Mods and Addons for games: Corsairs Return of the Legend, Corsairs III, Pirates of the Caribbean (2007). Mods and Addons for games: Corsairs Return of the Legend, Corsairs III, Pirates of the Caribbean (2007) Corsairs 3 patches for windows 7

I'm posting it here for those who are still eager to play K3, the full list of changes is at the end of the news! I'll give you the shortest one:
* added forest plantations on the islands (apparently because of them it weighs so much)
* fixed a huge number of bugs
* partial changes to some game interfaces
* final sound engine update
* problem with Radeons solved
* stabilization of the game save process

Improved stability. It practically does not crash and loads quickly. (review from someone who tried it)
Bugs, of course, remained (where would we be without our favorite ones), but according to reviews there were much fewer of them - most people liked the patch
Another glitch was noticed when, after the delivery of the patch for version 1.41, GG’s textures disappeared (it became gray). Therefore, I advise you to install on the “clean” version 0.99

We say thank you to the comrade Jack38 for analysis/adaptation and patch collection

Attention: The patch is installed on any version of the game starting from 0.99 and ALL changes are made there previous patches, the package also includes a NoCD (the disc is no longer needed!), the patch has been adapted to any version of the game - now it can be installed on both the European and Russian versions!! If you put a patch on the bourgeois version, it will be Russified!

The patch weighs about 65 MB and, as I said, can be installed on any version of the game, but I still recommend installing it on the “virgin” 0.99 version, because this helps to avoid additional bugs when patches are superimposed on each other, especially since all the changes from previous versions of the game are included there.

Installation: unpack the files from the archive into the game folder! When asked about replacing files, answer “YES”!

Full list of changes:
>>>Specific to patch 1.5
1. Final updates made to FMOD sound system library to polish final game performance and reduce occurrences of instability.
2. Final fixes to game interfaces (shipyard, capture ship, ships speak, etc.).
3. Items/Quest Generation updated to be more efficient (algorithm reworked).
4. Colony Capture interface was fully redesigned for more usability.
5. Scripts opened for modding.
6. Save game compatibility updated.

>>>Specific to patch 1.42
1. The FMOD sound system library has been updated to increase stability and improve general game performance.
2. Bug fixing has been performed across the more prominent gameplay issues.
3. Compatibility with ATI Radeon graphics driver versions has been expanded.
4. Texturing has been added to the island vegetation, with improved Level of Detail.

v 1.4.1

1. Fixed a bug where it was impossible to buy a rumor in a tavern if the player
exactly 100 gold.

3. Fixed a bug in deleting characters that could lead to
game crash.
4. For non-Russian versions of the game: a bug in the agent dialogue has been fixed.

v 1.4
Owners of the 1.3.x patch DO NOT need to start a new game.
The patch includes updates from all previous patches.
1. Fixed a bug where it was impossible to talk with ships at sea.
2. Updated version of the fmod sound engine.
3. Scripts are now available for editing.

v 1.3.2
Owners of patch 1.3.1 DO NOT need to start a new game.
The patch includes updates from all previous patches.
Single player game:
1. Fixed a bug in the shipyard with an incorrect upgrade of the ship's hull.
2. Now ships are in the waters of the colony when buying/selling goods
focus on the import/export of the colony.
3. Fixed a bug with an endless hold of ships in trade mode.
4. Hostile ships now appear a little closer when entering battle.
5. Pirates, if hostile to the player, will now attack the player instead of
they just float by.
6. Fixed a bug with the appearance of boarding effects (fire, candles, etc.) at sea
after the boarding is completed.
7. A switch has appeared in the game options that is responsible for how
the sea is drawn. New mode seas - simplified, allows you to significantly
increase game performance on older video cards (GeForce3, GeForce4)
cards without shader support are still not supported by the game.
8. The version of the game's sound engine (FMODE) has been updated, and therefore should
abyss numerous crashes of the game (there was an error in this engine when creating
new sound)
9. Fixed errors that appear in the form of graphic artifacts in the case
if the player's ship sailed somewhere for a very long time without reaching the global
10. Now ships hostile to the player can offer to pay off the player
or even surrender, or, on the contrary, demand a ransom from the player.
11. Fixed a bug with sail colors and emblems being reset after repairs at the shipyard.
12. The "Swim to" option now works only for distances shorter
3 kilometers.
13. Tutorial information is now added to the journal at the end of the quest list,
and not to the beginning, as before.
14. When an officer is removed from office, the parameters are now recalculated correctly

v 1.3.1
Single player game:
1. Bugs in the item trading interface have been fixed.
2. Fixed items without textures appearing after boarding.
3. Fixed a bug with displaying team morale and experience in the interface
hiring a team.

v 1.3
Saves from this version of the game are not compatible with saves from previous versions.
Single player game:
1. A bug related to excess mortality among musketeers has been fixed.
2. Fixed a bug in changing the direction and strength of the wind after saving the game
and its subsequent download.
3. Fixed some errors that occurred when using the overload option
commands from ship to ship in the ship menu.
4. Passengers delivered to their destination on a passenger quest,
Now they will try to appear as close to the pier as possible.
5. The speed of a player’s advancement through ranks has been accelerated if he is a
in the service of one nation or another.
6. The shipyard interface has been completely redesigned (including bug fixes)
of this interface).
7. Fixed some errors in trade between ships.
8. Fixed a bug where stormy weather was not displayed when loading
saved game made during the storm.
9. Added service ALT key for reloading/sale of goods/team
which operates with 100 units of product/team at once
10. Now, after capturing the colony, all ships of the squadron
players will be completely repaired.
11. Fixed a bug where the flag was assigned incorrectly to some colonies
in the process of being captured by the player or other countries.
12. Now, when spending the night in a tavern, the date in the upper right changes correctly
corner of the screen.
13. Now, when spending the night in a tavern during a storm, the storm ends.
14. Fixed a bug where the quantity of some items was incorrectly displayed
purchased items in the item trading interface.
15. Now after the player becomes the head of the pirates from the officers
With a “good” worldview, there is a greater chance of not leaving the player.
In other words - if their loyalty to the player is very high, it will strongly
will spoil, but they will stay with you and start gaining loyalty points
again. A dependence has also been introduced on the decrease in officers’ loyalty on the level
difficulty of the game and the Authority parameter.
16. The formula for calculating damage from a pistol has been revised.
17. Fixed some errors in quests for cargo delivery and
ship escort.
18. Now you cannot run more than one copy of the game at the same time.
19. The error with the capture of the Isla Mona colony by other countries has been fixed.
20. Fixed a bug in the appearance of buildings in the Isla Mona colony that block
entrance to the residence.
21. The chance of spyglasses falling out (and appearing in stores) has been increased.
22. Added foam from the bow of the ship.
23. Fixed a bug in issuing tasks to people who should
issue educational text.
24. Fixed a bug with the appearance of ships on global map inside the island.
25. Various bugs have been fixed in many game interfaces.
26. Killing people in cities now causes your reputation to drop. Fall speed
Reputation depends on the difficulty level of the game.
27. The paper archipelago key is now called by the M key.
28. Fixed some bugs related to penetration into enemy
29. Fixed errors related to the incorrect reaction of NPCs to hostility
main character (since RMB)
30. Bugs fixed in various quests and events.
31. Increased influence of wind speed and direction on movement speed
ships in global map mode.
32. The number of cases in which the game crashed has been reduced.
34. B paper map Colonial import/export information is now available.
35. Colony income has been increased for all difficulty levels.
A dependence of colony income on difficulty level has also been introduced.
36. Increased profitability of mines.
37. The price spread between products has increased.
38. Many aspects of the game have been tuned.
39. Colonies on Hispaniola now have a common list of imported and
exported goods.
40. Cheat codes have been introduced. To recruit them you need to enter the ship menu,
Click on the name of your ship, erase it completely, and type:
GodMode - to turn on/off the mode of complete invulnerability (as on land
and at sea)
ExpBooster - to gain 10,000 experience points
MoneyBooster - to receive 10,000 piastres
BestSaber - to get the best saber (so you can equip it anyway
you must have the level required by this saber)
BestGun - to get the best pistol (to equip you with
you still need to have the level required by this saber)
41. The slowdown of the game at sea when a large ship is fired has been reduced.

1. Added team play mode
2. Fixed a game crash when playing near an island
3. Fixed game crash when exiting interfaces
4. The last profile of the player he selected is used
5. Fixed errors in the server search screen
6. The amount of money and class of ships selected in the server settings
is now correctly used when purchasing a ship
7. Cosmetic interface changes have been made
8. Added a system of 100% delivery of network packets, also removed
package duplication bug
9. Added convoy defense mode.
10. Added fort defense mode.

v 1.1.1
1. The dependence of the difficulty of boardings on the overall difficulty level of the game has been increased.
Now for real easy level difficulties with any opponent should
even people with weak reactions can cope. At the most difficult level the opponent
remained the same as in patch 1.1
2. The item drop mechanism has been reworked.
3. Added interface for buying and selling items. Items with a chance to drop
Below 10% are not sold in stores at all, keep this in mind.
4. Autosave on the global map has been removed, which should be completely
remove lags.
5. Fixed a bug with a possible crash of the game in conversation mode with the captain
hostile ship if you select the "Demand surrender" option.
6. Fixed an error in assigning the wrong amount of team to a player when
exchanging your ship for an enemy ship after boarding.
7. Fixed a bug in the store that allowed you to buy goods for free.
8. A bug has been fixed that allowed merchants to issue tasks to governors.
9. Fixed a bug where the leak on the ship did not disappear after it was repaired
at the shipyard.

v 1.1
After installing the patch, it is RECOMMENDED to start a new game, but you can
continue playing from old saves (in this case, some
additional game features will not be available to you)
IF you decide to continue playing from OLD saves or start a new game,
using an already EXISTING profile, you will need to go to the options menu
and click the "Set default keys" button.
1. Minor improvements have been made to some aspects of the game (including
conversations at sea and smuggling).
2. Fixed a bug that prevented you from boarding an enemy ship
when loading from autosave.
3. Added the ability to combine attacks.
On this moment the diagram looks like this:
block + slash = spin
slash + thrust = pierce
You can only reassign keys to basic strikes, combinations
do not change, they will act according to the above scheme
regardless of which keys the strikes are assigned to, into this scheme
The old fencing system remained unchanged, i.e. You can
use how new system, and old (one hit per 1 button)
5. Some errors in interfaces have been fixed.
6. Fixed some errors in generated tasks.
7. The mechanism for opponents agreeing to pay a ransom to the player has been reworked.
8. The mechanism for the consent of opponents to surrender their ship to the player has been reworked.
9. Fixed a bug in the merchant issuing governor's quests.
10. Fixed a game crash when trying to load a battle encounter
free captain with enemies (near the islands).
11. Spontaneous change in officer rank has been fixed.
12. New officers now appear during the game.
13. Fixed a bug with missing encounters on the global map.
14. Errors in rumors have been corrected.
15. A new event has been introduced into the game - the flight of the governor from a captured colony.
16. User manual (manual) has been updated.
17. Tutorial dialogues are now added to the journal and highlighted in blue.
18. Fixed a rare bug where the boarding image did not disappear at the start
19. Fixed a bug where new characters appeared in the location after loading
saved game.
20. Fixed a bug where the model was positioned incorrectly above the character's head
(sometimes instead of an "i" icon indicating that the character has a tutorial
dialogue, “!” was drawn, meaning that the character wants to give the player a quest).
21. Fixed a bug that prevented a player in the service of any
powers, move up the career ladder.
22. Added the ability to enable/disable additional information
about ships during sea ​​battle(enabled by default).
23. A dependence of the naval battle distance on the difficulty level has been introduced
(in other words, at a high level of difficulty, enemy ships
will prefer to shoot the player from a long distance (as was the case
earlier), and at a low level of difficulty they will try to get closer).
24. A relationship has been introduced between the level of difficulty and the amount of energy,
which the player or his officers spend to strike
(toward decreasing energy).
25. Due to numerous requests, the percentage of payments to the team has been reduced.
Now on the easiest difficulty level the team will ask for 6.25%
from the net profit for the last month, and at the most difficult 25%.
(instead of 12% and 50% respectively).
26. Some global script processes have been optimized
in order to reduce lags in the global map.
27. New perks have been added. Two for the doctor and 2 for the carpenter.
(You must start a new game for this change to take effect).
28. Reduced dependence of ship speed on hull damage
and damage to sails.
29. All merchants in all stores now stand in one place
(a new game must be started for this change to take effect).
30. Fixed a rare bug that previously caused the player to get stuck in the cabin where he was invited
officers in order to discuss their further salary or talk about
your intention to resign.
31. Fixed a bug in the shipyard interface that allows you to buy
ship to a companion if the “Tactics” skill is insufficient.
32. Fixed a bug that prevented the main character from buying a ship
if the player does not have a single ship in his squadron.
33. Added the ability to talk with captains of other ships at sea
(conversation options: find out last news, trade)
34. Added contraband. (For its normal functioning, it is desirable
start a new game, but smuggling will also work from saves, but it will not
will be effective - if you don’t start a new game, then it’s easier to sell goods in a store on a neighboring island,
than fool around with smuggling.)
In order for the possibility of smuggling to appear from the save of the previous
version of the game, you need to talk to the smuggler in the tavern and
complete his training quest.
35. For all difficulty levels, the time after which nations
are trying to recapture the player's colony.
36. Increased the difficulty of hand-to-hand combat (by reducing delays
AI) for non-arcade game mode.
37. Fixed a bug with things that could not be repaired while sailing on the global
map with ships, even if they have the necessary supply of planks
and canvas.
38. Two new perks have been added for smuggling (for them to appear you need
start a new game)
39. Fixed incorrect filling of variable fields for rumors.
40. Fixed relationship agent. Now he reconciles the player not only with Holland.
41. The amount of payments for reconciliation with the nation has been reduced. Also in the formula
calculations introduced taking into account the difficulty level of the game.
42. Fixed a bug with incorrect flag assignment on the global map
for a captured colony.
43. The speed of increasing the loyalty of colonies captured by the player has been changed.
The calculation formula also includes taking into account the complexity of the game.
44. Fixed filling of game stores with food, to the detriment of everyone else
45. Fixed a bug with closing all internal locations of the city after it
player capture.
46. ​​The error with the appearance of “extra” NPCs in land locations has been fixed.
(alas, nothing can be done with NPCs that have already “appeared”).
47. Fixed a bug that could cause the game to crash if
change of captain at sea.
48. The number of officers available for recruitment has been increased.
49. Fixed a bug that caused a black screen to appear on the global
50. Changes have been made to various arcade game modes, with
in order to reduce the overall difficulty (with arcade settings).
51. Optimization of boarding calculations has been carried out in order to
reducing lags at sea.
52. Fixed a bug that allowed a sunken ship to take the player's ship
53. Fixed a bug that resulted in the player paying for repairs
the price of a ship is greater than the cost of the ship itself.
54. Fixed a bug in the shipyard interface that allows you to buy ships
for a price lower than the real one.
55. Fixed a bug where team morale and experience were not displayed correctly
in the ship interface.
56. Fixed a bug where the number of musketeers was incorrectly displayed
in the ship interface.
57. Added enabling/disabling autosave in the game settings
games before boarding (autosave is enabled by default).
58. Fixed a bug with incorrect reloading of a team from a surrendered ship
in the boarding interface.
59. The mechanism for increasing team morale for money has been changed. Now the team
asks for a smaller amount. The dependence of this amount on the level has also been introduced
difficulty of the game, and fixed a bug that led to
to improve morale, the team paid the player extra.
60. A bug in the boarding interface has been fixed, which made it possible to completely
restore the number of your crew by repeatedly changing the ship.
61. Hints have been added to the ship interface (displayed by right-clicking the mouse),
allowing you to obtain information about the morale, experience and size of the team.
62. Fixed a bug that allowed you to equip a character with an item
not suitable for his level, by double-clicking on this thing.
63. Fixed a bug with incorrect calculation of salaries for a player consisting
in the service of one of the nations.
64. Hints about ship upgrades in the boarding interface have been corrected.
65. Information about the current state of the ship has been added to the boarding interface.
66. Fixed a bug with assigning the wrong icon to an item
Galileo's trumpet.
67. Added the ability to disable quest signs in the settings menu
over the characters' heads.
68. Fixed a bug that did not allow you to see current ship upgrades
in the shipyard interface.
69. Added tooltips for current ship upgrades
in the shipyard interface.
70. The mutiny module on the ship has been reworked. Now if a riot occurs on
companion ship, a message will be displayed to the player based on the results of the mutiny.
If the companion was unable to keep the ship in his hands, the player
will have the opportunity to go to sea and fight with the mutinous
by ship.
71. The mechanism of how the disease occurs on the player’s ship has been changed. Now when
When a player appears in the colony, soldiers will not attack him. Instead of
This is why the game has introduced a gradual decrease in the main character's hits
in case it is infected.
72. Fixed an error in recording perks for officers.
73. Enemy ships learned to escape after losing more than 90% of their guns.
74. The chance of a cannon exploding when fired depends on the difficulty of the game.
Now, with lower difficulty, guns will explode less often.
(do not confuse the explosion of a gun with when the enemy destroys your guns
with your shots).
75. Improved global map interface.
76. Debug mode keys have been removed.
77. Strafes have been introduced.
78. Fixed a bug where a companion could take the player's ship
79. Fixed a bug in which the player's ship could spontaneously
80. A relationship has been introduced between the level of difficulty and the quantity
money needed to raise team morale (downwards).
81. Fixed a bug that caused the game to crash when trying to go to sea
near the island.
82. StarForce protection has been redesigned in order to reduce
StarForce's influence on the game.
83. Fixed a bug that led to the fact that after the end of the riot
the player's ship was thrown back to the last exit point on the map.

v. 1.0
Note. For the patch to work correctly, you must start a new game.
1. Improved character interface.
2. Improved ship interface.
3. A relationship has been introduced between the difficulty level of the game and the chance of items falling out
after boarding. The base chance of items falling out has also been increased.
4. Information about the current date and current
player's location.
5. The telescope interface has been fixed so that it works correctly
displayed in 800x600 resolution.
6. Incorrect greeting of the main character by female characters has been fixed.
7. Fixed the spyglass, which sometimes made the wrong icon selection
displayed ship.
8. The principle of loading locations has been changed.
9. Text errors have been corrected.
10. Bugs in the shipyard interface have been fixed.
11. The interface of the marine part of the game has been improved.
12. The ability to buy goods with 0 money has been removed.
13. Removed the ability to distribute skills and special abilities
captains joining the player's squadron on a quest.
14. The names of NPCs have been translated into Russian.
15. Multiplayer bugs have been fixed.
16. The sea has been optimized, allowing for a large increase
performance on Intel processors. (AMD users should also
notice an increase in productivity, but not to that extent).
17. Improved journal interface
18. Added naval battle indicator (included in the options menu,
turns off right there)
19. Added the ability to leave a surrendered crew on the ship
(for the subsequent capture of this ship)
20. Fixed errors in the ship capture interface
(team size was not taken into account in a number of situations)
21. Fixed some errors in quests related to capturing the quest
22. Changes have been made to the “mutiny on the ship” event.
23. The engine has been prepared for the introduction of strafes.

Year of manufacture: 2009
Genre: Add-on (Standalone) / RPG / Arcade
Developer: Seven Winds
Publisher: Seven Winds
Platform: PC
Publication/localization type: pirate
Version: 1.2
Interface language: Russian only
Voice language: Russian
Tablet: Not required

System requirements:

operating system: Windows Vista (SP1 or later)
Processor: 2.8 GHz Dual core CPU
Video card: ATI 1300 / NVIDIA 7300
HDD space: 4.1 GB


A complete add-on for the game Corsairs 3, containing a new storyline, many quests, saturating the game with all sorts of events and opportunities. Now the world really saturated. A bunch of small generated quests (events) in which main character can take part. These include golden caravans, extortion, the capture of a famous person, the capture of a ship carrying a large cargo, and much, much more!
Game Features
1. New main character - William Archer.
2. In the ship's log at the start new game The biography of the main character will appear.
3. About 15 new individual quests of average duration.
4. New storyline! Much longer and more interesting! Starts when you first visit Port Royal.
5. Of all the new quests, there are two “special” ones. This means that after completing them, you will receive unique magical (precisely magical!) gems that cannot be found anywhere else. There is a man living on the archipelago who, for money and if you have at least one stone, can improve some skill for you.
6. Quest "Magic Golden Skull". Activated when the main character finds the item "Magic Golden Skull". After completing this quest, in addition to a lot of money and a good saber, you can also get an increase in all of them by 1 point.
7. Added generated quest "Help the prison commandant". Taken from any prison commandant. Payment depends on rank and skills of trade and luck.
8. Added generated quest "Help the Church". Taken from any priest. Pay depends on rank and skills, authority and luck.
9. Added generated quest "Escorting the Merchant". Taken from any tavern owner.
10. Now the world around us is really rich. A bunch of small generated quests (events) in which the main character can take part. These include golden caravans, extortion, the capture of a famous person, the capture of a ship carrying a large cargo, and much, much more! Read about all this below.
11. Eight new ships.
12. Reworked ship characteristics.
13. Different types of ships by adding new ships, and more.
14. The most powerful ship that can be purchased at the shipyard is now not the “Frigate”, but the “Battleship”.
15. Reworked system for selling ships at the shipyard. When the shipyard level on the colony is equal to the third, it is possible to purchase the most powerful ship, which can be sold at the shipyard.
16. Boarding is more realistic by adding a boarding location in the form of two linked ships.
17. The boarding process has been changed. Now, in order to capture a ship, you need to clear certain locations from enemies. For ships of class 7,6,5 - Upper deck -> Cabin; for ships of class 4.3 Upper deck -> Hold -> Cabin; for ships of class 2.1 - Upper deck -> Hold -> Gun deck -> Cabin.
18. The process of capturing a fort has been changed. Now after you destroy all the enemies in the first location of the fort, you will have to fight in two more.
19. Variety of weather. Rain and steep waves are possible both in the evening and during the day. In addition, one option for morning weather has been added, for which there are resources, but is not used in the game.
20. Jungles on all islands.
21. Bays on all islands.
22. Dungeons on all islands.
24. Catacombs in every city.
25. In the jungle it is possible to meet gangs extorting money, bandits and ordinary passers-by.
26. Evil spirits have been added to dungeons and catacombs.
27. Many house locations are now open in the colonies, except for the pirate colony “Isla Mona”. You can go into almost every house. At night, of course, all houses are closed.
28. Ability to search chests in houses, shops, cabins, etc.
29. Added the "Prison" location to all colonies that have a fort.
30. All brothels and moneylenders' houses are open.
31. Possibility of operating a brothel. In a brothel, to the detriment of the reputation of the hero’s nation, you can gain experience.
32. Possibility of taking out a loan and the ability to lend money on interest from a moneylender.
33. A large number of new melee weapons. Added Musket firearm.
34. New items, namely jewels and idols.
35. Change in the process of searching a chest - If you are caught while searching a chest, there is an opportunity to pay off so as not to spoil the reputation of the nation. Also, if there is no money, with good luck, the owner of the location where you searched the chest may forgive you.
36. On the archipelago lives a “Teacher” who, for a certain amount, can increase any skill by one point!
37. The teacher charges very dearly and does not sit in one place. He travels from time to time around the archipelago. Random hearing can provide information about its location.
38. Reworked processing of object hits, cold and firearms on the shelves. Now it depends on the level of the main character. The higher the level, the better weapons will be on the shelves.
39. Reworked pistol reloading. Now it is possible to shoot more than once.
40. Now you can buy items and weapons in the store, and not just from street vendors.
41. The influence of objects, in particular idols, on the character’s skills.
42. Possibility of building and improving your own colony on one of the uninhabited islands.
43. Small game changes. For example, reducing the distance between ships when leaving the map at sea.
44. Some errors of the original "Corsairs 3" have been fixed. All sorts of interface fixes.
45. Acceleration of time on land, global map, etc. It is not recommended to greatly speed up the time in the game. Acceleration is triggered by the "R" key, as well as the "+" and "-" keys.
46. ​​Voice acting of some commands.
47. Treasure map generator. The card can be purchased from people relaxing in the tavern. The higher the luck skill, the higher the chance that you will meet a card merchant. Also, the value of the treasure and the possibility of finding an excellent blade, pistol, spyglass, locked chest, gold, etc. in the treasure directly depend on the luck skill.
48. In chests and treasures you can find the “Chest” premed. When searching chests, you can find the nth number of different locked chests. We need to open them. They can be opened by a craftsman for a fee, one per archipelago. The chest contains almost everything, from a death trap to several thousand piastres. Open it and you will find out.
49. Generator of golden caravans. Information about him is obtained from drunkards in the tavern and is obtained very rarely. True, the higher the luck skill, the higher the chance that information will come across. Details in the game.
50. Cheat codes are disabled.
51. “Thinking out loud” option. Used to launch an assault on a fort from land, etc. The "think out loud" option is called up through the interface.
52. Added healing potions to restore health.
53. The ability to quickly use healing potions. This is done by pressing the "F" key.
54. The fencing system has been slightly reworked, namely the damage dealt and received by the main character, which now also depends on new perks.
55. Four perks (abilities) have been added. These are Basic Defense Skill, Advanced Defense Skill, Critical Strike and Professional Swordsman. All of them affect the damage dealt or received by the main character when fencing.
56. The church is now attended by parishioners.
57. Tenants appeared in the houses. Also, there may be card sellers in the houses.
58. Added the ability for best gamers to storm forts from land. To start an assault, you must have at least 800 teams, call the “Thoughts” function and select the desired dialogue option. The chain of locations is now as follows - Exit from the colony -> City -> Residence. To receive the loot (ransom), you still need to talk to the governor.
59. Possibility of theft. The chance of getting caught depends on luck. To perform this operation, you need to get close to the character and select the Steal command in the list of commands in the upper left corner, after which the Steal interface will appear, similar to searching a chest. The ability to steal only applies to ordinary citizens on the street and in the tavern.
60. Added different options for the outcome of events during theft. Either you managed to steal unnoticed, or you managed to steal, but they still noticed you, or you were noticed right away.
61. Added the "Cunning" perk, which will allow you to reduce the chance of being caught stealing or searching chests.
62. Ability to search corpses. This happens in the following order - you kill a character, and immediately after the murder the corpse search interface appears. If you close it, then the newly killed character will no longer be searched. In addition, this option has advantages - everything happens automatically. It is displayed only once. It is possible to disable or enable the search of corpses as the game progresses. To do this, you need to call up “thinking out loud”, and in the desired dialogue option, select the “On” or “Off” option. If the search is disabled, it actually won’t happen.
63. The ability to detect and take equipment from a dead person depends on luck.
64. Added the “Experienced Smuggler” perk, which increases the bonus to the price of smuggled goods.
65. Artificial life of pirates. Ten famous pirates have been added that can be encountered throughout the game. List of situations in which these pirates are involved:
65.1. Can be found in the tavern.
65.2. Can be found in the sea, near any island.
65.3. A pirate can attack the main character at sea.
65.4. You can accidentally learn about any action of a pirate from passers-by or vacationers in taverns.
66. The opportunity to serve the governor is only available after completing storyline!
67. Cuirasses have been added. To equip them, you must have the Cuirass ability, as well as the required rank.
68. Possibility of extorting money. It works in the following order: When talking with drunks in a tavern, they may blurt out that one of the main inhabitants of the colony has a lot of money. And we go directly to the owner of a tavern, store, shipyard, or moneylender who has become rich. The chance that you will be able to get money depends on your rank and your luck and authority. Depending on this, the subject can call the guards, give nothing, or still give money.
69. All melee weapons are divided into light, medium and heavy. Depending on the type of melee weapon, the damage done, as well as the energy consumed, will be determined.
70. You can find out from any tavern owner a best gamer interesting information. Naturally, not for free. Moreover, the information can be three types. The ability to obtain information depends, again, on luck and authority.
71. Added a lot of music from the game "Pirates of the Caribbean", as well as a couple of sounds.
72. Random place to start the game. Generated depending on the selected nation.
73. The selected nation when starting a new game only affects the player’s starting location.
74. Item icons have changed.
75. Prisons now live up to their name, because... they now house prisoners. It's kind of like a decoration.
76. Guides have appeared in cities who, for a penny, can take you to the building you need.
77. In the item trading interface, use the auxiliary keys to quickly sell or buy items. "Alt" works with 50 units, and "Shift" works with all available goods. Attention - For sale only!
78. The opportunity to walk around your ship. At the same time, your gunners and sailors will be walking around in the hold and cannon deck, creating the necessary atmosphere on the ship.

Changes introduced by patch version 1.2
1. A bug has been fixed that allowed the default number of hit points for quest characters to be reset by loading, which also removed quest items from the character’s inventory. Moreover, hit points will be restored to the maximum.
2. The bug of characters overlapping each other has been fixed - usually in taverns you could see such a picture.
3. Fixed the disappearance of magic precious stones from the inventory for completing the quest Ship of the Monkeys. Now equipment and all ordinary jewelry disappear.
4. A bug has been fixed that made it possible to exchange weapons with officers through the item interface while being held captive during the quest The Ship of the Monkeys or while in prison.
5. Fixed a bug related to the inability to rent a room in your extended colony.
6. Fixed a bug where women in the colonies could ask to accompany them.
7. Fixed a bug in which the capture of a fort from land was without losses.
8. Fixed some errors when moving a teacher from colony to colony.
9. Fixed the appearance of more than one magical golden skull in the treasure.
10. Situations causing chaos in cities - battles between civilians and guards - have been corrected.
11. Fixed the absence of the smuggler in the tavern of the captured colony in quest situations.
12. Fixed rain in cabins.
13. Other minor fixes.

Some changes and innovations:
1. When starting a new game, you will be given the opportunity to create your main character using the interface:
1.1. Choice of 5 prepared heroes: Henry Morgan, Nathaniel Hawk, William Archer, Blaise Sharp, Beatrice Sharp.
1.2. Creation own character- Selecting a model type from Bartenders to Evil Spirits, manually entering first and last names, as well as choosing a nation.

2. The vision of quests has been completely rebuilt - There is no main plot as such, but there is an English national quest line, a quest line for the Coastal Brotherhood, as well as about 20 quests. In addition, while you are in the service of England, you will not be able to go into the service of pirates or other powers, just as if you are in the service of pirates you will not be able to enter the service of England and other powers.

3. Several new quests, during which you can get unique items or ships:
3.1. Captured by pirates;
3.2. The Holy Inquisition;
3.3. The Legend of the Phantom Light;
3.4. Port Killer;
3.5. Indian call.

4. A small quest line for the Coastal Brotherhood.

5. Nine new ships, with a different appearance from the others, both freely encountered at sea and quest ones:
5.1. Strengthened Shchebeka;
5.2. Military Pinas;
5.3. Merchant Battleship;
5.4. Heavy Corvette "Black Angel";
5.5. Heavy Frigate "Nightmare"
5.6. Fast Frigate "Lizard";
5.7. Fast Battleship "The Sorrow of the Mermaid";
5.8. Heavy Battleship "Shark";
5.9. Strengthened Manowar "Azor";

6. Several new pieces of equipment.
7. All the equipment that Mowgli took can be found in his chest in his cabin. Also, equipment lost after the arrest by the governor can be retrieved after final fight.
8. A locked chest can now only be carried one in the inventory.
9. A transformed system for building and managing the affairs of the colony - through dialogue with the manager of the colony. Now, for example, to open any building, you need to incur some expenses.
10. The life of the colony you built was filled with some periodic events.
11. Old generated quests have been modified, namely Help the Church and Help the Prison Commandant. In particular, there is an option to refuse the battle with the pirates/fugitives and fail the task. Also, taking into account luck and authority in conversations with them appeared.
12. Several new generated quests have been added:
13.1. Transportation of objects. Taken from people with the appearance of merchants sitting in taverns;
13.2. Search for objects. It is taken from people with the appearance of officers sitting in taverns;
13.3. Capturing ships for the pirate shipyard on Isla Mona. Accordingly, it is taken from the Isla Mona shipyard. You must have a normal reputation with pirates.
14. The following generated quests have been completely rewritten and improved in terms of outcome variations:
14.1. Ship escort;
14.2. Cargo delivery;
14.3. Passenger delivery.
15. A couple of situations in the jungle:
15.1 While walking through the jungle, you may come across a wounded person who you can help and get a small reward or a plus in your reputation.
15.2 You can try to rob a passerby.
16. A reworked system for filling counters with equipment dealers - depends on the rank of the main character and the minimum level required by the weapon.
17. Reworked system for purchasing ships at the shipyard - the higher the rank of the main character, the more best ships available for purchase.
18. Two random item locations have been added to city locations.
19. Quest ships always have the same characteristics.

The final patch for the pirate epic will introduce the following changes to the game:
v 1.3
Saves from this version of the game are not compatible with saves from previous versions.
Single player game:
1. A bug related to excess mortality among musketeers has been fixed.
2. Fixed a bug in changing the direction and strength of the wind after saving the game
and its subsequent download.
3. Fixed some errors that occurred when using the overload option
commands from ship to ship in the ship menu.
4. Passengers delivered to their destination on a passenger quest,
Now they will try to appear as close to the pier as possible.
5. The speed of a player’s advancement through ranks has been accelerated if he is a
in the service of one nation or another.
6. The shipyard interface has been completely redesigned (including bug fixes)
of this interface).
7. Fixed some errors in trade between ships.
8. Fixed a bug where stormy weather was not displayed when loading
saved game made during the storm.
9. Added a service ALT key for reloading/selling goods/commands
which operates with 100 units of product/team at once
10. Now, after capturing the colony, all ships of the squadron
players will be completely repaired.
11. Fixed a bug where the flag was assigned incorrectly to some colonies
in the process of being captured by the player or other countries.
12. Now, when spending the night in a tavern, the date in the upper right changes correctly
corner of the screen.
13. Now, when spending the night in a tavern during a storm, it ends.
14. Fixed a bug where the quantity of some items was incorrectly displayed
purchased items in the item trading interface.
15. Now after the player becomes the head of the pirates from the officers
With a “good” worldview, there is a greater chance of not leaving the player.
In other words - if their loyalty to the player is very high, it will strongly
will spoil, but they will stay with you and start gaining loyalty points
again. A dependence has also been introduced on the decrease in officers’ loyalty on the level
difficulty of the game and the Authority parameter.
16. The formula for calculating damage from a pistol has been revised.
17. Fixed some errors in quests for cargo delivery and
ship escort.
18. Now you cannot run more than one copy of the game at the same time.
19. The error with the capture of the Isla Mona colony by other countries has been fixed.
20. Fixed a bug in the appearance of buildings in the Isla Mona colony that block
entrance to the residence.
21. The chance of spyglasses falling out (and appearing in stores) has been increased.
22. Added foam from the bow of the ship.
23. Fixed a bug in issuing tasks to people who should
issue educational text.
24. The error with the appearance of ships on the global map inside the island has been fixed.
25. Various bugs have been fixed in many game interfaces.
26. Killing people in cities now causes your reputation to drop. Fall speed
Reputation depends on the difficulty level of the game.
27. The paper archipelago key is now called by the M key.
28. Fixed some bugs related to penetration into enemy
29. Fixed errors related to the incorrect reaction of NPCs to hostility
main character (since RMB)
30. Bugs in various quests and events have been fixed.
31. Increased influence of wind speed and direction on movement speed
ships in global map mode.
32. The number of cases in which the game crashed has been reduced.
34. Information on import/export in the colonies is now available in the paper map.
35. Colony income has been increased for all difficulty levels.
A dependence of colony income on difficulty level has also been introduced.
36. Increased profitability of mines.
37. The price spread between products has increased.
38. Many aspects of the game have been tuned.
39. Colonies on Hispaniola now have a common list of imported and
exported goods.
40. Cheat codes have been introduced. To recruit them you need to enter the ship menu,
Click on the name of your ship, erase it completely, and type:
GodMode - to turn on/off the mode of complete invulnerability (as on land
and at sea)
ExpBooster - to gain 10,000 experience points
MoneyBooster - to receive 10,000 piastres
BestSaber - to get the best saber (so you can equip it anyway
you must have the level required by this saber)
BestGun - to get the best pistol (to equip you with
you still need to have the level required by this saber)
41. The slowdown of the game at sea when a large ship is fired has been reduced.

1. Added team play mode
2. Fixed a game crash when playing near an island
3. Fixed game crash when exiting interfaces
4. The last profile of the player he selected is used
5. Fixed errors in the server search screen
6. The amount of money and class of ships selected in the server settings
is now correctly used when purchasing a ship
7. Cosmetic interface changes have been made
8. Added a system of 100% delivery of network packets, also removed
package duplication bug
9. Added convoy defense mode.
10. Added fort defense mode.

Developer: Seaward.Ru
Publisher: Sergynia
Interface language: English + Russian
System requirements: MINIMUM:

(Russian), Pentium IV 1.5 GHz, 256 MB RAM, 64 MB 3D video card (GeForce 4 level and higher, except built-in and MX series), sound card, 7.2 GB of free hard disk space, 24x CD-ROM (8x DVD-ROM), keyboard, mouse, DirectX 9.0c and higher.

P4-2.0, 512MB RAM, 128MB 3D Card
sound card, 7.2 GB of free hard disk space,
24x CD-ROM (8x DVD-ROM), keyboard, mouse, DirectX 9.0c and higher.
Description: The following Addons are collected here:

1.Addon Return Sea Legends[installed only on the game: Pirates of the Caribbean] Installation instructions included
2.Addon PKM Filibusters [installed only on the game "Corsairs 2: Pirates of the Caribbean and Corsairs III] Installation instructions included
3.Addon Corsairs 3 Secrets Far Seas[Install the official version of the game Corsairs III] Installation instructions included
4.Addon Corsairs 3 Wind of Freedom [Install the official version of the game Corsairs III]
Installation instructions included
5. Pirates of the Caribbean [with the RESOURCE folder from K III Codes and dishonest tricks for the game "Pirates of the Caribbean" also a patch and tablet]

Add. information: There are also mods and saves for KVL, these include:

1.The New Flying Dutchman
2.Black Pearl
3.New battleship
5.Music mod
6.Old lugger from VML
7.Precious mod
8. The Flying Dutchman
9.Modifications - Models and textures of heroes
10.New boat at the pier
11.Resource-pack v.1.0 adds a lot of new special effects and realism to the game
12.Hinterface-mod v.1.0
12.1.Improved small textures (for ergonomics).
12.2. The icons of the character's items have been changed.
12.3. Fixed dialogue
13.Ships-pak v.1.0 Ships now have cabins

Saves. There are six of them.
Copy any save to the save folder with the game Corsairs Return of the Legend and play pumped up and with a lot of money

A save for those who are too lazy to level up and want to start an exciting series right away!

Each folder has a description and installation instructions. There are working shoes for these games. Have a good game!
We kindly ask you not to leave the distribution, let others download it too!Stay in the distribution as long as possible......and then you will not have problems downloading.
Distribution time:C 10:00 to 23:00

Or more precisely, the codes for Corsairs 3 Wind of Freedom simply PG did not allow me to write Wind of Freedom(

The console opens on F5, it is not activated, you need to go to the game folder and open the engine.ini file there, find debugwindow = 0 and change to debugwindow = 1 (Spaces on the sides = LEAVE!)
Save and the console will open on F5 in the game.

There are a couple of problems with this method of cheating:
1. The console will not work while you have the game in full screen! It will simply fly out of you! To solve this problem, simply go to config (located in the game folder) and uncheck the full screen mode.
2. Some people have a problem with editing the engine file; it won’t want to be saved; it will write that the file is already in use or something like that. I solved this problem by deleting the file, then moving it from the trash to the desktop there, editing it and moving it back to the game folder.

And here are a couple of console codes.

1) - LAi_SetImmortal(pchar, true) - on the right side it will be written that the cheat is not correct, but ignore this message - the cheat will still work. Same
Same thing with disabling cheat.
2) - GiveItem2Character(pchar, "xxx", #) - the number of items cannot be specified in this cheat. That is, the correct cheat: GiveItem2Character(pchar, "xxx")
3) - If you need to register a certain number of items, then you need to use this cheat: TakeNItems(pchar, "xxx",#) - where xxx is the name of the item, and # is
This is, in fact, quantity.
Next, I offer you a bonus. Here are some more useful cheats:
1) - This is a very interesting cheat, there is a lot of room for experimentation - GenerateShip(xx, true) - where in xx you enter, for example, 20, something appears on the right side
number. Then, below, enter the following cheat - pchar.ship.type, then a number will appear on the right side again - this is the number of your ship. Then enter the number from
right column, which appeared when writing the previous cheat. And bang! From now on you have the royal manovar “Soleil Royale”. You can also enter others
numbers. Just make sure that you don’t have a fort instead of a ship, otherwise you won’t be able to go out to sea - you’ll be kicked out of the game.
2) - pchar.Ship.Crew.Quantity - the number of your ship’s crew. Once you type the cheat, a number will appear in the right column - this is the number of your
commands, change it to anything, as long as you can feed them.
3) - pchar.ship.cannons.type - just a crazy cheat. Allows you to install any guns on any ships. Again, after entering the cheat in the right column
a number appears - these are the guns that are already on your ship. You must enter from 1 to 9. 9 - 48 pound guns (fort guns) 8 - 42 pound guns.
4) - These codes are already for completely inveterate cheaters. And again, enter the cheat - a number appears in the right column, change it from 1 to 100.
pchar.skill.Leadership - Authority.
pchar.skill.FencingLight - Light weapon.
pchar.skill.Fencing - Medium weapon.
pchar.skill.FencingHeavy - Heavy weapons.
pchar.skill.Pistol – Pistols.
pchar.skill.Fortune - Luck.
pchar.skill.Sneak - Stealth.
pchar.skill.Sailing - Navigation.
pchar.skill.Accuracy - Accuracy.
pchar.skill.Cannons - Cannons.
pchar.skill.Grappling - Boarding.
pchar.skill.Defence - Defense.
pchar.skill.Repair - Repair.
pchar.skill.Commerce - Trade.
pchar.rank - Your level.
pchar.Reputation - Your reputation.
pchar.Money - Money.
AddMoneyToCharacter(pchar, "1000000000") - This is an alternative cheat. You only need to enter it in the left column (who didn’t guess). 1000000000 piastres in
in your pocket.