Walkthrough. Intensive care building

Arriving on the indicated roof, engage in neutralizing the hostile cops towards you. When you knock them out, take out the sensor for decryption, as usual, aim at the yellow circle and use the left mouse button to decode the signal. You will see a balcony opposite and two enemies on it. You can use the hook to fly to the gargoyle and attack from above. One way or another, having got rid of a couple of opponents, go inside through the door on the balcony.

You will reach the premises where the crimes were, run the evidence scanner there to continue Batman arkham Origins walkthrough... Sequentially scan the hand of the body covered with the canvas, then again the hand, but this time of the girl suspended from the chandelier. Next in line are footprints on the floor, behind them - again the body, which we examined first, but already the head, behind it - again the body of the girl suspended from the chandelier. Then scan the fingerprints on the wall next to the steps, behind them - the trail of shoe polish on the floor, then - the traces on the same floor near the window.

After that, you will be prompted to rewind the events - wind everything back with the mouse button, this will reveal the fabric of clothing on the window frame near the balcony, scan. Now go to the bar, scan the trail on it, then rewind the events back again, you will find the girl's phone that has fallen to the floor. Now Batman will conclude that the murdered person is not Black Mask, because we already encountered him at night in Blackgate Prison, and the crime happened much earlier. Batman Arkham origins the passage in this place is actually over.

To sort out the details, we now need to get into the filing cabinet of the national criminal database, which is kept at the police station. Alfred advises to take a shock detonator in his cave in order to jam opponents, go to the exit, on the way you will stumble upon one single enemy, though not the most pleasant one - a cop covering himself with a shield. The game will kindly give you a hint that these need to be neutralized from the air, which is done by holding down the mouse wheel and double-clicking the space bar. A single such enemy will not be a threat, but when he acts with a group of ordinary opponents, it becomes a real problem. Exit the Lacey Towers, it's time to "go home" to the cave for the equipment.

Batman cave

You can move to the cave directly from the map - the island with it is on the left side of it. Arriving home, we go to pick up a shock detonator - it lies on the table. Honestly, a completely useless contraption, it stuns enemies for a very short period of time - it is better not to be distracted like that, but to immediately get involved in a fight, which will be much more effective. But you need to pick up the detonator in order to continue the passage Batman games Arkham Origins, the campaign just won't continue until we pick him up. At the same time, you can, if you wish, visit a training session in order to fill yourself up with extra experience points, or you can immediately stomp to the batwing and fly away on a mission.

Police station

You will not move to Burnley if you did not have time to deactivate the jammer on the tower, therefore I advise you to move to the area that is as close to the target as possible in order to reduce the time wasted. For example, you can land at Coventry. The entrance to the police station is from the roof, the roof is well guarded. There are gargoyles, from which it is very convenient to attack single enemies, they will make Batman Arkham Origins easier to play. First of all, you need to get rid of snipers, then from ordinary soldiers. After cleaning the roof, get inside through the door.

Behind the door, go down the stairs on the left, at the dead end on the right there will be a decrepit wall, use the explosive gel. Jump directly to the roof of the elevator, which will go down shortly. From the elevator go to the ventilation shaft, first tear off the grate blocking the entrance. At the exit, the enemy stands right at the grate - it is very convenient to knock him out with a decisive blow in one fell swoop. From there you will go to the manager's office, where there will be three enemies in the next room - you will have to fight a little. Then, using the batclaw, pull out the ventilation grill at the top, climb in there.

Below there will be a lot of armed special forces - in order not to risk and not get into battle with them, we use a controlled claw, thanks to which we will move along the tightrope to the opposite side. Jumping down, approach the only enemy in the corridor and quietly stun him. The door on the left must be hacked in order to continue the Batman Arkham Origins passage, the password is "server protection". Deal with the enemies, go out through the door on the right, the glass on the left side is transparent only from our side, so you can approach the enemy point-blank and deliver a decisive blow.

Jump into the next room through the broken glass, interrogate an old acquaintance in a Santa Claus hat. We leave through the door, the next one is closed, but there is an opening on top, the hook will help to get over to the other side. Smash enemies, then with the help of explosive gel, demolish the boards that boarded up the window in the same room, from it you will go out into the corridor, from the corridor into the locker room, in which we cut out the only enemy with a decisive blow from behind and climb into ventilation shaft.

After leaving, go upstairs first with the help of the hook, then - along the stairs. The next step is a typical spacious hall with armed opponents and a bunch of places where you can hide. After interrupting everyone, we break the code panel at the exit, the password is "peacemaker". Further in the corridor, collide two enemies standing next to each other with their foreheads, go out into the next room. There is a door that would be nice to break, but a jammer interferes, disabling our miracle device for breaking. We'll have to get hold of another gadget, which could already be heard in this mission from the very guy in the Santa hat - the destructor.

The destructor is kept in the evidence locker. We leave through the door to the elevator, there are a couple of enemies, one of which is with a shield. After beating them, take out the hacking device to open the elevator shaft - according to Alfred, an infirmary adjoins it, through which you can get to the place where the evidence is kept. The password is "guardigotema", the door opens, we jump down. There, continuing the Batman Arkham Origins passage, go down the corridor, go down the steps below, and exit to the prison cells. We'll have to fight well, including with an enemy under the influence of Venom - such a contraption that dramatically increases strength and removes susceptibility to pain.

It's not a problem to beat everyone, but as for the venom bandit - beat him at the moments when he is not under the influence of the drug, the good old cloak stun and the subsequent series of blows will help you. When you are done with opponents, leave the room by pressing the button. Along the corridor you will reach the infirmary, there is a not very reliably built up elevator shaft, which must be blown up, and then enter the gap, then take a hook upward. There, turn on your detective vision to see the attachments for the guided claw - having organized yourself a rope, climb even higher to it.

From the rope, go into the ventilation shaft - find yourself straight in the required room, you just have to pick up the destructor. Now, along the same route, go back to the door, which the jammer did not allow to break - the destructor will just help to knock out this jammer. Moreover, the way back will be complicated first by the door to the prison cells that was buried right in front of our nose, and then by a crowd of angry bandits who occupied the area, including one near Venom. It just won't work out to the cameras - you need to pick the lock, but the jammer works, preventing you from doing it.

It's time to apply the selected destructor - it's on the "9" key. Just aim at the jammer and "shoot". After breaking it, break into the door control panel, code "isolation". Then you have to fight well, the meat grinder is still the same. Having killed everyone, go further along almost the same route that you came here - the Batman Arkham Origins passage differs only in that you have to get over the passage along the top. Once at the door, which previously could not be hacked, first kill the jammer with the destructor, then break open the door, the code is "classified".

Behind the door you will meet Barbara - a rare example of a character friendly towards us. True, a nice conversation will be cut short by a thrown smoke grenade - the cops swooped down. Enter the ventilation shaft here, go out to the shooting range, where there will be a relatively small group of enemies, including one with a shield. After interrupting all of them, go out through the door, hack the control panel of the door next, the password is "loaded". You will reach the elevator, there the special forces are already storming the room - we ran away from him, but Gordon, our future ally, will be several floors higher.

What can not be said about his subordinates, who will have to be interrupted by first throwing a grenade in the QTE scene. It remains only to leave the building through the door, going out onto its roof. Enemies appeared there again, but this time it is no longer necessary to fight with them, you can simply leave using the grappling hook. Although, personally, I could not resist the temptation to bang their heads against each other two special forces, standing next to each other in front.

Alfred, meanwhile, found a suitable manhole, the tunnel of which leads directly under the police station, this is what we need - we move to the green mark on the map. Along the way, Barbara will give side quest, where you need to get rid of the stolen boxes of weapons, which are now scattered in different corners of the city. But this is a completely different story, which does not particularly affect the passage of Batman Arkham Origins, or rather, the storyline campaign of the game ... We fly to the sewers.


Arriving at the place, you can see that the area near the sewer hatch is guarded by enemies, so you have two options - to wade through the roof or through the gate. In the latter case, you will have to interrupt the guards, but this is extra experience points, why not. Either way, go down the drain by holding Ctrl and pressing the spacebar. The required sewer manhole cover is highlighted in the detective vision mode. In the sewer very soon you will find yourself on a hill, and in front of you below there is a crowd of enemies, including one martial artist.

The latter will somewhat complicate the passage of Batman Arkham Origins in this place, it differs from ordinary fighters in its increased speed and technique of strikes, it can attack with a combination, and not single attacks. After beating everyone, blow up a fragile wall with gel, along the corridor you will go into a spacious hall with a bunch of thick pipes. Immediately look to the left - there you can grab with a hook, then jump from a running start to the next platform, from where, with the help of the hook, you can climb onto the bridge, where a couple of enemies are walking. After beating them, cling to the ledge with a hook even higher, move along it to the right until it stops.

Climb first to the bridge, then even higher up the steps to a small control panel, press the button there, take out the batclaw, pull the hatch on the left with it to let off steam to the side, and not right on our way. After that, with the already controlled claw, organize a rope along which you move to the opposite side. Land at some warehouse, it has a small balcony, on the balcony we hack the control panel, the code is "pump access". You will see the opened passage - head into it, along the way deal with the enemy.

Along the corridors you will reach another elevation, again a group of enemies below. Plan on top of the martial artist (in reddish clothes), knock him out, then hit everyone else. Cope - press the button to activate the elevator and continue the Batman Arkham Origins walkthrough. Climbing upstairs, you will find yourself in an office with another gang, cut them all out, then Alfred will get in touch, he will report that we are right under the target, we approach the equipment, press the space bar. After looking at the history of the Lacey Towers murders, we will determine the next target - it will be the commercial bank of Gotham.

We leave this place through the door, go out into the corridor, in which it is impossible to go somewhere wrong because of the steam - sooner or later you will run into the stairs leading upstairs - climb. Upstairs we will be met by three thugs with machine guns, and, apparently, they are under the influence of some potent substances. Soon, a discharge of current will knock them out, and the Mad Hatter will get in touch - inviting us to his place. At your leisure, I advise you to go to him - very unusual mission, interesting and challenging. And here we, having hacked the remote control with the password "shop hats" finished, outside the door is already the streets of Gotham, but we will return to the sewers even later ...

So we begin. We are watching a video that reveals the entire dark essence of life in the fictional city of Gotham. Batman captures the Joker and takes him to the Arkham Asylum for the mentally ill, where the most notorious psychopaths are kept. Batman brings the Joker, there he is met by the hospitable staff of the clinic. It would seem that Batman's work is over, but our hero senses something amiss, and therefore decides to accompany the Joker to his camera. From this moment, in fact, control passes into our hands. We walk along the corridor, accompanying the Joker in a special chair that will prevent any of his attempts to escape, we listen to the villain's jokes, mostly flat (by the way, the whole game you will have to evaluate his sense of humor, as sick as his mind). We will not be allowed to take any active actions while accompanying the "patient", so we can relax for now. We bring the Joker to the destination, stay behind the force field, while our antagonist is accompanied by a guard and a doctor. Naturally, the Joker attempts to escape, which is quickly crowned with success. His hands are untied, and he promises to arrange "fun" at the clinic. A battle begins between Batman and ordinary prisoners, during which we can truly appreciate the simplicity and at the same time beauty of the local combat system. I will not get ahead of myself and immediately advise during fights to try to put the blows into long and spectacular combos. This gives a lot more points than the usual short series. Later, we will spend points on improving our protagonist. We deal with two waves of criminals and go in search of the villain Joker. We go along the corridor, we talk with the guard. He cannot open the door, so we will have to turn around and go back, but this time straight ahead, and not to the right, from where we left. We talk with the guard, we learn from him that Zsazs, a dangerous psychopath, escaped, and he is holding another guard hostage. Only Batman can help him. Climb a little higher and turn on "Detective Mode" for the first time. This mode will accompany you throughout the game and you will use it constantly. In this mode, objects highlighted in orange are of interest in 80% of cases, or you can interact with them. With the help of the hook we climb onto the gargoyle, then onto the second one. We select the gargoyle with which it will be possible to strike. The screen will display an inscription that will notify us of the possibility of a strike in planning. We observe this action, enjoy the beautiful animation of the hero in slow-mo. Zsazs is stunned, we approach him and knock him out. The guard is saved. We watch the video, then we "tear off" the ventilation grill from the wall, move along the "pipe". We see a green statuette with a question mark. This is the Riddler Prize, a large number of them are scattered throughout Arkham. Their collection does not apply to the main storyline so it is not necessary to collect these prizes.

Disinfection room

We leave the pipe, we see behind the glass a room filled with gas. It's all Joker. There are still living people in the room, so you need to save them. We look up and use the hook. We rise, we see the guard hanging on the platform asking for help. We help the guard. There is another one on the platform above, we rise there on the hook, we save it. A little further there is a platform on a lower level, but the distance for the jump is too great, so you need to plan, it is done using the "space" button. We save the criminal who has fallen into the trap of his boss Joker. We cut it out, because the criminal is the criminal! We turn on the detective mode, we see the ventilation control panel in the room. We throw a betarang into the remote control (Right mouse button - aiming, left - "shot"). The air in the room has been cleared of deadly gas.

Corridor "Loop"

We jump to the floor of the room. follow the green arrows to the door on which in green the face of the Joker is drawn. We are watching the video. The Joker has released a large creature. Actually, this is the first boss in the game. "A tough fight lies ahead," you thought? But no. All you need to do is dodge the creature's attacks (double-press the space bar and the corresponding movement key). In just one minute, the creature will grab its head and die. The Joker will mutter under his breath something about the experimental material and "leave" in the containment chamber of such creatures away. We speak with the guard, who was passed out during the "fierce fight", he offers to call a second such camera for Batman so that he can go after the Joker. But alas, this turns out to be impossible, so we have to go out the door through which we entered this room. And rescue Commissioner Gordon, who was treacherously captured by Officer Bowles. By the way, yes, the first Batman upgrade will be available after the battle. I will say right away that there are no special techniques for pumping a character, so you can pump whatever you like first. We go to the place where Bowles grabbed Gordon (check with the map (Tab), the right place will be marked). We scan the room, find a broken bottle of bourbon. She belonged to Bowles. With the help of the detective mode, we go through the alcoholic vapors that came from Bowles. we come to a room with an elevator, watch the video. The elevator is rendered incapacitated. We climb with the hook upward, higher and higher. We pass through the ventilation tunnels, we meet three bandits with weapons. There is only one correct tactic against such rivals - silent neutralization, so you should not attack head-on. We climb onto the gargoyle, then onto the next one and jump to the rear of the bandits. In turn, we quietly neutralize each bandit. We go into the room, there is another criminal talking to the Joker, we kill him too. We go through the ventilation. We find ourselves in the lobby of the intensive care building. We quietly remove two bandits with weapons. The Joker will send three more, with them the conversation will also be short. We go to where the three bandits came from. Bah, this is Frankie Bowles himself, only dead. Apparently, the Joker no longer needed his services. Edward Nygma aka "Riddler" bursts into our airwaves. He invites Batman to go through a series of "ridiculously difficult" challenges. Gives us the first riddle: "Don't cut yourself on the shabby portrait." We look a little to the right of the dead Bowles, we see the portrait of the overseer Sharpe, we scan it. Then the guard appears and opens the door for us.

Arkham island

We are tasked with reaching the surface of Arkham Island. It goes through the doors along the corridor, then more doors, through the ventilation shaft we go out into the cave, through which we will get to the surface. The Oracle contacts us, we get a map of the entire island. The Joker ordered his henchmen to "fix" the Batmobile, so we go to North Arkham (west of the place where you jumped off the cave ledge, the entrance to North Arkham will be indicated on the map) to prevent them. After passing through the gate, we go around the ambulance car on the left, climb up with the hook, we go to the rear of two bandits and quietly neutralize them. We go into the next gate, we see how the Batmobile is smashed by seven bandits. Let them answer for this! We deal with them, we take from the trunk of the car the Rattling Gel, a tool that will be useful to us in the future. We scan the place near the Batmobile, find Gordon's pipe, follow the traces of tobacco. The gate turns out to be closed, but there is a fragile wall nearby, we apply an explosive gel and undermine it. The path is open. Then we meet with two more bandits, sweep them and follow the traces of tobacco, it is impossible to get lost, because these traces are almost every 2-3 meters. We are approaching the medical block.


Near the entrance to this there is a bunch of bandits, we deal with them. You can go to the medical block, but we will not go far, Harley Quinn will be waiting for us there, and in front of her is a force field. We need to look for another way to the medical block. Use the hook to rise to the roof of the medical block, go left. We see a fragile wall, an explosive gel is used. Moment - and we are in the medical unit. Through the ventilation shafts we find ourselves in the main hall. The bandits took the doctors hostage, you need to save them. The game involves the covert destruction of each bandit, so you can sneak up and kill him. And so with everyone. You can use fragile ceilings, floors and walls by applying gel to them. A bandit came to the ceiling with a gel, voila - and there is no bandit. After removing the enemies, we approach the doctors, talk. They report three more doctors who need help. The location of the doctors will be marked on the map. Dr. Young is being held hostage by the bandits, you need to place explosives on two walls so that they explode at the same time and neutralize all the villains. Penny Young is safe, talk to her. Let's go rescue the next doctor. Dr. Kelerman is locked in a room filled with Joker gas. We speak with the guard, look up at the ventilation pipes and climb onto them, jump over to the grate and find ourselves in a room with gas. We turn on the detective mode. We need to activate three fans to clear the air from the gas. We follow the wires from the fans to the control panels, throw batarangs around the control panels - this way we can solve this problem. We turn on each fan in turn, talk to the security guard Cash. We have the last doctor left. He is chained to a chair in the room, approaching him we fall into a "trap": several bandits. It's even funny. Calm down violent patients, save the doctor. We return to the isolator, listen to the conversation, see three bandits who entered the room. We quietly deal with them. We go into the elevator, we go downstairs. We look at the splash screen, after which we blow up the wall on the left. We pass along the corridor and see the dead Commissioner Gordon. Batman immediately tries to contact the Oracle to tell the sad news, but the connection is unavailable. Now Batman must punish the killer. We go to the morgue, listen to the voices. We leave back, but it was not there. Again the morgue. We see three bags on the tables in the middle. We open each one in turn, in one there will be Bruce's father, in the second there will be mother, and in the third there will be a terrible muzzle. These are all the tricks of the psychopath Crane aka "Scarecrow". Rather, the gas that Batman inhaled in the elevator. Now we need to avoid the gaze of the giant Scarecrow, or the end. We just move along the walls, squat on time, avoid looking. We blow up the defective wall, the Scarecrow will pay attention to us, will look left and right. We choose the moment when his gaze is on the left side, we go to the right. We get to the coveted searchlight, we attack the psycho. Victory is ours. We call the Oracle, go further, we see that in the place of the commissar's corpse the corpse of some guard. Yeah, so it wasn't Gordon! Crane's gas had a profound effect. We go to the door, bandits come running to us, one of them will be with knives. He is more experienced than ordinary blockheads, we stun him with a cloak (middle mouse button), then we beat him. Follow the arrows to the corridor, and the Joker decided to play his cruel games... We need to sneak past the guards unnoticed. But no one forbids removing them, right? There are only four of them, the detective mode will help track the movements of the bandits. the first two can be removed with a blow from behind, the rest - by tracing their path and dealing with each one by one. We go up the stairs, with the help of the hook we jump to the ceiling of the room where Harley Quinn and Gordon are standing. We blow up the ceiling. We are watching the video. There is a battle with the boss - Venom. A large and strong mutant. But beating him is pretty easy. The main thing is to dodge his throws, use the Batarang, when he flies at you, he will grab his head and be stunned, and then we run up and mutuzim the villain. Batman will jump onto his back and rip off the hoses that power Venom's powers. When you remove 50% of Venom's life, the Joker thugs will come to his aid. You can first deal with them, and then continue to beat Venom, or you can simply try to drive the bandits under the blows and throws of Venom, so he will sweep them aside. Venom is defeated, we are watching a video.

Batman's Secret Cave

We follow to the place marked on the map. On the way, we will run into a fight with the bandits several times. We arrive at the point, jump over the fence, go through the cave. We are watching the video, we go to the computer. Batman will collect all the information about Penny Young and her research, we have to find a doctor. We get our hands on a new Batman gadget - the Batclaw. They can pull objects. The opportunity to try this device will appear immediately. We pull off three boxes that prevent us from jumping over to the walkways. We run along the tunnel to the lattice under the vault of the cave. With the help of Batclaw, we can now pull off the grates from the ventilation tunnels that are on the walls at the top. So we do it. We get out on the other side, we cut down the thug. Further we meet another group of bandits. In addition, thugs not involved in the fight will try to tear off objects from the walls that can cause you damage. We deal with them. We fall into a cave with old walls, there is no way to use the hook. But nothing difficult will be, we just climb up the ledges. When we get to the surface, we will receive the next task - to climb into the Arkham mansion. The Joker, meanwhile, did not sit idly by, but placed his snipers on the towers. We remove them, because they can cause decent damage. We deal with a bunch of bandits.

Arkham Mansion

We penetrate into the mansion. With the help of the batclaw we remove the armed bandit, then we finish it off. The door is locked, but we can always bypass the ventilation shafts. We tear off the grate with the batclaw and get into the adjacent room. Penny Young is in the hands of the Joker, but she is silent. And the Joker's thugs staged a real search in the mansion, so you need to hurry. We deal with a bunch of bandits, go to the next room. In it, an armed thug threatens to kill two hospital staff. We sneak up on it from behind and neutralize it. We are watching the video. The Joker reports that his bandits are now knocking the "crap" out of Cash, trying to find out the location of Dr. Young. There are six armed thugs in the next room. We have to remember the secret murders that we committed in the isolation ward of the medical unit. We listen to Cash, we hurry to help the doctor. We go through the northern corridor, we make our way in the labyrinth of ventilation and get to the office of Dr. Young. Three bandits are trying to break into the office, one of them is armed. We don't stand on ceremony with them for a long time. Let's look at the walls, we see ventilation again. But there is no doctor, the safe is open. Meanwhile, Batman talks to the Oracle. We scan the safe, follow her by the doctor's prints. We leave the office in the same way as we got here. Three bandits. There are no bandits. We follow in the footsteps of the doctor further, we find ourselves in a corner corridor. We carefully sit around the corner, like a commando, listening to a bandit's conversation. Dr. Young got caught. Well, you can remove the bandit. Batarang in his head, deserves no more. We go to the library. We meet six bandits, two of them are experienced. Going downstairs, we see two hostages. Ah, those Joker jokes! If we do not manage to save the hostages, they will suffocate. We quickly return back, with the help of the hook we climb to the third floor. We are heading to the ventilation grill. We climb into it, we pass, we get out near the chandelier. We throw the batarang into it, the chandelier breaks through the floor. Voila - the hostages are saved. We turn on the detective mode, on one of the shelves we notice Dr. Young's fingerprints. We take a formula that "after reading it must be destroyed." Batman, as an honest man, does just that. We get out of the library. At the exit we fall under the influence of the Scarecrow's hallucinogenic gas. Hello, funny drug trip! We go along the corridor, we arrive at the place of death of the parents. After standing for a while, press the movement keys and go to the exit. The scarecrow awaits us in the most hidden fears hidden in the depths of our brain. Obstacle course is what it's called. Having coped with the Scarecrow, we find ourselves in the main hall, cut off the bell and, jumping down, go into the opened room. There, violent Victor holding Doctor Young, sneak up to the corner, crouch and, seizing the moment, we stun Zsas with a batarang. Watching the video, Dr. Young dies. And we will have a fight with four bandits, one of them is armed with an electric box. After talking with the oracle, we get the task to get into the secret laboratory. We leave the room, follow the traces of Quincy Sharpe's DNA. In the large hall there are three armed bandits, we make our way above them and cut them down one by one from behind with decisive blows.

Prison block

We follow in the footsteps of the DNA overseer Sharpe, scattering small groups of prisoners along the way, we go into the prison block. We pass by cells with crazy prisoners. Having reached Sharpe, we free the old man, watch the screensaver - Harley Queen frees Ivy and psychos from prison, we get half of the code from Sharpe. Now Batman's arsenal has a code sequencer, a device for breaking electronic defenses. The principle of operation is as follows: we set up the device to the security system panel and scroll through the control circles until we catch a wide amplitude and the sequencer screen flashes green. We release the setting - the panel is hacked. We return along the same path along which we came here, on the way you will be attacked by psychos, try to knock them out with the first blow and immediately finish off, if you could jump onto your back, quickly press the spacebar many times. We get to the detention cells of the psychos. We're going to have a two rounds fight with the Blackgate prisoners under the command of Harley, the fight is not particularly difficult, I mean. After beating the prisoners, we turn off the electric floor and follow Harley. We go into the opened passage and find ourselves in a room with suspended guards. Harley asks a puzzle to save the guards. First, go to the boiler and scan the picture on the Wanted Prometey wall. We turn off the current supply under the first guard with the sequencer, and cut off the rope with the batarang, you can run to blow up the defective wall and scan the spider. Next, we turn off the current under the second guard and also cut the rope with a batarang. The guards are saved, but Harley is washed off. As a gift, she left us 30 seconds to get out of the room. The most complex panel of all three, the main thing is to release the setting buttons in time, as soon as the desired amplitude is found. After talking with the guards, we go to the punishment cell. Here the Joker's insane girlfriend set a trap for us, prisoners will run to us and try to beat us, and Harvey will periodically start up a current on the floor. Having dealt with the prisoners, the Joker surrenders Harvey to Batman, and she immediately goes to jail. After scanning her prints, Batman contacts the Oracle. Now we go to the botanical garden for the Joker.

Botanical Garden

So, we go to the botanical garden. On the way to it, we will be attacked by bandits who have escaped from the prison block. I guess this shouldn't surprise you. We go into the botanical garden, we cut down two guards with weapons. We break open the protection panel and get into the greenhouse. Here the situation is as follows: six armed thugs, and they walk in two! Although this does not complicate the situation, we quietly deal with everyone, do not forget to retreat from the battlefield with the help of gargoyles if it gets hot. We go to the generator room, where the bandits scoff at an honest technician. We punish the bandits. The panel that opens the passage is mined, and we need three passes to break in, everything needs to be done quickly. The panel is hacked, we go further. We return to the greenhouse. We go upstairs and we pass into the next room. Suddenly, the Joker blocks the passage. On the side of the dam, we see the ventilation grill, remove it and climb into the mine. We find ourselves in an abandoned room, where the hook does not work, we will have to do it the old fashioned way. We hear the voice of the Joker. It seems that the process of creating an army of mutants is not standing still. We move to the other side, we climb into the ventilation shaft under the ceiling. We climb through it, we see two bandits who torture the orderly. We need to save all the orderlies. We go to their rescue, do not forget to use the map. Meanwhile, the joker announces that if you are noticed, the orderlies will die. Attention, the guards DO NOT touch! First you need to remove the operator. We carefully move to the other side and climb into the technical passages. We cling to the hook at the very last guard, jump off, go to the ventilation, finally get to the operator. We neutralize, deal with the rest of the guards. One of the operators reports that the door to the laboratory is in this room, but the door is secret. The detective mode comes to the rescue. Turn on, look for traces. One panel contains many of Harvey's footprints, with a mined panel underneath. In three steps we open the panel. And here is the Joker himself! Unfortunately, he will only set mutants on you, and he will run away. What a coward. Tactics of the battle with mutants: as soon as one of the mutants runs at you, throw a fast batarang at him, the mutant will crash into the wall. While he is stunned, we run up to him and beat him. As a result, our hero will jump on his back to the mutant. You need to direct the mutant to another. And so several visits, until the bitter end. It remains to run up and finish off. Batman's plane (Batplane) arrives, delivers us a rope launcher. With the help of it we get out of the laboratory. We need to find Ivy, she's in Mrs. Arkham's greenhouse. With the help of a cable launcher, we get over to her. We talk with her, after the conversation we need to go to the Arkham mansion. to ask Cash where Croc is being held. On the way, we will have to do a standard operation - to pacify several groups of bandits. In the greenhouse, we jump over the gargoyles again. We see that the exit from the building was blocked by huge roots - it was Ivy who released them under the influence of the Titan, the tricks of the Joker. We approach the roots and jump into the passages, move to the other side and leave the building. Ivy decided to plant the whole island with her flowers. Moreover, the colors are by no means peaceful. Fortunately, they can be destroyed. To do this, run up to them and press the spacebar. We get to the mansion. There are also problems: there are many plants inside, you cannot go down to the floor because of the deadly gas emitted by the plants. We stick to the ceiling, use the rope launcher, fly from wall to wall. We get to Cash.

Intensive care building

To get into the intensive care building, we climb onto one of the towers, but not onto the roof. We cut down the sniper with a batarang, use a rope launcher. We're in the building. We make our way through the ventilation shaft into the lobby of the building. There are six armed bandits walking around, besides the gargoyles are mined. The guys got ready. We cut out all six, we go to the security room. There, using the sequencer, turn off the gate protection panel. We go into the passage to the cameras, suddenly we fall under the gas of the Scarecrow. How wrong is it! Fortunately, this will be our last meeting with him. On the way to the searchlight, you will have to scatter the crowd of skeletons, be careful during the fight, do not jump out under the eyes of the Joker. Having reached the spotlight, we will have a fight. First, just skeletons, then the skeleton of a mutant, we cut it out in the same way as ordinary ones, we stun it with a batarang, and it will crash itself against the wall, and at the end there will be a bunch of skeletons and a mutant. As you already understood, it was a bad trip, although we fought for real. Crane escapes and goes down to Croc's basement. We jump down, in the elevator control room there are three bandits. We cut them down, we break open the mined control panel. We jump into the opened hatch, there is a crowd of bandits, we fight with them, but make sure that during the fight they do not open the box with weapons, otherwise it will be difficult.

Croc's Lair

We go into the sewer, we make our way along the walls, use the rope launcher to jump from wall to wall. When we go into Croc's lair, the map disappears, we will wander in the maze, focusing on the distance sensor to the spores, we need to collect the antidote from five spores. You can't run, otherwise Krok will detect the vibrations of the water and grab you. Squatting will move faster, when the crocodile attacks, we aim at him with a batarang. The Batarang will fall into the collar, the crocodile will fall into the water. Sometimes he will break the supports under us, then you need to run. Having collected all the disputes, it's time to get out of these gloomy catacombs. We go straight where Batman is looking, now we run away from Croc, a couple of turns, here is the tunnel. We have disputes, we go to Batman's cave, create an "anti-titanium" agent. Having created an antidote, we watch a video, the cave is attacked by Ivy plants. After collecting the improved Batclaw, we get the ability to break down walls that we could not reach before. The Joker launched the Titan into the sewers, soon this mixture will reach residential areas of Gotham, an urgent need to turn off the pumps. On the map we get marks and along the destroyed part of the sewer we begin to make our way up. Jumping somewhere, rope launcher somewhere, here we are at the top. We break open the wall with a batclaw, three thugs came out to admire us, what a coincidence! And now the batclaw has three hooks, we observe the flight of three thugs. Climbing inside, we will defeat two bandits, there is a fork to go left or right. It does not matter, and there, and there, turn off the panels with a sequencer, but after turning off, there will be a difficult battle in a confined space, and even with the participation of a mutant. There are benefits to be gained from this though. We stun the mutant, jump onto his back, and direct it to the bandits. It was then that they did not go well. Several races on a wide back and the fight is over. We examine the elevator shaft, break down a couple of defective walls and undermine the counterweight. Here it is, the smell of freedom. To get to the cave, we actively use Batman's ability to glide over long distances, and of course the rope launcher.

Botanical Garden (II)

Now we need to get to botanical garden, neutralize Ivy, thereby preventing her from destroying the island. Plants and snipers prevent us from reaching the garden. We make our way into the garden, we go to the greenhouse. There is a fight, which consists of two rounds. In the first, we throw a huge flower bud with a quick betarang, dodge flying balls and watch the roots growing out of the ground so that they do not grab us. When Ivy's life bar is empty, we apply an explosive gel to the wall of the cocoon, separating us from the villainess. We blow it up, and the second round of the battle begins. The style of fighting is the same, only fighters in the form of guards, enchanted by Ivy, joined Ivy. We deal with Ivy. The Joker is next.

The final

We leave the botanical garden, head to the prison block. We will be greeted with applause by the Joker bandits, what an honor! We go into the building, admire the antics of the Joker, then the TV explodes. We pass into the formed opening. Get ready for the toughest battle in the game. We'll have to work as a fast batarang, as well as climb onto the back of one stunned mutant, direct it to another, crush small bandits with it. The experience of such battles will come in handy. Finally, the Joker himself will oppose us. Bandits will jump out from behind the railing of the makeshift amphitheater, and the Joker will occasionally throw exploding jaws onto the stage. First, we deal with the prisoners. Then the Joker will turn to the helicopter, use the ultrabatclaw to pull it, run up and deliver a series of blows until the villain gets out. In the second round, experienced prisoners will appear, the algorithm of actions is the same, including the Joker. In the third round there will be bandits with electric boxes and even a few with machine guns. You will have to sweat, do not disdain Batman's gadgets, the same ultra-Batclaw, for example. Jaws can be thrown with fast batarangs.

Well, the Joker is defeated, Gordon is saved, and you completed the game. Congratulations!

Like all rich people, Bruce Wayne loves to collect. This applies not only to things, remember at least a whole team of assistants who wore Robin's costume. Well, maybe Batman is very sentimental deep down at heart. But as far as trophies are concerned, here he put together a really interesting collection. Right in my cave.

These items are dear to Batman for a variety of reasons. We will try to tell you about the most interesting specimens in our Top 10 Batman Cave Trophies.

10. Penguin Gadgets

Oswald Cobblepot, better known as the Penguin, is one of the most recognizable villains in the Batman universe. His image was constantly changing, but all sorts of adaptations were always an integral part of the Penguin. For example, a robot penguin and various modifications of an umbrella, such as an automatic umbrella or even a helicopter umbrella.

Probably Batman, being himself a lover of gadgets, thought that Penguin's devices would be a worthy addition to his collection. In fact, Penguin mementos were among the very first trophies collected by Batman. So, the robot penguin appeared in the then trophy room back in 1942.

9. Sarcophagus of the mummy

Batman and Robin battled Doctor Doom long before the Fantastic Four. It happened in 1950 in Detective Comics # 158. There was nothing special about Doctor Doom, he was an ordinary smuggler. Commissioner Gordon called Batman (yes, in those early days, they used the phone) and called him to the dock, where Doctor Doom was preparing to commit suicide. Doom did not carry out his plan, and instead secretly climbed into the sarcophagus, which he had previously tried to steal. Commissioner Gordon was so grateful to Batman for the company that he replenished his collection with this sarcophagus free of charge.

Batman and Robin brought a gift into the cave so that the sarcophagus would take its rightful place in the trophy collection, but Doctor Doom, hiding inside, got out of the sarcophagus and caused complete chaos in the cave. Batman and Robin, like real superheroes, could not defeat the elderly smuggler; in the scuffle, Doom even successfully got hold of a grenade (another trophy) and blew it up. Batman and Robin hid behind a small house, which the Tmen Knight got from the gnomes (!!!). Doom was less fortunate, the blast wave slammed the sarcophagus and he suffocated inside.

8. Red Hood Suit

The Red Hood costume doesn't always appear in the comics, but it made it to our top as a worthy part of Batman's trophy collection. Sometimes the authors include it to remind us of the origins of the Dark Knight's greatest enemy. The character first appeared in Detective Comics # 168 in 1951. The man who would later become the Joker was a crime boss named Red Hood. Once, at a chemical plant, Batman drove him into a corner, and he fell into a cauldron of chemicals, after this incident a new villain appeared in the city, who later became the most famous antagonist and opponent of Batman in the history of comics.

Initially, Batman did not take the costume into the collection, but later artists began to depict it in a glass flask among other trophies of the cave.

7. Dice

Batman got the bones from his eternal enemy Joker in the 1947 Batman comic # 44. The story was called "The Case of gambling with destiny "(The Case of the Gamble with Doom). English word Doom fits into the story very well, because after 3 years, Doctor Doom will try to destroy Batman and Robin with dice.

For some reason, the artists who have painted Batman over the years have often inserted giant bones into the interior of the cave. Perhaps there is something mystical about them, or maybe they just liked the concept itself. Bones are often depicted suspended from the ceiling. A kind of Batman version of the cubes that drivers like to hang on the rear-view mirrors in their cars.

6. Giant chess

Although gigantic chessmen do not have any significant background, they still made it to our top trophies of the cave. Once, Batman mentioned that he got the pieces after the "Chess Crimes Case". Probably, just like with dice, artists liked giant chess and they continued to paint it.

Initially, all the game pieces were present on the board, but over time their number decreased. V recent times the main pieces were knight, bishop and rook.

5. Batman Thomas Wayne costume

Now sit down and put aside everything that you can let go of your hands in surprise. Batman always kept several hero costumes in his cave as trophies, which for some reason were dear to him. But few people know that the first such costume was the Batman costume from the past, namely Bruce's father, Thomas Wayne.

Yes, Thomas was Batman too! As strange as it may sound, in 1956, in the 235th issue of Detective Comics, Bruce Wayne finds a secret compartment inside an old chest, in which he discovers old suit Batman. Immediately memories from the distant past begin to remind of themselves, Bruce recalls how once at a costume party, his father dressed in a bat costume, and how he, too, was a crime threat in Gotham.

Thanks to this find, Bruce learns about a man named Moxon, as it turns out he was behind the murder of Thomas and Martha Wayne, it was he who hired Joe Chill. It turns out that the most tragic moment in Bruce's life was not a simple robbery.

Subsequently, they tried to forget this story. I think that for the better, because it was the death of his parents that became the main reason for the birth of Batman. But, nevertheless, Thomas Wayne's Batman costume is sometimes portrayed by artists among other trophies of the cave, as a reminder of a forgotten past.

4. Robin Jason Todd costume

Another costume in the collection of cave trophies, which has become an integral part of the interior. This is perhaps the most emotionally charged piece in the collection, serving as a silent reminder of the tragic fiasco amid Batman's successes. A reminder of the risks Bruce takes in creating another.

Oddly enough, after the death of Jason Todd in the comics, Batman decidedly did not want to keep a single mention of this event in the cave. In one of the issues, Dick Grayson, looking through the collection of trophies, is surprised at the fact that it does not contain Jason's things. This continued until 1986, when the comic strip "The Return of the Dark Knight" by Frank Miller was released, in which the Robin costume took its rightful place in the Batman's cave (it is interesting that Todd was killed only in 1988, that is, 2 years after the release of Miller's comic strip) ...

Later, in addition to the Robin costume, many more appeared in the cave. various subjects wardrobe including Barbara Gordon's Batgirl costume.

3. Giant Joker card

We got to the Top 3 Batman Cave Trophies. The giant Joker card is almost always depicted among the trophies. You might think there is some very interesting story behind the playing card?

No, there is no story. As well as dice with giant chess, the Joker card is a trophy with no backstory. Yes, the Joker used a similar card in his crimes, but the specimen from the cave has no definite history behind it. This is simply a portrayal of the hero's nemesis, the embodiment of everything Batman is fighting against.

If you delve a little into the history of the cave, then in the early comics there was not even a map, instead of it on the wall you could usually see a giant papier-mâché Joker mask. Over time, the mask transformed into the familiar giant playing card that appears in all drawings of the cave. However, there is still one interesting fact about this trophy - playing card The Joker served as the inspiration for the artist Jerry Robinson, who came up with the character.

2. Tyrannosaurus

The second exhibit in the top three leaders of our top. Every Batman comic reader has repeatedly noticed the frozen figure of a prehistoric reptile among the many objects in the cave. Confirmation that Batman still lives in a crazy world.

Tyrannosaurus is one of the few trophies that has an origin story. It first appeared in 1946 in Batman Issue 35, Dinosaur Island. In the story, entrepreneur Murray Hart creates an amusement park with mechanical dinosaurs. He invites Batman and Robin to try themselves as cavemen and try to survive in the park for 36 hours. Since the heroes simply have nothing else to do, they agree. The control panel of the park is captured by a bandit who wants to destroy Batman. But naturally nothing comes of it.

Most interestingly, the original mechanical dinosaur was a diplodocus, not a tyrannosaurus. Once upon a time, these peaceful reptiles were also considered bloodthirsty monsters (for example, in the original film "King Kong"). But in 1948, artist Jim Mooney painted Batman's cave, in which, among other trophies, stood the good old Tyrannosaurus Rex.

1. Huge Penny

It's hard to imagine Batman's cave without a huge coin. An exception may be, for example, the films of Christopher Nolan, but there is a completely different conversation. If you are drawing a cave, then a giant penny must find its place in your drawing. This is canon.

It may seem to many that the coin is associated with Two-Face, the most famous criminal in Gotham, who actively uses trifle to make decisions. But this is not the case. Penny appeared in the 39th issue of the World Elite comic, the story was called "Penny's Snatchers." Joe Coyne's life is cursed with 1 cent coins. As a child, people around him had dollars, and he could only afford a penny. Growing up, he becomes a robber. Joe raids a store, but finds a penny in the cash register. In prison, Joe takes an oath to make the penny his symbol. This is how another thematic villain is born.

Of course, Joe didn't make a great villain, and he never appeared in any of the stories, but his legacy is still in plain sight. With the help of a coin, Batman often dealt with intruders in his cave, for example, once with the help of a coin he cut off the head of his mechanical dinosaur, which was possessed by a villain who had climbed into the cave. And why not just pull the working mechanism out of the Tyrannosaurus ?!
Like chess and dice, the huge penny has become an integral part of Bet mythology for some reason. Probably it's all about the size.

Joe Coyne has sunk into oblivion as another unknown villain, he will not be shown in cartoons, will not invite famous actors to play his role in. But, by a strange coincidence, his giant coin became a significant part of Batman's story, reminiscent of the times when Bruce Wayne was a more upbeat hero, and villains were more comedic than terrifying.

That's all. Now you know about a small part of the history of Batman's headquarters. In fact, there were much more trophies, Batman has amassed a huge collection, which is very difficult to describe completely. We hope you enjoyed the material and find it useful and informative.