efforts. Playing become in a circle, driving is located in the center of the circle. His task - to kick the leg to knock out a cliff (ball). Standing in a circle detaining with your legs and send it to a watering. He, by whom the ice climbed on the right side, replaces the leading.

Complication method: each child has its own ice cream. A few meters, on the contrary, each has its own hole. At the signal, you need to drive this iceclock into the hole, wins the one who did it first.

50. "Quick Sani".

Directions: Development of coordination, leg force, speed, strengthening cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Children are divided into pairs. On one side of the site, one child sits on the sled, on the contrary, at a distance of 10-15 m, - His partner. By the signal, children, pushing out their feet, pushed the sleigh towards their partner. Wins the couple who met the first.

Complication method: Children sit on the sledges back to each other and are trying to arrive first to finish.

51. "We go onhearing 7 ".

Directions: Development of the ability to navigate in space, the activation of auditory perception and attention players are built into one ranks and stretch on the eyes of a hat. The presenter gives the signal "Forward, Forward!". All playing with closed eyes begin to go in the direction where the signal was heard from, seeking to come closer to the lead. The master changes the place and periodically gives voice signals, adjusts the direction of movement of children, ensuring safety. The group can go to another part of the site, bypass school, etc.

52. "Fight".

Directions: Removing psycho-emotional stress, development of accuracy, the ability to differentiate efforts in throwing. Children are divided into teams, each builds the fortress for which you can hide. The team begins the fight - the children throw in each other in the snow, the awesome drops out of the game. Wins a team in which more unreasonable players.

Most moving entertainment at this age should be played, have a simple plot and understandable conditions. You need not just run, ride and hide. It is also important to reincarnate during the game in different characters: animals, plants, fabulous heroes.

"Chrome Lisa". This game needs to be carried out in a large room or on an open area. From the group of children (than them more, the better) choose "chrome fox". With chalk draws a big circle. All children, in addition to fox, are becoming in it. According to the leader's leader (adult), children begin to run along the inside edge of the circle, and the "chrome fox" (the child jumps on one leg) must touch someone from the runners. Who caught, he becomes a "chrome fox." Make sure that children do not violate the rules: Fox should jump on one leg, and the remaining players do not have the right to go beyond the circle.

"Hawk". From the group of children choose "Yastreb". This can be done using readers. The rest of the participants are "mice" who need to run away from the birds of prey. "Hawk" becomes ahead, he can not look back. Behind him, children are placed on each other in pairs. At the command of the leading pair, disintegrate, and "mice" are running out in different directions. Who fell into the paws "Hawk", himself becomes a birds of prey. "Mice" can escape not only by flight, but also throw to the "hawk" with a handkerchief or paper lump (not by cobblestones). If someone got, then the "hawk" is killed, another player becomes in his place.

"Cat". This game looks like a game of hide and seek. But here a heroine appears - "Cat", which can hide well. All the rest should look for it. "Cat" helps me to detect meow.

Games with a ball. If the child in his hands turned out to be a ball, we can assume that the game has already begun. And if you throw the ball and tell the poem of S. Ya. Marshak "My cheerful ringing ball", then the game space is filled with a new bright content. Children B. early age (from year to three) love their actions voiced by texts. But in three or four years, the baby will not refuse entertaining poems "in the topic." All games with the ball develop visual attention, coordinate movements, motor skills (throw, catch, throwing) and general motorcy. Do not be discouraged if the crumb for a long time can not learn how to fish. This complex skill is improved by 4-5 years. Start throwing each other with a short distance. And also choose the balls of the medium size so that the baby is easier to capture them with their hands. Encourage success and fix the positive moments of the child's memory.

◈ "Edible-inedible". In this simple and cognitive game Children are always playing with great pleasure. Throw the baby's ball and call different words (nouns). All you can eat, the baby must catch, and "inedible" to discard. There is another version of this game, which is held without a ball: on the "edible" slam in your hands, on the "inedible" slabs on the knees. Try to choose a number of consonant words to develop a child's auditory attention. For example: "Vatrushka, Pampushka, Pillow, Frog, Toy ..."

◈ "Get into the goal". For this game you will need two goals. One (big) put on the stool, he will be the "target". The second (small) ball, the baby is trying to knock down a big ball from the toaster, being from him at a distance of 1.5-2 m.

◈ "Doggy". From the group of children chooses a "dog". The rest become in the circle and quickly transmit each other ball. Task "Dogs" - intercept the ball. Who will be agoned, he becomes another "dog". To enter the image, "Doggy" can say "Gav-GAV", lying or adding in minutes of failures.

◈ "Dead". At a distance of 4-5 m, you must lay out toys (or any items) opposite each other. The child faces the task - to go from one item to another on one side to another. The leading stands in the "corridor" between the toys and should get into the "Delets" ball. If driving, the players change roles.

Security - first of all!

Choose for movable games Spacious places, without sharp corners. Check, if there is no big stones on the playground, branches, broken glass.

Most moving games can be carried out both in the room and on fresh air. If time and weather conditions make it possible, select the playground. There you will find fun and active companions for moving games. At this age, children are already able to assimilate simple rules Games and stick to them. Playing, they learn to cooperate and be friends with their peers.

"Bowling". For this game you need the ball and homemade "kegli". They can be made of plastic bottles, filling with sand or water for stability. This game greatly develops the coordination of the movement of the "Eye-hand" movement, a common motorcycle, equilibrium. Spend a line for which the child should not pass during the throw. Put the shoe in the form of a triangle at a short distance. Show how to throw the ball. If the baby does not cope with the task, move the "kegli" closer. Encourage and praise for each hit. Do not use glass bottles in this game!

"Rouh". For this game you will need a piece of fabric 1 m wide and 2 m long. This will be a stream. Put it on the floor and suggest the baby to jump over the stream. First, make a "stream" narrow, rolling the fabric. Then wider and even wider. This game develops skill jumping from place. When the stream becomes very wide, jump over it from running. Learn the child to land on semitted legs. Show how to jump from the scene and from running.

"Tuchka flies". To carry out this game you will need an adult assistant. Take the usual white sheet and imagine that it is a tucker. Only not simple, but rain. The essence of the game is as follows. Two adults are taken for her sheet around the edges and begin to smoothly raise up and lower it down (the sheet will inflate the sail). At the moment when "Tuchka" is at the top, children must run under it and not wet. If the sheets covered - it means that the players fell under the rain.

"Bird". In the corner of the room, put a chair. It will be a tree on which the bird should hide from the rain. The kid flies throughout the room, waving his hands - "wings". Suddenly you say: "It seems that the rain begins!" The child must climb on the chair and sit down like a bird on a branch. Then you say: "The sun looked out!" He flies again. And so, until you get bored.

"Bird" (one more option). Children love to consider not only raven, but also other birds. When you go out together, pay attention to the child on how the birds are twitched, jump, fly, sit on the branches, pepper the grains, clean the feathers, etc. Offer boughs, too, become a bird. Just do not rush to explain what you need to do. Just ask: "And how do birds go, peck, fly?" Then draw chalk on the asphalt (or a stick on the ground) circles (it will be a bird nest), ask the baby to fly and return to your home. Well, if several children will participate in the game. Everyone will hurry to take their "nest".

"Merry relay". This mobile game is suitable not only for children of different ages, but also for adults. She is indispensable on any children's holidaywhere there is a large accumulation of children. You will need players (they are divided into two teams), different toys, two boxes. Each team is issued treasures that need to be hidden in the chest. Each participant takes the subject at the start, running his box and returns back. The next player runs behind him. The team wins the team that will faster takes the toys into the box.

"Tunnel". For this game you need a medium hoop and a piece of fabric with a length of about 3 m. The fabric must be sewn so that it turns out the "pipe". The widths of the fabric should be enough to strip her hoop throughout the circle. This will be the entrance to the tunnel. Ask crumb to crawl over it. Try to do it yourself. Together is always more fun, and not so scary.

Specialists recommend as often as possible with the children of the game in the "tunnel". They help the kids again to go through the stage (matrix) of birth, live him, overcome fears and uncertainty. Construct "tunnels" from blankets and chairs, descend from the slides of the tunnels. You can also close your arms into the ring and ask for a crumb of sprinkle through it. The stronger the child's fear in front of closed and narrow spaces, the greater the likelihood that he experienced discomfort during birth.

Games, developing power and endurance


Description: Players jump through the rope in a different way - on two legs, on one leg, etc. wins the one who will last longer than others.



Description: On the playground, classics are drawn. Players must jump on one leg and pushing a bit in front of themselves, to run from the 1st to the 10th grade. If the bit flies outside the classics, the player is inferior to the next one. Wins the participant who first breaks all classes.

Materials and visual guides for the game

Chalk, bit.

Magic rope.

Develop physical strength and endurance

Description: Players are divided into 2 teams. Commands occupy positions on different sides of the midline. A team of leading players start pulling the rope, trying to drag the team of rivals to their side. We defeat those who succeed.

Materials and visual guides for the game

Rope, chalk to designate the midline.


Develop physical strength and endurance

Description: The game is carried out in pairs. Players occupy positions on different sides of the midline. The task of the players is to drag the opponent's hands to your side. That of the players who takes on the line loses.

Materials and visual guides for the game

Chalk, which must be drawing the average line on the playground.

Do not daw pouch

Develop coordination of movements, feeling equilibrium

Description: Children put a bag on their heads, spread their hands to the sides. Playing walk around the hall under slow music, trying not to drop the bags from the head. Does not lose one who keeps his back straight and does not lower his head down.

It should be noted those who have never dropped the bag.

Materials and visual guides for the game

Small bags with sand or cereal.

Outfoot on all fours

Develop physical strength and endurance

Description: Players are divided into 2 teams. At the signal of the leading participants run on all fours to the check box and back. The team wins, the participants of which will be the first to pass the distance.

Materials and visual guides for the game

Outfast with balloon

Description: Participants with a racket and a balloon run to Cuba and back, leading balloon Racket, trying to not fall.

Materials and visual guides for the game

Tennis rackets, balloons.


Develop physical strength and endurance

Description: Players are divided into 2 teams. Each player takes the following position: squatting, leaning back in the hands, and the ball puts between the legs and the torso. In this position on the leading signal, it runs to the check box and back. The team won the first distance.

Materials and visual guides for the game

Chalk to designate the start line (finish), checkboxes on the stand or kegli to indicate the place of rotation, the ball.


Description: Players are divided into 2 teams. Each team should have an even number of players. Players get up in pairs: one of the participants - on the hands, the second holds the first one behind his feet. In such a position, players on the lead signal move on the playground. The team wins, the participants of which will be the first to pass the distance.

Chalk, to designate the start line (finish), checkboxes on the stand or kegli to indicate the place of rotation.


We develop the speed of the reaction, dexterity

Description: Playing stand in a circle at a distance of a step. In the center of the circle - leading ("dog"). Players in a circle throw the ball to each other, and the "dog" should touch the ball. The player who has a "dog" touches the ball, becomes a circle, and the former "dog" takes his place.

Materials and visual guides for the game


Develop physical strength and endurance

Description: Players are divided into 2 teams, occupy a place at the start. The first participant of each team clamps the ball between his knees. At the signal of the leading players, jumps begin to move around the playground before the checkbox and back. At the start, they must pass the ball to the next team member. Wins the team that has passed the first.

Materials and visual guides for the game

Ball, to designate a start line (finish) checkboxes on a stand or kegli to designate the place of rotation.

Racing on the balls

Develop physical strength and endurance

Description: Players are divided into 2 teams, occupy a place at the start. The first participants of each team are sitting on the balls and at the lead signal jump before the check box and back. At the start, they pass the balls to the following participants. Wins the team that has passed the first.

Materials and visual guides for the game

Sports inflatable balls, chalk to designate the start line (finish), flags on the stand or kegli to indicate the place of rotation.


Description: The game is carried out in pairs. The participants of the game wear a rope that performs the function of the harness. Players are located at the same distance from the central line. At some distance from players put chairs and put the bells on them. At the signal of the leading players try to drag the opponent to their side. At the same time, they should grab the bell from the chair. The one who is the first will be able to call the bell, becomes the winner.

Materials and visual guides for the game

Long rope, chalk for the designation of the midline, 2 chairs, 2 bells.

Children's volleyball

Develop the accuracy, coordination of movements

Description: Playing are divided into two equal mixed commands. Children and adults throw the ball through the grid, trying to get into the hoops lying on the opponent's side. For each hit in the hoop - the point. Wins a team that scores more points.

Materials and visual guides for the game

Ball, hoops, volleyball net.

Boy Baranov

Develop physical strength and endurance

Description: 2 people take part in the game. Players are located in a circle circle, pulling hands forward. The task of players is to push each other outside the circle, hitting the palms about the palm of the enemy. Wins the participant who succeeds.

The game can be carried out in various versions, players can push each other from the circle:

Relieving his hands on the enemy's shoulders;

Relieving his foreheads;

Relieving his breasts, chanting his hands behind his back;

Relieving backs;

Stop sideways to each other, etc.

Materials and visual guides for the game

Chalk that need to draw a small circle.


Description:participants are divided into 2 teams. For 2 participants from each team stretch the ropes from the start to the finish. The task of the rest of the players is to cross the line of the start to the finish line, standing on skateboards and turning around the rope. Win players of the team who will be the first to pass the distance. In the second version of the game, one of the participants of each team is on the finish line and holds one end of the rope. The rest of the players, standing or sitting on skateboards, take over the other end of the rope. A player who is on the finish, begins to pull the comrade. The team defeats the players whose players will be the first to ship to the finish

Materials and visual guides for the game

Skateboards, long ropes, chalk to indicate the start and finish line.

On pebbles

Develop the coordination of movements, a sense of rhythm

Description: Children are grouped into the column. Bedding pronounces text:

On a roving track, Children go a step.

Our legs are walking -

Once, two times, two. Children jump on two legs.

On pebbles, on pebbles ...

In the hole - boo! Children are squatting.

Got out of the pit. Children stand up, raise hands up.

Materials and visual guides for the game

If the game passes in the gym, then musical accompaniment is possible.

Through streams

Develop physical strength and endurance

Description: The playground draws a cross, which is gradually expanding by the end. The presenter starts the game with the words:

Through the field and in the leaf

Ran our streams.

He is not narrow, not wide,

He is not a chalk, not deep.

Once a chamber, two chairs -

We crossed the rods!

Players are invited to step over the stream: first through a narrow place, then where it is wider and wider. In the widest place the presenter repeats poems, replacing the last lines.

Once jump, two jumps -

Do not climb our feet!

If players manage to jump over the crossings, they must be encouraged.

Materials and visual guides for the game


We develop coordination of movements, imagination, dexterity

Description: Children get up in a circle. From the number of players is chosen by the leading, which is located in the center of the circle. The remaining players walk in a circle with the words:

We brought all gifts.

Who will want, he will take.

Here you have a doll with a ribbon bright,

Horse, top and airplane.

Then children stop, and the leading should call one of the listed gifts. If you choose a horse, the players imitate the movement of the horse, i.e., run each other in a circle, high raising his knees, if the doll is dancing on the spot, if the wolf is spinning on the spot, and then squatter, if the plane is running For each other in a circle, raising his hands to the sides, and then stop and squatted. Driving chooses someone from the circle and changing with him roles.

Relay with hoops

Develop physical strength and endurance

Description: Players are divided into 2 teams. The first player of each team receives the hoop. At the signal of the leading participants, jumping through the hoop, begin to move to the finish. The team wins, all the players of which will be the first to pass the distance.

Materials and visual guides for the game

Gymnastic hoops, chalk to designate the start line (finish), checkboxes on the stand or kegli to indicate the place of rotation.


Description: Players are divided into 2 teams in each of which an even number of participants. The players participate in the relay. They clamp the ball between 2 gymnastic sticks and, trying not to drop it, run to the check box and back. Then transmit to the next pair to wear and so as long as all team members do not pass the distance. That team that will pass the first, wins.

Materials and visual guides for the game

Gymnastic sticks, balls, chalk to designate the start line (finish), checkboxes on the stand or kegli to designate the place of rotation.

Relay "Friendship"

Develop agility, physical strength

Description: The teams are built into the columns two behind the start line. At the feet of the first couple on the ground lies the hoop. At the signal, the first pairs jump into the hoop, raise it and, holding the hoop with two hands, run to the cube, ride it, return back. The team wins the task first.

Materials and visual guides for the game

Hoops, cubes.


Develop agility and coordination of movements

Description: Players are divided into 2 teams. The task of each player is to pass the distance, by one hand hitting the ball about the floor. That team that will make it first, wins.

Materials and visual guides for the game

Ball, chalk to designate the start line (finish), flags on the stand or kegli to indicate the place of rotation.

Running the ball

We develop the speed of the reaction, coordination of movements

Description: Players are built in Shan. The first room throws the ball to the second number, the third, the third - the fourth and so until the last participant in the team, which runs with the ball on the right flank Sherngi, becomes close to the first number and gives him the ball, and so on. Wins the team, in Which faster the first number will return to its place.

Materials and visual guides for the game

Balls by team numbers.

Racing with six

Develop physical strength and endurance

Description: Players are divided into 2 teams. The task of each team player is to get to Skateboard before the flag and back, pushing out the sixth of the ground. That team whose players will pass faster, wins.

Materials and visual guides for the game

Skateboard, pole, chalk to designate the start line and finish, flags on the stand or kegli to designate the place of rotation.

Pushing with six

Develop physical strength and endurance

Description: 2 players participate in the game. They are located in a circle, capture the pole each for their part. The task of each player is to push the enemy outside the circle.

Materials and visual guides for the game

Six, chalk.


Develop physical strength and dexterity

Description:players are divided into 2 teams. The first player leans forward. The next player jumps over through it and also gets up, leaning forward. Then the next player jumps over two standing and also gets up, bent. As soon as all team members are standing at the distance, the first player who was now the last, jumps over all those standing ahead and rises again, bent. And so as long as all players will cross the finish line. That team that will pass the first, wins.

Materials and visual guides for the game

Chalk to designate the start line (finish), checkboxes on the stand or kegli to indicate the place of rotation.

Get into the mark

Develop agility, coordination of movements

Description: The player stands on the floor. The master is outlined by chalk his foot. We need, jumping up and making a 360 ° rotation in the air, land at one place.

Materials and visual guides for the game


Develop coordination of movements, dexterity

Description: Players are divided into 2 teams. By the leading signal, the first player runs the distance. When he returns to the team, the next player clings for him, and they run a distance together. The action is repeated until all team members run distance, clutching into the train. The team wins the command that first fulfills the task.

Materials and visual guides for the game

Chalk to designate the start line (finish), checkboxes on the stand or kegli to indicate the place of rotation.


Develop physical strength and endurance

Description: A few teams can take part in the game. On the playground, the launch line is drawn (he and finish). Bell tpers for each team are attached to the top bar of the Swedish wall. At the signal of the leading players, the players are coming to the wall, climb up and call to the bell. The team that will fulfill the first task becomes the winner.

Materials and visual guides for the game

Gymnastic wall, bells, chalk.

Ball pushers

Develop physical strength and eye

Description:the game is held on the playground. The task of each player is to push the ball as far as possible. The lead in the process of the game marks the place of falling the ball of each player. When all players are finished to throw the ball, you can sum up the results.

Materials and visual guides for the game

Packing ball, chalk.

Root relay

Develop physical strength and coordination of movements

Description: Players are divided into 2 teams. On the playground, the swivel racks are set up to run players. At the signal of the leading players begin to move the distance.

They carry a rocker on the shoulder - a gymnastic stick with buckets filled with tennis balls, trying not to drop it. That team that will pass the first, wins.

Materials and visual guides for the game

Gymnastic stick, small plastic buckets filled with tennis balls, rotary racks with a height of at least 1.5 m, chalk to indicate the start line (finish).

Strong jump

Develop physical strength, dexterity

Description: becoming a gymnastic bench and capturing the rope handed to the extreme point, the participant flies in opposite point And lands on mats. Runs landed on all.

Materials and visual guides for the game

Gymnastic bench, rope, mats.

Games Educing Flexibility

Transfer the ball

Develop flexibility and dexterity

Description: Players are divided into 2 teams. They are located in the columns at a distance of each other. The task of the participants is to pass the ball standing behind the player over his head. That team that will make it faster, wins.

Materials and visual guides for the game

Transfer the ball snake

Develop flexibility

Description: Players are divided into 2 teams. They are located in the columns at a distance of each other. The task of participants is to pass the ball standing at the back, and one of the players transmits the ball over his head, and the other is between the legs. A team that will make it faster, wins.

Materials and visual guides for the game

The relay "Tunnel from the hoop"

Develop flexibility

Description: Players are divided into 2 teams. Part of the team members holds hoops, forming a tunnel, the other part of the leading signal runs through the tunnel. Then the participants are changing in places. It wins the command that will fulfill the task first.

Materials and visual guides for the game

Gymnastic hoops.


Develop flexibility

Description: Children crawl on the stomach, moving at the same time right hand and left leg, then left hand and right leg. "Turtles" crawl around the platform under tight ropes, trying not to hurt them. The player, the rigging rope, is considered to be caught in the "drone" and comes out of the game.

Materials and visual guides for the game

Racks, ropes.

Gymnastic stick

Develop flexibility

Description: Players are divided into 2 teams. They are located in the columns at a distance of each other. The first player in the lead signal overcomes through the gymnastic stick, which he holds in his hands, then transmits it to the next player. The team wins the command that first fulfills the task.

Materials and visual guides for the game

Gymnastic sticks.

Soccer Rakov

Develop flexibility

Description: There are two arcs on the site - this is a gate (without goalkeepers). Players are divided into two teams. During the game, they move with a support on their feet ahead and on the hands behind the back. Players must score the ball with their rivals in the gate. It is impossible to play hands. Time in Cancer Football - 3 minutes.

Materials and visual guides for the game

Two arcs, ball.


Description: Any number of people can participate in the game. According to the signal of the leading participants, they begin to turn hoops on the waist. Wins one who will last longer than others.

Materials and visual guides for the game

Gymnastic hoops.

Flying ball.

Develop flexibility

Description: Players get into the circle and begin to throw the ball to each other. Their task is not to give the ball to fall as long as possible. Players should not go from the place and even tear down the feet of the floor. The one who drops the ball is dropped out of the game.

Materials and visual guides for the game


Description: It is necessary to place the playing field - the square divided into 16 parts. The players can take the phantas. From the number of players is chosen by the leading, which is determined by the participant, and with the help of the turntable - the numbers of the squares in which the participant must accommodate his hands and legs. On the game field all players are placed. The task of each player is to hold out on the field in an uncomfortable posture as long as possible. The one who was able to resist the longest, changing with leading roles.

Materials and visual guides for the game

Chalk, turntable with numbers from 1 to 16.


Develop flexibility

Description: From the number of players choose a leading. All players get into the circle, and the leading turns away. At this time, players are confused, not blurred hands. The task of the leading is to unravel confusion.

Materials and visual guides for the game

Musical accompaniment.


Develop flexibility

Description: 2 teams participate in the game. On the game field put the kegli, which will have to go about creeping players. At the signal of the leading players lay on the floor and the crawl moves along the distance, trying not to knock down the bow. The team wins the first to pass the distance.

Materials and visual guides for the game

Chalk to designate the start line (finish), checkboxes on the stand to indicate the place of rotation, kegli.

Moving games for children first junior Group DOU

Author: Lashkova Oksana Evgenievna, Educator Chdou "Kindergarten №4" of JSC "Russian Railways", the city of Bologna Tver region.
Work description: I offer you a selection of mobile games for children younger preschool age. This material can be used by educators and parents for moving games in the group room, at home and for a walk, with children from 1.5 to 3 years. This material is directed to the formation of interest in children to gaming activities, the development of such qualities as, coordination of movements, the speed of reaction, orientation in space, attention. Moving games are comprehensively developing a child and cause positive emotions from the actions performed.
purpose: To acquaint kids with a variety of rolling games. Enhance the motor activity and health of children. Develop attention, coordination of movements, the ability to navigate in space.

The game In the life of each child takes a significant place. From the small years, playing, the child first learn to manipulate objects, studies them. With age, looking for their relationships. Playing the baby, not only motor skills develop, but also thinking, imagination, fantasy. Playing, the child builds logical chains, thinks, reflects. It is impossible to imagine childhood child without a game. Not in vain noticed that as a child behaves in the game, so he will behave in society. Many great educators have been developed and successfully implemented in the programs a huge number of games. I work with the smallest, with the kids from the year to three. And over many years gathered a card file of games that I use in my work. This is mobile and educational and didactic.
It is impossible to underestimate the benefit of moving games in the life of the child. During the active movement, metabolic processes in the body, blood circulation, breathing are activated. In addition, the moving games are developing coordination of movements, attention and speed of reactions, the strength and endurance are trained, impulsivity is removed. I propose to get acquainted with the few, but your favorite babies moving games that can be held both in the group room and for a walk. I hope to someone use it in noble business, in the upbringing and formation of our infinitely beautiful younger generation.

Moving games for children from 1.5 to 3 years.

"Solar bunnies"

Tasks: raise motor activity, develop dexterity; Call positive emotions from the actions performed.
Having gathered a group of children, the educator with the help of a mirror allowing sunny bunnies on the wall and sentences:
Sun bunnies
Play on the wall,
Align their finger
Resort to you.
After making a pause, gives a signal: "Catch bunnies!" Children run to the wall and try to catch the bunny escaping from them.

"Cut the ball"

Tasks: Improve to act across the signal, improve running in combination with actions, enjoy joint action.
The tutor shows the children a basket with balls and suggests to stand next to him along one of the sides of the site. Then, with the words "catch up" throws them out of the basket, trying to ride in different directions, away from children. Children run beyond the balls, take them and put in the basket. The game is repeated.

"Collect the balls"

Tasks: raise motor activity; Contribute to the emergence of positive emotions from joint action.
The balls (wooden or plastic) are selected for the game, different in color. Having folded them in the basket, the teacher invites children to see what beautiful balls calls what color they are. Then pour them out with the words: "That's how the balls rolled ... catch up with them and put back to the basket." Children run beyond balls and belong to the basket.
When repeating the game, the educator calls who brought which ball: red, yellow and so on
The tutor follows that children do not come down in a bunch, but ran around the entire platform (each child runs in its pace).
The first time the game is carried out with a small group of children, gradually the number of players increases.

"Catch me"

Tasks: improving running in a certain direction; Learn to navigate in space.
"Catching me," - offers an educator and runs to the opposite wall of the room. Children run after the tutor, trying to catch him. Then the tutor says again: "catch up with me," and runs in the opposite direction, children catch up again. After two runs, the children sit on the chairs and rest. Then the game resumes.
It is better to spend the game with small groups of children: while one group of children play, the other looks, then children change roles.

"Cat and mouse"

Tasks: raise motor activity; develop imitation movements; Cause interest and desire to perform actions in accordance with the text.
The game is held with a small group of children in the game room or walk.
Using the cord, the place for mice is struck. Choose a cat. She is sitting on a chair or pennies. Mouses are sitting in minks.
The teacher says:
Cat mice will fit
I pretended to sleep.
Mouses get out of the "mink" and begin to run.
After some time, the teacher says:
Quieter, mice, do not make sure
Cat you will not wake up ...
This is a cat signal; She gets out of the chair, rises on all fours, strifting the back, says "meow" loudly and begins to catch mice that run into their minks.
The game can be repeated 3-4 times, with other cats.

"Lohamatic dog"

One of the children depicts PSA; He goes to the rug, his head puts on the hand outstretched in front.
The rest of the children are quietly suitable for him, and the tutor says at this time:
That lies a shaggy dog,
In my paws bored my nose,
Quietly, twin it lies
Not a dreaming, not sleeping.
Let's go to him, wake up

And let's see something.
Dog jumps up, begins to bark. Children scatter. The dog chases them. When all the children discern and hide, the dog again fall on the rug. The game is repeated with the new leading.

"At the bear in Bor"

Tasks: Learn to act across the tutor's signal, to improve running in a certain direction; learn to navigate
One of the children is depicting a bear; He sits on a chair, handles under the cheek, pretending to be sleeping.
The rest of the children are quietly suitable for him, leaning, as if they collect mushrooms and berries, and the tutor says at this time:
Bear's bear
Mushrooms, Berries take,
And the bear is not sleeping
He doesn't look at me.
And then how to burn.
And for us will run.
Bear jumps up, runs for children. Children scatter. The bear chases them. When all the children break and hide, the bear again sit on the chair. The game is repeated with the new leading.

"Chickens and Cat"

Tasks: improving running; develop the ability to imitate, be attentive and act over the signal; encourage independent actions; Call a sense of joy from joint actions, teach children by running in a certain direction.

The tutor depicts a chicken, children - chickens. The cat is chosen to read. Cat get on the chair on the sidelines. Chicken and chickens walk around the room. The teacher says:
Crested chicken came out,
With her yellow chickens,
Quachitch chicken: "Ko-Co.
Do not go far. "
Approaching the cat, the teacher says:
On the bench at the track
Melted and sleeping cat ...
Cat eye opens
And the chickens catch up.
The cat opens his eyes, meows and runs behind chickens, which run away in a certain corner of the room - "House", to a chicken-mother.
The educator (chicken) protects the chickens, spreading his hands to the side, and says at the same time: "Go, Cat, I will not give you a chicken"!

"Sun and rain"

Tasks: In children, the ability to run a swear, not running over to each other, respond quickly to the signal, to learn to perform actions for the word adult; encourage independence, the initiative of children; cause a sense of joy from joint action.
Children are squatted behind the chairs located at some distance from the edge of the site or the walls of the room, and look at the "window" (in the hole of the chair's back). The teacher says: "In the sky Sunny! You can go for a walk. " Children run throughout the site. On the signal: "Rain! Most home! " - Fight in place and sit behind chairs. The tutor says again: "Sun! Go for a walk ", and the game is repeated.

"Find out a bubble"

Tasks: encourage children to act in accordance with the words; learn to coordinate their actions with the actions of other children; Fasten the ability to become in a circle, gradually expanding it and narrowing; Develop physical activity.
Children stand closely in a circle, holding hands. Together with the tutor, they say:
Bloat, bubble,
Stay such
Yes, do not be sway.
Pronunciation of poems, children gradually expand the circle. When the teacher says: "The bubble burst", - all the children give up his hands, saying: "clap" - and squatted. The educator proposes to inflate a new bubble: children get up, form a small circle and the game is resumed.

Tasks: Learning to move in a certain direction, coordinate actions with other children, encourage independent actions.
The educator suggests playing the "train": "I will be a locomotive, and you are trailers." Children get into the column each other, holding the clothes ahead standing. "Let's go," says the teacher, and everyone starts to move, saying: "Chu-Chu." The teacher leads the train in one direction, then in the other, then slows down, finally stops and says: "Stop". After some time, the beep is heard again, and the train goes off again.
Where did the bell hide? "
Tasks: Learn to navigate in space; develop the ability to run in different directions; cause a sense of joy from joint action.

Children stand face to the wall. Nanny hides in the other end of the room and calls the bell. The educator says to children: "Listen, where it rings, and find a bell." When the children find the bell tag, the teacher praises them, and then invites again to turn to the wall. Nanny again calls the bell, hiding in another place.

"My cheerful ringing ball"

Tasks: teach children to jump on two legs; Learning to listen carefully to the text; cause a sense of joy from active actions.
Children sit on chairs set in different places of the room. The tutor is in the center. Takes a big ball and begins to beat him about the ground, saying: "My cheerful, ringing ball ...". The teacher calls for children and invites them to jump like balls. Children jump at the same pace. The teacher puts the ball and repeats the poem, making the movement of the hand, as if he beat off the ball, and the children jump. Having finished the poem, the teacher says: "Cat!". Children run away.

"Bunny white sits"

Tasks: improving running; develop the ability to imitate, be attentive and act over the signal; encourage independent actions; cause a sense of joy from joint action.
On one side of the site there are places of the hare. Everyone becomes in its place. According to the tutor's sign "Run in a circle!" All children are going to the circle, and one of the villages, whom the teacher appoints, becomes middle. Children with the educator pronounce poems and perform movements for the text:
Bunny white sits and stamps ears, - children stand in a circle,
So, so he will make ears! - Shell the hands of the hands, raising them to the head.
A bunny to sit coldly, you need to warm my paws,
Floating clashes, clap-clap, you need to warm the paws - clap your hands.
Bunny cold stand, you need to jump bunny
SCOCK, SCOK-SCOK, OJSC ON A BARK ripped - jump on 2 legs on the spot.
Someone bunned scared, bunny jump and rode! - The tutor claps in his hands, children run away in their homes.

"Birds in sockets"

Tasks: enrich motor experience; encourage children to fulfill elementary game rules; encourage independence; Call a feeling of pleasure from communicating with adults and peers, as well as from movements.
On the one hand, the site is freely laying out hoops ("Nights") in the number of children. Each child ("bird") is in its "neleshka". At the signal of the teacher, children - "birds" run out of the hoop - "Nests" - and scatter throughout the site. The tutor imitates the feeding of "birds" in one, then in the other end of the site: children are squatting, hitting the fingers on the knees - "peck" feed. "The birds flew in the nest!" - says the educator, children run to hoops and become in any free hoop. The game is repeated, jump twice.

"Geese - Geese"

Tasks: improve running in combination with hands; make the need for imitation; To enjoy joint action.

Children are depicting geese, located at one end of the room, in the other end is an adult. In turn say:
Adult: Geese Gus!
Children: Ga-ga-ha!
Adult: Do you want?
Children: Yes, yes!
Adult: Go to me!
Children geese fly to adult, waving wings, spike: "Sh-sh-sh"
Then the adult says: "Ksh! Run in the field! " Gus run away in their place.

"Birds and cars"

Tasks: improve walking in different directions, on a limited surface; Develop attention, the ability to respond to the signal; Move to actively interact with peers.

All children depict birds. The role of the car first performs an educator. He says: "The birds flew off." Children-birds fly through the group, mashed with wings, beolate grains. According to the sign of the teacher "Car!" Birds quickly run away from the road. One part of the children is located on one side of the group, the platforms are birds. On the other side there is another part of children - these are cars. The educator says: "birds fly!" - birds fly, mashed with wings, squatted, beolate grains. At the signal "Cars left!" Children depicting cars go to the road, and birds fly away to their nests. Cars ride on the road, circling obstacles (benches, cubes). When you repeat the game, children change roles.

Then this series of developing and moving games is for you! Games for children from 6 years. Games for kindergarten and schools.

Between two fires

Everyone can play this game, the main thing is that all the players can be divided into two equal commands. Each team chooses the captain. The field for the game is divided first in half, then each half is still in two parts, and the extreme parts should be two times less than the average.

The teams are built as follows: Captains stand up for narrow extreme stripes, between them, in middle strips, the remaining players are located - the teams of opponents stand against the captains (for example, the captain of the white, the team of blue, the whites team, the captain of blue). The task of captains to get into someone from the team of opponents and not to bother their players. If someone from the players got a ball, he comes out of the center and joins his captain.

Players in the center can catch the ball (but not from the earth) and throw in opponents.

The game continues until players are in the center.

If all the team players knocked out of the middle, the captain gets up in their place. If he can stand so many balls of the ball with opponents as he has team members, the team returns to the middle.

Each captain has three "candles", i.e., three hits are not counted.

Place Game: Street

Needles need: ball

Number of players: even

Game Mobility: Movable

Sleeping pirate

Before the game, players choose a waterproof pirate. He is given a ball.

The pirate is squatting so that the ball is almost under it, and closes his eyes. The rest are "thieves" - begin to make noise, jump around it. Everyone tries to come closer and snatch the ball. "Pirate" must keep the ball and try to grab the "thief" by hand. If he succeeded, the unfortunate "thief" leaves the field and becomes the audience. If "thieves" managed to pick up the ball, then Pirate becomes a "thief", and the lucky "thief" is a "pirate."

Needles need: ball

Game Mobility: Movable


Teams are built against each other. Between them in the middle the trait is carried out. Each participant has a handkerchief for the belt.

The lot is selected by the lot that will go to the offensive. This team goes outleur. Lead Shouts: "Fire!" The second team goes into the offensive, and the upcoming command runs back. Opponents try to catch up with them and select scarves. Then the commands change roles, and the game continues.

The team that will turn out to be a greater number of enemy handkerchiefs.

Age of players: from six years

Place Game: Street, room

Needles need: scarves

Game Mobility: Movable


Choose a leading. He has a small ball in his hands. The rest are located on the site. Driving throws up the ball up and calls the name of one of the players, for example, sellery.

Seryozha must try to catch the ball so that he does not have time to fall on the ground. If he succeeds, he, in turn, throws the ball and calls the name of the next player.

If the next player does not have time to catch the ball and he falls to the ground, the player screams: "Earth!" The rest should measure on the place where they were at this moment. And the smoked player should from the place where he raised the ball, to get into any participant of the game. If he succeeded, then the player who fell, becomes leading. Game continues.

Age of players: from eight years

Place Game: Street

Needles need: ball

Game Mobility: Movable


For this game need rinks. Drinking sits down and starts to rotate the rope above the head. Players must jump over it. Then leading screams:

"Anxiety!" And raises the rope above and turns it faster. That of the players who first did not have time to jump off or sit down and huddled the jump rope, it becomes driving.

Age of players: from six years

Necessary things: rope

Game Mobility: Movable

Uninvited guest

For the game, choose a plot of river, fine enough and with a smooth bottom. The game participants are divided into two teams. They agree on the boundaries of their possessions and put two vests in three places: in the middle (the boundary between possessions) and at the end of possessions. Each player prepares for himself a bag with sand (polyethylene or linen). A large inflatable ball is put on the border - "Uninvited Guest".

Set the order of throws among the players in the team and strictly hold it. Throw carefully, in turn, first the bag from one team, then - from the other. After each throw the bag is sink, falls to the bottom. The owner of the bag is forced to dive to get it. He fulfills his next throw from the place where he took out the bag.

It may turn out that someone from the players is forced to throw a bag from the enemy territory, as a result of which the "uninvited guest" will have to move to the possession of his team.

In this case, the participant of the game throws a bag to its territory by the ball and again waiting for his turn.

That team wins, which will be overwhelmed by the "uninvited guest" for a line at the end of the opponent's possessions.

Age of players: from ten years

Place of Games: Plot of the River, Small and With Smooth Dream

Things are needed: ball, stages - "shells", sweatshirts (to designate boundaries)

Game Mobility: Movable

Traps for butterflies

Participants form three large concentric circles. All standing in the inner circle once give paper hats or bows. They will be "butterflies".

Holding hands, the participants are moving in a circle; External circles in one direction, and internal to another. There is an unexpected whistle, along which players of two outer circles are paired in pairs, trying to take someone from the players of the inner circle into the ring.

If the player has time to sit down from the first circle, he does not touch it. For those who caught trap, take a hat or a bow. So the game is held several times. Participants who preserved their hats or bows become winners.

Age of players: from eight years

Game Mobility: Movable

Skvorts flew

In different places, the halls players draw the circles - these are "Bunches". Each has a pair of "Skvortsov". The number of players should be odd. One "Skzorter" will remain without a "nest".

Players depict "Skvortsov" - "fly" in the site in different directions. At the signal "Skvortz flew!" They run to "Bunches". You can occupy any of them. The one who remained without a mug is considered to be a loser. At the signal "Skvortz fly!" game continues.

Age of players: from six years

Place Game: Street, room

Game Mobility: Movable.

Empty place

An empty place is a cheerful, a mobile game for schoolchildren, a well-developing child reaction and designed for a large number of players.

Participants of the game get into the circle, and the leading remains for the circle. Driving goes around and touches one of the players, touching the shoulder or hands. This means that he causes this player to the competition. Running runs over the circle one way, and caused to the opposite. Having met, they greet and continue to run on, trying to accommodate free space (left by the player called). The one who managed to take this place is there and remains, and the remaining without a place becomes leading, and the game continues.

Age of players: from six years

Number of players: 7 - 15

Game Mobility: Movable


Play on the sand in the water. One participant of the game will be leading.

On the sand you need to draw several circles, there must be one less than the participants of the game.

Driving is in a circle and makes different movements. All players cost a well from the circles and repeat the leading movement. The remaining players must repeat them.

The driving gives the team: "Sorhai Len!" And all participants of the game should occupy circles - "nests". The one who did not have time to take the "nest" is considered to be "planted": it takes one "nest" and sits in it until the end of the game.

Age of players: from six years

Place Game: Street, room

Game Mobility: Movable


Draw a big circle. All participants get into it on one leg and cross hands on the chest. It is necessary to push the opponents outside the circle, jumping on one leg and not using hands. The one who will remain in a circle will be defeated.

Age of players: from six years

Place Game: Street, room

Game Mobility: Movable

Caught Filin

Select "Filin", it hides in its "nest". The rest of the whisper ("Filin" should not hear) declare that bird that will be depicted. Imitating the cry of this bird playing "flying" on the site. At the signal "Filin flies!" All "birds" try to fly to pre-harvested "nests". If driving will have time to catch someone, he must guess what kind of bird it is. Only then caught becoming a "branch".

We offer: to make "nests of birds" in high objects. "Fly" need everyone to its "nest".

Age of players: from six years

Place Game: Street, room

Game Mobility: Movable

Fishermen and fish

Play on the shore, in water. All participants of the game are divided into two groups. One group is "Fish Ki", another group is "fish". These two groups must stand opposite each other at some distance. There is a conversation between "fishermen" and "fish":

- What are you doing?

- What will you catch?

- Catch!

"Fish" run away, and "fishermen" seek them to catch up. If the "fisherman" will catch up and stands out "fish", it is considered "caught."

Age of players: from eight years

Place Games: River Coast

Game Mobility: Movable

Apple collection

Some apples are put on the chair. Players take turns take a ball, throw it up, rock the ball did not fall on the ground, you need to collect apples from the chair in the basket. Who will gather them more, he won. Competition is carried out in several stages. You can play bones from plums, walnut nuts, apricots.

Age of players: from six years

Things need: apples or other items that can be collected by participants

Place Game: Street, room

Game Mobility: Movable

Caterpillars, to start!

Participants are divided into teams and are built in each other in a row. Each team is issued as much balls so that they are enough for everyone, except for the first. Players pushed the balls among themselves, turning into a long "caterpillar", at the signal of the leading team run to the goal, trying not to lose the balls and not break the chain. In fact, their movements are difficult to call run. Rather, they are similar to how crawling caterpillar.

The team wins the team that the first will be able to prepare before the finish.

Age of players: from eight years

Place Game: Street

Things need: balls

Game Mobility: Movable

Day and night

One participant of this game will be leading. He must say: "Day!" or "night!"

When the leading says; "Day!", All participants must jump, have fun, play.

When the driving will say: "Night!", All participants must measure in place. If someone did not have time, he should get out of the game.

Age of players: from six years

Place Game: Street, room

Game Mobility: Movable


In pairs, one person repeats the movements of another. As an option - the whole group of players repeats the movement of one.

Age of players: from eight years

Purpose of the game: interpersonal interaction, experience in keeping and statement

Game Mobility: Low-Model


At the playground to play at a fairly large distance from each other, two parallel lines are drawn. With the help of reading or by lot you choose a leading. He takes the ball and moves down one line. All others are built in one row after another feature.

Walking throws the ball to each player in turn and calls some object, fruit, vegetable, berry. Players must catch the ball if the edible item was named, and beat off the ball if something inedible is called. In any case, the ball should return to the watering. He who correctly performs the task takes a step forward. The player was mistaken, he remains on the spot or take a step back, if he has already stepped over the line. Having allowed a mistake twice when squatted, three times - squatting. Wins the one who will reach the faster to leading.

The main rule: it is impossible to delay the ball for a long time. This also applies to the hardening, and to other players. He who thought should give Phanti. At the end of the game, the phantas are played out and for each phanta is given a certain task.

Age of players: from eight years

Things need: balls

Game Mobility: Movable


Players are built into a row in front of a flat wall, retreating for some distance from it (approximately 1.5 - 2 meters). In turn, they throw the ball into the wall and jump over it when he bounces. He who could not task or execute it with an error starts everything from the very beginning.

The complexity lies in the fact that every time it is becoming complicated. According to the degree of complexity, it is divided into several classes. In each class, first, the ball is thrown into the wall on a very small distance from the ground. Gradually, this distance increases until the ball hits the wall at the level of the first participants. In the next class, begin again from the zero mark.

First grade. The ball is thrown by two hands, slightly flashes forward, right in front of him into the wall. The ball must be at the knee level.

Second class. The ball is thrown from the belt right in front of him into the wall.

Third class . The ball is thrown at the level of shoulders right in front of him into the wall.

Fourth Class . The ball is thrown from behind the head right in front of him into the wall.

Fifth grade . The ball is thrown from behind the back between the legs right in front of him into the wall. Jump through it need back.

Sixth grade. The ball is thrown from behind the back through the right shoulder right in front of him into the wall.

Seventh grade. The ball is thrown from behind the back through the left shoulder right in front of him into the wall.

Eighth grade. The ball is thrown from behind the back through his head right in front of him into the wall.

Ninth grade. The ball is thrown between his legs, turning to the wall with his back, and turn face to the wall to jump over it.

Tenth grade. The ball is thrown between his legs, turning to the wall with his back. It is necessary that he first hit the Earth and only after that - about the wall. Jump without turning to the wall face

The one who fastest and detect will fulfill all tasks.

Age of players: diverse

Place Game: Street

Needles need: ball

Game Mobility: Movable

Brave challenge

Play 10-12 people playing. One of the participants becomes a "crucible", the other - the "zeal". All other are "chickens".

They become for the "zeal", forming a column. Everyone keeps each other, and standing first - For the "zeal".

Korshun becomes 3 - 4 steps from the column. By the signal, he tries to grab the "chicken" standing last. To do this, he needs to get a column and stand back. But it is not so easy, because the "zeal" turns the face to him all the time and blocks the path, pulling his hands to the sides. The entire column at this time should deviate from the "Korean" in the opposite direction.

If in a few minutes "KORSHUN" manages to grab "chicken", choose a new water. The game is repeated again.

Age of players: from eight years

Place Game: Street, room

Game Mobility: Movable

Competition trackers

The game takes place in winter. Before spending this competition, the organizers are negotiated in advance, as the route will be denoted for each team. First, the assistants of the judges who place the path for the participating teams are sent (the number of assistants will be equal to the number of commands).

Each assistant moves in its direction, leaving a noticeable trace characteristic only for this team. For example, the first assistant leaves the trail only with one stick, the other - two, the third goes completely without sticks, the fourth throws along the way fifth or pine cones, the fifth sticks on one side of the skiing thin twigs, and so on. Foots All are well distinguishable in the snow.

All traces lead to one point, located 1.5 - 2 km from the start. There should be approximately 40 to 50 minutes in the path of skiers. After 1 - 1.5 hours after the departure of the assistants, the teams start captains. They indicate the characteristic differences in the landmarks in advance. That team wins, which is faster than others and in full force will come to the end item, which they did not know anything in advance.

Age of players: from ten years

Place Game: Street

Needles need: Ski

Game Mobility: Movable

Forest salts

They are well played in the forest or in the park. Players are running out in different directions, and the leading catches them. A player who is about to catch, can run up to the tree, touch him and thus become inviolable. As soon as the player leaves the tree, he is again in the game. Water is prohibited to guard those who stand at the tree.

Age of players: from eight years

Place Games: Park, Forest, Square

Game Mobility: Movable

Salley with wolf

Drinking in this case turns into a "wolf". All playing, besides him, run with herbs bunches in their hands. As soon as the player sees that "Wolf" catches it, he can throw his bunch to the ground and say: "Your grass, wolf!" The leading should stop, raise the grass from the ground and only then continue the race. Throwing the grass is allowed only once.

Age of players: from eight years

Place Game: Street

Things are needed: bunch of grass, twigs, etc.

Game Mobility: Movable


The leading can be caught up who have no pair (for a couple you need to hold tight). If the troika was formed, it is possible to squeeze someone who to join the latter.

Age of players: from eight years

Purpose of the game: Discharge, Mutual

Number of players: 6 - 30

Place Games: Spacious room

Game Mobility: Movable

King of animals

Play on the shore, in water. Select one leading. He will be the "king", the remaining participants are "beasts". Each player must say the "king", what kind of animals it will be.

"Beasts" stand in one row opposite the "king". The "king" keeps the ball in his hands, calls some "beast", the "beast" should run away. And the "king" throws the ball into it. If the ball falls into the player, he becomes an assistant "king" and will have to bring him a ball. The "king" calls several "beasts", then says: "I catch all the animals!" Everyone is running out, and he must get the ball into some "beast".

The "king" should always throw the ball with a certain place.

Next time, you can choose the one who was caught first, but you can choose the one you caught the last.

Age of players: from eight years

Place Games: River Coast

Needles need: ball

Game Mobility: Movable

Gardener in water

This game is held on the shore, in water. On the sand you need to draw a big circle. In this game, there will be a "gardener", the remaining participants in the game will be "colors." Each "flower" chooses a name, for example, a rose, cornflower, cactus, violet, gladiolus. "Gardener" is on the shore, and "Flowers" is sitting in the water. "Gardener" says:

"I was born gardener,

I got angry

All the flowers are fed up,

In addition to roses! "

Instead of rose "Gardener" can call any other flower. After that, the player whose flower was called should run out of the water, run a circle on the shore. "Gardener" runs after him. If the "gardener" was able to catch up and walked to the player, he comes out of the game.

Next time, the "gardener" can be chosen by the player who was osal first.

Age of players: from eight years

Place games: on the shore

Game Mobility: Movable