Russian folk outdoor games. The memory of her remained in Russian dictionaries: Old Russian game Old game grandmother game rules

To play, you need "grandmothers" (small chocks) - 10 pieces per team of players - and one cue ball - the largest and heaviest "grandmother".

The players are divided into two teams of 3-4 people each and line up on the same line. At 3 m from this line, another horse line is drawn, behind which, in a certain order and sequence, figures of 10 “grandmothers” are placed. Each team tries to knock down the set “grandmas” with a smaller number of cue balls.

By lot, one of the teams starts first. The players of this team, in turn, set by the captain, throw the cue ball into the “grandmothers”. Then the other team beats, after which the first one again, and so on. The team that made fewer throws of the cue ball in order to knock down the figures set from the "grandmothers" wins.

Rules of the game

1. In the game, two figures are sequentially knocked down: “fence” and “goose” (see figure). When a “fence” figure is knocked down, you can start doing it from either end, successively knocking down the “grandmas” of this figure, but no more than two “grandmas” with one throw of the cue ball. You can shoot down the “goose” figure, starting from the last row of “grandmothers”.

2. If by throwing the cue ball 1 and 2 grandmas are knocked out not in a row, or more than 2 grandmas are knocked down, or any grandmas are moved from their place, but not knocked down, then the entire figure of 10 grandmas is placed again.

3. Downed "grandmothers" are removed from the site.

4. A player who has crossed the throwing line before the cue ball touches the ground loses the right to throw, and all knocked down “grandmas” of this figure are put in place.

Based on the materials of the book by N. Gureev "Active rest" (M., "Soviet sport", 1991)


“Oh joy of life, childish play!

Century do not leave the neighbor's yard.

My mother followed me. But even mom

It happened to play bast shoes with us.

What is she, the giantess, to do here?

In it, the ball will hit everyone first.

They threw them, but they didn’t hit.

And they both waited a long time for dinner.

Valentin Berestov

The experience of older generations helps to use traditional species physical education and development. In every district and yard, school, village, it is necessary to create opportunities for development folk species sports. "Russian lapta" is one of them. When practicing Russian bast shoes, students have a positive trend in their health status and the development of motor qualities. The microclimate in classrooms is improving. The game of bast shoes is a universal means for the development of motor qualities, health improvement and social adaptation of students.

Lapta is one of the first team games of ancient Russian culture. The first mention of this game refers to XIV century. Many accessories for bast shoes were discovered during the excavations of Novgorod.

Under Peter I, the game began to be used as a means of physical training for the soldiers of the Semyonovsky, Preobrazhensky and Shevardinsky regiments and further for other military units. Even in pre-revolutionary Russia, the game of bast shoes was used as a means of active leisure for the population of various age groups and as a means of physical education for children, adolescents, boys and girls. Under Commissar of Education Podvoisky, the Russian lapta was included as a means of physical training in the Red Army. Official championships in Russian bast shoes began to be held in Russia in the late 50s and early 60s, then for some time the competition was discontinued.

This game has become widespread throughout the world, although it has undergone some changes.

The game is very mobile, it was used as entertainment at many holidays. A. I. Kuprin gave a particularly vivid description of this game: “This folk game is one of the most interesting and useful games. Lapta requires resourcefulness, deep breathing, loyalty to one's party, attentiveness, resourcefulness, fast running, a keen eye, hardness of a hand strike and eternal confidence that one will not be defeated. There is no place for cowards and lazybones in this game.”

Lapta - Russian folk team game with ball and bat. The game is played on a natural site. The goal of the game is to send the ball tossed by the player of the opposing team as far as possible with a bat and run alternately to the opposite side and back, not allowing the opponent to “snap” himself with the caught ball. For successful runs, the team is awarded points. The team with the most points in the set time wins. Related sports include baseball, cricket, pesapolo in Finland, oyna in Romania, and others.

As known, sport games originated from folk, cultivated in different countries over the millennia. Each such game reflects the character traits of a particular people, its history; and life. So the Russian lapta has existed for many centuries as a folk game-fun. And only in 1957, thanks to the efforts of enthusiasts in the village of Dinskaya Krasnodar Territory the axis of the first All-Russian competition in bast shoes took place. In the future, the rules of the game changed, the game became more dynamic, more exciting, more interesting.

In 1997, an Interregional public organization was created - the Federation of Russian Lapta of Russia, and in 2003 this federation received the status of the All-Russian Public Physical Culture and Sports Organization.

Due to the fact that Russian bast shoes began to develop rapidly in the country, in the Belgorod region, bast shoes were included in the physical education program for students of secondary schools of the republic in the “Folk Games” section along with football, volleyball, and basketball. And this is not accidental, since the Russian lapta is an effective means of physical education for school-age children, it has a wide range of possibilities for influencing those involved.

The big advantage of bast shoes compared to others game types sport is its economic accessibility, which in modern conditions plays an important role. When conducting educational and extracurricular activities, it does not require large funds for the purchase of appropriate equipment and inventory. To play, a flat area ranging in size from 60 to 110 cm, a ball for playing “big” tennis and bats is enough.

Game activity in a bast shoes there are great opportunities not only for the physical, but also for the moral education of a sense of collectivism. Game process ensures the development of the educational potential of the individual, his individuality, creative attitude to activity.

The process of forming knowledge, skills and abilities of the game is inextricably linked with the task of developing the mental and physical abilities of students.

Lapta classes contribute to the development of basic physical qualities in students.

The most important physical quality for playing bast shoes is speed. It depends not only on motor reactions, but also on the speed of thinking and the level of development of moral qualities. Therefore, exercises in running should be safely introduced into lesson classes, etc. To develop strength in the lessons, exercises with stuffed balls, weighted bats, as well as weighted squats, and throwing balls for a distance are used.

Educational tasks can also be successfully solved at lapta lessons, since in the course of the game, in order to achieve a common victory, students must constantly interact with each other and overcome the opponent's resistance. This helps to foster friendship, collectivism, initiative, determination, as well as a complex of positive psychological qualities.

The game of bast shoes is characterized by a high emotional uplift and bright entertainment, which greatly facilitates the solution of one of the most important tasks of physical education of schoolchildren: first to instill interest, and then form the need for physical education.

In order to plan lapta lessons, the teacher must know the content of the entire curriculum in the relationship of its sections, starting with primary school. Preparation of students includes: mastering the basics of theoretical knowledge; general physical training, which consists of physical exercises that become more difficult with each year of study; special training consisting of technical elements of defense and attack when playing rounders, as well as game tactics.

Lapta classes should be built taking into account the time of year and climatic conditions, since they mainly involve outdoor training using a natural grassy area. Lessons can be organized in gym. Mini-lapta will contribute to the physical preparation of students and will allow them to maintain the necessary skills throughout the year.

At the initial stage of training (junior grades), general physical training includes simple exercises, as the preparedness of students grows, they become more complicated.

As preparatory games for learning to play bast shoes, you can use various outdoor games: "Talking with a ball" in different variations, "Throwing bast shoes", "Circular bast shoes", "Foot bast shoes", etc.

"Circular bast"

This is an old game. In the 19th century it was called "Silent lapta". The latest version of this game, which is widely used among children of middle and high school age, is described below. The number of participants - from 6 to 40 people. The game requires one ball (volleyball or small, the size of a tennis ball).

Description. On a platform in the air or in the hall, a large circle or rectangle is drawn. The players are divided into two equal teams. According to the lot, one of them is the leading team (it stands in the middle of the circle or rectangle), the other is the field team (it is located behind the circle, the rectangle is on both sides). One of the field players has a ball in his hands. By agreement, you can hide it or show it to the driving players. Field players, on a signal, seek to hit the ball in the drivers (in any part of the body, except for the head), and they, dodging the ball, catch it. If the player is touched by the ball, then he is out of the game; if the driver catches the ball, he is not considered to be touched and has the right to help out one of those who left the game. The player rescued by him becomes again in the middle of the circle. During the game, the number of incoming players either decreases or increases at the expense of the rescued players. The game continues for a set time or until all leading players are tagged. Participants change roles and play a second time. The team that by the end of the set time will have fewer players in the "field" or in which all players will be tagged loses.


    If the ball is caught by the leading player, but there is no one to help them out (there are no players who have left the game), then he has the right to leave the first tagged player in the circle in the future.

    Field players when throwing the ball are not allowed to go beyond the circle.

    Only a direct hit on the driver is considered a tagging. If the ball hit the player after bouncing off the ground, floor or any object, then the tagging does not count, and the driver remains in the circle.

    If the ball hit one player and then bounced to the second, the first is considered tagged, and the second remains in the game.

    Those who left the game re-enter it in accordance with the order in which they left the game.

"Leg foot"

. This game in many ways resembles the usual Russian bast shoes, but it has an additional element - kicking the ball. It makes the game look like football. As in a regular lapta, players are divided into two teams of 8-9 people: hitting and driving (field). The game is played on a flat area 50-70 m long and 25-30 m wide.

content of the game
. The player of the kicking team kicks the ball with a running start, sending it into the field. All players of the team take turns hitting the ball, so they must have serial numbers. The player who hit the ball in the field must have time to run from the city line to the home line and return back before he is tagged with the ball. The team in the field tries to intercept the ball. Players can do this with both hands and feet. Holding the ball, they try to hit the player of the kicking team who runs across the field. If a player of the batter's team managed to run to the home line and come back, he brings his team one winning point. If the player of the field team manages to intercept the ball from the fly and pin down the player making the run, the teams change fields. The team that scores the most points wins.

The rules that distinguish the game from the usual rounders:

    The game uses a soccer ball.

    Batters send the ball into the field not with a bat, but with a kick.

    Field players, receiving the ball and passing it, have the right to play with their hands, feet, head and shoulder.

    The departure of the ball over the sidelines of the city is considered an out, as in a regular lapta.


    Zhukov M.N. Outdoor games: Proc. for stud. ped. universities. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2000. - 160

    Afanasiev, S.P. What to do with children in a country camp. - Kostroma: IMC "Variant", 1993. - 224 p.

    Bukatov, V.M., Ershova, A.P. I'm going to the lesson: A Reader of Game Teaching Techniques: A Teacher's Book. - M.: Publishing house "First of September", 2000. - 222 p.

    Frishman, I.I. Whoever plays wins! - N. Novgorod: Pedagogical technologies, 2001. - 106 p.

The one who takes the knife by lot throws it into the ground with two fingers, then three, etc., so that it sticks. Then he puts it across his fist, then on his palm and on his hand, and throws it from them; then, taking it by the tip and putting it to his lips, he throws it into the ground: then he puts it to his forehead and ends with his head, from which he throws it off, but every time so that the knife sticks.

Those who have not completed all these actions must pull out with their teeth a thin peg hammered into the ground and barely visible.

Russian game Mushka

They drive a stick a yard or more long into the ground; at the top of the stick they hang a wooden hook, called a fly, which one of the players leads (guards), and hangs it every time they knock it down, and the others, having moved a few steps away, keep their sticks in the mazel (pits).

Meanwhile, someone, without leaving the mazel, tries to hit the fly with his stick, or at least into the hammered stick; his stick, which has flown off, he leaves to lie in the place where it fell, until everyone has finished throwing.

But if the thrower hopes that he will run away for the stick sooner than the driver will have time to hang the fly, then he runs after it. If he does not hope, then he waits for a ransom. When the last one beats, it means he redeems, then everyone runs after their sticks. The driver of the fly must hang it as soon as possible, capture anyone's smear during their run. Who does not have time to defend his mother, he leads the fly and the rest play as before

Resourcefulness wins skill.

Russian game Chushki

First, two circles are drawn on the ground at a distance of 20 steps or more from each other; then they draw in the middle of each circle along one line, called a horse, and one line between the circles, which is called a semi-cone.

Five ingots are placed on the horses of each circle (stumps 1/4 arsh long and thick) in this order: one ingot is placed along the horse, two across the longitudinal ingot, the fourth along two transverse ingots, and the fifth is placed upright between the fourth and two longitudinal. The players are divided into two sides, each player has two sticks, and they start knocking down after konani. The players of the first side hit from their first circle to the circle of the second side: first with one stick, and then with the other.

If it happens that someone knocks down all the ingots the first time, then the second side starts to knock down the ingots of the first round with the sticks of the first side. It should be noted that when knocking down ingots, players use the same sticks. If it happens that the players of the first side do not knock down all or not at all the pigs of the second round, then the second side of the pig of the first round begins to knock down, and thus both sides continue to play until they knock the pigs off their horses.

When someone knocks at least one ingot off the horse, then the others must knock the rest off the half horse. If one side does not knock down its ingots, then the one who knocked it down rides it from circle to circle. If both sides knock down their pigs, they start playing again until someone knocks down.

This game, apparently, hints at the fact that whoever is agile in life, he has time.

Russian game Chizh or Chizhik

In a circle drawn on the ground, they put a siskin, or siskin, a stick pointed at both ends 1/4 arsh long. Beginners to play first end, and then hit in the order of end: from the first to the last. Before the game, they agree: if someone does not hit the chizhik ten times with a stick, then how many times should he run to the coolies and the race? Coolie means running from the circle to the fallen siskin and shouting incessantly: “To coolie, coolie!” A jump is the same running, only on one leg, hunched over and not changing legs.

The first player, after horsemanship, begins to hit the chizhik from one of the pointed ends and tries to make a few more blows in the air and then beats off the chizhik; after him he beats the second, and thus they all beat in order. The second player runs after the repulsed chizhik, who puts it in a circle and starts to beat like the first, and the third player runs after the repulsed one, and so everyone alternates until the end of the game.

Whoever makes ten blows as soon as possible finishes beating the chizhik, and then the first one begins to beat already on the coolie and the jump, but not before everyone has done up to ten blows, observing the previous order of beating in turn. The one who has not made ten blows runs after the chizhik, gives each a stick to beat, and, turning to the circle, shouts without interrupting his voice: “To coolie, coolie!” - and at this time jumps. He screams and jumps as many times from the siskin to the circle as agreed. Then they start playing again if they want to.

Failure jumps, failure dances, and extremes lead to nothing.

Russian game Shackles

Boys become to a wall or a fence. One of the players, standing against them, says: "Shackles."

They answer him: "Bound."

One of the players says: "Rescue."

They ask: "Who?"

One of the players replies: "Stuff your fist (cook)".

They ask: "On whose sides?"

One of the players: "On such and such." Then everyone rushes at the one named by him and beats him. The speaker then takes the place of the one named, and this one begins to ask in the same way, and continue to amuse themselves until they get bored. On whom misfortune will fall, on that - and people.

Russian game Shar or Kaslo

They choose sticks that would have a head at the end, like in cue sticks, so that it would be more convenient to drive the ball; then they dig a rather large hole called a kaslo. Small holes are dug around it according to the number of players, called holes. The one who has fallen by lot to lead the game needs to drive the ball into the hole and when others beat, then try to capture someone's place. The defenders should be at their holes, and when the driver drives the ball into the case, then they should change their holes, but not to miss them.

The one who missed drives the ball. If the driver does not drive the ball into the caslo for a long time, then he can throw it up, but in such a way as to get into the caslo; others are required to hit the ball on the fly. Departing from his hole should churn it, saying: “Chur! My oil did not go out until the evening. Others say: "Chur lard - oils, the caslo is sealed."

This fun is rather comforting: it requires agility and skill, especially for the driver of the ball.

Russian game Vetchinka

Drive a peg into the ground and tie a small rope to it. Ham is placed near the peg - old boots, shoes or bast shoes. One of the players takes a rope in his left hand, and a rod in his right. Others come up to him and ask: “Is the ham ripe?” - "Not". Then after a while: “Is the ham ripe?” - “No.” Third time: “Is the ham ripe?” He replies: "Boils, stirs, orders to sell." At the last word, the ham is stolen, and the one who guards the ham must drive them away with a rod, and the one struck by it takes his place. If the ham is stolen without a blow, then he himself is punished: they take a stick and beat him.

Doesn't this game show a careless owner, not caring about his property?


Russian game Babki

They are made from the hoof bone and are the boys' craft. First, the bone is scalded in hot water, and then the largest and heaviest bone for the cue ball is selected, which the hunters pour with lead. Each player places several pairs of his grandmas out of the blue in one row; grandmothers standing in pairs are called a nest, and the whole nest is called a horse. To whom to start beating, they throw cue balls because of the horse; whoever falls further, to begin. He who knocks down several nests gets everything for himself; the missing player loses his winnings.

The game of "grandmothers" has its own special terms: con for con, plock, kudachek at the horse, wall and town. Whoever knocks down the extreme grandmas in the game, one game at a time, wins them. In plock, you need to aim in one of the directions: to the right or to the left. In a little place you need to have special dexterity so as not to hurt someone else with your cue ball. In the wall they throw grandmas against the wall, and whoever lies closer to the other wins. Six grandmas are placed in the horse, and whoever knocks everything down gets all six. For all these games, there are different rules and conditions, because it depends on the terrain and the innovations of the players themselves.

The game of "grandmothers" is actually Greek and was called astragalos. From the Greeks it spread throughout Europe, and the Russians so assimilated it that to this day it is the first pleasure for boys, and there is no corner in all of Russia where it is not played. It should be noted that the Tatars of the Golden Horde liked to play grandmother. During the excavations of the Saray area, skates and alchiks (headstocks from the knees of sheep) were found in many, which were very well processed. Sometimes it happened to see several dozen stacked together.

The diversity of the game of grandma, called in the Kaluga province with palms, can be seen in the example of its three types: plock, zhog and con za con.

They choose a level place, draw a line on it for a horse and a line, because of which they should beat and drive with a bat. These bits are simple grandmas, pigs (poured with lead), cast iron and copperheads (cast iron and copper grandmas). Each for his bat must stake a pair of grandmas, called a nest. Having set the con, collect all the bits and throw them on the ground. Whose bit lies the farthest, and, moreover, the flat one (on the left side), he has the right to drive and beat first of all, followed by others in order; after them burns and niches. A jogi whose bits landed directly on the underside and the prongs on the upper side or right side, but the prongs are already hitting from the left hand. Knocked grandmothers are placed in their treasury, that is, in a pocket, hat, bag and in the bosom. If not all grandmothers are knocked off the horse, then they continue to knock them down by agreement or they add more grandmothers to the nest.

Jog is played in the same way as plock. The difference is that here the one who drives and beats earlier is the one whose bat lay on the burn, followed by the plock, and the last one is already a draw.

Having set the horse, they retreat to a rather large distance; from here they begin to score with bits, which means that the bit will certainly perebute (fly) over the con. Otherwise, they take a pair of palms placed behind the bat. This mistake is corrected by the establishment of another pair of attendants, which is already called salt or boil. After the slaughter, they beat the horse. They take the knocked-down grandmas for themselves, which they then sell or exchange for some things.

They still play with money in the wall. They hit a grandmother against a wall, gate or stone, and after them they clink grandmothers. This means that the grandmother would touch someone or be a span away from her. Then it's called a nutty player who gets nuts, or bucks, bucks.

Since ancient times, the Russian people have been famous not only for their unique and extremely interesting culture, but also for exciting games for both children and adults. However, time, warriors and the influence of European neighbors gradually overshadowed the old Russian games. Now they are beginning to revive and never cease to amaze with their liveliness, original ideas and tasks filled with noisy fun.

Having learned the simple rules of Russian folk games, you can immerse yourself not only in the exciting world of childhood, but also understand how our ancestors lived and rested.

Russian folk games and their rules


This game has been known since ancient times, however, very few people know its rules now. The point is that from 60 to 100 sticks 10 cm long are taken. They are placed in a bag, and then poured onto a flat surface. The sticks, getting enough sleep, fall randomly and the task of the game is that everyone takes turns removing one spillikin, trying not to disturb those that are nearby. The winner is the one who, after parsing the entire pile, has the most collected "trophies". To make the game even more interesting, you can make sticks in the form of a spatula, spear or spoon. For such spillikins more points are awarded.

Golden Gate

This game is very dynamic and is designed not so much for the dexterity of its participants, but for their luck. The rules of the "Golden Gate" are as follows: two players stand opposite each other and join their hands in such a way that a gate is obtained. The rest of the participants hold hands and take turns passing through them. At the same time, the players who make up the gate sing:

Golden Gate
They don't always miss!
Saying goodbye for the first time
The second time is forbidden
And for the third time
We won't miss you!

After the song ends, they lower their hand, and those players who are caught also become gates. Thus, the chain of participants gradually decreases. The game ends the moment everyone becomes a "gate".

Catch a fish

To win this game you need to have a good reaction and speed. The meaning of this fun is that the participants form a circle, in the center of which stands "water" with a rope and rotates it around the floor around its axis. The task of the participants is to jump over the rope. The game that catches on to it is out of the game.

hot seat

This game is perfect for those who like to play catch-up. Its meaning lies in the fact that in the center of the site a place is indicated that will be called hot. "Water" should try to catch the participants seeking to get to this place. The one who is caught helps the "water". If the player manages to reach the "hot spot", he can rest there as long as he wants, however, having gone beyond it, he will again have to run away from the "water". The game continues until all players are caught.


This game allows you to test the strength and endurance, so the boys love it the most. The meaning of the game is that the participants are divided into two equal teams. After that, one of them will be an "elephant", and the other will jump on it. A member of the first team approaches the wall and bends down, resting his hands on it. The next one comes up from behind and wraps his arms around his waist, bowing his head. The rest of the players do the same. It turns out "elephant". The first member of the other team runs up and tries to jump on the “elephant” in such a way that there is room for other team members. After the whole team is on the back of the "elephant", in order to win, it must hold out for 10 seconds. After that, the teams can switch places.


It is very mobile and fun game. According to its rules, you need to choose two participants: "monk" and "seller". The other players stand in a line, and the seller tells them in a whisper any color. After that, the following dialogue occurs:

A monk walks into a paint shop and says to the clerk:

I'm a monk in blue pants, I came for paint. - For what?

The monk names colors (for example, red). If there is no such color, the seller replies:

There is no such! Jump along the red carpet, on one leg, you will find boots, wear them, but bring them back!

At the same time, the monk is given a task: to walk like a duck or jump on one leg. If there is such a color, then the seller replies:

There is one! - How much is? - Five rubles

After that, the monk claps the seller's hand five times.) As soon as the last clap sounded, the “paint” participant jumps up and runs around the line. If the monk catches up with him, then he himself becomes a “paint”, and the one who was caught takes his place.

Swan geese

This fun is for those who love active games. Its meaning is that two wolves and one leader are selected from all participants. All the rest become geese. The leader needs to be on one side of the site, and the swans on the other. Wolves stand at a distance "in ambush". The leader says the following words:

Geese-swans, home!

Run, fly home, there are wolves behind the mountain!

What do wolves want?

Pinch gray geese and gnaw bones!

When the song ends, the geese must run to the leader and try not to be caught by the wolves. Those who are caught are out of the game, and the rest are returned back. The game ends when the last goose is caught.


The name of this game comes from the old Russian fairy tale "Turnip", so its meaning is somewhat similar to this work. It is perfect for developing reaction and coordination of movements.

The rules of the game are as follows: all participants stand in a circle and begin to dance. In its center is a “turnip” child, and behind the circle is a “mouse”. All players during the round dance sing the following song:

“Grow re-pon-ka!
Grow cre-pon-ka!
Neither small nor great
Down to the mouse tail!

While the song is playing, the turnip is gradually “growing”, that is, rising. After the end of the song, the mouse should try to get into the circle and catch the turnip. The rest of the participants can either interfere with her or help her. After the mouse catches the turnip, new players are selected.

There is another variation of this game.

Players stand one after another and wrap their arms around the waist of the previous participant. The first player must hold onto the tree trunk tightly. The game begins when the "grandfather" tries to unhook the extreme participant from the rest of the team and so on until the "turnip" is completely "stretched out".


This is one of the most common variations of a mobile and physically developing game. Its participants disperse around the site, close their eyes, while holding their hands behind their backs. The host puts an object in one of the players' hands at the expense of “one, two, three”, everyone opens their eyes. The hands of the participants remain behind their backs. Then the player who has the item says: "I'm a tag." The rest of the participants must run away from him, jumping on one leg. The one who is touched by the "trail" becomes "water" himself. An important condition is that the "trail" must also jump on one leg.

Kick on the rope

This simple game will help develop reaction speed and have fun. Its meaning lies in the fact that a dense rope is taken, which is tied into a ring. All players stand outside and take it with one hand. In the center of the ring stands "water". He must have time to "salt" one of the players, who then takes his place.

Cossack robbers

This is an old Russian fun, the rules of which are known by heart by our parents, grandparents. Its meaning lies in the fact that all participants are divided into two teams "Cossacks" and "robbers". The Cossacks choose a place for themselves in which they will equip the "dungeon" and choose a watchman. The robbers at this time scatter and hide, leaving arrows and other clues in their path. The Cossacks must find each robber and bring them to the dungeon. With each player caught, a watchman remains, however, other robbers can help a teammate and, after grabbing the watchman, free the captive. The game ends when all the robbers are caught.

The robbers, so that they could not be found for as long as possible, first run away all together, and then split up.

According to one version of this game, the robbers think of a secret password, and the Cossacks must find it out. Therefore, the game continues even after the capture of all the robbers, until the password is found out.

"Eat Quietly"

This noisy and fun game requires not only skill, but also resourcefulness. Before starting, you need to draw two lines on the ground at a distance of 5 meters from each other. In front of one of the lines is "water", in front of the other - the rest of the players. The task of the participants is to run to the "water". Whoever does this first takes his place. The difficulty lies in the fact that the “water” periodically says: “You go quieter - you will continue. Freeze! After this phrase, all players should freeze, and the leader's goal is to try to make each of the participants laugh without touching him. You can make faces, stare into the eyes, tell funny stories. If one of the players laughed or smiled, he returns back to the line.

bear cub

This is a very moving and fun game. First you need to draw two circles on the ground. In one of them there will be a "lair" with a "bear cub", and in the other - a house for the rest of the participants. The players leave the “house” and sing: “I take mushrooms, berries. But the bear does not sleep and growls at us. After they have finished singing, the bear cub runs out of its lair with a growl and tries to catch up with the rest of the players. The one who is caught becomes a bear cub himself.


This game was very popular in the old days. She develops attention and speed very well. Its meaning lies in the fact that players in the amount of 11 people choose water, and then break into pairs and form a column. "Water" stands with his back to the participants and does not look back. A line is drawn in front of him twenty meters away.

The members sing the following song:

"Burn, burn clearly,
To not go out.
Look at the sky
The birds are flying
The bells are ringing!"

After its completion, the last pair separates their hands and runs on opposite sides of the column to the "water". Having caught up with him, they shout: “One, two, do not crow, run like fire!”. After that, the "water" starts chasing this couple and must "fat" one of them before they reach the line and join hands. If he succeeded, then he becomes paired with the remaining participant, and the one who was caught up performs the duties of "water". If it was not possible to catch up, then the couple becomes the head of the column, and the “water” continues to “burn”.

This game is different in that it can be played for a very long time until the participants get tired.

People invented ancient Russian games with care for their children, with the idea that they would not only have fun and energetic time, but also learn to communicate with each other, learn the value of friendship and know what honesty and mutual assistance are. There is nothing better than fun fresh air, which help not only to get out of the familiar stuffiness of closed rooms, but also to find true friends, see the world in all its bewitching colors, and also give freedom to your own imagination.

Modern children also consider old games that we, modern adults, played with pleasure in our childhood. These are "Ring", "The Sea is worried", "Bouncers", "Classics", "Elastic band" and others.

Do you know where the expression to knock money comes from? Now I'll tell...
Practically on any village plowing there are bones of cattle, and this is not surprising. But sometimes an unremarkable bone gives rise to a clear metallic signal of a search device, which is absolutely not expected from it. Most likely, this means that under the detector coil there is a so-called "grandmother", or rather, a lead-filled cue ball for an old game, the roots of which go back to Ancient Egypt.

The money game is similar to the game of towns: the players put money on the line - individually or in various combinations, and take turns knocking them down with a cue ball from a certain distance. There are many varieties and variants of the rules of the grandma game. In Russia, cow bones were traditionally used for the game, and to get a cue ball they were driven into a nail or poured with lead.

Money game in the village, 1890.

Here is one of the options for the game, according to I. Pankeev's book "Russian Holidays and Games" (1999):
Players bet out of the blue on the nest on the cue ball. Then they determine the conditional distance - horses. Whom to beat first and who after, they cast lots about. To do this, players throw money up with special tricks - lining. If the grandmother, who fell to the ground, lies on her right side, then it will be plock - the oldest in the game; if he lies on his back, then there will be a burn - the second in the game; if the grandmother lies on her left side, then it will be a niche, the youngest of all. Players, standing on the line, beat with cue balls according to seniority. If the grandmas that are at stake are knocked down, then they are considered their winnings. When they all break through, then each one goes over to his cue ball and beats from the place where his cue ball lies; whoever lies further, he first starts and beats, and the rest finish the game according to the distance of their cue balls.

It is interesting that in the same book such variants of the game as "On the wall (wall)" and "Kudachok (shaking)" are mentioned. I remember these games well, only in my school years, instead of dice, we played with coins - a full-fledged Soviet trifle. These were very gambling money games that were kept secret from teachers and parents. In addition to “wall” and “shaking”, there was another similar game - “Mongolian” (when a column of coins was thrown from the palm to the back of the hand, sometimes “on the cam” and “with interception”), but it is unlikely that it has any relation to the game of money.

A group of peasant boys. Knucklebones. Photographer W. Carrick. 1860s

The money game in the old days was so popular that painters depicted it on their canvases. There is also a poem by A.S. Pushkin "At the statue of the money player":
The young man took three steps, bent over, hand on knee
Cheerfully leaned on, the other raised a well-aimed bone.
That's really aimed ... away! break out, curious people,
Separate part; do not interfere with the Russian daring game.

V.E. Makovsky "Playing money" (1870).

Probably, in our time it is unlikely to meet people playing money in the village. At least I've never seen one, and haven't heard anything about it. But in the open spaces of LiveJournal, one person recalls how he played this game several decades ago, and not even in a village, but in a city. True, not lead-filled bones were used as cue balls, but “tiles” - “metal figovins ... from banal pieces of reinforcement to hand-polished flat “chibyshs”.

A.I. Korzukhin "Playing money" (2nd half of the 19th century).

Although the money game has practically disappeared as folk entertainment, the memory of her remained in Russian dictionaries. The expressions "kicking money" and "knocking money" did not come from the slang "grandmother-money", but go back to the described game. The origin of the word "grandmother" in the sense of "money" is vague: some produce it from women (grandmothers) on large imperial banknotes :), others - from the old name for the method of laying sheaves. It turns out that two different etymological lines just successfully converged in the expressions "kicking money" and "knocking money".

Original taken from metalchemist in Babki

Do you know where the expression "knock out money" comes from? Now I'll tell...