Xenus 2 white gold walkthrough. Passage. Transport of the three elements

If my readers have forgotten, let me remind you that Xenus is such an ancient Aztec talisman, a key to the door under a waterfall. Actually, the role of these very doors in the plot of the "Boiling Point" was very insignificant, but the intrigue around the six nondescript pieces unfolded a noble one. One way or another, this talisman fulfilled its role in the excitement of the first playthrough.

In White Gold, Xenus is given an even more insignificant role. He only appears in the name of the game, becoming a kind of identification mark of the world, where the former soldier of the French Foreign Legion, Saul Myers, is wreaking havoc in the name of good and justice. And Xenus himself will not be in the game. But there will be a lot of sun, sea, girls and shooting.

So where do we start? Let's find a suitable seaplane and load it up with a few bags of very specific humor. After that, having broken a fair amount of master keys, we start the engine, take off and, cursing the absurd control, carefully sprinkle some part of the Windward Islands with the substance from the bags, named Hochma for the sake of Southern Covumbia.

Now that this paradise, where the eternal siesta reigns, has been properly processed, we will hit the road to New York and hastily Let's come up with a reason that is guaranteed to make the retired legionnaire wake up, pack up and set off on a journey across the aforementioned islands.

Well, it's time to joke jokes. Saving humanity is trivial and even somewhat boring. It is much more fun to stand guard over the health of the Big Apple addicts. No, we will not be required to track down cocaine submarines, smash transfer bases and sprinkle illegal coca plantations with defoliant. Judging by the notions of drug business tycoons, cocaine is an extremely useful powder that makes it possible to enjoy life at a very divine price. But those who dare to poison this noble product with an unknown poison that kills respectable consumers should be given their due.

Xenus, gentlemen! A complete, unconditional and inevitable xenus to all poisoners who shorten the already short but so precious life of lovers of "white gold".

I don't promise the taste, but it will be hot

The RPG subgenre is still eclectic. In fact, the recipe is quite simple: we take a hero who absolutely doesn’t know how to do anything, but is sent on a responsible and dangerous mission. Coming up with the skills necessary (but not very) to successfully complete the mission. We are inventing a system that will allow our hero to become less and less curvy, performing a bunch of varied and not particularly logical tasks and distributing meagerly dripping development points. We are introducing into the game several groups with which you can be friends or enmity, creating a certain reputation for yourself. Voila, the dish is ready.

The "boiling point" did not have a very noticeable character development system. However, she could not be denied consistency. In order to shoot more accurately, it was necessary to shoot, and not to transfer the grandmothers across the road. And nothing else.

It is for this reason that I avoid flying in this area.

In "White Gold" igrodels approached the issue more canonically, but at the same time the logic suffered noticeably. The former professional soldier who made a noticeable rustle in Colombia looking for his missing daughter is now, as it turns out, not marked with any talents. He shoots poorly, is unable to combine the front sight of the weapon with the slot of the aiming bar, cannot carry a large load, does not know how to use a grenade launcher and a machine gun, he is unfamiliar with the mystery of holding his breath with an aimed shot. And in order to acquire these most useful skills, he needs to earn development points. Moreover, these points are obtained for actions that are completely irrelevant to the development of a certain skill. Effective but illogical.

The role-playing component of the game is still in the relationship with the factions, which in the game abound. And you will have to interact with them one way or another, since most of the side assignments come precisely from the representatives of the groups. The player will have to decide for himself which group to join, and take into account that improving relations with one of them will definitely affect the deterioration of relations with the other. Everything is logical and consistent here.

Making money has become much easier - a lot of side tasks contribute to this. Moreover, the game world is scattered great amount a variety of useful items that will brighten up the difficult life of our hero, improve his shaky health and help in armed clashes.

The question of motivation for finding jobs and making money is the main storyline. She, of course, is extremely artless and artless (it is felt that the writers did not strain too much with the twists and turns of the plot), but the main character will require a lot of money. On the other hand, no one is pushing Myers, so you can explore the vast expanses of the Caribbean Sea, learn to ride and fly, poke your curious nose wherever you please.

On a note: in the "Boiling Point", as you remember, even in the most unfortunate scenarios, the hero did not die, but ended up in the hospital, talked to the doctor, paid and set off on a further journey. There will be no such grace here. Death is now final and irrevocable. The only thing that the unlucky player can console himself with is a stinging sentence on the screen and loading the last save.

Sea sunsets are amazingly beautiful.

Algae growing out of the air is no longer algae. This is already aerosli.

Outwardly, the game world is very impressive. The color scheme of the tropics looks just great. And the slight blurring and distortion of the picture to the edges of the screen creates the impression of a humid and sunny world. However, personally, in the first hours of the game, I had a noticeable feeling of discomfort from the character's viewing angle. I do not know whether it should have been done less or more, but some dizziness and disorientation were observed during sharp turns. However, if, according to the intention of the developers, this is how a hero who suddenly finds himself in a tropical country should see the world, then the claims are withdrawn. I would like to say a special thank you to those who worked on sunrises and sunsets of amazing beauty.

The game's graphics engine is optimized to the point where you just don't notice it. It is gratifying that the developers took into account the shortcomings of the previous version of the Vital Engine and made the appropriate conclusions. Huge play areas now function flawlessly.

Not without graphical bugs and shortcomings, however. Algae growing right out of the air, snakes that at times look like a hissing stick, spiders stuck in the walls of a cave, Indians fleeing into the skies, a meager set of faces constantly flashing in the game - all this does not interfere with the passage of the game, but noticeably spoils the impression of what has been done work.

The fauna of the islands, by the way, is noticeably poorer in relation to continental Colombia. The list of nasty surprises in the fauna now consists of only snakes, predatory fish and huge spiders.

As before, the actions will unfold in a single play space without loadable locations. With the exception of a single scripted move to another island, all the others take place in real time. For this purpose, a large number of vehicles (land, water and air) and a network of floating petrol stations have been introduced into the game.

The game NPCs, unfortunately, were not able to please too much. Their behavior does not differ in variety and special meaningfulness. Dialogues, despite the efforts of their authors, are often uninteresting and not even funny. And the behavior of some individuals, under certain circumstances, borders on insanity. For example, the destruction of all the bandits surrounding their leader does not prevent him from completely calmly sitting on the couch, surrounded by two girls in bikinis. One of the drug lords shows about the same fatalism.

Local meteorology is truly ingenious in its simplicity.

On a note: I come across several "easter eggs" of a seemingly humorous nature in the game, but only one of them seemed successful to me - the "Autonomous system of meteorological forecasting" shield. Others, like the stylized Wasserman on Jose Pogon's T-shirt or the hysterical "Not a single break !!!" in the telephone receiver, they look very artificial and do not even cause a smile.

The voice acting of the game, frankly, could have been better. Actually, there are no special complaints about game sounds - shots, ambient noises and the like. The annoying radios constantly screaming at the headquarters of the groups, thank God, can be shot if they start to seriously poison life. The background music that accompanies the trip is so good that I stole a boat or scooter from time to time to listen to it again. But now the choral performance of the officials during the attack by a group of drug traffickers who settled in a destroyed house led by retired US Army Colonel Clark Jefferson caused an acute desire to shoot them out of purely humane motives. And later, I have seen similar cases of group insanity, accompanied by continuous screaming.

Let's summarize the review part. Of course, there has been tremendous progress in the results of Deep Shadows' work. If we compare the "Boiling Point" and "White Gold" in general, then this comparison will be entirely in favor of the second game. The developers took into account the colossal number of shortcomings of the first Colombian epic and managed to avoid all those bugs, lags and glitches that players had been making fun of on the forums for more than a month. However, White Gold is still very far from perfect play. So we just have to be patient and wait for the "gold" from Deep Shadow to acquire a noble yellow worthy of the crown for "Best PC Games".

an abundance of quests, huge play spacesunpretentious plot, banal ending
Graphic arts
successful "tropical" color schemerepeating faces and interiors
very good musicsloppy voice acting
Game world
freedom of action, character development system, an abundance of transporttoo specific humor, at times spoiling the atmosphere
unobtrusive interface, documenting dialogsdisgusting aircraft control, suboptimal viewing angle

Storyline white

The plot of the plot of "White Gold" takes place in the introductory video. A series of mysterious deaths in bohemian circles in New York, it turns out, have the same cause - Colombian cocaine. Analyzes have shown that it contains a highly toxic impurity that kills quickly and reliably. This gloomy news makes the drug lords think hard. The risk of losing such a profitable and well-established business is very high. Anyway, buyers will be disappointed in their ability to supply pure powder, which kills much more slowly and more pleasantly, and will start looking for other suppliers.

This bush is the cause of all the troubles and problems here. Erythroxylum coca.

To the peacefully sleeping Saul Myers, a certain lump of Hispanic appearance appears, pours him a generous handful of compliments and persuades him to take up the investigation of the causes of excessive toxicity of Colombian cocaine. Of course, Sol, as it should be according to the canons of the genre, refuses, claiming that he has retired and does not want to know anything. Khlysh, in turn, demonstrates not the worst understanding of the rituals of the genre and lays out a trump card - two photographs with a dead person.

You and I don't know anything about the dead man, but Sol seems to know him well. Quite unexpectedly, he agrees to work and does not even start talking about the remuneration due.

The next video takes us to a boat delivering Myers to one of the islands of the archipelago. Peaceful chatter with the old man driving the boat is interrupted by aggressive strangers deploying speedboats and even a couple of helicopters. We are hinted, as it were, that "you are not here" and they are offering a baptism of fire.

Who exactly organized the committee for the meeting of Saul Myers is unclear, but they prepared disgustingly. Helicopters are completely unconvincing, and boats are not worth a good word either. Our hero, as they say, solves the issues with one left, and then after his grandfather jumps from the side of the boat, which is about to explode.

As a matter of fact, this is where the prerequisites of the plot end, since both the motives of Myers' further actions and the forces of opposition to them have been introduced into the game.

Bug Diver with Sniper Skills

Character development is no different in complexity. As the game progresses, he performs various actions, each of which gives him a certain amount of experience points. Accumulating, these points raise the character's level (known to all fans of level-up role-playing games). Everyone new level gives a unit that can be spent on the study of a particular ability.

On a note: in the process of character development will slightly increase maximum level his health. Starting with the legitimate one hundred units, he got noticeably healthier for me under the tropical sun and made it to the finals with 120 units or so. A trifle, but nice.


These acquired characteristics of a character in the game are called perks... Their essence lies in the fact that the character receives a certain undeveloped skill when studying. For example, it shoots more accurately or carries more weight. Some of them do not require any conditions for studying, and the rest can be studied only after the basic ones.

The grouping of abilities in the game is pretty goofy. The ability "Buggy" is not clear why it got into the line of skills related to accuracy, and "Burglar" - in the line of dexterity. However, it is not difficult to understand them.

All abilities can be divided into several large groups.

Physical strength

This group focuses on the ability to carry a certain weight of equipment (initially 30 kg). Very useful abilities, considering that there will be a lot of trophies that can be sold to traders. And the passage of the final mission will require a very significant load of ammunition. It is advisable to study this group completely.

Agility and vitality

The ability to jump higher, stay under water longer, reload weapons faster - in a word, everything that may be required to carry out very delicate assignments that our hero will receive in abundance. However, most of the abilities in this group provide very minor advantages that will be needed literally once or twice in the game. Therefore, most of the positions you probably won't need. Personally, I limited myself to "The Will to Live".

On a note: Note that Stayer increases your running speed and Sprinter increases your stamina. As far as I know, in reality the situation is exactly the opposite.

Name Requirement Description
Jumper Increases jump height
Stuntman Jumper Reduces fall damage
Dodgy Reduces damage by 10%
Trickster Dodgy Reduces weapon reload time
Stayer Increases running speed
Sprinter Increases endurance
Marathon runner Sprinter Increases endurance
Will to live Reduces damage when
decreasing health up to 25%
Swimmer Increases swimming speed
Diver Increases the time spent
under water from 30 to 45 seconds
Diver Swimmer, diver Increases the time spent
under water up to 60 seconds
Strong organism Increases resistance to alcohol, drugs, poisons and stimulants
Botanist Reduces damage
from snake and fish bites

Combat abilities

Of course, an action movie requires primarily combat skills. Some of them are really effective, and some can be safely ignored. For example, for accurate shooting from the rifle it is enough to take the "Sniper" without spending development points for an additional two seconds of holding the breath. The abilities "Cowboy" and "Shooter" are very useful, but the value of increasing the grenade throwing range personally seems to me questionable to me.

Name Requirement Description
Cowboy Gives the possibility of aimed shooting
Shooter Cowboy Reduces bullet spread
Grenade Increases throw range
Heavy Tourist Gives the ability to use a machine gun
Grenade launcher Tourist Gives the ability to use a rocket launcher
Steady hand Trickster Blur disappears on recharge
Sniper Lets you hold your breath
when firing for 3 seconds
the instructor Steady hand, sniper Lets you hold your breath
when firing for 5 seconds
Cat's eye Gives night vision in stealth mode
Achilles' heel In 3% of cases, hitting any part of the enemy's body is lethal

Social ability

This set, as they say, is not for everybody. He will not give much relief to the game, but if you do not rush to the final, thoroughly go through all the side tasks and build your own house on your own island, something from the list of social abilities will not hurt.

Name Requirement Description
Charisma Reduces reputation deterioration by 25%
Bribe Charisma Reduces the amount of bribery of enemies by half
Deceiver Charisma Increases the likelihood of deceiving the enemy
Dealer Charisma Reduces prices from sellers

Technical ability

Given the fact that the game is full of locked boxes containing very useful things, a group of hacking skills should be developed in every possible way at the first opportunity. As for the "Doctor", "Driver" and "Gunsmith", it seems sensible to me to limit myself to the first ability. The rest are in little demand by the game, since there are few purely transport tasks, and it is more convenient to use the services of an NPC to improve weapons.

Name Requirement Description
Screwdriver No Increases the chance of successfully picking locks
Cracker Screwdriver Significantly increases the chance of success
picking locks
Bugbear Cracker Provides maximum chance of picking locks
Driver Reduces damage to your vehicles by 50%
Doctor Increases the effectiveness of drugs
Gunsmith Increases the chance of successful weapon upgrades

Friends, enemies and others

Let's talk about groupings. Since the days of the "Boiling Point", nothing has changed much. As before, civilians sympathize with the officials, and the bandits are ready to come to the aid of the drug mafia. Representatives of the CIA, as before, are distinguished by absolutely phenomenal stupidity, and the ideological spirit of the partisans reaches such values ​​that it is quite possible to export it to countries with a lack of revolutionary upsurge.

As it should be, initially the relationship with the groups is neutral (except for the nerds from the paramilitaries, but this is already included in the plot). That is, they don't shoot at us until we shoot. Along the way, we will inevitably have to enter into relationships with certain groups. You yourself understand that the tasks that will be given to us will not benefit some other groups. Thus, we will not have time to blink an eye, as we will acquire loyal friends and sworn enemies.

The benefits of friends, frankly, are few. They will not clean up the porridge brewed in distant New York, but will confine themselves to cheers when they meet. But the enemies are much more proactive and active. As soon as they see you on the horizon, they will immediately open fire, begin to surround, throw explosives and, quite likely, even kill you.

The principle of forming relationships is quite simple. The murder of a member of a group spoils relations only with this group, and improves them with groups hostile to this group.

On a note: in the game, it is impossible to kill an NPC associated with the passage of the main storyline. When you try to aim at such a character, the crosshair of the sight is replaced by a red prohibiting icon.

So let's get acquainted with the list of groupings.


Warriors are warriors. NATO weapons in the range, jeeps and boats with machine guns, self-propelled air defense systems, combat helicopters, a powerful material base. In general, the officials are not suitable as enemies, and therefore it is necessary to quarrel with them only when absolutely necessary and very carefully. Otherwise, they will not give life later.

Civilians sympathize with the officials, but the guerrillas, bandits and drug dealers do not digest them.

Drug mafia

These guys are also serious, because their business does not dispose to jokes. Technique and decent weapons are available, and you can get hold of profitable tasks here.

As already mentioned, the drug mafia and bandits are brothers forever. The partisans, as it should be, do not like them, considering them a burp of the hydra of imperialism, and the officials and civilians are quite in solidarity with the partisans, but for different reasons.

There is a tower on the official island, which has a lot of interesting things. And expensive.

My army sergeant major would rot in the outhouse for such a thing. No discipline among the troops.


This stupid horde of Caribbean gopniks, armed with Kalashnikovs, sawn-off shotguns and ultrasound, was literally created in order to immediately quarrel with them. Moreover, they themselves constantly run into a splash. Especially on their assignments you will not get hold of, so you don't even need to mess around.

The murder of every bandit is eagerly applauded by civilians, officials and partisans. Nobody seems to like the declassed item even in tropical countries.


This grouping is rather insignificant, and the relationship with it has little effect on the passage of the game. However, along the way, there will be one key task related to the Indians, so if you meet an Indian, do not offend him.

The relationship of this group with others is completely neutral, so that a quarrel with the Indians will not bring you either glory or shame.


The pathetic bunch of idiots representing American intelligence on the islands can hardly be called a group. Before the incident on the ship, you only have to contact the crazy resident Weinstein, and if you really want to, talk to three CIA agents who were abandoned here by mistake. Well, the attitude towards you on the ship is unlikely to depend on your previous merits.

In general, as they say, the grouping "for furniture". However, the CIA drug dealers do not like it, as it should be.


Such a tattoo looks very exotic on an exotic chest.

Perhaps the most common grouping. A quarrel with them will not give any definite advantages, since the rest of the groupings are neutral towards civilians. The civilian population of the islands willingly hand out small orders, which are quite simple to complete and earn some money. There will be a couple of more voluminous tasks. There you can already get hold of trophies.

In case of unintentional damage to relations with some groups (anything can happen), there are characters with whom you can talk about restoring mutual sympathy. They will tell you where to go, who to talk to and how much to pay, if the conflict has not gone too far.

The densely populated islands have merchants, gunsmiths, and doctors. Moreover, there are gunsmiths in some of the bases of the groups. As you progress through the game and gain experience, the available assortment of gunsmiths becomes wider. Both the list of available weapons and the level of upgrade packages to it are increasing.

As a matter of fact, merchants are not really needed. Unless the night type from the first island Sol gets to can be useful. Lockpicks are a hot commodity.

The doctor, as he should, treats alcohol and drug addiction, as well as relieves of decreased sensitivity to painkillers.

Transport of the three elements

Most of the travel deals with moving between the islands. The islands are small, so you can walk on foot within them. In principle, it is also easy to swim to another island, but it will take an absolutely unimaginable amount of time.

Thus, we will have overland technology purely for pleasure. Well, and in those rare cases when we will carry out assignments related to her.

Well this is necessary - nobody's jeep with a machine gun. Phenomenal mismanagement.

There are two ways to get transport. The first - law-abiding - to get the key on the quest and ride, swim or fly for your own pleasure. The second - criminal - is elementary to steal by breaking one or more master keys. As expected, there are few law-abiding situations. Therefore, we will not deny ourselves anything, especially since the owners turn a blind eye to the hijacking and are not at all indignant.

Actually, the range of vehicles is not that great. These are vague ragged sobs that look great on the Soviet "Victory" of the 50s, jeeps with a turret machine gun and occasional ATVs. Apparently, the car park on the islands is being replenished exclusively by the military.

With water transport a little richer. Scooters, rubber boats "Zodiac", fishing boats with a motor, militarized boats with a machine gun turret. There are even a couple of fashionable pleasure boats that are a little short of yachts. As practice has shown, it was military boats that turned out to be the most practical. With such a boat, it is not at all necessary to inflate the drama and portray Omaha Beach when landing on an enemy shore. Several circles around the island - and you can safely land, loot and go in search of the few survivors. But in general, all options are acceptable, if you do not particularly quarrel with the local people, who have military boats and helicopters.

Onward to new adventures on a stolen scooter!

And finally, about aviation. In principle, there is no particular need for it, and the abundance of air defense on the islands is somewhat depressing. But if you prefer to fly rather than sail, then you will find something for yourself.

As for the seaplane, I can only say one thing - don't mess with it. The monstrously awkward controls and eschewing physics of flight make this car extremely unpredictable in the air. The seaplane is only good for getting where you need to go quickly on the water, trying not to take off.

But the helicopter is much more efficient and reliable. There are two types of helicopters in the game - transport-passenger and military. The former can be used for flights to places where there will be no unpleasant surprises. The latter are quite combat-ready until the missiles run out. Air cannons on helicopters are absolutely useless. More precisely, they are only good for wasting ammunition. So do not flatter yourself especially.

By the way, about the ammunition. Unfortunately, it is not being replenished. Thus, military equipment with the shot ammunition automatically turns into a civilian.

In addition to homing missiles and air cannons, helicopters are equipped with a system for shooting heat traps, which are quite good at distracting enemy air defense missiles.

There is no smell of a fuel crisis in the Caribbean. The abundance of floating gas stations and the low price of fuel make the life of our hero almost carefree. Moreover, at the same gas stations they will fill the full tank of your helicopter, and also repair what you sailed or arrived on. Here, for losers who got here by swimming, a boat is sold at a fair price.

Weapons and armor

Such a variety of trunks, reaching at times to the point of absurdity, as in "Boiling Point", will not be. The range of barrels is much more concise, but more than covers all the needs of Saul Myers. Anaconda revolver, Uzi submachine gun, horizontal double-barreled sawn-off shotgun, Remington automatic combat shotgun, two world-famous assault rifles - AK-47 and M16A1, SVD rifle, M249 light machine gun, M79 single-shot grenade launcher - in my opinion, this the list will satisfy the most demanding taste.

Somewhat upsetting is the lack of silent firearms, but for exotic lovers, the developers have in store a four-barreled underwater pistol that shoots almost silently, and almost the same silent crossbow. Well, and of course, the good old combat knife is not forgotten.

Rocket weapons are represented by the same list as in "Boiling Point" - "Fly" rocket-propelled grenade and "Igla" MANPADS. It is strange, of course, that AT-4 and "Stinger" are not found in South Covumbia and its environs, but here, as they say, the will of the creators.

There are two types of grenades in the game. The first, judging by the picture in the inventory, is the classic F-1 (or its analogue Mk2A1). But if you take a grenade in your hand, you will find a certain monster of a cylindrical shape, completely unrecognizable in appearance. The striking properties of this grenade are ridiculously low. The radius of destruction can be estimated at ten meters, no more. In principle, for offensive grenades this is quite normal, but the appearance of a defensive grenade can be quite misleading.

The second grenade is an anti-vehicle grenade. It comes across infrequently, and there is no particular need for it. Having tested it in business, with a clear conscience, I drove the remaining four pieces to the merchant and forgot to think about these nonsense.

Ammunition, I must say, also lost some of the delusional. The mysterious cartridges "with a displaced center of gravity" and no less mysterious "silent" cartridges have completely disappeared from sight. True, here it was not without a curiosity. As far as I know, no one has ever fired explosive bullets under the 5.56 caliber. And the Soviet intermediate cartridges of 7.62 caliber were also not equipped with such bullets. It seems that the Covumbian gunsmiths are capable of miracles.

Ammunition for the vast majority of rifled small arms comes across three types - conventional, armor-piercing and explosive. Oddly enough, I did not notice much difference between them - both for armored and unarmored targets. The crowds of Indians in the final mission should have simply scattered to shreds from an explosive machine-gun burst. And they acted as if they were being bombarded with peas from a straw.

For the M-79 grenade launcher, there are still two types of grenades - detonating on impact and with a three-second delay. Both of them can be useful in different situations. But keep in mind that now the distance at which the grenade launcher shoots has become much smaller (even with the 3rd level upgrade package).

It looks like RKG-3. But it explodes in a completely different way, and the parachute does not fly out when thrown.

There are special ammunition for silent weapons (cartridges for an underwater pistol and crossbow bolts). However, the opportunity to acquire them does not appear immediately.

The weapon upgrade system has been carried over directly from the "Boiling Point". Using upgrade packages of three levels, you can increase the rate of fire, accuracy and magazine size. There is also an assault rifle mount package.

In principle, it is enough to improve one favorite barrel - and you can completely go through the whole game with it from start to finish. There is no need to carry on yourself an impressive arsenal weighing three dozen kilograms and spend fabulous sums on packages to improve all this good. Moreover, the wear of the weapon is relatively small and begins to be felt only from ten percent.

As a matter of fact, there is nothing especially to tell here. As with the predecessor game, there are three types of body armor. The light one provides 50 units of protection with a mass of 3 kg, the medium gives 75 units with a mass of 7 kg, and the heavy one provides 100 units with a mass of 12 kg. It is easy to see that the light one is most effective, since with an equal mass, four light body armor will give twice as much protection as one heavy one. The inconvenience of the lung is only in the fact that in case of critical wear during a tight battle, you need to look for a secluded place in order to change it to a new one.

The weapon that is currently in the hero's asset (that is, placed in the quick slot) is marked with a yellow arrow in the inventory. There are also three slots under the character's doll, which show what kind of weapon is currently in the hands and the type of ammunition selected. The third slot tells you if the armor is worn and what type of armor it is.

... and Turgenev eight volumes

The inventory includes what the hero finds in various boxes, collects from corpses, picks up from the ground, receives on quests and purchases from merchants. With weapons, ammunition, medicines, it is clear - without them, there is simply nowhere and nothing. However, in the course of gathering, you will come across a completely Homeric heap of all sorts of rubbish, most of which even the merchant will only accept as a gift. Playing cards, matches, lighters, wrist bands, condoms, empty bottles ... I even got an enema. I'm even afraid to imagine why the die-hard Saul Myers might need it.

Equipment for every taste. Come, hack, no one will say a word.

Separate hemorrhoids are tropical fruits and other, if I may say so, food. There are an awful lot of them. There are benefits from them, albeit scanty - each fruit eaten by Myers restores his health by several units (the most effective food restores about the same as the minimum dose of pain reliever). Unlike syringes, fruits do not induce pharmacological tolerance. So it turns out that sometimes these microdoses of "pure health" have to be carried by several kilograms in order to save the effect of drugs in the event that it gets really hot.

The inventory contains four tabs that allow you to somehow systematize the nightmare reigning there. You can consider the whole nightmare as a whole, selectively admire the weapon nightmare, study a motley nightmare under the brand name "other" and relax your soul on the "Scenario" tab.

The list of scenario items is small. Initially, it includes a powerful walkie-talkie through which Myers receives a variety of instructions from his mentors, a camera and a soft wing parachute. The latter, by the way, is very convenient in some cases, since it works automatically and manages to open up even when jumping from a cliff of medium height. Sometimes it is faster to get somewhere by jumping off a cliff with a parachute than to travel or paddle on foot on the winding asphalt of mountainous islands. When jumping from an airplane or a helicopter, the parachute, of course, also does not remain idle.

To clear the inventory from accumulated junk, which is not worth shipping to the merchant, a "trash can" is provided in the lower left corner of the screen. However, the object caught in it does not disappear without a trace, but falls side by side on the ground, packed in a neat wooden box. If, without leaving the place, continue to throw objects, they will fall into the same box. And from the box, if anything, they are very easy to pick up. Like any other wooden box.

Features of the interface

The game interface is quite simple and austere. In the lower left corner of the screen, there is a health and stamina indicator. Health is the degree to which the figurine is colored green. For greater accuracy, the numerical value of health is given next to it. The red segment of the circle is the stamina that is spent sprinting with the SHIFT key held down.

Nearby is a weapon status indicator. Here you can see the firing mode (single or automatic), the type of ammunition selected, the number of cartridges in the magazine or drum, and their total number in the inventory.

In the upper right corner there is a mini-map that can work in two modes. Standard mode shows the nearest terrain with detail. In this mode, red marks of enemies are applied to the map, which are located within the map and can be seen by the hero.

Black captain in white camouflage. A surreal choice of clothing for the tropics ...

The second mode allows you to view a larger area. It is convenient for orientation relative to the coastline, relief elements and buildings. Switching modes - TAB key.

In both modes, the azimuth-indicators of the targets of the next tasks function (green - plot, red - side). Below are the distances to them and the difference in height in relation to the location of the hero.

There is also a full-size map of the game world. In addition to orientation tasks, it performs another important function. By clicking the right mouse button, you can put one mark, which will later be marked on the mini-map with a blue azimuth-pointer.

Hotkeys 1-9 are responsible for the selection of weapons in the corresponding cell of the inventory. The 0 key removes the weapon from sight. If the weapon is selected and picked up, the G grenade key is activated. This is very convenient, since you do not need to waste time choosing a grenade in a fast cell.

There is also a key for selecting special actions F. By pressing it, we get the opportunity to turn on or off the flashlight (it is not in the inventory), skip the time of day that is inconvenient for action, provided that the hero is in a safe area, turn on or off the stealth mode. From here you can also control the mini-map mode, but this is much less convenient than switching it with the key.

A little more detail on stealth mode. When activated, the hero moves only at a step, but all enemies are drawn on the map, even if they are out of sight. Heartbeat allows you to react in time to danger and shoot first (if the hero can be detected, the heartbeat increases).

When controlling ground vehicles, the F key allows you to turn the headlights on or off, and pressing the space bar activates the handbrake. In case of an emergency need to leave the vehicle on the move, there is an E key. After leaving the ground or water transport, it stops with a stalled engine, and the plane or helicopter, of course, crashes. The climb and descent of aircraft are made using the Q and Z keys, respectively.


I want to emphasize right away that all quests in the game are divided into two large groups. The first is a progress in the plot, towards the final solution to the mysterious deaths. The second is making money, experience and reputation. Upon receipt of a new side quest it is automatically activated and the bearing indicator indicates the direction to the target of this assignment. Such a solution is far from always convenient, so be careful and check which task is currently selected.

The task of passing in this article is to describe the main storyline, since there are a great many side quests in the game and they will not fit into one article.

From behind the island to the rod ...

The end of the introductory video makes us understand that there is no time for inspection and the first acquaintance with a peaceful life. The boat on which old Huatinho takes Myers to the scene is attacked by several boats and two helicopters. Sol has no choice but to stand up to the machine gun and methodically destroy unknown ill-wishers. After the last attacker is destroyed, we will be treated to another video clip - and we will find ourselves on the island.

After a short radio conversation with Jameson about the latest achievements in science and technology, we go to listen to old Huatinho, who as a result was left without a boat and without a home.

The conversation with Huatinho ends with a mention of some Diego and an instruction to find Huatinho's godfather named Jose and nicknamed Pogon.

On a note: I advise you to immediately start asking questions of all kinds of people hanging around near the pier. There are many things you can glean from conversations useful information... And Jose Pogon is not going anywhere from us.

Tropical weather is finicky. The sun was just shining and the sea was shining ...

The meeting with Jose will be accompanied by a small "Zarnitsa" with three unknown persons. What they actually need is still unknown, but one thing is clear - these guys shoot very badly. After collecting trophies and finding the key to the handcuffs, we release Jose from the captivity of the bed back and talk.

It turns out that these unknowns were not interested in anyone, namely Saul Myers. And they are not unknown, but life-size paramilitaries. That's it.

As it turns out, Jose Pogon knows the peculiarities of the local society to the subtleties, and in addition he is also a radio amateur with a powerful station. And in gratitude for the rescue, he offers Myers the services of a special guide. Now we have not one radio prompter, but two. True, most of the time they litter the air with "flood", "flame" and mutual jokes, but sometimes they say sensible things.

The location of Diego, who seems to have to agree to deliver Myers to his destination, is now known for certain. And at the same time we found out where you can get hold of at least some kind of clunker so as not to run around the island on foot.

On a note: do not flatter yourself, because you will have to run on foot. The tunnel connecting the two parts of the island is blocked up, so making a detour by car will be a hassle. The wolf is known to be fed by its legs.

Having found Diego, we agree on the conditions on which he is ready to provide transport services. The old curmudgeon charges seven thousand pesos. Even if you sell this entire island to the last nail on the London Stock Exchange at retail prices, it seems that this amount will not be enough. But Diego also has an alternative proposal - to get him a black pearl. He even knows exactly where to get it. Our task is to come to the owner and achieve to get this very pearl.

Scuba divers are not a game!

The owner of the black pearl is one of three scuba divers who collect pearls on the island. The name of the owner is Javier. But here's the hitch - Javier is not there. But there are two other scuba divers, one of whom tells us a long story, from which it follows that Javier is now in an underwater cave with an empty oxygen tank in his arms. And the pearl is always with him.

The first step is to organize the balloon. To do this, we go somewhere to the devil, to the other end of the island, where some grandfather, a balloon owner, lives. We buy a cylinder from our grandfather (empty, of course), drag it back, fill it with air and set off to save the pinniped Javier.

Now I will have a pearl. It would be nice, black, but they will also buy white.

You will have to swim for a long time and like in a crossword puzzle - first horizontally, then vertically. By the way, part of the way horizontally will have to swim under water, since paramilitares boats are patrolling around.

Having reached the dive site, we dive and go to the bottom with the maximum possible speed. Having found the entrance to the underground grotto, we swim there. There will be one subtlety here. To swim to Javier in one go, there is definitely not enough air and health. But under the roof of some caves there are air lenses, from which you can sip a little life-giving. It is not difficult to find them, since they are visible from the water as dark spots on the ceiling.

The cave system is quite confusing. Our task is to turn right into the second passage, swim through two halls, and at the far end of the third, Javier, who has lost hope of seeing the sun, will be bored.

We give Javier the balloon, we return to the shore.

On a note: you can take your time with the return, because at the bottom of the caves there are shells, and in the shells there are pearls. Pearls are from the word "money", and there is never a lot of money. Is the logic clear? The main thing is not to get lost in the halls and passages, otherwise you will stay instead of Javier.

On the shore, we accept congratulations, thanks and a pearl.

Debt good turn deserves another

Tell me, are you already an adult bandit or even a larva?

Returning to Diego, we brag about the pearl, we receive an assignment to hit the road to the old man's granddaughter and give the pearl to her. Whatever, as they say, the child does not amuse himself ... The granddaughter languidly reacts to the gift, thanks and wishes good luck. We return to leave this hospitable island forever. But the island, as it turns out, is so hospitable that it does not want to let go of the dear guest.

Diego is not there, but there is some kind of patched shket with a height of one and a half meters, but in a black T-shirt and sunglasses. A bandit, in general. He informs us that Diego is locked up at the local godfather, because he owes money, and does not want to give it back.

Whether you like it or not, you have to help out the old bastard. From a conversation with the main gopnik, it turns out that for five thousand Diego will be released on all four sides.

I wonder where they have such sums in their heads at all?

It seemed to me that the most profitable from an economic point of view is to shoot the bandits, take the key and set the grandfather free. But if you want, try to collect the required amount. In any case, Juarez will turn out to be an honest bandit and will hand over the key.

The further into the forest, the thicker the partisans

Another video cut - and we are on an island where Weinstein, widely known in narrow circles, lives. I wonder if the CIA sent him here as an insult to the whole island?

A conversation with Weinstein frays what remains of nerves, but enriches us with the knowledge of the name and location of the informant. Someone Eudes. We find the aforementioned Eudes in a local eatery. Bah, all familiar faces! Didn't we see him just now on Diego's dock? Well, just a twin brother, only a different T-shirt.

Meet Agent Weinstein. I wonder who gave him such a tie?

Hour by hour is not easier. Now we need ten thousand pesos or a handful precious stones... I wonder if the local shantrap thinks Myers has a money-printing machine?

However, it will be easier to collect what you are looking for on this island, since there are many employers here, and you can float somewhere where the ruble ... that is, the peso is more authentic. One way or another, the sum has been collected, Eudes perks up and, squatting from servility, leads Myers somewhere to meet with an unknown macheter. Oh, he's too corny ... It's not good.

And there is. Eudes lured Myers into a trap. A closed courtyard, six unknown persons in special forces uniform and with good weapons. First of all, we run away under the stairs, and from there, carefully peeping out, we shoot black figures in helmets. On one of the corpses we find an explosive device, destroy the door and go to Weinstein to find out how many times he was dropped with his head on the ground in infancy and whether he has any idea about the selection of agents.

Weinstein, having quickly got rid of it, calls another name - Juan Pereira, a real estate dealer.

We are looking for Pereira and suddenly, quite unexpectedly, we find out that we have to buy the island of Espiga de Muerte. Yes, a whole island with a beach, palm trees and other tropical paraphernalia. And for only eight thousand pesos. We have never bought islands so cheaply. It remains only to get these same pesos. Well, let's go where the red arrows point on the minimap.

Robinson Myers

Either the owner overestimated the purchased island, or underestimated the zeal of the architect.

Having collected the due amount, we sign the documents and set off to get acquainted with the possessions, put things in order there and look for Judas Eudes. We choose a boat to taste - and go ahead. However, as subsequent events showed, a combat helicopter is much more appropriate here, since there is a concrete fence on the island.

As you probably guessed by now, the island is busy. And its inhabitants do not want to know anything about the new owner. So they'll have to hand them a lead eviction notice.

After finishing work on clearing the territory, we find Eudes, we talk with him, we get another green mark on the map. What to do next with this insignificance, decide for yourself. You can let go, or you can shoot. Nobody will say "oh".

On a note: if you wish, you can tinker with the island for a long time. The construction of a house, a helipad, and a pier will cost such an amount that all other costs will seem like a mere trifle. But how will it all look ... Dream!

For the improvement of the island, we will have to meet with a local architect, who is also a designer, manager and foreman. This miracle of nature is called Carlos. Carlos will introduce us to the local migrant workers, and they will give us a tropical residence.

Don't make a cult out of the slab!

Now we need to go to the distant island of Sinestra de Craneo, where another mystery awaits us. In the case of the poisoning, as it turns out, some Indian tribe is involved, completely obsessed with some local cult.

Arriving on the island, we act decisively and quickly. We moor the boat, having previously deployed its bow into the sea. We get out to the shore. Approaching the closed gate leading to no one knows where, we quickly pick up the heavy slab inserted into the recess to the left of the gate, and just as quickly retreat into the boat. The thing is that this plate is under some kind of Indian alarm, so if you steal it, the Indians with pikes and fuzei will immediately run in and send Myers straight to meet with Manitou.

We return to Ballena Island, where Weinstein lives. The house is also home to two collectors, one of whom is educated enough to read the inscription on the stone. It turns out that six figurines need to be collected, which, being placed in the hands of six idols in front of the locked gate, will force the gate to open. Well, straight Indiana Jones, by God.

By cities and towns

This is where you need to bring six figurines. And make a lot of trouble.

You should not go to prison to the paramilitaries. I tell you this for sure, as an eyewitness.

Fate scattered six figurines very pedantically. All of them belong to different groups. And for each, the owners will want either money or something else. If there is no desire to pay, you can take away the figurines by brute force, simply killing their owner and everyone who will be dissatisfied with this. On the other hand, quarreling with everyone in a row is somehow inconvenient, so you can approach the issue creatively and decide in the process who is to be executed and who to have mercy. The only owner with whom you definitely won't be able to talk is the paramilitaries. And it's for the best, finance is not rubber.

Having collected the figurines, we return to the Sinestra de Craneo, we perform a simple ritual of placing the figurines in certain idols. The heavy stone gate opens.

Indians and spiders will be here. Spiders and Indians. There are many spiders and even more Indians. The main danger is the shooters armed with fuzei. Three hits from this antique - guaranteed death. Warriors with shields are almost invulnerable to bullets. You can only kill them accurate shot in the head or by throwing a grenade.

Our task is to break through to the lever that opens another gate. Further - the dungeons that will lead us to the prison, where the CIA agent humbly awaits his fate. We do not have time to free the agent, because some mysterious forces... However, the agent manages to tell us a lot of interesting things that indicate the further direction of the search.

Reluctant passenger

We come to our senses, look around. As it turns out, we're locked in the cabin of the container ship. The task is to get out of it, and preferably safe and sound. For this purpose, all our equipment was graciously left to us. But not here, but in the next cabin, in the nightstand. Having collected our property, we systematically destroy the crew of the ship, collect the keys to the doors, make our way to the boat, lower it into the water, and get away from this lost place.

Please note that opponents in body armor, shoot as accurately as possible in the head. Grenades will also do the trick.

This episode somehow reminded me of "Soldier of Fortune-2". Which is the "Double Helix".

Last mile

The ultimate goal of our investigation has been determined. But it's too early to go there without proper preparation. First you need to buy more cartridges and sets of armor, improve the selected weapon to the maximum. Don't forget about your medications.

Now you can hit the road. But no helicopters or seaplanes. Any aviation in the area of ​​the Indian island is inevitably in distress. So any of the boats is your choice.

So the way has been passed to the last point. It remains to start the ascent to the ziggurat.

Having reached the island, we begin to move along a chain of stairs, destroyed temples and ziggurats. Two tactics are possible here: either careful shooting of all enemies that can be detected, or quick dashes from one shelter to another with an instant cleanup. Particularly dangerous are open areas under fire, which will be enough. You can't linger here for a second.

On a note: in an unpatched game, it may freeze when loading the final video. I could not get around this problem without a patch.

That's it. We watched the final video. It seems that all the villains have been punished, all the riddles have been solved, all debts have been paid in full. However, the soul of our hero was somehow sad, leaving behind mountains of bronze-skinned corpses in loincloths. Deep down, he probably understands that the dark, downtrodden and ignorant Indians are just a tool in the hands of those who have not been punished. Those who manipulate the world according to the principle of "divide and conquer". Those who willingly send others to death, skillfully covering themselves with them.

The game is played. And you and I have to wait for the next adventures of Saul Myers, if its creators have not cooled to sunny Colombia. That is, excuse me, Covumbia.

Good luck friends, and many good games... Be happy at the slightest opportunity.

So, we start the game on the deck of the ship. We are attacked by boats and helicopters, and we, accordingly, need to fight them off. Here I can only advise you one thing # Shoot, if possible, first of all at helicopters, as they are more troublesome. After everything is over and we find ourselves on the island, we speak with the Gray.

We get our first assignment # to meet Jose. Now I can add a few tips: first, do not clutter up your inventory. Its volume is limited, so you need to save space for things you really need. Secondly, it is better not to spoil relations with civilians, so that there is less trouble further. Well, thirdly, the old order # # take care of the rifle fighter, your life #. You need to take whole trunks with you so that they don't wedge at the most inopportune moment. In addition, the game has many factions with which to fight. But this, perhaps, we will omit, everything is extremely clear there.

We orient ourselves with the help of the mini # map, we reach the place. There will be several unfriendly personalities, for this case we have a revolver (I hope you will understand how to navigate in the inventory and the rest from the optional training in the game). We kill, press # P # and install the first perks. From the very beginning, it is better to set yourself a # cowboy #, for aimed shooting. We search the corpses, go into the house and talk to Jose. He will offer us to get a car, after talking for it and go.

Xenus 2 walkthrough

We approach Raul and ask where Rodrigo is. He directs us to Rodrigo's garage, and we go there. We approach him, he complains to us about the soldiers who took the car away from him. We, of course, go to deal with the lawlessness. There are a lot of enemies, so before the battle you need to choose a comfortable position in advance and shoot back slowly, saving cartridges. After we deal with the paramilitaries fighters, we take the wheelbarrow and drive up to Rodrigo. Through a conversation with him, we learn that two unknown people were interested in us.

In principle, there is no point in describing further non-plot tasks, since they are not required (I will only have a few that relate to the implementation of plot tasks), so let's move on to Diego. We go to him and talk. He will say that he will take us from the island either for 700 pesos or for one black pearl. If you decide to take on it, then we go to the scuba divers and talk to one of them. Now we go to Lonzo, talk to him. We take the key, we take away the bolon, we return. We talk to the scuba diver, refuel the bolon and dive, after making sure that there is something to constantly improve our health under water.

We go down into the cave, inside we periodically emerge. We find a scuba diver, we give him a balloon. We get out of the cave and go up to land, for a reward.

We talk with the scuba divers, take the reward and go to Diego. We chat, go to his daughter and chat again. We return to Diego, in his place we find a bandit. We communicate, we go to their authority, to understand at the expense of Diego. We speak with him about Diego, having completed a small quest before this. Now we need to find 5,000 pesos to free the old man. This can be done quickly by completing side quests.

Walkthrough Xenus 2 White Gold

Sometimes, after collecting the required amount, Juarez does not want to give Diego. We can use a simple method # to kill him and take the keys. After that, we free Diego, go with him to the shore and go to another island.
Upon arrival, we go to the CIA agent and talk to him. Next, we go to Eudes, we talk. We need to bring him 10,000 pesos, or the required amount of certain gems. After that, we have collected everything we need, we talk to him, wait until he speaks on the phone and follow him. We go and find ourselves in an ambush. We deal with the soldiers and take explosives from one of them. We blow up the door, exit and go to the agent. We go to Juan, find out where Eudes is. We talk to him and are faced with the usual task # you need to find money, namely # 8000 pesos. But this time we will give them away not just in order to go further along the storyline. For these 8,000 pesos, we will get the island. So, after the purchase, we will have our own island, where we can use the construction services of local Ravshan and Dzhumshut. In the meantime, we are going to deal with Eudes. We come to the island, clean it up and make our way into the house with him. We talk to him and go to the Indians on the island. We approach the entrance to the cave, take the slab on the left on the wall and get out of the island.

We get to the collector. Well #, this time we need to collect 15000. Dauzh, they don't want to please us with a variety #

After they brought the money, we have a new task # we need to collect the rest of the figurines. In which sequence # is not important. We choose where we go in the first place and on the way. Just keep in mind that for the peaceful settlement of some situations, you need money. So either take with you a lump sum of money, or a lump sum of rounds. As soon as they took all the figurines, we go to the same island where we found the first one. Arranging statues among statues. We go into the opened gate. Inside the crowd of spiders # oversized and crazy Indians, so we will have to fight our way to the goal. There are rather intricate labyrinths, and you can get lost. We need to get to the lever that opens the entrance to the cave.

Walkthrough Xenus 2 White Gold
Xenus 2 White Gold Walkthrough

There are even more spiders in the nutria, and by the end the Indians appear. We move to a kind of prison and there we find a CIA agent whom the savages wanted to sacrifice. He will tell many interesting facts about the affairs of the office, which he encountered during the course of the plot. After the conversation, special forces will rush inside and grab us.

We find ourselves on a CIA ship. After killing Nixon on the screensaver, we search him so that we can have at least some supplies. We leave the cabin. The right door leads to the spetsnaz from the M16, the left # further. First, we go in search of the key to the gate. There is a lot of tension on the ship with cartridges, so search everyone and remove the cartridges from the horns. There is a place on the ship where many get stuck # the door leading to the cabin with the key to the gate. You don't need to look for a key from it, you just need to go to the bar, next to this door, go behind the counter and go to the hatch. We open and make our way to the room to which we need. Next, we go to the gate, open the door and break through to the commander of the special forces, who has the 2 keys we need. We rise, lower the boat into the water and get out of the ship.

The last task awaits us, and a rather difficult one. Better to stock up on the maximum. We leave for the mysterious island of the Indians. We need to destroy this damn Indian cult and end it all. We land on the island and break through the crowds of Indians. We go straight ahead, we climb up. That's it, we watch the touching screensaver and enjoy the credits.

So, we start the game on the deck of the ship. We are attacked by boats and helicopters, and we, accordingly, need to fight them off. Here I can only advise one thing - shoot, if possible, first of all at helicopters, since they cause more trouble. After everything is over and we find ourselves on the island, we speak with the Gray.

We get the first task - to meet with Jose. Now I can add a few tips: first, don't clutter up your inventory. Its volume is limited, so you need to save space for things you really need. Secondly, it is better not to spoil relations with civilians, so that there is less trouble further. And thirdly, the old order - "take care of the soldier's rifle, your life." You need to take whole trunks with you so that they do not wedge at the most inopportune moment. In addition, the game has many factions with which to fight. But we will probably omit this, everything is very clear there.

We orient ourselves with the help of the mini-map, we reach the place. There will be several unfriendly personalities, for this case we have a revolver (I hope you will understand how to navigate in the inventory and the rest from the optional training in the game). We kill, press "P" and install the first perks. From the very beginning it is better to put yourself a "cowboy" for aimed shooting. We search the corpses, go into the house and talk to Jose. He will offer us to get a car, after talking for it and go.

We approach Raul and ask where Rodrigo is. He directs us to Rodrigo's garage, and we go there. We approach him, he complains to us about the soldiers who took the car away from him. We, of course, go to deal with the lawlessness. There are a lot of enemies, so before the battle you need to choose a comfortable position in advance and shoot back slowly, saving cartridges. After we deal with the paramilitaries fighters, we take the wheelbarrow and drive up to Rodrigo. Through a conversation with him, we learn that two unknown people were interested in us.

In principle, there is no point in describing further non-plot tasks, since they are not required (I will only have a few that relate to the implementation of plot tasks), so let's move on to Diego. We go to him and talk. He will say that he will take us from the island either for 700 pesos or for one black pearl. If you decide to take on it, then we go to the scuba divers and talk to one of them. Now we go to Lonzo, talk to him. We take the key, we take away the bolon, we return. We talk to the scuba diver, refuel the bolon and dive, after making sure that there is something to constantly improve our health under water.

We go down into the cave, inside we periodically emerge. We find a scuba diver, we give him a balloon. We get out of the cave and go up to land, for a reward.

We talk with the scuba divers, take the reward and go to Diego. We chat, go to his daughter and chat again. We return to Diego, in his place we find a bandit. We communicate, we go to their authority, to understand at the expense of Diego. We speak with him about Diego, having completed a small quest before this. Now we need to find 5,000 pesos to free the old man. This can be done quickly by completing side quests.

Sometimes, after collecting the required amount, Juarez does not want to give Diego. We can resort to an easy way - kill him and take the keys. After that, we free Diego, go with him to the shore and go to another island.

Upon arrival, go to the CIA agent and talk to him. Next, we go to Eudes, we talk. We need to bring him 10,000 pesos, or the required amount of certain gems. After that, we have collected everything we need, we talk to him, wait until he speaks on the phone and follow him. We go and find ourselves in an ambush. We deal with the soldiers and take explosives from one of them. We blow up the door, exit and go to the agent. We go to Juan, find out where Eudes is. We talk to him and are faced with the usual task - we need to find money, namely - 8000 pesos. But this time we will give them away not just in order to go further along the storyline. For these 8,000 pesos, we will get the island. So, after the purchase, we will have our own island, where we can use the construction services of local Ravshan and Dzhumshut. In the meantime, we are going to deal with Eudes. We come to the island, clean it up and make our way into the house with him. We talk to him and go to the Indians on the island. We approach the entrance to the cave, take the plate on the left on the wall and get out of the island.

We get to the collector. Well, this time we need to collect 15,000. Dauzh, they don't want to please us with a variety ...

After they brought the money, we have a new task - we need to collect the rest of the figurines. In what order is not important. We choose where we go in the first place and on the way. Just keep in mind that for the peaceful settlement of some situations, you need money. So either take with you a lump sum of money or a lump sum of bullets. As soon as they took all the figurines, we go to the same island where we found the first one. Arranging statues among statues. We go into the opened gate. Inside the crowd of spiders - overgrown and crazy Indians, so we will have to fight our way to the goal. There are rather intricate labyrinths, and you can get lost. We need to get to the lever that opens the entrance to the cave.

There are even more spiders in the nutria, and by the end the Indians appear. We move to a kind of prison and there we find a CIA agent whom the savages wanted to sacrifice. He will tell many interesting facts about the affairs of the office, which he encountered during the course of the plot. After the conversation, special forces will rush inside and grab us.

We find ourselves on a CIA ship. After killing Nixon on the screen saver, we search him in order to have at least some supplies. We leave from the cabin. The right door leads to the commando from the M16, the left one goes further. First, we go in search of the key to the gate. There is a lot of tension on the ship with cartridges, so search everyone and remove the cartridges from the horns. There is a place on the ship where many get stuck - the door leading to the cabin with the key to the gate. You don't need to look for a key from it, you just need to go to the bar, next to this door, go behind the counter and go to the hatch. We open and make our way to the room to which we need. Next, we go to the gate, open the door and break through to the commander of the special forces, who has the 2 keys we need. We rise, lower the boat into the water and get out of the ship.

The last task awaits us, and a rather difficult one. Better to stock up on the maximum. We leave for the mysterious island of the Indians. We need to destroy this damn Indian cult and end it all. We land on the island and break through the crowds of Indians. We go straight ahead, we climb up. That's it, we watch the touching screensaver and enjoy the credits.

genre: first person action / RPG
release date: November 2008
The developer: Deep Shadows
Publisher in Russia: "Russobit-M"


The record company, which takes drugs for granted by its rock, pop, rap and other "stars", is concerned about a number of mysterious deaths. They all took some kind of Colombian cocaine and went to another world. Crying million-dollar contracts, platinum discs ...

Sol Myers, our protagonist, is entrusted with finding out the supply chain of the deadly potion. At first, he does not want to agree to a dangerous mission, but the customer has a compelling argument - a photo of a murdered friend, so the simple work of a mercenary under a contract takes on shades of righteous revenge ...

System requirements


Processor: Athlon 3000 or Equivalent
Video card: GeForce 6600GS with 128 MB RAM or equivalent


Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.4 GHz
Video card: GeForce 8800 with 512 MB RAM or equivalent
Operating system Windows 2000 / XP / Vista


The settings menu saves us from much thought about choosing one or another graphic refinement. Available: choice of resolution, anti-aliasing parameters, image quality ("low", "medium", "high", "best"). There is also an item "Game options": the choice of the difficulty level ("easy", "normal", "hard"), the quality of physics (difficult or simple), turning on / off prompts. Do not forget to apply the settings in the menu, "without leaving the checkout"!

The beginning of the game takes you aboard a motor boat, which comes under fire from some militants on boats and helicopters. The main character stands behind a machine gun, and you begin to methodically shoot enemy air and surface transport. However, one in the field is not a warrior, and your boat explodes, and you, together with your grandfather the guide (who was superbly voiced by Lev Durov), jump overboard and swim to Espada Island.

On the shore, the developers remind you of the role-playing component of the game: the "scenario" quests (this is how they are indicated in the reference manual) provide progress on the plot. There are also secondary ones - they help to improve the financial situation of the protagonist, and sometimes they are components of the main branch of the plot development ...

Abilities and development of the main character

So, the main character- Saul Myers, Problem Solver in Latin America. The indicator in the lower left corner shows your health and current stamina, which is spent while running (and at rest and during normal movements in space - it is restored). An indicator of the number of cartridges in the weapon magazine and the ammunition you have is displayed next to it (changing the type of cartridges is carried out with the "V" button).

You can also call up the inventory menu and view in detail the situation with your health - the red color of a part of the body means that it is badly damaged. If, for example, your leg is severely injured, then the main character will limp, and if the hand, problems with aimed shooting will arise.

Items and weapons are stored in a duffel bag, the contents of which are called up by the inventory tab. Optionally, you can throw unwanted items on the ground using the trash can icon. The inventory is not "rubber", it is limited in weight (however, the maximum load can be increased using the appropriate perks).

The role-playing system in the game is based on "perks" - special skills that improve the characteristics of the protagonist. Upon reaching the next level of development, you can activate the desired perk of your choice.

Force group:

Porter: increases the carrying capacity of the character by 10 kg.
Tourist: increases the carrying capacity of the character by 15 kg.
Strongman: increases load capacity by 20 kg.
Steady hand: Blur disappears when recharging.
Grenade: the character has the ability to throw the grenade further.
Heavy: Gives the character the ability to fire a machine gun.
Grenade launcher: Allows you to fire a grenade launcher and MANPADS.

"Accuracy" group:

Cowboy: Allows the character to aim through the front sight.
Shooter: Reduces the spread of bullets when firing a firearm.
the instructor: Hold your breath for 3 seconds when firing a sniper rifle.
Sniper: Hold your breath for 5 seconds when firing a sniper rifle.
Cat's eye: Allows the character to see in the dark in stealth mode.
Achilles' heel: In 3% of cases, hitting any part of the enemy's body becomes lethal for him.
Bugbear: Maximum probability of successfully picking the lock.

Group "Agility":

Jumper: Allows the character to jump higher by double-clicking the jump key.
Stuntman: falling from a height of 10 meters, the character is not damaged.
Dodgy: The character takes 10% less damage from any type of weapon.
Trickster: Allows you to reload your weapon faster.
Stayer: The character's running speed is increased by 50%.
Swimmer: Increases the swimming speed of the character by 35%.
Cracker: a significant increase in the chances of a successful hack.

Endurance group:

Will to live: When health is below 25 points, damage is reduced by 50%.
Diver: The character can spend 30 seconds longer underwater.
Sprinter: Increases the player's stamina by 30%.
Diver: character can spend 60 seconds longer underwater.
Marathon runner: Increases the player's vitality by 50%.
Botanist: The character takes less damage from snake and fish bites.
Strong organism: increases resistance to the negative effects of alcohol, drugs, drugs and stimulants.

Group "Mastery":

Screwdriver: Increases the likelihood of successfully picking a lock.
Driver: The character's vehicle takes 50% less damage in a collision.
Doctor: Syringes restore 20% more health.
Gunsmith: Chance of successful weapon modification increases to 40%.
Charisma: The level of deterioration in relations with factions is reduced by 25%.
Bribe: The amount of money required to bribe an enemy is halved.
Deceiver: The chance of cheating the enemy increases to 30%.
Dealer: trade becomes more profitable.

Some perks become available only after activating the required prior skills.

You navigate the game world by general map(key "M") and on the mini-map in the upper right corner of the screen. Current key points for the selected scenario or side quests- are displayed in the form of green and red flags, and information about the distance to the object / subject appears under the mini-map.

The player profile allows you to quickly find out your current level, the number of experience points (including the required number for the next level).

The profile also displays your level of dependence on medications, alcohol, drugs. The game contains their representatives - syringes with analgesics, cocaine, various types of alcohol (wine, tequila, vodka, etc.). Syringes are used to quickly and significantly improve health. Although you can replenish your vitality and with the help of ordinary foods - papaya, chicken eggs, avocados, bananas, pineapples, shrimp, corn, canned food, etc. I personally drank alcohol only when it was required by the conditions of the current situation (for example, in order to try to find out something from the interlocutor)

In the game world, you come across doctors who can not only cure you and sell medicines, but also magically (at ridiculous prices!) Free you from alcohol, drug and drug addiction.

In the profile, you will also track the status of your relations with groups (factions). There are seven of them: official authorities, partisans, drug mafia, bandits, Indians, CIA, civilian population. If your relationship is in the negative zone, representatives of these factions will be hostile to you, and try to immediately attack in the line of sight.

Experience is awarded for completing quest tasks. Also, a certain amount of experience points will be given to you for killing and for successfully picking the lock. I will not say that the "pumping" of the hero is very critical, but nevertheless, without some perks in the game it is a bit tough.

Of the unique items in Saul Myers' inventory, I will note a parachute that allows you to glide when falling from high altitudes (automatically opens) and a walkie-talkie that your fellow mentors occasionally instruct you with.

Your hero can swim, and he swims unnaturally fast, and afloat with a load of more than 50 kilos keeps like an inflatable mattress - well, no fear of drowning. A beautiful picture opens under the water: sand, seaweed, fish swimming. It is necessary, however, to monitor the supply of oxygen - if it is equal to zero, you will begin to lose life points.

Bulletproof vests and weapons - wear out. However, over the course of the entire game, I saw my M16 assault rifle wear out by only 1%. Weapons can be upgraded with special sets that look like a suitcase in red, yellow or green. After upgrades, the weapon increases the number of cartridges in the store, the firing range, and the rate of fire.

Occasionally you even get such a rare "tuning" as an additional telescopic sight for your assault rifle.

Finally, it is worth talking about additional menu the main character, called by the "F" key. You get access to flashlight, tent and stealth mode. I practically did not use a flashlight - when acting alone, darkness is, on the contrary, our ally. Tent - allows you to quickly while away the time until morning, noon, evening or midnight (sometimes a certain time of day is required for a quest). Well, the stealth mode makes it possible to sneak unnoticed in close proximity to the enemy. It is especially necessary in cases when relations with this faction are negative, but the task requires movement through the enemy's territory.

Gameplay and the Xenus 2 universe

The world around us is well implemented. Weather effects, changing times of day, open spaces and freedom of movement - all this sets up an optimistic mood. NPCs, while not perfect, are quite believable. A huge disadvantage is the often repeating standard textures of the inhabitants. Only a few key NPCs look unique - like the drug mafia boss, for example. The rest of the virtual residents can boast of only a dozen basic models of faces and figures, which is depressing.

There are many dialogues in the game. They are rarely empty and meaningless - chatting with some passer-by really reveals the necessary information, or even leads to a certain quest.

Some key NPCs ask for money for information, some reward you financially for solving their problems. Communicating with a specific faction and completing tasks for it improves your relationship with it. And the benefits are quite tangible: for example, the doctor begins to treat you at half the price; As part of the quest task, a representative of the faction asks you for less money for a story item, and when you visit the store, you see more reasonable prices.

For those who wish to maintain good relations with all factions, sometimes very tough forks await. For example, you are offered to work for partisans or for official troops, for the drug mafia or for partisans. Here the choice is yours, although I will provide certain information in the tips section at the end of the article.

In addition to the stealth mode, when moving on the territory of enemies, you can use bribery or deception. Bribery is quite effective, although, of course, it is easier to kill all enemies in the territory (if it does not disrupt the objectives of your mission).

I didn't really like the fact that some NPCs stand like idols: during the day, at night, in the rain, under the scorching sun. I would like at least a minimal display of independent life activity.

From time to time, developers give us their jokes. Sense of humor is generally ordinary, not as sparkling as in some role-playing projects. However, for the implementation of the Latin American guest workers - the prototypes of Ravshan and Jumshud - we should definitely say a huge thank you, it really brings a smile!

I would also like to reveal the topic of gender relations. Yes, there are attractive girls in the game ...

And not only in sun loungers and on the beach, but also in military uniform.

I'm sure the reader will have a desire to find out - how about playing with ... Well, in general, "with this case"? Well, having sex is realized, but only in a brothel controlled by bandits (however, if you have a negative relationship with this contingent, shoot the guards and then use the services of the priestesses of love).

Naturally, not free. You will laugh, but sex heals Saul Myers from his current injuries! True, the services of girls are clearly more expensive than paying for a doctor's work ...

In the game you can control different kinds transport. Some representatives of water, land and air vehicles can only be opened with special keys issued by NPCs, and some can be assigned using a master key.

In addition to a convenient means of moving around the game world, you also get a trunk - a great addition to your inventory. You can put your arsenal, ammunition, medicines and other belongings there. Vehicles have three indicators: the current level of damage, an indicator of fuel reserves and - if you have weapons on board - the current type of weapon and the amount of ammunition. Fuel can be refilled at petrol stations or island petrol stations on the high seas. You land there by your helicopter or dock by boat.

Military equipment is a good means of destroying enemies. But when flying, you should be careful - firstly, when landing or maneuvering, you can suffer a plane crash. Secondly, with technology you can crush a civilian or a representative of another faction - and then you will be perceived as an enemy and relations with this group will deteriorate. I would also like to note the following fact: when driving while drunk - the car does not always obey the steering wheel! So the rule from real life applies: if you drank, don't drive ...

Helicopter - perhaps best representative technology in the game thanks to its excellent weapons (aircraft machine gun and missiles) and the convenience of moving between the islands during missions. Do not hesitate to hijack a combat helicopter - it will really make your life easier ...

It's time to move on to fighting Saul Myers with hostile elements. You choose your own faction - "enemy number one". This is a strategic decision, since almost all factions are at enmity, and the targeted destruction of specific representatives indirectly improves your relations with all other factions. Bandits became my whipping boys.

The artificial intelligence of enemies is, unfortunately, far from ideal. On the first of the islands, I watched in horror as the bandits "teleported" between the trees, disappearing and reappearing in another place. At the same time, of course, do not forget to water you in queues. It's good that in the future such problems were not observed.

Although in recent missions, with the naked eye, it was noticeable how the enemies appeared out of nowhere, generated by the script. One thing pleases - during the current task, the number of enemies is limited - they do not appear again and again, as on the conveyor belt. I also noticed the following "bug": if you see an enemy from afar in time, he often stands motionless, like a stone idol. Get your sniper rifle and send a foe to another world with a shot in the head.

You rob the corpses of enemies, and usually they lie in their places for a long time (sometimes, however, the location is completely regenerated and the corpses disappear). In general, the AI ​​of the enemies is made for "C", although in the case when you face them nose to nose - they give you enough problems.

The freedom to move around the islands is really felt. Many small touches add charm to the gameplay. For example, you can dive deep and collect pearls in shells by selling them to merchants. Or shoot a snake or a crab, and then find a stove with a frying pan in the village, where you can fry a product and get a dish that restores health. In addition, sometimes the game world is brought to life by scenes such as a traffic accident on the street, or a robbery of a store, or a clash between the drug mafia and partisans.

The freedom of choice in the process of achieving the set goal is also felt. Let's say you need 10,000 pesos. If you want - work for the drug mafia, if you want - beat the mafia on the side of the partisans. Or you can plunge into quests for ordinary residents, who are usually harassed by marginal bandits. Incidentally, I tried to choose the last path. In general, you need money - get it as you can. Very vital.

True, it was not without a ladle of tar. It's about regenerating locations. Let's say you need money. It seems to be necessary to go on quests for some faction. But the lazy will notice the inexhaustible supply of weapons at the base of government forces, and will regularly visit there, loading the helicopter to capacity and getting guaranteed 2-3 thousand pesos. The regeneration of locations after some quests is also very depressing - for example, you bombed a partisan camp, and the next day life is boiling there, as if nothing had happened - the same faces, the same people ...

But still, my personal opinion is that the gaming world turned out to be quite lively. Not perfect, of course, but perfectly digestible. There is no painful feeling that all NPCs are lifeless plastic mannequins. But, of course, the project cannot be put in the top five either.

The game is replete with minor bugs. The marker does not show the location or incorrectly displays the status of the character. The technique refuses to break in serious collisions. A canister with gasoline is generally not clear how it is used. There are problems with the execution of missions - scripts are sometimes deadlocked, especially if you decide to check for non-linearity. There are situations with "sticking" of the main character in a certain place - restoration of a previously saved game is required. And that's not all the shortcomings ...

Finally, I cannot help but speak about the last mission. In fact, it is a "game within a game". A pure first-person shooter that keeps you at the screen for about 4-5 hours (depending on the chosen difficulty level). Many players did not like this mission, and I will support them - it seems to me that such an ending does not fit the general concept of Xenus 2. It was necessary to come up with something more role-playing, adventure, and not arrange Counter-Strike. However, what is, that is ...

In general, there are a lot of reviews on this project on the forums. Both positive and negative. However, everyone agrees that the game can and should be made better - it deserves it. Alas, the lack of testing seems to have taken its toll. I don't want to offend the developers - they have done a huge amount of work, and the project, where the main character gets a certain freedom in the game world, is very difficult to implement. But Xenus 2 reminded me of my grandfather's drill as a child. I was shocked, and my grandfather explained that it was an old electric drill, and you need to wear rubber gloves, and the chuck does not hold very well, "so be careful, granddaughters" ... So you will gradually discover a whole series of irregularities in the game , and start dreaming about what a great project would come out if all the mistakes and good ideas were brought to life ... A few tips for those who are just starting to play "Xenus 2. White Gold" ...

Be sure to download and install the latest patch (link).

Save often. Do not delete or overwrite recent saves. Leave 7-8, and preferably a dozen of the last saves in separate files. Save before each helicopter landing, before each approach to the key point, etc.

Prepare for "bugs" and not obvious things. For example, to "glitches" and abnormal operation of the marker indicating the location of the current key point... Get ready to replay some sub missions due to the fact that you missed something somewhere or did not complete it, or, perhaps, the trigger did not work. For all questions that arise with the passage, try to ask questions or look for answers in this forum thread.

Don't embark on an unknown mission without a good supply of ammo and supplies (or medical supplies). On the last mission - after receiving 6 statuettes - take as many cartridges and medicines that you can carry away.

Try to spoil your relationship with only one faction in the game. The easiest option is to spoil relations with the bandits. Thanks to their destruction, you will improve the attitude towards you on the part of three factions at once: the official authorities, civilians and partisans.

First of all, pump the perks "Porter", "Tourist", "Strongman", "Screwdriver", "Cowboy", "Diver", "Charisma". After that, you will have gained enough experience and you yourself will choose what to pump next. The above perks will come in handy anyway.

Do not hesitate to master the technique - the easiest way is to hijack a combat helicopter from the drug mafia airfield (opens with a master key) and fly it until the end of the game.

The helicopter has a switch from machine gun to missiles and heat traps - use the mouse scroll for this. After launching the rocket, keep the enemy in sight, otherwise you will miss.


It is not for nothing that the title says "RPG in Ukrainian". Development studios in the post-Soviet space, unfortunately, do not have huge project budgets, and as a result, after the release of the next game, we expect a patch for granted. But even the first patch for "Xenus 2. White Gold" does not allow to characterize this game as a high-quality game product of the "AAA" series. The implementation is too complicated, and as a result, the financial and time costs for "polishing" the product are too serious.

Xenus 2. White Gold is a mixture of action and role play, with a first-person view and providing a certain freedom of movement for exploring the universe. The game world is interesting enough, it is not boring to play. Fans of "pumping" the main character and tinkering with the improvement of weapons and items in the inventory - will be pleased. And the opportunity to get a car, boat, helicopter at your disposal adds positive emotions.

Unfortunately, the game is characterized by a number of bugs, albeit rare and not always critical, but nevertheless, they noticeably worsen the impression of the project. Let's hope that the developers will find the strength to release one or two more "patches", and we will get another approximation to the ideal of this rather original product ...

Check the availability of the game in the stores of the "F-Center" company


Graphic arts: 78%
Sound: 72%
Game process: 75%

General impression: 75%

I want to emphasize right away that all quests in the game are divided into two large groups. The first is a progress in the plot, towards the final solution to the mysterious deaths. The second is making money, experience and reputation. When a new side quest is received, it is automatically activated and the azimuth indicator indicates the direction to the goal of this quest. Such a solution is far from always convenient, so be careful and check which task is currently selected.

The task of passing in this article is to describe the main storyline, since there are a great many side quests in the game and they will not fit into one article.

Chapter 1: From Beyond the Island to the Rod ...

This episode somehow reminded me of "Soldier of Fortune-2". Which is "Double Helix".

The end of the introductory video makes us understand that there is no time for inspection and the first acquaintance with a peaceful life. The boat on which old Huatinho takes Myers to the scene is attacked by several boats and two helicopters. Sol has no choice but to stand up to the machine gun and methodically destroy unknown ill-wishers. After the last attacker is destroyed, we will be treated to another video clip - and we will find ourselves on the island.

After a short radio conversation with Jameson about the latest achievements in science and technology, we go to listen to old Huatinho, who as a result was left without a boat and without a home.

The conversation with Huatinho ends with a mention of some Diego and an instruction to find Huatinho's godfather named Jose and nicknamed Pogon.

Note: I advise you to immediately engage in inquiries of all kinds of people hanging around the pier. A lot of useful information can be gleaned from conversations. And Jose Pogon is not going anywhere from us.

The meeting with Jose will be accompanied by a small "Zarnitsa" with three unknown persons. What they actually need is still unknown, but one thing is clear - these guys shoot very badly. After collecting trophies and finding the key to the handcuffs, we release Jose from the captivity of the bed back and talk.

So the way has been passed to the last point. It remains to start the ascent to the ziggurat.

It turns out that these unknowns were not interested in anyone, namely Saul Myers. And they are not unknown, but life-size paramilitaries. That's it.

As it turns out, Jose Pogon knows the peculiarities of the local society to the subtleties, and in addition he is also a radio amateur with a powerful station. And in gratitude for the rescue, he offers Myers the services of a special guide. Now we have not one radio prompter, but two. True, most of the time they litter the air with "flood", "flame" and mutual jokes, but sometimes they say sensible things.

The location of Diego, who seems to have to agree to deliver Myers to his destination, is now known for certain. And at the same time we found out where you can get hold of at least some kind of clunker so as not to run around the island on foot.

On a note: do not flatter yourself, because you will have to run on foot. The tunnel connecting the two parts of the island is blocked up, so making a detour by car will be a hassle. The wolf is known to be fed by its legs.

Having found Diego, we agree on the conditions on which he is ready to provide transport services. The old curmudgeon charges seven thousand pesos. Even if you sell this entire island to the last nail on the London Stock Exchange at retail prices, it seems that this amount will not be enough. But Diego also has an alternative proposal - to get him a black pearl. He even knows exactly where to get it. Our task is to come to the owner and achieve to get this very pearl.

Chapter 2: Divers are not a game!

Either the owner overestimated the purchased island, or underestimated the zeal of the architect.

The owner of the black pearl is one of three scuba divers who collect pearls on the island. The name of the owner is Javier. But here's the catch - Javier is not there. But there are two other scuba divers, one of whom tells us a long story, from which it follows that Javier is now in an underwater cave with an empty oxygen tank in his arms. And the pearl is always with him.

The first step is to organize the balloon. To do this, we go somewhere to the devil, to the other end of the island, where some grandfather, a balloon owner, lives. We buy a cylinder from our grandfather (empty, of course), drag it back, fill it with air and set off to save the pinniped Javier.

You will have to swim for a long time and like in a crossword puzzle - first horizontally, then vertically. By the way, part of the way horizontally will have to swim under water, since paramilitares boats are patrolling around.

Having reached the dive site, we dive and go to the bottom with the maximum possible speed. Having found the entrance to the underground grotto, we swim there. There will be one subtlety here. To swim to Javier in one go, there is definitely not enough air and health. But under the roof of some caves there are air lenses, from which you can sip a little life-giving. It is not difficult to find them, since they are visible from the water as dark spots on the ceiling.

The cave system is quite confusing. Our task is to turn right into the second passage, swim through two halls, and at the far end of the third, Javier, who has lost hope of seeing the sun, will be bored.

We give Javier the balloon, we return to the shore.

Note: you can take your time with the return, because there are shells at the bottom of the caves, and pearls in the shells. Pearls are from the word "money", and there is never a lot of money. Is the logic clear? The main thing is not to get lost in the halls and passages, otherwise you will stay instead of Javier.

On the shore, we accept congratulations, thanks and a pearl.

Chapter 3: Debt Payment Is Red

It is for this reason that I avoid flying in this area.

Returning to Diego, we brag about the pearl, we receive an assignment to hit the road to the old man's granddaughter and give the pearl to her. Whatever, as they say, the child does not amuse himself ... The granddaughter languidly reacts to the gift, thanks and wishes good luck. We return to leave this hospitable island forever. But the island, as it turns out, is so hospitable that it does not want to let go of the dear guest.

Diego is not there, but there is some kind of patched shket with a height of one and a half meters, but in a black T-shirt and sunglasses. A bandit, in general. He informs us that Diego is locked up at the local godfather, because he owes money, and does not want to give it back.

Whether you like it or not, you have to help out the old bastard. From a conversation with the main gopnik, it turns out that for five thousand Diego will be released on all four sides.

I wonder where they have such sums in their heads at all?

It seemed to me that the most profitable from an economic point of view is to shoot the bandits, take the key and set the grandfather free. But if you want, try to collect the required amount. In any case, Juarez will turn out to be an honest bandit and will hand over the key.

Another video cut - and we are on an island where Weinstein, widely known in narrow circles, lives. I wonder if the CIA sent him here as an insult to the whole island?

There is a tower on the official island, which has a lot of interesting things. And expensive.

A conversation with Weinstein frays what remains of nerves, but enriches us with the knowledge of the name and location of the informant. Someone Eudes. We find the aforementioned Eudes in a local eatery. Bah, all familiar faces! Didn't we see him just now on Diego's dock? Well, just a twin brother, only a different T-shirt.

Hour by hour is not easier. Now we need ten thousand pesos or a handful of precious stones. I wonder if the local shantrap thinks Myers has a money-printing machine?

However, it will be easier to collect what you are looking for on this island, since there are many employers here, and you can float somewhere where the ruble ... that is, the peso is more authentic. One way or another, the sum has been collected, Eudes perks up and, squatting from servility, leads Myers somewhere to meet with an unknown macheter. Oh, he's too corny ... It's not good.

And there is. Eudes lured Myers into a trap. A closed courtyard, six unknown persons in special forces uniform and with good weapons. First of all, we run away under the stairs, and from there, carefully peeping out, we shoot black figures in helmets. On one of the corpses we find an explosive device, destroy the door and go to Weinstein to find out how many times he was dropped with his head on the ground in infancy and whether he has any idea about the selection of agents.

Weinstein, having quickly got rid of it, calls another name - Juan Pereira, a real estate dealer.

We are looking for Pereira and suddenly, quite unexpectedly, we find out that we have to buy the island of Espiga de Muerte. Yes, a whole island with a beach, palm trees and other tropical paraphernalia. And for only eight thousand pesos. We have never bought islands so cheaply. It remains only to get these same pesos. Well, let's go where the red arrows point on the minimap.

Chapter 4: Robinson Myers

Having collected the due amount, we sign the documents and set off to get acquainted with the possessions, put things in order there and look for Judas Eudes. We choose a boat to taste - and go. However, as subsequent events showed, a combat helicopter is much more appropriate here, since there is a concrete fence on the island.

As you probably guessed by now, the island is busy. And its inhabitants do not want to know anything about the new owner. So they'll have to hand them a lead eviction notice.

After finishing work on clearing the territory, we find Eudes, we talk with him, we get another green mark on the map. What to do next with this insignificance, decide for yourself. You can let go, or you can shoot. Nobody will say "oh".

Note: if you wish, you can tinker with the island for a long time. The construction of a house, a helipad, and a pier will cost such an amount that all other costs will seem like a mere trifle. But how will it all look ... Dream!

For the improvement of the island, we will have to meet with a local architect, who is also a designer, manager and foreman. This miracle of nature is called Carlos. Carlos will introduce us to the local migrant workers, and they will give us a tropical residence.

Chapter 5: Don't Make a Cult Out of the Slab!

Now we need to go to the distant island of Sinestra de Craneo, where another mystery awaits us. In the case of the poisoning, as it turns out, some Indian tribe is involved, completely obsessed with some local cult.

Arriving on the island, we act decisively and quickly. We moor the boat, having previously deployed its bow into the sea. We get out to the shore. Approaching the closed gate leading to no one knows where, we quickly pick up the heavy slab inserted into the recess to the left of the gate, and just as quickly retreat into the boat. The thing is that this plate is under some kind of Indian alarm, so if you steal it, the Indians with pikes and fuzei will immediately run in and send Myers straight to meet with Manitou.

We return to Ballena Island, where Weinstein lives. The house is also home to two collectors, one of whom is educated enough to read the inscription on the stone. It turns out that six figurines need to be collected, which, being placed in the hands of six idols in front of the locked gate, will force the gate to open. Well, straight Indiana Jones, by God.

Chapter 6: By cities and towns

Fate scattered six figurines very pedantically. All of them belong to different groups. And for each, the owners will want either money or something else. If there is no desire to pay, you can take away the figurines by brute force, simply killing their owner and everyone who will be dissatisfied with this. On the other hand, quarreling with everyone in a row is somehow inconvenient, so you can approach the issue creatively and decide in the process who is to be executed and who to have mercy. The only owner with whom you definitely won't be able to talk is the paramilitaries. And it's for the best, finance is not rubber.

Having collected the figurines, we return to the Sinestra de Craneo, we perform a simple ritual of placing the figurines in certain idols. The heavy stone gate opens.

Indians and spiders will be here. Spiders and Indians. There are many spiders and even more Indians. The main danger is the shooters armed with fuzei. Three hits from this antique are guaranteed death. Warriors with shields are almost invulnerable to bullets. They can only be killed with an accurate headshot or grenade throw.

Our task is to break through to the lever that opens another gate. Further - the dungeons that will lead us to the prison, where the CIA agent humbly awaits his fate. We do not have time to free the agent, since some mysterious forces once again interfere with the chain of events. However, the agent manages to tell us a lot of interesting things that indicate the further direction of the search.

Chapter 7: The Reluctant Passenger

We come to our senses, look around. As it turns out, we're locked in the cabin of the container ship. The task is to get out of it, and preferably safe and sound. For this purpose, all our equipment was graciously left to us. But not here, but in the next cabin, in the nightstand. Having collected our property, we systematically destroy the crew of the ship, collect the keys to the doors, make our way to the boat, lower it into the water, and get away from this lost place.

Please note that opponents in body armor, shoot as accurately as possible in the head. Grenades will also do the trick.

Chapter 8: The Last Mile

The ultimate goal of our investigation has been determined. But it's too early to go there without proper preparation. First you need to buy more cartridges and sets of armor, improve the selected weapon to the maximum. Don't forget about your medications.

Equipment for every taste. Come, hack, no one will say a word.

Now you can hit the road. But no helicopters or seaplanes. Any aviation in the area of ​​the Indian island is inevitably in distress. So any of the boats is your choice.

Having reached the island, we begin to move along a chain of stairs, destroyed temples and ziggurats. Two tactics are possible here: either careful shooting of all enemies that can be detected, or quick dashes from one shelter to another with an instant cleanup. Particularly dangerous are open areas under fire, which will be enough. You can't linger here for a second.

On a note: In an unpatched game, it may freeze when loading the final video. I could not get around this problem without a patch.

That's it. We watched the final video. It seems that all the villains have been punished, all the riddles have been solved, all debts have been paid in full. However, the soul of our hero was somehow sad, leaving behind mountains of bronze-skinned corpses in loincloths. Deep down, he probably understands that the dark, downtrodden and ignorant Indians are just a tool in the hands of those who have not been punished. Those who manipulate the world according to the principle of "divide and conquer". Those who willingly send others to death, skillfully covering themselves with them.

The game is played. And you and I have to wait for the next adventures of Saul Myers, if its creators have not cooled to sunny Colombia. That is, excuse me, Covumbia.

Good luck, friends, and lots of good games. Be happy at the slightest opportunity.