This war of mine warehouse walkthrough. Passage of game This War of Mine. Comments, reviews, opinions

Characters and their qualities

Bruno is a skilled cook, has a small bag, but he cooks well, saving some of the ingredients. It can even save sugar and water on moonshine. Cigarettes are required to maintain morale.
Pavlo is a fast runner and is capable of good sprints. Also a small bag and as a "getter" is still a priority. Unless, of course, in the team of another character with a larger backpack, for example, Marco.
Marco is an experienced earner. His bag has 15 slots, which is a very nice addition. He can take almost more than anyone at a time, which makes him simply irreplaceable.
Sveta loves children. There is little information on the character yet ...
Zlata is a master of inspiration. This girl is able to bring the lost (depressed) character to her senses faster and more efficiently. There is little information on the character yet ...
Anton - good mathematician... There is little information on the character yet ...
Arika - has the skills of a thief. This character can quietly walk through many areas, making much less noise.
Roman is a trained fighter. Well prepared in close combat and may suffer less if he has to kill, but that's not certain. According to information from the players, it is able to well protect the house from burglars.
Katya is a good bargainer. This girl can bargain for more favorable terms in the exchange. It was checked that her skill helps to get huge discounts from some sellers, and if you still trade in rare things, you can take almost the entire bag from the trader. Morale depends on the amount of coffee in the house.
Boris is very strong and can carry 17 objects, but he hardly runs. Better than him, no one brings safe areas. Has a lot of health.
Meirin - game character with the ability to craft efficiently and economically. For the production of some items, it spends much less resources.
Emilia - a lawyer, increases the morale of the characters when doing bad deeds. For example, when killing a civilian, the character will fall into depression, with Emilia he will be simply saddened. Coffee girl. Backpack for 10 cells.

Basic rules of the game

The city goes Civil War... The area in which you live is cordoned off by the military and is constantly fired upon. In some areas, bloody battles are taking place. At our disposal is a group of people that now cannot get out of this hell, like, in fact, many other residents of this city. The main goal of the game is to survive (see the end of the war). To successfully complete the game, you need to survive (leave at least one person alive) a little over 43 days (but someone writes that 46).

At night, you can get out in search of supplies and materials for construction and the production of useful things in everyday life. Only one character goes on the way, while the rest sleep off or guard the house from uninvited guests - bandits. Everything in the game runs for a while. We are given a limited amount of time for daytime activities and night hikes. If night simply falls during the day, then if the timer ends at night, and the "breadwinner" does not have time to return before dawn, then he will find himself in a difficult situation and it is more difficult for him to get home safe and sound.
There is also morality in the game. It greatly complicates the process of survival, since robbed property, in addition to the chance to live longer, will also bring moral suffering, which can result in quarrels, depression, fights and even refusal to do anything. In addition, morality is made up of simple events. For example, classical music on the radio slightly reduces the blues, and cold, hunger, or the absence of cigarettes (or coffee) can play down.

Asylum is our everything

The same refuge is always available to us. In it we spend all daylight hours, and is engaged in household chores: crafting, cooking, strengthening the house, drunkenness and heart-to-heart talk. Our hideout is the main refuge of our party and cannot be changed until the end of the game. It has about a dozen rooms where the main workbench, a bathroom with medicines and a refrigerator where food is stored are located.
The shelter must be protected. At night, not only honest and peace-loving citizens are prowling in search of profit. Everywhere is full of criminals and marauders who, without hesitation, will take all your food and water by force. And it would be fine if they just robbed, so they can also cripple or even kill. To strengthen (protect) we can hammer holes in, set up alarms, and also post armed guards at night.
The shelter needs to be equipped. It is unrealistic to complete the game without setting up beds, furniture, stoves, a rat trap, beds, workshops and other things. Characters demand coziness, warmth, protection and comfort. Arranging the shelter will even allow you to get some of the most essential resources, such as: water, meat (from rats), grass for cigarettes and even vegetables. To some extent, our task is to achieve some kind of autonomy. And this is quite logical, if the fate is that all other resources on the map are strictly limited.

Food and how to eat right

There is not much food in the game, in terms of species. There are meat, vegetables and canned food. Food affects several parameters of the character. Primarily on performance, hungry characters do not perform well. Also, when a character has eaten well and has the "well-fed" status, he immediately receives small pluses in morale and productivity.

Meat is a common and one might say a standard resource. You eat it most of the time and you can get it from rats using traps. Meat can be cooked in the oven, and even with vegetables for more portions, but you can also eat it raw. Meat saturates well, removing and raising statuses.

Vegetables are not such a high-quality product as meat and therefore they are less saturated. They cannot be cooked and can only be added to meat. He cannot remove and increase statuses, at least in one portion. Can be grown in the garden beds.

Canned food is an analogue of meat, only you do not need to cook them before eating, which makes them indispensable in hungry and cold times, when there are no resources for the stove or the creation of water filters.

Resources, their types, rarity, value, properties

Boards are made from furniture and are found in large quantities almost everywhere. It is needed for heating furnaces and crafting, as well as improvements. Type: not rare. Value: none.
Components - are obtained almost everywhere (in heaps of garbage) and are necessary for almost all crafting. Can be used as fuel in a furnace. Type: not rare. Value: none.
Water - is obtained from a rainwater collector and is sometimes found in rooms and debris. Needed for preparing food and drinks. Type: rare. Value: moderate.
Meat is the only type of food produced. Prepare with water per serving. Obtained from traps. Type: rare. Value: good.
Vegetables are another type of food. Serves as a supplement to the standard serving, doubling the amount for a more full-bodied effect. Can be grown in the garden beds at home.
Cartridges - are in the hands of armed people and sometimes in houses and warehouses. There is only one type of cartridges in the game for all barrels. Can be made at home. Type: very rare. Value: good.
Moonshine is a produced resource. Serves to stub out feelings of guilt or as money. Crafted from water and sugar. Type: rarest. Value: very high.
Canned food is the second type of food. It does not require cooking for consumption. It is the currency in the game. Type: rarest. Value: high.
Bandages - they can heal wounds (albeit over time). Collected from herbs and alcohol. Type: rarest. Value: high.
Spare parts from weapons - with the help of them, almost all weapons in the game are assembled, and broken ones are also repaired. Type: rare. Value: moderate.
Fertilizers - needed to grow food and grass. Type: rare. Value: moderate.
Spare parts - needed for upgrades and improvements. Required to craft a technique. Type: very rare. Value: high.
Electrically parts - with the help of these parts, almost all especially rare crap (thermometer, alarm, mixer, lamp) is built. Type: rare. Value: high.
Herbs are common herbs that can be used in cooking, medicine, and smoking. Can be grown at home in garden beds. Type: not rare. Value: low.
Coffee is a hot drink that can calm you down. Hard to find. Type: extremely rare. Value: very high.
Cigarettes - replace money, along with moonshine are very expensive. Can be made from tobacco at home. Type: extremely rare. Value: very high.
A hand-rolled cigarette is a common home-made smoke made at home from ordinary stinking herbs. Type: rare. Value: moderate.
Alcohol is pure alcohol. Always worth its weight in gold. Type: you will find hell. Value: transcendental.
Jewelry is jewelry, the price of which has become laughable under martial law. But at the same time, you can still exchange something valuable for them. Type: you will find hell. Value: very high.
Tablets - help fight disease. Much more effective than herbs. Type: you will find hell. Value: very high.
Herbs and medicines - help fight ailments, a serious fever will not be brought down, but a cold will be cured. Type: rare. Value: high.
Books - they can be read and, if necessary, flood the stove with them. Type: rare. Value: low.
Thermometer - can be crafted in an improved base workbench.
Mixer - craftable in an improved base workbench.
Lamp - craftable in an improved base workbench.

All weapons

A pistol is a weak and not the most effective way to kill someone. Can be found and repaired, purchased from merchants.
Shotgun - Helps to kill the enemy at close range. Ooh-very effective in close combat. Everyone has two shots maximum. Can be found and repaired, as well as purchased from merchants.
Automatic - allows you to successfully fire at a distance. Not so strong and requires too much ammo, but if you need to dunk a lot of people at a distance.
Automatic machine with sniper scope- is located by the sniper at the construction site. With a medium chance it can drop when killing a shooter.
Close combat
Ax - cuts well and guarantees the death of the enemy with two hits. Sly kills with one attack.
Crowbar is weaker, but you can still pick doors with it. Sly kills with one attack.
The shovel is also strong and two blows are always enough. She can still scoop up heaps of garbage (obstacle). Sly kills with one attack.
A knife is useless in everyday life, but it helps to defend or kill from the shadows.

Survival tips

To begin with, it is worthwhile to understand that the game is saved only after you return home. If you get killed or you get injured on a mission, then just exit the menu and replay the day. This is not entirely fair, but not everyone will like playing in one gulp.

The more resources you collect, the faster you get frustrated and start reaping the rewards of your labors. First of all, we build workbenches, stoves and sleeping places. Beds are needed to allow night attendants to sleep during the day before the next shift. After collecting resources for weapons, craft an ax and use it to disassemble all the cabinets in the house. This will allow you to hammer away from the bandits.
Carry only what you need, do not try to demolish supplies based on their value. This is not dayz and everything that you have not collected will remain in that very place. If you need beds, look for materials, if you need weapons, look for parts.
Start getting water and brewing moonshine from the very first minutes of the game. We rivet filters and cook chacha, it will become the best currency in the future in exchange for food, weapons, cartridges and other useful things at the army checkpoint. But you always need to keep one bottle for yourself, suddenly someone starts to go crazy. It will drink once and it will immediately become easier.
Do not try to immediately stock up on meat, and even more so, you do not need to fatten your wards to the maximum condition. They walk well and so, being hungry, but when they are very hungry, you can give one portion.
Collect canned food - this is the most valuable thing in the game! If not for canned food, it would be problematic to survive until the end of winter. They will also help to give a head start in the final week if you have already brought your wards to the state of "zombies" and they ate moving, not to mention cooking and crafting.
Kill only bandits - do not try to kill or rob civilians. This can only be done from complete hopelessness, when you already have nothing to eat and someone is about to go to the forefathers. After such a campaign, morale will be guaranteed, and some of your characters will refuse to obey.
Do not haggle with the huckster who comes to your house! Well, or don't buy a lot from him. Need ten trees? Change. You need food and medicine, then it is better to go to other merchants. Its prices are high and it never changes at a bargain price.
Seek autonomy. Build rat traps and place them in the basement. Two traps do just fine with keeping your charges fresh. Vegetable beds are profitable. Moonshine is profitable. The only thing that has no practical value is the cartridges. The more cartridges you have in your inventory, the more willingly your guards will smack at looters at night. If there are five rounds, then this will be enough for them to fight back. If there are ten, they will use up all of them.
If someone began to heal, then do not chase him on household chores, or even more so on outings. Sleep, food, weed are the basis of recovery. The same badyaga with bandages. If you get bogged down - sleep well, let the rest go and watch.
Don't put together a big team. Yes, the five of us are easier to live and easier to defend, but it will be difficult to collect food for everyone. If someone starts to hurt, then this is generally a paragraph. In addition, some people always consume internal resources: coffee, cigarettes, etc. Why all this when they can be exchanged for canned food and cartridges, and then live in peace for a couple of days. Anyone who comes to your house should always be evaluated in terms of usefulness.
If the tree runs out and no longer lies at the locations, then take the ax and go chop the furniture.
Palm - an icon that says that you can pick up objects. The hand picking up an object indicates that you are aiming at someone's things - you are stealing.
Better one improved stove than three potbelly stoves.
If the market location on the square is open, then you can bargain and exchange a bunch of useful things, because the cost of each seller for their material is unique. For example, for bandages one will give almost two cans of stew, while the second is ready to exchange one can for the same bandage.

Game locations and events

A bombed house is a safe place full of junk. In three passes, you can take out almost everything, there are locked doors. Without a crowbar or a master key, nowhere.

St. Mary's Church - there can be two events at this location. 1 The bandits killed the priest and took over the place. 2 The priest is alive and trading. Loot stocks are good.

A dilapidated slum - no enemies were seen here. Only one bum who lacks food. If you bring him food, he will show you a cache. There is closed rooms you will need a crowbar or lockpicks. There are a lot of stagnant materials here.

Supermarket - Two things can happen in a store. 1 a soldier will attack a woman and try to rape, if you help her, the hero will get + to morale. 2 There will be armed people on the spot, but they will not turn out to be aggressive and will allow you to search the store too, then, however, after returning there will be almost nothing left. There are closed rooms you will need a crowbar or a lock pick.

Quiet house - there is one house where a couple lives. They are not hostile, but they will defend if you get inside. Having robbed them, you will receive a "-" to karma. The food stocks are good here and there is a lot of useful junk.

Bombed school - inside there may be militias or homeless people, but in any case, it's safe here. Militias can be traded, homeless people can simply be robbed. There are good supplies for more than one race. There are also closed rooms.

Hotel - in it you can stumble upon an armed man, possibly a maniac. Also nearby may be his armed associates. They shoot without warning. There is a hostage at the end of the room that they can kill if delayed with the rescue.

Army checkpoint - the military has good goods and is great for alcohol. If you came to bargain, then you are not in danger.

Central square (sniper interchange) - there are two possible events for this location. 1 There will be a market here where you can buy absolutely everything. 2nd street will be under fire from a sniper and you will have to move in dashes to reach the house. Also in the second case, you can help the wounded at the statue. To do this, run to the house, and then go through the sewers and break the door. The rescued will give supplies. The location is rich and if there is a sniper, then you can return from time to time for supplies of all types.

Construction site - here in both cases it will be dangerous. 1 There will be two military men who will try to kill one person, if you go further, then you too. 2 Now you will find a pair of snipers who are working on a different location. They do not see you, but this does not make it safer to search the location. Lots of materials and weapons.

Garage - a family lives in a ruined house. They bargain and they really need medicines, they can give almost everything for them. They can be robbed if you take a saw and walk along the roof, but morale will immediately go to the minus.

The Small Cloister is a multi-storey building. There can be two events at this location. 1 There will be drunk bandits walking inside and they shoot without warning. 2 There will be a group of merchants, a merchant can sit right at the entrance.

Brothel - here you can find a merchant who exchanges many goods, even weapons. The prices are not the best, but the range is impressive.

Warehouse - bandits live here. A lot of useful things are scattered around the location, but until you knock all the guards down, it will be unrealistic to collect everything. So, the place is very satisfying and there is a lot of everything lying around.

House for two families - two parts of the house are connected by a passage with a grating. There are two kinds of events. 1 In one part there is no one, in the second there are people. They can shoot out of fear. 2 A murderer walks somewhere and all the inhabitants of the second part of the house shoot without warning, although not all are armed with a firearm. The place is hearty and full of trash.

Ruined Villa - There are many supplies in this location, but you will have to sweat for them anyway. They are guarded by either a couple of civilians who are ready to fight for them or deserters who have weapons and do not ask questions, but immediately shoot to kill.

Hospital - as long as I have not been here, there is always an armed guard at the entrance and does not ask unnecessary questions. Perhaps there is something useful there, but fighting a group of well-equipped enemies is not the most best option... You can go here only as a last resort. Players report that if you come very badly injured or sick, then you can be treated for free.

Production and autonomy

Full autonomy cannot be achieved. No matter how hard you try, you need to go out for resources, and even more desirable every night, and not even come home without a catch. But still, some of the supplies can be made at home in order to protect yourself from unnecessary attacks, and therefore risk. The first step is to stock up on water and learn how to make filters. Water is needed almost everywhere, from cooking to brewing moonshine. There is no thirst in the game, but it's still tight without water.

You can also produce meat by setting rat traps in basements. You can start growing tobacco for cigarettes in the beds, or even vegetables for a delicious stew. You can also produce cartridges or weapons, but they will need ingredients.
List of things produced at home:
Water (filters needed) - using a water extraction device and one filter, you can get 4 units. of this resource.
Meat (bait needed) - you build a cage and then put something inside and wait. After a certain period of time (it is always different), you will receive two pieces of meat.
Herbs (fertilizers needed) - we build a garden bed and grow the necessary resources in it. Fertilizers are needed.
Moonshine (you need water and sugar) - you pass sugar and water through the device, and you end up with a bottle of moonshine.
Fuel - wood or components make firewood for the stove, stove and moonshine. You can also burn books.
Cartridges - you need cartridges, gunpowder, etc. Crafted on an upgraded workbench.
Cigarettes - collected from tobacco, makhorka and grass. Just smoke and money for a rainy day.
Bandages - This requires alcohol and herbs. Alcohol is almost impossible to find, a couple of times in the whole game.

  1. Search your hideout as quickly as possible

  2. After starting the game, you will find yourself in the house. We immediately start searching for resources in the premises, but before that we will stock up on a crowbar or master keys, since there will be quite a lot of closed things in the building. If you don't have a shovel, then don't worry. At the beginning of the game, we will do without it. We just try to search as much as possible and take everything with us. Finding jewelry is a good plus. Use them in subsequent transactions.
  3. Build vital items

  4. What do we mean by "vital":
  • Plate
  • Sufficient number of beds
  • Locksmith workbench
  • Rainwater collector

It is impossible to survive without these items, so you need to build them as quickly as possible. The stove will be a loyal ally in the fight against hunger. Beds will allow your occupants to relax. The workbench will allow you to create scrap and lockpicks, and the collector will provide you with water.

  • Don't be angry

  • Everything here is like in life. Do good now, and after a while it will definitely return. Well, if you allowed the death of a child or the rape of an unfortunate girl, then your hero will be tormented by conscience, but besides that, other people will also be depressed.
  • Water is a very important resource

  • There is no thirst in the game, but a lot is made of water useful resources, ranging from regular food to moonshine. This is why a rainwater collector is so vital. Among other things, you will need filters to extract clean water.
  • Listen to the radio more often

  • From the radio you can learn about things like:
    • Deficit
    • Fighting
    • Robberies

    A good bonus from the radio is to raise the mood of the residents.

  • Trade as often as possible

  • Most likely a merchant will come to your house in a few days. If he has food, then try to get it. You won't get any worse from her. Also, don't forget to use your jewelry, moonshine, coffee, and cigarettes to trade in useful items.
  • Not everyone is bad

  • In short, the game is about a cruel life and bad people. But this does not mean that you have to engage in battle with everyone you meet. Some can help you a lot in your survival.
  • Don't forget to rest for your fighters and earners

  • During the day, try to send your miners and guards to rest. While they are resting, the rest of the tenants will continue to work, and at night we will calmly change their places.
  • There is no life without Bruno!

  • And it's not a joke! Seriously. This is the best chef in the game. His food is excellent, and the resources he has saved greatly increase your chances of survival. If you want to make your life easier, then feel free to take Bruno into your team.

    Some beginners manage to make a mess in the beginning. This games War of Mine, the passage of which requires the correct allocation of resources and an adequate response to various factors. For successful progress, all users can apply several strategies, but in any case, you will definitely have to adhere to the rules common to all. This article provides a description of a variety of techniques or tactics recommended by experienced players that anyone can use.

    Competent start of the game

    The smart way of organizing the shelter plays a very important role in the project. At the beginning of the passage, a random selection of characters occurs. You can start over every time in order to get the most useful heroes. Many come to the conclusion that the whole game is built on This circumstance forces the players to always make decisions and choose the most appropriate option for the further development of the plot.

    Carrying capacity

    This characteristic depends on the specific characteristics of the character. Strong and slow Boris will pull as many as 15 load cells. Marko has the same indicator. Sending miners on a sortie in the game This war of Mine, the backpack needs to be emptied and only the knife is given to the character. This way you can collect more useful items. You will have to use stealth tactics and go unnoticed in order to sneak up to enemies and stab them in the back.

    Refurbishment and safety of the shelter

    As the game progresses, you will have to rummage through various heaps of garbage and extract everything that may be useful from there. First you need to create to craft scrap. You will need a tool to break open locked cabinets.

    Everything, except the safe, can be cut with an ax. Remember that one container is needed to store useful inventory. The resulting materials can be used as fuel in winter. They are also used to make beds so that the characters in This War of Mine 2 do not have to sleep on the concrete floor. The remaining materials must be used to upgrade the workbench. You will also have to repair every hole in the room. To make the shelter more comfortable, you can place several chairs or armchairs there.


    For the safe, you need to choose a cabinet and leave one item there. If there are no empty containers left, you will have to chop up unused furniture with an ax. Items can be stacked in the heap of the resulting debris. The ax can be crafted at the workbench. You need to look for boards and weapon parts if there are not enough components. The ax can be exchanged for medicine in the garage.


    This War of Mine is full of surprises. Alarms, for example, will help you not to catch characters off guard if thieves come into the house at night when everyone is sleeping in beds. To successfully repel attacks at the initial stages, it is enough to supply our heroes with several knives. It is recommended to put Roman on guard. A tired hero should never stand at his post. The likelihood of injury during the defense of the home increases. In this case, some of the things can also be lost if they are not hidden in the safe.

    Night outings in This War of Mine

    Versions of this game require an action plan for each day. You need to make a choice of location, as well as select the necessary tools. This is due to the specific purpose of the upcoming sortie. You must first put all your inventory in the safe, except for the weapons that your comrades will use to protect you from marauders.

    If there are no problems with food, you first need to look for something that will be useful for subsequent crafting. On large locations it is recommended to put all collected inventory in a container located as close to the entrance as possible. Next time you won't have to spend a lot of time searching in the same location.

    Much use of knives

    This is one of the most dangerous defenses in the game. Knives are good to use in stealth mode or in combination with firearms... To make the enemy come closer, you will have to make some noise, and then hide. It will start moving towards the player. The blow must be delivered at the most opportune moment. To work without noise, you can use picks. If this is not done, the enemy will surely hear the sound of a breaking door. In this case, you will not be able to sneak up unnoticed.


    This is one of the most important characteristics of each character in This War of Mine. Characters behave in the game according to their morale indicators. Depressive heroes are prone to conflicts with roommates. For this reason, fights often occur.

    To enhance their mood, the characters need a cozy hideaway where they can forget about the war. The house can be placed various subjects interior and provide heating. You will need several beds, armchairs, chairs, a radio and several books.

    The characters' morale rises when they help other people. Heroes may worry about those who have been denied support. The player in such situations often has to choose between the resource provision of all comrades or their mood.

    As a token of gratitude for the support, passers-by, for example, can point out the location of various caches.

    If one of the characters dies, the comrades may become depressed, inclined to develop into grief. In the game This War of Mine codes can be used to increase the morale of heroes.


    Protective equipment is best kept in a shelter. Sims spend a lot of expensive ammo. Better to spend them in order to defend the shelter. Experienced players are advised to use shotguns. Bullets fired from machine guns rarely hit the target at a distance and, accordingly, inflict much less damage.


    In the game This War of Mine cheats make it possible to get an endless inventory, stop or reset time, instantly craft items, get unlimited quantity components. Thanks to the installation of some trainers, you can play in immortality mode, improve the condition of the game characters.

    Useful items

    In This War of Mine, characters can use several basic items.

    With the help of the "crowbar" locks are broken. The blockages can be disassembled with a shovel. During night outings, the knife will be simply irreplaceable. The benefits of the ax can be felt right from the start of the game. It allows you to disassemble furniture for firewood.

    It is desirable that each playable character has one pistol to be able to repel attacks on the shelter. With a hacksaw, you can cut through some kind of grate and get to valuable items. Every character needs a bulletproof vest. The water filter assists in the recovery of vital fluids. Bandages and pills must be saved and not used for minor illnesses or injuries.

    Alcohol can be exchanged for medication. Books help to keep the morale of the characters at an acceptable level. Tobacco and coffee are used by addicted heroes and are also traded.

    Characters (edit)

    In This War of Mine, the passage and decision making depends on the peculiar characteristics of the characters. Some qualities can be useful, others neutral. Some may develop dependence on tobacco or caffeine, as well as alcohol intolerance.

    Pavlo's character runs very fast and can be used in locations, from where, in the end, you will need to make legs. Roman is good to use in battle, but in a bad mood he can pounce on one of his own. Marco, an experienced miner, will be the main looser in the game. Chef Bruno spends less food on cooking. Anton gets along with mathematics, but there is nothing more to say about him.

    In the Russian game This War of Mine, the lame Boris, a strong but slow loader, is able to endure Weight Limit... Mechanic Martin uses items for crafting economically. Secretive Arika makes little noise on sorties. Sveta, a former teacher, is nothing at all. May get depressed when refusing a quest about children.

    Emilia is able to find excuses for bad deeds. The journalist Katya trades well. Zlata raises the team spirit by playing the guitar.

    Combat system

    In This War of Mine, playing through combat is a breeze. Naturally, it is necessary to prepare the characters in advance. Here you can use edged weapons and firearms. The real goal of the game is not to kill as many opponents as possible, but to collect ammunition. Tactics need to be designed with a core need in mind.

    To enter combat mode, you must activate the corresponding button next to the "add" inscription. Displaying the weapon on the intended target can make aiming easier. The maximum hit probability naturally arises at a relatively short distance from the enemy. Characters can hide in deep shadow and attack from cover. When sneaking up to a target point blank, the maximum possible damage increases, as well as the probability of a successful strike.

    In This War of Mine, the walkthrough is made easier by following a few guidelines. Every character in the shelter must be armed. Neighbors, as well as merchants, begin to walk around the shelters from ten in the evening. There is no need to rush to end the day prematurely.

    When surviving in the fall, it is necessary to quickly create and install rainwater tanks. Eating is best done only when the character is very hungry. A jack of all trades is able to improve machines without wasting extra resources. A regular rest on the bed will help heal minor injuries and illnesses.

    Arrangement by passage

    On the first day, every closet in the house must be opened and disassembled for scrap. There is only one stash container left. Attacks on the hideout begin from the 3rd day, so you can not arm anyone during the first time of the game. You need to start saving up electrical parts from the very beginning. These items are used to upgrade workbenches.

    Send the wounded characters to the hospital raid, where you can ask for some medicine. The hospital comes under fire a few days after the first visit. If you go there, you can find many valuable items that need to be given to the doctor. This will work well for the morale of the characters. You cannot be treated in a hospital after a shelling.

    The Russian version, like others, requires the creation of auxiliary products that have their own purpose during the game. First, you need to craft a bed and a stove, and before the start of the winter season, you need to make an ax and break all the boxes in the shelter except one. The resulting junk is used as fuel. Crafting materials that you could not take with you from the locations must be left in some one cache. It is advisable to make a list of places with folded values.


    Wandering merchants visit the hideout in the evenings. You can purchase the necessary components for the missing products from them. Bargains with itinerant traders are rare. This procedure requires a character with a high corresponding skill. Good trade possible at locations such as a checkpoint, hotel, patch, brothel or garage.


    An addicting game is always full of surprises. Everyone is given the opportunity to test their organizational skills, to ensure the normal existence of a group of characters in difficult conditions. So that you can learn the game from the other side, special trainer programs are being developed. In This War of Mine cheats make it possible to simply enjoy the process without worrying about progress being thwarted.

    Situation, hunger, injuries and diseases, the real field of vision of enemies + incomprehensible conservation and it is not known how much standing objects- it all blows away the first time you sit down for this game. For the first time, my Persians lost their comrade over a couple of cans of stew, fell into depression and starved to death. Then, of course, we figured it out. And they wrote tips for those who are already playing, but have not yet turned into a Rambo guarding their food-medical-smoking warehouse.

    Survival Tips Collection

    Survival Tips Collection

    Council number 1 The most important thing is to understand the game's save system. The only automatic saving is available, which occurs every morning at the moment the Persian returns home. It is better to copy the save slot somewhere. Otherwise, if the Persian is killed, you must immediately exit the game before the slot has time to be overwritten.

    Council number 2 Do not get sick or quarrel. Every third day the merchant Franco comes to the house. Other than that, the events of the day are random. Therefore, if you return home and see that someone is sick, or the house was attacked and someone was wounded, or an unwanted NPC came to the house, you can safely leave the game and reload. The same morning will be loaded (i.e. the Persian comes home with the loot), but the rest of the events are already different. At the same time, information about attacks and quarrels is shown immediately, and NPCs approach the house at about 11 in the morning, i.e. you won't have to replay for a long time.

    Council number 3 In the case when the party consists of three characters, on the 7th day a fourth random person comes to the house. I was playing Arica-Bruno-Roman and I needed someone with a lot of equipment. I overloaded forty times and finally waited for Boris.

    Tip # 4 there is a full plate of heroes, but all skills are mixed, and at first it is not clear which ones are important for survival. I will give my brief description:

    Roman and Arica

    The only ones who can kill from behind with one blow (Arika - with a knife, Roman - with anything). With my style of passing (+ unwillingness to sit in shelters for a long time), one of them is necessary.

    Boris (17 inventory slots) and Marko (15 slots)

    One of them is necessary, Boris is better by as much as 2 points.


    Bruno (saves food), Marin (saves spare parts), Katya (saves when selling)

    They sit at the base, craft and barter. Most likely, one of them will be in the party. You can have two, save even more.


    Anton, Sveta, Emilia, Pavel, Zlata

    Without the virtues that would help with my passing style.

    Tip # 5 Nothing happens in the locations. At the sniper junction (in the version where you can help the wounded father to get to the child), you can come at least on the 7th or 37th day - until the location is printed, the father will sit under the statue and wait for us. In locations and during the day, too, nothing happens. You can come as a well-armed fighter, clean up any place from enemies, take nothing, and then, after a few days, carry it out with a more and more lifting comrade. The only thing that disappears is the corpses. After the murder, you need to immediately (on the same night) search them and transfer everything to the nearest boxes.

    Tip # 6 Many locations have several options for events. For example, a supermarket might have either one soldier (hostile) and a girl, or three non-hostile gatherers. In the church there is either a living priest or a gang. The types of events are fixed and do not change over time. By what event you got, you can find out on the action planning card from its description. In total, the game has 20 locations, of which 15 open in one playthrough. To see everything (and even different variants events in locations) you need to play more than once.

    Tip # 7 Buy all the materials from the merchant Franco, who comes to the house every third day. Sell ​​weapons, alcohol and medicine. If there is nothing to change, buy at least components and wood - they are needed everywhere in large quantities, and when transporting, only 4 components and only 2 wood are added (i.e. Boris can bring only 34 wood or 68 components per night) ... The ingredients are vital - for example, you need water to make food and alcohol. For 4 units of water, one filter is needed, for one filter, 3 components.

    Tip # 8 The general procedure is repeated for each location. During the day, the fighter and the nest are sleeping, the economist is crafting.

    • First day. The economist crafted to a minimum and not very much (it is very likely that this day will have to be overloaded many times, crafting for a long time will annoy you).
    • First night. Nesun guards. A well-equipped fighter goes to some hostile location and takes out everyone there. Picks up corpses, puts loot in the nearest boxes. If he has time, he cuts through the gratings, breaks the locks, if possible, takes everything into one box. Delivers weapons and essentials in maximum stacks.
    • Second day. Maximum craft, food, the fighter is sleeping.
    • Second night. The fighter guards, and the empty carrier goes to the previous location and is stocked. In fatty locations, you will need two or three walks.

    Tip # 9 For example, I recorded a video of how Roman to take out an outpost in one night.

    Survival Tips CollectionThis War Of Mine - Militaty Outpost in one night solution

    Council number 10 Initial craft. First you need to make a locksmith's workbench, make a shovel, crowbar and ax. Clear out all the rubble and smash unnecessary furniture in your home. Then - make a bed, stove and water manifold. Prepare food (leave canned food for a rainy day). To cook two servings of Bruno, you need meat, vegetables, fire and 5 water, while 4 waters are made on the manifold from one filter, and the filter is made from three components. In total, for two servings you need about 4 ingredients, one tree, meat and a vegetable.

    Council number 11 The ending of the game depends on the playing style. If you do bad things, the game ends badly. In my case, Roman cleared out an outpost, a brothel, a warehouse, a church (from bandits), a construction site, a supermarket. Neighbors were never denied help. There are 3 endings for each Persian (+ death, suicide and leaving the asylum). In the end, everyone ended well except for Roman (whose ending is average).

    The basics

    The main emphasis in the game will be on luck and caution.

    To survive the first time in the game, you need:

    • The first thing to do is clean up the trash and find the loot.
    • Build a locksmith workbench and make scrap
    • Build a bed so that your people have a place to rest and heal
    • Upgrade your workbench and locksmith workbench as quickly as possible

    All this must be done in the first or second day.

    • There is no need to kill civilians, and if possible, help them, this will increase morale, and the inhabitants will also thank you.
    • People are doing well with the Hungry status, don't try to feed them to satiety.
    • If you find lockpicks, don't use them. Save them until the moment when you need to open something discreetly.
    • Build a radio as soon as you can and tune it into classical music. Music greatly increases morale and provides important information.
    • You don't have to worry about building heaters before the frost starts.
    • Build chairs and armchairs for your characters so they have room to read books.
    • Only burn books as a last resort.
    • The cooked food is great. Canned food is even better.

    Winter survival tactics. You need to pump the carpentry workbench to the second level and make an ax, build a second stove. You need to warm up the house to 15-17 degrees, it will take 10-12 fuel, 5-6 in each stove, bring at least 12 wood from each sortie, you can chop furniture into wood and fuel with an ax, both at home and on an outing.

    Survival tactics during a spike in crime. You need to stock up on weapons, ammunition (there will be a lot of them) and bandages. The hospital is your second home, you need to build beds for all characters, you need not to leave valuable things, such as food and medicine, spend them in reserve or exchange them for less valuable ones. There will be robberies almost every day, and many of your people will be injured and others will become depressed. It will be very difficult for you. Do not forget to punch up all the holes and reinforce the door before that.

    • Double click to make the character run (This will make the character make more noise).
    • It's okay if you starve for a day. If more, then it will severely hit the morale of your survivors. Give the Sims food when the Hunger status is Very Hungry.
    • Try to build the shelter as ergonomically as possible so that the characters do not spend a lot of time moving around the shelter.
    • Before the night, transfer all the most important items to any cabinet (if you have already taken all the items from all cabinets, then you can create an ax, in an improved locksmith machine, and chop any object, a pile of rubbish will appear in its place, into which you can put your items) in order to avoid the theft of these things by marauders.

    Your first outing

    • The first sortie should be as productive as possible, take only boards and components, do not even be distracted by food, take the character with the most capacious backpack, and hammer him to the dump.
    • For the first time, it is better to go to locations without the inscription "danger" and "caution is needed."
    • For four characters, two beds are enough, one is on duty, two are sleeping, the third is on a sortie. Choose one of the most capacious character and send him on a sortie every day so that the characters do not get tired, half should sleep during the day and half at night.
    • If the character is sick (at the beginning of the game someone is necessarily sick) or wounded, then give him medicine and send him to sleep, do not pull him out on a sortie, even if he is the most useful, the wound may deepen.

    Characters state

    Keep a close eye on the condition of the characters.

    • Characters (edit) there are hungry, wounded, sick and upset... Conditions are of four severities: light, strong, dangerous and fatal.
    • The psychology of people is very developed in the game. When a character gets sick, those around him will immediately react and become worried. You must not allow a fall of spirit, characters in prolonged depression can commit suicide, in order to prevent this, build an armchair and get books as soon as possible, and your people will not be sad. People's morale rises and falls depending on your good and bad deeds. Save people, help refugees and the hospital and your people will be happy, and after that you will receive a reward, and if you kill someone, then most people will get depressed, and this will be reflected in the ending of the game. Do not disdain books and do not make fuel from them, it is better to buy books than to sell. The radio is also uplifting. Do not steal from kind people, steal from thieves.
    • Food is an important and valuable resource, save food, food is your everything.
    • Characters live for four days without food, and then die. To achieve some autonomy, as soon as possible, build a rat trap and fill it with rotten tomatoes, at least meat, you should never waste canned food, it's not worth it. The game also has a greenhouse, but it is expensive and you can go through the game without it, and resources for its construction are better spent on fuel or filling holes.
    • The feeling of hunger in such conditions is a common thing, it is worth reinforcing only when the character is very hungry.
    • Water also plays an important role, so build a catchment as quickly as possible and stock up on filters. If you play in winter, then you should not do this, since you can collect snow in the yard and make water from it.
    • A slight injury, as well as a slightly sick one, is treated with a simple rest on the bed without getting up for a couple of days until complete recovery. As a last resort, in case of serious illness or wounds, you can use medicines. The hospital will give your people a free dressing.

    Locations and gathering

    The game will throw difficulties for the player, and your success in the game will depend on the order of the difficulty. The game lasts 66 days, locations can be blocked by combat actions that last 15-20 days. It can also begin, winter, or a surge in crime. If the surge in crime began at the beginning of the war, you can safely start new game, because they will steal all the food from you and wound the characters to death, there will be a terrible dismoral and some people may commit suicide. You will be very lucky if winter comes first. In the meantime, while you live in normal times, you need to develop quickly and be ready to protect yourself and warm the house.

    • Until the twentieth day, you should have a stove, kitchen, pistol or shotgun, cartridges for them, a knife, crowbar, shovel, water collector, workbench of the second level, a table for tools, preferably a second level, a trap for rats, a moonshine or a medical table, a chair ...
    • Having climbed into the house with the aim of stealing - close the doors, NPC on open doors react and start looking for the intruder.
    • A character with the "Jack of all Trades" skill can collect or improve machines saving resources (for improvement, fewer parts are required), as well as a merchant who can exchange more profitably.
    • Some of the villagers you meet on night outings will not attack you until you enter their territory. As soon as you notice the inscription "Don't go in there, just go ..." Try to leave and at the same time the attitude towards you does not worsen.
    • Parts or supplies can be saved by starting the construction of the workbench, cooking food, etc. Don't finish cooking or building. In this case, the necessary resources will disappear from the backpack, but they can be returned by canceling the construction. This way you will protect them from theft.
    • Do not stay long at the locations, if you do not have time to leave before 4:00, then your character will remain at the location for the whole day, and will return at night, although there is a chance that he will not return if the location is dangerous.
    • Try not to return to the hideout without filling your backpack completely.
    • If you are not looking for something specific, you should collect in the following sequence: food, components, wood, trade goods (including medicines) and other building materials.
    • For the first few weeks, try to take as much of the location as possible. Since later sorties to some locations you may be blocked by snow or fighting.
    • Melee weapons are one of the strongest in the game and can also be used in conjunction with firearms to increase combat power.
    • You can deliberately make a noise by running in front of the enemies, then hiding in a convenient place for you, and wait for the opportunity to stab the enemy in the back.
    • The game has some kind of curve and is not comfortable combat system, therefore you should not join the battle, but if it happened it is better to run. If you decide to join the battle, be prepared for the fact that the character will be injured or die, the morale drop of others and the fact that nothing will fall out of the enemy, and even the weapon that he was holding. Therefore, it is more profitable to immediately run or hide and try again.The most effective weapon in the game is the shotgun, which instantly kills at close range. But you can use a shotgun if you have already entered an open battle with enemies. If not, then the best weapon there will be a knife, an ax, a crowbar and a shovel, they allow you to instantly kill from cover or from the rear. Melee weapons can be combined with firearms. If you have a shotgun and a knife in your backpack, then under the item "Get" there will be a shotgun and a knife, if when shooting with a shotgun you came close to the enemy, then a knife icon will appear, which allows you to hit or finish off with a melee weapon.
    • Keep track of the condition of the tools, it will be embarrassing if the ax or crowbar breaks at an important moment. A crowbar and a shovel increase the character's mobility and help to get valuable things, and they are always valuable, behind doors or heaps of stones always take them on a sortie.

    Trade is also developed in the game, change unnecessary things for the necessary ones, but be prepared for unfavorable offers, little choice or the inability to sell goods. Traders and neighbors come after 10-00. That is, even if there is nothing to do, you should not end the day. Wait until 10, maybe someone will come to visit you. Different merchants give more or less for some goods, and may or may not take some items.

    • Always try to get the maximum of the things you need from the merchant.
    • Never sell electrical parts, as at the beginning of the game, before you get an improved workbench, they seem to be useless. However, in the future you will really need them.
    • It is not recommended to buy from merchants who come during the day, their prices are the highest compared to merchants at locations.
    • An assault rifle wastes too many rounds, a sentry can use up all of its ammo overnight. But it has a good price, which means it doesn't need to be stored in your inventory.
    • For example, the military does not buy materials, but they sell weapons, cartridges and food, albeit at a high price. The military has a demand for cigarettes and vodka, they will give more for them than other traders.
    • The hospital buys nothing but food and medicine and does not sell medicine, food, and weapons, but gives a lot for the cheapest medicine.
    • A house for two families will buy and sell you everything except weapons and take in moderation, they have a demand for ammunition, materials and medicines. You can easily exchange boards for food.
    • It is better not to trade in the hotel, they have nothing.
    • The Wandering Merchant will buy everything from you and sell basic items and food, don't neglect it, it has the highest prices in the game.
    • Everyone except the military sells books.
    • Katya has the skill of "bargaining well" and can barter more items than others.
    • Help people who knock on the door, as well as survivors in locations, at first they demand a lot, but then they will reward you, and your characters will noticeably improve their spirits.
    • Start a business. To begin with, build a table for herbs and start making cigarettes, exchange them at the "military" for sugar, water, food and materials, at the "house for two families" and at the itinerant merchant for herbs and trash. Build a moonshine still, start driving a wateryag and selling to the military, exchanging for weapons, cartridges, food, garbage and water. For cigarettes and vodka, the military will give the most, change it with them, and then change what you exchanged with others. Until the end of the game, there will be no resources on the map, so you must develop your trading system, it will not fully provide you, but it will be much easier.

    Although the game throws you difficulties, be patient and remain human, and you will go this long way.