The name of all cards in. Appearance of the card: what the bank card looks like and what information is available on the bank card. How to correctly name card suits

How to properly call card suits

There are many serious discrepancies in the names of card suits today. For example, you can say: hearts or hearts? How is it really right?
There are three views on this issue. The first is the view of classical Russian literature in the works of Pushkin, Tolstoy, Turgenev, Gogol, Dostoevsky and other famous Russian writers. The second look is Soviet language practice and the third look is modern slang. Many well-known authors of books on card games suggest using suit names, which are indicated in the classical literature, other well-known authors believe that it is necessary to use terms from the Soviet era. My personal opinion is to use the names of card suits that people want to use during the game. It can be any name with any declension. And what names were used for the names of card suits are best left for historians, let it be recorded in the reference literature.
Below I will give several tables of case forms of the names of card suits of normative and colloquial vocabulary.

Table 1. Declensions of suit names (singular)

Normative vocabulary

case Suit Suit



Nominative peak




Genitive peaks




Dative pique




Accusative pike




Instrumental spear




Prepositional pique




colloquial vocabulary





















Boo Boo









Table 2. Declensions of suit names (plural)






































colloquial vocabulary






























Table 3. Declension of adjectives formed from the names of suits (singular)






































Table 4. Declension of adjectives formed from the names of suits (plural)






































In Russia, the outdated names of card suits were called: peaks - pichka, pikovsky, pikushka; clubs - trefushka, trefonka, trefonochka; tambourines - tambourine, tambourine, tambourine, tambourine; wormy - fats, fatty, fat. Colloquial forms: spades, clubs, spades, clubs. Conversational forms: peaks - guilt, blame; clubs - crosses, crosses, acorns; worms - worms, fats; tambourines - tambourines, tambourines, calls.
In Germany, the suits have the following meanings: spades - spades; clubs - clubs; hearts - hearts; tambourines - diamonds.
In Spain, card suits mean: spades - swords; clubs - coins; hearts - swords, tambourines - bowls.
In France, the names of the suits are similar to our names: spades - spades; clubs - shamrock; hearts - hearts; tambourines - tiles.

It is generally accepted that cards come from China, but Poland, Germany and France can also be considered as countries that gave the world cards, because card games were no less common among their peoples than in China.

Deck Composition

A standard card deck consists of 36 cards, but this counts already. modern version, however, initially there were 54 cards in the deck: 36 main and 18 auxiliary. Each card is "repeated" 4 times - one in each of the four suits.

Of interest are the names and depicted on playing cards. Many are accustomed to seeing half and mirror figures of kings and ladies, but this is a trend of the New Age, and in the old days the card figures were drawn in full height.

All cards in the deck are divided into four suits, which are commonly called:
- hearts;
- tambourines;
- clubs;
- peaks.

Map designations

The cards of clubs and spades are usually denoted in black, and diamonds and spades in red. The cards have a numerical designation and an image in the form of drawings. The numerical cards include the smallest cards in terms of seniority, and the “pictures” are more significant, such as ace, king, queen, jack. Ace is the most significant card, in many translations he is listed as "deputy head" or "deputy king". The word "ace" in Greek means "the sower of slander", and from German it is almost the devil. Either way, this card is insidious and gives a lot of power.

The position of the king and queen cards in the deck is obvious, and the name speaks for itself. What can not be said about the jack card. Translated from French, “jack” is a servant, on the map he is depicted as a young man in the form of a squire.


Very interesting names of suits. Previously, instead of the usual spades or worms, there were the following designations:
- cups;
- swords;
- wands;
- denarii.

The cups that were awarded to the winners turned over time into hearts, reminiscent of the shape of a cup and heartfelt gratitude, and the wands into clubs or crosses. Denarii turned into tambourines, and swords became sharp peaks, in fact, denoting weapons.

In some decks there is another card called. On the card, the joker is depicted as a jester in color or black and white, he rarely plays, but his move is always designed to confuse the plans (cards) of opponents.

I was given a debit bank card, but the bank employee did not explain anything about what information is reflected on the bank card, what the appearance of the card carries. May I need information on a bank card, and in what cases?

Answer: First, about what a bank card looks like, or rather, what a card might look like. The bank card has a format defined by the ISO 7810 ID-1 standard: 85.6mm x 53.98mm x 0.76mm and is mainly made of plastic. The front and back sides of the card carry various functional information. The general background of the front side of the bank card is approved by the bank according to the plots developed by the designers, and the reverse side always has a plain background. That is, the drawing and color of the card depends on the preferences of the issuing bank, and also takes into account the requirements of the payment system that services this card.

The background should contribute to the aesthetic perception of the card and the recognition of the bank that issued the card. For certain types of cards, banks offer cardholders to decide on the design themselves, that is, they provide the client with the right to choose an individual design.

Using stolen name cards, it is more difficult to purchase goods at retail outlets, especially expensive ones, since with a significant purchase amount or the slightest doubt, sellers have the right to ask for a passport.

  • Card expiry date- located below the card number, it indicates the month and the last two digits of the year in digital format - mm/yy (month/year). The card is valid until last day month indicated on the card, inclusive. Some cards show both the start date and the expiration date of the card. After the expiration of the card (date), the card is blocked by the bank, and Bank operations using it is no longer possible. And since the period for closing a card account does not end with the expiration of the card, the client, if necessary, can be issued a new card for the next period of validity.

    Therefore, one month before the expiration date of the card, it is necessary to contact the bank for reissue new card or write an application for closing a card account.

  • Payment system logo and hologram indicates which system provides services for conducting payment transactions with this bank card. Russian banks work with several payment systems that serve bank cards. The following systems are considered the most common:

    When choosing to make a payment, it should be taken into account that the name and logo of the payment system on the bank card must match their counterpart on the self-service device or ATM. If there is no such logo on the device, then this self-service device / ATM will not service your card.

  • Card number- this is the individual number of your card. For Visa and MasterCard payment systems, the number consists of 16 digits divided into 4 blocks of 4 digits each (4-4-4-4). Sometimes the card number can have 18 or 19 digits.

    For the American Express payment system, the card number consists of 15 digits, divided into 3 blocks of 4.6 and 5 digits each (4-6-5).
    And the Russian national payment system Mir has a card number consisting of 16 digits divided into 4 blocks of 4 digits each (4-4-4-4).
    The card number is the access number to the bank account of the cardholder.
    The card number is used by the holder with, "Mobile Bank" or "OnL @ yn" system.

  • By the first digit of the card number, you can get information about which payment system the card belongs to and whether it matches the logo. So, the first digits of payment systems that work in Russia are as follows:
    • World - 2;
    • VISA - 4;
    • American Express - 3
    • MasterCard - 5
    • Maestro - 3, 5 or 6
    • China UnionPay - 6
    • JCB International - 3
    • UEC - 7.
  • - located on the front side of the card above the card number (to the right or left) and consists of four digits. The code located here is found only on American Express cards. This is an additional means of identifying the cardholder when making payments, especially on the Internet. For MasterCard and Visa payment systems, the card authentication code is located on the back of the card (see clause 10).

  • Chip- this is an additional and the highest level of card protection against unauthorized access to the account. The embedded chip is present on the cards in the form of a microprocessor that functions like a minicomputer. It contains all the information on the map. Chip cards are more secure than magnetic stripe cards. Therefore, to enhance protection, banks are increasingly issuing combined cards - with a chip and a magnetic stripe.

  • Issuing bank logo is located at the top of the card in the right or left corners of the card and identifies the card as the property of a particular bank that issued this card. The logo always contains the abbreviated company name of the bank. For example:
  • Reverse side of the card

    A sketch of the appearance of the reverse side of a bank card with the numbering of elements looks like this:

    The reverse side of the bank card displays information on the following elements:

    1. Bank's name- at the bottom of the card, the name of the bank to which the card belongs is necessarily repeated.

    2. White paper strip located next to the magnetic stripe. It is available only on personalized cards - and is intended for applying a sample signature of the cardholder. This is also protection - when trying to forge a signature sample at the time of making payments using stolen card problems may appear.

      The paper strip, in addition to the sample signature of the cardholder, is filled with information, taking into account the elements of the type of payment system and the card authentication code.

      So, for example, the bar can be filled with:

      • diagonal lines with the word VISA in blue/blue and gold and a 19-digit number printed in a special left-slanted font that includes 16 digits of the card number and 3 digits of the security code

      • diagonal lines with the word MasterCard or MC in red, blue / cyan and yellow flowers and a 7-digit number in the center of the panel, printed in a special left-slanted font, which includes the last four digits of the card number and 3 digits of the security code

    3. Card authentication code(CVV2 and CVC2) - for payment systems, MasterCard or Visa, it consists of three digits, and is located on a white paper strip, next to the holder's signature after the last four digits of the bank card number indicated there. The code is used as an additional means of identifying the cardholder when making payments, especially on the Internet. It is not found on all categories of maps of these systems.

      Card authentication code by technology MirAccept (MirAccept) payment system "MIR" - consists of three digits and is located on the back of the card. At Sberbank of Russia, for example, the code is located before the words "Thank you from Sberbank."

    4. Magnetic stripe on the card- this is a magnetic strip soldered into plastic, which is a carrier of information. Data is written to the card once and is not overwritten in the future. The entry (or coding) is made on the instructions of the bank and it includes data: about the cardholder, his account number, bank and other additional data necessary for the bank.

      The magnetic strip can be black, dark brown or any other color.

    You can read about the appearance and complete information that the Russian Mir cards carry in themselves.


    A vibrant and lush area with many forests and villages located in different parts cards. A large damaged aqueduct crosses the eastern part of the valley. Numerous mountain ranges provide excellent ambush sites, but wide fields make moving between positions dangerous.

    empire frontier

    The first Asian map in the game since update 1.0. Its distinguishing feature is the Great Wall of China, dividing the location into two parts. Different areas of the map are suitable for different classes and play styles.


    Swamps, cliffs and rocky cliffs divide the map into three main areas of operation. The absence of buildings and a small number of rocky shelters favor the actions of artillery. For success, it is necessary to concentrate the forces of the attackers in one of the directions with distracting actions or hard containment of the enemy in other sectors.


    The isolated mountain valley on one flank and the city blocks on the other allow you to get close to the enemy at the distance of the final throw. An open lake in the center of the field allows you to provide fire support to your allies at a fairly large distance.

    Siegfried line

    A successful combination of open spaces and city blocks is a feature of this map. Winding streets allow you to penetrate behind enemy lines, and numerous pillboxes can be used as shelters.


    The starting positions of the teams are separated by a flat, well-shootable field. This map in the World of Tanks is convenient for defending and destroying the enemy with artillery. Deep detours using shelters - copses, terrain folds and village houses can decide the outcome of the battle. A well-coordinated attack across the field at high speed, with artillery support, can also be successful, but rather risky.


    It is a mixed card. Two zones with dense urban development, separated by an open area of ​​the Svisloch river embankment. The main collision takes place on opposite sides of the avenue. Attempts to quickly break through the defenses in this place are extremely risky. Only by achieving success in the flank, you can count on victory.


    In the center of the map are a large monastery and a city. Three roads allow you to travel from north to south. The courtyard of the monastery is an advantageous firing position. A long hill to the west and a winding ravine to the east provide excellent protection from artillery fire.


    A picturesque area with mixed landscape, divided into 3 main zones: an ancient castle in the center of the map, a small city and a height with watchtowers in the northern part, rolling plains in the southern part.


    Map conveying the atmosphere of the landing of the Allied troops in the coastal part of Normandy on June 6, 1944. It is interesting not only for the historical component, but also for its design. This is a whole exhibition hall of samples of German fortification from all over the "Atlantic Wall".

    Orlovsky ledge

    Atmospheric map from Belgorod 1943. The card is intended for general battle. Several zones are present: a factory in the center of the map, dense forests in both teams, a church over a plain, a small bridge, and a destroyed plane.


    We can safely say that "Paris" is not only a city of fashion and beauty, love and romance, but also an excellent gaming location for virtual tank battles. Features of the map open up opportunities for varied and dynamic combat operations. Three game zones provide freedom of action for all classes of vehicles. There is a place for everyone, the main thing is to decide on your own desires.


    This card is different mountainous area, which is characterized by a rugged relief. Numerous rocks and stones protect from enemy fire, various hills are excellent places for ambushes, and winding roads allow you to strike at the enemy base.


    The hills located at the edges of this map are built up with numerous houses. Winding streets will allow you to strike unexpected blows. The wasteland lying between the hills is the shortest way to the enemy base.


    Open hilly area separated by a railway embankment. Groups of trees provide excellent cover for anti-tank self-propelled guns. When attacking, watch the flanks. Defensively, attack the flanks of the enemy. Artillery has freedom of action, but is extremely vulnerable to raids by high-speed light forces.


    The game location is a rural area in Britain. In the center of the map is a small town. Fields, smoothly turning into hills, are an excellent place for decisive attacks. The river in the middle of the map does not impede the movement of vehicles and serves as a good guide.


    The high hill in the center of the map is the key point of the map. Despite the difficulties in occupying it, it dramatically improves the position of the occupying team. The village to the northeast of the hill and the island to the west of it, despite a number of advantages, remain vulnerable to fire from the center.


    The concentric street system of the city, dense trees and bushes in the park allow covert maneuvers and the rapid transfer of reserves. Artillery operations in the city area are very difficult, but the high degree of destruction in the city allows you to provide effective support to your allies.

    Fisherman's bay

    This map is a successful combination of open space and rugged terrain. The narrow winding streets of the port city, located on the flank, will help to unexpectedly gain an advantage. Gentle hills with numerous bushes will allow extensive use of ambush tactics.


    Open flat terrain. From shelters only large stones, folds of the terrain and the railway on the embankment in the north. Both bases are connected by a road hidden in a lowland from what is happening on the flanks.


    For a whole week, the village of Studzianki was the site of fierce battles between the Red Army units (including the 1st Tank Brigade of the Polish Army) and the German invaders. In memory of these events, which ended in great success for the Allied forces, in 1969 the village was renamed Studzianki Pancerne (Studzianki Panzerne).

    Quiet coast

    The territory of the land is limited at the edges by mountain ranges and water space, which occupies a third of the map. A railway runs through the entire territory from north to south. The hilly terrain with dense vegetation on the western flank will be an ideal place for a quick attack. The direct road between the bases passes through a small town where you can fight protracted battles. The bases are protected by hills from direct invasion, but are vulnerable from the flanks.


    The mountain to the east gives a serious combat advantage, while control of the central part of the map is a tactical advantage. The swamp to the west can be used for reconnaissance and attack from the rear.


    The map represents a Western European city. It is no coincidence that the working title of the map was "Munich". Factory quarters, destroyed houses, freight trains are the features of this location. An embankment with a railroad that divides the map in half allows you to concentrate forces for a strike.


    Team bases are separated by rocks and cliffs. The presence of many shelters allows you to concentrate forces in the right direction. The center of the map has some advantage, but neglecting the flanks is fraught with defeat.


    Huge mountains and narrow valleys allow you to make a variety of tactical decisions. You can fight a fire duel across the bay or fight at pistol range in a coastal city, or you can choose a deep detour with the capture of an enemy base.


    The diverse landscape of this map gives it a certain charm and makes it possible to use different tactics. Open spaces are good for wide flanking attacks, while city blocks offer intense close combat. Pre-release name of the map - "Kansas"


    A labyrinth of streets and squares, extremely inconvenient for artillery and anti-tank self-propelled guns, but ideal for quick breakthroughs and bypasses of light and medium tanks. Detours - through the hill dominating the area with a castle and along the tracks of the railway station - will help to get out of the positional impasse that has formed.


    The labyrinth of city blocks and the flat field of the suburbs are separated by narrow passages between the station tracks. When concentrating forces, take into account the strengths and weak sides combat vehicles in each of their directions: artillery can thwart a breakthrough across an open field, but is almost helpless against an enemy hiding behind the walls of buildings.

    Winter cards


    Location - North America. The mine in the north of the map is a lot of corridors, buildings and narrow passages. The island to the south is a vast open area, littered with lonely buildings and dilapidated wooden shacks of diggers and miners. In the central part of the map, the muddy banks of the river are connected by a bridge. The map has been upgraded to improved quality and returned to the game in update 1.0.2

    Mannerheim line

    Snowy and rocky terrain with many different obstacles and cover. The winding roads leading around the mountain ranges and along the river bank allow you to unexpectedly find yourself in the rear of the advancing enemy, and also create many convenient places for ambushes. Former name - "Arctic".


    The urban development in the center of the map is the most important strategic area. Two more areas stand out on the map: the city square, where you can fight at long distances, and the area outside the city limits, where maneuverable vehicles can best manifest themselves.


    A map in the midst of the snow-capped mountains of Scandinavia in the atmosphere of endless winter. Pierced by fierce winds, the central part of the map gives room for bold reconnaissance maneuvers. A ship graveyard in a frozen bay is suitable for positional combat. Roads along the mountains will serve as breakthroughs to the enemy base, and fishing villages will become the site of deadly ambushes to repel attacks.


    Divided in half by a river, the map has three possible lines of attack. The central bridge is located among the ruins of a small city. The area near the north and south bridges has a small amount of cover. As firing positions, you can use the castle and the line of hills on the opposite side of the map.

    Desert maps


    The map is a British military airfield with the surrounding area. Location - North Africa. Command bases are located in two small port villages. In the center between them is a rocky hill, allowing you to control the surrounding expanses and access to the bases. The location is replete with convenient places for ambushes and numerous paths for breakthroughs and maneuvers. At the top of the map is the airfield itself with two large aircraft hangars and a runway. The developers paid great attention to the surroundings: in this game location you can find various equipment (airplanes, fuel trucks, ambulances), a radar station, a canteen and a shower room for staff, a mosque with a minaret, ancient ruins, fishing boats and more.

    sandy river

    At first sight, this card seems very open, but it is not. Even though mud houses in villages are easily destroyed, they can be successfully used as a defense. The flanks are well covered by rocky massifs and high dunes, which allows attacking from unexpected directions.

    lost city

    A carefully balanced symmetrical mixed map created with the participation of leading players. The discreet color palette and soft daylight are designed to provide maximum gaming comfort. One of the maps where battles took place within game mode"Superiority".

    Al Halluf

    In the center of the map is a spacious valley filled with rocks and small vegetation. The high mountains on both sides of the valley provide plenty of firing positions. Regardless of the route, the attackers will face a difficult climb to the enemy camp.

    Special cards


    This is how Kharkov looks in the world of destroyed equipment, which is in the power of Leviathan. The map was created for game event for Halloween (October-November 2017).

    Cards removed from the game


    On the map, there are two main directions along the flanks and the direction of support - through the center. Hot battles for dominance in the city will take place on two bridges connecting a small factory with a central square. The team that manages to break through the crossing will get more opportunities to bypass the enemy and tactical maneuvers. You can go behind enemy lines and provide support to the allies by destroying enemy artillery through the north-western direction at the foot of the mountain. Plenty of cover and small elevation changes throughout the route will allow you to fully realize the potential of fast, maneuverable vehicles. Central diagonal - shortest route to the enemy base, it provides an opportunity to quickly transfer forces and support the allies on the flanks.


    The map is completely identical to the well-known Ruinberg, differing from it only by the time of year. The circular square in the western part of the city serves as a place for protracted positional battles. Concentric city streets are suitable for the gradual breaking of enemy defenses by heavily armored vehicles, and a long radial street will allow dagger fire at the enemy. The eastern area of ​​the map is quite open and quite suitable for medium tank maneuvers, but only if they control a small settlement in the middle of this zone.

    pearl river

    The rugged landscape opens up great opportunities for using various combat tactics - ambushes, sudden detours, clashes in small areas. Movement along the river bed allows you to quickly reach the enemy base and engage in battle. Remember that on this map you must not forget about your rear.

    Winter Himmelsdorf

    The map is a complete copy of the original Himmelsdorf, with the only exception being that it is a winter type map. A labyrinth of streets and squares, extremely inconvenient for artillery and anti-tank self-propelled guns, but ideal for quick breakthroughs and bypasses of light and medium tanks. Detours - through the hill dominating the area with a castle and along the tracks of the railway station - will help to get out of the positional impasse that has formed.


    The game location consists of two sections of low-lying wetlands. They are separated by a river that can be crossed by three bridges. In the center of the map is a small hill with abundant vegetation and a few buildings. The players refer to it as "the island", although it is technically a peninsula adjacent to the north coast. The bases are located in the west and east, but the teams start the fight in the north and south.


    Starting positions on rocky slopes do not provide any cover, so the best tactic will be a successful occupation of city streets. Artillery is located on both sides of the city's cathedral - a breakthrough in this area will be a significant contribution to victory.

    fire arc

    The Arc of Fire map is a copy of the Prokhorovka map, however, lighting, landscape, sound and visual accompaniment during the battle have been changed in this location to convey more atmosphere during the battle. The “arc of fire” is a reference to the events of the Great Patriotic War on the Kursk ledge, when in July 1943 the largest tank battle in the history of mankind took place between Germany and the USSR. Open hilly area separated by a railway embankment. Groups of trees provide excellent cover for anti-tank self-propelled guns. When attacking, watch the flanks. Defensively, attack the flanks of the enemy. Artillery has freedom of action, but is extremely vulnerable to raids by high-speed light forces.

    Ruinberg on fire

    The map is a complete copy of the Ruinberg map with changed lighting and design. The concentric street system of the city, dense trees and bushes in the park allow covert maneuvers and the rapid transfer of reserves. Artillery operations in the city area are very difficult, but the high degree of destruction in the city allows you to provide effective support to your allies.

    Sacred Valley

    Most of the area is occupied by a hollow lost in the mountains. The presence of numerous villages, high cliffs, trees and bushes allows you to choose the best tactics for combat.


    Visually, the landscape and nature of the map resembles the North American region with characteristic vegetation and mountain ranges in the atmosphere of early autumn. The map is replete with buildings, slides, rocky shelters. The buildings are mostly indestructible, there are quite good positions for heavy equipment and places for light. At the same time, there are good positions for SPGs, as well as paths and loopholes for medium and light tanks. The map is quite balanced for all types of vehicles and does not have a pronounced imbalance, because. has diagonal symmetry.


    The map was added in update 0.8.7, the working title was Belogorsk 19. The snow-covered Soviet factory town, divided in two by an ice-bound creek, can be captured from a variety of directions, but it is perfectly shot through from the surrounding hills, which offer numerous cover, firing positions, and routes. Removed from the game in update 0.9.5.

    hidden village

    The most hidden is the direction at the foot of the mountain, which is perfect for heavy equipment. Fast and agile vehicles can be used to storm the village, but you should be wary of the enemy lurking on the hill. Altitude control provides a tangible tactical advantage.


    Dense urban development in the center of the map allows you to use different tactics. The open embankment is well suited for quick battles and maneuverable vehicles.

    What are card suits called in different countries?

    1. French:
      le pique - peaks
      le carreau - tambourines
      le tr#232;fle - clubs
      le c#339;ur - worms
      The English sequence is the same:
      spades, diamonds, clubs (cards), hearts
    2. From the history:
      Ordinary cards appeared on the European continent no later than the 14th century. Back in 1367, the card game was banned in the city of Bern, and ten years later, a shocked papal envoy watched with horror as the monks enthusiastically cut into cards near the walls of their monastery. In 1392, Jacquemain Gringonner, the jester of the mentally ill French King Charles VI, drew a deck of cards for the amusement of his master. The then deck differed from the current one in one detail: it had only 52 cards. There were not enough four ladies, whose presence seemed then superfluous. Only in the next century, Italian artists began to depict Madonnas not only in paintings, but also on maps.

      In these Arabic cards, only a trained eye can guess the king of hearts and the five of clubs.
      There was no uniformity in card suits
      In early Italian decks, they were called "swords", "cups", "denarii" (coins) and "wands". It seems, as in India, it was associated with the estates: the nobility, the clergy and the merchant class, while the wand symbolized the royal power standing above them. In the French version, swords turned into "spades", cups into "worms", denarii into "diamonds", and "batons" into "crosses" or "clubs" (the latter word in French means "clover leaf") . In different languages, these names still sound differently; for example, in England and Germany these are "shovels", "hearts", "diamonds" and "clubs", and in Italy - "spears", "hearts", "squares" and "flowers". On German cards, you can still find the old names of suits: "acorns", "hearts", "bells" and "leaves". As for the Russian word "worms", it comes from the word "red" ("red"): it is clear that "hearts" originally referred to the red suit.

      Indian maps have long been round.

      Names of suits (only the first indicated is literary):
      * #9824; peaks (guilt, blame)
      * #9827; clubs (crosses, crosses, acorns)
      * #9829; worms (worms, fats)
      *#9830; tambourines (tambourines, tambourines, calls).
      The cards of spades and clubs are called black, while the cards of hearts and diamonds are called red.
      In other languages

      English names of cards and suits
      * Clubs clubs
      * diamonds diamonds
      * Hearts hearts
      * Spades spades
      * B = J Jack
      * D = Q Queen
      * K = K King
      Cards under ten are named by numerical designation (three, four .. ten). The exception is the two deuce.
      French titles cards and suits
      * Clubs tr#232;fles
      * Drums carreaux
      * Hearts coeurs
      * Peaks piques
      * V = V Valet
      * D = D Dame
      * K = R Roi
      * T = A As
      Polish names of cards and suits
      * Clubs trefl, zoledz trefl, zhovedzh
      * Tambourines karo, dzwonek karo, dzonek
      * Hearts czerwo, kier worm, kier
      * Peaks pik, wino pik, wine
      * B = J jopek pack
      * D = Q dama lady
      * K = K krol krol
      * T \u003d A As ac

      German maps from the 19th century depicting actors