Eve online what is alpha account. Alpha and Omega clones in EVE Online. Farm anomalies and expeditions

immortal capsuleers,

Undoubtedly, this is a fundamental change for the world. EVE Online. We want to give you an overview of what's new, share the reasons behind this decision, and tell you what help we need from you to make sure everything runs smoothly. Then, towards the end of this article, you will find a list of answers to questions that are not addressed in the main body.

The innovation is based on cloning, the most sophisticated technology that gave rise to the era of capsuleers. Technological advances in New Eden have allowed the development of new methods for the production and distribution of clones; clones of special Statuses can now be used. Thanks to this technology, clone makers can create and distribute clones of the basic status - alpha clones. Such clones can be upgraded or modified to change their status. However, it will always be based on the alpha clone. The status of the clone will affect parameters such as access to skills, ability to learn skills, or learning rate.

When we implement this innovation, two statuses will be available in the game:
  • Alpha Clone is the base status for all clones in New Eden and is available to everyone. Pilots of such clones will have the opportunity to learn a certain set of skills, as well as be allowed to fly frigates, destroyers and cruisers of their nation, while using basic modules and weapons. The learning rate of such capsuleers will be slightly slower compared to Omega clones.
  • The Omega Clone will be unlocked by upgrading the base clone with various neurotechniques and neural accelerators that unlock all skills. In terms of available features, Omega clones are fully consistent with the paid-for pilots currently in New Eden.

The status of the clone will depend on the status of your account. Characters paying for a subscription or using Plex will be in Omega Clone. The alpha clone will be available to all players without a subscription.

You probably already have a lot of questions, we will answer many of them below, but first let us explain why we are so excited about this change and why we made this decision now.

As you know, EVE Online is very specific game. Since all players are on the same server, the influence of each pilot is palpable and can be through the economy, resource extraction, battles or bad posts. It also means that with each new capsuleer, New Eden becomes a little more interesting, exciting and dangerous.

Like you, we've been aware of this for quite some time, and like you, we've been doing everything in our power to get more people into our exciting sandbox. Open Access has been part of our vision for the future of EVE Online for some time now, but given the nature of the game, we were aware of the risks associated with such a decision. We understood that an unprepared opening of the gateway could lead to anything from server crashes to the collapse of the game economy. Over time, our hardware has been improved, the software framework has been optimized (for the most part!) and we've arrived at a design we believe in.

Eve is ready for it.

Let's take a look at the details of the new design and see how it works.

Clone Statuses - Detailed

First of all, the accounts will hardly be changed. Each account is assigned three positions for pilots. At any given time, only one of them can learn skills. At any given time, only one of them can be in play. Other services (plex, concurrent learning program, JV trading) will not be affected at all.

But with alpha clones, things are quite different. The most important characteristic of alpha clones is the limitation on the use of skills and the maximum degree of their development. To begin with, we plan to allow pilots with an alpha clone to fly frigates, destroyers, and cruisers of the first tech level. Pilots with alpha clones will only be able to use ships, modules, and weapons appropriate to their nation. If your character with an alpha clone has already mastered skills not available to an alpha clone, the ability to use them will be suspended until you go back to omega status. All new characters, just like now, will enter the game with an alpha clone and 400,000 SP and will be able to freely learn the skills available to their alpha clone. A fully trained alpha clone can store about 5 million SP. Full list You will find available skills to learn in the questions section at the end of this article.

By choosing skills in this way, we can ensure that the EVE ecosystem and the value of the omega clones are well protected, while providing a fun experience for alpha clone users. Clone statuses make it impossible to use skills such as "Cynosural Field Theory" and "Cloaking Systems", and prevent abuse through the use of skills that are responsible for scaling and efficiency. Also, we will be able to respond and fix problems in a timely manner by changing the list of skills available for alpha clones to master, if necessary. Of course, in this case, users of alpha clones will have a huge freedom of choice, they will be able to do everything from raids in the "nulls" on Caracal-class cruisers to the passage of hidden areas in high-sec, and even be able to take part in interstate battles.

In parallel with the changes described above, we want to make sure that the game explicitly states which skills, modules, certifications, or actions are available to which status. That is why we are adding new symbols to the character sheet and a number of icons in the game client that display information about the status of clones. Here is an example of the updated skill list interface and an example of a storage window containing items that are only available to an omega clone, as seen by an alpha clone:

Many players who decide to return to the game without paying for a subscription can find themselves in quite difficult situations, depending on how and where they last left the game, for example, piloting a titan. You will find more information in the section below, but in general, our approach will be quite democratic - we will not forcibly teleport you or your ships, cancel projects or orders. Instead, you will find that skills that require Omega Clone will not be applied, and modules that require these skills will be de-energized.

The design presented in this article was created by our combined efforts, but we need your feedback to bring alpha clones and how they work to perfection. It is important for us to hear your ideas and your opinion on how exactly they can be used, especially in terms of potential problems. We also want to be as careful as possible about the selection of skills available to alpha clones. Also important for us is the question of how to help you when the flow of new pilots in search of a new home will merge into New Eden.

The Council of Players had the opportunity to get acquainted with this concept a few days ago, but roughly speaking - they heard about it at the same time as you. We are announcing these changes now to allow Council members to gather feedback for the September summit, to which, for the first time in history, we have invited the entire Council. If you prefer to communicate with us directly, you can do so in a forum thread (including threads with translations of this article, our community engagement team will process your feedback), we also plan to have an AMA soon (ask me anything, Note translation.) on the portal Reddit.

We are looking forward to Clone Statuses. Very soon, New Eden will meet a huge number of capsuleers eager to explore the world that we have been creating for the last 13 years. And it is you who will be able to shape their experience. Can you help equip a destroyer to hunt pirates? Or maybe send this same destroyer to the barricades of a hostile alliance? Or maybe share a few salvos of "low-sec" hospitality? The choice is yours.

Clone statuses are waiting for us already in November, what do they mean for you?

That's all,
The Size Matters team on behalf of the EVE Online development team


Q: Where can I find a list of skills available to alpha clones?
A: The full list is at the end of this page. Please note that we are still working on this list and will update it based on our communication with you.

Q: If I upgrade to an omega clone will it affect all of my characters?
A: Yes, all characters belonging to an account share the same clone status. Please note that you can only learn skills from one of them (unless you are using the Simultaneous Learning Program).

Q: Can alpha clones use SP Injectors and SP Extractors?
A: You can use SP injectors with any clone status. AT this moment, we plan to only allow SP extractors for omega clones and not allow alpha clones to use SP extractors.

Q: What are the limits on running multiple accounts at the same time with alpha status to expect?
A: We haven't made a decision yet on whether to carry over the current trial account entry restriction to alpha clones. Partially the answer to this question will depend on your feedback, but also on the technical possibilities, which we will determine in the near future.

Q: Can other characters see my clone's status?
A: No, the status is only visible to you. We have come to the conclusion that displaying the status of a clone may be too important strategic information to display publicly.

Questions about returning players:

Q: If I have previously played Eve, do I need to do anything to activate the alpha clone?
A: No, all inactive accounts will be automatically converted and given alpha clones.

Q: What happens if I log in as an alpha clone while in a ship that requires an omega clone?
A: You will be allowed to steer the ship until the next time you enter the dock, but skills mastered by the character and not included in the list available to the alpha clone will not affect the characteristics of the ship.

Q: What happens if I log in as an alpha clone but my ship has modules that require an omega clone?
A: These modules will be de-energized as soon as you enter the game.

Q: What happens if there are skills left in my character's mastering queue that require an omega clone?
A: Skill development will be suspended. You will need to manually remove these skills from the master plan and start learning again, or pay for a subscription.

Questions about abuse:

Q: Will the mass suicide attacks of characters with alpha clones become a serious problem?
A: We don't think clone statuses will have much of an impact on suicide attacks or any other type of forced high-sec interaction. But we will be monitoring developments closely, and if we notice that this is becoming a problem, then we will look at a number of options, for example, automatically enable the module blocking system for alpha clones in high-sec, without the possibility of disabling it, or revising the list of available skills.

Q: What about "bots"? Will they get out of control?
A: Automation game actions is a violation of the EULA and all such cases will be investigated as they are now. We do not expect a significant increase in the number of such violations, but we will expand the security measures to make sure that there are no problems.

Q: What about the abuse of systems such as manufacturing?
A: We deliberately tried to limit the possibility of such abuse by compiling a list of available skills. Without skills that affect, for example, saving the amount of time required to run a blueprint, it will be almost impossible to create farms that can disrupt the game's ecosystem. But this is one of those times where we need your help, if you can describe potential ways of abuse - let us know.

Q: And what about the "lag"?
A: We are confident that the servers can handle quite a bit of load increase, so hopefully this won't be a problem. We are ready to make decisions regarding the design of this innovation, if necessary, and as always, we continue to invest in hardware and code optimization.

Questions regarding solutions to this design:

Q: Why did it become necessary to tie the limit for each nation?
A: We have come to the conclusion that it is very important to keep the list of available skills as simple as possible, and it is better to allow extra depth in your own nation tree than to offer a transition to other nation trees. This will also limit the use of pirate and army ships, which makes sense given their power and complexity. Finally, we believe that it will be easier for new pilots to master the game by focusing only on their nation.

Q: Why are alpha clones only allowed to drive frigates, destroyers and cruisers?
A: We believe that this set of ships gives the pilot a chance to make a tangible impact on almost any part of the game without destroying its ecosystem. Larger and more advanced ships can easily lead to a variety of abuses of the game mechanics, resulting in a detrimental impact on the experience for paid-for players. However, we plan to make design changes based on your feedback and the activity we see in the game.

Questions about accounts and payment:

Q: Are there plans to change the release of updates or new content?
A: No, we will continue to develop and release new content free as before.

Q: Should we expect changes in the subscription price?
Oh no.

Q: Will there be items that were previously included with my subscription that I can no longer receive at no additional charge?
A: No - if you pay for a subscription, you will have the same resources and features as always.

Q: Will player support be the same for both alpha and omega clones?
A: We will try to make sure that the level of support is the same for all players, work in this direction is already underway.

Q: Will alpha clones have access to test servers?
A: Most of the time, no, but there may be exceptions.

Q: What if my subscription ends while I'm logged in, will my skills stop working right in the middle of a fight?
A: In this case, the clone status will not be switched until you disconnect from the server. We will never turn off your skills in the middle of a game session.

Space has always been far from us. And it also cost fabulous money. Although there were heroes who were ready to spend several hundred rubles a month, buying themselves a capsuleer license, a space pilot. The most popular MMO about space, without a doubt, is the old lady EVE Online, which has been welcoming players since May 6, 2003.

During the long journey of 13 years, the developers decided to make their project shareware. It is not entirely correct to argue whether they will benefit from this venture or not, if only for the reason that in EVE there will still be the opportunity to pay money and, most importantly, there is something for it! Let's see what innovations CCP Games are preparing, what opportunities this opens up for players, and in what situations it will still be necessary to give real money.

The main change in the November patch will be the introduction of the Clone Status feature. All existing clones (characters that players copy from themselves, originals, at special stations) will not only be divided into alpha and omega, but will also acquire different levels of access. Alpha clones will become available to every player, which will cancel the very concept of a subscription to the game. Now you will have the opportunity to plow through space, making your way through the most inaccessible wormholes of Eve for free. It has always been possible to create clones in EVE. The mind of the pilot moved in them if the latter died in space. And the step with free alpha clones will be the biggest change in the last 13 years in the game, because it will seriously shake the in-game economy.

Although a global default should not occur. For many years now, those who wish have been paying for game time by buying cards for credits at a local auction. By the way, World of Warcraft decided to take such a step only last year, when in EVE buying time for inside game currency was over 10 years old.

Briefly about clones:

    Omega clones will be full-fledged heirs of existing EVE characters online. Omegas will have unlimited access to skill upgrades and their quick learning.

    Alpha clones are a novelty, available for free to everyone. They are able to develop within a specific set of skills and use the most common ships - frigates, destroyers and cruisers (however, not all available in the game). Alpha is no stranger to trade, manufacturing and research. Such a wide range of talents allows them to explore the galaxy on an equal footing with other players.

The typology of your clones will be determined depending on the availability of a subscription. Until you pay for it or use a plex (game time card), only Alpha clones will be available to you. Plex or paid subscription will upgrade your status to Clone Exchange by the amount of paid time.

This is useful: All characters on an account have the same clone status. If you upgrade to an omega clone, it will affect all the heroes on the account. You can also learn skills with only one of them (unless you are using the Simultaneous Learning Program).

The status of your clone will not be displayed, because this is too important strategic information for enemies. So far, the developers have not made a final decision on whether to transfer the current restriction on entering the game of trial accounts to alpha clones. As they told us, it will depend on the feedback from the players and on the technical capabilities of the servers after the release of the patch.

If you've played EVE before and now want to go back, then there's no reason to worry. All inactive accounts will be automatically converted and given alpha clones. If you enter the game and your ship does not match your status (what if you pilot a Titan?!) or some modules are too cool for your alpha clone, then the modules will be de-energized, and the cool ship will be allowed to be brought to the nearest dock ( accumulated skills in the process of escorting the vessel to the dock will not be given).

If you are a distinguished veteran, I would like to speak to you separately. Should I pay for a subscription further? Definitely worth it. Because if you are a glorified veteran, then you are probably in a corporation (or a universal pirate), your docks are bursting with luxurious ships and you serve your faction long years, guarding the Titans of their state. You will lose access to some of your capital ships if you don't pay for the subscription. You will lose access to some of the most important modules for your life in the game. You will lose some of the skills gained over the months constant play. You will cut down the pillars of your glory and power. Therefore, just as you paid in PLEX for playing time, buying it at the auction with the proceeds from the extraction of minerals, you can continue to do so. Veterans who buy a subscription for rubles are strange and rare veterans.

Not less than important information is that the subscription price will not change over time. The developers state this in official FAQ. All subsequent addons that will be released will also remain free.

One of the hottest questions: What if my subscription ends while I'm logged in, will my skills stop working right in the middle of a fight?

The response from the developers is reassuring: In this case, the clone status will not be switched until you disconnect from the server. We will never turn off your skills in the middle of a game session.

Video tie-in: the most devastating battle in the history of EVE Online from 2014.

In conclusion, I would like to ask you, what was the significance of such a major milestone in your lives as EVE Online? If, in the 13+ years of this absolute space hit, you haven't had time for it yet, wait for the November update and jump into the cockpit of your cruiser to destroy empires and disrupt the plans of rival corporations.

Alpha and Omega clones in EVE Online allow you to play the space sandbox like with abon. payment, and without it. Players who choose the free model will be somewhat limited compared to subscribers; however, the possibilities of the trial are still very wide. Let's take a closer look at the clone system in EVE.

Clone states 101 - "alpha" and "omega" branches of one technology

Starting with the Ascension update released in November 2016, there are 2 ways to play EVE:

  • You can play for free (i.e. without paying a monthly subscription), but you will be limited in the skills you can train. This state is called "Alpha";
  • Omega pays a monthly subscription and gives you access to all the skills in the game.

In the game, this system is called the "clone state". Characters on alpha accounts are called "alpha clones" and characters on omega accounts are called "omega clones" respectively. If you have paid for a subscription (using a time card, monthly payment, or PLEX), your Account and all characters on it will receive Omega status until the subscription expires (or you cancel it) - at which point you will revert to Alpha status.

Start playing today!

The Alpha and Omega clones in EVE Online do not differ visually or in any other way. The transition from Alpha to Omega is instant, while the transition from Omega to Alpha always happens with the next entry into the game (i.e. in the last resort - when the servers are rebooted daily). Being an Alpha, you can earn money to pay for Omega status with in-game currency. Start playing today!

If an Omega clone enters an Alpha state, any skill that was learned by the character that was not part of an alpha skill becomes inactive and cannot be used; invested skill points cannot be lost under any circumstances. Any items or ships that require locked skills cannot be used, and the skill learning queue will be stopped (but can be resumed when logging in). If the account subscription is renewed, the character is automatically transferred to Omega status and can immediately use all the skills that he has already learned.

What is the difference between Alpha and Omega clones in EVE Online?

Compared to Omegas, characters in Alpha status are limited in the following:

  • Can only train certain skills;
  • Learn skills 50% slower and have a shorter skill queue (24 hours compared to years for Omega);
  • Cannot use the skill extractor to extract skill points from Alpha's skill tree;
  • Can use Skill Injectors, but they only apply to skills from the alpha set;
  • Pay an additional 2% tax on industrial activities (production or research);
  • If you are logged into the game as an alpha character, you will not be able to log into the game at the same time as any other capsuleer (so-called multibox).

Alpha and Omega clones in the world of EVE Online have access to basic and advanced versions of technologies, respectively. The set of skills that alpha characters can learn include:

  • Preferred weapon systems and ships of their race (Amarr alphas can only fly Amarr ships with energy cannons and drones, not ships of other races with hybrid or projectile cannons);
  • Combat ships up to the cruiser, as well as basic industrial ships;
  • T1 modules and ships.

Interesting features of "Alpha"-accounts

An interesting exception to general rule regarding the basic racial technologies for alphas are SoCT (Society of Conscious Thought) ships - the destroyer "Sunesis" and battle cruiser"gnosis". These ships only require Spaceship Command I and offer very hefty bonuses.

While Alphas are well-suited to getting into EVE Online, they should be considered as endless trial, not a full f2p model. Thus, Alphas are well suited for low-level PVP and PVE, as well as support roles in large-scale PVP (such as EWAR or "tackler"). However, their effectiveness will not be comparable to Omega's parameters, since the latter have the skills to use T2 modules.

And with what thoughts do you associate the clones Alpha and Omega in game EVE Online? Did CCP foresee all possible abuses? Share your opinion in the comments!

  • Published: January 23, 2017
  • Updated: February 17, 2017

Not so long ago, the developers of the space sandbox EVE Online - CCP Games - introduced into their project the ability to play for free for an unlimited period of time. Anyone who does not want to purchase Plex for real money can create an Alpha clone and enjoy gameplay, as much as you like. True, unlike paid analogue, owners of Alpha clones are limited in a certain area, but over time you will be able to switch to a paid account by earning game currency using the methods described below. What are the ways to make money on the Alpha clone?

Faction Wars

So, the easiest way to farm in-game currency on PLEX is to participate in faction wars. This PVP / PVE activity is available to all players, which consists in completing global tasks to destroy hostile NPCs and capture certain areas on the map. Of course, you can also meet a live player who will not be too friendly towards you, so you will have to be ready to fight with an opponent with real intelligence, not artificial intelligence.

The main goal here is to get as many reward points as possible, which are awarded to you and your faction for the successful completion of missions. You will need to acquire a suitable ship and join the militia, after which access to the faction wars map is opened, where the system for which we will fight is selected.

Points earned from battles are exchanged for various items, which can then be sold on the in-game market. We can spend the earned capital on anything, but the main goal for each owner of Alpha clones is to upgrade to a full-fledged account, which will remove all restrictions and allow you to enjoy playing EVE Online with all the available features.

Farm anomalies and expeditions

This method can be called a random method of earning, since here luck also affects the success of the activity. In other words, we may be lucky to get a big trophy or, conversely, not lucky - then the time spent wasted comes back to haunt the lost chance to earn on PLEX.

According to this method, we will need to hunt for combat anomalies - NPC characters live there, for the destruction of which we will receive a reward. You can find them in almost any part of the game location, but we will get the most income if we go to the “zeros”.

After passing the combat anomaly (again, with a random chance), we can get a chance to complete the expedition. The enemies there are serious, but for the successful completion of all tasks, we can get an expensive faction module. They are always valuable and experienced players are willing to pay several billion ISK for them, which will be an excellent investment in the future purchase of PLEX.

Selling experience points

The most popular way to farm in-game currency in EVE Online, specifically for beginners who can't buy ISK with real money or don't want to fight others, is to sell experience. Yes, a new member cannot boast of a huge amount of accumulated skill points, since it takes a lot of real time. But every minute spent in the game can be converted into currency.

To sell experience points to other players, you will need to purchase special items(Skill Injector), in which skill points are placed for further sale on the market. You can transfer great amount experience, the price of which is always stable, so this method of earning game currency should not be neglected.


To start trading, you will need to acquire a capacious space ship and at least some initial capital, with which we will purchase a certain amount of goods. The easiest way to earn ISK is to complete tasks (combat and training) with NPC agents. You should fly in safe locations, as merchant ships in "low secs" and "zeros" will be destroyed very quickly.

After that, you should choose the product that we will trade and select the appropriate conditions for transactions. In the market tab, you can analyze the cost of products in various locations - both sellers and merchants are shown there. The owner of an Alpha clone for trading is best to choose the most stable product, for which there is always a demand. Resource prices are always changing, so it’s impossible to immediately decide which product is suitable for absolutely everyone.

Scanning and farm complexes

This method is not very different from the passage of combat anomalies, but in this case we will need to have a special ship - a frigate-scanner. It has specific equipment (on-board probes), upon activation of which the complexes are detected. Other ships are not very suitable for this, as they do not have such sensitive probes.

After the discovery of the complex by the frigate, we will need to crack the containers on warship, counting on getting an expensive trophy. Here, as in the case of anomalies and the subsequent discovery of expeditions, the success rate depends on luck. But, as they say, who does not risk, he does not buy PLEX.


As can be understood from the material described above, it is very real to earn game currency on PLEX, being the owner of an Alpha clone in EVE Online. For this, the developers (and the players themselves) have prepared several simple ways, which can be used by all participants in space battles without any restrictions. You just have to choose a suitable occupation (or several occupations) for yourself, and set off to conquer the infinite space of the Universe, trading in valuable resources and destroying all ill-wishers!