How to complete far cry first mission. Far Cry guide and walkthrough. Outpost: American Cars


A local Montana sheriff receives a video of the leader of the Edensgate religious cult killing a man. The deputy sheriff, who is under the direction of the player, along with his boss, the federal marshal and the girl pilot, travel by helicopter to the cult's lair to arrest Joseph.

During the arrest, the preacher will not resist, but will hold out his hands to you so that you can handcuff him. It is advisable to put the handcuffs on immediately, because after 2 minutes of waiting, the members of the organization will begin to fight, so the end will be instant.

When you lead the arrested Joseph to the helicopter, the locals will not interfere with you, but as soon as the helicopter moves, they will grab the device. This will lead to an accident.

Two team members will be captured, and main character together with the federal they will be able to escape from the helicopter on fire.

No exit

The next task of the player is to escape from the insane cultists. To avoid being shot, you need to run from side to side until you reach an abandoned house. Crouch down, hide in the bushes and silently kill one of the psychos by approaching from behind (F).

Entering the next house, try to repel the attack of the sectarians. Get ready to cover the marshal, who will run into the yard to start the car. Shoot enemies out of the window, shoot at red barrels. Then jump out of the window and hide behind the car, and after the first signal, get into it.

During the chase, shoot the cars that are chasing you. Aim at the car drivers to make them crash. Subsequently, take dynamite, before throwing, hold down the F key for a couple of seconds so that the explosion occurs even during the flight. When you get to the big bridge, you will be let down by the plane and fall into the water. The Marshal will be taken prisoner, and Dutch resistance fighter will save you.

A glimpse of hope

At this stage, the player must choose his appearance and clothing and communicate with his savior. Dutch will tell you how to resist the cult members. You can also get acquainted with the dossier on the leaders of the gang, three assistants and Joseph himself. The dossier hangs on the wall. Dutch's house also has a lot of notes and sound recordings that can come in handy.

The man will hand you a weapon and coordinate your actions from the bunker. First, you must clear the islet in the center of the river.


The player must free the island of Dutch. The first altar of the sectarians, which is located on the northern bank, is guarded by three enemies who must be killed silently or, by shooting from afar a balloon in the center of the altar, neutralize everyone with one explosion.

To find the next altar, you first need to get to the Forest Service Center. There is a note with a clue and no enemies.

The second altar is in the small western islet. The scheme for overcoming the enemy is the same as in the first case.

Further - go to the fishing pier. In the inner lake, you need to inspect the north coast, where 2 enemies are holding Luke Smith prisoner. Free him, then he will join you and be able to go to the enemies or to the points (G), and the rest of the time he will be there.

Now again you have to return to the Forest Guard Center, but now there are more than 5 enemies waiting for you. Lure them into the center of the courtyard and shoot the barrel to make it explode. After that, go into the building and find there two peaceful people who will tell you the location of the enemy outpost.

From the pier on the inner lake, go up the road. On the pumping booth you will find a note from the vigilante, which indicates that there is a treasure nearby.

Subsequently, jump into the water to swim into the closed hangar. Inside, press the switch to supply electricity to the boat station.

The next task is to get into the bunker. To do this, go up to the pumping booth and turn the tap on the left side of the pipe so that the pump starts pumping out water. In front of the booth, open the hatch leading to the bunker. When the water is pumped out, go downstairs and find $ 500, boosters and a new weapon - a bow with a scope.

Your next goal is to free the outpost of the cultists. There are only 5 enemies and 1 hostage in the camp. Attack from the side of the house, and try to fire at the enemy from the windows.

Go to the radio tower and turn on the switch, this will allow Dutch to transmit and collect signals throughout the region.

Part 2. Region of John. Holland Valley

Falls End

Reach and capture the central city. Be prepared for the plane to cover the cultists from the air. The church will have a man who will inform you that there is a machine gun on the roof of the large house. Once there, use the machine gun to shoot down the plane. By doing this, the city will be liberated, and you will receive a reward - 900 points.


When the character dies again, and 1/3 of the resistance points are scored on his account, the sectarians will catch him in order to take him to John and Joseph. John will want to baptize the hero, trying to drown him in the river. After that, take the sheriff's deputy in a truck, but Pastor Jerome will attack the convoy, so the car with the hero will have an accident.

The player needs to free all the cars in the convoy. First of all, you need to neutralize two snipers who are on the gate in front. There is a hill on the left that you can climb to approach the snipers from behind. After killing them, take away a weapon, an assault rifle with a scope, and take their place to fire at enemies from above.

There is a gorge behind the gate, and a wooden bridge between the rocks. From another rock the hero will be fired upon by a mortarman. Since you need to get there in order to free the hostage Merle, go down the cable or metal bridge. The sniper rifle will allow you to kill mortars from afar.

After releasing the hostage, the enemies will storm the rock. You must hold the resistance for 2 minutes. There are several options for this: sit behind a mortar and fire; stand by the bridge and fire at them with a rifle. The second option is preferable. After that, you will board the helicopter and fly.


After gaining 2/3 resistance points and dying again, you will find yourself in captivity in Joseph's bunker. Together with the main character, there will be a girl pilot - Hudson's assistant. When Joseph leads the girl to another cell, jump with the chair to the doorway and fall down the stairs. This will allow you to decide the hands.

Move along the pipes to sneak up on the first enemies and take their weapons. When you pass three compartments of the bunker, you will see the hostage Hudson behind closed doors. John will call our sin Anger.

At this moment, you will understand that the hostage cannot be saved so far, so run away. You need to run out to the surface for 1:30 minutes, otherwise you will poison yourself with intoxicating gas. Above, many poisoned cultists will be waiting for you. Hide from them in the room to the right, and then run into the forest.


When you gain the entire resistance scale - 13000 points, then John Cid will be waiting for you in the city's Falls End church. There you will be captured again. When you have to repent, the pastor will give you a gun that you can point at your enemies. During this commotion, John will run away.

To catch up with him, get into the car. When you get to the ranch, board the Air Wolf and fly after John.


The player must destroy John's plane. If you bring him in the air, he will land at the bunker. Sit on his right, but be prepared to face many armored enemies.

Go from behind to climb the hill behind the bunker, where there is a mortar. You will be able to kill all enemies and John, for which you will receive the "Affirmation" award.

Compulsory mercy

You can now enter the bunker using the key taken from John. There are still many enemies inside, for which a shotgun or machine gun is better suited to shoot.

Enter John's dungeon to save Hudson, and with her open all the cells with the hostages.

Return to the rocket silo and shoot at the yellow holders. Jump up the platforms - go out on the top floor and destroy all containers with "whims". Exit through the back doors.

On the top tier of the mine, press two levers. So open the hatch on the ceiling. Fight off enemies from this point for several minutes. After opening the hatch, enemies will attack from all sides. Grab onto the helicopter, because soon the bunker will explode. Thus, you free up the region and receive $ 3000.

Part 3. Region of Faith. Henbein River

Hope County Jail

Representatives of the local resistance found refuge outside the gates of the prison. Use the bus at the gate to climb inside and join the others. Together you must neutralize the enemies who will be approaching.

You need to destroy trucks with speakers. After the fuel truck drives up and blows up the gate, drop the last 3 trucks into the air. Meet the local sheriff, Tracy Leider's girlfriend, and join the Cougars Club. The reward for completing the task is 900 points.

Leap of Faith

When you first come close to the huge statue of Joseph like a ghost, Vera will appear in front of you and tell her story. As it turned out, although Joseph saved her from drugs, he got hooked on "whim".

When you get to the book in the hands of the statue, you will see that the marshal, having fallen under the influence of Vera, jumped into the abyss. Many people crashed like this, but don't be afraid and jump, you will stay alive.

After that, the mission "The False Prophet" will become available to you, during which you need to destroy the statue.


When you gain 1/3 of the resistance points, the next task can appear anywhere, after the phrase "You have received a blessing" is heard. Faith will create a hallucination character, after which after coming to your senses in prison, you will be saved by your allies from being infected with "whims". They will inject you with adrenaline.

Bliss in ignorance

After gaining 2/3 resistance points, you will talk to Vera, who will suddenly appear. In visions, you will meet a marshal on a boat, with whom you will sail to the shore with a gate. When you come to your senses, you will understand that you have found the marshal and taken to prison. The person is infected with "whim", but tries to resist its action.


After collecting all the resistance points, you call the appearance of Faith. Your disobedience will cause the infected marshal to kill Virgil, open all the cells in the prison, and commit suicide.

Infected sectarians settled in the prison. Climb over the walls there. Kill two unarmed angels in the courtyard. Climb the walls and jump over to the roof of the building, climb the stairs. In one place you can get into the ventilation pipes, and with them you can crawl into the central hall. Save some of the hostages by killing all the cultists below.

Tracy is locked in the hallway. We need to talk to her. One of the enemies has the key, so examine all the bodies in the room. There will be the bodies of Virgil and the Marshal in a separate room.

Lost heaven

After the previous part, you will be taken to your visions. In them, Vera leads the sheriff. On a round platform, you start a fight with her. You can not stand in one place, constantly run in circles to avoid her attacks. When you win, Vera will drown in the river.

Finish the journey

Get to Vera's bunker. In front of you there will be incomprehensible images, but when you pass several rooms, then reality will return.

The player destroys the production of "blazi". Enemies will not allow you to do this, they will constantly appear, so kill them silently. They killed the enemy - unscrewed the valves nearby - and so on until the last.

In a narrow room there are three installations - central pumps, they must be blown up. After the breakdown, "whim" will flow from all pipes. Carefully run up the streams to escape from the bunker, which is about to explode. For this you will receive $ 4000 and the "D2 Sin Eater" shotgun.

Part 4. Region of Jacob. Whitell Mountains

Sawmill "Baron"

You must clear the usual outpost in the center of the region from enemies. Just a couple of towers and a dozen enemies. After killing enemies, you can free the archer girl Jess Black, who will tell you about the local resistance. She will also invite you to perform additional task"A dish served cold."

The world is weak

When you see the inscription "You are being hunted" in the region, you will soon be put to sleep with a dart. You will come to your senses already in the military camp of Jacob, where you will watch a film about wolves. Jacob will put you into a trance.

You will fall into your visions. It will be a kind of shooting gallery. You need to get to the finish line in 45 seconds, killing other hostage soldiers. Regular kill +4 seconds, for bare-handed kill +8. Before each new room - a new type of weapon. There is a way to get to the old corridor.

Resistance fighters will find and rescue you. You will come to your senses when you are taken to the Wolf's Lair bunker. There are many new story quests to complete here. You will receive the achievement "Only You".

We must be strong

After gaining 1/3 resistance points, you will be taken prisoner. You will come to your senses in a cage, not far from Jacob's estate. When Joseph is done talking to you, Jacob will put you into a trance.

Now you will find yourself in the same dash as last time, but you can move a little further than the elderly corridor. Two more rooms need to be freed from enemies, and then you will come to your senses. The character will be in an abandoned clearing among the people he has killed.

Sacrifice the weak

When you gain 2/3 resistance points, you will again find yourself in captivity by Jacob, who will tell you how he survived by killing a comrade. He will teach you to do the same.

You are back in the dash, which will now be able to go to the end. When you wake up, the Captive Helper will orchestrate your escape on the roof of the truck.

Only you

After collecting all the resistance points, you will fall into the cage to Jacob. Again there will be notifications in which you will pass through the corridors with soldiers for the fourth time. Your last enemy is Eli. After killing him, you will come to your senses. Jacob programmed the hero so that he actually killed Eli. The allies will forgive you and send you to battle with the enemy.

We find ourselves in visions in a forest with towers. We begin to clear the territory, it is better to go in a circle, counterclockwise.

When you return to reality, Jacob will fire at you from a high cliff. Get closer, eliminating common enemies. Climbing the mountain, you can neutralize the boss if you have a scope. For this you will receive $ 3000 and Jacob's rifle.

Victims of war

When you kill Jacob, take his key and go to his weapons bunker. Enter the control room and open all cameras.

You will see a hostage in the hypnosis chair. Free him so that he will destroy the room, after which the room will be flooded. Run to the surface together, shooting back at rare enemies. After winning, you will take part in Eli's funeral.

Part 5. Region of Joseph. Sect base

Where it all started

When you kill 3 followers, move to the small island in the center. Joseph will be waiting for you in front of the church, drugged all the local resistance leaders and again took your colleagues hostage. When prompted to show up, the player can choose between two options.

Option 1: "Resist"

During the resistance, you will be forced to fight with your own allies, who are under the influence of dope. After killing them, approach and animate them again, so that they would go over to your side. Together you can attack Joseph more effectively. This must be repeated three times.

Get to Dutch's bunker. When you capture Joseph, nuclear explosions will start around. At 2:40 minutes you will hide from the apocalypse in the nearest bunker, so take the road, remembering to dodge the fires and trees that fall. You will have an accident on the way. Joseph will get out and save only you. The two of you will stay in the same bunker.

Option 2: "Leave"

Joseph will say goodbye to the main character, touching his head to the character, a white flash will take place. When you’re in the car at four, the sheriff will turn on the radio with the song “Only you”. After being vaccinated in captivity by John, a reflex is triggered to this song in the character - to kill everyone around. So everyone will die without leaving the island.

A beautiful tropical island called Roux Island. It is on this island that young people lead their luxurious lives and do not deny themselves anything. But the fun soon ends ... One fine day, the whole company of young friends will be captured by local pirates, headed by a certain Vaas Montenegro.

The main character is a man named Jason Brody. He and his older brother Gran are in a pirate's cage. After Vaas finishes his sweet conversation with you, he will leave to recount his money. During this time, Grant unties his hands and frees you. But this is just the beginning of your exciting adventure. Soon, you call a pirate and your brother kills him.

As soon as you get out of your prison, then move after your brother. It is not necessary to stand up to its full height, since here you will need to be “quieter than water, below the grass”. Soon, together you get to the shack. There you find a lighter, a map, a camera down, a tablet and even a cell phone on the table. In general, after you take all the things, then go outside and rather hide behind the well. Next, you will need to distract the pirates with stones. Distract them and get to the next house, after which Grant will kill another pirate.

Get out now from this house to the street and climb up the boxes to the next house. Inside, go out through the passage on the right side and rather hide in the grass. Here you will need to use the stones again to distract the attention of your enemies. As you do this, then rather run further. After you crawl under the bridge, Vaas unexpectedly finds you and the first person he will shoot will be your brother Grant. He will let you go, but only in order to continue hunting.

Here you have few options, or rather, they are not, since there is only one: to run headlong into the jungle until you reach a small passage in the form of a cave. Bend down and crawl forward. On the other side, a pirate with a knife will unexpectedly attack you, press the button that is shown on the screen rather, and eventually kill him. How to deal with him, you will need to continue to run away from the chase.

Soon you will have to climb the vines, after which you will find yourself on the bridge. Here fire will open at you from a helicopter and at some point the bridge will collapse, and you will fall into the water.

Amanaki village

So, you wake up in Dennis Rogers' cabin. He found you on the river bank and was able to go out into his house. Once you're on your feet, go outside and see a local party taking place in the hamlet of Amanaki. Soon Dennis will give you $ 60, with which you need to go to the local gun shop and buy your first weapon - Pistol 1911. In addition, the shop assistant will give you a new task - Activate radio towers.

The note: Activating radio towers gives you access to new types of weapons, a couple of some you can get completely free. In addition, a part of the territory on the map will also open to you.

Anyway, follow Dennis to the radio tower nearby. You can take your time, because in front of the stairs to the radio tower you will stumble upon a snake that will not let you pass calmly, so you will have to shoot it. After you spread the device for the cipher, then part of the territory on the island is revealed to you. Down you can slide down the cable, which is located nearby. Dennis is waiting for you downstairs. When you arrive at him, he will give you another task - Go hunting. Open your map and move the pointer over the place where the wild boars live and place a mark on them.


Since you have a mark to the control point, then you can reach the specified goal without any difficulties. In the end, you find yourself in a place where wild boars live. All that is required of you is to collect the herbarium, kill two hogs and expose them. All herbs will be marked on your mini map. You will need to pick: blue, red and green plants. Most importantly, do not leave the yellow area. If you leave the territory, the task will be failed. When you finish collecting herbs and boar skins, then open your global map and quickly move to the village of Amanaki.

The note: In the near future, the skills of collecting herbs and animal carcasses will be very useful to you. Collecting skins will give you the opportunity to create various things. In general, with the help of skins, you can collect and improve various equipment. To pump your equipment to the maximum, you will need to complete the "Hunter's Path" quest, where you will meet unique animals. Herbs will also play an important role. Herbs will allow you to create a variety of beneficial poultices that will empower you or restore your health.

As soon as you leave the house, then go again to Dennis. But before you talk to him, open your menu and select "Craft", then upgrade your equipment and make a couple of useful poultices. On the glasses that you already managed to get, fill yourself with new tattoos (wiggle).

Capturing an outpost

Answer to phone call... The pirates will ask to meet at the territory of the outpost. Hop into the truck and drive with Dennis to the meeting point. As you get to the outpost, you can act as you please, so long as Dennis does not die, if he dies, then the task will be failed.

As soon as you finish clearing the outpost from pirates, then do not forget to raise your flag as well. Then you just have to run into the house, which is located in the center. It turns out that there is no one inside and Lisa fled. From the words on the radio, you learn that she was running away in a westerly direction.

The note: Capturing outposts is the key point of the game. You need to capture them first of all in order to move around the map more quickly. And if you just want to ride / walk, then you don't have to fight pirates every time or hide from them.

The note: Remember that the capture of an outpost is a kind of special operation, for which it is advisable to carefully prepare. There are two options for capturing: break in and destroy everyone, or quietly and secretly neutralize everyone. It's up to you to choose. But it is also worth noting that the silent capture of outposts is more encouraged. For a successful quietly conducted operation, you will receive a lot more points, unlike if you rushed to the enemy and smashed everything to pieces.


Now you need to send a local doctor to the house that is located on this island. The doctor is called Ernhard. Talk to him and go into his house. In the house, go up to the second floor. Here you will finally find one person from your lost company - Daisy. Daisy is your late older brother Grant's girlfriend. She is currently unconscious. So that she does not die, she has to inject an antidote every hour, but the fact is that the reserves are already on the verge of depletion and you need to collect new ingredients from which Earnhard can prepare a new medicine.

Move to the indicated mark on your radar. Find the passage to the cave. The path will not be very easy. In order not to drown and fall down from a great height, you will need to constantly act extremely quickly. At the moment when you are already a stone's throw from the mushrooms, you will have incomprehensible hallucinations. You need to be patient and go through a couple of minutes of serious "glitches". In the end, you will be released, you can take the mushrooms and get out.

Now go back together with the mushrooms to the doctor. Now you can go upstairs and talk with Daisy, who is already awake at the moment. You need to tell her that Grant died. After that, it's time to go in search of the rest of your friends.

Call of "Medusa"

Take a new call from Dennis. He invites you to find a ship called "Medusa". As Dennis said, the ship ran aground near the doctor's house. You will have to be extremely quiet and not attract attention. Immediately you will have to use the found fotik to mark your enemies and monitor their movement. When you go through this task, you need to be lightning fast and maximally accurate.

As soon as you go up to the wheelhouse, then put on a bulletproof vest here and listen to the conversation of the pirates. It turned out that after the ransom, the pirates were planning not to give up the hostages, but to sell them into slavery. In the end, things got even worse than they were. You need to hurry up and find your friends as soon as possible. Nevertheless, while you listened to all this conversation, new thugs have already arrived for you. Get ready to fight these pirates. Don't worry, you shouldn't have any problems with them. After you kill all the bandits who have arrived, old Dennis will call you and inform you that the pirates have decided to carry out a complete sweep. Hurry back to the village before it's too late.

Robber game

As soon as you find yourself in the village, then talk immediately with Dennis. He will inform you that the pirates of Vaasa are going to attack one of the settlements of Rakyat. To contain their onslaught, you will have to smash the enemy's ammunition.

So, you have to get to the pirate warehouses. You have two options: boat or car. The safest option would be a boat. Using it, you can extremely safely get to the enemy's warehouses and mark all opponents with your fotik, turn off the alarm in the center and get inside the central house and plant a bomb there. Then you just have to decide: to clear the territory, or to escape quietly into the jungle.

Prison raid

You soon learn that Lisa is being held by pirates in a place called Pirate's Bay. Before you go to this place, it is better for you to stock up on the maximum cartridges and buy a bulletproof vest. In addition, we recommend that you also have a bow along with a weapon that has a silencer. These items will greatly facilitate your passage.

Once you are ready for the mission, then it's time to go to the "Pirate's Bay". Get to the camp as soon as possible and turn off the alarm. Next, get the camera down and mark all the enemies. First of all, you need to find the head of this camp (who is marked yellow). You do not need him so much as his keys.

As soon as you clear this territory from enemies, then feel free to move inside the bunker. Moving further in the bunker will be more difficult than outside. In general, you should move until you are unexpectedly stunned.

Girlfriend rescue

Well, you got there and Vaas, along with his people, was able to catch you. In addition, he even prepared a simple trap for you, from which it is not so easy to get out (despite its "genius").

Listen carefully to his great speech and prepare yourself for the fact that you will soon come up from a great height. When Vaas finishes talking to you, he will set fire to the wooden floor. Well, of course, because of this, you fall down. Liza, in turn, remained upstairs. The task here is clear - to climb to the top and save your beloved girl.

Climb up the stairs rather and wait for the moment when the fire does not go out. after that, go rather into the room on the right side of you and further climb up the stairs. Your path will block the fire, so shoot first at the valve, and then at the pipe, which is located above the fire. Now you can move on. In the end, you will reach Lisa and save her.

After you have untied it, then go to the truck and start it quickly. As a result of your efforts, it will still start and you will have a tail - pirates. There will be a grenade launcher in the trunk - take it out and smash all the "rusty cans" that are on your tail. At some point, you will manage to break away from them and in the end, you will get to the Ernhard house.


Go down to Daisy's cave. Below you will find a girl trying to subjugate the boat, to which there is an opportunity to leave this island. But the problem is that it lacks one element - the power head. You need to dive into the water nearby and swim to the marked point, then get the indicated object. Once you have the item, return to Daisy. She will try to launch this boat, but still nothing will come of it. Okay, it's time to leave, but finally talk to Lisa.

Meeting with Citra

Get out of the cave and recruit Dennis. He will tell you that the time has come to meet with the leader of the Rakyat, whose name is Citra. According to him, she will help you gain powerful strength. Well, this is probably what you lack. The easiest way to get there is with a glider.

Get to the meeting point. At the entrance you will be met by Dennis, who will lead you to the Citra. The girl will not accept you too rosy. But soon she will give you to knock out an incomprehensible potion, from which "glitches" will again go on.

Follow the man who is dressed in white clothes and then go into the house. After that, you will find yourself at the bottom of the ocean. As soon as you have a dagger in your hands, you will immediately return to reality. After you wake up, talk to Dennis again. You will have a new task - to find the real artifact. In exchange for this artifact, Citra will give you the desired power.

The underside of the city

Go now to Badtown. The locals will be very friendly. Go to a local bar and sit down at a table there. There will be one company in which there is not enough one person to play games of cards. As soon as you finish the game, then follow the man in white clothes (as in your "glitches"). You need to try not to catch his eye, but you can't let him out of sight.


Go to the house. Soon you will find yourself in a room that is literally packed with explosives. This will be followed by questions from an unknown person to which you will need to answer as quickly as possible so as not to explode. After you tell him your name, the doors will open in front of you. Go down below and meet here a gentleman in a white suit, whose name is Willis. In addition, it turns out that he is a secret agent who works for the United States. He came here with a single purpose - to take Hoyt Volcker (Head of the Pirates). He invites you to burn the hell out of the plantation where the drugs are grown. The loss of the plantation would be detrimental to Hoyt's business.

Well, go to this drug plantation and start shooting everything that is there. In addition to the flamethrower, you can also use barrels of fuel and Molotov cocktails. Be careful here, because after the arson, pirates will run out to you. In general, be prepared for a serious scuffle here. Small houses contain ammunition and first aid kits in case of problems. After you finish shooting the fields with drugs, then go to the pier. Here you will see that one of the boats is sailing away in a direction unknown to you. At this moment you need to take a grenade launcher and destroy the boat as soon as possible. When the boat is sunk, you can safely return back to Willis.

A man named Hoyt

During your conversation with the secret agent, you will be given a very interesting recording. As it turns out, Hoyt has now announced a hunt for you, so you are now the number one target. In general, it's time to pay a second visit to the bandit and shit on him one more time.

Move to the rice fields and watch what Hoyt does with his subordinates. Hoyt decided to cheer up his pack of thugs, so he makes the hostages run through the minefield. Two will blow up immediately. The third, by some miracle, will be saved and hide in a house nearby. The boy's name is Rango - you need to save him, as there is a possibility that he has information that will help you in your search.

You can try to walk along the path of Rango or find another road. If you are moving along his path, then carefully watch where you are. As soon as you get to the boy, he will ask you to help him get to one hut. Inside the house, he will look for an invoice, and at this time you will have to fight off waves of enemies that will attack you from all sides.

As soon as you deal with all the pirates, Rango will give you the invoice he found. As a result, you received information regarding where to look for Oliver.

Save Oliver

So, take a picture of the waybill for Willis, and in return get information on the convoy in which Oliver is to be transported. Before you find yourself a wheelbarrow, do not forget to fill your pants with cartridges.

At the first parking lot, where the column will be, you suddenly learn that Oliver is not there. Therefore, move to the next point on the map. Clear the area and go to the edge of the cliff, then wait for the convoy to drive up to you. The first thing to do here is to get your camera down again and take a couple of pictures. After that, kill all the pirates. When Oliver gets to the boat, then jump into the water and swim rather to him.

After you meet in Oliver, then sit down at the machine gun and destroy everyone who will chase you. In the end, you will also need to deal with the helicopter. When the pirates are finished, you can safely go together to your cave to the rest of your surviving friends.

Shard of the past

Exit the cave and travel to Badtown. Go to the bar where you need to talk to Buck. It was to him that Hoyt once sold your friend Keith. Buck will not refuse to negotiate and will offer a deal. In general, you will need to sneak quietly on a ship called "Nostalgia" and find there data that will help in finding the dagger that Citra once told you about.

The boat is located in the ocean, so your best bet is to think about how to get there first. You can go there - by boat, speedboat or jet ski. After all, you don't want to feed the sharks, do you?

So, get to the ship and clear the entire deck from the nasty pirates. There will be no signaling on the deck, so here you can act as you like, but when you find yourself inside, you will have to pacify your ardor a little. If you make too much noise, then the pirates will call for reinforcements. The number of enemies located here will increase each time, but you will be saved by rather narrow corridors through which you can destroy packs of your enemies.

When you find yourself in the very last room, you will meet an armored enemy, whom you most likely could have met before. As soon as you kill him, download all the data from the laptop located here as soon as possible. After that, the ship will begin to sink. To get out as soon as possible and not die alive, move along the control points. When you are saved, after arriving ashore you will be greeted by a man named Buck.

Down into the darkness

So, be patient, as you have to listen to Buck's long story. After the story, go to the bunker. Climb on the box here and after that, climb up the wall on the rope. Next, jump over the rift and go down below. You will soon run into the Vaasa Pirates. In the center and a little higher, there will be pirates who will throw Molotov cocktails. We recommend that you destroy them first, since in the future they can cause you a lot of problems.

Next, you will have to climb the steps and turn to the left to find yourself in another opening. Here pirates will already be waiting for you. Even in spite of the fact that the passage is locked, the pirates all decided to go through this place (the room is completely filled with explosives). Well, kill the pirates, then find the fuse and click on it.

Climb up and continue on your way. There will be a door on the right side - open it. Get ready now for the fact that you will again have to swim along a very narrow corridor. As you get to the surface, then continue to move on. Ahead awaits you an abyss, over which at first you will not be able to jump. You will fall down anyway, but not fatally. You will have to climb to the top again. To do this, you need to fill the room with water. On the left and right sides are two huge rooms, in each of which wooden beams support the dam. The task is simple - spread the beams and go up already.

After you get out of the water, then go to the treasury, where you will find a part from the compass. When you take this part, then suddenly everything will start to collapse, so you will need to get out of this place as soon as possible.

Treasures in the mine

Buck will again be one step ahead of you. Listen to his new idiotic story, and then go inside the mine. On the lift, go down below, then push the cart to open the passage. As always, you will come across pirates on your way, so you can either shoot from them or act quietly. Anyway, get to the pirate camp. You will soon find two carts in front of you. Push these carts and use them as cover at the same time so you don't get shot down by snipers. When you find yourself in the next camp, then clear the area rather and collect all the ammunition.

Next, go to the round room. There will be a ring in the center of this room that you will need to pull on. As soon as you pull the ring, the passage further opens immediately. In general, you will reach a path with a cliff. At the end of your journey, you will also find an elevator, which, as expected, will collapse. But don't give up hope. Climb up again and move on. Soon you will reach a stone path with a couple of cliffs.

So, jump over these cliffs and in the end, you will get to the third part of the compass. Rather take this piece and get out of here. It will soon turn out that Buck was waiting for you at the exit.

Lin Kong, I suppose?

Will have to meet with Buck again. Listen to his next instructive story and then jump into the water. You again need to find the passage to the cave - there will be a dagger inside.

Once you find yourself in the cave, then climb up and find yourself a safe place from where you can shoot the pirates. After that, use the rope to go down. Now you need to work very fast and "iron". Enemies will be here great amount so the sooner you lay them all down, the better.

Find a bulletproof vest and continue moving on through the scaffolding. Jump over the stones to avoid getting into very hot water. In addition, be careful, as there are also geysers. As you move, you will also need to defend against enemies. It is best to first destroy the pirate who is behind the grenade launcher. If you do not neutralize it, then make your life very difficult. In general, keep moving on and do not forget to look to the sides in the same way. Let the pirates be few, but they will be scattered everywhere.

When you get to the wall on which there will be vines, then know that the dagger is already close. So, climb higher and open the doors with the assembled compass. A battle with monitor lizards awaits you behind this door. When you kill all the animals, then the further road will already be clear. Soon you will be able to finally take the dagger and leave this ancient place.

Sad reunion

Now you need to meet with Buck in his house. Give him the found dagger and then go down to the basement, where you will finally meet Kit. Buck is attacking you before you leave, so kill him quickly and take your dagger.

This knife is for you

After you find yourself in a cave where all your friends are waiting for you, Keith will tell you that your younger brother, Riley, was killed. So, leave this place and move up to Zitra. You will need to return the knife to this mysterious girl. She will also ask you to save the hostages in the local pirate lair. We'll have to help out - there is no way out. At the exit you are met by Dennis, who is already preparing for a future operation.


Dennis will tell you that they are going to attack the convoy where Vaasa's prisoners are transported - your friends should be among them. So, go to the leader of the Rakyat and you will receive C4 (explosives). The bomb will need to be attached to the tanker. Once installed, climb the water tower and wait there.

It soon turns out that the locals were not kidnapped by the Vaas people, but by Hoyt in general. You have to fight anyway. The mercenaries will need to be killed until the convoy starts to move. You will have the opportunity to catch up with the rest of the enemies and save all the hostages. After the last truck is destroyed, then go to the transport with the hostages and open the hatch. Inside you are already waiting for Vaas, who will knock you out.

Warrior Rescue Service

Listen to Vaasa's interesting speech again, then get ready to hit the buttons in quick succession. Vaas tied a concrete block to you and throws it down into the water. Thus, if you do not free yourself from the ropes, then you will drown (as logical).

Once free, swim out and kill all the enemies you meet. You will need to work quietly and inconspicuously. There is no need to complicate your life - everything is already difficult. You don't need to clear the pirate camp. You can leave them alone and just calmly get to the helipad. But nevertheless, at one fine moment, it will still be necessary to make some noise, since the helicopter will be guarded not only by the machine gunner, but also armored.

As you kill him, then climb into the helicopter. Soon a grenade launcher (such a brute) appears and blows up the helicopter. As a result, you fly down. Vaas awaits you on earth again. But this time he decides to shoot you right in the heart, but by a lucky coincidence, an iron lighter saves your life.

But still, you wake up in a mountain of corpses. Get out of here quickly and head to the pirate camp. In the very last house, you can find the things that Vaas took from you. Then you can do whatever you want.

New challenge

Move towards the meeting with Citra. She offers you an unknown drug to drink. The liquid will act on you instantly. So, you find yourself in a completely different reality. Step back and wait for the ink monster to appear. Next, you will need to run from side to side and try not to fall under the eruption of your enemy. In these seconds, you will need to shoot him in the face, and it is best to try to get into the eyes. After a couple of successful attempts have passed, strange enemies will appear on the ground. Kill them and after, fight the monster again. As soon as you defeat him, you will need to cut your throat. After the fight, you wake up.


Jump over the water and swim to the lovely islet of Vaasa. Kill everyone who gets in your way. You will enter the village through the hole in the wall. Since Vaas knows that you are following him, his pirates will act in a more coordinated and organized manner. As soon as you kill the bandits, then climb onto the roof of the building that is on fire. You will need to get to the big gates, simultaneously shooting back from the enemies you will meet further. If it becomes too difficult for you, then we recommend that you free the tigers from their cages. They will make your life easier for you. As soon as you approach the gate, an armored pirate will come out of the house - kill him. Once you finish with all the enemies, you can finally go inside.

Vaas is once again one step ahead of you. After the door opens, he immediately rushes at you with his dagger. Move forward in your glitches. Follow the marks and kill the ghostly shadows of Vaas along the way. When you reload your weapon, it is best to step back - it will be safer. You will soon kill Vaasa. After the death of this madman, your next target is Hoyt.

Grace of Citra

You wake up in the temple of the beautiful Citra. Now is the time to tell her what you have done. After a very long conversation with her, leave this temple. At the exit, do not forget to talk to old Dennis, who suddenly decided to turn his soul in front of you. After that, go to your friends and tell them that you have made the decision to stay on this crazy island.

Flight south

So, leave the cave and contact the US secret agent. It turns out that Willis is going to go to Russia - there he has a new assignment. And he will fly away in five minutes. But still, before leaving this place, he helps you with Hoyt. You need to get out a normal route with no sharp turns. Take a wheelbarrow and go. Please note that your time is limited.

You will soon find Willis with a couple of pirates. The pirates are not too eager for the undercover agent to leave this place. You need to help him get rid of the thugs who have arrived. After one attack, the plane will be severely damaged. While Willis is busy fixing his plane, you will need to deal with defense. Enemies will attack you from all sides, so get ready for the fact that it will be very hot here. You can use the stationary machine gun that stands on the box to protect a very open area. The most dangerous enemies are machine gunners, so they will need to be brought down first. After you beat off the pirates, then get on the plane.

Three blind mice

Jump down and open the wing suit, and then fly to the side of the coast. The game itself will tell you when is the best time to open your parachute. Get to the mercenary camp. It is there that you can get ammunition and body armor. To make clearing easier, release the tiger that lives in the cage. As you kill everyone, then ride the truck to a bar called "Healthy Fuck", where you will need to find Sam.

Talk to the bartender here and he will tell you that the guys are playing poker in the basement. This is where you can find Sam. Next, ask the mercenaries to let you through. So, going downstairs, sit at a table. Remember that the outcome of the game does not matter. After the first game, Sam will leave you and exit through the back exit. You will need to follow him to his house. Go up to the second floor and inform him that you came from Willis.


As a result, you have an ally who agrees to share information that concerns the old Hoyt. After Vaas died, Hoyt announced a hunt for you. Despite the fact that he does not know your face, tattoos will easily give you away. Yes, and without equipment, you will also not be able to move around its territory. In general, you have to join the ranks of the mercenaries and start working from the inside. Drive to failure. You will need to move quietly and imperceptibly, as you may be exposed. To distract the attention of enemies, throw a variety of objects that you just come across. Go downstairs. When there are already more than three enemies, then start using the fotik here to mark them and monitor the movement of enemies. Plan your route carefully and navigate carefully.

When you get to the port, then jump into the water and swim to the ship. At the side you will meet a new fighter. Kill him, take his form along with his ID. Your name is now Foster. Move to the point with the group. When you meet an officer, there is no need to panic. He just needs to scan you. He will also offer you a job that no one should know about. Move on and listen to Hoyt's speech on recruits. After you hear what will happen if you do not follow the rules, then leave this place on your boat.


When you get out of the mercenary camp, Sam will get in touch and tell you that you need to kill three conspirators who live in the camp that is located nearby. This trinity is the boss, so the camp is simply teeming with ordinary soldiers. It is best to eliminate the specified targets without any noise. As you kill them, then search their bodies sooner and soon you will find a note at the last corpse (which is what you need). After the operation has been successfully completed, then leave this camp.


I need to meet Sam at the plantation. You will have to help him carry out an assignment from Hoyt. After Vaas died, the pirates generally lost their fear. Therefore, they decided to attack the Hoyt plantation. The task is not too difficult, so there should not be any special difficulties. While Sam is engaged in bomb clearance, you will destroy the attacking pirates. In addition, there is also a machine gun that can be used.

Into the mouth of the enemy

So, Sam will put in a few words for you to Hoyt, but it will still be too little. You still need a list of all the conspirators, so head to the gorge. On the spot, use your camera to watch the meeting on the bridge. Take a picture at the right moment, and then go down the cable. Find a crate with an RPG (it will come in handy soon). Walk along the bridge on the left side and turn off the alarm. After that, use the taken RPG to destroy all vehicles on the bridge. Get ready for the fact that mercenaries will attack you soon. Move from one side to the other until you reach the bridge. Finally, search the leader's body and take the list from him, then jump into the water.

All in

It's time to go meet with Hoyt and tell him about what happened. After that, he will send you to the basement to interrogate the prisoner. Hoyt himself will watch the process through his video camera. Go downstairs and talk to Sam, he can help you turn off the camera so that you can talk to Riley in a calm atmosphere. In a short time, you will need to tell him the most basic things, and then beat your own brother in order to please Hoyt.

Paint it black

Go to enemy territory. This time, your disguise will not help you, as the mercenaries will start shooting at you as soon as they notice. Bend down and move through the center, as it will be safer here. Don't forget to turn off the alarm - this will make your life easier. As you get to the machine gunners (who have sat down near the iron doors), then distract their attention with pebbles, then place explosives and as an explosion occurs, then go inside.

Move along the narrow corridors. Beware of the flamethrowers located here, as they are the most dangerous enemies here. In general, you need to get to the satellite dish, which is located at the top and install C4 there. Soon you will have to hold the defense to the extent that you will not meet Sam. After his arrival, dump into the helicopter and detonate the finally installed explosives.

Black gold

Jump down and open your wing suit. Tell Dennis that your brother is alive and intend to save him. Dennis, on the other hand, subtly hints to you that you should supposedly forget about your family and about the past in general.

Meet with Sam and move with him to the territory of the Hoyt mercenaries. You will have to smash four fuel depots. The procedure is standard as always: first penetrate inside, clear the room, or immediately go outside to lure out your enemies. In general, plant a bomb and leave the territory as soon as possible. Then it's time to get to the central fuel office. When everything is over, you can watch a strong "boom".

Playing in the dark

Meet Sam, and then move with him to the game of Hoyt's poker. Place your bets and follow the cards. All of a sudden, Hoyt pulls out his knife and sticks it into Sam's neck. But he won't kill you. We'll have to keep playing poker with him. In the next game, you lose anyway, after which your finger is cut off. This will be followed by a fight with Hoyt on knives. The outcome will depend only on your attentiveness, so kill the bastard and go in search of your little brother.

Playing against the bank

Exit on Fresh air and get into the first car you come across. If anything, there is a car in the hangar, but along with it there is a flamethrower. As soon as you free your brother, then rather run to the helicopter. After that, get behind the machine gun and destroy all the enemies that attack you while Riley is trying to figure out how to control the plane. When you take off, you still have to shoot back from the enemies.

Death of the dock

As you land, then run to the gazebo, which is located next to the house - here you will find a half-dead doctor. In the last minutes of his life, he will tell you that Rakyat soldiers came to him and took your friends to the local temple. Go back now to the helicopter and go to this temple.

Hard choise

Get to this temple. Riley was taken away in an unknown direction, euthanized and tied up. Soon Citra will confess her feelings to you, and of course she will not want to let you go. Take the dagger that Citra gives you and then it's up to you to decide what to do: save your old friends or take the side of Citra. After that, the final video will follow.

This ends the storyline of the game, but does not end the exploration of the island of Rook Iledn, so in the game you can continue your adventure further.

When the Gate of Eden Project - a group of religious fanatics who save the souls of townspeople without their consent - set up their headquarters in Hope County, Montana, residents were left with only two options - to accept salvation or show guests what hell is.

How best to go through the story company

After the Prologue, you will launch attacks on the cult of Joseph Sid, thereby reducing their influence in the region.

This makes it possible:

  • Unlock new missions to complete.
  • Engage in combat with a large number of enemies. Accordingly, the opponents will be more powerful, on armored vehicles and with the best weapon... You can also be taken prisoner.

Destroy the infrastructure of the cult to increase resistance points (they are calculated for each region separately). For the final battle with each leader of the region, you need to collect a certain number of points:

  • John Seed - 13,000 Resistance Points in Holland Valley
  • Faith Seed - 13,000 Resistance Points at Henbein River
  • Jacob Sid - 10,000 Resistance Points at Mount Whitetail

You can only meet face to face with Joseph Sid after you deal with all three. Completing missions is the main source of resistance points. you can also earn them by doing side quests such as rescuing prisoners or clearing outposts.

How to earn resistance points

  • Accidental skirmishes - spontaneously and often you enter into a battle with enemies, it can also be the destruction of an important cargo or the release of prisoners or residents. For winning skirmishes, you get resistance points.
  • Cultist outposts - the capture of outposts, just like in all far cry episodes.
  • Additional missions - after clearing the outpost within the zone, you can see side missions... We pass them we get resistance points and buns.
  • Cult property is buildings that belong to cultists. We destroy them - we get resistance points.
  • Survivor's Caches - complete mini quests to find caches, get weapons, items or points for pumping. Your allies will tell you the location
  • Hunting places - Stupidly hunt animals, sell skins and meat to merchants, get quests and further resistance points.

Where to look for weapons

  • Take from dead opponents.
  • Buy from merchants or complete quests.
  • Survivor's Caches.

Where to look for transport

  • For completing missions in the garage, you can get good equipment.
  • Buy transport, but take only an elite one, the rest can be picked up and so on around the world .

Who can help the protagonist

  • Soldiers are weak allies, but they are useful in the beginning.
  • Mercenaries - here it is already more serious, mercenaries have skills, there are 9 types of mercenaries in the game. In the Holland Valley location, you can take a dog named Boomer with you on a trip.

By default, the GG is accompanied by only one ally. Level up your leadership to 6 and get the second one at your disposal.

How to get skills

  • Complete the challenge - for each challenge, you get from one to three points.
  • Find books with skills - searches for them around the world or in the hiding places of the survivalist.
  • Complete special missions - as a reward you will be given experience points.
  • Find the Bow - The first bow can be found during the prologue on Datca Island.
  • Silencer your main weapon - most firearms can be equipped with a silencer (yes, a shotgun too).
  • Use binoculars for reconnaissance behind the outposts - through it you can mark opponents, just like in the previous parts. You can also direct the dog if you took him to your team.
  • Quick kills - everything is the same as in the previous parts in Far cry.
  • Do not shoot yourself at outposts - stealthy movement will not attract reinforcements.
  • Unlock additional abilities. Buy a grappling hook (allows you to climb tall structures), learn quiet running and general noise reduction, and improve your bow skill.
  • Choose the right infiltration buddies for yourself. Their presence nearby can make it much easier to clear the area without revealing your location. Good mercenaries for this are Jess Black (uses a bow) and Peach the puma (jumps on opponents and quietly deals with them).
  • You can restore your health using the first aid kit. Health is restored automatically only if you are not involved in combat.
  • Put on your body armor. The vest gives you extra protection and prevents you from losing a lot of health.
  • Acquire talents to increase your health.
  • Try to use your ATV less. From a quadric they can easily kill.
  • You can save yourself and others from death. This opportunity appears when the damage done was not critical.
  • If you allow your companion to die, you will have to wait a long time for his resurrection.


Datca Island

Arrest the sect leader

The local sheriff of the state of Montana gets a video of the head of the cult killing a man. As a rookie police officer, we travel with the sheriff in a helicopter to arrest the psycho. The federal marshal and the pilot girl are with us. We get to the church where the sermon is taking place. Joseph Sid - the head of the Edensgate cult, right in front of us, you just need to handcuff him.

Secret: If we stand for 2 minutes and do not put on the handcuffs, we will safely leave the cult's lair and get a quick ending.

Having arrested Joseph, we accompany him to the helicopter. The locals let us through, but after takeoff they cling to the helicopter, and this leads to an accident. Two are captured, and the federal and I manage to escape from the burning helicopter.

Run away from the cultists

Enemies are chasing us through the dark forest. We run and wag from side to side so that we are not shot. Having reached the lonely house, we crouch down and hide in the bushes. Silently kill one of the psychos from behind (key F).

Meet the Marshal at the Trailer House

Reflect the attacks of the cultists

Marshal will run into the yard to start the car, cover him from the window, shooting enemies. Better to shoot at red barrels. We jump out of the window and hide by the car. At the first signal, we sit down inside.

Get in the car. Survive

An epic chase awaits us. We shoot the cars pursuing us. It is better to aim at shooters, and immediately at car drivers, so that they crash. V a certain moment take dynamite, before throwing, hold down the F key for a couple of seconds so that the explosion occurs immediately in flight. near enemies. We get to the big bridge, there a plane will pick us up, and we will fall into the water. The Marshal will be captured, and one resistance fighter will save us.

Change your clothes. Talk to Dutch

We choose our appearance and clothes. We communicate with a man named Dutch, he tells how to organize resistance to the cult participants. On the wall we read the dossier on the leaders of the gang: three assistants and Joseph himself. In Dutch's house, in the side rooms, we can find various notes and audio messages.

Take the weapon and card from the safe. Leave the bunker

Dutch will arm us, and he will coordinate the actions of the resistance from the bunker. First, we need to clear out a small island in the center of the river.

Liberate Datca Island

  • 1st altar of the sectarians. Located on the northern coast, it is protected by 3 enemies. You can kill them silently, or you can shoot the balloon in the center of the altar from afar and kill everyone with an explosion.
  • Forest Conservation Service Center. In the northwest of the island. The center will be empty, but there is a note in the building that indicates the location of the altar.
  • 2nd altar of the sectarians. On a small western island. Also 3 enemies and a balloon inside the building.

Go to the fishing pier

In the inner pond we examine the northern coast, where 2 enemies are holding a prisoner. Prisoner Luke Smith will join us after his release. He can be sent to enemies and points (G key), the rest of the time he will follow us.

Get to the Forest Conservation Center

The second time in the center there will be enemies, there are already more than 5. It is better to lure them all into the center of the yard, and then blow up a barrel there. After the victory, we will find two peaceful people in the building. They will tell you the location of the enemy outpost.

Survival Cache: Sunken Treasure

From the pier on the inner lake we go up the road, on the pumping station we will find a note from the survivor. We find out that there is a treasure nearby.

Make your way to the boathouse

The boat station door is closed, but you can jump into the water and swim into the locked hangar from below. Inside, we press the switch to supply electricity.

Figure out how to get to the bunker

We rise to the pumping booth, on the left we turn the crane on the pipe. The pump will begin to pump out water. In front of the booth, we open the hatch to the bunker. When the water is pumped out, we go downstairs, find $ 500, boosters, and a new weapon - a bow with a sight.

Cultist Outpost: Ranger Camp

Liberate the Cultist Outpost

There are 5 enemies and 1 hostage in the camp. Better to attack from the side of the house, and arrange shelling from the windows.

Central radio tower

At the end, we climb onto the radio tower. At the top, turn on the switch. Dutch will then be able to transmit and collect signals from the entire region.

Falls end

Get to Falls End

We jump from the radio tower on any cable. Find a quad bike on the nearest road. It is best to visit the John region first. We drive along the big bridge, storm the checkpoint.

We go out in open world... Immediately getting to the desired city is dangerous and premature, it is better to gradually clear the land from enemies. In the process, we will meet many friendly people, they will talk about various points on the map or will immediately issue tasks.

The silo tower is on the right behind the bridge. We destroy with grenades.

There is a pier to the north of the bridge and there is a boat shop. You can go fishing from the pier. The fish you catch can be sold for $ 100.

Trailer. Silver Lake Park

In the northern camp we will meet the person Merle Briggs. He will tell us about the location of the American Cars Outpost, but this is on a different territory. One of the northern buildings has detailed map terrain, we learn a lot of new points on it.

Ray-Ray Pumpkin Farm

Add. assignment: man's best friend

When we clear the farm from enemies, we open the cage with the dog, stroke it, and it will become our companion. The Boomer dog works as a scout, showing us nearby enemies and abandoned items.

Silage tower on a pumpkin field. There is a machine gun at the crossroads.

Outpost: Gardenview Packing Shop

Opposite the pumpkin farm. When we free the building, a weapons store will appear here, and a car repair shop will appear on the pumpkin farm. And also one task. There is a locked room inside the building, the keys to it are on the counter ???

Add. task: Disservice

There are bears in the forest behind the packing plant. Nm need to kill 3 of them. Two roam the hills, the third took refuge in a cave. More accurately, there are containers with the intoxicating gas of sectarians scattered here, you cannot stay in it for a long time. For completion we will receive 100 points, $ 830.

Survival Cache: Thief at the Thief

Near the packing shop we talk to a girl with a machine gun, she will tell you about the nearest treasure. Located at the foot of the south bridge.

Sergei's house

On railroad there are a couple of carriages in a dead end. A man lived inside, from his notes we learn about the treasure under the bridge. To get there, you need a "cat".

On the side of the bridge, we slide down the cable to the first support. Below, on the right side, we cling to the "cat" for the hook under the bridge, swing, and jump to the next support (key C). We do a few jumps. In the end, you need to use the "cat" several times, like Spiderman. Reward: 3 skill points, first aid kit, shotgun, bow. To get out, we break the wooden wall, jump into the water.

Outpost: Copperhead Depot

There are two communication towers here. You can sneak onto the roof unnoticed, remove the sniper, then quickly shoot the communication tower cabinets, and finish off the rest. Reward: 2012 Kimberlite car. If the alarm has not been raised, we will receive another $ 400.

Add. task: Baptism by fire

On a hill in the center of the region we will find a monument with sparks "The Legend of Clutch Nixon". We need to drive a stunt car through all the control points. Time is limited. Reward: 200 points, $ 750, Uncle Sam car.

Add. assignment: Patriot Act

Howard's hut

We will be greeted by Special Agent Willis Huntley. We sit in his car, drive to the Lincoln tower at the top. On the tower, he will lure out the VIP sectarian by radio. VIP will fly by helicopter to its bunker. There is an ATV under the tower, we sit on it, trying to keep up with the helicopter. You cannot lag more than 300 meters.

At the landing site, we act imperceptibly, follow the target until he opens his bunker. After we kill him, we climb inside. We take 1 skill point and a video tape. We go back and give the cassette to the agent, but we get nothing in return.

Survival Cache: High Voltage

Lincoln Tower

We take away to the observation tower, we read a note on the wall. We go down the only cable. We pass two more cables. Then you need to jump to the next platform, the hero himself will catch on the blue crossbar. We jump over a couple more times. We roll down the last cable into the empty tower. Reward: 3 skill points, $ 3500, ammunition.

Strickland Farm.

Silo tower. Flamethrowers burn down the building.

Survival Cache: I Made You Die

After completing the "Purification" plot task, we communicate with a girl at the landing site on the southwestern hill. The treasure lies in a bunker at the base of the hill. The door is locked with a key, we will find it inside the house in the last room, near the corpse. We go down into the bunker, when we turn on the light in the back room, a fire will start. We run to the door with a combination lock, it will open, the fire extinguishing system will work inside. Reward: 3 skill points, money.

Outpost: American Cars

Add. task: Liberation

When we clear the outpost, we will need to release 3 more prisoners. We open the locked toilet with a key, it is on the counter opposite. In the yard we knock down the lock from the container, but a bear will jump out of there. We open the container at the top of the heap, there is a mercenary with a grenade launcher. Reward: 100 points, $ 800.

Survival Cache: Garbage

Before entering the fenced warehouse, we will see a note. To get inside, we shoot at the red barrel on the upper box, then we roll up any car, climb onto the boxes along it.

Inside you need to jump over the containers, to where the blue ropes lie. In one place you will need a "cat". We go down to the flooded part. At the entrance we turn on the electricity, avoid water, jump over the containers. We get to the electronic door, behind it lies the treasure. Reward: 3 skill points, money, ammunition.

Survival Cache: Long Range Lock Pick

In the south of the valley in the inland lake on the south shore there is a closed booth, at the entrance there is a note about the treasure. The door is locked. To get inside, we go to the other side, there is a sniper on the roof of the building. There is a cable between the buildings, but it is not inclined and cannot be passed. We kill the enemy, we take away his rifle. We aim at the window of the building, shoot at the locked door, and it will open. We return to the booth, inside we will find 3 skill magazines, money.

Henbein River

Hope County Jail

Protect the gate

Local resistance took refuge behind the high walls of the prison. We take away to them on the assigned bus. From above, together with them, we destroy the approaching enemies.

Destroy loudspeaker trucks

A fuel truck will drive up and blow up the gate. After blowing up the last 3 trucks. After completing the task, we will meet the local sheriff, Tracy Leider's girlfriend, and join the Pumas club. Reward: 900 points.

Leap of Faith

When we first come close to the huge statue of Joseph, Vera will emerge from the clouds of smoke and tell her story. Joseph saved her from drugs, but put her on Blazh.

Show how strong your faith is and jump

We will appear on the book in the hands of the statue. The Marshal has already fallen under the influence of Vera and is jumping in front of us. We jump after him into the abyss. There are many crashed people below, but we will survive. (An explicit reference to the Assassin's Creed series). Immediately after that, we can carry out the mission "False Prophet" - to destroy the statue.


When we gain 1/3 of resistance points, the next task can appear anywhere, after the phrase "You have received a blessing." Fairy Vera will appear and take us into her foggy visions. A little later, we wake up inside the prison, the allies will save us from infection with Blazh with the help of an adrenaline injection.

Bliss in ignorance

When we gain 2/3 points of resistance, we speak with the appeared Vera. In visions, we will be met by a marshal on a boat, together with him we swim to the shore with a gate. We come to our senses, we found the marshal and took him to prison. He is infected with Bliss, but resists its action.


As soon as we collect all the resistance points, Vera will immediately appear to us anywhere. For our disobedience, she will force the infected marshal to kill Virgil, open all the cells in the prison. After that, the marshal will commit suicide.

Go to jail

The entire prison was under the control of infected sectarians. We return there, climb over the walls, in the yard we kill unarmed agnels.

Enter the prison grounds

All the lower entrances are closed, so we climb the walls. we jump over to the roof of the building, we go up the stairs. In one place you can enter the ventilation pipes, we climb through them into the central hall. We quickly kill all the sectarians below in order to save some of the hostages.

Talk to Tracy. Find the key

The girl is locked in the hallway. One of the enemies has the key, we examine all the bodies in the room one by one. In a separate room we will find the dead Virgil and the Marshal.

Lost heaven

Attack Faith

Immediately after the "Lesson" we will fall into our visions. We pass through the gates, here Vera leads the sheriff. On the round platform, we begin the battle with the boss. Vera hovers in the center, throws magic balls at us, constantly summons infected angels around. We do not stand still, we constantly run in circles so as not to get hit by shells, and we can ignore the angels. After our victory, Vera will drown in the river.

Finish the journey

Enter Vera's bunker

After the quest "Paradise Lost" we get to Vera's bunker. First, we see half-reality, half-illusion. But when we go through a few rooms, we will completely return to reality.

Shut off the center valves

We begin to destroy the production of Blazhi. Enemies will appear constantly, so it is better to act inconspicuously, silently kill the nearest, and immediately turn the valves nearby.

Destroy the central pumps

In a narrow room we blow up three installations. After that, from all the pipes, flows of whims will begin to appear, temporarily turning into fire. We choose the right moments and run through the streams. Gradually go upstairs and run out of the exploding bunker.

Reward: $ 4,000, D2 Sin Eater shotgun.

Whitetail Mountains

Free the Baron Sawmill

We need to clear the usual outpost in the center of the region from enemies. A couple of towers and a dozen enemies. After the victory, we will free the girl archer Jess Black. She will talk about the local resistance, and also invite us with her on a personal assignment "A dish that is served cold."

The world is weak

When we gain some resistance points in the region, we will see the inscription "They are hunting for you", soon we will be imperceptibly put to sleep with a dart and taken prisoner. We wake up in Jacob's military camp, watching a film about wolves. With the help of the music box, Jacob will put us into a trance.

We find ourselves in our visions, in a kind of arcade dash. You need to get to the finish line in 45 seconds, killing other hostage soldiers. For a normal kill +4 seconds, for a melee kill +8. Before each new room, we take a new type of weapon. We get to the inclined corridor.

We regain consciousness. We were found and rescued by the resistance fighters. They will take us to their bunker, Wolf's Lair. Here we will be able to take a lot of new storyline tasks. Achievement "Only You".

We must be strong

When we gain 1/3 of the resistance points, we will be captured again. We will come to our senses in a cage near Jacob's mansion. Father Joseph will talk to us. Then Jacob will put us into a trance.

Kill the last victim before time is up

We pass the same arcade shooting range as last time. But now we can move a little further than the inclined corridor. We clean two more rooms and come to our senses. We will find ourselves in an abandoned clearing among the people we have killed.

Sacrifice the weak

When we gain 2/3 points of resistance, we will be captured again. Jacob will tell how he survived by killing a comrade, and teaches us to do the same.

Kill the last victim before time is up

Once again we fall into a vision - an arcade shooting range. Now we will be able to go to the end. We come to our senses, another prisoner assistant organizes our escape. But as a result, only we manage to escape on the roof of the truck.

Only you

Kill the last victim before time is up

When we collect all the resistance points, we will again be captured, in a cage to Jacob. In the visions, for the 4th time we pass the corridors with the soldiers. But at the finish line, the last enemy will be Eli, when we kill him, we will come to our senses. Jacob programmed us with these visions, and when we found ourselves in the Wolf's Lair, in reality they killed Eli. The allies forgive us and send us to battle with the enemy.

Destroy beacons (0/6)

We find ourselves in visions in a forest with towers. We begin to clear the territory, it is better to go in a circle, counterclockwise.

Kill Jacob Sid

Let's go back to reality. Jacob fires at us from a high cliff. We get closer, eliminating common enemies, we climb the rocks. We can hit the boss from afar if we have a sight. Reward: $ 3,000, Jacob's rifle.

Victims of war

Get to Jacob's bunker

After killing Jacob, we take away his key, go to his weapon bunker. Inside, along the corridors, we enter the control room, open all the cameras.

Save Assistant Pratt

Find the hostage in the hypnosis chair. After being freed, he will destroy the room, the premises will begin to flood. Together we run out to the surface, firing back at rare enemies. After a complete victory in the region, we participate in the funeral of Eli.


Having got to the Wolf's Lair about the plot, we communicate with the leader of the rebels - Eli Palmer. He asks for the release of other prisoners in the region. We leave for the western mountains. Whitetail Park Tourist Center. 4 prisoners, several enemies.

Get to the Falcon's Eye Tunnel

On the road between the regions we get to the tunnel. The checkpoint can be bypassed on top, along the rocks. On the other hand, we immediately find 2 prisoners, after which we begin the attack from the rear. Reward: 600 points.

Search and rescue

People in Whitetail saved (0/20)

After the mission "Missing", Eli instructs us to rescue all the other captives in the region. Both random and plot are counted.

Get it for free

Get to the Grandview Hotel

After the mission "Missing" we return to Eli in the lair. He will send us to clear the building by the northwest lake. Inside the building on the dining table we take the key, on the 3rd floor we will find the prisoner of Briggs. He is shown the same footage with wolves, we change the cassette to save him.

Turn on Whichi's deprogramming cassette

While the hostage comes to his senses, we protect him, we fight with the arriving enemies. In the north of the building on the visor there are several machine guns, it is better to keep the defense there. At the end we return to the room. Reward: 900 points.

Radio silence

Get to the tourist center

Having got to about the plot in the Wolf's Lair, we communicate with the woman Tammy. We leave for the western radio tower, climb onto it, destroy the jammer at the top.

Destroy the muffler on the second radio tower

The next tower is high on the northern mountains, it is better to get there by helicopter. The jammer can only be knocked down manually.

Eviction Notice

Get to the chalet on the Stone Ridge

After the mission "Radio Silence" Tammy learns the location of the training camp for elite fighters. We go there. It is not necessary to kill enemies, we can immediately place two bombs: in the basement and on the second floor. We run out in 10 seconds.


Destroy the muffler on the first radio tower

Having got to the Wolf's Lair about the plot, we communicate with Whiti's guy. He wants to open his radio station for the survivors, but first you need to turn off all the radio jammers of the cultists. Inside Jefferson's tower on the table we will find a map.

Use the map to find huts

Cooper's hut. There will be enemies around. We are looking for a shelter nearby, this is a stone structure in the rock, down the path.

Redtail's hut. There's no one inside, in the Record Box building.

Stop the ATV with your belongings before it leaves

Kestrel's hut. We drive up to the hut on fast transport... Immediately after our appearance, the enemies will hide on three ATVs, we need to shoot down the distant one. At first, it is better to drive through rough terrain, it is easy to get lost here and get left behind. And after that, on a flat highway, we can quickly catch up with the sectarians. Having knocked down the driver, we search him, we take away the thing. We carry it to the lair, Leave will start broadcasting. Reward: 600 points, ammunition in the den.

Dinner time

SOP Montana laboratory. In the eastern camp, the wolves fell on people, only Dr. Sarah Perkins survived, hiding on the roof. We kill the wolves, and the doctor will climb down to us. Sarah wants to develop a drug to search for wolf judges, for this you need to catch a live specimen of the animal.

Get to the Breakout Camp

We leave for the western camp. We kill all sectarians, among them there are many elite enemies. We are waiting for Dr. Jess to come. We open the cage in the center, we drag the trainer's body there, but this will not lure the animal.

Lure the Judge into the cage

The wolf-judge will run after us, so we ourselves will run into the cage. In the next room we climb into the boxes, find ourselves outside, close the cage. The doctor will begin to study the animal. Reward: The Master of the Hunt medicine has been improved.

A dish served cold

Follow Jess

After the mission "Sawmill Baron" we go together with Jess Black. She wants to kill the maniac "Cook". Jess is armed with a bow, and we also need to arm ourselves with something silent to kill enemies without raising an alarm.

Free the prisoners in the camp (0/3)

We release 3 prisoners from containers in the camp, then 3 prisoners in the gorge of the quarry. First, we kill the enemies closest to the prisoners, and then we finish off the rest.

Get to a vantage point with Jess

In the last camp we fight with the flamethrower Cook and with a dozen other enemies. Having fulfilled his revenge for his parents, Jess will join us in the squad. Reward: 900 points, companion archer.

Prodigal son

Ride to the tower with Hurk

Fort Drubmen. Hurk Drubman Sr. running for the Senate, and while he is busy with the election campaign, we need to return the stolen truck to him. We are going with his son to the nearest tower.

Follow Hurk to the pickup

We clean the building from the sectarians. Hercules will attack enemies with a rocket launcher. After that, we go downward along several cables. Below we clean up one more hut, we take away the jeep. When we get back, Hurk will join our squad.

Returning Hope to its former greatness

Get to the intersection

After the mission "Prodigal Son", Hurk Sr. will give one more task. It is necessary to reduce the number of sectarians so that their votes are not counted in the elections. At the designated intersection, we sit down at the machine gun in front of the burned down house, only after that the enemies will begin to arrive. We shoot alternately arriving cars and helicopters. Reward: Car "Nancy".

The right to arms

Liberate the Cultist Outpost

Center "Fang". We clean the center like a normal outpost. After the victory, we communicate with a local worker Wade Fowler, he will tell you about a bear named Cheeseburger, you need to find him.

Get to the fishing spot

First you need to get the bear bait. We go fishing for Chinook salmon in any river.

Find a Cheeseburger

We clean the dump from the sectarians near the center. We will find a tame bear on the river bank, behind the containers. We approach and feed him with fish. After that, we once again fight the sectarians, but this time in the company of the bear. Reward: 600 points, companion bear.

Joseph's Region

Where it all started

Objective: Get to the domain of the Father

After killing 3 followers, we go to a small island in the center. Joseph will meet us in front of the church. He drugged all the local resistance leaders and took our colleagues hostage again. For the last time, he will offer to surrender. There are two options:


Bring your friends to life (3,7,12)

Having chosen resistance, we begin to fight with our own infected allies. We kill them, then we approach and revive, and they will go over to our side. Only by returning all allies, we will be able to attack Joseph normally. We repeat this three times.

Get to Dutch's bunker before it's too late

As soon as we capture and arrest Joseph, nuclear explosions will begin around. You need to hide from the apocalypse in the nearest bunker in 2:40 minutes. We drive along the road, dodging fires and falling trees.

We will have an accident in front of the bunker. Joseph will get out and save only us, leaving the rest to die. Thus, we will stay alone with him in the same bunker for many decades.

Go away

Joseph will say goodbye to us, touch his head, this will cause a white flash. We get ready and the four of us leave by car. After driving a little, the sheriff will turn on the radio with the song "Only you". And for this song we have a reflex to kill everyone around us, which was instilled in John's captivity. As a result, everyone will die without leaving the island.

Where to find lighters

  • Lighter House- located in the Holland Valley in the Fillmore house.
  • Lighter Dusty- located in the Holland Valley in the Miller house.
  • Woody lighter- located in the Holland Valley on the Rey Rey pumpkin farm.
  • Danny's lighter- located in the Whitetail Mountains in the Harris home.
  • Lighter Smiley- located in the Whitetail Mountains in the Park Tourist Center.
  • Lighter Lefty
  • Lighter stanford- located in the Whitetail Mountains in the Elliot House.
  • Joe's lighter- located in the Whitetail Mountains.
  • Russell's lighter- located in the Henbane River area in the McClean House.
  • Tim's lighter- located by the Henbane River in the McCoy home.
  • Cave's lighter- located in the area of ​​the Henbane River in the House of the Counselor.
  • Crow Lighter- located in the Henbane River area in the Abercrombie House.

Does the game have a secret ending?

There is and it happens during the passage of the very first mission "Order", when you first find yourself in the cultist camp together with the sheriff and try to arrest Sid.

Follow your partners to the church. After one of the cutscenes, you will be ordered to handcuff Joseph. The important thing now: DO NOT arrest him and DO NOT press the button indicated on the screen. Ignore the calls of all your companions and after a few minutes you will see a secret ending, after which the credits will go.

How to open a safe and closed doors

  • Use explosives.
  • Use a lock pick or a gas burner. Lockpicks appear after the Locksmith skill, the burner after the Burner skill.

The main character finds himself in the American state, where the power is seized by a religious cult called "The Gates of Eden".


After the introductory video, we go to the church. After the conversation, we press the indicated button to arrest the Father. We go out into the street.

No exit

We watch the video and run away from the helicopter. We run through the forest and find a hut. We secretly deal with opponents. We get the pistol and find the marshal. While the marshal starts the car, we will have to fight off the enemies. We use the first aid kit, if necessary. We get into the car and shoot back from the pursuers, leaning out the window. We use dynamite. After the cut-scene we find ourselves in the shelter.

A glimpse of hope

We listen to Dutch and choose our clothes in the closet. We take weapons and a card in the safe. On the side you can find a board with a description of all opponents - the leadership of the sect.


We go forward and find a hostage held by the sectarians. From the rescued hostage we learn about the cache near the boat station. Find a blue diamond on the map and go there.

Sunken treasures

From the note we learn that the bunker is flooded. To find the hiding place of the survivalists, we jump into the water and swim into the garage. We find the switch and turn on the electricity. We open the hatch to the bunker, then we find the yellow valve, use it to get rid of the water. We examine one room, and then the second, breaking the boards.

We go to the tower from the boat station. On the table we read the note and find out where to look for the altar of the sectarians. We go there, shoot the sectarians and blow up the altar.

We speak with Dutch and go to the fishing pier to rescue the hostages. There will be only two sectarians. We save the guy and invite him to our team. Various commands can be given to the assistant.

We go to the enemy base, there will be the first serious fort. The outpost is protected by about six opponents. You can clear it out secretly or shoot everyone. Inside, we free the captives and talk to them. On the table we find information about the altar.

We go to the altar, there will be three enemies. We blow it up and go to the ranger camp. There will be three opponents in front of the building. There will also be a sectarian on the other side, we will leave him for last. We remove one from around the corner. And we finish the two remaining together with a partner.

We speak with Dutch, read the note with the location of the radio tower and go there. We climb up and pull the switch. Watching the video. We now have a map divided among the three main cultists. You can go in any order. Dutch recommends starting with Falls End.

Falls End

We drive across the bridge and deal with the sectarians. We move further forward and find the hostage, free him. In a building nearby we read a note. In the next building we break the boards on the doors and go inside. Inside we find a journal that gives a skill point.

Next, we go to rescue the dog of our partner - Boomer. We go to the mark on the map, deal with the sectarians and save the dog. We go further on the assignment. Here you need to save a couple of hostages who are in different parts cities. The best way to clear the city is to use the machine gun on the roof. We deal with the enemies and shoot the arriving plane.


We leave for the mark on the map - "Paradise and Sons". We clean the area and talk to Nick. We go to John's ranch. There are a huge number of enemies. Better to start stealthily, and if they notice, then start shooting. Having dealt with the enemies, we climb onto the roof of the garage. We jump inside to the plane.

We take off and fly through the rings. On the way, we blow up the silos and hunt for a fuel truck. We deal with enemy planes. We fly through the checkpoints to Nick's hangar. After the dialogue with Nick, we deal with the enemies at his house and around. There will be snipers on the rooftops.

Good samaritan

You can start the task after clearing the Falls End and talking with Pastor Jerome. We go to the pig farm and free the three captives. If you release less, then you get less resistance points.

Better to start with the barn, then go to large building... The most difficult will be the third prisoner, because a flamethrower is walking around him. We lure him away from the prisoner so that he does not accidentally set it on fire. After the cleanup, more enemies will appear - we fight back.

Scattered herd

We speak with the pastor and go to free the captives, if you have already freed enough, then the task will be immediately credited. If not, then just explore the map and save the captured people.


After liberating Falls End, we go to Mary's bar. We move to the base of the Edens, we deal with a group of fighters, among whom there will be an elite one. It will take longer to shoot at it. We take the key to the warehouse from his corpse.

We go inside and get into a cool truck. We drive along the signs, smashing all the obstacles in our path. Then we move to Falls End, park the car at the indicated point and talk to Mary.

By gases

Immediately after the previous task, we proceed to a new one. You need to find a couple of fuel trucks that appear in random places. The easiest way is to eliminate the driver with a sniper rifle. The fuel truck will not stop in front of the obstacle, but will go around it. In this case, the partner can accidentally fall into the tank and blow it up.

Grace on fire

We answer a request for help from Grace. After we help her, we can take her as a partner. We need to deal with the opponents who are trying to destroy the mausoleums. We climb onto the roof of the church and talk to Grace, clear the area, and talk to her again.


After filling a part of the scale, the task will start automatically. Cultists in large numbers will begin to attack you. The hero will not be able to fight back and will lose consciousness. We are watching a cut-scene and, together with the pastor, we fight off enemies.

We go to the top of the mountain, freeing people. Now we need to move by jogging so as not to get under fire from the gun. We deal with the shooter and free Merl. Then you can sit behind the mortar yourself and, while waiting for the helicopter, shoot the advancing sectarians. We jump into the helicopter and complete the task.

Death wish

We speak with Merle and go to the gas station. First, we need to fight off the Death Wish car, which will be driven by a VIP sectarian. At the same time, we try not to destroy the car itself. Then we get behind the wheel and go after Merle. He will send us to a new place - to destroy the cisterns. It's better to shoot with a machine gun.


Again the hero is attacked by a crowd of sectarians, which cannot be fought off. When the hero comes to his senses we help him to free himself from the ropes. We quietly pass the bunker, secretly dealing with the enemies. As soon as we get the weapon, we can use it. There is no need to complete the mission in secret.


After John's bunker, we receive a task from May. We go along the sign and wait until the car "Theologian" appears. We jump into the helicopter and deal with the truck from the air.

Air raid

We leave for Nick's house and get on the plane. First we attack a standing truck with a tank, and then two others that are on the way. They are guarded by the cars of the Edens, they will also have to be destroyed. Then we fly to the helicopters and deal with them.


We receive a task from Pastor Jerome and go to the specified point. In the trailer park we deal with the sectarians. We speak with resistance, after which we repulse the attack of the advancing enemies. An armored cultist is easiest to defeat with a shotgun. We select a defector, carry it to the boat and fight off the remaining enemies.


This quest will start automatically after the resistance bar is full. John will report on the attack on Falls End. We go there and go to the church. We watch the cut-scene and open the book. We fight off a group of enemies and, when the pastor says, we follow John.

Using the machine gun on the machine, we fight off the sectarians, their cars and planes. We get to the house of John.

Extermination of meat

Nearby we find the lair of Zip Kupka and talk to him. With it we move along the pointer. We deal with infected animals and ordinary cultists. Having dealt with everyone, we are waiting for Zip to install the explosives. After talking with him, enemies will climb from all sides. The easiest way is to dig in a building and shoot back from there. After completing the task, we will get the opportunity to unlock the skill "Master explosive technician".

All that glitters is not gold

Zip's next task. We follow the sign and deal with the sectarians. We put explosives on the marked boxes. We protect the area, including explosives, from the emerging enemies. The machine gun will help you deal with the helicopter. The main thing is not to allow sectarians to stand near explosives for a long time.


In this assignment, we need to shoot down the plane in which John is. When the plane is hit, John will jump with a parachute. We finish it off on the ground and watch the video.

Compulsory mercy

We go to John's bunker to free friends. We go along the sign, near the bunker itself there will be a large group of opponents. If you manage to pick up the weapons of armored enemies, it will help a lot. We go inside the bunker with the same weapon, there will be more armored enemies. We free Hudson and go with her to the passage.

We find rooms with prisoners and pull the levers to free them. Next, we go to the silo and go downstairs. We break the control panels and climb up. To make passages, shoot at the sparkling blocks. At the top, we jump over to the ledge. We shoot at the barrels to start a fire. To leave the bunker we pull the levers. With the help of the cat we climb onto the helicopter. The first region is free!

Kitty Kitty

We go to the part where Vera leads. We go into the territory and go from the bridge to the left. We stumble upon the house with the first prisoner. We save.

Find the taxidermist's workshop on the map and go there. We speak with the woman and get this task. We find food and take it away. We go along the sign to the habitat of the cougar. We clear the area and choose the bait for the cougar from the menu. Thus, we lure the puma to the farm. There is no need to be afraid that the meat will run out - it is endless. There will be more enemies on the farm. We put the puma in the corral and talk to the woman.

Marina Drabmenov

Marina Drabmenov is the next outpost we will go to. An armored guard will be waiting at the entrance, we deal with him secretly.

It is best to turn off 2 alarms so that there are no problems during the assault. One is on the dock and the other is on the building on the other side. Careful with the boat guarding the outpost from the river.

Leap of Faith

After clearing the outpost, hallucinations with Vera will appear. We jump and follow the sign.

Burn, burn clear

We go to the Moonflower Trailer Park. We jump on the roofs of the trailers and talk to the flamethrower. Boshaw will turn on the speakers and we will have to fight off the Angels. While they are running towards you, try to hit the head.

A little later, he will try to turn off the speakers, but he will not succeed. You have to do everything yourself. We turn it off manually, firing back at the sectarians. Disable all four and deal with the remaining enemies. After completing the task, the flamethrower can be taken with you.

Hope County Jail

We go to the prison, we take a lot of cartridges, since there will be a lot of enemies here. Having cleared the area, we watch the cut-scene. Now you need to defend the just-broken prison from the advancing enemies. There will be a grenade launcher in front of the gate, it is better to start with him.

The sectarians will climb the walls - we shoot them, not allowing to climb up. We deal with the sectarians in the courtyard and learn about the approach of the cistern. We are trying to have time to stop her. After that, we need to destroy three cars with columns that lure enemies.

The rescue

In the prison we speak with the sheriff and go to the rusty barge. We find all the enemies nearby and eliminate them. We make our way inside the barge and deal with the enemy on the deck. There will be a machine gunner nearby - he is the next target. Now the sniper is at the very top. Now you need to carefully remove the enemies remaining near the hostages. The first hostage is on the front deck, the second on the back, and the third and fourth in cages. To free them from their cages, you will have to find a lever on the edge. The hostage will also be at the very bottom. A little later, enemy vehicles will appear, it is better to meet them because of the machine gun on the rear deck. The quest will end after the hostages are released and the priestess is killed.

Clean Water Act

We speak with the doctor in the prison and go to the water purification station. We clean the area from sectarians. To get to the pumps, we jump into the pool and swim inside. To get into the second building in the same way - we blow up the barrel (with a grenade) and carry the garbage. We destroy the pumps inside.

False prophet

We speak with Tracy in prison and go by helicopter to the statue of the Father. We shoot it with a gun, if we run out of cartridges, we buy it. We fly according to the sign and leave the helicopter. We deal with the sectarians and go into the building. Using the levers, we lower the stairs and go up. On the fourth floor, you can find a rocket launcher to fight off the helicopters. At the top, we jump along the ledges and get to the book. We burn it.

Peaceful sky

We speak with Drubman and follow the signs. In the next two, we simply kill the pilots and other enemies. We go up the mountain and in the sky we see the required helicopter "Tulip". We are waiting for the helicopter to descend to the ground and carefully remove the pilot. We take away the Tulip helicopter and fly to Drabmen. We kill several enemies from the helicopter. We sit down on the ground and talk to Adelaide Drubman.


After reaching a certain number of resistance points, we fall into a hallucination of Faith. Go ahead and watch the cut-scene.

Sins of the Father

We get an assignment from a doctor in prison. We leave for the greenhouse, where the camp of the cultists is located. If we deal with the opponents covertly, then first we turn off two alarms, otherwise reinforcements will arrive.

Now we take Molotov cocktails or a flamethrower to set fire to the fields. The flamethrower can be picked up on the second floor of the building. To stop watering, look for yellow valves and shut off the water supply. The valves are in small sheds on the sides.

After that, Feeney will appear and fly away by helicopter. We go to the indicated place to look for it. We clean the territory from enemies and find a hatch near the helicopter. We go down into the bunker and deal with it.

Serve and protect

This quest is completed during the release of various hostages. Begins after completing the Sheriff's mission "Rescue".

War on drugs

We receive a task from Virgil and go to look for five boats and five trucks with drugs. This quest will also be completed while traveling through the open world.

Bliss in ignorance

After setting fire to the fields of blazh during the quest "Sins of the Father". We watch the cut-scene and save the marshal.

Doctor's appointment

We find Dr. Charles Lindsay, a marker points to her. If you did not find out about her from one of the rescued residents, then we are looking for her in the center of the area. We free a couple of prisoners on the spot. We speak with Charles and go to look for his bag. We dive into the water under the marker and pick up the bag in the cave. A helicopter and a group of enemies await us on the surface. You can take a grenade launcher under a canopy on the pier, it will help a lot.

Now let's go hunting, we need two pronghorn skins and a black bear skin. We go along the markers and find the targets. You may have to run after pronghorns. The difficulty is that the skins must be intact, you will have to use a bow or a machine gun. We take the skins to prison.

For a clean environment

At the outpost of "Marina Drabmenov" we speak with Xander and follow the sign. We clean the area and start hacking the computer. Protecting your computer from sectarians.

Then we add Adelaide Drubman to the team. We climb into the helicopter and look for a pointer. We find the place of departure of the boats, there we change to the boat and follow them. Or we are looking for a container, if we did not have time.

We climb the mountain to deal with the opponents. To open the shed we find the key in the house. Now we go to the containers and blow up all the barrels. If you didn’t find everything, you probably didn’t notice the barrels in the carriage.

Clinical research

We take the task from the doctor and go to check the bait for the Angels. We take it and go to the farm. We carefully kill the sectarians, but do not touch the angels. Then we put the bait on the table. We climb higher and observe. As we get the team, we deal with all the enemies. We hunt skunks and grizzlies to collect their skins.


When the resistance scale is almost full, this task will start automatically. We watch visions and fight off the prison from enemies. We follow the sign and climb onto the roof. There will be an entrance to the inside of the prison.

We eliminate the cultists and speak with Tracy. We find a key under the body of one of the enemies. We release Tracy from the cell. We watch the cut-scene, we pass the corridor behind the camera and go out into the street.

Lost heaven

The vision begins. When it ends, we begin to hunt for Vera. It's better not to come close. We need the ability to dodge her attacks and fend off the Angels. When she disappears, you can regroup and pick up ammunition in the center of the location. The machine gun is a great choice.

Now we need to find the real Faith among the doubles. You can not be very distracted by the Angels, focusing on the Faith. Thus we finish off all enemies.

Finish the journey

We start right after the previous task. We go through the bunker and find the weapon. After the showdown with the Angels, we speak with the sheriff. We find a place with valves and clean it.

Dinner time

From "Marina Drabmenov" we go up the map. Find Dr. Sarah Perkins. We kill the wolf from behind to get her down from the trailer. We receive a task from her - to catch a living Judge.

We go along the sign and deal with the enemies in the camp. We find the lever in the center of the camp and open the corral. We find the Judge and lure him into the corral. Now we quickly run away from there and pull the lever to close the car. We speak with the doctor and finish the task.

Prodigal son

We rise higher on the map and find the house of the Drubmen family. We speak with the man and his son. We sit in the back seat of the car and drive with Herk. We come and go to the tower, here the enemies are waiting for us.

We climb the ledge along the ropes. Then we go downstairs to the house. We deal with the cultists and take a pickup truck. We sit down in the place of the shooter and fight off the enemies. We come to their house and hand over the assignment.

Bring Hope back to its former greatness

We immediately get a new task. We go along the sign to the crossroads, we deal with the sectarians. Then help will appear and two helicopters. The task will be completed when you kill all enemies.

The right to arms

We find the center for animals "Fang" on the map and go there. It will be very difficult to secretly pass this location. It is full of wolves that can smell the hero at a great distance. To make things easier, it's best to sneak in and turn off the alarm. But first you need to deal with the machine gunner and the armored soldier, as quietly as possible. From the place where the armored soldier was, both alarms are clearly visible - turn them off. Now you need to deal with the wolves and the remaining enemies. When the outpost is cleared we speak with Wade and take the task from him.

We leave according to the sign for fishing. A fishing rod, if not already, can be bought from a merchant nearby. We catch salmon and move on. We deal with the enemies and find the Cheeseburger bear. We give him the catch and protect him from the enemies that have appeared.

The world is weak

After receiving a certain number of resistance points, the task will start automatically. We find ourselves in an unknown revenge and see the countdown timer. While time goes by, we go and shoot all enemies on the way, you can use miscellaneous weapons, here it is full. After we watch the cut-scene.


We speak with Eli Palmer in the wolf den. We go along the pointer. Here you need to rescue the hostages. One is in the house, the second is on the road near the house (it is guarded by sectarians from above), the third and fourth will be in the next building. The sectarians took two more prisoners to the mountain. We quickly release them and fight off enemies, among which there will be a helicopter (to deal with it, there is a rocket launcher next to it).

Get it for free

Palmer's next assignment. We go to the hotel and kill all the sectarians here. On the ground floor on the table we take the keys to the laundry. Briggs is on the third floor in room 306. We turn on another tape on the tape recorder. After that, the enemies will come running and we will have to fight back. To fight off the helicopter, we use the rocket launcher or machine guns on the second floor. Then there will be another group of enemies. The most dangerous of which are snipers and armored enemies. We fight off everyone and complete the task.

Radio silence

In the wolf's lair we speak with Tammy Barnes and get the task. We go to the radio tower and, with the help of a cat, we climb onto it. We break the signal muffler. We repeat these actions on the second tower. Now we find and destroy the truck with the third silencer. The most convenient way to do this is from a helicopter.


In the wolf's den, we speak with Whichi and go to the radio tower. Above we find a map with the locations of the hiding places of the survivalists. Near the tower we find a helicopter, to move on it much faster. We fly to Cooper's house, deal with the enemies and find a yellow box inside the building built into the mountain. We fly further and find a hatch leading to the cache. The sectarians have already found the third cache. We catch up with them and kill the VIP sectarian, who took all the goods from the cache. We carry everything to the wolf's den.

We must be strong

Jacob's second quest. Here, just as in the previous one, we walk along the corridors and shoot enemies like in a shooting range.

Sawmill "Baron"

We leave for the next outpost. There will be an armored soldier and an alarm located on a high tower. A safe with valuables can be found in the building on the right.

A dish served cold

Having cleared the sawmill, we take the task from Jess. We go with her and kill enemies along the way. We find the observation point and go down. We go along the tunnel to the other side. We climb up and slowly deal with the enemies. If we free all three captives, we will get more experience.

We go further and get down on the rope. We need to kill the sniper in the jump. There will be more enemies and three captives. We go to the next point. We deal with ordinary opponents, and only then with the Cook (we try to keep our distance from his flamethrower).

Sacrifice the weak

Again Jacob finds us, and again we make our way through the shooting range with enemies, using various weapons.

Search and rescue

We receive this task from Eli, and it is completed as we travel through the area. We only need to save twenty captives.

Eviction Notice

From Tammy Brans in the bunker we get this quest. We follow the sign and deal with the sectarians in the courtyard. There are a lot of enemies here, it's good that there is no alarm. We put the first explosives on the first floor of the house. Then the second and move away.

Only you

After the full filling of the scale of resistance in the region, we will have the last meeting with Jacob. First, there will be a familiar shooting range, and then you will have to destroy six beacons guarded by enemies.

We return to real world and we climb the mountain. On the way, we deal with the sectarians and try to catch up with Jacob. You can try to get into it from afar. In any case, we finish it off and watch the cut-scene.

Victims of war

We go to Jacob's bunker and we clean the area outside. Then we go inside, there will be more enemies. We go to the control room and save Pratt. To get out of the flooded room we find the stairs (there are two of them). You can not finish off the remaining enemies, but simply run past them. We get out of the bunker and complete the task to free the third region.

Epilogue (Where It All Started)

After cleaning three regions and dealing with John, Faith and Jacob, we get the last task. Dutch sends us to the main cult base to deal with Joseph.

We get to the church of Joseph, go to the door and watch the cut-scene. Here the player will have to make a choice: fight him or take his friends and leave.

If we decide to figure it out, then we attack our friends and raise them. We cannot kill them, but if we hesitate for a long time, they can go mad again. Until we bring all the friends to life, Sid will appear. When we help everyone and a sign appears over Joseph, we will attack him. Now, together with friends, we leave by car to the bunker in the allotted time. Watching the final video.

The first "Far Edge" was a fairly ordinary project, which, however, received the highest marks. This happened because of the great graphics and elaboration of the world. But from the technical point of view, it was an ordinary shooter, which could not yet be distinguished from all the others in any way. But starting from the second part, everything became much more interesting - new opportunities appeared, which in the third episode developed into a full-fledged open world with a large number of non-plot tasks and huge prospects for your character.

Naturally, it will be very difficult to describe the passage of all these tasks, and you can ignore many of them, which will not affect game process- except that it will be a little more difficult for you, since your hero will not develop. But the storyline should be analyzed in more detail. It includes forty chapters, each of which will take you a little less than an hour. Walkthroughs of "Far Edge 3" are different, but this one will include only plot chapters.

Chapters 1-5

In the first chapter you will meet the main character 3 "- He, together with his brother and friends, went to rest on the island, which was attacked by pirates. And now he sits in a cage with his brother. Naturally, he is not going to sit for a long time - you need to make an attempt to escape Unfortunately, the attempt fails, and your brother dies, and you are released to hunt you later as entertainment. But the pirates did not calculate their forces, and you managed to escape. in the person of a good guy Dennis, who takes you to the nearest village, and here you can already come to your senses, look around, and most importantly - get a pistol.

After that, you will open the entire arsenal for purchase, and even a couple of barrels for free, as a gift. Then you should go to the forest to hunt and collect useful herbs. You will need some of them on the quest, and save the rest for yourself - it will come in handy in the future. Following this, you learn that your girlfriend is being taken to the outpost, which you decide to attack. To do it secretly, from the rear, or to attack head-on is your decision. In any case, the girl will not be there, she ran away, but you will find a useful flash drive, according to the information from which you will go to Dr. Earnhardt. Find him, he has Daisy, your brother's girlfriend, but she is really bad, she needs an antidote, which you can find at the foot of the waterfall. Naturally, mushrooms are not easy, and they will cause hallucinations and unpleasant memories in you, but they will help Daisy. These are the vicissitudes of the passage of "Far Edge 3" await you on the way - and this is just the beginning. It will be even more interesting further.

Chapters 6-10

So, you have to continue Jason's adventures on an island ruled by pirates. Naturally, this suggests that the features of the passage of "Far Edge 3" are still ahead.

First, you will need to catch a signal from a pirate ship, infiltrate and capture it, while simultaneously destroying a group of pirates who would like to moor, thereby strengthening the squad of villains. After that, it turns out that pirates are attacking the village with the aim of exterminating it - you need to prevent this by destroying the villains' weapons depot. In the process, you find out that your girlfriend Lisa is being held in a local prison - go there and get ready for an assault. Again, you can decide for yourself whether you want to fight in a frontal attack or try to remove the guards without being noticed.

In the prison you will have to strain, but you will be able to save Lisa, and you will be able to leave there by car, firing back from the pirates who came in time to help. Back at Dr. Earnhardt's hideout, you learn that Daisy is trying to fix the boat, but she is missing a part that ended up on the ocean floor - it's time to play the diver. Far Edge 3 walkthrough storyline does not represent monotonous shooting with banal targets - you will be offered the most interesting and original tasks, for which you will need dexterity, ingenuity, and other characteristics.

Chapters 11-16

Immediately after this, you will be asked to go to the holy temple of Citra to receive a vision and prediction. Even such magical twists and turns offers you "Far Edge 3". The passage of this task will not be the most difficult, as it will happen in your hallucination, where you will go after the shining white man. Naturally, Jason will want to follow the same route that was in his vision. This will lead him to Badtown, where he can play cards with other players in the tavern. This must be done until a man in a white suit appears - the same one from the vision. After going after him, you will find that this is FBI Special Agent Willis, who has a task for you - to burn down the marijuana fields belonging to Hoyt - a local bigwig who is also the boss for Vas, the captain of all the pirates of the island. Now you need to burn five fields, the first of them is guarded by only two pirates, but the rest are a huge number, so you have to try.

Returning after the assignment to Willis, you will find out that Hoyt wants something from the local village, and for you this is a chance to annoy the main villain. As soon as you see that the native settler was able to escape from the village, get sniper rifle and shoot those who are pursuing him. Then you will need to carefully walk through the mined field, free the person, but he will want to return to the village, so you will have to follow him, lock yourself in the house and shoot back from a large number of villains. This is expensive in terms of ammunition, but you will find out where your friend Oliver is being taken. Go in pursuit and rescue your friend in a fierce firefight, after which you will need to run away from the pirates, but on a boat equipped with a stationary machine gun. Passing the game "Far Edge 3" gradually allows you to gather all your friends together to get out of the prevailing binding.

Chapters 16-20

In Badtown, Far Edge 3 takes a new turn, spanning five chapters at once. You will meet the pirate Buck, who is ready to give you your friend Keith for a dagger. Only the dagger is not ordinary, but that of the famous Emperor Lin Kong. The only problem is that Lin is buried with this dagger, and to open his tomb, you need to collect three parts of the compass. Therefore, you will first need to visit and fetch all possible information about the knife from the laptop, then go to the abandoned bunker, where you can find the first part of the key. The second will be in the old mine, and the third will be in a cave on the shore of a large lake.

When you have collected all three pieces of the key, go to the tomb and take the dagger. Bring it to Baku, who will take you to the basement where he is holding Keith captive. However, the pirate is not a man of honor, and he decides to leave you in the same cage where he kept Keith. Well, you wanted to do everything honestly, Buck asked for it himself - you have to kill him. It turns out that the pirate tortured Keith, and he hardly comes to his senses, after which he tells you not the most pleasant news - your younger brother Riley has died. Here is such a sad turn that the passage of "Far Edge 3" takes - the beginning took your older brother from you, and the middle of the game took your younger brother. But what to do - you need to survive further.

Chapters 21-25

Came the most interesting moment"Far Edge 3" - walkthrough. Reckoning is the twenty-fifth chapter in which you have to kill Vasa. But we still have to live before that. So, the dagger remained with you, and this is for the best, since you can return it to Citra. However, this will not be enough - you have to free the captive indigenous people who will be transported in a convoy. To do this, you will need to mine a car on the way and climb onto a sniper tower to fire at passing cars and pirates from there. It's much more difficult than before because the villains are better trained, but with the right weapon skill, you can handle it. Storm the armored car with the prisoners. When it stops, open the door. And again an ambush! You are grabbed, tied, tied to your feet with a stone and sent to the ocean floor.

However, you are not so easy to kill - untie and swim to the shore. There you need to take away the weapons from the guards and get to the helicopter, which, unfortunately, will be shot down almost immediately after your takeoff. You will be thrown into a common grave, from which you will need to get out, suddenly waking up. Now you need to clear the pirate camp, but for this you need to return all your equipment - then things will go much better. Then return to Citra and take another concoction that will trigger your vision. This time it is quite dangerous - you will need to fight an incomprehensible monster using a bow and arrow. That's all - now go to the island of Vasa, since you have absolutely all abilities open. Naturally, there is a trap - everything is on fire, so you will need to make your way to the head of the pirates through hallucinations caused by carbon monoxide in order to kill him. However, this is not the end of "Far Edge 3", the passage. The ending will not be soon.

Chapters 26-30

Now you have to return to the temple of Citra to listen to her gratitude for everything you have done for the island. Naturally, this is not a Minecraft walkthrough - Far Edge 3 is a completely different game. In "Minecraft" there is no plot at all, but here it gradually develops and with the murder of Vasa moves to a new level.

Your friends have repaired the boat and are ready to sail away, but you refuse. Your new goal, which you have chosen for yourself, is to kill Hoyt, the main villain of all the islands. Therefore, say goodbye to your friends, and after they leave, take three pills, each of which will tell you a part of the story of how you got to this island. After that, go to a meeting with Agent Willis, who has information about Hoyt's whereabouts. You will need to get to the take-off area by ATV in five minutes, but you won't be able to fly away right away - pirates attack the plane and damage it. Now you need to guard both the flying car and Willis, who is fixing it. After that, feel free to hit the road.

In flight, Willis gives you a secret development - a flying suit, with the help of which you can easily get to the island where Hoyt's base is located. This is where you must meet Willis, Sam. Head to the bar and play cards until your new parterre appears. He already has a plan for how you can get closer to Hoyt. You take on a new name and join the ranks of the pirate recruits. At the base, you have to listen to the speech of the villain himself, after which you can freely move around the territory. Unfortunately, one of the most striking characters of "Far Edge 3" - Citra will no longer appear, the passage of its chapters has already ended. So get used to the new environment, now you have completely different goals.

Chapters 31-35

It's time for you to start leading your double life, but this will no longer be such a mission as, for example, one of the most memorable in the first half of the game "Far Edge 3" - "Medusa". The passage will require complete stealth from you, you will need to eliminate three mercenaries, who must have a scheme of a secret object. This must be done so that no one can see, otherwise you will reveal yourself and destroy your own disguise. It doesn't matter in what order you kill them, the documents will still be on the body of the third. After that, you will need to be distracted by the main task - protecting the Hoyt plantation from the rebellious pirates. Together with Sam, clear the entire territory, and then return to your underground life again - go to the leaders of the mercenaries in the mine and make a serious mess there.

Naturally, no one knows that you are doing all this - Hoyt is pleased with your actions and wants to personally thank and praise you. Then you need to go down to the basement, where you will find Riley alive - apparently, Keith saw how he was wounded, but thought that he was dead. Now you have to beat up your brother to keep your disguise. But Hoyt will still get his due for this and for all his dirty deeds. The full passage of "Far Edge 3" is already gradually coming to an end, and you will not have long to wait for righteous revenge. But first, go to the secret facility and blow up the huge satellite dish that provides Hoyt's connection to the outside world. Since the object is classified, you can not bother with disguise and act openly.

Chapters 36-40

After destroying the antenna, you need to take on Hoyt. This will end the passage of "Far Edge 3" - the final will remain in front of you. That is, when you blow up the tower and start a series of the last four tasks, you will be disabled access to free play - you will need to complete the quest, and then return to your business. Therefore, blow up the tower, decide with what weapon you will fight, buy ammunition and other equipment - and hit the road. You are about to meet Hoyt for a game of poker. In the course of the conversation, you will understand that Hoyt has figured out you - he understood who the explosions at the two most important objects are connected with. This will be followed by an impressive knife battle, as a result of which you will rid the islands of their main trouble.

However, this does not end there, because you will need to free your brother from prison before he was sold into slavery. Go to Hoyt's base and shoot all the mercenaries until you find the camera where Riley is being held. Rescue him and run to the helicopter. Your brother will drive the vehicle, and you will shoot back from the onboard machine gun. After that, you will learn that the pirates attacked the house of Dr. Earnhardt, you will find him inside, and before he dies, he will tell you that the thoughts of Citra are not so pure. You need to return to the temple and go through another hallucination in order to return the blade. And here you have two options for completion - you can save your girlfriend Lisa and your friends by killing Citra, or kill Lisa and everyone else and make love to Citra, after which she will thrust a dagger into your heart. But even in this case, you can continue the game, because after your screen turns gray, darkens and goes out, it turns on again, and on it there will be a coast, an ocean and a blade sticking out of the sand. So the passage of "Far Edge 3" has ended. Werewolf Sam, Special Agent Willis and many others are unforgettable characters, each of which you will remember for a long time. Believe me, you will definitely want to play the fourth part of this wonderful series.

Cheats for the game

There are two parts to make the process of passing Far Edge 3 easier. Part 1 is the developer codes. Naturally, it is best to complete the game on your own - this way you will get much more pleasant impressions and emotions. But if you have problems, then on the way to the object you will need to add, for example - GameProfile_GodMode 1. With this command, you can ensure yourself complete invulnerability. The UnlimitedAmmo code gives you infinite ammo, IgnorePlayer gives you invisibility to enemies, and SkipIntroMovies gives you skip cutscenes. As you can see, these codes do not provide many options. To get more, go to the second part.


Trainers are special third-party programs that allow you to make changes to the game code. With the help of predefined keyboard shortcuts, you can get money, and health, and accuracy, and elimination of recoil, and much more. So you will be able to customize the game much more precisely to your taste.