What is the name of the flat world in minecraft. How to make a flat world in "Maincraft": the fastest and most reliable way. Nomadic lifestyle

In order to answer this question, all players must understand the foundations gameplay Minecraft and the fact that in this game there are three types of generation, and more specifically the creation, gaming world. It is from the type of generation of the world, it depends on what mode the player has to play. The most common type of mine generation minecraft is standard. In this world there are various geographical and natural objects, there are mountains, and lakes. In such a world, the player can play in survival mode. In the same mode, it is possible to play in "big bims" - this world is similar to the standard in its content, but in size it is several dozen times more than it. For people who play for the sake of building and implementing their creative ideas and ideas, and not survival, most suitable flat world.

The Minecraft Flat World is created specifically for peace. At first, there is neither ore nor trees in it, and its sizes are not very significant, there are only four layers in it. Plus of this world consists in the layers of these can be tuned to themselves. Many players think that the generation of the flat world in the minecraft process is long and quite complicated, but even a newcomer with it is easy to cope if the basis of generation. It is done to increase the game space and add special elements to the game. Setting up the flat world MinecraftPrises in the main game menu, in order to set to configuration you need to go to "MOREWORLDOPTIONS" - these are an additional settings for the game world, it is here that the player chooses in what world the game will unfold.

At the moment there are four types of gaming worlds, and as the game developers themselves are assured this amount will increase over time to interest the greatest number of players and make a variety for fans of the Mininraft game. In the menu of the Advanced World Settings, you must select the "SuperflatCustomize" item that this item is responsible for setting up the flat game world, after that the PRESETS window appears before the player - templates. By default, there are numbers Top - 1.2 and BotTom - 1. These values \u200b\u200bof the player can easily change, resulting in the parameters of the flat world. For example, you can increase the height gaming field and its width, as well as the thickness of each gaming layer.

At the same time, the player itself in the right to replace blocks, for example, instead of grass, it can place a plot from the ground. At first, these changes may seem difficult, but considering all examples and changes in the game window, even inexperienced players will cope with them. You can then change the generation of rustic zones in the game, for this in the same open window you need to find the item "Village", in this point the player can change the frequency of the appearance of villages on the map, as well as their remoteness from each other, this is all with the Distance command. In addition, a player, if desired, can simply remove the villages from the game field, removing this value. Another important point that the player himself can generate this placement of abandoned mineshaft mineshaft mineshaft.

At this point, the playing can set in which corners of the card and at what distance from each other on the game field mines will appear. It will not be easy to eat in the configuration of the Decoration item, it is he who is responsible for the occurrence and generation of grass, trees, flowers and other vegetation in the game. Make this player must otherwise he will receive an empty field in which there will be no sufficient amount of resources for construction. In addition, using such menu items as Lava_Lake lakes, you can create lakes filled with water or lava, in fact absolutely all menu items in the settings of the flat world can be changed, for this, the player will need only the initial knowledge of the English language to understand what point is that Replies.

In addition to standard manual input, when generating a flat world, a player can use for this and special programs. One of these QuickPro programs, this program It has a very wide functionality and will help the player to generate everything, up to the emergence of mobs and treasures on the map, as well as create whole urban settlements. Despite the fact that this program exists only on english language And not what cracks to it are not attached, but on the Internet you can find a huge number of guides by its operation. In any case, setting up the flat world of Minecraft, with this program is much clearer and easier for novice players than standard setting In the game menu.

Also, the player should be remembered that other fans of the game have long been puzzled in order to create any interesting game flat world, so there can be a large number of schemes for generating a flat world, as well as various advice on its creation. Absolutely recent developers on recent versions Games added the possibility of survival in a flat world, but in order to play in this mode by the player, it is necessary to create the right game flat world, only in this case the game will work correctly and function.

Survival in the flat world, pretty difficult taskSince resources are limited, the terrain is quite open, and some elements are simply not used to create items. Another ne. pleasant feature Games in survival mode in the flat world is that such unpleasant mobs are constantly appearing on the playing field as slippers, and correctly generate their appearance is quite difficult. In addition to these features, during survival in the flat world, the player must be prepared for various bugs and mistakes, it is due to the fact that at the moment the flat world is still created for the creative regime, and so to speak training and design. But as the developers themselves are assured soon, this problem will disappear and there will be no lags in the game and hang.

Good day Krafts!

Let us correctly set our game world In Minecraft, to generate mines, villages, castles on a super flat world. Let's proceed.

Turn on Minecraft, then create new world And go to the additional settings, go through the modes, and find a super flat, just below will appear "set up", click.

Let's try to change the fully super flat world in Minecraft.

Changes in the world:

1. Two digits that are indicated in the figure, do not change anything, so do not do anything with them.

2. Figure 7 is a admin, i.e. you can change it to any block, just need to know in Minecraft.

3. Two digit, it is already the top layer of the world, it can also be replaced with any block.

4. Figure two, this is the height of your world, change to a greater digit, your world becomes higher, and vice versa.

5. Figure 3, it is an ID of the Earth, can also be changed to diamonds.

It seems to be figured out ...

Now let's figure out what is written at the end of the generation of the world in Minecraft.

Village. - If you are written at the end, it will be generated randomly on the map of the village of Mobs.

Decoration - appears on the super flat world "grass", trees, flowers, well, in general, scenery

Mineshaft. - mines appear.

You add you yourself, you are the creators of your life in Minecraft ...

Additional Information

Good day!
Updated ( August 9, 2016) - Most of the information is taken with Gamepedia.
It contains a guide for survival, various recommendations and various examples, as the easiest way to survive here.
Of course, you can survive themselves in our rules, in your own way, but there is an all description of this type of generation of the world.

Be sure to include the generation of structures, and the superplane world.


  1. If you play poorly, and it will be very difficult for you, and you want a little easier - turn on "Enable cheats".
    Then, in the game, open the chat on E [English] or on / (it is right from the YU button), and write (/ Give name sAPLING 10) - without brackets , [If not working, press TAB at the end of the written command] so you can endlessly get wood and apples.
  2. If it is still difficult to enabled cheats, write (/ GameMode 1), take what you need, and write the same thing, but instead of the unit, put zero.

general information

The main features of the superfluous world are absolutely even relief, the complete absence of some resources (red stone, sand) and a very large shortage of many others (iron, coal and diamonds). Also noticed an abnormally large number of slugs and NPS villages. The edge and lower world are generated normally, however, it is impossible to go to the edge, since the fortresses cannot be generated in the flat world, and with them - the portals of the edge.

List of objects and blocks that can be obtained:

  • Blocks that can be found when the generation of natural structures is disconnected: earth, grass, root breed, wool (Falls out of sheep ).
  • Blocks that can be found only in the villages: b. wooder, boards, gravel, water, lavoryese lattices, glass panels, fence, torch, wooden staircase, stone plate, wool (black), bookcase, carrot, potatoes, wooden door, push plate, wheat, oven, chest, workbench.
  • Items that can be found in the Chest Chest: seedling, Obsidian, Iron Kirk, Apple, Diamond, iron ingot, Gold Brochock, Iron Sword, Bread, Iron Armor.

    As well as :

  • All resources of the lower world.
  • All you can get from mobs.
  • All that can be screaming from the above resources.
  • All resources generated in the chests in the blacksmith and the bonus chest, as well as with the generation of structures - in hell in hellish castles.

Development strategy

Step 1.

Create a new flat world. Carefully look around. If you notice the village, head to it. If you have not seen anything other than mobs, run in the same direction until you see the village ( it is not recommended to fight with slugs, because they are too much ). When you get to the village, we have been aimed at all chests in the forge. Take everything there is, it's later you will be very useful. Collect wheat with fields and get some wood from buildings. Scratch the wooden pickaxe, get 3 cobblestone blocks from the foundation of the building and scratch the stone pick. Get a little cobblestone and create stone instruments ( at least 2 axes, second pickup, shovel and 2 sword ). Continue to collect resources. You must get as much as possible:

  • Woods and boards
  • Cobblestone
  • Wheat
  • Torchs
  • Wool

If you wish, you can "disassemble" the village entirely. There is no point in the village residents to attack, because With them nothing falls out.

Step 2.

Next, you should decide how you will live on: nomada from the village to the village, taking everything valuable from there, or settle in this village. A nomadic lifestyle will give you a large number of rare materials ( such as diamonds), but a settling lifestyle allows you to purchase a large number food, wheat, tree and cobblestone.

Nomadic lifestyle

Nomads are concentrated on the extraction of rare and valuable items. Already in the early stages of the game, you can get much more obsidian, diamonds and, possibly, gold than in ordinary gameBut it will be difficult for you to get wood and cobblestone in large volumes. Take from each village all wood, cobblestone, wheat, torches, wool and other valuable items. It is not recommended to attack the inhabitants, as you can attack the golem, with whom you can hardly handle. After carrying out in one of the remaining houses, then take all your belongings and head to another village. It is best to go in the same direction: you will not come up on the village where you were already. If you see the golem, try to kill it in order to get a valuable iron. It is better to make a trap for him or shoot it out of Luke, as the golem in hand-to-hand - a very terrible opponent.

Set up a lifestyle

First of all, build the wall around the village to protect yourself from the smelling day and hostile mobs at night. On the very first day, or rather, the night, damage the inhabitants in the houses so that they are not killed until the wall is honored. Later, they can be released. Focus on trading with residents ( for 12W21A ) and mining renewable resources. Four most important resources - wood, cobblestone, wheat and iron. The first three can easily be produced using farms and generators. Iron production also requires more detailed explanations.
You can produce iron in a flat world in 3 ways: searches of chests in other villages ( what is not suitable for sedentary people), ironing iron with zombies ( what requires high time and extremely inefficient) And the murder of golems. Golemas will be spawn in villages where there are at least 20 houses ( the game determines the number of houses by the number of doors in the village) And at least 15 inhabitants. Use your cobblestone and wood reserves for the construction of new homes ( residents then in them in them). Increase the number of inhabitants to increase the number of golems that may be in the village at the same time (for every 15 inhabitants 1 goals are spawned). The golems can be killed either in a trap (on the golems there are no traps associated with drowning or falling from height, since the golems cannot suffocate and do not get damage from falls), or manually ( NEVER Do not fight your head on swords! He can kill you from two blows, so use onions)

Tips for reducing complexity and new various ways to survive in the superplate world, not too expensive for resources, as well as food production [without it :)]

  • (above 1.3.1) Always remember that many rare or no missing resources can be bought from village residents (for example, glass, redstone, diamond instruments)
  • (above 1.3.1) Create a wool farm. Wool grows on the sheep faster than wheat grows, and wool can also be sold
  • Charcoal can be easily obtained by firing wood
  • Try to create a fish farm / cows / chickens. Meat is much nutrient bread, carrots and potatoes and animal cultivation costs, as a rule, much cheaper bread production (3 wheat for one bread against 2 units. Wheat, carrots and potatoes for feeding animals and parents and the resulting meat)
  • If you failed to find animals and / or create a wheat farm, dig a pit 2x2x2., fill it with water, scratch the fishing rod and catch the fish in this "pond"
  • Write your fence to your village and / or dig a width and depth of 3 blocks and fill it with water. The wall will help to keep the offensive of the slug, and the ditch with water will become death for them (they do not know how to swim and fall on the bottom, where they suffocate)
  • Do not disassemble at home, as the inhabitants in the presence of holes in the walls or absence of doors cease to consider it home. Instead, you can remove the corners and unnecessary roof design elements.
  • (Above 1.7.5.) Lubricate the golems into the water and kill them there, they do not attack them in the water (when hidden completely).
  • [Recommended] - (the level of complexity will become C - [ Above average ] will be [ Easy ] } -
    Set the generator template so that you can get more resources (perhaps you will be uninteresting to play, because the very essence of survival in superplane is a constant drawback, and sometimes the complete lack of resources). Stone layers at levels 2-16 and parameter " decoration "In the template will allow you to receive such resources as coal, iron, gold, diamonds, red stone, lapis, gravel. Emeralds in the stone will appear only if in the template is installed by biome Extreme Hills. (Id \u003d 3), but the villages are not generated in this biome, they will have to build them yourself and settles with cured zombies.
  • {Only on October 31 ) - In Superplane, you can get pumpkins: on Halloween ( October 31 ) There may be zombies and skeletons with pumpkins on the heads. Pumpkins will fall out with a chance of 2%.
  • [View of the arrangement of the village -\u003e Bunker], - {The complexity decreases by 15% - 30% ) - Make a roof on all the streets that - "looked up, and there the roof :)" Arrange the lighting inside this bunker, make the walls that would not get into your bunker, then make a hole in the roof, and put the staircase to It is to climb on it and go from the bunker - thus the inhabitants will not disappear anywhere, and your village will be safe from monsters (if you put the lighting inside the bunker), then in your personal House the opposite of your door (as if the opposite of your door was the wall "and there exit from the village", but not necessarily the opposite door to make a hole in the wall, you can in any other place that would have been the second way, and something else you knew When a day or night, in general where the hole do the door " Wooden " - {Less costly for resources) or " Iron "(Recommended, monsters will not be able to break your door, and set the button or lever near the door, button better meaning that she herself closes the door behind him, or make a hole in 1 block, and put the lever there, you can easily close the door with ease, " Do not worry no one but you will not open it"), And so here you can easily survive in the superplate world, for example, you can go to hunt, and at night - catch the fish in the bunker.

How to make the world in Minecraft?

To play the popular cubic game Minecraft, you must first create a world. Many players do not even suspect which potential is the generator of the world. After all, it is possible to create some kind of world with simple changes to the numbers. For example, diamond or empty, as well as with soaring islands in the air. However, not every gamer knows how to do it, because the settings of the world is enough, and which is responsible for, difficult to understand.

Consider in more detail how to make a diamond, empty and flat world in minecraft game.

How to make a flat world in Minecraft

The developers have added several types of world to the game with time for a variety. Among them is a type called "Superplane". This world consists of adjustable flat layers. It is used for creative regime as a place where various tests can be carried out.

Among other things, in such a world of ores are found only in the stone at a given depth, and the villages with virtual residents are everywhere. You only need to go ahead.

To make a flat world, you need to create a game in creative mode and choose one of the standard templates of the superplane world. Before the appearance of the generator settings was only one-only type of flat world template. Today, in the latest versions of the game, you can change the settings of the flat world on the ones you want.

How to make an empty world in minecraft

In the game, you can also generate an absolutely empty world without a single block. This is done in two ways:

  • Create a new world. Select the type "Superplane" and set the value "12" in the top line. We click "Finish" and go to the world. We put any block and wait when it and sand fails. This method is suitable for a powerful computer, as it requires significant performance resources;
  • For the second method, version 1.7 and higher is required. When creating a flat world, we prescribe the value "00" in the top line and create the world. At the same time, the world will fully consist of air.

When creating an empty world, it is necessary to remove the generation of villages and caves to avoid objects hanging in the air.

How to make a diamond world in minecraft

The diamond world will consist of diamonds, which is a huge plus for those who have always a little and want to build only from it. To create such a world, you need:

  1. Create a single game in creative mode.
  2. Under the name of the world, go to the additional settings and select the type "Superplane".
  3. Customize the type of world, going into templates. Under the choice of the template in the penultimate line, we prescribe the value "57", and in the last - "9".
  4. We go into the generated new world.

In this case, in the world, the entire top layer will be from diamond blocks, which will relieve the gamer from the search for this resource in the depths of the Earth. However, it still needs a suitable Kirk for its prey.

You can also read two useful articles and.

In Minecraft, there are many opportunities, especially if it concerns the generation of the world. You can create various locations with huge mountains, biomami and so on. But there is the possibility of creating very steep and interesting placewhere there is not a single mountain. That is, in the game you can create a flat world. How to make a flat world in the "minecraft", knows almost every player, but still try to figure out, because there are several ways to do it.

Features of the flat world

In this world there is no single mountain, nor a single mine or cave. It is great for building beautiful houses, because now you do not need to dig for hours. It is impossible to determine the depth of the world. That is, the first layer in it is the ground with the grass, and the second layer is the pimple that can not be broken.

Huge basements will not be built - this is the only minus. In the flat world there are great amount Monsters. Most often slugs are large and small. Also, you can easily find different villages, take advantage of the forge in them and so on.

Unfortunately, for survival, the flat world does not fit, because there are no materials there. Trees can be mined, breaking the houses of the residents, and the rest of the resources cannot be obtained at all. So in this mode, you should play, turning on creativity to compete with friends, or simply build a beautiful building.

Creating a flat world

The flat world is created very easily, it can be done in two ways. How to make a flat world in "minecraft":

  1. Download the desired version of the game and go to it (in different versions, the button can be transferred).
  2. Click on the button " Single player game", And then on" Create a New World ".
  3. A new window opens, where you need to select the parameters of the world. It is there that you can search and find the necessary.
  4. To begin with, select the game mode (creative mode is recommended), and then click on the "Settings of the World ...".
  5. In this section, you can customize the world to any little things. Select whether the buildings will be generated and so on. You can build your world to "build", but we are now interested in the section "Type of Peace".
  6. Select the "Superplane" mode in this section, as well as the necessary materials that will be generated (land, land with grass, povero and others).
  7. Click "Create a New World".
  8. You can safely play and build.

Figured out how to make a super flat world in "minecraft", but for various reasons this function may not work, so there is additional opportunity. Enough on the Internet download a flat map for Minecraft.


Such easy actions can be installed in an absolutely any map, including with a flat world: with mobs and without various buildings and so on.

All the above methods work perfectly, it will also be in further versions. If you search in the settings, you can find a lot interesting opportunitiesAfter all, in the Minecraft game, the world can be fully customized, specify the necessary resources, the frequency of their appearance, and so on.