Death Space 3. Achievements guide - main game. Bonus co-op mission "Archeology"

Artifacts: 1
Records: 2
Parts of weapons: 2
Drawings: 0
Chains Retrofit: 2

A new chapter begins by saying Isaac flies in a protective suit to the ship CMS Roanoke, now you need to somehow get inside yourself, because the air supply is limited and help the surviving team members USM Eudora get on the ship.
Personal journal
Exercise: Find a way to enter the ship
These older KSSK ships should have manual airlocks. If I find one, I can get inside the ship, and there it will be clear what to do next.

We are heading towards the ship, at the edge of the deck you can see a yellow container with the inscription O2, shoot at the container and draw the cylinder with Kinesis, using it you can replenish the oxygen supply.

At the locks, we learn that the cargo lock does not open and all hope is only on us, it is necessary to get inside and open the lock from the inside. Fortunately, the small airlock is functioning normally, we land near it and with the help of Kinesis open the door, if there is not enough oxygen, a balloon flies nearby, we pull it in and refuel.

Personal journal
Exercise: Open the cargo compartment door for the crew module
Norton is still outside the rescue module. It seems to be next to the cargo compartment door. You should be able to get Rosen and Locke inside.

We open the next door (I think you can not write that on the doors whose handles are highlighted in blue to open, you need to use Kinesis), along the locator our path lies to the left, but I think it is worth checking the right corridor. There is nothing there, except for a couple of clips, but on the left we are in for a surprise - " Heavy standard bed».
Heavy standard bed (Standard Heavy Frame)
Standard heavy bed for two-handed weapons.
Top chains: 2
Bottom chains: 2

Having collected the junk, let's rush to help our comrades in misfortune. We open the door and go into the airlock control room. We turn the handle of the emergency opening of the airlock doors and observe how Norton with the rescue module flies into the Roanoke CMS.
Personal journal
Exercise: Get the crew members out of the trap
Rosen and Locke won't last long in the rescue module. This old ship may have enough air to buy some time and decide what to do next. We must somehow drag them inside.

OK OK. Isaac Clarke rushes to the rescue. We leave from the airlock control room and go to the left, through the airlock door. We receive new instructions from Norton.
Personal journal
Exercise: Get to the control room
If Ellie did send the distress signal, then we are getting close. My locator is tuned to the frequency of the emergency transmitter, which appears to be in the Roanrock's control room.

We go to the right, at the door on " Cargo deck"Find" Tesla emitter»
Tesla emitter
High voltage welding unit

We go around the platform with a loader and Carver and go up the stairs, at the top there are two destructible boxes with "Scrap Metal" and "Middle Pharmacy". We get down and go to the door of the "Cargo Deck". After the corridor with three coffins, we find ourselves on the cargo deck.

Let's take a look around first. On the right, in a box on the wall, we find " Modernization chain» +1 recharge... Continuing on the right side we reach the Workbench with a battery pack, without a battery. The battery lies next to it, lift it up and insert it. We get bonus task.

The Diary
Exercise: Make a weapon
Weapons can be assembled from suitable tools and variators. I can make the necessary parts from resources that I find along the way. Only for this you need a machine.

We continue to walk around the room around the perimeter and find nothing. Breaks down the door with the inscription " Quarantine"Not the most the best way, so let's leave it for later, but for now let's go up the stairs and see what we have above. Let's start with the stairs at the "Machine". We find two boxes, one with "Malaya Pharmacy", the other with "Scrap metal". Above the second staircase is empty, but behind it I noticed two lockers that I had missed earlier. Both with First Aid Kits, one medium, the other small.

Before we go to the quarantine area, let's see what we can do with the weapon. We modify it at our discretion, this completes the bonus task.

Now that we have improved the weapon, you can go to " Quarantine zone"To the Necromorphs. There are no branches along the way, we get to " West lobby". In the lobby, several Necromorphs are rushing to us, having dealt with them and holding weapons at the ready, we are heading further.

Let's unlock the door of the Briefing room, littered with boxes. We transfer them using Kinesis. We bring down our "old friend" attached to the ceiling and collect the contents of the cabinets and a small box mounted in the wall between the door and the stage. An artifact glows invitingly on the stage, but you can approach it only after passing through the entire hall. In the far corner, you can see another Necromorph attached to the ceiling, so as not to waste ammo, let's come closer holding the weapon at the ready. When we are done with Mr., another "old comrade" rushes to us.

We go down and take away from the stage Artifact taking the contents of the box in the wall on the way.

Artifact KSSK 02
FROM: ADM. Marjorie Graves
FOR: Personnel of CMS "ROANOK"
I would like to express my gratitude to each member of the crew for participating in this historical expedition without exaggeration. Today, more than ever before, humanity is faced with catastrophic circumstances and is forced to take risks in the name of a noble goal.
And while not all of you are privy to the details of this mission, know that our future, our hopes and dreams are at stake. The fate of the colonies is in your hands.

We go to " Central lobby". Do not relax and get ready to clean up the corridor. We are not alone in the lobby, we move slowly, we clean the area and check the contents of the boxes. Having reached the middle of the lobby, we see that our path lies on the technical deck, but further along the corridor something invitingly shines on the floor. I think it's worth checking out. Carefully, when you reach the end of the lobby, another Necromorph will pop out of the ventilation. It looks like we didn't go in vain, it was " Text Entry»

And the wall box contains " Upgrade Chain» +1 Rate of Fire... Having collected everything, we go to the Tech Deck. On the Technical deck, there is zero gravity, we collect boxes to which Kinesis reaches and we fly through the tunnel. Carefully, between the rotors, three shooting creatures will come out on the left, keep everyone in sight and dodge the shots. We shoot them tentacles and move on. We land and go to the "Main generator", in the closet with a ladder on the shelf lies " Text Entry»

We go up the stairs, before opening the door we take the contents of the box to the left of the door. We enter the generator room, the generator is turned off, after talking with Norton we have a new task.
The Diary
Task: Restore the power supply to the ship
Looks like the main generator for Roanoke. If I turn it on, it will power all the elevators and passageways of the ship.

When you start the first rotor of the generator, a large delegation of Necromorphs will descend upon you, so it is better to immediately look for a place for defense. We go counterclockwise, start the second rotor, Necromorphs are not visible. We move to the third, it is located by the elevator. We start the rotor, two Necromorphs come running from the ventilation to the left. We go to the console. We start the generator, three shooting Necromorphs crawl out of it, we deal with them and go to the elevator.

Inside the building for samples we see a large frozen alien creature - Nexus 001. Our team decides to launch a probe inside this creature, but first the creature needs to be unfrozen.

We go along the road to the left, we get into the boiler room.

We pass into the next room.

We go into the wardrobe, in which you can put on a new suit - bright yellow Archaeologist costume... This suit provides additional protection against stabbing and also keeps you warm like an arctic suit. We sit down on the elevator, go upstairs.

The elevator brings us to the roof of the building, we find ourselves in the open air. Immediately near the elevator, we turn to the right, with the help of kinesis we attract the boxes with resources, and then the blue battery. While we put the battery nearby, we destroy the attacking necromorphs. We select the battery, carry it forward, and then throw it inside the building through the half-open doors. We climb up the stairs, go along the suspended road, kill the necromorphs. We go down the other stairs into the building. At the bottom we select the battery brought earlier, insert it into the connector. Press the button on the left to start the heating boiler.

We return to the elevator, go downstairs, go to the frozen sample of the Nexus.

In the room with the frozen sample, we receive new instructions. It is necessary to purge the heating pipe system. To do this, go to the device with four valves, press the button in the center. The unit starts up at 10%. After that, we look at the numbers above the valves. We turn the valve above which the figure is highlighted. We turn the illuminated valves to gain 100% of the system power. (If we do not have time to turn some valve, then we will need to press the button again and start the sequence of valves from the beginning). Having reached 100%, we press the button in the center - that's it, the system is working at full capacity.

We go to the beginning of the level, we go into the elevator to the left of the machine. At the top, we turn left, we approach a black girl named Santos. She gives us a blueprint for the device to be assembled and a code key for new location... There is nothing else on the upper platform (only at the dead end on the right there is a small box with resources), we go down.

We go out into the street, go down the elevator, go to the drilling room. At the drilling site, we see four unitologists committing suicide. Soon they can turn into necromorphs, but for now we pass by these corpses.

We leave on the street from the other side, turn right, use the key, enter the warehouse. The elevator does not work inside, so we turn left.

We enter the elevator, it takes us to the snow-covered surface. We see bloody long-legged footprints in the snow, and in front of us three necromorphs are eating a corpse. We go to the left of the corpse, we will find ourselves in an empty clearing, here you can successfully launch resource bots. We go forward, catch up with the escaped necromorphs and kill them. We approach the door "Delta Barracks".

We go into the back, inside we search all the boxes and cabinets.

We leave the barracks on the street, we get to the supply area. Here we will be attacked by many new long-legged monsters. Now it is clear how these monsters differ from the rest - they hide behind cover, often run away from the battlefield, do not rush through and attack only at the right moment. After killing all the necromorphs, we collect boxes, many boxes are located on top of the containers. We approach the panel in front of the door, here you need to go through a mini-game on the simultaneous movement of two circles.

We enter the building "Zone NX-02". There is no specimen Nexus 002 inside, and one of the walls of this multi-storey building has been completely demolished.

We go along the road to the right. Near the stairs we look to the left; on the bent fallen beam we see blue gears. We twist the gears, from this the cage rises to the level of the lower floor.

We go down the stairs. On the right we find the first module, on the left - the second, in the center in the raised cell - the third. We leave the building back to the supply site.

On the site we are met by the boss - huge spider necromorph... We shoot off the tentacles from above, then we shoot off the glowing balls appearing for a while in front of the face. After our victory, this boss goes into hiding again.

(There is an additional task "Protect the armory." To get into this bonus mission, from the supply area we go into the door, where the path from the signal lights leads).

We return to the excavation area, orient ourselves by the wrist locator. At the drilling site, the suicide unitologists turned into necromorphs, we kill them. We pass further, we get to the "Zone NX-03".

It's time to open the sample Nexus 001. We go up the elevator, go along the right road to the end, press the button on the screen, turn the lever on the first harpoon with a laser sight. In the same way, we go along the left path, turn on and turn the lever on the second harpoon. After that we enter the cell in the center of the upper floor. In the cage, we move inside a huge dead creature.

Inside the creature, we walk along the corridors, shoot from the probe at the round growths (synapses) on the ceiling. After a shot at a certain growth, black skeletal necromorphs will run out from everywhere, it is better to run back into the cage and shoot them from there. After that, we continue to walk and shoot the growths. It is necessary to find two more such growths, from the shot at which the creature will begin to move.

After getting into all three necessary growths, Isaac develops a temporary clouding. We run back to the cage, we fight off the necromorphs. Together with the cage, they drag us back upstairs.

Upstairs, Norton leaves us locked up and leaves. Using kinesis, we twist the lever on the control panel, go outside. We go down the bottom, we go into the boiler room, here a new door "External access" has opened.

We go out into the open air. Here we are suddenly met by unitologists led by Danik. It turns out that it was Norton who brought the unitologists here. Tied hand-to-hand combat, Danik is hiding, we kill ordinary unitologists. At this time, a huge creature in the hangar comes to life and gets out.

Boss: Nexus 001

A huge necromorph strikes with its pincers from the left and right, and also spits out red slime, from which skeletal necromorphs then appear.

To defeat the boss, you need to wait for him to open a yellow spot on his chest, shoot this vulnerable spot.

Immediately after that, the boss will begin to suck everything around him. While we are rolling on the ground, we need to have time to shoot at the yellow growths around the boss's mouth. We will make it in time - we will not be sucked in. The boss will start normal attacks again.

So we repeat several times, shoot all the yellow growths around the mouth. After that, the boss will once again begin to suck in, but there will be no growths left to stop him. As a result, the Nexus sucks us in, we find ourselves inside the boss.

Bonus mission. Arsenal

To get into this bonus mission, from the supply area we go into the door, where the path of signal lights leads.

We enter the building of the arsenal. There is a machine here. If we come here immediately after the appearance additional assignment, then it is imperative to go to the machine to assemble the probe from the assembled parts.

We get down on the elevator, we get to the trolley station. There is a machine and a wardrobe at the station, here a good place to launch the bot. On the cart, you can return to the previous bonus mission "Supply Base" (if this mission has not yet been completed), other destinations are still not available. We enter the elevator next to the machine, we go down even lower.

On the lower floor, we see a crawling dying unitologist in front of us, here are the bags with the corpses of the soldiers who died. We pass into the next room with a hanging bridge in the center.

We enter the next room, kill the appearing necromorphs.

We leave into the corridor. On the right is a door that can be opened with a key until you get there. We go down on the elevator, we pass the narrow corridor.

We go into the door "Upper Hall". In the hall we kill a couple of dozen weak skeletal necromorphs. We collect all the resources of the district, go to the panel in front of the door, solve the puzzle with two circles. We enter the opened door of the "Armory Hall".

We enter the elevator, go upstairs. Above we hear two unitologists, shoot at them, kill the jumping out necromorphs. We pass further, on the elevator we go down to the lower part of the room. Below on the panel with screens we find the key card from the doors.

Now we have the key. We return back to the closed doors. We go up on the first elevator, we go into the second. We return to the "Back room". We use the key to open the door "Rear pipe 01", we go inside. We kill the jumping out long-legged necromorphs.

We approach the next doors, break it open, completing the puzzle to find the blue sector. We enter the door, we find ourselves in a room with two columns, where we have already been. Here we are trying to enter the door without an inscription, but it is jammed. We kill the appearing monsters, only after that the door will open. We go further, we go up the elevator, we go into another door, closed with a key.

We pass over the bridge, kill a couple of unitologists. We enter the "Hall of the security service 02", we kill a couple more unitologists, and after that a dozen necromorphs.

Additional mission completed. We leave the premises, we return to the main mission.

Bonus co-op mission "Archeology"

To get into this bonus mission, from the supply area we go into the door, where the path of signal lights leads. We get to the trolley station. We sit down in the trolley, go to the station "Archeology".

Chapter 12. Autopsy

After the fight with the boss, we find ourselves inside the huge necromorph Nexus 001. We get into the stomach of the monster through the esophagus. Here we swim in gastric juice and dodge the red targeting shells flying at us. We shoot the appearing yellow processes on the wall of the stomach. In total, you need to shoot three bundles of three branches. Stasis does not work here, so it is better to swim closer and not aiming to shoot beams from a shotgun or machine gun.

When all the processes are shot off, the boss will spit us back, and he himself will breathlessly fall to the bottom of the abyss.

On fresh air meet Norton again. He is trying to kill us, we are ahead of him and shoot first (press the "E" key in time).

Dead space 3. Passage of the game

Chapter 13. Touch the heavens

Having dealt with Norton, we go forward along the cliff.

We pass to the foot of the mountain, we meet the rest of the team here. We approach one of the two installations, with the help of it we shoot the harpoon upwards and begin our ascent along the steep cliff. On the way, we dodge the falling blocks. Climbing onto the first ledge, in the same way we climb even higher onto the second ledge.

Upstairs we go along the path, we enter the cave.

We go forward, we leave the cave. We pass along the cliff, we see an elevator in front of us, blocking the road. We look up, there is a movable shaft above the elevator, we move it using kinesis, thereby moving the elevator into place. We pass further, we kill the attacking monsters.

We enter the next cave, we see here two installations with harpoons.

We enter the installation, shoot with a harpoon and climb up. Along the way, you will come across not only blocks, but also crawling necromorphs. There will also be horizontal and vertical crevices on the way. Vertical crevices can be jumped by pressing shift while moving left, right. But horizontal faults have to be bypassed.

We leave the cave into the open air.

We move further along the road, we reach the next ascent along the sheer wall. This time, huge stone layers will fall, it will be very difficult to dodge them, it is better to slow them down with stasis and calmly move on. Having dodged from two large rocks we reach the swinging elevator. With the help of stasis, we freeze the elevator when it is in the extreme left position. We rise to the very top.

Let's go ahead. There will be a good place for a resource bot along the way. We reach the elevator lift mechanism. We start the generator, our friends in the elevator will start going upstairs. The fuses will then be damaged. We go upstairs, open the switchboard, solve the puzzle. Correct solution: we move the lowest 6 fuse to the right, we move the 4th fuse to the left. The team members went upstairs, but at the last moment a huge necromorph grabbed the elevator and dragged the elevator down. Half of the cliff also collapsed, and now we are also at the bottom, face to face with the boss.

Boss: Huge Spider Necromorph

This is still the same spider from which you need to shoot off the tentacles. But this time we don't pay attention to the boss at all, but run to the generator and turn it on. Two harpoons with laser sights will start working from the generator. We lure the spider into the blue zones, shoot off its tentacles so that it stops in place, wait for the harpoons to shoot at the spider. When the harpoons hit the boss, we run to the small square installation under the left laser, start turning the valve on the installation, and do not stop until the spider is torn to pieces.

After the victory, we take the fallen set of tools from the spider, go to the climbing rig (in the left corner, if you look at the rock), climb up.

Dead Space 3. Walkthrough

Chapter 14. Everything has its place

We climb up the stairs, but it is impossible to climb to the end. Then we go along the snowy gorge. We leave into the clearing. The dead end on the left has a good place for a resource bot. We pass into the right gorge, we kill three necromorphs, we go further.

Before climbing the hill, we see a fork. There is nothing in the dead end on the left, we immediately follow the right path. Through the red gate we enter the courtyard of the laboratory "PA-29". The doors on the left are still closed, we go into the right door.

We pass the room, we leave from the other side. We see Danica's aircraft landing in the laboratory in front. Move on.

We break open the door, we enter the biolaboratory.

Department of Biology

Inside the department of biology we shoot spiders and three necromorphs.

There is a machine tool and a wardrobe on the ground floor of the laboratory. Here is the entrance to additional co-op mission... The rest of the doors are closed with a key card, it remains only to go to the elevator on the right.

We go down the elevator to the lower floors, we pass into the room for freezing samples. Here we get the task to collect parts of Rosetta's samples. One of the samples is right here in the room. We go in a circle, we reach the right wall of the room, there we take the blue rectangle in the open hatch. Using kinesis, transfer the rectangle to the other end of the room, insert it into the orange connector that appears, press the button on the left.

After that, we take the key card under the booth where the girl is standing. Now you need to climb back up and find 4 more Rosetta samples.

Central hall

We rise to the first floor. We pass through the door leading to the central hall. On the way, we shoot spitting growths on the floor and on the walls. We enter the next room.

We go down on the freight elevator, on the way we kill three necromorphs crawling along the distant walls. At the bottom we open the switchboard. Move from the left side to the right two fuses at "50". We kill the appeared necromorphs, we rise back on the elevator.

We leave the room into the corridor, go into the glass booth, press the button to spray the gas. After that, all the plants in the corridor will be destroyed. We pass through the opened door in the central part of the corridor.

We pass a small room with a dead body.

On the far wall we kill a large growth that revives the necromorphs. We take away from the growths to the left 1st sample in a blue rectangle. Using kinesis, we bring the sample to the orange hatch at the beginning of the room, put it there. On the way, you will have to kill a lot of necromorphs.

Having sent the sample, we go out into the corridor, we rise by the freight elevator to the second floor. We pass through the glass tunnel leading to the paleontological department.

Department of Paleology

The door to the paleo section will be locked. To the right of the door, using kinesis, we tear off the panel, throw it aside, twist the opened shaft, the door opens.

Inside the room on the table we find reaper barracks key(opens access to additional mission"Barracks" Reapers ").

We enter the elevator, go down to the two-story room. On the top floor we kill several dozen skeletal necromorphs. We go downstairs on the freight elevator.

We approach the large device in the center. You need to solve the puzzle: using kinesis, rotating the shaft to the left or to the right, you need to make sure that all three discs rotate to the "0 degrees" position. After that we press the button, we take away 2nd sample, put it in the orange hatch and send it. We enter the door on the lower floor.

(In a small room there is a door to the "Barracks", which can be opened with a key card. We enter it to get into bonus mission "Reaper Barracks").

In the corridor we go into the left door without a combination lock. We pass forward, we see a glass booth.

We pass deep into the room, kill the growths on the floor. With kinesis we tear off the blue panel, turn the shaft, from this gas began to be released. We run into the glass booth, press the button to seal. When the gas dissipates, we go into the new opened door.

We enter the room with the large remains of the necromorphs.

At the top of the rack near the wall we find 3rd sample in a blue rectangle. We pull it in, send it to the orange hatch.

We pass through the next door, we find ourselves on the street in the courtyard of the laboratory. Danik's enemy ships are flying in the air. You need to quickly run back to the first room of the laboratory. On the way we meet new and terribly fast necromorphs.

In the room we approach the wardrobe, a new one has appeared here. legionary costume... We pass to the right side of the corridor, turn right, enter the geological department.

Department of Geology

We go out into the street, we approach the metal bridge.

We go forward along the bridge. Among the boxes we fight with hiding and running monsters.

We take the elevator upstairs. We leave on an open area with many ice cubes with the remains of ancient necromorphs. Here again you need to fight the hiding monsters.

We go inside the room. There are also many ice cubes here. In this room, you can use the machine.

We enter the next small room. Here on the table we find disposal compartment key(access to the second additional mission opens).

We pass into the next room, we see three beams of lasers, blocking the path further. Using kinesis, we move the movable block between the lasers. We block the first laser with the block, go past it, move the block under the second laser, go even further. Thus, we bypass all lasers. On the other side we pick up 4th sample in a blue rectangle. We throw the sample, return through the lasers back in the same way. We send a sample.

We go to the exit from this building. Danik's fanatics attack on the way. We leave from the premises.

(On way back outside, you can enter the Disposal Services door to start bonus mission "Recycling compartment").

We return to the central corridor of the laboratory, on the right we enter the elevator leading to the lower floors. We find ourselves in the assembly hall of samples.

Bonus co-op mission. Obelisk storage

The mission entrance is in the main corridor of the PA-29 laboratory.

Bonus mission. Reapers Barracks

In the paleological section, using the key, open the door of the "Barracks", enter the bonus mission.

We pass into the next room.

We find ourselves in a two-story hall with two pistons below. We go down, wait for the first piston to go further, enter the tunnel, freeze the piston with stasis, run through the tunnel.

We pass into another part of the turbine hall, go up to the second floor, go to the next room.

We pass the corridor, we find ourselves in the barracks with double beds. We kill necromorphs in the form of heads with tentacles. There is a machine here.

In the next room on the way come across laser traps. To discharge them, using kinesis, we take any object from the floor and substitute it under the laser.

We enter the room with a movie projector. Here on the floor we find reaper officer's key, there is also a storage box.

Mission completed, you can return to the main task.

Bonus mission. Disposal compartment

From the courtyard where the ice cubes lie, we enter the “Disposal Services” door. After taking the elevator, we get to the standard trolley station. There is a machine tool, a wardrobe and a trolley itself. We enter the elevator closest to the trolley, we get into the bonus mission.

We pass along the empty corridor, we enter the door of the workshop. Necromorphs appear right near the door, they crawl out in front and behind.

We enter the Engineering hall 02, shoot the explosive necromorphs, we pass through the far left door, we sit down in the elevator leading to the garbage disposal department.

We find ourselves in a two-story room. On the first floor, we kill 5 appeared necromorphs, go up the stairs. We enter the next room, break open the door, kill the necromorphs. We pass a couple of empty rooms.

We find ourselves in a room with a raised bridge on the second floor. We go downstairs, solve the puzzle to lower the bridge.

We repair the bridge, go upstairs and go over the bridge. We go further through several rooms. We get into the construction compartment, where it will also be necessary to lower the bridge (but only with the help of kinesis), we pass into the construction office. There is a machine in the office. We pass a couple more rooms, we find ourselves in the room "Hall of the central compartment".

There is nothing in the room on the left, we go into the elevator on the right.

The elevator takes us downstairs. We pass an empty corridor, we enter a room with a machine tool and many monitors. Here you can start a resource bot. We go further into the "conning tower".

We enter the room "Storage of explosives".

We approach the ice wall, from this side we call the elevator. After that, necromorphs will begin to appear. They will appear gradually, but there will be a lot of them, you may run out of cartridges. After we defeat all the monsters, the elevator will go down, there will be a storage box on it.

The task is completed, you can return to the main mission.

Dead Space 3. Walkthrough

Chapter 15. Whims of fate

In the hall of Rosetta's laboratory, we need to put all the collected samples into a single whole alien creature. Go to the center of the capsule, use kinesis to swap the blue rectangles inside it. The far left and far right specimens are already in place and do not need to be moved. When we collect everything correctly, the samples will be collected in the center. Press the button to read information from the creature.

Isaac learns the purpose of the obelisks, as well as the fact that it is necessary to study not the planet Tau Volanis itself, but its moon. At this time, Danik appears and takes the code with the information downloaded from the creature. We fight off Danik by turning on the button for the destruction of the laboratory. A fiery mixture is sprayed from all the ventilation openings, an urgent need to leave the room.

Without touching the fiery fate, we quickly run down to the capsule, go around it in a circle, get to the door. Ellie does not have time to get out and dies inside the laboratory. Only two people remained from the entire expedition.

We leave the laboratory, run down the street. We enter the building with burning lights, we kill the unitologists. We enter the next room.

We leave on a snowy clearing with ice cubes and hanging corpses. Here we kill the appearing necromorphs, we shoot fanatic snipers sitting on the cliffs above. We break open the door, we pass into the building of the mine.

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June 18, 2314

After the introductory video, we begin to move along the snow-covered field. We orient ourselves with a device on Tim's wrist. We arrive at the crashed aircraft. We destroy boxes and thereby obtain cartridges for weapons. We shoot on the heck on main door... Having opened it, enemies are selected from within. The most vulnerable areas are the limbs and the head. Entering the ship, we move to the stairs, simultaneously shooting opponents. We kick corpses for getting ammunition and first-aid kits. We go up to the bridge, click on the side control panel and select the cylindrical device. Suddenly the ship starts to move, and therefore we jump out with a rope to the gorge. We move lower and lower, occasionally jumping over the pits. We pass to the left side so as not to be over the blast wave. We roll from side to side to avoid collisions with debris.

Chapter 1. Sudden awakening.
Lunar colony "New Horizons".
200 years later.

We look around in the apartment, after which we go into the corridor, turn left and go outside. We are heading to the soldiers at the gate. After the dialogue, we crouch down behind the cover. We kill a couple of opponents for training and we pass to the car to the right. After the explosion we find ourselves at the bottom. We go straight, destroying enemies. Don't forget to use the shelters. We shoot another suicide before he approaches us. We enter the building, we climb the stairs. After talking with Norton, we look around the room and go out into the alley. Carefully bend around corners and shoot opponents. The never-ending flow of trucks on the highway will not allow you to cross the road. We aim at the stream and slow down one of the machines with stasis. Now the flow is stopped, and we can go to the other side and go upstairs.

Inside the hall, we face a large number of enemies. The main thing is not to allow yourself to be surrounded and to step back in time. Take the elevator to the top floor. We are immediately attacked, but Isaac flees from Danik and his people. We get up, we select first-aid kits, until the enemies burst in. After killing them, we pass further to the next elevator. After rising, we leave to a number of shops. We turn right, we pass through the souvenir shop. We go out into the alley, destroy the enemies. We go down the stairs in the building, take the elevator upstairs. We arrive at the station, where we pull the locomotive to the central platform using kinesis. Then we push it into the tunnel. We connect the fuel train with the head car in the same way. We wait for the last carriage and climb into it from behind. We are moving towards the locomotive, exterminating enemies trying to stop us.

Chapter 2. By itself.
U.S.M. "Evdora".

After regaining consciousness, we speak with Carver. On the shelf on the right, turn on the audio recording. We follow the corridors to the captain's bridge. The ship makes a jump in space, after which it collides with mines. We leave the bridge, give instructions to the allies, then move forward for the suit. Putting it on, we break into zero gravity and catch up with the last and main element - the helmet.

We reach the cargo and use kinesis on the arrows depicted on it. Pushing them away on different sides, we interact with the control panel. We rush through space, maneuvering between debris and mines.

Chapter 3. Roanoke.

We meet with Norton at the cargo dock. You can't go inside, so we head to the neighboring doors. We open them by aiming the sight at the central locking and applying kinesis. Now press the kinesis button again and scroll through the lock. We pass through the airlock into the corridor, turn left and get into the premises, from where we open the cargo door using kinesis on the control panel. We return to the corridor, turn left and open the door. On the coordinates of Norton we go to the group led by Ellie. Let's go right and collect all the useful items. We pass through the door and get to the room in which all the doors are locked. We grab the battery near the central door with kinesis and install it in the corresponding hole next to the machine.

Now we can open the central door and go into the corridor. We destroy the creatures and remove the barricade near the side door using kinesis. We deal with enemies in a room with a de-energized projector. We leave into the corridor, we get to the door on the left side. Having descended, we fly in zero gravity and shoot back from opponents sticking to the walls. Then we go up the stairs and start starting the main generator. For all three mechanisms, we lower the upper parts with kinesis. Next, we grab the locks that have opened from above and hold the kinesis button in order to spin and subsequently supply energy. We turn on the generator through the control panel. We call the elevator and wait for the arrival. We rise to Ellie and to other surviving workers.

We return to the generator on the elevator and proceed to destroy the huge necromorph. We lower the upper parts and untwist them, as we did earlier. Tentacles will appear below, with which we shoot in the red areas. Since they are moving too fast, stasis is applied. After going through all the generators, we go down the same way that we arrived. While in zero gravity, we use stasis on the fans. We pass to the opposite side and climb up the stairs. Going out into the corridor, we approach the control panel on the wall. Move the sliders to the selected cells and activate them. Having filled the entire area, an elevator will be available on the left side, on which we go to the upper floor.

Isaac stares at the pictures on the wall. Now we can return to Ellie at the station and go through the passage to the left of the machine. Through the corridor, we will get out into outer space and head to the trolley that will take us to Terra Nova.

Chapter 5. Expected delays.
Terra Nova Crew Dock.

Arriving at the station, we move through the gateway. Having opened the door, we get to the captain's bridge by elevator. To open the next door, you need to hack the control panel. Rotate the stick and find three blue zones that need to be fixed. We pass into the corridor and we clean it from opponents. We go down to the storage room, where we also carry out the cleaning. We get to the trolley and call it through the console on the left side. Upon arrival, we are notified of a problem. We go through the door to the left, we climb up. We face the enemy stuck to the wall. We need to shoot all its tentacles and only then we can go to the elevator. On it we go to the next floor. Here it is necessary to free the path from the load. This is done by connecting two weights by the sides corresponding to each other. It is quite easy to pick them up visually. Next, we deal with the appeared enemies and go back to the elevator.

Going downstairs, we head towards the door on the left. We climb up and run to the warehouse. A new enemy appears that cannot be killed. When all limbs are torn off, it can be stopped for a few seconds. After which he regenerates and continues to attack us again. We hastily get to the trolley and call it through the console. We hold the defense until the transport arrives. We actively use stasis to slow down the immortal necromorph. On the arrived trolley we get to the central station.

Chapter 6. Repairs before shipment.
The tail section of the C.M.S. Terra Nova.

We approach the console next to the left door. Having broken it, we go inside and pick up the key from the conning tower. Now we can return to the minecart and go to the tail station. After arriving, we call the elevator and while we wait for it, we cut off the limbs of immortal enemies.

The lift will take us to the shuttle. Let's go through all the levels and collect the necessary modules. Then we go upstairs and call the platform. On it we will cross over to the opposite side and collect the modules in the same way. We use the machine to collect the remote control. Further, on the platform we will cross to the center to the shuttle. Open the lid using kinesis and install the assembled remote control.

The shuttle cannot move without fuel. Let's move to the right side again. Going down on the lift, turn right and go through the unlocked door. We go upstairs, then we go down and up again on the lift. We activate the fuel pump, go to it and push it into the tank with kinesis. While refueling, we while away the time by killing the approaching necromorphs. After finishing refueling, deactivate the pump and ask Ellie to carry out the final stage in preparing the shuttle for flight.

Unexpected overheating will cause a crash. We go down and turn to the right. We are not in a hurry to run headlong, as the fire will constantly block the path. The sign will point you in the right direction. We get to the stairs and go down. We pass to the elevator, calling her, we restrain the immortal necromorph. We go upstairs, we call the platform. Now we are fighting off two opponents at once. We move to the opposite side, follow down on the lift and pass to the left. We go into the building and get to the elevator, on which we go to the upper floor. We are located behind a stationary weapon and destroy the cylinders stuck in the meat grinder. Also, do not forget about the enemies, which over time will be more and more.

The explosion took us into outer space. We get to the station, shooting mines along the way. Their approach is easy to recognize by the frequency of sounds. We use the shuttle to send to the Grills.

Chapter 7. Chaos.
C.M.S. Grills.

Head towards the engine using the pointer. Using kinesis we draw out the shields, then the square devices under them and, of course, the engine. Returning to the shuttle, we get to the Roanoke station. Here you need to get three loggers from three different satellites. The first one can be easily reached with the help of a signpost, but the others can be easily found by the green illumination.

Further, according to the pointer, we find the nearest machine. We connect the found objects in it and return to zero gravity. We fix the module on the shuttle. We dive into the shuttle, where we notice damaged oxygen cylinders. We insert them along the connectors and twist them one hundred and eighty degrees. Now we can hit the road by launching the shuttle through the control panel. We do not deviate from the course, that is, we keep the shuttle within the blue squares. We shoot the marked enemies and do our best to dodge obstacles. We have to go back to the cylinders once again and place them in the correct position again.

Chapter 8. No connection.
Tau Volantis.

After the crash, we begin to search for the second part of the shuttle. We use fire as a guide. We also replenish the supply of heat with it. We are heading into an open area, and a shuttle crashes from above. Quickly press the corresponding button. We continue to move, and soon we will find the tail of the ship. There are no survivors here, so we go to the next point, focusing on the red signal checkers. On the slope we are attacked by the enemy, which throws us far ahead.

We find the bridge, follow it until we find ourselves at the stairs. We climb up, turn left and enter a warm room. We start the generator, we find the first message from Ellie. We go out to the snow, going down the lift. We move along the pipe, we go down on the ground. We destroy the appearing enemies and head to the next building. After passing through it, we will continue to go straight until we see a signal checker. We turn left from it and get to the next checker, near which we will find a passage to the building. We communicate with barely living Buckle.

Chapter 9. Forward.
Transit station.

We pass to the left and we get to the final room. We start the generator, use kinesis to pull the gear on the wall. We deliver it to Buckle's location and insert it into the adjacent axis. We go down the elevator, where we clean the premises from small creatures. They like to attack in large groups, but they die quickly.

We get to the workshop, go up the stairs to the lower level. We install the mechanisms in the correct position according to the types of tips corresponding to each other. When the device starts up, wait a couple of tens of seconds. Then we run after him and we pass into the passage on the far left. We repeat the action with the mechanisms and immediately slow down the device with stasis in order to have time to reach the passage and not be pinched. We climb up and proceed to the wardrobe. Let's change into an arctic suit that protects from the cold.

Using the locator, we get out. We get to the collapsing crane and quickly press the displayed buttons. Above we find Carver, who is actively fighting enemies. We pass into the room on the right side of the lift and start the generator. Now we can go upstairs, but we will be interrupted by the necromorph, which we have already met earlier. We shoot his permanent tentacles growing on his back. We dodge enemy attacks by double pressing the acceleration button. The tentacles will constantly grow back, so after several successful attempts the monster will run away. We rise higher and, guided by the locator, we reach the command post.

Chapter 10. Now we know.
Excavation Command Headquarters.

The team is waiting for us outside, we go out to them and are immediately attacked by enemies. We use shelters and destroy the people of Danik. We need to get to the drilling platform, where we start the generator and free the drilling device from the protective holes. A huge, constantly rotating device will appear on the site. We move in a circle so as not to be under it. Slow down the burmashin with stasis and shoot the yellow parts in its center. We charge stasis through wall mounts and destroy the necromorphs. Having won the victory, we are heading towards the opened passage.

Chapter 11. Hunting for a signal.
Sample building.

We get on the lift to the heaters. After talking with Ellie, we go to the boiler room, and then we go out into the street. There is an energy block on the right. After pulling it out, we deliver it to the building at the other end. Enemies will attack us all the way. We push the block through the window. Returning back, we climb up and run straight to the very building. Going down the stairs, we insert the block into the corresponding hole. We start the boiler manually.

Let's go back to the heaters and adjust the pressure. We activate the center console and use kinesis to rotate the mechanisms above which the number will light up. When the pressure is 100%, it means that we did everything right and can rise to the team. Santos gives us the schematic of the probe. You need to get some parts to create it. We get to the snowy lands, where we face new enemies. They are cowardly and therefore attack unexpectedly, after which they try to hide as quickly as possible. The surest way is to stand still and wait for them. Having reached the barracks, we pass through it and find ourselves on the auxiliary site. We destroy many opponents, after which we turn left and hack the console. We arrive at the warehouse, which is in a dilapidated state. We pass to the end on the right side. On the left we notice the winch, pull it with kinesis. Then we go down and collect the components of the probe. All of them are highlighted, the last one is in the same cage that we raised.

Let's return to the site and fight with the familiar enemy, who will again hide from us. Let's return to the allies and collect the probe on the machine.

Chapter 12. Autopsy.
Hangar for anatomy.

Having risen, we pass along the side bridges and launch the harpoons. Then we apply kinesis and open the path. Norton will help you go down, for this you need to get into the cage. Once inside the creature, we aim with the probe and catch active signals. Most of the clusters are at the top, but it is impossible to miss them, as they glow brightly. We shoot at them and go to the cage. We restrain the onslaught of enemies, after which we continue to shoot the remaining clusters.

Norton refuses to open the cage, so we do it ourselves. Use the kinesis on the lever in the adjacent cell. We will get out through the boiler room. Having escaped from the clutches of Danik's people, we destroy three and proceed to the battle as a reborn giant. We roll while striking them, we shoot the cocoons before the enemies crawl out of them. We shoot at weakness in the center. When the enemy literally begins to suck us into himself, we shoot through the yellow areas. After several such attempts, we will find ourselves inside a giant.

We shoot off the limbs of three creatures. We are in motion to evade bodies flying at us. After getting out of the body of the giant, we meet with Norton and Carver. We shoot at the first, after taking aim. To do this, quickly press the indicated button and then the shot button.

Chapter 13. Touch the heavens.
Rocks Volantis.

We meet with the surviving members of the team. The hooks will help you climb up. Periodically we shift it to one side or the other to avoid collisions with boulders flying from above. We restore the stairs with Kinesis, go up higher. We clean the cave from necromorphs and continue moving. Before us is a lift that does not allow us to pass. We grab the upper lever with kinesis and do not release the button until the lift goes down. Enemies will interfere with conquering the next peak. We shoot them and at the same time move by jumping to the sides.

We continue to climb up, this time it is necessary to slow down the huge landslides. We go up on the right side and immediately slow down the landslide. As soon as possible, go to the left. We stop the second landslide and the lift when it is on the right or left. We cross to the right and go upstairs. We destroy opponents, we pass into the cave and climb a little higher. We help the allies go upstairs by starting the generator. When the ascent stops, we go straight and rise higher. We interact with the shield by setting the correct values. We throw the number fifty on the right to the left side, and back - seventy.

Once at the bottom, we head to the open area and proceed to the battle with the necromorph. If you go even further, you can see the generator, which needs to be started as soon as possible. Lasers will appear on the left, we pass through them and wait for the monster. The harpoons will clamp it for a few seconds. During this time, we must go to the console on the right and grab the lever from the back side with kinesis. We actively press the shown button and crush the enemy. We return to the hook, which will help to climb up.

Chapter 14. Everything has its place.
Research Center.

Let's follow the allies up, but we will break down and Ellie will provide another route. We use the locator to get to the biolaboratory. We hack the console and go inside. We destroy small enemies that are able to revive corpses. We clean the room and take the elevator to the upper floor. We communicate with Ellie using kinesis, move the capsule with part of Rosetta's body to the other side and place it inside the lowered chamber. We select the key from the cell and return to the lower floor.

Unlock the door at the other end and move forward, simultaneously shooting creatures on the walls and in the floor. We go down using the lift. We regulate the power supply so that the elevator and the pump are powered at the same time. On the right side we leave the numbers 50, 50 and 70. On the left side - 70, 70, 90. Now we can go back up and enter a small room. We activate the console and wait for disinfection. We run to the center, the elevator is free on the left. Having risen, we pass along the bridge and quickly kill the necromorphs in front of us. We also turn around and deal with opponents.

We arrive at the paleontology building, where we pull out the front panel of the shield and supply power using kinesis. We go to the upper level, destroy the enemies and go down again, but already on the lift. Before us is a three-compartment capsule, inside which is the part we need.

We use kinesis on the left mechanism - set the value to 0 on the left board.
We use kinesis on the right mechanism - set the value on the right board to 0, and in the center - 150.
We use kinesis on the left mechanism - set the value on the left panel to 0, and in the center - 90.
We use kinesis on the right mechanism - set the value to 0 on all displays.

We activate the console and transfer the part to the last compartment. We extract it from the back side and place it in the camera on the right side. We leave the room, we clean the corridor from the infection. We pull out the front panel of the shield and turn on the power. We immediately return to the small room and carry out decontamination. We go to the central door and go to the next room. On the left is a capsule with a piece of Rosetta to be placed in a cell at the other end of the room on the right. We silently bypass enemies or destroy them.

We go out into the street and return to the biolaboratory. Once again, we will get out of it, get to the lift and go up. On the way to the geology room, we will deal with the necromorphs. We cover the laser installations with the central block. It can be moved freely with kinesis. We take away part of the Rosetta and set it in the camera. Let's return to the laboratory, along the way to deal with the opponents.

The locator will help you get to the next room with a part of Rosetta. Next to her there will be an enemy capable of killing us with one blow. We deal with it from a distance and place the part in the corresponding camera. We return to Ellie and Carver.

Chapter 15. Whims of fate.
Rosetta's laboratory.

We connect the parts into a single whole, focusing on the torn places. Then we activate the console and view the vision. We run away, moving in a zigzag manner, until the gas managed to block the passage. Also, we do not hesitate to continue, as soon as possible we leave the laboratory. We are hiding from the grenade launchers, we will rise higher on the lift. We quickly run to the building, until the enemy ship riddled us. We pass inside and get out from the other side.

We continue to deal with the enemies. Necromorphs also joined ordinary people. We arrive at the next building. Approaching the console, enemies will appear behind us. Let's deal with them first, then with the necromorphs. We break open the console and we pass into the building.

Chapter 16. Hidden below.
Descent into the ground.

We begin to descend, following the freight elevator. We jump over various obstacles and shoot enemies. Also, if possible, we destroy explosive cylinders. Having gone down, we are finished with the people of Danik, who are located opposite. We enter the building, unlock the console and go out into the street. We go down even lower, still shooting annoying enemies. Small creatures have appeared, with which you need to deal with from a distance in the first place. We go down the mine, use the stasis on the fan. Having passed through it, we quickly and often press the demonstrated button.

Chapter 17. Strange city.
Alien Ruins.

After talking with Carver, we start the generator and go on. We interact with the door, watch the movie, and then turn on the screen on which the symbols will appear. We enter them into the "translator" next to the door in the reverse order. After getting out of the room, we will meet with Carver. After talking, let's go down the right side. At the turn, turn right and use kinesis to pull the block from the terminal. We transfer it to the blocked passage and insert it into the connector. We undermine the next two objects in a similar way.

Once at the bottom, we are heading to the translator. At the bottom of the screen, characters will appear that need to be entered into the "translator". We pass further and start the generator. We find ourselves in zero gravity and fly to the next point. We use the "translator" and get out of weightlessness. If you stand on a round platform, the power of kinesis increases dramatically, which allows you to manipulate large objects. We clear the passage and, having reached the generator, we start it. We destroy the enemies descending along the wall, then we use the lift to rise up. Standing on the platform, move the blue spheres inside the four objects. We arrange them in this order - the outermost spheres are in the upper positions, the central ones are in the middle. Then we will approach the appeared mechanism and activate it.

At the bottom, a special portal opened, which took us far ahead. We enter the characters into the "translator" and enter the building. We get to the platform and use it in conjunction with stasis to slow down enemies more "efficiently". Having dealt with the opponents, we similarly use the next platform and destroy large enemies.

Chapter 18. Kill or be killed.
Alien machine.

We use the "translator" and move on. At the fork, turn right and get to the generator. After launching it, let's go back to the fork and go straight. We destroy the enemies in the next room, after which we will unlock the next door and, using the platform, we will move on.

We clean the room from the infection stuck to the floor and walls. We kill all other appeared necromorphs. To do this, it is advisable to step back, otherwise we will not have time to reflect attacks from all sides. We feed the lift from the generator and climb up. Let's walk along all the paths, pick up cartridges and at the same time deal with the tentacles. We use one of the platforms to change the location of the central object by one position. Now we can match all other objects with it. But before that we will deal with all the enemies that have appeared, of which there will be a large number. Therefore, we stand on the passage in which the enemies will not be able to get close from behind. We activate the opened mechanism.

Let's go back to the place where we packaged the blue spheres. This time, it changes their position: the extreme in the middle, the central ones on top. Once again we interact with the mechanism and, having gone down, we move across the platform. We clean the room from mixed enemies. We arrive at the Machine, take out the first element and put it into one of the red connectors. We find a couple more elements. Going first on the right, then on the left. We apply them in the same way on the corresponding connectors. We pass forward and proceed to the rise. We move from side to side so as not to fall into the zone that lights up. There are three of them in total. Stop large gears with stasis.
We get to Carver and go to the last mechanism.

Chapter 19. The End.
Whirlwind of Convergence.

We follow straight, stepping on the ground that has not yet had time to collapse. On the way, we destroy the necromorphs. We use the platform to fly over to the snowy area. We continue to move, also killing enemies. We do not get carried away much, as time is limited. If we delay, then the unknown will catch up with us and literally crush us. The passage is closed, so we destroy the tentacle on the right side. We pass into the closed area, from where we will continue the flight.

We dodge various objects and, after landing, we face the largest creature in the game. We use the platform and grab the obelisk with kinesis. We launch it into the big eye of the enemy. We leave the center for a while and destroy the necromorphs. We transfer a small shake during which you need to be in the center! We shoot in the orange zones in the hands of the enemy. We repeat the actions until the monster consumes Carver. Use kinesis again to pull it out of the opponent's belly. We quickly run to him and actively press the indicated button. Watching the final video.

June 18, 2314

After the introductory video, we begin to move along the snow-covered field. We orient ourselves with a device on Tim's wrist. We arrive at the crashed aircraft. We destroy boxes and thereby obtain cartridges for weapons. We shoot on the latch on the main door. Having opened it, enemies are selected from within. The most vulnerable areas are the limbs and the head. Entering the ship, we move to the stairs, simultaneously shooting opponents. We kick corpses for getting ammunition and first-aid kits. We go up to the bridge, click on the side control panel and select the cylindrical device. Suddenly the ship starts to move, and therefore we jump out with a rope to the gorge. We move lower and lower, occasionally jumping over the pits. We pass to the left side so as not to be over the blast wave. We roll from side to side to avoid collisions with debris.

Chapter 1. Sudden awakening.
Lunar colony "New Horizons".
200 years later.

We look around in the apartment, after which we go into the corridor, turn left and go outside. We are heading to the soldiers at the gate. After the dialogue, we crouch down behind the cover. We kill a couple of opponents for training and we pass to the car to the right. After the explosion we find ourselves at the bottom. We go straight, destroying enemies. Don't forget to use the shelters. We shoot another suicide before he approaches us. We enter the building, we climb the stairs. After talking with Norton, we look around the room and go out into the alley. Carefully bend around corners and shoot opponents. The never-ending flow of trucks on the highway will not allow you to cross the road. We aim at the stream and slow down one of the machines with stasis. Now the flow is stopped, and we can go to the other side and go upstairs.

Inside the hall, we face a large number of enemies. The main thing is not to allow yourself to be surrounded and to step back in time. Take the elevator to the top floor. We are immediately attacked, but Isaac flees from Danik and his people. We get up, we select first-aid kits, until the enemies burst in. After killing them, we pass further to the next elevator. After rising, we leave to a number of shops. We turn right, we pass through the souvenir shop. We go out into the alley, destroy the enemies. We go down the stairs in the building, take the elevator upstairs. We arrive at the station, where we pull the locomotive to the central platform using kinesis. Then we push it into the tunnel. We connect the fuel train with the head car in the same way. We wait for the last carriage and climb into it from behind. We are moving towards the locomotive, exterminating enemies trying to stop us.

Chapter 2. By itself.
U.S.M. "Evdora".

After regaining consciousness, we speak with Carver. On the shelf on the right, turn on the audio recording. We follow the corridors to the captain's bridge. The ship makes a jump in space, after which it collides with mines. We leave the bridge, give instructions to the allies, then move forward for the suit. Putting it on, we break into zero gravity and catch up with the last and main element - the helmet.

We reach the cargo and use kinesis on the arrows depicted on it. Pushing them away on different sides, we interact with the control panel. We rush through space, maneuvering between debris and mines.

Chapter 3. Roanoke.

We meet with Norton at the cargo dock. You can't go inside, so we head to the neighboring doors. We open them by aiming the sight at the central locking and applying kinesis. Now press the kinesis button again and scroll through the lock. We pass through the airlock into the corridor, turn left and get into the premises, from where we open the cargo door using kinesis on the control panel. We return to the corridor, turn left and open the door. On the coordinates of Norton we go to the group led by Ellie. Let's go right and collect all the useful items. We pass through the door and get to the room in which all the doors are locked. We grab the battery near the central door with kinesis and install it in the corresponding hole next to the machine.

Now we can open the central door and go into the corridor. We destroy the creatures and remove the barricade near the side door using kinesis. We deal with enemies in a room with a de-energized projector. We leave into the corridor, we get to the door on the left side. Having descended, we fly in zero gravity and shoot back from opponents sticking to the walls. Then we go up the stairs and start starting the main generator. For all three mechanisms, we lower the upper parts with kinesis. Next, we grab the locks that have opened from above and hold the kinesis button in order to spin and subsequently supply energy. We turn on the generator through the control panel. We call the elevator and wait for the arrival. We rise to Ellie and to other surviving workers.

We return to the generator on the elevator and proceed to destroy the huge necromorph. We lower the upper parts and untwist them, as we did earlier. Tentacles will appear below, with which we shoot in the red areas. Since they are moving too fast, stasis is applied. After going through all the generators, we go down the same way that we arrived. While in zero gravity, we use stasis on the fans. We pass to the opposite side and climb up the stairs. Going out into the corridor, we approach the control panel on the wall. Move the sliders to the selected cells and activate them. Having filled the entire area, an elevator will be available on the left side, on which we go to the upper floor.

Isaac stares at the pictures on the wall. Now we can return to Ellie at the station and go through the passage to the left of the machine. Through the corridor, we will get out into outer space and head to the trolley that will take us to Terra Nova.

Chapter 5. Expected delays.
Terra Nova Crew Dock.

Arriving at the station, we move through the gateway. Having opened the door, we get to the captain's bridge by elevator. To open the next door, you need to hack the control panel. Rotate the stick and find three blue zones that need to be fixed. We pass into the corridor and we clean it from opponents. We go down to the storage room, where we also carry out the cleaning. We get to the trolley and call it through the console on the left side. Upon arrival, we are notified of a problem. We go through the door to the left, we climb up. We face the enemy stuck to the wall. We need to shoot all its tentacles and only then we can go to the elevator. On it we go to the next floor. Here it is necessary to free the path from the load. This is done by connecting two weights by the sides corresponding to each other. It is quite easy to pick them up visually. Next, we deal with the appeared enemies and go back to the elevator.

Going downstairs, we head towards the door on the left. We climb up and run to the warehouse. A new enemy appears that cannot be killed. When all limbs are torn off, it can be stopped for a few seconds. After which he regenerates and continues to attack us again. We hastily get to the trolley and call it through the console. We hold the defense until the transport arrives. We actively use stasis to slow down the immortal necromorph. On the arrived trolley we get to the central station.

Chapter 6. Repairs before shipment.
The tail section of the C.M.S. Terra Nova.

We approach the console next to the left door. Having broken it, we go inside and pick up the key from the conning tower. Now we can return to the minecart and go to the tail station. After arriving, we call the elevator and while we wait for it, we cut off the limbs of immortal enemies.

The lift will take us to the shuttle. Let's go through all the levels and collect the necessary modules. Then we go upstairs and call the platform. On it we will cross over to the opposite side and collect the modules in the same way. We use the machine to collect the remote control. Further, on the platform we will cross to the center to the shuttle. Open the lid using kinesis and install the assembled remote control.

The shuttle cannot move without fuel. Let's move to the right side again. Going down on the lift, turn right and go through the unlocked door. We go upstairs, then we go down and up again on the lift. We activate the fuel pump, go to it and push it into the tank with kinesis. While refueling, we while away the time by killing the approaching necromorphs. After finishing refueling, deactivate the pump and ask Ellie to carry out the final stage in preparing the shuttle for flight.

Unexpected overheating will cause a crash. We go down and turn to the right. We are not in a hurry to run headlong, as the fire will constantly block the path. The sign will point you in the right direction. We get to the stairs and go down. We pass to the elevator, calling her, we restrain the immortal necromorph. We go upstairs, we call the platform. Now we are fighting off two opponents at once. We move to the opposite side, follow down on the lift and pass to the left. We go into the building and get to the elevator, on which we go to the upper floor. We are located behind a stationary weapon and destroy the cylinders stuck in the meat grinder. Also, do not forget about the enemies, which over time will be more and more.

The explosion took us into outer space. We get to the station, shooting mines along the way. Their approach is easy to recognize by the frequency of sounds. We use the shuttle to send to the Grills.

Chapter 7. Chaos.
C.M.S. Grills.

Head towards the engine using the pointer. Using kinesis we draw out the shields, then the square devices under them and, of course, the engine. Returning to the shuttle, we get to the Roanoke station. Here you need to get three loggers from three different satellites. The first one can be easily reached with the help of a signpost, but the others can be easily found by the green illumination.

Further, according to the pointer, we find the nearest machine. We connect the found objects in it and return to zero gravity. We fix the module on the shuttle. We dive into the shuttle, where we notice damaged oxygen cylinders. We insert them along the connectors and twist them one hundred and eighty degrees. Now we can hit the road by launching the shuttle through the control panel. We do not deviate from the course, that is, we keep the shuttle within the blue squares. We shoot the marked enemies and do our best to dodge obstacles. We have to go back to the cylinders once again and place them in the correct position again.

Chapter 8. No connection.
Tau Volantis.

After the crash, we begin to search for the second part of the shuttle. We use fire as a guide. We also replenish the supply of heat with it. We are heading into an open area, and a shuttle crashes from above. Quickly press the corresponding button. We continue to move, and soon we will find the tail of the ship. There are no survivors here, so we go to the next point, focusing on the red signal checkers. On the slope we are attacked by the enemy, which throws us far ahead.

We find the bridge, follow it until we find ourselves at the stairs. We climb up, turn left and enter a warm room. We start the generator, we find the first message from Ellie. We go out to the snow, going down the lift. We move along the pipe, we go down on the ground. We destroy the appearing enemies and head to the next building. After passing through it, we will continue to go straight until we see a signal checker. We turn left from it and get to the next checker, near which we will find a passage to the building. We communicate with barely living Buckle.

Chapter 9. Forward.
Transit station.

We pass to the left and we get to the final room. We start the generator, use kinesis to pull the gear on the wall. We deliver it to Buckle's location and insert it into the adjacent axis. We go down the elevator, where we clean the premises from small creatures. They like to attack in large groups, but they die quickly.

We get to the workshop, go up the stairs to the lower level. We install the mechanisms in the correct position according to the types of tips corresponding to each other. When the device starts up, wait a couple of tens of seconds. Then we run after him and we pass into the passage on the far left. We repeat the action with the mechanisms and immediately slow down the device with stasis in order to have time to reach the passage and not be pinched. We climb up and proceed to the wardrobe. Let's change into an arctic suit that protects from the cold.

Using the locator, we get out. We get to the collapsing crane and quickly press the displayed buttons. Above we find Carver, who is actively fighting enemies. We pass into the room on the right side of the lift and start the generator. Now we can go upstairs, but we will be interrupted by the necromorph, which we have already met earlier. We shoot his permanent tentacles growing on his back. We dodge enemy attacks by double pressing the acceleration button. The tentacles will constantly grow back, so after several successful attempts the monster will run away. We rise higher and, guided by the locator, we reach the command post.

Chapter 10. Now we know.
Excavation Command Headquarters.

The team is waiting for us outside, we go out to them and are immediately attacked by enemies. We use shelters and destroy the people of Danik. We need to get to the drilling platform, where we start the generator and free the drilling device from the protective holes. A huge, constantly rotating device will appear on the site. We move in a circle so as not to be under it. Slow down the burmashin with stasis and shoot the yellow parts in its center. We charge stasis through wall mounts and destroy the necromorphs. Having won the victory, we are heading towards the opened passage.

Chapter 11. Hunting for a signal.
Sample building.

We get on the lift to the heaters. After talking with Ellie, we go to the boiler room, and then we go out into the street. There is an energy block on the right. After pulling it out, we deliver it to the building at the other end. Enemies will attack us all the way. We push the block through the window. Returning back, we climb up and run straight to the very building. Going down the stairs, we insert the block into the corresponding hole. We start the boiler manually.

Let's go back to the heaters and adjust the pressure. We activate the center console and use kinesis to rotate the mechanisms above which the number will light up. When the pressure is 100%, it means that we did everything right and can rise to the team. Santos gives us the schematic of the probe. You need to get some parts to create it. We get to the snowy lands, where we face new enemies. They are cowardly and therefore attack unexpectedly, after which they try to hide as quickly as possible. The surest way is to stand still and wait for them. Having reached the barracks, we pass through it and find ourselves on the auxiliary site. We destroy many opponents, after which we turn left and hack the console. We arrive at the warehouse, which is in a dilapidated state. We pass to the end on the right side. On the left we notice the winch, pull it with kinesis. Then we go down and collect the components of the probe. All of them are highlighted, the last one is in the same cage that we raised.

Let's return to the site and fight with the familiar enemy, who will again hide from us. Let's return to the allies and collect the probe on the machine.

Chapter 12. Autopsy.
Hangar for anatomy.

Having risen, we pass along the side bridges and launch the harpoons. Then we apply kinesis and open the path. Norton will help you go down, for this you need to get into the cage. Once inside the creature, we aim with the probe and catch active signals. Most of the clusters are at the top, but it is impossible to miss them, as they glow brightly. We shoot at them and go to the cage. We restrain the onslaught of enemies, after which we continue to shoot the remaining clusters.

Norton refuses to open the cage, so we do it ourselves. Use the kinesis on the lever in the adjacent cell. We will get out through the boiler room. Having escaped from the clutches of Danik's people, we destroy three and proceed to the battle as a reborn giant. We roll while striking them, we shoot the cocoons before the enemies crawl out of them. We shoot at the weak point in the center. When the enemy literally begins to suck us into himself, we shoot through the yellow areas. After several such attempts, we will find ourselves inside a giant.

We shoot off the limbs of three creatures. We are in motion to evade bodies flying at us. After getting out of the body of the giant, we meet with Norton and Carver. We shoot at the first, after taking aim. To do this, quickly press the indicated button and then the shot button.

Chapter 13. Touch the heavens.
Rocks Volantis.

We meet with the surviving members of the team. The hooks will help you climb up. Periodically we shift it to one side or the other to avoid collisions with boulders flying from above. We restore the stairs with Kinesis, go up higher. We clean the cave from necromorphs and continue moving. Before us is a lift that does not allow us to pass. We grab the upper lever with kinesis and do not release the button until the lift goes down. Enemies will interfere with conquering the next peak. We shoot them and at the same time move by jumping to the sides.

We continue to climb up, this time it is necessary to slow down the huge landslides. We go up on the right side and immediately slow down the landslide. As soon as possible, go to the left. We stop the second landslide and the lift when it is on the right or left. We cross to the right and go upstairs. We destroy opponents, we pass into the cave and climb a little higher. We help the allies go upstairs by starting the generator. When the ascent stops, we go straight and rise higher. We interact with the shield by setting the correct values. We throw the number fifty on the right to the left side, and back - seventy.

Once at the bottom, we head to the open area and proceed to the battle with the necromorph. If you go even further, you can see the generator, which needs to be started as soon as possible. Lasers will appear on the left, we pass through them and wait for the monster. The harpoons will clamp it for a few seconds. During this time, we must go to the console on the right and grab the lever from the back side with kinesis. We actively press the shown button and crush the enemy. We return to the hook, which will help to climb up.

Chapter 14. Everything has its place.
Research Center.

Let's follow the allies up, but we will break down and Ellie will provide another route. We use the locator to get to the biolaboratory. We hack the console and go inside. We destroy small enemies that are able to revive corpses. We clean the room and take the elevator to the upper floor. We communicate with Ellie using kinesis, move the capsule with part of Rosetta's body to the other side and place it inside the lowered chamber. We select the key from the cell and return to the lower floor.

Unlock the door at the other end and move forward, simultaneously shooting creatures on the walls and in the floor. We go down using the lift. We regulate the power supply so that the elevator and the pump are powered at the same time. On the right side we leave the numbers 50, 50 and 70. On the left side - 70, 70, 90. Now we can go back up and enter a small room. We activate the console and wait for disinfection. We run to the center, the elevator is free on the left. Having risen, we pass along the bridge and quickly kill the necromorphs in front of us. We also turn around and deal with opponents.

We arrive at the paleontology building, where we pull out the front panel of the shield and supply power using kinesis. We go to the upper level, destroy the enemies and go down again, but already on the lift. Before us is a three-compartment capsule, inside which is the part we need.

We use kinesis on the left mechanism - set the value to 0 on the left board.
- We use kinesis on the right mechanism - set the value on the right board to 0, and in the center - 150.
- We use kinesis on the left mechanism - set the value on the left panel to 0, and in the center - 90.
- We use kinesis on the right mechanism - set the value to 0 on all displays.

We activate the console and transfer the part to the last compartment. We extract it from the back side and place it in the camera on the right side. We leave the room, we clean the corridor from the infection. We pull out the front panel of the shield and turn on the power. We immediately return to the small room and carry out decontamination. We go to the central door and go to the next room. On the left is a capsule with a piece of Rosetta to be placed in a cell at the other end of the room on the right. We silently bypass enemies or destroy them.

We go out into the street and return to the biolaboratory. Once again, we will get out of it, get to the lift and go up. On the way to the geology room, we will deal with the necromorphs. We cover the laser installations with the central block. It can be moved freely with kinesis. We take away part of the Rosetta and set it in the camera. Let's return to the laboratory, along the way to deal with the opponents.

The locator will help you get to the next room with a part of Rosetta. Next to her there will be an enemy capable of killing us with one blow. We deal with it from a distance and place the part in the corresponding camera. We return to Ellie and Carver.

Chapter 15. Whims of fate.
Rosetta's laboratory.

We connect the parts into a single whole, focusing on the torn places. Then we activate the console and view the vision. We run away, moving in a zigzag manner, until the gas managed to block the passage. Also, we do not hesitate to continue, as soon as possible we leave the laboratory. We are hiding from the grenade launchers, we will rise higher on the lift. We quickly run to the building, until the enemy ship riddled us. We pass inside and get out from the other side.

We continue to deal with the enemies. Necromorphs also joined ordinary people. We arrive at the next building. Approaching the console, enemies will appear behind us. Let's deal with them first, then with the necromorphs. We break open the console and we pass into the building.

Chapter 16. Hidden below.
Descent into the ground.

We begin to descend, following the freight elevator. We jump over various obstacles and shoot enemies. Also, if possible, we destroy explosive cylinders. Having gone down, we are finished with the people of Danik, who are located opposite. We enter the building, unlock the console and go out into the street. We go down even lower, still shooting annoying enemies. Small creatures have appeared, with which you need to deal with from a distance in the first place. We go down the mine, use the stasis on the fan. Having passed through it, we quickly and often press the demonstrated button.

Chapter 17. Strange city.
Alien Ruins.

After talking with Carver, we start the generator and go on. We interact with the door, watch the movie, and then turn on the screen on which the symbols will appear. We enter them into the "translator" next to the door in the reverse order. After getting out of the room, we will meet with Carver. After talking, let's go down the right side. At the turn, turn right and use kinesis to pull the block from the terminal. We transfer it to the blocked passage and insert it into the connector. We undermine the next two objects in a similar way.

Once at the bottom, we are heading to the translator. At the bottom of the screen, characters will appear that need to be entered into the "translator". We pass further and start the generator. We find ourselves in zero gravity and fly to the next point. We use the "translator" and get out of weightlessness. If you stand on a round platform, the power of kinesis increases dramatically, which allows you to manipulate large objects. We clear the passage and, having reached the generator, we start it. We destroy the enemies descending along the wall, then we use the lift to rise up. Standing on the platform, move the blue spheres inside the four objects. We arrange them in this order - the outermost spheres are in the upper positions, the central ones are in the middle. Then we will approach the appeared mechanism and activate it.

At the bottom, a special portal opened, which took us far ahead. We enter the characters into the "translator" and enter the building. We get to the platform and use it in conjunction with stasis to slow down enemies more "efficiently". Having dealt with the opponents, we similarly use the next platform and destroy large enemies.

Chapter 18. Kill or be killed.
Alien machine.

We use the "translator" and move on. At the fork, turn right and get to the generator. After launching it, let's go back to the fork and go straight. We destroy the enemies in the next room, after which we will unlock the next door and, using the platform, we will move on.

We clean the room from the infection stuck to the floor and walls. We kill all other appeared necromorphs. To do this, it is advisable to step back, otherwise we will not have time to reflect attacks from all sides. We feed the lift from the generator and climb up. Let's walk along all the paths, pick up cartridges and at the same time deal with the tentacles. We use one of the platforms to change the location of the central object by one position. Now we can match all other objects with it. But before that we will deal with all the enemies that have appeared, of which there will be a large number. Therefore, we stand on the passage in which the enemies will not be able to get close from behind. We activate the opened mechanism.

Let's go back to the place where we packaged the blue spheres. This time, it changes their position: the extreme in the middle, the central ones on top. Once again we interact with the mechanism and, having gone down, we move across the platform. We clean the room from mixed enemies. We arrive at the Machine, take out the first element and put it into one of the red connectors. We find a couple more elements. Going first on the right, then on the left. We apply them in the same way on the corresponding connectors. We pass forward and proceed to the rise. We move from side to side so as not to fall into the zone that lights up. There are three of them in total. Stop large gears with stasis.
We get to Carver and go to the last mechanism.

Chapter 19. The End.
Whirlwind of Convergence.

We follow straight, stepping on the ground that has not yet had time to collapse. On the way, we destroy the necromorphs. We use the platform to fly over to the snowy area. We continue to move, also killing enemies. We do not get carried away much, as time is limited. If we delay, then the unknown will catch up with us and literally crush us. The passage is closed, so we destroy the tentacle on the right side. We pass into the closed area, from where we will continue the flight.

We dodge various objects and, after landing, we face the largest creature in the game. We use the platform and grab the obelisk with kinesis. We launch it into the big eye of the enemy. We leave the center for a while and destroy the necromorphs. We transfer a small shake during which you need to be in the center! We shoot in the orange zones in the hands of the enemy. We repeat the actions until the monster consumes Carver. Use kinesis again to pull it out of the opponent's belly. We quickly run to him and actively press the indicated button. Watching the final video.

Do you want to complete Dead Space 3, defeat all the necromorphs without any problems, find all the artifacts, weapons and Peng treasure? Don't want to miss out on anything important in Isaac Clark's new adventures and find all the audio and text diaries? Read Dead walkthrough Space 3! This post contains the walkthrough of story chapters 8 through 11.

Dead Space 3 - Chapter 8

So you landed (or rather, collapsed) on the planet Tau Volantis. Your suit is not in its best condition, so it is best to stay close to the source of heat (fire, etc.). Stay close to the bonfires as you walk forward. You will get to the crashed ship, but you will not put on the survivors. Keep walking forward until you see flashes.

Focus on the lights until you are pushed off the cliff. Even after that, keep walking through the lights until you find a building to hide in. Go through the door and use kinesis to turn on the generator. There are text and audio logs here, check them out and then go outside again. Continue following the flares along the adjacent structure. Walk around it and climb the stairs.

Upstairs you will find another refuge where you can warm up. Turn on the generator and then head to the back door. You go into it and further - to the freight elevator. Go downstairs. Follow the road forward until you reach a large pipe. You will find an upgrade behind it. Keep going forward until you are attacked. Fight off the monsters and go to the big station. It is locked, you need a key. Turn around and head up the stairs in front of you. Here is waiting for you KSSK artifact.

Go back down the stairs, now go right, away from where you came from. Here is another hideout with a nice warm generator inside. Come inside and warm up. There is also a text log here. Now go outside and make your way forward. Continue walking until you reach a large ventilation door. Come inside.

Dead Space 3 - Chapter 9

After learning about the polar suits that may be in the basement, look around and turn on the generator. Use the workbench if you need to craft something. Take the blue gear on the side wall with kinesis and bring it to the bodice. Put it on the shining blue ring - the elevator will work. Now go downstairs.

Walk forward, then through the door on the left. A truly eerie necromorph awaits you behind the counter in this kitchen-like room. Don't worry, he will run away (for now). Look at the shelves to your right for a weapon upgrade. Now go along the corridor where the necromorph fled. Continue forward until you come across a group of monsters. They look like living skeletons and, apparently, they are completely starved former employees of this station. Interrupt them and keep going forward. Better to use stasis and something quick-fire against these critters. They are weak singly, but when there are a lot of them, they can flank you, so don't let them get close!

The next room is another corridor, but there is an audio log here. In the next room, simply crowds of these skeletal monsters will attack you. Get rid of them, then look around the room - there is an upgrade here. The next room looks like a pump room. In the side room there is KSSK artifact, grab it. Further, the next room is very large. Go down the stairs to the left and open the first door. Use kinesis on the padlock to sparkle all the connections in the center circle. Opening the door, you activate the first pump at the pumping station.

While he moves back, run forward through the tunnel and through the side door on the right. Then, when the opposite is true, jump out and use the stasis on the pump. This will slow him down so that you have time to run to the end of the tunnel and jump out in front (exit on the left). Recharge the stasis, then open the next lock with the same makar. Now activate the second pumping station and turn to the wall. A whole horde of monsters will rush at you - they will jump off the walls, so get ready in advance.

After getting rid of the enemies, look through the door and use the stasis on the second pump. Run along the pipe and exit on the left side. Climb the stairs in front and go around the control center. There is a weapon part and a key for the "Supply Depot" side mission here. Now go out the door. There is a kiosk with an arctic suit. Now you can go out into the street calmly! Buy any other upgrades you need and keep going. You need a scanner on the door to scan you. Listen to the audio log and then take the elevator again. Now calmly go outside in your new suit. Go to the fence. Now go into the door to the left of him. Here take a part of the weapon, let the camera scan you. Now exit through the newly opened door.

Walk forward through the snow until you find a structure that looks like a tunnel. Go to him, necromorphs will attack you. Continue forward, you will find caves full of all sorts of goodies, as well as enemies. Kill them and grab whatever you need. Then go up the stairs at the top of the structure. Walk forward, you will almost be killed by an excavator arrow. After passing the dangerously located construction equipment, head into the cave ahead. You will exit directly in front of a huge building. Walk around, you will see a hut on the right. Use kinesis on the generator to start it up again. Now take the elevator next to the hut. Oops, looks like it's the boss!

This huge monster will attack you with three glowing tentacles that will grow out of his head. Shoot them off and the monster will show you three other tentacles, this time from the mouth. Get rid of them so that you can finally do some damage to this asshole. Aim at the glowing yellow areas on the tentacles.

This is easier said than done, of course. Just don't get too close to him. He will jump, so pressing the run button twice will cause Isaac to roll while moving. Dodge attacks in this way, shooting at the monster all the time. Shoot two tentacles out of his mouth, and the monster will run away. Climb the stairs to the top of the structure and go forward to get inside the base. Look around the room and climb the stairs - here is even more interesting. Now go to the freight elevator. Walk across the courtyard and enter the next building. A video featuring your friends is waiting for you.

Dead Space 3 - Chapter 10: "Now We Know"

Walk forward to the end of the operational point. There is a door here that can be opened with your Tungsten Torsion Shaft, which can be crafted at a workbench. Inside you will find a fragment of a weapon and tons of ammunition. There is an assembly machine on the right if you need to make something.

Now go out into the door next to the workbench and further, until you go outside. Go to your friends. It looks like you were attacked by some people who tracked you down. Kill several soldiers here, and then continue to move along one of the buildings. There is ammunition here. Through the next door you will go outside again. Take the elevator down and prepare for the attack. Make your way across the chasm and go to the next building. There is a weapon fragment, a suit upgrade station, and some ammo.

Approach the far door and start making your way through the enemies. Follow the tracks in the snow to the next building and go inside. After opening the door, go into the next room with some creature hanging from the ceiling. Going down the stairs, look through it - you will see several blinking dots. Use kinesis on them - voila, you've found a new weapon part.

Enter the next door. Make your way further and then come in open door... Use the bullets to blast your way through the next room, which looks like some kind of excavation site. A new enemy will appear here - a small creature that crawls into the head and takes possession of people. Make your way through them and go to the door. There are a lot of them here too, kill them all. The next door must be opened using a mini-game.

Go through the opened door, you will exit to the drilling platform. Go right - you will find a part of the weapon. Turn on the generator to open the gate to the next location, and also to turn on the workbench next to you. A huge drill is blocking your path.

Use kinesis to lower the safety walls, this will push the drill into the arena you are in. Use kinesis on the drill and then shoot the large yellow lamp inside. By blowing the first light bulb, you will stop the drill for a few seconds, but then it will start again. The drill will go mad. Having blown up two bulbs, the drill will stop for a few seconds and then start from the side. It is quite convenient to use stasis and then detonate both remaining bulbs at once.

Stop the drill and go outside. Once on the street, look behind the boxes on the right - there is KSSK artifact behind the column. Enter through the door to the next building. Comrades and some unknown alien crap, "Nexus", are waiting for you there.

Dead Space 3 - Chapter 11: Signal Hunt

It looks like you need to turn on the heating in order to investigate the found alien with the probe. There are not many options - go outside, on the road to the left listen to the audio diary. Entering the next room you will unlock the Archaeologist's Suit. There are also some supplies. Go outside.

Once outside, turn right and open a small compartment. Take the power supply from there using kinesis and carry it to the generator room. You will not be able to complete it, but tossing the power supply unit there is easy. To get into the room with the generator - you need to go over the top: be careful, there is a strong wind and several necromorphs. Get down the stairs to the room with the generator. Once in place, insert the power into the socket. Now you can turn on the boiler room generator.

It's time to return to your friends, to a huge hangar with an alien. Now turn on the remote control. In order for the heat to begin to flow, you need to blow out the valves. The trick is that you need to interact with one of four devices using kinesis. What to twist - look at the board of the boiler room and be guided by the highlighted numbers. You need to charge all three valves to 100%, then activate the device itself.

Now go to the elevator and go upstairs. Get new coordinates, a probe diagram from your friends and get back down. You will leave the door leading to the destroyed drill and get down on the freight elevator. Head through the drilling rig room, then onto the street, then right. By the way, on the left in the tunnels you can run a search bot.

Opening a previously locked door, you will be taken to the warehouse. After passing it, going out into the street and reaching the next door, do not rush to enter it: instead, turn left (if you stand facing the entrance). There are a couple of boxes in the corner and alien artifact... In the next room (with a working projector) there will be a locked door to the warehouse - if you have a torsion bar - use it, there is something to profit from. After exploring this room, go further past the projector. You will enter the auxiliary area.

Here you have to fight with a whole flock of small enemies, similar to dinosaurs, only the size of a man. These are some of the most interesting enemies in the game. They attack the flanks, run at you, knock you down and severely injure you. If you do not have a rapid-fire weapon, then while you stand, while aiming, the enemy will run away. So, stay close to the door and lure them out one by one. Best tactic- stasis with rapid-fire weapons.

Having dealt with the enemies, search the room for boxes with equipment and move on. The next door will need to be opened using a mini-game. You will find yourself in a huge warehouse, from which something gigantic escaped, simultaneously breaking everything around. There is an upgrade chain on the right in a drawer on the wall, pick it up. Turn left from the door and follow the walkway to the end - there are two boxes that you can pick up with kinesis.

Now go down the metal stairs (it's to the right of the door). Once at the bottom, you can go right, left or straight ahead. Wherever you go, you will find the probe parts you need. Collect whatever you find, and you can also release the bot here (there is a repair station nearby).

After collecting everything you need, climb back. SURPRISE! The same creature that you did not finish off is waiting for you - it's time to finish it off. But when you shoot her three tentacles, she will run away again.

Now you will have the opportunity to go through the bonus mission with supply depots, do not neglect this opportunity.

Go back to the warehouse. On your way through the open space, you will be able to launch the bot again, if necessary. After reaching the warehouse, use the workbench to assemble the device you need. As soon as you do this - a crowd of necromorphs will attack you, be prepared for this. Make your way to the control panels located on the opposite side from you and use the panels to launch the probe at the giant monster. Use kinesis to turn the wheels and expose the body. Now head back to the front of the warehouse and enter the cockpit to explore the insides of the monster.

Aim with the probe you made to hear the audio signal. The more often the signals are heard, the closer you are to the nerve cluster to be fired at. As soon as you find the first such point, shoot at it and get ready: several skeletal monsters will attack you.

Deal with them and look for the second cluster. After a shot at him, no one will attack you. But after the third nerve congestion, a whole crowd of "skeletons" will fall on you. Run to the booth and use it as a trap to quickly deal with the enemies. After that, you will have a short conversation with Santos, and you will find yourself outside. Use kinesis to get out of the booth.

Take the elevator downstairs and go to the wardrobe, but instead of taking the freight elevator upstairs, turn left to the previously locked door. Behind this door is waiting for you great amount supplies and workbench. When you are done with everything, go back. Looks like Norto is not just an asshole, but also a traitor. Kill some unitologists and get ready for a boss fight.

The huge monster that you defrost will jump out and attack you (well, who would doubt it). Use your gun and shoot at the yellow glowing areas on the body of the monster. After a few shots, he will begin to suck everything into himself. Shoot at his jaws with any weapon! If you hit, they will turn red, not yellow. After all the yellow areas turn red, shoot him in the heart. After that the chapter will end….