Quest script for children at home - Search for a gift! Quests for children's birthday Quests for children 7 10 years old

The first option is ideal for a small company, not exceeding 5 people. Cafe halls and open areas are ideal for conducting quests for 10 children in Moscow and providing a high level of dynamics.
It is important that there is a sufficient number of mobile relay races for schoolchildren in primary and middle grades, where they can release energy, run and compete. The main goals of the game are to develop attention and logic, acquire new knowledge, improve coordination of movements and communication skills.
For kids school age and adolescents, one of three types of adventures is suitable:

  • Escape room - the main task is to find a way out. At the stage of the passage, players find clues in non-standard ways that help them open the cherished door;
  • Performance is a format where the main roles are assigned to the participants, and the secondary actors. Within the framework of the game, it is necessary to achieve the set goal;
  • Sports genre - the event consists in completing tasks, 50% of which require training and the use of muscles.

When choosing one or another type, it is important to pay attention to sports training or intellectual development participants in the game. It should be fun, not an agonizing search for answers.

Why is such entertainment good?

Solving puzzles is a universal pastime. Adults, teenagers and even preschoolers enthusiastically participate in it. For the younger generation, professional scriptwriters carefully develop scripts taking into account the birthday person's preferences, the number of guests and the desired topic.
The quest, as the central entertainment of the festive event, allows you to:

  • Get a flurry of indescribable emotions;
  • Take part in a real adventure;
  • Completely immerse yourself in the atmosphere of another reality;
  • Enjoy prizes and awards in the finals.

In addition, despite the fact that quests for children of 10 years old in Moscow are developed taking into account the age group, adults often take part in them with no less joy. If the parents are busy, they can leave on business, leaving the offspring to the organizers. Throughout the game, the teams will be fully occupied with guessing the puzzles.
Adventure in the form of puzzles provides more than just an unforgettable experience. In the process, each team member can show strengths and learn to work collectively.

Types of tasks

Assignments should be carefully selected. In the first place are the favorite films and books of the hero of the occasion. On their basis, a funny scenario is developed, within the framework of which one or several teams operate. The mechanics of the game are simple: a chain of clues leads to the end of the plot, but in order to get them, you need to complete the task. Main types:


  • Tasks using props;
  • Active action.

The first type develops logic, teaches you to go beyond traditional thinking. Hints are encrypted in anagrams, crosswords and puzzles. Successful passage opens a code word that helps to move on the plot further.
The props open up a wide field for activity. It is possible that players will be prompted to find a way to open a box or reveal an invisible inscription different ways... The sought-after clue is hidden in the chest or on the wall until part of the surface is heated.
Active actions make up a significant part of the scenario, according to which quests for 10 people are held in Moscow and the Moscow region. Many quest rooms in the city and large territories in the area help to implement difficult tasks related to overcoming the obstacle course. In addition, this type of task includes manual work - it may require a whole item from parts and weld magic potion. Required components you will have to find it first.
Our professional scriptwriters will develop the program taking into account the wishes of the parents and the interests of the participants. We offer holding events in Moscow at specialized venues, as well as in cafeterias or in the open air. Bright props, relay races, non-standard riddles turn an ordinary birthday party into fabulous adventure that you will want to experience over and over again.
See also.

All of them are successfully carried out by active mothers and novice animators. Thanks for the kind comments!

This quest is for children 10-13 years old. Many people of this age love dinosaurs, so the sci-fi story of my beloved Conan Doyle, The Lost World, based on which the game was created, will not disappoint them. I really hope that after the quest the children will run to read the book itself.

I cannot convey with what pleasure I myself re-read the tattered PAPER book when I was preparing the material for the script ... I envied myself!

The essence of the quest

  • This is a quest that can be carried out in an apartment of any size, in a cafe, in the country, in the classroom and in nature. The props are the simplest, but you don't need to hide anything anywhere. Comfortable! ...
  • There can be only two children (these are already two teams), 6, 8, 10, etc. If the area allows, the quest can be carried out for 30 people, dividing into teams.
  • I have prepared assignment sheets (download them for free), but you can easily remove unnecessary ones and add your own challenges. On the first pages, the riddles are more difficult, on the last - just funny tasks for the children to have fun and “let off steam”, dance and curl.
  • The goal of the quest is to gain admission to the Lost World (the country of Mapple White). It will be just a piece of paper with the corresponding entry, but you can put gifts for the birthday person or all guests along with the certificate.

For the completed tasks, the teams receive points, which I propose to give out in the form of gummy worms (in the story of Conan Doyle there were poisonous yarakaki snakes). We put yarakak for passing the tests in separate jars for each team. If the task is completed without prompting - 2 worms. If prompted - 1 worm. Failed - the worm is not supposed to.

At the end, we give everyone the same gifts, but the winning team can be additionally awarded with chocolate dinosaur eggs.

Where to begin?

My script uses the names of the main characters in the story. In principle, you can play right away, but it will be better if you tell the essence of the book in just a few words. I propose to put the children in front of a computer screen and show shots from the old Soviet filmstrip "The Lost World". This will take about 10 minutes. Everything is very short, but the game will go differently.

What does the presenter need to do?

1. Distribute to each team a task sheet, supporting materials and props.
2. Make sure that the children read and understand the assignment or read and explain the point on their own.
3. Schedule the time when it is needed
4. Follow the progress of solving riddles and give hints in time.
5. Kindly announce the winner of each challenge and put the gummy worms in different jars.
6. Monitor the progress of the game, help and cancel difficult tasks if the children are doing everything very slowly.

What tasks for teams look like

I tried to prepare everything so that you can simply download and use. Let me remind you that you can edit each sheet by adding or simplifying tasks.

These are 8 sheets with a short dossier and assignments from all the heroes and characters of Conan Doyle's The Lost World.

I give you 10 folders, which will contain:

1. The very list of tasks from one of the heroes of the story (this is a text format, no pictures are visible in the preview, you need to download for editing)
2. Auxiliary pictures, if they are needed for the quest
3. Filmstrip Part 1 and Part 2 (you can watch directly from my Yandex disk, using the arrow, you can download it to your computer)

Quest script and instructions for the leader

In the left column - briefly about the assignment for children (it is completely on those sheets that I give for download).
In the right column there are comments for the presenter. I don't write riddles in detail - everything is in that wonderful folder.


Greetings, daredevils. I am a descendant of Professor Challenger, who proved to his contemporaries the existence of the Lost World. The laws of nature have lost their force in this place due to complete isolation from the outside world. This is an amazing plateau with dinosaurs, pterodactyls and ancient plants.

My great-grandfather carefully encrypted all coordinates, and only a select few can get admission to the Lost World! Are you ready to take the risk?

If you can handle all these tasks, get a certificate from me. Present it to our faithful assistant living in the Amazon, who will show you the way to the Lost World.

Mapple-White Artist Assignments

Who found the artist

In the Who Found the Artist task, the children compare the fingerprint on the bottle with the fingerprints they receive on the supplementary sheet.

Cut one print and glue the square to any bottle. Children compare drawings. Correct answer: Professor Challenger found the artist.


Each team receives any one book and a word (phrase) of 8 letters. Children encrypt words and swap books and ciphers to unravel the opponent's code.

The facilitator gives one team the word "Help", the other - the phrase "Diamond is here." Monitors the correctness of actions, gives a command for the exchange of ciphers.


The team gets a coloring page with a dinosaur. But you need to paint it ... with plasticine! Tear off small pieces and quickly cover up the dinosaur itself and the background. Everyone needs to work at the same time to get something worthwhile in 5 minutes.

The presenter marks exactly 5 minutes. As a result, gives the teams points. At the end of the quest, you can arrange an exhibition of plasticine paintings.

Professor Challenger's Assignments

Three riddles

Riddle 1.Continue the sequence S, O, N, D, Z, F, M (there are details on the sheet)

The host gives a hint in case of difficulty: remember the calendar. Correct answer: these are the first letters of the months from September. The next letter is A (April).

Riddle 2... If you say her name, she will disappear ...

Correct answer: silence.

Riddle 3... Five round gingerbread should be divided into a group of 6 people. But! You cannot divide each gingerbread into 6 parts.

To solve, hand out paper and pencils, let them divide the circles on the paper. Correct answer: If we cut 3 gingerbread in half, we get 6 identical parts. Cut the remaining 2 gingerbread into 3 identical parts and again get 6 identical parts.


Children receive materials and instructions for making a balloon with a basket for flying

The facilitator distributes to each team one helium balloon, thick thread, sticky tape and a disposable cup. The winner is the team that did everything quickly and efficiently.

It took my daughter 4 minutes to make such a ball. So that he would not fly away, they put a dinosaur there.

Journalist Ned Malone's Assignment

Lost World Map

Participants are 2 people from each team. One holds the open felt-tip pen motionless, the other runs a piece of paper along the tip of the felt-tip pen, trying to repeat Ned's card.

The presenter distributes felt-tip pens and sheets of paper on a solid base - the sheet should not be bent. The winner is determined by the quality of the drawings.

Professor Summerlee's Mission

Ice Ball Riddle

Children receive balls to defrost under running water and find a note with a puzzle about a father and two sons.

Ordinary balls are pulled over a faucet, filled with water to the size of a tennis ball, tied and frozen in the freezer. They look very cool with a toy! Place a note with the task in one ball, having previously wrapped it in a bag. If this is not possible, inflate the balloons and let them pop.

Correct answer: First, both sons are ferried. One of the sons goes back to the father. Father moves to opposite bank to my son. The father remains on the shore, and the son goes to the original shore after his brother, after which they both cross over to the father.

Extra phrase

Children must find an extra phrase among 7 sentences.

Correct answer: all phrases are palindromes, i.e. are read from left to right and from right to left the same. All except one: "I'm joking like that."

Traveler John Roxton's Mission

Fruits and roots

We select one representative from each team and blindfold him. They have to try 5 different fruits and vegetables and guess what it is.

We cut all the products into small pieces, put them in the mouth, pricking them onto a toothpick. Apples, pears, plums, grapes, carrots, beets, cabbage, bell peppers, garlic, onions, etc. Oh, they make such faces ... Everyone has fun!

Color and name of stones

Just connect the color and name with lines. There are 2 stones for each color.

The fastest team wins, as the task is very simple.

Black Sambo Servant's Assignment


You need to quickly, efficiently and firmly tie 10 pieces of clothesline.

Quest "Wizard of the Emerald City" intended for children aged 6-9 years. The goal is to find a gift / congratulation by following the clues in the notes. The travel time is about 30-50 minutes (maybe more or less). If the participants in the quest do not yet know how to read, then the leader helps to complete the tasks.

What is Scrapbook Gift Search?

The participant is given / finds the letter / message itself, where he is invited to participate in the quest - game and in the final find a cache with a gift. To do this, you have to consistently find and solve clues. Hints are cards with tasks and various logic puzzles... Each such note encrypts the location of the next clue.

Scrapbook quest- this is an interesting and unusual way to present a child with a birthday present (or any other reason), as well as a great option to entertain the guests of this event at home. Also, after making some adjustments (replacing some places of hide and seek), you can carry out this quest, for example, in a cafe. As a treasure, there can be various treats, small souvenirs or a big cake for everyone! 🙂

The quest can be organized for a company or for one child.

What you need: balloon uk, a pen (you can make a paper one), puzzles (for a small number of pieces), a bottle, a thread, an envelope, a box, a decanter of water.

Quest theme: The Wizard of Oz

Quest tasks for children

Start: Give the children an envelope, saying that it was sent by the wizard from Oz. Or you can do it more creatively, for example, make a balloon ( glue the balloon to a small basket / box using drinks straws) and attach a letter to it. After all, the wizard flew in a balloon.

Letter: Dear Guys! Goodwin is writing to you. I am a wizard from the amazing land of Oz. I need your help! The winged monkeys stole my magical treasure chest tonight. I alone cannot cope with the cunning monkeys. Help me find the chest and then all its contents will be yours. The monkeys have left clue trails that you must find and solve. My friends will help you: Scarecrow, Dorothy, Lumberjack, and Totoshka. Step by step you will come to the treasured chest. Look for the first clue in this envelope.

I wish you a good journey!

Your Goodwin is the Great Wizard of Oz.

  1. In an envelope task-mystery from Totoshka:

There is a portrait in the room
Similar to you in everything.
Laugh - and in response
He'll laugh too.

Answer: Mirror

For the presenter: You need to breathe on the mirror in advance so that it fogs up and write the word PILLOW!

For the inscription to appear on the mirror again, the player (s) must guess to breathe on it! If they don’t guess, then the presenter can suggest.

Alternatively, it is easier: hide a note with the word "pillow" (or any other word of yours - a cache) behind a mirror (or next to it).

  1. Under the pillow lies a balloon (deflated) with the inscription cheat me!

For the presenter: There is a note with a task in the ball. To get a note, you need to inflate the balloon and burst it (or blow until it bursts).

There is a note in the balloon: The next clue will fall right out of the air towards you, but for this you need to push it (the air) with your hands and feet! To do this, you will have to perform an incendiary dance. Ready?

For the presenter: The host includes any funny track. All the children are dancing, and the presenter at this time discreetly throws a crumpled note on the floor (anywhere in the room to have to look)

  1. After the dance, the presenter reads out the next clue. In the tooltip there is a riddle:

And here's a riddle from the Scarecrow

The liquid is easy to store in it.

It is convenient to drink from it.

So that the water does not flow out,

Tighten the lid first!

Answer: bottle

Children are looking for a pre-prepared bottle with a ribbon.

  1. For the presenter: Prepare an empty bottle in advance, make a distinctive mark on it, for example, tie a festive ribbon on the neck. Place the bottle in the room so that it is visible, but not striking (for example, on a cabinet, bookshelf, etc.). Roll the next tip into a tube and wrap it with colored thread, tying a knot. Dip the note into the bottle, leaving the "tail" of the thread sticking out of the neck to make it easier for children to pull it out.

Bottle tip:

And here is the task from the Lumberjack!

To get the next clue, you have to correctly guess and draw these animals. And then add a word from the first letters that will indicate the place of further searches.

Answer: TO hoar - O bezyana - V scarlet - Yo f– R yba: CARPET

Print the picture and cut out the individual animal pictures. Fold together, roll up, tie, and drop into the bottle too.

For the presenter: We hide the next clue under the carpet. If there are several of them in the apartment, then even better.

  1. Note under the carpet:

Flying monkeys are very fond of bananas. On the way, they ate bananas and during the flight, many of them fell to the ground. Find these fallen bananas, which could be anywhere. Hint: there are only 7 of them (equal to the number of players).

For the presenter: Hide bananas around the apartment. On each one, using elastic bands or thread, attach notes folded so that the inscriptions are not visible. Warn the players so that the one who finds the banana should not show anyone what the note says. When all the bananas are found, the presenter gives the following task: You need to eat a banana and depict what is written in the note without words (banana in the mouth), and the rest have to guess who the player is portraying.

Prepare a box in advance in which to put the next hint. Tell the participants that it will open only after completing the assignment.

In notes :

  • Street cleaner
  • Singer
  • Juggler
  • Woodcutter
  • Hairdresser
  • Musician
  • Painter

For the presenter: When everything is guessed, the presenter opens the box with another note and gives it to the children or reads it out himself.

  1. In the box:Hint from Dorothy: You guys are great! But you need to hurry, as the monkeys can open the treasured chest at any moment and take out all the treasures. To get the next clue, you need to find a feather that fell from the wing of one of the flying monkeys.

For the presenter: Prepare a feather and tie a long string to it, at the other end tie a note. Hide the feather so that it is slightly noticeable (the tip sticks out). When pulled, a note will follow. For example, you can hide it under a sofa, or under a wardrobe, in a shirt pocket.

If there is no real feather, then you can draw.

  1. Feather note:

Collect puzzles and you will be one step closer to your cherished goal!

For the presenter: Prepare in advance puzzles from a small number of pieces (according to age), collect and write on the back side in large letters the following hint (any suitable place): for example, CACTUS (The name of any flower that you have in your apartment (better than the largest one). We hide another note under the pot of this flower.

Disassemble the puzzles and put them in a beautiful box or bag (preferably not in the one in which they were bought) and hide not far from the place where the feather was (we need more difficulty;), or tie it together with a note.

There is very little left to complete our quest for children to find a gift at home!

  1. Flower clue:

To sink to the bottom

You need to get drunk first!

And, attention! - Don't get wet!

For the presenter: Prepare a jug of water (juice) and 1 glass (you can have one-time use - each his own). Fold the next note and put it in a bag so as not to get wet and put it in a jug of water (J should drown). To get a note, each participant in turn must pour and drink water from a glass until the jug is empty and a hint can be obtained.

  1. Jug clue:

And now the final step has come,

And our enemy will be defeated!

Hurry up to open the chest

Until he suddenly baked! (oven)

Or Until he suddenly freezes! (fridge)

Or Until he suddenly gets wet! (washing machine)

For the presenter: We hide the box in the oven (or in the refrigerator, washing machine)! Much more convenient and depending on what kind of treasure. It can be sweets, small souvenirs, cake, etc. What do you think! 🙂

As an option: If you have a private house with a yard, then you can hide the treasure in a bag and hang it on a tree branch. Then the version of the hint will be as follows:

Here are our thieves in a cage!

Look for the treasure now on the branch!

Here is a scenario for a quest for children to find a gift at home! It will take a little time to prepare for it, but it should be interesting!

We wish you fun adventure! 😉 If you have questions, then leave them in the comments under the article! We will try to answer as soon as possible!

A set of blanks for the quest

To save time during preparation, we suggest purchasing a ready-made set of decorated cards with tasks. You will receive all materials immediately after payment (within 10 minutes) to the specified e-mail address. Click on the "Checkout" button. Then you will be taken to the product page, where you will need to fill in the fields and choose a convenient payment method.

The cost of the set is 65 rubles.

It is included in the kit:

  1. Cards with assignments in pdf and jpg format
  2. 7 cards for the task "portray"
  3. Pictures with animals for task number 4
  4. Goodwin's letter
  5. Bottle label
  6. Inflate me card
  7. Feather
  8. A full set of blank cards (if you want to change, add your own tasks)
  9. Cards with text for 1st participant
  10. Envelopes

What can be a birthday quest for a child from 10 years old? Quests are logic puzzles on teamwork that must be completed in a certain time. Participants will be faced with a variety of tasks for search, logic and ingenuity.

This game gives children a chance to transform into their favorite characters - mysterious spies, omnipotent wizards, cartoon characters. You can order the game at home, or come to the location yourself.

Children's birthday quests: the main advantages

Still in doubt about choosing a gift? There are three reasons why you should choose this type of entertainment:

  • The quest is suitable for both a child from 10 years old and a teenager. Various themes will suit every taste;
  • Such role-playing game suitable for children not only as entertainment, but also as a way to learn how to interact in a team, think logically and make decisions;
  • Entourage rooms, musical accompaniment and a dynamic plot will create a realistic atmosphere of what is happening.
  • KvestInfo has collected the best children's quests in Moscow from the leading companies in this field this year. Give addicting game in Moscow to his child, which he will remember for a long time!

For a child of ten years old to arrange a fun holiday is both simple and difficult at the same time. From wide choice entertainment, you must choose the one that will make children's party unforgettable and unique. KiD company. The holiday offers to organize quests for children 10 years old. Such entertainment will not leave anyone indifferent, and especially active guys. Birthday turns into a real adventure.

Quest options for children 10 years old

Entertainment in the form of a quest is an ideal solution for a holiday to which a large number of guests are invited. Even the different ages of the children present at the birthday party will not be a problem. The quest will appeal to you, because active games all the guys like it. This is the main advantage.

The pluses of such entertainment also include a variety of options. The most popular quest for kids 10 years old is the pirate party.

The adventure based on fairy tales and cartoons is a little inferior. The quest will be especially fun if the characters are known to all or almost all the guys - this will make the game more fun and lively. It will be interesting for young trackers to solve riddles and puzzles, allowing them to show all their intelligence and ingenuity.

The preparation of the birthday in the form of a quest requires careful preparation: a program is being developed, decorations and costumes are made. KiD specialists will cope with all this. Celebration with a bang. Both kids and their parents will be satisfied.