Card index of games for labor education of preschoolers. Game “Who needs what for work? Who needs what purpose?

GDOU child development center - kindergarten No. 54, Kolpinsky district

St. Petersburg


Developed and conducted by 1st category teacher Ukolova L.Yu.

Target: Give children the joy of getting to know the works of B. Zakhoder.

Preliminary work:

Reading the works of B. Zakhoder, looking at illustrations from the book “Who Visits in the Morning...”. Learning poems individually and with all children: “Swallow”, “Pussy Mountain”, “My Lion”, “Sleeping Lion”, “Binderbinder”, “Fitter”, “Tailor”, “Chauffeur”, “Shoemaker”, “Fox and mole", "Hedgehog", "Dubious compliment".

Material for evening leisure:

Video recording of fragments from the cartoon about Winnie the Pooh

Audio recording of Winnie the Pooh songs

Game – presentation “Who needs what for work”

Hoops and sets of toy tools for the “Collect Tools” attraction

Books by B. Zakhoder of different designs.

Framed portrait of the writer.

Caps-masks of a lion, fox, mole, hedgehog, wolf.

Attributes and a set of toy tools for the attraction “Who needs what for work.”


Children look at a beautifully decorated exhibition of books and a portrait of B. Zakhoder.

The teacher offers to remember and name the author of the books, as well as poems familiar to the children. Listens to children's answers.

Guys, you named a lot of poems. Tell me, when you listen to these poems, what is your mood? (Children's answers). B. Zakhoder's poems are funny, mischievous, kind, and easy to learn. How many of you know the poems of this poet and can tell us them?

Children read works: “Swallow”, “Kiskino grief”, etc.

The teacher offers to listen to another funny poem and reads “Nobody” to the children.

Guys, Zakhoder’s poems are so rhythmic that they can be used as counting rhymes, and you can also play poetry. Let's try.

A child reads a poem « My lion".

Dad gave it to me

Oh, I was chicken at first!

I've been there for two days

I was afraid of him

And on the third -

It's broken!

The teacher asks questions: “Why did the lion break? What was the boy afraid of? And now we will play not with a toy, but with a real lion. Sasha turns into a sleeping lion, and we quietly go to wake him up, and to the words: “He can wake up!” the lion will catch us.

The outdoor game “Sleeping Lion” is being played» ( Spanish verse by B. Zakhoder “Sleeping Lion”).

Zadoder's funny poems have been familiar to you for a long time. These are Winnie the Pooh songs from the cartoon. If you know the words, then sing along to your favorite hero.

Showing excerpts from the cartoon. ›Myltiki/Vinni.htm

Boris Zakhoder wrote poems about professions, now our guys will read them.

Children read poems: “The Bookbinder,” “The Locksmith,” “The Dressmaker,” “The Driver,” “The Shoemaker.”

These are the kind of masters we have! Do the craftsmen know what they will need for their work? Let's play. The children will select for each master the tools they need for their work on the computer, and our artist-masters will check whether the children completed the task correctly.

Game-presentation by L.Yu. Ukolova “Who needs what for work”

Now let’s check how the masters themselves cope with the task.

Held attraction "Gather your tools."

Guys, B. Zakhoder’s poems are funny and so easy to learn that they can be performed like a small play. The teacher calls the children and gives them hats and masks to act out the dialogues: “The Fox and the Mole”, “The Hedgehog”.

Acting out dialogues

Nice house

Dear Mole,

It only hurts

Narrow entrance!

Login, Chanterelle,

Just right:

He won't let me in

To the house!

Well done! Let's clap for our artists!

Boris Zakhoder's poems are very rhythmic, they can be used as a counting rhyme. What are counters needed for? Guys, do you want to play? Then we will choose a driver using the poem “Dubious Compliment”

Sheep Wolf

You have a wonderful complexion!

Oh, if he praises

Wolf Sheep -

Don't believe a word.

The outdoor game “Wolf and Sheep” is played.

Guys, did you like the poems that were read here today? Who is their author?

There are still many poems with such funny bright pictures left in the book, we will read and memorize them.

Children leave the hall to cheerful songs from the cartoon.

Audio cassette “77 best songs for children” ed. "Tweek-Lirek"

Labor education in kindergarten

“Who works where?”
Goal: to clarify children’s ideas about where people of different
professions, what their workplace is called.
school teacher;
doctor - in a hospital, clinic, kindergarten, school;
cook - in the kitchen, dining room, restaurant, cafe... etc.

“Who knows and can do this?”
Goal: to expand children’s understanding of what knowledge and skills
must be possessed by people of different professions.
Knows children's poems, tells fairy tales, plays and walks with children... a teacher.
Plays the piano, knows children's songs, teaches singing, dancing, plays with children music games... musical director.
Knows the human body, can provide first medical care, knows how to recognize and treat diseases... doctor, etc.

"Who does this?"
Goal: to train children in the ability to determine the name of a profession by the names of actions.
Cuts, styles, washes, combs, dries... hairdresser.
Soaks, soaps, washes, shakes, dries, irons... the laundress.
Packs, weighs, cuts, wraps, counts... the seller.
Cleans, washes, fries, cooks, cooks, salts, tastes, feeds... cook, etc.

"Who's doing what?"
Goal: to expand and clarify children’s ideas about the work (labor operations) of people of different professions.
The janitor sweeps, cleans, waters, rakes...
Musical director sings, plays, dances, teaches...
The junior teacher (nanny) washes, cleans, wipes, covers, dresses, reads... etc.

"Correct the mistake"
Goal: to teach children to find and correct mistakes in the actions of people of various professions.
The cook treats, and the doctor cooks.
The janitor sells, and the seller sweeps.
The teacher cuts the hair and the hairdresser checks the notebooks.
The musical director does the laundry, and the laundress sings songs with the children... etc.

“For a person in what profession is this necessary?”
Goal: to expand children’s understanding of the items necessary for a person in a certain profession.
Scales, counter, goods, cash register... - to the seller.
Broom, shovel, hose, sand, crowbar, snow blower... - to the janitor.
Washing machine, bath, soap, iron... - to the laundress.
Comb, scissors, hair dryer, shampoo, hairspray, hair clipper... - to the hairdresser, etc.

“Who needs what for work?”
Goal: to expand and clarify children’s ideas about the objects of the surrounding world (materials, tools, equipment, etc.) necessary for work by people of different professions.
The teacher - a pointer, a textbook, chalk, a blackboard...
For the cook - a saucepan, a frying pan, a knife, a vegetable cutter, an electric oven...
The driver - a car, a spare tire, gasoline, tools...
Art teacher - brushes, easel, clay, paints... etc.

“Clap your hands if this is necessary for ... (name of profession)”
Goal: to exercise the ability to correlate words and phrases with a specific person’s profession.
Children are invited to clap their hands when they hear a word or phrase that is suitable for a profession, for example, a doctor: haircut, cold, scales, ambulance, sewing machine, seeing patients, fashionable hairstyle, washing powder, white coat, snowblower, etc. .

“Who can name more actions?” (with a ball)
Goal: to teach children to correlate the actions of people of different professions.
The teacher names a profession and, in turn, throws the ball to the children, who name what a person in this profession does.

"Continue the sentence"
Goal: to practice the ability to complete sentences using words and phrases related to a person’s specific profession.
The cook cleans... (fish, vegetables, dishes...),
The laundress washes...(towels, bed linen, bathrobes...).
A teacher in the morning with children...(does exercises, has breakfast, conducts classes...)
A janitor in the yard in winter...(shovels snow, clears areas, sprinkles sand on paths...), etc.

"Who is on the photo?"; “Find and Tell” (based on photographs)
Goal: to consolidate children’s ideas about the work of kindergarten staff.
Children are asked to name a kindergarten employee (from a photograph) or select the desired photograph and tell about this person: what is their name, what room does they work in, what is they like, what does they do?

“Let’s draw a portrait” (speech)
Goal: to teach children to make speech portraits of kindergarten employees.
Children are asked to compose a descriptive story (Who is this? What does he look like? What does he do? Etc.) about a kindergarten employee according to a model, plan, algorithm, using photographs, mnemonic tables.

“I start the sentence and you finish it”
Goal: to consolidate children’s ideas about the meaning and results of the work of people of different professions.
If there were no teachers, then...
If there were no doctors, then...
If there were no wipers, then...
If there were no drivers, then... etc.

Game "Let's set the table for dolls."
Target. Teach children to set the table, name the items needed for serving. Introduce the rules of etiquette (meeting guests, accepting gifts, inviting people to the table, behavior at the table). To foster humane feelings and friendly relationships.
Progress of the game The teacher enters the group with an elegant doll. Children examine it and name items of clothing. The teacher says that today is the doll’s birthday, and guests will come to her - her friends. You need to help the doll set the festive table (used doll furniture and dishes). The teacher plays out the stages of the activity with the children (wash hands, lay out a tablecloth, place a vase of flowers, a napkin, a bread box in the center of the table, prepare cups and saucers for tea or plates, and lay out cutlery nearby - spoons, forks, knives).
Then the episode of meeting the guests is played out, the dolls are seated.
For older children preschool age In order to consolidate duty skills, you can show object pictures depicting the items listed above and offer to lay them out in order, determining the sequence of table setting.

Game "Guess what I'm doing?"
Target. Expand children's understanding of work activities. Develop attention.
Progress of the game. The teacher and children join hands and stand in a circle. A child comes out into the center of the circle. Everyone goes in a circle and says:
We don’t know what you’re doing. Let’s take a look and guess.
The child imitates labor actions not only with movements, but also (if possible) with sounds. For example, he cleans the floor with a vacuum cleaner, hammers a nail, saws, drives a car, washes, chops wood, grates, etc.
Children guess the actions.

Game “What first, what then?”
Target. Clarify children's knowledge about the rules of replanting indoor plants.
Progress of the game. The teacher shows the children pictures depicting the stages of replanting indoor plants and asks them to arrange them in the order in which the actions are performed.
1 Overturn the pot and remove the plant from it.
2 Washing the potty.
3 Laying pebbles at the bottom of the pot.
4 Pour sand into the pot (height 1 cm).
5 Pour a little earth into the pot on top of the sand.
6 Shaking off old soil from plant roots with a stick.
7 Cutting off rotten roots.
8 Plant the plant in a pot so that the transition point between the stem and the root is on the surface, and cover it with soil.
9 Compaction of the earth.
10 Installing a pot with a plant on a pallet.
11 Watering the plant at the root.

On the board on the right are pictures of different professions, on the left are tools for their work.

Speech therapist. Who needs what for a picture with tools to the person who needs them (a pointer, a textbook are needed by the teacher...).

Game "Let's go to the zoo."

L ogoped. I suggest you go a hundred and bring food for the animals.

I will say what food we will take, and you will say to whom we will give it. For example: The meat... we'll give it to the lions.


Hay, grass...

Grain... etc.

Physical education minute.

4. Ball game “Who needs what?”

Speech therapist I will throw the ball and the one who catches the ball will say who needs them: For example: Pomade- woman.

Razor, tie -

Textbooks, notebooks

Nipples, bottles -

Collar, food - etc.

Game "Change the word."

L ogoped. I will say sentences, and you must change the last word so that the sentences sound beautiful and correct. For example: Give the book brother (give the book brother).

Tie a bow sister.

Give way, old lady.

Give me some medicine, grandpa.

Masha goes to the doctor.

The children walked through the forest.

We walked along the road.

III. Summary of the lesson.

Topic: "Retelling the story" Sly Vanya


1. Clarification of the idea of ​​​​fish.

2. Expansion and activation of the vocabulary on the topic.

3. Development of coherent speech (learning to compose a retelling).

4. Development of thinking, memory, attention, visual perception.

5. Development fine motor skills, coordination of speech with movement.

Equipment: pictures depicting fish swimming right - left, up, down (for each child), riddle pictures with superimposed images of aquatic inhabitants (for each child).

Progress of the lesson

I. Organizational moment.

Game "Trace the fish."

The speech therapist gives children pictures that depict fish swimming to the right - left, up, down.

L ogoped. Circle the fish swimming to the right in blue, to the left - in red, up - in green, down - in yellow. How many fish are swimming to the right? Left? Up? Down?

Today we will talk about fish again and retell the story “Cunning Vanya”.

II. Main part.

Speech therapist reading a story.

One summer Vanya took fishing rods, bait, a large bucket and went fishing. The boy threw out his fishing rod and waited for the fish to bite. Vanya sat on the shore of the pond for a long time, but never caught a single fish. Vanya, upset, trudged home. On the way home, the boy saw a fish store. The cunning Vanya decided to buy a fish and say that he caught it. At home, mom and dad were surprised by this big catch son. And suddenly, at the bottom of Vanya’s bucket, dad noticed a receipt from a fish store. Vanya felt ashamed of his deception.

Conversation on the content of the story.

The speech therapist asks the children questions and asks them to answer in complete sentences.

What time of year is the story about?

Where did Vanya go?

What did Vanya take with him on his fishing trip?

Vanya caught at least one fish?

What did the boy come up with?

How did the parents find out that Vanya had cheated?

Did the boy feel ashamed of his deception?

Physical education minute. Finger gymnastics.

Game "Color".

The speech therapist gives children riddle pictures with superimposed images of aquatic inhabitants.

L ogoped. Who is hiding in the picture? Color the starfish red, the seahorse blue, the dolphin blue, and the fish yellow.

Repeated reading of the story by the speech therapist.

The speech therapist reads the story again, then, together with the children, draws up a brief retelling plan (what is said at the beginning of the story, what is said in the middle, what is said at the end).

Retelling the story by children.

III. Summary of the lesson.

L ogoped. What did we talk about today in class? What games did you play?

Topic: "Insects"


1. Expanding children's knowledge about insects, their benefits or harm.

2. Activation and generalization of vocabulary on the topic.

3. Activation of the verb dictionary.

4. Consolidating the skill of agreeing nouns with numerals.

5. Development of attention, memory, thinking.

6. Development of general motor skills, coordination of speech with movement.

Equipment: pictures with images of insects, images of two faces - sad and cheerful, a ball.

Progress of the lesson

I. Organizational moment.

A selection of didactic games for preschoolers 5-7 years old to consolidate knowledge on the topic “Professions”

Description: I use this set of tasks in classes with preschoolers aged 5-7 years (with a delay mental development) to consolidate and enrich knowledge on the topic “Professions”. A selection of games and exercises will contribute to the development of active and passive vocabulary, the formation of counting concepts, and will help develop thinking and attention. The material may be useful to educators, speech therapists, speech pathologists, and parents
- to activate, consolidate and generalize students’ knowledge on the topic “Professions”
- promote the development of coherent speech
-develop auditory attention, ability to answer questions
- to cultivate patience, diligence, accuracy in work, the ability to complete the work started.

Game number 1. “Name it correctly”
Target: consolidation and enrichment of knowledge on the topic “Professions”, development of active and passive vocabulary, development of auditory attention
This game can be used both at the stage of acquaintance with new professions for children, and to consolidate and generalize knowledge. For work we use these cards (we laminate, cut, select occupations that are suitable for the topic - the pictures were found by me on the foreign Internet and some professions may not be so popular in our country - for example, private detective, rescuer). Here is a list of all professions that can be used in classes with children 5-7 years old
1-cook, 2-traffic controller, 3-trainer, 4-dentist, 5-astronaut, 6-builder, 7-farmer, 8-janitor, 9-doctor, 10-private detective, detective, 11-firefighter, 12-gardener ,13-painter,14-nurse,15-military,16-librarian,17-postman,18-rescue worker,19-teacher,20-garbage collector,21-journalist,22-mechanic,23-policeman,24-veterinarian

Task options: One by one, we show the students the cards and ask who is this? What does he do? (for example, this is a cook, he prepares food, this is a fireman, he puts out a fire, etc.)
You can also choose riddles based on the topic. We put 3 or 4 cards on the desk, ask the children to listen carefully to the riddle and find a suitable picture with the answer
Game number 2. “What you need for work”
Target: development of active and passive vocabulary, development of thinking, attention
We also use this game at the stage of consolidating knowledge about professions.
Progress of the game: We put 2 cards with windows and 12 suitable pictures mixed on the desk. We ask the children to put pictures in the appropriate boxes and tell why this item is needed for work.

Children of primary preschool age can be given a different game task (it is very convenient to work in pairs) - we distribute roles: for example, Vasya will be a fireman, and Petya will be a policeman. Find all the items that will be useful to you in your work. When all the pictures are collected, ask the children to tell about their profession. For example, in my picture there is a fireman, he puts out a fire, which means he needs a fire extinguisher and a hose, a fire truck and special boots, etc.

Game number 3. “Count, name and color”
Equipment: printout with the task, colored pencils, felt-tip pens
Target: consolidation of the names of various professions in speech, development of counting skills, development of imagination
Progress of the game: We show the children a sheet of tasks, ask them to count how many people of different professions are in the picture, and write the appropriate numbers in order in the boxes. We remember and pronounce the names of all professions, ask you to color the pictures

Game number 4. “Bingo”
Equipment: individual cards for the game, a set of cards for the teacher, a set of numbers 1-9 for each player
Target: development of attention, consolidation of graphic images of numbers 1-9

Progress of the game: Preschoolers are very fond of various competitions, and to consolidate knowledge on the topic of professions, you can arrange a comic competition like this. We distribute individual cards with drawings of professions and numbers to students. The teacher has a set of similar pictures with professions, but without numbers. We explain to the children the conditions of the game: I will show you these in turn big pictures, and you must name the profession correctly and hide the same small picture under a suitable number. The winner is the one who hides all the little people under the numbers the fastest.
Next, we show pictures of professions one by one, in random order, taking pauses between rounds so that everyone has time to find the appropriate number.

The “catch” of this game is that on the cards the children have the same sets of pictures under different numbers, which means that all the little people will be hidden at the same time - so that friendship wins the competition))
Game number 5. “Help the postman”
Target: development of attention, consolidation of counting skills and graphic images of numbers within 12
Equipment: printouts with the task, felt-tip pen or pencil
Progress of the game: We ask the children to help and guide the postman (mechanic, teacher) along the path of numbers from 1 to 12

Game number 6. “True or false”
Target: development of attention, development of thinking, consolidation of knowledge about various professions
Equipment: a set of pictures of people of various professions, a red and green card for each player

Progress of the game: We distribute red and green cards to the children, announce the conditions of the game - Now I will show you pictures and name the profession of this person. If I call correctly, you must show me the green card. If I call incorrectly, I'm deceiving you - you show me a red card.
Next, we show the cards one by one, alternate correct and incorrect judgments, ask the children to correct your mistakes, for example - Is this a cook? (we show a picture with a policeman, the children correct - no, this is a policeman)

Epifanova Yulia Alexandrovna

The game was made for preliminary work with children in preparation for role-playing game"One day in the life of a kindergarten." It was used after conversations, excursions, reading fiction on the topic.

Target: Introducing children to the professions of kindergarten employees and the items they need for work.


1. Develop communication and interaction between children and adults and peers.

2. Improving all components of children’s oral speech: grammatical structure of speech, coherent speech - dialogical and monologue, formation of a dictionary, education of the sound culture of speech.

Progress of the game:

1 option

Place cards with pictures of objects in front of the children and ask them to match them with the professions of the kindergarten staff. Explain their choice, tell them what they know about this profession.

Option 2

Distribute cards to children depicting the professions of kindergarten employees. Then, one by one, show them pictures depicting items needed for the work of one of the employees. Explain your choice, tell how this item is used.

Thanks to the game, the children got to know, consolidated and systematized their knowledge about the people working in the kindergarten and the objects they needed for work. During the game, they learned to interact with adults and peers, and improved their speech.

Thank you for your attention!

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