How to play children's lotto with pictures with kids and what are the benefits of such fun? Children's lotto with pictures: we offer various options for the game Children's game lotto rules of the game

The slightly forgotten lotto board game with pot-bellied barrels and cardboard cards was previously very popular. You can pass the time by playing big company. The rules of the game are not complicated, it does not require brain activity. For those who want to remember the rules of the game, we suggest reading a few reminders.

How to play lotto - equipment for the game

To play lotto you will need:

  • barrels with numbers – 90 pcs.;
  • opaque keg bag;
  • 24 cards with rows of numbers;
  • an unlimited number of chips that will cover the numbers on the cards.

Also take care of a fun company; at least two people are required to play. In general, the more, the more interesting.

General rules for playing lotto

Determine the leader at the very beginning. You can do this by voting or by drawing lots. The presenter gets a bag of kegs. Then give several cards to the participants (including the presenter). The presenter must take the barrels out of the bag and read out the numbers written on them. Having found such a number on his card, the player must cover it with a chip. The same numbers can appear on several cards. Whoever covers all the numbers first wins.

Lotto game options

For variety, there are several options for playing lotto.

  • Method number 1 - The most common way to play. Each player is given one card. The winner is the one who covers all the numbers on his card first.
  • Method #2 – This is a short way to play. Players are dealt from one to five cards. The winner is the one who is the first to completely cover one line with numbers on any card.
  • Method No. 3 – Each player should be dealt three cards. To receive cards you must pay in natural or fiat currency (candy wrappers, candies). Everyone’s goal is to cover the bottom lines on all their cards faster than their opponent. The winner takes the currency. If during the game one of the players closes the top line on the card, then the rest are required to double their bets. Consequently, the winner will win a double jackpot.

How to play lotto - special terminology

There is a certain terminology in the game that applies to some of the numbers. For example, 11 is Drumsticks, 22 – ducks. When 25 is rolled, they say “25 again,” if 44 is chairs, 69 is a bun back and forth.

Lotto is a game with different variations. On TV screens you can see gambling, where cards are bought with money and winners win prizes. A lotto with colored cards and colorful drawings has been developed for children. But even an ordinary lotto will help you pass the time in a friendly atmosphere, where the main prize is pleasant communication and a good mood.

Not so long ago, when TV sets were not in every home, and people had not even heard of the Internet, every family had a bag of chips and cards with numbers written on them. Every family member, even a small child, knew the rules of playing lotto. Thanks to this fun, the whole family gathered at a common table, communicating while playing. Maybe that's why family ties were much stronger in those days?

Game history

The game of lotto came to us from Italy, where it appeared back in the 16th century. Translated, lotto means "lottery". This game quickly became popular, but was soon banned in its homeland. But she continued her march all over the world, where she gained considerable popularity and variations.

In our country, lotto took root in the 18th century, but in those days this game enjoyed special respect only among aristocrats. At any time of the year in the salons one could find a company joyfully shouting out the numbers of the kegs and congratulating the winners.

Already at the beginning of the 20th century, the rules of playing lotto were well known to all segments of the population, and probably every family had a linen bag with kegs and cardboard cards. Such a set was an honor, standing on the same level as checkers, chess and dominoes. This game was one of the popular souvenirs.

The essence of the game

First you need to find out what the lotto set consists of. Everything is simple here - it includes 90 barrels with numbers from 1 to 90, cards, of which there are usually 24 pieces, a linen bag, which is necessarily opaque (so that the presenter cannot see the number of the barrel and “cheat”). In addition, the set includes a storage box and the rules of playing lotto. There may also be special “closers” that are used to cover identical numbers. Older sets did not contain such counters, and similar numbers were covered with buttons.

In order to win the lotto, you must be the first of all players to close a line or card with barrels with the corresponding numbers. At the same time, the rules of playing lotto at home could be slightly different from the generally accepted ones. After all, each family could have its own traditions or preferences, which added variety to this fun. The main thing is that the essence is not lost - the winner is the one who was lucky. This was, and still is, the main interest of the game.

Varieties of lotto

Rules of the game Russian lotto imply several varieties of this fun.

Simple Lotto: The game is played on three cards, but the participant who is the first to cover all the numbers on one of them wins. When one of the players closes one line, he loudly announces it by saying the word "flat". Thus, he alerts the other players about the step towards achieving victory.

Lotto short: a shortened version of simple lotto. Players receive one playing card, but to win you only need to close one line. This game can be called fast, and it is also designed for a large number of players (maximum 24).

Lotto "three on three"": considered the most gambling version of the lotto game. You can play in it both for material values ​​and for the most various items. So, closing the first, top line, the remaining players double the stake. Having closed the middle line, the winner has the right to take a third of the horse for himself. The first person to close the bottom number line takes all the winnings. Con is determined by those things or money that were given for the redemption of the playing card.

A separate type of this game is children's lotto. Instead of numbers, it uses various thematic pictures - fruits and vegetables, clothes, furniture, transport or other, a wide variety of objects. The purpose of such a lotto is to develop a child’s attention, memory, intelligence, as well as to consolidate knowledge about the basic objects surrounding him.

Rules for playing Russian lotto

This game does not require any specific knowledge. And the rules are extremely simple and understandable to everyone. The presenter takes turns taking out barrels with numbers from the bag, calling them out loud. Whoever has this number on the card closes it. If the other player also has the same number, additional chips are used - “caps” (or buttons). The winner is the one who is the first to cover all the numbers in one line or on the entire card (depending on the rules).

At home, in the family circle, the rules of the game table lotto may be modified. For example, to win you need to close a card completely, instead of just one line, or all three playing cards completely. It doesn’t matter what the rules are in your family, the main thing is that this game brings fun, communication into the house and allows you to spend time together.

At the same time, each family comes up with its own original titles numbers. This gives the game variety, making it fun and interesting for all ages.

Symbols of some numbers

The incredible popularity of this hobby has given rise to various rules for playing lotto. Everyone undoubtedly has their own at home. symbols all or some of the numbers used in the game. Therefore, we present here only the most famous of them.

“all alone”, “count”, “lord”

"swan", "couple"

“let’s figure it out for three”

"chair", "on four sides"

"axe", "poker"



"Baker's dozen"

"swan in the lake"





"ladies legs"

The examples given in the table are the most popular names that are recorded in official game. They are based on comparisons, folk sayings, and important dates. The rest are historically named this way, although, unfortunately, there are no sources why exactly these numbers are called this way.

Rules for playing children's lotto

Lotto for young children (mainly preschoolers) is not only their first board game, but also an opportunity to get acquainted with the world around them, consolidate their knowledge and broaden their horizons.

Bright pictures will certainly attract the attention of kids, showing their interest and curiosity. The rules of playing lotto for children are simple and similar to adults. The presenter takes out a card with an image and says what is drawn or written there. Children look for this item on their card. Thus, the process of memorizing and becoming familiar with various categories and objects occurs.

Thanks to children's lotto, you can learn the alphabet, the world of animals and nature, and even foreign language(for those who are older). This game develops well, enriches the child’s vocabulary and communication skills.


With development information technologies The lotto game is no longer as popular as it was 20-30 years ago. But this does not mean that it is forgotten. In many countries, lotto is still popular, taking fascinating world fun and excitement. The rules of playing home or Russian lotto are unchanged, simple and allow you to be carried away into the world of carefree childhood.

As a rule, parents, when providing their child with toys, carefully choose those that the child can play with independently. Educational toys are also not neglected, but board games are often the same. At the same time, no one dares to deny the need for children and adults to play together, but many parents do not pay much attention to such joint games. The most popular among them are lotto and dominoes. Whatever one may say, you need at least two people to play them. Practice shows that the most interesting and fun games are lotto and dominoes if both parents, in addition to the child (or children), take part in them. Forgetting for half an hour about all your household and non-household chores and devoting a little time only to communicating with your family, you can not only relax, but also recharge with positive energy.

So, children's lotto. The rules of playing it, of course, are much simpler than in the usual “adult” Russian lotto. The set usually includes large pictures with images and the same images on small chip cards. Participants are given large cards, and the presenter takes small ones out of the box one after another, naming the objects depicted on them. It is clear that usually the presenter takes part in the game along with everyone else. The player who discovers the named object on his large card takes a chip with the same design, covering the corresponding place on the card. The first one to have all the card images covered with chips wins. If there are more than two players, then the game continues until there is only one loser left.

There are many different options for the children's game "Loto" - from classic ones with vegetables and fruits, animals and plants, equipment and household items to educational ones with quantities, geometric shapes, letters and numbers. These games may also differ in the material from which they are made. The most pleasant to use and practical - wooden lotto. Drawings or wood are usually applied correctly and do not rub off even when wet. Plastic lotto games are a little less convenient, especially if the drawings are printed on paper, and the paper is already glued to the plastic. It comes off easily, sometimes without even getting wet. The least durable lotto cards are cardboard, they are also inconvenient due to the fact that the chips move during the game from a large card - one careless thoughtful exhalation and all the pictures begin to move.

Most lotto packages indicate that the game is intended for ages two and up. In practice, you can start using lotto in the game from one and a half years old or even from one year old. To do this, the game is simplified and the number of participants is limited to two - a child and a parent. The child’s task is to choose one large card, and from a bunch of chip cards, select the ones he needs and put them in their places. To do this, it is not enough to simply set a task. A small child needs to be interested, so you can offer to put everyone in their own houses (if the images of a particular lotto allow this to be done). For older children - five and six years old, playing a regular children's lotto may seem boring, so you can come up with a more complicated version for them. For example, when naming the next object, you can only voice its general name, and children must clarify, based on the images in their cards, the full name (in the game of lotto with fruits, call, for example, not “strawberry”, but “berry”, and the participants specify “ currant?", "cherry?").

Playing lotto not only introduces a child to the objects, animals, plants that surround him in everyday life, and in more complex versions, abstract concepts, but also develops attention and perseverance.

Playing children's dominoes is no less, and sometimes even more exciting, than lotto. Its advantage is that it does not require large cards. The set usually includes 28 chips, just like in an adult game. Usually they are placed in a small box, which is very convenient for transportation, and for the game itself, in addition to domino pieces, only a relatively flat surface is needed.

Rules of the game baby domino simple. Players are dealt six chips (if there are fewer participants, their number can be increased to seven). The first player to make a move is the one who has a chip with a paired image. All participants take turns laying out their chips so that the image on the outermost one matches the image on the player’s chip. If the player does not have the required chips, he can use the bank chips. If they run out in the bank, such a participant misses a move. The winner is the player who runs out of chips the fastest.

Like lotto, the game of dominoes is usually dedicated to specific objects - fruits, berries, plants, cartoon and fairy tale characters, various machines: cars, airplanes and other equipment. Children also like to play the adult version of dominoes with dots, but at a slightly older age. On ordinary dominoes it is good to understand the concept of “quantity”. Even very young children, starting from one year old, can play dominoes. At the same time, they usually like to lay out paths from chips, build fences or towers, making piles. In this case, it is better to carefully consider the material from which the chips are made. As for lotto, wooden dominoes are very good. They are easy to place on any side - this may not be possible with plastic ones; as a rule, the seams protrude on them. Cardboard dominoes are not often sold - due to their impracticality, they are not very popular.

Both lotto and dominoes for children are excellent options for playing together, especially with parents. Getting to know the names of elementary objects is quick and easy, and about each object on the cards and chips, if an adult is participating in the game, you can tell a short story or give several interesting facts. More variable in terms of possible options Children's lotto games often become a favorite in many families. Practical parents can give their growing children more challenging games from the lotto series, for example geographical (very popular in the 70-80s). Cooperative games, including lotto with dominoes, primarily contribute to maintaining a warm family atmosphere, and there is no doubt that if you and your children often stay up playing until late in the evening, then their children and your grandchildren will not bypass these exciting activities side.

Lotto for children will help you spend time with your child in a fun and useful way - an exciting board game with a competitive element that trains attention and memory. The rules are quite simple, so children as young as 2-3 years old can be invited to participate. And babies under 2 years old will happily play with barrels or chips, while developing fine motor skills. We invite you to learn more about this game.

What it is?

Lotto for kids is a series of cards (each of them is a separate playing field) and chips containing some kind of design. The game itself is very similar to the Russian lotto that is familiar to many, but instead of rows of numbers in the card cells there are images (of fruits, animals, fairy-tale objects) that coincide with the pictures on the chips.

The chips are varied and can be made from different materials - cardboard, plastic, wood.


What are the advantages of this board game, what does she teach kids? First of all, children really have fun, especially if the gameplay takes place in a fun and relaxed atmosphere. But there are still many positive aspects.

  1. Thanks to the cards, their horizons develop (you can choose options with illustrations of objects of the animal and plant world and, at the same time, tell your little one a couple of interesting facts about them).
  2. Working with chips helps improve fine motor skills, which will have a positive effect on the development of the baby’s speech, because the brain centers that respond to finger movements and speech skills are directly interconnected.
  3. The child learns to simulate a game situation, calculate the probability of victory, and make decisions. And at the same time he will not even realize that he is learning an important life lesson.
  4. Improves attention, memory, and observation skills.
  5. In the future, using cards with numbers, it will be possible to consolidate the child’s knowledge of counting to one hundred.

You can buy the version of the game you are interested in in stores (fortunately, modern manufacturers offer a lot of options for every taste), or you can make it yourself.


Exists great amount varieties of children's lotto, so it is easy to take into account the preferences and interests of each specific child. For the little ones, cards with a small number of cells and elements are offered. So, there are cards and chips with images of fairy tale characters, animals, vegetables and fruits. They are suitable for children up to 4 years old. And here geometric figures, the numbers will help children of middle and senior preschool age repeat important material in an unobtrusive form.

There are other development options. For example, a set in which the playing fields are dedicated to one of them, and the chips represent various attributes (for example, a thermometer and a syringe refer to a doctor) will help introduce children to professions.

Rules of the game

So, how to play children's lotto? You can organize a gaming competition together (for example, a parent and a child), but you can invite a larger number of participants (usually up to 6).

The point is simple:

  1. Each player receives his own card.
  2. The presenter takes one of the chips out of the box, but he should not peep.
  3. The player on whose field there is an object that matches the chip takes it for himself and places it on the field.
  4. The presenter takes out the second chip and shows it to the players. The child who has the corresponding element on the card takes it for himself.
  5. The winner is the one whose playing field is covered with chips first.

These are the rules of the game. As you can see, the game is very similar to the familiar Russian lotto, only instead of numbers there are funny pictures. In this case, the leader himself can take part in gameplay, it is only important that the children believe in his honesty.

With your own hands

An additional advantage of children's lotto is that it can be made with your own hands, and it is not difficult to make a syllabic lotto or a colorful version with pictures. Most often, thick cardboard is used as the material. However, if possible, you can also make plastic chips. To add special interest, it is better to place the elements in a bag and take them out of it.

The easiest option is to select suitable pictures on the Internet and print them on a color printer in two copies: one will become playing field, the second one needs to be cut into squares - these will be chips.

In addition, parents who have some drawing skills can show their imagination and depict anything on a game card - geometric shapes, vegetables or fruits, numbers or syllables. And then depict these same objects on another card, which is then cut into separate squares.

But if you want to offer your baby something more complex than triangles and circles, then you can print the necessary pictures.

This is children's lotto, a fun and useful game for children of all ages. Be sure to offer this competition to your child!

Didactic game for children 3-5 years old


Developed by: teacher of category I MBDOU Kindergarten No. 1 “Alyonushka” urban district Oktyabrsky city Republic of Bashkortostan Natalya Vladimirovna Tsytsulina

Cultural and hygienic skills are an important part of a culture of behavior. We must constantly remember that the skills instilled in childhood, including cultural and hygienic ones, bring great benefits to a person throughout his entire subsequent life.
Forming in children preschool age cultural and hygienic skills, we simultaneously influence many mental processes in the development of the child, while the teacher must gain great patience and understanding.
Hygienic culture is as important for a person as the ability to speak, write, and read. Self-care gives a person a wonderful feeling of cleanliness and health: every cell of the body begins to live in an optimal mode, without upsetting its owner.
They develop personal hygiene skills: the ability of children to always be neat, notice problems in their clothes, and fix them independently or with the help of adults. They are taught to sit correctly at the table while eating, to eat carefully, to chew food thoroughly and silently, and to be able to use cutlery and a napkin. Children who are on duty in the dining room need not only to be able to properly set the table and place the dishes, but also to firmly understand that, before starting to perform their duties, they must thoroughly wash their hands with soap, put themselves in order, and comb their hair.

Target: consolidate children's knowledge of cultural and hygienic skills.
Rules: Children are given fields divided into squares. In the center of the field is shown big picture, the child is asked to choose the necessary pictures, accompanying his actions with explanations - “what is this for.”

Age: 3-5 years.
“How Vova learned to wash his hands”

"Let's help Vova set the table"

"Let's dress Vova for a walk"

"Cleanliness is the key to health"

"Bathroom accessories"

Expected results: With the help of this game, children will consolidate knowledge about personal hygiene items, cultural and hygienic skills - the sequence of actions (washing hands, dressing, setting the table).