Didactic games by February 23 senior group. Didactic games on "February 23". Fizkultminthki used in the project

Games and contests for

The game "Commander, we are with you!"

Storm: Guys, you all know that the soldiers without a commander could not do. He is the most distinguished person. From his command, depending on his wards, whether he can properly decide whether he can clearly and competently explain the task of colleagues, whether he could carry his soldiers, and whether the commander can teach the soldiers to be friends with each other There are cohesion in his team! This is only a small part of the main qualities that the commander must have.

Attributes: 10-12 keheli, scarves (shawls) 2 less than participants, for eye tying.

Stroke Game : To participate in the game requires 2 teams of 5-7 people who are built up with a train behind the commander and hold on with each other. All players, except the commander (first participant), tie their eyes. As such a "train", they should have a "snake" slanting, not dropping and does not come on any shelter. The team defeats, the first to fulfill the task and not dropping a single bow.

Competition of scouts "Photo"

Three girls take different subjects

A) one sits, reading a book;
B) the second looks into binoculars;
C) the third holds the steering wheel

It is necessary to see and remember the location of girls and objects in their hands. Then the command or selected players from the team turn away, and the girls quickly change places and objects. The team turns and recreates the initial picture.

Competition for dad "the strongest"

Play 3 fathers. Competition options:

· who inflates the ball faster

· clean the potatoes and cut it with chopsticks,

· she cares for his child, and the clothes turned inside out;

· etc.

Dance "If you have fun, do it!"

The beginning of the verse traditional "if you have fun, do it!", But instead of conventional cotton and clicks, children make expressive imitation movements (raise the weight, hug yourself, steering wheel steering, shoot from the machine, etc.).

Racing "Whose horse is faster?"

Dads get up on all fours, and children ride on dads. For a certain place.

Game "Ball, Fly!"

Attributes: Inflatable balls and tennis rackets by the number of participating players.

3-4 boys participate. Each gets a tennis racket and balloon. The signal starts to throw the balls with a racket and move to the drawing, which is at a distance of 4-5 meters from the start. Purses the child whose ball first turns the line.

The game "Who will meet more ammunition"

Attributes: baskets by the number of participants of the game, balls for ping pong, balls, fir bumps, etc.

3-4 children and 2 dads are involved. Everyone tie their eyes and give the basket in the hands. According to the corresponding amount of time, participants to the touch gathering collectors for ping pong (these are cartridges). Who will gather anymore.

Competition "Display ammunition"

Podder: Military people should be able to navigate in any difficult situation. Let our military show if they can sort the ammunition at night.

Two participants (one of each team) tie their eyes and summarize with cubes and balls. It is necessary to paint the items by folding the cubes into one box, and the balls to another. The participant wins, faster with the task.

The relay "warehouse ammunition"

Each team should move the bow from the hoop in the finish boxes. The kegiles in the hoop as much as players in the teams.

Warming up "Our Army - Salute!"

Our warriors are talking to once, two times, ( walking on the spot)

The drums are loudly hit: the tra-ta, the tra-ta ( imitate the game on the drum)

In the sea, our ships: now here - tomorrow there! (hands on the sides, swaying from foot on foot)

For a long time they swam in the sea, in the waves! ( circular movements with hands)

Border guards: who goes? who goes? ("Hold the machine", turning to the right and left)

Run tanks on the bridge: TRP-forward, TRP-forward! ("Motor")

Over the ground the aircraft: U-y, U-y! hands to the side)

Allowed rockets takes up: U-U-Wow, U-Ukh! (Sat, palms are folded in front of the breast, get up-raise hands up)

Our guns are exactly hit: Buch, Bach! ("boxing", thrown forward then right, then left hands)

Our army is salute! ( raise hands on the side - up)

Hooray! Hooray!

Competition for Dad "Curve Track"

Attributes: 2 binoculars, several kegles or rope.

On the floor lay out from the rope curve ("zigzag") track or put the kegli. Looking all the time under the legs through an inverted binoculars (there is long-distance visibility, and not approximate), you need to go through the track from one end to another and not stumble or bypass the kegli.

The game "Aviation Design"

Participate pairs: Dad and baby. Any number of steam is allowed to participate. From the paper sheet dad makes a plane, the child starts it. Who will make faster next to launch.

Attraction for dad "Running on the skal"

2 dads are involved. Speak on the rinks a certain distance. You can complicate: jumping on one leg, get off obstacles.

Pass the ball

2 teams of 5-7 people are involved. Teams get up in one column. Pokomanda is starting transmitted through the head from the first to the last player and back. The team is defeated, which is the first task.

Option: in one strand to transfer the ball over your head, apart to roll it under the foot of the players.

Game "Take the report"

The report is the envelopes in which riddles are embedded, wishes, poems, questions on the smelter, etc. The team of 5 people should with a bag on the shoulder, which invested envelopes with riddles, overcome obstacles:

Overcome the tunnel;

Predoltie on the bench;

Crawl under the arc;

Jump swamp: Layout as shoes or cardines;

The first participant passes the distance, returns and transfers the bag to the next participant of the relay and so that all the distance will not pass. The last participant after overcoming obstacles transmits the bag to the master. The presenter takes the envelopes and reads the contents of the envelopes.

Game "Combat Alarm"

Attributes: Casas (Cooks, Beretta, etc.) by the number of person.

Two teams of 3-5 people are built into the column, one people person-coming to the table, on which hats lie, puts on one of the headdres, runs the reverse reinstall in the column, etc.

The game for captains "What has changed?"

This commander must be very attentive. Different objects are laid out on the trays. Look at them for one minute, try to remember them, and then turn. I will remove one subject. And you must guess what disappeared from the tray.

Relay "Swimming on boats"

Each participant of the team in turn sits in a basin and, pushing out with the help of hands and legs, "floats" to "buoy" (cube or other replacement item), and then run back back. The player next after him is running to the buoy, and then "floats" back.

Relay "Raise Anchor!"

In the competition take part in one person from each team. Each participant is given a wand to which anchor from cardboard is tied to the rope. It is necessary as soon as possible to turn the rope on the wand until anchor collisions with a stick.

"Raise anchors"

Attributes: 2 cords 1.5-2 meters long (these are chains), 2 cardboard anchors are tied to the end of the cords, 2 buckets, 2 empty coils from under the thread.
Stroke Game: From sea depths (buckets) to get chains (cords) and winding them on the coils from under the threads at the limit speed.

Relay "Runway"

Two teams of 5 children and 2 dads participate in each team one by one.

The first team member puts on an elongated hand with a landscape landscape sheet of paper. In this position, he must reach the conditional place and leave his sheet there. It is necessary to move carefully, because the leaf is light and sticks out all the time to fly away. The next player will put his sheet next to the first sheet. Etc. From the sheets laid out the "takeoff strip".

Then Pope S. closed eyes, putting hands to the parties, must "fly" along this takelest band.

Relay "Refueling fuel tanks"

A large bottle with a funnel, a bucket with water and a mug - their own for each team is installed on the conditional location. Each participant of the team runs up to the "refueling station", the circle is gaining water from the bucket and pours into the bottle with a funnel. That team wins, whose bottle will be filled faster.

Relay "Border"

Attributes: different Small items (traffic jams, lids, small cubes, etc.)

Each command must lay out a line of small items. This is the "border". Objects should fit tightly to each other so that the saboteurs does not put through the border. What a team for a certain period of time will lay out a longer line, that wins.

Game "Catch the saboteurs"

The game is held in two stages. Children from one team and parents from another team are involved in each. Children depict scouts - violators of borders, parents - border guards. The order of stages for each team is determined by the lot.

Children and adults sit down on the balls-hops. Only adults are "border guards" - in their hands still hoops. Children jump on the balls, happily confident from adults. Adults should throw the hoop on a pursued child. Then "Diversian" is considered caught.

Relay "Through Swamp"

With the help of foam bars or other Kochki, each team player should move through the "swamp". Kokes are folded in a basket or in a box. The first playing takes out one or two bumps, laying out them in front of him, comes on them and runs back to the start. The following two bumps takes over him, moves forward on the already laid out of the bumps, lengthens the path and returns to the start again. So continues until the last player contributes to paving the trail through the swamp.

Game "By Troops - Fire"

Players of each team in turn (or two people) throw bags in the target (hoop lying at a distance of two or three meters) from the position lying. The team is considered to be a team that will have more successful hits.

Game "Sailors"

Sailors people must live

And in the free minutes and sing.

All participate to the music "Sailor". The driving imitates the washing of the deck. When the music ends, playing in a couple, the remaining without a pair becomes driving.

Game "Unlocking Border Guard"

Choose leading. He will be called "Unlucky Border Guard".
3 traits are held on the floor. The first line will be the children who must move the border, on the middle line "Unlucky Border Guard",
who instead of celebrating the Day of Defender of the Fatherland, catches children on the border. And the third line is the feature for which children must pass not caught. Whom the border guard caught, he will take his place.

"Border guards and violators"

Borrowers boys will take hands and form a circle. And the rest of the hotel inhabitants. Border guards carry their service, they are in the doser. If the border guards raised up the hands, then the border is open, and local residents can run and run into this gate. But as soon as the word "patrol" sounds, the fighters give hands, and those who were inside the circle will be temporarily detained. Let's see how reliably our border guards protect the border.

Competition "SAPERS"

Podder: Since the time of the Great Patriotic War, our land keeps terrible treasures: mines and shells. To neutralize them, you need to bring them away from residential areas and explode. Which attentive and carefulness must be sappers so that the shell does not explode in their hands. Guys, can you be as careful? We'll see!

Stroke Game: Two teams of children of 4-5 people are selected. Teams become 2 ranks, participants get up at a distance of an elongated hand. On the floor around the hall displaced wheels - "Mines". Next to the latest participants in the basket teams. At the signal of the leading children (the first in the ranks) run, find on the floor "Ma", take it and passed on the chain to the team participants. The last player lowers "mine" in the basket. The first player after put "mine" in the basket becomes the end of the rank. Search "Ma" is a second player in Shero. The team that gathered more disks "min" and not dropping a single one wins.

Competition "Passing ammunition"

Here is a riddle about the fighter, a deleted well done,

The traffic light flashes me, he knows that I ... ( chauffeur)

Military driver there is always a case: it is necessary to bring ammunition, and delivering a message to the headquarters, and the soldiers will lead to combat teachings.

Stroke Game: Two teams of children are involved, with the same number of participants. They are chasters. In each team, the first participant holds the steering wheel. Before them are kegli, at a distance of 1 m from each other. Players must "snake" to drive around the kegli, go back and transfer the steering wheel to the next participant. That team wins, in which the participants will pass the bar of obstacles faster.

(Option: Children get up by a driver behind the chaffiner, keep it for him and drove the skin of the snake, without dropping no shelter).


Rise by gymnastic stairs, call to the bell and return to the place, passing the relay to the next command.

"Collect your team"

The first child comes around the checkbox, taking the next, again circles the checkbox and takes another player, etc. until it takes everyone in his team. Wins the one who will first collect her team, rubbing each time the checkbox and returning for others.

Competition "Finish phrase"

Proverbs and sayings on the army topic.
1 We will love my homeland .... (We will serve in the army)
2 live - ... (Motherland serve)
3 is difficult to learn .... (Easy in battle)
4 one in the field .... (Not a warrior)
5 one for all ... .. (all for one)
6 soup yes porridge ... (Our food)

Competition "People's Wisdom" (need to continue the proverb)

Who is Rodin, (that in battle is approximate)
Wolves fear - (in the forest not walk)
The brave is blamed, (coward - comrade)
Cheek brings success)
Who will come to us with a sword, (that from the sword will die)
If unarmed - (you do not need in battle)
Soldier sleeps, (and the service goes)

Relay "Take a package on a rescue circle"

(The child sits on the "ice plants" and keeps the package in his hands, dad for the rope is lucky, circling the predetermined distance and returns to the place, the relay is transmitted further, the last participants transmit the presenter packets).

Competition "Musical"

Check which talents are from our dads. (Choose musical instruments, Music genre and perform a work.).


1. Podra, and after the brother I will also be a soldier, I will help him Protect your ... ( country) 2. Brother said: "Do not hurry! Better at school you learn! You will be an excellent student - We will become ... (border guard) 3. By sailor you can become, so that the border is guarded And not to serve on earth, but on the military ... ( ship) 4. The airplane is boiled, like a bird, there is an air border. At the day and day, and night soldiers - Military ... ( pilot) 5. Again to battle the car rushes, cut the land of the caterpillars, That car in the field is clean-controlled ... ( tanker) 6. You can become a soldier to swim, ride itchid, And in the rank of walking hunting is you, the soldier, ... ( infantry) 7. Any profession must be involved certainly To be a support for the country, so that there is no ... (( war)

8. Here is the steel poultry of the skies seeks

And leads her pilot. What kind of bird? ( plane)

9. You will not see my eyes, you can't take your hands.

And without him you will not go to the attack ... ( hooray)

10. Without overclocking, it takes off, the dragonfly reminds

Sends our Russian flight ... ( helicopter)

11. There are no Tuchuk on the horizon, but revealed in the sky an umbrella.

After a few minutes ... ( parachute)

12. Under water Iron Whale, in the afternoon and at night he is not sleeping.

Under water walks, our land is guarded. (submarine)

13. And on land, and the sea is always in the doser.
And the country will not let the earlier will not pass! (Border guard)

14. Striped shirt, climb tapes behind a cap.
He is ready to argue with the wave, because his element is the sea. (sailor)

15. Replace the Robot Machine -Sam will delete a bomb, Ma.
Most should not be wrong to stay alive later. (sapper)

16. Residences Amen Mandrel and Brave Warrior:
It is difficult to get into the rear of the enemy, unnoticed to stay,
Remember everything, to find out in the morning in the headquarters to tell. (scout)

17. Wide wings in the sun are burning,

You see the air squad in the sky.
Circles, turns and again circles,

We fly a miracle - birds one by one. (pilots)

18. The crew is fear of peaceful work,
And the fighters from the round tower will give up the enemy. (Tankers)

1.Iigra "form a new word"
- This soldier serves in the infantry, then he (who?) ...
- This soldier manages a huge tank, then he (who?) ...
- This soldier goes to intelligence, then he (who?) ...
- This soldier serves in the landing troops, then he (who?) ...
- This soldier protected the border, then he (who?) ...
border guard.
- This soldier serves on a submarine, then he (who?) ...
- This soldier protects the air borders of our country, then he (who?) ...
- How to call all these people in one word?
- What a holiday dedicated to these people is celebrated in our country?
3. The game "Military professions"
Children are invited to guess the riddles and divide the words-leagues on the syllables (years-chik, Mo-row and so on)
Who guys on the border
Is our land wake?
To work and learn
Could the whole people calmly?

(border guards)
Who sails on the ship?
He does not tell about the ground.
Sea house his native
Who guys, is he?

Plane boil like a bird
There is an airborder.
In the post and day and night
Our soldier - Military ...

4. The game "How much? Many, little" Tank - ... Plane - … A gun - … Ship - ... t ..
Next, it is proposed to children all these items called one word "is all (what?) - Military equipment."
5. Game "Count - 1,2,5" Tank, projectile, airplane, cartridge. 6. Game "4th extra" - Tank, fighter, helicopter, aircraft;
- artillerist, sniper, cook, paratrooper;
- drum, machine gun, automatic, gun;
Press, Shinel, Jeans, Pienty.
7.Iigra "pick up the words"
Defender of Motherland
(What?) - ...
(What?) - ...
(What?) - ...
(What?) - ... 8. Game "Action"
(what is he doing?) …
(what is he doing?...
(What does?) ... TD 9. Agra "Guess the description" Image of a soldier of various kinds of troops is exhibited before children. The leading (child) makes one of them, the rest ask him questions, trying to guess. The presenter can only answer: "Yes / No". 10. Game "What do soldiers do?"
- Guys, and whether our country needs an army in peacetime, when there is no wars?
-I suggesting you consider pictures and say that they make soldiers on each of them, and why do they need it?
(shoot at the target - train the accuracy, raise the bar - develop power, etc.) 13. Game "Naming Parts" Children are invited to call parts of the warship: nose, feed, board, anchor, ladder, cutting. 14. Game "Based on the word with the word MILITARY " March, service, time. 15. Game "Name and Explain"
- Laptop, for a long time, people were proud of their defenders and came up with proverbs and sayings about them, let them remember them.
1) That hero that for the Mountain Mountain.
2) One in the field is not a warrior.
3) Not that hero that the award is waiting for, and that hero, what the people go. etc.
- Guard, and how do you understand their meaning?
(children's responses) 16.Igra "Who is this or what is it?" (with a ball)
Submaror, shell, ship, officer, parachute, infantryman, fighter, saber, etc. 17.Gear "Say Other" (selection of synonyms)
- Brave brave, and how to say differently? -
brave, fearless and so on.
- Our country is big, and how to say differently? -
huge, immense ...
-An the army is strong, and how to say differently? -
mighty, powerful ... Fingering gymnastics

Today is the holiday of all fathers,
(compress and squeeze your fingers)
All sons, everyone who is ready
(clap your hands)
Your home and mother to protect
(from the palms make a "house", press them to heart)
All of us from the troubles to extinguish!
(compress and squeeze your fingers)


Times, two, together in the leg, Three, four, hard step. Soldiers go to the parade And minibly a step.

Watched Journal

Military trophies

Yes, we throw them with hats!

Secret combat task


Packed partisan



Ship role

Battle for banners

Find a banner


Following the other.

Crowd in Plastanski

Play everything regardless of age. All players are a combat calculation by a number of at least eight fighters (playing). Each game can be a competition, each contest should be a game. In the competition, someone is a victim, which means there are also defeated. But our army does not know defeats. And everyone should feel the first ... Among equal. And if it's decided to reward a chocolate medal on a silk ribbon, then the loser can be cheered by chocolate, which in the weight equivalent more than the medal. The entire game program is assigned the code name "course of a young fighter". Play is assumed both in the "staff" and in "field" conditions.

Always these games can be converted for other holidays.

Watched Journal

At the beginning of the fighting, that is, gaming, actions each receives a common notebook and handle. And after each game, when everyone is resting "on the prival", everyone writes in a notebook what he considers it necessary to say about this game, its results, with their comments. Do not write a lot. Only the name of the game, her short description, result. And when everything game program It will be exhausted, each will have a well-filled target magazine, and one more competition can be held in the "shortest entries" nominations, the "most interesting records", "the most interesting", and the winner of this journal is to assign the title of military bar. Each from the game remains for memory this notebook, and it will be a good incentive for organizing such games next year.

Military trophies

Military trophies in our game are fun and smart aphorisms, phrases, jokes that need to pick up long before the start of the game from different sources, such as logs, just carefully cut or rewrite. And during the game, these leaves will play the role of conventional phantas. Such leaves receive all players of the winning team, a player, which is correct to the question, etc. And to the end gaming actions Each player will collect some of their number. Everyone passes them into their "Watch Journal". This is his "military trophies." Who has more such "trophies", the most agile and brave. It can be encouraged by a good chocolate portion.

We are not enough, but we are in the vests!

All players are divided into teams. And each team gets a combat task - paint your vest. To do this, two absolutely identical vents are drawn in advance on two sheets of Watman, the number of bands should be the same so that everyone is in equal conditions. The vests should be as much as possible, and the free space on the watmans as little as possible. Of course, the stripes do not paint in advance, as it will make players during the execution of this combat task. The number of players in the team should not exceed six people, otherwise it will be closely. Each team gets a jar with a gouache and a brush.
If during the coloring on the vests there will be blots from too close cooperation, then it is just nothing, it means that the vest "checked" in combat affairs. It is important that the lines are smooth, and the coloring speed is high.
That team, whose players will make it faster, wins and receives phantas - Military trophies.
Both vests (and completely painted, and not quite painted) solemnly hang somewhere higher for universal ferris.

Yes, we throw them with hats!

So let's throw the hats for the range.
All players are divided into two teams. Each command must have a hat or any headdress. Each command is drawn, follows several steps forward from this line and conducts another feature. There and it is necessary to put an item to which it will be convenient to throw a hat. A plastic bottle filled with sand for stability is suitable for this purpose. So, each team puts its bottle on the line, and another feature is lined up in a chain. In the hands of the first player team - hat. He throws her if he got, then goes to the end of the chain. If she missed, he has the right for another two throw. But after them, he still goes to the end of the chain. And the cap throws the following.
This task can be diversified. When you task all players, you can outline a new frontier.
To do this should be held new line And move away, for example, a step further. Of course, the distance in both teams should be the same. The number of hits should be considered! The team is defeated, which has a greater number of direct hits. She and military trophies receive in full force.
Another question: who every time after the throw returns the team with a hat? At the beginning of the game you need to define a player who will do it. You can resort to counting, for example, such: "Apple rolled around the garden and fell right into the water - bug."

Secret combat task

This game must be done on the site, if, of course, the weather will allow.
Of course, in conditions of emergency secrecy, a combat task is written on a sheet, the envelope is stuck. This package gets a fighter - any player. All other players run on a fairly large platform. The number of players should be at least eight. From this number they choose one catchier. And he begins to catch up with the envelope. Seeing that it is about to catch up, running away can transfer the envelope to another player. Finally, catching up someone to catch someone. It opens the envelope and reads a secret letter. Everything can be written there anything. For example, in place in Plastunski, perform a song or get a prize.
Next, a new task is written, a new catchy is chosen, and the game continues.


Boatswain from all others is characterized by the fact that he is allowed to whistle! And more boots distributes task outfits. The game is starting like this: they choose the boatswain, they give him a whistle, and they themselves scatter in different directions. Boatswain pretends to him all the same. But suddenly, the most inappropriate moment for the players a moment of boatswain whistles in a whistle. And all players must measure in those places and in those poses in which these whistles found them. And they should stand or sit, not moving. Boatswain is chained by them. Who will not stand and move or still somehow detect themselves, that boatswain and suggest an outfit, for example, clean potatoes or what will come up with.
The player must show gestures, as he does, but so that it looks like recognizable. If the player coped successfully, the game continues. If I did not cope, the boatswain can come up with another outfit. And after that the game continues.
You can play until a larger number of players receive your tasks, and then you need to choose a new boatswain.

Packed partisan

You can play in the "partisan" in the room, even very small. All players choose the one who will be a prisoner "partisan". He must stand in the center of the circle, which form the rest of the players. They can ask him different questions, try to make it up, but he must be silent, like a real "partisan". If the players, resorting to tricks, will still make it pronounce at least the word, the shred out of the game. To change, he is chosen by the new "partisan" in counting, or the "partisan" becomes the player who has asked the former "partisan" a tricky question. This is how players will agree in advance. But it can happen that "partisans" will be such a strong nutrition, which will not talk, and the rest of the players will get tired of asking him questions. Then the "partisan" is encouraged by the "military trophy" and entrust to choose a new "prisoner partisan" from the number of players.
In this game you can play teams. From each team, the player is pronounced to another team, and the questions ask to him players of the opponent. And so continues, until all players move to captivity. That team, whose "partisans" turned out to be inappropriate, wins and gets "military trophies".

About me - all, about the commander - not a word

This is a well-known saying, and the modification of the game "Packed Partizan". With the difference only that the "partisans" can answer the questions asked him, but the nefple. To say whatever, but only not to repeat a single word from the question that sounded. This is a game for attentiveness.
For example, he will ask about how many pies he ate for breakfast. If the player responds that he had buns for breakfast, he lost, because his answer was met by the word "breakfast" that was in the question. So in this game and the "partisan", and playing who want to knock him out, you have to be very attentive.
If "partisans" is wrong, it changes in places with a player who asked him this question. If the "partisans" was intelligible, then he was encouraged by the "military trophy", and he was chosen to replace the new "partisan".


Each pre-examiner knows that the sentier in the post can not be distracted by any other, and every hour knows that he should not be distracted by the post anywhere. So let and try. "The watch" choose all players to read from their ranks. It is put near the wall and, sitting in front of him, try to laugh it.
The combat challenge of the "watch" - stand as the watch in the post, without moving, not talking, not laughing, the players, on the contrary, contribute. They can handle questions to him, they may not pay any attention to him, ask questions to each other, they can tell each other something funny, to show gestures with the aim of laughing or stirring it. If the "hour" will react with a word or gesture, he lost. He goes to the laugant players who choose the new "watch" by reading. If he could not be laid, neither stir, then he was given a military trophy and choose the new "watch" in terms of counting.
The game can be diversified, for example, to give a "hourly" plate with a ball, and if the ball flies from his laughter or move the ball, then it will be losing.


All players choose two of the following, this will be "scouts". They have to go away for a while, but before that everyone takes himself some distinctive subject, such as a ball, buttons, paper leaves. The remaining players are divided into two teams, and players of each team take themselves some items that distinguish them from another team. Items should be prepared in advance. For example, it can be small leaflets of two different colors. When players disassembled their leaves, they themselves are located on the site and name "Scouts". Those come and should find among their players and make them a team. For example, if the scout has a yellow leaflet, then it should find those players who also have yellow leaves. That team that gathered faster, wins. And gets "military trophies".

Ship role

Ship role is a document where you enter the team. If someone leaves the team, he is written off. In the game, a piece of paper can play a guide. Choose from the total number of players. This is "platoon". He takes a sheet of paper and pen, the rest of the players are built into the ranks. Extreme leaves in front of the building.
"Voice" goes along the building and everyone asks, "enter or write off". And if the player responds to "enter", then the "platoon" puts plus if the player responds to "write off", then the "platoon" puts minus. After the survey, it is counted, which turned out more - advantages or minuses. And if more advantages, then the player coming forward goes one way. If more minuses, then - to another. (These parties must somehow designate, for example, draw a circle.) Then the next player comes out, and the remaining players determine, inscribed to him or written off. And when the "platoon" will turn all, they consider whom it turned out more - written off or inscribed. Those won, they get their "military trophies".

Battle for banners

it antique game. Her knew many nations and played in her in different times. But, of course, every time in a new modification. And, of course, in our festive "course of a young fighter" without such a game can not do. The essence of the game is that half of the players tries to capture the banner, another half of the players tries to prevent it.
All players are divided into two teams. They draw two identical squares - these are their territories. But small, in proportion to the number of participants.

Each team from its number chooses one player, he will depict a banner. In this game, the "banner" is not passively, it can "influence" to his capture. "Banner" of each team is located on its territory. In the center it is necessary to draw a small circle in which the "banner" can not be touched. But in the free "from the capture" time "Banner" can also walk through its territory, like other players.
Players of the enemy team try to run into the territory of another team and capture the "banner", that is, to draw to the player depicting the banner, hand, rally it. But his players defend him and, in their outline, try to rally the attackers. If the attacker is osal, he drops out of the game.
The number of players in his team is reduced, and, accordingly, the chances of capturing the "banner" are reduced.
Play teams in turn: one attacks, the other defends. If the "banner" could not be seized, they change roles, and the players defeated before that attack rivals by running on their territory.
The game, mobile and fast, goes such fading. The team wins, whose players will be able to capture the "banner".

An option for this game may be like this: you choose one player - this is "Banner", choose Troy more - this is his defenders. The rest are attackers. "Banner" is located in a circle.
Defenders - around. When attackers approach, defenders are trying to ignite it, but prevent the "banner" capture. If you manage, the striker becomes a defender, and thus the number of defenders is growing.

It may even be that it is gradually all the strikers will be defenders, but the "banner" will not get. If the striker succeeds to ignite the "banner", then they choose a new "banner" and three of his defenders from their own, and the game continues.
It is possible to diversify the game as follows: instead of the insalidation, try to get into the "banner" ball. And defenders will try to get the ball in the attackers. So the game will be even more dynamic and more fun.

Find a banner

This game is similar to the old famous game "hot and cold", in which leading tells these words by looking for players, where the object is hidden, which they are looking for. You can play this game in a small room.
In this game, on the contrary, looking for one player, the rest are hiding. All players consider reading seeking, and he goes to the side, because he should not see where the "banner" is hidden. "Banner" hides like this: each player takes a small container, such as an empty box, and puts it in front of him. An object that depicts a banner is hiding in one of the boxes. Players are located chain or in a circle. The seeker should guess what box "Banner". But you can help him.
For example, it is stronger to clap your hands, if he approaches the player who has hidden the "banner", and weaker if removed from it.
If the seeker does not gues the first time, he can try two more times. Total are given three attempts. If he guesses the first time, it receives three "military trophies", if from the second, then two trophies, if from the third, then one. But if it does not bother at all, then nothing gets and joins the rest of the players. They choose a new seeker.


The trackers are all players. They are looking for one who chose from their own rows. Play better on the street or in a very large room.
Prepare a few paper arrows, which indicate the direction. These arrows take a hiding player and marks his way. But since he is alone, but seeking a lot, then he has the right to launch arrows as you like, even trying to show the wrong direction to confuse.
First, the track players leave not to see how the arrows will lay out and where the player hides. When everything is ready for him, he gives a signal, and trackers go to look. But not the whole group, in turn. One will pass, finding the arrows, but without finding the shelter where the arrow pointed out the one they are looking for, and the tracker is coming back.
Following the other.
If everyone traveled, but they do not find a hidden player, the nickname "Lis" is assigned, and three "military trophies" are given at once. If someone from the trackers find a fox player, then the whole team of the tracks receives "military trophies".

Crowd in Plastanski

All igryuki are chosen according to one, which will be the first to change. The rest of the players form a couple and sit on the floor against each other, resting his hands in the floor behind themselves, his legs raising forward and resting each other, forming a kind of "tunnel." The player is assigned to Colli, this "corridor" is located in Plastanski. But the "corridor" and narrow, and low. If a player succeeds successfully, it receives a military trophy and takes place in the extreme pair instead of any player on his choice. The player he chose, goes to the end of the "corridor" and also crawls it. If a player comes a "corridor", that is, someone from the players depicting it, he takes his place, and the leisure player is preparing to crawl in Plastanski.
So continues until you get tired or all players will not affect.
One warning: Sitting in such a posture is hard all the time, so the players in pairs lift their feet when the player approaches them, giving him the opportunity to spin and lower when it is removed. From them it will require agility and endurance.
They must help, and not prefer to the rolling player.

Sea Boy

This is also very famous game. Two play it. Each draws on a sheet of paper cells, they have arbitrarily crosses that denote ships. The number of crosses every player must be the same. In turn, each player calls the coordinates of any cell, and, if his opponent has a cross in this cell, he strikes it out aloud, saying it.
Prying in a rival sheet it is impossible.
But we play teams, so more interesting. Therefore, it is better to take a chess board instead of paper. Each team should have its own board instead of crosses to use checkers. The number of checkers each command should be the same.
But it is possible to put them on the board arbitrarily, having agreed that two checkers standing nearby are denoted small ship, three or four in a row - big ship. In turn, each team calls the coordinates, when the checker gets, it is removed from the board.
So that there is no confusion, the commands need to choose a captain who will call the coordinates. But make a decision on which cell to choose, the team should be together.
The beginning of the game will determine the lot. The team, which first choose all the pans of rivals, wins and gets "military trophies".


Avral - Water from the truma is drawn up everything! Three in the game is replaced with a large capacity, the scoop is a small capacity. Each player should have one large capacity and one small. If a large container is a pelvis, then, perhaps, there is not enough pelvis on everyone. You can take any plastic jars from the dairy products. Only in this case it will have to pull the teaspoon. Each player takes a cup and a spoon and on the signal begins to learn: who will finish all the faster, the winner, the "military trophy" - it! In addition, you will need another third container in which everyone will merge the scratched water.
Another option of this game is a team. Two teams play, each identical number of participants. Each player receives a scoop, and the whole team they pull out the water from one large capacity. Here is the biggest pelvis and suitable.
The game begins on the signal.
The number of team members should not be more than four so that they do not interfere with each other. If you want a lot, then the number of commands will be three or four.

Boarding Boy

Two teams play, each identical number of players. They make a line and put empty plastic bottles on it, no more than ten pieces. A few steps from this feature spend another. It is suitable for both teams chain for each other. From this feature, a bit-stick is thrown with a length of 50-70 cm. First throw players of one team. These are attackers. Player's task - to knock off one throw as much bottles as possible. After each throw, you need to collect and put the bottles again. This makes another team - defenders. After players of one team make all the throws, the teams change roles. Which team start first, decides the lot. Play on the expense: how many bottles are broken, so many points get a team. Then the glasses are summed up. Play in turn, for example, each team three times in the attack, three times in defense. A team that scores more points wins, gets "military trophies".

Fight in the fortress

Play two teams. In each identical number of participants, but not more than three. Each team draws a square at a short distance from each other. This is a fortress. Each team has its own fortress. The size of the fortress is about such that the players of the team can move freely.
On the sides of the squares put empty plastic bottles. This is "Fortress Walls". Players occupy their "fortresses" and begin the battle.
Throw a little ball in each other like in ordinary game To knock out. But in an ordinary game, when the ball falls in the opponent's player, he drops out of the game, and the number of players in the team is reduced. In this game, another condition: when the ball falls in the player, it remains in the fortress, but remove one bottle "from the wall". So the teams play, throwing the ball from the fortress to the fortress, trying to get into the players of rivals. After each "walls" hit the fortress becomes smaller. Wins a team that earlier "will choose" the fortress of rivals. And she gets "military trophies."

Marsh throw

Of course, a game with such a name should certainly be. You can play in different conditions, for example, "field". In this version, a group of participants who decide how many kilometers they will go. Of course. should depend on physical abilities.
They must be approximately equal. Then they define the route direction. All participants in the "campaign" are collected in a conditioned place and go to the destination. For example, you can go to one of the friends to visit, where, of course, all the campaign lunch awaits.
But if the weather conditions "wilderness" do not contribute to, you can play in the room.
The distance that will be needed can be equal to the length of the corridor. Since it is not a lot, the task can be complicated. For example, go through, holding the ball in the hands, on which a small ball lies, but so that it is not to drop it with a stroke step, or carry a cup with water so that it is not splashing.
All participants get up with a chain with each other and go in turn. The one who has successfully passed, gets a "military trophy". Who failed and dropped the ball, has the right to try two more times.

Fight on Kalin Bridge

Everyone knows this fairy tale. In the game the bridge will be depicted stripes that are drawn on the floor. The distance between them should be so possible to get up with both legs. Two players get up on this strip and throw the ball into each other, trying to get and knock the opponent. Of course, they will donate from the ball flying in them, and someone will "come down from the bridge." It is impossible to do this in the game.
Three times saved - drop out of the game. The opponent is considered the winner and receives his "military trophy".

If you want to play a lot, then all the players are divided into two teams and exhibit one player. Which team will be more winners, she won. If desired, and if the area allows you to play several steam at once.

Collect weapons

Each fighter should be able to collect his weapons.
In the game, the weapon replaces, for example, a box that each player must fill the same objects, but it is sensible. It is not easy to sketch objects in a bunch, but so that each subject corresponds to a certain place. To do this, it is better to take a box flat, to close a sheet of paper, divided into cells, in each cell should be written a digit. Fill the box best with cubes, on each cube should also be a digit. And the cube must be laid strictly in its place, each cube corresponds to a cell with a digit on the bottom of the box. For this game, everything can be prepared in advance, specifically make boxes and cubes with numbers. But, of course, you do not need to do a large number. There are two identical boxes and two sets of cubes, two play. Everyone takes on the box and for a set of cubes.
Start filling the boxes by signal. Who was faster, he won, but there should be no mistakes if someone had folded faster, but I was wrong, then his winnings were not counted, and the victory was awarded to the opponent. If played by commands, then from each team overlook the player. Player, faster and more accurately prevailed all cubes in the box, gets a point for his team. The team wins, whose players scored more points, and the whole team gets "military trophies".

Get a prize

This is an ancient soldier's contest. The prize has placed on top of a high pole, and it was necessary to get it. We will slightly change the conditions of the game: you will not need to go to the pole, but it will have to get a prize after all. To begin with, it is necessary to build a tender pyramid - put three or four tools on each other. To the top stool you need to put, for example, a small ball. It will be necessary to knock down another ball. A shot down ball is the right to receive a prize. Prize, for example, chocolate and, of course, "Military Trophy". Through the ball all players in turn, everyone is given the right to quit three times.

Zadava, in a gun!

At this signal, players should get dressed as soon as possible. You can play this game from the morning festive dayWhen all the players' fighters are still in the crots and on this signal dress: who will overtake everyone, he won. But you should not just get dressed, and so that all buttons are fastened correctly. Otherwise, victory is not counted.
This game can also be played during festive gaming events. And the whole dressing process is to make symbolic: for example, to shut and lace sneakers. All players sit on the floor in a circle, and before each standing his sneakers, in the hands of a pair of shoelaces. On the signal all start martialctions At the same time. Everyone has their own tactical techniques. Someone will first insert the shoelaces, then he feels sneakers and takes the laces, someone, deciding that it will be faster, first the sneakers fall and after it will try to get a lace into the hole. This is the right of everyone. Wins the one who goes faster and more correct.

Who is in helmet?

In this game, the helmet will depict the hat made from the ordinary newspaper. All playing get up in a circle, as for playing a dance, choose one water. He stands in the center of the circle. This is a commander.
He holds a hat-helmet in his hands. The game begins, the commander gives a "helmet" to any of the players, he puts on, and the circle begins to move. All go on each other. "Helmet" also begins to move, it is transmitted on a chain to each other. The commander is standing in the center of the circle and unexpectedly asks: "Who is in a helmet?" - and claps his hands. At the time of cotton, the circle stops, but one player did not have time to remove the newspaper cap and transfer it to another. The commander says: "That's who is in helmet!" And this player gives the cap to a neighbor and goes to the center of the circle, gets up near the commander. Gradually, the number of players going in a circle is declining, the number of players standing around the circle is increasing. The last player remaining in the chain is considered the winner, he needs to give * Military trophy. " If the game wants to continue, then this player can become a commander in a new tour.


This game is on attention. All players choose one leading commander. He sits against them. All are located next to him, in different poses. The commander looks attentively at all, he must remember very well who is where and how sits. The players themselves must also remember their places very well, and their movements. When the commander believes that it has passed enough to memorize time, it gives a signal, for example whips in your hands and turns away or completely comes out. All players start moving, walk, run, jump. After a while, when the commander decides that everything came out enough, he gives a signal - she creates his hands again and, a little silent, turns around or, if he went out, approaches the playing, carefully looks at them. It may very much that someone confused the place or sat down a little differently. But the commander, if he is attentive, will notice this change and say: "Yeah, who walked into the sickness!". This player comes out before everyone and must complete the penalty task that the commander will come up with. But the tasks must be fun and not clean.
If the commander did not notice the change that was, then it joins the players, and the one that indicated that the change was becoming the change.

Low drives

The sewing of residents is the duty of all soldiers of all nations and times. And this, of course, in our "course of a young fighter" (though playing), it is impossible to leave it without attention.
But what if participants in the game in sweaters or T-shirts? What to sew and what? For this you need to prepare both collars and wellters. Rather, it is simply the same figures in size and form. Cut them must be made of dense cardboard and on the edges to make the same holes, for example a hole punch. By the beginning of the game, each participant receives two such pseudochnacs and a box of stationery clips. The signal should be combined both shapes with clips, but not as hit, but in specially made at the edges of the opening, and without missing any.
The one who will make it faster than others - won and earned another "military trophy".
You can play and teams. From each team overlook the player, and one who will quickly cope with, besides the "military trophy", the point for his team. The team that has gained more points won.


Each player is given a combat task as soon as possible to put a tent, as the newspaper will appear! It is clear to everyone that just so the newspaper will not stand, as it is neither calling.
Therefore, each player must come up and fold from the newspaper some volumetric figureYes, even though the box, if only she stood steadily. The form value does not have, let the most funny. The winner is the one who will fold the newspaper faster than all and who she will stand steadily.

Border guards

All playing form a circle and take hands - these are border guards. But before, they are chosen from the number of two - these are violators. By the beginning of the game "Violators" are outside the circle.
Their task is to penetrate the circle. The task of "border guards" is to prevent it. The game begins - the circle is moving in the dance. Two players try to penetrate inside the circle, or nourished, or running under the players with closed hands, or jumping over through them, or simply breaking the chain of players from the runway. But the "border guards" are crying and not allowed. But in the end, someone from the "violators" can do it. Now he should help make it his comrades. He tries to somehow distract the attention of "border guards", and when he succeeds, his comrade also penetrates the circle.
But now the task of these two is from the circle in the same way. "Border guards" impede this in every way. But in the end, both "violators" manage to run out of the circle. Then they have the right to choose to replace any two players from the circle for a new tour tour.


This game needs to play on the site where you can run and hide. All players are divided into two teams: one team - attackers, others - "ambush". The game begins with the fact that the players depicting an ambush are hiding. Attachments should not be prying, it is better to move away and turn away. When the "ambush" hid well, they give a signal, and the attackers start moving around the platform. It is necessary to continue in advance that, for example, they need to run from one edge of the site to another. And when they turn out to be close enough of that shelter, where the players depicting the ambush were hid, they run away and begin to catch strikers. Catch - it means to wear, touch your hand. Who will catch, behave at the "stamping". This place must somehow mark: draw a circle or square.
According to prior arrangement, the game continues until they transfer all the attackers, if the total number of participants in the game is not great, or if the players are more, then in advance it is necessary to continue to transfer a certain number of people. After that, the detainees give some funny tasks, it is a penalty. And when they fulfill them, they are released.
The next round of the group of participants is changing roles. Former ambushes players become attackers, former strikers go hide.


Podomatnaya is the sailors changed from watch.
According to the first signal, they come to the aid of the Watched. All participants of the game choose one leading - this is "boatswain". The rest get into the circle of couples. Couples form arbitrarily, but it is necessary to get up one after another, both faces in the circle. The player that stands ahead is "Watching", the one that stands in a couple after him is "subwoined".
"Podtachten" should remember very well for whom it costs. "Boatman" stands in the center of the circle.
He gives a signal - whistles. And according to this signal, players that stood behind in pairs - "coded", can run from place to place and move in general. "Watched" remain in their places.
After some time, "Boatzman" again gives a signal again, and all running players must stand behind their own "watching", do not confuse, this is given for a few seconds, and the "Boatman" whistles again.
This whistle means that everything must be in their places. Who did not have time to take his place or confused, forgot who he stood, comes to the "Boatswie", and he prescribes the penalty tasks.
These are funny, but simple actions. When players do them, they are going to occupy their places and in the new round of the game are changing roles: "subwaged" becomes "follow-up", the former "vectaine" become "subwaged".
After several tours of those players who have never been a penalty, never became mistaken, you can encourage "military trophies". It is desirable that a person 20 play this game is otherwise not interesting.


Each pre-hand is known that the real soldier must always be responsible and clearly: "So exactly!" Play begin so. Select one count. He will answer questions. Everyone gets up in a circle. The responding rises in the center of the circle.
Begin to ask him questions in a circle, first one, then another, questions can be a different one, but the answer to them should always answer only "so exactly!" Regardless of the question.
This game is on attention. If he doesn't bother, he is a winner and gets a "military trophy" and has the right to choose to change any player from the circle for the next game tour. But if he was mistaken and instead of an answer "so exactly!" - said something else, he is offered to perform a penalty task, and it changes in places with those who asked him. And the game continues.
So you can play until all players from the circle are in responding or do not get bored.


This game looks like a game of phone. All playing get up or sit in a chain. But first choose one count. He thinks the word-password, comes to the chain of players and quietly so that others do not hear, says the first player. He must also tell his neighbor as quietly, he - his own, and farther on the chain.
The last heard word should pronounce it so loudly to hear everything and that player that came up with him. If the word is reproduced exactly, it means that it was handed over to the chain without errors.
But the word can walk in distortion. In this case, the leading should call the word that he conceived, and suggest finding who this word was incorrectly conveyed. Everyone utters the word that heard and transmitted until they reach the one who was wrong. The violator comes up with a free task. And in the next round of the game, it goes to the very end of the chain.


All players are divided into two teams. This game is played in the room. On the floor with chalk (or something else), two identical squares are drawn. They arbitrarily arbitrarily set the same number of small items. From each team comes out on the player. These are connections.
And each should pave "communication" on the site, that is, to hold a small line from one subject to another. But so that the lines will not intersect anywhere and so that no item remains aside. Wins the one who will do it faster and more accurate. The winning receives a "military trophy" and for his team point.
Chalk lines are erased, and from each team coming out on the player who must do everything else. But, of course, it is not necessary to repeat the previous line as accuracy, and no one remembered it. We just need to follow the conditions of the game.
They play until all players of both teams are played. For the correctly laid connection of the team get a point. This team wins that there will be more of them.
Who consider the winner if the one who passed the distance quickly, was wrong? In this case, the victory and point for the team are awarded to someone who was the second, if he had no mistakes. But if it is mistaken both, then such a pass is not counted, and from each team new two players come out.

Secret Information

All players are divided into two teams. They get a chain, one chain against another. The first players in the chain take a sheet of paper and pen and write on a sheet of secret information (by prior arrangement it may be the names of cities, countries, rivers, etc.). The first player writes one such name on a sheet and transmits to another along the chain, etc. It is impossible to discuss this aloud. Begin to write both chains at the same time, but wins the one that will write faster. But you need to check that there is no identical words. If this happened, the result is not counted, and the victory is given to the rivals team. Each time after the victorious result, the team gets a point. The team wins, which at the end of the game scored more points. Then all her players receive "military trophies". The number of players in this game in each team should not exceed eight people. If playing more, then let it be better than teams.


Choose or assign one leading. He will have to form a task for everyone, so it lies great responsibility. The meaning of the game is that you need to remember the location of several items, their number and characteristics and to accurately write about it. Items can be a variety of: boxes, balls, toys, dishes, vegetables, boots, tools. All players get a chain or two rows, as it is more convenient. At a short distance from them, leading items, but not in the line, but forming an still life of them.
You can put items on a tray or stand. In total, there should be no more than fifteen pieces. The leading subjects and offers to all players carefully look at and remember everything. When everyone looked, driving a cloth covers still life and offers all the players to describe everything that they saw and remember (how many items they saw what color, what items these are), call them, describe how they were located. All this players must write on a sheet, so everyone must have a sheet of paper and pen in their hands.
This game is on attention. Everyone is given the same time, and after the signal, everyone starts to record.
The speed here does not matter here, the main thing is accuracy and detail. Writing to rent their leaflets. After that, the leading openings and reads records. The one who gave the most accurate characteristic is considered the winner and receives a "military trophy". And in the new tour of the game it will form items.
If you wish, the task is to complicate or diversify. Let objects be completely small, but it is necessary to remember and describe some not very noticeable their features. You can play and teams. First, the items forms one command, players of another team are observed and described, then the commands change roles. But the number of players in the team should be no more than seven people.


They play on the site, which should be divided equally. On the floor, it is painted with chalk two identical squares and set up in each identical number of items, empty plastic bottles are best. The size of the squares should be big - this is a game field.
All players are divided into two teams, and each team pairly builds up near its part of the field. Two players are suitable for the edge of the field, taking hands - so they depict tanks. According to the signal, each pair should be running at the same time, keeping hands, and at the same time scatter as many plastic bottles as possible. A couple of players, running faster and scattered more objects, gets a point for their team. After everyone goes, count points. The team that scores more points wins, and all her players receive "military trophies".
If desired, the game can be diversified. You can, for example, do not scat out objects, but, on the contrary, try to run, not touching them. Or instead of bottles, use inflated balloons that are easy to decompose on the mileage field.
From the movement of players, they will take off and jump to the total fun. It can be given additional task: When you run a pair to collect as many balls as possible. If we consider that you need to stay hands, a very fun task will be a task.

Hay - straw

There is a legend that earlier soldiers did not know where the right where the left. And in the construction preparation confused when it was necessary to turn right or left. But they knew well what the hay was and what straw was. And therefore, on the one hand, the hay was tied to the hand, on the other - the straw. And when the commander shouted "Hay!", It meant that we need to turn right when I sounded "Straw!" - So left. Only and everything.

But now everyone knows well where the right and where the left, but, perhaps, the real straw and did not see. But our commander will not shout "right", nor "left", and even more so hay, nor straw. It will pronounce various phrases, but with the condition that if the phrase is true, then all the fighters turn to the right if it is erroneous, then to the left. Said, for example, a leading commander: "Sugar is sweet." This is true, and all as one should turn to the right. Said the commander: "Chickens float." So everyone should turn left. Who will be mistaken, he must perform a comic penalties.
You can play with teams that are divided into two ranks. At the same time, both ranks perform turns. That team in which by the end of the game will be less wrong, and won.

Treating rope

This is also a favorite soldier's contest. But in our game there will be a humorous relief.
All players are divided into two teams. Players of each team get up one of the friends and put their hands to each other on the shoulders. The first players of both teams stand against each other, they should take up the ring associated from the rope, so that in this ring freely, but a large air ball was placed. According to the signal, both first players begin to pull over the rope ring to themselves, the remaining players pull over the shoulders in front of those standing, and from this universal diard of the ball and pops out from the ring depending on what team he bounces off, she won. Instead of the rope ring, you can pull a shallow container in the edges, in which, instead of one ball, you can put several small balls. How many balls will jump into the jerk, the team gets so many points.

Sea Penchka

As you know, sailors are very labeled people. This game is based on a humor. All players are divided into two teams. And from each team overlook the player, one player listens what another says. To speak, he can anything anything, any unfortunate.
His task is to surprise, withdraw his opponent. He must calmly listen and only to succinctly, giving it to understand that he agrees with everything, he would not surprise him. And suddenly the speaker suddenly say: "Do you know that in your sneakers, someone poured water?" Listening immediately and take it for a clean coin: who, where? He will forget that this is a game. So he caught. He is prescribed a penalty task, the speaker is awarded with "military trophy". And the points for the team. The team gathered more points wins.

Kok and Cerevar

In this game, all participants choose two - these are leading: one - Kok, the other - Cook (Kok - cook on a fleet, Cook-cook in the infantry). Only all other players should not know who of them who are. This is a big galley mystery. Two leading leaves from everyone away, agree which of them who will be. The rest are built into the column pairly. The game begins.
The first couple goes and comes to the place where Kok and Cook and Cook are located. Those find out who wants Kaski Soldiers, who is a Popotic Macaroni. One player wants Kaski, another macaroni, they reported about it. All these conversations should not hear other players. Then the second pair is suitable, then the third, and so, until everything is defined. But how to be if in a pair, both players will want, for example, Kaski. That is the game and is designed to make it the number of Macaron and Kashki lovers to her end. When all the players are defined in their taste addies, it is necessary to count the number of cask lovers from Kashevar, Coca Macaroni. Who else, those won.

Eh, potatoes!

As we have identified from the previous game, the infantry loves kishka, sailors love pasta in the fleet, but the potatoes love everything! Do you like to eat potatoes - love her and clean. This game is a competition for the identification of a "high-speed potato chuckle", or, simply putting the one who cleales the potatoes will quickly. Each player must give the same amount of potatoes of about the same size so that everyone is in equal starting conditions. All players sit in the circle and in the signal begin to clean.
Wins the one who will do faster and better.
You can add another nomination: on the longest potato peel. Both winners are awarded with "military trophies."

Sea law

Everyone knows the Marine Law: the laid is my last. But we have no latter in our game location, so everything is wash dishes.
Task: Who is faster and cleaner with a plastic bottle label. Competitive props: plastic bottle, cup with water and some scraper. Each fighter player receives this competitive set, all sit in the circle and start the signal. Of who will do it well and faster all, you need to reward well. In addition to the "military trophy", he needs to give a plastic bottle with his favorite juice.

Our porridge

This is a real task for real fighters.
Need to eat porridge! Present! Yes, even faster than others!
All players sit in a circle, depicting fighters on the privala. In the center of the circle there is a large saucepan, depicting wild kitchen. Each player gets a spoon and a bowl of this wonderful porridge. And on the signal, everyone starts. The winner is the one who will eat faster. It is awarded a big chocolate tile.
For the competition you need to take small bowls and warn that the players do not really rush.
Hurry and speed - two big differences.
The one who reinfeit its "competitive task" is the last, you need to offer another portion, so to speak, the addition, so that the forces were recruited. And on the bottom of the bowl, we must also put some comforting prize for him, for example, a little chocolate so that everyone has a festive mood on a festive day.

The presenter goes ahead. All participants, built in the column, follow him. The task of participants is to unmistakably repeat all the movements of the master, which speeds up, then slows down the pace, alternate sharp and smooth movements. The one who is mistaken becomes a column tail. Those participants win, which at the end of the competition will be in the first half of the column.


Competition participants are divided into teams. The first team closes the eyes and slowly considers up to 100, and the second at that time runs away and hides, but the track draws in the road. Traces sometimes can be "confused", that is, to have the other way from the way. The presenter flows the time for which one team finds another. Then the commands change roles. We defeat those who found the "enemy" faster.


Participants one are suitable on both sides to an opaque curtain. The curtain is sharply discovering and one who correctly calls the name of the participant standing on the contrary, is considered the winner. Competition can be carried out in the command version. Then the team wins, the participants of which earned more points for their dorms and the rate of reaction.

Honor having

Participants are divided into equal commands. The first participant of the team should stand up, make exactly four clear steps in place, to become comfortable, to give the honor and pronounce the phrase: "Honor I have!" After that, these actions repeat the next participant and so on. That team wins, which will cope with the task faster.

Taking a "language"

Children are divided into teams. One of them (scouts) is divided into groups, in each group of three people, they take hands, forming a chain. The task of each group is to take a "language" from among the participants of another team. To do this, close the chain around someone. After 5-10 minutes, the teams change roles. The team wins, taking "languages" more.

The game "Commander, we are with you!"

Podder : Guys, you all know that warriors without a commander can not do. He is the most respected man. The life of his wards depend on his command whether he could properly decide whether he could clearly and competently explain to the task of colleagues, whether he could carry his soldiers, and whether the commander can teach the soldiers among himself, there is a cohesion in his team ! This is only a small part of the main qualities that the commander must have.

Attributes: 10-12 keheli, scarves (shawls) 2 less than participants, for eye tying.

Stroke Game : To participate in the game requires 2 teams of 5-7 people who are built up by a train behind the commander and hold on with each other. All players, except the commander (first participant), tie their eyes. Such a "train", they should break down the "snake", not dropping and does not come over any shelter. The team defeats, the first to fulfill the task and not dropping a single bow.

Competition for scouts "Photo"

Three girls take different items:

A) one sits, reading a book;
B) the second looks into binoculars;
C) the third holds the steering wheel

It is necessary to see and remember the location of girls and objects in their hands. Then the command or selected players from the team turn away, and the girls quickly change places and objects. The team turns and recreates the initial picture.

Competition for dad "the strongest"

Play 3 fathers. Competition options:

    who inflates the ball faster

    clean the potatoes and cut it with chopsticks,

    she cares for his child, and the clothes turned inside out;


Dance "If you have fun, do it!"

The beginning of the verse traditional "if you have fun, do it!", But instead of conventional cotton and clicks, children make expressive imitation movements (raise the weight, hug yourself, steering wheel steering, shoot from the machine, etc.).

Racing "Whose horse is faster?"

Pope get up on all fours, and children ride on dads. Get to a certain place.

Game "Cavalier" (M.Yu. Cartushina)

3 dads are involved, 3 moms, 3 children.

Pope ("horses") get up on all fours, children sit on his back and take a flower in one hand, moms get up from riders at some distance. At the signal "Koni" are brought children to mothers. The Rider wins, the first flower who gave mom.

Game "Ball, Fly!"

Attributes : Inflatable balls and tennis rackets by the number of participating players.

3-4 boys participate. Each gets a tennis racket and an air ball. The signal starts to throw the balls with a racket and move to the drawing, which is at a distance of 4-5 meters from the start. The child wins, whose ball first will turn the line.

The game "Who will meet more ammunition"

Attributes : baskets by the number of participants of the game, balls for ping-pong, balls, fir bumps, etc.

3-4 children and 2 dads are involved. All tie their eyes and give a basket in the hands. By the signal for the allotted amount of time, participants to the touch collect balls for ping pong (these are cartridges). Who will collect more.

Competition "Display ammunition"

Podder : Military people should be able to navigate in any complex situation. Let our military show if they can sort the ammunition at night.

Two participants (one of each team) tie their eyes and summarize with cubes and balls. It is necessary to paint the items by folding the cubes into one box, and the balls to another. The participant wins, faster with the task.

The relay "warehouse ammunition"

Each team should move the bow from the hoop in the finish boxes. The kegiles in the hoop as much as players in the teams.

Warming up "Our Army - Salute!"

Our warriors are talking to once, two times, (walking on the spot )

The drums are loudly hit: the tra-ta, the tra-ta (imitate the game on the drum)

In the sea, our ships: now here - tomorrow there!(hands on the sides, swaying from foot on foot)

For a long time they swam in the sea, according to the waves! (circular movements with hands )

Border guards: who goes? who goes?("Hold the machine", turning to the right and left)

Run tanks on the bridge: TRP-forward, TRP-forward!("Motor")

Over the ground is the aircraft: U-y, U-y! (hands to the side )

Allowed rockets takes up: U-U-Wow, U-Ukh!(Sat, palms are folded in front of the breast, get up-raise hands up)

Our guns are exactly hit: Buch, Bach!("boxing", thrown forward then right, then left hands)

Our army is salute! (raise hands on the side - up)

Hooray! Hooray!

Competition for Dad "Curve Track"

Attributes : 2 binoculars, several kegles or rope.

On the floor lay out from the rope curve ("zigzag") track or put the kegli. Looking all the time under the legs through an inverted binoculars (there is long-distance visibility, and not approximate), you need to go through the track from one end to another and not stumble or bypass the kegli.

The game "Aviation Design"

Participate pairs: Dad and baby. Any number of steam is allowed to participate. From the paper sheet dad makes a plane, the child starts it. Who will faster will continue to launch.

Attraction for dad "Running on the skal"

2 dads are involved. Speak on the rinks a certain distance. You can complicate: jumping on one leg, get off obstacles.

Game "Take the report"

The report is the envelopes in which riddles are invested, wishes, poems, questions on the smelter, etc. Two teams of 5 people should with a bag on the shoulder, which invested envelopes with riddles, overcome obstacles:

Overcome the tunnel;

Predoltie on the bench;

Crawl under the arc;

Jump swamp: Layout as shoes or cardines;


The first participant passes the distance, returns and transfers the bag to the next participant of the relay and so that all the distance will not pass. The last participant after overcoming obstacles transmits the bag to the master. The presenter takes the envelopes and reads the contents of the envelopes.

Pass the ball

2 teams of 5-7 people participate. Teams get up in one column. The team is started to transfer the ball through the head from the first to the last player and back. The team that first fulfilled the task is wins.

Option: in one strand to transfer the ball over your head, and back to ride it under the legs of the players.

Game "Combat Alarm"

Attributes : Casas (Cooked, Beretta, etc.) by number of person.

Two teams of 3-5 people are built into the column, one person is coming to the table, on which hats are lying, it puts on one of the hats, runs back and gets the last in the column, etc.

The game for captains "What has changed?"

This commander must be very attentive. Different objects are laid out on the trays. Look at them for one minute, try to remember them, and then turn. I will remove one subject. And you must guess what disappeared from the tray.

Relay "Swimming on boats"

Each participant of the team in turn sits in a basin and, pushing out with the help of hands and legs, "floats" to "buoy" (cube or other replacement item), and then run back back. The player next after him is running to the buoy, and then "floats" back.

Relay "Raise Anchor!"

In the competition take part in one person from each team. Each participant is given a wand to which anchor from cardboard is tied to the rope. It is necessary as soon as possible to turn the rope on the wand until anchor collisions with a stick.

"Raise anchors"

Attributes : 2 cord 1.5-2 meters long (these are chains), 2 cardboard anchors are tied to the end of the cords, 2 buckets, 2 empty coils from under the thread.
Stroke Game : From sea depths (buckets) to get chains (cords) and winding them on the coils from under the threads at the limit speed.

Relay "Runway"

Two teams of 5 children and 2 dads participate in each team one by one.

The first team member puts on an elongated hand with a landscape landscape sheet of paper. In this position, he must reach the conditional place and leave his sheet there. It is necessary to move carefully, because the leaf is light and sticks out all the time to fly away. The next player will put his sheet next to the first sheet. Etc. From the sheets laid out the "takeoff strip".

Then the dad with closed eyes, putting hands to the sides, must "fly" along this takelest band.

Relay "Refueling fuel tanks"

A large bottle with a funnel, a bucket with water and a mug - their own for each team is installed on the conditional location. Each participant of the team runs up to the "refueling station", the circle is gaining water from the bucket and pours into the bottle with a funnel. That team wins, whose bottle will be filled faster.

Relay "Border"

Attributes : Different minor items (traffic jams, lids, small cubes, etc.)

Each command must lay out a line of small items. This is the "border". Objects should fit tightly to each other so that the saboteurs does not put through the border. What a team for a certain period of time will lay out a longer line, that wins.

Game "Catch the saboteurs"

The game is held in two stages. Children from one team and parents from another team are involved in each. Children depict scouts - violators of borders, parents - border guards. The order of stages for each team is determined by the lot.

Children and adults sit down on hops balls. Only adult "border guards" - still hoops in their hands. Children jump on the balls, happily confident from adults. Adults should throw the hoop on a pursued child. Then "Diversian" is considered caught.

Relay "Through Swamp"

With the help of foam bars or other Kochki, each team player should move through the "swamp". Kokes are folded in a basket or in a box. The first playing takes out one or two bumps, laying out them in front of him, comes on them and runs back to the start. The following two bumps takes over him, moves forward on the already laid out of the bumps, lengthens the path and returns to the start again. So continues until the last player contributes to paving the trail through the swamp.

Game "By Troops - Fire"

Players of each team in turn (or two people) throw bags in the target (hoop lying at a distance of two or three meters) from the position lying. The team is considered to be a team that will have more successful hits.

Game "Sailors"

Sailors People Merry

Well live

And in free minutes

Dance and sing.

All participants dance to the "sailor" music. The driving imitates the washing of the deck. When the music ends, playing in a couple, the remaining without a pair becomes driving.

Game "Unlocking Border Guard"

Choose leading. He will be called "Unlucky Border Guard".
3 traits are held on the floor. The first line will be the children who must move the border, on the middle line "Unlucky Border Guard",
who instead of celebrating the Day of Defender of the Fatherland, catches children on the border. And the third line is the feature for which children must pass not caught. Whom the border guard caught, he will take his place.

Competition "SAPERS"

Podder : Since the time of the Great Patriotic War, our land keeps terrible treasures: mines and shells. To neutralize them, you need to bring them away from residential areas and explode. Which attentive and carefulness must be sappers so that the shell does not explode in their hands. Guys, can you be as careful? We'll see!

Stroke Game : Two teams of children of 4-5 people are selected. Teams become 2 ranks, participants get up at a distance of an elongated hand. On the floor around the hall displaced wheels - "Mines". Next to the latest participants in the basket teams. At the signal of the leading children (the first in the ranks) run, find on the floor "Ma", take it and passed on the chain to the team participants. The last player lowers "mine" in the basket. The first player after put "mine" in the basket becomes the end of the rank. Search "Ma" is a second player in Shero. The team that gathered more disks "min" and not dropping a single one wins.

Competition "Passing ammunition"

Here is a riddle about the fighter,


I'm flashing traffic lights,

He knows that I ... (chauffeur )

Military driver there is always a case: it is necessary to bring ammunition, and delivering a message to the headquarters, and the soldiers will lead to combat teachings.

Stroke Game : Two teams of children are involved, with the same number of participants. They are chasters. In each team, the first participant holds the steering wheel. Before them are kegli, at a distance of 1 m from each other. Players must "snake" to drive around the kegli, go back and transfer the steering wheel to the next participant. That team wins, in which the participants will pass the bar of obstacles faster.

(Option: Children get up to the driver behind the chaffiner, hold on to it and tear down a snake, without dropping no shelter).

"Border guards and violators"

Borrowers boys will take hands and form a circle. And the rest are local residents. Border guards carry their service, they are in the doser. If the border guards raised up the hands, then the border is open, and local residents can run and run into this gate. But as soon as the word "patrol" sounds, the fighters give hands, and those who were inside the circle will be temporarily detained. Let's see how reliably our border guards protect the border.


Rise by gymnastic stairs, call to the bell and return to the place, passing the relay to the next command.

"Collect your team"

The first child comes around the checkbox, taking the next, again circles the checkbox and takes another player, etc. until it takes everyone in his team. Wins the one who will first collect her team, rubbing each time the checkbox and returning for others.

Competition "Finish phrase"

Proverbs and sayings on the army topic.
1 We will love my homeland .... (We will serve in the army)
2 live - ... (Motherland serve)
3 is difficult to learn .... (Easy in battle)
4 one in the field .... (Not a warrior)
5 one for all ... .. (all for one)
6 soup yes porridge ... (Our food)

Competition "People's Wisdom" (need to continue the proverb)

Who is Rodin, (that in battle is approximate)
Wolves fear - (in the forest not walk)
The brave is blamed, (coward - comrade)
Cheek brings success)
Who will come to us with a sword, (that from the sword will die)
If unarmed - (you do not need in battle)
Soldier sleeps, (and the service goes)

Relay "Take a package on a rescue circle"

(The child sits on the "ice plants" and keeps the package in his hands, dad for the rope is lucky, circling the predetermined distance and returns to the place, the relay is transmitted further, the last participants transmit the presenter packets).

Competition "Musical"

Check which talents are from our dads. (Choose musical instruments, musical genre and perform a work.).

Cheerful warm-up

how did you serve? like this! (Show up thumb)
how was friends? like this! (hands in the castle)
how did the goal shot? like this
and in the barracks as I slept? like this!
how did you eat? like this!
in building a song like sang? like this!
how did you miss home? like this!
how is hot drink tea? like this!
and how did the report handed over? like this!
marked at the factory? like this!
for friends how sad? like this!
and you laughed like? like this!


1. And on land, and at sea
He always stands in the dosor
And the country will not let down -
The violator will not pass!
(border guards)

2. Striped shirt,
Curbed tapes behind a cap.
He is ready to argue with the wave
After all, his element is the sea.

3. Replace the robot car -
He himself will be neutralized bomb, mine.
Should not be wrong
To stay alive then stay.

4. Respect Destino
Brave and brave warrior:
It's hard to get into the rear of the enemy,
Unnoticed to stay
Remember everything
In the morning in the headquarters tell.

5. Wide wings in the sun are burning,
You see the air squad in the sky.
Circles, turns and again circles,
The wonderful birds fly one by one.

6. The crew his fearless
Protects peaceful work
And fighters from the round tower
All enemies will reside.


1. Sign, and after the brother

I will also be a soldier,

I will help him

Protect your ... (country )

2. Brother said: "Do not hurry!

Better at school you learn!

You will be an excellent student -

Start ... (border guard )

3. Seafarer you can become

So that the border is guarded

And not to serve on earth,

And on the military ... (ship )

4. Airplane boil like a bird,

There is an air border.

At the post and day, and at night

Our soldier is a military ... (pilot )

5. Again to battle the car rushes,

Cut the land of the caterpillar,

That car in the field pure

Controlled... (tanker )

6. You can become a soldier to become

Swim, ride and fly,

And in the ranks walk hunting -

Waiting for you, soldiers, ... (infantry )

7. Any profession of military

To learn must necessarily

To be supporting for the country,

So that there is no ... ((war )

8. Here is a steel bird

In heaven, seeks

And leads her pilot.

What a bird? ( plane )

9. Will you won't see my eyes

Do not take your hands.

And without him in the attack

Dont go… ( hooray )

10. Without acceleration, it takes off,

Dragonfly reminds

Departed in flight

Our Russian ... (helicopter )

11. There are no Tuchuk on the horizon,

But revealed in the sky an umbrella.

A few minutes later

Got down... ( parachute )

12. Under water Iron Whale,

In the afternoon, he does not sleep.

Under water walks,

Our land is guarded. (submarine )

Game "Captive Scouts"

Podder : And who of you is ready to become an intelligence? What do you think is needed by reconnaissance? (Children answer: courage, strength, trick, patience , caution, inconsistency, etc.) Then let's check you on skill, dexterity, and most importantly - patience. After all, to get important information, Intelligence sometimes have to wait for a suitable case with whole days. Now you will need to get an envelope with the report that is behind the barrier.

Stroke Game : Rattles and bells are tied to the rope. The rope is kept two people, or it is attached on the racks. Children should be placed in plastic enemy territory Through the obstacle, not a single subject, and take the envelope.
With the second and third attempts (each time with different children), the rope is lowered slightly lower.

Game "Dehydrated Mines"

Before each command, there is a walkway from squares and mines (in a checkerboard). On the team, the first player comes to the first square, takes the "mine" and returns to the end of the column, the second player comes to the first square, then on the second, takes "Ma", lying next to the second square and returns to the team, etc. Pass 6 people in each team. Whose team will quickly collect all mines, she won.

"Accurate shooter"

Children, formed in 2 teams of 4-5 people, throw soft balls on the kegles from the position lying, or throw them into the hoops lying on the floor. Who is bigger?

Competition of car experts

Podder : Today we can not imagine the life of a business man without a passenger car. And even if you have not yet become his happy owner, then in your dreams, you probably twist the ram of the handsome "Mercedes", "Opel", "Renault" or "Audi". Two dads are invited to participate in the competition for car contestants.
Stroke Game : Participants need to be called different cars of passenger cars. If someone from the players could not call a new brand and his knowledge dried up, the game ends.

Competition "Find Pope"

The host proposes to pay attention to the curious photoshend, whose pictures will tell about the infancy of the Paw. The guys need to find their dad among the kids. So, the search begins.

Transfer seven.

Two families compete in this competition, which, according to the conditions of the game, are resting on the river. The task of the PAP to smoke his family from one shore to another for this it is necessary to sit in a boat (put on the hoop) and, "swimming" to the opposite shore, take with me only one passenger. So gradually the hoop will be filled with all passengers. Family that was faster on opposite shore- Winner.

For the game to be more interesting, you can invite some more guys in every family, thus increasing the composition of the family.

The game "Whose plane will fly further"

Three children are involved from each team. Competed couples. Children throw paper airplanes. The participant wins, whose plane next landed.

Relay "Swari Huhu"

2 teams of several people participate. Every fish playing in the hands of the last players is a spoon. At a distance of 5-6 meters from the teams on the stove are standing pots. Players take turns run up to the stove, put fish in the pan and return to your team. The last participant interferes with a spoon in a saucepan and raises her up ("ear ready"). The team defeats the first task.

Attraction: "Who is the first?"

2 chairs are put, 2 girls are sitting on them, the boys become each near their girls. According to the team, the boys will jump around the hall to the hoop (big) lying in the opposite side of the hall, raise the flower in the hoop, ride the hoop, return to the girls, get on the knee and hand the flower girls. The girl takes a flower, rises next to the chair and raises his hand with a flower.

Attraction "Exit to open space"

2 teams of children 5 people each. Each participant must perform 3 actions:

    The first children run up to the hoop (small), take it, raise her head and lowered to the floor (they put the "Spa Tander").

    They run to the standing banquets ahead, fall on them, raise their arms and legs and scrolls on the stomach once (flying in weightlessness).

    Run to big balls ( space station), they ride them and return to the team, but become the last.


Before you river, and you need to cross on the other side. The first participant is to fall (running) to hoop (lies on another beach), takes him and returns to the team, captures the next player, runs back. The first participant remains on the shore, and the second with the hoop (ferry) runs for the third, etc.

Sample questions And encrypted words.
1. Air, aircraft, destroying opponent aircraft
2. Large iron turtle on caterpillars. (tank)
3. The Russian warrior guarding the frontiers of our Motherland. (border guards)
4. Marine shipping swimming agent - the flagship of the Russian fleet.
5. What is the name of the soldier coin, turning into the tube and associated with the ring, to wear over the shoulder?
6. What word the serviceman confirms his readiness to execute the order of the commander? (there is)