Harry Kasparov with his wife. Harry Kasparov about his wife and children: I lead an extremely exemplary lifestyle & quot. Julia Vovk. Slightly caught

V. Leather in the "literary newspaper" and Lion Worsthennikov in the "light". Even if you read the monograph, written by N. A. Kasyan, "manual therapy", perhaps a clear answer to the question of what exactly does N. A. Kasyan, you would not receive how I did not receive it and I, not only reading These sources, but also starting attending the sessions of Nikolai Andreevich and Pasha Andreevna Kasyan. Pasha Andreevna - National Sister N. A., Two of four children, they inherited the art of Father Andrei Nikolayevich Kasyan, Feldscher, who lived in a small village a few kilometers from the town of Kobelyaki Poltava region.

Nikolai Andreevich cannot be attributed to manual therapists, although this definition is firmly glued to his behalf.

At the beginning of the first article, I wrote: The most famous manual therapist in the last century in Russia. It is more correct to say: the most famous healer of the spine. Why?

Manual therapy is a certain medical specialty with detailed description In the teaching benefits of the theory and permissible actions of the doctor, all therapeutic techniques that it should enjoy.

N. A. Kasyan did not use anything from this. Neither theory nor practice. He did not study them ever - unless he visited some kind of residence conference on the slope of years. All my life, he used only special techniques of his father.

Maybe still - a manual therapist, because it sowed his patients with the hands? Well, then the manual therapists need to be called:

  1. masseuses;
  2. lovers;
  3. surgeons, therapists and all other specialties, where there is a suction inspection;
  4. just welcomes each other with handshake and patting on the shoulder and back.

It is clear that all the above-mentioned categories of people cannot be called manual therapists - all of them, like Kasyan, did not perform actions described in detail in the works on manual therapy.

Already today, it's decently fighting in the basic materials about N. A. Kasyan, laid out on the Internet, I didn't find anything about the essence of the method, even wrong - just no one writes.

Let me write.

N. A., putting his palm on his back, two fingers slowed down from the top down along the spine. One finger to the left of the spinal column, the other on the right. Sometimes he spent another time, or from the bottom up. Then, having seen a certain picture, he spent several times with the same two fingers along the spine, and in some places hit his left hand slightly. A few seconds - in a lying position (feet hang) on \u200b\u200bthe table, covered with a blanket and sheets. Then, a few seconds the same procedure in the standing position, leaning and bent forward. Then she wrapped behind the chest with his hands and shake. Everything. Your 13 seconds ended. Following.

The strikes were felt approximately as a climbing of the chest at the therapist or cardiologist, when they listen to you with a stethoscope.

It does not hurt completely, just like a light massage with the edge of the palm. Therefore, it is even wrong to call shocks. And these words appear in some reviews on the Internet - "tagged", "knocked" on the back, the word "shock" technique. I can not agree with this definition. True, many, who consider themselves his students, were knocked where as much in good faith. And it is not selectively, but for each vertebral (worse there will be no worse, but you will analyze it, what it is necessary! Nowhere is written, and Kasyan never said it. And said: "Stay, watch, learn ...").

Okay. No sensations after the "clutch" of Kasyan, and many in the queue did not remain. Naturally, no bruises were also not. When I read about the injuries of his method, I indignant: his personal method Not traumatic. And the fact that hundreds of children of Lieutenant Schmidt went through Russia - so where does Kasyan?

Its method was difficult to adopt. The art of Kasyanov's family, not counting their father, I only observed in N. A. and P. A. It is said that Pasha Andreevna, one of the daughters took over - but she died, there were also 40 years old. Maybe there are and still reached - but I did not see, although I visited several of his official disciples. But several times seen the children of Lieutenant Schmidt. True, art with a completely different technique has seen in the level of Kasyana - about it later.

For the first time I visited the town of Kobelyaki not with the problems of my back - I was sure that my back was healthy and beautiful. I accompanied the comrade - he did not risk going alone - what if he could not stand from the train shelves? And what will happen after treatment? He "turned" back when loading in the trunk of a car of something heavy. He was twisted, constantly "pulled" a foot (squeezed nerve). For a year and a half, we visited 3 different center of manual therapy in Moscow - as a result, it became even a little worse. Someone advised to go to Kasyana, gave an address and telephone. Called - takes. I'll say right away - after a few visits first Nikolai Andreevich, then Pasha Andreevna spin straightened, let go of the leg - everything went very quickly.

Interesting was my first visit to N. A. I heard from Olders in Macelyakov, that once kasyan tried to "check" people with healthy backs. Having fingers on a healthy back, he, allegedly, almost kicks kicked out such a visitor. And I believed that I had a healthy back - only the neck for a couple of years I was able to know myself, in the morning I regained, and I started to turn only after rubbing my hands and a towel. It was not particularly disturbed. And getting to the famous master I wanted. Acute curiosity.

So that I did not drive me kicks, I prepared in advance phrase: "N. A., the back is healthy, that's just the neck counts ... ". And, by entering, immediately said it. Kasyan spent his lap on my back and began to laugh: "You say, neck, and I say you here!". And began to draw the chest department. It is clear, I was extremely surprised. Moreover, no explicit changes followed after its 20 seconds of reception. After a couple of visits to Kasyan, our housewife, where we stopped, Catherine Mironovna Korovovenkova, gave us a lot of information about the local "kitchen" and advised us to start walking towards the sister N. A. - Pasha Andreevna, about which we were here for the first time and learned.

The essence is: the art of healing Spin appeared and developed at the Father of the current Kasyanov, Andrei Nikolayevich, from whom he inherited only two of his 4 children. Moreover, when popularity has been popular for N. A. Kasyan, he, trying to accept all those who suffer, began to reduce the time of working with each patient, to pay less attention to him. So he reached the 13 seconds described by L. Wystennikov. And the sister continued to take on the old manner, as the father taught, and was engaged with each back approximately 3-4 minutes. When N. A. took a hundred, she took 2-3 dozen people, worked only in the morning for 2-3 hours. "From the side" of people did not like. Took those who, having arrived in the males, have stopped at its 6-7 couping; as well as local residents who knew the "kitchen". Kumushki looked at their tenants who came to the famous N. A. Kasyan, and told about the unknown sister, which heals better, however, the cost of the session is more. So convinced and try us. Everything turned out to be true, the back of my comrade improved sharply after 2-3 receptions at P. A .. Nikolai Andreevich, we did not notice such a quick effect. And my first visit to P. A. forced to surprise even more. Starting, like Brother, "Talking" to me, P. A. began to sentence: "And where are you, son, so I sparkled the back of about 17 and a half ago?".

For me, the news was already the fact that I have a spin curve, and here and 17 and a half years old! Not even that just 17 !! At leisure - and its in males with a 5-minute treatment is abounding - we have become careful to carefully study my back in different positions, with slopes - and saw: the back is very curve, all and from the neck to the lower back.

I walked right, with a decent posture, and "inside" this posture was a curve spine - the neck already gave itself to know. Later, analyzing the past, I realized that, although my spin curve did not hurt, however, there were certain ailments, including heart problems, digestion, which were due to the back curve. Moreover, 2 years before the first visit to the Kobelyak, on suspicion of angina stress, I was examined at the Cardiology Institute on the outskirts of Kuntsevo - where later the famous operation B. N. Yeltsin was done. Must mention the skill and technology of the clinic - did not think that we, in Russia, may work so. This level has not yet seen anywhere else. Summary after survey: angina, like other catastrophic things, I do not have, there is only a mitral valve prolapse, but it does not affect pain in the heart, and twisted breast vertebrae and squeezed nerves.

My question, where to go with this problem, where it can solve it as qualified as they solve problems with the heart and coronary arteries, cardiologists only shrugged. They do not know such a place. From knowledge that the heart is in order, on spasms and tingling, I simply ceased to pay attention. Make something, according to cardiologists, with this area of \u200b\u200bosteochondrosis anyway, nothing can be done, so the problem has moved to the side, it was given to the more acute economic difficulties of those years. Therefore, I even before the first visit to N. A. Kasyan, decided to draw his attention to problems with the neck, forgetting about the osteochondrosis of the thoracic department (no matter how much you will do anything ...).

Let's go back to our discoveries - the spin of the curve, and damaged it 17.5 years ago. And I do not remember neither injuries nor falls, no periods of inflammation of the back, nothing.

Okay, in 1996 I was 32.5 years minus 17.5, it turns out for 15 years. At the age of 15, I finished grade 8 of the then 10-pilot.

Now I can not remember, after a few days or even a week reached me: it was in the middle of the 8th grade that I bought a girc of 16 kg, I decided to pump up the muscles, to become stronger - such a desire is characteristic of many boys. Several months of conscientious classes with the Gary - right hand squeezed up to 50 times, left to 35. The muscles of shoulders and arms strengthened, and in general, it became not much stronger. Now it is clear that it was absolutely illiterate, and the asymmetrical development of the hands entailed the asymmetric development of the muscles of the shoulders and the back. The muscles spin the spine in the Uppergruda region, and compensatory curvature went and up and down. A young, growing spine at the sluggish, non-energy boy formed and grew up in the form of several scroliose arcs, which determined all his life under the sign of the twisted back and future problems that it still has to be solved.

Then, in 1996, I took such an accurate determination of the age of my curvature on the vast experience and the skill of Pasha Andreevna. Another 10 years, when I began to engage in other people's backs, several times gave the same accurate "forecast" of the age of injury to people who just like me, did not suspect her until they were asked for parents. Memories of them about the departure of the child with swing in one case, and about falling from the tree on the back on the iron fittings in the other, and confirmed the accurate age of injuries.

Then I thought that I had reached the level of experience of Pasha Andreevna. But further observations and reflections led to the idea that no personal experience could give such a forecast. The extent of the elasticity of the spinal joints can be low after a short time after injury, or, more often, and without it, and depends on a million factors that can not consider any experience (I can prove it in detail).

Now I will tell you only the result of the next perennial observations. A warm back, I asked the question like Pasha Andreevna: When did you get such a misunderstanding? And, without thinking, the answer from the language, which turned out to be accurate. After many different evidence and observations, it became absolutely indisputable for me that it was a small private case of Vangi's abilities who read the past and the future.

What's the point of this?

I think very big. Touching to an unfamiliar back, I try to relax and do not think about anything, sometimes I close my eyes. And there is a feeling that the problems of this person, and what should be done. In most cases, through direct work with the spine, you work with the psychology of a person and its incentive habits. The spine, like the whole body of a person, reflects the current result of his life, and in this life, as in this body, you can make positive adjustments. And even if I don't imagine them with my own logic, but the one who manages us. And I want to apply not to the skill, but on the art of obedience.

True, most people want simple and rational actions of a good master to make it easier for them.

But, as we understand and experience, I'm more and more evade one mechanical work (which clearly does not add popularity).

However, with those who are configured to work on changing their habits - the simplest for the start - nutritional issues, exercise and life values \u200b\u200b- as a rule, significant changes occur.

You see, being a good specialist, you can build a Dniprocess, turn the northern rivers to reverse (there was such a project), build huge skyscrapers and cottage islands on the sands of the Arab Emirates, based on oil production - but is it necessary?

I can significantly improve almost any back without your participation, but is it necessary? Exceptions - cases of injuries - need.

Many Indian healers, and, in particular, Saya Baba, were solved, perhaps similar problems like this: this is a karmic case, not mine ... At the same time, their reputation did not suffer.

Therefore, my choice is to work together and teaching care for your body - the most aces - and the body responds with gratitude. And the back is enough to stroke several times - and she will report that she lacks why she hurts.

Therefore, I no longer pretend to the role of a "good specialist" or "wizard", and I want to be guided only by my own conscience and intuition, in the hope that this is the voice of God.

But I got carried away, back to Earth. Of course, Pasha Andreevna was a real left master in Macelyakov, and not her famous brother. Its "13 seconds" have developed from the best motives and the "Karma Wheels", in which he was tightened. It does not get such advertising, and thousands of those who can help a simple touch, would not know about him, and even more so about the sister who solved more complex cases. See, it is ambiguous all this ...

By the way, to tell about two cases, which Pasha Andreevna did not decide. But this is not a decrease in its authority, but that we are not gods, and the boundaries of the possible.

The first case is with me. After the first trip to Macelyak, I became a constant patient there. The state of the back was objectively improved, but there was no direct correlation with health - something became better, and something was worse. Worse is not a side effect of the actions of Pasha Andreevna, but inertia 17 years ago spoiled health. After 3 years of travel, the back and neck have become smaller, and more flexible, many problems have gone, but it began to hurt directly back after even small stresses - before this was not. Outside the plan, food in the males - after 2-3 days the back passes, everything is wonderful, returning. Any meager tension - he dreamed one bed at the cottage or half an hour collected strawberries - the back fell ill. Maybe it will pass herself? Anti-inflammatory preparations, short starvation, gentle by a slacker - does not pass. The victims of 3-4 months, food in males. After 2-3 days, everything passes again. From 1999 to 2003 there were 9 such trips. Born black humor - and whether to recalculate whether in general in the males? But P. A. Already then was an old and patient, and the heirs of skill were no longer there, and it scarecrow.

Arriving, I asked P. A. - "Well, what about me there? Disinted something? ". Answer: "Yes, there are small displacements, but I will not worry, do not worry!". I did not worry (almost), everything went through, and after 2-3, a maximum of 4 weeks was repeated. Since P. A. noted at each next arrival, that I had small vertebrae shifts on my back - it means that it was. Here - no doubt and deception. If after 2-3 days she said that everything is good - it means that it was.

But why is everything - again ?? ...

I have been born the theory of micromotes - something in the body is not so, and the vertebrae does not hold. Weightless forecast. I can't take my 5-year-old child in my hands, I can not work.

By this time, I was completely professionally familiar with the anatomy of the spine. Also - did not help.

October 23, 2003 - by chance (?!) - I go to the local bookstore, I think - you need to do something, something clever look about the back. The choice of books in a small peripheral store is small and chance. On the shelf about health is a book " New system Healing back pain. " The authors are three American psychologists, excluding all clinical cases, not trying to generalize everything to one reason, tell about the common version of the back of the back of the tension in the muscles due to the suffered stress, about the pain that makes a practical disabled person and lays into bed when we are about stress For a long time forgot.

In the textbooks, I did not read this; But the arguments and examples are convincing, and the experience of reading books and periodics does not allow the book to the most common categories: Charlatanian; naive; "Scientific" reviews; tangled (illiterate); popular; Fanatically narrow-plated.

The recipe in the book was asked such: not paying attention to the pain (only after the elimination of all clinical symptoms!), Return to normal life, ordinary, everyday and beloved classes, abandoned due to constant pain, sometimes many years (my "experience" was approximately 4 of the year).

Cocking with the patient, psychologists have come to possible causes Hidden stress in the past - their awareness also helped to gradually get rid of pain. According to examples in the book, there was a second time of gradual getting rid of pain - from a few weeks to months.

It seemed to me that my type of pain was similar to the described in the book, so I decide to hold a risky experiment - load my back, do everything that I stopped doing last years - Now, immediately!

Why risky? Previously, even small loads laid me in bed, and here ...

You do such experiments to do categorically I do not advise "By the time I studied the anatomy and the physiology of the back for a long time, some intuition was developed, there was experience in treating and observing Kasyanov and other specialists - I knew that I had no more complex injury.

So, the back hurts, tearing with difficulty, tie the laces on sneakers, and - on a jog. Fast intense jogging (long - "smoking" no, complete rispering for the years), go to fast walking, and run again. The throat dries up and slightly sobs, and the back - no (?? !!).

But - I decided to fight with subconscious fears - therefore I boldly dive into the burning water. I go out - the back does not hurt. Not yet joy, and some surprise appears. Back - Also intense walking, alternating with running, on the way - pull-up, push ups and press at the school stadium. Does not hurt. Maybe in the evening he will overtake? When I did not get sick and the next day, I understood everything !!!

And I caught 4 years old, and everything was afraid, considering that I know enough anatomy, the physiology and practice of the treatment of the back!

So, any small physical activity before October 23 caused an increase in pain; And a very big pain destroyed this pain! What is the magnitude of the load? Not. In knowledge.

I tried to change the knowledge of the causes of pain and stop afraid. It turned out something very quickly, not by the experience of American psychologists. The pain passed as a result changes in knowledge - I found out that it is optional.

Remembering the backs inspired by the neighbors in the backs of the back (then I did not understand that I was looking, but much remained in my memory and became clear later), two-three were with the same "stressful" pain. Now I can explain some regularity of their occurrence in Kasyanov, see: external (hands) Development of the back, an increase in the mobility of the vertebrae and the lack of training for the development of ligaments - after all, you need to take care! Weak longitudinal bundles of the spine are strained, spasped, and cannot relax. Pain - from compressed nervous endings inside ligaments. The pain creates fear or fear, and they, in turn, support spasm. Ordinary closed circle. Later, I met only 4-5 people with the same dominant symptom, and a few - with mixed. Almost everyone has passed in a few days. And without any risky events - from ordinary explanations with evidence.

What then should I say about Pasha Andreevna? She did not know such a "simple" thing, as a result - 4 years of trips? ...

She saw a little peashed by spashed vertebrate ligaments; Under the hands of the ligaments relax, and the vertebrae is aligned. She was a good "narrow" specialist. But is it possible to reproach it?

I don't know how to think (forgive me) all mankind; And the specialists like P. A. is extremely rare. Well, let the "narrow" - pluses more than the minuses.

So, after 3 years of positive shifts in the back, P. A. "I set up" me on the dependence on trips, and another 4 years were wasted wasted - given my inoperativeness.

But no one must know and be able to know everything!

"It is impossible to argue the immense" - goat rods.

But someone swears and talks about incompetence ...

After Casian sessions, there are exacerbations?

For his long stay, it seems, I have not seen. Although should be. So there are, but little.

Please tell me, is there any form of treatment that gives 100% warranty from exacerbations?

By the way, it was then, after October 23, 2003, I had a very clear picture of the processes taking place in the spine, and I began to advise first relatives and friends, then all interested.

But I have never done any advertising. These articles are the first thing that is published - information, although it is clear that they carry and advertising tint - an invitation to school. It is curious that for the first time the idea of \u200b\u200bschool appeared in 1990, and no longer disappeared .... It was just 24 years before the start of implementation in the final (?) Form. The main purpose of articles and materials on the site is to inform you now. Interest, start learning the subject, you can ask questions ...

Yes, I talked about the book of American psychologists not because it is precisely such pains that are often found - just rarely - and it is necessary to exclude various injuries, displacements, curvature and inflammation. The meaning was that I was looking for a few years to solve the issue, and here someone leads me to the store, where this book could not be at all, but by chance that appear, to be purchased! I just went to that shop! No probability of coincidences! I was looking for an answer - and got it. You can also.

The second indicative case (unsolved Kasyani problem) is described in detail in references ( eva.ru/topic/237/2692250.htm, eva.ru/jsf/forum/print-all.jsp?topicid\u003d2692250), Refers to 2011 Girl Katya, 24 years old, strong scoliosis and hump, drove several times in Macelyak. Pasha Andreevna promised to fix everything in five years, subject to trips every 3 months (according to Mom Kati). Subjectively, the Kat became easier after the trip, and the objective (?) Mother's attempts to photograph the back showed an increase in one of the curvatures (I didn't say anything about anything - the tendency as a whole could be positive). It was stopped to ride, began to configure the operation. From a personal response from Mom Kati:

From: Ksenia Korchma
Date: 2013/3/30

Yes, Katya is doing well now. The operation helped a lot. It was very scary to decide on it, but we do not regret. If the degree of scoliosis is greater than the second, then no manual workers will help. It is only money for wind and time loss. And during this time the degree will increase.

How do I comment on it? Most likely, Pasha Andreevna could not correct such curvature. Why?

I had to face like curvature: hub on the right at the place of the blade, and the compensatory bend of the spine to the left with the axial twist, so that part of the chest was on the back, and the spine inside, under the ribs ...

A year later, it became clear that everything would work out, after 3 years - a strong young man with a slightly curved back (deviations from the vertical axis about 3 cm. Right and 5 cm. Left). On this occasion, his mother said a couple of times more critical I said: Look, he is still a curve! ...

But he is healthy, and firmly knows that muscle support for him is all. It would not work out if I could not have been able to melt it to make a lot of special gymnastics.

Correct the spine on which, with such a curvature, knowingly semi-liked muscles - so it will not hold on, it will be twisted again. Only in parallel with the development of muscles.

That is why Pasha Andreevna could not eliminate the hump among Kati - she did not do any gymnastics, only - gentle regime.

You can regard the two failures of Pasha Andreevna described by me, like criticism, or veiled criticism, or as a background for boasting. And if we assume that I simply tell you real stories; And if it would not be the first three productive years of my trips to Macelyak, today I would have big problems Health, if at all it would be alive. And the krivoy boy helped to correct the same workshop using the method taken by her, including?

Therefore: Thank you very much to Nikolai Andreevich and Pasha Andreevna Kasyan for the correction of my back, and for his selfless work.

It is necessary to explain my opinion about the alternative described above: the operation, or the skill of P. A., or gymnastics.

I am for gymnastics plus the Kasyanov method! - No, all this is not so simple.

All the problems of the boy described by me were not passed, curvature can progress again. You can select additional exercises, to change the work (and it is "sitting"), to engage in the strengthening of the widespread control over the posture (as this boy "light character" - it became better, so well, for the time being about it! In life, so much interesting!). All this is difficult and cannight. But to contact the surgeon and once and forever solve the problem - tempting? Unfortunately, "Once and for all" can not be nowhere, never and anyone!

This does not mean that I deny surgery at all. In some cases, only a good surgeon is able to save and extend your life, putting any prosthesis. But the operation is always traumatic, and that worse, there are mandatory long-term consequences, I will tell about some now.

I heard such an opinion from the surgeon: the best operation, it is not an operation. That is, when you can resolve an alternative to .... But if it is impossible - probably it is worth doing.

Remote consequences: Suppose you put a prosthesis for several vertebrae. Attached to the metal structure, the vertebrae completely loses mutual mobility, the discs are calcined and the vertebrae is actually growing, that is, artificial osteochondrosis (or arthrosis) is obtained. And all the spine suffering from osteochondrosis, its "charms" is known: various pensions, pains, numbness and deterioration of the work of internal organs controlled by nerves coming from the vertebrae of this site. It is an accelerated "rupture" of the body, to prevent which only manages the development of joints, ligaments and muscles of this segment. And with a metal rod - what is the development? Moreover, we deliberately span segments. Both options - both surgical, and "developing-firming" are not ideal. Ideal options do not exist in nature at all - there are most suitable for you.

I suppose Katya and Mom did not know anything about the possibilities of muscle development and spoken ligaments, as well as about the distant consequences of the operation. It is difficult to deal with all this when the problem is very acute. Yes, because they apply to all: and to the famous master (Pasha Andreevna), and to good surgeons. And maybe in their case the operation was indeed the best solution ...

The best solution to the issue is in knowledge and practical mastering the simple body care techniques and its development in advance, or when problems are just beginning. What I suggest you. Training.

In the first article, I pointed out more or less acceptable sources for independent learning.

"More or less": I do not like two extremes: generalized text without specific technologies, and technological text with absolute confidence in the full safety and efficiency of gymnastics (this does not happen) - there is not enough safety, and just objectivity.

But, you never know what I do not like ...

I already pointed out the recipe:

  1. Read more books, find contradictions.
  2. Outline useful in your opinion.
  3. Specify the questions - be sure to write in writing.
  4. You will not find a response - do not pull - ask others - specialists and textbooks. Or come to school.

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Chess Korolka and Marina Neelan's daughter charm the director of the London Gallery

The 13th World Chess Champion Garry Kasparov recently born her son. Probably, it was not by chance that the boy was named American manner - Nicholas. Three years ago, Harry Kimovich, finally choosing the profession of a political prostitute, left Russia and settled in the United States.

Kasparov bought an apartment of three bedrooms with an area of \u200b\u200b160 square member in New York on Manhattan. m. For this, a family nest, where his young wife Daria Tarasova live, their 9-year-old daughter Aida and the chess player himself, the fugitive laid out $ 3.4 million. Now it will have to rush a little - there are four of them.
The 52-year-old ex-world champion knows a lot about women's beauty. Daria is younger than it for 20 years, and some Americans seeing them together, mistakenly think that she is his daughter. When Roman Kasparova and Tarasova, student students of the St. Petersburg Humanitarian University of Trade Unions, was in full swing, Dasha somehow asked who she had a great chess player. Spectacular brunette without blinking the eye, replied: "I am his wife." Although Kasparov at that time was married completely with another young lady - Yulia Vovk! But Tarasova has achieved his own. In 2006, she really married chess genius.
As a student, Daria practiced in Washington on the program that the US government supported. She opened his own store in St. Petersburg, and Valery Leontyev even dedicated her one of her songs. In general, this lady also knew the price.

Liberast Kasparov and Daria Tarasov live in New York in an apartment worth $ 3.4 million. Mikhail Frolova / "Komsomolskaya Pravda"

Harry Kimovich and Daria together for 10 years with a tail, and, I must say, this is a great achievement for the spouse. After all, the winner of all sorts chess tournaments There was always a weakness to the beautiful floor.
About the novel of the young Kasparov with a wonderful actress by Marina Neelan, all theatrical Moscow. When they met, Marina was 37 years old, and Garica - 21. He then lived in Baku and in Moscow was only the departures. Neelova took a young lover in his apartment on pure ponds. But in the light, they have repeatedly appeared together. When in the 84th Kasparov for the first time met in the match for the title of world champion with Anatoly Karpov, Nelova sat in the hall next to Mom's chess player. But it was Clara Shagenovna and separated them. At first she told her son:
"You need to focus on chess." And if you want to marry the actress, it is better to marry at all the factory dormitory at all. She will infect you a bad disease!
When Neelan became pregnant, Clara Shagenovna inspired her son that an extramarital child could negatively affect his sports career. The ambitious Harry, who already won the world title, did not object. His mother stated in the press: "This is not our child." As if hinting for the fact that Neelova was in parallel with another man. Proud actress did not tend a word then. But the daughter of Nick, whom she gave birth, turned out to be two drops of water similar to Kasparov. Colleagues Nevoy on the theater "Contemporary" were outraged by the act of grandmaster, and Valentin Gaft stated publicly:
- Kasparov is not fit to be taken in a decent house.
Now Nick has 28 years old. In the first class, she went to Paris. When he grown, became a sculptor, graduating from the Royal Academy of Arts in the Netherlands. Later, Nick continued his studies in England, and in 2010 it became the winner of the competition "New Sensations", which was held by the London Gallery of Catchee. Her father replaced the current husband Neelan - Russian diplomat Kirill Gevorgyan. Precisely thanks to the father's stepmate school age Visited B. different countries And learned several foreign languages. Neelan's daughter, burning brunette, looks very attractive, although he says that he never considered himself beautiful.

Maria Arapova gave birth to a chessman's daughter Polina. After the divorce, the former wife did not give Harry to see her daughter. Photo: Eternaltown.com.ua.

I have a young man, we live together in London, - recognized Nick a few years ago. - He is Italian, also works here. Not an artist and not sculptor. Maybe it is for the better - we are not boring together.
However, to submit to the public of the very Italian Nick never decided. Later he went to his homeland, and the couple was broken. Meanwhile, Nelova Junior literally fascinated the director of the London Gallery "Charlie Smith" Zaiter of Ellis. First, he, using extensive connections, helped to show his work in the capital of England, then in Berlin, Amsterdam and other cities of Europe. Outwardly, everything looked quite ordinary: the patron of art helps young giving to climb the road to success. But when at the exhibition in the London Somerset House, where the works of leading artists and sculptors of Britain were shown, suddenly the creation of Niki Nelaova - the only one from the foreigners, many had a question: why would it be? Talent She, undoubtedly, is, but without a high patronage in the cohort of the chosen, they won't get so quickly. This venice, by the way, oversaw the recruitment.

Harry Kasparov - to his owner, US Vice President Joe Bidenu: "I'm glad to try, your wellness!". Photo: © Reuters

Everything understood the former Favorite of Ellis - Tessa Farmer. The woman arranged an ex-boyfriend scandal:
- What is this in this Russian? Her works are completely ordinary. You are moving personal sympathy.
Tessa persistently asked the Zadaner for the use of the case to forget about the Russian sculptor. But he did not listen and still began to lose his head from the new favorite. Now they see the director of the gallery not only at exhibitions and museums. Ellis takes her on trips, they dine together in restaurants, walk around the city.
According to our data, Nika Nelova was offered to work in Moscow at one time - she did not want. Mom called a daughter to Paris, where he lives in recent years, and gained polite refusal. And when Nick asks for something, Ellis (or vice versa), there is no failure.
About Kasparov Nick prefers not to speak. She, like mom, crossed it out of his life.

Led the girl at short

In the 86th, friends introduced Harry with the Miloid Blonde Maria Arapova. The graduate of the Philological Faculty of Moscow State University worked as a translator in "Intourist". It is curious that her dad was well acquainted with Karpov - the 12th world champion and a sworn Kasparov's opponent, but Clara Schagenovna learned about it too late. Otherwise, perhaps she would not give blessings to marriage. Three years after the wedding, Mary gave her husband to her daughter, which was called Polina. Arapov decided to give birth in Finland, where her parents lived at that time. And Kasparov remained in Moscow, with Mom. They say Clara Shagenovna seriously offended by the daughter-in-law. When Harry was going to buy new housing for a family in the center of Moscow, Masha cautiously offered to detect the mother-in-room - buy her apartment in the house next door. Such a cunning of the Vlace Clara of Shagenovna, accustomed to live with his son under one roof, could not worry.

Great and terrible, otherwise it was not called in the chess world. The thirteenth world champion left Chess Olymp on the top of Glory, and no one is taken to say if he is right.

Childhood Harry Kasparov

Genius was born in Baku, April 13, 1963, in an intelligent family. Father, Kim Moiseevich Vinstein, like the mother, Clara Shagenovna Kasparyan, worked on engineering positions. Yes, and grandfather, Moses Weinstein, was not the last to be the composer in Baku.

When exactly the young kasparov mastered ancient game, unknown. The story mentions only the fact that at five years, unexpectedly for parents, he suggested the decision to the decision published in the Etude newspaper. Seeing such non-sex in the baby's ability, Garika was given to the chess section of the Baku Palace of Pioneers. In 1970, Dad died from the Lymphosarcoma of the future grandmaster. Mother completely devoted her life to the upbringing of the son.

In the very first year of chess learning, the boy won 3 category. And in 1972 he took part in the international youth tournament, which was held in France. Of course, here the relatives of the Kasparov family played the last role here, but the merit of Young Wunderkind is not worth it too.

The first successes and failures of the Chess player Harry Kasparov

1973 was swivel for genius. This year, a very young more than a genius went as part of the Azerbaijani national team in Vilnius, where he met his future coach, a friend and mentor Alexander Nikitin. It was on his recommendation that the Bakinets hit the correspondence chess school of the Botvinnik for the whole world. And there he very soon became an assistant of the chess patriarch.

Already then, Botvinnik noted the unique analytical abilities of young dating. And the sixth world champion in such matters was never mistaken.

By the way, Kasparov, and not Weinstein, Garik became only in 1974. Then his mother, for the sake of a chess career of his son, changed him not only nationality, but also last name. Since then, young Jewish chess player became Armenian. In the same year, Harry Kimovich first participated in the All-Union Tournament between Poland Pioneers. And in 1975 he was leading in the USSR Championship among young men. True, the unsuccessful finish dropped him away, on the seventh place. But considering the age of the young man and the strong composition of the tournament, it was a sensation.

In 1976, at the age of 12, Bakinets won this tournament. Then he was seriously spoke in the highest chess circles of the country of the Soviets. Countries that occupy unconditional leadership in the chess world.

Eight-year-old Wunderkind against Harry Kasparova

In 1978, after long disputes, the young CMS was allowed to the tournament with the participation of grandmasters. Sokolsky Garik Memorial won early. And this despite the fact that for 5 rounds to Finish, he already scored the workshop. In the same year, the future champion won the qualifying tournament in the highest league of the country in chess.

In 1979, he was conquered quite a strong international tournament in Banya-Luka.

True, he only got to this tournament only thanks to the continued authority of the patriarch of Soviet chess. Without recommendations of the Botvinnik, Garik could not be left without exit.

At the same tournament, the young master exceeded the norm of the International Grandmaster. For such achievements, Heydar Aliyev himself was taken under his guardianship, the first secretary of the Central Committee of the KP of Azerbaijan. AND chess genius He did not let down. He brings home the Bronze Medal of the USSR Championship, the strongest tournament in the world.

Harry Kasparov - Grandmaster

In 1980, Garica assigned the title of grandmaster. He was 17 years old, he just finished with a gold medal. He has many hobbies, and thousands of talents. But since it was decided that the life of the grandmaster would connect with chess, then it was more rational to be trained at the Faculty of Foreign Languages \u200b\u200bin the Azerbaijani Pedagogical Institute. Where he came.

Winning matches from Victor Corn and Vasily Miselov, in 1984, Harry Kimovich Kasparov became the main challenger on the chess crown.

There were victory to win and not only for a chessboard. 1984 I remember in the life of a 21-year-old chess player with his acquaintance with 37 year old Marina Neelan, who, after three year-old communications with the champion, was born a daughter Nick. He did not recognize fatherly then.

Great confrontation

In the same 1984, a great confrontation began two great chess players, which was delayed more than 10 years. The unlimited duel between Harry Kasparov and Anatoly Karpov began. The first match for the championship of the world was never completed. By decision of the Florence of Compomence after 48 parties with a score of 5: 3 in favor of the twelfth champion, despite all the protests of Bakuz, the match was interrupted. It should be noted that, despite the fact that Anatoly Karpov was leading with a score of 5: 0, but he could not develop success.

The re-match was decided to spend next year.

Harry Kasparov is afraid of Russia?

November 9, 1985, with a score of 13:11, Harry Kimovich Kasparov was announced the 13th checker king. Three times Anatoly Karpov tried to return his chess throne, but to no avail. Great and terrible firmly strengthened on the throne of Chess Olympus.

Harry Casparov's personal life

1986. Study at the institute ended. And the youngest chess king became acquainted with Maria Arapova, who at that time worked as a translator guide. Two years later they got married. And three more three from Garik was born daughter. Called it Polina. But as soon as the young wife wanted to live separately from the mother-in-law, and conflicts began. Clara Shagenovna has made every effort so that this marriage collapses. And very soon achieved his own.

The broken-produced process was difficult, and well hit the "chess king" by pocket. It is worth noting at least buying an apartment for ex-wife in the USA. And the real estate was very and very notice there.

In 1995, the heart of the Great and terrible again wounded the Arrow of Amur. This time, young Julia Vovk was the chief of chess cumira. An eighteen-year-old student has become a legitimate wife of Genius in 1996, then she gave him the son of Vadim, officially the second child of chess centers. Marriage between Garick and Yulya existed for 9 years.

Kasparov - politician

At the same time, Kasparov began to gradually transfer the struggle against the chessboard to the political arena.

1990, he came out of the CPSU and took the most direct participation in the creation of the Democratic Party of Russia, but already in the same year he created with Murashov an internal faction that actually also split the DPR. Part of the members of which subsequently passed into the "Liberal Union" organized by the Bakuin in 1991.

In 1993, Harry Kimovich Kasparov left FIDE and organized PSH, for many years destroying the order in the chess world. Eliminate the consequences of this split turned out only 20 years later.

Chess player and information technology

That time was marked by the rapid development of information technologies. Creation of strong chess programs. It would seem that the rates of technical progress cannot be sakened. And no, Kasparov regularly played matches with the iron brain and opened the most popular and time on the Internet, ClubKasparov.ru.

Harry Kasparov now

The farther, the more Casparov of the chess player began to distract Caspari politician. He still remained a rating favor, his power of the game was still terrified. But no longer an armed eye I got it clear that chess achievements Let's decline.

After the victory in Linares-2005, the thirteenth world champion, the winner of dozens of tournaments, the man - the epoch, the great and terrible announced that he leaves a professional chess career.

Now the chess player is one of the opposition leaders to President Vladimir Putin. Fights on the political arena as well as fought for a chessboard. Nevertheless, the story may not remember Kasparov politics. But the thirteenth world champion in chess will remain in the memory of people forever.

Ironically, none of his children plays chess. Viva! Removals well-known and not very facts from the biography of the 13th World Champion of Chess, the writer, the most influential in the West of the Russian oppositionist, the personal enemy of the Kremlin and the recognized playboy Harry Kasparov.

1. Head coach and adviser - Mom."I can be frank with her as anyone else. In critical moments, you hear a voice that you used to believe for many years. Each of us is needed by someone who you can trust, express everything without a rustle, calling things with your own names. And then most often you understand how to do. Mom joking that she absorbs my stress. "

2. The first serious novel was with a famous actress."Our close communication with Marina Nelaova continued for more than two years. She was older than me for 16 years, like all my mom's moms. Partly because I matured very quickly. But rather, more due to the fact that the rovels, as a rule, sought to marry the peristers. About this, of course, I could not and threaten, as it was preparing for my first match for the world championship. All - my health, my training, my aspirations - was subordinate to this goal. On the other hand, I was a normal young man with conventional needs and desires. Not a monk. It is possible that our Union relied on the feeling of our exclusivity. "

3. Harry Kasparov did not recognize the daughter from Marina Neelan."We had a relationship. They were not fixed, moreover - in no way closed on us two. They ended, probably not very good, but, nevertheless, I had no reason to believe that I threw it with a child. In any case, I believe that if I had a relation to a child, then life would have developed differently. "

4. In 2005, Harry Casparov Chess changed to politics."In Russian politics, too many generals and colonels and little intellect. I hope that my ability to strategic thinking will help my homeland. "

5. Harry Kasparov considers the chess players with ordinary people."Protection of the Republic of Luzhina", the chess novels of Collegu - the great literature, unfortunately, created the cliché, which no collision with reality is maintained. It is clear that there are people with their oddities. But they are no more than in any other mental activity that requires voltage. "

6. With the third wife of Harry Kasparov - 19 years difference."I met my wife in St. Petersburg, lecture on alternative history. I was married, my son was grew, but I decided to divorce. I realized that we are in the same wave and a 19-year-old difference in the age of almost do not feel. Now I am extremely approximate image Life and very much like me. Although I am in constant traffic. After all, I do not have an oil well or a candle breeding, I live mainly at the expense of lectures. "

7. Has a playboy reputation."At 22, I became the world champion, I had money, status, opportunities. All this created a lot of temptations. Therefore, life, let's say, was pretty messy. Fans of the entrance did not precipitate, but there is something to remember. Sumbura was less than we can assume, but still enough. "

8. Harry Kasparov is engaged in sports every day. "In the late 90s I had an ideal sports tone, I was pressed a hundred times. For me, it has always been important for the presence of a mode. No matter what is the main thing that he was. When it is possible, you need to get enough sleep. I try to sleep in the afternoon. In addition, it is important to eat right and efficiently. Naturally, I never smoked, I have no need for alcohol. For me, four weeks to the sea is a recovery, six weeks - recharging. Walking, swimming, the right food plus an hour per day - Sport. You can press and download the press without any simulators. "

9. Harry Kasparov considers Putin to the successor of Hitler. "I have a feeling that Putin instinctively tries to repeat even the rhythm of Hitler's speeches. How he gets it - the matter is different, but the stylistics of statements has long become the stylist of the Third Reich. Many psychological moments in his behavior with world leaders are trading with what Führer did. And I suppose that the final part of the equation will be the same. "

10. The favorite number of Harry Kasparov - 13. "I have to fully maintain a magic faith by virtue of the number 13, because I have much connected with him: I was born on April 13, became the 13th world champion. Although, I must say that most of our superstitions are made up of the aggregate of the facts that are already analyzed by postfactum. We fold for ourselves a certain mosaic picture, which successfully lined up, and then everything is already starting to adjust to it. Accordingly, the fact that it does not fit into it, we gently move aside. "

Two Aida

In 2005, Kasparov had a sharp turn not only in a sports biography - he decided to leave large chess, but also in his personal life. Its that and the case was separated in the society of Yunoy Dashi Tarasova from St. Petersburg. And soon the girl moved to Moscow and settled in Harry. Clara Schagenovna, mother of the thirteenth world champion, approved the new selection of the son, although, as one joker said, Harry Kimovich marries often, in marriage lives long, and mother should be happy ...

In the summer, Harry sent his second wife, Julia, along with his son, to rest abroad, and flew himself to Peter, where he connected himself with Dasha's Uzami. The wedding was played in a narrow family circle, secret from journalists. But what about the ex-wife? This time the separation passed without shocks. Yulia and Vadim Kasparov acquired an apartment in his own house, but in the neighboring entrance, and on his communication with his son, the divorce reflected unexplored.

Daria Tarasova at nineteen years younger Kasparova, she is a bright brunette endowed with a variety of abilities. School finished with a medal, almost simultaneously received the Red Diploma of the Economic College. What she just did not fond of: choreography and languages, volleyball and horseback, tennis and shaping.

In 2007 in New York, the twenty-five-year-old Dasha gave birth to Harry another daughter (he was from his first marriage). She was called Aida, probably in honor of the mother of Kasparov, so calling her closest people. The best gift for his mother Harry could not come up with. And it was a serious argument in favor of the fact that now the chess king will stop in his search and a love affair with Darya will be the last for him.

How Ilyumzhinov gave Session Karpov and Kasparov

Karpov and Kasparov were hostile for many years with each other. But one case turned over everything. Five years ago, for participation in the prohibited demonstration of the famous oppositionist Harry Kasparov temporarily arrested. And then the twelfth champion showed solidarity, supported the thirteenth: handed over to him the chamber magazine "64". It made such an impression on Harry that he threw out all the offenses of the previous years from his head. True, it did not prevent him from defeating a historic rival in a nostalgic match in fast chessdevoted to the 25th anniversary of their marathon in the column hall. But during the FIDE presidential elections in 2010, Kasparov supported Karpov in the fight against Ilyumzhinov. It seems Harry wanted to take revenge on Kirsan for the fact that he did not help him return to the chess throne ...

As a result, Karpov and Kasparov united their efforts, and Ilyumzhin had to give a simultaneous game to two "K", beat both at once. However, it was easy to do that, after all, everyone understood the difference between the two candidates: Ilyumzhinov spent on chess for many years of life and tens of millions of dollars of their own funds (including Karpov himself!), And from Karpova such a feat was difficult to expect ...

With joint chess meetings, ex-champions agreed to avoid political topics in every way, although it is not entirely clear whether it is possible in our politicized time. Karpov - the Duma deputy from United Russia, unacceptable for Kasparov. I imagine how difficult it is to communicate with each other two of these antipodes. In 2014, Casparov was already running into the president of FIDE, I was opposed by Ilyumzhin. And again Ilyumzhinov won a convincing victory. By the way, Karpov, it seems, was not on the side of Kasparov, although Harry would hardly help ...

Graphological examination

Here is a fun story in which the seven Soviet world Soviet world champions are present - from Botvinnik to Kasparov ( chess king He will become a few years).

At the beginning of the eighties, one German graphologist asked Yakova Estrin, a famous journalist and grandmaster on correspondence, to get him autographs of all Soviet champions to explore the handwriting of their character. First of all, Estrin called Mikhail Botvinnik.

Waiting for you tomorrow at 10.35 in my laboratory, "Mikhail Moiseevich said. "But if you are late for at least a minute, then you will not receive an autograph," he added.

The next was Vasily meaning.

Autograph? - Vasily Vasilyevich thought thoughtfully. - Something I do not remember, I have not gave it for a long time. Now we rest with my wife, we rest, tomorrow I play in the tournament, the day after tomorrow I sing in the conservatory. Try to call in a month.

Mikhail Tal managed to catch at a bar at two o'clock in the bar. He was surrounded by charming girls and gave an interview at the same time for radio, television, magazine and two newspapers. Mikhail Nehhemevich did not ask Estrian, why he needed an autograph, and immediately drove a white sheet of paper. True, it turned out that he was not a handle in his hand, but a cigarette, and had to subscribe again.

When Tigran Petrosyan heard that he was required of him, he first asked:

And Botvinnik agreed? And meaning? And tal? Well, I need to think about a little, consult with Ronochka, "Tigran Vartanovich summed up.

Boris Spassky at that time had already moved to Paris. Estrin called him to France.

Yakov Borisovich, I am very good for you. But you know that I do not give interviews or autographs to Soviet journalists, "Boris Vasilyevich explained.

Anatoly Karpova also managed to catch at home. At the request of Estrin, he replied that today he had already fulfilled the norm - he gave fifteen autographs, and tomorrow I flew to Rio de Janeiro.

Estrin turned to Harry Kasparov - he was not yet a world champion, but it was clear that he would soon be, and he would not hurt him from him.

Sorry, my mother is engaged in such questions, "said young Harry," to her and contact her.

The next day, Estrin called a friend to Germany and spoke in detail about his achievements. When the graphologist learned how things are going with his request, he thanked Estrian for care and summed up:

Thank you very much, autographs are now superfluous.