Hospital game in the second junior group. Role-playing game "hospital" in the younger group. So the ambulance arrived

Role-playing game"Hospital" in the 2nd younger group.

Marina Vasilieva
Role-playing game "Hospital"

Synopsis of the role-playing game "Hospital" in the 2nd junior group.

Purpose: To expand children's ideas about the work of a doctor; the formation of the ability to apply in the game the previously acquired knowledge about the surrounding life.


1. To form in children the ability to take on a playing role (doctor's assistant, patient).

2. Encourage children to play the plot of the familiar game "Hospital" using familiar medical instruments (toys)

3. Promote the emergence of role-based dialogue.

4. To form a respectful attitude towards one's health, the ability to show sensitivity, care for a sick person.

5. Consolidate knowledge about the rules of conduct in public places.

Dictionary: doctor, thermometer, phonendoscope, pills, bandage.

Equipment: a doctor's costume, a set of toys "Hospital", dolls.

Preliminary work: reading of the fairy tale "Aybolit" by KI Chukovsky, examination of medical game instruments. Consideration of illustrative material on the topic.

Game progress:

The teacher calls the children to him, they stand around the teacher.

Educator: guys, today guests have come to our group, let's say hello to them.

Children: hello.

Educator: but these are not all guests. Today the doll Katya came to us. Let's say hello to her.

Children: hello Katya.

Educator: Katya, why don't you greet us?

Katya, do you want us to give you some sweets? (Katya just shakes her head)

Do you want some ice cream? (Katya just shakes her head)

Why are you Katya silent? Just shaking your head and being very sad?

Guys, what do you think happened to Katya? Katya told me in my ear that she was ill.

Katya, what hurts you?

Katya: throat hurts

Educator: you probably ate ice cream?

Katya: no, I ate snow and sucked an icicle

Educator: guys, how can you eat snow, suck icicles?

Children: no snow is cold, dirty.

Educator: do you guys eat snow and icicles?

Children: no.

Educator: well, Katya got sick. Guys, tell me, when people get sick, where do they go?

Children: to the hospital.

Educator: who treats them?

Children: doctor, doctor.

Educator: Well guys, let's take Katya to the hospital in our car. Take your seats, fasten your seat belts, let's go. (we eat to the music "Typewriter", we perform movements in accordance with the text.)

Educator: well, we arrived at the hospital. Today I will be the doctor. Now I will put on a white robe. And you guys will help me take patients. Patients sit on high chairs and wait their turn. And the doctor will start treating the doll Katya. But remember, the hospital must be QUIET. Do not make noise. Do not interfere with the doctor treating patients.

This is a thermometer now I will measure the temperature

Yes, the temperature is very high.

Well, Katya, let's see the neck, open your mouth.

The neck is red.

Now I will take the phonendoscope and listen to Katya.

Oh, what wheezing.

So Katya, here are the pills for you, you need to take them in the morning and in the evening, but only one at a time. And be sure to drink boiled milk with honey. Get well Katya.

Come next. Hello, what's your name? Tell me exactly where your pain is concentrated?

- (Reception of sick patients)

Educator: The doctor will certainly help, but it is better not to get sick. Guys, what should I do in order not to get sick?

Children: Dress warmly, do not eat snow, do not suck on icicles.

Educator: well done guys.

The game continues with the participation of children.

Target: To educate children about the value of health.

Software content:

  1. To acquaint with some of the labor operations that make up the work of a doctor.
  2. To develop speech, imaginative thinking, to activate the vocabulary of children.
  3. Form a conscious attitude towards their own health.

Preliminary work:

Excursion to the medical office, viewing illustrations about the work of a doctor, reading the work of K. Chukovsky "Aibolit".

Material: A doll, a doll bed, a white dressing gown for a doctor, a suitcase with medical supplies (thermometer, phonendoscope, spatula, pen, prescription form).

Game progress:

At the beginning, a demonstration of playing with a doll is carried out. The teacher pays attention to the doll, which came to the hospital for an appointment with the doctor.

V. - Guys, Katya has a hot forehead, she has a fever, she is ill.

What happened, from what could she get sick? (children's answers).

The teacher brings a doll to his ear and says that Katya ate snow yesterday for a walk.

What do we need to do, how can we help her? (children's answers give medicine)

But we cannot give medicine on our own, we are not doctors, a doctor must examine it.

Opposite the doctor sits in a white coat

What happened to you? (Katya doll got sick).

I'll examine her. I'll take the temperature first. Here is the thermometer, raise Katya the handle (puts it under her arm) and you need to wait a bit.

R., but Katya has a high fever, she urgently needs to take medicine to relieve her high fever.

Katya, now let me listen to you, do you have wheezing in your chest? (pulls out a phonendoscope)

The teacher names what the listening item is called. He puts it on his chest and tells Katya to breathe deeper.

Everything is fine here, no wheezing.

Or maybe your neck is sore. Open your mouth wider and say "A-A".

The teacher takes a spatula, says the name of this object, and looks at the throat.

Katya, you have a very red throat, you probably ate ice cream, or drank cold water?

R., have you tried the snow, because it is so white, fluffy, and probably very tasty? (children's answers).

Well, Katya, I looked at you, and I will tell you that you urgently need to be treated. Do you guys agree with me?

Now I will write you a prescription with medicines that will help relieve the temperature, heal the neck. (Writes the recipe on the form)

R., and who can buy and administer my prescription drug? (Adults only)

Yes, only adults will sell medicine in a pharmacy, and an adult can give medicine to a patient. Here I am giving (to the child) the recipe, and he must pass it on to the adult (educator).

In order not to get sick, you must always take care of your health! Follow my advice: don't drink cold water, don't eat snow on the street, tie a scarf around your neck, don't take off your mittens while walking, dress warmly. Goodbye! (Katya is leaving home)


Why did Katya get sick?

Who treated her?

How did the doctor know that Katya was ill?

What did the doctor advise?

Guys, how can this happen to you as to our Katya? I hope you will follow the doctor's advice. You will always be cheerful and joyful.

Synopsis of the role-playing game "Hospital" in the second junior group

Role-playing game summary« Hospital » in second youngest group

Target: To develop in children the ability to play role-playing game« Hospital » .

Educational tasks :

To teach children to show interest in the play actions of their peers, to help play side by side, without interfering with each other;

Developmental tasks :

To develop in children auditory and visual attention, memory, imagination, expressiveness of speech;

Educational tasks :

Bring up friendly attitude children to each other;

Cultivate interest in the game; to form an attentive attitude towards the sick person.

Preliminary work with children :

1. Reading a fairy tale by K. I Chukovsky "Aybolit" ;

2. Examination of illustrations.

Didactic games ;

Creation and replay game and problem situations;

Learning to play techniques.

Equipment and materials :

- role-playing corner« Hospital » ;

Chairs for patients;

Dressing gowns for doctors and nurses;

Attributes for role-playing game« Hospital » : thermometer, syringe, phonendoscope, medicines, etc .;

- role-playing corner"A family" ;

Game roles and rules :

At the initial stage in the game, the teacher takes the leading role - the role of doctor, nurse, and in the future this role is played by the children themselves (joint actions with an adult by imitation, by model) .

Game progress:

(Baby crying is heard)

Educator : Guys, who is this crying? He takes a baby doll out of the stroller ... Who is it?

Children's answers : baby!

Educator : Why do you think he is crying?

(Answers of children) .

The teacher reads a poem :

Our doll got sick

I didn't even eat in the morning.

Barely opens his eyes

Don't laugh, don't play

She is silent all day

Even mom doesn't scream.

Educator : Who will tell you what to do?

Children's answers : Take to a doctor.

Educator : How many of you guys know where the doctor works? What should a doctor be like? What is the doctor wearing? What does a doctor need to work?

Children's answers : V the hospital... Attentive, caring, kind.

White robe. Instruments.

Educator : Well done boys! Well, our hour has come, we will play now! Do you want to play?

Children: Yes!

Educator : Guys, let's play with you the game “What does the doctor need? For this we will take our magic bag.

(children choose from the proposed items the ones needed by the doctor and tell them why, in their opinion, this or that item is needed).

Syringe - give an injection.

Thermometer - measure temperature.

Phonendoscope - to listen to breathing in the lungs.

Tablets, vitamins - for treatment sick .

Spatula - watch the throat.

Educator : How do we get to hospitals, on what can you go there?

Children's answers : By car, by ambulance.

Educator : Let's call an ambulance? (call, go by ambulance tothe hospital ) .

V the hospital the role of the doctor is assumed by the educator.

Educator : Who goes to the reception with the doll?

Doctor (educator) : Hello, come in, have a seat, what are you complaining about?

A patient (child): My daughter got sick.

Doctor (educator) : Don't worry, now I will examine her and prescribe treatment, here is a thermometer, now we will find out if your daughter has a temperature or not. High temperature. Let's see the neck (looks at the throat with a spatula) ... Oh! The throat is red. (offers to make an antipyretic injection, prescribes medicine for the treatment of throat, vitamins.

A patient (child): promises to the doctor to follow his recommendations and follow all prescriptions.

Doctor (educator) : Goodbye no more pain .

Educator : Guys, now let one of you be a doctor.

Open hospital for everyone , come to be treated as soon as possible. Come to your doctor's appointment. In order not to push, not to interfere with each other, patients can sit on chairs and wait for their turn. Look at how many patients are sitting on chairs and everyone has something in pain, can we help them?

Children, come on!

We choose a doctor and a nurse among the guys.

The teacher acts as an observer and, if necessary, helps to correct game actions children.

The teacher thanks the children for interesting game, asks them if they enjoyed playing? Separately notes and praises children who are difficult to make contact.

Finally games the teacher asks the children how they can preserve their health, and what needs to be done for this. Children answer: do exercises, eat vegetables and fruits, play sports, walk in the fresh air.


On the topic: Organization of a role-playing game in the second junior group "Hospital"

The presentation was prepared by

educator MBDOU "Yagodka"

Shilets Tatiana Sergeevna

Noyabrsk, Vyngapurovsky microdistrict

  • To form in children the ability to take on a role and perform appropriate play actions;
  • To expand the knowledge of children about the profession of a doctor: what a doctor does, whom he heals, how he heals. To teach to show a caring attitude to toys;
  • To enrich children's understanding of the medical profession.


  • Encourage children to more widely and creatively use knowledge about the life around them, about the hospital in the game.
  • Develop creative imagination. Continue to introduce not only the profession of a doctor, but also certain rules behavior in the clinic, in the doctor's office, in the pharmacy.

Play equipment

  • Doctor's dressing gown and cap;
  • Set "Doctor";
  • Recipes;
  • Medicines (boxes).

  • Conversation with children about how they and their parents went to the hospital, pharmacy;
  • Children's stories about what they learned about the profession of a doctor.

  • The doctor - conducts an appointment, listens, looks at the throat, writes out a prescription.
  • Nurse - helps with the reception of patients, fulfills the doctor's prescription, gives injections.
  • The patient comes to the doctor's appointment, tells what worries him, follows the doctor's recommendations.

The main stage "I play"

  • Solving tasks with children;
  • Help create a playful environment, establish interaction between those who have chosen certain roles;
  • To form in children the ability to play according to their own intentions, to stimulate the creative activity of children in the game;
  • To form friendly relationships in the game, a sense of humanism, activity, responsibility, friendliness;

  • The guys are very fond of playing the role-playing game "Hospital". In this game, they are also reflected in valeological education, since children in the classroom project the knowledge gained into the game, enriching it with new situations and methods of treatment.

Autonomous preschool of the municipal formation of Dolgoprudny, a kindergarten of general developmental type No. 24 "Berezka"
(AOU kindergarten number 24 "Berezka")
Role-playing game "HOSPITAL"
in the younger group
Compiled and conducted by: O. A. Beresneva
Prepared and conducted by the teacher: Beresneva O.A.
Purpose: To form in children the ability to play the role-playing game "Hospital" "
Objectives: To teach how to create a game environment using real objects and their substitutes. To form in children the ability to play according to their own design, to stimulate the creative activity of children. Develop the ability to engage in role-based interaction with peers (build role dialogue, the ability to negotiate with each other in the game). To develop in children auditory and visual attention, memory, imagination, intonational expressiveness of speech. To foster friendly relations between children, respect for the work of a doctor.
Methodical equipment of the lesson: chest, riddles, white coat, doctor's cap, game set"Doctor", medical cards for each patient and geometric figures, dolls.
Vocabulary work: pediatrician, nurse, phonendoscope, syringe, thermometer, prescription, registry.
Preliminary work: an excursion to the nurse's office, acquaintance of children with appearance doctors, with tools, reading the fairy tale "Aybolit" K.I. Chukovsky, examining plot illustrations, conversations based on the personal experience of children about doctors, hospitals.
Course of the lesson
Organizing time.
Educator: Hello guys. Sit down. Let's start our lesson by wishing each other well. Turn to face each other and say: We wish each other well.
The main part of the lesson.
Educator: Guys, look what a beautiful chest I have. Guess the riddle and you will find out who it belongs to.
Educator: Who is the most useful in days of illness?
Cures us of all diseases?
Children: Doctor.
Educator: This chest belongs to the doctor. What do you think is in it? (It contains the tools and medicines that the doctor needs to work.) Guys, let's look at these tools and call them (phonendoscope, syringe, thermometer, nose drops, spatula ...) Well done.
Educator: What game do you think we are going to play with you now? (In hospital)
The teacher draws the attention of children to the dolls in the play corner.
- Look how sad our dolls are. What happened to them? Maybe they got sick? Remember the name of the doctor who treats children? (Pediatrician). What other doctors do you know? (ENT, surgeon, therapist)
- Who did you go to the doctor with? (children's answers). - So our dolls need to be taken to the hospital for an appointment with a pediatrician (pediatrician)
Let's do a physical minute, and then assign roles with you.
Physical education.
We sit on the bus and look out the window.
We look back, we look ahead, well, the bus is out of luck.
The wheels spun, we rolled forward
Let the bus take us in, we go, we go all ahead.
(Children make those movements that are mentioned in the poem, repeating words after the teacher).
Educator: let's choose a doctor with you. For the first time, it will be the one who is the most responsible among you. We have a real clinic with you.
The teacher asks the doctor to choose his own nurse. Then they are selected: a nurse to the registry, patients with sick dolls (the teacher gives the children toys, asks to feel sorry for and calm them down, invites them to take the card at the reception and stand in line to see the doctor so that he can help them.) And now we need to choose a very main role. - this is a nurse, because she monitors the cleanliness of the entire hospital, her work is very important - after all, if the hospital is not cleaned, it will be unpleasant for visitors to come there.
The teacher explains to everyone his role. Children go to their play areas (pharmacy, hospital, reception). Dressing gowns, preparing their jobs.
Dialogue at the reception:
Children say hello, give their last name, first name and ask for the patient's card.
The registrar issues the card to the patient. (on geometric shapes which are on the cards and on the patient)
An appointment begins at the clinic. The educator reminds the “visitors” to take the queue to see the doctor. Before entering the office, you need to knock on the "door". Going into the office, say hello to tell what hurts your daughter?
Dialogue in the hospital between the patient and the doctor:
P: Hello.
D: hello, what's hurting your daughter?
P: she has a high fever, a headache.
D: don’t worry, now I’ll examine her and prescribe treatment.
A child in the role of a doctor has medical assistance, examines the patient and asks the nurse to give an antipyretic injection, then writes a prescription and offers to buy the medicine at the pharmacy.
Visitors sit in line, do not make noise, do not swear, wait for their turn. While the patients are waiting for their turn, a nurse appears at the door, who washes the floor. She diligently washes everything and asks visitors not to litter.
The teacher makes sure that the children do not forget to say "thank you and goodbye."
End of the game
The clinic is closing: it's too late, there are no patients left, everyone has been cured. Doctors remove gowns and arrange medical equipment. Parents, take those who missed the prescriptions and go to the pharmacy for pills and vitamins. We need to take the children home and put them in cribs. Now we have complete order in the group.
At the end of the game, the teacher asks the children how they can preserve their health, and what needs to be done for this.
Children answer: do exercises, eat vegetables and fruits, play sports, walk in the fresh air.
Educator: guys, let's do some exercises with you (Children do exercises with muses
The sun looked into the crib
One, two, three, four, five.
We all do our exercises
We need to sit down and get up.
Stretch your arms wider,
One, two, three, four, five.
Bend over - three, four.
And jump on the spot.
On the toe, then on the heel.
We all do exercises.
(Children make the movements mentioned in the poem, repeating the words after the teacher.)
Educator: Guys, what did we play with you today? (Hospital) What did you like the most about our Irga?
Educator: Guys, I wish you health. Now I will give you delicious healthy fruits. (Apples are distributed to children)

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