Cave how to play together. “The Cave” is a quest for three. Walkthrough Cube escape The Cave Cave

The Cave begins with seven archetypal heroes - a knight, a scientist, an adventurer, a Tibetan monk, a time traveler, little twins and the village idiot - descending into the Cave, according to legend, capable of granting wishes. Everyone has their own: one dreams of untold wealth, another seeks fame, and the third sleeps and sees himself in the chair of a more successful colleague. But how far are they willing to go in indulging their vices?

The twins campaign is perhaps one of the darkest.

In an attempt to answer this question, The Cave sends the player on a dark quest I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream based on the novel by American science fiction writer Harlan Ellison, published back in 1996. In it, an evil supercomputer destroyed humanity, leaving only five people alive. Each had some fatal flaw in his character, and a ruthless artificial intelligence set up brutal tests in which he tested people's ability to resist their deepest desires.

If you found a reference to Monkey Island in this screenshot, then skipping The Cave is doubly not recommended.

The same thing happens in The Cave, only Double Fine the Cave itself plays the role of an evil computer. Very quickly, in a deep male voice (yes, this is a talking Cave), she confronts the heroes with a fact: sometimes, to get what you want, you have to walk over corpses. Literally. And you go because there is no other way to get out. And even if you poison the parents of twin children and “accidentally” feed the princess to the dragon, in the end you will have long-awaited fame, money or freedom. This is their real price. “Beware of your desires,” as the ancients said.


Otherwise, The Cave looks exactly as a game designed by Ron Gilbert and Tim Shafer, who also participated in the development, should look like. This is a stylish, witty and sometimes very funny project. For example, the first item you find in the Cave will be - what would you think? - of course it’s a crowbar! After all, a good game simply has to start with a scrap. And the girl with whom one of the heroes falls in love is called none other than the Stunning Two-Legged Woman. In fact, retelling local jokes is a thankless task, because most of them need to be seen: a significant portion of the humor lies in the animation.

It's really difficult to choose characters for the first time - they're all very funny.

Although there are seven characters, only three can be controlled at a time. Having made a choice at the very beginning, you will remain with it until the end credits. However, the composition of the company will not at all affect the style of play: despite the fact that each hero has his own unique ability (the knight is invulnerable, the redneck can breathe under water, the scientist hacks computers, etc.), it will only be needed at a special level, entirely dedicated to one character.

This is where one of the main shortcomings of the game lies. It turns out that in order to see all the locations, you will have to go through The Cave at least three times, and given the two possible endings, even six. This is partly offset by the short duration of the game, but the trouble is that, in addition to unique levels, there are also so-called “public” ones, in which all the characters are absolutely interchangeable. They were designed to unite seven stories into a common narrative and predictably turned out to be the most boring. Naturally, you will have to visit these locations every time you play through.

The game mechanics also cause some criticism. For a 2D platformer in the spirit Trine And The Lost Vikings in fact, the good old point & click is hidden, only increased in scale. We have a huge level with many elements (mechanisms) that need to be connected (launched) in the right order in order to move on. What to screw to what is usually immediately clear, and if not, it can be found out quite quickly at random. For example, if we have a banana, then somewhere there will definitely be a monkey, and for every broken generator there is one working one, from which you just need to remove the battery. In fact, the player is only required to carefully study the level.

You understand that we weren’t joking about a nuclear missile, right?

This seemingly simple activity is complicated by the need to run long distances. There is almost no force here to carefully jump on complex platforms, and you can’t die (the game resurrects the hero just a couple of meters from the place of death), but this only makes the monotonous climbing of huge levels more boring. Adding fuel to the fire is the fact that The Cave has no inventory and a character can only carry one thing at a time. Three heroes - three items. And if you suddenly need to bring five tickets to the slot machine, then running back and forth cannot be avoided.

But the strangest aspect of The Cave is the co-op. In fact, there is a regime, but there is no meaning in it. Judge for yourself: you can only play with two people on one computer, there is no split-screen, and given the multi-story locations, it’s impossible for three of you to always be on the same screen. As a result, all joint puzzles have to be solved in exactly the same way as in the single-player campaign - by taking turns placing the characters in their places. And this is the last thing worth getting together with friends on a Saturday evening for.

Where The Cave really shines is in the thoughtfulness of the levels that are unique to each character. In the Cave there was a place for a rural fair, a historical museum (which will be visited in different time continuums), and even a nuclear missile launch center. But what is especially important is that Gilbert and Shafer once again managed to brilliantly ridicule human stupidity, making fun of not only the drawn characters, but also the players themselves, most of whom, judging by the reviews on the forums, never learned their lesson from the game.


Cool story:


Easy to learn:


Sound and music:


Did you wait?

It's clunky and doesn't always know what to do with its own mechanics, but it's no less a fun game from some of the most talented people in the industry.

There are only two moments where Double Fine worked unambiguously well - this is a selection of colorful characters and a picture that is similar in spirit and style to the animated series Gravity Falls, which has moved to the third day. And from the point of view of hipster children and other Soul connoisseurs, all this fuss in the talking maze is, of course, not a quest, but a crooked platformer with dynamite and buckets. Any talk about some kind of genre value, and especially the return of Ron Gilbert as the creator of smart and at the same time funny games, according to such people, is game and absurd.

On the other hand, The Cave seems to have been made for those who grew up watching Maniac Mansion and The Secret of Monkey Island, and now doesn’t have time to sort through inventory and use dogs on candelabra. Such a compact format can be the key to a good life for all future quests for several reasons. Hard, classic point & click adventures are now needed only by connoisseurs of antiquity and regulars of torrent trackers. To live and flourish, the genre needs to adapt to the pace of modern life, to the players of the new wave, and quests with non-straining puzzles, a short plot, made at the intersection of genres, may turn out to be what is needed. At least such games raise fewer questions than an interactive movie with the dead.

Maxim Ivanov

The Cave is almost a playful interpretation of The Decameron. Before us is a kaleidoscope of instructive stories that develop independently of each other. This is both the main find and the main drawback of the game. The plot resembles a set of hilarious, but in no way connected sketches. Shafer and Gilbert borrowed Burton's general style and adopted some of his techniques: deliberate grotesquery, signature black humor, and narrative tone. The scene with the eaten princess was especially successful. The creators approached the matter with imagination and thoroughly went through the worn-out stereotypes. For example, Excalibur will have to be obtained using a stick of dynamite. And listening to the mocking remarks of the Cave is a completely separate pleasure. However, the new Double Fine project still lacks a director's hand. In the end you ask yourself: why exactly were they showing us all this? What did the main characters learn for themselves? And what was the purpose of the Cave - to reproach, to rub one’s nose into human imperfection?

The game mechanics are reminiscent of Trine, but there is much, much more tiring running around. Puzzles, on the other hand, are almost not annoying. Moreover, most of them have several solutions at once. As a result, The Cave is a rather ambitious game, which is dragged down by not very successful implementation. You can't call her bad, but you can't call her good either.

Anton Mukhataev

It's a shame that the new release from Double Fine is no longer seen as a big deal. At the outset, The Cave appears to be a very different game: behind the clunky, comedic co-op platformer is a modern take on Gilbert's old games, Maniac Mansion and Monkey Island, in 2013 parlance. Almost devoid of impressive moments, the game promises more than it actually delivers. There are many worthy finds in it - voice-over with sarcastic comments, a minimum of hints, logically constructed puzzles. Without leading the player by the hand and without taking him for an idiot, The Cave still rarely works as it should: it makes you smile, but not laugh, think, but not strain your head.

Sometimes it feels like it's trying too much without focusing on making sure each character and mechanic is fully explored. A much better approach would be to reduce the number of characters, give each of them more abilities, and see what happens. It also turns out that The Cave only hints at how good it could be. Gilbert's idea of ​​telling simple human stories is understandable, but does the game itself have to suffer because of it?

Walkthrough of the game Cube escape the Cave. In this article I will try to help you with the riddles of this wonderful game. By the way, the game now has the ability to change the language to Russian. It looks like it was also possible in the Cube escape theater). But I didn't notice).

Walkthrough Cube escape The Cave Cave

At the start, we immediately open the chest of drawers. We get matches and a knife. There is a bowl on the chest of drawers, grab it. We follow to the right and light the torch with matches. A man is lying on the floor and asking for help. There is a window above it, click on it. You need to assemble a pyramid of drops, as shown on the wall.

We go to the right, collect firewood. To the right again, we find a bowler hat on the shelf. We open the cabinet by moving the locks as directed by the arrows. In the closet we will be greeted by a series of puzzles with cobwebs. The main task is to prevent the spider from eating the midge. By pressing on the web you remove the thread. If the first two riddles were simple, then problems may arise on the third. I'm posting a screenshot of the solution.

The rest of the riddles are simple, we just remove the cobwebs around the flies. After solving the riddles, we take the book. We return to the man, to his right is a brazier. We put firewood, hang the pot and light the wood with matches. Now let's look for flies in the cave. I'll give you a hint where they are.

Each fly has its own color. By clicking on the fly, it will begin to show a figure with its flight path. Thanks to the flies' hints, we enter the code into the chest of drawers.

We get a pickaxe, follow to the window where we collected the raven drop by drop. We break the raven figurine with a pickaxe and take the water. We put water to the right of the microscope. Place a bowl on the microscope tray. We go to the music stand and put the book on it. It is necessary to collect the family tree in books. Without completing Rusty lake: Roots this will be problematic, I’m posting a screenshot.

Click on Laura and get a photo card. We put the photo on the page on the left, we get a hint. Enter the received hint here:

Then the light will light up. We go to the dog, a drawing will light up to the left of it. Click on the picture and solve the puzzle. You need to collect a figure from those offered on the shelves. After we have collected the last piece, we give the bottle to the man on the right. Afterwards a crippled soul will appear. We give the bottle to the second man, a moth flies in, we catch it. Give the moth to the bat and get a photo. We put the photo in the book, on the next page. We get a hint.

We use the hint and light the second lantern. We return to the wall with drawings, a new riddle. A very simple riddle, we place a man in a diving suit on the cubes where Dale is walking. I'll give you an example:

After completing the maze, a crack will appear in the wall. We hit the crack with a pickaxe until a hand grows. We cut off the hand with a knife. Bloody scene). We put our hand in a meat grinder and get food for the dog. We give food to the dog. We press on the dog until it goes to the toilet. Next, we take the stool and place it on a plate in a microscope. Solving a riddle in a microscope, you need to get rid of the red lines. The riddle is not easy, unfortunately I was not able to take screenshots. Maybe I'll record a video later. We get the powder, add it to water and get an elixir. We go to the mirror and drink the elixir. Click on the mirror until it breaks. We look for a photo in the corner of the mirror, put the photo in the book for a hint.

We use the hint and light the third lamp. We return to the wall with drawings and solve a simple problem. Starting with the black cube, we collect the fish and the cubes that the orange fish point to. For example: initially the fish will point to a jellyfish, we go to it, and so on. After everything is assembled, the wall will crack. We hit the crack with a pickaxe. We take the ore. We put the ore in the cauldron and take out the liquid metal. To the right of the microscope there is a box with a key impression. Pour liquid metal into the box. We close and open the box, take the key. Use the key to open the bottom drawer of the chest of drawers. We grab the electrical tape and repair the tube that goes to the spacesuit. We turn on the oxygen and let air into the suit. We give him the elixir, Mr. Owl will appear. We talk with him and take the photo and the diamond. We put Laura's photo in the book and get a hint. Using the standard scheme, we enter a hint on the door.

The door will open and the last drawing on the wall will light up. The picture is a clue. We look at it and remember the directions of the arrows. We go to the new room and unscrew the switch as on the hint.

We press the lever. We get into the boat.

Walkthrough Cube escape The Cave Submarine

We approach the shelf with the box. We take an inkwell and a shell from the shelf. Now we need to power the boat. We go right twice and open the stove. We light the coals in it.

We find a car with power supply. We install a diamond there.

Following the prompt on the shelf, we set the values ​​on the control panel as in the screenshot.

We rise a little higher and turn the valve until we get a pressure of 40.

We go to the left room to the yellow steering wheel. We twist the boat so that we get to our destination. The destination is indicated on the panel. That is, we turn to W. To the left of the steering wheel there will be a power supply panel, set the value to 3 and go. Next, turn the steering wheel to position S. Set the power to 2.

To the right of the cube catching machine))) There is a lever on the pipe, click on it. We go to the right, there is a fish in the porthole. Our task is to catch her. Balloons will help us with this. True, the balls are disposable, but the problem is simple. Try it and you will understand, it is not difficult. We catch three fish, then two come at once. We send one to the button, the second to us. Next, we catch the remaining three fish using the same pattern. We hang the fish evenly on six hooks.

Close the stove and open it again. We see the word OWL. We enter this word in the room with the steering wheel. A crab will fall out of the pipe. Let's give the crab a shell and get a pearl in return. We go to the shelf with the map and place the pearl in the box. Inside we find a corner and a clue.

We return to the dashboard and to the left of it we find a lever. Click on it and look through the telescope.

We put the puzzle together and get a white cube. We install the white cube in the energy supply machine. We return to the dashboard again and set the values ​​on it from the hint received.

Turn the valve a little higher again, now you need to set the value to 30. To release the pressure, press the lever. I think from the first voyage you understood how to operate a boat. We swim to the object blinking on the radar. We catch the cube, we see the fish. We click on her and try to talk to her in Morse code. Fish gives us the word INK. We enter it in the same place where we entered the word OWL. Octopus tentacles will come out of the pipe. All the suckers need to come out. Quite a difficult task. It’s easier to remove all the suckers and start with the outer tentacles. Once you have dealt with the tentacles, place an inkwell under them. We carry the inkwell onto the shelf with the map. We get the next place to go. We go to the dashboard, press the lever and collect the puzzle (as with the white cube). Next, we relate it to the power supply mechanism. Set the values:

Above (where your favorite red valve is), set the depth to 0. We sail to our destination. We take the last cube, solve the last puzzle. Afterwards, as always, we carry the cube to the energy supply mechanism.

Now we go fishing, everything is the same as before, only now we put the fish on the hook. We go to the spyglass and see a fisherman. Click on it, it will start showing letters. We get the word KIT and enter it. A hook will fall out of the pipe, take it and hang it on the ship in a bottle. Pull the hook until the mast falls out. We look at the mast and find a clue inside. Following the prompt, set the values ​​on the dashboard:

We are sailing to our destination. And don’t forget to change the depth to 50 (red valve). When we arrive at our destination, go left and pick up the cubes. We go to the porthole, hit the cracks and find a white exit in the water.

Walkthrough Cube escape The Cave Final

We will find ourselves in a white room. We release the scanner on Dale’s head and move right to Laura. We release the scanner on her head. We install the cubes into the apparatus. We turn on the scanners at Dale and Laura. We approach the device, click on the needle and pick up the cube. We give Dale the cube and get into the elevator. This completes the passage of Cube escape The Cave.

Well Done: Sacrificed oneself for ultimate flavor

To get this achievement, in the first location where you need to hang the dragon by the tail, take a hot dog and string it on a wooden stake to bait the dragon. Next, we DO NOT ring the bell, but jump to the dragon, he will fry us with flames and at the same time a hot dog.

Shoplifting: Saw a postcard stolen from the Gift Shop (Kleptomaniac: Stole a postcard from a gift shop)

At the clerk in the souvenir shop, before he opens the door for us on our journey, you need to take a postcard from the stand and go through the door, after going down, you will be credited with the achievement.

Remorse: Remembered it "s wrong to steal (Repentance: I remembered that stealing is bad)

You need to return the postcard to its place on the stand in the clerk's gift shop when you return to him at the end of the game, yes, you heard that right, you need to carry the postcard with you throughout the game and return it back at the end.

Fire In The Hole: 3 die by the Miner's hand (Fire: Three died at the hands of the Miner)

The location where we return the trolleys to the Miner. You need to ensure that 3 heroes are destroyed simultaneously with one explosion.

Creamed Corn: Food-based destruction (Corn puree: Food through destruction)

You need to blow up 2 cans of corn. The first one is from the Miner who throws dynamite, you just need to put the can under the dynamite. The second one is on the island, behind the box on the right side of the island. It needs to be blown up using pirate barrels.

To Soothe A Savage Beast: Recorded and played back the elevator music from the Zoo food court

In the zoo location, after charging the tape recorder, we go to the food court where a melody is playing from the speaker (similar to the melody from the elevator), set the tape recorder to record, then move away and set it to play. The achievement is yours.

Corruption: Saw the darkness in all our hearts

See bad endings for all the characters in the game. To get the bad ending, you need to take with you out of the cave the item that the seller in the souvenir shop gives you.

Redemption: Saw the good in everyone (Redemption: Seeing the good in everyone)

See good endings for all the characters in the game. To obtain good ending, you need to leave the cave completely empty, when the seller gives you the reward, talk to him again to return the reward back and be left empty-handed.

The Whole Story: Collector of forgotten dreams (The whole story: Catalog of forgotten dreams)

Unlock all cave paintings. This is a cumulative achievement, you need to collect 12 drawings for each hero: 8 drawings you find in the levels, 2 are given for the good ending and 2 are given for the bad ending.

Who Wants to Live Forever r: Got everyone out of The Cave without dying once (Who wants to live forever: Leave the cave without dying once)

A difficult achievement. You need to complete the game without dying once. You can cheat if your hero dies, press Ctrl+Alt+Del and end the Cave.exe process, then start the game and click “Continue”, I want to note that you will need to start the current level over.

What You Always Wanted: Reached the bottom of The Cave (What you always wanted: Reached the bottom of the cave)

This is a story achievement, you will receive it when you beat the game for the first time.

Win-win-win-win-win-win-win: Everyone reached the bottom (Victory-win-win: Everyone reached the bottom)

To get this achievement, you need to complete the game with any of the endings with each hero.

Royal Buffet: Where did the King go anyway? (Royal buffet: Where did the king go?)

You need to watch how the dragon eats the king, when he runs away, we run after him to the princess’s room and watch the process itself.

A Midsummer Knight's Thieve: Helped the Knight obtain Excalibur (Medieval knight thief: Helped the knight get a sword)


Walk Like An Adventurer: Pantomimed an ancient hieroglyph (As an adventurer: Draw an ancient hieroglyph)

It's easy to miss, when you enter the pyramid and talk to the adventurer, run straight and go up the second staircase, as soon as you go up there will be a painting on the wall depicting three ancient people, you need to bring all three heroes here, they will depict ancient people.

It Belongs In a Museum: Came ever-so-close to recovering the Sarcophagus (Museum Exhibit: Get very close to recovering the Sarcophagus)

Story achievement, get it automatically after passing the hero's location.


Don't Fill Up On Fortune Cookies: Peered into everyone's fate (Don't Fill Up On Fortune Cookies: Peered into everyone's fate)

At the carnival there is an attraction called Zavetar, which predicts fate. Well, you need to find out the fate of each of the characters, this will require 3 playthroughs.
Added 12/11/2014, Thank you
You need to go to Zavetar before the “Guess the Color” attraction. After it, the heroes do not interact with the fortuneteller.

Weight of the Beast: The scale reveals a baleful figure

In order for you to get this achievement, you need heroes: Hillbilly, Knight and Lady from the future. Each person should have one item in their hands: a sledgehammer, a dumbbell and a wrench. We stand with all three of us on the scales, launch the attraction, get a weight of 666 and get the achievement.

Funnier Than a Burning Carnival: Enabled the Hillbilly to burn down the Carnival (Funnier than burning Maslenitsa: Burn the carnival)

Story achievement, get it automatically after passing the hero's location.

Embrace Impermanence: Broke bridges

When you climb on airplane carpets, at the very top you need to jump with all the heroes to the right (to where the rope is) after you climb up the rope, there will be a bridge there and you will need to collapse it.
Added 03/18/2015, Thank you
In order to break the bridge, the player must have a feather in his hands.

Grand Theft Karma: Played some dubious role in the Monk's murder of his Master (Grand Theft Karma: The Master Must Die)

Story achievement, get it automatically after passing the hero's location.

Movement - using the WASD keys.

Jump – right mouse button (RMB).

Take an item by clicking on it with the left mouse button. Place an item (throw it) – double-click the left mouse button.

To drag an object – hold down the “E” key and the direction key.

By default the character runs, if you need to walk, press "Shift".

At the beginning of the game you will be asked to choose three characters out of seven possible. Switching between characters is done by pressing keys 1, 2, 3.

Each character has a special skill (to use the skill, you need to press “Q”).

Knight – invulnerable to fire when in the air (for example, while jumping),

Hillbilly - holds his breath under water,

Time Traveler - Moves through walls

Monk – attracts objects within sight,

Adventurer - throws a hook and jumps over obstacles,

Gemini – split (you can do two actions at the same time),

Scientist - opens any control panels.

Throughout the game, you will encounter flickering symbols on the walls (each character is assigned eight symbols and two more after the game). If you collect the entire collection, you will learn the backstory of your team. The symbols are in the same places, but depending on the selected characters, the icons themselves will change.

The game has five mandatory levels and three individual ones (for each character).

The plot branching is as follows:

The “Gift Shop” level is the same for everyone.

If there is a Knight or a Hillbilly on the team, then the “Castle” or “Attractions” level follows; if they are not there, the “Mine” level immediately follows.

The “Mine” level is the same for everyone.

The “Pyramid”, “Mansion” or “Museum” level is individual for the Adventurer, Gemini or Time Traveler (if there are no such characters in the team, the “Zoo” level immediately follows).

The Zoo level is the same for everyone.

The “Laboratory” or “Monastery” level is individual for a Scientist or a Monk (if there are no such characters in the team, the “Island” level immediately follows).

The “Island” level is the same for everyone.

The “Return to the Gift Shop” level is the same for everyone.

Follow the signs indicating the direction of travel.

Level "Souvenir shop"

Level goal: find three souvenirs. Exit: door to the right of the gift shop.

Run to the right as the first character and take the crowbar. Run to the left and tear off the boards that interfere with the movement. Run further until you reach a rock that cannot be climbed. Go right, find the box and drag it under the rock.

Jump onto the creaky bridge. Select two other characters and bring them to the bridge as well. The bridge will naturally collapse. Get out of the water.

Run to the right and talk to the gift shop clerk. After his tirade, go left: the seller will offer to go into the cave and find three souvenirs (the door on the right is the future exit from the level). Take the key and go left, where two other characters are swimming in the water. Open the door. It is better for the second character to take the crowbar with him (you will need it).

Go down to the well and even lower to the vending machines (if you didn't take the crowbar, there's another one hanging here). There is a lever at the bottom, press it with the first character. At the well level on the left there is a second lever. Click on it with the second character. With the third character, run to the character at the second lever, go through open door and press the third lever.

Go left to the bell. Here you need to go up with a character with a crowbar and tear off the handle from the second well (you can throw the crowbar, it will no longer be needed). Take the handle, return to the first well and pick up the bucket. With the bucket, return to the first well, go higher and use the bucket on the spark shield. Remove the fuse from the panel and return to the location with the vending machines. Insert the fuse into the panel and hit the sausage machine. Take the sausage. With the second character, pick up the fuse and take it to the first panel. Stand to the left at the lever that controls the claws. With the character with the sausage, go to the bell and click on the stakes on the left: you will impale the sausage. Ring the bell, immediately switch to the character at the shield and pull the lever.

You will catch the monster. Go left and jump into the water. Climb to the right bank, go down two stairs and take a stick of dynamite. Climb the two stairs, light the saber on the torch on the wall and place it on the right under the rubble of stones.

In the cave that opens, you need to find two items (it could be a guitar, a dramatic award, a bear, a skull). One of the items can only be obtained by diving underwater.

Next you will see a platform and a grate. Stand on the platform with one of the characters: the grate will rise, and behind it you will find a second platform. Place the second character on the second platform, and the third (who has no reward) go up the stairs to the right of the second platform. Here is the third souvenir.

Move the characters to the right (the one standing on the right platform should be the last to leave). Call the elevator, stand on the platform with all characters and go up to the vending machines. Return to the gift shop and give all the items to the seller. Pull the right door, then talk to the seller again. He will open the door.

Go right, jump into the water and climb out to the left. With one character, jump onto the hanging block. With the second character, jump over the stones to the left and go down to the ground. Move the third character on the ground to the second. As the first character, climb up the block rope and stand on the middle stone. Use the second character to move the box lying on the right so that the first character jumps onto it and does not break. Go right and the three of you stand on the platform. The next door will open.

Castle Level (Knight)

Level goal: get a sword. Exit: garden to the left of the throne room.

Go down and to the left, where you will see a narrow passage on fire. Jump down and use the Knight's skill (“Q”) while jumping: then in a balloon he will slowly fly through the fire. Go left, talk to the King and find out that you need to find the Princess, bring her amulet and pull the Excalibur sword out of the stones. Go right in a straight line: a grate will open into the castle courtyard. Climb the ladders and ropes to the very top and talk to the Princess. She wants you to defeat the dragon and bring the gold it guards as proof.

Go down to the courtyard and go to the castle. At the fork (arrows to the dragon and to the Princess), go up the right rope, then up the stairs (pay attention to the guard with a gun who is guarding the key to the dragon gate). At the top, find the elevator and put the Knight in it. Run after the second character, near the elevator, climb the rope to the lever that controls the elevator.

Switch to the Knight and use his skill (since the Knight is hanging in the air, balloon will protect him until you move the Knight). Lower the Knight to the 3rd floor (the bell should ring) and check the elevator by switching to the Knight: if everything is correct, the guard should shout and shoot. As the third character, go to the castle and take the key to the dragon gate.

Lower the Knight to the 4th floor (down), run there with the character with the key. Open the dragon gate and stand not very far from the coin you have to steal.

Run around the dungeon with the Knight and go to the dragon on the other side. Run close enough to the dragon and use the skill while jumping. While the dragon is blazing hot at the Knight, quickly switch to the second character and steal the coin. Climb up to the Princess (along the right rope, then along the long ladder and the second ladder to the left of the road to the elevator). Open the door with a coin and take the amulet.

Go down to the fork. Switch to the Knight, exit the dungeon to the left and up the rope. At the fork (to the dragon or to the skulls) go right. You will come out to the second character with the amulet. Take the amulet and return to the King (into the courtyard, up and again through the passage on fire). He will allow you to take the sword.

Try to pull out the sword, but bad luck: it’s stuck. Switch to the second character and climb into the castle along the right rope. Before reaching the stairs to the Princess's room, find boxes with dynamite on the left. Return to the dungeon and at the fork follow the arrow to the skulls. In the very left corner you will see a square stone pedestal with a Knight standing directly above it. Light the checker on the nearest torch and throw it on the pedestal. Switch to Knight and take the sword.

One of the remaining characters can run to the Princess's room, where the King went, and check what he is doing. Then switch to the Knight, run left into the garden and jump down.

Level "Attractions" (Hillbilly)

The goal of the level: earn five tickets and use them to buy a teddy bear for your beloved girl. Exit: gate to the right of the girl.

Jump into the water as a hillbilly, use your breath-holding ability and swim to the left. Get out onto land, take a stick of dynamite from the box, light it on a torch and throw it onto the rubble on the right. Go down the stairs to the left of the pool. You will see the Hillbilly's dream - a long-legged girl, for whom you will have to get a teddy bear. The bear is sold in the machine next to the girl and costs 5 tickets.

The first ticket is located to the left of the machine in the hands of a cardboard figure.

The second ticket is in the diving booth in the left corner of the level. You will need two characters: the first must climb onto the booth, the second must press the button. When the first character falls into the water, the second character takes the ticket.

The third ticket is in the silo next to the diving booth. It will require a hammer and two characters. With the first character (it’s better not to choose the Hillbilly), climb the rope in the center of the level. A rope separates the left and right sides of the rides. Now you need to go left all the way (you will see boxes). Climb onto the boxes and continue up to the generator truck. There is a wrench nearby that you need to take and stand next to the generator.

With the second character, climb the rope and go left. Take the nearby stairs to the top level of the park. On the right you will see a large Ferris wheel. You need to aim and jump into the booth. When you are at the top, you will see a ledge with a shield in the upper right corner of the screen. Jump there. Use the first character to turn off the voltage on the generator with a wrench, and use the second character to take the fuse. Jump down and go left.

You will see a non-working theater. Climb the ladder to the empty spark shield. Use the first character to turn off the voltage, and use the second character to insert the fuse. Get down the stairs: the theater will start working, and you can take the hammer. Go down to the strength meter and hit it with a hammer. Take the third ticket.

The fourth ticket is in the weighing attraction. Here you will need a dumbbell, which lies to the right of the Ferris wheel near the strong man. With the dumbbell, run to the right to the boxes, climb down the ledges and find the magician. After watching him make the cupcake transparent, place the dumbbell on the table. Then click on the table: you will pick up a transparent dumbbell. Go up to the weighing ride, step on the scales and press the button. Get the fourth ticket.

The fifth ticket is on the wheel of fortune. You will need three characters. The first character must stay near the generator, the second character will have to run to the theater to get the fuse (don't forget to turn off the voltage when you take the fuse). Then run right towards the boxes and the magician. You will see a mechanical predictor. Insert the fuse into the panel. The third character must climb the rope and run to the left towards the boxes, but do not climb up, but go down to the wheel of fortune.

Switch to the character near the soothsayer and click on him. The ball in his hands will glow (either red, blue, or green). Switch to the character at the wheel of fortune. Set the color switch to the color you just saw and press the lever on the left. You will win the fifth ticket.

Buy a bear (the Hillbilly will automatically come running). Look at the girl who is not at all interested in your maniac. Bring the character with the wrench here and take the wrench from the Hillbilly. With the second character, take another ticket from the hands of the cardboard figure and buy a lighter. As a villager, run to the diving booth, and as a second character, run there. Repeat the trick by dropping the Hillbilly with the Wrench into the water.

Use the skill and swim to the right. You will see a valve that can only be closed with a wrench. When you do this, switch to the character with the lighter. Go right and set fire to the hay bales to the right of the loving couple.

Run to the left all the way (a fire will start and a box will block your path). Run to the right: the gate will now open. Then run to the pool, swim across it and go into the mine.

Mine level

Level goal: clear the rubble and find three trolleys for the gnome. Exit: bridge next to the gnome.

Jump into the water and go right. With two characters, press the two levers. Jump over the location with the stakes and go all the way down (there will be a lot of stairs and ropes). As a result, you must get onto the rails (this is the future exit from the level). A gnome will appear on the left, who will first throw a shovel, a bucket and a can of corn, and then begin to throw sticks of dynamite and demand his trolleys. Grab the bucket and rise higher, where your comrades are waiting for your character. Collect water from the puddle and return to the gnome. Catch the checker in a bucket of water and rise up.

Three trolleys are located where the torches are burning on the walls. Throw a bucket on the ground: the character will automatically pull out a stick of dynamite from it. Light the dynamite and place it near the rubble.

First trolley (lower level, right, with gold). You will need two characters. The first character must move the trolley under the claw, the second character must press the claw control lever. The claw will hook the gold bars and throw them into the trolley. Then push the trolley to the left towards the barrier (it will roll straight towards the gnome).

Second trolley (top level, right, empty). You will need two characters and a shovel (you will have to run to the gnome and pick it up from the rails). Place the first character with a shovel in the trolley, with the second character move the trolley until it automatically rolls. Immediately switch to the character with the shovel. First you will see a black screen, and then a character in a trolley. Quickly click on the yellow semaphore sign in the center of the screen (if you don't hit it, you'll have to try again). If everything is in order, you will turn the arrow and come straight to the gnome.

Third trolley (middle level, left, with food). You will need three characters.

This is a puzzle with ladders and swing platforms. Your task is to move the trolley from the lower right corner to the left to the middle level.

The starting position of the platforms is at the top, so as the first character you will automatically jump to the right platform and go down to the lower level. Send the second character there too. While one character is standing on the platform, the other must drag the trolley onto it and move it 2 positions to the left along the central stairs. Place the second character on the left platform (to hold it), then use the first character to pull the minecart onto the left platform. Leave one character and a trolley on the left platform. The other two characters should climb the central stairs to the upper level and jump onto the right platform. Now the character with the trolley will rise to the middle level. Push the trolley to the left.

Automatically you will find yourself near the gnome. Put all the characters in the trolleys and jump with some character. And again you have to swim...

Level "Pyramid" (Adventurer)

Goal of the level: pull out the sarcophagus and get out of the trap. Exit: door to the right of the ankh block.

Go left through the door and immediately use the grappling hook (as stakes will appear from under the ground). Stand on the platform - the stakes will be removed. Move the other two characters and walk them to the other side of the pyramid and inside until you see the next stakes. Run Adventurer, use the grappling hook and jump over the stakes. Step onto the platform. An archaeologist will appear and tell you about the sarcophagus. Move the other two characters to this side and use them to go right and down the stairs. Then turn right again, to the location with the cat and down. The adventurer needs to go right, down and down the long stairs. On the right, take the ankh from the block and climb to the very top. Place the ankh into the niche after jumping over the stakes and go left onto the platform. The "rabbit" sign will light up. Because two other characters are already standing nearby, jump down with both of them. Now the two are locked on a floor with 4 platforms: Snake, Heron, Jackal, Lion.

As an adventurer, climb onto the ledge on the right. To open the door, you need to activate the Snake and Lion platforms (look at the signs on the wall). Stand on these platforms with two characters: the door will open. Next you need to remove both characters from these platforms and put one on the Jackal. Then you can use the hook and climb up. Activate one Heron and run across the area with the stakes, but do not jump down. Move any character onto the Snake - the stakes below will be covered with a platform. At the bottom (this is the floor with the sarcophagus), place two characters on the Heron and the Jackal, run over the stakes and immediately press the hook (because the second stakes do not retract). Go to the sarcophagus (you will automatically click on one of the platforms). Place two characters on the Snake and Heron, and move the sarcophagus to the right. The door will open, move the sarcophagus further and jump down.

Here you need to move the sarcophagus to the left and go down with it to the next floor. There is a platform on the left. Stand on it and wait for the sarcophagus to go down. Run along it to the right and jump lower. Quickly move one character to the Jackal: the door to the sarcophagus will open. Here you need to have time to run under the sarcophagus and jump onto the platform on the left (otherwise the Adventurer will be crushed and you will have to start over).

When the sarcophagus on the middle floor goes down, quickly run to the right, jump out of the door and jump. Place some character on Leo and run to the third platform. Click on it and go down together with the sarcophagus.

The archaeologist is standing here again. Move the sarcophagus straight towards it and further to the right. The adventurer will fall down and the sarcophagus will disappear.

There are three drawing clues hanging on the wall. Place two characters on the Snake and Jackal, and the Adventurer on the leftmost platform. Then place the characters on the Lion and Heron, and the adventurer on the middle platform. Finally, place the characters on the Lion and Jackal, the Adventurer on the right platform.

If everything is correct, the two characters will break out of prison. Jump down with one of them and push the cube to the left (you don’t have to jump for the cube). As an adventurer, drag the cube to the very right platform. Climb up the stairs that appear and go right. Gather all the characters on the platform near the door. Go right and climb up the rocks.

The beginning of 2013 was marked by the release of a number of interesting and exciting games not only for PC, but also for other gaming platforms. Sega, together with Double Fine Productions, the developer, presented a gift to all fans of quests, adventure games and puzzles in the form of the game “The Cave”.

“Cave” is the translation of the name of the game “The Cave”, released on January 24, 2013 on six gaming platforms, which is even adapted for Linux and satisfies the tastes of any connoisseur of good quests.

The only drawback of the game is the fact that it is paid. The price of the game “The Cave” on Steam is only 249 rubles and, you see, for good quests that are not released very often, this is not a lot of money. Be sure that once you spend your money, you won’t even remember it after spending more than one day on an exciting journey inside a mysterious cave full of secrets.

Detailed review of the quest “The Cave” 2013, only on the website

For those who will make a purchase on Steam for the first time, we will describe the purchase process.

The game “The Cave” is new from the beginning of 2013 and, accordingly, it can be easily found on Steam on the main window. If you have difficulty finding a game, you can get to it through the menu “Games” - “Adventure Games” - “The Cave”.

Game "The Cave". You can buy it for only 249 rubles on Steam.

Before you do, read our review of the game, or at least watch a video that demonstrates the gameplay of the game.

To purchase The Cave, or any other game on Steam, click “Add to Cart.” After that, select “Buy for yourself” and select a payment method. The Steam app is very convenient when making purchases. You can easily purchase the game you like by choosing a payment method, of which there are plenty on Steam.

The subsequent window requires you to confirm the item being paid and the amount. Be sure to check the “I accept the terms of the Steam Subscriber Agreement” checkbox, because only after this the “Run” button will be available.

In our case, the game was paid for with Yandex money, and the process of crediting money took 15-20 minutes, after which a letter confirming the purchase was sent to the registration mailbox.

That's probably all, the process of buying a game on Steam seemed to us not to be as difficult as it seems at first glance.

The standard game installation process starts from the “Library” section, where you just need to click “Install”. The game takes up just over 1.1GB of free disk space.

Installing the game "The Cave".

The game, unfortunately, is not localized, and you will have to play on English language. Since the game is new, I think all searches for a crack for “The Cave” will not be successful. However, looking ahead, I would like to reassure everyone who is used to playing in their native Russian language: you can easily play without knowledge of English.

Only voiced in the game lyrical digressions and voices in narrative cutscenes. The heroes who will have to be controlled will not utter a word, but will still carry out all your actions, and you can distinguish a key or a torch from dynamite even without knowledge of English.

It's time to launch the game! A narrative that cannot be missed, you will have to listen to the end, and only then will we have access to the choice of heroes. In the game you will have to play with three heroes at once, having previously selected them from the seven available.

Click to enlarge! Consider the characters in “The Cave.”

Our choice fell on a lady in a dressing gown, a stupid collective farmer and a knight. Each of them, like the remaining four, have skills unique to them. For example, a knight can smoothly fall from a great height, a collective farmer can breathe under water, etc.

It’s a shame that you can’t assign names to the characters, because we always assign the name “GameAdvisor”, showing our readers that we play the game ourselves, and do not copy text from other resources.

The choice of heroes was spontaneous, you may choose others, but be that as it may, the game will be completed in one way or another.

The movements of our heroes are very funny; just one knight in clanking armor will make anyone smile.

The graphics, of course, are not top ten, and the range of colors is a bit dark, although they fully correspond to the surroundings of the cave. By and large, you forget about the shortcomings of the graphics when you try to solve puzzles, of which there are plenty in the game.

Dark colors and shades in the game “The Cave”.

Although the game has 3D graphics, it still looks more like a 2D quest platformer.

What I really liked about The Cave was that all the characters completed quests. Yes, you can do something with just one hero, but often completing tasks comes down to the joint work of all the heroes. A very interesting and innovative solution.

Gameplay screenshot from the game “The Cave”.

While playing “The Cave”, we caught ourselves thinking that the gameplay was somewhat reminiscent of the game “ Big Planet"for PS3. Perhaps, after playing it, you will also agree with the idea that “The Cave” is an analogue of “Big Planet”, only for PC.

The action of the game, as mentioned above, takes place in a cave, but our heroes sometimes have to get out into the world and solve riddles in the castle, cellars, towers, etc.

The puzzles in The Cave are quite adequate and can be explained logically. For example, water dripping onto an electrical fuse is easily collected in a bucket, or wall collapses are removed with dynamite ignited from a torch.

The dragon that guards the gold coin (token) that opens the door can be passed by approaching it from both sides. One of the heroes must distract the fire-breathing dragon at the cost of his life, allowing his partner to take the coin.

The heroes of the game can die indefinitely, this does not harm the future passage, because they are immediately resurrected in almost the same place in the labyrinth.

The dragon from "The Cave" kills one of the heroes.

The further our heroes go, the more complex the labyrinths and riddles become. It is very convenient to control the heroes, even if they are on opposite edges of the maze. Each of them is assigned a key on the keyboard for quick switching: 1, 2 or 3.

Quick and convenient switching between heroes in the game will be very useful, because sometimes moments decide the correctness and accuracy of completing a task.

The heroes will also have water obstacles that they can easily cross. But there are labyrinths where you need to dive and, while holding your breath, overcome ornate labyrinths. This is not given to everyone, and here you need to think a little, although we have already talked about how to do it.

The game is interesting to play; there are no crazy quests in it that can only be completed by looking at the hint. However, not everyone thinks alike, and some will find certain quests difficult. For you, we are preparing for publication a walkthrough of the game “The Cave”, which will help you complete this exciting game in detail with screenshots.

A knight from the game “The Cave” in the underground catacombs.

A unique skill of a collective farmer is that he can not breathe under water for a long time.

Knight from the game "The Cave" in the "Circus" level.

We can talk about the game “The Cave” for a long time, but we are sure that all fans of adventure games where you need to think and not run and shoot everyone will like it.

“The Cave” is a choice for thinking players, players with an analytical mind.

“The Cave” is a very long quest; after spending almost 3 hours playing the game, we only managed to open the first achievement, of which there are 26 in the game. I’m sure that if you play “The Cave” without much fanaticism with breaks for sleep, then a month of puzzles will be for you secured.

Color puzzle from the game "The Cave".

Another screenshot from the quest “The Cave”.

Having completed the game with the chosen heroes, you will certainly want to complete it with others, because the unique capabilities of each change the passage of quests exactly the opposite. The developers managed to retain players after the first playthrough of the game. By alternating heroes, there can be several of these passages and each will be different from the previous ones.

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Intel Core 2 DEO 2.2GHz / AMD equivalent or higher