Theater games for children 4 5 years old. Theatrical games in Dow. Species of theatrical games are

Hello, dear readers, guests, friends. Today I want to present you a very talented mother, a professional professional, actress, director - Belousov, Yulia

Playing the theater - Why?

And the truth is why? We have no task to make an artist's child from the child, and with the fantasy of the absolute majority of children, everything is in order of nature, and in role-playing games they play with great success without our adult assistance.

That's right. But the acting training, (and we will talk about it, only in a slightly adapted form) - the occupation is amazing and unique in that knowledge, skills, information, food for reflection and impressions are not from the outside, from the teacher or from the book, And mostly draw from yourself. And - equally - from their "colleagues", if any (ideally, the acting training is a collective case, but it is quite possible to study and together with mom). That is, it is a great way to get acquainted with yourself - different, contrasting, unusual, realize your creative courage, try to be a director of your own faiths, and, of course, to realize them in life here and now.

How old can you play such games?

From any. Such classes can be interesting and useful both babies and adults. Any game or exercise can be adapted for the crumbs and vice versa - it is more difficult to make and more diverse, it is only worth including your fantasy. Therefore, the age range of our classes will be approximately the following: from 2-3 years to infinity. I intentionally won't talk about what exactly it is developing this or that task - we fully understand that any game develops at the child absolutely everything that would write there in the methods and on the boxes with games and toys.

We agree on the shore!

Before we despair from the shore and let's swim on theatrical and creative waves, I want to draw your attention to one thing, in order to avoid disappointments. What we accustomed to consider the theater activities of our kids are matinee in children's garden, for example, actually have nothing to do with the theater in any of its manifestation and form. I do not want to offend anyone: matinee is a great, interesting and useful thing, but ... infinitely distant from the theater. Therefore, in this article, you will not meet the Soviets, "How to teach a child to speak in public and do not be shy", "What to do that the baby read the poems loud and clearly", etc. We will not "teach roles" today, make and sew costumes. But we will play all sorts of stories, invent real etudes and even master the casualties. Well, since they agreed about everything - forward!

Queen Fantasia and King Imagination

These are our friends and assistants, without them just nowhere. Therefore, they will be devoted to a whole block of training.

Turning. And now we are all - wizards. The game is similar to the "Sea is worried." I slam down in your hands and say what we turn into, and we all immediately become ... a ball, a pencil, a flower, a toothbrush ... And now it's a little more difficult: a white rose bud, faded chamomile in a vase, autumn sad rain, hot sand on the beach…. And now even more difficult: rainbow, doubt, New Year, Letter "A", a fun mood, my mummy smile.

And now tell me, please, can it be rained? No, not to show, namely to play it (or "in it" - what do you want)? Sure you may! But only you can play a story, and you need to learn or compose. And what rain does it? Going ... excellent! And also? Pouring like a bucket, heats ... wonderful! And he can play on the roofs, like on the drums, or draw drops on the asphalt, or play with passersby, thoroughly drip out, or let bubbles in the pool, or ... And now we have something to do, and the question "how to play Rain "just not worth it! And the rain is what? What is his character? Gait? Mood today? Maybe he did not sleep or angry at someone? And for whom and for what? ... or vice versa - he is very happy because grandmother came to him! By the way, can the rain have a grandmother? And if so, how does it look like? ... And here, our rain becomes alive. And we got a small etude, almost a performance!

Etude . Now let's try to play a story that someone came up with. I suggest to appeal to the famous Many book by A. Shacheva "lived - there were Hedgehogs." The choice fell on this work, firstly, because this fairy tale was read, probably almost everything, secondly, the events of this story are quite detailed, they can be easily viewed through the "magnifying glass" and turn into a full-fledged sketch.

The guys love to "draw wide strokes", so they are ready in two-three gestures to show-tell a whole cartoon or a fairy tale. And it's great! And our task is to send them attention to the little things, no less interesting and "delicious" than the dashing turns of the plot.

Hedgehog Veronica fell into a jar from under jam. This is a whole story! You only need to help your child to live in detail. To do this, it is possible to promptly tell the baby directly during our "performance", something that slipped out of his attention, you can even invent the little things that were not in the book, it is very important in this "sfing" the magical word "suddenly".

Veronica ate crimson jam. Forbidden - this is important! So, ate so that no one noticed. Delicious e-e-e! At first she took the jam with one finger, and then he got carried away and began to eat a whole paw. And suddenly ... dried on the dress. Was upset? Not? Well, right - the jam is more important. Elah-ate and published! The stomach is so big and the paws are sticky! Still wants or not? And this is no longer important: the jam is still over, then the last droplet remained on the bottom. Suddenly, Veronica realized that she was inside the jar ... it's fun: you can press the glass to the glass, you can shout up - and it turns out a funny echo. How many games can you come up! Oh oh oh ... And how to get out now? Bounce? No, not to get to the neck ... Maybe to boil? But the paws sculp ... And if the bank is broken? Silent is missing. Somehow no longest ... And so I want it to my mother ... What will Veronica do next? Call for help? Or will someone come up with some kind of way out of the current situation?

With the prompts, you need to be as delicate as possible: if the baby is well thinking about the options, then it's not worth it to interrupt, if only to offer some very unexpected circumstance - let it try to get out. And if the child seeks to "jump over" immediately to the result, then the mother's monologue will be, the better.

But still ideas for such etudes from the same book: Veronica stuck to the Maslieka, Vovka plays football and every time I pierces the ball with needles, Veronica peeps into a box with bronzers, Veronica instead of a compote drinks dads ink, etc.

Music, let's be friends!

Without music, perhaps no theater. It is the most powerful expressive agent, the acting person, the creator of the atmosphere of the performance and the expressive of the feelings and emotions of the heroes. Let's listen to her. Better if the music is classic, instrumental (without words). Well, if it is small and easy to perceive the work or passage for 1.5-2 minutes. I.S. Bach, D.Kabalevsky, S.Prokofiev, P. Tchaikovsky, R. Shuman wrote music for children, in their creative heritage many such works that we need: small, bright and expressive, events. You can easily find something interesting for you with your baby. There is a small list of suitable musical works for such games.

And now let's imagine what this music is about? About how the cat drank milk and sharpened claws? Healthy! Can you show this cat? But I wonder what happened to our cat during this "boom" - and after all, clearly something happened, because so much music screamed?!

The more questions, the child is specified, the better. Paying your and childish attention to musical accents and all sorts of changes: Suddenly the music became quiet-quiet, and now there was a pause - after all, after all, and now the pace and tonality changed - why is it? etc.

And what is the character of this music? Is she kind or militant, thoughtful or playful? It is not necessary to listen to music sitting, you can move, only one condition: listening to music where she will behave and call. And maybe we will get her to draw or blind? Let's try! Or compose a fairy tale (together with my mother, of course), and then to play it to play it like an etude?

Sound.And here's another interesting command game. True, she is not with music, but with sounds. We come up with a chain of simple action. For example, I take a glass of a glass with tea, put there two pieces of sugar, stirring a spoon and drink. All this, of course, is not a real, and imaginary. Now let's think about what sounds we hear during these actions? Steps, knock pieces of sugar, born spoons, noise of drinking water ... perhaps something else? Now let's find around yourself with suitable items so that these sounds can be published - the most inappropriate objects at first glance can become excellent assistants. All is ready? Now, if you play more than two, you need to distribute sounds with each other. One player performs all actions with imaginary tea, and everyone else voiced this process. The game requires close attention from everyone, because the task is not to climb each other, but by contrast - to see the fragment as accurately!

Live word

How does it miss it, as soon as life puts us in a situation of some "show"! Words of the bought poem awkwardly fall somewhere down, and still strive and forget along the way! Horror! And about what we are easy to tell about how they rested on the sea, about a small kitten, which from yesterday lives at our house, about the holiday on the occasion of our birthday. Everything is so: the word can become alive and expressive, and therefore, an interesting listener, only if it is born "picture" inside. That is, first we present in our imagination what we tell - not the text itself, and very interesting story! - And then we turn our picture into words. Here is the main secret of the "stateless" games: the birth of a living word.

Tale about ... Yes, about anything! In my pocket there is a bus ticket, let's write a fairy tale about it. Speaking will begin the one in whose hands is the ticket. At my request, the ticket is passed on, and the story continues another storyteller. I wonder where it will cut the plot to the end of the fairy tale? The transfer of "relay" occurs on the border of the events: "And suddenly ...", "And one day ...", "And now ..."

Say as if ... Here is another game with the word. I will offer a short, but not very easy to utter phrase: "Too salt soup", for example. For the guys, older and phrases will be obsessed and more authentic, and for kids, on the contrary - easier, you can even restrict ourselves to one or two words. The main thing is that it can be quickly and easy to remember. Now say it, as if you do not want to have this nasty soup, and now as if salty soup - your favorite delicacythan he is salty, the better. And now as if this soup was welded, and now apologize for being saved. And now it is not about the soup at all - this is an encrypted message, it must be said in secret so that no one has heard a stranger. And now "too saline soup" is your name. Introduce youreself! And now you are a leading concert and declare the next program number. You can continue for a long time.

"Mum" What a wonderful word! We pronounce it very often. And what about? Let's remember what situations today we appeal to mom. In the morning painted a beautiful drawing and invited Mom admire. And then they saw how children and steel are walking on the street persuade Mom go for a walk. Later asked to help Tie shoelaces. And then called the phone, and we called Mom. And on the walk, I met a big and terrible spider, and we shouted from fear: "Mom!". And after dinner, my mother lossed to relax, and we needed something to ask her, so quietly, whisper, so as not to wake and very affectionate: "Mom!". Now how many stories have happened for today, and how the same word sounded in different ways! And let's now play them as an etude, like a small performance in which only one word will sound.

Two hands - two wizards

Hands are perhaps one of the most expressive means. As often, telling something or explaining, we involuntarily gesticulate with your hands, helping your story. Their gestures sometimes can even say more than words.

Fly. It seems to fly around us and buzz. And we are her - once! - And they caught in the cam. Listen, how is she there, buzzes? And now let's look at it, just cautiously - will fly away! Open one finger - once, two, three, four, five, - flew away! Now I will find her eyes again and we will catch again, only now the other hand.

Glue. We glued today (by the way, and what kind of craft we did? Is this a gift or just like that for yourself? It turned out beautifully?), And the glue remained on my palm. You need to consider it every finger of the same hand in turn. Happened? Now on another palm.

Lrack.You can sculpt from plasticine, it is possible from clay, it is possible from the test. And you can from your own hand. First you need to smash the handle, warm up. And now you can sculpt. Anything! Table, mushroom, boat, house, chair. And now let's teleep some creature. It may be the most incredible and fantastic. Ready? And how is it moving? And it is possible to stroke it, does not bite? And what does it eat for breakfast and where does it live? And what is he - mustache or legs? He's got friends? And most importantly: what is his name, because the name is the fate in some way?

Pantomime. This is a theater without words, but in this case are not needed, everything is clear. Let's glare an imaginary ball. We are thoroughly, it should be completely round, smooth. Here it is becoming more and more, and now let's make it more dense and small, for this you need to make more effort. Oh, he became hard and almost touched the earth, and keep it hard - the hand itself stretches to the ground. And now he suddenly became light. And now it needs to be kept, so as not to fly away, even on the tiphraki will have to get up. Let's let him go to heaven now, let him fly! And I take a look, so he has already turned into a point.

Maybe now we are "Slopim" a cube and build a whole home from our imaginary bricks? You decide. You can continue endlessly. Those who want to play playing such games, I want to wish not to get involved in "roles", but to look for and note the living and present in everything around: in yourself and in each other, in their own and other people's reactions and emotions, in words, actions, impressions, In the outside world. Although they say that the actors "play a role", the game in this case is the process as honest as possible, akin to the children's game: seriously, to the end, truly. In this paradox of the acting training: playing not to play. Not to curl and pretend, but to live and feel.

Try to play with the baby to any of the proposed games, and your own eager will surely tell me the direction where you want to go on.

On this we will finish our lesson. With great pleasure I will answer any of your questions. Creative success all!

Belousova Julia

P.S. This article is the author's and fully intended exclusively for private use, the publication and use of it on other sites or forums is possible only with the written consent of the author. Use for commercial purposes is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved.



Games on theatrical activity for senior preschoolers.

Generalizing games.

"The aesthetic education of children, including the means of the theater, is guided primarily to the formation of readiness for creativity in the child. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to develop such qualities as attention, observation, without which the creative perception of the surrounding world, imagination and fantasy, which are the main condition for any creative activity. It is equally important to teach a child to navigate the environment, develop an arbitrary memory and speed of the reaction, to bring up courage and resourcefulness, the ability to coordinate their actions with partners, to intensify the thought process as a whole. " EG Churilova.

Solving these tasks, the oversized games included in theatrical training, not only prepare a child to artistic activities, but also contribute to the faster and easy adaptation of children in school conditions.

Conducting collective educational games, it is necessary to create a cheerful, relaxed atmosphere, encourage fiddle and squeezed children, not to focus on the misses and errors.

It is advisable to divide children by E. Shuleshko's methods on groups, subgroups, couples. To give children the opportunity to independently evaluate the effect of peers and compare them with their own. Harvested, attention is brought up, respect is evolving not only to itself, but also to comrades. Moreover, the role of the lead in many games can be performed by the child himself. The proposed games and exercises are permissible to use educators in the work.

1. "Hands-legs."

Purpose. Develop active attention and speed of reaction.

The course of the game. For one cotton, children should raise their hands, in two cotton - stand up. If the hands are raised: one cotton is to lower your hands, in two - sit down.

2. "Exercise with chairs."

Purpose. Visit the ability to move freely in space, coordinate your actions with comrades. (To sit on the chairs to build a specified figure).

The course of the game. At the suggestion of the teacher, children move with chairs around the hall and build on a team of a leading - sun, a house, etc.

3. "Is there or not?".

Purpose. Develop attention, memory, figurative thinking.

The course of the game. Playing get up in a circle and take hands; Presenter - in the center. He explains the task; If they agree with the statement, then the tops are raised and scream: "Yes!"; If you do not agree, give hands and shout: "No!".

Is there a firefly in the field?

Is there a fish in the sea?

Are there any wings at the calf?

Is there a beak with a pig?

Is there a ridge in the mountain?

Are there any doors of the hole?

Is there a tail near the rooster?

Is there a key to violin?

Are there rhyme by verse?

Is there any mistakes?

4. "Remember the photo."

Purpose. Develop arbitrary attention, imagination, fantasy, consistency of actions.

The course of the game. Children are distributed into several groups of 4-5 people. In each group, the "photographer" is selected, it has its own group in a certain order and "take pictures", commemorating the location of the group. It turns away, and the children change the location and pose. The "photographer" must reproduce the original option. The game is complicated if you offer children to take some objects or invent. Who and where is photographed.

5. "Who is wearing what is dressed."

Purpose. Develop observation. Purchase optic memory.

The course of the game. The driving child is standing in the center of the circle, children go in a circle, holding hands, and utter:

For boy:

In the center of the circle you get up

And do not open your eyes.

Quickly give the answer:

Vanya ours in what is dressed?

For girl:

In the center of the circle you get up

And do not open your eyes.

We are waiting for your answer:

Masha in what is dressed?

Children stop, and driving his eyes closes and describes the details, as well as the color of the clothing of the child.

6. "Friendly Beasts."

Purpose. Develop attention, exposure, consistency of actions.

The course of the game. Children are distributed into three groups - bears, monkeys, elephants. Then the teacher calls another one of the teams, and children should simultaneously perform their movement. For example: Bears - stupid by one foot, monkeys - clap your hands, elephants - bow. You can choose other animals and offer other movements. The main thing is that each group performs its movement synchronously, to communicate only by views.

7. "Telepaths".

Purpose. Learn to keep attention, feel a partner.

The course of the game. Children stand a swarming, the leading child is "telepat" in front of them. He must, not using words and gestures, contact only eyes with some of the children and change the place with him. The game continues the new "telepath". In the future, you can invite children to change places, say hello or say something pleasant to each other. Continuing to develop the game, children come up with situations when it is impossible to move or talk, but it is necessary to call a partner to themselves or change places with it. For example: "In the intelligence", "on the hunt", "in the kingdom of blasphemy", etc.

8. "Trail track".

Purpose. Develop attention, consistency of actions, orientation in space.

The course of the game. Children walk along the hall with a chain, put the leg only in the liberated "trace" ahead of going. You can not hurry and step on your feet. In the course of the game, children fantasize where they are where and why they go, what obstacles are overcome.

For example: Fox's tricky leads his lisate along the path, on which hunters installed cappos; Scouts go through a swamp on bumps, etc.

9. "Merry monkeys."

Purpose. Develop attention, observation, speed of the reaction.

The course of the game. Children stand in scattering, these are monkeys. Face to them is a child - a visitor of the zoo, which performs various movements and gestures. "Monkeys", an ingrown child, just repeat everything behind him.

10. "Attentive beasts."

Purpose. Training auditory and visual attention, speed of reaction, coordination of movements.

The course of the game. Children imagine that they are in a forest school, where the teacher trains their dexterity and attention. By showing, for example, in the ear, nose, tail and calls what it shows. Children carefully follow and call what he shows. Then, instead of the ear, it shows the nose, but stubbornly repeats: "Ear!". Children must quickly navigate and correctly call what the presenter showed.

11. "Live phone".

Purpose. Develop memory, auditory attention, consistency of actions.

The course of the game. Figures from 0 to 9 are distributed between children. Then the lead calls any phone number. Children with the corresponding figures come forward and are built in order in the named room.

12. "Magic mirror».

The course of the game.

Frown like:

  • King,
  • The child who took a toy
  • Man hiding a smile.
  • Smile like:
  • Polite Japanese
  • Dog to your owner
  • Mother baby
  • Cat in the sun
  • New toy.

Sit as:

  • Bee on a flower,
  • Punished Pinocchio
  • Offended dog
  • Monkey depicting you
  • Horse rider

13. "Magic handkerchief."

Purpose. "Develop the imagination and expressiveness of the Mimici."

The course of the game. Suggest a child with a handkerchief, movements, Mimics to portray:







Patient with dental pain.

. Special theatrical games.

They include exercises and etudes, reincarnation games, action games with imaginary subject, or to the memory of physical actions. Not being a course of acting skills, they prepare children to action in the scenic conditions, where everything is fiction. Thus, before the teacher is worth difficult task - Save children's naivety, immediacy, faith, which manifest themselves when speaking on stage in front of the audience. For this, it is first necessary to rely on the personal practical experience of the child and provide it as much independence as possible by activating the work of imagination. You can get acquainted children with scenic action on the material of exercises and etudes, improvising on the basis of well-known small fairy tales. First of all, these are games, exercises and etudes aimed at the authenticity and feasibility of action in the proposed circumstances in the invented situation. "In order to act naturally and purposefully, it is necessary to find, come up with answers to the questions: why, for what, why do I do it? Develop this ability to exercise and etudes on stage justification, i.e. The ability to explain to justify any position or action by the reasons (proposed circumstances) ". At the beginning, the teacher helps children to come up with the proposed circumstances, and later, children themselves cope with these tasks. The transformation games are developing in children a stage attitude, i.e. The skill with the help of faith, imagination and fantasy change their attitude to the subject, the place of action or partners, changing their behavior accordingly, justifying the conditions for the transformation. Games on the action with an imaginary subject or the memory of physical actions contribute to the development of the feeling of truth and faith in fiction. The child of the imagination is, as it happens in life, it makes the necessary physical actions. Offering such tasks, it should be borne in mind that children should remember and imagine how they acted with this subject in life, what sensations they experienced. So playing with an imaginary ball, you need to imagine what it is: big or small, lightweight or heavy, clean or dirty. Miscellaneous feelings we are experiencing when we raise a crystal vase or a bucket with water. When it is possible, children are invited to act with a real object, and then repeat the same action with imaginary. For example, to offer a lost bead on the carpet, which really is there. And then suggest looking an imaginary bead.

People's and specially selected games helps to prepare children with imaginary objects.

It is simply necessary to create conditions in which every child could convey their emotions, feelings, desires and views, as in a conventional conversation, and publicly, not embarrassed by the public.

1. "Guess what I do."

Purpose. Justify the intended pose, develop memory, imagination.

The course of the game. The teacher proposes to accept a specific posture and justify it.

Stand with a raised hand. Possible answer options:

Put the book on the shelf

I hang a jacket

Decorating the Christmas tree, etc.

Stand on your knees, hands and housing asked forward. Possible answer options:

Looking for a spoon under the table

2. "The same in different ways."

Purpose. Develop the ability to justify your behavior, their actions by naphantazized reasons (proposed circumstances), develop imagination, faith, fantasy.

The course of the game. Children are invited to come up with and show several behavioral options on a specific task: a person "goes", "sits", "runs", "raises his hand", "listens", etc.

Each child comes up with his own behavior, and the rest of the children should guess what he is doing and where is located. The same action in different conditions looks different.

Children are divided into 2-3 creative groups, and each receives a specific task. For example:

1 group - the task "sits". Options are possible:

Sits with a TV

Circus sits

Sits with a fishing rod on the river, etc.

2 Group - Quest "Go". Options are possible:

Go along

Walk around puddles and dirt

Go hot sand.

Go on a narrow path.

3 group. Task "Run". Options are possible:

Run away by bus

Run by rain

Running, playing in catching. Etc.

3. "Turning children."

Purpose. Develop a feeling of faith and truth, courage, intelligence and fantasy.

The course of the game. At the Team Team, children turn into trees, flowers, butterflies, mushrooms, toys, frogs, etc. The teacher can turn into an evil wizard and turn children at will.

4 "King."

Purpose. Develop imagination, initiative, attention, the ability to act coordinated, beat imaginary items.

The course of the game. Selects the child to the role of the king. The rest of the children are employees, are distributed on 3-4 groups and agree that they will do what work to hint at what work. Then they are suitable for king.

Workers. Hello king!

King. Hello!

Workers. Do you need workers?

King. And what do you know how to do?

Workers. And you guess!

Children act with imaginary objects, demonstrate various professions: prepare food, wash linen, wash the dishes, sew clothes, watered plants, etc. King must guess the profession of workers. If he does it right, it catchies children. The first caught baby becomes king. Over time, the game can be complicated by the introduction of new characters (Queen, Princess, Minister, General, etc.) to come up with the characters of the actors (the king - greedy, cheerful, angry, etc.).

7. "Birthday".

Purpose. Develop an action skills with imaginary objects, bring up goodwill and contact with peers.

The course of the game. With the help of readings, a child is selected, which invites children to "birthday". Guests come in turn and bring imaginary gifts.

With the help of expressive movements, conditional gaming actions Children should show that they decided to give.

It is better if there are not many guests, and the remaining children will win as viewers who evaluate the accuracy of the show. Then they can change roles.

At the initial stage of the game, the easiest way to beat gifts-toys are the easiest: ball, rope, doll, typewriter, etc., as develop creative abilities Children "Gifts" can be the most diverse: a box of candy, chocolate, scarf, etc.

3. Games on the development of motor abilities.

Children preschool age It is easier to express your emotions through the plastic of your body. Especially interesting plastic images arise under the influence of music. Different characters and mood musical works stimulate the child's fantasy, help creatively use plastic expressiveness. To help the child to liberate and feel the possibility of your body using a variety of rhythmoplastic exercises and games.

Games for the development of motor abilities.

The game is the most affordable child and an interesting way of processing and expressing impressions, knowledge and emotions.

Theatrization is primarily improvisation, the revival of objects and sounds.

Theatrical game as one of its species is an effective means of socializing the preschooler in the process of understanding them the moral subtext of the literary or folklore work.

In the theatrical game there is an emotional development:

  • * children get acquainted with the feelings, mood of heroes,
  • * master the ways of their external expression,
  • * Aware of the causes of a particular attitude.

Theatrical games can be divided into two main groups: dramatization and directories (each of them, in turn, is divided into several species).

In dramatization games, the child, fulfilling a role as a "artist", independently creates an image with the help of a set of means of verbal and non-verbal expressiveness.

Types of dramatization are:

  • - game-imitation of images of animals, people, literary characters;
  • - role dialogs based on text;
  • - staging of works;
  • - performing performances in one or more works;
  • - Games improvisation with playing the plot (or several plots) without prior training.

In the director's game, the artists are toys or their deputies, and the child, organizing activities as a "screenwriter and director," manages "artists." "Voicing" heroes and commenting on the plot, it uses different means of verbal expressiveness. Types of directing games are determined in accordance with A variety of theaters used in kindergarten.

Games - performances are characterized by the transfer of an accent from the game of the game for its result, interesting not only to the participants, but also to the audience. They can be considered as a kind of artistic activity:

  • - Games - performances
  • - Drama performance
  • - Music and dramatic performance
  • - children's opera
  • - play on choreographic basis
  • - Performance of rhythmoplasty
  • - Pantomimima
  • - Music

A large and versatile effect of the theatrical games on the identity of the child allows them to use them as a strong unobtrusive pedagogical agent, since he himself feels pleasure.

Requirements for theatrical game:

  • - Permanent, daily inclusion of theatrical games in all forms of the organization of the pedagogical process.
  • - Maximum activity of children at all stages of preparation and playing games.
  • - cooperation of children with each other and with adults at all stages of the organization of theatrical games.

Requirements for classes, including theatrical game:

  • - The development of speech and skills of theatrical performing activities.
  • - Creating an atmosphere of creativity.
  • - development of musical abilities.
  • - Socio-emotional development.

Theatrical occupation includes:

  • - View doll scenes.
  • - Theatrical game.
  • - Playing a variety of fairy tales and stages.
  • - Conversations about the theater.
  • - Exercises on the formation of expressiveness of the performance of song, dance creativity.
  • - Exercises for the socio-emotional development of children

The main directions of the development of the theatrical game are the gradual transition of the child:

  • - from the observation of theatrical formulation of an adult to independent gaming activities;
  • - from the individual game and "games nearby" to the game in a group of three-five peers, performing roles;
  • - from the imitation of the actions of folklore and literary characters to imitation of action in combination with the transfer of the main emotions of the hero and the development of the role as creating a simple "typical" image in the game-dramatization

When implementing the tasks of the program, first of all, it is necessary to form interest in theatrical games, folding in the process of viewing small puppet performances, which shows the teacher, taking the content of the familiar child to the child, poems and fairy tales.

In the future, it is important to stimulate his desire to join the performance, complementing individual phrases in the dialogues of the heroes, sustainable revisions and the ending of the fairy tale. From their face an adult thanks and praises children, greet and says goodbye.

The implementation of the task is achieved by the consistent complication of game tasks and play-dramatization in which the child is included.

Stages of work are as follows:

  • * The game-imitation of individual actions of man, animals and birds (the children woke up, stretched, are mashed by wings) and imitation of the main emotions of man (the sunshine looked out - the children were delighted: they smiled, shook hands, jumped in place).
  • * Game-imitation chain of consecutive action combined with the transfer of the main emotions of the hero (Merry nesting dolls slammed in the palm and began to dance; the bunny saw the fox, frightened and jumped onto the tree).
  • * Game-imitation images of well-known fabulous characters (clumsy bear goes to the house, the brave cockerel walks along the track).
  • * The game-improvisation to the music ("a cheerful rain", "leaflets fly in the wind and fall on the track", "dance around the Christmas tree").
  • * Wantle-free improvisation game with one character, but the texts of the poems and additives that the teacher reads ("Katya, Katya is small.", "Zainka, babies.", V. Berestov "Patient Doll", A. Barto "Snow, Snow" ).
  • * Improvisation game in the texts of short fairy tales, stories and poems, who tells the educator (3. Eleksandrov "Christmas tree"; K. Ushinsky "Cockerel with family", "Vaska"; N. Pavlova "on the car", "strawberry"; in . Charushin "Duck with ducks").
  • * Dropping fragments of fairy tales about animals ("Teremok", "Cat, Rooster and Fox").
  • * Game-dramatization with several characters on folk tales ("Kolobok", "Republic") and copyrighted texts (V. Suteev "under the mushroom", K. Chukovsky "Chicken").

The main directions of the development of the theatrical game are a gradual transition of a child from:

  • - games "for yourself" to the game oriented at the viewer;
  • - from the game in which the main process itself, to the game, where the process is significant and the result;
  • - from the game in a small group of peers that perform similar ("parallel") roles, to the game in a group of five-seven peers, the role positions of which are different (equality, submission, management);
  • - From the creation of a simple "typical" image in the game-dramatization of a common image, which combines emotions, moods, the state of the hero, their shift.

A new aspect of the joint activities of adults and children becomes the acquisition of children to theatrical culture, i.e., familiarity with the appointment of the theater, the history of its occurrence in Russia, the device building theater, activities of people working in the theater, bright representatives of these professions, types and genres of theatrical art (dramatic, musical, puppet, theater of animals, clownades, etc.).

There is a deepening of theatrical and gaming experience by mastering different species Dramatic game and directing theatrical game. The older preschooler is on a par with shaped-game etudes, improvisation games, independent performances of performances become incessing, including on the basis of "collage" from several literary works.

Complete texts for performances. They are distinguished by a deeper moral meaning and hidden subtext, including humorous. In the theatrical game, Russian folk fairy tales of animals ("Lisa and Zhuravl", "Hare and Hedgehog", the works of L. Tolstoy, I. Krylova, Andersen, M. Zoshchenko, N. N. N. N. N. N. N.

A bright feature of children's games becomes their partial transition to the speech plan. This is explained by the tendency to unite different types. scene game, including fantasy games. It becomes the basis or an important part of the theatrical game, in which the real, literary and fantasy plans complement each other. Games "with a continuation" appear. They master and a new game "in the theater", involving a combination of a role-playing and theatrical game, on the basis of acquaintance with the theater, the activities of people participating in the performance of the performance.

Children are more pronounced and diverse manifest independence and subjective position in the theatrical game. On specific examples, it is necessary to assist the child that "the best improvisation is always prepared." Preparation is achieved by the presence of preceding experience, the ability to interpret the content of the text and to comprehend the images of heroes, a certain level of development of various means of implementing their ideas, etc. The solution to this task requires the provision of funds to children for improvisation and self-expression.

Methods of work on the organization of theatrical game

For the development and raising of children, first of all, the right organization of theatrical games is necessary. The sequence and complication of the contents of the topics and plots elected to games are determined by the requirements of the education program for each age group of kindergarten. The creative development of the topic begins with the preparation of the scenario of the game in the plot of the literary work: fairy tales, stories, poems. Further, the improvisation of children on the topic specified or elected them is expected.

The independence of the children's game is largely depends on whether they know the content of the fairy tale, the script. The author's text is very important to keep completely at the stage of listening to his children. In no case do not distort it. But learn text with the guys before the game is not worth the game. Such preparation would take time intended for other, no less important cases and classes. In addition, the result will be a performance, not a game. We offer the development of games that do not require long-term painstaking training of the educator and children.

Questions may arise: how and when, acquaint guys with the content of the script? How self and creative will the game be if the children know the text of the work well? Maybe it is better to offer them unfamiliar text? Famous and, in general, a fully justified recommendation - reading the work before the start of the game - requires discussion and clarification. Read becomes clear if it is well illustrated. To this end, it is best to show "live" pictures on the flannelhemph or on the table, and you can use the theater of toys or dolls bobbo. So at the same time, visual images are created, the ways of their emotional expressiveness and the game are demonstrated.

Initially, the educator is better to read the text itself, attracting children to pronouncing his individual fragments. In repeated games, the activity of the guys increases as they seize the text content. Never require his literal playback. If necessary, it is easy to correct the child and, without lingering, play on. In the future, when the text is well mastered, encourage the accuracy of its presentation. This is important not to lose the author's finds. Reading poetic texts, connect children to the game. Let them actively participate in the dialogue with you, get out of the main scene line, imitate movements, voices, intonation of the characters of the game.

The educator is difficult to learn a lot of poems, texts of different theatrical games. You can record, it allows you to save the means of artistic expressive text, figurative expressions of the author. But do not rely entirely on the record. As you can, teach texts yourself. After all, reading the work should be combined with the faith. In addition, verses you can use daily when communicating with children. For example, during washing toys - "for a long time, she washed and caressed them for a long time."

Participants in theatrical games must master the elements of reincarnation to the character of the character, its habits are easily recognized by everyone. At the same time, give children more freedom in actions, fantasies when depicting the theme, the plot of the game.

Every child wants to play a role. But how to do it, in order to experience the satisfaction of the very approval of peers, almost no one knows. Alignmenting intonations, monotonous movements give rise to dissatisfaction with themselves, lead to disappointment, loss of interest in the game, and, consequently, to reduce the emotional impact on its children.

From the diversity of expressiveness, the kindergarten program recommends the following: In the second youngest group, form the simplest figurative skills in children (for example, imitates the characteristic movements of fairy-tale characters - animals); in medium group Use artistic and shaped expressive agents - intonation, facial expressions and pantomime (gestures, pose, gait); in senior group Improve artistic execution skills; In the preparatory for school, the Group develop creative independence in the transmission of the image, expressiveness of speech and pantomimical actions.

Before learning children tools for expressiveness, check if you are ready for this. For example, with any different intonations, you can say so familiar to all the words "Hello", "Help", "Take", "Listen" and others? Try several times to change the meaning of the phrase by rearranging the logical stress (every time on another word): "Here is my doll", "give me the ball." Well, read a fairy tale, changing the voice depending on the character, say, saying the red hat, then for the wolf, you will certainly know how to. You can convincingly express your fright, compassion, complaint, request and while reading the poem of K. Chukovsky "Dr. Aibolit" or any other. Try yourself before playing in front of children. Do not forget that the intonation of your voice is samples for them. From how flexible and consciously you emphasize the meaning of the work, give the characteristic of images, depends on the understanding of the fairy tale, verse, the story, and its emotional, moral impact on children, and the expressiveness of their statements.

So, your speech in everyday communication, reading, declamation, theatrical games that you first lead yourself, serve as first samples for imitation.

Next - small exercises with children. Start them with junior group. Perform better immediately after the end of the theatrical game. Children are delighted with how you drove characters, as talked, acted for them. It's time to offer them to play the same way. For exercises, use the statements just speaking characters. For example, in the Gaunt Support Fairy Tale, you must ask for a mitten as a mouse and like a wolf. Wishing to speak and listen, as a rule, quite a few. Complicate the exercise - let the turns ascend to the house several mice. Who will say more complicate? And then they are for the wolf. Who looks like more? The rest, of course, burn from impatience, wanting to speak. Let me do to everyone. But before declare the competition - who is better? The winner is applause.

Children are more interesting when they not only speak, but also act like the heroes of fairy tales. Pay attention to some ways driving characters and allow you to try yourself. The rest will also imitate role-playing movements. Attract the attention of children for better execution. Ten minutes of such exercises will satisfy the desire for the guys to participate in the game, bring them joy. In addition, the necessary skills will be formed.

Next time, suggest pupils to play the dialogue of two characters: to vote words and act for each. This is an exercise in the intonation of the dialogue. An example is the requests of the beast to put them in the mitten and the answers of those who settled in it.

Children feel well and repeated intonations built on contrasts. For example, as the daughter's daughter and Macchina are treated for months; How to talk three bear. Exercise can be carried out so. Name a fairy tale. And let the children guess, for what girl or for which bear you spoke. Next, they themselves with the help of intonation make each other similar riddles. It is useful to use all the appropriate cases in everyday communication, the game to exercise children in a variety of intonation of the most familiar words: "Hello" (joyful, friendly, goodwill, carelessly, sullenly); "Goodbye" (with regret, chagrin or hope for an ambulance meeting); "Give" (confidently, politely, impatient, offended, causing); "Take" (carelessly, reluctant, friendly, with the desire to please), etc.

Select Quarters and read it for children with different intonations. Ask them to repeat, and maybe find new options for intonation, for example: surprised / mockingly, with bewilderment, sad, fun, with compassion. Say the phrase by putting the emphasis every time on a new word. For example: "Do not forget to feed the fish", "I love my sister", etc. Please note the attention of children on how the meaning of the phrase is changed depending on the impact word. Be sure to continue to exercise them on fragments from theatrical games, for example, "planted grandfather,", "and became Fedor Doby," and so on.

In the circle of children, put a child in front of you, give him a character, take another. Drive the dialogue involving your partner in it, so that you have an intonation of surprise, objections, joyful amazement, etc. For example, take myself a cube, give a ball.


  • -- What do you have?
  • - No, look carefully.
  • - No, not a ball, but a cube.
  • - Yes, cube, cube!
  • -- Indeed? And what?
  • - Did the ball?
  • - Ball.
  • - I see: the ball.
  • - Cube?
  • - No, not a cube, not a cube!
  • - Ball, ball ...
  • - Yes, here, the ball!

Change toys on fabulous characters and invite other children to argue.

Such exercises develop and pantomimic means of expressiveness. For example, you can ask children: "Who passed along the path (on the bridge)?" Invite them to choose a character (wolf, fox, hare, mouse). Without calling him, it is necessary to make a mystery of it by simulating his movements. Children are guessing who passed along the path. Or another exercise: everyone wants to choose the role of any famous character, but keep their idea secret. They depict it in different tasks that you come up with, say, demonstrate a walk, search for food, meeting guests, a request to put into the house, running in the competition, the ability to imperceptibly sneak, catching birds, bugs, self-confidence from pursuers, etc.

Watching the executors with the children, teach the guys to notice the differences in the characteristics of images. Well, if you give everyone to portray everyone in your own way.

Transfer the character of the character helps music. For example, on music classes, you can encourage children to imitate the movements of various characters. For example, after hearing the song "Cockerel" V. Vitlin portray, as she sings a cockerel when he fell ill and when he recovered.

The child, rhythmically hitting in the tambourine, shows how the bear goes, jumping hares. Other children are guessing what movements correspond to the movements of the bear and hares. Together with the musical accompaniment you can simulate the movements of frozling or tired horses.

But musical riddles: "Show how the bunny jumps" (V. Agounton. "Small, white"); "Show, as a silent, gently moves the cat" (V. Agounton. "All shaggy"); "Show how the rooster walks" (V. Agounton. "Not a ride, but with spurs").

While the children will perform the task, you, together with the rest of the guys, look carefully and mark the features of the game of each "actor", attract the children to search for their own show ways. In the future, be sure to include this kind of fragments in theatrical games to find practical application.

Each game requires its means of expressiveness and creative finds. Therefore, many methodical techniques we have directly included in the description of the plots of games. Your task is to find new, more interesting and perfect.

Theater games (description)

Theatrical game

In addition to the proposed overalls, additional material can be found in the books:

Chistolyakova M.I.Psychodastics - M., 1995.

Selfish N.V.Games at school and houses: Psychotechnical exercises, and correction programs. - M., 1995.

♦ Theater lessons in school lessons / Sost. Yershova A. P. - M., 1992.

Outlooking games



The course of the game.Children are sitting on chairs in a semicircle. Starting the game, get up and sit down in turn, while maintaining the temper and do not interfere - I am in the actions of each other. This exercise can be performed in different versions, inventing interesting game situations with children.

a) acquaintance.Because of the screen, anyone-haired hero of children's fairy tales appears (Carlson, Red Hap, Pyratino, etc.). He wants to meet children and offers to get up and call his name clearly after the previous one.

b) Radiogram. Game Situation:co-Rabel sinks in the sea, the radist transmits the radio with a request for help. Reencakes sitting on the first chair - "Radist", it transmits a certain rhythmic drawing along the chain of cotton or patted on the shoulder. All children take turns repeat it, resting on. If the task is completed correctly and the last child - "captain" of the rescue vessel just repeats the rhythm, then the ship is saved.

What do you hear?

Purpose. Training auditory attention.

The course of the game.Sitting calmly and listen to sounds that are about-sound in the room for classes for a certain time. Option: Listen to the sounds in the corridor or outside the window.

Exercise with objects

Purpose. Training visual attention. The course of the game.The teacher arbitrarily lays no-how many items on the table (pencil, notebook, watches, matches, coins).

A driving child at this time turns away. At the team, he comes to the table, carefully looks and tries to permanently remember the location of all items. Then it turns out again, and the teacher at this time either removes one item, or changes something in their location. Driving respectively, but must either call the missing item, or decompose everything as it was.


Purpose. Develop active attention and speed of reaction.

The course of the game.For one cotton, children should raise their hands, in two cotton - stand up. If the hands are raised: one - opus-taking hands, in two - sit down.

Exercise with chairs

Purpose. Make the ability to move freely into space, coordinate your actions with comrades. (Sit on stu-lia, building a given figure, you need to simultaneously.)

The course of the game.At the suggestion of the teacher, children move around the hall with their chairs and "build" a circle (sun), a house for dolls (square), plane, bus.

Is there no?

Purpose. Develop attention, memory, figurative thinking. The course of the game.Playing get up in a circle and take hands; leading - in the center. He explains the task; If they agree with the statement, then raise hands up and scream: "Yes!"; If you do not agree, give hands and shout: "No!".

Is there a firefly in the field?

Is there a fish in the sea?

Are there any wings at the calf?

Is there a beak with a pig?

Is there a ridge in the mountain?

Are there any doors of the hole?

Is there a tail near the rooster?

Is there a key to violin?

Are there rhyme by verse?

Is there any mistakes?

Tell me

Purpose. Develop memory, attention, observation, fan-uzia, excerpt.

The course of the game.Children sit on chairs in the semicircle and on the floor of Turkish with closed eyes. The driving child comes up and fixes the pose, showing her to the first child. That remember and shows the following. As a result, the posture of the next child is compared with a waterproof. Children should be divided into performers and viewers.

Remember photography

Purpose.Develop an arbitrary attention, imagination and fantasy, consistency of actions.

The course of the game.Children are distributed into several groups of 4-5 people. In each group, the "photographer" is selected. It has its own group in a certain order and "take pictures", as a change of the group. Then he turns away, and the children change the location and poses. The "photographer" must reproduce the initial option. The game becomes more complicated if the sudden to live with children to take some objects or come to the mother who is photographed.

Who is in whatDressed?

Purpose.Develop observation, arbitrary auditorium.

The course of the game.The driving child is standing in the center of the circle. The children go in a circle, holding hands, and sing on the melody of the Russian people's people "like our gate".

For boys:

In the center of the circle you get up and do not open your eyes. Hurry up to give an answer: Vanya ours in what is dressed?

For girls:

We are waiting for your answer: Masha in what is dressed?

Children stop, and driving eyes closes and describes the details, as well as the color of the clothing of the named child.

Attentive matryoshki

Purpose. Develop attention, consistency of action, asset and exposure.

The course of the game.Children sit on chairs or on the carpet, the teacher trucks cards with a certain number of drawn dolls. After a few seconds, it pronounces: "Once, two, three - Zanri!". There should be so many children how many Matre-Shek was on the card (from 2 to 10). The exercise is difficult in that at the time of completion of the task, no one knows who exactly will be "inserted" and how many will be. Each readiness to get up (if "Matryoshki" is missing) or immediately sit down (if he is vi-dit that there are more than necessary) effectively affect the activity of each child. As an option, children can be pre-put not just to get up, but to form a dance of the specified coast of children.

Friendly animals

purpose . Develop attention, exposure, consistency of actions.

The course of the game.Children are distributed into three groups - bears, monkeys and elephants.Then the teacher calls alternately one of the teams, and children should simultaneously perform their movement. For example, bears - stupid foot, monkeys - clap your hands, elephants - bow. You can choose other animals and invent other movements. The main thing is that each group performs its movement synchronously, communicating only with a look.


purpose . Learn to keep attention, feel a partner.

The course of the game.Children stand a swarming, in front of them to re-Balk - "Telepat". He must, without using words and gestures, contact only eyes with some of the children and change the places with him. The game continues the new "telepath". In the long-seam, you can offer children, changing places, say hello or say something pleasant to each other. Continuing once-to see the game, children come up with situations where she should not be chev and talk, but it is necessary to call a partner to themselves or change places with him. For example: "In the intelligence", "on the hunt", "in the kingdom of blasphemy", etc.

Trail in the mark

purpose . Develop attention, consistency of actions, or-configuration in space.

The course of the game.Children walk along the chain's hall, put the leg only in the liberated "trace" ahead of going. You can not hurry and step on your feet. In the course of the game, children fantasize where they are where and why they go, what obstacles are overcome.

For example: the tricky Lisa leads his lisate along the path, on which hunters installed cappos; Scouts go through the swamp on the bumps; Tourists move through pebbles through the streametc.

Be sure to share children for teams, and each team comes up with its own option.

Flying- Does not fly. Grows- Not growing

purpose . Develop attention, coordination.

The course of the game.A teacher or a driving child calls the subject if he flies, the children are mashed with hands like wings; If not le-modules, they give hands down. If it grows - raise hands up, does not grow - cover yourself with two hands.

Sparrow- Crows

purpose . Develop attention, exposure, dexterity.

The course of the game.Children are distributed to two teams: "Sparrows" and "Crows"; Then become in two ranks with spins to each other. The team that the presenter calls is caught; The team, which is not called, runs away in the "houses" (on the chairs or to a certain feature). The presenter speaks slowly: "In - O-RO - Oh ...". At this moment, both teams are ready to run away. It is this moment of mobilization is important in the game.

A simpler version: the team that the leading lead, claps in your hands or starts to "fly" around the hall of the ruarsy, and the second team remains in place.

Cheerful monkeys

purpose . Develop attention, observation, speed of re-action.

The course of the game.Children are a swarming - these are monkeys. Face to them is a child - a visitor of the zoo, which performs various movements and gestures. "Monkeys", an ingrown re-Benka, just repeat everything behind him.


Purpose.Develop attention, observation, imagination, fantasy.

The course of the game.One child - drivening walking around the hall, making pro-famous movements: stops, raises his hand, turns, turns, rotates. The group of children (3-5 people), as a shadow, follows him, trying to repeat everything he is doing. Developing this game, you can invite children to explain their actions: stopped because ahead of the pit; raised his hand to catch a butterfly; leaned to disrupt the color; turned, because he heard someone's cry; etc.


purpose . Develop memory, attention, fantasy.

The course of the game.Children are distributed into two groups of 7-8 people. One group "Cook" is proposed to weld the first Blue-to (which the children will be offered), and the second, for example, to prepare sa-lat. Every child comes up with what it will be: onion, sea, beet, cabbage, parsley, pepper, salt, etc. - for borscht; Potatoes, cucumber, onions, peas, egg, mayonnaise - for salad. Everyone becomes in a common circle - this is a saucepan - and sing a song (improvisation):

Welding can quickly we borsch or soup

And delicious porridge from several croup,

Cut the salad Ile simple vinaigrette,

Cook compote.

Here is a nice lunch.

Children stop, and the lead calls in turn, that he wants to put in a pan. Finding a child injected into a circle. When all the "components" dishes will be in Cro-Ge, the presenter proposes to prepare the next dish. The game starts first. In the next session, children can be preferred to prepare porridge from different croup or compote from different fruit.


Purpose. Training orientation in space, consistent action, imagination.

Movegames. With the help of readers, the presenter is selected - "needle", the rest of the children become, holding hands, behind him - "thread". "Needle" moves along the hall in different directions, embroider various patterns. The rate of movement can be used, "thread" should not break. Complicating game, on the way you can put obstacles, scattering soft modules.


(an ear,nose,tail)

purpose . Training auditory and visual attention, fast reaction, coordination of movements.

The course of the game.Children imagine that they are in a forest school, where the teacher trains their dexterity and attention. The leading shows, for example, on the ear, nose, tail and calls what it shows. Children carefully follow him and call what he shows. Then, instead of the ear, it shows the nose, but stubbornly repeats: "Ear!". Children need to quickly or refresh and correctly name what the presenter showed.

Live phone

Purpose. Develop memory, auditory attention, consistent action.

The course of the game.Figures from 0 to 9 are distributed between children. Then the lead calls any phone number. Children with co-response numerals come forward and are built by order-ku numbers in the named room.

Japanese machine

purpose . Develop memory, visual and auditory attention, coordination of movements, a sense of rhythm, consistency.

The course of the game.Children are sitting in a circle and perform a number of movements at the same time:

1) clapped in front of themselves;

2) clap by both hands on the knees at the same time (right - right, left - on the left);

3) Without straightening the elbow, throw the right hand to the right - at the same time, simultaneously climbing with your fingers;

4) The same makes the left hand.

When the children learn to act rhythmically and synchronously in \\ ^ / different rates, each child is proposed to remember its sequence number starting with 0. The machine is turned on again, and children call their number in order of numbers for each click. At the next stage, on a right hand, the participant of the game calls his number, and on a click left - any room that is involved in the game, thus transmitting the course of a child to a child, etc. With this option, children cope in the second half of the preparatory group.


Purpose. Develop memory, attention, coordination of movements, feeling of rhythm, coherence of movements, consolidate the knowledge of the alphabet.

The course of the game.Between children, the letters of the alphabet are distributed, and two letters come to some children. The presenter tasks any word, such as "Cat", and says: "Began". The first chlorides the child who got the letter "K", the floor - a child with the letter "O" and the last is a child with the letter "T". The end of the word denotes the whole group with shared cotton or upset.

Special theater games

Exercises and etudes

Guess: What am I doing?

Purpose. Justify the predetermined posture, develop memory, imagination.

The course of the game.The teacher offers children to take a certain pose and justify it.

1. Stand with a raised hand.Possible answer options: I put the book on the shelf; I get candy from the vase in the cabinet; I hang a jacket; decorate the Christmas tree, etc.

2. Stand on your knees, hands and housing asked forward.I am looking for a spoon under the table; I watch the caterpillar; I feed the kitten; I rubbed the floor.

3. Squat.I look at the broken cup; Drawing with chalk.

4. Lean forward.Tie shoelaces; Raise the plane, tearing the flower.

One and the same in different ways

purpose . Develop the ability to justify your behavior, their actions by naphantazized reasons (proposed circumstances), develop imagination, faith, fantasy.

The course of the game.Children are invited to come up and show no-how many behavioral options on a specific task: Chelch "goes", "sits", "runs", "raises his hand", "hearing is", etc.

Each child comes up with his own behavior, and the rest of the children should guess what he is doing and where is located. The same action in different conditions looks different.

Children are divided into 2-3 creative groups, and each receives a certain task.

I. Group - Quest "Sitting". Possible options:

a) sit at the TV;

b) sit in the circus;

c) sit in the office at the dentist;

d) sit at the chessboard;

e) sit with fishing rod on the river bank, etc.

II. Group - Quest "Go". Possible options:

a) go on the road, around the puddles and dirt;

b) go hot sand;

c) go through the deck of the ship;

d) go on a log or narrow bridge;

e) go through a narrow mountain path, etc.

IIIgroup - Task "Run". Possible options:

a) run, late in the theater;

b) run from an evil dog;

c) run, hitting the rain;

d) running, playing in Zhmurki, etc.

IV Group - Quest "Waving your hands". Possible options:

a) drive away mosquitoes;

b) feed the signal to the ship to notice;

c) dried wet hands, etc.

V. Group - Quest "catch the little animal". Possible options:

b) a parrot;

c) grasshopper, etc.


Purpose. Develop the ability to justify your behavior, develop faith and fantasy, expanding the knowledge of children.

The course of the game.Children are invited to go to the world Pu-referee. They must come up with where they pierce their path - in the desert, along the mountain path, in the swamp, through the forest, jungle, through the Oce An on the ship - and accordingly change their behavior.

Games on transformations

In the theater, the viewer believes in what the actor believes. The stage attitude is the skill with the help of faith, imagination and fan tasya change their attitude to the subject, the place of action or partners, changing their behavior accordingly, justifying the conditional transformation.

Transformation of the subject

Purpose. Develop a feeling of faith and truth, courage, conversation, imagination and fantasy.

The course of the game.The subject plays a chair in the center of the circle or la - edit in a circle from one child to another. Every one should act with the subject in their own way, justifying his new purpose so that the essence of the transformation is clear. Var-Antines turning different items:

a) pencil or wand - key, screwdriver, plug, spoon, syringe, thermometer, toothbrush, tassel for drawing, do-daughter, comb, etc.;

b) a little ball - an apple, shell, snowball, potatoes, stone, hedgehog, bun, chicken, etc.;

c) notebook - mirror, flashlight, soap, chocolate, shoe brush, game.

You can turn the chair or wooden cube, then children must justify the conditional name of the subject.

For example, a large wooden cube can be turned into a royal throne, flowerbed, monument, fire, etc.

Transformation of the room

purpose . Is the same.

The course of the game.Children are distributed on 2-3 groups, and each of them comes up with its own version of the room. OS-TAL children on the behavior of participants in the transformation of the seasons, which is exactly the room.

Possible options proposed by children: Store, Te-ATR, Sea Coast, Polyclinic, Zoo, Sleeping Casta Castle, Dragon Cave, etc.

Transformation of children

purpose . Is the same.

The course of the game.At the Team Team, children turn into a deorder, flowers, mushrooms, toys, butterflies, snakes, frogs, kittens, etc. The teacher can turn into an evil wizard and pre-rotate children at will.

Actions with imaginary

Objects or in memory of physical actions

What we did, do not say, but we will show you!

purpose . Develop imagination, initiative, attention, the ability to act coordinated, beat imaginary items.

The course of the game. The room is divided in half a cord or a feature. On the one hand, the "Grandfather and Three-five-five grandfathers" are selected using readers, on the other hand, the rest of the children and the teacher who will make riddles. Agreed, what will be the mystery, children go to the "grandfather" and "grandchildren."

Children. Hello, Grandpa Sedoyed with a long-long beard!

Grandpa. Hello, grandchildren! Hello guys! Where did you visit? What did you see?

Children. We visited the forest, they saw the fox. What we did, say, but we will show you!

Children show invented riddle. If the "grandfather" and "grandchit" give the right answer, children return to their half and come up with a new riddle. If the attenuation is given correctly, the children say the right answer and after the words "times, two, three - catch!" Fight for a line, in their house, and "grandfather" and "grandchildren" try to catch up with them until they crossed the saving line. After two riddles, new "grandfather" and "grandchildren" are chosen.

In the riddles, children show how they, for example, wash their hands, erase the handkerchiefs, nuts, collect flowers, mushrooms or berries, playing the ball, sweep the floor broom, etc.

King (option folk play)

purpose . Develop action with imaginary objects, the ability to act agreed.

The course of the game. It is selected with the help of the role of the king child. The rest of the children - employees are distributed into several groups (3 - 4) and agree that they will do what work is hired. Then they are suitable for king.

Workers. Hello, king!

King. Hello!

Workers. Do you need workers?

King. And what do you know how to do?

Workers. And you guess!

Children, acting with imaginary objects, demonstrate various professions: prepare food, wash underwear, sew clothes, embroidered, watering plants, etc. The king must guess the profession of workers. If he does it correct, but it catchies running away children. The first caught baby becomes king. Over time, the game can be complicated by the introduction of new characters (Queen, Minister, Princess, etc.), and also invent the characters of the actors (co-role - greedy, cheerful, evil; Queen is kind, grumpy, frivolous).


purpose. Develop an action skills with imaginary pre-metami, "to bring up goodwill and contact in removal with peers.

Stroke Game. With the help of readings, a child is chosen, which invites children to the "birthday". Guests come in turn and bring imaginary gifts.

With the help of expressive movements, conditional gaming actions, children should show that they decided to give.


Games on developmental abilities


purpose . Be able to navigate in space, it is evenly placed on the site, not facing each other. Move-root in different rates. Training attention.

Stroke Game. Children begin to move harotically around the hall, not facing other children and trying to fill free space all the time.

Cactus and Iva

purpose . Develop the ability to own muscle tension and relaxation, orientate in space, coordinated movement, stop accurately at the teacher's signal.

The course of the game.On any signal, for example, cotton, children are chaotic to move around the hall, as in the exercise "Mu-Ravyi". At the Team team "Cactus", children stop and accept the "cactus pose" - legs on the width of the shoulders, the hands run down in the elbows, raised above the head, the palms of the rear STRO Ron turned to each other, the fingers are spread as co-hatch, All muscles are tense. Cotton pedagog chaotic movement is resumed, then the team follows: "IVA". Children stop and accept "Willes" pose: Slightly, the hands are slightly relaxed in the elbows and hang, like Wheat Willow; The head hangs, the neck muscles are relaxed. Movement is observed, the teams alternate.


Purpose. Strain and relax alternately hand muscles in brushes, elbows and shoulders.

The course of the game."Palm big-predict grown": pull the right hand to pull up, reach out by hand, look at

"Week leaflets": drop the brush. "Branches": drop your hand from the elbow. "All Palma": drop your hand down. Exercise repeat with your left hand.

Wet kittens

Purpose. Ability to remove the tension alternately from the muscles of the hands, legs, neck, housing; Moving the soften, spring-up.

The course of the game.Children move on the hall with a soft soft, run-down steps, like small kittens. On the rain team, children are squatting and shrink into a lump, on-spinning all muscles. According to the team "Sunny" slowly get up and shake "rain drops" in turns with each of the four paws, with "heads" and "tail", removing respectively clips from the muscles of the hands, legs, neck and housing.

activities artisticliterature "Familiarization from artisticliterature, asactor Development of intelligence ...

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    meansfamiliaritypreschool children from artisticliterature Artliterature

  • Kindergarten number 478 Southern District Department of Education Department of Education M Moscow

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  • Card file of theatrical games for children 3 - 7 years

    Theatrical games for children are 2 younger groups.

    Playing the situation "I do not want a manna porridge!"
    Purpose: to teach intonation, expressively try to pronounce phrases.
    Children are divided into pairs. One of them will be moms or dads, others - children. Mom or dad must insist that the child eat semolina porridge (Hercules, buckwheat ...), leading various arguments. And the child can not endure this dish. Let the children try to play two conversation options. In one case, the child is capricious than annoying parents. In another case, the child says so politely and gently that the parents are inferior to him.
    The same situation can be played with other characters, for example: Sparrow and Practice, but with the condition that they only have to communicate with chirorn; Cat and kitten - meowuchana; Frog and frog - quack.

    Pantomime "Morning Toilet"
    Purpose: develop imagination, expressive gestures.
    The educator says children perform
    - Imagine that you lie in bed. But you need to get up, stretched, yawned, scratched the head. How I do not want to get up! But - the rise!
    Come in the bath. Brush your teeth, wash, combing, put on clothes. Go for breakfast. Fu, porridge again! But it is necessary. Eat
    Without pleasure, they give you candy. Hooray! You unfold it and put it on the cheek. Yes, and a candy where? That's right, throw it in a bucket. And running to the street!

    Play - poems.
    The educator reads a poem, children imitate movements in the text:
    The cat plays on the bayan,
    Pussy - that on the drum,
    Well, and bunny on the pipe
    Play hurry to you.
    If you're helping,
    We will play together. (L.P.Savina)

    Play - poems.

    Friendly circle.
    If you are going together,
    If you take hands,
    And smile to each other,
    Clap clap!
    Top Top!
    Jump jump!
    We walk, go around, like chanterelles ... (mice, soldiers,).

    Play - poems.
    Purpose: Teach children beat literary text, support the desire to independently search for expressive means to create an image using movement, facial expressions, pose, gesture. \\ The educator reads a poem, children imitate movements in the text:
    This handle is a mouse,
    This handle is a cat,
    In cat-mouse play
    We can be a little.
    Mouse legs scraper
    The mouse is crocked.
    Cat is heard
    And steals to the mouse.
    Mouse, having sinking a cat,
    Runs in mink.
    The cat is sitting and waiting:
    "What mouse does not go?"

    Play - poems.
    Purpose: Teach children beat literary text, support the desire to independently search for expressive means to create an image using movement, facial expressions, pose, gesture. \\ The educator reads a poem, children imitate movements in the text:
    Cloud across the sky
    And thunderstorm carries with it.
    Ba Ba-Bach! Thunderstorm goes!
    Ba Ba-Bach! Heard strikes!
    Ba Ba-Bach! Thunder!
    Ba Ba-Bach! We were terribly!
    We will soon go to the house
    And we will catch a thunderstorm.
    The sun appeared ray,
    The sun came out of clouds.
    You can jump and laugh
    Tuchi black do not be afraid!
    Flying a moth, fluttering a moth!
    Lit to relax on the sad flower.
    (Pensive, cheerful, faded, angry ...)

    Game with an imaginary object
    Rail a humane attitude towards animals.
    Children in a circle. The educator folds the palm in front of him: Guys, look, I have a small kitten in my hands. It is quite weak and helpless. I will hold it to each of you, and you intend it, stick, just carefully and tell him good words.
    The tutor transmits an imaginary kitten. Supporting issues helps children find needed words and movement.

    Game with an imaginary object
    Airplane Wings and Soft Pillow
    Objective: To form skills to work with imaginary objects;
    Raise your arms to the side, to straighten all the joints to the limit, strain all the muscles from the shoulder to the ends of the fingers (depicting the wings of the aircraft). Then, not lowering hands, weaken the tension, giving the shoulders slightly fall, and elbows, brushes and fingers - passively bend. Hands like lying on a soft pillow.

    The game with an imaginary object: "The cat releases claws"
    Objective: To form skills to work with imaginary objects;
    Gradual straightening and bending of fingers and hands. Hands bend in elbows, palm down, paint brushes in cams and bend up. Gradually, with effort to straighten all your fingers up and breed them to the limit to the side ("The cat releases claws"). Then, without a stop, bend the brush down, while simultaneously squeezing the fingers into the cam ("Cat hid claws"), and finally, return to its original position. Movement repeats several times non-stop and smoothly, but with a large voltage. Later, the exercise should include the movement of the whole hand - then bending it in the elbows and leading a brush to the shoulders, then straightening the entire hand ("Cat has a lapels").

    "Tasty candy"
    Objective: To form skills to work with imaginary objects;
    At the girl in the hands of an imaginary box of candies. She stretches her in turn for children. They take on one candy and thank the girl, then unfold papers and take candy in the mouth. According to children, it can be seen that treats are tasty.
    Mimica: Chewing movements, smile.

    Motion imitation game
    - Remember how children go?
    Small legs stepped along the path. Large legs stepped along the path.
    (Children will first go small steps, then large - giant steps.)
    - How does an old man goes - a loving?
    - How does the princess go?
    - How rolls a kolobok?
    - How does the gray wolf grow on the forest?
    - How does the hare, pressing the ears, runs away from him?
    Motion imitation game
    The educator appeals to children:

    Purpose: develop monologue.
    Parsley makes a riddle:
    And shines and glitters
    It is not flattered to anyone
    And any truth will say -
    All as it will show him!
    What is this? (Mirror.)
    A large mirror contributes to the group (hall). Each of the team comes up to the mirror, and, looking at him, the first one - praises himself, admires himself, the second tells about what he does not like himself. Then the same thing is done by members of another team.

    Theatrical games for the children of the middle group

    Pantomime game "Bear"
    Purpose: develop pantomime skills
    But look, the mountain of the old dog. Oh, it's a burgrel! And there is a bearish hid in it. But the sun has been harvested, the snow melt. Water droplets leaked to Berloga. The water fell on the nose, ears, paws cubs.
    The cubs reached out, snorted, opened their eyes and began to get out of the burgogs. Successing the bumps, they got into the glade. The rays of the sun will blind eyes. The bearish is covered with paws of eyes and growl from discontent. But soon the eyes were accustomed. Bear looked like, sniffed with her nose fresh air And quietly scattered over the clearing. How interesting here! Further improvisation is possible.

    "Wooden and rag dolls"
    As a picture of wooden dolls, the muscles of the legs, the housing, lowered along the hand housing are strained. There are sharp turns of the whole body to the right and left, preserves the stillness of the neck, hands, shoulders; The feet are tight and motionless stand on the floor.
    Imitation rag doll, it is necessary to remove an excessive voltage in the shoulders and the case; Hands hang passively.
    In this position, you need to rotate the body to the right to the right, then to the left; At the same time, the hands take off and wrap around the body, the head turns, the legs are also rotated, although the feet remain in place. Movements are performed several times in a row, then in one, then in another form.

    Muscle tension and relaxation game
    Free circular movement of hands describing large circles forward and up. Movement: After a quick, energetic push, the arms and shoulders are freed from any voltage, describing the circle, fall freely. The movement is performed continuously, several times in a row, in a rather fast pace (hands fly like "not their own"). It is necessary to ensure that the clamps do not occur in the shoulders, in which the correct circular movement is immediately disturbed and angularity appears.

    Muscle tension and relaxation game
    "Wings of an aircraft and a soft pillow"
    Raise your arms to the side, to the limit to straighten all the joints, strain all the muscles from the shoulder to the ends of the fines (depicting the wings of the aircraft). Then, not lowering hands, weaken the tension, giving the shoulders slightly, and elbows, brushes and fingers - passively go through. Hands like lying on a soft pillow.

    Muscle tension and relaxation game
    Circular movements shoulders. Hands bent in the elbows, fingers are collected in a cam. Continuous unhurried circular movement shoulders up - back - down - forward. The elbows from the housing are not discharged. The amplitude in all directions should be maximum. When the shoulders is deviated back, the voltage is enhanced, the elbows come closer, the head deflects back. Exercise is performed several times without stopping. It is desirable that the movement of the shoulders began up and backward, and not forward toe. Expanding, not a narrowing chest.

    Muscle tension and relaxation game
    "Giant and Dwarfs"

    Muscle tension and relaxation game
    The girl walked in the garden and suddenly saw a big green grasshopper. She began to sneak to him. Just extended his hands to cover it with his palms, and he jump - and now she is already shining in another place.
    Expressive movements: the neck stretch forward. "A close look, torso slightly tilted forward, step on your fingers.

    Muscle tension and relaxation game
    "New Doll"
    The girl was presented with a new doll. She is glad, it's fun jumping, it turns around, shows the welcome gift, presses her to himself and sparkles again.

    Playing on the roles of the poem "Who considers?"

    Purpose: develop the intonation expressiveness of speech.
    Used the theater of pictures. Pictures-characters children draw houses with parents. The text of the poem is learned at home. Children are divided into two subgroups: one - the audience, the other is the actors, then they change. This staging can be shown at leisure parents or children of other groups, and you can just play.
    Rooster: I'm so smart!
    Host: Knuck the rooster.
    Rooster: I can count to two!
    CHAREK: Think!
    Host: Ground the ferret.
    CHAREK: And I can up to four!
    Beetle: I am up to six!
    Host: Exclaimed the beetle.
    Spider: I am up to eight!
    Host: whispered spider. There was a supro-plant.
    Sorry-glassware: I seem to be smart a little
    Beetle and even spider -
    I think I'm forty.
    Oh: ah, horror!
    Host: I was terrified.
    Just: After all, I'm not stupid, but why
    I have no hands, no legs
    And then I would consider it!
    Pupil: And I have a pencil.
    He you want, you will ask.
    One foot will be unknown, will fold,
    He can count everything in the world!

    Game-Pantomima "Was a Borrowed Garden" (V.Stepanov.)
    Purpose: develop pantomime skills.
    The educator reads, children imitate movements.
    There was a bunny garden,
    Bunny with joy goes.
    Rove two beds.
    But first it all ever
    There played in winter in snowballs,
    And then everything ruins,
    Well, in the summer - in hide and seek.
    Seeds will sit dely
    And in spring in the garden
    And go to plant carrots.
    Yamka - Seed, Yamme - Seed,
    And you see, in the garden again

    Peas will grow, carrots.
    And how autumn is suitable,
    Vintage will collect her.

    Game - Poems: "Soap Bubbles"
    Purpose: Teach children beat literary text, support the desire to independently search for expressive means to create an image using movement, facial expressions, pose, gesture.
    - Caution, bubbles!
    - Frequently!
    - Distribute!
    -Moy with a plum!
    -Mo with a nut!
    -Mo did not burst longer than everyone!

    Game - Poems: "Angry Goose"
    Purpose: Teach children beat literary text, support the desire to independently search for expressive means to create an image using movement, facial expressions, pose, gesture.
    Here is a big angry goose.
    I am very afraid!
    Protecting five guns
    Schiplet hurts he guys.
    Ghostly goose sadness, it is sad,
    Woot guys!
    Goose is already on us!
    Relieve everything now!

    Games - Poems: "Airplane"
    Purpose: Teach children beat literary text, support the desire to independently search for expressive means to create an image using movement, facial expressions, pose, gesture.
    Let's play the plane? (Yes.)
    You are all - wings, I am a pilot.
    Received instructing -
    We begin the pilot. (Are built by each other.)
    In the snow fly and Pargu, (U-U-U-y!)
    We see someone's shores. (A-A-A-A!)
    Ry-Ry - Rugs Motor,
    We fly above the mountains.
    We are declining all
    To our runway!
    Well - finished our flight.
    Goodbye, plane.

    Game - Poems: "Bear"
    Purpose: Teach children beat literary text, support the desire to independently search for expressive means to create an image using movement, facial expressions, pose, gesture.
    Kosolaby legs
    Winter sleeps in Berorga,
    Guess and answer
    Who is sleeping? (Bear.)
    Here he is Misha, the Bear,
    In the forest he goes.
    Finding in Honey Duples
    And in his mouth myself.
    Licks the paw
    Kosolapi's slast.
    And the bees flush,
    The bear is driven.
    And the bees stuff a bear:
    "Do not eat our honey, thieves!"

    Wandering forest road
    Bear to himself in Berloga,
    Falls asleep
    And the bees remembers ...
    "King" (option of the people's game)
    Purpose: Develop action with imaginary objects, the ability to act agreed.
    Games: Selects the king child with the help of the role of the king. The rest of the children - employees are distributed into several groups (3 - 4) and agree that they will do what work is hired. Then they are suitable for king.
    Workers. Hello, king!
    King. Hello!
    Workers. Do you need workers?
    King. And what do you know how to do?
    Workers. And you guess!
    Children, acting with imaginary objects, demonstrate the various professions: prepare food, wash underwear, sew clothes, embroidered, watering plants, etc. The king must guess the profession of workers. If he does it right, it catchies running away children. The first caught baby becomes king. Over time, the game can be complicated by the introduction of new characters (Queen, Minister, Princess, etc.), as well as invent the characters of the actors (the king - greedy, cheerful, evil; Queen is kind, grumpy, frivolous).

    Purpose: To be able to navigate in space, it is evenly posted on the site, not facing each other. Move in different rates. Training attention.
    The course of the game: Children's cotton pedagog are rapidly moving around the hall, not facing other children and trying to fill free space all the time.

    "Wet kittens"
    Objective: Ability to remove the stress alternately from the muscles of the hands, legs, neck, housing; Moving the softer, springing step.
    The course of the game: Children move around the hall with a soft, slightly spring step, like small kittens. For the "Rain" team, children are squatting and shrink in a lump, straining all the muscles. According to the "Sunny" team slowly get up and shake "raindrops" in turns with each of the four "paws", from the "head" and "tail", removing respectively clips from the muscles of the hands, legs, neck and housing.

    Theatrical games for children of the senior group

    Circular movements shoulders. Hands bent in the elbows, fingers are collected in a cam. Continuous leisurely circular movement shoulders up-back - down-forward. The elbows from the housing are not discharged. The amplitude in all directions should be maximum. When the shoulders is deviated back, the voltage is enhanced, the elbows come closer, the head deflects back. Exercise is performed several times without stopping. It is desirable that the movement of the shoulders began up and backward, and not forward toe. Expanding, not a narrowing chest.
    "Giant and Dwarfs"
    Putting up his hands on the belt, stand up with the heels together, wearing socks to face. Do not rush to climb the semi-winges, continuing to keep heels together. After a short pause, drop over the entire foot, not tolerant of heels.

    "Riddles without words"
    Purpose: develop expressiveness of facial expressions and gestures.
    The educator convenes children:
    Sit down on the shop
    With you sit down.
    I will make you riddles,
    Who is intelligent - I will see.
    The tutor, together with the first subgroup of children sit on the modules and consider illustrations for mysteries without words. Children choose pictures that can make, without saying a word. The second subgroup is located in another part of the hall at this time.
    Children of the first subgroup without words, with the help of facial expressions and gestures, depict, for example: wind, sea, rods, kettle (if difficult, then: cat, doggy dog, mouse, etc.). Children of the second subgroup guess. Then the second subgroup is coming down, and ghosts - the first.
    Purpose: develop fantasy, dialogic speech.
    Parsley on the mystery:
    Turning the magic circle -
    And I will hear a friend.
    What is it? (Telephone.)
    Parsley invites two people from each team, especially those who like to talk on the phone. For each pair, the situation is offered and the topic for conversation. The pair is made up of members of opposite teams.
    1. To congratulate on your birthday and ask for a visit.
    2. Invite a person who does not like to go to the theater.
    3. You bought new toys, and you want to play in them.
    4. You were offended, and the friend comforts you.
    5. Your friend (girlfriend) took away his favorite toy, and now apologizes.
    6. Do you have a name

    Propricing dialogue with various intonations
    Child: Honey in the forest Bear found ...
    Bear: Little honey, a lot of bees!
    The dialogue is pronounced by all children. The educator helps to find the right intonation.
    Children of the same team using a pantomime show the subject (train, iron, telephone, mushroom, tree, flower, bee, beetle, hare, dog, tv, faucet, butterfly, book). Children of the other team are guessing.

    Game: "At the mirror". Role gymnastics at the mirror.
    Purpose: Improve the figurative performing skills. Develop creative independence in the transmission of the image.
    1) frown like:
    a) king,
    b) a child who took a toy
    c) a man hiding a smile.
    2) smile like:
    a) polite Japanese,
    b) the dog to its owner,
    c) mother baby,
    d) mother mother,
    e) cat in the sun.
    3) Sit as:
    a) bee on the flower,
    b) punished Pinocchio,
    c) offended dog
    d) a monkey depicting you
    e) horse rider on horse
    e) Bride at the wedding.
    Game - Poems: "Call Day"
    Purpose: Teach children beat literary text, support the desire to independently search for expressive means to create an image using movement, facial expressions, pose, gesture.
    Took Toptygin Double Bass:
    "Well, let's drink everything to dance!
    Nothing to grumble and get angry
    We better have fun! "
    Here and wolf in the meadow
    Slage on the drum:
    "Have fun and be!
    I will not leave any more! "
    Miracles, Miracles! For royal fox,
    Lisa Pianist - Red Solochka!
    The old man Barsuk was blown up mouthpiece:
    "To what the pipe
    Excellent sound! "
    Boredom runs away from such a sound!
    In drums knock yes
    Hares on the lawn,
    Hedgehog-grandfather and hedgehog - grandson
    They took the balalaika ....
    Picked protematics
    Fashion plates.
    Dzin-Jin! Thin-brag!
    Very ringing day!

    Game on the development of plastic expressiveness: "Fox overhears"
    The chanterelle is at the windows of the hut, in which the cat lives with a root, and erupts what they say.
    Pose: To put forward, the body body is slightly tilted forward.
    Expressive movements: To tilt the head to the side (listen, substituting the ear), a look to send to the other side, the mouth is semi-open.
    Hot Summer. Only passed rain. Children care gently, walk around the imaginary puddles, trying not to dunk legs. Then, sharpening, jumping along the puddles so hard that the splashes fly in all directions. They are very fun.
    Game on the development of plastic expressiveness: "Rose dance"
    Purpose: Teach children to own your body, freely and easily use the movements of your hands and legs. To form the simplest figurative-expressive skills.
    Under the beautiful melody (gramproof, own entanglement) to perform the dance of a surprisingly beautiful flower - roses. The child himself invents movement towards him.
    Suddenly, the music stops. This gust of the north wind "frozen" a beautiful rose. The child freezes in any pose invented.
    1. Suggest the children to go through the pebbles through the stream from the face of any character (fairy tales, stories, cartoon) by their choice.
    2. Suggest a child from the face of any character to sneak to sleeping beast (hare, bear, wolf).
    3. Suggest catching a butterfly or fly on behalf of various characters.
    4. To portray the walk of the family of three bears, but so that all three bear behave and acted in different ways.

    Game on the development of plastic expressiveness: "Flower"
    Purpose: Teach children to own your body, freely and easily use the movements of your hands and legs. To form the simplest figurative-expressive skills.
    Pull up, straining until the tips of the fingers all the housing ("Flower meets the sun"). Then the brushes are consistently ("The sun hid, the flower head dumped"), bend the hands in the elbows ("the stalks broke"), having freed the muscles of the back, neck and shoulders from the voltage, allow the body, head and hand passively "fall" forward and slightly bend Knees ("Build Flower").

    Game on the development of plastic expressiveness: "Rope"
    Purpose: Teach children to own your body, freely and easily use the movements of your hands and legs. To form the simplest figurative-expressive skills.
    Lightly lean forward, raising your hands on the parties and then dropping them. Having hung, they are passively swaying until they stop. Actively swing your hands after the fall should not. You can suggest the game image: drop hands like ropes.

    Game on the development of plastic expressiveness: "Palma"
    Purpose: strain and relax alternately hand muscles in brushes, elbows and shoulders.
    Game Strugg: "Palm big-predict grown": pull the right hand to pull up, pull up with your hand, look at hand.
    "Week leaflets": drop the brush. "Branches": drop your hand from the elbow. "Whole palm": drop the hand down. Exercise repeat with your left hand.

    Game on the development of plastic expressiveness: "Rod"
    Purpose: alternate tension and relaxation of the muscles of the shoulder belt and hands.
    Games: The child raises the "heavy bar." Then throws her, resting.

    Plastic expressive development game: "Airplanes and Butterflies"
    Purpose: teach children to own the muscles of the neck and hands; Navigate in space, placed evenly on the site.
    Games of the game: Children move the swarming, as in the exercise "Ants", on the team "Airplanes" run rapidly, pulling hands to the sides (muscles of the hands, neck and corps are tense); According to the team "Butterflies" go to an easy run, making hands smooth flaws, the head is gently turning from the side to the side ("The butterfly is looking for a beautiful flower"), brushes, elbows, shoulders and neck are not clamped.
    The exercise can be done to the music, picking up the appropriate works from the repertoire of musical education.

    Game on the development of plastic expressiveness: "Who is in the picture?"
    Purpose: Develop the ability to transmit images of living beings with plastic expressive movements.
    Games: Children disassemble the cards with the image of animals, birds, insects, etc. Then one is transmitted in the plastic the specified image, the rest gose. On multiple cards, the images may coincide, which makes it possible to compare several options for one task and mark the best execution.

    Theatrical games for children prepared to school group

    "Trip around the world"
    Objective: to develop the ability to justify your behavior, develop faith and fantasy, expand the knowledge of children.
    Game Travel: Children are invited to go to trip around the world. They must come up with where they pierce their path - in the desert, along the mountain path, in the swamp, through the forest, the jungle, through the ocean on the ship - and accordingly change their behavior.

    "Sick tooth"
    The course of the game: Children are invited to imagine that they have a very tooth hurts, and they begin to lay on the sound "M". The lips are slightly closed, all the muscles are free. The sound is monotonous, stretching.

    Game Stroy: Children depict a capricious child who whines, demanding to take it on the handles. Nut on the sound "H", not tearing and not understating sound, looking for a tone, on which the voice sounds smoothly and freely.

    "Pantomim's Theater"
    They are divided into two teams. At the leading card in the box with the image of a boiling kettle, ice cream, alarm clock, phone, etc. Alternately from each team is suitable for one player and pull the tasks for yourself.
    The player must portray what is drawn, and the teams are gone out. The team that first calls what the child shows, gets a chip. By the end of the game, a winner team is detected.

    Muscle tension and relaxation games:
    "Cactus and Iva"
    Purpose: develop the ability to own muscle tension and relaxation, orient in space, coordinate movements, stop exactly at the teacher's signal.
    Game stroke: For any signal, for example, cotton, children begin chaotic to move around the hall, as in the exercise "Ants". According to the Team "Cactus" team, children stop and accept the "cactus pose" - the legs on the width of the shoulders, the hands are slightly bent in the elbows, raised above the head, palm with the back side turned to each other, the fingers are spread as spines, all muscles are tense. The chaotic movement is renewed on cotton pedagog, followed by a team: "IVA". Children stop and accept "Willes" pose: a slightly divorced hand to the sides relaxed in the elbows and hang like the willow branches; The head hangs, the neck muscles are relaxed. The movement is resumed, the teams alternate.

    Muscular tension and relaxation game:
    "Pump and inflatable doll"
    Objective: Ability to strain and relax muscles, interact with partner, train three types of exhalation, articulate sounds "C" and "W"; Act with an imaginary object.
    Games: Children are distributed to couples. One child is an inflatable doll from which the air is released, he squats, all muscles are relaxed, hands and head are omitted; The second - "pumps" the air into the doll with the pump; Clearing forward, with each click on the "lever", it exhales the air with the sound "C-S-C-C" (the second type of exhalation), while inhaling it is straightened. Doll, "Folding by air", slowly climbs and straightens, the hands are stretched up and a little to the sides. Then the doll is blown away, pull the plug, the air leaves with the sound "Sh-sh-sh-sh" (the first type of exhalation), the child is squatting, again relaxing all the muscles. Then children change roles. You can invite to inflate the doll quickly, connecting the third type of exhalation: "C! FROM! FROM!"

    Muscle tension and relaxation game: "Buratino and Piero"
    Objective: Develop the ability to strain correctly and relax muscles.
    Games: Children move as in the exercise "Ants", on the "Buratino" team stop in the position: legs on the width of the shoulders, the hands are bent in the elbows, open up, the brushes straight, the fingers are spread, all muscles are tense. The movement along the hall is renewed. According to the team "Piero" - again get silent, depicting a sad Pierreo: the head hangs, the neck is relaxed, the hands hang out at thenime. In the future, you can offer children to move, keeping images of a wooden strong Pinocchio and a relaxed, soft Piero.

    Muscle tension and relaxation game: "Snowman"
    Purpose: ability to strain and relax the muscles of the neck, hands, legs and housing.
    Games: Children turn into snowmen: Legs on the width of shoulders, bent in his hands stretched forward, brushes are rounded and sent to each other, all muscles are tense. The teacher says: "Sun has prigious, under his warm spring rays, a snowman began to slowly melt." Children gradually relax muscles: they lower the head powerless, they drop their hands, then bend in half, they drop down, fall on the floor, completely relaxing.

    Muscle tension and relaxation game: "hypnotist"
    The course of the game: the teacher turns into a hypnotist and spends on the showlown session "; Making the characteristic smooth movements of the runes, he says: "Sleep, sleep, sleep ... your head, hands, and legs become heavy, eyes closing, you fully relax and hear the noise of sea waves." Children gradually fall on the carpet, fall and completely relax.
    You can use audio cassette with music for meditation and relaxation.

    Muscular tension and relaxation game: "Shake water from handkerchiefs"
    Purpose: learning to fully relax the muscles of the whole body.
    Hands bend in elbows, brushes hanging palm down. The movement of the forearm is several times in a row to reset them down passively. Before this movement is useful to squeeze the brushes in the fists to feel more clear the difference in the intense and relaxed state of the muscles.

    Muscular tension and relaxation game: "Flower"
    Purpose: learning to fully relax the muscles of the whole body.
    The warm ray of the Sun fell to the ground and warmed seeds. Sprout fought out of him. Beautiful flower grew out of the sprout. The flower in the sun is inappropriate, substitutes the heat and the light every little petal, turning the head after the sun.
    Expressive movements: go squatting, head and hands omit; Raise your head, straighten the housing, raise hands to the sides, then up - the flower bloomed; Head slightly drop back, slowly turn her after the sun.
    Mimica: Eyes semi-closed, smile, face muscles are relaxed.

    Muscle tension and relaxation game: "pendulum"
    Purpose: learning to fully relax the muscles of the whole body.
    The transfer of the severity of the body with heels on socks and back. Hands are lowered down and pressed to the body. The severity of the body is moved slowly forward on the front of the foot and fingers; Heels from the floor are not separated; The whole body slightly leans forward, the case does not bended. Then the severity of the body is also transferred to the heels. Floor socks are not separated. The transfer of the severity of the body is possible in another version: from foot to foot from side to side. The movement is carried out on the placed legs, the hand right and left pressed to the body. Swinging from foot to the leg slowly, without breaking from the floor.

    "Turning the room"
    Game stroke: Children are distributed to 2-3 groups, and each of them comes up with its option turning the room. The rest of the children in the behavior of the transformation participants are guessing, in what exactly the room is turned.
    Possible options proposed by children: Shop, Theater, Sealand, Polyclinic, Zoo, Sleeping Beauty Castle, Dragon Cave, etc.

    Purpose: develop action skills with imaginary objects, bring up goodwill and contact in relationships with peers.
    The course of the game: With the help of readings, a child is chosen, which invites children to the "birthday". Guests come in turn and bring imaginary gifts.
    With the help of expressive movements, conditional gaming actions, children should show that they decided to give.

    "Not mistaken"
    Purpose: to develop a sense of rhythm, random attention, coordination.
    The course of the game: the teacher in different combinations and rhythms alternate cotton in your hands, triathes legs and cotton knees. Children repeat after him. Gradually, the rhythmic drawings are complicated, and the pace is diminishing.

    "Turning children"
    Purpose: develop the feeling of faith and truth, courage, intelligence, imagination and fantasy
    The course of the game: on the Team team, children turn into trees, flowers, mushrooms, toys, butterflies, snakes, frogs, kittens, etc. The teacher can turn into an evil wizard and turn children at will.

    "How are you?"
    Purpose: develop the speed of the reaction, coordination of movements, the ability to own gestures.
    Game traffic:
    Pedagogue children
    - How are you? - Like this! With mood to show
    - And float? - Like this! Any style.
    - How do you run? - Like this! Bending hands in the elbows, it is thrown alternately with my legs.
    - Did you look? - Like this! Hands "visor" or "binoculars" to the eyes.
    - Are you waiting for lunch? - Like this! Pose of waiting, pour the cheek with hand.
    - Mashech after? - Like this! The gesture is understandable.
    - Wear in the morning? - Like this! Pens under the cheek.
    - And Shawl? - Like this! Inflate cheeks and slammed with cams.
    (By N. Piculeva)

    Purpose: develop plastic hands.
    Game stroke: Children stand switched in the main rack, hands down, palm down, the middle fingers are connected.
    1. In the morning, the tulip is revealed by connecting the palms, raise his hands to the chin, open the palms, connect the elbows.
    2. On the night closes Connecting palms, lower hands down.
    3. Tulipped tree Down to connect the rear side of the palms and raise hands above head.
    4. Sparks their own Hands from above spread to the sides, palm branches up.
    5. And autumn leaves fall Rotate palm down and gently lower down, slightly dealing


    Purpose: Development of coordination of movements, agility, feelings of rhythm.
    Game move: Children lie on the back, hands stretched along the head, leg socks stretched out.
    1. Hedgehog cringe, Bend legs in the knees, press
    curled to the stomach, grab their hands,
    Nose in her knees.
    2. Deployed ...