When the Mirror S Edge Catalyst is released. How Developers Choose Time for Release

The release date is that temporary trait, after which the game is considered to be published, which usually implies that it can already be downloaded and tested if a licensed copy is purchased. For example, the release date of Mirror "S Edge: Catalyst - June 7, 2016.

IN lately Increasingly, the developers allow you to buy a game in advance - make a preliminary order. In response to support from potential buyers, who believe in the success of the project, which give money for him before the release, developers are divided by various bonuses and exclusive materials. It can be a soundtrack, artbook or some mini addons for the game.

Thus, pre-ordered actually allows you to buy the game to her official outputHowever, this does not mean that the declared release date loses its importance, since it is possible to fully play only after the release.

Why do you need to know the dates of the release of games?

If only because it is more convenient to plan your time and finance. If you know, for example, when the Mirror "s Edge: Catalyst is released, then you will be easier to navigate: in advance to postpone money on her purchase, planted things to be able to immerse yourself in the game immediately as soon as it comes out.

Very many gamers monitor the dates of the release of games using special calendars and thematic articles on the most important releases of the month or season. Both you can find on our game portal site

How do developers choose time for release?

They are guided by a multitude of factors. First, it is important for them to know that their target audience will be able to immediately join the gameplay, so the games less often go into the holiday season, as well as in those months when at work is usually Avral, and students have a session.

Secondly, for a successful release, developers are trying to compare their plans with the announcements of potential competitors. For example, if we are talking about a shooter, it is not very reasonable to release it simultaneously with the new Battlefield or Call of Duty.

Thirdly, the release date is the so-called Dedilan - that very line, after which the game is ready. This means that it should be done to finish at the stated period. Alas, it does not always work, and therefore the release date of the game can move one or even several times.

In addition to this, the Mirror output "S Edge: Catalyst on PC and consoles may differ - often developers are trying to first release one version, and only then go to the next.

Already the first part of the series showed that one idea for such an interesting project is not enough, in Catalyst the Swedes from DICE should have been working on errors and bring the Mirror "s edge to mind. But unfortunately it was better not to surprise, one parker could not be surprised, Larger episode can not give. Boring clisited plot, no one unnecessary open world With empty uninteresting tasks, and absolutely gray characters, they managed to even lower the face, from the unshakable fighter for their truth, made a choleric impulsive pacifier. A strange thing happened with a picture, a beautiful city, but awful animation Persons, and most importantly, an empty and lifeless world, like the future, but perceived as a construction site from the present. You can find a lot to what, but even in such a state, the game gives a unique experience, the feeling of the speed and control of the body is indescribable, it is necessary to experience it, as if you are going with GoPro in Moscow City, even now it looks cool. It is, for it that is tensioning up to 8.0 points, but the series unambiguously needs to be saved, although it may be its last part.

I was ready to put this game the highest ball from the very beginning. Open World, Cyberpunk, side tasks... But no. The game thoroughly kills the design of locations. The game about Parkour thought about how freedom.

So forget about it. The game is designed so that step is left-step to the right - death. I was mistaken for a couple of millimeters - death. A little did not calculate the height - death. And for the game where you die every five minutes, Mirrors Edge has an unforgivable long screensaver.

You give a hook-cat, but it can only be used in strictly reserved places. Dying Light Gave much more freedom. The buildings there were about one height, and the cat could be caught for anything. Yes, it is not realistic, but the Spirit captured when you could run out, jump into the abyss, and falling, clinging to the hook for the first thing that fell.

And of course the plot. I do not know whether Rihanna Pratchett had the attitude towards him, but the plot here is also bad, as in the first part. Inspective characters, absolutely colorless villain with a plan to eradicate dissent (of course!), Resistance that fights with evil corporations, blasting peaceful people in stores.

In general, the game is good. She still gives it a unique feeling. But there are several things in it that completely kill the gameplay and it is very sad.

Yes, you crap already - half of you did not even play this game.
Again the game about Lewi Lew, which jumps around the houses, in Openword.
Grappon better, there are some improvements. In general, I can't say anything bad.
But it is 9, no offense. For 10 out of 10, it should be a breakthrough straight ... And here there is no such breakthrough. Neither a single breakthrough is straight.

I loved the first mirror "s edge, but it ... it's just a failure.

Open World:
He is so dead here as the dead whore you have under the bed. You will never see another running during your fascinating journeys around the roofs of the city of mirrors. The only thing that is a confirmation of the city's living liveliness_ is sometimes encountered NPC with additional tasks And low polygonal flying machines, then the point is driving in different directions in the visibility zone.

Well, here it is. Need + is she here? NOT!!! All pumping boils down to Apple tactics: "Now your jumps are 3% further and more ... more your rods are now longer !!! Please buy our improvements, thank you!"

Plot ... Well, see: You try the third-grader-anutist for a computer, tell him to write a script, he gives it out for 3 hours, you season all this game setting and ... Ready !! You have on your hands ready scenario Mirror "S Edge Catalyst !! There is absolutely absolutely everything: from clispusted scenic moves to absolutely flat dialogs of Daunov characters.

Outcome: raw handicraft, nor a drop of the stated price. Recommended for the game only if you are a fan number 1 of the first mirror "s edge and you can kneak such a frank splash in the face or if you are a sexy Asian, jumping on the roofs.
Thanks for attention.

The event will be remembered only by showing Mirror's Edge: Catalyst. The Sara Jansson project, published on stage, presented a new movie video and announced the date of its release - February 23, 2016. On this day, the action will go on sale in all countries of the world.

Since the announcement on the E3 2013, the new Mirror's Edge was shown to the public only once - on last year's Los Angeles exhibition. Then the developers showed early prototype which was difficult to make an idea of \u200b\u200bthe game.

Fresh trailer, as noted at the beginning of the video, is entirely mounted from fragments on the game engine (FrostBite 3). In the first half of the roller, the tie is revealed: the young tracer Feit escapes from the building of the private military corporation "Kruger", which keeps in the fear of the inhabitants of the pseudopic city of the mirror (City of Glass). Together with the mysterious assistant, the girl decides to begin the struggle for the liberation of the metropolis and joins the secret grouping of couriers known as runners (Runners). It will play a key role in the overturning of the ruling elite and delivering the city from the shackles of totalitarianism. The concept art is captured by the main antagonist Faith. In the second part of the trailer, the heroine shows several spectacular acrobatic and combat techniques.

Players will be able to explore every corner of the city's open world - from the vertices of skyscrapers to dark and dirty tunnels of the sewage. According to the promise of Jasson, during the transition between districts there will be no boot screens - by game Map All will move completely freely. Among the gameplay innovations, the test of "jerk" - running from the point from point A to the puzzle point and plot tasks that can be performed in the course of the game.

"When we decided to submit the Mirror's edge to the new generation of gamers, we wanted to show them the full potential of the first game - the transformation of Faith into an epic heroine, a beautiful and stylish game world, a dynamic action from first person, - said Jansson. - In Mirror's Edge Catalyst, you will literally feel what it is like to slide along the uppermost edge of the city. You will learn how to crash into the crowd of enemies, like a rocket. And you will learn all the details of the story of Faith. "

In the new Mirror "S Edge there will be a multiplayer component that was absent in original game 2008. It is known that users will be able to penetrate each other's gaming worlds (as in Dark Souls. or Watch Dogs) and fight for positions in the Table of Records. The remaining details of the Multiplayer Electronic Arts still holds in the Security.

Mirror's Edge: Catalyst is being developed in versions for PC (Origin), PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.. Electronic ARTS has already opened the reception of preliminary orders. All early buyers are waiting for the "Fight" add-ons (a shader of projections with battle topics, changing the appearance of your character in game world friends; a special label of the running, which will allocate you in the lists of leaders; and a unique background for the hacking screen) and the "speed" (similar content, but decorated in the subject of the speed parkura). In the Russian sector of the digital store Origin game for sale for 1 999 rubles.

" s.Edge. (2008), telling about the origin of the heroine Faith and her attempt to combat the totalitarian conglomerate of corporations ruling the city of Glass. Mirror "S Edge Catalyst was encouraged ambiguous: most critics liked free running gameplay and schedule, but did not like the plot.


Mirror "S Edge Catalyst - an action adventure game from the 1st person, where the player controls the girl Faith Connors. The action takes place in the futuristic city of Glass (which in English means" glass "). As in the game Mirror." s.Edge.When missing missions, elements of "urban research" and Parkura are used. The player can use objects like ropes and cornices. To move between the faith buildings, it can use a magnetic rope and a discharge (update of gloves to destroy security systems). When the player refers to the target on the map, the "running vision" is activated, in which some objects are automatically highlighted in red. Red browsing the player path to the target. Linear gameplay of the first part was replaced by the open world. To the same goal, the player can get in different ways. Along with the mission campaign, the game contains side tasks type of tests for time, races and spatial puzzles. The player can collect objects called Gridliki.

Combat mechanics of the game were overharaled. Developers created new combat systemSince the game is very emphatically emphasized in the intersection of space. To use firearms Faith rarely resorts - usually, it eliminates enemies by rapid contact attacks or runs by them. When running Faith enters the focused mode; With sufficient focus, it can avoid enemy bullets. Senior Producer Games Sarah Giansson says that the fight is the expansion of the movement system, and not something separate. When Faith produces a final movement, the game switches to the view from the 3rd face.

Social game

Several multiplayer features of the DICE game called "social game." Although there is no living cooperative multiplayer in Mirror "S Edge Catalyst, an asynchronous multiplayer is present. The player's actions in this multiplayer can affect the world of other players. Among the multiplayer chips are the time tests (Time Trial). They are, unlike the game 2008 years, not predetermined by DICE: It is the paths between control pointstraveled by any player. Other players may try to pass such paths faster than the rest. Also, players can set emitters to track other players - this is a research activity similar to geocaching.



Events occur in the anti-astope city of Glass - a peculiar showcase of the nation of Cascade. After a heavy branch from the authoritarian nation, Omnistat and perennial conflicts with violence Cascadium moved to the Board of Conglomerate. Conglomerate is a oligarchy consisting of 13 major corporations. The most influential corporation is Kruger Holding, head of which, Gabriel Kruger, monopolized the law enforcement agencies under the auspices of the Kruger Security unit (also K-SEC or Krugercek). The Cascada Society is strongly regulated, most of its part - "Employs" (Employs) - work on corporations and connected to the grid (Grid). The grid is a large-scale digital network that observes society and connecting everyone and everyone in the cities like the Glass. The so-called "runners", trained in the free run, refuse to connect to the grid and live on the roofs. They survive at the expense of the underground delivery work, and hide from the staff K-sec.


A few years earlier, Catalyst events family Faith Connors killed during uprisings against ruling corporations. Her parents, scholars Martin and Eric, shot, and her sister Kat suffocated from the gas grenade thrown into the ventilation passage, according to which the girls tried to escape. In the game prologue, as stated in the associated comics Mirror." s. Edge.: Exordium., Faith, who has become "Runners", begins to work on the Boss of the Black Market Dogen. Dogen promised her picture of her late mother. Feit was to steal the vaccine for the dioogen, which the salest running was stolen. Having learned that Celasta with the help of this vaccine wanted to cure his sister, Faith repents and surrenders K-SEC. Dogens uses his connections to reduce the punishment of Faith to one year in a juvenile prison.

In the present time, Faith left prison. She meets the Runner of Ikarus and Runner-Kabalist Noah, who raised her after she was orphaned. Dogen reminds that Faith is obliged to him for inept work with a vaccine and his help with mitigating punishment. Having producing data in the building Elysium, Faith deviates from its orders and at the same time takes the valuable hard disk. But, Gabriel Kruger himself notes. Faith manages to escape, she hopes to sell the contents of the disc to pay the duty to the dog. Noah Saws on Faith for being contacted by Kruger, but notes that for the sale of the disc you need to know what is located on it. Feit goes to a talented hacker of plastic, and it reports that the drawings of the super secret project "Reflection" are recorded on the disk.

In the meantime, because of the actions of Faith K-SEC begins hard operations against runners. While Ikarus and Feit are absent, the police are wetted in the lair runners and captures or kills all those present. Faith and Ikarus, confident that Noah is dead, do not know where to go now; They refer to Rebecca Tein, the head of the Military Organization "Black November", who wants power to destroy Conglomerate. Tain explains that she herself, Faith's parents, and Noah once belonged to one group, but went different ways when Tain realized that the peaceful overthrow of corporations was impossible. The rebels of the Black November, supported by the runner duet, arrange an ambush on a high-ranking commander K-SEC. They hope to exchange commander on their soldiers who are in captivity. The mission is successful. It turns out that the captive officer was Isabella Kruger, daughter and personal bodyguard Gabriel Kruger.

Faith asks plastic to penetrate the K-SEC servers and check Izabella. It turns out that Isabella - no one else like Katlin "Kat" Connors, sister Faith, considered dead in November uprisings. Gabriel Kruger took her to adopted daughters and said that Faith, Martin and Eric were killed. Feit is in a hurry back to the underground headquarters of the Black November, where Tain is preparing the penalty of Isabella / Kat with the aim of transferring the message to the Crupe. Feit protects Isabella, who does not remember Faith, and asks Thin to raise Isabella to open air, since she suffocates under the ground. Thin agrees after Faith promises to give her a disk, stolen from the Kruger.

Isabella reveals that Noah can be alive and is in a compound (residential complex) called the Kingdom. Ikarus offers Faith help in salvation Noah, but Faith insists that he stays at Isabella, because she does not trust Tein. Reaching the kingdom, Faith saves a group of reflections scientists, which K-SEC detained for setting too many issues. The leading scientist Alina explains that the reflection is associated with the injections of the nanice for the population. These injections provide remote control over the thoughts and emotions of people by means of broadcast signals; Thus, people "become a grid", and corporations acquire absolute control over citizens. Alina also reports that Erica, mother Faith, developed an algorithm, which subsequently reflected. Through the katszen demonstrated between the campaign missions, it becomes known that Gabriel Kruger headed the K-SEC detachment to neutralize the connors when they understood the effects of reflection and wanted to leave the project. Feit finds Noah, which conducts experiments with nanite. Unfortunately, Noah no longer save. Meanwhile, in the headquarters of the Black November, the rebels fall into the ambush K-sec. Isabelle takes back, Ikarus and rebels are rolling.

Runners and their allies find a new reflection in plastic shelter protected from reflection signals. Plastic and Alina jointly develop the virus to turn off the reflection once and for all. For the implementation of the Faith, the Own Gridprint Gabriel Kruger should be extracted, which she does, having missed his private apartments. From there, Feit sees a big explosion in "Shard" (Shard) - the highest building of all the chapter, where government offices are located. In any case, Faith needs to go to the roof of the fragment, now unstable, since there is a broadcast antenna and there you can activate the virus. On the roof it faces a Kruger who accuses her in all deaths and destruction occurring around her. Kruger protects its decision to implement reflection: According to him, the nanites are a medicine that restrain the chronic disease of the light of Isabella, and the project is devoted to survival, and not control.

Faith wins Kruger and his bodyguards, and at the same moment sees in the door of Isabella. She is trying to stop the virus, but it's too late; The reflection is destroyed, so Isabella's disease returns. Isabella runs away to the helicopter platform, Feit pursues her. They fight; Isabella accuses Faith that she threw her to die in the ventilation passage, failing to wake it up, and Faith was trying to remind Isabelle who she was. Gabriel Kruger appears on a helicopter and invites Isabella to himself. Isabella hesitates, as Faith told her that Kruger killed her biological parents. The kruger orders his guards to shoot Faith, but Isabella protects her breasts. Before the guards manage to shoot, a fragment begins to fall. The Kruger helicopter breaks down from the building. Kruger falls down, and Feit is held in the Wiste on the edge of the helicopter platform. It almost falls, but Isabella saves her. Hear how Kruger calls his daughter to save him. Faith asks Isabella not to do this, but to no avail: Isabella says that "must" and runs away in the direction of Kruger. However, when the helicopter takes off and flies away away, only Isabella is visible on it, without a kruger. It is understood that Isabella allowed the Crupe to die because of his participation in Martin's death and Erica Connors.

At the end of TV reported that Isabella took the post of his "missing" Father in Kruger Security. Faith successfully canceled the launch of reflection, so people do not threaten the control of the conglomerate. She takes the picture of his mother at Dogens and fills a tattoo on his right hand, the one that she has in Mirror." s.Edge.. Ikarus asks that now Faith is going to do what she answers: "I will run."


ABOUT new game Mirror "S Edge has become known in June 2013 to E3. The game was presented as prequel Mirror." s.Edge. On the FrostBite 3 engine (instead of the Unreal Engine of the first game). However, later Sarah Giansson stated that the game was not a reboot, nor the best. EA in 2013 confirmed that the game will be an "action-adventure with an open world." The general manager of Dice Karl Magnus Trussson said that the game focuses on combat mechanics from the 1st person, built on moving mechanics from the 1st person from the first game. Running vision was completely changed for adaptation under the free study of the medium; It can recalculate the player's path to goals and waypoints.

In June 2014, the game for the second time became a member of E3, a short prototype of the gameplay was shown. In comparison with the first game, gameplay Feit and runners became more diverse, their purpose was larger. In January 2014, the writer Rihanna Prathots reported through Twitter, that it is in no way involved in creating a game, like most of the old team.

The name "Mirror" S Edge Catalyst "officially became known in June 2015, before E3 2015. June 15, on E3, and then on the YouTube Channel Mirror" S Edge, a new game trailer came out with the elements of the plot and the world. It was said that in the game there will be an open world, and Faith will not be able to use weapons.

September 30, 2015 reported that the composer of the game became, as in the case of the first part, the Swede Magnus Birgersson, famous for the music project SOLAR Fields.. The song "Warning Call" was written by them in collaboration with the Scottish Sintipop group Chvrches..

On October 29, 2015, it became known that the game would delay due to the need for improvement in movement. On April 21, 2016, the developers notified that the game was postponed on June 7, 2016 due to optimization and improvements. Social Game. Collector's edition of the game, which includes a Faith statuette, steel case, lithography, temporary tattoos and storage package, has come along with a standard version.


Judging by Metacritic statistics, critics gave the game Average estimates, and the players are low: 76% (12 reviews) and 35% (349 ratings) for PCs, 70% (31 reviews) and 41% (428 ratings) for PS4, 72% ( 27 reviews) and 34% (191 rating) for XONE.

The new developed project Mirror "S Edge Catalyst received a date of exit, after several transfer it became June 7, 2016. years for the region of S. America and June 9 for Europe. This first-person action is one of the most anticipated games of this year. The first part of which successfully suffered such a popular dynamic movement of the parkur, in the game space.

At the moment in the active test phase, the new Mirror "S Edge can already be said to the verge of output. This part called Catalyst will be the first to the first.

This means that we will observe and participate in the events that, on the idea of \u200b\u200bthe developers, took place before the events known to us in the original game. We will be shown the formation of the main character of Faith, which happened to her in childhood and youthful age.

True, there are no guarantees that this date of release over the expected Mirror "S Edge Catalyst will not change

The fact is that in the new game it is planned to increase all its gaming parameters, that is, the complexity of bringing to the acceptable quality of important game moments has significantly improved.

First, a large, worked outdoor world will appear. This means that necessary to perform the task, and rather the routes to overcome them will be different, and the player will be able to choose an interesting way for him.

On the other hand, it will be extremely difficult to implement this, it will be extremely difficult, as "turning out" the developers are still unknown, although quite a few rollers on the game.

Once again, we mention about the city, he words, they will simply be superbly built, with maximum attention to trifles, so to speak the pride of the whole project. It is certainly good, but it will be pleasant for study, if the mechanics and tempo will be appropriate, because only the city landscape will not be able to delay the monitor for a long time.

In addition to high-speed overcoming routes, Faith will inevitably face security officers and special services that have a task to stop the activities of her and similar to it. At the moments of the meeting with them, we will have to join, as well as the original game, into a spectacular hand-to-hand fight, which in this part should become better and more interesting.

As a result, the new release date of the Mirror "S Edge Catalyst is not as far away, it remains to wait a little more than a month and we will be able to plunge into one of the most spectacular and dynamic gaming processes With a cute special fate in the title role.

(Updated October 17, 2016)

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2) launch it

3) Click Select Game, we find and choose the mirrorsedgecatalyst.exe

4) Switch the point on DERECT3D 10+

4) In the appeared window, click "Yes" (wait for the shods of shaders)

5) Go to the game, as usual, waiting for the top to the left of the shaders will arrive and the SHIFT + F2 keys will appear

6) Press the SHIFT + F2 key combination

7) A window will appear in which CONTINUE