Fallout: New Vegas - Bild. Character Pumping in Fallout: New Vegas

Our courier rushes towards danger, inciterates enemies with a laser, and a fist shifts in a knockout of armored Nkrovtsa. If all the parameters are driven into the "muscles", and not in the brain, the game even in the Hardcore mode is like in the sandbox. And so - while on our path there will be no first-closed door or protected by the terminal - the door is not melted, the emi-grenade for hacking computers is not provided, and the fists "talk" the key character will not be released.

Obsidian again ruthlessly broke the stereotypes of role-playing games. If the role of the "Terminator" role was still intended in Alpha Protocol, then such an approach is completely eradicated in Novaya Vegas. Rough power is solved hardly a quarter of problems and tasks in the game, and knowledge of how to properly distribute the starting parameters, what skills should be developed first and where to look for secrets, is valued more than our own dexterity and reaction.

We collect a character

Is it possible to argue the immense, if the development points are so little, and each parameter does this convinces with its description, what exactly is he in the game itself?

    Force. It is responsible for how much all the junk we will raise and take without prejudice to the movement, as well as how much formidable weapons will be able to use. The size of the inventory is very important for the treasure seeker, so in force should be attached at least seven points, but it is not worth developing it to a maximum - the portable weight increases only by 10 units for each point, and the weapon with the parameter requirement above 8 does not occur in the game. The strength can be enhanced by time by using alcoholic beverages and "buffout".

    Perception. The parameter is not the first importance - it depends on it, how fast we will notice the red dots on the map. If you plan to play with the tandem of the Bun satellites and ED-E - do not invest in the glasses at all, since with the help of a robot, our hero will be able to see the danger at a very long distance, and thanks to the snapyr, the enemies will be highlighted in red in aiming mode. True, the features of the "sniper" and "critical damage" will be not available, which require six points of perception.

    Endurance. And a lover of verbal wars, and a fan of heavy cannons is vital to develop this value to a maximum - endurance determines the amount of character health, and it will never be superfluous, especially in Hardcore mode. And the parameter affects the skill of survival, which is extremely important on the highest level of complexity.

    Folk sign: if the passage is overcome by mines or traps, then there is ahead there is to guard.

    Charisma. Conversational skills are now valued above all, but the charm in itself does not play roles. It gives an increase to protection and damage to your satellites, and more plus to the "barter and" eloquence ". If you play the role of a single wolf, you don't need to put glasses into the charm, and the skills are better to develop separately. In addition, at the right moment, the charisma can be temporarily enhanced by five units, burning "festive mentatic", and another unit to get - putting "frank pajamas".

    Intelligence. The second most important parameter after endurance. It affects how many skills points we will get when you go to the next level. And if you wish to create a universal character, a specialist in all areas, the high value of intelligence is the case of the first importance.

    Dexterity. It affects how many points of action we get in v.a.t.s mode, at the speed of walking and recharging weapons. Considering that these glasses are by default in the game twice as much as in Fallout 3, the gain, giving dexterity, will be insignificant. Those who are accustomed to solve the problems peacefully, you can do without completely without investments, "Terminators" add to agility will be useful.

    Luck. Traditionally affects everything shortcut. The most tempting - the chance of a critical damage from all types of weapons increases, and this is a good reason to put the remaining points in this parameter.

In the course of the game, it is possible to improve the parameters in several ways:

    Implants.In the New Vegas Medical Clinic for the indiscreet sum (4000 lids), one of the parameters per unit can be lifted. And if the character has a big margin of health, you can put the second implant. In addition to standard skills increases, two more improvements are available - enhancing armor (8000 lids) and health regeneration (12,000 lids).

    Features. You can choose the ability of "intensive training" when receiving a new level to raise the parameter per unit. Feature can be selected several times.

    Food and drinks. If a high value of any parameter is required in a conversation with the key NPC, it is possible to increase it to it, having accepted a certain preparation, drink, or burning the fruit of the Mojava Flora. For example, tobacco chewing raises agility and perception, antineic nectar, brain steak or alcohol - power. Eat the gifts of the desert need careful not to pick up by-effectFor example, minus to the power for eating raw meat.

Learning profession

With a high skill of Barter, we can not only cheap buy, but also take out extra money with NPC during some quests.

After the parameters are distributed, you must select three main skills to get to each of them a one-time increase of fifteen points. We recommend "eloquence", "barter" and "weapons" (or "energy-based") to compensate for their low starting values.

Key Skills Games - barter and eloquence. Well-suspended language is a saved time and money, the ability to get new tasks, avoid unnecessary battles or simply maintain a good reputation with NPC. In addition, without these skills it is impossible to complete some quests, such as "accounts on accounts" and "you can rely on me."

At the initial stage, at least one of these skills raise up to 50, and to the middle of the game both keep in the limit 75. It is not necessary to develop them up to 100 if there are things in the inventory, raising the skill, or magazines that temporarily increase their meaning, but it is better Make to avoid some battles in the game final.

Second place in importance occupy combat skills - weapons, without weapons, steel arms, explosive and energy Support. It makes no sense to study them all, it is enough to put glasses only in one or two, depending on preferences.

An important role is assigned medicineand Survival. The higher the meaning, the more effective you use medicines (stimulants, antiradin, etc.) and the more health restore food, and in the Hardcore mode, it will be too difficult to hurt and bite you. The success of some quests depends on the high level of medicine. For example, Joana from Gomorra will tell about his problem (and issued a quest) only an experienced doctor, and even skills of healers can facilitate the passage of one of the main quests for Legion Caesar. Survival affects what dishes (and how effective they will be) we will be able to prepare on a fire in camps.

An experienced scientist is always in honor. Demonstrate to Jack your high knowledge in science, and it will save you from an extra running on the map.

Fighting with monsters is much simpler when they do not have
it is possible to make us up for my leg - here you can shoot the entire flock of gecko.

Next in demand go the science and breaking into. The faster we begin to invest glasses in them, less secrets will remain unexplored. If it first, it is not enough to go from them, then closer to the middle of the game locked doors and password protected Terminals will meet every step, especially when studying secret shelters and scientific complexes. Science can facilitate the solution of some quests - for example, having prompted the correct recipe for its invention to the interlocutor.

These two skills should be worked hard when they reach 13-15 levels, it is at that time a lot of castles of "medium" complexity will begin to come across the path of the hero. And at first, you can still do magazines, the benefit of scientific literature on Mojava is scattered a lot.

Less important, but still useful skill - repairs. Determines how long we will wear gear and shoot from guns before all this turns into unnecessary trash. But first of all, the repair is needed to solve the plot tasks - block the secret door, repair the elevator, repair the Robot of ED-E without the help of parts. I recommend developing repair at least 50 - in the initial stages it is not relevant, but only when we get into hand unique weapons and powerful armor to maintain them as long as possible in suitability.

The most useless in the game, perhaps, skill secrecy. Responsible for how successfully we will rob in neutral and friendly NPCs. Given that the tasks for secrecy developers do not indulge, and theft negatively affects karma, - is it worth it?

Collect souvenirs

In Novaya Vegas, you can do not only search for books that increase skills, but also by collecting souvenir "snow balls". Seven such balls, and their gathering threatens us great benefits.

Residents of Mojave souvenir balls are not needed - their gathering will not be reckoned for theft.

The collected balls add up in the presidential luxury-luxury casino "Lucky 38", on a special pedestal, and puts them there to a friend of Mr. Haws, named Jane. It can be found opposite the elevator, in a huge room with monitors, and you can bring trophies at any time.

For each ball, Jane issues in 2000 covers (this is the easiest earnings in the game). From the backpack, these items cannot be thrown out (they are considered quest), and if you kill Jane or House, it will not have anyone and "snow balls" will remain in our inventory forever.

    Hudspings. The ball lies on the Gudspings Cemetery, next to one of the tombstones.

    Mormon fort.In the square tower on the territory of the fort. Climb the stairs and look at the rack.

    Air Base Nellis.Lies on a table in the museum of bombers. The ball is easier to pick up during the execution of the task "into the sky!".

    Polygon.Snowball is located in the casino "Lucky 38", in the cocktail hall, for one of the cash registers.

    Strip.Souvenir is located in the shelter-hotel 21, on a table near the bed in Sarah's room. You can get into the room hacking the door or kidding the magnetic card at the owner of the institution.

    Mount Charleston.In one of the buildings of Jacobstown, lies at the rack in the hotel.

    Dam Hoover.The toy is in the first building, in the information center, on the rack in the heart of the hall.

Become special

In addition to skills and parameters, an important place in the game is occupied features, More precisely, the right choice of their choice with each second increase in combat level. When creating a character, we can choose up to two such abilities - however, the choice is not big, and almost all of them are flawed (more points of action, but the threshold of damage is reduced, etc.). Besides "Wildlife" (in the game you can detect secret events and find unique things, but the collectible Gauss-gun becomes not available) and "Good Soul" (Plus to peaceful skills, minus to battles - is suitable for "diplomats") to pay attention to anything I do not advise.

Now we define what features it is necessary to take with raising levels. There are many of them, so we will only describe the most useful and those that look tempting, but only at first glance.

    Intensive training. Adds one point to any of the parameters of S.P.E.C.I.A.L. You can study several times (up to ten). You can take once, at the second level, no more appetizing skills are available.

    Convinced bachelor and women (Solhesha La Fam and Black Widow - for female characters). In battle with the character of the opposite sex, you apply + 10% damage, and unique phrases may appear in the dialogs - sometimes they help to impress the NPC (as an alternative to eloquence) and even facilitate the passage of some quests.

    Educated (Requirement: 4th level; Intellect 4). Gives two additional skills points when receiving a new level. The game is not for nothing advises to take this feature early - it is extremely necessary if we are going to do from your ward masters for all hands.

    Understanding (4th level; Intellect 4). We get a double gain to the skill when reading scientific journals (we temporarily get +20 points instead of +10), as well as one additional point when using a classroom (4 points are permanently added instead of three). This is useful for bookboards for hunters, although it is not so important as the ability "formed".

    Resistance (6th level; endurance 5). Strengthening protection, +3 to the general damage threshold, you can choose the second time. Mojave is a place unsafe, and this feature is superfluous for anyone will not.

    Strong ridge (8th level; force 5; endurance 5). The capacity of our backpack is increased by 50 units. It will be useful for those who regretted their character's extra power points, but do not forget that they can use satellites as "walking backpacks".

    Here and now (10th level). The ability to immediately get the next level. Will go for fans of high-speed passage, connoisseurs of more thoughtful game you can do without it.

    Accuracy (10th level). Significantly increases the likelihood of a critical damage in battle (this is the same as with five additional good luck glasses). Suitable for everyone - and those who are used to solve the problems of force, and even diplomats. After all, shooting in the game will have a lot and often.

    Far Beriage (12th level; Barter 70; endurance 6). Allows you to use the rapid movement, even when you are overloaded. It is perfect for fans of light profit - you can collect all the equipment on the battlefield, ignoring the capacity of the inventory, and quickly move to any trading point on global Map.

    crazy hands (14th level; repair 90). For repair of weapons and armor, a similar sample is no longer needed, just a similar thing is suitable as a material for fixing. It is useful in late stages of the game to repair a unique or just expensive equipment.

    Center of gravity (14th level; weapon 70). In V.A.t.s. mode We apply an additional 15% damage if aimed in a torso or torso. Useful feature For security forces, especially at the end of the game.

    Prize! (16th level). It gives you to choose the fourth prize skill, which allows you to immediately raise it by 15 points. Take without mind.

    Researcher (20th level). Extremely dubious ability - displays all locations in the game. Its minus is that on a global map among the lines of points to find the right place is sometimes very difficult, especially if the area does not specify the task label.

    Good absorption (28th level; endurance 7). The level of radiation infection will decline by itself with time. Very comfortable thing, if you are a fan to run on secret underground complexes, you can not take the rest, since the radiation is rare on the surface.

Features can be obtained not only for receiving each second level, but also in the course of the game, for certain actions and the execution of quests. For example, Andy from Novak will teach you a roll of Ranger if you perform his small order, and if you kill the right amount of some kind of living creature - get an increase to the damage against this type of enemies.

Improve the ability

If you are not strong enough in a sphere of activity, you can search the book, allowing you to increase the skills on three or four units. According to Mojava, there are four books for each of the thirteen skills, which in the amount allows you to raise each of them by 12 units, but with a feature "understanding" - by 16.

All books (as well as magazines) should be searched not in a naked steppe, but on locations, whether the cave, shelter, hut or a whole complex. Usually they lie in prominent places - tables, beds or bookshelves. To facilitate your searches, we will give the tip:

Skill books find it easy; Usually they lie there, where they are the place - on the tables, shelves and racks.

    "Janktown Trader. Stories »(Barter): Primme - Hotel "Bizon Steve"; Refuge 22; Hibara Fake Clear; Offices "Elaid Teknolodzhiz".

    "Lies: Tutorial for Congressman" (Eloquence): NKR correctional institution; Ranch "Roll-Field"; Frieside - Sirulien Robotix; Mine "Laki Jim".

    "Pistols and bullets"(Weapon): Asylum 34; Strip - "Gomorra"; Post of the Nevada Road Patrol; Hut Raul.

    "Nikola Tesla and you"(Energy Support): Hidden Valley; Popponn headquarters - 1st floor; Headquarters Reponn - 2nd floor; Old nuclear polygon.

    "In the shelter! Lie down! "(Explosives): Avolanpost Mojave; Sloan; Post Rangers "Foxtrot"; Air Base Nellis.

    "Fist fight in illustrations"(Without weapons): Nipton road parking; Fisherman's hut; Strip - "Tops"; Refuge 11.

    "GROKNAR-BARVAR"(Cold weapons): Cannibal Johnson Cave; Secret cave warehouse; Cotton Wood Cove; Jacobstown.

    "Therapeutic Journal of District Columbia"(Medicine): Novak; Helios one; Secret flat followers; Crater in the Meskit Mountains.

    "Science for all" (Science): Nipton - Town Hall; Popponn headquarters; Camp Fall-Hope; Brewer.

    It is important:another book can be obtained as a reward from Ignacio for the quest "Solar glare", if you send the energy of Archimedes to the whole region.

    "Modern locks"(Hacking): Rancho Wolfhorn; the lair of the prospectors; Bitter Springs recreation area; Mine "Silver-Peak".

    "Repair of electronics"(Repair): Sloan; wind power plant; Nellis air base; Brotherhood bunker steel.

    "Survival Guide to Puffs"(Survival): Platform of Marauders; camp in the Meskit Mountains; Radio station "Lone Wolf"; Livestock farm Matthew.

    "The combat charter of the Chinese special forces" (Secrecy): Hudspings; Shelter 3; Farms of riders; Camp Serchlight.

Hunt for achievements

After moving to the Steam service, the inheritance game received its traditional achievement system. Among the fifty memorable badges there are both the standard, obtained in mandatory, with complete passage of the game, and those that are achieved by considerable efforts. Here they are now and discuss them.

A special place is occupied by achievements, where you need to cause 10,000 units of damage to a certain type of weapon. Medals for the usual and energy-building get to get easy - know yourself Falling enemies with plasma and lead, harder with the closest battle and explosives.

Tolstore-rams - ideal
"targets" in order to increase the number of nan
damn damage explosive.

The fists themselves are not effective in themselves, especially against monsters, therefore, to get a "fist fighter" award, stock by force or studded cloth. The role of "boxing pears" is suitable, no matter how surprisingly, Legionnaires Caesar (as well as simple gangsters, demolitions and devils), thanks to a weak armor, but a sufficient amount of health. And there are still hand-to-hand attacks of the enemy, and when you miss it, it is practically not efficient.

With cold weapons, the tactics are similar, but to fight better with monsters. Provoke an enemy flock to the aggression and start to run back, swinging in front of yourself with something heavy (fittings or sledgehammer fit, and even better - "Super Cullent" Tabitsa, which lives on Mount Black), - if you don't let enemies to yourself very close, so The way you can beat everyone without harm to health.

The most difficult to apply 10,000 units of damage explosives. This can be done in several ways - throwing dynamite or grenade into a flock of mills (they have a lot of health, and they usually go with dense flocks), throw off the C4 explosive into a neutral camp of the potential enemy, and then blow up - or use anti-personnel mines, laying them in narrow aisles And then lumbling opponents to this area of \u200b\u200bthe terrain.

It is unlikely to restore 10,000 units of food and stimulators for one passage, as it is simultaneously developing and medicine, and survival is not justified - it is better to focus on something one. Another task from the discharge of difficult is to clean fifty pockets, because it is fraught with loss of karma. Try to steal from the enemies or those with whom you are not going to be friends, and so that you do not stand for this activity - use "Stels-Fight."

We are looking for unique guns

In any role-playing game there is a place to several unique samples of weapons and uniforms. But in new vegas weapons highly lot. To assemble a good collection of exclusive trunks, you will need a lot of time and the habit of look into the pockets of each story NPC, but the tip will make it easier for the task.

Without weapons:

    Golden gloves (strip casino "Lucky 38"): in the VIP-bed, behind the bar.

    Castet "Retribution of the Fallen" (Cottonwood-Cove): In the office of Aurelia and Phoenix, in the table.

    Castet "Love and Hate" (Bonnie Springs): Rigger Ganguuk Gang.

    Glove "Nakhpp" (Mine "Ruby Hill"): on the corpse of a member of Gang Shakalov.

    Cutting Glove "Opener" (Camp McCarran): At the Little Parsive.

    On a note:you can get a glove only by killing its owner, but at the airport in McCarran it is difficult to do it. It is better to perform quests related to the elimination of devils, and you will find the Parsivets in Friside, near the Mormon Fort, on the railway strip is already dead.

    Paladin Toster Glove (Black Rock Cave): on the duty of the prospector.


    Grenadeom "Annabel" (Mount Black): On the body of the shade.

    Grenade launcher (40 mm) "Buku-Buk" (solar batteries Ablis): You can get into the complex only by the quest "Bad Murayshek".

    Grenade launcher (40 mm) "Mercy" (Cave of grandfather-wind): is protected by the legendary claws of death.

    Holy manual grenade (5 pcs.) (Serchlight camp): in a broken church, in the basement (3 pcs.); The remaining two in random order can be found from the NKR warriors (all grenades are available only if there is a feature "wild waste").


    Vermint-rifle "Rat" (Brock Cave): In the northeastern part of the cave, on the table.

    Long Carabiner (McCarran camp): Capral Sterling from the 1st Interijalon NKR.

    It is important:if during the fulfillment of the quest "Hunter for the heads" you will kill the chef, the entire interoffalon will be translated into the Camp of the Fall-Hope, together with a corporal and a unique gun.

    Carabine Arrow "Allocal" (shelter 34): In the weapon, near the inverted table.

    Minigan CZ57 "AVENZHER" (DEVOL HUME): In the body of a truck, in the center of the abyss.

    Rex and Cass - an excellent tandem for a stereo and deadly battles.

    Crimples "Big Boom" (Gibson Dwarf): In the garage, Mamashi Gibson.

    Hunting shotgun "Dining Bell" (Thorn, New Vegas): Award for the quest "Take everything" from Red Lucy.

    Pistol "Maria" (strip-tops): from Banni.

    Vancen submachine gun (Visnet's cache - not far from the Eich-and-Eich Tulz plant): in a safe (you can get in the skill of hacking 100 or with eloquence 55, to convince the owners to part with it).

    Revolver "Lucky" (Primam - Hotel "Bizon Steve"): In the outdoor pack of the level "complex" (needed hacking skill 75).

    Revolver "The same" (Novak): Sale in the Souvenir Shop "At Dinosaur".

    Gun "Machine" (Camp McCarran): Gives a reward if you hack the computer in stock and pass the Contrerass lieutenant Boyid.

    Sniper Rifle Scout Gobi Company (Sniper Position - Near Cotton Wood-Cove): In the locker (for opening, you need a hacking skill 100).

    Mysterious Magnum (Lake Eldorado): Lonesem Driftera (with a barter 50+, a sample can be obtained by a peaceful way).

    Exclusive pneumatic "Child Abile" (Fields Huts). On the shelf, near the wall.

On a note:if the feature of the "wild wasteland" is taken, the weapon will be in the well Jimmy. After leaving the hut Rex (if only he is your companion at this moment), and in a conversation with him you need to ask if anyone fell into the well. After that, location with weapons will be displayed on our map.

Steel arms:

    Two-handed hammer "Baby!" (Cave Charleston): In the lair of night hunters.

    "Driver - the stick of the Nephi" (south of the shelter 3): The leader of the Nefi driver devils.

    A slice of the Pipe "Simple Duby" (Sealed Collector): Removed from the Broader's corpse.

    On a note:you can get into this location through the central collector through the hatch near the entrance to the McCarran camp. The key to the locked collector is at the "blind" hatch.

    Machete "Liberator" (Nelson): In the barracks, the Dead Sea.

    A chance knife (on a hill, near the Location tribe): In the grave of the chance.

    Dangerous razor "Figaro" (Friside): at the School of Double King, at the Barber Sergio.

    Tesz "Sichka" (Rancho Wolfhorn): on the farm.

    Ax "Tuk-Tuk" (Serchlight Camp): In the fire station, on the second floor.


    "Evklida algorithm" (Friside): The boy of Max running behind the girl Stacy.

    Blaster of Aliens (North Farm Horowitsa): Captain Aliens (only with "wild waste").

    Rifle Gauss YCS / 186 (North Farm Horowitsa): One of the mercenaries (not available, if there is a skill "Wild Waste")

    Laser rifle prototype Aer14 (shelter 22): In common areas, in the recreation area.

    Laser pistol "Pew-Pugh" (Sunset Sasplella Headquarters): Gives as a reward for quests "Legend of the Star" and "invaluable lesson", for collecting fifty lids with a star.

    Plasma rifle Q-35 Modulator (Popponn Headquarters): On the first floor, behind the door opened with a key card, science (100) or hacking (100).

    The prototype "Tesla-Biton" (the wreck place of the coil): is guarded by golden heekcones.

There is a way to get some unique samples without killing their owners. To do this, first call the aggression of this NPC (shoot from weak weapons to not kill), and when the character is armed with the trunk you need, switch to v.a.t.s. And make one successful shot into the right hand so that the opponent drop the weapon. Now I quickly hide your trunk behind your back - your hands are empty, NPC also does not have more reasons for aggression. It remains only to raise a unique gun and go ravoisi.

Already waiting for you:

- stories about the most unusual and confusing plot and additional quests;

- narration about the win-win tactics of the game "Caravan";

- Ten most dangerous enemies of the game and the most effective ways to eliminate them.

Fallout New Vegas, based on the name, occur on the territory of the former Las Vegas and the Mojave desert. Compared to the third part of Fallout, New Vegas has become more interesting and varied. For the player, there are much more opportunities for the development of the character and scene line generally.

As such, the game does not contain special secrets. Undeads, as an integral element of the third part, there are no in it. But there is a slightly more educational character of books and magazines temporarily promoting skills. From collections, instead of hubs, you can collect nominal weapons, armor and snowballs.

Where in Fallout New Vegas find all the snowballs.

Snowballs in the main storyline of New Vegas - seven, plus one ball from each of the four additions. Total eleven pieces. It is not necessary to collect them absolutely, since they do not add skills. But they can be sold for 2000 covers Mr. House, except for the Sierra Madre Bowl, he will bring the player 2000 chips of the same casino.

  • Snowball "Hudspings" - You will find Gudspings in the cemetery near one of the graves:
  • Snow Ball "Mormon Fort" - Located in Friside in the old Mormon Forte, in the place of protection on the second floor;
  • Snow Ball "Mount Charleston" - At the Jacobstown Hotel, on the table next to the entrance.
  • Snow Ball "Unllis Air Base" - at the airbase Nellis - the base of the bombers, in the museum on the table to the right of the entrance;
  • Snow Ball "Strip" - in the Sarah shelter room 21;
  • Snow Ball "Dam Hoover" - in the infocenter of the Hoover Dama;
  • Snow Ball "Polygon" - Cocktail Bar "Lakki 38" at the cash register;
  • Snow Ball "Sierra Madre" on the roof of Salida del Sol, which is at the villa;
  • Snow Ball "Zion National Park" - Store-warehouse. On the bottom shelf behind the welcome;
  • Snow Ball "Big Mountain" - Laboratory X-17 - Meteorological Station;
  • Snow Ball "Lonely Road" - In the location of the "Rift", on the platform at the station 7. The second floor.

Name, Rare, New Vegas weapons

A huge plus of New Vegas Follut is a large number of nominal, rare, weapons with interesting properties. Something you can buy something to steal something, just find something. Now consider:

  • "Machine" - a self-loading rifle with high accuracy, increased shop, high strength and low exposure points of action. It can be obtained in the camp McCaran in Sergeant Conitary, after the execution of the noted task "Transaction with Contreras". Skill "Weapon" - not less than 75;
  • "All-American" - Advanced Arrow Carabiner, is distinguished by a somewhat big damage and increased rapidity. The location is the weapon chamber "Refuge 34". To use this carbine skill handling firearms must be at the maximum;
  • "Dining Bell" - Improved version of the hunting shotgun with a smaller scattering of the fraction and a slightly enlarged damage. Can be obtained as a reward for the task "take everything";
  • "Mysterious Magnum" - It weighs more and it breaks much faster than the classic "magnum" 44 caliber, but surpasses it at the shooting pace. You can get during the passage of the quest "Talents, respond!", After hiring Lonesem Driftera, having passed the check on the skill - "barter" (the value should be at least 50);
  • "Lucky" - represents a more advanced version of the revolver "Magnum" 357 caliber with a large chance of critical hit, increased damage and shooting rates. Located in the hotel "Bizon Steve", in the locked safe;
  • "Scout rifle GaBi company" - She is practically no different from an ordinary sniper rifle, except that it doesn't break longer, and the silencer, with all the desire, it is impossible to put it. Location - a bin for weapons, closed on a very complex castle on a sniper position in the western side from Cottonwood - Cove;
  • "Rats" is a unique warming rifle with all sorts of modifications such as: an optical sight with a night vision mode, a muffler, an enlarged store. It has increased strength, accuracy, increased damage and rapidity, plus an increased chance of critical hit. Can be found in the BROK cave in the east of the Hiking Camp of the Legion;
  • "The same" is the five charging automatic revolver, despite the considerable weight and some concession in damage due, it is beneficial from his fellow, increased speed of shooting and recharging. Novak, Souvenir shop "at a dinosaur." It can be bought or steal from the store's warehouse.
  • "Blaster Aliens" - having an absolute accuracy and huge chance of critical ingress, absolute accuracy and huge, for one-handed weapon, damner, the blaster shoots only other people, and requires high skills In handling the power consumption. You can find it by finding three aliens north of the Horowitsa Farm and east of the Rancho "River Field".
  • "YCS / 186" is a unique Gauss rifle with an increased store, due to which the damage applied. It is possible to find it in the camp of mercenaries, the leader, in the northern part of the map.
  • "Plasma rifle van Graffov" - Plasma rifle shooting two charges at the same time. You can get it from Wangraffs, agreeing to work as a security guard. At the end of the quest, the rifle is taken. But you can always run away.
  • "Tesla Biton" is an improved version of the "Tesla" rifle. Damage significantly increased. You can find on the site of the wreck of the coils. Very not reliable.
  • "I drink a laser gun with a larger damage as much as 6 times. Stored at the headquarters "Sunset Sasplany. It becomes available after the presentation of the robat 50 covers with a star.
  • "Tuk-Tuk" is a unique ax with a larger damage and a special blow - "as a lady". Knocks down the enemy from the legs. In the toilet of the fire depot of Sirchlight.
  • "Blade of the East" is a poisonous sword with a larger damage. Belongs to Legate Lanya.
  • "Liberator" - an improved Machete version. Increased damage and speed of attack. You can find it in Nelson.
  • "Figaro" - weapons of hidden wearing, which has an increased attack speed and damage, as well as an increased chance to apply a critical strike, plus a high strength and a small number of consumed points of action. It is located in the club Gang Kings in Friside, a character named Sergio. You can get it by killing Sergio or by theft.

Unique and rare armor and clothing in Fallout New Vegas

In addition to standard, widespread, armor and clothing, in Fallout New Vegas, which can be used everywhere in stores or just found on the wastelands, there is a number of rare in the game, with additional or unusual features of armor and clothing, finding, without hinting, is quite difficult .

  • Overalls "timid" - This jumpsuit gives a plus five units for repair, but at the same time the arronal of armor damage is zero. You can find this overalls in Westside at Dermota.
  • Benny costume - a little superior business suit. It adds five units to the skills of barter and eloquence. You can get it by killing Benny or by reversible theft.
  • Doctor Klein costume - Green suit, adding 10 units to science and 2 units to intelligence. You can find in the village of Higgs, in the house number 101.
  • Doctor Möbius costume - Improved and repainted in red, option of a sublea of \u200b\u200ba crazy scientist. It has improved charisma (per unit) and intelligence (by 2 units), as well as an increase in science skills by 15 units. It is located at the dome of the forbidden zone, right from the staircase, which leads to the tank with the brain of the courier.
  • President of President Kimbol. - Increases eloquence of five points. You can only get this suit in the case of the death of President Kimbol during a visit to the Hoover Dam.
  • Laboratory refuge laboratory - The same laboratory bathrobe, only adding plus five units to science. It can be bought from Sarah WintRob from shelter 21.
  • Faith's outfit is a beautiful dress that will improve the skills of barter and eloquence of five points, and will also add an extra one to Charizme. There are only two copies of the dress and find them by traveling on the suites of the Sierra Madre casino. One dwells in a safe at the entrance to the elevator heading into the repository. And the second, actually in the suite of faith, right on her skeleton.
  • Daniel Clothing and Mormon Hat - a cowboy suit with improved parameters of barter and medicine, a hat, in turn, adds additional top five to eloquence and one to perception. His clothes can be found in the chest, after completing the plot of additions.
  • Rouse of the father Elayji - A little modified rick of the elder fraternity. It gives its own carrier additional two points to resistance to the damage, and also gives it the status of accessories to the fraternity of steel. As already clearly, one copy wears the Tetz Elija, and the other can be found in the chest in the room of Eliji's father, which is located in an abandoned brotherhood bunker.
  • Tuxedo Dina - a front costume increasing eloquence skill by five units. The suit belongs to Dina Domino. You can get, delivering from the inventory if you take Dina to partners, or killing it.
  • Uniforms and forage of General Oliver - This suit adds 20 units to the points of action and 2 units to Harizme, the booster will add one more unit to perception. You can get it from the corpse of the general.
  • USSA is a black cloak, adding five percent to the chance of a critical hit plus a unit to Charizme. The raincoat will lie in the chest, after the completion of the completion.
  • Caesar's armor is an armor, in essence, clothes, so the level of protection is very low, but the margin of safety of height. In addition, it adds five points to the skills of eloquence and survival. Gives the status of a member of the Legion. You can get it by killing Caesar, or by staring from him, putting another armor instead of her with a higher damage limit.
  • Killer's costume - giving plus ten to secrecy, the first working version of the stealth suit. It can be found in the medical clinic of Sierra Madre.
  • Armor Joshua Grahama - 3% increases the chance of critical damage, has good level protection and safety reserves, in addition, she has a relatively low weight. You can get it after the end of the storyline from the chest, or from the corpse of Joshua Graham.
  • Protective kit - Costume plus helmet, provides its owner to maximum fraud to poisons and the presence of a constant effect of night vision. It can be found on the polygon of hazardous materials under the protection of the power field, which can be turned off using a sound emitter or having received a password to the 3K module. He, in turn, is located at the factory of innovative toxins Z-43.
  • Armor and Helmet "Tesla" Gennon family - It has a smaller weight than the usual power armorYes, and the limit of damage is also smaller. But it improves the resistance of radiation at least 20 units and adds a dozen to the skill of energy weapons. The helmet, a little more, five points, will improve the resistance of the Radiania, although it takes one point at Charizma. You can get this armor for the fulfillment of the quest "long-standing times", convincing Arkeida Gennon to stay in the Mormon Forte, and the remaining combat with the courier, which direction he did not choose. Also, it can be simply noticed from his corpse.
  • Exploration (COP) Christine - The unique explosion, which the steel circle uses. From the usual intelligence, it differs only in a large margin of strength and slightly enlarged damage. It can be found next to the broken car-dock in the Y-17 medical committees.
  • Stels-armor "Mark 2" - Having an artificial intelligence and built-in medical module, Steals-armor notifies the appearance of enemies and let go of a different kind of joke. The costume is assembled in parts in the research complex X-13. Assembled completely and stitched to latest version, Stels-armor adds to its owner plus 20 units of secrecy, one to perceive and dexterity, and, moreover, increases the speed of advancement in power mode by as much as 20%.
  • Armor of the 87th tribe - Analog version of Lega Lania's reservation, which does not give the status of a member of the Legion. Increases 10 points actions, the triple is a chance of critical damage and plus a unit to Charizme. Armor belongs to Gai Magnus from Dri-Welz. You can get to this city, only if during the quest "Apocalypse", a nuclear strike was inflicted at the positions of the Legion.
  • Warring power armor "Sierra" - It is a trophy variant of power armor T-45D. Increases the resistance of fire by 25 units, adds 2 points to health points and one to strength. Located in the Colonel Roziz on the 15th track. True, it is possible to access this track only if during the quest "Apocalypse", to strike at the NKR positions.

Fallout New Vegas Fealls and Easter

Recall that Easter eggs are cool references to previous parts Games, or to the moments that do not have any attitude towards Fallout.

1. For example, a skeleton in a hat lying in a broken refrigerator, on the way to Haudspirings - a clear reference to the film "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull".

2. Another couple of skeletons, on the names of Owen and take, will be found near the house in Nipton. This is a straight hint on " Star Wars"After all, it was exactly the name of the receiving parents of Luke Skywalker.

3. Another reference to the film, this time, "Red Dawn", there will be an answer to the offer to pass weapons at the entrance to the casino. This phrase sounds like this: "Take it from my cold, dead hands."

4. About the location of the new location - the "Well Jimmy's Well", you can find out if the partner you will select the PSA of the Rex who climbs close to Fields's hut. Dialogue will open, and voila - new location. There you will find a skeleton with a hat and a special pneumatic gun. This easterhouse is a reference to one of the quests in the second part of Fallout.

5. If you watched the movie "Aliens", then remember Hudson's phrase: "They go out of the walls! They come out straight from the damn walls!" And it is she who comes from the radio during the battle for the Damb of Hoover. By the way, the Corpse of Hudson himself can be found near the control center, in one of the rooms.

6. In the headquarters in Cottonwood-Cove, on one of the walls, you can see a curious inscription in Latin - "Romanes Eunt Domus", which means "Romans, get away home." This phrase is a reference to the comedy film "Life Brian on Monti Paiton."

7. Another reference to one of the films of the famous English seisters of comedians - "Monti Paiton and the Sacred Grail" is a holy pomegranate, which can be found in the camp of the camp Schlight.

8. There is another reminder of Monti Pioth, and this is an attack on the hero of the gang, consisting of three elderly ladies, immediately after visiting them Sirulien Robotix. This is a reference to their famous Sketch - "hellish grandmothers".

9. The closed number of the casino "Ultra-Lux", hides in his walls the Cruise detective corpse, the appearance of which is completely written off from the hero of the series "C.S.I. The crime scene by Miami" - Horatio Kane, whose role was performed by David Caruso's actor.

10. Little claw, under the name of the polysya, which is a reference to the film "Gremlin", can be found in the village of Higgs, right behind the house of Dr. Boroux.

11. After you help Mika, one of the co-owners of the shop in Friside - "Mick and Ralph", allow your problems affecting the supply of weapons, with a mistake, he, in thanks for the result, will give you a pip-battle decorated with diamonds.

Fallout: New Vegas - the penultimate part of the RPG game series, which is hotly loved by the game community. Full freedom of action, the variability of the passage of quests, different options for pumping the character and the living world are located to return to this RPG again and again. Some players pass New Vegas re-for different fractions, someone just travels to locations, while others are constantly trying new builds. Fallout: New Vegas does not limit you in choosing abilities and weapons. You can pump out energy weapons and heavy armor, becoming a full "tank", or become a peace-loving diplomat with the skill of eloquence, and combat part Games to leave on our partners. Hundreds options, so you can spend many evenings in Fallout.

A little about the game

Fallout New Vegas has become a truly cult game and was warmly adopted by the public. Russian-speaking community, despite the English voice acting Fallout: New Vegas, still loves and remembers this project. Most guides for pumping and buildings make up players themselves, so, in addition to those presented in the article, you can find many more character options on the Internet for any taste.

Mechanics of the game

Before disassembling builds in Fallout: New Vegas, you need to deal a little with the mechanics of the game. A set of skills is responsible for the basic characteristics of the character - power, perception, endurance, charisma, intelligence, dexterity and luck. At the beginning of the passage you give 40 points that need to be distributed between all parameters.

The second, what is worth paying attention is the abilities. With increasing each level, you get the right to choose 1 or 2 abilities that increase one or another skill or give interesting "passives". With the help of cheats in Fallout: New Vegas, you can try to pump them all to determine which it is more profitable to use during normal passage. But we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the description of each ability in the guide, since their choice differs depending on the selected Build.

Third important aspect - skills. Each of them is responsible for the other gameplay area. For example, the "secrecy" skill allows you to imperceptibly waters past enemies, and the "eloquence" skill increases your chances of "squeezing" the interlocutor or convince him of anything.

Choosing Bilda

Fallout: New Vegas offers many development paths. You can choose one of the standard builds with which the passage of plot tasks will be much easier even at high levels of complexity. Such a pumping is recommended for beginners and those who play only for the sake of the plot and dialogues.

The second option is to choose one of the "exotic builds". Standard pumping is based on one of the skills of possession of weapons + additional (science, repair, etc.), because of this, your character becomes a master in one area, which allows him to quickly straighten with the enemies. But no one forbids the player to mix builds. For example, you can create a diplomat that hacks the doors to secret places, and after, instead of murdering security, it tries to set them up on a peaceful decision of the issue. All buildings in Fallout New Vegas imply a certain selection of abilities, skills, armor and weapons. Let's consider several of the most popular options that the player can come in handy at the first or second passage.


Build, recommended by most players who have just begun to get acquainted with New Vegas. All fighting will be carried out using secrecy and VATS. In the open battle with the enemies, it is better not to join, because the character is unlikely to help light armor. Fallout: New Vegas allows you to get a good sniper rifle almost at the very beginning of the game - this is another plus at the Bild piggy bank. If you are looking for difficulty and challenge, we recommend that you refuse to pump sniper. Let's start with the distribution of SPECIAL glasses.

At the beginning of the game, you must distribute points as follows: Strength - 4, perception - 7, endurance - 1, charisma - 1, intelligence - 10, dexterity - 10, good luck - 7. You need to take the Perk "Strengthened Range" to get two extra power points. With force 8 you can wear a heavy sniper rifle.

Among the skills it is worth highlighting "weapons", "repair" and "secrecy". They must be chosen at the very beginning when creating a character. In the future, in the role of secondary skills, we pump up to 70 points science and barter, and survival up to 45. From the features you will need to be needed by "Kamikazy" (adds 10 points of action), "Four Eyes" (adds "perception" with weed glasses).

Equipment on the sniper

Now consider what equipment can offer for Sniper Fallout: New Vegas. Armor "Cloak Uzita" is perfect for our build, because it adds 5% of critical damage with a shot. Remember that you have to wear only light armor to get the chapel bonus. An alternative for armor - a Courier Courier "Soldier Goodness", which adds one point of strength and gives 15 points of action.

Sniper Bild in Fallout: New Vegas, of course, implies shooting from a sniper rifle from a long distance. The role of the main weapons will be a large-caliber rifle and sniper rifle with silencer. In the case, if you get into the near battle with the enemies (and there will be no such avoiding to avoid 100%), then a police shotgun will come to the rescue, which should always be kept at hand. From additional equipment you can select "happy sunglasses", which can be obtained for a positive reputation at the Legion.

Thus, at the end of the game, you will get a fighter that can kill almost all enemies from a long distance from one shot from a long distance. If you consider that auto leveling is present in the game (increasing the enemy level is proportional to the level of the character), the possibility of without losses to kill monsters and raiders is very valuable.


All Fallout: New Vegas "Prettan" themes of the Wild West and Cowboys. Therefore, part of the players try to recoup the model of the behavior of the present Cowboy. If you remember all films in this setting, you can understand that all the cowboys usually use revolvers as the main weapon. Accordingly, it will focus on everything that is associated with a slight one-handed weapon, critical damage and a little bit of nearby. Such buildings include those in which preference is given to the abilities on light weapons, the near combat and critical damage. There is no accurate digits for the distribution of SPECIAL glasses: you need to pump 10 dexterities and 10 good luck, and the other points to "scatter" at your own desire. The essence of Bild is based on the use of perks.

From weapons B. initial stage Games want to highlight the "that". This pistol can be obtained after several plot quests, and it can be repaired by a weaker weapon. At the same time, the "that very" possesses good characteristics.

Do not forget about items that add a chance of critical damage and light armor. As you can see, this Bild is very similar to a sniper with a couple of differences. First, you will not be able to kill enemies on a very far distance. Secondly, your hero does not require 8 points for carrying a heavy rifle. Cowboy Bild in Fallout: New Vegas is suitable for those who love the theme of the wild West. You have to use pistols, which there are many in the game. However, do not forget about the neighbor, since some of the enemies will have time to run up to you closely. To minimize risks, do not seem to pump the "secrecy" skill.

BILD through energy weapons

Fans of the first two parts Fallout remained unhappy with the power of energy weapons in the third part and New Vegas. If in original Games The power consumption was considered one of the strongest and helped to pass the game, then in the continuation of the series its significance has decreased significantly.

We note right away that if you want to play through the build on the power consignment in Fallout: New Vegas, then get ready to spend the covers for the repair of equipment and the acquisition of ammunition. This weapon is the most expensive service, which is why it is extremely unprofitable at the initial stage of the game. When you get to the casino and you can get rich from luck 10, then allow yourself an endless sleeve. In the game there are several power guns that do not require the replenishment of the ammunition - they shoot a plasma beam and over time recharge.

The main skills in this build are "energy weapons" and "Science". First for extreme shooting, and the second for the repair and independent creation of ammunition. It also flames and similar types of weapons belong to the energy.

Although on russian Fallout.: New Vegas has only to read, and not listen to the voice acting, many players love to pump exactly spoken characters. The gameplay for them is fundamentally different from all previous builds.


Pumping Bild diplomat in Fallout: New Vegas is significantly different from all previous ones. "Peaceful" skills come to the foreground. This pumping is recommended to those who have already passed the game and knows what dialogues can solve the problem peacefully and where it is not without a weapon. Also, part of solutions and beliefs are accepted, depending on the level of a skill. Therefore, a newcomer will be much more complicated to one, do not forget to take a partner with you, which will help you to settle combat issues.

So, the main parameters become "eloquence" and "barter". In the distribution, do not forget to pump "Harizm". It is worth giveing \u200b\u200bone slot of the main skill under one of the weapons so as not to stay quite helpless without a partner. Next, it is recommended to pump passive skills that will help you in passage - repair, science, medicine, etc.

It is worth noting that it is not possible to play a character without a single murder - you will still have to get rid of monsters and some quest NPS. You can shift this task on a partner, and personally participate only in negotiations and trade.


The secretive character is the most difficult to play out, but the gamers of stealth games will not stop. This class is based, of course, on secretive movement, hacking, critical damage and neighbor attacks. You can combine the Ninja Builder in Fallout: New Vegas with the usual neighboring battle and combine it with light weapons. In such a situation, you will have a truly "universal fighter". At the beginning, I focus on the following SPECIAL glasses: dexterity, intellect, perception and good luck. The high level of good luck will strongly affect the likelihood of a critical impact of the back from secrecy. Perception will also help: it increases the range of mapping enemies on the radar, because of which the player receives a tactical advantage, which is important for the ninja.

Basic skills are cold weapons, stealth, hacking and science. Upon receipt of 100 points of secrecy, you can make your way past most enemies. Remember that this class can apply a huge damage only in the right hand. In the open battle you, most likely, do not even feel - too little damage from cold weapons. Another minus is poorly combined with computer partners, because you have to constantly give instructions (stay in place, to start and so on). Without control, your allies will automatically enter into battle, which immediately grips the concept of inconspicuous passage.


This build is suitable for newcomers, like a sniper. The difference is that you do not have to hide at long distances. The main parameters for the attack aircraft are strength, endurance, intelligence and luck. The first two Special parameters are obvious: you get the opportunity to take more equipment, carry heavy weapons, stamina increases the number of health points. The character becomes some "tank". Intellect is useful to increase the skill of "medicine". So you can restore more health points with the help of treatment. Also, useful skills include weapons, repair, explosives. If you like to fight in the near battle, you can add a cold weapon to the list.

If you pass the game for the first time, we advise you not to try to get all the skills and weapons immediately. In New Vegas, you can pump the character until the 50th level. During this time you will get so many skills that you will feel well to feel almost with any weapon. Shaking the skills and skills that suit you under the style of the battle and the game.

For the strongest players

Have you passed Fallout: New Vegas many times and tried all the builds that you consider workers? Then the random choice of parameters and skills will add fun to the next passage. Try to create a strong hero when the glasses are distributed randomly, and for the level you get random peppers.

For more complications, you can add a random selection of weapons and armor. Also varieties will add modes that add new skills and abilities. With them you can take more partners with you, get rid of the hangover of the character and much more. With such changes, completely new builds may appear, which cannot be used in the original game.


So, we looked at the topical Bilds Fallout: New Vegas. You can make your own adjustments, change the distribution of points at your own discretion and so on. Because of this this game It is popular with hundreds of thousands of fans. Developers limit the freedom of action only within game card. Otherwise, you can do everything you like. The same refers to the selection of weapons, pumping, etc.

It is worth remembering that the wrong distribution of points and abilities can lead to the fact that in some moments you will not be able to go through the CHECK to the conversation or hack a complex computer. However, the creators thought out everything: each task has several solutions. The only thing you risks with arbitrary thoughtless pumping is to get a unique hero. Therefore, you can use cheats on Fallout New Vegas to try different builds and abilities and choose the one that is most suitable for your passage style. All the described classes work in original version Games without additions and mods on the change in balance.

The choice of "skills" in Fallout: New Vegas is the second largest development stage and. Skills are responsible for the tendency of the main character and determine the circle of its interests that directly affect. The initial values \u200b\u200bof 13 skills are formed on the basis of seven main characteristics selected in the Special system, and can be developed in the course of the game up to 100 points. Checking the vital functions in the house of Dr. Mitchell in Gudspings will allow you to choose 3 prize skills that will automatically get 15 additional points to the basic values; The ability of the "prize" allows you to choose the fourth prize skill in the middle of the game. Additional skills points are accrued on each of the 30 levels of character development, their quantity depends on the "intelligence". Also pump skills in Fallout: New Vegas using books and magazines, which are found in large quantities on a huge waste of waste. It should be remembered that they cannot be canceled or redistributed without using console or third-party modules. Skills, like, affect the style of passing the game.

Choice of skills in Fallout: New Vegas:

  1. Barter (●●●● ○) - skill affects the total price during the purchase or sale of goods. The first half of the game can be felt a shortage of money, then prices cease to play any meaning. Skill is useful in terms of savings.
  2. Without weapons (●●● ○○) - skill affects the size of the damage applied by bare hands, tutters and gloves-displays.
    • Related attributes: endurance, power, good luck.
    • Related abilities: penetrating punch, paralyzing palm, ninja, fast punch.
  3. Breaking into (●●●●●) - The skill is responsible for the success of the opening of locked doors, safes and containers: 25 - Light locks, 50 - medium, 75 - complex, 100 are very complex.
    • Related abilities: DUSHIK.
    • Related tasks:
      • Hacking (35) - to convince Dog / God to join the character (add. "Dead Money").
      • Hacking (75) - to convince Elayj to descend to the shelter of Sierra Madre.
  4. Explosive (●●● ○○) The skill is responsible for the effectiveness of the appeal with mines, garnet and grenade launchers, and also affects the cast range and the chance of neutralizing traps: 30 - Stretch marks, 45 - mined computers, 60 - baby carriages.
    • Related attributes: perception, luck.
    • Related abilities: scope, expert sapper, lesion zone, lie down !, Pyroman.
    • Related tasks:
      • Explosives (25) - get dynamite from the ham-pit for the defense of Hudspings from demolitions in the task of "Shooting in the Ghost City".
      • Explosives (45) - start training a squad squad in the training camp in the task "from the defeat to victory one step."
  5. Survival (● ○○○) - Skill affects the amount of health recoverable after eating and beverages, and also allows you to prepare various disorders on recipes; Useful in Hardcore mode.
    • Related attributes: endurance, good luck.
    • Related abilities: Hunter, child radiation, traveling light, entomologist, lead belly, rad-resistance, animal friend.
    • Related quests:
      • Survival (20) - to train Siri, from the Legion Fort, economical handling of herbs in the manufacture of healing powder.
      • Survival (20) - indicate an error in a conversation with Ricky about the "Hands of Death".
      • Survival (40) - In a conversation with Nabe-Pete, determine the main way of survival of bombers - agriculture.
      • Survival (50) - convince Jedi Masdon to take more personal things.
      • Survival (60) - persuade Julce, from North Vegas Square, teach the creation of special cartridges with a truncated nap for magnum 44 caliber.
      • Survival (75) - to prepare a "imitation" of human meat in Quest "Food for gourmets".
      • Survival (75) - teach Jack, from chemical laboratory Red-rock, do hydra.
      • Survival (90) - cooking on fires for all the recipes available in the game.
  6. Eloquence (●●●●●) - the skill determines the level of speech talent and the degree of influence on the interlocutor, with which you can get to the truth or access the secret information.
    • Related attributes: Charisma, good luck.
    • Related abilities: a terrible person.
    • Related tasks:
      • Eloquence (30) - convince the dock Mitchell to share stimulants before leaving the house in Hudspings.
  7. Medicine (●● ○○) - Skill affects the amount of health recoverable after the use of the stimulator, as well as the effectiveness of the rad-x and antiraddin.
    • Related abilities: Practical anatomy, chemist, chemistry resistance.
    • Related tasks:
      • Medicine (20) - convince Dr. Richards in understanding the foundations of medicine.
      • Medicine (30) - inspection of bodies in the task "Soldier Blues".
      • Medicine (30) - to cure a nyukchch coarse paw in the sllo.
      • Medicine (30) - Sterilize medical instruments with alcohol in the task "Tourist trap".
      • Medicine (35) - convince the glittering in the correct dosage of honey.
      • Medicine (40) - convince Capral Betsy to ask for psychiatric help in the "Healing" task.
      • Medicine (50) - to persuade Joan to share his story to start the task of "Goodbye, Love".
      • Medicine (50) - exit dry out of the water After killing Caesar with an autodock in a task "execute cannot be pardon".
      • Medicine (55) - find out that the courier has been removed the heart, brain and spine.
      • Medicine (60) - to help Dr. Argilla cure three wounded bombers in the task "in the sky!".
      • Medicine (60) - find out during the dialogue with Christine Royce, that it has lost the ability to perceive the letters.
      • Medicine (75) - explain Kristin Royce The origin of the scars on her face and offer alternative treatment with the help of an autodock.
      • Medicine (75) - cure Caesar in the task "execute cannot be pardon".
      • Medicine (75) - cure fighters in the Fallene-Hope camp without additional equipment In the task "Return of Hope".
  8. The science (●●●●) - The skill is responsible for the depth of scientific knowledge, it is used in the recycling of ammunition for energy weapons on the workbenches and hacking of computer terminals: 25 - light ciphers, 50 - medium, 75 - complex, 100 are very complicated.
    • Related attributes: intelligence, good luck.
    • Related abilities: an indigestion owner, rabies of botany, Mattroke, Robotics, Hacker, Chemist Nuclear.
    • Related tasks:
      • Science (25) is to determine the reason for the lack of a robot of Victor during the defense of the Huudspinings from demolitions in the task of "shooting in the Ghost City".
      • Science (30) - reprogram the robot Primm-Slise and make it sheriff town in the task "The city that I like."
      • Science (35) - to raise the reputation from the bombers at the end of the dialogue with peit.
      • Science (35) - talk to the dog's / god about the shadows and radio receivers to join the elajah signals (add. "Dead Money").
      • Science (45) - get from the Bombist Jack breathing apparatus, without sharing on the pressure cooker.
      • Science (50) - learn about hacking a robot Primm-Sliema and open the task "Return Weapon Wens".
      • Science (50) - teach Jack, one of the great khans, the manufacture of festive mentes, rockets, slashes and superstimulants.
      • Science (50) - get from the Adept the sound emitter in the task of "bad ants".
      • Science (50) - to tell Jacob Hoff Alternative method of cure from drug addiction in the task "It's time."
      • Science (50) - to understand the plan of Dr. Mebius on the focus of brain tank processors to counteract the cerebral center and protect a large mountain.
      • Science (55) - change the trajectory of the fall of missiles in the task "Let's fly".
      • Science (55) - Reduce the requirements when checking the "Repair" skill from 65 to 35 points for the repair of the Robot ED-E.
      • Science (55) - show your knowledge in a dialogue with scientists about the lobotomites.
      • Science (60) - repair Ronda's robot on Black Mount.
      • Science (60) - reprogram the Robot Fisto in the task "Atomic Tango".
      • Science (60) - convince Klenden to use chlorine for a bomb in the task "How little we know."
      • Science (60) - convince Ralph for free to share Chlorine in the task "How little we know."
      • Science (60) - determine the decrease in the impact of loudspeakers for collars while traveling with Christine.
      • Science (60) - guess about the method of abandoning the shadows of holograms in a conversation with Din Domino in the task "Play, Musicians".
      • Science (65) - the emergence of additional options for the development of the dialogue in a conversation with Dr. Klein in front of the task "Tosca for the Old World".
      • Science (70) - convince Kili to preserve data from the refuge study 22 in the task "not to grow grass".
      • Science (75) - learn from Christine about the actions of Eliji to create a projection through a radio transmitter of the courier PIP-battle.
      • Science (75) - to convince Elijah to go down to the shelter of Sierra Madre.
      • Science (75) - to find out in a conversation with Dr. 8 about the protocols timidly.
      • Science (80) - to check the solvency check for access to Strip Vegas.
      • Science (80) - to help the scribe Ibsen destroy the virus in the brotherhood database of the steel.
      • Science (90) - to prompt Dr. Henry Methods of curing supermutants-shadows in the task "Guess I have seen!".
      • Science (100) - convince the brainstorm in the task of "Tosca for the Old World".
  9. Weapons (●●●●●) - The skill is responsible for the level of possession of firearms with conventional ammunition: guns, guns, shotguns, shotguns, rifles and minigars.
    • Related abilities: fast recharge, run-shoot, two trunks, cowboy, center of gravity, massive fire.
  10. Repairs (●●● ○○) - skill allows you to maintain weapons and equipment in good condition, create items and cartridges on the workbenches: 60 - .308 caliber, 70 - 45-70, 100 - 50mg.
    • Related attributes: intelligence, good luck.
    • Related abilities: manual gear, crazy handles.
  11. Secrecy (●●● ○○) The skill is responsible for the success of inconspicuous actions affects the likelihood of detection during the sample to the victim in order to murder, robbery or lining evidence in pockets. With a successful attack, no suspect sacrifice from the state "you will not see" a critical hit is counted. In a hand-to-hand fight from secrecy mode, you can apply a huge damage.
    • Related attributes: Dexterity, Luck.
    • Related abilities: a friend of the night, professional, sandy person, silent running, ninja.
  12. Steel arms (● ○○○) - skill is responsible for the level of proficiency in the melee weapon: kias, baseball bats, lead pipes, martial knives, machete, high-teal sledge hammers, etc.
    • Related attributes: power, luck.
    • Related abilities: cowboy, supeardar, irresistible force, ninja.
  13. Energy Support (●●● ● ○) - the skill is responsible for the level of possession of the weapon using small energy and minority batteries, electronic charges and fuel for flamethrough.
    • Related attributes: perception, luck.
    • Related abilities: run-shoot, plasma greetings, decay, massaged fire, lasers chief.