Numismatist full version. Useful programs for numismatists for Android OS. Applications on your phone

The program is intended for numismatists and people interested in coins.
Create your own catalogs with detailed descriptions and photographs of coins.
Key program features:

  • - Create an unlimited number of directories
  • - More than 40 characteristics for each coin.
  • - Ability to save 4 photos for each coin.
  • - Support for 20 reference books for describing coins.
  • - Creation of your own Numismatist directory.
  • - Wide range of possibilities for sorting, grouping and selecting coins.
  • - Ability to export data to text file, Excel and HTML.
  • - Creation of various WEB directories.
  • - Exchange catalogs with other users.
  • 8. Download the program for numismatists - CoinsProgram (7.2 mb.)

    Numismatic program for collectors of any numismatic material.
    Distinctive features of the program:

  • Greater flexibility in the information storage structure, allowing you to store information about coins of any state and era;
  • Possibility of storing photographs of its obverse and reverse for each coin (photos of the specimen);
  • Extensive reference database about coins of Imperial Russia.
    To use the program you must have Microsoft Office Access XP.
  • 9. Download the program for numismatists - “Numismatist” (5.3 MB.)

    "Numismatist" is designed to compile an electronic copy of your coin collection. The program interface is intuitive and entirely in Russian!
    "Numismatist" can also be used as an electronic catalog of coins. If you wish, you can enter at least the entire Krause catalog into the database! Check on

  • collection update program website and download them!
  • Key features of the Numismatist program:
  • Adding an unlimited number of coins.
  • More than 30 characteristics of coins.
  • Convenient mechanism for adding images (uploading from a file, via clipboard).
  • Create an unlimited number of collections.
  • Convenient filters and sorting allow you to quickly find and group coins with similar characteristics.
  • Find and replace data in a collection.
  • Collection printout.
  • Possibility of compiling a catalog (coins with “demo” status). Prices VG, Fine, VF, XF, Unc and others.
    Program website:
  • 10. Download the database program for numismatists Coins-DataBase

    The program is designed for maintaining an electronic catalog of coins. Convenient to use.
    In addition to the ability to record diverse information about coins, the program implements a large set of functions: searching and selecting data according to various criteria, exporting a selection to MS Excel, exporting a coin registration card to MS Word, viewing images and much more. You can view a description of the program with screenshots, make suggestions for further development of the program, download a demo version, order the full version and subscribe to updates on the portal

    11. Download the program for collectors Collmate 1.36

    You will be able to describe the collectible, attach a photo of it, and enter any other information.
    The program will immediately show which items are out of the collection, who has them, and when they should be returned.
    The built-in report generator will allow you to create and print reports, item lists and collection catalogs, and the report designer will provide the ability to create your own reports. Thanks to the export function, all information can be published on the Internet.
    Collmate is a universal collection manager that can be used to manage any collection from DVDs to Chinese vases."

    12. Download the program for numismatists "COIN MATTER'S SAFE"

    The program, developed specifically for numismatist collectors, is designed for convenient maintenance of an electronic catalog of coin collections.

    Program features:

    • maintaining an unlimited number of collections;
    • maintaining an unlimited number of groups/subgroups in the collection;
    • maintaining an unlimited number of coins in a collection broken down into groups;
    • use of more than 10 reference and up to 20 static characteristics to describe the coin;
    • convenient work with coin images;
    • bilingual support.

    Good afternoon dear friends. It has long been noted that new technology, gadgets, software are increasingly becoming part of our daily lives and simplifying many of its aspects. A recent, so to speak, discovery for me was that for one well-known OS, namely Android, there are many programs for numismatists that allow you to monitor a collection of coins, check these coins, do analysis, and many others. One of my blog readers, CrAZiK, who advised us to pay attention to these programs, wrote short review on them, for which I thank him very much.

    I present to your attention 2 programs for Android OS, aimed at systematizing the collection of Soviet and Russian coins, both anniversary and regular ones, which can be used by every owner of a communicator with OS Android versions 2.2 and higher.

    Second program: “Coins of Russia” from the developer Amberfog

    “Coins of Russia” is an application both for numismatists and for those who have just become interested in the new anniversary tens.

    Now you don’t have to think about whether you can spend another commemorative coin and wait home to check its availability in the collection.

    The application presents all the issued coins of the anniversary series, so you can assess which coins you are missing without futilely searching for this information hidden in the wilds of the website of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

    In addition, it is possible to mark and regular coins, but different years of issue and different mints (St. Petersburg and Moscow Mints). After all, some of these combinations have enormous numismatic value!

    This program will be useful to any coin collector, both a serious numismatist and those who collect coins from change from time to time; the program can also indicate the number of double coins, so at any second you can see whether you have in the exchange fund a coin needed by another collector.

    The program was also updated on July 7, 2012; anniversary 5 rubles dedicated to the battles of the War of 1812 were added.

    To date, more than 10,000 numismatists have used the program, and the program is distributed free of charge.

    I also want to add a little from myself. These programs are really useful for many numismatists. And the only thing that really upsets me is that I’m used to using Apple technology and the iOS system. Today I’ll look for similar programs in the Apple Store, I hope there will be something similar there.

    The best sport games you can play

    To solve the above problem, various cataloging systems have been developed. Let's look at some of them.

    Catalogers for numismatists

    Program for coin collectors “Numismatist 2.0”

    “Numismatist” is designed to compile an electronic copy of a coin collection.

    The program interface (Fig. 2.1) is intuitive and multilingual! The Numismatist program can also be used as an electronic catalog of coins.

    Key features of the Numismatist program:

    • 1) Adding an unlimited number of coins.
    • 2) More than 30 characteristics of coins.
    • 3) Convenient mechanism for adding images (uploading from a file, via clipboard).

    Figure 2.1 - Interface of the program for coin collectors “Numismatist”

    • 4) Creation of an unlimited number of collections.
    • 5) Convenient filters and sorting allow you to quickly find and group coins with similar characteristics.
    • 6) Search and replace data in the collection.
    • 7) Printout of the collection.
    • 8) Possibility of creating a catalogue.

    Coin Management

    CoinManage - this program is a coin and banknote cataloger with additional features and extensive information about coins. This is a real find for a numismatist. The CoinManage database contains more than 24,000 coins with detailed descriptions, photographs and estimated value according to auction data.

    The CoinManage program allows you to view your coin collection, sorting it according to various criteria. You can add up to 4 images for each coin. JPG, GIF, TIFF, BMP and PNG formats are supported.

    CoinManage implements image sanitization using a scanner or digital camera. Each coin inventory contains more than 30 information fields. The user of the program can indicate defects, purchase and sale prices and many other parameters.

    The simple and intuitive interface of CoinManage (Fig. 2.2) allows you to add data on countries and coins that are not present in the database. Storage supported unlimited quantity files or URL links for each directory entry.

    Figure 2.2 - Interface of the program for coin collectors CoinManage

    CoinManage provides secure storage of your coin database with fully automated backups. If necessary, you can set a password for the coin database. The numismatist also has the ability to instantly search for the required coin and print out a list of coins.

    Today, every numismatist thinks about systematizing his collection and useful software in which he can store all the information about coins. Therefore, we present an overview of the most popular programs related to numismatics, including for telephones.

    For computer:

    For phone:

    There are several options for storing your collection on your computer. We will tell you about the most popular of them in more detail.


    A very convenient database, a real personal coin manager, which contains photographs and detailed description, the ability to easily find the desired type.

    You no longer need to keep a table in Excel or in a journal, because it has a very clear and convenient interface + many positive reviews.


    This program is similar to the previous one, there is a built-in calculator that CoinManager does not have, but in principle, both products are identical, so you can download both, try them out and choose the right one.

    "Encyclopedia of Numismatist v1.01"

    This is a multimedia electronic collection for collectors, a kind of encyclopedia with illustrations and descriptions of many existing coins, starting from the origin of coinage. The peculiarity of this electronic collection is that any numismatist can also post information about himself and his collection (and for free).

    There are subsections here:

    • Euro and eurocents - according to EU coins;
    • Varieties of the post-Soviet space - color illustrations and detailed descriptions - minting date, circulation, metal, weight, dimensions, etc.;
    • The section “Russian-speaking numismatists” is interesting - detailed information and contacts of collectors in Russia and abroad (address, e-mail, telephone, Internet resource);
    • Main directions of numismatics;
    • There is also up-to-date information about collectors' meetings and points of sale numismatic values by city and region.

    A very concise and easy-to-use program for automating and maintaining records of a collection (and not only numismatic ones).

    What's good about it:

    • Provides for input, processing and storage of information about coins, as well as tokens, medals, etc.;
    • Very flexible user interface;
    • It is possible to export and import information from/to Excel;
    • There is bilingual interface support, which the user can edit himself.

    Screenshots of Cabinet

    Coins Collector 2.6

    One of best programs for numismatists (on English language), in which you can create your own coin catalogs, attach photos and enter detailed descriptions.

    Its advantages:

    • Creation of any number of directories;
    • Each coin has more than 40 characteristics;
    • Up to 4 photographs can be attached to each copy;
    • Loading up to 20 numismatic reference books;
    • Creating your own collector's guide;
    • Very convenient options for selecting, grouping and sorting copies;
    • Transport data to Excel, text file or HTML;
    • Possibility of exchanging catalogs with other users of the program;
    • Creation of your own WEB catalogs.

    Screenshots of CoinsCollector:

    "Numismatist 2"

    The program is designed to create and maintain an electronic catalog of the collection. It’s convenient that the interface is entirely in Russian and is very easy to use. In addition to creating your own electronic copy of the collection, it can also be used as a catalog of coins.

    The main advantages and advantages of “Numismatist”:

    • More than 30 characteristics for each instance;
    • Adding any number of coins;
    • Convenient photo uploading (via clipboard, from a file);
    • Creation of any number of collections;
    • Provided various options filters and sorting to classify units and search for them;
    • Ability to correct and replace data;
    • You can print the entire collection;
    • For coins with “demo” status, you can create a catalog with prices XF, VF, Unc, etc.

    "Numismatist's Safe"

    The program has an interface in English or Russian and is paid (700 rubles), but very easy to use and designed specifically for numismatists.

    Its capabilities:

    • Entering any number of coins, their subgroups and collections themselves;
    • Use of reference (more than 10) and static (up to 20) characteristics of each collection instance;
    • Dual language support;
    • Ease of loading and working with images;
    • Convenient system for searching for the required copies;
    • Import of a text or tabular database;
    • Export existing catalogs to Word or Excel and print them.

    Screenshots of Numismatist's Safe

    Applications on your phone

    Let's look separately at a couple of programs for phones:

    Catalog “Coins of the USSR” from UnumInAgro

    The most complete catalog of circulating and commemorative copies of that period - in total more than 650 units with current prices, brief description(size, metal, weight, cost), images that can be enlarged. All anniversaries have information about the circulation.

    The program is regularly updated and is quite easy to use - it has already been downloaded and used by more than 10,000 collectors. This free application download from here.

    "Coins of Russia" from Amberfog

    A good application that contains all the issued anniversary pieces, as well as the usual means of payment, but minted in different years and at different mints, but it is these minor differences that sometimes add several zeros to the price.

    "US Coins" for Android OS

    A very convenient, easy to use and useful program-catalogue of American money and more. Works for operating system for Android versions 2.0 and higher. It costs only 2 dollars, the user rating is 4.6 out of 5. There are also applications for catalogs of Canadian, European and even Spanish money - they cost from 40 to 55 rubles each.

    Of course, these are not all programs, but some of the best today - good luck!

    P.S. IN this moment We are developing our own unique program, which currently has no analogues. It will absorb all the best from the currently most popular programs for numismatists. Follow our news!

    maintaining a catalog of coins on a computer

    The "Cabinet" program was created to automate numismatic and other
    collections and is based on the following principles: - simplicity and conciseness in use; - input, storage and processing of collection objects (such as coins,
    medals, tokens, etc.), as well as related information (coats of arms, flags, history, rulers, etc.); - maximum flexibility of the user interface;
    - ability to export and import data
    - support for two languages, with the ability to edit them by the user

    Program requirements: OS - Win NT/2000/XP/2003 - version 1.0 (2.2MB)
    - version (2.4mb)

    Installation instructions

    The program consists of one file - Cabinet.exe. Run
    it in some folder, it will automatically create everything you need in it
    (database in the DATA folder, a couple of files). For the first time it is advisable
    run it in "demo" mode using demo.bat - then after launch you
    you will see the data already filled in (sample). If you run it without a body file -
    the program will start without data, i.e. "from scratch".

    When working, use the RIGHT mouse button - most functions are in
    pop-up menus

    To use a ready-made large table by territory, you need
    unzip 4 files into the DATA folder (i.e. replace your files).

    ATTENTION!!! If your territories are already full, then after unzipping
    new table in the DATA folder they will be OVERWRITE without the possibility
    recovery!!!. In short - don’t rewrite it just like that!!!, try it
    create a new database in a new folder and try linking your data there to
    new table of territories.

    All comments on the work of the program, as well as thanks, can be left at