Side quests. Storyline How to beat Mass Effect 3

So, we start the game by choosing our backstory. This walkthrough will be with the following settings:

Race (private matter): Astronaut
Reputation: War Hero
Class: Scout
Additional Skills: Armor Piercing Ammo
Combat losses: Ashley Williams

Saves from the previous parts were not used. In the walkthrough, we consider only the priority tasks necessary to reach the end of the game. Don't forget to visit the lower deck of the Normandy to upgrade your armor and weapons, as well as access the shops. Mail can be read in the captain's cabin, or at the map of the universe.

You can load saves from MassEffect2 if you put it in "...My Documents\BioWare\Mass Effect 2\Save"

Mass Effect 2 ended with a victory over the collectors. In a "suicidal" mission, Shepard saved or destroyed their lair and went into retirement. However, an even greater threat forces humanity to turn to the only one who has faced the Reapers. Shepard has been reinstated into the Alliance and will do his best to protect the galaxy.


We watch the introductory video we are called by the council, the Reapers are attacking the Earth and they are already here. Everything explodes, and we run after Anderson, not forgetting to press the "space" to accelerate, jump over the abyss and climb over the obstacle.

Soon we will meet the first Husks, they are very safe, if you run out of ammo, beat manually "F". After going down the stairs and having dealt with the enemies, an explosion will occur, opening up a further path for us.

We pass to the locked door Husk crawls out, killing him you can open the damaged door. The next video is about a boy, he will leave anyway, and we move on, we take cartridges. Another explosion - we roll down, we meet Cannibals and having dealt with them, we speak with two surviving people. Now you need to get to the radio on the downed ship.

We go forward along the lowered beam, we kill several Cannibals, we find a radio (and next to it is a rifle)

The signal has been given, we must hold out until the evacuation. Using shelters, we destroy enemies before the arrival of the Normandy. Anderson stays, and we fly away from Earth. On the ship, Admiral Hackett contacts us and sends us to Mars, for Prothean data.

Priority: Mars

Having landed, we go to the right of the solar panels, go down, find a couple of corpses, and a little further we see how the Cerberus squad executes the people of the alliance.

Having dealt with the villains, we go forward one more detachment, we go into the complex, we activate the elevator. Having gone down, we meet Liara, she will tell about the drawings of the Prothean weapons, which must be taken from this base before the Cerberus.

After the conversation, the stormtroopers will attack from the balcony, having finished with them, we raise a small elevator near the boxes upstairs, climb onto it and go through the “green” door.

We pass to the room with the control panel activate the console, open the door. Caught on fresh air We watch the cars and go down. We have only one way, we get into a room without light and air. Going down the stairs, we knock out the windows, arranging a surprise for the Cerberus detachment. On the right is the climate control.

We go to the left door and break through with a fight to a room with sterilization turned on. We turn off the beam so that there is a passage to the stairs and go to the right door.

The path will lead us to a turret that needs to be bypassed by running from cover to cover.

Finally, once in the control room, turn off the gun and watch a short video. Having deceived the Cerberus, we called a wagon that would take us to the archives. On the way, our rail is blown up, but recklessly sending another squad of killers, they provide new transport.

Having reached the destination, we suppress the enemy forces and go into the archives. There we meet with the projection of the Ghost, (the head of the Cerberus) we talk, we notice that someone is erasing the data. One of the companions discovers Dr. Eve, she takes off running. We run after it using the spacebar, it is useless to shoot.

In the end, she will board the shuttle, but it will be knocked down by James. Eva, being far from human, will try to kill one of her partners, in my case Kaiden.

We send her to another world and watch videos in Normandy. Now our path lies in the Citadel to take Kaiden to the hospital and talk to the Council.

Priority: Citadel

Arriving at the Citadel, we find ourselves in the Normandy dock, go right to the checkpoint and use the elevator to get to the Embassies. Immediately to the right there will be a staircase we rise, we go into the first right door (Udina's office).

There is a meeting with the council, we are denied direct assistance, but the turian adviser gives a lead, and also restores Shepard to the rank of Specter.

Priority: Palaven

We go back to the dock, in the recreation area you can pick up reporter Diana Allers on board. We return to the Normandy and see a dream about a boy.

The boy runs through the forest, we follow him. Waking up, we speak with Liarra, Traynor and Hacket. We go through a small hall to the doors, we pass into the command hall. Fly to the moon of Palaven to rescue the turian primarch Fedorian. To do this, on the map of the galaxy, select the Apian Cross system, fly up to the Menae satellite, press "Enter Orbit", "Landing".

Landing, we clear the place from the Husks. We ask the soldier, he says how to get to the camp.

We go right and straight, we meet the general. We learn that Fedorian is dead, and in order to find out who the primarch is now, we need to repair the radio tower. Directly and to the left there will be doors, behind them on the right is a tower.

Having reached it, we use panel of one of the satellites and send it to repair, and together with the second we fight off the Husks. We return back to the general. We meet Garrus, find out that we need to find Victus, we go to protect the airfield (on the left).

If you are confused where to go, you can press "V". After shooting the attackers, we go back, past the general and to the barricade.

We fight off the Husks from the gun, then a "creature" appears and throws us off the wall.

It's not that hard to kill her, and we continue on foot towards Victus. Following Garrus, we reach the soldiers, then follow the mark ourselves. We get to the camp, which will need to be cleared. There will be three "creatures" and other attackers. Having reached General Victus, we convince him of the need to leave the battlefield and convene a council.

Priority: Sur'Kesh

We're on the Normandy talking to the Azari rep. On the way to the command hall, we are asked to go down to deck 3. We use the elevator and go to the medical compartment.

There we meet SUZI in a new guise the body of Dr. Eve. Now she is a member of the team. Back to galactic map, use the repeater and fly to the Annos Basin. There will be ships of diplomats we are docking.

At the meeting, we learn about the requirements of the krogans, they want to cure the genophage and know how to do it. Having persuaded the Salarian adviser of the need for action, we find out where the krogan females who survived after the experiments are kept. We fly for females to Sur'Kesh.

Landing on Sur'Kesh was not without problems, the salarians took too long to get permission. As a result, our krogan remained at the shuttle, and we moved to the elevator.

Having received admission to the lower level, we go down, but here, as usual, we can’t do without Cerberus. An attack was made on the base and now we urgently need to take the female away.

We go back to the elevator, there is a bomb, we run to the opposite door - an emergency exit. We run through the corridors destroying enemies, opening one of the doors we will see a monster from the laboratory, there is an open fire you need to go around to the left and then jump over the pit.

We reach the first checkpoint, press the button. "Cerberus" blows up the wall, we kill two on the shuttle and go into the resulting hole.

Soon we will meet engineers, they put up turrets, so it's better to get rid of them as soon as possible. There will be a closed door behind them, next to the terminal you need to log in and the passage will be open.

Next is a room with a ladder, we rise to the top, we clean the territory. There will be a door, it is “red”, but you just need to crack it, we come up and press the “spacebar”. We go forward, past KPP2 to the "power connector", activate it.

We return, activate checkpoint 2.

Having dealt with him and several stormtroopers, we finally free the krogan.

On board the Normandy, Hackett contacts us, informing us that the construction of the Prothean weapons has begun. Then Reeve and Victus will ask us for a private conversation.

Priority: Tuchanka

We speak with the Primarch of Palaven, he asks us to land on Tuchanka and help the turian squad in the fight against the Reapers.

It turns out that his son Tarquin Viktus leads the detachment. Having landed, we rush to the aid of Victus, taking the enemies by surprise. Coming from the back, we destroy several Husks and cannibals. Soon there will be a cliff, and on the other side of the Collector we shoot him from a distance.

To the right is a ladder, we rise, we run to the hole, we jump. New enemies and another Collector. After him to the right into the corridor. Soon there will be a room with last battle, enemies will appear for some time, we will meet the Creature, and at the end the Collector will arrive.

As usual, with the help of shelters we deal with everyone and move on to the lieutenant. Having met, we learn about their goal to defuse the bomb on Tuchanka.

We return to the Normandy, speak with Hacket and the Primarch, then Mordin will talk about the method of distributing the medicine from the genophage.

We fly to Tuchanka to heal the genophage. Along the way, Dalatresaa contacts us and offers to deceive the krogan so that the healing effect is minimal. To do this, one must not talk about a break in the veil that will spread the medicine.

After landing, we find ourselves in the hall where we need to shoot the Husks to protect Eva. This will not last long and soon two krogan clans will start a dispute, which will be stopped by the prudent Eve.

We leave for the veil, but on the way we come across an obstacle. We approach the krogan scout, which is on the right, we are interested in what's the matter. Meanwhile, the turians are attacking the Reaper, thereby endangering our convoy. The krogan are leaving, and our path lies through the catacombs. We go back to the wall and jump to the tunnel.

On the left there will be a passage jump there. On the opposite wall, right passage one more room, also in the right passage. Further along the tunnel, we find a dead rachni and go out into the white light.

Once in the ruins, we meet enemies, among them a couple of Ravagers. We jump over the bridge, there are several Cannibals and the Creature. We go further, we make our way to the large bridge, we should be picked up there, but then the Thresher appears.

We jump over the bridge, go around the wall and find ourselves in the monument to the fallen krogan. We shoot the attackers and go left, go down to the ground. We climb into the car and drive closer to the curtain.

Now you need to remove the reaper. We fight off the road to the stairs, having risen, we go through the bridge, but the Reaper throws Shepard down. Next, you should activate two hammers. They will summon Kalros and distract the Reaper. We run to the Reaper, using shelters, in the end we need to be in the middle.

Turian attack will distract the Reaper and we break through further. There will be many Creatures, it is not necessary to kill everyone, you just need to run to the hammers on the left and right.

It remains to start the medicine in the course. Here I opted to deceive the krogan to get extra support from the salarians. In this case, Eva dies, and Mordin had to be stopped personally he did not survive.

Next scene of Eve's funeral. The krogan will honor her as a saint, and they will keep silent about the dead salarian.

If you report Dalatressa's offer, then Eva will remain alive. Mordin is still unlucky, he valiantly goes to the top of the tower to repair the malfunction and die for eliminating the genophage.

Then we return to the Normandy, we speak with the primarch and Hacket. Turians will now provide assistance to Earth.

Shepard goes to bed and again has a dream about a boy.

For all action-RPG Mass Effect 3 you will meet characters from the previous parts of the trilogy. Not all of these heroes will become your friends and helpers, but those who agree to help you will definitely influence the course of the whole story. You will meet characters from the previous part of the game in the most unexpected circumstances. Who exactly you meet will depend on the results of the "suicide" mission and the second part, and on what add-ons you have installed. Everyone who survived in the last part will definitely contact you, including the Normandy crew. Each companion will make a feasible contribution to the common cause, and thanks to this, at the end of the game you will be able to increase the available military resources by an order of magnitude, which will affect the outcome of the final battle with the Reapers and will be needed to achieve a positive ending in the game.

We bring to your attention small guide, which help find satellites from the previous parts, save some game characters and even settle some conflicts.

Mass Effect 3 Characters - Quick FAQ

Search for old comrades
First of all, we should find our old comrades. I won’t mention those who were originally part of our team, everything is clear with them. But as mentioned above, in the third part of the game you can meet those characters from the previous parts that are still alive.

How to find Zaid
At the Citadel, you can take the quest about the Volus Ambassador, who is an agent of Cerberus. During the investigation of this case, Shepard will meet with Zaid.

How to find Kasumi
To meet Kasumi, you need to complete the quest on the Citadel, which will be issued by a salarian from the "MOUNTAIN" named Yodnum Bau.

Where to find Grunt
You will meet Grunt during the mission "Missing Scouts".

How to find Miranda
Shepard will receive a letter from Miranda asking her to meet. If you do not respond to the letter, you can only see Miranda on the Horizon.

Where can you meet Jacob?
You will meet Jacob during the mission to rescue the scientists of Cerberus.

Where can you meet Samara Morinth
You will meet this character during the quest in the Adrat-Yakshi Monastery.

Where to find Jack
You will meet Jake at Grissom Academy.

Where is Thane
You will meet Thane at the Citadel, in the hospital.

Where to find Diana Allers? And how can she help me
Diana can be found at dock D-24. You will meet her immediately during your first arrival at the Citadel. Diana will help promote Shepard in the galaxy, which in turn will provide additional military resources.

Where to find Kelly
If you had an affair with Kelly before, you can find her on the Citadel.

Rescuing characters in Mass Effect 3

As you know, in Mass Effect 3, characters often die, which upsets some players. Next, we will tell you how to avoid unwanted deaths of your companions.

How to save Miranda
To save Miranda, you need to fulfill several conditions:

  • You must talk to her three times before starting the Horizon quest.
  • In Mass Effect 2, she must be loyal to you.
  • You must warn her about Kai Len.
  • You must grant her access to Alliance data.

How to save Grunt
If Grunt remained loyal to you in the second part of the game, then he will survive even if you save the Rachni queen.

How to save Thane
Thane will die anyway. As he himself said, he already lived longer than the doctors predicted for him, and needs constant medical care.

How to save Mordin
To save Mordin, a number of conditions must be met:

  • Destroy Melon's records.
  • Eve must die.
  • Don't tell Mordin about the hole in the curtain until you're near the tower.
  • Convince him that it's too early to heal the genophage - this can be achieved if you have enough reputation points.

In this case, Mordin will send an empty bodice and stay alive.

How to save Anderson
Anderson cannot be saved, you can only delay his death. Those. even if the Illusive Man doesn't kill him, the Admiral will succumb to his wounds a little later.

What other partners can be saved from death

Tali- throws himself off a cliff if you didn't reconcile the quarians and the geth and let the Legion hand over the data to the geth.
Rex- if you decide not to treat the genophage, he will get angry and Shepard will have to shoot him.
Kayden/Ashley- he/she can be killed during the "Hunting for Udina" mission if you can't convince your companion that Shepard is good and Udina is bad.
Morinth turn into a banshee. You can kill her like a normal banshee.
Samara- will attempt suicide to save his remaining daughter when the Adrat-Yakshi monastery is destroyed. You need to have time to prevent this attempt.
Legion- will die in any scenario, regardless of whether you took the side of the geth, quarians, or were able to reconcile these races.
Kelly- will die if you leave her to care for the sick at the docks. You can save her if you ask to change her appearance and personality.
Kasumi will die if a loyalty mission in Mass Effect 2 is not completed.

Love line in Mass Effect 3

Everyone knows that in the last part of the trilogy, you can continue the romance that began in previous parts(even if these characters are not among your regular Mass Effect 3 companions), or you can start a new one.

Which of the new characters can romance in the third part of the game
A romance can not be started with all characters:

WITH James Vega you can only flirt a little.
WITH Diana Allers there will be an opportunity to sleep after the second interview.
Samantha- romance is possible if you play female character.
Lieutenant Cortez- Romance is possible if you play as a male character.

Is it possible to romance the Joker?
No, you can't romance the Joker, but you can romance him with SUZI.

Is it possible to seduce Tali or Garrus if I didn't have an affair with them in the previous part?
No, romance with Jack, Miranda, Tali and Garus is only possible if you had a romance with them in the second part of the game.

Diplomatic tricks Mass Effect 3

How to Reconcile Quarians and Geth
The possibility of reconciliation depends on a number of factors. In total, you should score 5-7 points. If you score less, then it will not be possible to reconcile these races.

Influence in Mass Effect 2

  • Destroying heretic geth will give you 2 points.
  • Reprogramming geth heretics - 0 points.
  • Tali decided to stay in the Navy - 2 points.
  • Tali's mission is not completed or Tali is expelled - 0 points.
  • You stopped the conflict between the Legion and Tali using the phrases of the Hero or Renegade - 1 point.

Influence in Mass Effect 3

  • For saving Admiral Zaal "Koris, you will receive 1 point.
  • For the destruction of the geth base - 1 point.
  • For completing the Legion mission in the third part of the game - 1 point.

If you have reached the required number of points, you will have to allow the Legion to start transmitting data to the geth, then you will receive several new answers that can lead to peace.

In the life of every space captain, sooner or later there comes a moment when you want a simple and, if possible, human caress. Love among the stars - what could be more romantic in a difficult time, when reapers are snooping around, waving iron tentacles! But how to understand the intricacies of galactic novels? How to unmistakably find the way to the heart or hearts of comrades-in-arms? There is no need for a comprehensive guide. And he is in front of you.

Compared to previous games in the series, Captain Shepard's love affairs in Mass Effect 3 are both simplified and complicated at the same time. On the one hand, scenes of jealousy are gone, and there are more objects for the application of captain's charisma - now you can spin cupids not only with satellites, but also with former satellites, and with the “non-combat” crew of the Normandy. On the other hand, a romance with some characters can be overwhelmed due to inattention, and not all intrigues end with at least some kind of bed scene.

"You make my tentacles stand on end!"

In addition, there is a mysterious imbalance in the assortment of “halves”, which is offensive to the playing women. See for yourself: all paths are open for a male Shepard - he can choose from five women, one asari and one quarian (with some stretch - the same earthly women). True, it is more difficult for a gay Shepard - only one reliable friend is in store for him, the driver of the landing boat, Steve Cortez. There is, however, also a bisexual Kaidan - but only if he did not die in the first part.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION: this same Steve Cortes is the only story NPC from the Normandy team, to whom the artists were too lazy to draw his own face. But they were not too lazy to draw tears.

James Vega, like that hamster, "loves no one."

But the problems of masculine Shepards of any orientation pale in comparison to the deal for a female Shepard. For her, only one (one!) Man-human is in store, and even then if he survived according to the plot of the first Mass Effect. I'm talking about Kaidan Alenko, whom the developers for some reason changed their face. Then the panopticon begins. You can renew relations with aliens - a relatively humanoid, but very sick Thane Krios, or a charming, but insectoid Garrus. True, these aliens will not just give up either - they will begin to respond to courtship only if Shepard has already glued them in the second part of Mass Effect. In addition, due to Thane's ill health, meeting him does not even count as an affair.

The most offensive for women is that there is a new handsome guy on the ship, the soul of the company, an athlete - James Vega. He is heterosexual, witty and even capable of flirting. But - no novels! Players even raided the BioWare forum with a petition to give Vega some interest in any gender. Perhaps the developers decided in such an unusual way to warn the playing public about the dangers of anabolic steroids?

There is nowhere for Shepard the woman to go but to throw herself into the arms of her friends.

So it turns out that the man on board is at best alone. But there are two women who are ready to ignore conventions and indulge in a riot of same-sex relationships, not counting the asari. Such is the discrimination.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION: in the second part of the game, a Negro Jacob Taylor was a good option for a heterosexual female commander. But the developers even here planted a fawn on the women: Jacob, the only one of all the former satellites, started a family! Well, what are you going to do!

Well, now it's time to list all those with whom Shepard can build his love. So, open the dossier - alphabetically.

Garrus Vakarian

Captain's Gender: female

New novel: No

Stop Garrus doing endless calibrations.

Garrus, old Garrus, "scarred chewer." This brave turian has been on the Normandy team in all three games and has been ranked as the best video game character on more than one occasion. But kissing him on the scar will not be easy - for this, two conditions are necessary at once: the female captain and the affair with Garrus in the second part. You won’t be able to start a new romance with him if in Mass Effect 2 the captain was just friends with him.

If in the second part he still had an affair with Shepard, there will be no problems with his renewal. It is only necessary after the "Palaven" mission to find a turian in the torpedo room, distract from the calibration and confirm the relationship, sealing them with a kiss right in the scarred mandibles.

After the genophage quest on Tuchanka is completed, Garrus will offer to meet at the Citadel in a conversation. He will be waiting for Shepard in front of the elevator at the docks - and will offer to go on a crazy journey into the forbidden areas of the Citadel. There, the commander will have the opportunity to confess his love to Garrus, and the player will have the opportunity to see a rare sight in this part of the galaxy: a confused turian.

The main thing is to close your eyes.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION: if the commander does not have a romantic relationship with Garrus, if everything is limited to friendship, the crazy journey will still take place - but everything will be limited to the “brotherly” part of the entertainment.

home romantic scene will happen automatically - as soon as the Normandy heads to the Cerberus base. But calmness, only calmness - everything will be within the bounds of decency. The turian will not take off his armor.

The developers themselves, realizing that the connection between a human and a turian is a strange thing even by the standards Universe Mass Effect, put a couple of jokes related to these issues into the game. Even in the sad and beautiful parting scene before the final battle on Earth, Garrus can't help but ask, "I wonder what the human-turian cubs will look like?" - to which Shepard will answer reasonably: "It is unlikely that the laws of biology will meet us halfway."

However, one of the most fun scenes in Mass Effect 3 will only occur to a player who has not had an affair with either Garrus or Tali. Run into the torpedo room often, and you may witness a comical love scene with these two. The embarrassed excuses of the turian and quarian caught hot are definitely worth listening to.


Captain's Gender: male

New novel: No

It's obvious that Jack is bored.

The subject "Zero", or simply Jack, was a very unusual and striking character in Mass Effect 2. Unfortunately, her role in the third part is only episodic, and Jack will have an affair (or rather, hints at it) only with a male captain, yes and then only with those who conquered it in the previous game.

The meeting with the subject "Zero" will take place at the Grissom Academy. Jack will do everything herself - the player will only have to choose the right answers and respond in time to the "moments of interception" by pressing the right mouse button. Don't forget to kiss Jack in the dropboat when it comes to her tattoos.

Alas, Jack will not leave the position of teacher, so she will not get on the ship to us. The culmination of the novel will be only a meeting in the club "Purgatory" and a joint dance. Before the battle with the Ghost, the girl, of course, will not come (she is not on the ship), so the meeting in the bar will be the last. Already on Earth, in burning London, it will be possible to say goodbye to Jack via holographic communication.

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Jack is in her repertoire: when they meet, she will savagely hit Shepard in the jaw "for leaving", and in a farewell conversation via holographic communication, she will demand from the captain to stay alive, "because I will need to sleep with someone."

Diana Allers

Captain's Gender: male and female

New novel: Yes

So, how about "exclusive"?

You probably remember the annoying journalist Kalissa and her specific interviews from the first two parts. In Mass Effect 3, the developers decided to infuse space journalism with new blood, and now we are getting questions from Diana Allers, the anchor of the report " space war". On her first visit to the Citadel, she will try to ask for the Normandy and, if Shepard lets the journalist on board, she will settle on the engineering deck.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION: if desired, she can be kicked out when revisiting the Citadel.

Diana Allers is a non-combat character, but it's interesting to talk to her, and it makes sense to visit her after each important mission. At one fine moment, the journalist will demand an interview in the captain's cabin - do not yawn here: respond to flirting. But don't expect the result right away - Diana will agree to "exclusive" only at the second interview, if Shepard (of any gender) promises to remain silent.

Regrettably, one can not count on a proper love scene - here the gentlemen, the creators were greedy.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION: a secret meeting with Diana Allers can hardly be considered a full-fledged romance, so it will not prevent Shepard from building a serious relationship with someone else at the same time.

Kayden Alenko

Captain's Gender: male and female

New novel: Yes

Still, something in him remained from the good old Kaiden.

Of all the "loving" Mass characters Effect 3 is Kaidan Alenko that caused the most controversy. The players did not like a lot of things in it. For example, his plastic surgery - we have here, tea, not serials, so that there is a need to change actors.

Many were jarred by Alenko's sudden bisexuality - in the first part of Mass Effect, this was not the case for him. The developers did not even bother to explain why this seasoned fighter would suddenly be drawn to Theban entertainment. But the scene at the Citadel, in which Kaidan tries to frame the commander, caused the most emotions. Considering that Alenko had previously shown only heterosexual behavior, such sudden, unmotivated tackles caused, to put it mildly, embarrassment. Players even got a little mutinous on the BioWare forums.

It turned out that the problem was in the not fully thought out system of courtship: game mechanics(and with it Kaidan) perceived the bottle of whiskey - an innocent gift to Kaidan lying in the hospital - as a signal for courtship. And at this place in Alenko, sudden feelings for the donor woke up - no matter what gender.

"It's morning already?"

Actually, this can be the end of the conversation about how to awaken love in Kaidan - it doesn’t matter, new or old, for a woman or a man. Buy whiskey for a sick person at the local shop, and a date at the Presidium Community is guaranteed. And what to say there - you will understand.

The love scene with Alenko before going to Cerberus is present in the game - moreover, it is very frank. The developers also paid a lot of attention to the London farewell.

Liara T'Soni

Captain's Gender: male and female

New novel: Yes

Shepard thought again about the physiology of the asari.

Beauty Liara, a bisexual asari, was the first candidate for romance in Mass Effect. Relationships can be renewed - at the very beginning, when you find her on Mars. In this case, the choice is made immediately, as soon as Liara asks: “Were everything serious with Tali or so?” Don't forget to call Liara to the captain's quarters when she offers to talk about her new project. What to do next - nature will tell you. After that, all that remains is to meet Liara in the Communities and seal love with passionate kisses.

The scene before the assault on the Ghost's base is one of the most sensual in the game. The image of "dissolute asari" developers are trying to maintain with all their might

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There is a funny dialogue in the game scenes in which the Joker tries to find out from Liara if the asari's head tentacles move. It turns out that these are not full-fledged "tentacles", but only hard horny growths that can be wiggled a little, but no more.

It's a pity. They would find a use.

Miranda Lawson

Captain's Gender: male

New novel: No

Miranda will have very little time for Shepard - everything is business, business.

Miranda Lawson in Mass Effect 2 was the "Ghost representative" on the Normandy. In the last part of the trilogy, she has an episodic role - besides, a kind of romance is available only to those who met her in the previous game.

It all starts with an email in which Miranda invites Shepard to meet at the docks and talk. Confirm that she is still part of the commander's plans and the reward will be a modest kiss.

In a conversation with Liara through the Spectra terminal, warn her about Kai Leng, and then she will make a second meeting at the apartment in the Commons - again by e-mail. First you talk about business - then Shepard will have the opportunity to command: "Go to bed!"

If Shepard did not have an affair with Miranda, you still need to meet with her. And that's why...

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Saving Miranda from death in the final scene on the planet Horizon is not easy. You need to have a good relationship with her in Mass Effect 2 and, if you had mutual feelings, in no case break up with her. You must definitely cross paths with Miranda at the Citadel before the Cerberus attack, and, having learned about Kai Leng from your terminal, warn Miranda through the Spectra room. When she asks for Alliance resources, give them. Finally, in the scene with Miranda's father, don't forget to use the interrupt - it doesn't matter if it's "good" or "bad".

There is no love scene as such in relations with Miranda - the artists were too lazy to waste paint on Shepard's ex-girlfriend.

Samantha Trainor

Captain's Gender: female

New novel: Yes

For a male Shepard, Samantha has only chess.

Samantha Traynor is our secretary. In the game, she replaces Kelly Chambers, who, due to mental health reasons, left the Normandy and settled on the Citadel. Samantha is pretty, obedient, intelligent - but with all this, only female Shepards can start a kind of romance with her.

Make it easy. You just need to talk with Samantha from time to time, and then after the "Cerberus" mission in the Citadel, she will talk about her addiction to strategic games and in the letter will offer a game of chess. Invite her to the captain's cabin, and she will immediately begin to praise the shower room with a hint. Invite her to take a shower, and then join in. At the same time and wash.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION: as with Diana, an innocent fling with Samantha Trainor won't stop the captain from building a serious relationship with someone else.

Some spoilers, click to read

There will be a couple of oddities in the shower scene. Samantha, for example, will remain in her underwear, and the captain will step under the stream of water without removing her uniform (or whatever she uses instead).

Steve Cortez

Captain's Gender: male

New novel: Yes

Steve Cortez weeps over the untimely death of her husband. And Shepard, it seems, began to suspect something.

Esteban "Steve" Cortez is another new character and I wouldn't call it successful. He has an unremarkable stereotyped Hispanic face, he is excessively tearful, and his role is only in episodic dialogues before and after assignments (he is the driver of the landing boat).

In general, Shepard was definitely not lucky with a gay man on board. But at least Steve is tactful, doesn't pester as aggressively as Kaidan Alenko, and allows the commander to carefully move off the topic.

However, if the captain of the Normandy has exactly such preferences, he must visit Cortez in the cargo hold, have long conversations with him - and then cross paths in the refugee camp on the Citadel and finally sort out feelings in the Purgatory bar.

Some spoilers, click to read

At the beginning of the mission on Earth, Steve can die along with the landing bot. To prevent this from happening, you need to make friends with him ... or "make friends."

Tali'Zorah vas Normandy

Captain's Gender: male

New novel: No

Tali is Shepard's most enigmatic and mysterious companion.

The quarian Tali will only succumb to the advances of those captains with whom she has already "combined space suit environments" in Mass Effect 2. You will meet her after the mission with the geth dreadnought and in a conversation you can hint at the resumption of communication. Tali will be embarrassed at this place and will refer to employment.

IT IS IMPORTANT: keep in mind that if you promise your hand and heart to someone else before meeting with Tali - for example, the same Liara, the romance with the quarian will not take place. When meeting, she will immediately say: "I'm happy for you" - and refuse to be more than a friend.

It should be remembered: talking at a meeting does not mean that you are together. Shepard must catch a letter from Tali in the mail, call her to the cabin and confess her feelings there - only after that it will be considered that you have a new romance.

On the left is the original from GettyImages, on the right is a portrait of Tali.

Before leaving for Rannock, try to meet Tali at the Citadel. After the assignment on the quarian home planet, if the outcome is favorable for the quarians, Tali will give us her portrait, kindly taken by BioWare artists from photo libraries. To get the portrait, visit Tali in the engine room.

Alas, in the climactic scene before the "Cerberus" task, we will not see the face of a quarian. She won't even take off her gas mask.

THIS IS A BUG: if Tali, being Shepard's lover, dies during the events on Rannok, she can still come to the captain's quarters to support him before the assault on Cerberus headquarters. So in a sense, the "till death do us part" rule doesn't apply in Mass Effect 3.

Some spoilers, click to read

Don't miss the scene in the break room (living deck, to the left of the elevator) after the attack on the Cerberus headquarters. Tali sits in a bar and diligently gets drunk through a special mechanism for introducing alcoholic liquids (people call it a "straw"). A conversation with a completely drunk Tali is very funny.

Ashley Williams

Captain's Gender: male

New novel: Yes

The developers also decided to change the face of Ashley, as well as the face of Kayden. And the bruises appeared later.

Ashley Williams and Kayden Alenko are mutually exclusive characters. There can only be one person in the game - for those who have carried save files through the entire trilogy, it depends on the decision made in the first part.

As with Alenko, an affair with Ashley Williams will begin in the hospital if you give her a book of Tennyson's poems bought at a local store. The second important conversation with Ashley can be started after the mission on Palaven's satellite, and a meeting in the Presidium Communities will help to finally dot the i's.

Some spoilers, click to read

Ashley Williams, as you may remember, broke up with Shepard in the second part and was very aggressive at the meeting - she accused him of working for the inhuman Cerberus and did not listen to excuses. In Mass Effect 3, she suddenly became kinder, and the developers found an explanation for this: Ashley's aggression in Mass Effect 2 was caused by the fact that she was afraid to believe in the "miraculous" resurrection of the captain.

* * *

Now you know everything to successfully subdue any woman, any man and any alien in this part of the galaxy. Not a single journalist and not a single secretary will henceforth resist the charm of Shepard. It's time to put your knowledge to the test! New victories and achievements are waiting for us!

Citadel - first visit

Reporting on Normandy
On the Citadel opposite the holographic artificial intelligenceAvinaThere is a waiting area whereDiana Allers. We start a conversation with her. Shewants to report on the ship Normandy. We agree to her request by answering “let's try". That, in fact, is all. We are rewarded withAlliance news feed data and Diana Allers data.
Property location
Shooting Range at the Embassy

It is located in a room opposite Udina's office in the Embassy on the Citadel. Here you can shoot at three targets, having previously fixed the range of their location. You can also find a weapon modification station here, which will allow you to install the modifications found on weapons in your backpack.
Property location
Shrike Abyss: Prothean Obelisk

Volus diplomat needs a Prothean obelisk. You need to find it in the Shrike Abyss and give it to Volus at the Embassy on the Citadel.

We fly into the Shrike Abyss (Above and slightly to the left of the center of the Milky Way). We fly to the Urla Rast system and scan the area near the planet Talis Fia. We enter its orbit and launch the scanner. We find a Prothean obelisk there. We return to the Embassy on the Citadel and return the obelisk to Volus.

Property location
Shepard got drunk on firewood!

You need to go to the bar and drink three glasses of vodka. Afterwards, Shepard falls asleep and wakes up next to Aria. After the second, we wake up for four cups near the elevator.
Property location
Journalist Demanding Answers!

Kalissa Al Jilanidownright calling for Shepard near the exit from the Embassy. We approach her and start talking. She demands that we answer her questions and is generally outraged. During her monologue, click on the [Left Mouse Button], since it carries absolute nonsense. For this act they give5 Renegade points. It's okay, we'll get through it somehow.

Property location Normandy

James punched Shepard in the face?

On Normandy, you can spar with James. To do this, you need to go down the elevator to the Shuttle Dock and approach the pulling James. In the process of dialogue, he will challenge us to battle. We spar with him, learning a little about James.

Property location Panacelin for aliens

We go down to the shuttle dock and buy an improved panacelin for alien races in the store, where there is a 10% mark-up due to a remote purchase.

Property location
Thermal pipe GX12

After curing the genophage, we approach the Galaxy Map, where the assistant tells us that Adams wants to see us.

We go down to the engineering deck and start talking to him. He says the safety of the Normandy engines needs to be improved. We only need to buy a GX12 thermal pipe at the Citadel. Reply to Adams:I will definitely buy".

We go down to the Shuttle Dock and approach the interface of the supply channels. We choose "Elkoss Harvester" and buy a thermal pipe there. After a while, Trainor will say that you need to approach Adams. We ride the elevator to the Engineering Deck and talk to Adams. He will say that the pipe we bought has been successfully installed and is working normally

Property location Citadel - visit after mission on Palaven


Ambassador Dominic Osoba wants to know what happened to his son, who went missing in action on Benning. We need to find something that indicates the fate of his son and take the evidence to the ambassador.

During Quest N7: Cerberus Abductions, you can find a token near the first population group that is panicking. We return this token to the ambassador at the Embassies on the Citadel.

As a reward we get +5 to the Hero, Credits and support.
Property location
Hanar diplomat- [This mission may cause glitches, as a result of which it will not be possible to complete it. To solve the problem, it is worth loading earlier saves and trying to complete the mission again. The problem may be that it will not be possible to activate the first terminal]

Salarian Specter Yondum Bau suspects that one of the salarian diplomats has been drugged by the Reapers. We need to find evidence of this in the Embassies of the Presidium.

We go to the District office of the Specters and approach the Spectra terminal. We turn on surveillance in the embassy of the khanars. Now go down the stairs and turn right. We put a bug near the terminal. We ride the elevator to the Docks: storage area and put a bug near the console at the checkpoint. We pass to Dock E28 and put a bug near the terminal.

As a reward we get +5 to the Hero, Credits and support.
Property location
Improved power grid

The tech in Purgatory on the Citadel needs to improve the power grid to keep the club running. We need to find drawings of an improved electrical network and transfer the equipment

We go to the District office of the Specters and approach the Spectra terminal. We turn on surveillance in the embassy of the khanars. In mission N7: Cerberus Attack, the old electrical circuit is located next to the control panel. We need to find someone on the Citadel who will need them. We fly to the Citadel to the Purgatory bar and give it to Alison.

As a reward we get +5 to the Hero, Credits and support.
Property location

Prototype Components

A scientist searches for missing prototype biotic amplification systems. We need to find these prototypes in the Ismar Reach and deliver them to the scientist on the Citadel at the Guerte Hospital.

We fly to the Ismar Reach (To the left of the center of the Milky Way) and scan a place near the planet Metaponto. We enter the orbit of the planet and launch the scanner. We find improved biotic implants there. We return to the Citadel to the Guerte hospital and give the implants to the scientist.

As a reward we get 90 XP.
Property location

Barla Won

First, we talk with Liara around coffee. Then we approach Barla Won (See Location of the object). We talk to him. He says that we have one mutual friend - Captain Anderson. We answer him: "He is a brave man." We agree to help Barla.

He said there were troops in the Dranek system. gray intermediary. We need to convince them to join the war with the Reapers, and then return to Barle Von.

We fly to the Krogan DMZ in the Dranek system and examine a place near the planet Rotla. We go into orbit and launch the scanner. We find there the support of the mercenaries of the Gray Broker. We return to the Presidium Community on the Citadel to Barle Vaughn. We report that we convinced the mercenaries to join the war with the Reapers.

Property location

Citadel - visit after the attack on the Citadel

Cerberus ciphers

An officer stationed at the Citadel needs updated ciphers to break the Cerberus codes. We need to find the ciphers and deliver to the Officer.

On Normandy, after mission N7: Communications Center, we take the elevator to the Shuttle Dock and approach the supply channels interface. We select "Spectrum Requests" there and buy codes in the Cerberus ciphers. We return to the officer at the Citadel to the Embassy and give the ciphers.

As a reward we get +5 to the Hero, Credits and support.

Property location
Reaper Code Fragments

The Asari Strategist needs Reaper's code fragments to predict the enemy's moves. We need to find such a fragment and give it to the Azari Strategist.

On Normandy we go down to the Shuttle Dock and approach the interface of the supply channels. We select "Spectrum Requests" and buy a fragment of the Reaper code there. We go to the Citadel to the embassies and give it to the asari strategist.

For the completed task, we will be given +5 to the Hero, credits and support.

Property location
Rings of Alune

The Asari Consultant needs Alune's Rings. We need to find them in the Selian Nebula and take the Azari to the Guerte Hospital.

We fly to the Selian Nebula (To the left of the Milky Way). We fly to the Teiolia system and scan a place near the planet Nevos. We enter the orbit of the planet and launch the scanner. We find the Rings of Alune there. We return to the Citadel to the Guerte hospital and give them to the asari-consoltants.

As a reward we get +5 to the Hero, Credits and support.

Property location
Treatment of chemical burns

A doctor is trying to cure a patient who suffered from chemical burns. We need to find a plan to treat these injuries and get him to the Guerte hospital.

When completing task N7: Fuel reactors, after entering the complex on the planet Zion, we go a little to the left of Nyrek to a dead end. There will be a treatment plan. We give it to the doctor at the Guerte hospital on the Citadel.

As a reward we get +5 to the Hero, Credits and support.

Property location
Cerberus venom for turians

A doctor working on the Citadel is looking for a poison developed by Cerberus specifically for the turians. We need to find a sample of Toxin and deliver it to the Guerte hospital.

On Normandy we go down to the Shuttle Dock and approach the interface of the supply channels. We select "Spectrum Requests" and buy poison against turians there. We go to the Citadel to the Guerte hospital and give it to the doctor.

As a reward we get +5 to the Hero, Credits and support.

Property location
Human Physician vs Salarian Physician - Debate!

You need to support either one or the other. If you support a salarian, they will give 2 Hero points, and if a person, they will give 2 renegade points.

Property location
Book of Plenix

Volus on the Citadel wants to inspire his people with the Book of Plenix. You need to find a book on the planet Irune and give it to Volus in the Presidium Community.

We fly to the Eton Cluster (lower left of the center of the Milky Way) and scan a place near the planet Iruna. We go into orbit and launch the scanner. We find there the book of Plenix. We give it to Volus on the Citadel in the Presidium Community.

As a reward we get +5 to the Hero, Credits and support.

Property location
A bank employee

You need to go up to him and talk. Military resources will be added, and he will help us financially.

Property location
Hesperian statue

The asari at the Presidium Community need a statue of the Hesperian period to work on the FORGE. We need to find this statue in the Nebula of Athena and give it to Azari.

We fly to the Athena Nebula (To the left of the center of the Milky Way). We fly to the Vernio system and examine the area near the planet Poliss. We enter its orbit and launch the scanner. We find there a statue of the Hesperian period. We return to the Citadel in the Presidium Community and transfer the statue to Azari.

As a reward we get +5 to the Hero, Credits and support.

Property location
Wounded Batarian - Arguing Citizens - Revenge on Cerberus

A badly wounded batarian could be a terrorist. We need to find him in the refugee camp and deal with the situation. The citizens of the Citadel are about to commit murder in the C-Sec office in the Presidium Community. You need to go there and find something suspicious.

Well, let's prevent another assassination attempt. We approach Captain Aaron Sommers, who is sitting on a bench at the C-Sec Outpost and start talking to him. Sommers tells him to kill a Cerberus agent who has been killing his friends for Cerberus. We answer: "Speak." As a result, we are given +5 Renegade points. After that we go to the Docks, namely to the honey. To the personnel in Cargo Bay C. We need to talk to Gorek. During the conversation, Gorek reports that he is not a terrorist at all, but simply took revenge for the peaceful people who lived on Ararat. We answer: "Should have stopped the Reapers". Gorek wants to go to his relatives in another world ... Choose the answer: “[Disable Life Support]". He thanks us. For the completed task, we are given 5000 credits and +5 to the Hero

Property location
Schemes of Cerberus guns

Since we already found the Cerberus weapon schematics on the planet Tuchanka when we defused the bomb, we simply give it to the officer. For this we get 1000 credits, 30 experience points and +5 hero.

Property location
Heat stabilizers

Salarian on the Citadel needs new heat stabilizers. We need to find them and give them to the salarian at the Citadel.

After completing task N7: Fuel Reactors on Normandy, we go down to the Shuttle Dock and approach the interface of the supply channels. We select "Spectrum Requests" and buy heat stabilizers. We return to the Citadel and give the heat stabilizers to the salarian.

As a reward we get +5 to the Hero, Credits and support.

Property location
CBC employees - dispute

It is necessary to support either a patient employee or an evil one. By supporting a patient employee, we will be given +2 to the Hero. By supporting the evil employee, we will be given +2 to the Apostate.

Property location
Batarian codes

Officer Knowles is asking for help. We start talking to her. She asks to trace the illegal use of batarian codes. You need to use the Specter terminal, then find access points on the Citadel.

So, we take the elevator to the Embassy and go to the Spectra District Office (Marked on the map). We go in a straight line to the Spectra terminal and activate it. Choose "Batarian Access Codes” and turn it on.

Now we go to the Guerte hospital in the Laboratory and study the console. We go to the Normandy dock in the recreation area for passengers and study the console. The last code is in the Docks on the very left side. We activate it and contact Knowles.

Suddenly, the signal weakens and Balak sneaks up from behind. He says that Shepard is to blame for all the troubles. We answer: "Blame the Reapers". During the dialogue, we answer:Help us!". As a result, we get the support of the batarians and +7 to the Hero.

P.S.It is better to enable and allow everything that was sent to the terminal. As a result, you can get support.

Property location
Merchants - dispute!

You need to support either a merchant who sells weapons to everyone in a row, or a worried merchant who is afraid that the store will close the C-Sec. We support either an angry or worried merchant. For the support of the evil one we get +5 to the Renegade, and for the support of the troubled one we get +5 to the Hero.

Property location
Krogan dying farewell

In the mission “Attic Traverse: Krogan Squad” we found a dead body of a krogan and studied it. You need to give the note to Erebe. For the transfer of the note, we get +5 to the Hero.

Property location
Obelisk of Karza

The researcher needs Karza's obelisk to help with the HORN project. You need to find this obelisk in the Hades Center and give it to the researcher in the Presidium Community.

We fly to the Center of Hades (Top right of the center of the Milky Way). Then we fly to the Oplos system and scan a place near the Kopis satellite. We enter the orbit of the satellite and launch the scanner. We find the obelisk of Karza there. We return to the Citadel to the Community of the Presidium and give the obelisk to the researcher.

As a reward we get +5 to the Hero, Credits and support.

Property location
Jamming technology

A C-Sec officer needs jamming technology to avoid future enemy attacks. We need to find this technology and transfer it to an officer in the Presidium Community.

On Normandy we go down to the Shuttle Dock and approach the interface of the supply channels. We select "Spectrum Requests" and buy jamming technology there. We go to the Citadel to the Presidium Community and give it to the C-Sec officer.

As a reward we get +5 to the Hero, Credits and support.

Property location
Dispute between coffee owner and officer

We need to support either the coffee owner or the C-Sec officer. If you support the officer, then we will be given +5 to the Hero and support. If you support the owner of the coffee, then we will be given +5 to the Apostate.

Property location
Remains of a kaklysaurus

A salarian scientist needs a well-preserved remains of a kaklysaur to develop a species that will help the krogan survive on toxic planets. It is necessary to find the remains of their scientist in the Presidium Community.

We fly to Rho Argos in the Phoenix system. We scan a place near the planet Intai'Sei and enter the orbit of the planet. We launch the scanner and find the Petrified Kaklisavr there. We return to the scientist and give him the remains.

As a reward we get +5 to the Hero, Credits and support.

Property location
Code of the Ancients

The Elcor on the Citadel wants to inspire their tribesmen with the Codex Drvenich. You need to find the holy book on Dekuun and give it to the elcor in the Purgatory bar.

We fly to the Selian Nebula in the Fontes system and scan a place near the planet Dekuuna. We go into orbit of the planet. We launch the scanner and find the code of the ancients there. We return the codex to the elcor in the Purgatory bar on the Citadel.

As a reward we get +5 to the Hero, Credits and support.

Property location
Library in Ashi

The military instructor needs texts from the library in Ash. You need to find these texts in the Nimbus Cluster and take them to the Purgatory bar on the Citadel.

We fly to Nimbus in the Agaiu system and scan a place near the planet Carcosa. We go out to the orbir and launch the scanner. We find Asha's library there. We give the instructor the texts of the library in the Purgatory bar on the Citadel.

As a reward we get +5 to the Hero, Credits and support.

Property location
Banner of the First Regiment

A turian officer wants to get the Banner of the First Regiment to inspire his men. You need to find this banner on Castellus in the Apian Cross and deliver it to the officer in the Purgatory bar on the Citadel.

We fly to the Apian Cross (To the left of the center of the Milky Way). From there we fly to another cluster "Castel". Scan [Right mouse button] Digeris and enter its orbit. We start the scanner. Hold down the [Right Mouse Button] and begin to lead where the white bar is directed. We bring it to a white tint and launch the probe right there. The task will be updated. We press and fly to the Citadel. We go to the Purgatory bar and give the Banner to the officer.

As a reward we get +5 to the Hero, credits and support.

Property location
Joker in love?

We start talking to the Joker. He asks what Shepard thinks about EDI and the Joker. We answer: "Certainly". The Joker has an idea, but he said it was the dumbest idea. We answer: "You need to be an idiot". As a result, we are given +2 to the Hero.

Property location
Shepard the dance master

In the Purgatory bar, go to the dance floor and press "Dance Floor". Shepard will show you how real soldiers dance!

Property location
Inspirational stories

We approach Solik Vass, who wants to take a couple of pictures for the public. He complains that they don't let him in and wants to ask us to take a couple of pictures for him. We answer: "I will help you". You need to find video material on the Citadel and transfer it to Vass. To do this, we go to the honey. To the staff at the Docks and activate the Photo-opportunity. We also take pictures of the place between the E-24 dock and the E-26 dock. Taking another shot in Cargo Hold B. That's enough, according to Wass. We return to him. We are given 5000 credits and +5 to the Hero.

Property location
Refugees are not allowed

You need to support either the dock worker who does not want to let the refugee's family into the Citadel, because all the places are full, or the refugee who will give everything just to be let in. For supporting a refugee they will give +2 to the Hero, and for supporting an employee by Doc they will give +2 to the Renegade.

Property location
Columns of power

A refugee batarian needs pillars of strength to bolster the morale of his people. You need to find these columns in the Kite's Nest and give them to the batarian in the refugee camp on the Citadel.

We fly to the Kite's Nest (Located to the right below the center of the Milky Way) and scan a place near the planet Khar'shan and enter orbit. We launch the scanner and find columns of power there. We return to the Citadel in the Docks: Storage Area and give the columns of power to the batarian refugee.

As a reward we get +5 to the Hero, Credits and support.

Property location
Broken dispensers

Someone broke the dispensers at the refugee camp on the Citadel. We need to find dispensers and fix them. Total dispensers 4: Near the entrance to the cargo compartment C; Near the entrance to the cargo compartment A; Inside cargo hold A; In the leftmost part (looking at the map) Docks. We return to the doctor from whom we learned about the breakdown and inform him about the elimination of the problem. In return, we are given 5,000 credits and support.

Property location
Prothean Sphere

The refugee believes that a Prothean sphere can be found somewhere on Gay Hinnom. It is necessary to find and tell the refugee in the refugee camp on the Citadel about this.

In the Hades Center in the Sheol system, we scan a place near the planet Gay-Hinn. We enter its orbit and launch the scanner. We find a Prothean sphere there. We return to the refugee in the Docks: storage area on the Citadel and return the Prothean sphere.

As a reward we get +5 to the Hero, Credits and support.

Property location
Prothean Data

The Alliance soldier knows where the Prothean data carriers are located, which can speed up work on the GORN project. You need to find them on Gorvug in the Threshold of Valhalla and transfer them to the soldier in the docking bay.

We fly to the Threshold of Valhalla (Located at the very top of the center of the Milky Way), and from there to Fly to Paz and explore the area [Right mouse button] near the planet Gorvug. We enter the orbit of the planet and launch the scanner. We find Prothean data carriers.

We fly to the Citadel and in the Dock of Normandy we give the carriers to the soldier that he wanted to find. We get +5 to the Hero, Credits and support.

Property location Normandy - visit after the destruction of the Dreadnought

military medicines

First you need to go to Dr. Chakvas and take the task. Meet with Tactus at the Citadel Refugee Camp and exchange simple medicines for military medicines.

We fly to the Citadel and take the elevator to the Docks: storage area. We go to the cargo hold: B and start talking to Tactus. During the conversation, he says that the exchange does not suit him and that he needs to pay extra. We answer him:Do what you must". He says that Normandy will soon be contacted and exchanged. We get +5 to the Hero.

Upon returning to Normandy, Traynor will say that Dr. Chakvas wants to see us in honey. compartment. We ride the elevator to the Living Deck and approach Chakvas in honey. compartment. She will let you know that everything is fine. She also said something about Glyph. You need to contact the intelligence terminal in Liara's office to find out the details.

For this we will be given +5 to the Hero.

Property location
Volus Ambassador

In his message, Primarch Victus suggests that Volus Ambassador Dil Kornak has become an informant for Cerberus. We need to check the primarch's assumption at the Embassy on the Citadel.

First, we go to the Spectra District Office and turn on the location of Kornak. The results will not reveal anything suspicious. After that, we approach the guard of the embassy (standing to the left of the elevator when exiting further than the crowd of people) and start talking to him. He says he will give access to the volus ambassador's room whenever Shepard wishes. We speak with him again and get into the room. Now we reproduce record No. 3 and find out that the ambassador has placed a bug in the office of the Embassies. We turn around 180 degrees and approach the locker. We find a bug.

We go to the Community of the Presidium and go to the Dwelling. We go around the door to the room. We hit the treasure hunters in the groin and then ask the ambassador: "Are you okay?". After that we say: "I want to save the colony."

As a reward, we are given +7 to the Hero and Credits.

Property location
Former Cerberus scientists

A group of gifted scientists have broken away from Cerberus and left their former master. We need to save the scientists on the planet Array before they are discovered by Cerberus.

We are flying into the Minos Wasteland (Top left of the center of the Milky Way). We fly to the Arrae system and enter the orbit of the planet Gellix. Landing. We clean the area from Stormtroopers and Centurion. Now we need to find the scientists themselves. They are to the left of the main entrance to the complex. They hid the one where they shot the Stormtroopers in the video. We speak with Jacob. Then Brynn opens the door to the complex for us and says that they worked for Cerberus, but then fled. We answer: "Did the right thing". Shepard says to evacuate, however Jacob says to turn on upstairs anti-aircraft guns, which are jammed by Cerberus. We go up the stairs to Brynn. On the way to Brynn, you can ask Dr. Archer about the complex itself. During a conversation with Brynn, we tell her: "Too much at stake".

We approach Jacob in the office a little further from the place where we just talked about the fact that Shepard himself is going to repair anti-aircraft guns, and Jacob will guide him. We talk to him. We leave the room and turn right. We go into the chamber, we reach the stairs and climb to the roof. We leave the window, destroying the Centurion, Phantom and Stormtroopers. We run to the control panel. We destroy the enemies that have flown up and use the control panel (Telemetry correction). Now the connection is working, but the anti-aircraft guns are not turned on so far. We return back, destroying the newly arrived enemies along the way.

We rise to the platform where the shuttle of enemies arrived. We destroy the entire crew, then the second shuttle arrives, we destroy everyone. We approach the control center. For better orientation, press [V]. We turn on the first gun without problems, and the second one needs to be repaired by one of the partners. We leave the partner and begin to protect him until he fixes the control of anti-aircraft weapons. After repairing, we approach the gun and turn it on. Both weapons will be ready for use. We return to Jacob and say: "Begin evacuation immediately". We send the first shuttle and a group of enemies suddenly attack. We destroy them and go down to Jacob on the launch pad. We destroy the opponents and the second shuttle takes off. There is one more left. We just need to hold positions and destroy enemy groups, which we will do. The third shuttle takes off and the evacuation ends. But immediately after him, Atlas appears from behind. We destroy him. Jacob flies up on a shuttle and we get into it. In the shuttle, Jacob says that he wants to stay with his squad. We answer: "I understand". However, in return, we ask Brynn for help in the battle with the Reapers. She agrees.

As a reward we get +15 to the Hero and 75 to overall strength troops.

Property location
Distress call

The asari high command has asked for help with a distress signal sent from one of the colonies. We need to go to Mesana and find out what happened.

We fly to Nimbus in the Mesana system and enter the orbit of the planet Lesuss. Landing.

On the shuttle, Liara will inform you that you need to destroy the kind of asari vampires that mate with a partner and hatch nervous system a partner from oneself, as a result of which biotic reserves are added, and this causes addiction. They can be destroyed with bombs. We answer: "Bombs are a last resort”.

We go in the door. We jump over and go down the stairs. We reach a dark room. If you go left, you can reach the Gallic Electronic Signature, which can be exchanged for one of the upgrades in Liara's cabin in Normandy. We leave the room and run to the opposite room. We study the body of the asari. It was the captain who fought the Reapers and did not finish the job - did not blow up the complex. You need to finish what you started. We answer: "I can't blame them for this.". Go ahead. We jump over a small barrier and go through the door. We run to the right and bypass the door.

On the right will lie the body of the asari. We study the PDA and get the task:

P.S.Azari Widow

You need to give a note to the wife of Veshra. You need to find your spouse on the Citadel and give her a note. We fly to the Citadel to the Presidium Community. Near the courtyard, on the stairs, there will be an Azari Widow. We talk to her.

As a reward we get +5 to the Hero.

We go to the door. We leave the park and go down. Banshee appears - destroy it. Next, we destroy the Cannibals and go into the room. Meet Falera. She asks to save her sister, who was taken to the main hall, in order, probably, to be turned into a Banshee. We answer her:We can try". We go to the door to the right. We destroy the enemies and reach the entrance to the next room. We destroy the enemies and go into the room and study the body of the asari. We go into the elevator and activate it. We reach the bomb and study it. We need to find a detonator, but our search is interrupted by a group of enemies led by a Banshee. We kill them. We approach the bomb and study again. Sister Farele wakes up and holds a detonator in her hand. Everyone runs away except for her. She detonates the bomb.

After we go outside, Farele yells at us and says that we promised to save her! We answer: "She decided to save you". She asks to be left on this planet. We ask: "That's for sure?She confirms.

On Normandy, an asari advisor contacts us and thanks us for preventing the spread of the Banshee.
As a reward we get Credits.

Property location
Citadel - visit in front of the Cerberus base

Elcor evacuation

The Elcor Ambassador to the Citadel is asking for help. We talk to him and answer: "I'll do what I can". He asks to urgently evacuate the fighters and civilians trapped on their home planet of Dekuun. We need to find survivors on Dekuun and rescue them, and then return to the elcor ambassador at the Embassy on the Citadel.

We fly to the Selian Nebula in the Fontes system and scan a place near the planet Dekuuna. We go into orbit of the planet. We launch the scanner and save the elcors from there. We inform the Elcor ambassador about the completion of the task.

As a reward we get +5 to the Hero.

Property location
Liara and Shepard...

In the Presidium Community on the Citadel, you can talk to Liara. If you answer her gently and with interest, then you can kiss her at the end, thereby starting an affair with her.

Property location
Garrus is the best shooter on the Citadel!

At the Normandy Dock on the Citadel, you can approach Garrus. At first he wanted to go to a bar and sit like a man, talk about life. But his idea has changed. He wants to take a shuttle ride. We take a shuttle and fly to the partition of one of the buildings of the Citadel. He wants to find out who is the best shooter. The first time both shooters will hit, but then you can decide: "[Miss intentionally]" or "[Hit the target]". If you miss, then Garrus's mood will rise and we will be given +2 to the Hero. And if we decide to remain the best shooter, then they will give us +2 to the Renegade and we will lower the motivation of Garrus.

Property location

Tasks N7

N7: Cerberus Lab

The Alliance found a new Cerberus lab on the Sanctuary. Examine it and neutralize the potential danger.

To complete the task, you need to go to the Galaxy Map on the Normandy ship and select "Sigurd's Cradle". We enter the system. Now we need to quickly fly to the “Decoris” cluster so that the Reapers do not catch up with us - a sort of mini-game. We fly to Decoris. There are three more planets, we need the one where the Cerberus laboratory is located. We're going into orbit. We land on the planet and recruit a detachment. After that, Hacket recalls the purpose of the task, and we leave the shuttle. So here we are in the lab.

You need to find and pick up the artifact of the Reapers. Turn right and enter the room. We go around the whole room and go up the stairs. And here are the Stormtroopers. We destroy them and the Centurion. We find the “containment system” and “bypass” it by pressing the [Space] next to the control system. The artifact now holds nothing back. He is a little to the right, but on the same table. We take it. We return to the shuttle. We are told the coordinates of another artifact. Another wave of enemies that appeared out of nowhere.

Now, mixed with Centurions and Stormtroopers, Cerberus combat Engineers attack us. They have a shield and are slightly stronger than Stormtroopers. We repeat the manipulations with the release of the artifact, we take it away, a new group of Stormtroopers lands. It's too hot on the court, so Cortez flew away. You need to fight off waves of enemies until the ship arrives. When he arrives, quickly jump on board.

Upon returning to Normandy, Hacket contacts us and thanks us for completing the task. As a reward, we receive funding from the Alliance
Property location
N7: Cerberus Abductions

Cerberus destroys civilians on Benning. We need to land there and protect the civilians while we evacuate.

We fly into the Arcturus Stream (Bottom of the center of the Milky Way) to the Euler system. We enter the orbit of the planet Benning and land.

We run to the civilians, killing Cerberus Stormtroopers and Centiruons on our way. Have new ones arrived? We kill! Cortez sends new coordinates to the civilians. We run and shoot enemies. Now you need to withstand a long wave of Cerberus attacks. After the destruction of all enemies, Cortez will report that he will pick us up on a shuttle. We run to the shuttle and sit in it. On our return to Normandy, Hackett congratulates us on a job well done.

Property location

N7: Cerberus Assault

Cerberus has taken over the old military base on Tuchanka. We need to land there and thwart Cerberus' plans, whatever they may be.

We fly to the Krogan DMZ and enter the orbit of the planet Tuchanka and land.

Now you need to get to the control panel, killing everyone along the way. Made! Activate the control panel. Suddenly the power goes out. It is necessary to restore the supply by manually turning on the power modules .. Along the way, we destroy everyone and everything. First, we repair one power module, having previously shot off the latch, and then another. We return to the control panel, destroying enemies in sight. We activate the control panel and bombard the declassified ship. We return to Normandy. Hacket thanks for the completed task.

As a reward we get +5 to the Hero and Credits.

Property location
N7: Cerberus Fighter Base

Hackett asked to deal with the fighter base on Noveria. We need to go there and disable the defense systems of the base.

We fly to the Horsehead Nebula and enter the orbit of the planet Noveria. Landing.

Now you need to find the command center. To begin with, we clean the area from enemies. We go down to the complex and find the security console. We leave the partner to turn off the security system. Now you need to protect your partner from the offensive forces of enemies. After destroying all the enemies, turn off the adjacent control console. Now we go to the landing site and clean up the enemies. After them, the Atlas appears - we destroy it. We sit down on the flying shuttle. Upon returning to Normandy, Hackett thanks for the excellent work.

As a reward we get +5 to the Hero and Credits.

Property location
N7: Fuel Reactors

Communication with one of the key storage facilities was interrupted, the Alliance fleet was left without fuel. You need to visit the repository and restore its work. The task is issued after the destruction of the Geth Dreadnought.

We fly to the Selian Nebula and enter the orbit of the planet Ziona. Landing.

We need to meet in Riley. She is to the right of the entrance. Let's get into it and talk. After that, a large box is moved away. We approach the crane and activate it. Click on the button on the right. Move the box to the right. Another one needs to be moved. To do this, click on the middle button, and then on the left. Now click on the middle button, and then on the right. The path has been cleared. Riley's group went to investigate the complex. We move further - deeper into the complex. We run to the console and blow through sector A1. We approach the control of the fuel rod and use it. Suddenly we are attacked by Huskies. We destroy them.

Now you need to close the depressurized tanks. Let's go and close them. Turn around and restart the reactor. We are being attacked by enemies. We destroy them and send help to Riley, who is in the minority. We send a partner to her. The Creature appears and more enemies. We destroy everyone and go to the console next to the second tank and start the last countdown. We return to the shuttle. On Normandy, Hackett thanks us for our help.

As a reward we get +5 to the Hero and Credits.

Property location
N7: Communication Center

Cerberus attacked the communications center on Ontaroma. We need to land there and prevent Cerberus from capturing important objects.

We fly to the Keplerian limit (Slightly to the right of the center of the Milky Way). We enter the orbit of the planet Ontarom and land.

We land near the complex and begin to destroy the enemies. Kill the enemies and go up the stairs. We reach the sabotage device of Cerberus and turn it off. A new batch of enemies appears. We destroy them and disable the second Cerberus sabotage device. We contact Grace Sato. She will report that she cannot speak. We tell her: We need you". We destroy the fighters that appeared in the complex through the window opening. We go into the complex and turn off the next Cerberus sabotage device. Cortez reveals that he cleared the area and picked up Ms. Sato. We return to Normandy, and Hacket congratulates us on our mission.

Property location

Grissom Academy
Traynor is worried about something, we approach her. She reveals that the Grissom Academy is asking for help because the Reapers want to visit them. We answer: " I would like to help them". Trainor reports that someone has tampered with the signal and sends word that they are doing well and there is a complete evacuation, but it's a fake! We answer: " Worth checking out

We fly to the Petra Nebula and enter the orbit of the Grissom Academy. We land on the shuttle and go through the door. We destroy Stormtroopers and study the half-open door. Meet Cali Sanders there. We talk with her and in the process of dialogue we answer: “ It's dangerous for students". We go to the opened door. We run to the cadet, who put the block to the Stormtroopers. We destroy the Stormtroopers and talk with the Cadets. We get +5 to the Hero and jump over the fence. We reach a group of enemies and destroy them. We go to the door on the right. And we run to Sean Bellarmine. We talk to her. We get + 5 to the Hero and run to the door opposite. We reach the cadets. Atlas appears. Let's destroy it. We talk with the cadets and say: “ I will help you". We answer the cadet: “ That's the way it should be”.

Now you need to find the Cerberus laptop. She's at the same level where we stand. After we found the laptop, we activate it. We rise into the room with the cadets and activate the manual control of the door. We get down and go to the door. We go around her. We answer the cadets: Don't risk". We answer the girl: you can handle it". We go out to the shuttles and destroy all enemies. We go in the door and reach the barrier of two people. We destroy two Stormtroopers and we speak with Octavia. Contacting Kali Sanders.

We enter the next door and study the console. We are given the task:

Biotic interfaces

We need to find someone on the Citadel who can benefit from blueprints for improved interfaces. We fly to the Citadel and go to the Guerte hospital. There it will be possible to give interfaces to Azari.

As a reward we get +5 to the Hero, Credits and support.

We leave through the next door and find an empty Atlas. We kill the engineer nearby and sit down in the Atlas. Climb up the stairs and start shooting enemies. After the shuttles are ready, exit the Atlas with [X] and go to the shuttle. On the shuttle we answer Sali Kanders: " Keep them out of danger".

As a reward we get Credits.

Property location Aria

Encounter with Aria T'Loak

Slightly to the right of the inductor sits Aria T'Loak. We start talking to her. She complains to Cerberus that they used her for their own purposes. We say: “ But you are alive". Aria made us an offer and we just need to finish the job, then we will get an army. We answer: " Whatever it takes". As a result, we get three tasks for Aria.
Property location
Aria: Blue Luminaries

We approach Darner Wax in the Docks. He says that someone needs to be eliminated, who is very hindering Darner. We answer: " I won't kill anyone for you". Aria contacts us and says that there is no need to kill anyone, General Orak needs only to be convinced not to interfere with Wax. We answer: " One hell". We go down to the courtyard in the Presidium Community. We speak with Oraka. Oraka wants to destroy the Blue Suns, but he needs weapons to do so. We answer: " Give it up". He refuses. We say: “ [Send Oraka to Death]". As a result, we get +5 to the Renegade and the support of the Blue Suns faction.

Aria: "Bloody Pack"

We go into Narl's room in the Dwelling. Narl says that the leader of the Bloody Age is coming, you need to play a scene, as Narl took Shepard hostage. We answer: " I will have to rely on you". Enter Crete and his right hand. After a short dialogue, we kill Crete, but not his right hand. He is an agent of Aria. Narle says he will tell Aria that everything went well. As a result, we are given 5000 credits, +7 to the Hero and support.

Aria: "Eclipse"

We go to Bailey's office, the one in the embassy. During the conversation, we say Bailey: “ Can you hang out with her?". We go to Sederis in the Presidium Community at the Outpost. We speak with the assistant of Cerberus. It links us to Sederis. During the dialogue, she speaks inadequately. We answer: " Don't threaten me". We contact Bailey and he asks if he was right about her inadequacy. We answer him: I will find another solution". Now we're going to the Docks. We go to cargo compartment A to Sein. In the process of dialogue, we say to him: “ You don't need Sederis". We get +2 to the Hero and go to the exit. Bailey contacts us and we receive 5000 credits and support.

100% star systems survey

[Void Shrike Survey 100%]

In the Abyss of the Shrike, we examine the area just below and to the right of the central star. There you can find fuel reserves.

In the Abyss of the Shrike, we examine the area near the planet Zada ​​Ban. We enter the orbit of the planet and launch the scanner. We find Credits there.

In the Shrike Abyss in the Urla Rast system, we scan the area just above and to the right of the center of the star. There you can find fuel reserves.

[Selian Nebula Survey 100%]

In the Selian Nebula, we scan the area near the planet Hanalei. We enter the orbit of the planet and launch the scanner. We find support there.

In the Celian Nebula in the Loropi system, we scan the place on the right just above the central star of the system. We find fuel reserves. We also scan a place near the planet Yasilium and enter the orbit of the planet. We launch the scanner and find support there.

In the Selian Nebula in the Nahuala system, we scan a place near the planet Gietiana. We enter its orbit and launch the scanner. We find support there. We also scan the area to the left and below the central star of the system. We find fuel reserves there.

In the Selian Nebula in the Fontes system, we scan a place near the planet Oltan. We enter its orbit and launch the scanner. We find support there. We also examine the area to the right of the central star of the system. We find fuel reserves there.

In the Selian Nebula in the Teiolia system, we scan a place near the planet Querence and enter the orbit of the planet. We launch the scanner and find Credits there. We also scan the area to the right of the central star of the system and find fuel reserves there.

[100% Eton Cluster Survey]

In the Eton Cluster, scan the area to the upper left of the central star of the Eton Cluster. We find fuel reserves there. We also examine a place near the planet Cherk Sab and go into orbit. We launch the scanner and find support there.

In the Eton Cluster in the Satu Arrd system, we scan a place near the planet Nalisin and enter its orbit and launch the scanner. We find support there. We also scan the area a little to the left and below the central star of the system. There you can find fuel reserves.

Fuel reserves can be found in the Eton Cluster in the Esori system to the right of the central star of the system. We also scan a place near the planet Solu Paolis. We go into orbit and launch the scanner. We find support there.

In the Eton Cluster in the Nura system, we scan a place near the planet Oma Ker and enter the orbit of the planet. We launch the scanner and find the Volus intelligence archives there. Also, from above, slightly to the right of the central star of the system, we scan the area. There you can find fuel reserves.

[Survey Athena Nebula 100%]

We scan a place near the planet Tevura in the Athena Nebula. We go into orbit and launch the scanner. We find support there.

In the Athena Nebula, we fly to the Ialess system and scan a place near the planet Trikalon and enter its orbit. We launch the scanner and find support there.

To the right of the star in the Ialess system, we scan the area and find fuel reserves there.

In the Athena Nebula, we fly to the Orisoni system and scan a place near the planet Egalik. We enter the orbit of the planet and launch the scanner. We find support there.

Slightly to the right and below the star in the center of the Orisoni system, we scan the area and find fuel reserves there.

In the Athena Nebula, we fly to the Tomaros system and explore the area near the planet Pronoia. We enter its orbit and launch the scanner. We find support there.

In the same Tomaros system, below and to the left of the central star, we examine the area and find fuel reserves there.

In the Vernio system, we examine the territory to the right and above the central star. There you can find fuel reserves.

[Surveying the Hades Center at 100%]

We examine the area near the planet Asteria in the Center of Hades. We launch the scanner and find military support there.
Fuel reserves can also be found to the right of the center of the star in the Center of Hades.

In the Hades Center in the Memory system, we scan a place near the planet Dobrovolski and enter its orbit. We scan the planet and find military support.

Below, slightly to the right of the star in the Memory system, you can find fuel reserves.

To the left and just below the star in the Kopis system, fuel reserves can be found.

[Nimbus Examination 100%]

We fly to the Nimbus and scan the area to the right of the central star of the Nimbus. There will be fuel supplies. Also to the left and just below the central star of the Nimbus there will be fuel reserves.

We fly to the Nimbus and scan a place near the planet Trategos and enter the orbit of the planet. We launch the scanner and find the schemes of the Reapers' weapons.

In Nimbus in the Callini system, we examine the area below the central star of the system. We find fuel reserves there.

[Examination of the Apian Cross at 100%]

On Castell you can scan well and discover the remains of a fuel depot. This will replenish our fuel supply, and the system will be 100% inspected.

We go into the Gemmei system and examine the [Right mouse button] area near the planet. One place - the collapse of the fuel base. Another place is the planet Feiros. We launch the scanner on it and find the loss, it is not known which one. Third place - the collapse of the fuel base.

[Exploring the Kite's Nest at 100%]

In the Kite's Nest, we scan a place near the planet Verush and enter orbit. We launch the scanner and find a set of weapon upgrades there. We also examine the place a little higher and a little to the right of the central star of the Kite's Nest and find fuel reserves there.

In the Kite's Nest in the Untrel system, we scan a place near the planet Adek. We enter the orbit of the planet and launch the scanner. We find Credits there. We also scan the area just above and slightly to the left of the central star of the system. There you can find fuel reserves.

[Valhalla Threshold Survey 100%]

We enter the Threshold of Valhalla and scan the place on the upper right. There will be fuel supplies.

In Paz, we examine the area just below and to the right of the big star. There will be fuel supplies.

We fly to Mika and scan a place near the planet Eloi. We go into orbit and launch the scanner and find spare fuel tanks.

Let's examine Miki's system also just below and to the right of its center. There will be fuel supplies.

There is one more place that you can explore, you need to scan the place on the right and just above the center of Mika. There will be an asteroid Farlas. We launch the scanner and find the zero dimension converter on the asteroid.

[Survey Krogan DMZ at 100%]

In the Krogan DMZ in the Nith system, we examine the area slightly to the right and above the central star of the system. There will be fuel supplies.

In the Krogan DMZ in the Dranek system, we explore a place slightly to the right and below the central star. There you can find fuel reserves.

[Exodus Cluster Survey 100%]

In the Exodus Cluster, we scan a place near the planet Zion and enter the orbit of the planet. We launch the scanner and find support there. We also scan the area a little to the right and just below the central star of the Exodus Cluster. There you can find fuel reserves.

In the Exodus Cluster in the Asgard system, we scan a place near the planet Tyr. We enter its orbit and launch the scanner. We find support there. We also scan a place near the planet Borr and enter the orbit of the planet. We launch the scanner and find the wreckage of the Reaper Destroyer there.

In the same Asgard system, we scan the area to the upper left of the central star of the system. There you can find fuel reserves.

In the Asgard system, we scan a place near the planet Terra Nova and enter its orbit. We launch the scanner and find support there.

In the Asgard system, we scan a place near the planet Loki and enter its orbit. We launch the scanner and find support there.

[Inspection Nebula Clock at 100%]

In the Clock Nebula, we scan a place near the planet Erinle and enter the orbit of the planet. We launch the scanner and find Credits there.

In the same Clock Nebula, we scan the area a little to the right and just below the central star of the Clock Nebula. There you can find fuel reserves.

In the Clock Nebula in the Ploitari system, we scan a place near the planet Zanetu and enter the orbit of the planet. We launch the scanner and find support there.

In the Clock Nebula in the Sovilo system, we scan a place near the planet Hagalaz and enter the orbit of the planet. We launch the scanner and find support there. We also scan the area above from the central star of the system. There you can find fuel reserves.

In the Clock Nebula in the Fariar system, we scan a place near the planet Alingon and go out of the orbit of the planet. We launch the scanner and find support there. We also scan the area above the central star of the system. There you can find fuel reserves.

[Survey Arcturus Threshold 100%]

In the Threshold of Arcturus, we scan a place near the station Arcturus and enter orbit. We find there data on the battle for Arcturus. We also scan the place a little to the right and above the central star Arcturus Threshold. There you can find fuel reserves.

In the Threshold of Arcturus in the Euler system, we scan the area to the left of the central star of the system. There you can find fuel reserves.

[Examination of Sigurda's Cradle at 100%]

In the Cradle of Sigurd, we scan a place near the planet Watson and enter the orbit of the planet. We launch the scanner and find support there. We also scan the area to the upper right of the central star of the Cradle of Sigurda. There you can find fuel reserves.

In the Cradle of Sigurd in the Decoris system, we scan a place near the planet Laena and enter its orbit. We launch the scanner and find Credits there. We also scan the area below the central star of the system. There you can find fuel reserves.

[Nubian Expanse Survey 100%]

In the Nubian expanse, we scan a place near the planet Pragia and enter its orbit. We launch the scanner and find research data from Pragia there. We also scan the area on the right just below the central star of the Nubian expanse. There you can find fuel reserves.

In the Nubian expanse in the Kalabsha system, we scan a place near the planet Yamm and enter the orbit of the planet. We launch the scanner and find support there. We also scan the area just above and to the right of the central star of the system. There you can find fuel reserves.

In the Nubian expanse in the Kertassi system, we scan a place near the planet Noresa and enter its orbit. We launch the scanner and find support there. We also scan the area to the right of the central star of the system. There you can find fuel reserves.

[Survey Beta Attica 100%]

In Beta Attica, we scan a place near the planet Eletania and enter its orbit. We launch the scanner and find support there. We also scan the area below and slightly to the right of the central star of Beta Attica. There you can find fuel reserves.

In Beta Attica in the Theseus system, we scan a place near the planet Feros and enter the orbit of the planet. We launch the scanner and find support there. Also, to the right above the central star of the Theseus system, we scan the area. There you can find fuel reserves.

[Survey Rho Argos 100%]

In Rho Argos, we scan the area a little to the right and below the central star of Rho Argos. There you can find fuel reserves. We also scan the area near the planet Kanrum and enter its orbit. We launch the scanner and find support there.

In Rho Argos in the Phoenix system, we scan a place near the “Top” station and enter its orbit. We launch the scanner and find support there. We also scan the area above and slightly to the left of the central star of the system. There you can find fuel reserves.

In Rho Argos in the Gorgon system, we scan a place near the planet Camaron and enter the orbit of the planet. We launch the scanner and find support there.

[Examination of Sigma Gemini at 100%]

In Gemini Sigma, we scan a place near the planet Mavigon and enter the orbit of the planet. We launch the scanner and find Credits there. We also scan the place to the right of the central star Sigma Gemini. There you can find fuel reserves.

In Sigma Gemini in the Ming system, we scan a place near the planet Parag and enter the orbit of the planet. We launch the scanner and find support there. We also scan the area a little to the right and just below the central star of the system. There you can find fuel reserves.

[Examination of Gamma Hades at 100%]

In Gamma Aida, we scan a place near the planet Trebin and enter the orbit of the planet. We launch the scanner and find Credits there. We also scan the area to the right of the central star of Gamma Hades. There you can find fuel reserves.

In Gamma Hades in the Plutos system, we scan a place near the planet Nonuel and enter the orbit of the planet. We launch the scanner and find support there.

In Gamma Hades in the Dis system, we scan the area just to the right of the central star of the system. There you can find fuel reserves. We also scan a place near the planet Klensal and enter the orbit of the planet. We launch the scanner and find Credits there.

In Gamma Aida in the Farinat system, we scan a place near the planet of Yunthauma and enter the orbit of the planet. We launch the scanner and find support there. We also scan the area slightly above and slightly to the right of the central star of the system. There you can find fuel reserves.

In Gamma Aida in the Kakus system, we scan a place near the planet Chohe and enter the orbit of the planet. We launch the scanner and find Credits there. We also scan the area on the left just above the central star of the system.

[Survey Minos Wastes 100%]

We examine Fortis near the planet Pietas and find two places: Planet Pietas, where you can use the scanner to find Credits and the collapse of the fuel base.

Ending in Mass Effect 3. What is she? Should we expect a different ending of the game? I will answer these questions in this topic, I will try to answer briefly, but informatively. In the near future, a large number of articles on various topics on the game Mass Effect 3 will be published. These will be the passage of missions, a description of the game, impressions and much, much more.

Endings in Mass Effect 3

There are only 3 endings in Mass Effect 3 - and endings, all three endings end with the death of our main character - Shepard. Why does everything happen like this? And it all happens because the developers of the game said from the very beginning that the story of Shepard would end in the third part of the ME game. Why in this part, and why will it end. The thing is that a lot of events have already happened in the galaxy, where the main actor was our favorite hero. We have already managed to save the galaxy from the geth by defending many worlds and pushing them back to the border. And they managed to either save the council, or save our comrades, leaving the council to die, so I did. In the game, we managed to get a lot of information about the attack of the reapers on our galaxy.

And in the final part of Shepard's story, that's right, it was the hero, not the game itself, that we managed to save everyone, but at the same time we sacrificed ourselves.

There are three Mass Effect 3 endings. By the way, it may or may not be a coincidence, but the number of endings is number 3, which reflects all three parts of the game. Each ending has its own community name, red, green, and blue. In one case, we destroy all the reapers and save the world, for this you need to go right in the game and destroy the battery. In the other ending, we expose our body to ionization by jumping into a beam of energy. In this ending, people and robots will merge into one, the machines become more alive, and people become robotic, there is a kind of merger. For this ending, you need to go straight ahead. And there is also a third ending, in which we are split into tiny particles, but we can control the army of reapers. In my opinion, it is in this case that at least a piece of the mind of our hero Shepard remains. But in all the videos about the end of the game, our team manages to escape from the destructive rays and as a result they end up on an uninhabited planet in all three cases. I would also like to add that in any ending all relays explode, allowing you to travel between worlds. And, in the end, only in one ending, the central one, in the videos among the wreckage, we are shown the broken armor of the captain, which moves from a possible breath coming from the expansion of the lungs of a biological being.

I didn’t like the ending because I would like to see the continuation of the story, where I thought I would live on Tali’s home planet, but in the end my hero died anyway. Players are already collecting petitions against these endings and demand that the developers re-finish the beloved Mass Effect 3 game. But in response to these demands, BioWare's campaign director said that new ending will not wait and it is pointless, however, all wishes for the development of a new part of the game will be accepted, which has not yet been announced, but will definitely be in a couple of years. I advise you to still go through the game 3 times and feel all three Mass Effect 3 endings. Personally, I'm going to do it two more times because I've already beaten the game once.

In March, namely on March 21 and 23, Mass Effect: Andromeda is released, where the events take place 600 years after the events of ME3. This suggests that regardless of whether Shepard survived or not, we will not see him again in this wonderful game. We have a new story new hero and new friends who will help us defend the right to life in the colony in Mass Effect 2017. We are waiting and hoping for a new exciting story and gameplay.

How will the endings from Mass Effect 3 affect the gameplay of Andromeda?

There is no exact information, but we can assume that before the start of the game we will be given the opportunity to recreate our picture of events, as it was in dragon age in the form of a mosaic, which at least partially, but influenced our events in the game. We hope that Shepard will be mentioned in the game and we will hear about our favorite again game hero, Captain Shepard, who died in the third part of the game.

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