Kalavdyuti world at var walkthrough. Complete walkthrough Call of duty world at war. Fourteenth mission. Heart of the Reich

To start…

I would like to say that you should always remember that we can not only shoot, but also use melee. This is very useful when the enemy is nearby, and the ammo has run out. Also, do not forget that our hero can lie down and move crawling, this is used very effectively against machine gunners.

Don't waste grenades unnecessarily, they can make the game a lot easier if used properly. Also, do not break away from the detachment of allies, together it is easier, and you can take care of its safety, the more of them survive, the easier it will be later. If there is no detachment with us, then I advise you not to move along the roads, there are the main enemies.

Mission 1: Semper Fi

A new part of the famous epic. In it we have to play for an American soldier. We watch the intro, we understand that our character was captured by the Japanese. We will not sit here for long, we will be released, as soon as this happens, we approach the box, take weapons and rush to the aid of our compatriots. We defend ourselves from the Japanese, not letting them get close, but if this suddenly happens, press "v", then we will either poke the Japanese in the stomach with a bayonet - with a knife, or hit, or hit with a butt. You should not also climb forward, just help the allies. After the Japanese are finished, we move on with the surviving allies. Go third or fourth in the column, this will help save both health and people from the team. In skirmishes, you should not shoot at ordinary soldiers, if there are snipers, kill them by zooming in with the right mouse button. Pay attention to the machine gunners, as a rule, they are behind the barricades, it is effective to use grenades to kill them. Very soon we will stumble upon one of the prisoners, it is not difficult to find him, when we kill the Japanese who jumped out of the hut on the side, we go in there and free a new ally. We go further, on the side of the road to the "bunker" there will be a machine gunner, we already know how to deal with him.

After we get to the forest, let's go to the position. We will be careful, we will try not to kill our own, they will already be in position. We go with our group through the forest, be careful when one of the soldiers falls into a trap, the Japanese will trample on all sides. Dealing with them is not difficult, when they are still far away, throw a grenade. And use the melee as we said, the "v" key. When the Japanese are finished, we move on with our thinned detachment. When a spotlight flickers among the branches, prepare grenades. As soon as we see the bunker, we carefully approach it, and as soon as the Japanese notice us, we immediately throw a grenade, and this will lead to a massive explosion of all the enemies that run towards us. After only a handful of dust remains from the Japanese, we move to the southwest. Another detachment will join us, we move across the river until we reach the bank, on which stands a pretty house. There we again fight with the Japanese, and after they relieve us of their presence, in which we will help them in every possible way, we move up the road. There will be an outpost here, destroy it, all the same grenades will help us, we run to the truck. He stands very close to the outpost. We approach it and press F. After that, we need to blow up the warehouse, make our way inside, find a place, it is highlighted, press the action. After these simple operations, we run to the shore. We watch a colorful video, after which we go on a boat and along the way shoot back from annoying Japanese.

Mission 2: Little Resistance

Now we are flying with a landing party to the besieged coast. We land, and go to the elevation, there will be an ambush, we destroy it. Before that, an art-cleansing will take place, and there will be no problems with the Japanese. We finish off the wounded and shell-shocked, after our elevation, enemies will trample on us, fortunately there are not many of them. Do not waste grenades on them, they will still come in handy. When our team will move into cover, we will hurry after it. Almost immediately we will stumble upon a group of Japanese, among whom there will be a machine gunner. Without hesitation, we throw a grenade at him. Get ready, after capturing this point, follow the left passage, enemies will also come from there. After the flow dries up, we go into this passage, go into a collapsed rusty bunker and take a machine gun there. We go further, there will be a sniper on the palm tree, and below a bunch of Japanese, trying to put us on their bayonets. Don't worry, we didn't just keep the grenades. After the palm tree with the sniper and its terrain is cleared, we run to the bunker, near which there is a truck. We need to enter the bunker, we do this: first we throw a couple of grenades there, then carefully shoot without going deep, and if it's hard we go outside. After that, a couple of especially zealous Japanese will run out after us, then we will pinch them. Just by this time, our partner will run up, and it will already be possible to clear the bunker to the end. Let's be ready, some enemies will still remain, and will be hiding everywhere. When we go through the tunnel and see the exit, get ready, there are two machine gunners sitting there. After killing them, we go to a small house, and sit down at the machine gun on the second floor. Thus, we carry out a mass sweep, after which there are no enemies left below. Then, using the "6" key, aim at the tank, destroy it. That's it, the massacre is over, now we go to the next room, we'll talk, and move on to the next mission.

Mission 3: Hard Landing

This time we are in the jungle, going to the crashed plane, along with our team. You can move without fear, there should be no problems in the form of a massive raid of enemies. On the way, we do not go far from the allies, when we reach the destination, be calm, here are our own. After arriving at the destroyed plane, get ready, there will be an explosion soon. Immediately, as soon as this happens, our detachment will run to the ambush where our allies are, we run, keeping up with him, and cover from the right flank. After new people from the ambush join the squad, we move to the bunker. Here we better run ahead and clear the area near the bunker and in it. When we stumble upon a machine gunner, we will deal with him and our group should just approach us. We pass through the bunker.

Now we're diving headlong into the fight again. Here it is better not to advance alone, stay together with the detachment, and do not rush forward. When we see the truck, we will be extremely careful - a sniper is sitting on a palm tree. It must be killed as quickly as possible, just do not come close to the palm tree, there will be an ambush near its trunk. After the sniper and the ambush are over, we go to the destroyed old building, and we should go on the right side, so the machine gunners will not reach us. When we enter the building, we will be attacked by a large crowd of enemies, we do not run out into open areas, we move along the edge of the wall. After we deal with all the enemies, follow the tank, he will lead us to an ambush, destroy everyone there, go downstairs and get a grenade launcher. Now we are not afraid of tanks, that's good. We get out and destroy new targets. Our goal will change as soon as we destroy the last enemy tank in this sector. The next task is the destruction of air defense, this will not be difficult to accomplish. As soon as this is done, we hide behind something or climb onto a hill. One of the three tanks that we have to destroy will go directly in front of us, the second - to the left, not far from the observation tower, and the third will pass in the same place as the first after the destruction of the first two.

Mission 4: Vendetta

As soon as a detachment of German soldiers goes about their business, we need to crawl straight until we hear the voice of Ryazanov, we immediately stop. Then follow Ryazanov to the destination, keeping up with him, as well as carefully listening to what he says. Ryazanov is heading for the ruined building, don't leave him. As soon as he shows us the positions, we will carefully look around, a sniper will sit on the second floor on the left, be very careful. When we eliminate him, Ryazanov will open the door for us, we immediately run into it. As soon as an enemy patrol notices us, it is worth falling to the ground and crawling after our ally. You can, of course, destroy the patrol, but this makes no sense, firstly, it is difficult, but Secondly no one is asking us to do this. As soon as we crawl to the house, we go up to the second floor, go through the door, it is to the right of us. After that, we need to wait for our command. You won't have to wait long. After this happens, we need to run again to a new position, following Ryazanov.

When we approach, we will see flamethrowers, we do not shoot, we are waiting for the fire to be allowed to us. After we go further, when we reach the building, we will be ready, there is a machine gunner sitting on the second floor. After we complete a small clearing in the house itself, follow the others to the roof. There will be machine gunners again. As soon as we finish dealing with everyone, we follow Ryazanov. When we arrive at the destination, we will see a building, there will be a passage on the side. When, finally, a person comes out, because of which all the commotion, we kill her and the guards. We use grenades for this, so we can not only get rid of some of the enemies, but also scatter the rest around.

Mission 5: Their Land, Their Blood

First, we need to help the Soviet troops break through the front line. We go straight until the river appears. Now we are even given the right to choose: to the left or to the right. It’s better not to go to the right, there are a lot of snipers and machine gunners, but there are no ordinary warriors, if you go to the left, everything is simpler here, but there are a lot more soldiers, although there are also enough snipers and machine gunners, but unlike their colleagues on the other hand, they don’t hide so well , and more than two at the same time we will not meet. We run ahead of the detachment, and destroy the most dangerous enemies. After we were able to break through, by the way, it is better to do this by keeping a little to the left of the main path, we select a grenade launcher and destroy the tanks. If we hit the tank, then two shots are enough for him. After it will be finished with our enemies, we move on to the next destination. Not far from it there will be a two-story house, so we need to protect it, we will also take charges for a grenade launcher there. Shoot either from the windows or by climbing onto the roof, which in general will be more convenient, but the truth is more dangerous. As soon as the location is cleared of tanks and the German soldiers are killed, we move on to the next mission.

Mission 6: Burn 'Em Out

Now our hero performs the duties of a flamethrower. It is very funny! Throughout this mission, we will not go far from our team, otherwise it will be tight. The flamethrower overheats very quickly and its damage radius is extremely low. At the very beginning of the mission, as soon as we see the passage, we throw smoke grenades into it so that it would be difficult to notice us from the other side of the tunnel. As soon as we exit from the other side of the passage, we should move to the first point. When we approach it, we squat or lie down, after which we throw a couple of fragmentation grenades into the cluster of enemies. As soon as the explosions thunder, we jump up and run to burn the enemies. Then we head to the second point, when we approach, we move to the left. As soon as we see the machine gunner, we immediately throw a grenade. I strongly advise you not to run at him with a flamethrower, unless of course you are a kamikaze. When we see the second submachine gunner, it is worth changing weapons, not far from him there are two snipers on the palm trees. With the third goal, you should be more careful, take a second weapon, and something more powerful, and throw grenades at the Japanese. If we suddenly find a couple more smoke grenades, then the matter will be greatly facilitated. We throw grenades, they will cover us from a machine gun from above, and from rifles from below. After we throw a couple of fragmentation grenades, and until the smoke clears, we run into the thick of the enemies and fire them from the flamethrower. As soon as the third target is eliminated, we run into the tunnel. There will be a machine gunner in front of the entrance to the left tunnel, we will be extremely careful. We destroy all enemies in the tunnels and exit it.

Mission 7: Relentless

Here we start with the fact that our hero is riding in a convoy, we are suddenly attacked, and naturally we need to destroy the enemy. More precisely, we have to destroy enemy artillery. We need to go through the thickets, keeping away from the road, so we can most easily reach our goal. When we are in place, we lean on grenades, of course you can sit in the air defense, but this is risky, because they can throw a grenade into the cockpit, and then it will already be very tight. After the task at this point is done, we leave. We walk slowly, keeping away from the road. If you move in an arc to the left, then you can get there without any problems at all. At the second point there will be soldiers and air defense. As soon as we deal with them, we move to the passage to the dungeon, along the way it is worth looking carefully at the palm trees, there are several snipers here. Just at this time, a tank will come up, and together with it we will have to clear the territory. As soon as we are in the dungeon, we go along it to the destination. We should also look back and along the side tunnels as often as possible. One way or another, we will reach our destination.

Mission 8: Blood & Iron

Now we are riding a tank, and we are faced with the task of destroying enemy artillery. This quest adds a lot of variety to the game. We drive along the main road, using two types of tank fire: for infantry and for enemy vehicles. We will be especially attentive to enemies with heavy weapons. Do not leave unfinished enemies behind you, and move off the road. You can also not be afraid of machine gunners and snipers. When we see a lot of opponents, we should not go to them, but while they are running at us, we shoot at them. We carefully look out for enemies, and the purpose of our journey, the coordinates from the base, are also given to us incorrectly, so it’s better not to listen to them at all. When the artillery is destroyed, we move on to the next mission.

Mission 9: Ring of Steel

To break through the defenses of Berlin - this is our new task. After we arrived at the place, we follow our partner. Very soon we will see the bombardment of the city. Without delay, as soon as this happens, we follow the tanks. As soon as we get to the stairs, we can storm the building. When the building is taken, we run to the second floor, and, shooting from the window, we kill grenade launchers, making it easier for our troops to break through. After the destination changes, we run after the squad. Upon arrival at the target, we will see the wall, wait until one of the tanks breaks through it. When this happens, together with the team we storm the shelter. It's pretty hot in here, so it's worth leaning on grenades different types. After a successful assault, we find a hole in the wall, it's not difficult, and follow, not lagging behind, Ryazanov. Together with him we get to the place of the ambush, it is located next to the hole in the wall, it will be very convenient for us to stand here. Now we have full control of the battlefield, we can see everyone, and we can throw a grenade, but we are not very visible. When this sector is also cleared, we follow the squad again. We again dive headlong into battle, look around in a new place and see a machine gun. Yeah, with its help we clear our way much easier. After the roof and rooms are cleared of enemies, we need to kill the officers. This is not difficult to do, just as it is not difficult to find the room in which they are located. As soon as we find them, we throw a grenade and close the door ...

Mission 10: Eviction

So, now we are already in besieged Berlin, and we need to destroy the Germans who have settled in the building, of course, these are not ordinary ones, so they are guarded. For starters, we're moving in search of a detachment of allies. When we find them, we will find out that they captured one of the German officers. After his death, due to completely incomprehensible circumstances, we, together with the team, set off on a mission. It’s better not to run forward, clearing the way for the allies with your chest, we’ll be safer. As soon as we stumble upon a large group of enemies, we throw a grenade and finish them off. In one fine moment, they will tremble and turn into a shameful flight, we will not let them get away. If this is not done, then they will have time to run to their next camp, and our appearance will not come as a surprise to the enemies. As a result, the situation will repeat itself. When we get to the third ambush, it is in the building, we will be extremely careful, there will be a machine gunner in one of the passages. After us, a couple more surprises await - in the same building there will be a large concentration of enemies. As soon as we deal with everyone, we go out into the street. It is very dangerous here, but when the tanks start moving, we will be able to calmly pass to the target. When we reach the goal and finish off all the wounded officers, we go down. We destroy the enemies settled there and the mission will be completed.

Mission 11: Black Cats

Now we are a gunner on an American plane. To shoot, press the left mouse button, for more accurate aiming - right. When an inscription appears on the screen, ordering to transfer to another turret, press the "F" key. We need to destroy the Japanese ships. We shoot at the fuel tanks that are on the deck. When all the tanks are blown up, just fire on the ship's hull. It is also necessary to destroy the threat in the form of small boats roaming next to large ships. Now we need to shoot back from small aircraft that will fire at us. Now we will fight with another stream of Japanese ships. Along the way, we help the surviving military get out of the water. Now again the battle with the planes. This time they will fire heavily on us. We destroy them until reinforcements arrive. The eleventh mission is over.

Mission 12: Blowtorch & Corkscrew

We go to the goal. We have a flamethrower in our hands, with which we can easily burn all the enemies who will shoot at us. We approach the pillbox and now we can take our second weapon - a machine gun. Large ammunition will not let us get bored. We pass along the bridge and now we have three goals. Three pillboxes to blow up. We destroy the threat around each of them, then we come closer and throw explosives inside. If suddenly you do not get inside, then it will be possible to replenish your supplies near the third pillbox with machine gunners. We go past another fortified point to the tunnels. We take a flamethrower in our hands and burn everyone in our path. In fact, nothing is easier than walking down a narrow shaft with a flamethrower in hand. We clean everything inside and go up to the pillbox. We don't leave anything alive there. We rise even higher - to the roof. We kill enemies again. Mission accomplished.

Mission 13: Breaking Point

Right now we don't have enough ammo to fight a decent fight. We go to the dumped box with ammunition, we raise the machine gun and we take cartridges for the weapon. We kill all enemies, and shelling begins. We quickly run to the bunker. We clear the room and move on. We approach the Japanese palace. With the help of a sniper rifle and a machine gun, we clean the yard and buildings. We move on through the chambers. We need to destroy four mortar sites. We kill the enemies on the first one, take a charge for the mortar, throw it away, observe a big explosion and thus clear the rest of the points. We move on with our group, along the way shooting all the enemies who will attack us. Now there is a big battle with crowds of Japanese. We fight them off until the air raid becomes available. After that, continuing to shoot back from enemies, we order an aircraft attack on a building located along the front. After it is destroyed, we beat the building to our right in the same way. Let's move on to the next mission.

Mission 14: Heart of the Reich

We open our eyes at the moment when Comrade Reznov is pulling us out of the subway. We get up, take a cannon and together with our friend, clearing our way through the buildings, we go forward to the square. Here we will also have to push forward with heavy battles. We approach each heavy gun and press the "F" key to set the explosives. We go further and observe the explosion. So you need to do four times, thereby destroying all the guns in the area. Now we storm the palace itself. We come closer and closer, killing enemies. When only one row of barbed wire is left before the doors, clear everything around from danger and move away. A column will fall, and it would be better for you not to fall under it. But do not rush to run ahead. There is also a flamethrower hidden here. When he is killed, you can safely enter the building.

Mission 15: Downfall

We go along with the detachment, killing everyone who gets in the way. Thus we get to the big hall. To the right of us there will be a staircase to the balcony. We rise, we take sniper rifle and remove the threat in the face of enemy forces. When the cartridges run out, we take the second rifle and continue to shoot the enemies. Now let's go down. Shooting enemies, we move to the other side of the hall. We rise upward and fights we go to the roof. It remains only to set the flag in its proper place, and all this to the anthem of our Motherland.

At the beginning walkthrough Call of Duty: World at War you will have to play as an American soldier, you are captured by the Japanese, but you will not have to stay in it for a long time. As soon as you are rescued, take a cannon in the box and rush to the aid of the allies. It is worth defending, as well as keeping opponents close. If the enemy is very close, press "V", you will hit him with a knife or butt. Don't go first, and as soon as all the Japanese are defeated, follow on with those who survived.

We go about the fourth, then you can save your health, as well as people from the group. No need to shoot ordinary soldiers, kill the shooters if there are any. Use grenades to destroy the machine gunners, they usually hide behind the barricades. Kill the Japanese and enter the hut, there you will free your like-minded person. We follow further, deal with the machine gunners, throw grena. Once you're in the woods, get into position and be extremely careful.

Just do not eliminate your own, go through the forest, as soon as one of your ally falls into a trap, the Japanese will attack. When they are still far from you, throw grena at them. Also use the "V" key. As soon as they are all dead, we move on. When you see the bunker, get close to it and throw a lemon, so you will undermine all the opponents who were running towards you.

After that, go to the southwest, accept another group of allies, follow through the river. As you are near the shore near the house, we engage in battle with enemies. Once you've killed everyone, go up the path. You will see the outpost, you need to eliminate it, use the lemons. Next, run to the truck and press the "F" key. After that, your task is to blow up the warehouse. Climb up there through the gap and press action. We go to the shore and watch the video. Sail on a boat and shoot back from enemies.

Second mission. little resistance

You are flying ashore with a landing party. We clean it from opponents and go to the elevation, after which we eliminate the ambush there. On the dais, destroy new opponents, do not waste lemons on them. Follow the group to cover. Along the way, there will be enemies again, your task is to throw a lemon at the machine gunner. As soon as the capture occurs, there will be opponents in the left passage. Go there to enter the bunker, take the machine gun there and follow on. You will see an arrow on the palm tree, and there will also be a bunch of opponents below, we throw gren and destroy everyone.

Run to the bunker and enter it. Throw a few lemons there and then shoot, don't go too far. Then go outside and kill two more enemies. As soon as your ally arrives, clear the bunker to the end. After passing through the tunnel, you will see an exit, there will be two machine gunners. Destroy them, and then go to the house. There, sit down at the machine gun, it is located on the floor above. Shoot all opponents in the area. To destroy the tank, press the "6" key. Go to the next room and talk about the next task.

Third mission - Hard Landing

You will be brought into the jungle, we follow with your allies to the plane that crashed. When you arrive at your destination, your people are waiting for you here. When you get to the plane, there will be an explosion, run after the squad to the ambush and cover your friends on the right side. Then follow to the bunker, run forward and eliminate the opponents near the bunker, as well as in it. Once you're near the Heavy, kill him and wait for your squad to join. Go into the bunker and fight the enemies, don't get ahead, just do the same with the group.

As soon as you see the truck, be careful, the shooter will sit on the palm tree again, kill him as soon as possible. There will be an ambush not far from him, eliminate it as well. Follow the broken building on the right side. Entering there, you will be attacked by a decent mass of opponents. Do not run out into the open area, and also stick to the edge of the wall. After finishing with them, go after the tank, which will again lead you into an ambush. We destroy the enemies and go down, there you will receive a grenade launcher.

Once at the top, eliminate new opponents and their tanks. In your next mission, you will need to eliminate air defense installations. In principle, you will cope with this task with ease. How to complete it, climb to the hill, the required tank will be in front of you, another tank will be near the high-rise, and the third will appear when you destroy the first two.

Fourth mission. Vendetta

Crawl forward, as soon as Ryazanov starts to say something, stop. With him we go to the destination. We go to the collapsed building, the shooter is sitting on the second floor, you need to kill him. After that, Ryazanov will open the doors, run in there and crawl after a friend. As you crawl to the house, we rise one floor above and enter the doors on the right side. Then wait for your squad, and then follow to the next position. As soon as you see grenade launchers, wait for the resolution of the fire.

Go to the building and eliminate the machine gunner on the floor above, as well as opponents in general. Then go up to the roof and kill the machine gunners. We leave after Ryazanov, go to the destination. There will be a building, and there will be a passage in it. As soon as the main enemy comes out, we kill him, as well as the guards, in this you will need gren.

Fifth mission. Their Land, Their Blood

Help the army and make your way forward. We follow forward until you see a river in front of you. Then go either to the left or to the right. It is better of course to go to the left, kill opponents. Then pick up a grenade launcher and destroy the tanks, if you suddenly fall under it, make 2 shots. As you clear the area, go to the next destination. You will see a house, you will need to protect it. We take charges for a grenade launcher and shoot from the windows, or from the roof. Once everyone is dead, go to the next building.

Sixth mission. Burn 'Em Out

At this location, you will be in the vocation of a grenade launcher. Stick to your squad, don't fall behind. Next, you will see a passage, you need to throw smoke lemons into it, so that you are not noticeable on the opposite side of the tunnel. When you exit from the opposite side, go to your destination. Before that, you need to lie down and throw a few lemons at a bunch of opponents.

When there are explosions, run to burn the enemies. Next, go to the next destination, as you approach it, move to the left side. When you see a machine gunner, immediately throw a lemon at him.

As soon as you see the second enemy with a machine gun, then change the gun. Also not far from it you will see two more shooters on the palm trees. Follow the next goal like this: take the second cannon, which will be more powerful and throw grenades at the enemies. If you suddenly have a few smoke lemons left, then this will make your job easier. Throw lemons, then a couple of frag grenades, run and shoot enemies with a flamethrower. Then we go to the tunnel, right next to the entrance to the left of the tunnels there is a machine gunner, you need to kill everyone who will stand in your way, and then just get out of the tunnel. We continue call walkthrough of Duty: World at War.

Seventh mission. Relentless

You are in a convoy, there will be an attack from the opponents, we will eliminate them right there. Go through the wilderness and don't go close to the road. Once you reach your destination, use the grenades there. Once everyone is dead, move on the left side of the thick. At the next point, we also destroy artillery and tanks. Next, we go to the passage to the subway, along the way, pay attention to the palm trees, as usual, arrows will sit on them. As soon as the tanks arrive, we clean the area from the Japanese. As you find yourself in the subway, go to the specified point. Look back more often, and also look at the side tunnels.

Eighth mission. blood & iron

Here you find yourself in a tank, your goal is the destroyed enemy artillery. Drive along the main path, use a couple of types of lights on the way: for enemy vehicles and for infantry. Do not move off the road, and also kill everyone in your path. Once you've dealt with everyone, move on to a new location.

Ninth mission. Ring of Steel

Now you need to break through the defenses of Berlin. Once you arrive, follow your buddy. When you see the bombardment, follow the tanks. As you are at the steps, you can step on the capture of the building. When you reach this, go to the floor above and shoot at the grenade launchers from the windows. As soon as it changes predetermined point, run after your group. In the end, you will see the wall, as soon as the tank breaks it, we go to capture the shelter. Find a gap in the wall and follow Ryazanov. Go to the ambush site, it's near the hole in the wall. Throw lemons when needed. Once you've killed everyone, follow the group further. There you will be attacked by enemies again, along the way you will see a machine gun, use it to kill everyone. Next, you need to eliminate the officers, find their room and throw grena there.

Eleventh mission. Black Cats

Now you will be a sniper in an airplane. To shoot, press the LMB to make the sight even more accurate than the RMB. As soon as you see an inscription that orders you to sit down for another gun, press the "F" key. Your task is that you must eliminate the enemy ships. Shoot at the fuel tanks, they will be on the deck. As soon as they blow up, shoot at the ship. You also need to eliminate small boats that will be near big ships. Then shoot back from the planes that will attack you. After that, another battle with several enemy ships. You must also help those who survived to get out of the water. Next, the battle from the plane, quickly eliminate them and go to the next location.

Twelfth mission. Blowtorch & Corkscrew

Head towards the target, burn the opponents who will shoot at you with a flamethrower. As you approach the fortification, take another cannon, called a machine gun. As you approach the bridge, you will have 3 tasks. Undermine 3 fortifications, as well as eliminate everyone around them. Get a little closer and drop the bomb. You can replenish your ammunition near the third fortification with machine gunners.

Go near the point to the tunnels and take the flamethrower. Burn everyone who gets in your way, go forward along the mine, destroying enemies in the same way. Climb into the fortification and eliminate the enemies there. Do the same on the roof. At this task will be completed, go to the next level.

Thirteenth mission. Breaking point

You have a few ammo left in stock, follow the dropped box and take a machine gun there, as well as ammo for the cannon. Destroy the opponents and run to the bunker. There again we kill the Japanese and follow further. Once at the enemy palace, use your rifle and machine gun, kill everyone in the building and in the courtyard. Go through the chambers and go forward. Your task will be that you will have to eliminate 4 mortars. Destroy opponents on one, then take a charge and throw it away.

There will be a boom, and all your enemies will die. Go further with your squad and along the way shoot back from the Japanese who will attack you and your squad. Then you will have a great battle with a bunch of opponents. Fight them off until the raid becomes available. Shoot back from opponents, as well as order an aircraft attack on the building. As soon as it becomes destroyed, also eliminate the building to your right and then move on to a new location.

Fourteenth mission. Heart of the Reich

As soon as Ryazanov pulls you out of the metro, take the barrel and, together with your partners, kill the enemies, follow to the square. Opponents will also attack you there, we fight back as soon as we can. Next, go to the gun and press the "F" key, so you will plant a bomb on it. Run away - there will be a boom. You will have to do that only 4 times in order for all the weapons to be neutralized. Now we are advancing on the enemy palace. Come closer and destroy opponents. As soon as there is only 1 row of wire to the door, kill everyone in your path and step aside. The column will fall, therefore it is better not to fall under it. You should not run straight, there is still a "flamethrower" hidden here, as you kill him, you can enter the palace.

CoD is one of the most famous series of computer shooters that has been released since 2004. In 2013, she celebrated her upcoming anniversary with the tenth part of the game. It is worth saying that the first three parts were devoted exclusively to the theme of World War II, after which the fourth game in the most popular Call Series of Duty- Modern Warfare- moved the players to the present and allowed them to participate in intense military conflicts of the present. It has become

birth new era a series devoted exclusively to modern warfare. Last game, associated with the period of the world war, was Call of Duty: World at War, the passage of which will be described later.

Americans in Japan

The game combines two plots at once, which develop in parallel, while missions for two different characters followed by small blocks of 2-3 pieces. First main character games - American private Miller, who was captured by the Japanese. In the first mission, the guy is rescued by a battalion of his own marines, after which a chain of events begins, extremely rich in various actions. Call of Duty: World at War is literally rife with variety - you'll make your way through the jungle, trying to hide from the snipers who have settled in the trees, you will have to break through to land through the coast, littered with mines and shelled by artillery. Reaching each of control points, you will need to call in an airstrike to destroy another artillery post - this will give other soldiers the opportunity to move forward.

But the most incredible thing is the air mission. First, they will let you fly the plane, and then they will put you in the place of the shooter - you will need to shoot enemy planes, which is extremely difficult to do. But it is very fresh and original, especially for a game that was released in 2008. As a result, the plot dedicated to Private Miller ends with the storming of Shuri Castle and the decisive victory of the Americans.

Direction - to Berlin

In parallel, another story is developing, the main character of which is Private Petrenko from the USSR. This is what makes Call of Duty: World at War different - the passage is divided into two parts, each of which has its own protagonist. The Soviet part begins with the awakening of the protagonist, who lost consciousness during the battle. After recovering, he finds that the Germans around him are finishing off the wounded soldiers, so Petrenko does not make a sound until the Nazis leave. Afterwards, he discovers another survivor, Sgt. Carved.

And immediately one of the most interesting missions in the game begins - you need to make your way using a sniper rifle and eventually shoot the German general. After that, various missions follow, among which there is even one where the hero will be allowed to ride on a tank, and in the end everything comes to the end of Call of Duty: World at War - the passage ends with the Reichstag. Private Petrenko hoists the Soviet flag on this building, everyone is happy and celebrating the victory, and on this joyful note the story ends.

Bonus Level

However, this is not an absolute conclusion. call games of Duty: World at War - the passage of the main storyline is over, but there is still a bonus level. Oddly enough, it includes the extermination of zombies. The level does not have an ending, that is, you just need to hold out as long as possible. The level is small, in the initial room there are two doors. It is recommended to first open the one that launches the zombies, shoot the first 5-6 waves, and then open the second. There you can stock up on high-quality weapons, move to another room, take an advantageous position - and shoot to the last.

1.Always ready.

A new part of the famous epic. In it we have to play for an American soldier. We watch the intro, we understand that our character was captured by the Japanese. We will not sit here for long, we will be released, as soon as this happens, we approach the box, take weapons and rush to the aid of our compatriots. We defend ourselves from the Japanese, not letting them get close, but if this suddenly happens, press "v", then we will either poke the Japanese in the stomach with a bayonet - with a knife, or hit, or hit with a butt. You should not also climb forward, just help the allies. After the Japanese are finished, we move on with the surviving allies. Go third or fourth in the column, this will help save both health and people from the team. In skirmishes, you should not shoot at ordinary soldiers, if there are snipers, kill them by zooming in with the right mouse button. Pay attention to the machine gunners, as a rule, they are behind the barricades, it is effective to use grenades to kill them. Very soon we will stumble upon one of the prisoners, it is not difficult to find him, when we kill the Japanese who jumped out of the hut on the side, we go in there and free a new ally. We go further, on the side of the road to the "bunker" there will be a machine gunner, we already know how to deal with him.

After we get to the forest, let's go to the position. We will be careful, we will try not to kill our own, they will already be in position. We go with our group through the forest, be careful when one of the soldiers falls into a trap, the Japanese will trample on all sides. Dealing with them is not difficult, when they are still far away, throw a grenade. And use the melee as we said, the "v" key. When the Japanese are finished, we move on with our thinned detachment. When a spotlight flickers among the branches, prepare grenades. As soon as we see the bunker, we carefully approach it, and as soon as the Japanese notice us, we immediately throw a grenade, and this will lead to a massive explosion of all the enemies that run towards us. After only a handful of dust remains from the Japanese, we move to the southwest. Another detachment will join us, we move across the river until we reach the bank, on which stands a pretty house. There we again fight with the Japanese, and after they relieve us of their presence, in which we will help them in every possible way, we move up the road. There will be an outpost here, destroy it, all the same grenades will help us, we run to the truck. He stands very close to the outpost. We approach it and press F. After that, we need to blow up the warehouse, make our way inside, find a place, it is highlighted, press the action. After these simple operations, we run to the shore. We watch a colorful video, after which we go on a boat and along the way shoot back from annoying Japanese.

2. Weak resistance.

In this mission, we will storm the beach (a parody of Landing in Omaha). Already near the shore there is an explosion, we are thrown into the sea. Soon our partner pulls us ashore and immediately gives the order to call a rocket salvo along the enemy line. There is nothing easier - press the key 6 and the left mouse button. We look at the missile salvo we have called and after a bright spectacle we get the task - to break through the Japanese defense line. We move forward, replacing the pistol with something more powerful (there are plenty of weapons around), for example, a machine gun. In the trenches, we shoot at red barrels to speed up the process of exterminating the Japanese. We “remove” (this phenomenon will often occur in the game later) one from a tree, several kamikazes will appear from the grass with a shout of “banzai” (if suddenly, for some reason, a Japanese soldier knocked you to the ground in order to kill with a blade, he this may not work if you have time to press the V button in time). We reach the bunker, into which we need to break through. We use the call of a rocket salvo, we mark a place in the middle of two machine gunners. We kill the remaining Japanese soldiers, and enter the bunker. New tasks - to destroy the Japanese mortar crews, as well as to call a rocket salvo on Japanese tanks. We go up the stairs to the second floor and sit down at any of the machine guns on the left. We kill all the soldiers from below, and then we call rocket volleys (button 6 on the keyboard and indicate the target) on the tanks. We pass into the back room, where we discuss further plans with the detachment. But Sullivan cannot be saved.

3. Hard landing.

We start the mission in the dense jungle. We carefully move forward, we do not come close to the downed plane. We are preparing to repel the attack of disguised Japanese soldiers. We move on, we need to bypass the Japanese artillery from the flank. Soon we will unite with another group and we will storm the bunkers. Everything is standard here: shelter, shooting enemies. When you get to the bunkers with machine gunners, then it's a different matter. We need to get the flamethrower (finally). We throw a few smoke grenades, run to the flamethrower and dress it. We fry all the Japanese soldiers in the bunker, go inside, and fry the rest. We are heading to the airfield. Enemies will crawl out of the grass down the road and there will also be one on the tree. Here we are at the airport building, or rather, there is what is left of it. Our mission for this moment- clear the building at any cost. The editors of the site HG-Go.com advises you to first reach the distant truck, take a rifle and grenades in it. Remove the machine gunners on the second floor, and then, I make my way to the building, all the rest with the help of a flamethrower and an assault rifle (if one is at hand). We rise to the second floor, approach the balcony, jump down and move forward, using tanks as cover. We reach the trench, jump into it. We take a bazooka and destroy three japanese tanka. We run further, storm the bunker with air defense guns. As an offensive force, we use a proven flamethrower. At the top level, there will just be anti-aircraft crews in the amount of 4 pieces that we need to destroy. In this case, you do not need to literally destroy the structures, no, you just need to kill the soldiers sitting behind it. Now we defend the bunker (we hold back the counterattack). We sit down at any air defense gun (preferably two close ones) and carry out the mission. In the end, two planes will help us.

4. Vendetta.

We watch a scripted video (yes, these were the German soldiers in those days) and soon we get control. We crawl forward, it turns out that another Russian soldier Reznov is alive. We follow him, you need to stay with the sergeant. He gives us his rifle, as he cannot shoot himself because of his wounded hand. Raznov will give some recommendations on the use of a sniper rifle or a brief educational program (a sniper rifle for dummies). You need to destroy all the Germans on the street, to hold your breath, aim and hold down the SHIFT key. Shoot only when the bombers are flying low. Aim exactly at the head, you don't get many tries. It is also possible that the Germans will lower the dog. We leave the defense and stumble upon a convoy, following Reznov. Our dashes will be hindered by a German sniper, whom we need to remove. We go inside the building through the window and go up to the second floor. The sniper is on the top floor in the building with the banners (you can kill him when he is on the 3rd floor with the big windows). We follow Reznov. A patrol will pass by and soon they will notice you all, smoking will begin with the help of flamethrowers. Lie down on the floor and crawl, sticking to the windows. On the second floor, a beam will fall on us, Reznov will save us. We continue to get out of the fiery hell already lame, jump out into the street. We connect with allies. Now you need to support your comrades with sniper fire. We climb up the stairs and take a comfortable position by the window. We are waiting for the moment when a German soldier with a flamethrower will come up to talk to others and at this moment we shoot directly at the fuel tanks on his back. There is an explosion, a lot of killed enemies. We continue to shoot German soldiers. Soon they will begin to retreat, and we follow Reznov, destroying the enemies. Soon we will reach the balcony from which we have to kill General Amsel. Aim your rifle and wait until he exits the building. If you don't hit him the first time, he will hide behind the tank. You will have to kill all his bodyguards, only then will he run out, do not miss this moment. After killing him, grenades will be thrown at us, run away. Follow Reznov and stay alive. Jump into the water, this completes the level.

5. their land, their blood

Reznov is with us again, saving us once again. We go out into nature, our task is to move towards the river. Take PPSh-41 from the barrels, a very useful thing, especially in close combat. We make our way forward, destroying enemies. On the river we have to make a choice - to go right or left. It's completely up to you to decide, since there is practically no difference. We will go to the left to break through the German line of defense. We go forward, we get to the bridge, in front of the trench lies an MG-42 machine gun, it’s a sin not to take it. Together with a new friend, we make our way forward, boldly breaking through the German defense line. It's best to go on the left. Carefully we pass under the bridge, we meet a new wave of soldiers, we approach the house where the old-style bazooka lies. With this tool of war, we need to destroy enemy tanks (4 in total). The bazooka has infinite ammo, but keep in mind that tanks can also shoot at us. After 4 tanks fell in front of you, we approach the barn, from which another tank and a group of German soldiers will leave. We destroy equipment and soldiers, after which we are going to regroup. We leave the barn and sit on the tank, moving along the road. We drive up to the German camp, which you need to penetrate. Everything is banal here: we hide, we shoot, we go forward, we hide, we shoot. And so on until the end. Do not forget to destroy the observation towers (this can be done with a bazooka or a Molotov cocktail). Let's move on and celebrate the victory.

6. Burn them out!

We immediately find ourselves in the epicenter of the battle. We have a flamethrower with us and that's good. We have to destroy the enemy's mortar crews in the amount of 3 pieces. We throw smoke grenades in front of the machine gun to go through it. We destroy all the Japanese with a flamethrower or in another way. We do the same with the remaining 2 calculations. Here are a few useful tips:
1) Do not climb forward like Rimbaud, who has immortality. Do this if it's worth the cheat, but nothing more
2) Kamikaze attacks often, be extremely careful. If attacked, press the V button, but better try not to let it get close to you
3) Look at the map - all enemies are marked in red here
4) Pay special attention to palm trees where snipers sit, mostly palm trees with ropes and platforms

7. Relentless.

We are on the tank, moving forward and enjoying the beauty of the jungle. Our pleasure did not last long, after the shelling we are thrown from the tank by an explosive wave and we begin the mission. We move along the left channel of the river. We kill the Japanese, get to the hill. The shotgun “shows” itself very well here. We throw a few smoke grenades forward - this will facilitate our movement. We go further. We destroy the anti-tank gun, there is one more ahead. After you complete the task, collect the cartridges and rest. As soon as you gain strength, follow the squad. We are back on the battlefield. Our tank appears with a flamethrower, which we need to follow. We clean the area, then we storm the entrance to the cave. We pass forward through the cave using Browning M1919 (Browning M1919). Now it's tedious to find artillery pieces. At the end of the cave, we clear the artillery arsenal and meet with our detachment.

8. Iron and blood.

We are on the T-34 tank. It is necessary to neutralize enemy artillery in the amount of 4 calculations. We are moving forward. Trying to shoot the tower enemy tanks. Use the flamethrower (G) to destroy the German soldiers. Destroy enemy artillery and move on. We shoot at enemy tanks and bunkers. We don't stand still, we move. German soldiers have bazookas, so we will not be sweet. Along the way, we also destroy observation towers. On the way to the fork, we compare the radio tower with the ground, and then we meet with the main group of troops.
On the hill a good place to shoot enemy tanks, use this. In total, there are 8 tanks and 2 towers below. We destroy them from above, and only then we go down and reach railway station. Where without Reznov ...

9.Steel ring.

We disembark from the car, take a PPSh nearby and connect with our detachment. A volley of Katyushas, ​​explosions, dust. Destroy the German defenses - the commander shouts, well, go ahead! We hide behind the tanks, use them as cover. When the tanks stop, run to the left, kill the Germans and enter the house. Climb the stairs to the second floor, clear the place and sit down to shoot soldiers from the rifle in the windows of the opposite building. We move through the office building (there is a staircase inside). Upon leaving the building, we are given a task - to get inside the shelter. We act. We go through the yard, use shelters. We throw grenades, keep to the left flank. We clean the shelter, following Reznov. On the roof there will be several soldiers with bazookas, kill them first, then the rest. After cleaning the shelter, it is necessary to destroy the retreating German troops. We move forward along the road, finishing off the German soldiers running away. The mission ends with shouts of “Hurrah!

10. Eviction.
Reznov and I are together, we need to clear the buildings. We move along the corridors, we find ourselves in a room with our partners, where we observe a small scene with the participation of a German soldier (he has a benefit performance). Follows Reznov and finds ourselves in the room where the Germans are. We carefully get closer and unexpectedly open fire for them. We clear the area and move on. We go down and save the hostage who will help us. Here you need to get together well, since there will be a lot of Germans further on. Throw forward not only grenades, but also Molotov, a cocktail. We go further. The machine gun must be bypassed from the second floor, it is better not to climb on the rampage. Through a hole in the floor, patched up somehow, we calmly kill the grief of a machine gunner. We go down the stairs, we clean another room. We go out into the street, here is a really solid slaughterhouse. We move up the street along with the tanks. At the end of the street we finish off the wounded soldiers and after that we go down to the subway to hide from the missiles. In the subway, as you may have guessed, there are also German soldiers. We move forward, killing them. At the end of the station, Reznov will open the door, our task is to cover him. But there is no defense against the big wave.

11. Black cats.

Finally, we will fly, the mission from Call of Duty: United Offence immediately comes to mind. This level is simple - fly on an airplane and shoot at the indicated targets. Switching between turrets will switch automatically, or by pressing the F key, but strictly certain moment. The main thing is to destroy enemy boats when you protect ships and people.

12. Explode and burn.

We attack the Wana Ridge in rainy weather. The Japanese are hiding in the ground, a completely expected move. In such weather, it is very difficult to see the Japanese infantry, which also has a disguise. Therefore, we do this - there is a large long stone on the right, we jump on it, lie down and shoot at the enemies, since the view is very good. I sit high, I look far away. We rise to the ridge, throw smoke bombs and under the white smoke we approach the cave. We kill the machine gunner and go inside.
We leave the cave and get a new task - to destroy the 200th mortars in the amount of 3 pieces. We clean the first bunker with a flamethrower and throw a couple of explosive packages (button 5, and then right-click). We blow up the whole thing (button 5 and LMB) and follow to the next bunker. You can replenish explosives at the exit from the cave where the parachute lies. We clean the second bunker with a flamethrower and throw a few explosives inside the building. We detonate and move to the third bunker, the last one. We thoroughly clear the area from the soldiers with the help of a machine gun, because. flamethrowers are dangerous to work here. We blow up the third bunker and meet with the sergeant.
Behind the broken door, another task awaits us - to find the entrance to the bunker. We move forward, soon we will be stunned, and we will need to move around the machine gun. We go forward, sticking to the left side. Don't forget to kill enemies and collect ammo. We “remove” the sniper from the tree, pass under the bridge, destroy the soldiers, enter the cave and clear the found bunker. Here you need to be extremely careful, because. the space is small and there are many enemies. Be sure to use cover and leave the battlefield in time to recover. We climb the stairs to the second floor, clean it and once again climb one floor up the stairs. We clean the room and after that we go upstairs along the left rise (it is better not to use the stairs).

13. Break point.

We are out of ammo, moving forward to pick up dropped ammo from planes. We select a machine gun, which we lie on the ground, as well as a sniper rifle and cartridges in full. Soon one of ours will be shot by a sniper and the mission to hold the position will begin. First of all, www.HG-Go.com advises you to take out snipers on palm trees while behind cover, and only then take on ordinary infantrymen. After that, we hide in a shelter. In a few moments, our partner will open the hatch and we climb through. We find ourselves in the tunnel, it is better to move on your haunches and use the machine gun. You need to clear this place by killing all the soldiers. We climb up the stairs, where a partner will be waiting for us. Several enemy kamikaze soldiers will immediately attack from above. We do not allow close contact with them. We go up the stairs to the square and attack Shuri Castle. It should be noted right away that it will take a long time to attack, shooting each soldier, otherwise if you just rush to the breach, then the replay of this mission is guaranteed. We move deeper into the castle, shooting enemies. Soon we will be given the task to destroy 4 mortar crews, all of them will be located on the same square. We throw all the grenades at the enemy and shoot. In mortar crews, there are charges that can be used like grenades, only the power is greater. We use this chance to clear the area. After all 4 mortar crews are destroyed, we go up the stairs to the building. We repel the kamikaze attack and clear the area ahead. We use tactics: a shot - a corpse - a shelter and so on. We return to the department near the stairs. We go forward through the building, sit down at the machine gun and clear the area from enemy soldiers. We move on, go down the stairs and go forward along the tunnel, destroying the soldiers. Before approaching the stairs, we throw a couple of grenades forward. After we go upstairs, we pass along the building and go down. A large area with open space appears before our eyes, soon a battle will begin here, and our task will be to hold the territory. At first, the number of enemies will be large, we use shelters, and also help our partners. We throw grenades forward and pick up ammunition. Airstrike will be available to us soon. We call him on the northern buildings, after that on the eastern ones. Remember to hold the area; use the knife (V). You may have to use airstrike twice on the east building.

14. Heart of the Reich.

The mission begins near the Reichstag, we are given the PCA and we move forward through the buildings, killing the enemies. We jump out of the library and run forward along the trench. Our next task is to take the department store by storm. Soon we go out into the open area, we need to destroy anti-aircraft guns, only 4 pieces. There will be a bazooka with one shot near the tank, so the other 3 anti-aircraft guns will need to be destroyed with explosives. After destruction anti-aircraft guns, you will need to destroy the 8,8 cm Flak anti-aircraft guns. We follow the building and clean the area. If you run out of ammo, then pick up enemy weapons. Soon our partner, who carried the flag, will die. We move to the doors of the Reichstag.

We are in the Reichstag building and full of strength to crush the German forces. Storming the Reichstag. We go from the left flank, kill the enemies, pick up the cartridges and climb the stairs to the second floor. Then we go along the corridors, climb onto the balcony and provide fire support to our squad. There is a rifle nearby. We kill the Germans who shoot from the panzershrek behind the stands. We move forward, destroying the Germans on the southern balcony, we use the previously obtained rifle. We approach the detachment, we run to the first floor to clear it of enemies. We shoot at the Germans, who are equipped with flamethrowers, directly at the cylinders. This will be followed by a powerful explosion and thus clearing the first floor will be quick.
We continue to clean up the Reichstag after the door opens. Soon we will find ourselves on a ledge where we have to clear the area. Keep to the left edge. We move smoothly, killing the Germans one by one. Don't forget to throw grenades forward. Soon we will reach the balcony of the building, where we will need to return the Soviet flag. We take the flag in our hands (button F) we carry it to the place of the German one. And no one is an obstacle to us, we will put up our flag anyway! You have completed Call of Duty: World at War.