Didactic games for the senior group with goals. Didactic games for the older group of kindergarten. Didactic game "Collect the Skeleton of Man"

Larisa Malysheva
Card file of didactic games and exercises in the senior group: "Fundamentals of the initial certificate"

Did. Game "Shop"

Purpose: continue to teach children to determine the first sound of the word.

Stroke: Educator - Seller, Children - Buyers. The seller releases the goods if the buyer correctly calls the first sound in the Word, which indicates the necessary item.

Did. Game "Sound Lotto"

Purpose: Teach children find a word with the desired sound from a given word.

The move: Lotto cards with pictures and small empty cards are distributed. The lead calls the sound and asks the players: "Who has a word with sound ....? It is not necessary that this sound is at the beginning of the word, it can stand at the end, and in the middle. " Children answer and close a picture with a properly found sound card.

Did. Game "Finish the word"

The move: children stand in a circle. Pedagogue with a ball in the center: "Children, now you will end the word I started. I'll throw the ball with any of you and call the beginning of the word, and you have to throw me the ball back and say his end (Ko, chapter).

Did. Game "Guess the Word"

Purpose: develop the ability of children to divide words to syllables.

The move: the teacher offers children to guess the words, while retries 2 times. Children pick up words with a given number of syllables. For the correct answer, the child gets a chip.

Did. Game "Journey to the Country Sounds"

1 option

Purpose: develop a phonmematic hearing.

The move: the lead selects 3 signs with letters that insert into the slots of wagons, and 9 pictures with animal images, explaining to children: "The train arrived for animals and birds. It has 3 cars, each animal can go only in a certain car. In the first car, animals will go in the title of which there is sound [t], etc. Settings can be changed.

Option 2

Purpose: Continue to teach children to conduct sound analysis of the word, develop a phonmematic hearing.

The move: the presenter inserts plates with circles in the rosters in the wagons (3, 4.5). Tells children pictures and offers to select passengers, focusing on the number of sounds in the word. Children in turn clearly called the animal, highlighting each sound, consider sounds and put pictures on the window of the corresponding car.

3 option

Purpose: Continue to teach children to divide the words on the syllables.

The move: in the slots of the wagons are inserted plates with one, two, three rectangles. In the first car, animals must go, the names of which consist of one syllable, in the second car animals, whose names consist of two syllables and so on.

4 option

Purpose: to develop a phonmematic rumor of children, to learn to determine the position of the specified sound in words.

The move: the master inserts in the slots of the wagons with the letters "K" at the beginning, middle and in the end of the word and himself decides in one picture into each car, pronouncing the word with the simultaneous movement of the finger on the wagon plate, highlighting the desired sound at the beginning, middle or end the words. Children searched in the wagons of animals and birds according to the lead.

Did. Game "Bus"

The move: children are sitting on the chairs, the teacher gives them toys (pictures). Rides a big car. Children must put such toys into it, in the title of which there is a studied sound. If toys are collected incorrectly, the bus does not touch off the place.

Did. Game "Gate"

The move: the tutor calls the sounds, if this consonant sound is hands on the table together (there is an obstacle). If a vowel sound - children put hands on elbows (no barrier).

Did. The game "Raise the desired card"

The course: the teacher says the sound, and the children on the rumor determine the vowelny sound or consonant (solid, soft). Children raise the color card, what the sound indicates.

Did. "Words - Friends" game

Purpose: Teach children to pick up the words close to sound.

The move: the tutor leads an example of a similar sound of words (a cat is a spoon). He then utters one word and invites children to pick up other words for him, close on the sound (gun - toy, drying, frog and others).

Did. Game "Sound Watches"

Purpose: Teach children measure the length of words.

The move: the teacher, setting the arrow in front of the picture, offers to determine the number of syllables in the word.

Did. Game "Find a common sound"

Purpose: Develop a phonmematic rumor of children.

The move: the tutor offers children to see the pictures to determine the same sound found in all these words.

Did. Game "Call Sound"

Purpose: Develop a phonmematic rumor of children.

The move: the teacher calls various words with the intonation allocation of one sound. A child who caught the ball calls a highlighted sound and throws the ball to the tutor.

Did. Game "Remember the word starting from the vowel (consonant) sound"

Purpose: Exercise children in distinguishing vowels and consonant sounds.

The move: children are divided into 2 groups, call words from a given sound. The teacher lays counting material. Wins the group of children who will have more chips.

Did. Game "Flowers - Petals"

Objective: Teach children distinguish vowels and consonant sounds.

Turn: The tutor calls the sound. Children raise the flower of the desired color (blue, green or red).

Did. The game "Third Extra"

Purpose: Continue to teach children to determine the first sound in the word, distinguish between solid and soft consonant sounds.

The move: the teacher lay out the card on which 3 items are depicted. Children define the first sound in each word. Find differences (hay, fat, catfish).

Did. Game "Find a mistake"

Purpose: continue to teach children to spend sound analysis of words, teach group words starting with the same sound.

The move: the teacher offers to look at the card on which 3 items are depicted. Children define the first sound in each word. Among 3 items are excess, starting from another sound (Som, Owl, hand).

Did. The game "Brothers - Acrobats"

Purpose: Teach children distinguish hard and soft consonants.

The move: the educator calls a solid consonant sound, while throws the ball to the child. I caught the ball, the child calls a soft consonant sound and throw a ball tutor.

Did. Game "Name words"

Purpose: Continue to teach children to call words with a given sound.

Stroke: The tutor offers children to call words with a certain sound. For each correct answer, children get chips.

Did. The game "Who will come up with the end, will be well done."

Purpose: develop speech attention and speech rumor children.

Stroke: The educator invites children to finish the phrase.

The sun shines very brightly,

Hippo has become (hot).

Suddenly the sky tightened,

From the clouds of Lightning (sparkled).

I wonder this morning

Washed from under (crane).

Our older sister

Knit from the same (in the morning).

We are a couple with Tamara,

Sanitars We are with (Tamara).

I do not run to the doctor,

I myself (fly).

We did not eat, we did not drink,

Baby Snezhny (Lepii).

Like our daughter

Pink (cheeks).

The sun shines very brightly,

Hippo has become (hot).

And near Behemotiki

Crasted for (tumors).

And the elephant is all trembling,

So sat on (hedgehog).

Did. Game "Name the last sound of the word"

Purpose: Develop a phonmematic rumor of children.

The move: the tutor in turn causes children, shows pictures. The called the child calls the item, highlighting the last sound and pronounces it isolated (Sharrr - sound [P]).

Did. game "Find a couple"

Purpose: Develop a phonmematic rumor of children.

Street: The tutor gives each child gives one substitution, the rest puts on the table. By the signal: "Find a couple" children find an object, the name of which begins with the same sound as they (bag - the sun)

Did. Game "Find house 1"

Objective: Teach children distinguish vowels and consonant sounds.

Structure: The tutor has a substantive picture with animals. According to the tutor signal: "Find your house" every child puts its picture into a house of a certain color. If the first sound is solid consonant, then the picture puts into a blue sound, a soft consonant - a green house, a vowel sound - a red house.

Didactic games are an effective tool in training and education of children of preschool age.

The main feature of the didactic games is determined by their name: these are educational games.

These games contribute to the development cognitive activity, Intellectual operations, which are the basis of training. For the didactic games, the task of an educational character is characterized by a training task.

The child attracts in the game is not a training task that is laid in it, and the ability to express active, execute gaming actions, achieve the result, win. However, if the participant of the game does not master knowledge, mental operations that are defined by the learning task, it will not be able to successfully perform playing actions, achieve results.

Thus, an active part in the more than the winnings in the didactic game depends on how much the child has mastered the knowledge and skills that are dictated by the learning task. It encourages the child to be attentive, memorizing, compare, classifying, clarifying their knowledge. So, the didactic game will help him learn to learn in a light and relaxed form.

Didactic games, exercises for the formation of grammatically correct speech of children developed by me for children of senior and preparatory age combined into three groups:

  • to enrich the grammatical system;
  • to work on the proposal;
  • for word formation

Didactic exercises and games in the senior group

Exercises on the grammatical system of speech in combination with retelling

« Brave Yozh »

Purpose:to fix in children the ability to retell the text in their own words, coordinate nouns with adjectives.

Visual material:magnetic theater figures, subject pictures depicting forest inhabitants.


Wind fir trees noise

Hedgehog our home in a hurry,

And to meet him the wolf,

On hedgehog teeth - shoe!

Yozh Igelki showed

The wolf ran away with fear.

Questions to the text:

  • Where did the hedgehog hurry?
  • Who he met in the forest?
  • Why did the wolf ran away from hedgehog?

The educator asks the guys to retell the content of the text in their own words, from the subject pictures to select those on which depicted characters, and answer correctly:

In the forest lives evil (who?) Wolf.

In the forest lives a lot of evil (whom?) Wolves.

At night in the forest, the evil (who?) Wolves.

Grandma told a fairy tale about evil (about com?) Wolf.

« Bunny and rain »

Purpose:secure the ability to retell the text in your own words; Properly use nouns multiple and sole numbers in the articulated case.

Visual material:desktop or magnetic theater.


Sits bunny on the clearing,

Heats in the sun (forest, glada, bunny, sun).

But here climbed,

Cloud closed and closed the sun by cloud). Bunny hid in the bushes. Under the bush dry, the fur coat will not wet at the hare.

Questions for children:

  • Where was the bunny?
  • Why did the bunny hide under the bush?

The educator asks the guys to retell the text in their own words.

« Summer »

Purpose:secure the ability to retell the text; use in speech verbs denoting opposite actions; learn to form the verbs of the first person from the verbs of a third party (by analogy); Secure correctly using nouns in indirect cases with a pretext.


Tanya and Olya walked around the meadow. They collected flowers, the wreaths of spill. And near the river flowed. Tanya ran and Olya to the river. The water in it is clean, warm. Well, how do you not swim! Now they will undress and swim.

Questions for children:

  • What did girls do in the meadow?
  • Where did Tanya and Olya ran?

The educator asks the guys to make retelling close to the text; Match out opposite actions (according to demonstrated actions):

Tanya dresses. - Olya undresses.

Tanya is extinguished. - Olya is joined.

Tanya tying. - Olya unleashes.

The children then call actions by analogy:

Olya bathes, and I bathe.

Olya dresses, and I dress.

Olya washed, and I wash.

The teacher asks them to say right:

Children went to swim (where?) On the river.

Children bathe (where?) In the river.

Children sing (what?) River.

Boats float (where?) On the river.

Work with a proposal

Didactic game "Accidental"

Purpose:teach children to draw up complex offers, use the Union because.

Stroke Game

The text of the fairy tale A.Rebakova "About because and why":

Could have been because and why? They see they - the log.

Why is it rolling? - asked why.

It rolls because it is round, - answered because.

Why don't we do something round? - asked why.

Became then why and therefore strict, sawing, and it turned out they had a round wheel. They sat down and rolled down the ground. They roll and see: a bird flies.

Why is she flying? - asked why.

The bird flies because she has a wing, "replied because.

Made then because why wings, and turned out to have a plane. And they flew to surprise further.

Here, guys, because everything is done in the world, that there is why.

Questions for children:

  • What questions asked why?
  • How did you answer because?

Children make proposals on issues:

  • Why did the doctor come?
  • Why do people take umbrellas?
  • Why do birds fly away?
  • Why in winter it is impossible to swim?
  • why don't the fur coat wear in the summer?
  • Why do you wear mittens?

Didactic exercise "About Mishutku"

Purpose: Use in speech verbs with consoles on demonstrated actions.

Visual material: Desktop Theater - House, Forest, Mishutka.


Now we will come up with a fairy tale about Mishutka. I will start this fairy tale, and you will help. "He lived was Mishutka in the forest. Once he walked through the forest and saw a house on the clearing. Mishutka to the house (what did you get?) It came up .. Mishautka around the house (what did you do?) I went around. And then in the house (what did you do?) I went. He found honey there. And then he from the house (what did it?) Came out. From the porch (what did you do?) I went. Through the clearing (what did you do?) I went around and went home. And now we ourselves will draw up a fairy tale about Mishutka. Tale telling expressive.

Didactic exercise "What do children do?"

Purpose:enter the verbs with consoles into speech.

Visual material: Paired plot pictures.

Questions for children:

  • What does the boy do? (Draws.)
  • What did the boy do? (Drawn.)

Vouches of verbs: Lepit - blinded, washes - washed, sang - I sang, playing - played, walked - walked.

Word formation

Didactic exercise "Athletes"

Purpose:teach children to form nouns with suffixes.

Visual material:pictures depicting athletes.

The educator begins to offer, and children finish.

Athlete who goes on skis - ... (skier).

An athlete who goes on skis - ... (skier).

Jumps into the water ... (jumper, jumping).

Vocabulary:runner - Runcher, Gymnast - Gymnast, Swimmer - Plovcih.

Didactic exercise "Who serves in our army"

Purpose: Teach children word formation with suffixes.

Visual material: Pictures depicting warriors of different kinds of troops.


Chick - Ist.

rocket tanker

mortar communication

pilot artillerist


Didactic exercise "Complex words"

Purpose:teach children to form complex words with a fusion of two bases.

Visual material:pictures.


fish catches ... (fisherman),

the bees breed ... (beekeeper),

self flies ... (plane),

forest rubs ... (lumberjack).

Word formation

Didactic game "Who has what mom"

Purpose:Teach children to form nouns with the help of suffixes (- IC, - them, - OK).

Visual material:pictures depicting animals.


lioness Bone Calf (cow)

tigress of deer lamb (sheep)

lisa Hedgehog Foal (horse)

piggy Wolf (Pig)

bear Chicken (Chicken)


Didactic game "Name profession"

Purpose:teach children to form nouns with the help of suffixes - Poker, - Tel, - East.

watchmaker Builder Pianist

craneman teacher bulldozer

mason tractor driver


Didactic exercise "call the car with one name"

Purpose:Exercise children in the formation of complex words.

Game traffic:

The educator tells children: "A car that cleans potatoes, - potato".

Vocabulary:coffee maker, coffee grinder, vegetable cutter, juicer, vacuum cleaner, field, slope.

Didactic exercises "Tell in one word"

Vocabulary:a long ear - a long-born, short tail - short-time, long horns - a long-legged, red-haired tail - redhead, loves work - hardworking, walks fast - fast. Etc.

Didactic exercise "Tell me what they do"

Purpose:Teach children to form words by explanation.

Game traffic:

The educator asks children:

  • Who grows bread? (Harbor.)
  • Who grows grapes? (Grapeters.)
  • Who grows tea? (Tea.)
  • Who grows beets? (Becklovodes.)
  • Who grows cotton? (Clamping.)

Exercises in text retelling

Didactic exercise "Winter"

Purpose:Teach children retell text, spreading every simple proposal already familiar words - adjectives. Learn to pick adjectives to words snow, beasts, trees, winter, skates. Continue to teach children to form learning children to form single-handed words ( bear, Lisa, Squirrel, Hare). Select epithets to words:

What kind of snow? - White, soft, fluffy, lightweight ...

What skates? - Iron, sharp, shiny, children's ...


Winter came. The circle is snow. Trees are naked. The beasts were in the holes. Children are happy to winter. They ski and skates.

Questions to the text:

  • What time of year comes?
  • What lies on earth?
  • Where did the beasts hide?

Didactic exercise "Buncher"

Purpose:Teach children retell the first person text.


Sasha decided to make a birdhouse. He took socks, saw, wrought apartments. Of them, the birdhouse was busty. The dowel hung on a tree. Let the Skvorts have a good house.

The task:retell the first person text; Remember who, where he lives (a squorter in a birdhouse, Fox in Nore, Bear in Berorga, etc.).

Story K. Ushinsky "Four Desires"

Purpose:keep learning children to form adjective comparative degree.

Game traffic:

The educator tells children:

Every time of the year, the boy seemed better than the previous one. Summer was good, and autumn is better. Now we will compare. Spring is warm, and summer is warmer or very warm. The grass is green. Late autumn Sun. cold, and in winter cold or more cold.

Cheerful - more fun - more cheerful.

High - above - very high.

Slender - slimmer - more slender.

Easy - easier - very light.

Communion in speech

Didactic exercise "Come up with the proposal"

Game traffic:

The educator shows the children a picture on which green pine is depicted, and suggests proposals on the following phrases:

young pine (on the edge of the forest grew a young pine); High young pine (have a high young pine beautiful long needles); To the green pine (the guys came to the green pine); green pine (they admired green pine); About greening pine (the teacher read the poem about the green pine).

The game is carried out only after all the children realized the meaning of grammatical forms forming the sacrament.

Didactic exercise "Japling hares"

Game traffic:

The educator says to children that Nina has a very interesting toy - jumping hares, and offers on the basis of these phrases to make proposals for this toy.

Jumping hares (Nina has bouncing hares).

At jumping Zaitsev (bouncing Zaitsev has a soft wool).

Bouncing hares (Nina brings carrots to jumping hares).

With jumping hares (Nina often plays with his bouncing hares).

About jumping hares (she always cares about jumping hares).

Drawing up proposals

Didactic exercise "Tell me differently"

Purpose:exercise children in the expression of the same thoughts with different syntactic structures.

Game traffic:

The educator calls the children a proposal, for example: "In the forest we saw the blooming cherry," and suggests to say differently. Possible answers of children:

In the forest we saw the baby who bloomed.

In the forest we saw the blooming cherry.

To cause interest in children, the sentences can be used in sentences denoting the name of animals that the children see in the forest or zoo.

In the forest, we saw a squirrel jumping from branches on a branch.

In the forest, we saw the squirrel, she jumped from the branch to the branch.

In the forest, we saw a squirrel that jumped from the branch to the branch.

Didactic game "Traffic light"

Purpose:In an affordable form, put the task for the design of complex proposals before children, help them relate words in a sentence with demonstrated toys and actions, encourage the guys to independent turnover to the selection of verbal material to include it in the offer.

Visual material: Transport - toys, desktop light.

Game traffic:

The teacher creates a playing situation on the table: traffic along the street and stop it at the crossroads on the traffic light. When the red light on the traffic light "lights up", the teacher says: "A red light caught fire at the traffic light, and the cars stopped." "When a red light caught fire on the traffic light, transport stopped." "Buses and trolley buses stopped, because a red light appeared on the traffic light." Children pronounce offers, practically mastering these designs.

The educator shows a new episode: on the traffic light green light. Specifies the child's child: "What and how do you say?" Children speak, building proposals for assimilated models.

Didactic game "Phone"

Purpose:Improve the ability of children to draw up complex proposals.

Game traffic:

Children speak to each other something, ask about something, and then they said about the proposals:

Petya said that today is bad weather.

Irina asked me to give her paints.

Tolya replied that he had no book.

Didactic control "Tell me right"

Purpose:learn children for hearing to determine the proposed proposals.

Game traffic:

The educator reads a couple of proposals and invites children to choose the right phrase in the sense:

Kate gave a book, because she had a birthday, because she had a birthday.

Kati had a birthday, because she was presented with a book.

Sun asked because it became warm.

It became warm because the sun rose.

The ruchies flew, because spring came.

Spring came, because ridges flew.

The guys went swimming, because the day was hot.

The day was hot, because the guys went to swim.

Didactic game "On the contrary"

Purpose:Teach children to build statements using the suggested story.

Visual material: Toys.

Game traffic:

The educator creates a game situation, depicts the plot on the tape recorder. (Protein is lucky on sleds of dolls. Matryoshki is carrying protein.) And gives a sample of saying:

At first, the squirrel was lucky on the sleds of the dolls, and then the neckens rolled on sleds squirrel.

After the protein rode the matryoshki on the sleds, the Matryoshshka began to roll it.

When the squirrel revealed the dolls on the sleds, the nepheys began to roll her.

Then offered to children a new plot (the bear is lucky on the cat's sleds in boots, hare, chanterelle and squirrel. Cat in boots, hare, chanterelle and squirrel ride a bear.).

Children make up complex suggestions using a speech pattern of the tutor.

Didactic exercises "at the bus stop"

Purpose:exercise children in the preparation of complex proposals with pressing causes.

Visual material:on the table of the teacher there is a transport (trolleybus, bus, tram); stops (trolleybus, bus, tram); Multiple dolls.

Game traffic:

The educator explains the example of children, which and how to say: "On the tram, passengers can reach the rink, by bus- to the puppet theater. Snow Maiden wanted to go to the rink, and Pinocchio - in a puppet theater. Why did the Snow Maiden come to the tram stop, and Pinocchio - for the bus? " (Dolls places in these stops.)

Sample answer:"The Snow Maiden came to the tram stop, because she needs to reach the rink, and Pinocchio came to the bus stop, as the bus will take it to the puppet theater."

Questions to children:

Why did the Snow Maiden come to the tram stop, and Pinocchio - for the bus?

Children pronounce a proposal for a sample teacher.

Didactic game "Supposition"

Purpose:Exercise children in the preparation of complex proposals with the apparent causes, goals.

Game traffic:

The educator says the beginning of the proposal, and the children complement it to the apparent, forming a complex proposal. Grammar designs type in advance:

We water the flowers on the flowers, because ... (for their growth, moisture is needed).

Children ran out into the courtyard in warm clothes, because ... (in Winter Street).

Trees and bushes were covered with me, because ... (it became cold).

There were no leaves left on the trees, because ... (Late autumn came).

We came to a plot with shovels in order to ....

Kolya took the toy in order to .... Etc.

Didactic Games S. mathematical content

Senior preschool age

When teaching the beginning of mathematics, games are widely used. With their help are formed, refineed and consolidated the submission of children about numbers, about relations between them, about the composition of each of the numbers, geometric figuresah, temporary and spatial representations. Games contribute to the development of observation, attention, memory, thinking, speech. They can be modified as software contents are complicated, and the use of various visual material allows not only to diversify the game, but also make it attractive for children.

The didactic game should maintain their characteristic entertaining and emotional games, thanks to which children's performance increases.

Successfulness of assimilation and consolidation mathematical representations In the process of the game depends on the correct guide to the educator. Temp, duration of the game, evaluation of children's answers, calm, business, friendly, friendly response to children's mistakes, the correct use of mathematical terms is controlled and sent by the teacher.

The article offers games that can be used both in classes and in everyday life.

Senior preschool age

"Fix a bug"

The game contributes to the exercise in the account, the consolidation of the skill denote the various number of objects of the corresponding digit. The game can use a countable ladder or flannelugaph with a set of volumetric or plane counting material, geometric shapes of different color, countable cards, cards with a picture of various number of objects, numbers.

Starting the game, the educator puts several groups of objects on flannelugph. For example, 4 pyramids, 2 Christmas tree. Children help put the corresponding digit next to each group of objects. Then, they close their eyes. The educator changes the numbers in places. For example, it substitutes to a group of three items to a number 4, and to a group of four items. Figure 2. Opening the eyes, children must detect errors. Someone at the board corrects errors and explains its actions.

At the beginning of the year, children consider objects and designate their numbers within 5, and then within 10. The number and complexity of tasks in the stepwise increase. So, first, the teacher allows 1-2 "errors" by changing the numbers only the numbers, along with increasing groups of objects (up to 7-8) the number of "errors" can also be increased. There are also groups of objects, while the numbers remain in the previous places. The location of object groups and numbers can be changed, added or removed 1-2 subjects. Thus, the figure standing next to this group of objects. The tutor can leave the counting material and the figures without disturbing the correspondence between them, but at while asking to find a mistake. Children should determine that there are no errors, everything remains unchanged.

The game is repeated several times. As the knowledge of the knowledge is assimped by children, the tempo of the game increases.

"Name the neighbors"

The game is aimed at securing ideas about quantitative relations between sequential numbers, the procedure for following the natural range of numbers. The game can use numbers, cards, cube with numbers applied on it.

Rules of the game. The educator sets children a number. Children should find the "neighbors" (previous and subsequent) of this number and explain why these numbers are the "neighbors" of the named number, one - the previous one, the second one. The game is repeated several times. It can have many options. So, for example, the educator throws up a cube, on the edges of which figures are applied. Children look at what figure will turn to them, and call the "neighbors" of the number indicated by this number. You can set a number that hangs various numeric cards on the board or retrospect a certain number of shots on the hammer.

You can offer cards with different numbers of drawn items or numeric cards, as well as special cards with empty windows before and after a given number (the number may be marked with circles or digit). In different ways should organize the answers of children. They can verbally call the "neighbors" of the number, can show them with numbers or numeric cards.

When preschoolers are just beginning to absorb the quantitative relations between numbers, get acquainted with the terms "subsequent" and "previous", it is advisable to lay out a numerical row on the board, which will allow children to quickly navigate in numbers. Then gradually the "tip" is cleaned.

As the instructions of the program, the pace of the game increases.

The game is aimed at assimilation of the number of numbers of a natural row, an exercise in direct and countdown, the development of attention, memory.

"Wonderful bag"

The game is aimed at the exercise of children in the account with the help of various analyzers, consolidation of ideas about quantitative relations between numbers.

In the "wonderful bag" there is a countable material: small toys, natural material 2-3 types of objects or toys. The lead chooses someone from the children and asks to count as many objects as a child will hear the shocks of the hammer, a tambourine, or so many objects, how many circles on a numeric card posted on the board. The lead may not be called which items should count the child, and to make a riddle of this riddle. For example, "Who on a branch of the bump gnawed and threw nuts down?" The child gave ways and counts the name of the bun. Then the presenter offers children to come up with a task for a child standing at the board. Tasks must be diverse: jump so many times as it has taken out items, or sit down at least less (more), knock on the tambourine, crawl into the hoop, clap your hands so many times (more, less), how many items got from the bag, or Find a numeric card corresponding to the number of subjects countdown, or a digit, read from the specified number in direct or reverse order, to name the "neighbors" of this number. The child who completed the task correctly becomes the lead. He calls someone from the children and asks to count down a certain number of items. The game is repeated several times.

"Not mistaken"

The game is aimed at consolidation in children of ideas about quantitative relations between numbers, exercises in finding the subsequent and previous number, on the exercise in the account with the help of hearing and visual analyzers, the development of the ability to designate various quantities of the corresponding number. The game uses sounding items, countable material, numbers, numeric cards. Before starting the game, the presenter gives children a task: "Close your eyes, I will hit with a hammer. Listen carefully, and then show the number that denotes the number of shocks. " By counting the blows, the children show the digit and explain why they showed it. For example: "I showed a number 4, as I heard 4 strokes." Depending on the tasks and skills of the Children, the educator can use various options for the game: Read the shots with open eyes or closed, show numeric cards or numbers indicating the number of shocks, count the same objects or one more (one less) of the specified number. The game is repeated several times.

"What hand how much?"

The game contributes to the consolidation of the knowledge of the number of two smaller numbers, the formation of attention, memory. Materials for the game can serve small items: beads, nuts, pebbles, etc. (i.e., all that is good can be hidden in children's hand). The educator shows the children cooked for the game, recalculate with them. Then so that the children do not see, lay out these items in both hands. In order not to slow the pace of the game, the teacher negotiates with children to call first how many items in the left hand, and then - how much in the right, then talk how much it turns out together. For example, "three and four, and together seven", "one and five, and together six", etc. In the hands of the teacher, the pebbles are decomposed so that it turns out one of the possible embodiments of the number. Children, seeking to guess this particular option, list all possible options, until finally, will not be called the designed as an educator. Children who are correctly called one of the embodiments of the number, but not the one that has conceived, the teacher replies: "Three and three, together six. So maybe, but I have differently. " That child who truly calls, in which hand how many hidden items are hidden, becomes the lead. Now he lay out the items in two hands and causes children until someone calls the embodiment of the number of numbers. So the game is repeated several times.

When children get acquainted with the composition of a certain number of two smaller numbers, it is advisable to put all possible options for this number as a hint on the board or flannelhemph. As the composition is absorbed by the number of visual material changes.

Didactic games and exercises in the preparatory school group.

"What changed?"

The game contributes to the consolidation of the presentation of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe order, the development of spatial orientations, as well as the development of observation, memory. The material for the game can be the subject pictures, countable material, toys. Before children on the table or on a blackboard a number of toys or items. The educator proposes to recalculate them in order (first, second, third, fourth, etc.). Then playing eyes closed, and the lead changes the order of 1-2 objects. Opening the eyes, the children must tell where the toy or picture was in a row before and which she is now.

The lead can direct the attention of children to determine the location of one subject in relation to the other. Opening the eyes, the guys must say what has changed. What items were left and right from an inverted item, which items are on the left and right now, as well as between which subjects was the subject that was removed and turned over.

The game is repeated several times. The number of permutations and the pace of the game are determined by knowledge, observation and the ability of playing switching from one task to another.


The game contributes to the consolidation of knowledge of numbers, the development of observation, memory. The game uses numbers placed on the board in order. The game is that the children close their eyes, and at this time the tutor cleans one of the numbers. Opening the eyes, the guys should detect, "what is integrated", and put a digit to the place. One of the children becomes the lead. When the players digest the rules of the game, removing the figure, the educator can move the remaining figures so that there is no space between them, to change the numbers in some places, breaking the order of the numerical series, add a digit that was not at the beginning of the game. You can also leave a numerical series unchanged, but at the same time consult children with a question "What is intended?" Children must answer that this time all the numbers stand in order.

The game is repeated several times, the pace of the game is accelerated. At the beginning of the year, the game is carried out with numbers within 5, then with numbers from 0 to 10.

"Name soon"

the game contributes to memorizing the sequence of the days of the week, the development of attention, intelligence. The game is held with the ball. Children become a circle. The presenter throws the ball and asks: "What day of the week stands in Sunday; Which in front of the environment, what day of the week stands after Tuesday, after Friday, between Tuesday and Thursday, between Saturday and Monday. What day of the week will be every other day after Monday, a day after Thursday? " And so on. The pace of the game depends on the knowledge of children and the speed of response. The tutor should strive to increase the pace of the game. It is desirable that the greatest number of children take part in the game.

"Find a toy"

The game is aimed at developing the ability to change the direction during the movement, orientate in space. The game uses toys hidden in different places of the room, harvested "Letter".

The educator says: "At night, when children were not in the group. Carlson flew to us and brought toys as a gift. Carlson loves all sorts of jokes, so he hid toys in the letter wrote how to find them. "

He prints the envelope and reads: "You need to get up to the table, go straight." Some of the children performs the task, goes and comes to the closet, where the car lies in the box. Another child performs the following task: Suitable for the window, turns to the left, squats, goes behind the curtain. "Letters" from Carlson can be 3-4.

"Come to the checkbox"

The game is aimed at developing memory, attention. Before the start of the classes, the teacher puts in different places of the checkboxes. Pinocchio or another fabulous character with the help of an educator gives children a task: "Get to the window, take three steps to the right." The child performs the task and finds the box. When children cannot confidently confidently change the direction of movement, the number of tasks increases. For example: "Come forward five steps, turn left, take another two steps, turn right. There you will find the checkbox. "

The game is repeated several times.

"Guess where what?"

The game is aimed at developing the ability of children to navigate in space. The educator invites preschoolers to see what items or which of children is on the left, right, in front of them.

For example, the educator appeals to various children with the question: "What is in front of you?"

One child is responsible that there is a blackboard in front of him, the chair is ahead of him, the third is a wardrobe ahead. After listening to the answers of 3-4 children, the educator asks: "What is your left of you?" The guys whom the educator asks, call different items that are left of them without repeating each other.

For each correct answer, the child gets a chip. At the end of the game, the number of points received - chips is calculated.

List of materials used:

1. Bondarenko A. K. "Didactic Games in kindergarten." M., 1990.

2. Vasilyeva M. A. "Guide to children's games in preschool institutions" M., 1986.

3. Herbova V. V. "Raising children." M., 1981.

4. Sorokina A. I. "Didactic Games in kindergarten." M., 1982.

5. Usova A. T. "The role of the game in raising children." M., 1976.

6. "Didactic Games for Speech Development" - " Pre-school education"1988 №4.

7. "Didactic Games with Mathematics" - "Pre-school education" 1986. №6.

1. "What word I got lost?".

The goal of the game is to form the ability to select accurate words.

Adult reads a poem, and the child must

related semantic inconsistencies and choose the necessary words.

Doll dropping out of her hands, Masha rushes to mom:

Green crawls there onion (Beetle) with long mustache.

The doctor recalled Uncle Mita: "Do not forget about one thing:

Be sure to take ten herkel(Drops) before bedtime. "

Bug booth(Bulk) did not dapel. Reluctance, tired.

Banked me boiler (goat), I am very angry with him.

"Joke". The goal of the game - the child should notice as much as possible.

We have a house with miracles in Lane,

Go, take a look - see themselves:

The dog sits down to play harmonica,

Dive into the aquarium red cats,

Socks begin to knit canary,

Toddler flowers watered from the watering can

The old man on the window lies, sunburst,

And grandchits grandmother in dolls playing.

And fish read fun books,

Taking a quietly of their boy.

2. "What is heard?"

Purpose: Development of auditory attention.

Equipment:objects emitting familiar to children sounds; screen.

Description:The presenter offers children to listen and remember what is happening outside the door

or shirma.

Then he asks to tell what they heard. Wins one who is more and more accurate

determine sound sources.

Instruction:"Now we will play the game" What is heard? " And find out who is the most attentive.

Needed in full silence for some time (I set it out) to listen carefully,

what happens behind the door (shirma). At the end of this time (1-2 minutes)

it is necessary to call as much as possible sounds.

So that everyone was given the opportunity to say, it is necessary to call the heard sounds in order

his turn.

Repeat sounds when the name is impossible. The one who will call such sounds will win. "

Note.You can play both with a group of children and with one child.

The order in the game can be installed using readers.

Items that can be used for play: drum, whistle, wooden spoons,


baby piano, water tanks for transfusion and creating clinging water sounds,

glass items and hammer for a glass of glass, etc.

3. "Listen to the sounds!"


Equipment:piano or audio recording.

Description:Each child performs movements in accordance with the heard sounds:

low sound - becomes in the pose of "Waxing Willow" (legs on the width of the shoulders,

the hands are slightly divorced in the elbows and hang, the head is tilted to the left shouldch),

high sound - becomes in the Poplar pose (heels together, socks apart,

feet straight, hands raised up, head back back, looking at fingertips hands).

Instruction:"Now we will play the game" Listen to the sounds! " and find out

which of you carefully can listen to the sounds of the piano.

There are low sounds (listening) and high sound sounds (listening).

Play will be so: if you hear the low sounds of the piano,

that will have to get up in the pose of "Plokuch Willow" (showing with comments).

Let's all be in the Poskachi Willow pose. Like this.

Well, if you hear the high sounds of the piano, you will have to take the Poplar pose

(showing with comments). Let's we everythingwe will take this Poplar Posa. Be careful!

Start playing » .

Note.It is necessary to alternate sounds, gradually increasing the pace.

Purpose:development of auditory attention, the formation of the ability to recognize each other by voice.

Equipment:scarf or bandage for eye tying.

Description:Standing in a circle, children choose a leading, which, being in the center of the circle with tied


Instruction:"Now we will play in interesting game "Learn voice."

To do this, you need to get up in a circle and choose a leading,

which with a bandage in his eyes will carefully listen to the voices of playing.

The one who I will give a sign will utter any word with your voice.

If he guesses a player, he should change with him in some places: the player becomes leading, and

driving - player.

If not guesses, it continues to be leading until the next one knows

Purpose:development of auditory attention.

Equipment:pre-drawn on the floor of a large circle, a handkerchief for eye tie.

Description.Running in a circle, children perform adult teams.

The selected leading, standing back to the children, guessing the voice of someone who called him by name.

In the case of guessing, the leading varies in places with the name named.

Instruction:"Now we will play in an interesting game. One of the players will choose leading.

On my team "ran!" You will run around the site.

For words: "Once, two, three, in a circle of run!" - All players gather in a circle,

and the leading becomes back to a circle with tied eyes and listens carefully.

Children who stand in a circle say: "You guess the riddle: who called you, find out."

At the end of these words, that of you, to whom I will give a sign, will call on behalf of the name.

The leading should guess who called him. If the driving guards, it changes the place with the name

his child.

6. "Pay attention!"

Purpose:stimulating attention, development of the reaction rate.

Equipment:tape recorder or gram records S. Prokofiev Marsh.

Description.Each child must perform movements, respectively, adult teams:

"Bunnies" - jump; "Horses" - hit the "hoof about the floor"; "Cracks" - praise; "birds" -


hands; "Stork" - stand on one leg.

Instruction:"We will play now. In this game you need to be attentive.

Stand in a circle for each other. Listen carefully my words - teams.

When I say "bunnies", everyone should jump in a circle like bunnies. When I say "horses",

everyone must show how horses are hit by hoof. When I say "Cracks", everyone should show

how crayfish stuff back.

When I say "birds", playing must turn into birds and run in a circle,

razing hands to the sides like wings. When I say "Stork" - all mig must turn into

storky and stand

on one leg. Well, when I say "children" - everyone should become children. We start to play. "

7. "Four Elements".

Purpose:development of attention, coordination of auditory and motor analyzers.

Description.Players are sitting in a circle and perform movements according to words:

"Earth" - hands down, "Water" - pull hands forward, "air" - raise hands up,

"Fire" - to rotate with hands in the rays-up and elbow joints.

Who is mistaken, is considered to be a loser.

Instruction:"For this game you need to sit in a circle and listen carefully.

If I tell the word "Earth", everyone must lower your hands down if the word "water" - stretch your hands

the word "air" - raise your hands up, the word "fire" - make rotation with hands in

lucky elbow


Who is wrong - considered to be a loser. "

8. "Spoiled Phone".

Purpose: Development of auditory attention.

Description.Children sit in a row or in a circle.

The master pronounces quietly (in the ear) near a seite player any word, he transmits it

next, etc.

The word must reach the last player. The lead asks for the latter: "What you heard

If he tells the word proposed by the lead, then the phone is better.

If the word is not, the leading asks everyone in turn (starting with the last), what they are

heard the word.

So learn what a player has been impressed, "spoiled the phone." "Gueling" takes place

the last player.

Instruction:"Now we will play in the" spoiled phone. "

Sit in a circle on the carpet so that you were comfortable.

The first player reports quietly at the Ear Sitting Near the player any word.

The player who learned from the lead word passes this heard word (quietly in the ear) next

The word, as if by the wires of the phone, should reach the last player. Lead Asks

in the latter:

"What word did you hear?" He calls him. If the word coincides with the one that came up with and

called the lead

so the phone is better. If it does not match, the phone is spoiled.

In this case, in turn, starting from the end of the row, everyone should call the word heard.

So learn what a player did it - "spoiled the phone." "Guilty" player takes place

the latter.

Let's play".

9. "Who called, that and catch!"

Purpose:formation of attention, development of the reaction rate.

Equipment:big ball.

Description:Every child, moving freely on the site and having heard her name, should


catch the ball, throw it up, calling someone from the players.

Instruction:"Now we will play the game" Who called, that and catch! ". I have a big hand

beautiful ball.

While I hold it in my hands, you can run, jump, walk around the court.

As soon as I pick up the ball up and call the name of some of you, the one whose name I will name,

as soon as possible, it must run up to the ball, catch it and drop it up again,

by calling the name of another player. So the game continues for a long time. We start to play. "

10. "Name the unnecessary word"

Purpose: intensify attention; Develop thinking, speech. Skill of the right sound impeller

Adult calls words and offers the child to call the word "unnecessary", and then explain,

why this word is


- "Excess" word among nouns names:

table, wardrobe, carpet, armchair, sofa;

coat, hat, scarf, boots, hat;

plum, apple, tomato, apricot, pear;

wolf, dog, lynx, fox, hare;

horse, cow, deer, ram, pig;

rose, tulip, beans, vasilek, poppy;

winter, April, Spring, Autumn, Summer.

- "Excess" the word among the names of adjectives:

sad, sad, dull, deep;

brave, ringing, bold, brave;

yellow, red, strong, green;

weak, brittle, long, fragile;

deep, small, high, light, low.

- "Excess" word among verbs:

think, go, think, think;

rushed, listened, rushed, rushed;

i arrived, arrived, ran away, rushed.

Objective: Development of auditory attention, fixing the skill of the sequence account within 10,

development of thinking.


Description:Intercommunication with the teams of an adult child who throws the ball, considers

order before 10.

Instruction:"Look, what is my beautiful ball. Now we will play the game

I will stand with the ball in the center of the circle and I will call the numbers, and you, to whom I will throw the ball, you will consider

For example, I will say "five" and brash the ball Lena. How to count?

Lena: "Six, seven, eight, nine, ten."

Right. We start to play. "

Note.Completed option may be like this. The educator warns:

"Children, be attentive! I can take the ball earlier than you count to 10, and I brag it

next child

You must remember how your comrade was stopped at and continue. For example, I say:

"Four" - and we throw the ball in the voyage. He considers to 8, I take the ball with him and throw twit with the words:

As an option may be the game "to" and "after". Educator, throwing the ball to the child, says: "Up to five."

The child must call the numbers that go to five. If the tutor says: "After five",

children should call: six, seven, eight, nine, ten.

The game passes in a rapid pace.

12. "Listen to cotton."

Purpose:development of random attention.

Description.Moving in a circle, children take poses depending on the command lead:

one cotton is to take a "stork" pose (stand on one leg, hands to the sides); Two cotton - pose


(sit down, heels together, socks on the sides, hands between legs on the floor); Three cotton - resume

Instruction:"Now we will play in the interesting game" Listen Cotton! ".

All players will have to go in a circle each other and carefully listen to my teams.

When I slam your hands once, everyone must stop and accept the "Stork" posture.

If I slam down in your hands twice, everyone should stop and take the "Frog" pose.

When I slam down in your hands three times, you need to resume walking with each other in a circle.

We start to play. "

13. Conceptual thinking.

"Finish Proposal"

1. Lemons acidic, and sugar ...

2. Dog bays, and a cat ...

3. At night dark, and in the afternoon ....

4. Grass green, and the sky ...

5. Winter is cold, and in summer ....

6. You eat mouth, and listen ...

7. In the morning we have breakfast, and in the afternoon ...

8. Bird flies, and snake ...

9. The boat floats, and the car ...

10. You look at your eyes, but breathe ...

11. Human two legs, and the dog ...

12. Movers live in nests, and people ...

13.Zima goes snow, and in the fall ...

14.Is knit, and from the fabric ...

15. Balerin is dancing, and a pianist ...

16.Derova Pilyat, and nails ...

17. Peters sings, and the builder ...

18.compositor comprises music, and musician ....

14. Event sequence.

one). "Whoever (what) will be?"

Who (what) will be: egg, boy, seed, caterpillar, chicken, acorn, cheek, flour, iron,

brick, fabric,

pupil, big, girl, kidney, puppy, wool, leather, calf, board, chick, goat, lamb.

2). "Who (what) was?"

who (what) was before:

    chicken - egg;

    horse - foal;



    fish -Kryna;

    apple tree - seed;


    butterfly - caterpillar;

    bread -make;

    bird -Ptena;





    shoes - but

    house -Krpich;




    dog - Sale;

    fur coat;

    goat -Kozlenka.

15.Game to perceive sound. from 4 years)

    Give an idea of \u200b\u200bloud and quiet sound, whisper, rustling, screet, peak, rope,

    shelest and others.

    Teach to hear different noise, listen.

    Sound imitation games: How birds sing, screaming animals. noisy cars ...

16. "The Word is lost." (from 5 years)

The presenter pronounces the rhymed and unimposed phrases in which the avoidance

in meaning

the words. Children listen carefully and suggest the right word.

    On the floor of a booster milk drinks

    spoon (cat),

    At the glade from Dubochka gathered

    pieces of daughter (mushrooms).

    Tasty welded Masha. Where big

    our rhroge. (porridge, spoon).

    On the courtyard of the big frost, you can frozen tail, (nose).

    "Cook me iron!" - asks Babushka

    hook, (Pie. Grandhock)

Cognitive development

1. "Describe the various properties of objects».

Describe any item or toy.

Questions: What color? What made? What is it intended for? etc.

Complication: Tell a fairy tale or story about this subject.

For example: "Apple". What is it? What fairy tales known to you are talking about

magic apple?

Tell these fairy tales.

"Try to come up with some new fairy tale or story where it is about

apple or Apples.

2. "Edible - inedible". (with a ball).

Purpose:formation of attention, the development of the ability to allocate the main, significant

signs of items.

Equipment:list of subject names.

Description.The child must answer and perform movements in accordance with the words


Instruction:"Attention! Now we will find out who (what) can fly, and who (what)

can not.

I will ask, and you immediately answer. If you call anything or anyone,

able to fly

for example, dragonfly, answer: "flies" - and show how it does, -

divide your arms to the sides,

like wings.

If I ask you: "The piglets flies?", Silent and do not raise your hands. "

Note.List: Eagle, Snake, Sofa, Butterfly, May Beetle, Chair, Baran, Swallow

Plane, tree, seagull,

house, Sparrow, Ant, Mosquito, Boat, Iron, Fly, Table, Dog, Helicopter,

The game can be held with both a child and a group of children.

3. "On new places."

Purpose: The formation of motor-motor attention, the development of the speed of movements.

Equipment:pre-indicated circles for each child.

Description:Each adult child is changing his circle, its place -


"On new places," turning to be in the new circle.

Instruction:"Now we will play the game" on new places. "

Each of you must get up in a circle-house. When I say: "For a walk!",

everyone for me for each other will begin to "walk". But when I say, "on new places!",

everyone must find a new circle-house. Who will take a new house last -

considered losers.

We start the game. "

Note.Walking "for a walk" can be under musical accompaniment or

4. Get acquainted with signs of objects with mysteries.

"Mochnatty, butteny, drinks milk, sings songs."

"In front - Piglet, rear - hook, in the middle - back, and on the back - bristles."

"There are no legs, but I go, my mouth is not, and jump when you sleep when you get up when you start working."

"Blue handkerchief, scarlet bun, rolling on the handkerchief, smiles to people."

"Pooh, a long ear, jumps deftly, loves carrot."

"Without wings fly, run without feet, sail without sail."

5. "We are looking for the same properties of objects."


1. Put a few small things into the bag.

2. Consider to the touch, what is this thing.

3. Is it among the proposed things the same ..

4. Among several toys or things find the same.

6. "Comparison of objects".

one). Compare items , look for four similarities and differences.


geometric shapes: Triangle, Square, Circle, Rectangle; 4 colors and

2 sizes.

(16 geometric figures of large 4 species and 4-hls; 16 geometric shapes

little 4-hvidov and 4-colors).

    pick up the figures that are characterized by one feature;

    figures that differ in two signs;

    three signs (select the most unlike).

2). "Comparison of words."

For comparison, we give pairs of words:

    fly and butterfly;

    house and hut;

    table and chairs;

    a book and a notebook;

    water and milk;

    ax and hammer;

    piano and violin.

Questions: Have you seen a fly? And butterfly? Looks like fly and butterfly or not? Than

they're alike? And what differ from each other?

7. Game.

Prepare 15 different items.

For example: Cup, Plate, Bag, Bread, Sugar, Towel, Fork, Spoon, Nasal

kitchen table, rolling, nail, hook, key, pencil.


    metal objects,


  • wooden



    which can be hung for threads.

8. "Generalization-exception".

one). Search for excess pictures

2). Sequence of work:

    "3 extra" (with pictures);

    "4 extra" (with pictures);

    "3 extra" (on verbal material);

    "4 extra" (on verbal material). Question: "Why is superfluous?"

    "As you can call the remaining items as possible?"

Word sets:

1. Table, chair, bed, kettle.

2. Horse, dog, cat, pike.

3. Christmas tree, birch, oak, strawberry.

4. Cucumber, turnip, carrots, hare,

5. Notepad, newspaper, notebook, briefcase

6. Cucumber, watermelon, apple, ball.

7. Wolf, Fox, Bear, Cat.

8. violet, chamomile, carrots, cornflowers.

9. Doll, car, rope, book.

10.Pount, plane, scooter, steamer.

11.Vorobay, eagle, wasp, swallow.

12.Good, skates, boat, sledge.

13.This, hammer, planer, saw.

14.Sneg, frost, heat, ice.

15.Vishnya, grapes, potatoes, plum.

16. Bus, tram, plane, trolleybus.

17.Rek, forest, asphalt, field.

18. Farer, Cosmonaut, Ballerina, Policeman.

19.ps, blackboard, textbook, hedgehog.

20.Fasya, snail, butterfly, turtle.

21. Krasnas, brushes, kettle, canvas.

22. Shoulder, roof, door, window.

23. Moloco, tea, lemonade, bread.

24.Nog, \u200b\u200bhand, head, boot.

25. Harm, evil, bold, brave.

26. Smabel, plum, cucumber, pear.

27. Moloco, cottage cheese, sour cream, bread.

28. Hour, minute, summer, second.

29. Supplement, plate, saucepan, bag.

30. Patty, sweater, hat, shirt.

31.The, broom, toothpaste, shampoo.

32.Sonna, birch, oak, strawberries.

33.Nag, TV, radio, tape recorder.

nine. "Name in one word. "

We list several items, please say that they are united,

as you can be called in one word:

1. soup, porridge, goulash, kissel;

2. Horse, cow, sheep, pig;

3. Chicken, goose, duck, turkey;

4. Wolf, Fox, Bear, Hare;

5. Cabbage, potatoes, onions, beet;

6. Coat, scarf, jacket, suit;

7. Shoes, boots, sneakers, sandals;

8. Cap, Cap, Tubette, takes;

9. Lipa, Birch, Spruce, Pine;

10. Determined, blue, red, yellow;

11.Shar, cube, rhombus, square;

12.Televisor, iron, vacuum cleaner, refrigerator;

13.Automobile, tractor, tram, bus;

10. Disagreement: guessing, impairing based on existing data.

1. Man ate the kitlet. Did he use the fork?

2. Masha baked pope pie. Did she bake him in the oven?

3. Mom was prevented by coffee in a cup. She used a spoon?

11. Criticity of cognitive activity.

"It happens - no »

The lead calls some situation and throws the baby to the child. Child

must catch the ball in the event that the situation happens, and if not,

i don't need to catch the ball.

1. Dad went to work.

2. The train flies across the sky.

3. The cat wants to eat.

4. The man lives the nest.

5. The postman brought a letter.

6. Bunny went to school.

7. Salted apple.

8. Hippo climbed onto a tree.

9. Rubber hat.

10.Do went to walk.

11.Tufli glass

| 12. On birch grew bumps.

13. Volk wanders through the forest.

14. Volk sits on a tree.

15.In the saucepan of a cup

12. "Remember your place."

Children are arranged in a certain way around the hall perimeter (for example, in one

corner, by the window,

the ball on the floor, etc.) and remember their place. Turns on a musical fragment,

children run freely around the hall.

During the pause, they should as soon as possible:

a) return to its place;

b) Take a place for one position forward when driving clockwise.

With a large number of children or if children experience difficulties in memorization

places and sequences

movement, you can combine them into pairs (an emphasis is additionally affixed

to mutual assistance I.

consistency of actions).

    "Find a pair."

Material for the game can be two identical sets depicting figures,

objects, animals, numbers,

letters, words, color cards. Two or more participants play.

Paired pictures are laid out by image down into several rows.

First, the first player turns any two cards, showing everyone

participants pictures depicted on them.

Everyone is trying to remember the image itself and the location of the cards.

Then the cards are returned to the image down.

The next player makes the same thing, but with other two cards.

All subsequent moves participants do with such a calculation in order for one move

open two identical pictures. Opening two identical cards,

the player takes them to himself and he is awarded one phanta (point).

At the same time, free places remain empty (the ranks are not shifted).

Wins the one who scores more phantas.

Socio-communicative development

1.Igra "What do we know about you?"

Play 2-5 teams of 3-10 people each. From each team is called by

one person.

Let's call him conditionally Vasya. The host reads questions, and teams should

more precisely on them to answer.

Answers write on leaves and pass the leading (the team gives your answer,

Vasya gives his answer, and the presenter compares). Questions may be: date

vasi's birth, kinds of name

Vasina Mamu, who best friend Wasi, what did Vasya ate today for breakfast? etc.

Each team answers questions about his player. For the correct answer team

givens are given.

The team wins the team that scored more than all glasses.

2. Western

Playing form two circles. The inner circle, holding hands, moves into one

and the external one is in the other direction. At the leader's signal, both circles stop.

Standing in the inner circle raise hands, forming a gate.

The rest are running into a circle, passing at goal, they will run out of it.

Suddenly, the head submits the following command, and the inner circle players sharply lower their hands down.

Players who were inside the circle are considered to be in the west.

They join the inner circle standing in the inner circle and take hands. After that, the game is repeated.

3. Game "Remember Appearance"

The game is useful for a group where everyone is familiar. 4-15 people play. Selects

a couple of players.

After having studied each other's appearance, they become back to back.

All others start each of them in turn to ask questions about appearance.


For example: how many buttons have your partner on the sweater, what color shoelace on

shoes? etc.

From this couple loses the one who will give 3 incorrect response faster.

4. The game "Horrible Glotes"

Everyone is sitting or standing in a circle, lowering the head and closing the eye.

At the expense, three things look either on someone who sits on the right, either on the man on the left,

either directly opposite.

If they are encountered, both scribble and come out of the circle.

It is repeated until all come out of the circle

5. Game "Salad"

Although this game is very simple, but it can become your beloved.

It is worth playing at her once and you like it!

For the game you need chairs in an amount of one less than players. Play 10-20.

All sit on the chairs, one stays in a circle. He distributes to every name of fruit ,.

For example, it turned out, 3 apples, 3 pears and 4 banana (standing in a circle takes itself too

the name of the fruit).

The game begins. Standing in a circle shouting one name: Pear!

Those who got this fruit must change their place. Again there is one extra.

It also shouts the name of the fruit, and maybe two.

If the word "salad" shouts, then all players must change places.

The game can continue indefinitely.

6. The game "Caller"

Everyone is tied with eyes, except leading. He must move all the time

room with a bell in hand.

The rest are trying to catch the leading bell ringing.

Sometimes they catch each other and are convinced that she was mistaken, hearing the ringing of the bell

The player who caught and learned the caller becomes the lead

7. Exercise "Friendship Thread"

Participants wound the thread on the finger, after which they say that they love most

and how usually rest

then throw a ball to another person.

As a result, a "web", "network", "binder thread" is formed in the center, which

combines all participants.

The next stage - participants ware the thread in the reverse order and ask any

Preschoolers can be offered to first talk about their difficulties and disadvantages.

(which is difficult or with what kind of character traits would like to part),

and in the opposite direction about what a girl like that is thrown,

or why he is grateful at her other end.

8. Training - "Pautinca"

Give the tangle to the person who wants, because ... (called quality)

The same person can not be transferred twice. Begins the teacher, as a result,

every child on his finger thread - then they tear off pieces

yourself from a common web and ask to tie a nodder around her wrist


whom they want to remember for life. You can up to 3 and more nodules.

with each tying - the child makes a desire. amazing but these threads

for a long time, children are worn.

before tying, it is necessary to say that you need to take these threads of friendship, so

who will treat them - the desire will come true and that day thread itself

9. Exercise "Kindness"

Leading. In each of us, a feeling of kindness is developed to one degree or another.

attitude towards people.

What can you say good and good about peers, teachers, parents?

You have 5 minutes to prepare for the story.

You yourself choose a person, it is desirable that he will be familiar to another

participants or present in the group. Your story should be brief and concrete,

at the same time you need to emphasize that you appreciate in each of those about com.

10. Exercise "Magic Pillow"

To perform this exercise, a small bright pad will be required.

Participants are sitting in a circle. Leading. We have a magic pad.

Everyone in a circle can take her in hand, press to the heart and sit on it,

fighting a cherished desire.

It can be any. Take the courage to tell us about him.

Group members will always understand and support. He who has a pad in his hands,

it will always be started by the words: "I want ..."

All others will listen carefully, not to say a word.

sorry, maybe someone in the process of work arose even more important

desire and he wants to tell us about them

who can fulfill the desires, parents, teachers, classmates or someone else?

12. Game "Hi"

Please start walking around the room.

I suggest you say hello to each of the band and say at the same time:

"Hello! How are you?"

Speak only these simple words and nothing more.

But in this game there is one important rule: Healthy with someone from the participants, you

you can free your hand

only after the other hand you will start greeting with someone.

In other words, you must continuously be in contact with someone from the group.

Have you imagined how it happens? (When everyone greeted each other,

and the group got used to this ritual, you can run the second round - with another

greeting, for example:

"How good is you here!") This game physically brings together the participants of the group with each

and brings together an element of friendly relations. And you can say:!

Hey! My name is Ivan.

What is your name? "And when someone already knows what your name is, you can simply confirm

this: "My name is Ivan,

and you - Irina! And the answer: "Yes, my name is Irina, and you - Ivan"!

Then not only in the game there is a physical convergence, but the names will be remembered

what will affect communicativeness.

12. The game "Postman"

Playing holds hands, the leader is located in the center of the circle.

He says:

"I am sending a letter from Serez to Lena." Seryozha begins to transfer a "letter".

He shakes his hand to his neighbor on the right or left, he shakes his hand to the following and

while the "letter" does not reach Lena. The purpose of the postman "to intercept the letter", that is

as long as the "letter" is not intercepted.

It is desirable that every child visits the role of the postman.

13. Game "Salk-hug"

Salok type game, but with one new rule: you can not sire those who are standing hard


But so you can stand not more than 7 seconds.

Artistic and aesthetic development

1. Game "What clouds look like?"

Children view cards with clouds of different shapes and guess in their outlines

objects or animals.

At the same time, they note that the clouds are different not only in color, but also in form.

The educator draws attention to the fact that when there are many clouds in the sky, then they

similar to the air city

where there are towers and dome.

2. The game "Portrait spoke."

Purpose. Continue to get acquainted with children's portraits, learn to make a connected

Move. Teacher offers a child to choose a painting reproduction with a children's portrait

and tell on behalf of the character

Paintings painting about yourself

3. Game "Guess the mood."

Purpose. Learning to describe a man's mood to express a person.

Move. The teacher depicts afraid of fright, delight, sadness, joy. Children are determined


Then the children independently perform the task of the educator, pass the mood

facial expression: joy,

thoughtfulness, sadness, etc.

4. Game. "Guess and go around."

Purpose. Teach children to determine the rumor and restore the subject of volumetric or plane type in memory.

Find a subject and check yourself by the method of the survey - go around this subject.

Move. The teacher calls words, and the children say a volumetric or plane subject.

At the same time, they must show it with their hands (if the volume - hands hug

if the plane - his hands show the movements along the plane of the table

5. The game "Find a flaw in the portrait."

Purpose. Learning to see the missing parts of the face in the portrait.

Continue to meet the genre of the portrait, its features.

Move. An images of the same person with different disadvantages are distributed to children.

(No eyelashes, eyebrows, nose, pupils, lip lines, upper or lower lips, iris, ears).

The teacher proposes to determine the missing parts and draw them

graphite material - black felt-tip pen.

6. Game "Make up Still Life".

Purpose. Secure children's knowledge about still lifes.

Move. 1Pase. Children are given flat images of inanimate and wildlife.

Children make up still life, selecting images inherent in this genre only, and

give the name to your work.

2Pase. It assists the still life from different items (dishes, products,

flowers, toys as well as background for still life). Children make up still life, and

they explain why they took the items of a certain species give the name of the work.

7. Game. "Artists - Restorers."

Purpose. Continue the acquaintance of children with different genres of painting and work


Move. Children recover the painting reproduction cut into several parts

or illustration

(by the number of children). At the end of the work, it is called her genre.

8. The game "Waves".

Move. Playing sit down, forming a circle. Adult proposes to imagine that they

bathe in the sea

having plunged into affectionate waves, and portray these waves - gentle and fun.

Training ends with "bathing in the sea": one of the players becomes in the center

for one, the waves are running and affectionately stroke the swimmer.

When all the waves plunge him, he turns into a wave, and his place occupies the following


9. Game. "Playing storm."

For the game you need a large piece of fabric so that they can be covered by children.

Move. The teacher says: "The trouble is the ship that will be during the storm in

huge waves threaten to flip him, the wind throws the ship from side to side.

But the waves in the storm are a pleasure: they frolic, compete with each other,

who will rise above.

Let's imagine that you are waves. You can happily buzz, raise and lower

turn in different directions, to change places.

10. The game "What happened?".

Purpose. Rput observation. Attention.

Move. The teacher closes in the picture, which is the detail of the clothes, the subject or himself

and children should guess what the picture did not.

11. Find emotion game.

Purpose. Learning to allocate pictures by mood.

Move. The educator distributes pictograms to children with emotions and exposes different

genre and mood

reproduction of paintings, and then proposes to pick up to each reproduction


Children substantiate their choice and tell what emotions they are experiencing looking

on the picture

12. Game - Exercise "Describe a neighbor"

Purpose. Learning to carefully consider a person, to give a verbal portrait.

Move. The teacher offers children to consider each other carefully and describe their

You can use the reception of the frame: it is offered to one child to take the frame

or hoop,

picture portrait, and everyone else describes this live picture.

13. Game "Find in nature bright and blackcloth colors"

Purpose: Teach children find color contrasts in the surrounding nature, call them.

Move. P offers all children to the window and find in the landscape from the window »Bright and

bliced \u200b\u200bcolors in items, plants,

14. The game in the picture "I go, see, tell myself."

Purpose. Immersion in the plot of paintings. Feeling of her details as parts of the whole


Move. You can begin like this: I see in the painting "Rye" ... Next the child tells

what he would see, going into the picture space.

Physical development

1. Who will lower the hoop faster?

To divide children into 4 groups.

Each group gets up in front of a certain line at a distance of elongated hands in

Before each group, put the hoop with a diameter of 60 cm.

According to the signal "Once" the first of the colon tilted the body forward, take the hoop on the sides and

raise it up.

Then lowered on the shoulders, through the torso and lowered to the floor, quickly step over and

we hurry to the end of the column.

The educator records the attention of children to the one who passed the hoop correctly

rose to the end of the column,

and marks them flag. Then, by the "Once" signal, they make other children from the colon, etc.

Each time the teacher awards the first of four columns by the flag,

and at the end, the number of flags in each column is calculated.

Wins the colon in which there are more flags. The game is repeated.

2. Mousetrap

Children are divided into two equal groups. One group is "mice".

They stand in Colon one by one. From the second group of children to make 3 circles - it is 3 "Mousetrap".

Children who form mousetrap, are taken by the hands of the word teacher:

"Mousetrap is open" children in a circle raise hands. Mouses run first through one mousetrap,

and then through the second, etc. On the word of the tutor: "clap" mousetrap closes (children in a circle lower hands).

Mouses that stayed in a circle are considered caught and become in a circle.

The game ends when all the mice will be caught.

That mousetrap is won, where there will be more caught mice. The game is repeated.

Children change roles.


On one side of the site two "garages" (draw two parallel lines on

distance 5 - 6 steps

one of the other). On the lines to make places for "cars"; put cubes.

In one garage there are cars with red steering (on cubes are red mugs),

and in the other - cars with green steering (on cubes there are green circles).

Children - "Chauffs" are divided into two equal groups,

become a face to their cars each near her steering wheel, which lie on

The educator who fulfills the role of a policeman, stands at the same distance from two garages

and manages the movement of cars. When he takes his left hand in the side, children - chaufferes from the garage,

standing on the left side, bend, take the steering wheel with both hands and prepare for the exit (column).

To raised up the green checkbox, children leave the garage and drove around the entire platform.

The red checkbox stops, go on green on. On the word teacher:

"In the garage" cars return to their places. The teacher notes attentive chauffeur,

which before all returned to the garage. The teacher will then take the hand to the side and the children - the chauffery,

who stand on the right side do the same.

4. Owl

On the one side of the site, the place for "butterflies" and "bugs".

Aside with the circle - the "socket of owls". A highlighted child - "Owl" rises into the nest.

The rest of the children are "butterflies" and "bugs" stand behind the line. The middle of the site is free.

On the Word of the Educator: "Day" of butterflies and bugs fly (children run on the site).

On the word of the teacher: "Night" butterflies and bugs quickly stop in their places

and do not move. At that time, it quietly flies on the platform for hunting and takes those

children who moved (take them into the nest). On the word tutor: "Day"

owl returns to his nest, and butterflies and bugs begin to fly.

The game ends when owls will have 2 - 3 butterflies or bug.

The teacher notes children who have never been taken by the owls in the nest.

5. Stop!

On the one side of the site behind the line, children stand in the rank.

At a distance of 10 - 15 steps from children draw a circle (diameter 2 - 3 m).

From the children choose one master, which becomes back in his back to them.

The presenter closes his eyes and says: "Quickly go, do not fall behind, stop!"

At the time when he says these words, the children go ahead with big steps towards leading.

On the word "stop!" Everyone gets freeze in places, leading quickly looks.

If the child did not have time to stop and get up smoothly, leading again leads it to the line and

when he repeated the game begins to move again from the line.

The presenter closes his eyes again and says the same words, and children move to

leading in a circle

and so until someone from children comes to leading in a circle earlier than

that will say "Stop!"

This child is changing places with the lead, and the game is repeated.

6. Shepherd and Wolf

Of the children choose the "shepherd" and "wolf", the rest of the children are "sheep".

At one end of the site draw "House" for sheep, on the opposite side

platforms - field,

where will the sheep graze. With a side there is a wolf. The shepherd leads sheep in the field.

In the field of sheep run, graze. On the tutor signal: "Wolf!"

sheep run on the site and run away into their house. Wolf catches sheep. Shepherd of them


The captured Wolf wads to himself. When repeating the game shepherd, returning home,

frees a wolf-caught lamb. Wolf tries to prevent the shepherd

to the sheep and at the same time catches the rest.

The game ends when the wolf has several sheeps (by agreement).

7. Smint check box

Children are divided into 2 or 4 identical groups and get up to the line in parallel

colons, face one way. From the opposite side of the site before each

the column lies on one hoop, in the flag hoops (for example, green).

Each first player in Colon is given a decolar flag (for example,

On the signal of the teacher "Once" the first children from the column (one child with each) with

blue flags quickly run to hoops, change the blue flags on green,

return to its places and raise up green flags.

Green flags are transferred to the second in their colon, they themselves get up at the end of the columns.

Colon is suitable for the line. The consipient gives the signal again, run second, then the third

etc. The tutor celebrates the one who first changed the checkbox and correctly

he put it. The game continues until

while every child from the columns will not change the checkbox.

That colon wins, which qualitatively and quickly performed the task of the teacher.

The game can be repeated.

7. Wand - Stukalk

On the one side of the site, put children, sharing them on the same columns.

At a distance of 1 - 2 steps from them to draw a line from which children will run on

the opposite end of the site, where the chair is worth. Under the chair lies a wand.

The line overlook one of each column and for the word "once" or "run" run.

Who will faster pulling the wand, he knocks and says: "Once, two, three, a stick - a stork,

puts a stick in place and sits down in its place. Colon in which the child won

gets Checkbox.

Then comes the second, third pair, etc. At the end of the game, check boxes are counted.

Wins the colon that has more flags.

8. Badder forward!

Children are divided into two groups. They are built in a car and get face to the middle of the site.

On the first signal, one group turns the face in the opposite side and marches on the spot,

and the second Shero goes ahead. On the second signal, children who marched in place

turn and catch those that Sherhen went ahead.

The latter quickly run into place (behind the line). The game is repeated. Children change

The group of children wins, in the rank of which less caught children.

9. Where does anyone live?

Children stand in two ranks at a distance of 8 - 10 steps one from another.

In the middle between the ranks, draw two circles, each 80 - 100 cm with a diameter; One Circle - "Dvor", the other - "Forest"

In each rank there are the same "birds" and "animals".

Each child from the first Shero chooses the name of any bird or animal,

which live in the forest, or pet names and birds that walk around the yard.

The same names choose and the second rank. For example, the first two children in

two ranks - hares, second - cats, etc.

When the educator calls pets, children,

who have the names of these animals, quickly run into the forest.

For example, on the tutor signal "Cuckoo!" Children - "Cuckoo" of two shero rush

in a circle that is the forest; on the "cat" kids - "cats" from two shero rush

in a circle that is the courtyard.

The teacher celebrates the child from the pair that will be faster to the circle.

When all the children are in a circle, the game ends.

10. To your flag

In the middle of the site drawn 5 small circles one near the other;

In each circle, a certain color is presented with a flag in his hands.

Children are divided into 5 groups. Each group has its own color, the same as the leading.

On the tutor signal leading in turn lead their columns on the edge of the site,

march in a big circle,

which was drawn earlier. On the words of the teacher: "leading to the place!"

Leading returned to their circles and void changing flags,

and children continue to walk in a large circle. On the word teacher: "To your flags!"

leading raise flags up, and children run to them.

The group of children wins, which will quickly find the flag of his color and gets into a column for the lead. From each group choose a new lead. The game is repeated.

11. Sandy Lisa

Children stand in a circle shoulder to the shoulder, having laid hands behind the back.

The educator passes from behind them and not noticeably touched to any child.

A child who touched the teacher becomes "foxes".

The educator invites someone from the children carefully look at his

comrades, look through the eyes of a tricky fox.

If the child does not find immediately, then all the children ask: "Sunshine Lisa, where are you?"

and carefully follow the face of everyone

whether the chanterelle will seem. After three questions, Lisa replies: "I'm here!" And begins to catch.

Children scatter in different directions. When Fox will catch 2 - 3 children, the game ends.

When repetition, choose another chanterelle.

12. Karasi and Pike

Half children forms a circle (rates). Children stand at the distance of elongated hands in

parties one from the other. The educator chooses one child "Pike". Pike rises

outside the circle. The rest of the children are "Karasi" float (run) in the middle of the circle - "bet".

On the word teacher: "Pike!" The child quickly runs into a circle (rates) and tries

craise, who are in a hurry to sit down or stand up for a friend who stands in a circle.

Pike catches those karas that did not have time to hide. Caught takes from a circle.

The game ends when the pike is lying a certain number of crucia.

Then the educator chooses a new pike. The game is repeated.

13. Wear!

Children stand in a circle face in the center. Two children who have chosen before that come out

from the circle and run: one child runs away, the other is catching up. Child who runs away

can be saved, getting out behind someone from children who stand in a circle and say:

"Wear!" That child to whom they applied should run away from the circle too

get up behind another. If the child does not have time to get up, she will be caught.

When repetition, the game choose another couple of children.

14. Quart, take a ribbon!

Children stand in a circle. Each child gets a ribbon, binds it on the belt.

In the center of the circle, "Quart" gets up, there is no ribbons. For the words of the teacher: "Catch!" children

smashed throughout the site, and "Kwach" catch up with children and tries to remove ribbons

children. The child who remains without a ribbon, will not leave the game for a long time. For words

educator: "Once, two, three, get up in the circle!" Children become in a circle, and "Kvach" calculated

the number of ribbon filmed and returns them to children. The game is repeated with the new

"Quart" 3 - 4 times. At the end of the game, the teacher celebrates the degrees "Kwacha".

15. Catching butterflies

The children choose 4 "catches". They get into the pair and depart to the edge of the site in one

a place. The rest of the children are "butterflies". On the words of the teacher: "Butterflies, butterflies in the garden

flying "Children -" Butterflies "fly - run across the entire platform. On the word teacher

"Catches!" Two children holding hands, try to catch a bowl: surround it,

connecting loose hands. When the cathers catch the butterfly, they are dismissed to the edge

places and sit on the bench. At this time, the rest of the butterflies are sitting on

squat. For words: "Butterflies, butterflies in the field flew" children - "butterflies" jump on

with the entire platform. They catch another couple of catches. When 4 - 6 butterflies are caught,

count how much each pair caught. Then other catchers are selected.

The game is repeated.

16. Look for the lead!

Children, are divided into two identical columns, stand at one end of the site

line. At the opposite end of the site opposite each column on the line

lying 3 multicolored cubes, and at a distance of 2 - 3 steps from cubes (right and left)

there are same multicolored cubes. On the Word of the Educator "Once" The first children in the columns

run in a straight line to the cubes, take one of them, run away (one right, the other - to the left) and take

the cube of the same color, as in hand, with two cubes of the same color, return to

place and raise up. Wins the child who first raised the cubes

one color up, returned to the place. Then children are returned, lay cubes on

places and go to the end of your columns. The tutor notes who performed better task.

Then the second, third, etc. come to the line.

At the end of the game, the teacher identifies the winners.

17. At the factory

All children negotiate that they will portray the movements of some cars.

One child is "engineer". He must quickly notice where the breakdowns occurred.

The engineer comes out of the room. The rest of the children, except one, agree, what

the movement of the car they will perform. Then enters the engineer, watching who

works. Suitable for a child who does not correctly perform the movement,

shows how to do. A new engineer is chosen, and the game continues.

18. Zhmurka

All children are sitting in a circle at a distance of elongated hands on the sides. In the middle of the circle

choose two children: one child ties eyes, the other give the bell in

hands. A child with a bell runs, "Zhmurka" catches her. When Zhmurka is lying a child

with a bell, you choose other children in the middle of the circle, and the game continues.

19. Find and swallow

Children sit on the chairs along the room. The educator invites children to get up and read

to be faced with the wall, closing the eye. Himself leaves a few steps back and hides

several multicolored flags in different places. On the word teacher:

"Look for checkboxes!" Children go to look. The one who saw the checkbox does not raise it

and he goes and tells the tutor in the ear, where he lies and sits in place.

20. Dui is stronger!

To divide children into two groups and put on opposite ends of the site.

In the middle to put risers and stretch between them parallel to two threads (

one - above, the other - below), each length in 1 m. On the thread to ride pieces of paper.

From each group, the tutor calls one child from the group. They are suitable for threads

with papers and blow on them with such a force so that each piece of paper moves into

end of thread.

21. Guess!

Children are sitting on the chairs by a semicircle. The teacher asks them, whether they want to go to

river and swim there, to warm up in the sun and what you need to take with you. Educator

explains to them that when he will call the need for swimming, then everything raising

hands up, say "Need!" When it is not necessary to call the necessary thing, then everyone should sit quietly, not invested hands.

22. Be careful.

Children sit on chairs in a circle. In the center presenter. He appeals to someone from

children with a question. Answers not the one who was asked as a question, but the one who sits with the right

parties from him. If the child is correctly responsible, then it becomes the lead.

Questions can be defined different. Who will be mistaken, he lost.

23. Smeshka

Children are sitting on chairs, and the educator becomes in front of them and shows

wags any movement or tells verse, trying to make children.

A child who laughed closes his eyes and guess that she was put in her hand.

By 5-6 years, the game becomes for a child a way to know the world and a means of forming and developing basic skills. Therefore, in the senior group kindergarten Didactic games are the main form of education and the development of children.


The didactic game is aimed at:

  • development of mental processes;
  • oral speech development;
  • extension of the horizon;
  • absorption of fundamental concepts;
  • development of attention;
  • formation of culture of behavior.

A kindergarten teacher uses such a form of working with children in the classroom in a group, on a walk, during a musical or sports hour. In experienced teachers, as a rule, there is a card file in which didactic games are systematized on topics and directions. In the senior group of the game, depending on the content systematize:

  • Seasons";
  • "Professions";
  • mathematics;
  • in music;
  • literacy training;
  • basics of ecology;
  • road rules (traffic rules);
  • formation healthy image life (zozh);
  • basics of child life safety (OBZH).

Using game forms The work requires the preparation of the didactic material, the necessary inventory, a set of stationery for children. You will come in handy a card file of didactic games.

Formation of elementary mathematical representations

Mathematics games are the development of logic, analytical thinking, different types of memory, are taught to compare and systematize, form computational skills.

In the senior group of kindergarten, the FMPS implies the continuation of children with numbers and numbers to 10, consolidating knowledge of geometric shapes, familiarity with the structure of the year, calendar, clock. A card file of the Didactic Games FAMPA offers options for the following games in mathematics.

"Point the figure"

Purpose: Fixing the skills to recognize geometric shapes, compare their dimensions, distinguish colors.

Description: Cards with a multi-colored image of large and small rectangles, squares, triangles, circles are issued. Then shows his card: "I have a small green circle. Which of you still have a circle? " Children answer: "I have a big (small) yellow (or other color) circle." Questions systematize figures in color, size. Children should define whether their figure corresponds to the specified conditions.

"Come to the pattern"

Purpose: Develop spatial views, consolidate knowledge of geometric shapes.

Description: Children are issued cards with patterns of geometric shapes. It is necessary to carefully consider which figures are a wonderful pattern. Suggest driving a finger each figure. Describe your pattern. For example, in the upper right corner of the circle, and in the lower left corner the square, in the middle of a triangle, etc.

Formation of literacy ideas

Literacy learning is the most important component of the child's development. A card file of didactic games aimed at developing the speech apparatus, mastering phonetic and orphoepic standards, forming ideas about sound and letter, syllable, word.

"Unusual train"

Purpose: to develop a phonmematic hearing, to form the ability to sound a sound analysis of the word.

Description: A train image is highlighted with a red, green and blue wagon. In the wagons made slits. Children are given pictures of animals and birds. In the red car you need to plant those whose name begins with a vowel sound, in blue - with a solid consonant, in green - with a soft consonant. Then we distribute pictures on the wagons depending on the first sound: in red - words from the sound [s], in green - from the sound [m], in blue from the sound [K]. The condition may be the number of syllables.

Traffic Laws

A card file of didactic games for studying traffic rules is made up of assignments aimed at learning children:

  • road signs;
  • traffic lights;
  • study the rules for transition of the carriageway and crossroads;
  • acquaintance with various types of transport, with the rules of behavior on the streets.

The study of traffic rules begins with acquaintance with the types of transport, the differences between the bus, trolley buses and the tram, passenger and cargo vehicles. You can use a "wonderful bag" from which the children get pictures with the image of a different transport and call it. Offer children to imagine yourself in some way and describe: I am a big green bus, I have 2 doors, many seats for passengers, a separate place for the driver. There is a steering wheel, 4 wheels, etc.

Studying traffic rules, play the traffic light and intersection, play the situations "in the car", "in the subway", "in the route taxi". Pay attention to the fixation of traffic skills when switching the roadway. Pay attention to special traffic rules for ambulance, firefighters and police cars. See the value markup on the road.

We care about yourself

Didactic games aimed at the formation of a healthy lifestyle and educational basics of life safety funds are formed in children a presentation of proper careful attitude to their health. They introduce the rules of personal hygiene, the day of the day, lay ideas about the useful and harmful meals. Such classes teach enjoy the capabilities of its body, teach to distinguish the individuality of the appearance, lay the foundations of self-esteem and respect for others. Deece the child's ideas about themselves and family.

In the games you will help the bag with hygiene objects that children will recognize the power and describe. The bag can be filled with pictures with the image of people of different ages and professions. The guys will guess them and tell about these people.

Environmental education

Didactic ecology games develop ideas about the environment. They form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe careful attitude towards nature and the need to respect human and animal safety. Children learn from the rules for the safety of plants and mushrooms. The "wonderful bag" will help you to know what you can feed the birds in winter, learn to distinguish wild and pets.

Musical classes

Didactic games in music are aimed at developing in children of musical hearing, feelings of rhythm, timbre, musically formed memory and figurative thinking. "Magic bag" will help to meet genres in music, musical instruments. Children will learn musically to pass the mood, distinguish between feelings and images in music.

A card file of didactic games will help you spend classes with the children of the older group in an entertaining and interesting form. Cognition and development will be naturally and entertaining. The content of the Games makes it possible to exercise fantasy to all participants, study excerpt and culture of behavior.

Didactic Games Card for Elder Group

1. Didactic game "Find a mistake"

Game Travel: The tutor shows the toy and calls a deliberately wrong action that allegedly produces this animal. Children should answer, right or not, and then list the actions that this animal can actually make. For example: "The dog reads. Can a dog read? " Children answer: "No." What can a dog do? Children list. Then other animals are called.

2. Didactic game "Board Word"

Objectives: to learn clearly pronounce multi-line words loudly, develop auditory attention.

The course of the game: the teacher says phrase, but does not negotiate the syllable in the last word. Children must finish this word.

Ra-Ra-Ra - the ig ....

Ry-Ry-Ry - Boy Sha ...

RO-RO - we have a new Veda ...

Ru-ru-ru - We continue ig ..

Re-re-re - worth the house on ...

Ri-Ri-Ri - on the branches of Snag ...

AR-AR-AR - Our owns ....

Ry-fish - children a lot of ...

3. Didactic game "It happens or not"

Objectives: learn to notice inconsistency in judgments, develop logical thinking.

Game Travel: The educator explains the rules of the game:

· I will tell the story in which you should notice what happens.

"In the summer, when the sun brightly shouted, the guys we went for a walk. Made from snowman snow and began to ride sleds. " "Spring has come. All birds flew into warm edges. The bear climbed into his Berlogue and decided to sleep all the spring ... ".

4. Didactic game "What time of year?"

Objectives: Learn to relate to Nature Description in verses or prose at a certain time of the year; Develop auditory attention, speed of thinking.

Game move: Children sit on a bench. The educator sets the question "When it happens?" And reads text or riddle about different times of the year.

5. Didactic game "Where can I do?"

Objectives: Activation in the speech of verbs used in a certain situation.

The course of the game: The educator sets questions, children respond to them.

What can be done in the forest? (Walk; collect berries, mushrooms; hunting; listen to bird singing; rest).

What can be done on the river? What do in the hospital?

6. Didactic game "What, what, what?"

Objectives: to learn to select definitions corresponding to this example, phenomenon; Activate the words learned earlier.

Games: The educator calls some word, and playing in turn call as many signs as possible corresponding to this subject. Squirrel - Redhead, smart, big, small, beautiful .....

Coat - warm, winter, new, old ... ..

Mom - kind, affectionate, gentle, beloved, dear ...

Home - Wooden, Stone, New, Panel ...

7. Didactic game "Finish Proposal"

Objectives: Take care to complement offers by the word of the opposite value, develop attention.

Game Travel: The educator starts a proposal, and the children finish it, only they say words with the opposite meaning.

Sugar sweet. And pepper - ... (bitter).

Summer leaves are green, and in the fall .... (Yellow).

The road is wide, and the path .... (narrow).

8. Didactic game "Learn, whose sheet"

Objectives: Learn to recognize the plant on the sheet (call the plant on the sheet and find it in nature), develop attention.

Games: On a walk to collect fallen leaves from trees, shrubs. Show children, suggest learn from what tree and find similarities with not fallen leaves.

9. Didactic game "Guess what kind of plant"

Objectives: Learn to describe the subject and find out it in description, develop memory, attention.

The course of the game: The educator offers one child to describe the plant or make a mystery about him. Other children should guess what kind of plant.

10. Didactic game "Who am I?"

Objectives: Learning to call a plant, develop memory, attention.

Games: The tutor quickly shows on the plant. The one who first calls the plant and its shape (tree, shrub, a grassy plant), gets a chip.

11. Didactic game "Who Who Who"

Objectives: Secure animal knowledge, develop attention, memory.

The course of the game: The teacher calls the animal, and the children call the young and multiple number. A child who will call the cub correctly gets a chip.

12. Didactic game "Who (what) flies?"

Objectives: consolidate knowledge of animals, insects, birds, develop attention, memory.

Games: Children stand in a circle. The chosen child calls some object or animal, and raises both hands up and says: "flies."

When it is called the subject that flies, all the children raise both hands up and say "flies", if not, hands do not raise. If someone from children is mistaken, he comes out of the game.

13. Didactic game "What insect?"

Objectives: to clarify and expand the ideas about the life of insects in the fall, teach to describe insects according to characteristic features, to bring up a caring attitude to the whole living, to develop attention.

Games: Children are divided into 2 subgroups. One subgroup describes insect, and the other - must guess who it is. You can use riddles. Then another subgroup is asked his questions.

14. Didactic game "Hyperships"

Objectives: Learning to find a tree by description, consolidate the ability to use in speech prepositions: for, around, before, near, because of, between, on; Develop auditory attention.

The course of the game: On the instructions of the teacher, some of the children hides behind trees and shrubs. The presenter according to the instructions of the teacher is looking for (find, who is hiding behind a high tree, low, thick, thin).

15. Didactic game "Who will call more actions?"

Objectives: Learn to select verbs, denoting actions, develop memory, attention.

The course of the game: the educator sets questions, children meet verbs. For each right answer, children get a chip.

· What can be done with flowers? (tear, sniff, watch, water, give, plant)

· What makes the janitor? (sweeping, removes, watering, cleans tracks from snow)

· What can wind be done?

16. Didactic game "What happens?"

Objectives: Learning to classify items in color, form, quality, material, compare, compare, select as many items suitable for this definition; Develop attention.

Going: Tell me what happens:

green - cucumber, crocodile, leaf, apple, dress, christmas tree ....

wide - River, Road, Ribbon, Street ...

Wins one who will name more words.

17. Didactic game "What is this bird?"

Objectives: to specify and expand the ideas about the life of birds in the fall, teach to describe birds according to characteristic features; develop memory; Rail a caring attitude towards birds.

Games: Children are divided into 2 subgroups. Children of one subgroup describe the bird, and the other should guess what kind of bird. You can use riddles. Then another subgroup is asked his questions.

18. Didactic game "Clean, we will go out"

Goals: consolidate knowledge of garden and garden plants; The ability to call their signs, describe and find them in description, develop attention.

Game Travel: Children describe any plant in the following order6 shape, painting, taste. The description should learn the plant.

19. The didactic game "happens - does not happen" (with the ball)

Objectives: develop memory, attention, thinking, fast reaction.

The course of the game: The tutor says phrases and throws the ball, and children must quickly answer.

Snow in winter ... (happens) frost in summer ... (no)

In the summer ... (no) drops in the summer ... (no)

20. Didactic game "Third End" (plants)

Objectives: consolidate the knowledge of children about the variety of plants, develop memory, speed of the reaction.

The course of the game: The teacher calls 3 plants (trees and shrubs), one of which is "superfluous." For example, maple, linden, lilac. Children should determine which of them "superfluous" and clap your hands.

(Maple, Lipa - Trees, Lilac - Shrub)

21. Didactic game "Game in Rights"

Objectives: Expand the stock of nouns in the active dictionary.

Game move: Children sit on a bench. The teacher makes the riddles. The gaughty child comes out and his mystery itself. For guessing the riddles, he gets one chicken. Wins one who scores more chips.

22. Didactic game "Do you know ..."

Goals: Enrich the vocabulary of children by animal names, consolidate knowledge of models, develop memory, attention.

Game move: you need to prepare chips in advance. The teacher lay out in the first row - images of animals, in the second - birds, in the third - fish, in the fourth - insects. Playing alternately call first beasts, then birds, etc. and lay out the trick in a row. Wins posted more chips.

23. Didactic game "When it happens?"

Objectives: consolidate the knowledge of children about parts of the day, develop speech, memory.

Games: The teacher lays pictures depicting the life of children in kindergarten: Morning gymnastics, breakfast, classes, etc. Children choose themselves any picture, consider it. On the word "morning", all children raise a picture associated with the morning, and explain their choice. Then day, evening, night. For each right answer, children get a chip.

24. Didactic game "And what then?"

Goals: consolidate the knowledge of children about parts of the day, about the activities of children in different time day; develop speech, memory.

Game Travel: Children sit down semicircle. The educator explains the rules of the game:

· Remember, we talked about what we do in kindergarten during the whole day? And now we will play and find out whether you remember. We will tell about that. What we do in kindergarten from the morning. Who will be mistaken, sit down on the last chair, and everyone else will move.

You can enter a game such moment: the teacher sings the song "pebbles. Who to give? Who to give? That will answer. "

The educator begins: "We came to kindergarten. Played on the site. And what happened then? " Sends pechers to anyone from playing. He answers: "Delivered gymnastics" - "And then?" Transfers pechers to another child.

The game continues until the children call the last - home care.

Note. It is advisable to use a pebble or another subject, as it is not the one who wants, but the one to whom it will come. It makes all children be attentive and ready to answer.

25. Didactic game "When do you do it?"

Purpose: consolidate cultural and hygienic skills and knowledge of parts of the day, develop attention, memory, speech.

Games: The educator calls one child. Then it depicts some action, for example, my hands washes, brushing the teeth, cleans the shoes, combed and so on, and asks: "When do you do it?" If the child answers that brushes his teeth in the morning, the children correct: "in the morning and in the evening." In the role of the master can be one of the children.

26. Didactic game "Hold the word"

Objectives: Teach children clearly uttering multi-line words loudly, develop auditory attention.

Game Travel: The teacher says words and invites children to clap your hands when they hear the words in which there is a sound "s" (Komarik's song). (Bunny, mouse, cat, castle, goat, car, book, call)

The educator should pronounce the words slowly, after each word to pause, so that the children might think.

27. Didactic game "Tree, shrub, flower"

Objectives: Secure Plant Knowledge, expand the horizons of children, develop speech, memory.

The course of the game: the master pronounces the words "tree, shrub, flower ..." and bypass children. Staying, he points to the child and considers to three, the child must quickly call what the presenter stopped. If the child did not have time or correctly called, he leaves the game. The game continues until one player remains.

28. Didactic game "Where is it growing?"

Objectives: to learn to understand the processes occurring in nature; give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe appointment of plants; show the relationship of all living on Earth from the state of vegetation cover; Develop speech.

Game move: The educator calls various plants and shrubs, and children choose only those that grow with us. If children grow clap your hands or jump in one place (you can choose anything), if not, silent.

Apple tree, pear, raspberries, mimosa, spruce, saksaul, sea buckthorn, birch, cherry, cherry, lemon, orange, linden, maple, baobab, mandarin.

If the children coped successfully, you can list the trees faster:

plum, aspen, chestnut, coffee. Rowan, Platan. Oak, cypress \\. Alycha, poplar, pine.

At the end of the game, the result is summarized who knows the most of all trees.

29. Didactic game "Who (what) will be?"

Purpose: develop speech activity, thinking.

Games: Children answer the question of an adult: "Who will (or what happens) ... Egg, chicken, boy, acorn, seed, cheek, caterpillar, flour, iron, brick, fabric, etc.?". If children come up with several options, for example, from eggs - chicken, duckling, chick, crocodile. Then they receive additional phantas.

Or the educator asks: "By whom he was before the chick (egg), bread (flour), a car (metal).

30. Didactic game "Summer or Autumn"

Objective: Secure the knowledge of signs of autumn, differentiating them from signs of summer; develop memory, speech; Raising dexterity.

Game traffic:

The educator and children stand in a circle.

Educator. If the leaves are yellowing - this is ... (and throws the ball to one of the children. The child catches the ball and says, throwing it back to the tutor: "Autumn").

Educator. If birds fly away - this ... .. etc.

31. Didactic game "Be attentive"

Objective: Differentiation of winter and summer clothes; develop auditory attention, speech hearing; An increase in the vocabulary stock.

Carefully listen to the poems on clothes, to then list all the names that will meet in these verses. Name first summer. And then winter.

32. Didactic game "Take - not to take"

Objective: Differentiation of forest and garden berries; an increase in the vocabulary of the "berry"; Develop auditory attention.

Games: Children stand in a circle. The educator explains that the name of forest and garden berries will be pronounced. If children will hear the name of the forest berries, they must sit down and if they hear the name of the garden, stretch, raising their hands up.

Strawberry, blackberry, gooseberry, cranberries, red currant, strawberry, black currant, lingonberry, raspberry.

33. Didactic game "What is planting in the garden / garden?"

Objective: Learning to classify items according to certain features (at the place of their growth, according to them); develop the speed of thinking
humor attention.

The course of the game: Children, do you know what is planted in the garden? Let's play such a game: I will call different items, and you listen carefully. If I call what is planted in the garden, you will reply "yes", if the fact that in the garden does not grow, you will say "no." Who will be mistaken, he comes out of the game.

· Carrot (yes), cucumber (yes), plum (no), beet (yes), etc.

· Cherry (yes), gooseberry (yes), potatoes (no), etc.

34. Didactic game "Who rather gather

Purpose: Teach children Grind vegetables and fruits; Relieve the speed of the reaction to the words of the educator, exposure and discipline.

Games: Children are divided into two brigades: "Gardeners" and "Garders". On the ground is lying to vegetables and fruits and two baskets. At the command of the teacher, the brigades begin to collect vegetables and fruits each in their basket. Who collected first, raises the basket up and is considered the winner.

35. Didactic game "Who needs you?"

Purpose: I exercise in classification of objects, the ability to call things necessary to people a certain profession; Develop attention.

Educator: - Let's remember that you need to work for people of different professions. I will call a profession, and you say that he needs to work.

The educator calls a profession, children say that you need to work. And then in the second part of the game the teacher calls the subject, and the children say, for which profession it can come in handy.

36. Didactic game "Do not make mistakes"

Purpose: consolidate the knowledge of children about different types sport, develop resourcefulness, intelligence, attention; To raise a desire to play sports.

Game Structure: The educator lays the cut pictures with the image different species Sports: football, hockey, volleyball, gymnastics, rowing. In the middle of the picture athlete, you need to pick it up everything you need to play.

According to this principle, you can make the game in which children will pick up the tools of labor to various professions. During the year, they get acquainted with the professions during the year: cook, janitor, postman, builder, seller, doctor, teacher, tractor driver, locksmith, etc. They select images of the subjects of their labor.

37. Didactic game "Guess - Ka!"

Objective: Learning to describe the subject without looking at it, allocate significant signs in it, to recognize the subject; Develop memory, speech.

Game Travel: According to the sign of the teacher, the child who received a chip rises and makes a description of any subject, and then transmits the chip to the one who will guess. Gaying, the child describes his subject, transmits the following chip, etc.

38. Didactic game "Finish Proposal"

Ice thin, and trunk - ... (fat)

39. Didactic game "Where is what lies?"

Purpose: Learning to allocate from a group of words, from the speech flow of the word with this sound; consolidate the correct pronunciation of certain sounds in words; Develop attention.

The course of the game: The educator calls the subject and invites children to answer where it can be put. For example:

- "Mom brought bread and put it in ... (bread club).

· Masha poured sugar ... where? (In sugar)

· Vova washed his hands and put soap ... where? (In soap)

40. Didactic game "Catch up your shadow"

Objective: to acquaint with the concept of light and shadow; Develop speech.

Stroke Game: Educator: Who gods a riddle?

I go - she goes

I stand - she stands,

Break - she runs. Shadow

On a sunny day, if you put face, back or sideways to the sun, then a dark spot will appear on Earth, this is your reflection, it is called a shadow. The sun sends his rays to the ground, they spread in all directions. Standing in the light, you close the way to the sun rays, they light you, but your shadow falls on the ground. Where else is the shadow? What does it look like? Catch shadow. Dance with shadow.

41. Didactic game "Finish Proposal"

Purpose: to learn to complement the proposals by the word of the opposite value; Develop memory, speech.

Games: The educator starts a proposal, and the children end, only they say the opposite words about the meaning of the word.

Sugar sweet, and pepper - ... (bitter)

Summer leaves are green, and in the fall - ... .. (Yellow)

The road is wide, and the path - ... (narrow)

42. Didactic game "Who has some color?"

Purpose: Teach children to learn colors, consolidate the ability to determine objects in color, develop speech, attention.

Game stroke: The tutor shows, for example, a green square of paper. Children are not called color, but the subject of the same color: grass, sweater, hat, etc.

43. Didactic game "What item"

Objective: Learning to classify items on a specific sign (value, color, form), consolidate the knowledge of children about the value of the items; Develop the speed of thinking.

Game move: Children sit in a circle. The teacher says:

· We are in class and walks have seen many different items. Now I will call one word, and you will be listed which items can be called in one word.

· Long, "says the teacher and transfers his neighbor.

· Dress, rope, day, fur coat, - recall children.

· Wide, - suggests the teacher the next word.

Children call: road, street, river, ribbon, etc.

It also takes the game to improve the ability of children to classify objects in color, form. The teacher says:

· Red.

Children in turn answers: berry, ball, check box, asterisk, car, etc.

Round (ball, sun, apple, wheel, etc.).

44. Didactic game "What can the beasts do?"

Objective: Learning to create a variety of verbal combinations; expand into consciousness the semantic content of the word; develop memory.

The course of the game: Children turn into "beasts". Everyone must tell you what he can do what is powered by how moving. Those who told correctly receives a picture of the animal.

· I am a red squirrel. I jump from the branch on the branch. For the winter I make supplies: I collect nuts, land mushrooms.

I am a dog, a cat, a bear, fish, etc.

45. Didactic game "Come to another word"

Purpose: expand vocabulary; Develop attention.

The course of the game: The educator says "come up with one word other, similar. You can say: a bottle of milk, and you can say a dairy bottle. " Cranberry sweets (cranberry kissel); Vegetable soup (vegetable soup); Potato puree (potato mashed potatoes).

46. \u200b\u200bDidactic game "Pick up similar words"

Objective: Teach children clearly uttering multiplid words loudly; Develop memory attention.

Games: The teacher says the words close to sound: a spoon - a cat, ears - guns. Then he utters one word and invites children to choose others to him, close by sound: spoon (cat, leg, window), gun (fly, drying, cuckoo), bunny (boy, finger), etc.

47. Didactic game "Who will remember more?"

Purpose: enrich the dictionary of children with verbs denoting the actions of objects; Develop memory, speech.

The course of the game: Carlson asks to look at the pictures and tell you what they do what else can do.

Blizzard - sweaters, Love, PURIT.

Rain - pours, heats, snaps, dripping, begins, shearse, ...

Crow - flies, squabbles, sits, eats, sitting on, drinking, viet, etc.

48. Didactic game "What else do you say?"

Purpose: consolidate and clarify the value of multivalued words; To bring up sensitive attitude to the combination of words in meaning, develop speech.

The course of the game: Tell Carlson, what else can I say so:

It rains: it goes - snow, winter, boy, dog, smoke.

Playing - Girl, Radio, ...

Gorky - pepper, medicine, .. etc.

49. Didactic game "Invent myself"

Purpose: learn to see in various subjects possible deputies of other items suitable for a particular game; To form the ability to use the same subject as the deputy of other items and vice versa; Develop speech, imagination.

GROUND GAME: The educator offers to choose each child one subject (cube, bump, leaf, pebble, paper strip, cover) and dreaming: "How can I play these objects?" Each child calls the subject to which it looks like and how can you play with him.

50. Didactic game "Who hears what?"

Objective: Learn children to designate and call the word sounds (rings, rustles, plays, cracking, etc.); raise auditory attention; Develop spout, exposure.

Goggue: On the table at the tutor stand various subjects, under the action of which the sound is published: the bell rings; rustling a book that leaf; Plays a doodie, piano, husli, etc., i.e., all that is sounding in a group can be used in the game.

One child is invited for the screen, which plays there, for example, on a swivel. Children, having heard the sound, guess, and the one who played, coming out because of the screen with a swirrel in his hands. The guys are convinced that they were not mistaken. Another child selected by the first participant of the game will play with another tool. He, for example, leafs the book. Children guess. If it is difficult to answer immediately, the educator asks to repeat the action, and listen to all playing attentively. "The book leafs, the leaves are rustling" - children guess. Because of the screen, the player comes out and shows how he acted.

This game can be done on a walk. The educator draws attention to the guys on the sounds: the tractor works, the birds sing, the car will signal, the leaves will be rustling, etc.