Ball games. Games for adult companies. Outdating solitaire and its varieties

Municipal Autonomous Secondary Institution

secondary school №21 of Chelyabinsk

Ballroom entertainment


Scientific leader:, Master of Regional, Higher Qualification Category, Maura Sosh No. 21

Chelyabinsk, 2013.

Introduction ................................................... .................................................. .............. 3.

1.1. What is "ball"? ... ........................................... ............................................four

1.2. Varieties of balls ..................................................................4

1.3. Organization of balls ............... .. ................................................ ..5

1.4. Ballroom traditions and etiquette ...................................................... ..6

1.5. Ballroom suit ............................................................................ 7

1.6. Responsibilities of Cavaller ................... .............................................9

Chapter 2. Ballroom Entertainment

2.1. Game in "Living" pictures ............................................................ .9

2.2. Phanti and spiritual session ................................................... ..10

2.3. Outdating solitaire and its variety ....... ..................... ....... 11

2.4.The .................................................................................... 12.

2.5.Showers ................................................................................................13

Conclusion ................................................................................. 13.

Literature ................................................................................. ..14



On the eve of the Cadet Bala, I would like to figure out the answer to one simple question: what is the ball at all? Let's figure out how the balls were held, and what passions they caused what they were taught, what traditions were followed. If you judge the literature, the ball is luxurious outfits, duels because of insulted honor or rivalry in love, champagne to the bottom and card games until the morning. But, if we turn to historical sources, we will see that the ball is a targeted action, the main task of which was to create the conditions for communication of young people, to work out the habit of following their special etiquette, develop the taste. That is, a good educational event and is still a whole performance that, with a traditional composition, makes a lot of options and unexpected turns of the plot.

The relevance of research It is to study the traditions of balls in Russia and Europe, which affects the education of the younger generation.


1. Develop the ability to apply the knowledge gained in practice.

2. Rail the responsiveness to the beautiful in life and art, love for national traditions.

3. To form an understanding of the role of balls in the life of Russia XVII - XIX century. in. and modern society.

Object researchare the ballroom traditions of Russia.

Subject of research are entertainment on balas.

Hypothesis of research It is that the ballroom traditions of pre-revolutionary Russia receive their second birth in modern Russian society.

Novelty of research lies in comparison of ballroom entertainment in Russia of the XVII-XIX century. in. With balls in Russia of the XXI century.

Social significance- Work can be used in the lessons of history, local history, MHC and on cooling hours.

Chapter 1. The history of the origin of balls

1.1. What is "ball"?

The word "ball" came to Russian from German; Translated it means "ball".
In the old days in Germany, there was such a custom: for Easter, rural girls with songs went around their girlfriends, who over the past year married. Each of them was given on the ball, stamped with wool or down. In response, the young woman was obliged to arrange a treat and dancing for all youth, honeying at their own account of musicians. How many people were in the village of newlyweds, so much and balls, or balls, that is, dance parties. In Russia, until the end of the XVII century, nothing like balls did not exist. In 1718, the decree of Peter was established by the Assembly, which became the first Russian bales. Throughout the XVIII - XIX centuries. Balls have become more and more fixed in Russian everyday life and soon ceased to be the belonging of only a noble lifestyle, penetrating into all the layers of the urban population. Some ballroom dancing, for example, "Kadril", in the XIX in steel dance even in the village. The ball had its own rules, its dance sequence and its etiquette, special for each historic era. The obligatory belonging of the Bala was an orchestra or ensemble of musicians. Dancing under the piano ball were not considered. The ball has always ended with dinner and very often included additional, except dancing, entertainment: a small concert of specially invited artists or lovers - singers and musicians - from among guests, live paintings, even an amateur play.

1.2. Balley varieties

Balls performed very important social functions. They allowed to establish and maintain links between different circles of society (within the same social layer).
Court Balls, pretty famous and boring, were considered official events. They gathered thousands of guests. Participation in the court balas was mandatory for those invited. The Great Balls gave representatives of the most prominent and richest families of Moscow and St. Petersburg. Guests convened at the choice of the hosts of the house from among their friends, relatives and the Great Families. Here, the secular debuts of young people and girls, whom they started to launch. The brilliant guards youth with pleasure hit Moscow from St. Petersburg. In the Hall of the Noble Assembly, the balls were arranged twice a week, which was going to five thousand people. On such balas, you could have fun from the soul, in contrast to the sinny and ceremony court balls in Cold St. Petersburg. In Moscow Bals, the weddings were consolidated "Moscow was famous for the brides, as Vyazma gingerbread," Pushkin wrote.

Public balls often given in the province. Funds on such balls were going on a subscription (in a fold), or they sold tickets that could buy anyone. Family balls are usually the most fun and relaxed. They were timed to family holidays, invited relatives and close acquaintances. Charity balls were held to sell tickets, and they arrange charity trading in the halls. All funds reversed from the ball went in favor of some kind of children's shelter, educational institutions affected by natural disaster, etc.

The most relaxed bulbs - family. Family balls were organized on the occasion of memorable family dates, which invitations were distributed in advance. In the halls held all sorts of auctions and contests, and the money came across the shelters. In the art film "Anna on the neck", the main heroine of Anna performed by the famous actress A. Larionova was invited to hold such a charitable lottery.
Children's balls - These are special balls that arranged in the first half of the day or in private houses, or in the room of dancers. There were also brought completely small children, and adolescents. In children's balas, the girls of twelve, thirteen or fourteen years old, who were considered brides were danced. Children's balls differed to fun, the relaxed setting of the children's game was imperceptible to fascinating coquetry.

Special traditions were balls cadet and Junkers. Their distinctive

the feature was that under the strict supervision of educators on these balas there were Cadets, Juncker and their peers from the gymnasiums or institutions of noble maidens. At these balas, the future elite of Russian society was taught to apply the rules of etiquette in practice, behave correctly. It was on these bala that the irreconcilable rivalry of representatives of various corps in the art of dance went. Cadet balls have always distinguished the spirit of competition. For each school, it was especially honorable to be a recognized "first number" in dancing, so the ball was prepared very carefully, in order to "not lose the hull honor to society"
Bali Masquerada were especially loved by society. Mandatory attributes were masks, Domino Cloaks. The atmosphere of mystery has facilitated to liberated communication. To the ball was preparing in advance. The owner and hostess could ask to help any of those invited. It turns out that even at the time of Catherine II offered services organizers of the holidays. Food, drinks were often delivered from clubs or restaurants.

Much attention was paid to the appearance of the holiday. Floweries decorated with rooms from living colors, the executive young secretaries sent invitations. Balls took place in special halls - apartments that allow you to organize ballroom dancing. The ballrooms were surrounded by dining rooms, buffet, smoking rooms. Special attention was paid to music numbers. Having your own orchestra was a great pride of the owners. In each noble house there was a collection of musical instruments. In Russia, the performances of famous performers enjoyed constant demand. Dinner and musical evening were the unchanged component of the ball.
1.1. Organization of Bala

The whole responsibility for holding a private ballet, naturally lay on the owner and the hostess, but often they resorted to help persons from the list of invited. Guest service, food and drinks for the ball can be provided by the club or hotel restaurant, where it was decided to hold a solemn event, and if the balls have come together at home, you can contact the Agency for the delivery of products and guests' service. The decoration of the room was ordered to floral workers, and the troubles associated with guest invitation were commissioned to the secretaries.
The organization of the Public Bala was entrusted to the preparatory committee, the functions of the chairman of which were comparable to the functions of the hostess. Each member of the Preparatory Committee was given some particular order for the organization of the Bala: one was engaged in invitations, the other - the decoration of the premises, the rest - the choice of the orchestra, the treats.
In the rich houses, the venue of the receptions served the front apartments - usually they were located Anfilat, the central part of which occupied the ballroom, and the living rooms, buffet and dining rooms were located on the sides. The most noble and rich people for this purpose were built separate buildings. In homes, residential premises were used for reception. At the beginning of the XIX century, practically in every noble house there were musical instruments, often expensive, richly decorated. Naturally, chamber music was performed in the home concerts - in Russia he listened and loved European composers. In addition, famous performers were invited to rich houses. At first, it was mostly vocalists, the soloists of the court theaters or guests, then, with the development of instrumental execution, virtuosos - pianists and violinists.

1.4. Ballroom traditions and etiquette

The main entertainment in the nineteenth century was the ball and dinner. Meanwhile, they were essential, but not at all mandatory constituent evening. The Russian nobility culture of the nineteenth century on this score has developed a flexible system of elements that could vary depending on the reason, quantity and age of guests and many other circumstances.
Even in the Petrovsk era, the first latent guide and a good tone appeared. It was called "Youth Honest Zernalo, or a testimony for everyday passage." Here they were given the most general instructions on how to keep themselves in society. For example, the court man was not advised by "hands and legs on the table everywhere to bother, but it's not to draw twigs and a knife on the plates and tablecloths. When you say with people, be a chance, telling a little, and listen to. A court man should not Nose to snoring and blinking, and below the neck and shoulder, allegedly from the habits, shake. Not a name and not invited to visit, do not go, for it says: who goes, not called, he does not go away, not Bran. "
Similar instructions were published and later. Among them were written in verses:
Try so that your nose was fresh and clean;
I did not snort, not nozzles, I would not publish a whistle,
Try at the table so hands keep,
So that the dresses will not make a lady.

The Bala organizers at the appointed hour were gathered at the entrance to the room where the solemn event was to be held to welcome guests. If the ball is private, invited by the owner and the hostess, if the public is the responsible members of the Preparatory Committee.
Guests went to a private house where the reception was organized, and before approaching the owners and greet them, filmed upper clothes in the wardrobe. After the exchange of handshaking with the owners, guests took place in the ballroom.
In the ballroom near the dance floor, there were almost always tables with chairs, where in the break between the dancing could have been resting. It was customary to be invited to the dances of women with whom they sat nearby at the table, their wives and the host of reception. If the hostess sat after another table, the man did not follow it until he was convinced that all the ladies who were sitting at his desk, there are partners or they are busy talking with their neighbors so that no woman remainsless. According to the rules of good tone, only young people of both sexes could double the entire ball.

It was possible to change partners only in breaks between the dances or when the musicians played "on bis". When the dances ended, every guest before leaving was to come to the owner and the hostess, thank them and say goodbye.

1.5. Bible costume

Bala clothes obeyed certain rules. Up until the 60s of the 19th century, men were considered indecent to come to the ball in pants. For this there were special short, knees, bright pants. To them, white stockings and open shoes with buckles were put on. For the ball, a dark fracture was required, which was worn with a bright vest and white tie (butterfly).
The ladies of the nineteenth century, the ladies of the nineteenth century usually seen with short sleeves, open, out of thin and lungs - silk, gas, kitty, lace. The dance dress was a little bit shorter than it was taken for casual wear: opened the feet to the ankle. The length of the dress pointed out an experienced eye, whether the lady was going to dance. It was for this reason that it was hurry to shorten the dress of Natasha Rostova in the novel "War and Peace": households seemed to the households that the ballroom holders would take Natasha for not dancing.
Ballroom outfits for girls who are leaving for the first time (they were called debutants), they were preparing especially carefully. Traditionally, they were bright, more often - white, and were separated by artificial snowdrops, forget-me-not, pale daisies. Budgets of such colors pounded to the hair.

For subsequent balls, the young girl dresses could be a little more, but according to the Russian tradition, the girl from a good society should not have worn jewels (except for a modest pearl thread or a chain with a small suspension), expensive, bright or dark fabrics, feathers and fur. All this was allowed only to married ladies. Riding elegance I. good taste It was considered a ball outfit without a single color spot. So as not to grab the ballroom toilet, threw it on top of it spacious capecalled "Sortie de Bal".
The young girl appeared in society with Flowers or bogati. in volochBut the married lady usually put on a headdress: light hat without fields (current), beretor at least Nakol from tapes and lace. In this rule, the old Russian custom, according to which married women were not allowed to be shown in humans with a uncoated head. Men appeared on balas without hats. Do not dancing ladies came for holidays in long dresses from a dense and relatively heavy, "not ball" matter velvet, silk tote, wool, etc.
Air and light ballroom outfits turned out to be amazing

fragile. The ballroom shoes often wiped up to the holes in one evening, and after the ball, removing, the servants certainly swept out of the halls of lace slices, crumpled, crumpled flowers, sequins and feathers.

In the XIX century, from time to time included dame gloves Without fingers, closing only palm. The ring on top of the ordinary glove in the nineteenth century was considered a terrible misery, but the bracelets to wear in such cases did not take place.

Ball gown It was just just seeing. In fact, it was a very expensive product of tailoring art. The basis of it was a corset - it is a tool to torture with beauty. Want to be beautiful - cord and pull, even if the waist is less than 60 cm - you still duck. Competently stitched corset could drag the waist to 20 cm. The lower skirts contributed to the dress with the exciting break and blocked. The dress was supposed to fit the selected style and era. Fashion of any time strictly regulates cuts, cut, fabrics and decoration elements.

Movement in Baln Dress- This is special art: it takes to pick up the skirts in time for a step or a renewress, not to mention such a figure of the highest pilot, like the rise in the stairs. In dancing, a long loop is simply thrown through hand or mounted to the brush, specially intimate loop. Wearing a dress with a train, the lady should be remembered that before getting off the place, you should see if anyone is on it.

Ballroom shoes. Here every century has their own requests. Boots with lowered noses - to a dress with "hellish windows" (deep cuts on the sides of the dress), satin shoes - ballet shoes - to an ampir style. But for dancing on the floor it is the most convenient to take dance shoes. And do not forget the rosin on the soles! Now you can only wonder how with all this, the girl on the ball managed to stay languid, elegant, air and tender.

1.6. Kavalera obliqueness

Special duties assigned to the ball on the cavaliers. They had to be flawless. They were under the most close attention on the ball.
In order for the usual man to be perceived as a cavalier for Bala, he had to be trained to dance (to perfection), to understand the gallant etiquette, be able to apply him to the lady.
To keep conversations, he had to deal with politics, weather, literature, painting, music, be able to joke and quote classics.
That is why the Lord Junkers and Cadets were especially valued. Trained etiquette, competent, brushed, shine straightened and epolutions, and most importantly - dancing like gods. Many came to Cadet Balls to see exactly how the cadets dance, to learn from them to the manners.

Chapter 2. Entertainment on Bals 2.1. Game in "Living" pictures

Popular Youth Ball Entertainment of the late XVIII - early XX V.- game in "Live" paintings. It was especially common on family balas and evenings. Showed live paintings before dancing or in a break between them. They demanded preparation and rehearsals, so they prepared in advance, often in the form of a surprise to someone from family members.

For living paintings, several stories were chosen, well known to all those present: religious, literary, historical, mythological or fabulous, such as "Apollo and Music", "three graces", "Moses in the Desert", "Siegfried and Crimgilda" (from the ancient German epic " Song of Nibelunghah ")," Maria Stewart in Doktnica "," Underwater Kingdom ", etc., then distributed roles. If there was an opportunity, painted the scenery, chose props and sewed costumes, and if it were not, we were with a screwdriver: instead of decoration, the drapery was hung, the costumes reduced several parts - flood, crown, etc.

During the presentation, the participants of a living picture to the music went on the scene, were located by a group corresponding to the plot, and for the team, they fell in complete immobility - as in the picture. A minute later on the new team, the postures changed, and a new scene arose on the same plot, and then again. Especially exquisite was considered such a living picture in which after all the movements of the acting persons arose a scene, a certain known picturesque canvas repeating exactly. In one view, he was shown from three to five living paintings, in which young people and adolescents took part - children.

2.2. Fanta and Spiritic Session

Guests on the ball very often played in phanti.. For example, a young lady to buy out his phanta had to sing, dance, swim in a pen and kiss with the first cavalier, which will enter the hall. Shortly until midnight wishes were invited to participate in spiritic session- Such a popular entertainment on the Bals of the 19th century. Special board, divided into sectors "Yes", "No", "Perhaps", with a rim from numbers and a magnet gave an answer to all questions that the host of the session asked. For example, one of the ladies wanted to know if her daughter would be happy in the next few years. Spirit answered evasively: "maybe", but the numbers suggested that it was necessary to do to ensure the happiness of the daughter.

2.3. Outdating solitaire and its varieties

On the ball loved to guess on the maps, lay the solitaire.

Solitanit is called a card game, calculated most often on one player. Its essence is in targeted movement, replacement and combination of playing cards, the initial alignment of which is completely accidental. Maps move according to advanced rules in such a way as to achieve some particular result. This is an entertaining entertainment, and the way of divination.

Solitaire serves as an excellent means against stress, because with all the frivolousness of the game, a person who has decided to spend time for placing cards, will have to be attentive and calm. This can be judged by the very name - solitaire, or in French Patience, translated into Russian means "patience". There are different versions of the origin of solitaire. But according to one of them, we owe the seizures of the XVII century that languished in the dungeons of the Royal France. It is not by chance that many solitaires wear the names of the famous personalities of that era. In the prison cards beat the only entertainment, and the noble prisoners made their contribution to their history. But soon the caasemates were crowded for new gameAnd it entered the fashion with the royal court, and the French monarchs themselves became her hot fans.

Solitales Very varied. This game can be played not only alone, Solitaire "Sympathy", for example, is designed to participate two people. Some solitaires require tense attention and manifestations of combinatorial abilities, the result of others depends on the luck and on how the map "will". Some layouts take quite a lot of time, others are very simple and can be played between the case, in just a few minutes. One person could play solitaire "Napoleon", "Catherine Great", "Paganini", "Garden", "Vorozhba » other .

2.4. post office

On the ball worked post office. Postmen were always ready to transfer the message of any value, whether it was recognized in love or information about the new opening, whose admiration for a faithful person or fragment of a literary duel. If anyone on the ball did not know how to confess in love, make a beautiful compliment or just say pleasant if his heart struck his newly familiar man, a stranger or a stranger, he used mail. If someone just wanted to attract the attention of the opposite sex, the mail came to help them. Etiquette did not allow the postmen to disclose the secrets of the heart or the sender's name.
The game "My secret friend" - Appendix to mail. Bala participants at the entrance recorded their number and F. I.O. on a specially prepared form. Cavalers placed their form in one container, ladies - to another,

2.5. Charades

Not only danced on the ball, they played, but also broke out charades.

Charade- This is a kind of complicated riddles: the ridden word is divided (usually in syllables) into separate words, and each of them, and then the whole are described through periprase. If the riddle goes back to deep mythological antiquity, to trial rituals, archaic tabulation of objects or actions (for example, hunting), to relaying experience with clisited formulas (hence the transition of riddles to proverbs and sayings). Charaks were known from the III-VI centuries, but special popularity in the form of poems, and then the stages received in the salon culture of the XVIII century, which is associated with the overall burden of the Baroque art with periprase) description of one concept with a few) ..


Ball is an indispensable attribute of Russian culture, which came to us from Western Europe. He was designed to determine the type of social behavior within society. The ball was organized, had a clear structure, a certain order of dances and strict etiquette. Dances were at the same time not only a means of a pleasant pastime - they were extremely attached great importance In public human behavior, there was a necessary condition for education and education, and not only the higher education of society, but also the average.


1. Theological and morals of the Russian nobility in the first half of the XVIII century. M., 12.

2. Balls and holidays in Russia. M., 2000. S. S.

3. Vasilyeva-christmas-equipment dance. M., 1963. P. 128-129. .

4. Merry old man: about the passions of the Russian court under Peter I; about the first balas in Russia. / Sost . Kaliningrad, 2005. P. 63. 1.

5. 5. Goltsev and morals in Russia XVIII century. St. Petersburg, 1896. P. 24;

6. Diary of the Chamber Junker. 1721-1725 Translation from German. Part 2. M., 1902. P. 71.

7. Zakharov Russian balls. M., 1998. P. 7. 3.

8. Zakharova ceremonials and ceremonies of power in Russian Empire. XVIII - the beginning of the twentieth century. M., 2003. P. 228;

9. Prince Peter the Great. M., 1909. P. 6

10. Kolesnikova in Russia XVIII - the beginning of the twentieth century. St. Petersburg., 2005. P. 185.

11. On the first balas in Russia // Polar Star. St. Petersburg., 1823.

12. Kornilovich Russians in Peter Great. St. Petersburg., 1901. P. 56.

13. Dustyov live. St. Petersburg., 1897. P. 127

14. Shubinsky balls in Russia // Historical essays and stories. M., 1995. P. 26.16-19.


Role playing ball "War and Peace"

Ball in Austria

Dance in the system of noble education

Such a brilliant and nicely decorated game ballroom dancing for girls! Just a great task awaits participants today. Indeed, the best and most talented couple, which is unforgettable dancing, has an incredibly important performance. Heroes, of course, know a sense in dance costumes, but today they cannot focus on anything. To speak in such a prestigious hall, they have never fallen out in their fate. Now they ask for help, since each of them needs to have the most beautiful image, and besides, the two of their outfits should be perfectly combined with each other. Well, so, maybe someone will succeed to provide quick and high-quality help for them? The sound and melody in the game is very easy to disable. From above on the game screen there are two special icons for this. Variants of hairstyles set. We must not forget that it is necessary to select hair shade and hairstyle for each of the heroes of this beautiful game. So, why not make one of this talented bars with blond hair, and the other with darker? Or do they both give the same hair color?

Will be over, breaking your head. This performance is important that dancers should not look funny against the background of other couples. They will be obliged to give the wonderful mood to people, but at the same time each of the heroes of the game should shine, and not mix. After all, it is not a circus and these wonderful dancers, not at all clowns. Their talent has a completely different color. The choice of dresses for the girl is striking by their variety, as well as great amount Dresses for speeches in the wardrobe Hero of this glorious game. By the way, dragging the beautiful alway rose at the bottom or up, after selecting a category, it is possible to view the options for the costumes completely. The game is all extremely easy! For control is needed only computer mouse. The game screen flickers flickering, why the whole entertainment process becomes even more pleasant.

Everyone knows that outfits for performing real dancers look very beautiful, and if we are talking about ballroom dancing, then the costumes are not only with a lot of advanced elements and look greatly perfectly, but also stand very expensive. Thanks to this game, there is an opportunity to admire all this magnificence, completely free. Dresses for the heroine of the game, be sure to enjoy every baby. Only picking up a suitable outfit and shoes to him for this queen, you must not forget the same thing about the beautiful young man from the game of ballroom dancing. Oh, a huge wardrobe for speeches in two of these talented personalities! Clothes are just a sea, at least swim in the brilliance of these expensive stones. By clicking on the button with the inscription "Finish", there is an opportunity to admire the result obtained, and even change the background on which the star dance couple will move in the brilliance of sofit.

List of materials used

Introduction to the category

Any Bala or Dance Evening Organizer wonders sooner or later - than to take guests who want to relax from dances, or those who do not know the program very well and can bother. The secular conversations are not allowed with the same ease with which they entertained our ancestors brought up in the traditions of light salon chatter (or, on the contrary, complex court intrigues). It happens that from attempts to come up with a topic for conversation, to find where to children's hands, and at the same time preserve a kindly expression of the face, the guests get tired not less, and even more than from the fastest gallount or regions.

Obviously, the same issues occupied the owners and in the XIX, and in the XVII centuries, and at any other time, with the only difference that the culture of the joint pastime was alive, and it did not have to model or recreate it. However, it is precisely the difference in general education, in habit and skills, creates difficulties in trying to use the "ancestors' experience." I will give only two well-known examples - co-musication and a quotier. Playing on musical instruments, accompanying each other when performing Aria, romances or popular songs, joint execution of a particular work for entertainment of the public or for your own pleasure was a natural occupation for any educated person from the Middle Ages and until the end of the XIX - early XX centuries. Do many are under force today? Alas. The lack of knowledge is the first cause of the difficulties arising from the recreation of the ballroom "life." The second - the norms of behavior, blurred framework of etiquette and permitted by a long time, which is highly changed from a long time and not very long time. Pickiness, attractiveness and secret meaning of many ballroom games with a modern person are often completely incomprehensible. That is why many (almost all) shapes of a quotylon, who was a wonderful entertainment for the Bala guests in the XIX century, with inappropriate causes bewilderment at best. Get a cracker, extract a folk costume from it, dress it in a special room and under the sounds of perky music to portray "people's" dance - what is it? ... well, finally, the last difficulty - the farther in the depths of the centuries, the more our ideas about Entertainment nobility. The XIX century studied almost thoroughly, but what about XV? What to offer the guest of the Historical Bala of the Renaissance?

Board for board games, Musée National Du Moyen Age, France, end XV century.

What do not say, without board games or their analogues do not do. They were popular at all times, they accelerate boredom and ancient Egyptians, and Celts, and Romans, and Crusaders. Maps, bones, backgammon, chess and checkers come to mind almost immediately, and absolutely fair. But if we try to dance exactly just as our ancestors danced, do not try to play exactly the same rules for which they played? In this small article I will give the rules of some games (about, not all!), Which were popular in the XIV-XVII centuries and which are easy to organize anywhere and at any time.

As the experience of using this material is shown at CST activities, almost all descriptions of the games are incomplete or do not explain completely all the situation during the game. Before using one or another game in a wide range, I would advise you to pre-try it on those who wish to find out all the "pitfalls" and make appropriate amendments and additions to the Rules, in order to give guests to the Bala, we received pleasure, and did not spend time on brewing and Mutual displeasures. We will be grateful for any information about the improvements made and for their part over time will also make appropriate clarifications.

Card Games to Table

Not the time nor the exact place of playing cards are not known. In the old Chinese dictionary, Ching Jie Tunga, who became fashionable in Europe in 1678, it says that the maps were invented in China in 1120. Four masters symbolized seasons, and 52 cards are the number of weeks per year. There are also information that the Chinese and the Japanese before the appearance of playing cards from paper have already played signs, like cards, from ivory or wood with drawn figures, and in medieval Japan were original playing cards From the sink mussels. They were decorated with drawings depicting flowers, landscapes, household scenes. With the help of such cards, it was possible to lay "solitaire" - the sinks laid out on the table and searched among them "twins". In the XIII century, the cards became known in India and Egypt.

Regarding the appearance of cards in Europe there are several versions. At one of them, the beginning of the game of the card refers to the XV century and coincides with the appearance of Gypsies in the European territory. On the other purpose, the well-known cards, according to the testimony of Jesuit Menstria, is attributed to the XIV century, when one little-known painter named Zhomin Gringoner invented cards for the entertainment of the saming king of France Charles VI (1368-1422), which became a story under the name of Karl insane. Maps allegedly were the only means that reassured the royal patient between the attacks of madness. And during the reign of Charles VII (1422-1461), they were improved and at the same time received their present names.

Nevertheless, it is still a hypothesis that is not confirmed by other data, and some chronicles refer the origin of the cards by the XIII century. This assumption has a historic basis, since during the reign of the Holy Louis in 1254, a decree was issued, prohibiting a card game in France under the fear of punishment. Italian manuscript of 1299 also talks about banning the game of cards. In 1260, a special shop of manufacturers and merchants of playing cards was founded in Germany. The Order of Calatrava (Calatrava) in 1331 banned the game to the cards in Spain, and this prohibition was repeated in 1387 by John I, the King of Castile. On the existence of cards in Castile at King Alphonse Xi speaks his decree in 1332, prohibiting card games. It is also believed that playing cards were listed in Europe by Sarcins. In the chronicle of one Italian city for 1379 years): "... entered in Viterbo game in the card, which occurs from the country of Saracin and called them is Naib. Saracins were called the Muslims of the East, Arabs. However, human figures are hardly painted on those maps, as now, as the Magomet's Law prohibits Orthodox to make such images. Perhaps the birthplace cards with a picture of modern type is Italy. Their ancient copy, engraved on copper, refers to 1485.

Maps of modern species did not immediately gain universal recognition. IN different countries For a long time they had their own distinctive features. Instead of texts, depicted bowls, coins, swords, sticks.

Manually painted Arab maps of the end of the XV - early XVI centuries.
(Coins, Cups, Sticks and Swords)
The change card Masters in different card systems
(From left to right: Arab, Spanish, Italian, German and French)

Special cards were in Germany. In addition to the king, ladies and currencies, there was a knight. The full deck of cards in Germany contained not 52, and 64 cards, among whom were trumps: the devil, death, etc., the masters of the Germans also had some differences from generally accepted (French). The hearts had a modern outline, peaks (vini) were drawn in the form of green leaves on the bushes and called green. The tambourines were depicted in the form of bubber and called bubber. Acorns (Trephists) indicate a possible Polish influence when borrowing the German maps depicting trephies in the form of an acorns. Modern drawings of the masters adopted in France were borrowed from oriental ornamental. These drawings go from deep antiquity and have religious and magical significance.

Modern traditional playing cards

For a better understanding, I will allow myself to clarify the terms that are used in the description of the Games:

  • Bribe, trick, (Trick - tracing with English :), set - one lad out of the cards (one player lay out the card, the second lay out, etc., until someone has won a bribe);
  • Round, passing - The sequence of bribes from the first to the last, until all the cards available on the hands will be played (unlike our, let's say, "fool", earlier during the game cards were often not climbed from the pack remaining continuously; first ranked one round, then the glasses were counted first or the cards prevented, and only after that they took the following);
  • The game - the sequence of rounds before the winning of one of the players, defined rules games.

Unknown artist, "Players in the cards."
Picture from the archives of the Shakespeare Library.

All Fours to the table of contents

Playing two players and one standard deck out of 52 cards. One of the players is gone.

Maps are mixed, and each of the players is given 6 cards. Players watch cards, then distributing removes the top card with an inverted deck - it will be a trump card. The second player has the right to agree or disagree with it.

  • If he agrees, the game begins.
  • If he agrees, but the upper card at the same time is a currency, then the game begins, but the rating receives 1 point.
  • If he does not agree, having to have the right anyway to appoint this card to the goatre or also to refuse it. If he appoints it a trump card against the desire of the second player, the second gets 1 point. If the trump card was not recognized, the upper cards from the deck are removed until the map does not appear, than rejected. This card becomes a trump card regardless of the wishes of the players.

Begins the game that player who was not passing. Each next bribe starts a player who won the previous one. The oldest card is Ace, younger - two. The senior card wins Trick. Players must lay out the cards of one suit until it is possible. If the player has no initial masta card (the one that the first starting round posted), he can walk a trump card. If there is no visor - any other.

I explain on the example: a player and lays out a seven peak. The player would only have a three peak. He must lay out it. In this surcharge wins the player a and picks up the cards (folds around, but does not remove far away). Trick is complete. The next card is laid out player A.

Player and again lay out peak map - dozen. The player would have a peak no longer, but there is a trump card. He puts out a trump card, any visor beats any other, so this is this surrender wins the player B and takes himself a card. Trick is complete. The next card is laying the player B.

The player B lays out, let's say a lady of worms. Player and there are no worms or trump cards. Then he lay out the Trephic G8 and thus translates the move back to the player B. He must come with the Trephal G8 according to the original rules - to answer any trophical card, a trump card, or a map of another suit, if there is neither treph, nor trumps - and so While someone does not win a bribe.

The round continues until the 6 cards issued in the hands of the players in the hands of the players. After that, each lays down the card rejected during the round and points counting on the following rules:

  • Glasses for the definition of a trump card (see above);
  • 1 point for the use of the highest trump card for a round (that is, the highest trump card from 12 who participated in the delivery of cards);
  • 1 point for using the youngest trump card for a round;
  • 1 point for the highest number of card points.

Card glasses are considered as follows:

  • 4 points for each ace
  • 3 points for each king
  • 2 points for each lady
  • 1 point for each currency
  • 10 points for each tent

Please note that points are counted not only for bought maps, And for all deferred on the results of the round. Maps from twos to nine glasses do not bring.

After the drawing of one round (one delivery), the following is played, distributing change. Wins the player, first scored 49 points.

Alouette to the category

Option on 2 players

Two play. The deck is 48 cards (the usual deck of 52 card minus dozens).

Maps are prevented, the rating distributes to each of the players by 9 shirts up. The remaining maps are postponed. Votary is not. The oldest card is the king, the youngest - ace (one).

One set consists of lad out players on one card each. The player who posted a senior card (excluding suit) wins. If the cards are equal, they are postponed and the next bribe is played. The player who won it wins both seta - the previous and this one. If the "draw" falls on the last set, the player won the first set in this round. The round ends when players are laying out on the last of the 9th cards. Wins the round one who won more networks. After that, the cards are prevented again and surrendered. The game wins the one who first will win 12 rounds.

Option on 4 players

The rules are the same, play two teams. Players of one team sit down diagonally from each other. The first set starts the player sitting on the left of the passing. One set consists of lad out players on one card each. The player who posted a senior card (excluding suit) wins. If the cards are equal, they are postponed and the next bribe is played. The player who won it wins both seta - the previous and this one. If the "draw" falls on the last set, the player won the first set in this round. The round ends when players are laying out on the last of the 9th cards. Wins the round that team whose player won more networks. After that, the cards are prevented again and surrendered. We pass the player who was sitting on his left hand from the first passing. The first team winning 12 rounds wins.

ÂS NAS to the table of contents

Persian card game for 5 people and a special deck of 25 cards of five texts (5 cards of each suit), probably formerly the springchard of some species of poker.

The most eldest card is "ÂS" (ACE, Ace), or "SHîR VAKHURSHíD", which gave the name of the game is the lion and the sun. The remaining four masters are "Padishah" (king), called also "SHÂ" or "Pishâ", "BiBi" (Queen), "Sarbâs" (soldiers), and "Lakkat" (dancer). Sometimes the last map looked different and called "Kouli" - a hunter. As part of one "suit", the cards did not differ, the masters were painted in different colors to facilitate identification.

If there is no special deck for this game, you can make it from conventional deer: postpone five cards of each suit (one (ace), twice, triple, four, five) as four texts, and take as a fifth suit, for example, kings of every suit and joker (for example, to take a king of worms, for Two - King Treph, for the top three - the king of the tambourine, behind the four - king peak and for the top five Joker).

Maps are mixed and each of the five players is issued for two cards. Each of the players, starting with the left-handed hand from the distribution, makes a bet or skips. Each of the remaining in the game takes two more cards. They also make bets in the same order or skip the move (thus, those who missed the move for the first time, and those who misses it now) from the game. Each of the remaining players takes on the fifth, the last, the map. All remaining players open their cards and having the best set of cards takes away all the bets.

The price of dialed cards (starting with the highest):

  • Five cards of one suit (five "kings", five worms, five tambourines, etc.);
  • Five cards of one dignity (five fives, five triples, etc.);
  • Four cards of one dignity;
  • Three cards of one dignity and two - the other ( full house);
  • Three cards of one dignity;
  • Two cards of one dignity.

Basset to the table of office

Gambling for any number of players. Probably appeared in the middle of the XV century in Italy.

The number of cards is determined by the number of participating players according to the following principle:

  • 1 standard deck of 52 cards on 2-3 players and passing;
  • 2 decks on 4-7 players and passing;
  • 3 - 8-11 players and giving;
  • 4 - 12-15 and rating;
  • 5 - 16-19 and giving, etc. For every four new players, add one deck.

Each player giving up 13 cards face up. Does not take yourself a mapping card. Then every player decides which one of his cards it will bet. He can bet on any card or all the cards at once. The rate of bet is not limited and is not regulated (but it can limit the rules of the gambling institution or the mutual agreement of the players). The rate is done as follows: the player puts money on that card he chose. Each player must make his bet before the disintegration starts to open the cards.

Then the rating opens up the top card behind the shirt up on the stack of the remaining cards.

Diving wins all bets made on the cards of the same dignity as open.

After that, the rating removes the following two cards. He wins all bets made on the cards of the same dignity as the first removal card, and pays all the bets made on the cards of the same dignity as the second removed card. After taking into account all the winnings and losses, he removes the following two cards, then the following, etc. By the same scheme. Cards, rates on which were lost, drop out of the game.

If the player has won the bet, he can either remove the card from the game and pick up the winnings (the initial rate + payment of passing), or leave the card, and the bet on it (in original size). To note that the winning card and the rate remained in the game, the corner of the card is bent. If the card remained in the game and lost, the rating takes the score of the initial size, and the map drops out of the game.

If the card remained in the game and won the second time, the rate according to it is paid in a seven-time size. The card that won twice can be removed from the game or left with the score of the original size. The card is bent the second corner. If the card remained in the game for the second time and lost, the rating takes the score of the initial size, and the map drops out of the game.

If the card remained in the game and won the second time, the rate according to it is paid in 15-tactful size, etc. (The third win in a row is paid in a 30-fold size, the fourth - in 60 times). The card, which won 4 times in a row, leaves the game.

School Lucas Van Leiden, "Map players" (approx. 1550/59)

Bone-Ace to the table of contents

The game is first mentioned in the dictionary The World Of Wordes "Florio in 1611. As well as the previous one, it is considered one of the ancestors Black Jack. The game is designed for a standard deck of 52 cards and from two to eight players.

The rating distributes each of the players of 3 cards - the first two shirt up, the last face is upstairs, while all three cards give up simultaneously, and not one to each player in a circle.

The game consists of two parts.

Part One (The Bone): Wins the player, the open card of which gives more points. Winning is one coin or previously stipulated by the participants - paid by each player. If the number of points is equal, the player wins, which is closer to the clockwise delivery. A car of the most dignity is Ace, and Tuz Tuben wins all cards.

Part Two: All three cards open, and wins the player whose cards bring the most close to 31 points of the points (but not more than 31).

In both parts, the glasses are counted as follows: Ace - 11 points, king, lady, currency and a dozen - 10 points, the other cards give the number of points according to their dignity. Winning also pays all the players.

Karnöffel to the category

German card game on a deck of 48 cards and four players.

Karnöffel is one of the oldest card games described. The earliest of the well-known versions of its description refers to 1426.

In the original, inkarnöffel played a "German" deck of 48 cards consisting of cards from two to ten, Vnet (Untermann), knight (Obermann) and King (Köning). The youngest map is twice, the oldest is the king. Although there is an opinion that the early versions of the German decks could include a unit (Ace), no actual evidence was found. However, after the ace became the oldest film of the French deck, the same thing happened with a twos in German. In many later German games, the Two is considered the oldest card. Pay attention to the fact that there is no lady in the deck. It is curious that the knight is often confused with the lady, although a man is drawn in the image.

Since the German deck is not easy to find in our time, you can play French, removing the aces from it and playing ladies as knights.

Playing in Karnöffel couples, players of the same team are diagonally from each other.

The rating distributes to each player for five cards at a time (and not one map in turn), the first map of the shirt down, the rest of the shirt is up. The youngest is open cards (Or, in the case of coincidence, the first open) becomes a trump card on this round, after which the players take themselves all five cards.

The player on the left hand from the passing lay out the map. Each next player clockwise also lays out one map, the sequence of strings, as in other games, does not matter. The player who posted the most senior map (or the oldest trump card), wins the surrender, postphes the cards and starts the following surrender. The game continues until all the cards are laid out. The team that won the larger amount of the pass out of five wins the set. The player who first laid out the map, gives cards in the next round. Team partners are not prohibited to consult each other.

Unlike most of the other card games, in this some trump cards have "special properties" in a number of situations:

  • Valveny currency: beats all other cards;
  • A trump seven (Devil): Beats all other cards, except for the currency, but only if it was posted first. Otherwise, this is not a devil, but just a seven. It is impossible to lay out in the first surrender;
  • Trump six (Pop): Beats all the cards other than those mentioned above;
  • Trump two (Kaiser): Beats all the cards other than those mentioned above;
  • Trump Troika: Does not beats the king and none of the above cards
  • Trump Four: Does not beats the king, queen and none of the above cards;
  • The trump five: does not beat the king, queen, currency and none of the above cards.

Thirty and one to the table of contents

The game dates back to at least 1440. In this year, Bernadine Siena (Bernadine of Sienne) mentioned this game in his instruction of the anti-gaming games. The described game, popular in Spain and Ireland, is one of the expansion games that existed in the XV-XVII centuries. And the initial black Jack's progenitula.

Any number of players participate, starting with two. Each player holds three cards from a standard deck of 52 cards, shirt upstart, starting with a player sitting on the left hand from passing.

After the distribution, players watch their cards and each player, starting with the same player on the left hand from the passing, can throw one card, put it face up. Instead, he can take the top card from the remaining kiloda or the previous card from the stack of the thrown cards. Players continue to throw over the same card over the same card and take themselves new until then, it is shoded from them not knocking twice on the table. After that, everything, except for the knocking, should later throw another one on the same map, and then the cards open. The player, who in the hands will be three cards of one suit, giving up to 31 points (but not more than 31), wins. That, it is exactly 31 points, wins automatically: he should not have a spelling knock on the table or knock himself. Maps are mixed and played.

Points are calculated as follows: 11 points for the ace, 10 points of the turn, lady, valve and ten, 9 for the nine, 8 for the eight, etc. The cards of one dignity, but of different suites, give 30.5 points.

Caravaggio, "Shuler" (approx. 1596)

Games in the bone to the table of contents

The game in the dice was popular around the world from early times. There were hundreds different options games. Here we will consider only those games that do not require anything from the players, besides the hexales actually, the most popular in our time, bones (and, of course, money to make bets).

Shut the cover to the table of contents

This game can be played both on a playing board, and without it. For the game you need 11 bones. Game on any number of players.

Before the game should be placed in a row to a row so that the numbers are visible on the upper edges in the following sequence: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3 (second 1 corresponds to 7, 2 - 8, 3 - 9 ).

The first player throws two bones. After that, it can remove two out of the bones of the bones corresponding to the values \u200b\u200bthrown by them, or one equal to the sum of the values \u200b\u200b(i.e., if, for example, 3 and 4 were discharged, or bones with numbers 3 and 4, or bone with number 7). After reaching out 7.8 and 9, the player throws only one bone. His move ends if there is no one that could be removed after the last throw. Values \u200b\u200bon the remaining bones are summed up and the move goes to another player. A number of bones are built again, the second player performs the same actions, etc. As long as everyone does not play.

Wins one whose amount of the values \u200b\u200bof the remaining bones will be less. The losers pay the downstream in accordance with the difference between their result and the result of the winning (for example, if the first player graduated from 1, and the second - from 9, the second is paying the first eight coins or a different number in accordance with the original rate).

Bones players, from German Manuscript, Österreichische NationalBibliothek, COD. Nr. 3049 (1479)

Publications of the section Tradition

Adult Games

In the secular salons of the XIX century not only read poems, talked about economics and politics, but also spent time for games. "Culture.RF" tells what leisure was popular during the time when there was no television, nor the Internet, nor even electricity.

Card games

In the XIX century, the cards were very popular, but were considered not the most apparent entertainment. They were called "shame of living rooms", "the plant of morals" and "brake of enlightenment." The cultureologist Yuri Lotman noted that the gambling was met by "decisive moral conviction", and at the end of the XVIII - early XIX century was formally prohibited as immoral. At the events of the historian Nikolai Karamzin, for example, never played cards. However, in many other salons, the cartridges flourished. Decembrist Mikhail Bestuzhev-Ryumin recalled that often the owners of the salons were rapidly during the parties: gestured gestured in advance and "pulled out" from players for a hundred rubles.

Books on the secular etiquette, for example, "Rules of secular life and etiquette: a good tone" of compilers of Yuryev and Vladimir, warned young people from game dependencywhich led to debts and bankruptcy: "We have seen a lot of examples when this sad passion was the cause of the death of a whole family; When she, this passion, finally killed in man all moral principles ".

But despite this, they played everywhere in the cards: "... All: and ladies, and girls, and young men, preferring the dance green field. This is of course a sad phenomenon, but what to do: "Live with wolves, on the wolf swell"- stated compilers of the collection of secular manners.

In society, it was customary to share gambling rates, in which the case was dominated, and those where the winnings depended on the intelligence and attentiveness of the players.

Yuri Lotman in the book about the history of Russian culture wrote that in Russia the XIX century most popular games There were Pharaoh and Rosas (Pigos), in which the victory defined the case. His native brother of Fedor Dostoevsky Andrei recalled that the card parties at the brother always ended gambling in a stale

The popularity of this card game I found my reflection in Russian literature. Hermann and Chekalinsky played in the "Pyric Dame" of Alexander Pushkin, Arbenin in Maskarada Mikhail Lermontov, Hoglikov, Nikolay Rostov in the "War and the World" of Leo Tolstoy and other characters.

Rules of the game in the Stoss (according to the book Yu.M. Lotman "Conversations about Russian culture")

Playing are divided by the Attachment, which mosses the card, and Putr (pontow - "increase the bet"). The game can pass both one on one and with the participation of several Putor's players. Each players gets a deck of cards. Putritis choose one card from a deck, which put an amount equal to the one that the ATM announced. Next, alternately open cards from a cash deck, and the coincidence with the molded card brings Pontra victory. As a rule, the ATC and pontors are located on different sides of the elongated rectangular table covered with green cloth, which serves to record rates and debts. All calculations are made on the same green cloth.

Outdoor games

In many homes, it was accepted between dancing and music to amused by "innocent games" - so called petits-Jeux (from Franz. "Small games"), short-free moving entertainment. Most of these games were tract with yard folk fun. For example, the young baraine Alexei Beresov - the hero of Pushkin's story "The Lady of the Peasant woman" - played with girls in the burner - invoking folk fun.

Heinrich Semiradsky. Chopin, playing on the piano in the Salon of Prince Radziwill. 1887. Private Assembly

One of the most popular petits-Jeux - Phanti - reached the present day. According to the rules of the game, each of the players folds the phantas in a hat. After leading with closed eyes takes out the phanta and gives the owner a variety of tasks: to sing in a cock, jump on one leg and the like. In the book "Rules of secular life and etiquette: a good tone. The collection of tips and instructions for various occasions of home and public life "are preserved examples of several more popular moving games for adult companies.


Playing sit in a circle. One of the players throws a handkerchief to someone and simultaneously utters a word, and the other must catch a handkerchief and respond to rhyme - and so in a circle. The harder the word of the word, the unexpected and funnier is rhyme.

Birds fly

Playing sit around the table, which put their index fingers. One of the players begins to list animated and inanimate objects that can fly, while others must raise thumbs up. If a player raised his fingers when the name of the subject, which could not fly, did he play.

Mailing game

All participating in this game is given on a piece of paper on which everyone writes some question. These pieces are put in a hat and mixed, then alternate each of the players takes out one piece of paper and, without reading the question, writes the answer on the back side, after which it adds a piece of paper into another hat. When all the answers are written, the paper takes out and read the questions and answers - the incompetence of questions and answers become a calabura.

Double declamation

One girl sits on his knees from another, which completely hides the bedspread, and reads poetry. The second girl is trying to prevent her from different gestures and laugh observers. The game ends if the reading poems will shine.


Players are called different objects of clothing, and leading in turn calls them. On the team "All Toilet!" Players must quickly stand up from their places and change them. Who does not have time to take a place becomes a loser. The case is known when Nicholas I himself was in the Nikolaev Palace, and one of the players took a chair before the Empress, but was for that only encouraged by the emperor.

Board games

In the XIX century, the fashion was included board games: In them, as now, there was a game field, figures that players went, and a cube, which determines the number of points or "steps". It is believed that the predecessor of this fun was the ancient game "Gosek", in which it was necessary to reach the finish all the faster, collecting more geese on the road.

The XIX century games have become a kind of travels: for example, in "Traveling around Russia" needed to reach the locomotive from Odessa to Moscow as soon as possible, independently developing a route through Kiev or through Kursk. And the game "In Paris to the exhibition" needed to have time to the beginning of the worldwide exposition of the achievements of the farm in Paris.

Often, board games were trained. In the historical strategy "Sinop Battle", players were asked to play the theater of the fighting. One performed for Russia, another represented the military interests of Turkey. There was also an option to play in "Gusk", for victory in which perfect mathematical abilities were required. The playing field was a variety of cells with tasks: it was necessary to quickly multiply or split two and three-digit numbers. For the correct answer, the player received "money" from a common bank, for the defeat - introduced his own treasury.


Lotto came to Russia from Italy in the XVIII century and immediately became very popular. It was played not only in the secular evenings, but also in the family circle. The heroine of Chekhov "Seagull" Irina Arkadina said: "When the long autumn evenings comes, they play the lotto. Take a look: the old lotto, which still played with us the deceased mother when we were children ".

Over the years of the existence of the game, its rules have not changed. Participants receive cards with numbers, the presenter pulls out the barrel bag and calls the numbers. Wins the one who first closes the horizontal row. The peak of popularity game reached the 1840s: then the lotto often began to play for money in secular clubs. The passion of players reached the point in the party played hundreds of rubles. Fashion for gambling lotto led to the game in in public places Recognized illegal. However, this did not affect folk love: still playing in the lotto.


Bowl, or, as we call them today, puzzles, invented English Cartographer and Graper John Spielsbury. He is glued geographical map On the board, saw it into pieces (puzzles) and offered children to collect a full picture. In the XIX century, the puzzles came to Russia and became a salon game. They were called "Bowls" or the French "Bowls" to the German manner. Then no cards were collected from the bubbles, but small picturesque paintings with the image of the landscape or still life. In the book "Protection of Luzhina", Vladimir Nabokov wrote about the new hobby of children and adults: "In that year, the English fashion invented folding paintings for adults," Bowls "... Cut extremely whimsally ... Luzhin felt an amazing excitement from the exact combinations of these mothers, forming a distinct picture in the last moment. Aunt requested: "For God's sake, do not lose anything!" Sometimes a father came in, looked at the pieces, pulled his hand to the table, said: "This is, undoubtedly, they must lie here," and then Luzhin, not turning around, muttered: "Stupidity, nonsense, do not interfere with.

"The landowner life is a curious page of history ... no matter how much I have studied the ancient ussers, you can never feel fatigue and validation," the famous researcher of the Russian noble manor Yu.I.I. I wrote at the beginning of the 20th century. Shamurin.

The culmination of art to host the guests was the ball - the event in the life of the XIX century person is special. This is the "Brides Fair", and therefore the reason for excitement is not only a young young lady, but also her parents, and the "place for recognition", and the opportunity to declare themselves, make the first steps to a successful career.

"Ball - there is a life in miniature," Lermontov wrote one of the contemporaries, - with all its seductions, intrigues, oddities, goat, with all that there is sweet and bitter in it. "

Traditionally, the ballroom season lasted for a long time: from Christmas and to the Great Post. But often the balls were given in summer, and in the fall to celebrate some event, for example, the arrival of an important person. The BALA device was associated with "big preparations" and waiting for it in a house adapted to the Nehla quiet family life, it became often "misfortune for a whole week" because of the "washing, rugged and cleaners" of all rooms. In addition to these troubles, the hostess had to be "very in advance" to take care of the cavaliers for invited ladies and young ladies.

The organization of balls until the middle of the XIX century was subordinate to a rather strict routine, the dance system was strictly defined, as well as their sequence. Not only shoes and pantalons of men, but also toilets for ladies, they are hairstyles did not allow excessive liberation, especially in the presence of noble Pers. A summary of the bow, not on the spot the jangle flower could forever destroy the "successful future" of a young girl.
It is no coincidence that the irony and insightful Pechorin was convinced that "a woman on the ball makes her outfit something whole, inseparable, special ...".

G.G. Gagarin. "Ball of Knyagini Baryatinskaya" (Lermontov in the center)

From the solemn policy, the ball began. This dance represented all those invited, gave the opportunity to consider the ladies, their hairstyles and toilets, and the owner with the hostess went to the first pair. For a leisurely rhythm and simplicity of movements, they defined it with "walking conversation." But for many ladies, he turned into a very reluctant test - it was quite difficult to pass before those present "with grace and nobility", touching the kavallar's hand only with the tips of the fingers.

The second dance was often a cadry, allowing even "some liberty". One of the contemporaries of Lermontov, somety Vurholz, recalled this dance: "Ten or twelve couples associated themselves with her headscarf, and each of the dancing, alternately, going ahead, invented new figures. Especially the ladies danced with great passion. When the queue came to them, they made their figures not only in the hall itself, but also passed from it to other rooms, some were taken to the garden, on the other floor at home and even in the attic. In a word, one another was not inferior. With all these transitions, one musician with a hidhip was to constantly jump ahead and suffered to extremes. "

Games and variations that were part of Cadryli, allowed to show what the dancing are capable of, - no wonder in the manual for this dance the author of the manual pointed out possible options for PA (Shasse, Krois, Glissa, Pirouettes, etc.), capable of making ball with a real adventure, because That his participants did not always imagine how to behave themselves.

M. I. Dustyev's heights of Dyresaev M. I. described a "funny adventure", which happened in Ecosais (Cadryli varieties): "Finally, to fully sue the sim dance, someone invented that in the first knee lady with a wagon chanting his Kavaler, in order to hit, and in the second - the promenade pursued and the triumph, throwing a launching of the next pair. "

After Polonza and Kadrili, the Waltz turn was occurred. He entered the fashion at the beginning of the XIX century and immediately became popular so much that already in 1825 in the "Rules for Noble Public Dance", the following was printed: "It would be too much to describe how the waltz dances in general, because there is almost no person who himself would not dance him or did not see how dancing. " In a special hobby, they were young people, the Old Believers have grumbled that he is "unnoticed and overlooked," seeing a young one, a half-breed lady in the arms of a man.

Save the decency could be strictly following such recommendations recorded in the "Rules ...": "... to dance is not too close to each other, which would offend decency; It's not too remotely that it might impede to turn, ... Heads neither a lady nor a cavalier one from the other not to turn away, ... the eyes should be neither too raised, nor omitted, but nicely open. Moreover, the legs are elongated, dance on socks, avoiding the slightest scarring, go round, of which the left of the ladies should be deftly on the shoulder of the cavalier, and the right-hand of the cavalier should reach the lady among the waist ... ".

"Musical poem in sweet forms", "dance of lovers", "Mute and crazy, like the Vihore of the Life of the Young" - such epithets awarded the contemporaries of Lermontov Waltz, too fast and the air ticket, according to foreigners, did not stand Europeans and therefore considered unsurpassed masters Its fulfillment of Russians only.

The culmination of the Bala was Mazurka - the favorite dance of military youth. It was in it that the skill of the dancer was manifested in all shine and therefore they looked at the Mazurka as a solo performance, the rest became the audience, asking the skill of dancing.

Ball completed the Cotilion. This is the genus Kadrili, which was danced on the motive of the Waltz. Dance - the game, the most relaxed and playful. It was both "shapes with jokes, and the feeding of cards, knots made from scarves, and cheating and bounce in a dance one from the other, and jumping over the handkerchief, and that everything is more attractive, beating the cavalier in his hands after the waltching couple, so Dance "- wrote Dancemester L. Petrovsky, explaining why many young people sought to ball:" It is the only one to dance the Cotillon. "

The tasks before the dancers were not easy and the first, which was striving for a teacher and not always obedient spoiled disciples, so it is to the "proper image of the outdoor type of man" in dance.
The "image" in the "Rules for Noble and Public Dance" was described as follows: "Head is not too lifting up, which could show a proud, not attending to look at others, a man, nor lower down, which shows the humiliation of himself, and should hold Straight and evenly. Eyes serving the soul mirror must be modestly open, meaning a pleasant cheerfulness, the mouth should not be open, which shows the character of satirical or bad temper, and the lips are located with a pleasant smile, without showing teeth. "

There was no less worries and with representatives of a beautiful gender: "First, it is necessary to keep the body and head right without coercion and establish yourself on the lower back, the movement of the neck should be loose and easy, the look of cheerful and gentle, shoulders omit and take a back, hands Bodies and slightly submitted in advance so that there was almost no distance between them and the body, the brushes to impose one on the other ... ".

The ball was the event very and very expensive. Confirms the above remark of Pushkin to the father of Evgeny Onegin: "... gave three bala every year and finally dreamed." Large costs required lighting. All evening in the hall and other rooms should burn hundreds of wax candles, costing quite expensive. The maintenance of the home orchestra was also expensive, and its presence was considered one of the most important elements on the ball. Dancing under the piano ball were not considered.
Most often in the estates for entertainment guests, dancing were simply ".

The melodies of Polionza, Mazurok, Waltza, Cadrile and Tarkhans sounded - "When neighbor came". This was remembered by a rosulid brother Lermontov.

I remembered one of my dance evenings A.V. Shchepkin: "When dancing was satisfied, then the music influenced, reviving. So beautiful seemed dancing couples, elegantly dressed, and the audience from guests gathered around the dancing. The big hall was light; Dances began to fall. To me, a ten-year-old girl, I liked when I was invited to cadril. Elderly people - adults were pleased to enjoy the child and it is not desciously taking such a lady conversation ... ".

In those days, in addition to fashionable dances, Grosfater and Ecosez danced. Couples dancing Grosfather (translated from the German - German dance) by the caravel gait passed through the whole house with laughter and noise, stepping under the accelerated pace of music ... And I was putting in the ecosis, we hurried to lure in two rows and the couple were flown in the middle of the halls. .. These were holiday evenings, and all visitors were enlivened, Shalily, - pleased with the positive and treat the owner. "

Exhibition materials "Pictures of Russian life of the first half of the XIX". Lithographs, engraving, trendy pictures, captured by foreign artists: Engelman, D.A. Atkinson, Arni.