Year of Oppr 4 Ps4 Passage. God of War (2018): Passage. Sanctuary of bright elf

God of War 4 Passage Manual will open all the secrets and subtleties of the game by 100%.


In this chapter you will find some information that you should check before start an adventure with God of War from SONY INTERACTIVE ENTERTAINMEN T. Our decision covers all the main and additional tasks, as well as side effects and work.

  • Basic storyline . These chapters can help you cope with the problems of the main scene line. Our step by step guide Contains descriptions of all missions, puzzles and tactics for more complex fights.
  • Secrets and Collecting Objects . During the campaign, you reach new lands and attend extensive landscapes of Midgard. The game contains a huge amount of hidden treasures, tests and collectibles.
  • Nornid chests . In step-by-step instructions, there is no information about collectible items, but Nornir's chests are an exception. Thanks to the manual, you can easily get these improvements that will forever increase your health and rage.
  • Improvement and development of the character . Try to fulfill the side missions, passing the game and exploring the world. You can find many improvements and better equipment that will make it easier for you. From time to time, the game tells you that "maybe it's time for research?". This means that you have to take a break from the main storyline and start a new adventure.

  • Visit the previously studied land . You can return to the previously visited location to find collectibles or perform side mission. Over time, you will receive new abilities. And open access to hidden chests, tracks and other secrecy. Do not rush to finish the game by 100%.
  • Length of the game . The scene line itself takes about 25-30 hours. However, the game will last much longer if you immerse yourself in the world and try to find all collectibles and so on.
  • Difficulty level . This manual is based on the default difficulty level - "balanced experience". Your current level of complexity can be changed at any time in the game settings (excluding the last, most difficult level). Beware - a higher level of difficulty can be very complex. And the boss is harder to fight!

Marked trees

This chapter contains a step-by-step guide to the top of the adventures of brief and atreya - missions them Marked trees. Here you explore the first location God of War- Wildwoods.

Go down the river

  • Short chopping tree. Click R1 several times, take firewood and follow the atrement. Sit into the boat and get to opposite shore. Go to the cabin. Look at the roller in which the last moments of your favorite mother atreya and brief are depicted.

Go to the hunt with atre

  • Time to hunt with atre. Run forward - you will meet the first optional artifact.
  • Go on to follow the boy. Jump over the hole in the bridge. You can collect some silver and find a smaller chest. Throughout the game, you will face numerous situations like this. Try to carefully explore each location.
  • Get to obstacles on the bridge. Get your ax and throw it into the specified obstacle. Then you must jump forward. Look at the cat scene and get ready for the first battle. Use this moment to practic a little and see what your weapon is capable.
  • Follow the son of brief. Soon you will reach the development. Here you can get your first horn chest. Go to the right and log in to the crypt. Destroy three runes to access the contents of the chest. Inside you will find idunn's Apple. Collect three apples to forever increase your health stock.
  • Return back and go in the opposite direction. Slide along the chain, win wolves and open the red chest.
  • You can continue, follow the boy. You encounter new enemies. After that you need to return to the exit and go through the door to the right. Defeat more of several wolves and open another red chest.
  • Return to the hall. Go to a spiner and raise the gate. Do not let go of the wheel! Throw your ax into a mechanism over the gate to freeze it. Before leaving the room, you must go to the room to the right. And open another red chest.
  • Outside, you should go left and climb on the chain - open another red chest. Go to the lattice and hover your ax on a symbol above the bomb. He falls to the ground, and you will get some silver.
  • Climb the stairs, and you will find the first altar Jotun. It refers to the so-called laborists - additional tests. In this example, you must find 11 altars scattered around the world.
  • Return to the main path and follow the trails of the animal. You encounter a deer. Take onions and melt in the animal. Unfortunately, the troll will appear. This is the first complex battle.

Defeat the troll

  • This troll is a rather light enemy you can win. You must keep a safe distance and allow it to attack. The enemy's hit only when he manifest himself. It is also a good moment to check your deviations. You need to avoid its attacks because they apply great damage.
  • Throw your ax or order atrea shoot from Luke when you are far from the enemy.
  • If you are injured, you can find a green crystal. And crush it to get some health.

Return to the house

  • Come to the wall and help the atrea climb upstairs. Follow him. You will come across new enemies. The game informs you about the possibility of stunning contraight. What, in turn, allows you to execute executions.
  • Fight with enemies, practice attacks and stun. You must also get used to give orders at the atre. Thanks to his arrows, you can faster stunning enemies and speed up battles.
  • You will meet the first hidden room. You can open it later. Now you must stick to the main storyline.
  • A mysterious person appears in the house ... It turns out to be a very powerful being. Time to protect the atre from the steep enemy!

Defeat stranger

  • Time for the battle with the boss. At first, a stranger will provoke you to attack him. This is a good chance to learn his moves. Show his attacks.
  • After exhausting most of its health panel, you can see a few cat-scenes, during which you have to press the right buttons.
  • Your enemy has restored your health, and the short now is in rage mode. Attack the enemy with new and powerful attacks. Return to the old tactic, as soon as the rage mode is over.
  • Return home ... A stranger will not leave you alone. He attacks brief with double power. The enemy throws you in the abyss - get up to the top and continue the battle.
  • Time of the Third Tour. You both restore your health. But this time the enemy is even faster and better in battle. Beware of its air attacks and avoid them. Do not forget to parry the attacks of the enemy and take it when you have the opportunity.

Return to the house

  • The fight broke out - a short one won, but he was wounded. Go to the house and see if atreus is fine.
  • The first mission is completed - you get 350 XP. . However, this is only the beginning of the Great Adventure!

Path to Mount

This chapter contains a step-by-step guide for the mission "Path to Mount" in God of War. Short and Atreus want to fulfill the last desire of a dying woman. She wants her ashes to be scattered from the highest mountain.

Travel to Mount

  • Time to continue the journey. Spend experience glasses, and then move forward. Go through the narrow edge, jump over the other side and climb upstairs. You have reached the cave.
  • To the right of the entrance hanging a bucket - run it down and collect silver. Then go to the rotating wheel and lower the bridge. Mix the ax to the mechanism to freeze it. Go to the atre, raise it and order to reset the chain.
  • You are now at the top level. Go to the right and jump to the chest with silver. Return to the bridge and climb upstairs. On one of the protrusions you can find another chain - throw it down. Then you must rise again.
  • Keep moving until you reach the end of Wildwoods. Take silver from the corpse and move forward. Now you have to face a group of draped. Win them, and then inspect the area. Destroy the vases and collect some silver. After that you must rise.

Continue to go to grief

  • The only enemy is waiting for you upstairs - defeat it and move forward. On the right you can find a golden chest. This is the so-called, legendary chest, and it contains valuable prey. However, most of these chests are well hidden. This contains a rune - Equip it to strengthen the short.
  • Continue moving forward. Raise the column and follow the atrement to the bridge. Now you are on the lower floor - the group of enemies is waiting for you here. Use just the acquired Rune and try to fight with single enemies. Do not forget to throw an ax in the opponent who will try to shoot you from above.
  • Go to the obelisk with runes and read them. New enemies appear - armored drags. They attack powerful weapons. Their blows are very sick, so avoid their attacks.
  • After that, you need to climb the wall and move forward. Jump on the atre and go forward. Collect silver with fallen soldiers and head to the creature that performs a melody.
  • Now you have to encounter Revenant. This is a new and very strong enemy. To hurt him, you must order atre to shoot him out of Luka. Thanks to this, the opponent is briefly becoming vulnerable. Avoid monster shells and try to approach him at an angle.
  • Jump to the remnants of the bridge. Fly bucket with silver. Go to the right and open the red chest. Drive on the other side and face dragrom. Here you can also find another nestir chest.
  • Discover the chest and return a little back. This area should be explored - you can find Altar Jotan. Get a scroll and descend into a niche, where you have to fight for another red chest.
  • Jump forward when you will be ready to open a smaller chest on the right. You will reach the place where you have to fight in another complex battle. First, defeat several regular drags. After that, several armored drags will appear. You must use rage. Do not forget to perform shots and evasion.
  • Take silver and lower the bridge. You must bring the ax for a sign below. Move forward and open the red chest on the right. Return to the goal and open them.

Fighting the kidnappers

  • Thieves will appear. Win them quickly. Enemies "return to life" after a short scene. Kill them again.

Run from Ruins

  • Time to break out of the ruins. Go closer to wooden boards and raise the atrey up. The boy lowers the chain for you - climb on her. Move forward - follow the narrow edge.

Continue to go to grief

  • You hear someone's voice - follow his source. Throw the ax into a tree on the right side of the bridge to move forward.
  • It turns out that Brock is one of the brothers who forged your ax. Gnome offers you improved weapons. it summarywhich explains how to update the equipment. And how to buy it in the store.
  • You can check your new modernized weapons. There will be several new enemies. Go to the closed gate. Turn left. Lower the bridge and slide down the chain. Get to another red chest.
  • Now you can go through the gate and enter the inside of the mountain. As always, melt into the mechanism located above the gate. Freeze the gate yourself and keep moving forward. Go through a narrow passage and then aim to the upper right angle of traps with spikes. This opens a new passage.
  • Repeat this action and move forward. Red chest can be found for niche in the wall. Wrap, aim at the corner of the gate with spikes and discover the chest.
  • Go ahead until you reach traps with spikes. Direct on a wooden sign to "unscrew" the trap. Then you must throw an ax into a mechanism at the bottom. Jump ahead.
  • There is a rather big wave of enemies - defeat them. You can also take your ax and return to the atre. To crush multiple monsters. Win the battle and go back to the arena. Destroy the barricade on the left and open a small chest with silver.
  • Take the ax and aim at the angle of another barrier with spikes. Move forward and turn around. Now you can open another horn chest.
  • Go out to the street, look at the scene and follow the atre. Let the boy decrypt the riddle. You must turn, sit down on the hill and activate the puzzle mechanism.

  • Your new task is to shoot the mechanisms in such a way that they create a rune.
  • Enter the cave and follow the son of a brief. Time for the next hunt!

Hunting atrem. Passage

  • Both characters are hunting for an animal. Jump ... and face the troll. This uses fire. The enemy is very similar to the troll, with whom you fought before. Watch out for its new fiery attacks.
  • Inspect the area, collect prey and head to another horn chest. This time you have to find three bells and hit them to open the chest.
  • When you finish, you can go to the cave and jump down. As ATERY, you must aim in the animal and shoot it. The creature is invulnerable for arrows - pursue it!
  • Go to the old village and explore the houses. You will find some silver. Move forward.
  • A group of enemies will appear. Use Leviathan to kill them. Then take the stone block and look at the scene.

Find Atreya God of War 4 Passage

  • Time to find Atreya, who ran after the wild animal. Run forward - you are in the maze. Find the boy by following his voice.
  • Go to the right, then left, then right and left to left - you will find a boy. He is accompanied by a mysterious woman.

Follow the witch and save boar

  • Help save boar. Take it into the witch's hut. Put the animal on the table and go to the garden to collect healing herbs.
  • Come closer to white colors and pick them up. Then you must go to the atre and talk to him. Go to the witch.

Get to the boat and boat to the light

  • From now on, you can use a witch compass. He tells you about your current goal and helps you move on the lands.
  • You meet a kind of green circle and several red crystals. These obstacles can be eliminated later. The legendary chest located in this area is easy to find. It contains a good talisman. At the bottom of the cave you can click on the chest to access another red chest.
  • Go to the boat when you are ready, and leave the cave. The compass shows you the direction - to the boat from the ruins of the temple. Atraya will read the rune, which can be found in this place. You wake up, yormungandr. Fortunately for you, the monster is friendly.
  • Now you can explore nearby islands.. Find many collectible items and make a broke break. Thanks to research, you can find the best gear that will help you in the upcoming missions.

Docking at the bridge and the study of the temple

  • You can continue your adventure by moving to the marker on the compass. Talk to the brock - he opened his store here. Gnome gives you a stone that allows you to go to his store. You can do this using mystical gates. While this is a trip to one end, so come back only when you are sure that there is nothing more in this place.
  • Run through a huge bridge and go to the top of the mountain. You encounter new enemies. You will also learn that Ateus can now attack enemies. Using physical attacks with stunning properties. It is very useful - the son of a brief turns into a real warrior!

Go through the tower and caves

  • Open the gate and move forward. Be careful, ahead of new enemies. Use the remote capabilities of the atrey and try to stun the enemies.
  • You are encountered with a yellow flame and a torch. Direct your ax to a torch to repay the flame. It opens up a plot that will guide you forward. Repeat this action several times until you reach the chest with silver. Inside you can find the code. You must find four of them to be able to read certain runes. And open a new world that can be explored - Muspelheim.
  • Climb and go to the right. You get to the new place - foothills. You meet Sindri, Brother Brock. It can upgrade your ax.

Continue to Mount

  • You can also open two red chests. The first can be opened by throwing an ax into a fire over a stone. Right over the chest. The second chest (the one next to the crane can be opened by throwing an ax into the fire right behind the Syndry tent.
  • The third red chest can be found a few steps ahead. Climb up (to the left of the horn in the chest) and deactivate two smoke traps.
  • Get out of the store. A large group of enemies will be attached to you. Win them and go to the right - you will come across another norner chest . Review the runes presented in the adjacent signs to open it.
  • You can continue your journey. Jump and go to the mountain. Destroy the group of enemies and wolves. After that you have to blow up the bombs and open a red chest.
  • Move forward ... Again of the OGR! This big enemy is very strong - be very careful.
  • Use evasion, attack carefully when you have a chance. And remember that you can throw your ax. In addition, you must follow opponents nearby. Apply enough damage to OGR. And you can twist it and use it to defeat the rest of the monsters.

  • After the victory over this monster you get, for example, Frozen Flame. Thanks to him, you can improve Leviafan at the blacksmith and open new abilities.
  • Go to the gate and go to black smoke. Unfortunately, the path to the top of the mountain is blocked. A witch appears - this mission ends. You get 2000 xp. .

Kingdom at the Grand

This chapter contains the decision of the quest "The Kingdom of the Grand" from God of War.This is a very short mission - Prelude to the first visit to Alphaim.

Follow the witch

  • Follow the witch. It will drive the roots, which will allow you to use an elevator. Use it to go down. You will save a lot of time and unlock this part forever.
  • Enter the cave and go forward. You will reach the shrine of Tira. On the way you will come across some collectibles, but we will take care of them later.
  • Go to the lower level of the temple and wait until the witch creates a ghost bridge.

Rearrange the bridge

  • Adjust the bridge so that you can get into different worlds. Interact with the mechanism. And let the short demonstrate their divine power.

Follow the witch

  • Go back to the witch. She will take you to the room from which you can go to different kingdoms. Right now you can go only in Alphayim. Do not worry, you will have the opportunity to visit other spheres rather soon.

Travel to Alfheim

  • Go to the center of the room and select Alpheim as a destination.
  • If you have not done this before, you could dedicate some time to study the islands. You will participate in several pretty complex fights. So try to prepare.

Light Alfhae Kest

This chapter will guide you through the Quest "Light Alfheim" in God of War. It's time to visit the new kingdom, Alfheim, and get the light that can destroy the whole darkness.

Find the way to the light GOD OF WAR 4 passage

  • Go to the plant that shines red. You must throw an ax to it to clear the way forward. Repeat the trick and continue. Open the small chest on the right and break another plant.
  • Go ahead and you will come across the enemies of a new type - dark elves. They will be your opponents in this world. They are fast, attack with charge and can confidently shy away from your blows. You must keep yourself in your hands.
  • After the battle, break another plant and go ahead. Open the purple chest on the right and go left. You will see Sindri - he is a blacksmith; You can trade with him if you want.

Free up boat

  • To leave the island, you must free the boat - take a position that will allow you to destroy three plants with one throw. If you are hard to do it, look at the clip above.
  • After that, get to the boat and start the row.

Dove the ring temple

  • Use the compass to pave your way to the target. On the way, you will notice the luminous branch - go to her and collect fruit. It will constantly increase the update time by 2.
  • Continue movement - you will get to an open place where you can explore the small islands and collect additional items. You must also make efforts and get to the chest of Nornirov. The details are included in the clip above.
  • Now go to the light and in the temple. The bridge will be deactivated and the Elf Group will come - fight them.
  • Now use a rotating wheel to open the gate. Win the remaining enemies and use another lever to create a rune.

Find way to Temple God of War 4 Passage

  • Sit into the boat and swim to the ashtray. Let atreas decipher it, and the secret passage to the temple will open.
  • There below should be dealt with the other group of elves.
  • Go forward. More elves will attack. This time, for the sake of diversity, there will be armored drags among them.

  • Nearby you will find another Nornirov Chest - use the mechanism and freeze it to get to all runes. Check the clip higher for more information. .
  • Use the mechanism and take an underground transition. Close closer to the edge, and you will be captured by enemies. Use Spartan rage and defeat enemies. After the fight, throw a boulder on another group of enemies.
  • On the other side more enemies - deal with them. Then fall and destroy the plants to create a ghost bridge.
  • Cross the bridge and pick up the platform to meet with another group of enemies. You will also encounter stone ancient, which is a rather demanding enemy.
  • You have to wait until the enemy detects the light inside itself, that it basically does when attacking. When you see it, throw the ax several times, and the enemy will lose a little hp and drops a few explosive fragments to the ground. Raise them and throw them into it to get even more health and stun it.
  • Watch out for the projects of the energy beam - it makes great damage. Just roll off the road to avoid hitting.
  • After the battle is finished, destroy the kernel in the center to find another ghost bridge. Use it to get to the temple.

Enter the temple

  • Enter the elevator and raise. Go to the bridge and try to open the gate - they will be closed, so you have to look for another way.

Find another way to the temple

  • Go to the left, and you will reach the door completely overgrown with vegetation. Again, you must cut all three lianas with one throw to unlock the passage.
  • To open the chest, you will need to throw an ax in three bells. Clip above will help you do it .
  • Go to the right and make purchases in the blacksmith. Enter the crack next to him and go ahead. Before you explosive enemies - use the onions and throw the axes so as not to get damage.
  • Some very powerful elves are as follows. They are also very agile; The battle will be cruel, so be focused. Not far from here you can get a red chest, destroying the Liana.
  • Jump to the wall and use a ledge to go further - you will witness the death of a light elf. Fight with enemies and kill the dark elves.
  • When you finish, destroy the kernel and create another light bridge. The defeat of the group of suicidal beasts and move on.
  • Destroy another kernel and go along the trail to the temple.

Get to the nest and consider it

  • Destroy the growing lianas - remember that you need to cut all three at the same time.
  • Lift to the jack and use narrow passes to quickly reach the center of the socket.

Destroy the hive and take the light

  • Go to the kernel and destroy it. You will be immediately attacked by ROOM ELF.
  • You must break through the enemies - they are quite weak, but at the same time numerous. Try to get to another Liana and destroy it quickly.
  • Going to the light - a kind of game segment will begin: a brief will have a vision resembling some past events.

Find a way out of the temple

  • At the summit, Atii saves a brief, which is no longer a prisoner of his memories. Go to the boy to open a new skill for atreya - now he can use ghost arrows to create new passes.
  • Go Bridge and go below. Come to the crystal on the ground and place it under the red chest. Orders atre to shoot in a crystal with your arrow and discover the chest.
  • Take the blue crystal and place it on the second pedestal. Create a ghostly bridge and go ahead.
  • Stand up at right angles, destroy the lianas and open the smaller chest.
  • Go to another bridge and defeat the enemy. Activate the crystal. Destroy the Lian to continue.
  • Return to the light source on the top platform and take care of the dark elves divide. Shoot the crystal and go through the bridge you created.
  • Win the enemies, look up and run the crystal. Raise it and climb the stairs and to the right. Leave it anywhere and activate it with an arrow.
  • Cross the bridge you created and destroy the Lian to open another space. You can easily open the fourth and last chest of Nornira in Alpheim. Check the video solution above if you need a quick solution puzzle .
  • After you opened a chest, you can transfer the crystal to outdoor castle. Help the atrea rise above. He will read another mystery from the stone bowl and opens the passage. Go through the gate, and you will see that the light elves settle in the temple.

Use the sand lift

  • Now get to the elevator and go down to the underground complex. There, below, you must open the chest and continue to move forward.
  • Unfortunately, the passage will be closed, and you get stuck. Win enemies and shoot a blue crystal. Destroy new enemies, come back and burn another crystal.
  • You will get into the room with cells - look up and run the crystal. Win the enemies released from the cells, and pick up the crystal. Take it to the room next door, put on the pedestal and burn.
  • A small logical puzzle - you must set the labels in the same order as on the door. You will find a solution in the video above. .
  • Now take the crystal and place it in the hall to create a bridge and continue moving on. Native cells and use a bowl to start a fight with the boss.
  • Fight with this boss is very similar to the fight against ordinary elves. Hi's fast; He retreats and immediately attacks. Earth explosions are a novelty - if you suffered from one, you will get a lot of damage, and the area will plunge into darkness. You must be vigilant; The enemy can easily notice you.
  • When the enemy attacks, evaporate and counterattack. Do it until you kill him. Meanwhile, make sure Atraya constantly shoots an enemy.

  • Finally, kill the boss and look at the short scene. Have you really helped the right side of the conflict?

Return to the Temple of Tire

  • After the battle, use the elevator and climb the surface. Return to the Sundar Store - Gnome asks for the favor.
  • Return to the room with a global tree and return to Midgard. Talk to the brock, and it will improve your ax.

Dispel black breath

  • Exit the Tira Temple and go through the Big Bridge in front of you. Now you can make a favor, about which Sindri asked you, or continue the main flow.
  • Doben to black smoke, which once interfered the path. When you get there, you will come across many enemies, but you should not have serious problems with them.
  • After reaching black breathing, you must use the light that you purchased in Alphayim. You finally managed to access the grief. Let's continue ascent!

Inside the mountain of the quest

In this chapter, you will read about the mission "inside the mountain" from the game God of War . Short and Atreus continue their journey to the top of the mountain to dispel ashes.

Climbing on Mount God of War 4 Passage

  • Get inside the mountain. Go left and defeat all enemies. After that, collect a blue crystal and return to the room with the statue. Place the crystal in the appropriate place, click on the lever and tell Ateus to solve the puzzle.
  • You will find a hidden passage - go through it. Shoot the crystal to light the room slightly, and jump down. Go forward, raise the boulder and defeat the enemies group.
  • Relieve the mountain and defeat another group of enemies. After that, burn the blue crystals in the area and open the red chest.
  • In this area you will find the first chest of norms - see our video passing above and collect another item from the chest.
  • Now enter the narrow passage and go on. Open a small chest that can be found in a stone with a runea, and shoot in a blue crystal. Win the enemy and shoot in another crystal.
  • Continue to go ahead - defeat another group of enemies, burn the crystal and climb up. Lower the chain to activate the "Label".
  1. Take a smaller chest (you should also omit the chain) and open the gate to get to the new place.

Go through dark caves

  • You will get in a truly spacious room in which there are many things that can be found - however, some secrets will be open at a later stage of the game.
  • Come to the big rotating wheel and try to activate it - unfortunately, it will be blocked and a new wave of enemies will appear. It's time to get rid of them!

Free chain and find the way to climb

  • As soon as the meeting is over, heading to the tunnel with light. There you will be stumbled upon Brock Shop - you can use its services if you want.
  • Get on the top shelf, located above the store, go through the tunnel and open a red chest. Follow the trail, and you end up going to the trap.
  • Lay into the pointer next to the passage and quickly run through the tunnel with spikes.
  • Go to the van, disconnect it from the rope and push the gate. After that, climb the van, go through the bridge and jump into the hole to open a red chest.
  • Return to the wagon, go left and defeat your enemies. Climb on the remains of the stairs and open the next red chest.
  • You can continue your journey - go to the corridor with the light, remove the boulder and raise the gate. Now throw the chain and raise the gate.
  • Now go to the big boulder and click on it to free up the capture. Go to the van and push it to appear troll.
  • Meeting with a troll is similar to the previous ones - you must focus on evasion and wait until the enemy is scattering to attack it. Spartan madness also works fine, which makes it easier for all this fight.
  • It is worth returning to the blacksmith to improve Leviathan - it will facilitate the upcoming fights.
  • Now you have to climb the mine. Go to the rotating wheel controlling the crane, install it so that the capture was at the bottom, and freeze the mechanism. Return to the van, push it to the end of the route, get used to the top and call Leviathan. We go up!

Achieve tops

  • Go ahead - the flame traps are waiting for you here. You need to feel the moment to run through them without prejudice.
  • You will soon get to the rotating trap. Hide behind the columns and move on. Enemies will appear in the area - continue to hide behind obstacles and quickly eliminate them.
  • As soon as the meeting is over, go to the rotating wheel and turn off the flaming trap. Open the red chest and continue march.
  • Go to the next elevator and throw the boulders in the abyss. The elevator will start and unwanted guests will appear - it is best to just drop them into the abyss.
  • After some time, the elevator is stuck - go to the locked place and unlock it to continue the path to the top.
  • New enemies will appear. This time they bring a cannibal with them, which will make it more difficult. Try to mount the beast and use it against other enemies.
  • Unlock the elevator again. The enemy will appear, but this time it is a dragon! Attack the beast, hit it with huge claws and follow the attacks of the enemy.
  • After a while you must use the elevator to attack the dragon. Fu - while you are safe.
  • The red crystal will fall to the ground, causing the reaction and blowing the boulders. Use this feature and move on. From now on, you can use these crystals for detonation - pick up the nearest and throw it into an electrified passage.
  • Go through a narrow passage and repeat the trick with a crystal. Go ahead, and you will come across a dragon again. This time it's time to take care of the beast!


  • Go to the dragon and jump on your back. Once you find yourself in the mouth of the beast, cut it as much as possible!
  • It is time for a real battle. The dragon is a rather light enemy, because it is slow and attacks easily evade. Your task is to take the crystal and throw it into your mouth with an animal when it breathes with zipper.
  • While the enemy is stunned, you can freely attack it and pick up part of his health.
  • As soon as the stunning is over, the enemy will fall on the paws and starts to create shock waves - you need to neutralize them with a shield. Go to the beast and attack his paws, evading the attack at the same time.
  • As soon as the enemy begins to breathe light, you need to repeat the trick with a crystal.
  • The struggle consists of the above steps. At the end of the meeting, you can use the elevator to finish off the beast.

Achieve a vertex God of War 4

  • When the meeting is over, talk to Syndry. Gnome will be grateful for the salvation of his life and teach you to use electrified arrows. From now on, you can destroy the red crystals, which is also useful when purchasing a set side treasures and collectibles.
  • Use the arrows, log in to the cave and pick up. Win enemies at the top (do not miss Kamikaze) and go to the rotating wheel. Raise the bucket with crystals up and shoot the arrow into it to open the passage.
  • Treate enemies and go upstairs. Another wave of enemies will appear - you should know what to do with them. Go ahead, and you will come across a group of praying enemies. Well, of course, they did not expect the visit of the former God of war from Greece!
  • Destroy them - go to the red crystal next to the precipice and throw it into the red icicles. Detonate the crystal and repeat the effect with fragments on the bridge.
  • Destroy the enemies and go to the rotating wheel - install the bridge. Go to the Red Chest and defeat the enemy, which will jump out of the chest.
  • Go down - now you can try to get a chest rate, destroying three runes. Check out the passage above to solve the riddle.
  • Now go to the passage and climb upstairs. You finally reached the vertices!
  • Win enemies and continue. Climb and listen to an interesting conversation.

  • A cat scene is waiting for you at the top, during which you "get" Mimir's head. You have to take it in the witch's hut!

New appointments Quest

This chapter describes the Mission "New Appointment" in the game God of War . Brief and his son are sent to the witch's hut to try to resurrect Mimir.

Take Mirirsu's head witch

  • Go down the stairs and open the purple chest. Go further down and open a small chest with silver. After a while you will reach mystical gates - use them to return to the brocade store.
  • Now go to the boat and swim to the witch cave. Pier for pier and destroy red crystals. Enter the elevator and raise.
  • Once at the top, destroy another passage with a red crystal and defeat enemies. You will find a purple chest with a fragment of the ciphelham ciphel inside - if you explored the islands at sea, it will be the last fragment, and you can explore this world. Detailed description This world can be found in a separate chapter of this manual.
  • In this place you will find many new secrets - if you want a 100% game, see the chapter dedicated to The River Pass. In the meantime, look at the movement above - it will allow you to find and open another chest norm.
  • As soon as you are ready, go to the old well and climb him. Go to the hut - a group of enemies is waiting for you here. There are several secrets that need to be collected in the area. Go to the witch when you are ready.
  • After successful resuscitation, you will acquire a new interlocutor - the speaking head of Mimir. In addition, you will learn the real personality of the Witch - this is Freya, wife Odin!

Go to Horn Snake God of War 4

  • Go to the lake nine and go to the bridge. Use the elevator to get to the horns.

  • Let Mimir talk to the snake - the beast will move the temple and open access to the magical chicken!

Magic chisel Quest

This chapter contains our step-by-step guide for the Mission "Magic Chisel" in God of War . Short and atre need to find a special chisel. The mission is dangerous - they will even get out of the gods.

Follow the MIMIRS instructions for chisel

  • Use the elevator to descend. Enter the boat. Go to the marker - you will reach the gate. Dock at the nearby beach and open the gate.

  • Boat to the shore - you will find a new enemy, whose name is Wolver. These opponents are strong, persistent (they are not injured from arrows) and use powerful attacks. Be careful when you are with them. Try to fight one at a time.
  • Shoot in a red crystal in the yard and move the ring to the right - open another red chest and then move the ring left. This opens a new passage.
  • Inside you can find a room that is identical to hidden cameras (you can unlock them later). Ignore it. Lift and open the red chest. Climb the chain.

  • Expect new wolves - defeat them and explore the neighborhood. You can find many items and, for example, you can open a red chest or close the crack.
  • Another red chest is hidden behind bars - find three runes. The solution can be found in the video above.
  • Go to the head of the giant. Win more enemies - among them OGR. This is a more complex fight - remember that you can use rage.

Talk to Sindri.

  • Lift the chain and meet Syndry. Gnome will improve Leviafan. He also provides you with a service that can be done in his free time.

Find the way to the hammer

  • Going into red crystals on giant braids to destroy stones. Jump over the other side and run forward.
  • You will reach the door - open it and come across a traveler (new and strong enemy) It is armored and quite strong - one wave of his sword can bring you a lot of health. In addition, this enemy has a shield on his back, which blocks attacks. Use token and attack the enemy when you have a chance.
  • Move the stone block to the middle of the room, turn the wooden sign and pick up it. Open the chest and jump down.
  • Climb the balcony, the one that you discovered by moving the stone block. Follow it and jump over the other side - raise the right and you reach a huge red stone hanging on the belt.
  • Rock stone and throw your ax twice in it. It breaks the ice that opens a new passage. Go to the right, throw the ax in the crystal and open the red chest.
  • Jump on the belt and climb upstairs.

Release the belt God of War 4

  • Come to the chain from above and throw it down to free the hammer.

Find the way to the hammer head

  • You are now on the day. Open the door, and then open the red chest. Move forward. Let atreas fit to another bowl with a puzzle.
  • To solve this puzzle, you must choose the right seasons. The solution can be found on top - Left: leaf, sun, flower, snowflake.

Go to the bit of God of War 4 passage

  • You activated the elevator. New enemies will appear. This fight has an additional obstacle - you must defeat the enemies before the time expires.
  • Use the fact that you are on the edge - throw enemies into the abyss.
  • Now you have to face the three waves of enemies. Each new wave is more complicated than the previous one.
  • After that you must aim in two red crystals. Destroy them.
  • Move forward. Sit on the protrusion and go to the right. Then you have to click on the boulder and see the scene.

Get a piece of bit of god of war 4

  • From the bottom you need to jump onto the protrusion and go to the red chest. Then you need to go left, climb the platform and climb upstairs.
  • Keep moving forward until you reach the door. Open them and enter inside. Come on the chandeliers and blew red crystals. Throw red shards into a red chest - you will soon open it.
  • Take a red crystal and aim to ice goals in front of you. You have to destroy three of them - Wulvers jump out of the first, Ogre from the second, and in the third ice block there is a troll inside! Kill all enemies.
  • Go through the new passage and talk to Syndry. Try updating your weapons and craft upgrades - you will soon fight the boss.
  • Follow the path, open the red chest and go along the edge to get to the magical bit. The face of the sons of Torah.

Boss fight god of war 4 passage

  • This fight is quite unique, because you fight against two brothers - magnesium and mod. Both sons of Torah have unique attacks and individual health bars.
  • Magnies owns a giant sword - it uses slow and powerful attacks. These blows are easy to avoid and resist.
  • Moi has a shield and one-handed ax - he is the opposite of his brother. He moves quickly, but his attacks are not so strong.
  • The best tactic is to focus on one brother - I focused on the attack on magnesium, because he was aggressive and attacked me a lot on me, which made it vulnerable to attacks.
  • Take a quarter of your health to finish the first stage of battle. You are surrounded by fog - turn the brief in the direction of the marker, which indicates the direction of attack, and parry it.
  • Time for the second stage. It is very similar to the first - to defeat one of the brothers, and then attack the second boss.
  • After that, you must again block attacks of enemies.
  • Time for the third and last round - Beware of attacks in the field of effect, because they can apply a big damage. You must bring down both brothers in a short period of time, because they can revive each other.

Collect objects, go to the crystal and take a piece of chisel. Mission Complete!

Behind the castle

This chapter contains our step-by-step guide for the mission "For the Castle" in God of War . Short and Atii acquired a magical chisel - now they can open secret doors.

Back to boat

  • Go to the door - thanks to the bit you can open the doors of this type (including hidden cameras). Wait until the chisel is heated (you must find the right moment - pay attention to the vibrations of your gamepad) and hit the door. Two impacts and the door will be open.
  • Move forward. In the next few rooms, you can open a red chest and destroy three runes that will allow you to hide items behind bars.
  • Go to Syndry and improve the ax. Go to the door of the dining room and open it using the chisel. Use an exploding crystal to open another red chest. Place the blue crystal in the hole to get a valuable object.
  • Go ahead - unlock the line and throw the atre on the scaffolding. Return to the rotating wheel and move the boy to the passage on the left.
  • Freeze the elevator and climb the chain. Get up on line and remember your ax. Use the chisel to open the passage to another room.
  • Go on a familiar trail to the boat. Hidden camera on the right - you can open it if you want, but remember that there is a powerful Valkyrie. You can try to fight her, but it is better to return here, as soon as the shortest will receive the best gear.

Go to Tierce Storage

  • Sit into the boat and go to the Temple of Tire. The entrance to the shelter of Tira is at the bottom - go inside.

  • Go to a bowl with sand - one of the sons of the torus will appear. He wants to take revenge on the death of his brother. Short will not allow him to do it. Atraya fell ill, and the only way to help him - use the help of the witch.


This chapter contains our passage of the Mission "Disease" in God of War . The study of the asylum of Tira was stopped due to the disease of the atreya - the brief should take the boy in Frey.

Ask Freary about the help of passage

  • Take the boy to the boat and go to the Witch Cave. Inside, use the elevator and log in to the cockpit.
  • Atraya is seriously ill - come back home to pick up a weapon that will help a short in Helheim.
  • Go to the boat and use it.
  • Win enemies outside the house and enter inside. Short returns his chaos blades! Use this weapon to kill enemies.
  1. From now on, you can use the second weapon of brief. You can upgrade it and study new techniques, as in the case of the Leviafan ax.

Realm Travel in Helhaim

  • Use the portal and return to the brocade store. Go to the travel room and select Helhaim as a destination.

Defeat the keeper of the bridge passage

  • Move forward. Use Blades of Chaos to defeat enemies. Then you must use the weapon to destroy the roots - now you can use your weapon to get to the hidden passages and items that were blocked by roots.
  • Walk straight. Defeat of several enemies. Destroy the roots and go ahead. Get to the locked gate. Go left and then go down. Destroy more roots and go around the edge.
  • Kill more enemies and move forward. The platform collapses - you will have to face new monsters.
  • Climb and destroy the roots between the two statues. Move forward and you will see the bridge keeper. You must kill him.
  • Although this fight can be similar to the battle with trolls, this enemy is much stronger. He also has various attacks: the keeper of the bridge can teleport, shoot with projectiles and can become invisible.
  • It can also cause smaller enemies that can be problematic in this battle. Destroy them first and try to always follow the keeper of the bridge so that it does not damage you with a sudden attack.
  • This fight can be difficult - shock waves and sudden attacks are especially dangerous. Keep the rage until you reach the last stage of the battle - the enemy will become even more dangerous and faster.
  • Kill the enemy, jumped on his corpse and pull out his heart from his chest.

Take a heart Freary God of War 4

  • Come to the post with a flashing green subject in the middle. You meet Brock - Gnome can upgrade your blades. From now on, you can capture Winds of Hel - aim in the sphere and capture its energy.
  • You can hold this energy only 10 seconds. Use the blades on the sphere located in the gate to open a new passage.
  • Grab the winds of Hel from the gate and transfer them to another place. Defeat enemies, and then cross the stone bridge.
  • Grab the winds of Hel and move them to another green sphere. This opens the passage, which leads to the Horde of enemies.
  • Kill enemies. Then you must destroy the roots. Go through a narrow passage. Grab the winds of the shel from the stone on the left. Open the gate.

  • The only and strong enemy is waiting for you on the bridge. A little further you will come across a group of weaker opponents. Continue to move to the exit. Return to Midgard.
  • Talk to the Brock - Now you can use mystical gates to move between them. Use this option to return to the witch cave.
  • Give the heart of the keeper Frey - Atii was healed. You can continue your journey. Return to the shelter of the dira.

Black rune quest. Passage

This chapter contains our passage of the Mission "Black Rune" in God of War . Atraya was saved. Father and son can return to the Tira storage.

Return to Tierce Storage

  • Exit the cab - if you want, you can try to open the fifth norner chest in this place.

  • Go to the cave and get to the boat. Watch video.
  • Return to the Tire Storage. Look a few cat-scenes. You reach a huge chamber with rotating rings.

  • Go to the rotating runer - the winds of the helpless are located on one of the rotating rings. Grab them. Insert winds into the sphere in the next room.
  • Use a rotating wheel to raise the grid. You must go through the rotating blades (do not get under them). Use Leviathan to freeze one of them - thanks to this you can move forward.
  • Enter the main room, and then defeat several enemies. Grab the winds of Hel and place them in another green sphere.
  • Now you need to go through the corridor, full of traps with spikes. Use Leviathan to freeze the trap for a moment. Then you must enter the crack on the right to get to the other side.
  • Open the door, defeat several enemies and get up. Kill more enemies and lower the chain.
  • Grab winds from the top of the rings and transfer them to the sphere below. Go down and move the winds to the last sphere below. Turn the rotating wheel ... This is a trap!

Avoid trap. Passage

  • To solve this mystery, you must arrange the characters in the following order: the moon on the left, Midgard in the middle and the sun should be right. The solution can be found above - remember that you have a limited time to solve this puzzle!

Get a black rune. God of War 4

  • Destroy the lattices and go down. Take a black rune. Two troll appear - this is a rather complicated fight.
  • Enemies have separate bars of health, and they can regenerate each other.
  • The ice troll is resistant to Leviathan, fiery invulnerable to chaos blades. The best tactic is to attack the ice troll - thanks to the Blades of Chaos you can keep a safe distance.
  • Beware of stones on Earth - destroy them, and the arena will be covered with darkness (this reduces your visibility).
  • Keep distance, attack only one troll and move throughout the arena - this should be enough to defeat them.

Release from asylum

  • Go to the treasury (the one where Atreus played with a knife). There you can open one of the Nornir chests.
  • Use the elevator and get to the surface - you have completed another mission. Meanwhile, brief and the atreus will celebrate their successful journey, drinking wine.

Return to the top of God of War 4

This chapter contains our step-by-step guide to the mission "Return to the top" in God of War . Brief and Atraya return to the grief.

Return to Mount. Passage

Go to Brock Store. Gnome gives you another service (that is, if you have completed the previous one).

Run to the top. Look at an interesting scene - Atraya shouts at Syndry. The boy thinks he is above him. His ego has grown after he found out that he is God.

After that, you will attack a huge number of enemies - fires, waves and other enemies.

Climb and move to the grief. To defeat several enemies and listen to a quarrel of brief and atreya.

You finally reach the room with a statue that depicts a deer. You also meet one of the sons of Torah, who survived the previous battle. Time for climaxing Atera's dilemm - the boy will commit to the murder contrary to the orders of his father.

Atreus will not listen to your orders during this part of the game and, for example, he decides when he wants to shoot or when to call the allies.

Find a new way to the top

Go left and destroy the red crystal. Win enemies and climb the rocks. Be careful, on top of more enemies.

Open the gate and enter the familiar room with a crane. Follow the marker and destroy the roots to continue. Then use the elevator to climb.

Here are more enemies. Follow the path with red crystals and go through a narrow passage to continue.

Win Frost Ancient - Avoid the laser and throw your ax when the boss reveals his "heart".

Destroy the branches and pull out the cart. Then you must move it in such a way that you can open another red chest.

Go around the edge and destroy more roots. Open the new red chest and move forward.

Open the bridge in iotunheim

You get to the Sindry Store - buy several items / improve your equipment and move on. Behind the gate several enemies and crack.

Do not forget to open a purple chest - inside it you can find the first fragment of the cipher that opens niflheim.

Go left and climb to the very top. Then go to the rune and try to open the portal in iotunheim.

Catch Baldura. God of War 4 passage

Boulder arrives, and he captures atre. Short jumps on the dragon and begins to fight God.

Use R1 and L1 to attack and resist the enemy.

The situation changes after a while - now you must avoid the attacks of Boulder. Damage and parry his blows. Counterattack when you have a chance. Soon this short duel will end.

Look at the cat-scene - the action will move to Helhaim.

Escape from Helheim. God of War 4 passage

This chapter contains our step by step guide to the "Escape from Helheim" mission in God of War . Short, Atii and Baldur, were trapped in Helheim. You must escape from this ice hell.

Find a way out of Helherima

Go to the stones and free the atre. Then you must go up and walk in several edges.

We defeat your enemies, burn the roots and collect silver from a small chest. Raise the gate and follow the path.

Win several enemies and lift the lattices. Now you need to go down and get to the big gate. Go down and get to the red chest.

Place the winds of the helper into the left sphere and freeze the left part of the leviafan goal. Then you must move the winds into the sphere on the right. After that, the gate will open.

Behind the gate awaits a powerful opponent - be careful and rely on evasion. Wait for the discovery and kill the enemy.

Destroy the roots and move the part of the post forward as possible. Return to the place where you fought with the enemy. Destroy the spikes to get another red chest.

Jump on the wall and go up, moving to the right. You overhear the conversation of Baldra and find out about the tragic fate of man.

Jump and defeat your enemies. Move the stone block forward and achieve the other side.

Get to the chest of Nornirov. Destroy three runes to open it.

Use ship

Sit on the ship. Destroy the roots on the deck and then go to the rope.

Unfortunately, the journey was interrupted, and the ship is now immobilized. Go to one of the columns and destroy it. This changes the position of the sails. Go to the spiner and change the position of the sails again.

The ship is stuck again - sit down to the ground and open the red chest. Then you must activate the mechanism. New enemies will appear.

Win monsters, open the nearest golden chest and go back to the ship. You must log in inside the ruins and turn the sign. Get to the top and freeze the mechanism. Jump on the ship.

This next part is a very long sequence, during which you should simultaneously run away and encounter enemies on the deck. They want to put out the flame on the roots (again to light them if they succeed), which will stop the ship. Try to eliminate these opponents as quickly as possible.

From time to time, enemies will shoot anchors on your ship. Remove them to continue the journey.

Finally, you need to approach the right part of the ship and snatch it to escape.

Escape Helhaim. God of War 4 passage

You fall B. secret room Odin Open the red chest and go to the door - open it with the magic chisel.

Move forward. You encounter a fragment of the Altar Jotan, which depicts a shooting line, holding an object that allows him to travel between worlds. There is a chance to get to Jotongheim!

Path to iotunheim. God of War 4

This chapter contains our step by step guide to the mission "Path in Yotunheim" in God of War . You will visit the hidden chambers in the Tira Temple. Also, the shorter is trying to get an item that allows you to travel between different areas.

Go back to Midgard and talk to Brock and Sindri

Return to Midgard and talk to the Brock and Sindri. Two brothers can help you - your new goal is to get to the mystery room of Tira.

Go out to the street and go to the place where you can enter the Tire Storage. The entrance to the hidden room can be found a few steps ahead.

Explore the hidden room of Tira

Go inside and run forward. Throw the ax in a blue crystal and enter the dark room.

Go for a bowl of light and go through the door. Go along the corridor and enter the room with two statues.

Go to the rune and try to turn the temple - however it is attached by two chains that you need to take off first.

Use the lever and go down. Go to the right - you will fall into the corridor, full of traps. Use Leviathan to freeze the trap and not be crushed.

Open the red chest, take a red shard and throw it under the frozen floor, right next to the other crushing trap. Jump on it when it goes down and keep moving forward

You reach chains - break them. It gives rise to enemies. Beware of the fire trap.


Defeating monsters. After that, the trap collapses. Now you can assemble a second piece of cipher for Niflheim (open the purple chest). Return to the room with an elevator - the second wave of enemies can be avoided by running between enemies.

Go to the second pass. This corridor is filled with blade traps. You must freeze them one by one - they must be formed in line.

Grab the winds of Hel and place them in the sphere on the right, next to another set of traps. Go forward, breathe winds and move them to the blade in front of you. Get to the other side.

Open another purple chest (the third piece of cipher for niflheim), break the chains, defeat the enemies and then return to the elevator.

Collect the mysterious type of tire

Use the elevator to climb. Try turning the temple again. This time the shortcoming will succeed. Get to the nearest wall and start climbing.

You will achieve your goal - Take the artifact Tire to complete the mission! Time to go to the kingdom between kingdoms!

Between the kingdoms god of war 4

This chapter contains our step-by-step guide for the mission "between kingdoms" in God of War . Brief and Atrei received a stone of unity, which can deliver them to Jotongheim. But before that they will have to survive the glove of the spheres.

Explore the kingdom

Return to Midgard - think about improving your gear, because you will soon have to fight in several complex battles.

Enter the mystical gates when you are ready, and go to the kingdom between kingdoms.

Go closer to the edge and jump into the abyss - do not worry, the stone of unity will save you.

Go ahead and enter the Yotunheim Tower.

Explore Yotunheim Tower and use a unity stone.

Enter the inside of the building. There are many doors here - you probably already know what will happen next.

Place the unity stone in the panel to start a glove - you need to survive several rounds, during which you need to defeat various enemies.

Survive glove spheres

The first round consists of several weak enemies. Chaos blades work on them best.

The second round is enemies from Alfheim. You must meet with the only and powerful enemies - avoid their attacks and do not let them dazzle you.

The third stop - Helheim - use the Blades of Chaos on the ice enemies and hold onto a safe distance.

  • Time for Muspelheim - OGR comes first, and after that you need to defeat the fiery troll! Short can be weakened during this part due to previous battles, so be careful. Save your rage for this fight.
  • Congratulations! Now you can go to iotunheim!


This chapter contains our step-by-step guide to the Mission "Yotunheim in the limit" in God of War . Short, Atreus is almost in the destination. On their way there is only one more obstacle ...

Talk with brocks and syndry

Go to the journey room and try to choose iotunheim as a destination. Unfortunately, Mimir needs his lost eye to open a passage for you.

Go to the gnomes and ask them if they know where Mimir's eye can be. It turns out that the eye is located in the Torah temple ... which was eaten by the snake.

This is the last challenge to collect gear in front of the final confrontation. Do not worry - you can visit all locations after completing the main storyline.

Boat in the mouth of the snake

Come to the horn and call the snake. Mimir will talk with it. The creature allows you to penetrate its stomach.

Come to the boat and enter the mouth of the snake.

Find eyes Mimir. Passage

Boat forward - you can take out several items from the water. Beach and turn the brief so that it turns out to be faced with a rotating wheel. Discover, move the elevator far to left and freeze the mechanism.

Rear to the left wall and get to the elevator. Remember Leviafan and get up.

Go to the Golden Chest and pull out Mimir's eyes out of it. Brief "Carefully" will place it in the right place. The old man can now take you to Jotongheim.

Turn left and open the purple chest. The last fragment of the cipher for NiFlheim is inside it.

Return to the boat and leave. Unfortunately, everything will be difficult. Freya and Baldur appear. Final confrontation time!

Bluffy defeat. God of War 4

Freya is trying to interrupt the struggle, holding back shorts and Baldur. Free himself and attack the enemy.

The enemy is fast and strong. He can also restore his health. Fight for a while and watch the cat scene. Boulder wounds himself an arrow from my mistletoe, which forces his immortality to disappear.

Wait until the enemy attacks, and parry it. This is the beginning of the second round. Baldr is very fast and strong - the best way to attack him is to hit it immediately after evasion or block.

The enemy can change its form - attack it with the help of blades of chaos when it is in ice form; Use Leviathan when it turns into its form of fire.

Freya tries to prevent you from fighting, sending a giant, which can, for example, create shock waves.

After some time, new enemies will appear - try to destroy them first, because they are a real hindrance during this battle.

See a few cat-scenes and follow several actions that occur between the battle sections - you need, for example, climb up and win a fistboard with a balder.

  • Use Spartan rage and continue the battle. Boulder is now even more powerful - it uses more special attacks and often changes its shape. You will constantly change your weapon. Do not forget to order atre to continue shooting around the enemy.

Witness of the tragic end of relations between Baldrom and Freia. The murder of Balduger caused Frey's wrath on a brief.

Mother's God of War 4 Passage

This chapter contains our passage of the Mission Mission "in God of War . Time to fulfill the last will of the Mother Atreya and dispel her ashes with the highest vertex of Jotongheim.

Return to Tira's Recreation Room

Go to the travel room and use mystical gates. Choose a Tire Temple as a destination.

Open the passage in iotunheim

Enter the room where you can switch between spheres. Select iotunheim as a destination.

Find the highest peak iotunheim

Keep climbing the stairs. Look a few cat-scenes. You will learn about the history of Mother Atreya and about who is actually a boy.

Also, look at the shocking picture - so the fate of the brief end?

Scatter her ash

Finally, you can dispel ashes.

Travel Home God of War 4 Passage

This chapter contains our step-by-step guide to the Mission "Travel Home" in God of War . You can also find out what you can do after completing the main storyline.

Return to the Temple of Tire

Go down the rock and return to the room with the picture. If you want, you can explore this area. It becomes inaccessible after you leave it.

Go to the Temple of Tire. Mimir there - take his head.

What can I do after completing the main storyline in God of War?

Despite the fact that you have completed the campaign, the world of the game is huge and full of secrets. Familiarize yourself with other parts of our leadership to get information on how to get to captured dragons, how to defeat legendary Walkiria or how to fill out two optional kingdoms - Sullheim and Niflheim.

The developers stated that he was the beginning of a new saga for a brief - who knows, maybe in the future you will have to save the world from Ragnar?

  • The locations of the legendary Valkyry are now visible on the map. There are 8 of them 8, but besides them there is another and very complex boss that needs to be defeated.
  • While you were in Jotunheim, a lot of time passed, and everything points to a very harsh winter (the one that foreshadows Ragnarks). Also, the enemies are now much stronger.
  • Do not forget to visit the lodge of the brief and atreya. There you can watch the cat scene, which foreshadows future events.

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If you have problems with passing game god of war 3You can always take advantage of our advice and information to action. We describe the steps in detail that you need to do to fully go through the game. God of War 3. In the most difficult places, we add pictures that can help you. GoD of War 3 Read on our site.


Hello, dear portal visitors

At the very beginning of the game will be shown a beautiful roller. Look, disperse with the first simple enemies, run toward the fallen tree. Follow the simple instructions on the screen and observe the subsequent scene.

Water stallion

This is the first boss in the game, with whom it is necessary to behave as follows: rolling down, evaporate from water jets and sharp claws, periodically inflicting damage. As soon as the shortage causes enough damage, the battlefield will be changed. Our actions have practically not changed. Bey, shy away, follow the alternating attacks of the boss. Tip: If you do not have time to dodge the attack - use the "R2" button to call a miniature typhoon. It will allow you to become invulnerable to any impacts for a while. If you do everything correctly, you will watch the video very soon.

Quietly we move along the rocks, join the ledge from above. If desired, opens the chest with souls, jump again for the ledge. A little further will appear a few weak units - we destroy and run towards the stairs. The enemies will appear again, we understand with them, after which you take a double jump to the protrusion. Nearby will be a pedestal with more information, you can not read, there is nothing interesting. Then there is a light battle, after which make friends further. Actions are not complicated, use the tips of the camera.

Upstairs the bridge is destroyed, in the ruins of which you can detect a chest with souls. We return to the cliff, use the platform. To overcome the abyss flying on the wings of Ikara, if they have not yet learned how to use them, then the instruction for you: once the "x", immediately after that again "X", but this time I do not let go, and hold your finger On the button to save control over the flight. We pass under the arch, open the door.

Behind our back will appear hostile quantum. Kill it, performing simple combinations, at the end of which you can perform a spectacular execution. Remove the remaining enemies, looking for a pedestal with instructions, pull the lever. Further, soon we run to the stairs, we climb on the platform before the timer has elapsed. I pass the abyss, we enter the golden radiance is the first point of saving. Over the gate.

To get to gay, we click on the buttons appeared on the screen. We again meet with a water boss. Here the combat technology has almost remained unchanged. It all depends on how quickly you react to blows. Such a little more than in the first meeting: three shock claws, combined attacks. There are no secrets of the passage of this moment, just try to fall under the boss's tough hand, occasionally leaving him injured.

Once the damage reaches the limit, the buttons will appear on the screen. Click and look at how the brief takes off the boss of the claw. We continue the battle, we use various combinations, evad. The buttons will appear again, perform all the required actions. The boss will open the torso, which we pierce the previously torn claws, which lies behind us. Formed a hole where we need to follow.

We go straight, with difficulty proliferate through the slot in the breed. We find a little further the likeness of the Liana, climbing on it, I will pass the obstacles.

Heart gay

We find the released wall, grab it for it with the "R1" button, after which I pull to ourselves and turn it to 180 degrees. Top stone column in the opposite direction and rub in free space. We climb on the just formed "stairs", moving on.

We destroy the enemies on the way, continue the way. We do similar actions with ledge and lianami. Actions intuitively understandable, tips everywhere scattered, there will be no difficulty.


The deity will hold the gay on both sides of the mini-location. We need to choose claws. In this battle, the action is a bit harder, especially the complexity of "Titan". He himself passed this moment of the game for about fifteen minutes, honestly. Poseidon periodically attacks the limbs from which it is not difficult to dodge. The complexity in the attack by electricity, from which you need to either run, or roll. I do not advise fly, the attack is long. Successfully chopping claws that hold the gay, click "R1". We look at the cat-scene.

The location of fighting characters changes again. We carry out all the same actions that they were performed earlier: Beam, dodge and beat again. So bring the boss to the state of full .... We are brutally straightening with mythological god, we look at a beautiful video climbing briefs to Olympus and its subsequent collapse.

Actually, hence the main story of the game begins. I hope hints will be useful to you.

River Stix

Let's float down the river flow, passing the vitality and spiritual energy. Do not be afraid, so conceived. Further video with the participation of brief and Athens is the beginning of the main storyline, do not miss.

Having received control, moving towards the highlighted point, click "R1" to quickly overcome the abyss. For the future - Pedestals do not give anything, their study is useless. Only in rare cases, they are involved in the plot. We move towards the point of preservation, it is clearly visible. For movement, we use the "R1" button - the role of hooks is played.

Having reached the small arena, participate in the battle. Here we fall a chance to use magic infinitely, so calmly dampen Mannu - recover. At the right side of the sealed gate, the chain - jump, calmly moving along it to the next solid surface, passing enemies. They will crawl on both sides of the chain, use the "O" button, which will flick the path faster for us.

We move forward, we get on a small combat arena, where small enemies and Gorgon appear. It is best not to touch the weak units, but to focus on the snake gadine. After her murder, all the enemies petrify, and you will be easy to destroy everyone.

Tip: Summary Looping Press the L1 block button - Attack Gorgon will be reflected, but do not relax. After pressing the block, you need to immediately press the button that appears on any side of the screen.

By destroying enemies, we go to the left, open the doors. We are calm, on the way there will be a gorge where you can open two chests with souls. We continue the way, watch the cat scene. Climbing the destroyed pillar, jumping into the renovative - higher post.

We jump onto the platform, they see the camp of the cherberry, and from above the opening mechanism. To the left of you there is another cage, we use the wings of the ICARA to move to it. From there, they encounter a chhan with a twig, jump behind him. We grab in the Chan and move towards the clerper in the cage. We bring Changer to the mouth of Cherberry, he set up. We return to the platform behind us, jump on it again - the mechanism opens over the cell. Quickly we run to the Chan with a twig and use wings to fly over it. They flock to the lever and pull on itself - a cerber cell opens. We jump, beat the three-headed Gadina, saddled and moving to the old man, pass through the way, destroying small enemies. After their destruction, we set on the ancient cell of the old man using the square or triangle buttons. The old man is lunged, and you will take it onions, with the help of which you can wait for the twig and explode bombs in the chains. To do this, clamp the "L1 + Square" button. For a conventional shot, you do not need to clamp the square.

We are transported across the river, set fire to the charged root boom on the left side. Moving on, persist. A little later, annoying harpies will meet, which are easy to pass when using "L1 + a circle", just repeat it more often so that Garpians do not have time to relax, alternate attacks. We go further, jump on the platform, to the ledge. Move until the end. We jump to Lian Double jump, then everything is clear, we use tips on the screen.

Three judges

We use a croup point to achieve the platform. We are looking for a point of preservation, which is located between the water tank and steel rods. After saving run down the screen, we study the pedestal - probably the only one in the game. Having studied the inscription, you will be offered to pass three tests. To perform each of them, you need to re-approach the pedestal and read the following.

The first test is to win over all enemies. The very first to go easier, without any problems.

The second test is to kill the lost souls before they touch the shining gate. At an elevated level of complexity will be difficult. Touching the gates, the souls will accept the appearance of the beaches of the abyss - the appearance of your enemies with whom will have to fight.

The third test is to win over all enemies in three waves. It is extremely difficult at the level of "Titan", but passable.

Upon successful completion of all three tests, it will open the steel gates to the right side. On the way, you can open the box with souls, the location will add everyone later. Before entering the portal, it is desirable to preserve.

The kingdom of Aida

We go to the right, pass the gorge with the help of wings. A little further will appear two minotaurus, as well-reaching between chimes with a rush. Shoot on the chains charged archers so that those exploded in close proximity to minotaurov. If you do not die, then run up and apply finishing strikes. Nearby there will be another portal, he keeps two drawers with souls. The plot path runs right through the gorge. We move forward and see the next cat-scene with the participation of Pandora's projection. We grab about the rope above us, moving to the opposite side. Moving in a tunnel mode, not particularly distracted by scattered sheets of paper. In a large room, a little further on the promotion of a short one, a new kind of enemy will appear - blue bombers, I am so called them. When approaching us - beyond the current, strongly complicating life. Moving further, we go through the narrow bridge, it is possible to open the chests.

The next task that the game offers us to perform-achieve the tops of a huge room, where the door is located. There we need to get there. Gilt the bride in a huge oven, use the wings of Ikara, in order to reach the second floor. There we are afraid with two medium-sized units, drag for the lever. We jump onto the wooden elevator, come to the third floor. There will also be enemies - we are destroyed without pity, we take one Chan's bombs from the incomprehensible conveyor with a twig. Towing it to the place, where I recently landed the elevator. We leave Chan, and jump on the floor below, pull the lever on yourself and rising again on the elevator. There we are already waiting for Chan with a twiety - pull to your elevator and go down to the second floor. Again, the "blue bombers" will appear, which can be disgraced to blow up our Chan - do not allow it and kill them quickly, not bombing. After the violence is again taking Chan to that place, where they climbed at the very beginning to the second floor. We encounter Chan in a fire that will turn around with a new force. We jump after him, not forgetting to reveal the wings. There is a hidden cave, where the boxes are stored, and the breeds are sticking out of all the cracks and try to grab you some hands. They can be destroyed and get an impressive amount of shower. Getting into the cave is very simple - do not reach the last door upstairs, and enter the nearest of you. From there, it is as simple to return, how to get - focusing on the air flow.

We go calm, the puzzles are not yet, a little further the cat-scene. After reviewing it, go to save. Next is the lever - Tyan, the door opens. Pull the switch is not far to open the gate. We follow the path and use the lever to move the doorway. The way will open right, stop rotation, go there. I have a hell of hellish hounds - you can get the rye "obedience". We return to where they came from and turning the platform in such a way that the holes went on a trust. Zgem him and moving on.

We look at the video, deal with the enemy. We jump down, moving on the other side. Get to the huge gate sealing roots. I burn the roots with your favorite way - a shot of a burning arrow. Reconnect with cerper, we destroy and open the gate.

Palace Aida

It is not difficult to notice the point of saving - "Come on", go further. There is a huge tree in front of us, on the right side of him a room - we go to the tag tested from there with stones. Its to the reverse side of the hall to the wheel-shaped mechanism. The cart must be put so that the wheel does not return to the opposite position, and the door did not slam down ahead of time. Scrolling and securing the mechanism, we go to the tree, climb on the crown and find ourselves on the second floor of the hall. Open the box, go to the room on the left. Entering the room, interrupt everyone on your way, we use the platform.

Optionally, you can explore the hall, on both sides of which the boxes are standing and waited for you. We return to the place of branching and read the inscription on the pedestal. After reading, we press "R1" - two stairs on both sides are wished. We climb on the one that is on the left side of the hall. We go to the elevator, dragging behind the lever, go down to the floor below. Open the gate and pick up the cart with stones that we left the wheel earlier. By the tangle to the elevator, pull the lever, climb the floor above. Now we need to spend the same procedure with the wheel as the bottom, substituting the cart for one of the wooden handrails on the mechanism. But still do not do it, a little later. Jump down, moving to the lever, turn. Statue will spread his hands. We return back to the cart with stones and substitute it as I said. Now quickly jump down and climb the side of the hall right side. There is the same wheeled mechanism, pull. The hands of the statue will be in the shackles, and the chest will remain without protection. We return to the pedestal, press the "R1" appeared on the screen and cigat into a black abyss where it is dark as in ...

When we find ourselves inside, the God of the Death and Morobic World of Aid will be long and to keep a conversation with us. In general, bosses in Slasherach, and specifically in this game - are very primitive in terms of attacks. Nothing fundamentally new you have to do. Attacks, slopes, jumping, periodic intervention buttons on the screen. When the flesh is torn off from Aida, quickly attack her so as not to give her to go back to the boss.

Tip: AID will often use the attack of two ghostly creatures. Their blows are easily reflected by the ordinary block. Put the block, and they will not be touched. Also, the boss attacks with swords in two ways: horizontally, vertically. Jump and rolling, that's all. When the AID is raking sufficient lulley, the "O" button appears on the screen. We run up and clamp - the shorts will begin to tear off a piece of flesh from Aida and throw it into the far corner of the cave. Your task after that is not to give a piece of flesh back to your native body. At the end of the battle, we get the claws of Aida, which can call the soul of defeated enemies. By the way, a very useful weapon. If you use all the souls, you will get another "Cleavement"

As soon as the game gives us the opportunity to try out the new "claws", calling up a dozen enemies on our destruction, the point of preservation on the other side of the styx - the River of the Military World will appear. We persist and dive under the water with the button "Square". Well study the bottom, there is a helmet of Aida. Let's floate for the flow, we dial and understand with the enemies that appeared. Priorite use the possibility of calling the shower. Do not rush to see the lever, pull and move towards the opened gate.

The completion of the chapter, already according to tradition, does not need explanations and twists - everyone will understand, there will be no difficulties.

We follow the corridor method - do not turn off the way, the camera's rockers will not let us make a mistake. IN certain moment We will see the passage on the right side, but it is sealed with roots - ruby. We go further, we see the hand of gay, grab the finger and throw off the cliff. Passing a little forward, we find large golden gates made in Spartan style. The eyes of the guards of the gate will light the enemies from all sides. As soon as we figure it away with them, go to the opened doors. The tip will pop up on the screen - perform all requirements. To overcome a certain distance, you need to cling to Garpi's paws by changing them in the air. If you need chests with souls, there are those available below, under the wares. As soon as we find yourself on the opposite side - we persist. Follow.

Here we fall the opportunity to raise the level of shower content. On the right side we have several chests, along the corridor, many opponents who are easy to destroy as follows: the grip of one of them with the "O + Square" button, and so we conduct a live shield through the entire crowd. A few meters are cleft, overcome it on Garpia already known. We fall on solid land. The goal on the left is unlocking - the Centaur goes out surrounded by assistants. We understand with them, follow the paved path up.

We look at the colorful roller with the participation of the fiery titanium of giganic sizes and helios - the Greek God God. Camera's view will indicate us on a charged ballast - we use it. Rear sample chimera. It will have to kill in several stages, but nothing complicated. As soon as they deal with it, come again to the tool and wait for the moment when Helios flies on the chariot in the face of Titan. Shoot and watch a small video. Go down, come to the cliff. A hint of the appeal appeal to Harpy to Himself. Take out the bow and let the ordinary arrow in the nearest flying creature. She is flock, then, I hope it is not necessary to explain, it is clear because.

When we find ourselves on the opposite side, they again come down to some opponents. Here, too, you do not need to be particularly ranting - the rubies and the grind of everyone. Now our goal is to get to the broken chariot of Helios. This way is easy, no extra words need. On the way there will be several boxes with magic and souls. Enemies will not be puzzles too.

As soon as you get to Helios, a dozen warriors with mineral shields will be put on its protection, which cannot be printed in our current strength. But we need to hit protection, otherwise the plot will not develop. As soon as the strike is deposited, on the left side to land the OGR with a bubble. We apply sufficient damage to stun, press the capture and saddles of the monster. Under our control, it turns out to be a manual OGR, with which we destroy the protection of Helios. When the defenders are not left, heading towards the wounded Helios. Buttons will pop up on the screen - click in the desired order. Bloody cat scene begins. But not everything is so simple. We will make a bright light that you need to cover with a brief hand. This is done with analog stip. A little uncomfortable. Having closed the light source, click on "O" - the shortest will begin to beat Helios. The next small scene begins, in which the God of the Sun is deprived of his head. This mynched object is the most important in the game, without it, many tasks are impracticable. By the way, many drawers, well-hidden on the maps, are with the help of glimpse of Hellios head. You only need to send it to the intended place "Chron". One defeated God in our account is more.

There is no open door, even more - there is no one at all. So, let's get a new toy and send it to the wall in front of us. It is necessary to drive the light along all the walls of the wall, driving analog stick. There will be a passage - go further.

Path "EOS"

We have to go through the darkness, let out the "light" head, light your way. It is also possible to blind enemies, clamping the "L2 + triangle" buttons. At the same time, fragile facilities located nearby are separated from the power of light. On the way, another hidden door will meet - we bring your head and go further.

We go along the corridor, grab the rope, passing over the other side, jump. We look at the Rock in the darkness - it is from above. Quietly moving to a large room and watch the cat-scene.

To power the gorge using Garpi services, performing already familiar actions. Special problems with the promotion in this zone should not arise.

Look attentively, the boxes with souls are scattered on the location. Their location, as I have already written earlier, I will not describe in this article. There will be a separate article dedicated to this topic. The only serious opponents will be a little further, having the ability to go underground and attack us from there. Attacks are extremely dangerous, but you should not worry. Ghosts can be killed using the following combination: "L1 + O" - shorts will pull them out of the soil, inflicting significant damage. Such actions repeat as often as possible, with a minimum time interval. Nothing difficult.

Already soon we will find a point of saving. After fixing our position in the storyline, we join the huge chain and take off.

Balance chains

Our flight speed will be great. At this stage of the game, we set a task - to avoid falling stones and fear obstacles on the way. You need to manage a shorter with analog stick, as smoothly and measured, without unnecessary movements. There is a risk to break the schochka, we will be careful. As soon as our hero approach the final point of the flight on the screen, a hint will appear - perform all required actions. Such flights pose a threat to your time only at an elevated level of complexity. There are tens of minutes take away your time.

After watching the next roller, we fall into huge caves. As soon as we find yourself on the box subjected to an opponent's attack. The first wave consists of weak units, which will not be much difficult to kill. Two minotaurus will be the second enemy, trying to break the chains that hold us on the weight. We need to kill them before the chain is completely broken. I advise you to use the next combination of buttons to be stunned: "L1 + triple pressing triangle + any additional attack." If you do not have time or you are not allowed to make a combination, then use magic. All means are good, the main thing is to use them quickly. The archers will also interfere - kill them easier with all charged arrows. With a good slade, we go further on the storyline, jumping on the next box. We look at a small video screensaver with Hermes. Upon completion of the roller, we go to preserve progress and use the hook.

A huge chain of equilibrium is long, but the crawl will have to be completely a bit. When we find yourself on the other end, we open all sorts of chests, we are looking for hidden rooms and boxes. On the right side of the hall, where the open gate overlooking the shower is noticeable, the save point is noticeable - if anyone does not wait to "settle down" again.

The plot will not develop until you cover the head of Helios each of the paintings in the Olympus hall. At viewing the last of them, Hermes will appear in the hall - run for the hype.

Basically, the chase behind him is very simple and easy to run even for an inexperienced player. All the actions that the game requires you, we fulfilled before. You do not need to reinvent the bike twice. All the same at the speed run by the goal, periodically smoking on the vertical surface, sometimes enter into small disassembly with the "local population". Nothing supernatural game from you does not require - run yourself and run.

By landing brief, our goal is to find the wounded Hermes lying down the floor below. We run under the arched arch, turn right, stumble upon a break - plan on the opposite direction. Hermes are not difficult to see, that moaning and highlighted. We begin to mutate it until the small cat-scene begins. We will have resistance to be suppressed, beating Hermes by any means of our well-known ways. The image will pop up the image of the desired buttons - click and cut off the character's character. With his murder in our inventory, "Hermes Boots", giving the owner of a lightning speed. To obtain "treasures", we draw attention to the head of the statue behind which it is located. Next to us installed wooden designTo overcome which we first use the new thing. Press "L1 + X" and run up the vertical plane. The same action is performed with horizontal surfaces. Places for similar fuses are marked with golden trails from shoes. Do not miss this prompt.

Next comes logical movement scheme. The camera will suggest which direction we need to follow. It is necessary to get to a small arena with three limits and several weak units. Having understood with all the enemies, we open the coming visible boxes, we return to the central gates, we enter inside. We go to the conservation zone, if desired, open the boxes, which lie nearby. Moving the corridor method, occasionally meeting opponents. We climb the stairs, open the door. We fall into a huge hall with the statues of two nymphs, holding the mechanism levers. On both sides of the hall there are airbags, we use to achieve top panel. As soon as we prove behind the lever, the camera will show what is going on at thenime. You need to make a correct picture of the blade. With this quickly cope, the task for children. Upon completion of the execution, another mechanism made in the style of the original Gamepad PS3 will appear from under the ground. Here we need to get into the rhythm of the melody, like the game on musical instruments in Guitar Hero. . It all depends on our reaction, and that a lot is important - the feelings of the rhythm. Successfully completing all the requirements of the game, a lever will appear - pull and persist for reliability. And as you probably have already guessed, on the current tradition, the endings of the head run on themselves, without tips. Such is not required, the endings are always light.

After reviewing the cat-scene with the participation of Hercules and the wife of Zeus Gera, we get control over the character and begin to fight. The first thing you need to destroy weak enemies to overclocking and only later, periodically cheer the herakla healthy. For a slope from the frontal attacks using sticks or wings to fly it. If you do not have time to get away from a direct meeting with him, "O" is displayed on the screen, we click it and exempt from the capture. As soon as Herakla is inflicted a weighty damage, it will be possible to lead it to spiny posts, which are located throughout the arena. After putting it twice on the spines, fight the proven method - attack and go on a safe distance. At some point, the fight Hercules will blind us, and we must perform simple combinations of attacks by pressing the pop-up buttons. So, in our account one corpse has become more. We will get a new weapon.

When we find yourself in water, dive and find the "Hercules shoulder". We go to the land, moving according to the game prompts. As soon as you get to a small room, we start to fight, trying in the case of a new weapon. Having understood with everyone, we go to the blue mineral, we divide it, pull it out for the lever. We remember that you can destroy similar obstacles. Exit from the room will be blocked by warriors with mineral shields. I think the way of breaking through such protection is not subject to explanations. We get to the water, dive into the opened passage and float to the end.


We kill all the enemies on the path, we reach the save point. We turn the wheelchair, go to the open gate. There will be a very small cat-scene with the participation of the "Girl" of Poseidon, who do not comprehend our person. We need to get into the room with four portals. On the left side, it is possible to open a couple of chests, jumping into the right portal. Once on the platform, jump on the side ledge, drag behind the lever. There will be dogs that you need to knock on the portal through which we jumped for the first time - in the right if no one remember. You need to kick them using the capture button. Pots get on the moving platform, gradually lowering it. As soon as the level reaches the lower portal - they are cigating through the first to the platform. We go to the next, of course, after massacre with all the dogs.

We look at the video, read the letter, which lies on the floor. Open the chest and pick up the "Treasure of Gods" on the pillow. We return to the same portal, deal with the dogs on the side, protecting the girl. As soon as the dogs are killed, the level of the platform will begin to rise, and we will fall into the upper portal.

Returning on the path traveled back to the wheel-shaped mechanism. Near the large gate, we break the way two guards with Bulavami. We understand with them, catching up the girl. There is no riddles or puzzles. We need to kill everyone on the way, even a girl, consolidating it on the round mechanism so that the doors do not slaughters ahead of time. So we get a new achievement "I did not kill me, and sorry!"

We are chosen outside where it rains. You can explore the body on Earth, but optional. We use the lever on the mobile platform, flying to the next and so that you do not get to the broken mechanism. We return to the penultimate and correct the platform in such a way that you can plan to be planned to close from the new hall. To do this, turn the mechanism twice. This way we will return a lot later. We go into the door, persist.

Through Aphrodite

We go along the steps to the purple-purple hall. This felling of Aphrodite, where drawers with souls and some objects are scattered. We approach the bed, we look at the cat - the scene, at the end of which there will be two answers: "Yes" or "no". Choose the first to get a shower. Erotic game will begin with clicking at the desired moment of certain buttons. As soon as Aphrodite is satisfied, a new passage will appear - jump there. A roller with a jealous blacksmith Olympus - Hephasta will be shown. We jump down and persist.

Cupid Tartara

We understand with the oncoming cushion, go along the steps up. I pull the chain until you stop, push the nearest box. Jump on the second cliff and parity left to find a red chest. Jump down and go to the right chain. I pull it down and push the nearest box to the wall. We return to the left and jump on the second ledge to hook Garpius. We climb on a pair of blocks, then to a light point. Pick up the block. We use Garpia to move on the opposite direction. We turn out to be on the platform on the right. Use the object. The problem is lightweight, persist and sneak through the storyline further.

On the way a couple of weak rivals will meet. To overcome cliffs and gorges, we use the wings of Ikara. We reach the bright flickering point and observe the next cat-scene.

At this stage of the game, we have to fight with Titan. After reviewing the roller, we use "O" to break out of the capture of the Kronos. Immediately after release, I charge Hellios's head and at the moment when Titan closer to us the head, blinding his flash of light. He will lose on some time orientation in space, and we will have the opportunity to escape. We use tips on the screen, so you will get to his hand. After the climb climb climb up. Mode and mesoming skin opening over us. As soon as we stand on my feet, ruby \u200b\u200bone more tens of units. The boss will hit his hand in relative proximity to us. We need to beat on the fingers, and after - to tear the nail on one of them. The buttons on the screen will reappear again. Click and look.

When the giant will bring a hand on Earth, you can see the shadow - go from this zone to not fall under distribution. When the blow will be applied, grab the fingers. The Kronos will raise his hand, and we have to blind him again. Again click on the pop-up buttons.

We will get to a small arena on the body of Titan, we kill enemies and divide the mineral lock on the chains. To do this, we change the weapon on the lion's gloves. Next, nothing complicated, there will be many prompts - follow all instructions of the game.

Having reached the moment when the Kronos starts dumping everything with his hands, you need to run as quickly as possible, not particularly distracted by the oncoming enemies. A little later there will be another skirmish, but already more serious. Disferential OGR will appear without skin cover - then the spectacle. It must be the first to be crumpled precisely he so that the shortage could take control over him. With it, you can destroy not only small units, but also a special object on the location from which the OGR gets out.

Further more. Short will be swallowed by Titan. We must quickly descend along the wall of the food tract, so as not to get under the wise lumps of incomprehensible content and composition. At some point, it will be possible to take advantage of the Zeus Sword to cut titanium from the inside. Follow the prompts on the screen. We destroy the laid crystal, we go through the forehead of the Kronos. Look further to the tips and with the successful execution of the required actions, we observe the epic roller.

We land on the ground, we divide the crystal, we look at the scene. Next is nothing complicated. We will take a new weapon, we will deal with a bunch of enemies and come back, after preserving progress, to Aphrodite. Before her portal, we get with the help of the winged shoes of Hermes.

Gardens Olimpa

Perhaps this level of the game is the most complex in terms of puzzles. There will be two in the chapter, attach.

Flying the abyss, kolotim the mechanism of new weapons until he turns. We will pass the abyss and go later on the plot. See small videoAfter which you need to explore the table in front of you.

On the hall scattered books - optionally you can read. Use the lever to the right to bring the platform in motion. We charge the ballast, break the gate. We go to the opened goal, go down the rope.

Moving according to the prompts on the screen. We look at the sad cat scene with the participation of drunk gera. Real mockery of mythology. As soon as the ability to control the actions of the shorter, we select the goer Cup. We find a point of saving and a couple of chests. We use "R1" to lower the gate. Stop on the stone button. We will show a statue with an emerald eye. The button activated the gate - jump through them. We go to the left in the steps. We jump to the cliff, grab the stone pillar, turning it left. Steps should be underwater. We go through the open gate and watch the cat-scene.

We return to the stone bowl with water, shoot a charged arrow along the roots on the left side. Move the column to the burnt roots. I get up on the button again - the camera will become green. Water flow will go filling the bowl. A new path will open.

Pull the column down. Turn it so that the steps are to converge with other neighboring, which are located at the end of the zone. The screen will turn green again. Take the gerier and taking it to the bowl - the body goes there. Now move the column to the stone button. A holistic road will appear, according to which you need to quickly go to the opposite end of the gardens. We go, watch the video.

We use flying harpi for crossing another location. Keep the game position in the plot, go further.

More tasks will not be. We go calmly a corridor method, stumble upon a scorpion flock.

Fight with a whole sopholy flag, one of them without armor. For a faster passage of this moment, BEE it is it - it is possible to take the limit under control and break the rest of the club. We understand with them, we run to the point of saving, if you wish, open the boxes with souls. There will be no passage, we need to illuminate the wall of the head of Helios.

We go along the corridor, give scorpions. Get to the room with water, jump down, drag behind the lever. The water level will rise, and we float on the right side of the room, climbing the wall and follow the passage.

At the end of the corridor there will be an elevator - drag for the lever for lifting. Here you often need to use the light, so you keep the "narry" of Helios ready. On the way, we destroy everyone in our way, jumping on the grid located at the end. We climb up, beat enemies, jump through the abyss. We are looking for a wall with golden footprints - running up.

We reach the huge cube and look at a small cat-scene. Already familiar small scorpions are attacked, after the massacre over which the larger copy will appear. To be released from claw alternately, click "R1 + L1".

Here be careful, especially if you play at the level "Titan". Enough literally three boss strikes for the sad end of the level.

The main task of the battle consists in the cropping of crystalline protection of the limbs. We will break with lion gloves, and when Scorpio will make a sting on us - quickly fly away, rolled back, use Hermes shoes. All anything, lizhbi to flush as quickly as possible. After the destruction of three crystals - the boss will fall. We run and beat on the "sch) by any weapon. The "O" button will pop up on the screen. Follow the prompts.

When all limbs are destroyed, the boss will fall again. Beying any kind of weapons on the same "sch). We again follow the pop-up tips on the screen. When the boss is defeated, we break up a frozen corpse to get a shower, and to obtain a special item you need to break the remaining sting on the edge of the cube.

We go to the red panel on the floor and click "R1". Fly in the airflow.

Further everything is simple to disgrace. We must switch similar panels to shift the position of cubes in the cave. We follow the tips of the camera, looking for a point of the hook and occasionally fight with enemies. Nothing difficult, only the reaction is needed.

We reach the movie with the participation of Grandfather - Ikara Father. Open the nearest chests with souls, jump on the chain and move towards the weighing platform. From there we carry out a combination with hooks. Nothing difficult, just press the "R1" croup in time and for the separation of "X".


We reach the save point, activate the red panel on the floor. Immediately climb enemies from all the cracks. After the victory over all the gates will open. We go to the next room, with the head of Helios, we are looking for a chest. On the right side, another red panel is pressed.

We wait for the moment when the fire on the left side will fuse. We cling to the wall and moving through the ceiling upstairs. In general, we must be on top of this mobile Mahina. I pull the lever - the doors from the bottom will open for us. We go and, if desired, open a chest with souls.

Jump down, pull the stone block to the red panel, and then activate it. We turn over, taking this block on a round button in a wooden floor. Having installed it on the spot, we use the Hermes shoes and climb the golden tracks. We go into the open door and find yourself in the arena.

It begins a certain dexterity test. From under the ground, spikes will periodically break out, capable of killing the first time - this is also to relate to your enemies.

Tip: If you want to go through this game moment, then drive the entire crowd of enemies on the spikes looking out from under the ground and take off for a moment before they appear or roll out as quickly as possible so that you can not get under the distribution.

At some point in the middle of the arena, one Garpia appears, intended for our salvation. All the arena will be made by spikes, so we need to be in the air for a long time while the test camera will not turn over. Having mowed on the Garpia - do not move and do not try to manage it. So you will hold out in the air longer and have time to jump onto a safe surface. This test will repeat again, but our actions will not change.

After completion of the tests, we go to the point of conservation and "secure".

I pass the abyss and give lion gloves to destroy crystals. We observe a roller.

For the whole game, our task is changing radically - you need to protect anyone. Accompanying, guarding the Pandora, who drives off from her units. After the destruction of all enemies by pulling the lever on the wall. Go ahead. Activate the red panel on the floor. Spearly paced to save the girl until she was chosen.

We interact with Pandora, raising it to the gate mechanism. We climb the stairs, enter the next room. We find a moving wall - pull, activate the red panel. So that Pandora does not choose - in a hurry to pull the lever. Again, activate the panel on the floor. Jump and smash the glass. Moving further in the plot, persist. We observe the cat scene.

We investigate the locations of the location, open visible and invisible chests. We use the lever to skip Pandora further. We ourselves get to the sparkling point, which is located on top. The platform will start climbing. We run behind the girl, persist, watch the video. We understand with all the extradisses, activate the button on Earth - chains will appear. Open all sorts of boxes, go to the portal.

We returned to the judges. We go to the back of the statue and smash the crystalline thigh. We are successful to two judges, smashing onks - crystals. After splitting all three crystals go down. You need to return to the place where we passed three tests near the chains. We get up on the stone button, the chains will be raised, and we will see minerals - smash. We watch the video.

In safe with Zeus, only two types of weapons are good: classic fiery swords and a completely new weapon - "Beach Nemesis". It is best to alternate them to apply more damage. As soon as Zeus's head will light up "O" - click, and again ataking. Do not forget to put blocks, otherwise the risk of quickly lose. At a certain point, the battle will overcome the tip again - listen, watch the cat-scene.

We find a point of preservation, "Come", continue the way. I am going to Zeus, we see the roller again. This time use the technique of hit-retreat. You can parry his lightning discharges. In principle, the technique of combat has not changed much. Also beam, leaving, beyond again. The main thing is to do it quickly, without delay.

We again fall into the gay body. Give the lion's gloves and divide the crystalline protection of the heart. Burn the roots, mesive the heart. When Zeus appears for the second time, then our actions will change. It will sometimes restore health and power reserves, fueling from the Heart of Gay. We must prevent this and fit themselves. Do not forget to apply a permanent damage to the boss. When Zeus finally loosen, prompts will appear on the screen to follow. We look at the video.

When we will have the opportunity to manage a short one, go to the sword. We look at the cat-scene. We make our way through the dark mini-level of "horror of a brief," following the bloody path. After some time, the game from the first person will begin. Kill Zeus, pressing the desired set of buttons. We look at the final gaming roller. On this pass ends.

Dear visitors, if you have questions about the passage, if you still have not figured out the moments of management or did not understand this or that moment at the level - leave comments, I will be happy to help. To the emergency at the portal

Publication date: 04/23/2018 14:39:22


The game begins with the moment when the short, the once cruel and ruthless ghost of Sparta, looks at the tree, marked with the fingerprint. Click "ABOUT"So that the scene began, where the summary pulls out its ax. Click several times "R1", And he fows out a tree.

Move with the help of the left poke forward behind the boy named Atraya towards the pier. Approach the canoe moored and press "ABOUT"After that, a brightest with her son fell a tree to the boat and sit down in her. From this point on, you will see your first task on the screen.

Purpose: Follow along the river

Use the left stick to control the boat and head for the river flow, listening to the conversation between short and atre. After swimming through the mountain tunnel, go to the dock marked on the map map, then click "ABOUT"to moor. Short will automatically raise the tree on the shoulder, after which you must follow atre, until you reach the house. A new scene will begin, where briefs will disturb the tree for the funeral fire ( 1 on the map presented above).

Purpose: hunting with atre

After all scenes go through the gate (2) And follow the atrement that hunts on a deer. Do not miss a bluish glow, denoting the selected item - one of them, "chopped silver", is on the fork immediately behind the waterfall (arranged in the screenshot below). Cate down on the right way of development, and you will find tracks on Earth (3) . Explore them.

Before following the next way to the fork leading to the bridge, go through the bridge gorge to find the chest and pick it up.

Continue to follow the gorge to find on earth in front of stone steps a glowing object, which is a "lost toy" (artifact of Dolkometha).

Artifacts are sets of items that can be found in different major zones of the game. Having collected the whole set, you will receive a considerable amount of experience. Later, the artifacts can be sold in the benches of the gnomes, receiving "chopped silver" for them.

Close the stone steps, and you will find more traces for which Atraya will determine that they belong to the wilderbana. Keep going along the way until you reach the edge of the destroyed bridge (4) . Jump over the gorge with "ABOUT", then follow the on atrement, jump over the fallen tree, go further and see a beautiful deer (5) .

Start pursuing prey, not forgetting to pick up a bucket with "chopped silver", as well as take the chest that is under the fallen tree on the right. When you get to the suspension bridge (6) You will notice that he is broken, and on the opposite side there is an obstacle. Clean the bridge, Mount the ax in a barrier. Then jump through the abyss, and you will again see the deer ahead. Artes of the horses will shoot him and misses. Having fucked by the boy onions, brief again will send him to search for the beast.

Continue to go at the atre and soon the draghr will attack you. (7) . When the enemy appears, throw the ax. If the creature approaches you close enough, you beat it with the help of easy attacks, and then achieve heavy. Leviathan quickly cuts dragres into pieces, but attacks with bare hands are almost fatal for them.

After you figure it out with the first threat, the second trecdom jumps out from the boulder to the clearing. Try to throw on his legs with an ax. Then there will be two more pairs of drapeds that will attack you one by one. Hold out "L1"To block the shield enemy strikes, then complete the heavy attack by pressing "R2". Experiment with such tactics, combining light attacks with heavy and block, and soon the enemies will be defeated.

After the destruction of enemies, follow the atrement to the ancient ruins with huge stone towers. Continue to follow the arch, engraved with strange letters, to the courtyard with stairs leading in four different sides.

Choose a glowing green Health Stone (8)to get to it. Then look at the ceiling where you should see a hanging bucket. It is a "suggestion capacity", many of which can be found throughout Midgard, and they contain "chopped silver". Throw Leviafan on the luminous disk, located just above the bucket, and run it on the ground. Do not forget to choose prey.

Now it's time to explore the ruins before going at the atrement, who headed for the left staircase. Climb on the right staircase and follow the slope down to the waterfall. Do not miss the chest, which is in the grotto on the left side of the ravine. Follow the left on the river to her edge (9) To find another bucket with "chopped silver" next to the corpse. Then return to the waterfall and right to rise to the ledge (10) .

Follow the way to the Canyon Gorge, where you will see a chain (11) . Click "ABOUT"To slip on it to the ground. There you will see two wolves guarding the sarcophagus (12) . Wolves are very fast enemies, which is why it is difficult to get leviafan. Therefore, block their bites with a shield, and then attack with bare hands. It will easily allow them to stun, and then perform a finish.

After killing two wolves, discover the sarcophagus in which you will find a lot of "chopped silver". Before returning to the top of the chain, pick up a "lost toy" on the ground nearby. Then rise around the chain and go back to the yard (8) .

In the yard, go along the top steps and throw Leviafan in a wooden barrier (13) . Go to the cave where you will see the Norman chest, which is sealed with three blue runes. To open the chest, you must break all three prints. To do this, you need to find three suitable runes in this area and break them, throwing Leviafan.

Open the Norny Chest:

  1. The rune is on the ground to the right of the chest.
  2. The rune is located in an open chest, which is located at the left wall from the Nurnian chest.
  3. Rune can be seen, turning towards exiting the cave, in the left corner.

When all three prints are broken, discover the chest to take "Apple Idunn".

In total, there are 9 apples in the game and they are only in magically sealed Nornian chests. For every three apples you will increase the health strip.

Return to point (8) And follow the remaining steps. Go further and see a deer heading into an ancient temple. Continue your way to the entrance to the temple (14) And open large red doors, after which the scene will begin.

Predibly through a spill in the wall (15) , go down the steps and turn left. Follow the atre in the side room with glowing coals in the center. Ahead, right around the corner, the dragra will appear in the temple yard (16) . Throw on them from published an ax several times, and then achieve in the near battle. The main thing is not allowing the enemies to bypass you from the flank. Soon the trecra will appear, so be ready to use ruling so that they do not attack you in the back.

Having understood with the enemies, look around. You will see a large chain attached to the vertical rack, which is located in the center of the courtyard. This mechanism opens the gate ( 19 , 20 ) leading to the west and south from the courtyard. But before opening them, first discover high doors (17) leading to the north. Follow them, and you will fall into the zone of the frozen pond (18) where there is another sarcophagus and wolves, which will soon join the tremges. If suddenly, the wolves grab the jaws of a short one, just press several times "ABOUT"to get free.

Remember to easily slow down the drarew, you need to reject the ax over its feet. As soon as the enemy turns out to be on Earth, striking it and perform a heavy blow to throw it, and then quickly apply light attacks, and you can "juggle" the enemy in the air until his death. Or you can just throw off the ax and return it in the Dranegra.

After the end of the battle, do not forget to choose all items in the zone, including the "lost toy". Also take the reward from the sarcophagus. Now you can go back through high doors and go back to the yard (16) .

Approach the large chain tied to the vertical rack, and pull it for it to rotate the gear above the door leading to the yard (20) . This will make it possible to raise the internal gates and omit external, as well as raise the gates leading to the side room (19) .

So that the gates do not close when you release the chain, you need to reject Leviathan in the same gear above the door to freeze it. !!! So far, do not take the ax !!! First go to the side room (19) To open the sarcophagus with "chopped silver".

Return to the temple courtyard and pass through the way out of the temple (20) . As soon as you go through the raised internal gates, you can pick up the ax. It wrinkles the gear and internal gates will close, and the external - will open, allowing the opportunity to exit the temple.

When you find yourself outside, turn left to pick up Lut from the next sarcophagus. Turn left again, and you will see a chain hanging from the wall (21) . Rise on it. Top Turn right to see the iron gates blocked by fragments (22) . Please note if you rumble Leviafan in a pot with fire, he will explode and destroy the barrier.

On the other side of the closed gate hangs another pot with fire. By destroying it, you clean the barrier blocking the gates. Unfortunately, it is behind the gates, so the ax does not reach it. So come to the gates and in the hole in the ceiling you will see a glowing blonde disk. Throw away Leviathan into him, and the pot with fire falls to the ground.

Also run away a bucket with an offer to pick up its contents. Falling, the pot of fire will explode and remove the barrier. Open the gates and pick up the chest with "chopped silver".

Close the stairs (23) And the right wall you will find a chest. Also ahead you will see a wooden barrier (24) . After you take extraction from the chest, break the barrier, Mount the Topor. This will allow you to get to a richly decorated cabinet at the end of a small corridor. Opening the closet, you will get access to "Sanctuary of Yotnur" - First Legend (Skedel and Hati).

Legends tell interesting story World Gow.

Now come back to the wall where you climbed the chain (21) , and slide down. Follow the atrement along the trail past the red banner located between the boulders (25) To start the cat scene. When you get control, follow the directions on the screen to shoot a deer.

Follow the atrement to the lying deer for another scene, after which you find yourself on the open arena. (26) where you are waiting for a meeting with a massive fiery troll by name Daida Capemold.

Deida Capemrada

Trolls are not difficult creatures. Each of them in their hands the massive stone column, which they are willing to crush everything they do not like.

Daidi Capemrad's Fiery Troll immediately raises the column to hit the brief. In addition to this attack, there are two main rods. If you stay at a distance from the troll, he will first try to push the brief column, and then quickly strikes her back to the ground.

Fortunately, from all the attacks of Daidi Keipmadra can be easily dodged with ruling. Click the left stick in the direction where you want to roll, then two pressed the "X" button from enemy shots. You can also click "L3" to quickly escape. While fighting, do not forget to select green crystals scattered by the arena, if you need to restore health.

If you want to get rid of Leviafan in Troll, then skip in the head, since there is a vulnerable enemy. In other parts of his body, the thrust of the ax does not cause a particular damage. Also, to distract Deida Capemadra, order atre (by pressing the "Square" on the gamepad) shoot on it from Luke. When the enemy turns his attention to the boy, attack it combo and heavy blows, then turn back from the zone of its action.

When the strip of life of the troll will approach zero, a red circle will appear around his head, and on the screen notification that you need to click "R3". Having done it, you will achieve the enemy.

Purpose: Return home

After the victory over Daida Keipmadra, the scene will begin, after which heroes will go home. How to manage, follow the ledge (27) , Sit atre and go for him. Continue to follow the narrow passage, and then disperse with the dramrams.

Combining hand-to-hand attacks of brief with the shootings of atreya will allow you to quickly stun the enemies. Stunned opponent for a few seconds can not attack, and you, approaching it and pressing "R3", literally to ruin it into parts. This tactic works with most drags.

After the fight, pick it up all Lut, and then explore the entrance to the rock from the opposite side of the zone. You will see the luminous metal plate that at the moment you will not be able to open. This is the so-called "Chamber of Secrets" (28) which in the game you can find 7 pieces.

Now go to the yield with yellow glyphs (29) And you will see another group of draped. You can easily deal with them using the tactics described slightly above.

Soon you will get acquainted with the new enemies, the leader of the robbers, which will appear from the pile of stones lying near the nearest lifting platform (30) . This creature is closed in ice armor, which makes it resistant to Leviafan attacks. Therefore, remove the ax and proceed to the hand-to-hand battle mode to cope easier with it.

After the fight, close to the lifting platform (30) And you will see an obstacle from the logs tied to the rope blocking the path. Throw the ax into a glowing disk hanging on the rope to free up the platform. Now jump down to the backyard. Approach to the house and pass under a canopy on the right side to get into the front courtyard. Hold the right edge of the yard until you see a glowing object on Earth. This is the last "lost toy".

Now, finally, close to the house and open the door (31) So that the scene began. After entering the house, come to the atre, talk to him for a new scene, after which the boss is waiting for you.

Boss: strangers

The battle with a stranger takes place in several phases, or rather, four.

Phase 1: Rear yard

At this stage, the enemy behaves in different ways in random order.

A stranger walks and mocking over short, speaking different phrases. You just need to run to it closely and apply a combination of shocks. The enemy will not block them. Your last attack will always quit a stranger through the courtyard, passing the trees standing on the path.

A stranger raises his hands and radiates a red flash, then hits a fist on the ground, sending a shock wave (it cannot be blocked) directly in short. From this attack it is best to shy up with the help of focate.

On the body of a stranger starts glowing runes, and he quickly makes a throw right on the brief, then beats it. Quickly block his attack by pressing "L1".

The stranger is lightning from side towards a short one to start it to attack a series of shocks. Block the attack with a shield or dodge the dugouts, and the clauses attack.

Phase 2: Roof

When the health of the stranger decreases half, the scene will begin, at the end of which you find yourself on the roof. Quickly apply the "R1" button to the "R1" to confuse enemy health. The exchange of blows on the roof will end with the scene, after which the head of the enemy's health is again complete.

Phase 3: Rage

A stranger will head to the house of a brief, and a message appears on the screen to switch to the Spartan rage mode by pressing simultaneously "L3" and "R3". Make it, and the shortage will fall into madness for a limited period of time (the duration of the rage is shown in the form of a new orange scale under health band), which will increase its strength and speed.

After the rage scale is exhausted, the stranger will begin to apply the sets of attacks from the phase 1. Continue the battle until the enemy's health turns out to be at zero, after which another scene will follow, which will lead to the final stage of the battle.

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With Side Quests in God of War is quite simple. Goals will always be in detail in detail and mark on the map, you can wore in a pair of tasks. So in most cases the question is rather not "how to pass", but "where to get and why". We answer.

Quests of gnomes


This is the first task that gives you a gnome brock. Get the quest is just - when in the plot for the first time returned from Alvheim back to Midgard - just talk to the brock in his shop. He will send you Wyudder mines to look for Alchemist Andvari - everything will be marked on the map.

    Rare handle 3290 experience points

Clay Fafenira

The first task that gives the Gnome Syndry. When I first return to Midgard from Alvheim - go to the foothills and talk to Syndry in his shop. He will send you to the Faphnir repository to search for a special stone - everything will be marked on the map.

    Rare Talisman 3290 Experience Points

God from Malachita

The second task of Brock. To access it, you need to fulfill the story quest "New Goal" and the secondary "soul from the second hand." The task can be taken in Brock's shop in the Tyura Temple. This time you have to go to Landxuter mines - everything will be marked on the map.


The second task of Sindri. To access it, you need to fulfill the story quest "New Goal" and the secondary "Fafe's treasure". According to the task, you will have to go to the North Territory Citadel - everything will be marked on the map.

    Legendary handle 3290 experience points

Slava king

This task of the gnomes will be issued after unite. Provided that you have completed their previous quests. Quest is interesting and in terms of Laura, and in terms of award. On the task, you will need to go to a new region - Kononsgard. On the map everything will be marked.

    Runic Attack - Flame of Ares drawing a set of gnome armor 3290 experience points

Quests ghosts


The quest can be obtained when you first return to Midgard from Alvheim, following the plot task "Light Alvheim". It gives its ghost in the "Rock Rock" region - you will need to free the four spirits, their location will notice on the map. But there is a moment - one of the spirits will be in the "Iron Bay" region. If you sail there immediately after the first return from Alvheim, there will be no problems. If you go to the task later, when the water goes down below, then you will have to look for a rope in the Death Island region and go down to the desired point in the Iron Bay.

    Normal handle 1 Determined Track 1880 Experience Points

Falling hammer.

The quest issues a ghost in the "Stone Waterfall" region in the East of the map - you can take it after performing the plot task "Light Alvheim". Next to the ghost will be a wheel, with which you will open the giant gate and the path to the Region "Weirurgard". There you will find an island with a torus statue - it needs to be destroyed, it is not difficult to find vulnerable points.

    Drawing of Lost Gloves Tyura Offering Tura 1880 Experience Points

Time heals

By performing the task "Family" you will find a scroll in the Nreece Citadel - not far from the ship - which will open this quest. You will need to return to the storage of Fafnire and talk there with the ghost - everything will notice on the map.

    Epic spells 3290 experience points

Anatomy of Hope

The task issues a ghost in the "Mason Channel" region, you can get after execution scene Quest "New goal." On the instructions you will collect bones - their location will be marked on the map.

    Booking drawing Tyura Propertime brow 1880 experience points

Dead freight

The task issues a ghost on the territory of the "Forgotten Caves" region, you can get after the plot quest "New Goal". On the task you need to kill a few sailors-Skaltsev - everyone will be marked on the map.

    Tyura Drawing Tyura Offering Tura 1880 Experience Points

Dragon quests

Film Refrigeration

You can get the task after performing the plot quest "New Goal". Go to Weiwurgard (you will open the passage during the sid-quest "drop hammer") and the task itself is added to the list. To perform, you need to destroy the three shrines so that the OTP is released. It is not difficult to find them, the location is small.

Fafenira flight

You can get the task after performing the plot quest "New Goal". Go to the Alvheim Tower and moisten to the shore just north. To open the passage to Fafnire, you will have to use the "light" arrows. Further, everything is as in the task "Floor Reference".

    Rare Chairs of Dragon Tears 615 Units of Experience

Flame Regin

Here everything is exactly the same as with the previous dragons. Only to seek regin is needed in the Konoundsgard, and only by performing the quest "Glory to King" Brock and Sindri can be accessed.

    Rare Chairs of Dragon Tears 615 Units of Experience

Quests in Niflheim

Workshop Ivaldi

Quest will give Sindri, right away as you will arrive in Niflheim. It will be necessary to simply run on the location and sweep the resources.

    1075 Points of Experience

Protection of Ivaldi

The task falls automatically after the quest "Workshop Ivaldi" is completed. It will be necessary to simply open the chest.

    Drawing of niflheim armor 1075 experience points

Curse Ivaldi

The task falls automatically after the quest "Protection of Ivaldi" is completed. It will be necessary to close three spatial faults - for this you will have to save a lot of resources in niflheim.

    Rare Chara 3290 Experience Points

The task will fall automatically when you find the first purple chest - you will need to find three more to open the passage in Sullheim. The chests are actually much more than four, so just play and carefully examine the locations - do not miss.

There are no awards.

World of Tuman

Likewise, as well as with the quest "The World of Fire", only the "World of Tuman" starts after.

There are no awards.

Prove your good

The quest will be added automatically when you find the first Valkyrius - you will need to find seven more. Where to look for them, we wrote, but they will also be marked on the map when you pass the plot.

Awards (chance to get different awards):

    Armor Valkyrie Epic Trophy Materials for improvements

High Council

Quest will be added automatically when you find the first Valkyrius. It will be necessary to bring in the marked place eight helmets Valkarium.

    15040 Experience Points (1880 per helmet)

God against the queen

Quest will be added automatically when you run the task "High Council".

    Epic Handle Epic Chara 12 units of Asgard steel 6 units of impeccable Asgard steel 3290 experience points

In the new God of War, in addition to the main plot missions there are side quests that are called requests. You do not have to pass them, but for their implementation are quite good awards. In addition, some of them even deeper reveal the history of the gaming world, so we still do not recommend you to ignore them.

However, some tasks do not give clear indications of the location of quest items or solving puzzles, so we decided to publish detailed passage All requests that can be divided into several categories.

Requests of non-adhesive spirits

Falling hammer.

This is an initial side quest, which we can perform already at the 3rd level. We speak with the world snake for the first time, and then sail to the stone waterfall. We moor, knock the suspended bridge on the right and talk with the spirit of the vestrorer. He will ask us to help him in ignorance to God, whose actions led to his mother's death.

Of course, God himself can not imagine himself, but it is capable of hunted his handful by destroying the Statue of the thumbs up, located on the island near Weaitgard. Its then we will have to shake a little. Use the wheelchair and reveal the gates. Again in a boat and go to the frets of Wresturgard.

On the road to the beds of Brock, we find a chest near the lifting. We climb up and inspect the legendary label on the right side of the Gnome Workshop. We can first talk to him or immediately go to the narrow passage where we will have to face wolves and dragrom.

Crashing with the opponents, we obscure the two chests nearby and pass on the rally on the open space. We destroy monsters, study a new label and note. Raise the barrier and get to the pier. We bring up the boat with your weapon and push it to the lake. We float towards the second pier, but we do not swim to it, but turn to the left and go straight to the statue of God.

In the cave next to the monument, we discover the glowing chest. It will be protected by two Drahgra. We are growing up with them, look upstairs and see the crowd of the same. It is possible to clamp a statue by hitting an ax on its multiple points: elbow, cloak, snake, shin and calamity. The construction will fall, and we will be able to explore the graves next to its lower part in which there are valuable things.

We go back to the spirit and tell him about success. As a result, we earn 1880 experience points, the handle of Tangost, the drawing of the lost gloves of the Tyura and the pronunciation of Tura.

Time heals

Start this quest is after receiving at least 4 levels. When passing the mission "Family case" and the battle on the ghost ship, we can find a note with the recognition of the son of the robber. To do this, we jump from the sea vessel located in the North Territory, on the platform in the north and deal with the couple of enemies. Then jump on the other side of the dungeon. We raise the grille and find a scroll.

Next, we return to the storage of Fafnir and inform the spirit of the thoroughbred about our recent find. On the way to the ghost, several monsters may attack. After the story we will get 3925 points of experience and spells called "Tyura Shark".

Unknown case

We can start this quest immediately after the first conversation with the world snake, that is, on the 2nd or 3rd level. He implies the liberation of 4 spirits by ignitioning several roasarians, which are located in various islands on the lake of nine. After the ignition of the fire, several opponents will attack on us. In the end, we will need to just talk to the Spirit in order to free it from endless torments.

Brazier are in the following places:

  • The island of death, located west of the Temple of Tyura. We climb the highest point of this island and find the desired object there.
  • The iron bay, which is southwest from the Tyura Temple. The object you need is located not far from the berth, provided that we have reached a second outflow of water.
  • Rocks of the crow, located southeast of the temple. Brazier can be found near the dead body of the Troll. Forgotten caves that are northwest from the temple. The desired object is again located not far from the pier (if the sampling has already been, it will appear in the upper area of \u200b\u200bthe level).

With the first release, in any case, we obtain a handle of a skillful warrior, and at the following - a deficiencies. In addition, we earn 1880 points of experience.

Anatomy of Hope

This task is to be performed at least at the 4th level. When the second outflow of water happens, we will get new Quest Under the name "Magic Cutter", in which we will need to go through the canal of the Mason.

We approach next to the locked gate, but do not go to the mechanism with the wheel, and instead first talk with ghost. He will ask us to find and collect all the remains of Gulweig. We are talking about 3 parts of the body.

We go to the Alpharmal Tower located on the left side of the outlet of the Mason Channel. Then destroy the explosive crystals using shock arrows. We click on the vertical surface and get to the platform. The brush lies on the right side of the crow of the same.

Now we go to the forgotten caves that are northwest from the Tyura Temple. We pass next to the Spirit of the merchant and enter the dungeon. Here we will find the chest and mystical gate. We move forward, we understand with wolves and climb the cliff to the top platform. Turn to the right and climb on the ledge. We jump over the abyss, and detect the shards in front.

Next, we go to the ruins of the ancients, located north of the previous location and the north-west of the Temple of Tyura. We approach the new coast, jump over the obstacle and face the soul eater. If you do not attack him first, then he does not attack us. We start to go counterclockwise by the arena, and finding out another brush lying behind the cliff.

Having found all the necessary items, return to the ghost located on the channel of the Mason. We give him knuckles and see how dangerous Velva resurrect. Killing Gulweig and take your award: 1880 experience points, pronunciation of Tura and drawing of the loophole reservation.

Dead freight

Upon reaching at least 4-level levels, we go to the forgotten caves and discover the spirit of the merchant near the entrance to this location, which will give us this task. He will ask to find and free his subordinates who have turned into a wanderer. They are southwest from the Tyura Temple:

  • First we go to the Niflhaim Tower. Swimming to it, we use the elevator and climb the top platform. We throw off the three skewers from the cliff or simply kill them.
  • The next Trinity is waiting for us in the Iron Bay right on the coast. In addition to them, there can also be faced with dangerous werewolves, so we act carefully.
  • The third group is on the island of death. In the event that we sail here immediately after the second outflow of water, then the first thing we will have to kill Velv couple. The opponents we need are in the arena located in the southwestern part of the island.

By destroying all 3 groups of Skaltsev, go back to the ghost and get from it as a reward to the bridge, the drawing of the Tyura krai and 1880 experience points. In addition, for the fulfillment of all requests of the spirits, we will be able to open an achievement called "an unfinished case".

Requests of Dragons

In certain locations, you will see calanted in the circuit of firewood reptiles. You can find 3 captured dragons. The release of each of them can be considered a separate quest (request), for the execution of which a good reward is issued.

We told about where and how to find dragons in a separate manual. For the passage of these requests, you will open the achievement "Dangerous Sky".

Requests of the gnomes


This quest becomes available after passing the mission "Light Alvhaima". It is recommended to perform it from the 2nd or 3rd level. BROK will ask us to go to the Wedunder mines and find the alchemist there, whose name is Andvari. The berth you need is located southeast of the Tyura Temple, to the right of the Raven cliffs (if you look at the map). Steering to the desired coast, heading to the gorges in the rocks.

We pass on the other side and detect the chest there and the label. We look at the detected items, the moon through the tunnel with low ceilings and we encounter the brocal, which will give us the entrance stone. Open the gates and smash the red jug to get valuable things.

We pass by the soul eater (he does not attack us, if we are first not attacking it), we divide the wooden fence on the right side of the place where you can go down to the arena, and dig a treasure from the ground. Jump down, we understand with several monsters and go after the stone mind.

Getting into a new room, faced with venels. Kill it and go to the lower tier of the cave. We raise the gate and look at the cat-scene. We will need to go around to get to Alchemist. We divide the riotone stone (necessary to open the door located nearby) and find several valuable items. We leave out of the room, we are racing with several dragrams and get back to the closed grid. After that turn to the left.

We rise to the top platform and we find a new rune on the rock. Reaching the wooden bridge, we turn out to be in front of a closed door. We throw the Leviafan Toporic in a red pitcher who hangs on the right, and thereby destroy the last rune, blocking the path to the shower emir.

We go back to the rune door, pass through the corridor leading to the arena with the shower eater. Although he has a frightening name, but is not very different from other similar monsters. We understand with the mind and get the spell called "Fire Printing Protection" and the quest Item - the ring alchemist.

Sit the atre on the platform located in the northern part of the arena, and then we climb up the chain. We descend on the cable and fall on the open area. We rase with a couple of enemies, and then grab the wooden planks on the right side to go to the cable, without forgetting to collect chopped silver along the way. When typing useful things, we return to the arena, and climb on the boards to the tunnel, which leads to the room, where we have noticed the devour.

On the way, we kill 3 trecras, running the corridor and reset the chain. We go to the brock and give him the remains of Alchemist. As a result, we earn 3300 points of experience and get a woven handle.

Clay Fafenira

This quest becomes available after passing the mission "Light Alvhaima". It is recommended to perform it from the 4th or 5th level. Leaving Alphaeim, talking to Syndry and get a new quest. He will ask to find sharpened from Niflheim to the Faphnir repository. If we go there to the second outflow of water, we will find an entrance near the head of the world snake, northwest from the Temple of Tyura.

Swathering to the coast, prolazis through the passage with a low ceiling. Once upon the other side, ask attending to shoot a light crystal to create a bridge to the Sindri bench. Pass B. new location And we choose an open area. Once on the edge in front of the repository, we paint with drarars and nightmares. Then open the nest chest, located on the right side of the repository. The warehouse itself will be locked, so we go through the waterfall and fall into the central hall of the structure.

Insert the stone received from Syndry, in the right place and open the first out of 5 rooms that you need to fully clean the enemies. Having understood with the enemies, raise the entrance stone and again put it on the pedestal in the central room. I'm 4 times fighting with various monsters. In the penultimate battle, fight with several wolves and do not forget to pick up valuable resources from the chest.

In the final room, at first we will not meet anyone, and in the chest there will be a runic attack. We take her, and then talk with the ghost of the robber. We learn that he was killed his own son, climbing sharpened. We take weapons and return to Syndry, killing two types of two. As soon as we leave the repository, they will immediately stumble upon the forest ancient. If we do not attack him first, he does not attack us. In other cases, we will have to deal with it and two more high-speed drabs.

Returning to the Gnome, we give him a dagger and get a "Talisman betrayal award". In addition, we will earn 3,300 experience points.


This quest becomes available after passing the missions "New Goal" and "Casket Fafenir". It is recommended to perform it from the 3rd or 4th level. In this mission, we have to find the son of the robber, who decided to settle in the North Territory fortress, located north of the Tyura Temple. We swim to closed gates into the North Territory gorge and set the pebbles obtained from the gnome into the desired recess. After that, go to the fort.

We approach the Syndry's shop nearby, and then continue to swim further until we stumble upon the second closed gates. We are chosen to the ground, climbing the ladder to the tower located near and find the location of the treasure to which the Treasure Map "Forest Board" leads.

We descend, we are growing up with the Spacers ahead, and then attract the attention of Welver. Killing her, go ahead. We go around the waterproof and get up on the bridge. Then bring a bright disk that holds the mechanism. The wheel began to spin again. We run to the end of the bridge and turn to the left. Freeze a pillar and take valuable things from the chest. We go to the boat again, send the moment to take the jump and start sailing to the new pier.

Sit down to the ground and deal with huge. We select all the items and climb on the planks of the tree on the platform with the chest. We go to the arena again, look upstairs and knock the container that is suspended with the ceiling. We rise to it and boards upstairs, and after we turn to the right. We destroy the obstacle from the juice of the world tree and freeze the challenge post by opening the passage. Then we see another obstacle from the resin. Having understood with her, we go on the stairs leading to the bridge.

We rise and destroy a poisonous wolf. Once upon a development, turn towards the robbery ship. To walk to the vessel, you need to pull the bridge, throwing an ax over an orange mechanism element. We jump to the boat and spread with all the enemies. We get a grinding stone and kill new opponents. You can get out of the fortress of North Terya on the road laid by the traveler. Then we jump on the pier. Turn the face to the ship and destroy the wooden obstacle in order to get into the ship's ship.

We destroy two obstacles from the juice of the world tree and jump over the other side of the dungeon. Then raise the lattice and find the recognition of the son of the robber, which will be needed to pass the quest "Time Time". We pass through the corridor and get into the arena. Then we go to the boat, floating past the ship to another pier.

Sit down, raise the lattice and go straight to the gnome shop. We give him a quest item and get from it the legendary handle of the hill Farmadra. In addition, we earn 3,300 experience points.

God from Malachita

This quest becomes available after passing the missions "New Goal" and "Soul from the second hands". It is recommended to perform it from the 3rd or 4th level. We should go to Landxuter mines, where you need to find Andvari's hammer. The passage to this level is south-west of the Tyura Temple. To get into it, we will also have to sail through the canyon with the same name.

We train to the coast, follow the marker and are squeezed through a narrow hole to get to the gnome shop. We speak with him and get inlet pebbles from it. Slopping through the passage with low ceilings and find yourself in the spacious hall. We understand with the enemies, and then pull the lever on the right side of the entrance, thus dropping the stone blocks to the floor.

We climb on them and shoot in the discontinuous crystal, located on other stones. We swear thereby hole in the floor, where the dark elves get along. We understand with them and go down. We also destroy a couple of enemies, and then turn to the left of the ladder. We continue to go to your goal, and get to the fork. Climb on the ledge near the waterfall. We destroy 3 root nodes and are squeezed through a narrow hole.

Once in the open space, come across the shower and traveler. However, it is not necessary to beat him, because someone has already liked him to us. We jump into the arena and deal with nightmares. Then we disassemble with the Skaltole. After the victory, go upstairs on the boards and destroy the wooden obstacle ahead, thereby finding the chest. We continue to go ahead. Near the fork, we climb on the left ledge and deal there with dark elves.

We rise to the straps upstairs. Reaching the development, turn left and go to the platform located in front. We climb on the boards that are nailed to the wall, and get to the top platform where the box is with silver. We go down to the fork and go along the main road to the lever, with which you can remove the obstacle that did not allow us to go to the top tier.

Having reached the very top, faced with the leader of the dark elves. We understand with him, and then put the son on the leaf near the closed lattice. Opening the passage, pick out the scroll from the ground and take the Hammer of Andvari from the chest. Then we encounter the rails on the rails and open the passage to the initial area of \u200b\u200bthe location. We go back to the brock and give him a quest item. He will give us the spells of the "Soul of Andvari". Plus, we will earn 3,300 points of experience.

Slava king

This quest becomes available after passing the mission "Leave Helheim" and past requests of the gnomes. It is recommended to perform it from the 5th or 6th level. After the brothers reunite (the final of the quest "Black Rune"), we have to go to the fortress of Connessigard, located north-west of the Temple of the Tyura, and find there 3 ingredients required for the crafting of unique armor. The passage at this level is located in the "Royal Tosnin" cave, located west of the head of the bright elves.

We train to the coast and open the gates to the Connessgard using the previously obtained pebble. Go down to the fortress, disassembling on the road with frosty robbers. We turn out to be near the shameful post, which separates us from the passage to the fort. You can get into it only if there are 3 keys. The first is next to the knight's legs lying near the pedestal. To find the remaining keys, we have to explore zones with the right and on the left side of the gate.

Turn to the left and freeze a challenge post. We go to the thickets of the spines. I burn it with the help of chaos blades and run by corridor leading to dangerous shorts. We understand with them and pass forward. We see ahead of the soul absorber, with which it is not necessary to fight. We do not pay attention to the source of the winds of the helper, since it is not needed for us yet. We continue to climb upstairs, destroying the spines, going through a narrow ledge and killing wolves. In the end, we will find a locked door and a blue crystal that hangs from a wooden crane.

We bring up a crystalline with an ax and refer it to the nest. On the way, raise the gates and destroy all the enemies. Then we install the crystal and actually activate the bridge from light. This will help us transfer the energy of the winds of Hel to the windbreaker located near the gate. Open the door and find yourself in a tunnel leading to the second stone key.

We reset the chain and return to the entrance to the Citadel. Now turn to the right from the gate. Cross the bridge and kill the robber. We move south and deal with huge. We continue to go through the only path, and climb the cliff to the top level. Dragon notes in the distance. We move on the opposite direction and find an anchor, holding a firewashing reptile. Then go down the slope to the first sanctuary. We deal with several enemies and solve a simple puzzle.

The door ahead will be closed on 3 runes. The seal-bells can be found in the same area, but one of them is located behind the lattice, and therefore it will not be able to call it by the usual throw. We throw the weapon first in the discontinuous crystal between the two bells on the left, the calling on them two, and then manually activate the third print.

We pass through the Runic door and deal with the couple of enemies. We raise the grid, bring up a disc that holds the suspension bridge, and pass on it on the slope. We continue to go ahead, and go out to the open area. We understand with all the enemies, and then find the third stone key. Next, we descend on the cable to the lower area.

We go back to the gates of the fortress and put the pebbles on the pedestal. Watching the Heliek Schedules will begin to finger. We understand with them, and then put the third stone and go to the Citadel. We turn to the right and finding out the sanctuary of the myths. We return to the fork and pass along the corridor to the doors, behind which we will fight with the traveler. Having understood with the enemy, approach the king's throne. We find 3 ingredients and come out of the secret tunnel.

We continue to go up the slope, and come back to the main road. We reach the development, turn to the left and get to the balcony. We turn over to the left side and climb on the hill on which there is a gap. Then we reset the chain to mystical gates near the fortress and teleport to the bench of the gnomes. We give the discovered things and get a reward: the drawing of a set of gnome armor and the Runic Attack "Flame of Ares". We will earn 3,300 experience points, and open the achievement of "oil and water".

Valkiryi requests

In fact, these quests are associated with the murder of Valkyrie - the dangerous mythical creatures hiding in various corners of the game world. These mini bosses are incredibly strong, and therefore it is recommended to fight with them after passing the main storyline.

In a separate manual, we indicated the exact location of the Walkiry, tips on preparing for the battle with them and the instructions for finding their Queen.