Watch the walkthrough of the game Tom Rider. Passage of Shadow of the Tomb Raider: complete passage of all missions. Secret city. The final

Follow the mountain trail and learn the basics of the game, from climbing with both hands and a pickaxe. Use acceleration to jump long distances. Be sure to press [X] while jumping onto an icy surface to catch on to it.

Having reached the entrance to the cave, Lara will fall down. Press [X] to hook on the edge. Jump to the right and climb up on the ice, and then jump to Jonah.

After leaving the cave, jump onto the icy surface of the rock and move to the right. Next, make a giant jump to the other side. Continue upstairs until the cutscene begins.

When Lara is hanging down, move the left analog stick left and right to swing. Press [X] when you are close enough to jump.

Go upstairs. When the avalanche starts, quickly jump over the bridges, avoiding falling rocks and snow.

When Lara starts to slide on the ice, press [X] to hook on the edge. Jump quickly to the other side and move on.

Take a giant leap to complete the prologue.

Tomb of the prophet

Walk along the cliff and use the skills gained during the previous mission to get to the cave entrance.

Follow the dark corridor until you reach a room illuminated by sunlight. The cut-scene will begin. After her, to translate the monolith, examine the three murals nearby. When the Greek level reaches one, return to the monolith. Now you can read it. In the future, the translation of such monoliths will give the location of caches with good loot. Having found a cache, we follow on.

Approach a flimsy section of the wall and hold the [X] key to break the wall. Go outside.

Look to the left - there you will see your way further. Jump and stop in time, because buildings will collapse. Go upstairs and enter the dark passage.

Inside will be the first major trap. Time will slow down, and a device with three stakes will move towards you. Shoot the small wooden beam higher up to break the structure. Remember that such a trap can only be broken with a firearm. You can also try to jump back.

We pass further. The floor will fall through and Lara will be in the water. Shoot at the small wooden beam, which is suspended just above the wooden platform itself, which should fall into the water after firing. Then we destroy the wall to fill the room with water. You can do it in the reverse order - it doesn't matter.

When the platform is in the water and the room is filled with water, swim up and climb onto this wooden platform, move on.

When Lara is trapped, shoot the spear trap again to destroy it, and then quickly press [X] to get out of the trap.

Swim as fast as possible and press quickly to get to the surface.

Jump down into the water or walk right along the wall to reach the broken wall. Destroy it so that there is more water in the room. Then go back to the place where you entered here. Jump over the wooden platforms against the wall and then onto the suspended wooden platform to raise the barricade and flood the room even more.

Next, jump into the water and swim to the far side of the room, most likely to the right. Climb along the right side of the temple and go further, but beware of the trap with spears in the floor. To avoid falling, either jump over it quickly or go around, but jumping is generally safer.

Jump to the left side and enter the corridor. Beware of the spear trap.

The next location contains a small puzzle. Ignore the platform you can jump onto and shoot the other one first.

Then follow to the far right corner to destroy the wall and fill the room with water. Next, jump to the platform. It will wash you away.

Once in the water, climb onto the platform that you knocked down and jump onto the pole. Next, jump to the beam above the platform to raise the barricade. Hold on tight until you are washed away. Next, see the cut-scene.

After that, just run. Reach the end of the corridor before water or enemies overtake you.

Siberian game

First you need to warm up and build a shelter. Go ahead and collect the necessary materials: skins and wood. Just walk past the old camp to the small trees and deer carcass in the clearing. When you have everything you need, return to the camp.

After the cutscene, head down the trail on the far side of your camp. There will be a tree with which you can climb the ledge. Walk forward in the snow to find the signal source and flash.

To get away from the bear, run and jump on inclines while remaining in deep snow. Always use the sprint on landing to avoid injury. When it comes to fighting, choose your time carefully. You can quickly attack him in melee, but only when the bear is close enough.

The treatment is fairly easy. You need cloth and leaves from a red berry bush. Poisoned arrows are also easy to craft. First, you need arrows. If you don't have them yet, then you can either pick them up or craft them from wood and feathers. Next, find three poisonous mushrooms. One will be on the way through the story, and two more to the right of the entrance to the cave after jumping or descending down the rope. Return to camp, process arrows and rest.

Then you can practice shooting or stealth. Try different techniques. Headshots are a great choice because will not make any noise, but if you are noticed, an alarm will be raised. If someone's enemies are missing, they will start to worry and go for reconnaissance, sinning on the local residents. Therefore, it is best to kill when they are not in the field of vision of their companions.

Go back and kill the bear. Two poisonous arrows plus 3-5 normal, but shot in the head, arrows will be enough to kill the bear. Alternate poisonous with one or two normal ones to deal more damage and also attack him while he is disoriented. Next, go to the far side of the room and break the wall. Then, climb higher, swim and then dive, making your way through the ice caves until you reach the exit, to the outskirts of the Soviet base.

Climb down the rope and go through the forest. Better to go through this section secretly, especially at higher difficulty levels. Use a variety of objects, such as bottles, as a distraction.

After reaching the entrance to the Soviet base, kill all the mercenaries in any way you see fit before heading upstairs. From there, follow the tightrope to a new area, where you can find the first firearms- revolver. Use it to kill two men behind glass. Go to the room next to it and the cutscene will begin.

Kill all enemies. It is best to do this: be the first to kill the mercenary who is closest to you with an arrow. Wait until he moves to the left before killing him. The next one is above the one you just killed. Do not shoot until it is too far to the left to be seen. The third is on the right. Don't shoot him. Wait until it reaches the gas leak. Throw a lantern into the gas to cause an explosion. Several mercenaries will start attacking outside. Kill them and move on.

Climb the watchtower and follow the rope down to the next location. Walk towards the mountain and climb a tree on a small hill to get high enough to get out of here. Continue through the hut up the tower to ride the zipline to the end point.

Jail break

After the cutscene, rip off the pipe and use it to destroy the wall. There you will find a recurve bow as well as a rope. You can use it to grab or break anything wrapped in rope, such as a block at the top of Lara's cage. Use this to get out.

Follow Jacob. Explore the area to learn more about the base. Leave the room by breaking the door and climbing onto the roof of the building. You will need to clear the location. After that, open the inner gate with the lever inside the building.

Use new arrows with rope to connect the strapped top of the broken ladder to the lower platform. Go up and around the building until you get to Jacob. After the cutscene, your path will go through the sewers. Get to the end and break down all doors on your way.

When you reach a place with water in which an electric mechanism is stuck, shoot it with an arrow and rope, hook and lift it out of the water. Open the door and take the assault rifle. Kill three as quickly as possible. Here you will learn how to create explosives, so use them to clear your way. The final part of this mission consists of running and swimming along a fairly linear route.

Alone again

Use the rope to descend to the foot of the mountain and continue to the Soviet base. Use the Rope Arrows to bring down the barricade and then climb the yellow carriage stairs. Follow forward until you reach yellow stairs, fragile barricades and other structures, along which you can climb up. Once upstairs, you can create a Molotov cocktail. Use them against unarmored enemies, as well as to burn down certain barricades and shelters.

Directly opposite there will be a wall that needs to be set on fire in order to open the passage further. Hook the rope onto the crane and move to the wooden platform. Then, again, with the help of the rope, pull the trolley towards you and clear the way. Jump and move on. Climb up the cliff and then along the buildings. Use the rope to move to the next location, but be prepared for battle.

Ultimately you will have to use a Molotov cocktail to destroy the obstacle. Around everything will be engulfed in fire, so you will have to quickly fight your way to the exit. Beware of fire as it does damage over a long period of time. After leaving the building with a jump and a rope over the bridge, you will complete the mission.

Abandoned mines

Go through the mine until everything crumbles and you are cut off from Jacob. Run forward. When you reach a safe place, kill three men, and then activate the elevator. Move the cart to the very end and climb up on it. Take a combat knife and use it to cut both cables holding the elevator. When the elevator falls, climb onto it, and then onto the icy vertical surface and further upward.

Follow the corridor until you reach the main part of the mine. First, kill both men next to you, and then two more a little further away. Using the rope attached to the door, move to the other side.

Jump down and then move along the rope on the right, attached to the half-dumped truck. First, knock the cart in the middle off the cliff. Then go to the drum and shoot the minecart to connect them with a rope. Pull the trolley towards you, and then cut the rope so that the truck falls, breaking the door bolt. Go to the back of the site, then along the cable to the other side. There will be several waves of enemies here, so be careful.

There will be an ice wall on the far left of the hall. Climb up on it. Next there will be a barricaded door - break it with arrows with a rope. Then climb higher along the ice wall, where you will need to kill several more enemies.

Climb the stairs to the next location. Use the rope to get over to the crane, and then to the opposite side of the building. Move the trolley closer to the cliff and connect it and the vat suspended from the crane with a rope. Then pull the vat so that it starts to fill with water. The whole structure will begin to crumble. Run on the crane to the large gate.

Exit the room, avoiding the trap, and swim underwater through the underwater tunnels. After reaching the surface, climb up the left side until you reach the rope. Jump on it to complete the mission.

Geothermal valley

Follow to the farthest part of the village, using your survival instinct if necessary. You can get there in different ways, so choose the one you like the most.

Once in the ruins, go to the broken bridge to signal the tower. Use the arrow to drag the rope over the cliff to climb it to the other side. You will receive fiery arrows with which you can light the beacon.

When the battle begins, move back to the mainland. Follow through the ruins to the beginning of the mess, on the right side of the mountain. You will now receive a shotgun. With it, you can kill an unarmored enemy with one shot, but it is better to use it against armored targets, for example, a mercenary with a flamethrower. Roll and dodge as often as possible to get behind him and then shoot (4-5 shots will be enough). You won't be able to hide, because all shelters are made of wood. The shotgun reloads pretty quickly, so you have to defeat it effortlessly.


Walk across the pond and then up the stone wall until you reach the place where the villagers were supposed to be hiding. Look to the left and see your path. You will need to cross the abyss, climbing the walls or over the rope bridge you created. Swim to the next location and get down to the battlefield.

The path to the Acropolis is more or less straight, but along the way you will encounter enemies. Kill them to clear the way for Jacob's daughter. After clearing the market, go right. Go downstairs, where you will deal with the next group of mercenaries, after which the floor will fall through, and you will find yourself in a new corridor. Kill the mercenaries before they start the execution.

After the cutscene, break the wall to the left of the door and go all the way. There you will receive explosive arrows, with the help of which you can blow up the debris blocking the door. Then fight your way up the tower, killing the Trinity mercenaries in order to protect the villagers.

Flooded archive

After overcoming the abyss using arrows with a rope, you will receive a new ax, as well as learn the various possibilities of using it.

Then go down to the valley where the Trinity mercenaries have set up a camp. Kill them in any way, but remember that stealth is safer when dealing with heavily armored enemies, especially in large numbers. However, if you are confident in your abilities, you can safely attack without hiding, because this way of passing is much faster.

After you make an ascent to the house, you will find yourself in a location with an even larger number of enemies. Poison arrows are very effective against heavily armored enemies. they do not take into account the presence of armor.

Both the shotgun and the rifle are both good options, in this case, there are a lot of cylinders around, which easily explode, so it will not be difficult for those who like to shoot to clear the location. For those who prefer stealth, it will be easy too - enemies are easy to separate. Walk through the house and then onto the wall on the opposite side.

In the next location with dense vegetation, beware of the mountain lion hiding in the foliage. Continue your way up the side of the castle using your battle ax. In the end, after neutralizing several scattered enemies, you will be taken inside, where Anna will be. After the cut-scene, turn off the generators before you are torn apart. Then go downstairs to the Atlas.

Fight back so the Trinity doesn't get the Atlas.

Trinity will bring big guns with them to this battle. Use fire containers to take down powerful enemies as they walk right next to them. The next area will be full of heavily armored enemies, so stealth will be preferred. If you are spotted, then a shotgun and explosives will be effective.

In the next location, use Greek fire to knock down the statue of the prophet. The first is easy. Just shoot him. Further - on the right. There will be a lever with handles wrapped in ropes on both sides. Using the arrows and rope, pull it to the opposite side with the fire barrel cage. Then shoot the barrel from both sides. You will need to walk around, but when both are at the ends, lift one end so that it is level with the platform. Cut the rope that it is holding so that it falls into the water, then shoot it.

Next, there will be a slightly different puzzle. Lower one barrel so that it floats to the barricade, and then detonate it before lowering the second barrel. Then swim quickly to the other side, or do it well in advance. Use the rope arrows to direct the barrel into the correct stream and then detonate it.

Run with all your might as the immortal soldiers try to kill you. When you see barrels of Greek fire, continue on your way, but stay away from them, because they will want to blow them up.

Then swim to the exit. The path will be pretty straightforward, after which you will know the good news.

Research base

Return to the Soviet base, where Lara started having difficulties. Receive the new kind arrows to navigate the sparse forest in order to reach the rope, along which you can go down to the base. After a short rest from the cold in the tunnel, continue through the tunnels and chasms until you reach enemy-controlled territory. The path is quite straight, sometimes it has forks, providing several options for passing. Fly over the forest and get ready for battle.

You will find truck tracks in the snow. On them you will reach the Trinity base. Further, the best choice would be stealth, and this is facilitated by a large number of arrows scattered around. After killing the two men, go through the forest to the red car. Deal with the enemies as you wish, but bear in mind that they are walking alone.

After all enemies are defeated, use the wide-tipped arrows to climb the wooden wall at the top of the forest. There will be a guard consisting of two men, but you can kill them with two quick bow shots. Make your way through enemies and the forest until you reach a hole in the wall of the base. This will lead you to a frozen pond, and then dive. When you are under water, do not emerge from the first hole, because this will lead to your quick death. It is better to swim by, so that you can easily take down enemies with a bow.

Return to the forest once more to kill a total of seven enemies - four of them go in pairs and the other three go together. Couples can be easily killed, provided you are fast enough. Those who are three are more difficult to separate until they see someone dead. In any case, act as you like best. Go through the base, climb the yellow stairs until you reach Atlas, but not Iona.

Get to Jonah before it's too late. He is still held captive and is being interrogated by Constantine.

Run to where Jonah is being held, killing enemies along the way. Stealth is not necessary here. Follow a fairly linear path, avoiding obstacles and overcoming obstacles.

After reaching Jonah, you need to clear the area. With the fight, make your way through the house, while the shotgun will be the most optimal choice. After a while, a helicopter will appear, from which they will begin to fire at the house with the help of machine guns. Move as fast as you can.

In the final part, you will need to deal with several heavily armored mercenaries. Your advantage? Water. If you are careful, you can make sure that they end up in the water, where you can easily kill them. Their advantage? Thermal vision. If the smoke helps you to hide, then if suddenly someone aims at you with a laser, you will be immediately detected and they will start shooting at you. So be careful. Avoid lasers. The most effective way to deal with them is with Molotov cocktails.


Go down to the room and break the wall to go through the tunnels. Use wide-tipped arrows to traverse the desired areas, but make sure not to use them too close or too far apart. Aim for the edges of the white circles that will appear.

After reaching the planetarium, go through the hole in the wall to get to the very bottom of it. To solve the puzzle, do the following:

  • Use the arrows with the rope to pull the first revolving platform towards you.
  • Use the rope arrows to rotate the climbing platform on the left 180 degrees.
  • Climb to the lower climbing platform.
  • Use the battle ax to hook onto the next platform.
  • Climb to the next climbing platform.
  • Climb the wall.

Now you need to move the locking mechanism, go to the other side and move another one. Everything will start moving. Jump to the center, then wait until you can jump to the lower platform, then to the beam and then to the platform at the correct time. Then jump to the final platform, then to the center of the structure, and then climb to the very top.

The path of the immortals

Use the wide-tipped arrows to cross the chasm and continue to the old city. You need to move along the walls and go up a little, after which the camera will be in such a foreshortening that you will see the marching army.

After a while you will be attacked by a warrior. Press [Y] quickly to kill him before a big mess starts. The best would be to use a shotgun, poison and explosive arrows, and also use Greek fire, undermining it when enemies are near it. Making your way through waves of enemies, make your way to the old city. Do not stand still when they start attacking you with fire.

When you reach the next location, be careful not to fall off the cliff.

Lost city

Use the rope to quickly cross the old town and reach the gate. Once in place, go back and climb up to the right, to the trebuche. There will be many heavily armored enemies here, but most will only carry melee weapons. Next, go to the far right corner and use the wide-tipped arrows to create your way up the wall. When you reach the trebuchet, kill the guards and break the gate with it. Go back and go through the gate.

Head left through the next gate and you will receive armor-piercing arrows. Next, you will have to fight with several waves of enemies, so do not waste your ammo. Use poison arrows and Greek fire when enemies are in groups. You can also use a shotgun, assault rifle, or fire arrows against heavily armored enemies.

After clearing the location, go through the door and go up to the trebuche. Aim it at a nearby ledge with a pole wrapped in rope. Then go to this platform and use the arrow and rope to connect this post and the debris stuck in the trebuche. Then turn the trebuchet to the gate and the debris will move. Now you can shoot at the goal.

You will need to use the trebuchet on the other side to fire the second shot. To get there, use arrows with a rope when necessary. Having reached the place, you will need to do something similar to how you freed the huge door in the mine from blocking. First, go to a good vantage point on the far side of the upper level. Use the arrows with rope to connect the can and the lever. Stretch it under the waterfall to fill, lifting the metal-ornamented end. Make sure the ornament is flush with the ice and pour the water out of the jug. Run and jump onto the ornament as fast as you can, swinging and hitting the ice so that it breaks and the trebuchet is freed. Use siege weapons to kill archers before shooting at the gates.

Use an arrow with a rope to go down to the lower level, where the archers were. Head towards the gate. Deal with several enemies until you reach the end of the roof. Now again use the arrows and rope to create a cable car, along which you can go down. Run through the gate and kill the enemies behind them.

Climb the wall using all the skills learned, incl. arrows with a wide tip. Make your way to the tower, the highest part of the city, avoiding enemies, falling ice and debris. Having reached the top, you will need to fight the Trinity mercenaries. Use explosives and poison arrows, as well as Greek fire. Shotgun and assault rifle... Unlike them, hide behind shelters against immortal soldiers and move only between them, but carefully, because they throw grenades.

First there will be a fight with a helicopter in several stages. Aim and shoot from the trebuchet to damage the helicopter. Three hits are required to win. Between shots you will be attacked by a group of enemies, while it is better to take a position on a hill. If you do everything right, then you will have to fight with only two waves of enemies.

After the floor breaks, you will find yourself in a room with a large number of immortal soldiers. You can easily kill them all in stealth, but it is better to attack from above instead of from behind.

Battle against Constantine

You will have neither allies nor weapons, only hope and acquired skills. Attack him with hidden attacks from above or from behind, two is enough to overwhelm him. Next, choose what to do with it: kill or give life.

The main problem with restarting Tomb raider there was not a mediocre scenario and not even a turning point somewhere in the third or fourth hour, when the game spat on everything and turned into a shooting gallery. The main problem was that the developers from Crystal Dynamics were supposedly trying to prove to the whole world, and above all to themselves, that they could be no worse than Naughty Dog. Alas, it turned out worse.

Rise of the tomb Raider, fortunately, does not try to prove anything to anyone. This time, the studio made exactly Tomb Raider - a modern, more spectacular, but still the same Tomb Raider.

They’ll know my name

IN Rise of the Tomb Raider we continue to watch Lara's transformation into a true tomb raider. Mysterious events on the island of Yamatai convinced Lara of the correctness of her father, who gave a considerable part of his life in search of the legendary Source of Life, supposedly giving the owner immortality.

Failing to find convincing evidence of the existence of the Source, Croft Sr. fell under a barrage of ridicule from the press and the scientific community, could not stand the shame and committed suicide when his daughter was still a child. Lara, on the other hand, vowed to complete what she had begun and find the artifact - by and large, to atone for the fact that at one time she did not believe in her father's research.

The script stopped squeezing out sympathy with ostentatious drama. Lara still has a hard time (painful, cold, sad), but no more tearful scenes and false “becoming a strong woman” through attempts to rape the heroine and smash her on the rocks.

Lady Croft, while remaining kind, intelligent, honest and compassionate, hits hard, shoots well, swears dirty with a distinct British accent, and spits in the face of the main villain, being tied to a chair in a dark basement. The scriptwriters succeed in such an image of Lara much better than the image of a wailing girl with armature in her stomach.

One of the introductory levels takes place in Syria, but then we move to Siberia.

Wild animals and patrolmen can be tracked down in the snow.

Nevertheless, in dialogues, clichés now and then slip, and the heroes often declare quite obvious things with excessive pathos. Sitting by the fire, Lara recites out loud “ summary previous series ”and, too dramatizing, reflects on life. Solving puzzles, she frankly hints at what should be done here, and at some point generally begins to command when to jump in order to fly to the desired platform. Here I really wanted to look into the eyes of a person who decided that it was fun to keep the player for an idiot.

Be that as it may, in Rise of the Tomb Raider it is not the history that is really important, but the places where it develops. The search leads the tomb raider to the legend of Kitezh-grad. According to legend, the Vladimir prince Yuri Vsevolodovich built the city of Kitezh on the shore of Lake Svetloyar in the interfluve of the Volga tributaries. When the city was attacked by the Mongols, led by Khan Batu, the inhabitants began not to defend themselves, but to pray. Suddenly the ground shook, keys hammered underfoot, and the city sank under the water right in front of the Mongol army.

It was here that Crystal Dynamics placed the Source of Life, simultaneously transferring Kitezh from the Nizhny Novgorod region, where the lake is located, to Siberia - according to the local legend, the city did not sink, but was buried deep under a glacier. But we are not offended. Hideo Kojime was forgiven by the Ural jungle and this is forgiven.

One of the most memorable tombs is the frigate hull frozen into the glacier.

The studio fully compensates for the liberties with geography with stunning scenery. At one of the stages Rise of the Tomb Raider we walk through the vast territory of the mining plant, where the party exiled the unwanted: the obligatory episode in the Gulag, hammers and sickles, granite grandfather Lenin, rusty ZILs.

But when Lara carefully twirls a silver cigarette case in her hands from the times of the war and peers into a battered family photo, with difficulty disassembling the “Remember” drawn by a piece of graphite on the reverse side, the desire to throw a snobbish remark about cranberries disappears, because the further you go, the more you get into with what attention Crystal Dynamics have reacted to the creation of the atmosphere.

Lara studies Orthodox frescoes and banners with genuine interest, reads the Cyrillic alphabet, improving her skills in Greek and Russian (studying manuscripts adds experience and opens up special skills), and at that moment you are sitting in front of the screen and filled with pride for your homeland. No really Rise of the Tomb Raider incredibly colorful and beautiful.

The second part is several times larger than the previous one. For the passage of only one storyline minus five minutes side quests and optional tombs can take over twenty hours. Moreover, where the 2013 Tomb Raider managed to get bored three times, pissed off and for the tenth time brought to hysteria with a ridiculous scenario, RotTR is only gaining momentum.

By the middle of the game, the action moves from Siberian forests to a huge lakeside valley, reminiscent of the wrong Howling Fjord from World of warcraft, not the landscapes of Skyrim. Here, pictures of a harsh Russian winter coexist with leafy birches and frozen streams, smoke is blowing from the chimneys of dugouts and huts, and a dilapidated wooden church stands side by side with a majestic fortress. The notes mention Kashchei the Immortal and Baba Yaga, but it's worth stopping here, because what kind of Tomb Raider is without mysticism?

Some animals get out of their lairs only at certain times of the day, but you can get hit in the head from a bear both day and night.

In any battle, you can act covertly ... ... or the old fashioned way.

After the storms are passing through

In such conditions, the bloodthirsty action movie that the previous Tomb Raider turned into over time would have looked at least ridiculous. Therefore, skirmishes fade into the background and even into the background, giving way to what was most important before the restart - research, puzzles and acrobatics.

There are more puzzles, both mandatory and secondary, and none of the couple dozen tombs is like the others. The tests are based on the use of elementary laws of physics. For example, like this: we fill the vat with water, tie it with a cable to the trolley, pull the cable, pushing the trolley, cut the rope - and the weighted vat flies into the icy wall, opening the passage. Solutions are found quickly, but you still feel very smart every time your Goldberg machine does fire.

The environment was designed by Nate Wells, one of the leading artists The last of us, System Shock 2, the first Thief and BioShock.

The shift in emphasis does not mean that there are no spectacular moments in the game, but it is a staging Rise of the Tomb Raider does not abuse. A couple of times Lara is pushed nose to nose with several enemy units in scripted corridors, and closer to the finale they increase the tempo a lot, sometimes even a little rush to the end. But it fits into the game much more harmoniously than in the first part.

What worked well, the developers did not touch. We continue to craft everything and everyone, hunting for animal skins, brushwood, mushrooms and any pasture, improve skills and improve equipment around the fire, climb trees and bushes, bite into the ground and ice with a pickaxe and use a bow to stretch ropeways , we drag objects and jump over the abyss on the cable. And we jump. We jump a lot.

In RotTR, Lara is much more confident, stronger and just cooler.

The game takes time out from time to time and allows you to enjoy the beauty of the local nature.

At the checkpoints, Lara can choose clothes. Only, for God's sake, do not let her out in the cold in one T-shirt - her neck is not closed anyway.

Added to this is a grappling hook that allows you to climb high ledges, as well as special arrows that you can climb. All equipment, as before, is put into operation in strictly defined places, and any chosen path somehow leads to the goal, but the variety of gadgets and the fact that the plot point can be reached in several ways create a plausible illusion of freedom.

The progression works according to the laws of the "zeldoids" - the increasing arsenal over time allows you to get to new places and secrets, and you can always return to the old levels in order to climb where you could not reach before. In fact, the game is, of course, completely linear, but I really don't want to grumble about it.

I shall rise

When it comes to battles, it turns out that many shootouts are essentially the same puzzles. So, at some point, Lara collides with a detachment of armored special forces on thick ice. Lady Croft drags one of the soldiers into the ice hole, cuts his throat and, while the others turn to screams, swims to another ice hole and again finds herself in the rear.

In another skirmish, Lara lures opponents under oil lamps, brings them down on enemy heads, deftly flies to another part of the level and repeats the same trick. Simple, but much more entertaining than the standard cuckoo behind cover.

Some tombs are actually under the nose, while others need to get to the underground catacombs.

It is better to set the difficulty level higher from the very beginning, since there is simply nothing to do on average, the enemies in battles behave like children. At high, there is no health regeneration in battle, you can only rely on homemade bandages (and they are often not enough, as well as cartridges), opponents become impudent, actively shouting, they say, "this bitch is recharging", and kill with three or four hits. There is an incentive to play discreetly and accurately, which, with enough caution, is not so difficult. In peacetime, AI is surprisingly stupid - enemies often do not react if a kicking patrolman is openly stabbed two steps away from them.

But in stealth Rise of the Tomb Raider lets you experiment. You can climb higher and shoot the clock arrows or deal with rivals one at a time, but it is much more interesting to improvise.

Lara on the fly, almost like in The last of us, collects throwing weapons from improvised means: a glass bottle turns into a Molotov cocktail, a can into smoke bomb or shrapnel, a can of gasoline - into an incendiary bomb, an enemy radio - into a mine. When opponents of different types appear on the battlefield - fast, armored, covered with a shield, flamethrowers, snipers - willy-nilly, you have to use everything that can be tucked under your arm.

In front of you full walkthrough games Rise of the Tomb Raider, which is divided by locations.


This is a teaching mission. So follow the instructions. The only difficulty that can arise here is poorly firing triggers. When climbing up and jumping to the rescue hand, make sure you climb to the maximum available height and move as far to the left as possible, otherwise the trigger will not work. Ditto when swinging on the zipline later - only jump at maximum amplitude. No other problems are foreseen here.


You need to find the grave of the prophet. Climb up until you find a crevice in the wall. Take the treasure on the right and roll inside. Inside you will find a large room with a pillar in the middle. You cannot read it, because you do not know Greek (surprise), but if you study the fresco on the left and the fresco on the right, your level will rise and you can decipher the code. The treasure is nearby, take it and move on. Outside, you need to get to the other side. Nothing complicated, just don't forget to double jump in the middle of the stone bridge. I will reach the desired point, climb up and go inside. After the scene, you need to break the wall with the ice pick on the left. After the flow of water, go back, jump onto the formed bridge and get over to the other side. In the next room, you need to go around the massive building directly in front of you, and climb from the other side, bypass the spiked trap and jump to the other side to the entrance to the next puzzle. Things are a little more complicated here. When you step on the planks, water flows and flushes you down. You need to knock down the board with a shot and, without waiting for this, jump over to the other side. There, right in front of you, break the cracks in the wall with an ice pick. The water level will rise, and you can jump back onto the board and wait for you to be washed away. Will wash you right in front of a floating raft, which you need to quickly climb, jump over the wall and climb onto the beam. After the cutscene, run to the exit, firing back at the Trinity bandits.

Siberian Wilderness

Go downstairs and next to the abandoned camp, collect resources using the stick to highlight the necessary items. Return to the fire and make a bow. Having pumped everything that you can go forward to the mark and collect resources along the way. After the QTE series, you have to run away and press the buttons again. As a result, Lara is injured and needs medicinal herbs. After collecting everything you need and recovering, you have a new task - to make a poisoned arrow against the bear. For this you need mushrooms, cloth and trees. Collect whatever you can for way back to the camp, at the same time looking into the cave on the right, where there is a scroll and explosive ore in the walls. Also, climb the highlighted trees so you can find more scrolls and hidden resources. At the campfire in the camp, make poison arrows, pump the bow, the skills you need (I recommend a thick skin and a quiet jump) and return to the bear. But not everything is so simple - detachments have moved forward in your search. The easiest way is to destroy all enemies one by one in the head with a bow (do not forget to make arrows with the right trigger). At the central point, take the canister and blow it up with an arrow in the cave nearby - this will open the way to treasures for you. Using the map, find the prince's crown and explore it. This will give you the Mongolian language skill and will be able to decipher the pillars nearby. Collect the newly discovered treasures on the map and go to the bear. The easiest way to destroy a predator is to get into the cave and poison him with a shot of a poisoned arrow, finish off with two accurate shots to the head. If you miss, use poison again and deal damage with ordinary arrows. If you miss here too, run back to the edge. The bear will not follow you, but you will be able to recuperate and create new poison arrows with your right bumper. After defeating the bear, take his skin, collect all the objects in the room and break the passage into the ice cave with an ice ax.

Ice cave

Climb down and the climb to the right will help you collect another scroll. Go further along the road and you will find yourself in the second camp, which needs to be activated. Remember that you can move freely between the camps and if you forget something, you can always clean up the treasures later. Upgrade your ice ax and distribute your skills and go forward. As soon as you see the giant ship hanging over the cliffs, stop walking up the ledge and head up the mast to the first optional mission.

Ice Ship(Tomb of Trials)

The puzzle is not difficult - you need to break the ice and go upstairs. To do this, start the mechanism with an ice ax, double jump up the mast and jump onto the right pendulum. Wait until it drops down, dismount and climb up the ice-free wall. Mechanism again. Rotate the stick until the left pendulum is lowered to an acceptable jump height. Walk along the mast and jump onto the pendulum to break the ice here as well. Get down and climb the ice wall using ice axes. There are tons of treasures waiting for you, including a sacred book that increases your archery skill, the second level of the Greek language and a lot of gold. After collecting everything, go down the cable car and pick up a medallion next to the descent, which, after exploring, will reveal an important secret to you. You can continue the plot mission. On leaving the cave and after swimming in the water, do not forget to pick up the scroll on the right.

Soviet base

Now you need to get to the Soviet Base and it's not easy at all. To get started, go down and explore the opening on the right. It leads to a cave with treasures and a fragment of an ancient bow. There are no riddles there - it is enough to navigate the maze well, especially since it is circular. How to pick up the artifact - return to the starting point. Here new item- kerosene lamps and crowds of enemies. Throw a lamp into the crowd and enemies will light up. Finish the rest with a bow. Then there is a path upward with weak resistance and an interrogation room, where you will find the first pistol. In the hangar, destroy all enemies with a bow, or distracting with bottles and climbing upstairs, pick up a kerosene lamp and set fire to the tank. Drawing on the wall will help you to improve your Russian language skills. Move on. This is the first side quest. If you destroy all the transmitters on the map, you will not only get a lot of experience points and loyalty, but also a lockpick that will open several important chests and cabinets in the level and allow you to collect a second pistol. Please note that when destroying the transmitters, one is located above the cave with wolves. You can get to it only by climbing the steep surface to the right of the cave and then spiraling upward. The rest of the transmitters are not a problem. There is a factory building next to the ascent to the plot point. Upstairs there is a relic, next to the same cave with wolves, and a little to the left a secret cave covered with boards with another useful skill. In order to break the boards, shoot the rope, and a stone block will open a passage for you. Go downstairs.

Cistern in the Cave (Tomb of Trials)

You can immediately run towards the relic, but the boards will break off and you will fall into the water. If you go to the lower right corner, then you will find a passage to the hatch and canister. Blow up the can and add some water. Now go back, go around the structure, and you will find three canisters on the right. A difficult trick is ahead of you. You need to take the canister and put it on the raft. Then jump onto the beam and drive the raft with the canister to the other side with water. Jump down and wait for the raft with the canister to float next to the hatch. Blow up the canister and a new passage will open. Inside, you need to climb up and break the wall. Jump down. Throw the canister back onto the raft and repeat the lever trick. Now you need to have time to swim to the raft and throw the canister into the broken window. Go all the way back, take the canister and blow up the last hatch inside. The water will reach its limit and you can pick up the skill. Return back to the Soviet base. You can explore the wolf caves, but there is nothing special there. The cave in front of the plot marker will open up another dungeon for you. You can go in and complete the task in the dark. Return to the last bonfire, destroy all the enemies at another camp, Enter the back ones and discover a merchant who is ready to exchange valuable items for you for gold coins. Higher ascent and descent down. Enjoy the plot twist.

Jail break

Break off the pipe and break the wall. Take a new upgrade for the bow on the table - the cable. Break the beam above the door with a cable and get out. Break open the box with a master key and go outside. Here you need to strangle all the enemies on the level one by one. Start on the right, towers and slowly choke them in turn. Then destroy all laptops to complete a side task and shoot your way to the window with a cable. Again the video. Get out and go forward. Attach the cable to the cable and then the winch and get rid of the electricity in the water. Get a vending machine. Forward again. You will be presented with a shrapnel grenade that can be made from a tin can. Do not refuse, and when you have dealt with all the enemies - run outside. You will have a new battle with several armored opponents - use cans of bolts. After the victory, you will have several runs for a while, plus you have to swim underwater - do not forget to press quickly B to speed up. Run again, and finally you will wake up in a new place.

Finding Jacob

Before heading out to find Jacob, return to the cave in front of the camp. Kill the snow leopard by spending a bunch of bullets or arrows on it and then break the boards in the cave and save in the camp. Do not forget to pump your skills and in particular the expanded campfire crafting in the survival section, which will give you the opportunity to have large quivers, ammo bags, etc. Do your best and move on to the Tomb of Trials.

Voice of god (Tomb of Trials)

You need to go forward and fear only the second crumbling ice beam - have time to jump in time and grab the wall. On the other side, shoot the post and tie the rope. Now you need to go inside the tomb. There will be a map, a note and some gold. The far counterweight is stuck so you cannot raise the second gate. Drop the first ones. Climb up them and get over to the other side. Jump off to the right and attach one end of the rope to the counterweight and the other to the reel. Stretch the rope to the maximum and remove the bolt on the right. If you did it right, the coil will no longer be active. Go back and break through the wall to the other side. Raise the gate again and you can secure the counterweight in the desired position. Go back to the lever and take it to the maximum and then cut the rope on the right. The ice is destroyed - you can raise the gate and pick up another useful skill. This one will restore your health in battle in case of critical damage. Go back using arrows and cables to the base camp. You can return to the Wilderness Vault and open a previously inaccessible cave with an arrow and a rope and return to Jacob's errata.

In search of Jacob. Part 2

On the way to your goal, you will meet a wounded offspring. He asked to clear the cave of the wolves. Yes, the same one that you have already cleaned twice from wolves and a leopard. Use poisoned arrows against the animals, and they will die very quickly. As a reward, get pistol upgrades and commendations. Near the lumberjack camp, you can get another optional quest to free you from the prison. The easiest way to get to the captives is across the river and using the rope to climb up. The prisoners are next to the air duct below, on the left is the geographer's backpack. And next to it is another short cut that will take you to the interrogation room. Upon completing the task, you will receive one more skill. There is one more optional task from the wounded man in the cave. There you need to explore the enemy base or another one near the loggers' camp with the search for a crow. The missions are not difficult and there is no point in describing them. They will give you important skill and weapon components. Continue the main marker mission. Collect all documents and artifacts, read the frescoes. Once you get your Molotov cocktail you are almost there. On the right in the main building, you will find another optional tomb - the Uranium Mines.

Uranium Mines (Tomb of Trials)

You need to go lower and lower, fall into the water and go around all the forks. During the jump, the structure will fall apart. It should be so. On the way, you will come across a pipe filled with water, covering the combustible structure - just throw the incendiary mixture over the top. Next you will find a puzzle. We must jump to a distant counterweight and break the path. Climb higher and shoot an arrow with a rope into the mechanism, thus pulling out the trolley. Then jump over the pin in the wall to the other side and go upstairs. Shoot an arrow with a cable at the trolley next to the post. Go down, jump on the counterweight, and the trolley will close the water source. Throw incendiary mixture into the opened combustible barrier. Jump inside and grab the Keen Eyes skill - it gives you the ability to see traps. Go back.

In search of Jacob. Part 3

Burn the obstacle on the way and go forward until you hear voices. Blow up gas pipes over the heads of enemies and throw firebombs at them. Eventually, you will reach the point where you need to pull the line and slide down another line. Get ready to run. Upon completion of the videos, you will find yourself in a new location.
Abandoned mines
Kill three opponents and call the elevator. Bring the cart and climb up to get another new item- knife. Cut the rope with them. Cross over to the other side and remove two more cables that hold the elevator. Climb to the very top and go forward to the fire. Pump up your skills, weapons and bow if you have collected all the artifacts along the way. Examine the fresco for the fourth level of proficiency in Greek. In the next room, destroy all enemies either by attracting with a bow shot and finishing off with a cocktail, or simply in hand-to-hand combat with an ice pick, if you have pumped it. Works flawlessly even at maximum complexity. Collect all the artifacts and scraps and move on. Before you is a door that is difficult to open. Get down on the cable to the right. Hook the trolley to the cable and pull it to the top. Cut the cable. And One of the locks will be torn down. Go around the structure and in the dungeons, jump over the pit and rise to the top. Destroy all enemies with explosives. First of all with a shield and then blow up the barrel at the top. Now go upstairs and reach the crane. There's a winch on the other side - attach it to a large bucket. Move the cart so that the bucket is above the water. Now run. Don't forget to jump right in front of the steps. And now you are inside. After a short video, explore everything and, passing underwater caves, you will find yourself in a new place.

Geothermal Valley

This is another large area with a bunch of tasks, tombs and treasures. But most of it you won't be able to get, since you don't have an oxygen bolon for diving. Therefore, concentrate on exploring the territory and doing side quests... For shooting drones, you will be presented with a bow. Hunting wild boars and deer will bring you experience points and pieces of equipment. How to complete everything except the last one to inspect the tombs, tasks - go through the story. You need to light a torch at the top, and by doing this, you will receive a fiery arrow. Go to the next plot point and get a shotgun and new type enemy - a flamethrower. Run in circles and shoot bolon at him. After killing him - move on. Everything is destroyed and you need to go for the atlas. On the way to the right you will come across a tomb of trials - an aquifer cave.
Aquifer Cave (Tomb of Trials)
Pull on the rope and get over to the other side. On the right, go around the graves and get upstairs. There is waiting for you base camp... The next puzzle requires dexterity. You need to hook the rook to the mechanisms and have time to choose the next point. When you reach the island, collect everything and hook the boat first to one millstone and then immediately to the second. Use the lever to pull up. And you will reach sushi. Inside the tomb, the skill of hitting the heart of animals. Useless bullshit as it doesn't work against leopards and bears. Return to the route.


Not far from the dungeon is new location- Acropolis. Follow the story. Everything is not so complicated here. When you get an explosive arrow - blow up the door through the hole in the grate - the target will be highlighted. Then go to the tower. There will be a meat grinder inside, at the end of which you will have a circular defense. Use arrows with poison and explosives. Leave some explosions on enemies with shields at the end. Upon completion, you will receive a new item - an ice ax on a rope, with which you can cling to ledges and special objects in the air. And a new target is a church with an atlas. Go to the goal, and leave all the tests for later. As soon as you find yourself in the swamp, go to the right extreme corner and remove the armored guard on the left with an arrow. Then go around the area and blow up a can of gasoline, shoot at the barrels above and there will be two or three opponents, which you can easily finish off. If it doesn't work out right away, shoot the cluster with exploding arrows. The next group will be after the window. Kill three guards at once with an explosive arrow, and finish the rest with a shotgun without leaving the shelter. The last group will consist of two near and several in the distance. Use a Molotov cocktail nearby, and an explosive arrow in the distance. Finish the rest with an explosive arrow or a machine gun. Then go through a series of long jumps with an ice ax on a leash until you reach the entrance to the cathedral.

Flooded Archive

If you get stuck looking for an entrance, then pay attention to the upper beams at the very top and use the cat. After a short scene, shoot two batteries from the pistol and enjoy the video. Activate the bonfire. You need to find the entrance to the archive. Everything is not very difficult - the atlas is nearby. On the way, you will receive an oxygen machine for a long stay underwater. So that you can open the last four tombs - their description will be at the end of the guide. As soon as you get it, the enemies will begin to surround you. Use Molotov cocktails. They will try to open the door by autogenous - wait until they come in, and throw the second fire bottle. Now you need to get out of the Cathedral with the artifact. Blow up the barrels and the statue will tilt. Go left, swim underwater and blow up three enemies at one point. Go upstairs to the right. You need to drag the first amphora of fire. Release it and then detonate it with a fiery arrow to clear the way. Move to the other side, release the amphora again. Tie it to the post with a rope and then, when it floats over the burning obstacles, cut the rope. When the amphora reaches the sculpture, blow it up with a fiery arrow. Now go to the opposite side. Roll out the amphora and tie it to the lift. Pull the other end with the rope. Roll out another amphora and tie it back up. Push the amphora down. On the other side, cut the rope from the amphora and push it into the water. Wait for it to swim to the monument and blow it up. Now you just need to run to the exit. The ancients are very unhappy with you. Now you need to get to the Observatory. But we will not rush there and will look into one more tomb - Ketezhny Baths.

Ketezhny Baths (Tomb of Trials)

Swim under water, then wait and run between streams of water to the fire. Jump over the trap and crawl between the roots. There is a lot of water below. You need to attach the boat to the beam on the left and then raise it to the edge. As soon as you climb up - run to the lever and drain the water. Attach the cable to the arm and winch. Wind up the winch. One level of water is gone. Get down and pull the boat to the right beam. Crawl inside and drain the water on the right. Attach the lever to the boat with a cable. Now go downstairs, blow up the barrels and take away the manuscript. He will give you a climbing bonus. Completed the cave. Return to the main route - you can simply teleport to the nearest camp. As soon as you get the climbing arrows, you will be able to climb the mountain next to the very cave with the wolves. Walk forward until you reach the Trinity Science Station.

Science Station and Ion's Rescue

You need to destroy all opponents on the way. The easiest way is to use Molotov cocktails against the groups and finish off the rest from around the corner. Repeat this tactic several times and, if you like, blow up all the cars with fuel. When you are forced to defend the camp and find yourself under the ice, then first swim out into the first window and quietly remove the enemy. Then swim to the far left window and from there destroy all the enemies that you can with poison. Swim into the far right window and get out onto the shore. Use cans of explosives. When everyone is destroyed, a great secret will be revealed to you, and you can try to enter the city.


Use the climbing walls until you reach the planetarium. It's not a hard puzzle here. You have to rotate the structure with the arrows and ropes so that the bridge forms. In fact, you have to arrange the planets so that there is a bridge directly from which you can jump to the other side with the help of a cat and then climb onto a lattice surface like a washboard. On the second tier, you need to remove the support from both sides, and the structure will be wrapped. You need to climb to the very top, so you jump on the cat to the center, jump onto the board, your main task is to hang on a structure with two beams and Lara herself will tell you when to jump off her. Then, with a running start, you jump to the center of the structure and climb up. Run quickly along the beam to the exit. You got the skill and passed the test. The path of the immortals awaits you.

Path of the Immortals

Just go ahead, hiding from the immortals and enjoying the city. When you climb up, it will become clear that they are not immortal and you have to withstand the battle. Save in camps. Use a shotgun, hand-to-hand combat and pitchers during the battle. They explode great. After a small scene, everything will be engulfed in flames. Shoot explosives, blow up the pots and go upstairs - it will be safe there. As you finish with everyone, go ahead and after a small scene you will be taken to the Lost City, where the last tomb is waiting for you.

Lost City

If you go forward and swim under water, you will find yourself in a crypt with a valuable item, and if you go back and enter the cave from the left on the map, then you will not only meet a bear that can be easily killed with explosives or poison arrows, but you will also open tomb of trials.

Exile chamber (Tomb of Trials)

After defeating the bear, break the wall and go forward. Blow up the gas passage with a fiery arrow. You need to turn the two levers with the rope while at the bottom and then run to the cage with the skeleton and cut the chain. Explode or wait for gas to disperse. Now lift the cage with the mechanism at the base of the tap. Turn the cage towards the gate. Go upstairs, release the gas from two levers and detonate with a fiery arrow. You will receive a bonus to fire damage. Return to the main route.

Lost City. Part 2

You need to get to the city, but the gate is in the way. Use the trebuchet. As soon as you get inside the first gate, you will find a circular battle. Use a rifle - it is most effective and explosive arrows in close combat. When the enemy is finished, go to the second trebuchet. As soon as you deal with the enemy, turn the beam with the cable and move along it to the other side. Attach a bucket. Turn the structure and close the bottom of the bucket with a rope. Move the bucket to the water. Then turn the bucket so that the counterweight is against the ice. Drain the bucket by opening the bolt with the rope. But not completely. Close the bottom with the rope again. Jump on the counterweight and the ice will be broken. Shoot at the second gate. Your trebuchet will be destroyed and you will have to go to another one. Destroy the enemy there. Attach the rope to the planks and bindings. Free the throwing mechanism, turn the trebuchet. Archers will attack - cover them with fire from the trebuchet. Now break the gate and go inside. After the cutscene, you need to climb the tower. In the end, you will fall on the tower and the enemy will hang on you - shoot down his helmet with a pistol shot and then shoot him in the head until he falls. Climb higher. After the cutscene you will find a boss - a helicopter. Use the “X” button when ready and shoot the trebuchet fire projectile when it is over the helicopter. You need to repeat this three times and each time everything will be interrupted by waves of enemies. Use poison arrows against the enemy - they are the most effective. After the destruction of the helicopter, you will have a fight with another boss. They will take away your weapon, so make bombs from cans and throw them at the enemy. When he is stunned - strike him with an ice ax. At the end, you need to dodge “B” and counterattack “Y” in time. Kill a wounded enemy or head up to the Chamber of Souls.

Chamber of Souls

Enter the temple and enjoy the ending. Congratulations, you've completed Rise of the Tomb Raider.

Below are the remaining two of the nine dungeons I promised earlier:

Chamber of the Suffering (Tomb of Trials)

In the geothermal valley, you need to go to the very bottom corner to the waterfall. Use a rope to jump over to the other side, crawl under the gate and defeat the pack of wolves. Hacking the grate will take you to a cave with a tomb of trials. The puzzle is difficult at first glance. Roll the reel and rope all the way forward. On the right, attach the figure eight to the beam and go to the opposite corner with the bucket. Pull the rope and the bucket will drop down. Tie it to the reel cart and the puzzle is solved. Climb up the steps to the left of the entrance and run to the next secret with the skill - quick treatment... Return to the valley for the second tomb.

Pit of redemption (Tomb of Trials)

This is the last of the test tombs and one of the simplest. Once in the cave, you must go down into the water and go on the right railroad since the left one is blocked. Climbing upstairs, roll the TV set forward and deploy the platform with three wooden fences forward. Push the cart down. To your right is a pillar - tie a cable to it and move to another platform on that side. Climb to the very top and use the lever to lower the lift platform down. Turn the mechanism with three paws and roll the cart onto the movable platform. Now unfold the platform so that it is on the opposite side from you. Lift the platform up and push the cart down. Another secret and useless skill of a geologist has been revealed to you. Congratulations, you have completed all the tomb, received an achievement and can close the last task from the descendants.

Here is a complete walkthrough of the game Rise of the Tomb Raider, which is divided by locations.


This is a teaching mission. So follow the instructions. The only difficulty that can arise here is poorly firing triggers. When climbing up and jumping to the rescue hand, make sure you climb to the maximum available height and move as far to the left as possible, otherwise the trigger will not work. Ditto when swinging on the zipline later - only jump at maximum amplitude. No other problems are foreseen here.


You need to find the grave of the prophet. Climb up until you find a crevice in the wall. Take the treasure on the right and roll inside. Inside you will find a large room with a pillar in the middle. You cannot read it, because you do not know Greek (surprise), but if you study the fresco on the left and the fresco on the right, your level will rise and you can decipher the code. The treasure is nearby, take it and move on. Outside, you need to get to the other side. Nothing complicated, just don't forget to double jump in the middle of the stone bridge. I will reach the desired point, climb up and go inside. After the scene, you need to break the wall with the ice pick on the left. After the flow of water, go back, jump onto the formed bridge and get over to the other side. In the next room, you need to go around the massive building directly in front of you, and climb from the other side, bypass the spiked trap and jump to the other side to the entrance to the next puzzle. Things are a little more complicated here. When you step on the planks, water flows and flushes you down. You need to knock down the board with a shot and, without waiting for this, jump over to the other side. There, right in front of you, break the cracks in the wall with an ice pick. The water level will rise, and you can jump back onto the board and wait for you to be washed away. Will wash you right in front of a floating raft, which you need to quickly climb, jump over the wall and climb onto the beam. After the cutscene, run to the exit, firing back at the Trinity bandits.

Siberian Wilderness

Go downstairs and next to the abandoned camp, collect resources using the stick to highlight the necessary items. Return to the fire and make a bow. Having pumped everything that you can go forward to the mark and collect resources along the way. After the QTE series, you have to run away and press the buttons again. As a result, Lara is injured and needs medicinal herbs. After collecting everything you need and recovering, you have a new task - to make a poisoned arrow against the bear. For this you need mushrooms, cloth and trees. Collect whatever you can on your way back to the camp, while also looking into the cave to the right, where there is a scroll and explosive ore in the walls. Also, climb the highlighted trees so you can find more scrolls and hidden resources. At the campfire in the camp, make poison arrows, pump the bow, the skills you need (I recommend a thick skin and a quiet jump) and return to the bear. But not everything is so simple - detachments have moved forward in your search. The easiest way is to destroy all enemies one by one in the head with a bow (do not forget to make arrows with the right trigger). At the central point, take the canister and blow it up with an arrow in the cave nearby - this will open the way to treasures for you. Using the map, find the prince's crown and explore it. This will give you the Mongolian language skill and will be able to decipher the pillars nearby. Collect the newly discovered treasures on the map and go to the bear. The easiest way to destroy a predator is to get into the cave and poison him with a shot of a poisoned arrow, finish off with two accurate shots to the head. If you miss, use poison again and deal damage with ordinary arrows. If you miss here too, run back to the edge. The bear will not follow you, but you will be able to recuperate and create new poison arrows with your right bumper. After defeating the bear, take his skin, collect all the objects in the room and break the passage into the ice cave with an ice ax.

Ice cave

Climb down and the climb to the right will help you collect another scroll. Go further along the road and you will find yourself in the second camp, which needs to be activated. Remember that you can move freely between the camps and if you forget something, you can always clean up the treasures later. Upgrade your ice ax and distribute your skills and go forward. As soon as you see the giant ship hanging over the cliffs, stop walking up the ledge and head up the mast to the first optional mission.

Ice Ship(Tomb of Trials)

The puzzle is not difficult - you need to break the ice and go upstairs. To do this, start the mechanism with an ice ax, double jump up the mast and jump onto the right pendulum. Wait until it drops down, dismount and climb up the ice-free wall. Mechanism again. Rotate the stick until the left pendulum is lowered to an acceptable jump height. Walk along the mast and jump onto the pendulum to break the ice here as well. Get down and climb the ice wall using ice axes. There are tons of treasures waiting for you, including a sacred book that increases your archery skill, the second level of the Greek language and a lot of gold. After collecting everything, go down the cable car and pick up a medallion next to the descent, which, after exploring, will reveal an important secret to you. You can continue the plot mission. On leaving the cave and after swimming in the water, do not forget to pick up the scroll on the right.

Soviet base

Now you need to get to the Soviet Base and it's not easy at all. To get started, go down and explore the opening on the right. It leads to a cave with treasures and a fragment of an ancient bow. There are no riddles there - it is enough to navigate the maze well, especially since it is circular. How to pick up the artifact - return to the starting point. There is a new element here - kerosene lamps and crowds of enemies. Throw a lamp into the crowd and enemies will light up. Finish the rest with a bow. Then there is a path upward with weak resistance and an interrogation room, where you will find the first pistol. In the hangar, destroy all enemies with a bow, or distracting with bottles and climbing upstairs, pick up a kerosene lamp and set fire to the tank. Drawing on the wall will help you to improve your Russian language skills. Move on. This is the first side quest. If you destroy all the transmitters on the map, you will not only get a lot of experience points and loyalty, but also a lockpick that will open several important chests and cabinets in the level and allow you to collect a second pistol. Please note that when destroying the transmitters, one is located above the cave with wolves. You can get to it only by climbing the steep surface to the right of the cave and then spiraling upward. The rest of the transmitters are not a problem. There is a factory building next to the ascent to the plot point. Upstairs there is a relic, next to the same cave with wolves, and a little to the left a secret cave covered with boards with another useful skill. In order to break the boards, shoot the rope, and a stone block will open a passage for you. Go downstairs.

Cistern in the Cave (Tomb of Trials)

You can immediately run towards the relic, but the boards will break off and you will fall into the water. If you go to the lower right corner, then you will find a passage to the hatch and canister. Blow up the can and add some water. Now go back, go around the structure, and you will find three canisters on the right. A difficult trick is ahead of you. You need to take the canister and put it on the raft. Then jump onto the beam and drive the raft with the canister to the other side with water. Jump down and wait for the raft with the canister to float next to the hatch. Blow up the canister and a new passage will open. Inside, you need to climb up and break the wall. Jump down. Throw the canister back onto the raft and repeat the lever trick. Now you need to have time to swim to the raft and throw the canister into the broken window. Go all the way back, take the canister and blow up the last hatch inside. The water will reach its limit and you can pick up the skill. Return back to the Soviet base. You can explore the wolf caves, but there is nothing special there. The cave in front of the plot marker will open up another dungeon for you. You can go in and complete the task in the dark. Return to the last bonfire, destroy all the enemies at another camp, Enter the back ones and discover a merchant who is ready to exchange valuable items for you for gold coins. Higher ascent and descent down. Enjoy the plot twist.

Jail break

Break off the pipe and break the wall. Take a new upgrade for the bow on the table - the cable. Break the beam above the door with a cable and get out. Break open the box with a master key and go outside. Here you need to strangle all the enemies on the level one by one. Start on the right, towers and slowly choke them in turn. Then destroy all laptops to complete a side task and shoot your way to the window with a cable. Again the video. Get out and go forward. Attach the cable to the cable and then the winch and get rid of the electricity in the water. Get a vending machine. Forward again. You will be presented with a shrapnel grenade that can be made from a tin can. Do not refuse, and when you have dealt with all the enemies - run outside. You will have a new battle with several armored opponents - use cans of bolts. After the victory, you will have several runs for a while, plus you have to swim underwater - do not forget to press quickly B to speed up. Run again, and finally you will wake up in a new place.

Finding Jacob

Before heading out to find Jacob, return to the cave in front of the camp. Kill the snow leopard by spending a bunch of bullets or arrows on it and then break the boards in the cave and save in the camp. Do not forget to pump your skills and in particular the expanded campfire crafting in the survival section, which will give you the opportunity to have large quivers, ammo bags, etc. Do your best and move on to the Tomb of Trials.

Voice of god (Tomb of Trials)

You need to go forward and fear only the second crumbling ice beam - have time to jump in time and grab the wall. On the other side, shoot the post and tie the rope. Now you need to go inside the tomb. There will be a map, a note and some gold. The far counterweight is stuck so you cannot raise the second gate. Drop the first ones. Climb up them and get over to the other side. Jump off to the right and attach one end of the rope to the counterweight and the other to the reel. Stretch the rope to the maximum and remove the bolt on the right. If you did it right, the coil will no longer be active. Go back and break through the wall to the other side. Raise the gate again and you can secure the counterweight in the desired position. Go back to the lever and take it to the maximum and then cut the rope on the right. The ice is destroyed - you can raise the gate and pick up another useful skill. This one will restore your health in battle in case of critical damage. Go back using arrows and cables to the base camp. You can return to the Wilderness Vault and open a previously inaccessible cave with an arrow and a rope and return to Jacob's errata.

In search of Jacob. Part 2

On the way to your goal, you will meet a wounded offspring. He asked to clear the cave of the wolves. Yes, the same one that you have already cleaned twice from wolves and a leopard. Use poisoned arrows against the animals, and they will die very quickly. As a reward, get pistol upgrades and commendations. Near the lumberjack camp, you can get another optional quest to free you from the prison. The easiest way to get to the captives is across the river and using the rope to climb up. The prisoners are next to the air duct below, on the left is the geographer's backpack. And next to it is another short cut that will take you to the interrogation room. Upon completing the task, you will receive one more skill. There is one more optional task from the wounded man in the cave. There you need to explore the enemy base or another one near the loggers' camp with the search for a crow. The missions are not difficult and there is no point in describing them. They will give you important skill and weapon components. Continue the main marker mission. Collect all documents and artifacts, read the frescoes. Once you get your Molotov cocktail you are almost there. On the right in the main building, you will find another optional tomb - the Uranium Mines.

Uranium Mines (Tomb of Trials)

You need to go lower and lower, fall into the water and go around all the forks. During the jump, the structure will fall apart. It should be so. On the way, you will come across a pipe filled with water, covering the combustible structure - just throw the incendiary mixture over the top. Next you will find a puzzle. We must jump to a distant counterweight and break the path. Climb higher and shoot an arrow with a rope into the mechanism, thus pulling out the trolley. Then jump over the pin in the wall to the other side and go upstairs. Shoot an arrow with a cable at the trolley next to the post. Go down, jump on the counterweight, and the trolley will close the water source. Throw incendiary mixture into the opened combustible barrier. Jump inside and grab the Keen Eyes skill - it gives you the ability to see traps. Go back.

In search of Jacob. Part 3

Burn the obstacle on the way and go forward until you hear voices. Blow up gas pipes over the heads of enemies and throw firebombs at them. Eventually, you will reach the point where you need to pull the line and slide down another line. Get ready to run. Upon completion of the videos, you will find yourself in a new location.
Abandoned mines
Kill three opponents and call the elevator. Adjust the cart and after climbing on it you will get another new item - a knife. Cut the rope with them. Cross over to the other side and remove two more cables that hold the elevator. Climb to the very top and go forward to the fire. Pump up your skills, weapons and bow if you have collected all the artifacts along the way. Examine the fresco for the fourth level of proficiency in Greek. In the next room, destroy all enemies either by attracting with a bow shot and finishing off with a cocktail, or simply in hand-to-hand combat with an ice pick, if you have pumped it. Works flawlessly even at maximum complexity. Collect all the artifacts and scraps and move on. Before you is a door that is difficult to open. Get down on the cable to the right. Hook the trolley to the cable and pull it to the top. Cut the cable. And One of the locks will be torn down. Go around the structure and in the dungeons, jump over the pit and rise to the top. Destroy all enemies with explosives. First of all with a shield and then blow up the barrel at the top. Now go upstairs and reach the crane. There's a winch on the other side - attach it to a large bucket. Move the cart so that the bucket is above the water. Now run. Don't forget to jump right in front of the steps. And now you are inside. After a short video, explore everything and, passing underwater caves, you will find yourself in a new place.

Geothermal Valley

This is another large area with a bunch of tasks, tombs and treasures. But most of it you won't be able to get, since you don't have an oxygen bolon for diving. Therefore, concentrate on exploring the territory and completing side quests. For shooting drones, you will be presented with a bow. Hunting wild boars and deer will bring you experience points and pieces of equipment. How to complete everything except the last one to inspect the tombs, tasks - go through the story. You need to light a torch at the top, and by doing this, you will receive a fiery arrow. Go to the next plot point and get a shotgun and a new type of enemy - a flamethrower. Run in circles and shoot bolon at him. After killing him - move on. Everything is destroyed and you need to go for the atlas. On the way to the right you will come across a tomb of trials - an aquifer cave.
Aquifer Cave (Tomb of Trials)
Pull on the rope and get over to the other side. On the right, go around the graves and get upstairs. Base camp awaits you there. The next puzzle requires dexterity. You need to hook the rook to the mechanisms and have time to choose the next point. When you reach the island, collect everything and hook the boat first to one millstone and then immediately to the second. Use the lever to pull up. And you will reach sushi. Inside the tomb, the skill of hitting the heart of animals. Useless bullshit as it doesn't work against leopards and bears. Return to the route.


Not far from the dungeon there is a new location - the Acropolis. Follow the story. Everything is not so complicated here. When you get an explosive arrow - blow up the door through the hole in the grate - the target will be highlighted. Then go to the tower. There will be a meat grinder inside, at the end of which you will have a circular defense. Use arrows with poison and explosives. Leave some explosions on enemies with shields at the end. Upon completion, you will receive a new item - an ice ax on a rope, with which you can cling to ledges and special objects in the air. And a new target is a church with an atlas. Go to the goal, and leave all the tests for later. As soon as you find yourself in the swamp, go to the right extreme corner and remove the armored guard on the left with an arrow. Then go around the area and blow up a can of gasoline, shoot at the barrels above and there will be two or three opponents, which you can easily finish off. If it doesn't work out right away, shoot the cluster with exploding arrows. The next group will be after the window. Kill three guards at once with an explosive arrow, and finish the rest with a shotgun without leaving the shelter. The last group will consist of two near and several in the distance. Use a Molotov cocktail nearby, and an explosive arrow in the distance. Finish the rest with an explosive arrow or a machine gun. Then go through a series of long jumps with an ice ax on a leash until you reach the entrance to the cathedral.

Flooded Archive

If you get stuck looking for an entrance, then pay attention to the upper beams at the very top and use the cat. After a short scene, shoot two batteries from the pistol and enjoy the video. Activate the bonfire. You need to find the entrance to the archive. Everything is not very difficult - the atlas is nearby. On the way, you will receive an oxygen machine for a long stay underwater. So that you can open the last four tombs - their description will be at the end of the guide. As soon as you get it, the enemies will begin to surround you. Use Molotov cocktails. They will try to open the door by autogenous - wait until they come in, and throw the second fire bottle. Now you need to get out of the Cathedral with the artifact. Blow up the barrels and the statue will tilt. Go left, swim underwater and blow up three enemies at one point. Go upstairs to the right. You need to drag the first amphora of fire. Release it and then detonate it with a fiery arrow to clear the way. Move to the other side, release the amphora again. Tie it to the post with a rope and then, when it floats over the burning obstacles, cut the rope. When the amphora reaches the sculpture, blow it up with a fiery arrow. Now go to the opposite side. Roll out the amphora and tie it to the lift. Pull the other end with the rope. Roll out another amphora and tie it back up. Push the amphora down. On the other side, cut the rope from the amphora and push it into the water. Wait for it to swim to the monument and blow it up. Now you just need to run to the exit. The ancients are very unhappy with you. Now you need to get to the Observatory. But we will not rush there and will look into one more tomb - Ketezhny Baths.

Ketezhny Baths (Tomb of Trials)

Swim under water, then wait and run between streams of water to the fire. Jump over the trap and crawl between the roots. There is a lot of water below. You need to attach the boat to the beam on the left and then raise it to the edge. As soon as you climb up - run to the lever and drain the water. Attach the cable to the arm and winch. Wind up the winch. One level of water is gone. Get down and pull the boat to the right beam. Crawl inside and drain the water on the right. Attach the lever to the boat with a cable. Now go downstairs, blow up the barrels and take away the manuscript. He will give you a climbing bonus. Completed the cave. Return to the main route - you can simply teleport to the nearest camp. As soon as you get the climbing arrows, you will be able to climb the mountain next to the very cave with the wolves. Walk forward until you reach the Trinity Science Station.

Science Station and Ion's Rescue

You need to destroy all opponents on the way. The easiest way is to use Molotov cocktails against the groups and finish off the rest from around the corner. Repeat this tactic several times and, if you like, blow up all the cars with fuel. When you are forced to defend the camp and find yourself under the ice, then first swim out into the first window and quietly remove the enemy. Then swim to the far left window and from there destroy all the enemies that you can with poison. Swim into the far right window and get out onto the shore. Use cans of explosives. When everyone is destroyed, a great secret will be revealed to you, and you can try to enter the city.


Use the climbing walls until you reach the planetarium. It's not a hard puzzle here. You have to rotate the structure with the arrows and ropes so that the bridge forms. In fact, you have to arrange the planets so that there is a bridge directly from which you can jump to the other side with the help of a cat and then climb onto a lattice surface like a washboard. On the second tier, you need to remove the support from both sides, and the structure will be wrapped. You need to climb to the very top, so you jump on the cat to the center, jump onto the board, your main task is to hang on a structure with two beams and Lara herself will tell you when to jump off her. Then, with a running start, you jump to the center of the structure and climb up. Run quickly along the beam to the exit. You got the skill and passed the test. The path of the immortals awaits you.

Path of the Immortals

Just go ahead, hiding from the immortals and enjoying the city. When you climb up, it will become clear that they are not immortal and you have to withstand the battle. Save in camps. Use shotgun, melee combat and pitchers during the battle. They explode great. After a small scene, everything will be engulfed in flames. Shoot explosives, blow up the pots and go upstairs - it will be safe there. As you finish with everyone, go ahead and after a small scene you will be taken to the Lost City, where the last tomb is waiting for you.

Lost City

If you go forward and swim under water, you will find yourself in a crypt with a valuable item, and if you go back and enter the cave from the left on the map, then you will not only meet a bear that can be easily killed with explosives or poison arrows, but you will also open tomb of trials.

Exile chamber (Tomb of Trials)

After defeating the bear, break the wall and go forward. Blow up the gas passage with a fiery arrow. You need to turn the two levers with the rope while at the bottom and then run to the cage with the skeleton and cut the chain. Explode or wait for gas to disperse. Now lift the cage with the mechanism at the base of the tap. Turn the cage towards the gate. Go upstairs, release the gas from two levers and detonate with a fiery arrow. You will receive a bonus to fire damage. Return to the main route.

Lost City. Part 2

You need to get to the city, but the gate is in the way. Use the trebuchet. As soon as you get inside the first gate, you will find a circular battle. Use a rifle - it is most effective and explosive arrows in close combat. When the enemy is finished, go to the second trebuchet. As soon as you deal with the enemy, turn the beam with the cable and move along it to the other side. Attach a bucket. Turn the structure and close the bottom of the bucket with a rope. Move the bucket to the water. Then turn the bucket so that the counterweight is against the ice. Drain the bucket by opening the bolt with the rope. But not completely. Close the bottom with the rope again. Jump on the counterweight and the ice will be broken. Shoot at the second gate. Your trebuchet will be destroyed and you will have to go to another one. Destroy the enemy there. Attach the rope to the planks and bindings. Free the throwing mechanism, turn the trebuchet. Archers will attack - cover them with fire from the trebuchet. Now break the gate and go inside. After the cutscene, you need to climb the tower. In the end, you will fall on the tower and the enemy will hang on you - shoot down his helmet with a pistol shot and then shoot him in the head until he falls. Climb higher. After the cutscene you will find a boss - a helicopter. Use the “X” button when ready and shoot the trebuchet fire projectile when it is over the helicopter. You need to repeat this three times and each time everything will be interrupted by waves of enemies. Use poison arrows against the enemy - they are the most effective. After the destruction of the helicopter, you will have a fight with another boss. They will take away your weapon, so make bombs from cans and throw them at the enemy. When he is stunned - strike him with an ice ax. At the end, you need to dodge “B” and counterattack “Y” in time. Kill a wounded enemy or head up to the Chamber of Souls.

Chamber of Souls

Enter the temple and enjoy the ending. Congratulations, you've completed Rise of the Tomb Raider.

Below are the remaining two of the nine dungeons I promised earlier:

Chamber of the Suffering (Tomb of Trials)

In the geothermal valley, you need to go to the very bottom corner to the waterfall. Use a rope to jump over to the other side, crawl under the gate and defeat the pack of wolves. Hacking the grate will take you to a cave with a tomb of trials. The puzzle is difficult at first glance. Roll the reel and rope all the way forward. On the right, attach the figure eight to the beam and go to the opposite corner with the bucket. Pull the rope and the bucket will drop down. Tie it to the reel cart and the puzzle is solved. Climb up the steps to the left of the entrance and run to the next secret with the skill - quick treatment. Return to the valley for the second tomb.

Pit of redemption (Tomb of Trials)

This is the last of the test tombs and one of the simplest. Once in the cave, you must go down into the water and follow the right railroad, as the left one is blocked. Climbing upstairs, roll the TV set forward and deploy the platform with three wooden fences forward. Push the cart down. To your right is a pillar - tie a cable to it and move to another platform on that side. Climb to the very top and use the lever to lower the lift platform down. Turn the mechanism with three paws and roll the cart onto the movable platform. Now unfold the platform so that it is on the opposite side from you. Lift the platform up and push the cart down. Another secret and useless skill of a geologist has been revealed to you. Congratulations, you have completed all the tomb, received an achievement and can close the last task from the descendants.