Homefront: passing the game, characters, codes. Homefront: The Revolution Walkthrough Homefront The Revolution

After the motivational video, cut-scenes will follow, from which the general state of affairs will become clear.

After completing all the cutscenes, check out the game interface:

The whole useful information you can find on your smartphone, for example, in a notepad you can find information about mobile applications.

Find the Resistance cache

Get out of the apartment through the window, and then go along the streets to the main task marker. You can identify the shelter by the presence of blue paint, this is how the resistance marks secret passages and access points. Climbing to the second floor of the apartment, you will find yourself in a cache.

Take a bolt cutter on the table, with its help you can bite the locks. Also, don't forget to pick up a flashlight that is on the mattress.

Find the nearest KNA transceiver

After examining the cache, leave the building and go to the marker. Cross the road and enter the house, after passing it, you will find yourself near retail outlets - in them you can sell the found valuables for game currency... Go further down the street and go into the alley, here you will have a bite of the fence locks.

First you need to get into the house, for this follow the path marked with blue paint. On the wall you will find a transmitter, hacking network transmitters, on the map you will be shown the nearest points of interest. To hack the transmitter, open the panel - key [E] and, moving the mouse, decipher the KNA access code.

After the cut-scene, the task will be completed.

New Philadelphia resident

Find the entrance to the Resistance Tunnel

After unlocking the receiver, you can use the application - " Beacon". As a result of the break-in, you will find the entrance to the tunnel, and it will be marked with a marker on the map. Get out of the house and run down the street to the marker, go around the building and run to the entrance.

Clear the debris blocking the entrance to the tunnel, go through the tunnel

Turn on the flashlight and search the house, then go down below. To destroy the boxes, stab them with a knife.

Climb through the hole and then go down into the tunnel. Once in the subway, turn on the generator and enter the train car.

Run along the destroyed train cars until you see a hole in the wall on the right. Go through the tunnel.

Welcome to the Resistance

At the end of all cutscenes, follow Jack Parrish... He will take you on a tour of the Resistance base and get you up to speed, and you will also receive your first weapon - it can be immediately modified if you have necessary components... After the issuance of weapons, you will be sent to the first combat mission.

But before you leave the shelter, take the components on the table and connect them - it will turn out Molotov cocktail... Now you can move out.

Risky venture

Meet Dana Moore's Squad

Having figured out the game system of crafting, go along the tunnel to the marker. Climb to the roof of the building and talk to Dana.

After talking with her, go with your partner to the indicated place:

Wait for an opportune moment to catch the PRC patrol by surprise. When Dana gives a sign, drop the barrels and shoot at them to destroy the enemy APC.

Join Dana Moore

Go down and clear the street from enemies, then go to the place where the marker points. Since you don't have good weapon, it is best to avoid enemy patrols. When you get to the right place, you will receive $ 500 as a reward.

A robot for a hacker

Reach the KPA transceiver in Elmtree

Having received the coordinates from Dana on your smartphone, get on the bike in the van. Or you can go on foot, but it will be much longer and more dangerous.

Near the container, you can find useful items (first aid kit and ammo). Try to avoid open areas and patrols while driving. In an open place, you are an easy target for any enemies, and patrols can deprive you of transport (blow up, knock you off).

Arriving at the indicated place, climb the containers above and go to the warehouse. You will have a transmitter in front of you, you are already familiar with the principle of hacking, so there should be no problems. By hacking the transmitter, you will learn about the local territory capture system. After that, you should have enough for a machine ($ 600), you can buy it in a locker nearby.

Go to Ned's Arsenal.

Now you need to fight your way through the KPA outposts to your goal. You can do this in several ways:

  • take a bike and rush through armed patrols - there is a risk of being killed.
  • plant explosives in a vulnerable spot (you will be shown) and follow this path - a less fun way.

Go to the marker and go through the carriage, in the building you need to talk to Nedom... This is the end of the mission.


Find the missing patrol

After talking with Ned, go to the top floor and grab the bombs on the table. Such bombs will be useful in a battle against armored vehicles.

Armed, go to the marker on the map. On the way, you will come across outposts, transmitters and more. Be sure to capture and hack them.... You will have to do this in order to go further through the plot. Your main goal is the hangar, which is overrun by the PRC fighters.

It is best to avoid a frontal attack here, as an armored vehicle is patrolling the area. Find good cover and ambush your opponents. After you have dealt with everyone, talk to the wounded resistance fighter.

City in chains

Meet Ned in Earlston's yellow zone

On the way to the goal, you will have to pass several outposts, do not miss the opportunity and capture them on the way to the underground parking. After reaching the desired place, go down below and go along the tunnel to Ned.

After talking with the commander, go up to the second floor and take from the table firecrackers- they are needed to distract attention.

Hack the KNA transceiver

Now you need to go along the yellow zone to your goal. The yellow zone has a number of differences, in such zones it is important to act covertly and try to avoid open confrontations. You will not be able to go to the indicated point with a weapon in your hands, shooting all the patrolmen, sooner or later they will kill you. Therefore, hide your weapon away and avoid patrols, try to move further through the nooks and crannies and dark places. Also, do not forget about secondary tasks such as: hacking a radio receiver or grabbing something.

The transmitter you need is located on the second floor of the shelter, to get to it, climb through the window of the second floor. By hacking the radio transmitter, the mission will be completed.

Hearts and Minds

All you need to do is to carry out various sabotage (destroy equipment, transmitters) and help people. If you have done something like this before, then most likely the scale will already be filled, if not, then open the map and complete everything.

This task will not be difficult if you proceed with caution. When the scale is full, go to the indicated shelter.

Here you need to go to the table and activate the radio. After that, the task will be completed, and you will receive a small reward.

Peaceful man

Talk to Burnett at the hospital

Get out of the shelter and head towards the indicated marker. Barnett will send you to the KPA warehouse for medical supplies, located at the other end of the zone.

Once you reach the right place, you will find yourself at the gate, which can be hacked using a special hacking device. This device can be found nearby, in an abandoned apartment. Having received the desired device, return to the locked gate.

Destroy the KPA fighters and get medicines

Throw it into the castle, then try to act secretly, there are a lot of opponents here, and they can easily bypass you. After neutralizing all opponents, go inside and search the truck.

15th section

Infiltrate the territory of the police station

Run to the indicated point on the map, along the way you can do secondary tasks. There will be a crowd of rioters near the police station, to the left of the crowd there will be a passage to the station.

Concentrate on eliminating stormtroopers from a safe distance. After eliminating them, you can go inside, but be careful... Inside you will meet strong resistance from the Koreans, besides there will be two armored soldiers, it is advisable to eliminate them as soon as possible. After clearing the area, go to the ventilation and blow it up to go further.

Hack the computer inside to open the interrogation room. After the cutscene, return to the resistance base, this will complete the task.

Hour zero

Get into Ned's arsenal

Before heading to the meeting point, grab the RPG, it can be found on the table near the exit.

Once you reach the arsenal, take a comfortable and advantageous position. You need to restrain the attack of the infantry, which is storming the arsenal. You also need to destroy armored vehicles, RPG will help you with this.

Protect trucks while loading

Having repulsed the Koreans, go to the other side and take a comfortable position for defense.

Using the RPG, clear the area (it is better to use a shotgun or machine gun). If you run out of ammo, you can fill them up near the barricades. After a while, it will appear “ Goliath"Is a very powerful armored vehicle, but it is vulnerable to grenade launchers. If you run out of missiles, you can climb into one of the buildings and drop explosive barrels, blowing them up, you will inflict huge damage on the car. After neutralizing the car, approach it and remove the "brain", then leave the area. After breaking away from the pursuers, talk to Barnett in the subway. When the cutscenes are over, you will receive a major reward and complete the task.

Ashgate Man

Get to the Holloway Red Zone

Before you go on a mission, be sure to drop by the gunsmith and buy supplies, weapon attachments. On the way to the marker, do side quest(hacking, capture). At the indicated location, you will talk to Crawford.

After finishing the conversation with him, the task will be completed, and you will receive $ 1200 as a reward.


Reach the train to Fir Hill

The place you need will be at the other end of the zone, it is quite far away and the path will not be too safe. The best way out of this situation would be a moped, but you may not find it nearby, so take this opportunity to complete side tasks along the way.

Look for a climb on railroad you don't need to, you need to climb onto the roof of the building. You can climb to the roof using the scaffolding, which is adjacent to the wall of the house.

Stop the train with a jailbreak device and drain the security codes

Pick up a burglar thrower and throw it onto the train as it passes by. If it stops far from the roof, walk up to it and wait for the files to download.

Hack scanners

Now you need to hack the KPA security scanners, all three are in different parts cards:

  1. Located in the middle of the zone and will be the one closest to you. The scanner itself is on a tower, guarded by drones and cameras. Try to avoid unnecessary attention and climb onto the roof of the building next to the tower. From the roof of the building, you can jump to the tower and get to the scanner, you just have to hack it.
  2. It is located in the south of the zone and this time under the protection of a detachment of enemies who took refuge in the building. Next to this building, you can climb onto the roof of another and go along the platform to the desired structure. Deal with the Koreans and hack the scanner.
  3. Located in the northern part of the zone, this time it will be unguarded. Climb onto the building and, moving along the left side, climb to the scanner and hack it.

If you can't get to the scanners or you are stuck in some building on the way to it, look for the places marked with blue paint, moving along such signs, you will reach the goal without any problems.

Turn on the maintenance system

After breaking all scanners, go to the target marker.

Take the lift. Unfortunately, it will be faulty, so go to the forklift and throw the jailbreak device at it, now you can climb higher and activate the terminal. After the cutscene, follow Crawford, you will be taken to a new zone, and the task will be completed.

Cell brains

Get to the Resistance Hideout

After arriving in the yellow zone of Ashgate, do not rush into battle. It is not advisable to engage in open confrontation, hide your weapon and try to avoid patrols. Using the mini-map, go to the nearest shelter. This is where you need to find Wiley and give him Goliath's brain.

After a short cut-scene, the task will be completed. You will receive $ 900 as a reward.

Who seeks will always find

Attention! Before embarking on this mission, buy a silencer for a weapon or a crossbow. If you don’t have money for them, it’s better to do side missions and earn the required amount. Otherwise, you will have to fend off the patrols that come to the sounds of shots.

Finding these "bloodhounds" will be difficult, but you will be marked where they may appear. The first place will be near the shelter, go there and find a flying drone there, try not to attract attention during its destruction. Although this will be a very long and difficult task, but it is a great chance to get involved in the liberation of the zone, completing side quests.

Also pay attention to the mini-map, drones are highlighted in red on it. After you collect all the parts, return to Heather. You will receive $ 1200 as a reward.


Meet Crawford at his apartment

Your target will be near the shelter, the entrance to the apartment will be through the red door. Crawford will be waiting for you on the third floor, after talking to him, go to Sunderland... Reaching desired home, climb to the third floor using the fire escape, first destroy the cameras to avoid detection.

The necessary documents are stored in a safe under the table, after taking them, go to the marker on the mini-map.

Identify Sunderland discreetly using your phone camera

Once in the restricted area, destroy the cameras and the patrolling soldiers. After that, you can calmly find your target.

Attention! If you are noticed, the task will fail. Also, you cannot kill innocent people.

After finding the right person (in the screenshot above), wait for positive identification. Kill him silently and return to Crawford.

Power to the people!

Achieve 100% reading on the Hearts and Minds

All you need to do is to carry out various sabotage (destroy equipment, transmitters) and help people. If you have done something like this before, then most likely the scale will already be filled, but if not, then open the map and do everything in a row.

This task will not be difficult if you proceed with caution. When the scale is full, go to the indicated shelter. Here you need to go to the table and activate the radio. After that, the task will be completed, and you will receive $ 1650 as a reward.

Identity theft

Get to the police station

The streets are in chaos, a great opportunity for the resistance forces. You need to get to the nearest police station, for this go to the yellow marker on the minimap. It will not be difficult to get into the building, the main entrance is open for you, and there are very few guards in the courtyard.

Having fought off the guards, go up the stairs and go into the building where the marker is pointing. Here you need to destroy the fan with explosives.

Hack the console to finish off the shipyard workers list

Climbing inside, go down the stairs and go to room number 3. Here, go to one of the servers and hack it to get the data.

After that, meet with Parrish at the shelter.

Undercover work

Meet with Crawford's agent and find your gear

After watching all the cutscenes, follow Parrish. When you arrive at the checkpoint, you will need to show your pass.

Once inside military base, go to the yellow marker. After talking with the agent, you need to find a way to get to "zone A", where your equipment is. To do this, go to the yellow marker, and once you are at the locked gate, you need to collect the components for the burglar device. First, climb onto the scaffolding (they will be on your right), there will be "Chemicals" in the container, then follow the signs on the walls in the form of arrows and "X" or a chest.

Thus, you will have to collect all the "Chemicals", and the "battery" you can find in the process, or if you follow the signs (in the trash can or in the basement). After collecting the hacking device, go to the yellow marker, near the gate, throw the device on the control panel to open the gate. Search the crate behind the gate to get your equipment.

Retrieve the disabled Goliath

Your ally triggered an alarm so that you can run to the "Goliath", do not spoil such an easy opportunity, it is better to hide your weapon here and run to the marker. If you raise suspicion among the KPA fighters, you will have to fight with a large detachment. After reaching the indicated place, insert the altered brain into the "Goliath". After that, you will need to take a comfortable position and fight off the advancing enemies for some time. When the new firmware is installed, you will need to escort the armored vehicles to the exit. After the cutscene, the mission will be completed and you will receive your reward.

Aggressive expansion

Get to the transfer point

After the cutscene, go to the tunnel entrance, which will lead you to the red zone. But before entering it, be sure to take a gas mask, which will lie on the shelf to your right.

When you get to the surface, put on a gas mask to avoid dying from the poisoned air. On the surface you will have a yellow marker, it is to it that you need to move. This area is full of enemy units, including armored vehicles. That's why the best option passing this place will be - stealth. Do not engage in open combat, make your way through the abandoned buildings to the indicated place. A good tactical solution would be to capture a strike point that is close to your target.

The marker will lead you to the fortified KPA base, your task is to get inside and sabotage. This can be done in two ways:

  1. Destroy the ventilation grate in one of the walls and get to the base territory - it is better to deal with the enemy convoy that is patrolling the vicinity of the base.
  2. Taking a motorcycle and finding a springboard, fly over the walls of the base - before that, it is advisable to remove the snipers from the walls.

Once inside, deal with the main forces of the enemy, then find the valve. It is located in the center of the base on the second tier, you can climb there by stairs.

By turning the valve, you will pressurize the pipes, which will destroy the base. On this the task will be completed, and you will receive a reward of $ 2000.

Goliath is working!

Destroy the "Dasters"

After talking with Heather at the resistance base, go outside. Your task is to destroy installations that spray poisonous gas. There are five installations in total, their location will be updated on the map. Plus, you will have Goliath as your assistants.

Before going on a mission, make sure you have enough ammo, weapons, missiles and explosives. In time for the mission, try not to stray far from the "Goliath". Arriving at the indicated places, deal with the security guard and destroy the installations, this must be done five times.

Glitchy technique

Find the "Goliath" patterns

After completing the last task, return to the shelter and talk to Heather. After the conversation, head to the specified location, it will be marked on your mini-map. The building you need will be surrounded by an enemy KPA detachment, so first you have to deal with them. After clearing the area, you need to find the documents that are hidden in the ceiling.

After you find them, take a picture of them on your phone and send them to Heather. After that, return to Parrish. When you arrive at the location, the quest will begin " Forced volunteer", After the cut-scene this task will be completed, and you will receive a new one.

The rescue

Open the perimeter gate without being noticed

After receiving the second level access card on your phone, open the cell door and exit. The whole area is well defended, and you are deprived of your weapon. Therefore, it is extremely important to act covertly and carefully, if you are discovered, the mission will fail.

After eliminating the first guard, turn left and move to the marker. Take the bolt cutter in one of the containers (see the screenshot). After that, move to the control panel, while you need to hide in the shadows to avoid detection. After eliminating the guard, click on the button to open the gate to the allies.

Survive the KPA trap

After receiving your equipment, go to the courthouse. After the cut-scene, you will have to fight off a large number of opponents. Take a comfortable position and shoot back from enemies until your reinforcements arrive. When the pickup arrives, jump in and drive away.

KPA Strikes Back

Help the resistance fighters

After the cutscene, run to the red zone Lombard. Before going outside, make sure you have enough supplies and medicine. In this task you will have to help your allies, who were pinned down by enemy fighters. There are three locations to visit, each marked with a yellow marker on the minimap. Having reached the indicated place, try to go behind the back of the enemies and eliminate them from a position convenient for you. Also, do not forget about enemy snipers who can hide in buildings and fire aimed fire at you.

After visiting three places where your help is needed, you will be sent to the metro. It will not be possible to stop the onslaught of enemy vehicles, so you will receive an order to retreat. Return to the resistance base and talk to Parrish.

Great escape

Find the entrance to the tunnel

After speaking with the leaders of the resistance, head to the Old City. Here you need to find a tunnel that leads to the prison. On the way, you may encounter a large number of vehicles, it is best to avoid them. But do not hesitate to capture shock points, this will at least bring you money and various materials... Closer to the prison, you will encounter enemy patrols, they should also be avoided. Your priority task will be to kill snipers who are sitting on the roofs of buildings, after that you can go on patrols and calmly search for the desired tunnel.

The entrance to the tunnel will be in one of the buildings through a hole in the floor. Having tried to open the door, you will not succeed, but the task will be completed.

Not the best escape

Hack the KNA transceiver

Having received a new task, go to the yellow marker. Arriving at the indicated place, you need to climb to the second floor of the building. To do this, find the building to which the scaffolding is attached.

After climbing this building, go to the adjacent one along the air conditioning vents. After that, climb into the building by knocking out the boards in the window.

Find the prisoners

After you hack the transmitter, you will receive information about the possible location of the escaped prisoners. The distant marker will lead you to the prisoner. After talking with him, find the rest, they will be at the docks, not far from you. You will find them in one of the white containers on the east side of the docks. After talking with the fugitives, you need to find a working boat. She is in the northern part of the docks, but there are enemy troops patrolling there. After clearing the territory, go to the marker. To get to the boat, you need to start the generator, you can do this by climbing higher, use the moped to start the engine. Having procured a boat, you will receive a tunnel access code, go there. By opening the door, the task will be completed and you will receive a reward.

Small, but remote ...

Find a shelter

Follow the tunnel until you find the corpse of a prisoner. Change into his uniform to get to the prison territory. Once in the restricted area, go to the yellow marker on the minimap. He will lead you to a shelter, which you can get into in this place:

Once in the shelter, follow the instructions of your interlocutor, otherwise he will kill you. After the conversation, the mission will be completed and you will receive $ 2000.
In this task you can play TimeSplitters 2.

Free Creativity / Crowd Weapon

Get a list of prisoners

After the cutscene, you will need to get information about the prisoners, which is located in one of the fortified positions of the KPA. The area in which the task will take place is well guarded, both by ordinary guards and armored vehicles. So before setting off, check your gear, replenish your ammo and buy first aid kits. Even if you are well armed, you should not engage in open and protracted combat, it is better to act covertly.

Follow the marker and grab the data. After that, you need to free the prisoners. In total, you will need to visit three places, each of which is practically not guarded, but when you start lowering the cameras, an alarm will be raised. If you are playing on high difficulty, it will be best to clear the area of ​​soldiers and deactivate the alarm, on other difficulty levels it will be fastest to simply kill the troops that have arrived. When the last prisoner is rescued, the mission will be completed and you will receive a reward of $ 3500.

After the cut-scene, a new task will begin " Crowd weapon", Which is similar to the task" ".

Fourth horseman

Infiltrate the maximum security prison

Your task is to free a prisoner who is in a maximum security prison. Go to the indicated place, following the marker, on the spot you will not meet strong resistance from the KPA, but closer to your goal there will be heavily armed soldiers and armored vehicles, a grenade launcher will come in handy against them. After clearing the territory from enemies, climb the stairs higher. Go to the sign and go through the pipe, after destroying the fan.

Once in the building, open the red doors, right behind them, pry open the panel to free your target. After that, return to Parrish, when you talk to him, the task will be completed.

Roll the dice

Use the window cradle to climb onto the roof of the TV center

Attention! Starting with this quest, you will not be able to complete side missions and explore other areas. Before heading out on a mission, be sure to replenish your ammo and buy a new weapon, as this will be one of the last opportunities to buy or upgrade weapons.

After talking with Parrish, head to the elevator doors and go up to the roof. When you find yourself on the roof, run to the marker. Along the way, you will need to use the Topper to open the door. After that, run to the marker and wait there until the cradle is lowered to you.

Climbing higher, go to the panel and hack it, having previously dealt with the guards.

Infiltrate the town hall

Now run to the edge of the building, where the cable is stretched, along it you will fall into the building. Once on the roof of the town hall, take a comfortable position and kill enemy soldiers while the break-in is going on. When the break-in is over, go with Parrish to the mayor's office and take him prisoner. After the cut-scene, the task will be completed.

Aftermath / Drone Too Far

The uprising has begun, rioting people have filled the streets, and they are ready to overthrow the KPA government. All this is your merit, but this is not the end. Go to the hideout and discuss the next plan of action with the leaders of the resistance.

After the cut-scene, the mission will be completed, and you will receive a new task - " Drone too far».

Use the SAM

Your help is needed in the Ashgate zone, the main forces of the KPA are attacking your calculated installations. Run to the marker, on the way you will come across KPA soldiers, but you can not be distracted by them. Arriving at the place, take up a position for defense. You need to fend off the advancing enemy soldiers within a minute. When the time is up, activate the air defense system.

The revolution

Trap for the traitor

Meet with Parrish at Crawford's apartment, it is very close. Climb the stairs above and knock out the door.

After talking with the traitor, you will decide his fate. You can kill him or give him life. What to do with the traitor is up to you, your choice will not affect the end of the game in any way.

Defense of the air defense system

Go to the red zone Lombard, where you need to escort the air defense system to the deployment sites, there are only two of them. During the mission, try not to go far from the vehicles and eliminate armored vehicles during the battle. Snipers will also be dangerous opponents, they shoot from the roofs of buildings, you can kill them, or hide behind cover during the battle.

The revolution

After being escorted, head to the Palace of Independence. In the Palace, talk to Parrish and go to storm the building.

After the cut-scene, you will have a minute to get to the main drone control tower, and a pistol. Shoot at enemies and climb the stairs to the control panel.

On this passage Homefront: TheRevolution completed, you just have to watch the final cut-scene and credits of the game.

Get to the Holloway Red Zone

Before you go on a mission, be sure to look at the gunsmith and buy supplies, weapon attachments. On the way to the marker, do a side task (hacking, capture). At the indicated place you will talk to Crawford.

After finishing the conversation with him, the task will be completed, and as a reward you will receive 1200 $


Reach the train to Fir Hill

The place you need will be at the other end of the zone, it is quite far away and the path will not be too safe. The best way out of this situation would be a moped, but you may not find it nearby, so take the opportunity along the way to complete a side task.

You do not need to look for an ascent to the railway, you need to climb onto the roof of the building. You can climb to the roof using the scaffolding, which is adjacent to the wall of the house.

Stop the train with a jailbreak device and drain the security codes

Pick up a burglar thrower and throw it onto the train as it passes by. If he stops far from the roof, go to him and wait for the files to finish downloading.

Hack scanners

Now you need to hack KNA security scanners, all three are in different parts of the map:

  1. Located in the middle of the zone and will be the one closest to you. The scanner itself is on a tower, guarded by drones and cameras. Try to avoid unnecessary attention and climb onto the cover of the building, which is located next to the tower. From the roof of the building, you can jump to the tower and get to the scanner, you just have to hack it.
  2. Be in the south of the zone and this time under the protection of a detachment of enemies who took refuge in the building. Next to this building, you can climb onto the roof of another and go along the platform to the desired structure. Understand Koreans and hack the scanner.
  3. Located in the northern part of the zone, this time it will be unguarded. Climb onto the building and moving on the left side, climb to the scanner and hack it.

If you cannot get to the scanners or you are stuck in some building on the way to it, look for the places marked with blue paint, follow such signs you will reach the goal without any problems.

Turn on the maintenance system

After breaking all scanners, go to the target marker.

Take the lift. Unfortunately, it will be faulty, so go to the forklift and throw the jailbreak device at it, now you can climb higher and activate the terminal. After the cutscene, follow Crawford, you will be taken to a new zone and the task will be completed.

Cell brains

Get to the Resistance Hideout

After arriving in the yellow zone of Ashgate, do not rush into battle. It is not advisable to engage in open confrontation, hide your weapon and try to avoid patrols. Using the mini-map, go to the nearest shelter. Here you need to find Wiley and give him the brain of "Goliath".

After a short cut-scene, the task will be completed. You will receive $ 900 as a reward.

Who seeks will always find

Attention! Before embarking on this mission, buy a silencer for a weapon or a crossbow. If you do not have money for them, it is better to do side missions and earn the necessary amount. Otherwise, you will have to fend off the patrols that come to the sounds of shots.

Finding these "bloodhounds" will be difficult, but you will have to mark the places where they may appear. The first place will be near the shelter, go there and find a flying drone there, try not to attract attention during its destruction. Although this will be a very long and difficult task, but it is a great chance to deal with the liberation of the zone, completing side tasks.

Also pay attention to the mini-map, drones are highlighted in red on it. After you collect all the parts, return to Heather. You will receive $ 1200 as a reward.


Meet Crawford at his apartment

Your target will be near the shelter, the entrance to the apartment will be through the red door. Crawford will be waiting for you on the third floor, after talking with him go to Sunderland. Having reached the desired house, go up to the third floor using the fire escape, first destroy the cameras to avoid detection.

The necessary documents are stored in a safe under the table, taking them go to the marker on the mini-map.

Identify Sunderland discreetly using your phone camera

Once in the restricted area, destroy the cameras and the patrolling soldiers. After that, you can calmly find your target.

Attention! If you are noticed the task will be failed. Also, you cannot kill innocent people.

What we are fighting for.

After watching the initial video, we get out of bed. After looking around the room and having dealt with the local administration, we open the door at the request of the Korean soldiers. After stuffing us in the face and going down the stairs, they take us to the bus going to the concentration camp. Sit on the seat and relax. All you have to do for the next five minutes is to watch the horror unfolding in the once tranquil streets of the United States. After a little chat with a friend in misfortune, prepare to quickly get away with your feet. The fact is that for some reason the participants of the resistance needed you, and without hesitation, they decided to ram the bus carrying you, killing other prisoners at the same time. After meeting your saviors, pick up the gun from the floor and follow them. After breaking through the crowds of Korean soldiers, you will find yourself in a supermarket. Inspect the area and take the weapon you like from the dead enemy.

Finding yourself under fire of the soldiers advancing on the shop, "treat" them with a grenade, and then shoot the surviving soldiers from a machine gun. After covering some distance, you will find yourself in an open area, where armed Koreans are walking. After listening to Connor's instructions, we go up the stairs to the tree house and from there we shoot the vicious Koreans. Unfortunately, the plan fails, and we, having received a "kumpol" from the bazooka, fall down with the tree. Having regained consciousness, we quickly get away from the place of the fall. In the location with the fuselages of destroyed aircraft, remove the machine gunner, and smoke out those opponents who are behind the shelters with grenades. When an armored personnel carrier arrives at the scene of the battle, run around the house and climb the stairs to the second floor from there run to the only open window. Gently, a cunning Korean sat down inside, who can easily take you by surprise. Taking explosives from the table, look out of the window and throw a charge on the armored personnel carrier, then move as far as possible and activate the detonator. The death machine is destroyed, and we continue on our way to freedom.

Having met another member of the resistance - Bun, we go into the house, after which we are preparing to repel the attack of the Korean soldiers. When they shower the house with tear gas grenades, run into the next room and take control of the "Goliath". There shouldn't be any problems with management. Just keep the enemy equipment in sight for a few seconds, and then give the order to fire. Having destroyed all the enemy equipment, we rejoice at a small, but still, victory.


After waking up from sleep, we listen to Buna and go on a tour of our new home. If you wish, you can chat with local residents. Having finished doing nonsense, we follow the newly made comrade to the rest of the rebels. After listening to the briefing, we grab our equipment and go down into the tunnel. Having risen to the surface, we deal with the gaping Koreans. Ahead of us is a small problem in the form of a sentry cannon giving a queue for everyone whose eyes are wider than "supposed". In order to destroy it, you must blow up the power supply. We run from one cover to another until you get to an advantageous position. From there we throw a grenade into the marked place. Having dealt with the turret, we continue to move towards the goal. After running into an abandoned house, remove two snipers on the towers, and then finish off the remaining Koreans on the street. Having reached the school, we observe a small scene with Boone's injury. Rihanna (the girl who saved us) will remain with the shot Boone, but we, in the company of Connor and another rebel, will continue to move forward. Having reached the arsenal, grab your favorite weapon and go out to the road. Seeing Korean troops, do not rush to open fire on them, as in just a couple of seconds a truck with reinforcements will arrive here. After making sure that everything is in order, the car will leave, and only four narrow-eyed people will remain at the post. Having dealt with them, we go after our partners. Those will lead you to the next sentry turret. Before destroying the Koreans, take care of the tower, as it will not allow you to calmly move around the area. Having finished with the cleaning of the yard, we jump into the underground tunnel.

Once on the surface, we give Connor the weapon who, without hesitation, will throw it into the trash can, leaving us a pitiful pistol. We need a certain Arnie. Ask the locals where you can find it and go to the marked place. Finding Arnie, we follow him. He will lead us through the closed doors, and when asked about the key, he will start talking nonsense. As a result, the traitor will lead us into a trap. When "slomo" is activated, shoot at the nearest enemies, and then climb up the stairs as quickly as possible. First of all, destroy all the soldiers on the towers, and then take your feet to the nearest room. If they are lucky, the partners themselves will finish off the remaining Koreans.

Having reached an abandoned baseball field, we observe how enraged Connor opens fire on enemy people. Those will not remain in debt and will also start shooting at us, in addition to everything, two guard turrets will appear on the field. We need to destroy them. We make our way to the guns using school buses as cover. The soldiers we met along the way are mercilessly shot. Having reached the goal, we destroy the power supplies at the two turrets, after which we climb into the pit with the corpses. We do not pay attention to the arriving Koreans. When they leave, we contact Rihanna.


After riding in the armored vehicle, listen to the briefing and follow Rihanna. Received as a gift sniper rifle, we go to the position where we wait for the explosion. When the "white phosphorus" strikes right into the heart of the Korean camp, we shoot at the snipers and grenade launchers entrenched in the towers. We are waiting for the second explosion. The charge that Hoppins sent to camp has gone astray and is now heading straight for Rihanna and me. Jumping off the roof, we immediately head to the specified point. Having got our hands on the control panel "Goliath" we shoot at the enemy equipment, occasionally getting rid of the Koreans armed with EMP. We shoot down the enemy helicopter that has arrived in time and regroup with our comrades.

Having made our way to the warehouse, we replace the unnecessary sniper rifle with a more useful weapon and move forward. There are a lot of enemies, so you should not pose as a hero by breaking forward. We just slowly follow our partners. The main thing is not to touch explosive barrels, which have an incredibly wide radius of destruction. Having got out on the street, jump off the awning as quickly as possible and run after the leaving truck. Once you get close enough, attach the beacon to the vehicle. Returning to Connor and Rihanna, discuss the current situation and return to the burning building. Ignoring the Koreans, run to the exit, otherwise the building will collapse, burying you under the rubble. Once on the roof, we jump down and rush headlong after the leaving truck. The final building in this episode will be shooting the vehicles pursuing you with the help of the "Goliath".


It's time to head back to the hideout. Climbing up the stairs, you will see mountains of corpses, burnt houses, as well as the hanged Boone. Cry a little over the body of a disfigured comrade and hit the road. We follow Connor until we get ambushed by "gooks". First of all, shoot the guys with grenade launchers, as well as snipers, occasionally sticking their heads out of the window. A little later "Goliath" will come to your aid. The attacking grenade launchers must be killed as quickly as possible, otherwise they will blow up the "Goliath", which is tantamount to a mission failure. When a tank looks at us, take the armored personnel carrier aside and, taking advantage of the moment, fry the colossus.

We continue to follow Connor until we get to the other rebels. It is necessary to destroy the wall, but for this it is necessary to carry out the "Goliath" filled with explosives as close as possible to the gate. Kill the attacking Koreans before activating the Engine Control Console. Then, turning off the mechanism, we run across to the other side, where real hell awaits you. Respawning enemies, explosive barrels stuck in every corner, the promise of your partners to cover you, and in all this bedlam you somehow need to get to the console and hold down the desired button for ten seconds. First of all, we kill the snipers and grenade launchers who have settled on the towers. After completing this task, kill as many Koreans as possible and make sure that your partners are able to cover you, and only then head to the console.

Having disabled the last locking mechanism, we regroup with our team and follow Rihanna to the roof. Climbing upstairs, grab the grenade launcher at a run and in the "slomo" mode, shoot from it at the "goliath". If you are now looking at a huge hole in the wall, then everything is done correctly, which means you need to go down and sit down at the machine gun attached to the "Hamer". It is unrealistic to shoot with it, so just relax, the trip will be short-lived.


Negotiations with the rebels were not very successful and they opened fire on our command. Hide behind the nearest car and start killing enemies. First of all, we get rid of the guys who have settled in the house, and then we clean up the yard. Before leaving, check the house, there may be opponents. Having reached the gate, we listen to Connor's instructions. Unlike many other situations, here you will have to carry out the task of your partners. They said not to shoot, and you are not shooting. Said not to run, and you don't run. Any disobedience is punishable by the inscription "Quest failed" and returns you to the very beginning of the episode. After limping to the river and completing a couple of small errands from Connor, you can turn off the headphones again, since you are again allowed to shoot at anything that moves. Having reached the wreckage of the helicopter, we miraculously finish off the surviving Koreans.

Are you tired of the constant chatter of your allies? Are you just furious at the magical barrier that surrounds your partners? Does it infuriate you to wait for your friend to open the door for you? Then this episode is for you. Ten minutes of loneliness. After splitting with the team, we go to the church, putting two unsuspecting traitors on the move. Having done this, immediately jump for cover, as in a few seconds evil enemies will crawl from everywhere. Having made our way inside the building, we go upstairs using the stairs. Each floor is patrolled by one or two guards. Climbing on the roof, take a sniper rifle and listen to Connor's instructions. The targets that need to be fed with lead will be marked, so there should be no difficulty.

When the church is engulfed in flames, jump down and run to the helicopter. True, first you need to kill several enemies, otherwise they will kill us. After reaching the "turntable" take control.

On guard.

Remember the truck we used to attach the beacon to? It's time to recapture it from the NCA. What for? It's just that the most expensive and necessary thing in the world, namely fuel, is splashing in the tank, which is fixed on this truck. Well, so that this sortie does not end with a loud failure and three more corpses in this war, our heroes decided to "take" a combat helicopter to work. Now it is clear why they needed it so much the main character because he is a real pilot. Having dealt with the controls, we go forward destroying anti-aircraft guns and armored personnel carriers. In principle, to describe further events, no, they are necessary, since they consist in "fly forward, blow up anti-aircraft guns."

Having reached the column, destroy the security cars and lower the helicopter to a level low enough to jump. When one of the squad members is in the cab of the truck, fly to the next van and so on until all three are at the wheel. Now it's up to a little - to help friends get to their destination safe and sound. Once over the bridge, buy time for Hopper, while he will lay charges on the bridge. Fly as close as possible to the place where the cars appear and destroy them. After Connor's signal, we return to the tanks.

Golden Gate.

Having arrived at the place, talk to the leader of the local rebel group and get into the helicopter. However, this time you will find yourself in the passenger seat. Arm yourself with a rifle with grenade launchers and start shooting the Koreans when you get to the bridge. Don't worry about the charges as they are infinite. After disembarking, we begin to storm the bridge. For a start, it's worth getting rid of the grenade launchers, because if they destroy our tanks, the task will fail. When a tank comes to us, that there is strength, run to the barracks and find an RPG among the wreckage. Having fired from it on the tank, clear the area of ​​opponents, so that nothing would interfere with your vehicles moving forward. Having split with the team, we follow Connor. Pick up a machine gun in your arsenal, you will need it soon.

Having reached the desired point, we are waiting for our equipment to overcome a certain distance and, on Connor's orders, we begin to deal with the enemies. Regroup with Rihanna and Hopper, listen to their conversation and get ready to escape from the enemy helicopter. Unfortunately, none of this will come of it, and we will fly down. Having managed to catch on the edge, we find ourselves on the stage. We quickly take cover behind the boxes from the shots of the helicopter and, while it will bend around the bridge, we run across to the other side. You need to act carefully here, as any mistake can throw you down. Having reached the stairs, go up and fire a line at unsuspecting opponents, and then destroy two sentry turrets.

After joining the squad, listen to Connor's instructions, and then take the rocket launcher and destroy the boring helicopter in order. If everything went well, then Hopper, shouting "Eureka", will start to tune something in the enemy equipment. You need to cover it up. When he turns off the anti-aircraft guns, take control of the UAV and destroy the approaching enemy equipment. Having done this, sit down at the machine gun on the Hamer and engage the enemy "Goliath". If he starts an attack with missiles, turn on the suppressor and shoot him until it is completely destroyed.

The game is over, and America has taken a huge step towards a crushing victory over the NCA.

  • Information
  • Description
  • Peculiarities
  • Syst. requirements
  • Opinion criticism
  • Editions rating: no ratings

Homefront is a story-driven cinematic action movie in which the script plays an important role. The famous Hollywood screenwriter John Milius (Apocalypse Now, Red Dawn) and a former American intelligence officer took part in the work on the plot of the game. The authors came up with a realistic geopolitical scenario, according to which by 2025 the US economy will be completely destroyed by the second wave of the crisis, and New Korea, which has gained political and military power (formed as a result of the unification of the former DPRK and the Republic of Korea), will detonate a nuclear warhead over the weakened States and occupy the west of the country. The people of America, having lost their regular army, but not broken, will continue to fight the invaders, waging an uncompromising guerrilla war against them. Their main task is to raise an uprising in San Francisco, which became the base of the occupying forces.

The game begins with the fact that the hero of Homefront, a former military pilot, wakes up from a knock on the door of his apartment. Opening the door, he finds Korean soldiers who stun him. When he is released, the hero finds himself in a school bus, slowly crawling through the streets of the once free city. .. Everywhere there is chaos, one after another there is a mazanscene: someone is put on a plastic bag over their heads, someone (at best) is beaten half to death, someone is thrown off the bridge, and someone is using the situation for their own purposes and robbed , kill, spit on both Koreans and native Americans, people with the principle "my house is on the edge", the whole (dirty) truth about life ... Next is the entrance to the ranks of the partisans; to get at least some help) of the intimidated people who were so intimidated by the Koreans that they severely reprimand for one glance at the rebels; the order to raise an uprising in San Francisco ...

# A cinematic action movie with an unusual plot - the Americans are not brave warriors here, heroically bringing democracy to foreign states, but the defenders of their own dilapidated country.

# Realistic environment and faithfully conveyed the atmosphere of battles in the cities of America captured by enemies.

# Futuristic weapons and equipment, which were created according to secret blueprints received by developers from the Pentagon.

# Deadly drones - toy-sized radio-controlled devices that serve as an effective means of destroying opponents.

# Unique Drama Engine technology that changes game scenario depending on the actions of the player - with her you will always be at the epicenter of events.

OS: Windows XP, Windows Vista or Windows 7;
CPU: Intel Pentium Core 2 Duo 2.4 GHz or AMD Athlon X2 2.8 GHz;
RAM: 2 GB;
Video card: NVIDIA GeForce 7900GS or ATI Radeon 1900XT with Shader Model 3.0 support and 256 MB of memory;
HDD: 10 GB;

Part 1. What we are fighting for After the introductory video we wake up on our couch. We approach the door, where we are tied up and sent to who knows where by the Korean invaders. While we are going to the car ...

Part 1. What we fight for

After the introductory video, we wake up on our couch. We approach the door, where we are tied up and sent to who knows where by the Korean invaders. While we are on the bus, we understand that the Koreans have come here to joke: every now and then someone is being killed around someone and driven to hard labor. But luckily, Connor and Rihanna save us. We take a pistol, get out of the bus and run into the house, fleeing from enemy equipment.

We run out into the yard and kill two Koreans, we take away a rifle from one of them. Next, we follow the partners, shooting enemies in the store and outside. Having reached the gas station, we throw grenades at it in order to immediately destroy all the enemies at once. We run further, climb into the hole. It is better to hide from the enemy tank and soldiers at once and not stick out, there will be too many of them. At Connor's command, we cross the road right behind the backs of the enemies. After passing the courtyards - we climb into the children's tree house. At this point, you need to be fully armed, tk. will have to cover our partners for a long time. Soon we will be expelled from there with a charge from a rocket launcher. We fall down and, having shaken off, we continue to shoot back near the wreckage of the fallen plane. There are many enemies, fortunately there is where to hide: all around is various garbage. To pass the armored vehicle, we climb up the ladder to the left into the window and select C4.

We follow Connor to the Civil Quarter. Having met Bun, we talk to him, after which we run into the house and fight off the invaders who have come. When tear gas flies into the house, we get out and run to Hopper. He will give us a control panel for aiming from the "Goliath". We select the desired target, wait for guidance and press the missile launch button. We do this with all the equipment that will come to our hearts.

Part 2. Freedom

We come to our senses after an air strike in some house. We follow Boone to understand what is happening. It turns out that we are in one of the safe suburbs where people are hiding. You can walk around, chat with them and look around. When we walk up - we go to Boon to regroup. We take weapons from the table and go down the stairs to a meeting with Hopper. We follow the detachment into the building. At the end of the street you need to blow up the cannon with a grenade, but for this you need to get closer to it. We follow exactly Boone at the moment when the cannon will look in the other direction. Having got close enough, we throw in a couple of three grenades. Next, we run into the building. On the other side of the house there will be an enemy patrol. Through the gap in the window we remove the patrol commander and the rest of the enemies in the yard. We go to a meeting with Rihanna. Arriving at the scene, we find that Boone is wounded. We leave him with Rihanna and head to the camp for reconnaissance, not forgetting to first hang with weapons from the wall.

Having reached the camp, we attack the enemies at the command of Connor. In order not to get under the distribution of a machine gun, we go around it from the other side of the street, until we reach the left lane. Having dealt with the enemy in the alley, through the house we go out into the street and throw a grenade under the cannon tank. Through the underground passage we penetrate into the camp, where we need to find Arnie. Having met with him, we go to the warehouses, where it turns out that he led us into a trap. We grab the pistol, shoot the two Koreans on the left and quickly climb up the stairs. We select weapons and clean up the administrative center. We take the beacons from the table.

Upon reaching the field, Connor will reveal our location by opening fire on the enemy. We hide behind shelters and shoot back. We go around two guard guns from the flank and undermine them with grenades. There is nowhere to hide from the helicopters, so we jump into the mass grave and pretend to be a corpse.

Part 3. Liquidation

It's time to install the beacons that we took from the camp. We get to the destination by car, take a sniper rifle and follow Rihanna to the roof. When Hopper launches a phosphoric rocket directly at the enemy, we proceed to clean up the territory. Soon, Hopper will launch a second rocket, only directly at us, citing the fact that this is a misfire. We run among the fire to the tower to Connor, from where everything, together with a roar, fall down. Having come to our senses, we take control of the "Goliath" and attack the enemy. From time to time we remove the soldiers on the roof from the sniper rifle, which will slow down the "Goliath" with the help of EMP. Do not forget to blow up the "Hummer" with a helicopter that came to the aid of the Koreans. It is better to hide from the helicopter missiles behind the "Goliath" itself, otherwise it will simply kill us before we have time to aim at it. Further, we continue to clear the territory from enemies already near the restaurant. We also actively use the "Goliath" and save it from EMP attacks, killing enemies already in the tower. Let's climb into the hole in the wall.

We go into the department store and we clean it. It is best to arm yourself with a nearby shotgun. When in close contact with the enemy, it is especially effective. When everyone is killed, we rise to the second floor and go out into the street. The convoy of trucks has already started, and we need to install at least one beacon. On the right side, we quickly jump down and run to the gas station, where we catch up with the departing truck and catch the lighthouse on it.

Having regrouped with Connor and Rihanna, we go into the room. There is a fire in it, so it is better not to hesitate and quickly get out on the fire escape. After going to the roof, the "Goliath" will again become available to us. We finish off the last enemies, after which we jump off the roof and get into the truck, which is too lazy to wait for us. To break away from the Hummers and the helicopter, we use the guidance of the "Goliath".

Part 4. Wall

We return to the house, which no longer exists. The Koreans completely burned out the suburbs and killed Boone. Without thinking twice, we run after Connor and are ambushed. First of all, we remove the grenade launcher on the balcony, then all the others who fall under the hot hand of revenge. When the Hammer arrives, Hopper will send our Goliath to help. With the help of it we destroy the car and grenade launchers on the roof. Then we follow along the street, after which we run into the house when enemy tank... To destroy him, we follow Rihanna bypassing and hit the tank from the side.

We get down into the drainage channel and follow it to the soldiers of the resistance. Having united with them, we are heading towards the wall, which we must overcome. First you need to lower the fence. We run into the booth and lower the lever, making sure that the enemy will not interfere with us at this time. A little further, it will be necessary to lower the barrier again, but it just won't be possible to do it. We run into the building, we clean it and break down the door. In slow motion, shoot at the yellow barrels in order to save ammunition and finish off the remaining enemies. We shoot two grenade launchers on the roof and the third through the gap in the window. We run across to the checkpoint and we lower the second obstacle. Having teamed up with Rihanna and Connor, we rise to the roof, where we pick up an RPG and detonate the "Goliath" stuffed with explosives. We get down and climb into the "Hammer" in the place of the machine gunner. Shooting at everything that moves, we fly out of the city with a whistle and keep our way to the farm.

Part 5. Center

Arriving at the farm, we understand that the local population is not particularly happy with us. The task is to hijack a helicopter. We begin to fight our way to it, destroying the survivalists. We take the improved sniper rifle from Connor and follow him to the farm itself. You need to be extremely quiet, otherwise it will be difficult. Going out into the field, we shoot the enemy on the windmill, a little later than one more. Run into the garage to hide from a helicopter flying by. In the distance it will be possible to see a large two-story house, we need to somehow get into it, having previously removed two sentries from there, otherwise it will not be possible to get closer. Entering the house, we kill the enemy with a knife. A little later we remove the grenade launcher on the tower and head to the river.

On it we get to the bridge, where we can destroy survivalists with a brave soul, without fear of being noticed. Later, the heroes of the occasion themselves, the Koreans, will enter into a mess. We shoot both those and others on their way. In the end, we remove the last grenade launcher on the tower and head to the church, from where we will conduct observation. Inside the church, you will need to be extremely careful and not ask for trouble, because we will be without cover.

Having reached the bell tower, we lie down in the sniper's place and kill the enemies at Connor's command. Shooting ahead of time is not worth it. When our partners fly in a truck to the helicopter take-off pad, we jump down and run towards them. It is not worth rushing too much, there will be too many enemies, despite the fact that they will constantly rush us. When we reach the helicopter, we sit down at the helm and fly away from this place.

Part 6. On guard

Taking control of the helicopter, we begin to catch up with Korean trucks with fuel, on one of which we once put a beacon. We destroy the guards of the convoy with the help of a machine gun and missiles. Windmills it is better to fly around, otherwise you can damage our helicopter. To fly through the tunnel, we land and fly under the very ceiling, so as not to hit the lying cars below. Having taken off from the tunnel, we destroy "Hummers" near the trucks, at the same time dodging their missiles.

Now we need to capture these same trucks. We fly up from the left side to the very last tank and press the button to drop Hopper into the driver's cabin. Next, we fly up to the second one and disembark Rihanna. After we move on to the first truck and disembark Connor. Trucks are captured, now you need to escort them without flying too far from them. We will save ourselves from anti-aircraft missiles that will fly at us by releasing heat traps.

Having reached the city, we destroy the blockade on the bridge. While our partners will move along the streets, we are actively protecting them from grenade launchers, "Hummers" and a helicopter coming out from everywhere. To break away from the chase, you need to blow up the bridge behind you. While Hopper is laying the charges, we protect him, after which the pursuit of us stops, and we can deliver fuel for the benefit of the American army with peace of mind.

Part 7. Golden Gate

Having met with the army, we sit down with Connor in a helicopter and fly to liberate the Golden Gate. But only as always, the whole plan will go downhill. The grenade launchers under the bridge will destroy almost half of all the helicopters that will be with us. We fly under the Golden Gate and destroy the vile Koreans. If it is difficult to aim on the move, you can use an underbarrel grenade launcher.

Having landed, we begin to clean up the checkpoint under the bridge itself. We hide from the suddenly appeared tank in the barracks to the right. We run over to the second barracks, take the RPG from the Korean and destroy the tank. We climb the stairs directly to the bridge itself, arm ourselves with any proposed weapon and proceed to clean up the Golden Gate. Climbing onto the highway itself, we finish off the last enemies and regroup.

The path for the convoy is blocked by two grenade launchers. We climb the hill and destroy both, after which we follow the convoy of tanks until we hit the watchtowers. A helicopter will pick us up at this time, and we will fall to the lower level of the bridge. We run along the paved path, at the same time hiding from the helicopter and shooting the enemy. Climbing back to the platform along the stairs, we find ourselves in the rear of the enemy, from where we remove opponents and undermine the sentry guns. We destroy the arriving helicopter with the help of the Javelin.

Taking a heavier machine gun, we break into the air defense site and try to capture it. While Hopper is trying to hack the anti-aircraft gun control console, we protect him. A little later we take control of the UAV and destroy the enemy convoy, after which we jump into the "Hummer" and make our legs. At the end of the day, the enemy "Goliath" will leave for us. To escape from his missiles, we constantly use the suppressor, while simultaneously shooting at the "Goliath" until it explodes.

Watching the final video.

After watching the initial video, we get out of bed. After looking around the room and having dealt with the local administration, we open the door at the request of the Korean soldiers. After stuffing us in the face and going down the stairs, they take us to the bus heading to the concentration camp. Sit on the seat and relax. All you have to do for the next five minutes is to watch the horror unfolding in the once tranquil streets of the United States. After a little chat with a friend in misfortune, prepare to quickly get away with your feet. The fact is that for some reason the participants of the resistance needed you, and they, without hesitation, decided to ram the bus carrying you, killing other prisoners at the same time. After meeting your saviors, pick up the gun from the floor and follow them. After breaking through the crowds of Korean soldiers, you will find yourself in a supermarket. Inspect the area and take the weapon you like from the dead enemy.

Finding yourself under fire of the soldiers advancing on the shop, "treat" them with a grenade, and then shoot the surviving soldiers from a machine gun. After covering some distance, you will find yourself in an open area, where armed Koreans are walking. After listening to Connor's instructions, we go up the stairs to the tree house and from there we shoot the vicious Koreans. Unfortunately, the plan fails, and we, having received a "kumpol" from the bazooka, fall down with the tree. Having regained consciousness, we quickly get away from the place of the fall. In the location with the fuselages of destroyed planes, remove the machine gunner, and smoke out those opponents who are behind the shelters with grenades. When an armored personnel carrier arrives at the scene of the battle, run around the house and climb the stairs to the second floor, from there run to the only open window. Carefully, a cunning Korean man has sat down inside, who can easily take you by surprise. Taking explosives from the table, look out of the window and throw a charge on the armored personnel carrier, then move as far as possible and activate the detonator. The death machine is destroyed, and we continue on our way to freedom.

Having met another member of the resistance - Bun, we go into the house, after which we are preparing to repel the attack of the Korean soldiers. When they shower the house with tear gas grenades, run into the next room and take control of the "Goliath". There shouldn't be any problems with management. Just keep enemy vehicles in sight for a few seconds, and then give the order to fire. Having destroyed all the enemy equipment, we rejoice at a small, but still, victory.


After waking up from sleep, we listen to Boone and go on a tour of our new home. If you wish, you can chat with local residents. Having finished doing nonsense, we follow the newly made comrade to the rest of the rebels. After listening to the briefing, we grab our equipment and go down into the tunnel. Having risen to the surface, we deal with the gaping Koreans. Ahead of us is a small problem in the form of a patrol cannon, giving a queue on everyone whose eyes are wider than "supposed". In order to destroy it, it is necessary to blow up the power supply. We run from one cover to another until you get to an advantageous position. From there we throw a grenade into the marked place. Having dealt with the turret, we continue to move towards the goal. After running into an abandoned house, remove two snipers on the towers, and then finish off the remaining Koreans on the street. Having reached the school, we observe a small scene with Boone's injury. Rihanna (the girl who saved us) will remain with the shot Boone, well, and we, in the company of Connor and another rebel, will continue to move forward. Having reached the arsenal, grab your favorite weapon and go out to the road. Seeing Korean troops, do not rush to open fire on them, as in just a couple of seconds a truck with reinforcements will arrive here. After making sure that everything is in order, the car will leave, and only four narrow-eyed people will remain at the post. Having dealt with them, we go after our partners. Those will lead you to the next sentry turret. Before killing the Koreans, take care of the tower, as it will not allow you to calmly move around the area. Having finished with the cleaning of the yard, we jump into the underground tunnel.

Once on the surface, we give Connor the weapon, who, without hesitation, will throw it into the trash can, leaving us a pitiful pistol. We need a certain Arnie. Ask the locals where you can find it, and go to the marked place. Finding Arnie, we follow him. He will lead us through the closed doors, and when asked about the key, he will start talking nonsense. As a result, the traitor will lead us into a trap. When "slomo" is activated, shoot at the nearest enemies, and then as quickly as possible climb up the stairs. First of all, destroy all the soldiers on the towers, and then take your feet to the nearest room. If they are lucky, the partners themselves will finish off the remaining Koreans.

Having reached an abandoned baseball field, we observe how enraged Connor opens fire on enemy people. Those will not remain in debt and will also start shooting at us, in addition to everything, two guard turrets will appear on the field. We need to destroy them. We make our way to the guns, using school buses as cover. The soldiers we met along the way are mercilessly shot. Having reached the goal, we destroy the power supplies at the two turrets, after which we climb into the pit with the corpses. We do not pay attention to the arriving Koreans. When they leave, we contact Rihanna.


After riding in the armored vehicle, listen to the briefing and follow Rihanna. Having received a sniper rifle as a gift, we go to the position, where we wait for the explosion. When the "white phosphorus" strikes right into the heart of the Korean camp, we shoot at the snipers and grenade launchers entrenched in the towers. We are waiting for the second explosion. The charge that Hoppins sent to camp has gone astray and is now heading straight for Rihanna and me. Jumping off the roof, we immediately head to the specified point. Having got our hands on the control panel "Goliath", we shoot at the enemy equipment, occasionally getting rid of the Koreans armed with EMP. We shoot down the enemy helicopter that has arrived in time and regroup with our comrades.

Having made our way to the warehouse, we replace the unnecessary sniper rifle with a more useful weapon and move forward. There are a lot of enemies, so do not pretend to be a hero, breaking forward. We just slowly follow our partners. The main thing is not to touch explosive barrels, which have an incredibly wide radius of destruction. Having got out on the street, jump off the awning as quickly as possible and run after the leaving truck. Once you get close enough, attach the beacon to the vehicle. Returning to Connor and Rihanna, discuss the current situation and return to the burning building. Ignoring the Koreans, run to the exit, otherwise the building will collapse, burying you under the rubble. Once on the roof, we jump down and rush headlong after the leaving truck. The final building in this episode will be shooting the vehicles pursuing you with the help of the "Goliath".


It's time to head back to the hideout. Climbing up the stairs, you will see mountains of corpses, burnt houses, as well as the hanged Boone. Cry a little over the body of a disfigured comrade and hit the road. We follow Connor until we get ambushed by "gooks". First of all, shoot the guys with grenade launchers, as well as snipers, occasionally sticking their heads out of the window. A little later, "Goliath" will come to your aid. The attacking grenade launchers must be killed as quickly as possible, otherwise they will blow up the "Goliath", which is tantamount to a mission failure. When a tank looks at us, take the armored personnel carrier aside and, taking advantage of the moment, fry the colossus.

We continue to follow Connor until we get to the other rebels. It is necessary to destroy the wall, but for this it is necessary to carry out the "Goliath" filled with explosives as close as possible to the gate. Kill the attacking Koreans before activating the Engine Control Console. Then, turning off the mechanism, we run across to the other side, where real hell awaits you. Respawning enemies, explosive barrels stuck in every corner, the promise of your partners to cover you, and in all this chaos you somehow need to get to the console and hold down the desired button for ten seconds. First of all, we kill the snipers and grenade launchers who have settled on the towers. After completing this task, kill as many Koreans as possible and make sure that your partners are able to cover you, and only then head to the console.

Having disabled the last locking mechanism, we regroup with our team and follow Rihanna to the roof. Climbing upstairs, grab the grenade launcher at a run and in the "slomo" mode, shoot from it at the "goliath". If you are now looking at a huge hole in the wall, then everything is done correctly, which means you need to go down and sit down at the machine gun attached to the "Hamer". It is unrealistic to shoot with it, so just relax, the trip will be short-lived.


Negotiations with the rebels were not very successful, and they opened fire on our command. Hide behind the nearest car and start killing enemies. First of all, we get rid of the guys who have settled in the house, and then we clean up the yard. Before leaving, check the house, there may be opponents. Having reached the gate, we listen to Connor's instructions. Unlike many other situations, here you have to carry out the task of your partners. They said not to shoot, and you are not shooting. Said not to run, and you don't run. Any disobedience is punishable by the inscription "Quest failed" and returns you to the very beginning of the episode. After limping to the river and completing a couple of small errands from Connor, you can turn off the headphones again, since you are again allowed to shoot at anything that moves. Having reached the wreckage of the helicopter, we miraculously finish off the surviving Koreans.

Are you tired of the constant chatter of your allies? Are you just furious at the magical barrier that surrounds your partners? Does it infuriate you to wait for your friend to open the door for you? Then this episode is for you. Ten minutes of loneliness. After splitting with the team, we go to the church, putting two unsuspecting traitors on the move. Having done this, immediately jump for cover, as in a few seconds evil enemies will crawl from everywhere. Having made our way inside the building, we go upstairs using the stairs. Each floor is patrolled by one or two guards. Climbing on the roof, take a sniper rifle and listen to Connor's instructions. The targets that need to be fed with lead will be marked, so there shouldn't be any difficulties.

When the church is engulfed in flames, jump down and run to the helicopter. True, first you need to kill several enemies, otherwise they will kill us. Having reached the "turntable", take control.

On guard

Remember the truck we used to attach the beacon to? It's time to recapture it from the NCA. What for? It's just that the most expensive and necessary thing in the world, namely fuel, is splashing in the tank, which is fixed on this truck. Well, so that this sortie would not end with a loud failure and three more corpses in this war, our heroes decided to "take" a combat helicopter into action. Now it is clear why they needed the main character so much, because he is a real pilot. Having dealt with the controls, we are heading forward, destroying anti-aircraft guns and armored personnel carriers. In principle, there is no need to describe further events, since they consist in "fly forward, blow up anti-aircraft guns."

Having reached the column, destroy the security cars and lower the helicopter to a level low enough to jump. When one of the squad members is in the cab of the truck, fly to the next van, and so on until all three are at the wheel. Now it's up to a little - to help friends get to their destination safe and sound. Once over the bridge, buy time for Hopper, while he will lay charges on the bridge. Fly as close as possible to the place where the cars appear and destroy them. After Connor's signal, we return to the tanks.

Golden Gate

Having arrived at the place, talk to the leader of the local rebel group and get into the helicopter. However, this time you will find yourself in the passenger seat. Equip yourself with a rifle with a grenade launcher and start shooting the Koreans when you get to the bridge. Don't worry about the charges as they are infinite. After disembarking, we begin to storm the bridge. First, it is worth getting rid of the grenade launchers, because if they destroy our tanks, the task will be failed. When a tank comes to us, that you have the strength, run to the barracks and find an RPG among the wreckage. Having fired from it on the tank, clear the area of ​​opponents, so that nothing would interfere with your vehicles moving forward. Having split with the team, we follow Connor. Pick up a machine gun in your arsenal, you will need it soon.

Having reached the desired point, we are waiting for our equipment to overcome a certain distance and, on Connor's orders, we begin to deal with the enemies. Regroup with Rihanna and Hopper, listen to their conversation and get ready to escape from the enemy helicopter. Unfortunately, none of this will come of it, and we will fly down. Having managed to catch on to the edge, we find ourselves on the stage. We quickly take cover behind the boxes from the shots of the helicopter and, while it will bend around the bridge, we run across to the other side. You need to act carefully here, as any mistake can throw you down. Having reached the stairs, go up and fire a line at unsuspecting opponents, and then destroy two sentry turrets.

After joining the squad, listen to Connor's instructions, and then take the rocket launcher and destroy the boring helicopter in order. If everything went well, then Hopper, shouting "Eureka", will begin to tune something in the enemy equipment. You need to cover it up. When he turns off the anti-aircraft guns, take control of the UAV and destroy the approaching enemy equipment. Having done this, sit down at the machine gun on the Hamer and engage the enemy "Goliath". If he starts an attack with missiles, turn on the suppressor and shoot him until it is completely destroyed.

The game is over, and America has taken a huge step towards a crushing victory over the NCA.