The project is the impact of outdoor games on children's health. The health-improving effect of playing sports. Influence of outdoor games on child development

Sports and health are closely related. And we are talking not only about physical culture, but also about sports games. All of them serve as entertainment for a person and in their own way take care of our health. Each game has a task that monitors the activity of the body. We looked at the most common sports and how they affect our well-being. It's so great to play and at the same time to strengthen your body!

Football - and your body is in good shape

This game is able to collect all the kids in the yard. Many young people are also fond of football. But men in adulthood, this sport gathers only in front of the TV. It's a pity, because the game promotes active cardiovascular, metabolic and musculoskeletal adaptations. This is the conclusion reached by scientists during a major research project on football. Strengthening the heart muscle reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, improves blood circulation and supplies oxygen to all important organs. Moving your legs, running, turning, sprinting - all this helps to keep the body in good shape.

Volleyball teaches you to fall

A ball, a small company and a suitable court. This game doesn't require much. But how much it gives! First, volleyball teaches you to fall. When receiving the ball, the player must always control the fall, without exposing the joints and head to the blow. Secondly, during the game, all muscle groups are trained, and the flexibility of the spine also develops. Volleyball can relieve the initial manifestations of osteochondrosis. Also, the game helps from crunching joints. Jumping puts good stress on joints and ligaments, which increases blood and nutrient flow. Volleyball fans are guaranteed a good respiratory system.

Tennis against depression

Autumn is the time to play tennis. If you're stressed out, know that this sport can help your nervous system. A small yellow ball will smash stress and depression. Plus, the game will have a beneficial effect on the work of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. And of course, do not forget that this sport develops attention and increases the speed of reaction.

Well, in order to improve your eyesight, play table tennis.

Basketball Growth Booster?

How tall these basketball players are! Perhaps jumping is a growth promoter. And in this game there are a lot of them. Those who like to throw the ball into the ring perfectly improve their coordination, and each throw develops the hands, muscles of the legs and back, which can be a good prevention of joint disease. All movements force the body to work harmoniously during the game, therefore, the organs of internal secretion and the digestive system lend themselves to a favorable influence. Basketball also improves peripheral vision.

Hockey will get rid of flat feet

One of the most courageous sports. This game requires tremendous speed, quick thinking and good reactions. What is hockey useful for those who like to play? Did you know that dry ice heals the nasopharynx and is excellent for allergic-asthmatic diseases? Well, the skates themselves are able to save hockey players from flat feet or scoliosis.

Each of these games will not disregard your figure. Regular exercise will help solve the problem of excess weight. You will be healthy on the inside and beautiful on the outside. But ... and do not overload yourself with training. Observe safety precautions to avoid serious injury.

Various movements and actions are performed during training in the sports game sections. The resulting physical activity helps to strengthen the cardiovascular and nervous system, has a positive effect on the respiratory system and the musculoskeletal system, and improves metabolism in the body. The need to perform accurate and dexterous movements affects the development of the eye, the formation of accuracy and speed of movements, muscle strength. Thanks to all of these positive effects It is difficult to overestimate the impact of sports games on human health.

During sports games, the training people develop the ability to make quick independent decisions, improve the ability to modify their movements in terms of speed, direction and intensity. The impact on human health is also expressed in the development of endurance, speed and dexterity, maintenance of muscle tone, the formation of increased resistance to colds due to the strengthening of immunity.

For women who first decided to attend classes in sports games sections, such sports as badminton, volleyball, tennis are best suited. Physical loads received during training in these sections are characterized by relatively low intensity and complexity of the movements performed. Therefore, the data sport games due to their technical complexity, they are quite accessible for people who have never been involved in sports before. Improvement of technical and tactical actions during training will contribute to an increase in the level of physical fitness and will have a huge positive impact on human health. With a sufficiently high level of physical development for women, it is quite possible to enroll in the basketball, handball or water floor sections. However, in order for attending basketball or handball training to have only a positive effect on health, it should be remembered that these sports games are characterized by a rather high pace of play, the need to perform a large number of speed-strength movements and significant physical exertion on all major organ systems. human body. Therefore, in order to avoid exacerbation of existing diseases and deterioration of health, it is advisable to consult a doctor before attending classes in sports games sections.

IN last years in the media, you can more and more often find reports about sports tournaments among women's football or even hockey teams, and some sports clubs offer women to enroll in such sections. However, such sports games are distinguished by especially sharp movements, strong and harsh collisions of team members, require tremendous tension of the body and great muscle strength. Therefore, for women whose professional career is not associated with high sports achievements and for whom visiting the sports games section is of interest mainly because of the positive effect on health or because of the ability to form a slim figure, sports such as football or hockey are still not entirely appropriate.

When organizing and conducting outdoor games, you should adhere to the following methodology: name the game; explain the main content of the game; submit the basic rules of the game; explain the main content of the game; to submit the basic rules of the game; according to the age of the children; assign roles; distribute toys and paraphernalia; choose presenters; in the course of the game, be guided by its actions, direct the players to creative initiative; monitor emotionality, language, facial expressions, gestures, rules, seek conscious discipline from the players; regulate mental and physical stress during the game; monitor the players' pulse; organized to finish the game; analyze the game according to the age group; announce conclusions and proposals; to reveal the specific requirements for each component (design component, constructive, communicative, gnostic).

Each movement causes an expenditure of muscular energy. Studies show that children grow faster and more beautifully under the influence of exercise and outdoor play. This is because physical activity enhances metabolism, circulation and respiration. Thanks to this, more is delivered to cells, including bones and muscles " building material", And the bones increase more both in length and width, ligaments and muscles grow more intensively. As a result of playing games and physical exercises, all internal organs also increase and develop. It is in this that vivid examples of the manifestation of such patterns of development of children (see Section 1) as system genesis and “ energy rule muscles ".

It increases 8-10 times, and moderate physical activity is very useful to stimulate this process, otherwise the surface of the heart can become overgrown with fat, and (heart muscles) becomes flabby, crumbling, not capable of strong contractions. This, in turn, impairs the supply of tissues, especially peripheral organs, with oxygen. Regular exercise and outdoor games strengthen not only, but also the heart muscle. The heart muscle of a trained person with each contraction sends significantly more blood into the blood vessels (arteries) than in people who are not physically trained enough. In the interval between strong contractions, the trained heart rests longer and due to this, the heart rate decreases. Those. the heart starts to work more economically, gets tired less, becomes hardy. A trained heart copes well with long-term hard work, and, conversely, the heart of a person who is poorly trained and leads a sedentary lifestyle does not cope well with its pumping function and, as a result, does not sufficiently provide peripheral organs, especially the tissues of the limbs, with blood. A person who has led a sedentary lifestyle since childhood has always a weakened cardiovascular system and therefore has a hard time tolerating physical exertion.

The influence of outdoor games on the function of breathing is also very charitable, especially if physical education classes are carried out on fresh air... During physical exertion, the body requires an increased amount of oxygen, the child begins to breathe more often and more deeply, which helps to increase the cell and lungs, and also increases the strength of the respiratory muscles (intercostal, diaphragm). In this case, one should adhere to the correct (most effective) breathing stereotype, which consists in the fact that the duration of the inhalation should be less than the duration of the exhalation. Children, and even adults leading a sedentary lifestyle, almost never breathe deeply, the air has time to replenish only the middle part of the lungs and is immediately exhaled. The tops of the lungs do not work enough and congestion can occur, the worst consequences of which (under certain conditions ) can become not only volumetric functional deficiencies, but also a variety of pulmonary diseases: pneumonia, chronic bronchitis, pleurisy, tuberculosis.

Outdoor games also have a positive effect on the function of digestion and metabolism: the processes of absorption and the use of the digestion products of proteins, fats and carbohydrates by the body are activated, the reserves of fatty deposits are reduced, the exchange of minerals in the bones and intercellular fluid takes place more intensively.

Outdoor games work well on. Due to increased blood circulation, nerve cells receive more consumer substances, oxygen, develop better and work more energetically. The ability of the nervous system to precisely control the work of certain muscle groups, which determines the coordination (coordination) of movements, is most completely developed precisely by outdoor games and physical exercises. A person who is good at coordinating movements, quickly learns new complex elements of physical work, performs them faster than a physically unprepared person.

Systematic exercises in outdoor games develop in children a sense of rhythm, that is, the ability to perform a number of movements in one period of time, and also develop the endurance necessary in both sports and any work activity.

An active mobile regime has a positive effect on the stability of the mental performance of schoolchildren during the school year. A correctly selected volume of physical activity and rest, corresponding to the capabilities of the child's body, helps to maintain high mental performance until the end of school lessons, until the end of the whole day, week, quarter and school year. In addition, it is known that the rational alternation of mental and physical stress for the body is the least tiring, and the best view rest after strenuous mental work is physical activity. Therefore, it is walks, outdoor games (with a small load on the body) after the end of the lessons that are the best way to restore mental performance.

Correctly placed physical education of children should become the basis for further healthy way life, success in any area of ​​social activity. It is important to strive that physical culture and sports, as a means of health promotion, remain a need for life, become a kind of stereotype of behavior.

Not everyone loves playing, team sports. But those who love are devoted to them with all their hearts. Even today, you can meet like-minded people who get together to play football, volleyball or hockey. Playing sports, in addition to the charge of positive emotions, are of great benefit to the body. Let's find out which one.

General body benefits

If you do not consider any specific team sport, but look in general, then such physical activity is useful in that it includes a variety of activities. Almost all muscle groups are included. Play sports usually include running, jumping, stretching, and other activities. Excess calories are burned, the body's endurance increases, the condition of the cardiovascular system and ligamentous apparatus improves.

Sports games also affect the muscles and the general tone of the body in the most positive way.
Game sports, despite the high risk of injury, have a complex effect on the entire body. If you want to look good and feel good, choose a team sport.

Benefits to character

This sport also influences our spirit in the most positive way. Character is formed, the will to win, the ability to interact in a team, to accept failures correctly.
Also, playing sports forms an analytical mindset, teaches you to plan your actions and analyze mistakes.

Let's see how the most popular playing sports affect the body.

The benefits of football

This ball game is especially loved by men. But there are women who are not averse to kicking the ball across the field. For example, I was very fond of such physical education classes at school. Why football is good for your health:

  • It has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system.
  • Strengthens the immune system.
  • Accelerates metabolism.
  • Has a general healing effect on the body.
  • It has a beneficial effect on the musculoskeletal system.
  • Improves endurance and agility, coordination of movements.
  • All muscles are involved in the workout.
  • Excellent prevention of depression.
  • Suitable for combating excess weight.
Also football - team play, therefore, has a positive effect on the character.

The benefits of basketball

Such training is also no less beneficial for the body than football. Almost all muscles are also involved, coordination and dexterity, endurance are improved.

The heart, lungs and blood vessels will be happy with such training. When playing basketball, peripheral vision improves, the body is in good shape, a person trains to use his strength wisely.

Basketball affects the musculoskeletal system in the best way. If your task is to lose weight - take a closer look at basketball. In one game, a person runs an average of 7 km, and due to the combined load, calories are burned very efficiently.

Before training, do not forget to warm up well and warm up your muscles and ligaments to avoid injury.

The benefits of volleyball

When playing volleyball, you need to be especially careful not to injure your knees and fingers. Therefore, when doing it seriously, it is advisable to take care of special protection and learn the technique that will help to avoid mistakes and injuries.
Volleyball is a rather dynamic game and requires constant concentration of attention. What are the benefits of such training for the body?

  • Coordination and accuracy of movements are improved.
  • Muscle strength and endurance are increased.
  • The cardiovascular and respiratory systems are strengthened.
  • The supply of oxygen to the body improves.
  • There is a complex effect on muscles and joints.
  • It has a positive effect on vision, trains the eye muscles.
  • Volleyball is an excellent prevention of depression.
  • Dexterity and flexibility of the body improves.
Volleyball, like any other game in a team, develops personal qualities, teaches to work in a team, and forms will.

These are not all team sports. Among all the variety, you can choose training to your liking. Where can an adult work out? Try to ask friends or social networks... For example, in our city it is easy to find teams where fans play football. Some sports centers have sections for adults. And in the courtyards, in the warm season, they sometimes play volleyball or basketball. The main thing is to take the initiative.

A volleyball net, for example, is inexpensive. But, having assembled a yard team of sports fans, you can easily solve the problem of "where to play volleyball." Don't be afraid to make your dreams come true!

Do you like team sports?

The formation of children's health, the full development of their body is one of the main problems in modern society. During preschool childhood, the child lays the foundations for health, all-round physical fitness and harmonious physical development. At the same time, the established system preschool education takes into account only the sanitary and hygienic standards of the child's living conditions and sets the standardization of motor qualities and skills. The importance of outdoor games as a basic tool is still underestimated integrated development the child - his physical, intellectual and psychological qualities, the upbringing of the will, courage, perseverance, endurance, determination in children.

Children usually seek to satisfy their enormous need for movement through play. For them to play is, first of all, to move, to act. During outdoor games, children improve their movements, develop such qualities as initiative and independence, confidence and perseverance. They learn to coordinate their actions and even observe certain (at first, of course, primitive) rules.

Outdoor play is of a collective nature. Peer opinion is known to have a big impact on the behavior of each player. Depending on the quality of the role, one or another participant in an outdoor game may deserve encouragement or, conversely, disapproval of comrades; this is how children learn to work in a team.

The game is characterized by the opposition of one player to another, one team to another, when the player faces a variety of tasks that require instant resolution. To do this, it is necessary to assess the environment in the shortest possible time, choose the most correct action and carry it out. So outdoor games contribute to self-knowledge. Captivating game plot calls the participants positive emotions and encourages them to repeatedly do certain techniques with unrelenting activity, showing the necessary volitional qualities and physical ability. For the emergence of interest in the game, the path to achieving the game goal is of great importance - the nature and degree of difficulty of the obstacles that must be overcome to obtain a specific result, to satisfy the game.

An active game that requires a creative approach will always be interesting and attractive to its participants.

The competitive nature of collective outdoor games can also activate the actions of players, cause a manifestation of determination, courage and perseverance to achieve the goal. However, it must be borne in mind that the severity of the competition should not separate the players. In a collective mobile game, each participant is clearly convinced of the advantages of common, friendly efforts aimed at overcoming obstacles and achieving a common goal. The voluntary acceptance of restrictions on actions by the rules adopted in the collective outdoor game, while being addicted to the game, disciplines the playing children.

In addition, playing games develop coordinated, economical and coordinated movements; players acquire the ability to quickly enter the required tempo and rhythm of work, deftly and quickly perform a variety of motor tasks, while showing the necessary efforts and perseverance, which is important in life. Outdoor games develop the ability to adequately assess spatial and temporal relationships, simultaneously perceive a lot and react to what is perceived. Games with small ones are no less important. various subjects... Exercises with balls, bags, etc., increase skin-tactile and muscle-motor sensitivity, improve the motor function of hands and fingers, which is of particular importance for preschoolers.

In outdoor games, participants have to play various roles (driver, judge, assistant judge, game organizer, etc.), which develops their organizational skills.

While playing, children learn vital motor habits and skills, they develop courage and will, ingenuity. The important role of playing in comprehensive development children indicated: O.M. Gorky, A.S. Makarenko. They considered the play of children as the main type of physical and motor activity. Great value the game was provided by an outstanding specialist in the physical development of children P.F. Lesgaft, believing that she is an exercise with which the child prepares for life. The most important feature of outdoor games is the complex nature of their interactions on the motor and mental sphere of children, on the functions of the body, on the manifestation of motor, volitional, intellectual and moral qualities. Outdoor games involve almost all muscle groups in active work, and have a positive effect on the work of internal organs and systems. One of the most important aspects of outdoor games is their massiveness and complex impact on development. physical qualities, as well as influence on the formation of motor skills and abilities of children. Outdoor games include all basic types of movements / walking, running, jumping, throwing, etc. / develop physical qualities / agility, speed, strength, endurance, flexibility / and therefore for many years outdoor games served as the main means physical education children. The great French educator and thinker Jean Jacques Rousseau assigned an important role to games as the most effective means of pedagogical influence.

The value of outdoor games

Outdoor games create an atmosphere of joy and therefore make the most effective complex solution of health-improving, educational and upbringing tasks. Active movements, conditioned by the content of the game, evoke positive emotions in children and enhance all physiological processes. Situations on playground, which change all the time, teach children to use motor skills and abilities expediently, ensuring their improvement. Physical qualities are naturally manifested - speed of reaction, dexterity, eye, balance, strength, endurance, etc. The need to obey the rules and respond appropriately to the signal organizes and disciplines children, teaches them to control their behavior, develops intelligence, motor initiative and independence.

Outdoor games broaden the general horizons of children, stimulate the use of knowledge about the world around them, human actions, animal behavior; replenish vocabulary; improve mental processes. The game creates favorable conditions for the development of skills and physical qualities, contributes to the volatility of motor behavior. The motive of the game encourage the child to perform exercises, betray the meaning of motor activity. Play motives and tasks are close and accessible to the child, capture him. They are associated with the concreteness of the form in which the mastery of movement takes place in the game, the establishment of a direct connection between the motive and the task. Every child believes that he is fulfilling a role. An imaginary situation helps to make motor tasks interesting for the child: the children do not easily raise their hands, wave a flag, walk in a straight line, but walk along the path, jump like bunnies, etc. Children begin to act in a role, trying to embody it as accurately as possible, play up the imagination of the situation.

Thus, outdoor games are an effective means of versatile development.

Influence of outdoor games

Play occupies the most important place in the life of a preschooler, and therefore is considered as one of the main means of education. Among the whole variety of games, especially active games should be distinguished, in which all the players are necessarily involved in active motor actions. These actions are determined by the plot and rules of the game and are aimed at achieving a certain conditional goal. Each child, while playing, shows independence, initiative, speed and dexterity to the best of his ability. Plotless games require from the participants great independence, quickness and dexterity of movements, orientation in space. IN preschool age the foundations of the comprehensive harmonious development of the child's personality are laid. In this case, timely and properly organized physical education plays an important role, one of the main tasks of which is the development and improvement of movements. In outdoor games, children successfully learn movements such as walking, running, jumping, crawling. Outdoor games are advisable only to consolidate and improve volitional efforts. Such movements can include different types throwing and jumping. For preschoolers, outdoor games are a vital need. With their help, a variety of tasks are solved: educational, upbringing and health-improving. In the process of games, favorable conditions are created for the development and improvement of children's motor skills, the formation of moral qualities, as well as the habits and skills of life in a team. Changing game situations and game rules force the child to move at a higher speed in order to catch up with someone, or to hide faster, to deftly overcome obstacles. Repeated repetition of these movements requires attention, volitional and physical efforts from children, coordination of movements. A very important role of outdoor games in increasing the physical activity of children during the day. They are of particular importance for increasing the physiological stress on the child's body. Active motor actions during emotional uplift contribute to a significant effort in the activity of the musculoskeletal, cardiovascular and respiratory systems, due to which there is an improvement in the metabolism in the body and the corresponding training of the functions of various systems and organs. By loading the muscular system, the child is brought up not only strong and dexterous, but also his heart, lungs, and all internal organs develop. Movement is a path not only to health, but also to the development of intelligence. Movement, especially of the fingers, stimulates the development of the brain, its various parts.

The influence of outdoor games on the development of children's movements, as well as some of their volitional manifestations, largely depends on how long this game lasts. The longer and more active the child is in the game, the more he exercises in this or that kind of movement, the more often he enters into various relationships with other participants, i.e. the more he has to show dexterity, endurance, ability to obey the rules of the game.

The most effective way to play games is in the open air. With the active physical activity of children in the fresh air, the work of the heart and lungs increases, and, consequently, the flow of oxygen into the blood increases, the hardening effect of the natural forces of nature is added. An increase in the emotional background contributes to the aesthetic impact of the beauty of nature.

Speaking about the influence of play on mental development, it should be noted that it forces one to think most economically, tame emotions, and instantly react to the actions of an opponent and partner. Developing the habit of volitional action, games create the basis for voluntary behavior, outside play activities leading to the development of the ability to elementary self-organization, self-control. According to N.M. Amosov, V.K. Balsevich, Yu.K. Chernyshenko, V.N. Novokhatko, E.I. Pankratyev et al., When planning the content of physical education of preschoolers, outdoor games should have an advantage, which have a versatile effect on the body and a pronounced training effect, since physical loads that do not cause tension of physiological functions and do not provide a training effect do not have a sufficient health-improving effect. Active movements increase the child's resistance to diseases, mobilize the body's defenses, and increase the activity of leukocytes. Conversely, lack of movement (physical inactivity) causes a change in the central nervous and endocrine system, which can lead to emotional tension and instability, to metabolic disorders in the body, as well as to a decrease in the functional capabilities of the cardiovascular, respiratory systems and, consequently, to reduce the efficiency of the body. The most important feature of outdoor games is the complex nature of their interactions on the motor and mental spheres of children, on the functions of the body. In games, the movements of the hand and fingers are improved. Raising hands up, to the side. Bending, pumping and turning the torso simultaneously formulate the skill of owning your body. Daily exercise prevents postural disturbances and skeletal deformities, strengthens the entire body well, and has a beneficial effect on the normal growth and development of the child.

The constantly changing environment in the game, the rapid transition of participants from one movement to another contribute to the development of dexterity.

To develop strength, it is good to use games that require the manifestation of moderate in load, short-term speed-power voltages.

Games with multiple repetitions of strenuous movements, with constant motor activity, which causes significant expenditures of strength and energy, contribute to the development of endurance.

Improvement of flexibility occurs in games associated with frequent changes in the direction of movement.

Doctor and teacher V.V. Gorinevsky, as a result of deep medical research, came to the conclusion that lack of movement not only negatively affects the health of children, but also reduces their mental performance, inhibits overall development, and makes children indifferent to the world around them.