We play fairy tale. Summary of the lesson “Playing a fairy tale. We dream about the future

I love the New Year's race, I love these emotions, anticipation. Although, I confess, I often manage to do everything at the last moment. Especially now that I work offline full time.

So this year too: not all the gifts have been bought yet, the suitcases have not been packed, and even the list of things has not been compiled, Advent has not been completed, and we are leaving in a week. What is it originally? Well…. probably advent. This year we have it not the usual one, a kind of Advent for travelers - in the form of an album. My mom makes it (I'll show it later), and I'm responsible for assignments and letters. And everything seems to be clear and understandable, because we are going to the snow, we will play with it, but I don’t have enough games and tasks for little Sandrik.

Rather, it wasn't enough. After all, just a few minutes ago I found out that Zhenya Yasnaya had specially prepared a set with New Year's games for kids, designed for age 2+, and it’s just perfect for us, since we just learn letters and count within 10. In general, I just breathed freely and now I’ll print everything out. One thing less 🙂

Hello dear friends!

Today I have great news! Especially for those who approach the preparation of the New Year with children with special care, for those who arrange waiting calendars and let a fairy tale into their home on the eve of the winter holidays.

The fact is that we again, like last year, decided with Masha Kostyuchenko and Zhenya Yasnaya to help mothers plan and prepare the holiday. We are pleased to present you our new New Year's project "Santa Claus Post"!

Dear friends, today I want to tell you about new project my friend and, in my opinion, the most creative mother in the world, Yulia Matroskina. Well, about my modest participation in it. The project is called “We play theater”, and its name speaks for itself. Therefore, I invite you to play theater with us! You can follow the project on Julia's blog or on Instagram. All the latest news will appear in our accounts: @yu_matroskina and @shkurinamaria. You can join the project at any time.

Well, now about my role. I had the honor to write the script for the first performance of Yulia's project. You will find it below. And Julia will tell you how to make a stage, scenery, puppets for a home theater. And a lot of other little things that I didn't even know about.

Yes, yes, in space! I invite you to take your seats in the spacecraft, fasten your seat belts, get ready for the countdown, because very soon, on April 1, 2015, our new astronomy project "Adventure Galaxy" will start!

Masha Kostyuchenko and I have been working on this project for over a year. I wrote ten large ones for him, in which I tried to tell the child in a language that was understandable to the stars and planets, our solar system, spacecraft, life on the ISS and much more. Masha, on the other hand, came up with an incredible number of games, tasks, cards and even board game. The project turned out bright, beautiful, with huge amount game material. You will be playing it for several months! Trust me.

Good evening everyone!

I very rarely tell and show what we play with Sonechka. I have hundreds of photos stored on my computer that never waited for me to write an article for them.

But this time, I just can't help but brag. I am very proud of what beauty Sonya and I have created, especially considering that there is very little time to play like this. But on the eve of that evening, we just read a winter fairy tale from the magazine "My mother - Vasilisa", and the lessons were done in my library, so I wanted to play and create, which we actually did.

Many thanks to Zhenya Yasnaya for the castle template! It can be downloaded at group "My mother - Vasilisa" VKontakte. This is how we painted and decorated it. Snow was made, as Masha Kostyuchenko advised in an article about the North Pole.

Dear mothers and children, the time has come for you and me to go back to the fairy tale together with Alyonka, Yegorka, Danilka, their mother Vasilisa and father Ivan. I think that many of you have already understood what I'm talking about - the second, summer, issue of our fabulous gaming magazine "My mother - Vasilisa" has been published! It turned out to be no less exciting and interesting than the spring issue.

In the summer issue, children go on vacation to a fairy tale, to the Kingdom of Far Far Away to their grandfather, Tsar Berendey and grandmother, Queen Martha. Alyonka, Yegorka and Danilka are having a wonderful time with their grandparents until they suddenly find out

To begin with, we needed a raft of twigs, I somehow made it, we looked at how it floats on the water, and then Sophia spent an hour occupied herself with checking which materials made of which float on the water, and which ones sink. At the same time, I found out that if you put something heavy on a light plastic or wooden object, then everything will sink together.

Tales online

Let's read fairy tales! All kids and adults love them. Good always triumphs over evil here. A fascinating plot and, of course, the magic of our online fairy tales will take the imagination of the child. Miracles and interesting story distract him from running around and noisy games. Fairy tales are not only entertaining. It has long been noticed that fairy tales teach us, through a fairy tale a child learns his place in this world, receives the first ideas about good and evil, friendship and betrayal, courage and cowardice. No wonder folk wisdom is passed down through a fairy tale from generation to generation. Presented fairy tales can be read both by yourself and listen to fairy tales online. This is a wonderful solution for modern parents and their children. As you listen to the tales, look at the characters in the colorful illustrations and watch them come to life. You can play with them the games that are built into the fairy tale story book, both on computers and mobile devices. Here you will find a fascinating journey into a fairy-tale world.

Optional course "Theatre in primary school»

Topic: "Playing fairy tale »

The purpose of the teacher's activity:create conditions for the disclosure and development of the creative potential of each child;the ability to convey the emotional state of the characters with facial expressions, gestures, body movements; hthrough game exercises to help children get rid of unnecessary psychological clamps and complexes; help to master the skills of collective interaction and communication.

Planned results:

Subject: have an idea about the theater, gestures, facial expressions, intonation.

Universal learning activities (meta-subject)

Personal. The teacher will have formed: a positive attitude towards extracurricular activities, interest in the material being studied, knowledge of the basic moral standards of behavior, goodwill, trust, attentiveness, readiness for cooperation and friendship, assistance; student emotionally "live" a fairy tale, a situation, express their emotions, understand the emotions of others; learn to jointly give an emotional assessment of class activities.

Regulatory. The student will learn to: accept and maintain the learning task and engage in activities aimed at solving it in cooperation with the teacher and classmates, take the position of a listener, viewer, actor in accordance with the learning task; student will have the opportunity to learn: adequately perceive the assessment of their work by the teacher, comrades.

cognitive. The student will learn: to understand the question asked, in accordance with it, build an answer using facial expressions, gestures, intonation; make a comparison; student will have the opportunity to learn: focus on the possible variety of ways to solve the problem, analyze, generalize.

Communicative. The student will learn: to take part in work in pairs and groups, to allow the existence of different points of view, to use the rules of politeness in communication; student will have the opportunity to learn: formulate one's own opinion and position, build statements that are understandable for the partner, take a different opinion and position; adequately use the means of oral communication to solve communication problems.

Forms and Methods : collective, group, individual; verbal, playful, practical.

Types of exercises: exercises on the expressiveness of voice, facial expressions, gestures.

Dramatization of the fairy tale by Y. Kushak "Turnip", puppet show (screen performance) "Three Little Pigs" by I.P. Maksimova.

Equipment: computer, presentation, screen with scenery for the fairy tale "Three Little Pigs", glove puppets; costumes for the fairy tale "Turnip".

Lesson progress:

    Knowledge update. Goal setting.

Psychological mood. slide 1

Children, how glad I am that we are all together again. I enjoy looking at your pretty faces. Shake off the dream! Wish each other good luck. Today we have a lot interesting work.

The topic of our lesson is "Playing a fairy tale". What do you think we will do? (We will continue to learn how to convey the emotional state of the characters through facial expressions, gestures, body movements.)

    Let's start our lesson with speech warm-up. Slide 2

A) A fly buzzed around the ear. F-F-F

A mosquito flew and rang. W-W-W

The horse jumped. tsok tsok

The tiger cub growled. R-R-R

The snake crawled. Sh-sh-sh

B) tongue twister

Zhenya became friends with Zhanna.

Friendship with Zhanna did not work out.

To live together with friends,

You don't need to hurt your friends.

III . Assimilation of new knowledge and ways of action.


DC4 Read like an artist!

d5 -6 Guess the story!

Staging of the fairy tale by Y. Kushak "Turnip" in a new way.

What does a fairy tale teach?

IV . Fizminutka "Woogie-woogie"

Creative tasks for the development of pantomime:

1. Take a pencil from the table as if it were:

  • hot baked potatoes

    small bead.

2. Determine by the gait of a passer-by (ballerina, soldier, pusher, old man, fashion model)

3. Show body parts: group work

    how your shoulders say: "I'm proud."

    how your back says: "I'm an old, sick man."

    how your mouth says: “Mmm, I love these cookies…”

    how your ear says: "I hear a bird."

    how your nose says: “I don’t like something ...”

    how your finger says "come here".

4. Transformation of the subject
Transformation options for different items:

    a pencil or stick - a key, a screwdriver, a fork, a spoon, a syringe, a thermometer, a toothbrush, a drawing brush, a pipe, a comb, etc.;

Special theatrical play: "The same thing in different ways".
Group I - the task "sit". Possible options:

a) sit in the dentist's office;
d) sit at the chessboard;
e) sit with a fishing rod on the river bank, etc.

Group II - the task "to go." Possible options:

a) walk along the road, around puddles and mud;
b) walk on hot sand;
d) walk along a log or a narrow bridge;

Group III - the task of "waving your arms."

Possible options:

a) drive away mosquitoes;
b) give a signal to the ship to be noticed;
c) dry wet hands, etc. peel potatoes

We invite those present to our puppet theater.

Screen performance "The Three Little Pigs" (I.P. Maksimova)

What does a fairy tale teach?

V . Summarizing. Reflection. Slide 10

Thank you all for your attention. Good luck guys!

Fairy tale "Turnip".

Garden in front of the house. Grandmother and granddaughter at the gate.
A bug - a tail with a ringlet, dozing under the porch.
Grandfather comes out onto the porch, he is dressed in a large sheepskin coat.
From the open window grandfather music is heard.
“Get on the exercises, get on the exercises!”

Grandfather. I have good health, I’ll plant a better turnip.

Grandmother. And the grandmother has no charge, thank God everything is in order!

Granddaughter. Putting the poor to sleep! I'll start on Monday.

(Bug and cat come out.)

Bug. Let's play catchy!

Cat. Let's go without charging.

Bug behind the cat, Cat - in the window.
A mouse comes out in sports pants,
T-shirt on the body, dumbbells in the paws.


One and two! And three - four! I will become the strongest in the world!
I will perform in the circus - raise a hippopotamus!

Grandfather. Oh, tired in the morning .... (Leaves).

Grandmother. Yes, it's time for me to bake. (Leaves or sits on a bench.)

Music sounds. "Get on the charge, get on the charge."

On the porch again grandfather. He sees turnips in the garden and doesn’t seem to believe himself.
He stood near the turnip - the turnip is higher than the cap.
From the open window the same music is heard.
Oh, a bulldozer would be here, without it - it’s quite a disaster!

Grandfather. Pulls - pulls - can not pull.

Where are you, grandma?

Grandmother. I now! Oh yes, the turnip was a success!

Grandfather. How to pull? From which side? Come out granddaughter to help!

Granddaughter. Breaking back, aching hands! No, you can't do it without Bugs.

Bug. You have to wake up the cat. Let's work a little!

Grandmother. The mouse would be clicked into the yard.

Cat. Call the mouse? What a disgrace! We ourselves, it seems, with a mustache.


Than to stomp the garden bed to no avail - get on the charge.
To get down to business, you need to gain strength!


Left - right, left - right, it turns out well!
Get up! Breathe, breathe! Now it's time to pull!

Do you know that fairy tale therapy is a wonderful way to relieve stress for a child?! Playing a fairy tale, depicting animate and inanimate objects, imitating their speech, fantasizing in the images of various heroes, the child splashes out the accumulated emotions, relaxes, gets a lot of pleasure and a charge of joy. And also a fairy tale game is great way development of speech and expansion of horizons.

Story therapy for parents. Reception 5: play fairy tale

Try to really play a fairy tale without locking the child into the framework of a fairy tale plot or character image. After all, our task is not to stage a fairy tale, not to arrange a real one or a finger one (although this, of course, is interesting and informative). We just want to release the feelings and emotions of the child to freedom, to encourage his imagination, and just give him the opportunity to "rage".

How to play with a child in a fairy tale?

With a younger child (2-3 years old), you can play well-known folk tales: “Ryaba the Hen”, “Kolobok”, “Teremok”, “Turnip”, “The Wolf and the Seven Kids”, etc. Kids like to imitate adults, so they happy to join in the action. Pull an impromptu turnip together, build a tower out of cubes and populate it with any characters, make a "golden" egg with a surprise inside and break it, make an obstacle course and be koloboks...

With a child over three years old, it is also interesting to play more complex, author's fairy tales. In such fairy tales there are no usual repetitions, but there is a fascinating plot. Make sure that the plot of the fairy tale is clear to the child, that he likes the fairy tale. And you can start the game: go to visit the characters, invent a continuation of the fairy tale, sing songs on behalf of the characters, transform into heroes using ordinary things, arrange home contests “Who will portray the hero better”, etc.

Such fairy tale games are suitable for the whole family, when children, parents, and grandparents play on an equal footing, without fear of seeming ridiculous.

And now, for example, a small fairy tale by L. Yakhnin "Horse". I think your kid will not refuse to play a horse: to be a cheerful horse and portray how a horse ran through a meadow, carried loads in a cart, performed in a circus, participated in horse races and even was a carousel horse.

The little horse ran in circles.
Just running is boring, she thought.
- I will carry things in a cart, - she decided.
“Now things are carried by trucks,” Mom explained.
- I will perform in the circus! - came up with the Horse.
- Can you dance? her trainer asked.
- At the zoo they carry children in carts, - the Horse remembered.
“We have special horses—tiny ponies,” she was told.
- I will participate in the races! - and the Horse went to the stadium.
"You're still small," the rider shook his head.
The Horse is completely bored:
"Does nobody need me?"
And then the carousel came running.
- We need carousel horses! he shouted.
Now the little Horse is circling on the carousel. The most wonderful thing is to make children happy!

Shorokhova O.A. We are playing a fairy tale.

Fairy tale therapy and classes on the development of coherent speech of preschoolers

The book offers the author's Development Program language personality child. Two areas of work with preschoolers are presented: fairy tale therapy (for all age groups) and classes on the development of coherent monologue speech (for older children). preschool age). This cycle of classes will help organize work on the development of verbal creativity of older preschoolers, starting with learning to compose reproductive and creative improvisations based on the content of familiar fairy tales and then inventing their own fairy tales and dramatizing them.

Preschool workers will be interested in recommendations on creating a favorable psychological atmosphere, determining the optimal composition of the group, ensuring rational conditions of space and time, as well as using game methods aimed at developing coherent speech, taking into account such personality characteristics as activity, independence, arbitrariness, emotional stability , creation.

The guide is for educators preschool institutions, psychologists, speech therapists.
UDC 373 BBK 74.100.5 Sh78

Reviewer: Dr. psikhol. sciences, professor PA. Podymov

Shorokhova O.A.

Sh78 Playing a fairy tale: Fairy tale therapy and classes on the development of coherent speech for preschoolers. - M.: TC Sphere, 2006. - 208 p. - (Development program). ISBN 5-89144-663-4
UDC 373 BBK 74.100.5

ISHN > K""I" MLM-4

Introduction 3

The development of speech and personality of a preschooler in fairy tale therapy 7

General characteristics of fairy tale therapy 7

Methodical techniques 8

Rules for fairy tale therapy 13

Psychological atmosphere of classes 13

Composition of group 14

Conditions of space and time 14

Fairy tale therapy program 15

Junior preschool age 15

Fairy tale therapy: "Cow Burenka" 15

Fairy tale therapy: "Cat Vaska" 21

Fairy tale therapy: "Good darkness" 27

Fairy Tale Therapy: "Boastful Chicken" 33

Fairy tale therapy: "Tender flower and angry clouds" 39

Average preschool age 45

Fairy tale therapy: "Flower-petal" 45

Fairy tale therapy: "The Greedy Giant" 52

Fairy tale therapy: "Caprice" 58

Fairy tale therapy: "Snowflake-Fluff" 64

Senior preschool age 70

Fairy tale therapy: "Bunny-knowing" 70

Fairy tale therapy: "Magic words" 76

Fairy tale therapy: "Naughty Vanya" 82

Fairytale Therapy: "The Cowardly Kid" 89

Fairy tale therapy: "Land of the Sun" 95

Fairy tale therapy: "Krivlyaki" 101

Fairy tale therapy: "The Evil Prince" 108

Fairy tale therapy: "Good transformation" 115

The development of coherent monologue speech of a senior

preschooler in class 122

Key areas of work 122

Program for the development of coherent monologue speech

older preschoolers 129

Stage 1. Introduction to genre features

fairy tales, small forms. Theme "The Fox and the Goat" 129

Lesson 1. Telling a Russian folk tale

"The Fox and the Goat" 129

Lesson 2. Retelling the fairy tale "The Fox and the Goat" 131

Lesson 3. Telling a fairy tale by SV. Mikhalkov

"Stubborn kid" 134

Lesson 4. Inventing riddles about literary

hero (the goat from the fairy tale "The Fox and the Goat" and the goat

from the fairy tale of St. Mikhalkov "Stubborn kid") 137

Lesson 5. Ifa dramatization of Russian folk

fairy tales "The Fox and the Goat" (with director's

character dialogue additions) 141

Lesson 6. Collective storytelling

based on a series of story paintings "Friends" 143

Lesson 7. Composition of ditties 147

Lesson 8. Inventing fables, fantasy game

based on the Russian folk tale "The Fox and the Goat" 150

Stage 2. Correlation between the theme and the title of literary works.

Theme "Laziness and work" 153

Lesson 9. Narration of the Ukrainian folk

fairy tales "Spikelet" 153

Lesson 10. Retelling the Ukrainian folk

fairy tales "Spikelet" 155

Lesson 11. Game-dramatization of the Ukrainian folk tale "Spikelet" (with director's additions to the figurative characteristics of the characters)

Lesson 12. Collective compilation of a story based on a series of plot paintings “Lazy Galina and hardworking Marina” 160

Lesson 13. Acquaintance with the tale of V.F. Odoevsky "Moroz Ivanovich" (narration, watching an animated film) 165

Lesson 14

Lesson 15. Introduction to a new genre - a fable.

Reading the fable of I.A. Krylov "Dragonfly and Ant" 170

Lesson 16. Inventing fables, playing fantasy based on the Ukrainian folk tale "Spikelet" (a fairy tale "inside out": industrious mice, lazy cockerel) 172

Stage 3. Acquaintance with the methods of creating fairy tales.

Theme "Dreamers" 174

Lesson 17. Telling a Russian folk tale

"Sister Chanterelle and the Gray Wolf" 174

Lesson 18. Retelling the fairy tale "Sister Fox and the Gray Wolf" (based on an imaginary plan)

Lesson 19. Ifa-dramatization of the Russian folk tale "The Little Fox and the Gray Wolf" (with director's additions about the different characteristics of the characters) 179

Lesson 20

Lesson 21 folk tale"At the command of the pike" (reception of triplicity, repetitions, magical transformations) 183

Lesson 22

Lesson 23. Reading the fairy tale by J. Rodari "The Big Carrot". Comparative analysis with the Russian folk tale "Turnip" 189

Lesson 24. Ifa-fantasy (showing a flat teaf), inventing a fairy tale "Cunning Fox". "Salad" from the fairy tales "Sister Chanterelle and the Gray Wolf" and "The Fox and the Goat" 190

Lesson 25

Lesson 26. Retelling the tale "Like a dog was looking for a friend" 193

Lesson 27

Lesson 28. Making up the story “My puppy is missing” 196

Lesson 29. Reading the fable of L.N. Tolstoy "The Dog and Its Shadow" 198

Final stage 199

Lesson 30. Inventing the fairy tale "Masha and the puppy" 199

The general basis of personality development is the mastery of speech. Speech depends on the emotional state of a person, his interests, inclinations, habits. As the child grows older, various character traits find expression in the features of his speech: independence, activity, arbitrariness, emotionality, creativity (ability to be creative).

So, for example, the emotional instability of schoolchildren can lead to an increase in the frequency of pauses, a reduction in the length of the speech segment between them. Children who are more likely to experience negative emotions tend to have a narrower circle of communication, in contrast to peers who are prone to positive experiences.

The creativity of a teenager's personality is manifested in creatively designed statements, saturated with their own arguments, evidence, figurative expressions (metaphors, phraseological units), an expression of a personal attitude to facts and events.

According to scientists, a high level speech development in an adult reflects the high development and balancing of all personality structures. A low level, on the contrary, indicates a lack of spiritual maturity, insufficient potential of the individual. The underdevelopment of any aspect of language competence can hinder the formation of the personality as a whole.

Preschool age is a unique period for the acquisition of personality traits. At this time, her model is laid. Therefore, the psychologist, the educator should take care of the development of the student's coherent monologue speech, taking into account the properties of his personality. Indicators of speech and personality traits, their mutual influence should be in the center of attention of adults who care about the timely and harmonious development of the child.

The study of speech outside the personality significantly limits the possibilities of searching for methodological ways of developing the communicative character traits of a preschooler.

The idea of ​​a multidimensional manifestation of personality in speech and speech in personality has become the leitmotif of this manual, the games and activities of which are based on the method of fairy tale therapy and the variable teaching of children to retell, as well as to invent their own fairy tales. Such an approach seems to be promising, conducive to the development of the child as language personality, which is a systemic nature of his qualities, objectified in speech, associated with the development of the communicative-required sphere, acquired for the purpose of communicative expediency and manifested in the process of joint activity in interpersonal communication.

IN Lately there is a growing interest in aspects of personal and speech development. Meanwhile, the problems of their mutual influence in preschool children remain unresolved. Until now, the dynamics of these processes in theory and practice is considered separately.

Developing education aims not at the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities, but at the development of the child's personality. Traditional education continues to focus on the development of the communicative competence of a preschooler (a set of specific knowledge and skills) without taking into account the subjective properties of speech that determine the speech behavior (the choice of speech tactics in communication) of the individual.

Observations show that the traditional teaching of preschoolers to retell is built on an imitative basis, reproductive methods of leadership prevail. The function of the child in such a lesson is performing, and not developing. Children are alienated from the independent choice of ways to correct errors and failures of retelling, the evaluation stage of learning outcomes. This prevents the development of such personality traits of the child as independence, activity, creativity.

Our timing of the traditional structure of the lesson shows that most of the latter (2/3) is spent on reading the work, talking on the content. Not enough time is left for children to retell the story.

The lack of a system of work does not allow preschoolers to satisfy their communicative need, to show creative activity due to the limited time in the lesson allotted for retelling the tale. Thus, children do not have the opportunity to improve the retelling either in the main or in subsequent classes, since the traditional method of teaching storytelling does not involve re-referring to the work.

The lack of effectiveness, success causes the children a feeling of emotional dissatisfaction and negatively affects their attitude to retelling, reinforces the experience of mechanical imitation of a literary model, does not develop independence, creative activity.

As the study showed, 6-year-old children, retelling such short and familiar fairy tales for younger preschool age as “Ryaba the Hen”, “Gingerbread Man”, find it difficult to independently choose the means of speech expressiveness (epithets, comparisons, figurative expressions) and grammatically correct sentences. The retelling of the fairy tale "The Fox and the Rooster", addressed to the older preschool age, causes even more serious difficulties for children.

There is unevenness in the disclosure of structural parts (beginning, middle, end): the beginning and end are more often shortened, the actions of the heroes are listed in the middle, descriptions of them are fragmentary appearance. The truncation of information leads to a partial violation of the logical sequence of the content.

In the retellings, the verbatim repetition of whole phrases, sentences from the fairy tale is preserved, there are the same type of means of communication: for example, the frequent use of formal writing (the conjunctions “and”, “a”, the adverb “then”), which violates the coherence of the presentation.

As a rule, children replace common sentences with a number of two-layer ones. In the process of change, the number of words that break the coherence of the presentation increases (“here”, “well”, “this”, “there”). Pauses of indecision are filled with vocal formations ("mmm", "uh-uh"); the subject is skipped. So, when transmitting the words of the author, the child does not indicate to whom the remark is addressed: "He says:"Come visit us, we have a housewarming party there." And says:"No, I would..."

Inaccuracies of word usage are allowed: “Dawn began to be hired”, “It began to turn gray”, “Let's go where (eyes) are looking." Children incorrectly describe the nature of the characters' movements: “went into a hollow” (about a fox), “climbed a tree” (about a rooster), “thrown in there” (about a dog). Often the same words are repeated.

The story plays in slow motion. In the presentation, there are often textual repetitions, indicating difficulties in planning the statement: "They were, they were it's boring to live there, "You are my beautiful, you are my beautiful, you are mythis...", "T only, only, only I can't go without a friend."

Thus, the violation of logic and consistency in the presentation, the use of the same type of connections, the numerous presence of situational elements, pauses, unnecessary movements, intonation and lexical inexpressiveness negatively affect the development of such personality characteristics as creativity.

Proposed program includes two sections work on the development of the language personality of a preschooler: game fairy tale therapy and special classes on teaching retelling and writing fairy tales.
The methodological recommendations given in the manual for each section allow specialists (psychologists, educators, mopeds) to provide the child with the opportunity for self-realization, the manifestation of their individuality in various types of creative activity (inventing their own fairy tales, dramatizing them, fantasizing according to musical composition, psycho-gymnastics, pantomime and rhythmic riddles , creating psychological portraits of heroes in problem situations, showing different types theatres).

Works for fairy tale therapy were written by educators, methodologists of preschool educational institution No. 136, 162 in Tver - participants in problematic courses organized by the author at the Tver Regional Institute for the Improvement of Teachers.

The published program for the development of the personality and speech of a preschooler is developed taking into account:

  • patterns of development of coherent speech and linguistic personality, formulated in numerous studies (G.I. Bogina, L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Gvozdev, N.I. Zhinkin, Yu.N. Karaulova, A.A. Leontiev , A. R. Luria, S. L. Rubinshtein, A. M. Shakhnarovich, D. B. Elkonin);

  • non-traditional approaches to the methodology of teaching the native language of preschoolers: retelling on behalf of a literary hero, compiling a visual spatial model for a work, semantic grouping of text, creative tasks for the development of verbal creativity (L.M. Gurovich, - I.Ya. Bazik, N.V. Zaharyuta, N.V. Gavrish, L.V. Voroshnina, O.S. Ushakova);

  • practical aspects of the use of fairy tales, psycho-gymnastic studies in the development of the child's personality traits (T.D. Zinkevich-Evstignesvoy, I.V. Vachkova, L.D. Korotkovy, M.I. Chistyakova).



The peculiarity of the proposed cycle of fairy tale therapy is that the development of the personality of a preschooler occurs in harmony and consistency with the successful mastery of literate and coherent speech. Fairy tale therapy is an integrative activity in which the actions of an imaginary situation are connected with real communication aimed at activity, independence, creativity, regulation by the child of his own emotional states.

Any activity contributes to the emergence of personality neoplasms as a person becomes a member of it. In turn, mastering the position of "I" in fairy tale therapy allows the individual to respond to the proposed situation with their own negative experience and clarify the meaning of the means of linguistic expressiveness in the language of gestures, facial expressions, postures, and movements.

In a programme fairy tale therapy personality development and the speech of preschoolers is carried out according to the following directions.

  1. Activity: from the need for emotional release - through self-expression in active action - to the activation of figurative vocabulary and positive emotional manifestations.

  2. Independence: from orientation in the means of linguistic expressiveness, problematic situations of a fairy tale, in the rhythm and dynamics of musical images - through the substantiation of one's own point of view in speech-proof - to the search better ways self-expression in speech and movement.

  3. Creation: from imitation of an adult in emotional action and expressive word - through the joint compilation of verbal descriptions of the perception of pantomime etudes, tempo-rhythm, musical composition - to verbal fantasizing ON musical composition.

  4. Emotionality: from emotional infection with the images of a fairy tale - through adequate emotional reaction of one's own negative experience in action, rhythm and word - to decentration (understanding the emotions of others) and to the replacement of an "ineffective" style of behavior with a productive one.

  1. Arbitrariness: from a full-fledged experience of the emotional states of fairy-tale characters in problem situations and understanding the meanings of figurative expressions - through the assessment of one's own and others' verbal messages and emotional actions - to the dynamic balance of movements performed and speech messages in a dramatization game.

  2. Connected speech:from: continuation of the adult's phrases - through verbal reasoning regarding the dynamics of musical compositions, the performance of pantomimic etudes, the rhythmization of fairy-tale images - to creative improvisations according to the plot.
Directions of fairy tale therapy are logically connected and implemented in a complex.

The fairy tale therapy program presented in the manual is a synthesis of modern methods for the development of speech and personality of a preschooler: verbal methods (director's game, commenting, drawing, improvisation, fantasizing), pantomimic etudes, rhythmic exercises, musical sketches.


Methodological techniques

In the system of work on fairy tale therapy, we have identified three stages work with preschoolers.

1. Cognitive-affective orientation.

Goals: understanding the plots of a fairy tale with the help of linguistic means of expression, the perception of musical compositions, the expressive intonation of the characters' replicas, the rhythmization of emotional states, the expressive performance in facial expressions and movements of a fairy-tale image.

Game tricks: verbal directing game, psycho-gymnastic studies, rhythmic exercises.

2. Verbal commenting on emotional-affective situations.

Goals: mastering the skills of managing one's behavioral reactions by compiling detailed verbal descriptions of the sensations received when perceiving the timbre, dynamics, melody of a musical composition, performing expressive movements and rhythmic patterns.

Game tricks: verbal commentary, pantomimic, rhythmic and musical riddles; relaxation exercises.

3. Expression of a replacement need.

Goals: balancing emotional behavior and expressive words through the transfer of emotional problems and actual experiences - needs in fantasy games based on a fairy tale.

Game tricks: for younger preschool age - joint verbal improvisation, pantomimic exercises to overcome bodily barriers; for senior preschool age - fantasizing in music, verbal drawing, pantomimic exercises to overcome bodily barriers.

A special place in this program is given speech games. They are widely used at different stages of work in close connection with other methods and techniques. In a verbal director's game speech games help children understand the emotional states and actions of the characters; in verbal commentary - they deepen the awareness of their own feelings in pantomimic rhythmic etudes; in verbal drawing - lead to the use of appropriate linguistic means to create psychological portraits of the heroes of a fairy tale. On the one hand, this enriches the vocabulary, on the other hand, it qualitatively influences the emergence of interest in linguistic wealth and independent verbal creativity. Speech tasks help in solving the common goal of each of the stages of work, therefore, in some cases, they are not distinguished as independent ones.

Game Methods And tricks in the program are used in a certain sequence, taking into account the increasing requirements for the development of the child in each group.

Verbal directorial game. This method pursues three main tasks.

1. To cultivate the ability to guess by the mood of the music about the actions and emotional states of the characters and natural phenomena. Such alternative questions as: “What mood does the music convey: sad or cheerful?”, “Music is fast or slow?”, “What can be done to such music: have fun playing in a clearing or crying?” - allow preschoolers to navigate the dynamics and melody of a musical composition. By the nature of the musical passage, they recall what happened to the heroes of the fairy tale.

With the help of lexical means (adjectives, adverbs), children determine their emotions, feelings that arose at the time of listening to music. Gradually, by the senior preschool age, when a child perceives a piece of music that has similar rhythmic organization and dynamic shades, musical-speech connections are formed. A preschooler can easily describe musical impressions with epithets.
* Hereinafter, the numbers indicate excerpts (sentences) from the roll, read out by the teacher.

Children of senior preschool age not only remember the plot of the musical composition, but also form their own attitude towards the characters with the help of phraseological units and figurative expressions.

2. To lead to the ability to expressively intotone the voices of the heroes of a fairy tale with different voice strengths. Leading questions encourage the child to imagine the emotional state of the hero, to choose the right intonation for the problem situation, the strength of the voice.

In order to develop the articulatory apparatus of preschoolers, onomatopoeic words, animal voices are used.

For older preschoolers, intonation exercises are offered to change the volume of the voice, timbre, depending on the emotional state of the hero in certain situations.

Such exercises prepare the child for adequate sound design of the whole statement. As a result, children develop intonation flair, voice power, diction. These skills further serve as a support for the development of such important qualities as emotionality, expressiveness, liveliness.

3. To acquaint with figurative expressions and fabulous repetitions, to activate in speech the forms of the imperative mood of verbs, the semantic shades of words. Clarifying questions direct the attention of preschoolers to the content side of the word, understanding its semantic shades, clarifying the meanings.

Games are widely used in which children continue the statements of an adult. At first, children learn to choose words that are opposite in meaning.

Older preschoolers can continue the phrases of an adult using figurative expressions and phraseological units from a fairy tale.