Assassins creed syndicate traits. Assassin's Creed: Syndicate review - London is calling. Basic animation is still awful

Hello everyone. The Gamebizclub team is glad to see you, dear reader, on our blog about online games. Today we present to your attention a review of Assassin's Creed Syndicate. In this part you will visit London during the time of Queen Victoria, fight the Templars, side with the Order of the Assassins, and complete various missions using new opportunities. And the most valuable thing about the game is that the story comes to life in it.

Let's add that the developers took into account the flaws previous version, in which, with all the external splendor, bugs were visible and invisible, and possible errors were prevented. We can safely say that Syndicate is much better at everything, and it is definitely worth playing.

In this article, you will learn:

First, about image quality

Which really made me happy. Whether you run through the streets, punch rivals or slide from rooftop to roofline, the image is always high.

In Syndicate, only single player mode is available. But amazing gameplay and great views will keep you busy.

Sitting in front of a monitor screen, you make sure that the Syndicate version does not compare with the previous one. In technical terms, it is much better - it does not lag, does not freeze and does not slow down. The average frame rate is 60 frames per second, even if the image quality is not specially adjusted. And, most importantly, no bugs or shortcomings.

You will not have to wait long when loading the next location: at least 8 seconds, maximum 20 (and not 40-60, as before). And the graphics ... Clear contours, small details, talented effects - everything pleases the eye. True, there are special effects such as temporarily canceling the overlay of an image or adjusting shadows, which are available only to the happy owners of an advanced graphics card, but the image is excellent even without it.

A few words about management

You can control the characters with both the mouse and the keyboard. In order for the protagonists Jacob and Evie Fry to successfully maneuver around London, your fingers have to perform a difficult, but graceful dance. The mouse is also used to control the camera, for some actions during battles and for navigation. But in general, it is not difficult to control - knives and firearms do not require responsiveness and precision of cursor positioning.


And let's move on to the plot of Syndicate. Everything strengths series have been preserved, and the innovations and improvements of the new part are no less pleasing. Plot events unfold with lightning speed and easily draw the player into the process.

And, of course, our description of the Syndicate would be incomplete without an account of the events themselves. Main story set in Victorian London is interrupted by several moments in which minor heroes throughout the series, Rebecca and Sean are looking for a mysterious artifact. These digressions are a glimpse into the present, and after them the game takes us back to the 19th century.

And there, in the past, the twins Jacob and Evie Frye, both from the British Brotherhood of Assassins, go to different goals on different roads. Evie wants to find a legendary artifact - a particle of Eden, and her brother strengthens the Order of the Assassins. The story itself also turns out to be not very confusing, but vivid and realistic. This happens because the heroes in their adventures meet with many historical figures - Darwin, Dickens, the inventor of the telephone Bell, and even with Queen Victoria herself.


Immediately, we note the trick - for the first time in the history of Assassin's Creed, you can control both main characters at the same time. Throughout all city adventures, you can switch from Jacob to Eevee and back at any time using a special menu. But in the main missions, this option is absent - who to go through the next task is determined in advance. Thus, by the end of the game, Jacob has mastered several fighting techniques unfamiliar to his sister, and she becomes a true master of pursuit.

Yes, if we are already talking about the pursuit, one of the main novelties cannot but be named - a special device that shoots ropes and fixes them on the walls of houses. With such a thing, you can climb houses no worse than Batman. But if you don't like this option, then you can refuse it and climb the walls in the good old way - with handles, legs, since the possibilities allow it.

Another innovation is carriages. They are waiting for you at any time and on many missions. If you need to deliver someone somewhere or take the enemy by surprise - take the place and go ahead. One press of a button, and you are already on the roof of the carriage, jump from it to the one that is going by, and grab it.


With all the innovations, the gameplay is quite familiar. During the storyline, you complete different missions - track down individual characters, participate in battles, or become someone's faithful bodyguard. In addition to the main plot, additional tasks await you, so that you do not hesitate in the future when seizing the carriage, do not touch the water of the Thames and carry out all assignments flawlessly.

Battles are also well-developed - in them you can react more effectively to the actions of opponents.

In battles with enemies, it is better to dodge shots, hide and stab in the back - this is the cunning of the assassins.

Hero development

The main characters rise in rank and improve after completing tasks. Mission rewards are not only money and resources that are needed to buy or produce new equipment, but also experience. It is measured in points - 1000 experience points are equivalent to one skill point. These points can be spent on the development of Jacob's or Evie's tech tree.

There is also an additional branch, the skills of which are aimed at weakening enemies and strengthening allies. Experience and coins can be collected outside missions, in the "free play" mode - explore the vast London, open chests, solve additional tasks and find objects - there are a lot of possibilities.

But if you do not want to waste your time on trifles, then you can try to crush all the gangs of London. To do this, you need to complete a number of additional tasks and weaken the main gangs of the regions. If you defeat the leader of each gang, you will become the head of all gangs in the capital of England and will profit from your position.


You could still talk a lot about Assassin's Creed: Syndicate missions, but you must admit that it is much more pleasant to go through the storyline yourself, without prompts. This way you will get much more pleasure from the gameplay.

You can buy the game here at the price of 1199 p. Just buy and try it - it's worth it! An incredible adventure awaits you with intrigue, power struggles and the search for mysterious artifacts.

That's all for today. We wish you every success. Explore the world of Victorian London and share your gaming experience in the comments to this article. We are always happy to chat and discuss interesting moments... And stay in touch - there is still a lot of interesting things to come. All bye and see you soon.

My attitude towards Assassin's Creed: Syndicate has gone through an interesting metamorphosis. In the first few hours, I just hated the game for its crooked control, and the realization that I would have to wander around the giant city back and forth doing monotonous tasks completely ruined the first impression. But, as soon as the main characters were given a harpoon, a personal train was brought up and the new chips with the abduction and seizure of areas were explained, the attitude towards the game radically changed for the better.

Since most game mechanics and level design features were successfully inherited from Assassin’s Creed: Unity (more details), then further we will talk only about new chips that I would like to draw your attention to.

game world

Having prudently tested all the necessary tools and the process of producing a large detailed city on Assassin's Creed: Unity, the developers approached the creation of London on a special scale. The size game world increased by a third, almost all major London landmarks were recreated (Big Ben, St. Paul's Cathedral, Tower Bridge, Buckingham Palace, etc.). At the same time, the city does not end outside the game space and continues to the horizon, which makes its size even more impressive.

The change of day and night is accompanied by an atmospheric sunset. At night, the city is plunged into haze, and thousands of lanterns are lit on the streets.

In terms of the complexity of the simulation of urban life, Assassin's Creed: Syndicate is gradually approaching. Active transport has finally appeared on the roads, the townspeople participate in various social activities, funny cats run on the roofs, and flocks of birds can be observed in the sky.

The most impressive innovation in life simulation is multi-lane river traffic. Particularly surprising is the fact that each large ship is a full-fledged mini-location, to which small tasks are sometimes tied (destroy cargo with dynamite, rob, seize, etc.). At the same time, technically everything is done and scripted so cool that no glitches with the gameplay on the "moving platforms" were noticed.

Ubisoft often borrows good technical solutions from their successful projects. So, thanks to Watch dogs, Assassin's Creed: Syndicate has a feature with interactive trains. The Assassins' headquarters are now on their own train, which moves between seven train stations along an advanced rail system.

The extras are still impressive - crowds of people of all ages can be found on the streets of London, and missions are built around major social events (meetings, balls, masquerades, markets, clandestine fights, etc.). Once in the crowd, the player becomes invisible to the enemy.

Moving around the city

To solve the problem of parkour in a city with wide streets and squares, the developers added a new mechanic with a harpoon that allows you to quickly move from one roof to another.

On the one hand, such a solution saves the player from having to spend a lot of time on acrobatic stunts and slow down when crossing a wide street. On the other hand, the ability to instantly be on the roof of a building deprived players of the pleasure of conquering peaks with synchronization points. Also, the counterweight mechanic (after cutting the rope, the falling weight throws the player up) has become completely useless.

So that the player can easily spot the windows leading into the building, they are specially left without a window frame. From the point of view of realism, a window without a frame looks very strange, but such a visual language allows the player to wire his gameplay capabilities.

Birds on the edge of the roof tell the player a point from which to take a "leap of faith" into a wagon full of hay.

Each roof now has special hatches that allow the enemy to quickly move vertically and chase the player as efficiently as possible.

Designers make life easier for parkour lovers by building acrobatic paths so that the player slows down as little as possible while moving along the level.

For example, you can jump over the fence at full speed by running onto it along an impromptu springboard.

The facades of buildings also hide many high-speed acrobatic paths passing along balconies, cornices, hanging signs, flagpoles, clocks, etc. The river acrobatic routes are built on the same principle, allowing the player to easily jump from one boat to another on floating boxes and logs.

It is also possible to cross a wide street without using a harpoon and without dropping to ground level using numerous stretch marks.

To create voluminous text signs, developers use a modular set of letters of various sizes and colors.

First, it is great way decorate each building with a unique and recognizable inscription. Secondly, such a sign is another way to create acrobatic routes. Third, it's just very stylish and practical.


Not forgotten and the "detective" mode, which allows you to see the traces leading to the target (as in). It is a pity that there are not so many tracking tasks in the game. It would be cool to use the footprints as clues to secret locations or caches.


Social stealth diversified new mechanics with kidnapping. By wringing the hand of an enemy character, the player becomes "invisible" to those around him. At the same time, the hostage periodically tries to escape, which is guaranteed to attract the attention of the enemy and makes the player tickle the nerves.

Many cool and memorable missions are built on this mechanic: take away the target in the theater from the stage, enter a guarded bank vault, lead a lady with a dog through the most criminal area of ​​London, pretend to be caught in order to get an appointment with the Templar, get into a closed area of ​​the royal palace and etc.


Each episode ends with the elimination of an important goal. The mission necessarily begins on a hill from which it opens great view to the location, and the gameplay possibilities are sure to be highlighted (unique ways of eliminating, additional points infiltrations, friendly characters).

Hidden acrobatic routes open up access to many vantage points from which you can discreetly observe patrols and plan further actions (a similar vertical structure of levels was in).

If desired, the target can be reached by land, hiding from the enemy behind various shelters, as well as in special places (boxes with leaves, carts with hay, sentry boxes, latrines, etc.).


Thanks to the concept of faction war, the sandbox in Assassin's Creed: Syndicate turned out to be extremely exciting.

The player is offered to capture all districts of London performing many small missions (kidnapping and eliminating members of the enemy's gang, sabotaging cargo and stealing carts, freeing children working in factories, etc.). The capture of a new area usually ends with an epic brawl and a battle with the leader of the gang.

By completing secondary tasks, the player receives experience points and money to upgrade his skills, weapons, and also improve the characteristics of his gang members. Consumables (ammunition, first aid kits, grenades) can be purchased on the black market from merchants.

what didn't you like?

My main complaint about the game was its complex controls with a large number of modes (normal movement, parkour, stealth, abduction, carriage control). The character often does something completely different from what is expected of him, which leads to the failure of the stealth mission or the stupidest fall from a height. Also, in the heat of battle, it is quite difficult to switch between special subjects(pistol, knives, grenades). Of course, over time, the irritation practically disappears, but in the first hours of the game, the problem with overcomplicated controls is felt especially acutely.


Assassin's Creed: Syndicate by its example shows that the path to a large, high-quality and technical difficult game lies through a large number of iterations.

I will assume that next game the series will receive an even more complex life simulation system, its world will consist of several giant cities and countryside, the player will also be able to choose between several characters, and in terms of game mechanics, the developers will certainly go towards social stealth with a high variability of ways to eliminate the target (in the best traditions of Hitman and Dishonored).

We must be the last in line with our opinion about the new Assassin's Creed, but do not rush to take offense at us. The point is not at all that we are lazy boogers (although, to be honest, this is partly the case) - it just pulled us in much more than one could imagine. A game in which we shamelessly sat for fifty hours and will probably sit for another twenty or thirty - because it works better and more correctly than ever before - suddenly came off the assembly line, which has been losing the public's trust from year to year.

First of all, it concerns the plot. Yeah, that same pseudo-historical mishmash of fantasy and outright nonsense, which Assassin's Creed became after the end of the Ezio saga. Seriously, does anyone else understand what's going on in this rat race for ancient artifacts? There are still some prophecies, forerunners, the end of the world, oh-th ... With each new chapter, there is more and more similarity to cheap serials, and the desire to understand what is happening is less and less. And apparently, even Ubisoft themselves were horrified by what they had done - otherwise it is impossible to explain the change in the narrative accents in the "Syndicate".

The boring conflict at the core has not gone anywhere, of course, but it is furnished billions of times more interesting and lively thanks to the utmost attention to the characters, especially to the protagonists. Instead of tedious dregs about good and evil uncles in hoods, here is the exciting adventure of the Fry twins in Victorian London. They seem to be also from the Brotherhood and generally fight for the freedom of the city oppressed by the Templars, but they do it in their own unique manner: they bicker, make fun of each other and prefer completely different methods to achieve the same goal - in a word, they behave like some kind of Sam and Max , only in the world of hidden blades and eagle vision. The tandem of the judicious Evie and the bully Jacob, which previously seemed only a controversial covert underneath, really works, instantly attracts to itself and returns its former agility to the plot.

Because it is only more joyful that the fresh presentation of the game reinforces a variety and impressive missions. Remember, in all the previous "assassins" sooner or later a frankly hacky moment emerged, spoiling all the raspberries? Here, in Syndicate there is no such thing at all: here the defense of a train with a Gatling machine gun on board can immediately go into a chase on carriages, penetration into Scotland Yard or non-linear elimination of an important target during an exponential lobotomy - the dynamics and density of events are simply crazy, without subsidence and blanks ... And since there are now two main characters, they manage to feed us both more or less thoughtful episodes for our sister, and boyish entertainment in the spirit of Uncharted.

Upon careful study, however, story line begins to seem too superficial, somewhat crumpled and seemingly insignificant in the overall picture of the series. Little bit of the necessary connection with their predecessors is maintained by short inserts from modern times, but they are extremely stupid and obvious, so that we can safely close our eyes to them, which we are only glad to see. God knows, the current Assassin's Creed breathes much more freely in the format of a simple story without massive shifts of the past parts.

And who needs all sorts of time travel there when there is something to do in good old England. The real merit of Syndicate is that she finally made it work open world, which the series has cultivated all these years without much results.

The keys to the city need to be won back in wall-to-wall battles like this.

An impressive proportion of the sandbox this time around quite reasonably revolves around the control of the territory,. Roughly speaking, you come to red and unfriendly London, and you need to make it green and welcoming, systematically taking over block after block. Each district has its own task: somewhere you need to clean up the enemy's entire shelter, somewhere it is enough to kidnap or kill a general, and in some places it is necessary to sabotage production and free the children plowing in the factory. Completed - got influence, experience points, money and a lot of pleasure from the process.

You are engaged in these assignments not because these are the conditions for moving towards credits - they make you get distracted only a couple of times, and personally, by that time, the whole routine had already been knocked out. No, it's just that the side activity for once became meaningful, weighty and how terribly fascinating.

For a start, it was successfully intertwined with character leveling. All tasks have a recommended level for passing, and immediately rushing into, say, the top bullies from Westminster will not work - they kick off in no time. The first step is to cook in the same cauldron with small bandits somewhere in Whitechapel, gain strength, go to a more impressive area, repeat the procedure there and only then figure out if you can defeat an elite enemy. This “fight to get cooler and fight better” relationship both provides a tangible sense of progress and keeps battles from sliding into baby-beating until the very end of the game.

Shooting stray scoundrels at night looks especially beautiful.

In addition, enemy territory is an ideal testing ground for experimentation. There you can always play with the fighting style, work out tricky combinations and use equipment that you have not reached. story missions... There are not so many items of equipment as, say, in, but the scope for action opens up in places very comparable. And if it's a little tough with imagination, the built-in challenges for full synchronization will help - fortunately, they are here for every taste.

Well, and another indicator that all the details of the mechanism are in motion is when you, running away from pursuers in one sidequest, suddenly bump into a cart from another, accidentally knock down on it the generated gopniks sticking to the townspeople, and catch up with a train full of enemy supplies. Tasks literally appear on the way, smoothly merge together and form something more complex and interesting. The seamless involvement of the player in side activities of various scales hides from the gaze the monotony of the offered amusements, because every time everything turns out differently and is still exciting. Have Far cry this business, as you remember, - that's what they got from Assassin's Creed.

Despite the variety, Syndicate is played quite familiarly and unusually easily. The gameplay is composed of the vending ideas of the past parts and slightly peeped from eminent relatives in the genre, so there is no need to complain at all. As soon as acrobatics began to pall, they refreshed it by borrowing a bathook from the series: the use of cables allows you to avoid the dreary conquest of tall buildings and cross wide pavements in seconds. Action combines the entertainment of Assassin's Creed iii, the simplicity of Brotherhood and the ergonomics of the same eared guard of Gotham, so it's not difficult to get used to it. Even the stealth from Yubisoft's developments turned out to be neat - thanks, and a little Arno.

And what is there to explain: the difference is easy to feel by launching the predecessor. After Syndicate, it’s impossible not to see how sloppy, crooked, and just plain wrong Unity was. At the time of release, but now the discomfort from it is many times greater than the pleasure.

We join the national British custom - jumping from the top of Big Ben.

The only thing that fails is the apparent difference in the mechanics of the heroes. While the plot tries to clearly delineate the specialization of relatives, this is in no way reflected in the real state of affairs: that Evie and Jacob are equally good at stealth and calmly survive in skirmishes with a dozen thugs. For both, the upgrade system is almost identical, even though it is rich - the only difference is in a couple of unique skills that don't even make the weather special, so there is no need to switch between characters outside of the main missions.

The only indisputable trump card of "Unity" is the authenticity of the environment - new game also overlaps without problems. Paris captivated by its atmosphere and architectural meticulousness, but by and large it was just a beautiful decoration, frozen in a revolutionary grimace. London, on the other hand, is a huge city, full of life and curious in all its forms. In it, unlike the local Thames, it is easy to drown, just walking along the lanes, train stations and parks, enjoying spontaneous sketches of everyday life and slowly collecting hidden chests and illustrations. If you want more, among the passers-by scurrying back and forth, you can meet Karl Marx and help him in his Karlomarx affairs, visit the nearest pub and start a whole mystical investigation with Charles Dickens, or, at worst, take part in clandestine competitions - fight club and Victorian the street racing community is waiting for their record holders. The cultural and aesthetic excitement of Syndicate is stupefying, especially for those who are at least somehow interested in the subject.

The immersion is unexpectedly enhanced by gorgeous music. Assassin's Creed has not pampered with expressive background compositions for six years, and the local soundtrack is a hit to the point. Is there a better accompaniment to the era that spawned the greatest detective and elusive Ripper than the violin and piano? So we think it’s unlikely.

By the way, it's a great way for a high-quality pyrivod!

Initially, a ticket to virtual England in the middle of the 19th century was conceived as a sedative after a disgusting one, because yubisoft, as you know, is knocked out by yubisoft. The idea turned into an enthusiastic reeling of game time beyond all measure in search of the smallest grains of content, which usually no one even pays attention to. Wine bottles, some kind of anomalies, music boxes, flowers and royal letters - you can't count how much has been collected and how much is still left to collect. And now, looking at the progress sensor striving for the cherished hundred, there is nothing to hide: it's worth it.

What looked like Unity polished turned out to be Assassin's Creed polished. Syndicate is the long-awaited result of the series' long-term evolution and, perhaps, the most successful and striking game about the Assassin-Templar squabbles to date. So be it, faith in big annual projects has been restored.

Assassin's Creed Syndicate

Release date: October 23, 2015 Publisher: Ubisoft Developer: Ubisoft Quebec Genres: Action / Adventure Platforms: PC / PS4 / Xbox one B: 259th place Editorial rating: 90 %

Is it worth playing? (based on reader ratings)

How do you like the game? + 3 (all positive)

Well, another one has been announced. Assassin's Creed- and again Ubisoft continues to rant that this is "a completely new game in the series", "absolutely new experience" etc.

In all fairness, the fact that Ubisoft refuses to admit they're ruining a once-great franchise is annoying. Obviously, their annual release schedule for the next Assassin's Creed is only destroying the series. Now we have another game with Syndicate, which looks like an exact copy of its predecessors. And let the developers talk about a "new combat system", from the gameplay video we can see that it is played in exactly the same way.

This year Ubisoft really needs to show players the stuff in Syndicate they should buy this game for. Strictly speaking, there are no such things yet.

Yes, at the moment, the developers have released one trailer and one demo of the game with a pre-alpha plate, so we really hope that the game will be great for release. In the meantime, let's figure out what we are not satisfied with Assassin's Creed: Syndicate.

7. Repulsive and poorly animated melee attacks

Hooray, fistfights are back, but even in a 10 minute demo, it is noticeable how in two or three fistfights the animation is repeated several times.

In addition, the fight animation looks a little twitchy, as if a few frames of the animation were just missing. But this may be fixed for release.

In general, if visually the fights have somehow changed, then in terms of gameplay, we are sure - no.

6. Even more chase missions

One of the signature things of Assassin's Creed is chases. Chasing the guards, chasing the victim, starting from the first game, where Altair climbed onto the roof of the building as quickly as possible, jumped from it into a haystack and ran further without losing speed, people liked all this in the first games of the series.

In recent years, these pursuits began to be included constantly, as some kind of necessity for the sake of the identity of the series. From this, the gameplay consists of pushing the stick of the gamepad forward, sometimes pressing one button to overcome any obstacle with special animation.

Even if this time Ubisoft were able to really diversify the chases, the very fact that they were shown in the first demo of the game is somewhat alarming. Maybe it's time to take them to the background, at least for a while.

5. Cheap collisions

Speaking of chases. In the demonstration, we were shown how these chases on carriages will go. And it looks terrible.

In particular, there is virtually no adequate interaction between the player in the cart and the environment. The carriage does not really knock people down, but simply moves them to the side, when two carriages collide, you just lose speed for a second and that's it. Well, for dessert, just look at how the horse knocks down garbage cans and even metal posts! It's still a horse, not a tank.

One of the biggest and most lingering complaints about the series is the lack of a living world, yes, in the games of this series the world is open, but it is plastic, fake, and, unfortunately, this has not changed in Syndicate.

I bet you didn't think Victorian England might look a lot like Revolutionary France, but just look at the footage of the game.

For the most part, the shop windows and color palette differ enough to so clearly convict Ubisoft of copy-and-paste, but the general construction of houses, courtyards and many other objects is very similar to the company's past work, especially when you climb onto the roof.

In many early screenshots, we saw that Victorian London looks very original in its black and gold tones, and at least in terms of color, this item with a similar architecture could be discounted. But in the demo, as soon as Jacob rises above the streets, you see exactly the same picture that you saw in Unity, Black Flag and other games in the series.

3. Basic animation is still awful

The animation of fights is one thing, after all, it is one of the few that is really new in the game, but the general animation of using weapons, stealth attacks still look bad. This is despite the fact that the animation is the same throughout many games and it could be completed with each game to perfection.

But just look at this hilarious moment where Jacob sneaks up to the enemy (before that, having fallen as a lead next to another enemy), approaches him from the side and a prepared animation takes place for which the enemy becomes in such a way that it is more convenient to kill and it does not matter that he did before.

Another example, where Jacob brings down a platform with barrels on the enemy, not only does the platform explode and disappear, but the enemy somehow awkwardly falls after the barrels fell.

Assassin's Creed games still lack weight and smooth animation, everything looks too cardboard, especially against the background of the studio trying to make more and more realistic graphics as if forgetting that high-quality animation is more important than graphics.

2. The pre-order theme is back in abundance

If you watched the Syndicate trailer to the end, you saw this “tempting” offer “Pre-order now and get additional task: The Conspiracy of Darwin and Dickens ". These are the first real personalities confirmed in the game.

But not only that, along with the already overpriced $ 60, you can buy various additional versions for $ 90, $ 120 and above. It turns out even if you buy as it were full version games for $ 60, you will be left without additional missions... Pay extra for them.

This whole topic with additional content is already pretty boring, because when you buy a game you don't get its "full" version.

1. More funny and implausible stealth

3:28 on this video:

"I'll remove this guy quietly ..."


* keeps sneaking and killing *

This is a typical day for an Assassin's Creed hero.

The opponents in the game have become smarter not one iota. Moreover, even ordinary passers-by noticed the corpse and noted “Well that doesn’t look entirely honest”, but the enemies are blind as moles.

Fans are already accustomed to such stealth, but over seven "big" games the series has not grown wiser at all and it is already unacceptable to continue labeling these games under the stealth genre, where the mechanics of this stealth are completely broken.

It's no longer funny when they shove us the same game every year only in a slightly different wrapper.

How do you like the new Assassin's Creed: Syndicate? Let us know in the comments!