Day R Survival - secrets, passage and cheats. Secrets of the game Day R Premium 3 part of the game Day R Premium

Possible appearance of the hero

general information Genre SURVIVAL, RPG, QUEST release date Developer Tltgames. Publisher Tltgames. Platform Android, iOS. Modes of the game single player game, Multiplayer

Day R.Also known as Day R Survival - a game from a small developer company from Tolyatti, whose action takes place in post-core USSR. The genre of her official wiki defines as a "postpocalyptic quest", in fact the game is a fascinating sandbox with interesting plot And extremely large-scale peace.

The world map is enormous: no, huge. It covers the whole territory of the USSR and many neighboring countries: the West Edge of the Maps in Germany, East - in Japan. It is the card that takes a key position in the gameplay: increasing it, you can see more detailed locations - cities, settlements of survivors, gangster logow, formally remaining on the world map.

Speaking about the world and plot, it should be borne in mind that there are two versions of the game: an upgrade from September 2018 and an earlier. They are distinguished by quests, a settlement map and a scale that covered the world of the catastrophe: if in earlier versions of the Bioctum twisted the entire European part of the RSFSR, and the first living settlements are found in the Urals, then new version It is not the case, and the central Russia still lifestyle lives, with the villages of the survivors in Tver and Tula.


Unlike most template postpocalytes, the wasteland is not purely nuclear, but nuclear-biological: the war began with the use of diversansants at the Soviet territory of the Supervirus, and then the exchange of nuclear strikes has already occurred. Most of the people died from one or another who was able to develop immunity to illness - survived, and became an settler or bandit.

The main character - also survived, looted somewhere in the northern of the Murmansk region, but the trouble - from everything I experienced Amnesia. Therefore, he will have to not only investigate a detective story with the saboteurs who started apocalypse, but also to remember his home, their relatives.

Role-playing system

The system is based on skills that are divided into two groups: combat and crafters. The first affect your chances in battle with opponents. The second is on what items you can make. Pumping skills is carried out as in TES, what you do - it is pumped.

The condition of the character is described by a number of parameters: exhaustion, hunger, thirst, fatigue, irradiation, poisoning and bleeding. Exhaustion is the main parameter of the vitality for which all others affect. Maximum exhaustion - the death of the character. We vomit, you will not sleep, grab the radiation or drink toxic water - and together with the growth of the corresponding parameter, exhaustion will grow.

Combat system

The combat system is quite primitive: everything solves the hobs. Based on your skills and characteristics of the enemy, the outcome of the battle is determined, damage incurred by you, the number of spent cartridges.

Opponents are two main species: stray creatures and stationary strengths of gangsters. The first is classic "random meetings." When a collision with creature is first determined, she noticed you, or not, if not noticed, you can escape if yes - you have to fight. Army camouflage gives excellent bow bonuses, but poorly protects in battle: real armor there is only helmet and armor, the rest is rag shrink with minimal protection.

The fortress of gangsters are sitting on the spot and wait until you look at them on the light. If you decide to look, the battle will begin, and if successful you will get a bunch of drunk. If, wandering around the destroyed city, it is better to wear camouflage to not climb into extra fights - then before telling the gangsters "great, boys, what is how much", it is better to fit into the most heavy armor.

In any battle, you can get light wounds - displayed bleeding. In the case of a fight with a strong enemy, it is possible to obtain severe injuries - injuries. There are three types of injury: housing, arms and legs. No matter how paradoxically, injured in the housing is the most harmless: they just do not allow to wear a body armor. Wounds in the hand are not allowed to take into the hands of a crossbow, double-barrel or machine, and forced to use only pistols. Wounds in the leg, the most unpleasant, deprive the opportunity to use the bicycle, cart or motorcycle, and therefore put in front of the choice: or reset most of the habar and continue on foot, or make a stop on the way for two weeks until the foot is healing.

Settlements of survivors

Settlements of survivors are near some cities, live and adequate people with whom you can talk, and not fight. The first and main service that settlements provide is a hotel, called the "survival". For in-game currency - bottle covers - there you can stay on 5 or more days with full provision, which is extremely useful in the treatment of wounds and diseases. Sometimes to gain access to the night. In some settlements (in old version - Almost all) they are engaged in barter, offering the exchange of certain goods to others. Finally, the Quests of the NPC are inhabited here, which give side quests.


Covers from bottles performed here a double role: it is simultaneously inside gaming currencyWhich can be honest to earn (remove from the bottles of Pepsi Cola, thirty in the gangsters, perform quests), and Donatorian token for young cheaters. You can spend two ways to spend in two ways: they can pay for accommodation in settlements, or buy objects in a donatorship store. Donator shop is available at any point of the card. If you are not a juvenile cheater and you are important to you play, you can use the store only in settlements and spend there only honestly earned caps.

Online mode

You can play the game in cooperative (PVE) online mode. In this mode, there are several players at once on the map, which can exchange things and go to joint raids. Especially for this, heavy-duty gangsters have been added to the game, whole gangster cities that are alone, even at maximum pumping, can only be taken by hard bench (chances of winning 2-7%). Their five: Girin, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Magdeburg, Magadan and Muroraran.

What is there here

  • Apocalypse Punk: "A la Ruse" version. The same raiders, but are called gangsters, and not half-liters, but in Ushans and Toulups. Desert dusty storms are present, but only in summer; In winter, you will have to face snowy tumans.
  • Bandit-terminal: Bandits from small and medium bases are dressed, knows what armed with crossbows and self-pathers.
  • Biological weapons: Supervirus, developed by the Soviet scientist-a traitor and the CIA transmitted by him (not otherwise, the scientist has heard "votes" and believed that only civilized people can be entrusted with such dangerous knowledge). Civilized people immediately sent in the USSR of the saboteurs armed with a canister with a virus, and gave an order about the massive bioath in the Soviet Union. But something went wrong: the crowds of infected refugees were joined through the borders of the USSR. The civilized world decided to stop the epidemic of nuclear carpet bombardment, and then the "perimeter" worked and launched the response in automatic mode. As a result, a little did not seem to anyone.
  • Diary of the catastrophe: as the details of the apocalyptic war investigated, the Master ofherot will have to find and read not one such document.
  • Saver: chief holder. Disassembling the ruins of radioactive cities is the main way to produce resources for crafting (although not the only one).
  • Coat, hat and mask: Rather, gas mask. Having rolled down to the end of the Sewing Skill, a chief chief can sew a suit in a cowboy style, with a long boot, a wide-headed hat. A gas mask is quite logical to supplement it. The cooler of this suit is only a blacksmith metal armor, which many players do not bother: After pumping in the mechanics, you can repair the pre-war armored vehicles, which gives more protection than metal armor.
  • Useful curse - Moonliness, which comes from abuse of stimulants. The disease is expressed in an extensive insomnia, but all the negative effects of this disease are easily removed by activated carbon - the cheapest, common and easily accessible medicine on the wasteland, and some advantages remain - the ability to sleep. Everyone would be sick!
  • Scary chainsaw: Aversion! "Friendship" is not terrible at all, because it is impossible to apply it in combat purposes. It is applied for direct purpose - for forest rolls, and as a motor donor to assemble a motor motote and a gasoline generator.
  • Traumatological hotel: in settlements. On the brakes, since the wounds must first stabilize themselves, and then searched at the night.
  • Horror Gourmet: In the early stages of the game you will have to eat and rats fried on a stick. It is not necessary to abuse the rotten or uncomfortable fruit, however, it is not necessary to get harvesters, and it is extremely unpleasant.
  • What idiot?
    • The inventor of the virus. I gave a sample to the tsrushniks and this ruined the world.
    • NATO. To give an order about the carpet nuclear bombardment in the country in which, according to the intelligence, the military command was preserved and there is a well-protected lamp brain, capable of taking control of nuclear forces in the event of the death of the command? What can go wrong? Bully, Billy, click on the button!
  • Ecstasy Gourmet: As a cooking skill, it is possible to prepare pilaf, kebabs, couch and other yummy from empty raw materials. The highest embodiment of culinary skills in the game is considered, however .... Shawarma. Yes, yes, the most dish of "dogs and cats". Shaurama's power is so great that she relieves fatigue, heals exhaustion, and completely removes hunger and thirst. Even the Elfi Lembas is not so miraculous.

This page is a certain encyclopedia (Wikipedia) on the game Day r, where you will find the answers to the most popular questions.

Depletion - This is the level of damage to your body from hunger and disease. More than 105% threatens death.

Hunger - This is the devastation of the stomach. When hunger reaches 100%, exhaustion begins to gradually increase.

Thirst - Drink need. When the thirst reaches 100%, it begins to increase the exhaustion very quickly.

- This is the ratio of the carrier to the maximum value. With values, more than 100% you will not be able to move. Look for a backpack or use cars to carry more.

Radiation Increases poisoning. Avoid spectrops in cities, as well as staying in major cities Without protection, to prevent infection with radiation. Infection more than 30 units threatens radiation disease.

Poisoning Increases exhaustion. Fit healthy food or starve some to lower poisoning.

Bleeding Rapidly increases the exhaustion of the body, often leading to death. Bleeding is very slowly declining, to reduce it, use ordinary and sterile bandages that can be found or made from clothing.

Fatigue Shows how long you did not sleep. You will wake up 50% of fatigue if hunger or thirst is maximal.

Why the car is not eats?Check if you have fuel for your vehicle. Benzin is needed for a motorcycle and car. Diesel fuel - for Kamaz, helicopter and tank.

How to start playing online? To do this, you need to start new game (It is possible in this profile, but you can create another), then select the last level of complexity - "online".

How to start a new game and not lose old?In the menu, click on the profile item and create another one.

Why is not a card that is not visible?The map is drawn only around the character. So that the map was in high resolution (not soapy), you need access to the Internet to download it.

Wasteland - this is the greatest part cards. In the empty, you can find only firewood for camp, water and mushrooms. In the empty, low radiation background, and the level of exposure to radiation per character decreases.

Ponds. You can meet two types of reservoirs: shallow water and great water. The speed on the shallow water is less than in the empty, but it can be moved on foot. On large water, the speed becomes insignificantly small, you can travel through the water only on the raft. Being on any reservoir, you can score a large number of poisoned water, sail on the raft and fish. A homemade fishing rod and raft can be learned by pumping survival skills.

I hope in our Wiki you found the question of interest, if not, then ask it in the comments ...

In the eighties of the last century, the trouble happened - a nuclear war, which destroyed almost the entire population. Animals turned into bloodthirsty monsters - even rats are capable of suffering serious injury. Radiation on some objects is shrinking, you have to wear protection. Survived War is waiting for a deadly virus - conditions such that any factor is able to kill. Download the Day R Premium game on the PC, and you will find yourself in this world.

Skeptics will seem like it looks like, but it has characteristic differences. Here, gamers will find a huge number of skills for development, there are many quests. On the way, monsters come across - more often animals, which turned into a similar similarity of radioactive dead.

The difference is in an interesting form of combat - it happens on the field, similar to a chess. We only go to the left / right or down / up, and then not all cells are available immediately, first approach. The enemy strikes, even a meeting with a rat painful. Some rivals rush with projectiles, and they do not need to approach - the blows are applied remotely. And only the outcome of the battle depends on the hero of the choice of weapons.

The app captures, pleases a huge map with Soviet cities. Buy the car, or create it yourself. Build a house, dugout, cellar. Collect food, attend the forest, look for ammunition and weapons, increase the skills. If short, it is difficult to break away from the program, even the current affairs are not able to distract for a long time.


The developers tried and created an interesting design. Completed in a bit muted tones, he perfectly emphasizes the events and past era. Playing on Day R Premium on PC because of this feature is even more pleasant.

The animation is striking - there is a change of day at night, the season is replaced by the following and these changes are displayed. If the darkest day, then look for things will not work. There are two options - create a torch, or find / buy a flashlight.

Able to embrace any player a game currency - not gold, not dollars, not even crystals or other gems. These are the usual covers of golden color. Apparently, after nuclear war They are valued more.

Currency and features of hemplee

Collect caps, they give advantages. Go to the store, it is in the lower left corner. For the lids it will turn out to buy automatic, cartridges, transport, medicines, food / water, gasoline / diesel, protective suit, gas mask. Remember, the gas mask is needed first - going to the territory, overcrowded by radiation, bring a huge harm to the hero.

Do not forget to improve the skills, otherwise it will not work out construction, chemistry, and other useful things. For example, be sure to build at least dugout, or better wooden house. Then it will be possible to quickly gain strength, replenish health.

Products left at home slowly deteriorate, do not have to wear all things in a backpack, leave in the house, in the chest. It is advisable to accumulate the lids and purchase transport with fuel - the location is really huge, overcome hundreds of kilometers, it does not want. Play on Day R Premium on your computer, then you do not have to constantly increase and reduce the scale of the card.

If not interesting to buy vehicle, then make your own hands. Going to the schema section, find the category of mechanics. Clicking on the selected car, see necessary components And their number. It will only be to assemble the details and create transport, even an electric vehicle scheme (save on fuel) and helicopter (overcoming hundreds of kilometers will take several hours)

In the schemes there are drawings of the house, rocket (and other steep weapons), useful elements of life. Be sure to follow the three indicators - thirst for water, hunger, energy. The first two play a more important role. In the backpack, there must be at least two bottles with clean drinking water, and to eat something. It is easiest to find berries in the forest, but do not confuse with the wolf berry, it is unlikely to benefit.

If there is no snack or drink, the hero will die and have to start from the save point. By the way, save the progress by clicking on the "Saving" button in the upper left corner. It is advisable to make this action more often.


The features include an interesting battle style - there is a field, about three opponents, and a character. Try faster to get to the enemy and kill it, causing damage. A little incomprehensible how to change the usual knife on the gun. Perhaps it is necessary to start mastering the skill of the cold weapon, reaching the level one, it will be possible to replace the machine.

Please make quests, however, it is often necessary to perform objects. For example, if the hero did not create a torch, it will not be allowed into the room. Sometimes you sometimes send a character to the tent so that he slept.

On holidays, developers are arranging surprises. For example, in the winter pair, passing by the forest or river, the evil snowmen can attack and have to fight them. By downloading the game Day R Premium on the computer online, no gamer will not regret this action.

The card is not limited to locations - you do not have to wait a long time to load one seat, then the main location. Just click on the screen on the screen, the program draws the way in the form of a green arrow, then click on the run icon. It is advisable to avoid water, the movement is very slow.

Pros and cons


  • Huge map;
  • Development of skills;
  • The presence of fascinating quests;
  • Interesting gaming currency;
  • Unique battlefield;
  • Realistic implementation;
  • Beautiful design;
  • Easy to manage.


  • It is not clear how to raise skills.

How to install Day R Premium on a computer or PC?

It will take a special emulator, select from these -, and. It creates conditions like Play Market. The downloaded archive will open only with its help.

There are two installation methods through an emulator:

  1. Download the emulator;
  2. Open the file, it will be installed;
  3. Open installed program, go to the search field, write the name of the game;
  4. Or download the archive with the application and drag it to the emulator menu;
  5. The game will start.

  • - The day "z" came when the number of zombies a few hundred times exceeded the number of people. The survivors remained only to fight and defend themselves, hoping for the best;
  • - Unknown virus twisted almost all people on Earth. There was a handful of survivors, they have to fight for the right to live every day. Heroes must distribute knowledge about how to survive in this new, terrible worldotherwise there is no hope;

System requirements

The laptop / computer is obliged to have the minimum parameters listed below:

  • OS - Windows from XP and newer;
  • Processor - Intel / AMD;
  • Operation - from 2 GB and more powerful;
  • Free disk place - from 4 GB and further.

Video Review Day R Premium

Results and comments

By downloading the game of Day R Premium on a PC, you will understand how fascinating it is. We go where you wish, attend abandoned cities, ruins, crater, forests and empty. Develop, improve the skills, follow the tasks.

Waste household items, weapons, protection, houses and transport. Fight life and hope that the character will be able to find his own family or other living people. There is also a chance that you solve the mystery that caused the apocalypse.

Day R Survival is a great project in the survival genre from developers from the TltGames studio. This game is one of the best among online simulators in the subject of the apocalypse. The game is able to transfer you to the atmosphere of the USSR, in which the nuclear explosion occurred and now you need to try to survive among this ruin. In this review you will learn how to download Day R Survival on PC.

The project suggests role-playing game With survival in the apocalypse of the USSR. Players must try their strength in survival in the country where a nuclear catastrophe occurred. To test your abilities in the game there are many fascinating quests. Gamers will face nuclear world with different monsters, difficulties in meeting life needs, such as thirst, hunger. Your hero can get different injuries and bruises, from which you need to heal. And you will also have to study all the secrets and the reasons for the occurrence of the nuclear explosion. The main task in the project is the salvation of his family, which is on the other end game card. Overcome a huge and difficult way to learn whether they were still able to resist the terrible catastrophe.

The plot of this story tells about one of the worst days of 1985. The troops conducted a long-term antiterrorist activity and in the process of struggle there was something irreparable, because of which the USSR lost the war with an unknown opponent. During a couple of days, the entire territory of a huge union turned into a lifeless radioactive wasteland, where only diseases, suffering, violence and the city of the dead, who never dreamed and try to destroy all the remaining alive.

Video review


At the beginning of the game, you view the small video where it will be shown as the main character It comes to feeling near the abandoned lighthouse. In his head flashed blurred memories of the family and the house in Vladivostok. He has nothing except torn and dirty clothing and the breakdown of the letter of the former beacon, as well as a broken pistol. With all these items, the hero has to start his long journey home.

Players before starting is given the right to choose the complexity of the game:

  • The simplest "sandbox" mode. More like training in which you can learn crafth, some skills and info games.
  • Mode "Everything, as in life." Gameplay, which is most close to the realities of the life of a real person. It will be necessary to follow the life of the hero. Give him food and write, sleep when increasing fatigue, warm the time and so on. The most important thing is to be treated from overtaking diseases and radiation.
  • Online mode. All the same as in the previous one only in real time and you will be unknown, what events can occur on the way.
  • Super heavy mode. Almost impossible for passing the mode in which it will be difficult to hold out only a couple of hours. This mode can be opened only when purchasing premium access.

When studying a huge game card, you will understand that every corner of your hero is waiting for fatal dangers. Resources for the construction and creation of vital items are very small, and bloodthirsty monsters roam throughout the map, ready to confuse you at any time, as well as in the air radiation spoils your health much.

The most difficult thing in the game is radiation. She is capable of faster than other misfortunes to destroy your hero. Try to avoid bright red zones on the map, they denote a high radiation area. Once in one of these zones, you will die in a couple of minutes.

Several important tips that will use inexperienced survivalors:

  • After you woke up at the beginning of the game, you should immediately start searching for food and bags for equipment. Do not throw all that edible, and try to use only cooked foods, it will help to avoid poisoning.
  • Always have a stock of pure water. It will come in handy for thickening thirst and for cooking. Do not drink dirty water, and clean it with coal or boil.
  • Do not forget about the shelter for overnight stays and bonfires. The shelter uses you to restore forces spent on a long road, and will allow you to sleep. And the fire must be diluted to scare away unwanted guests. Try to place your stay not in the city so as not to be in the Red Radiation Zone.

These are several useful Soviets They will help you longer hold out in the game and save your life to your hero and pump it. Try not to risk your back, as you can save gaming progress only in special places.

PC Game Features

Key features and advantages of the day of PC survival are:

  • The huge world of post-core USSR with a gigantic card. Locations are very well performed and fully transmit the atmosphere of reigning chaos. Periodically change weather, seasons and time of day. In addition to you, there will be many different inhabitants, some of them are very dangerous.
  • A simple control system that is focused on several keys and computer mouse buttons.
  • A variety of quests and missions. This will allow you not only to learn the big world of the game, but also to fulfill tasks and earn various awards.
  • The presence of the Russian language.
  • A simple and intuitive interface in which even the most inexperienced gamer is able to figure out.
  • The ability to choose the complexity of passage. Newcomers should be started from the easiest level.
  • On the map you will meet more than 2500 destroyed and abandoned by people of the USSR cities survived by a nuclear war.
  • Free distribution.
  • The presence of a crafting system. You can create various weapons, as well as equipment, protective shelters and even transport.
  • Excellent graphics and musical accompaniment, which allow you to fully experience the events.
  • Fascinating gameplay. Try your hand in survival. Constantly monitor the characters of the hero, quench his thirst and hunger, do not fribrate and get tired, and also follow the radiation indicator, which seriously affects the health of the hero.

Management in the game

There is a very simple control on the PC, which will allow any geimer to quickly explore all the subtleties of the process. To interact with objects and environment, as well as for orientation on the main menu, you can use the mouse. Use the WASD keys to move the character. or arrows. In the extended emulator settings, there is the ability to change control and bind an absolutely any button to the desired action. You can also configure the quality of the picture and the volume of music and sounds. If you have made any changes to standard installations, then save the reconfiguration.

How to install Day R Survival on a computer

Download Day R Survival on your computer can be two light ways that do not take you more than 5 minutes of time:

  1. Load to your device installer emulating software. On this resource, this file is available completely free.
  2. After you have installed on a computer, run it from the desktop and log in.
  3. In the main Software tab, enter "Day R Survival" search and activate the magnifying glass icon.
  4. Among the selected multitude of similar projects, select the appropriate and on the game page click on the installation, and then open the finished survival simulator in the My Applications tab.
  1. Load the archive from this page and remove all files on the PC from it. If you immediately switched to this method then you will need to use the Emulator Emulator with the archive and to implement the software.
  2. Run the BOBEX and drag the game file in the program in the program window.apk. This file is also located in the downloadable archive.
  3. Open completely installed game You can in the "My Applications" section.

The archive contains the installation instructions. Use its instructions to correct project installation.

System requirements

To play in the Durvavival on the computer, a Bhustix emulator is needed, which will work in normal mode only when you configure your device with the following system requirements:

  • OS Windows 7 and above. It is best for the operation of the emulator to use the 10 version operating system. Files are possible on XP and Vista versions.
  • Administrator rights for running Bashyx.
  • Broadband Internet connection is needed to load the project.
  • Powerful dual-core processor. The Intel Core i5-680 model is well suited.
  • SSD disc or hybrid.
  • RAM volume from 6 GB.
  • Free space in volume from 40 GB.
  • Updated to the current version of the driver.
  • Intel video card orAMD.

Similar games

  • Prey Day: Survival - Craft & Zombie - survival in real time. The plot of the game unfolds in a megalopolis, which overtook an unknown virus and destroyed everything alive. Infected steel virus walking dead. You have to be treated with a handful of survivors and unreleased people to survive at any price in the reign around the zombie apocalypse.
  • Last Shelter: Survival - last refuge. The events of the game are held during the postpocalypse. The collapse of civilization happened because of the virus that turned all the living in the zombies. Players need to be headed by the head of the surviving camp last on Earth. You must improve the camp, strengthen it from enemies, collect resources for buildings and much more. Try your strength in this project and restore the destroyed civilization.
  • Lineage 2: Revolution - a project in modern MICORPG mode. Events unfold in the huge world of fantasy, where players will be able to try themselves in online battles with real gamers. Excellent graphics, many characters and fascinating gameplay will delight all gamers.


In this project, the crafting and survival mode in the hardcore conditions of the Apocalypse are perfectly combined. Events occur on the territory of the USSR destroyed by nuclear catastrophe. The main character needs to survive with all their might to get to his, perhaps elsewhere, family. You will be able to fight monsters, extract objects and create an instrument, shelter and much more. Excellent graphics and musical background are able to fully dip you in the nightmare of the events. If you are a fan of the game-survival and you wonder what happened to the USSR after the nuclear war, you should surely try to play this role simulator. Download Day R Survival to PC and appreciate all the features and advantages of this exciting project on the big screen.

Focus B. huge quantities Gameplay sublicasses and successfully interact with game systems a newcomer is quite difficult. However, we prepared for you a collection of tips and secrets of the Day R Premium game, consisting of real-world player experience.

Secrets of the Day R Premium game

Tips for passing Day R Premium

  • If you just get to some city on the map, go to cities along the way and plump at least the most important buildings (gas station: gasoline, diesel; cafe: Pepsi Cola; electric goods store: Geiger counters, batteries, lanterns, radio Details).
  • Try to immediately find the set of army armor (except the body armor). Pump 4 sewing level and sewmaskhalat. Singing army armor and maskhalate you will receive almost 100% to secure.
  • In order to disassemble the following elements, found in the city:
    1. A set of tools.
    2. Hacksaw.
    3. Primus, any.
    4. 0.5 liter gasoline to refuel primus.
We find a broken car and disassemble it using hacksaw. After completion of the disassembly, the battery will fall, it will smell on the preims. The process of melting lead, give +10 experience to mechanics.