New game vikings samurai knights. For Honor is a masculine cocktail of knights, samurai and Vikings that will leave no one indifferent. Form and color of clothing

The last exhibition E3 2015 was illuminated by the announcement For Honor is a brand new game from Ubisoft that focuses on a clash of similar but distant knights, samurai and Vikings. With this game, the company will try to enter the waters of a new genre and do what it has never been able to do.

So what is For Honor? What are the nearest landmarks to point out so that you understand what charms this game hides in itself? Refresh your memory and remember the Age of Chivalry add-on for the game Half-Life 2. Or a pretty sensational self-sufficient Chivalry: Medieval Warfare in 2012, if you don't want to stress too much. These are the closest landmarks (for you, but not for them) of the game that Ubisoft is making.

You see, the genre is not very wide, other medieval games with sword fighting ( Dark Messiah of Might & Magic, Mount & Blade, Kingdom Come: Deliverance) is not really about that and concentrate on ideas of another genre, be it role-playing game or strategy. It's all wrong! We do not have a purebred thoroughbred action game that would allow you to take off your enemy's head and report to your captain that the castle has been captured. Chivalry: Medieval Warfare is powered by the unmodified Unreal Engine 3, which is almost 10 years old, with release Ryse: Son of Rome studio Crytek got into a puddle, so much so that for two years big games does not release. The multiplayer in the game is rather unfinished and, of course, limited in scope.

In 2015, at E3 2015, Ubisoft arranged what is called a sneak peek - kindly demonstrated a finished piece For Honor, which was far from complete at the time. I remember watching that very trailer, while the camera behind the knight's shoulder showed him taking over the castle. At any moment it seemed that now the assassin Altair would jump out of the hay, since the action develops at the same time. But no. Forget about any crossovers of universes and jokes in general - For Honor is the most serious and independent project that does not focus on the achievements of other franchises.
At the time of E3 2015, the game was announced as a multiplayer project. No one expected anything beyond that, everyone beheld the mess on the battlefield where eight swordsmen converged. People looked at the created splendor like fish - with their mouths open. The animation was amazing, the characters wielded a sword ... like a real fighter would swing. The whole weight of the turned piece of steel was felt even through the screen. Knights, samurai, Vikings, as you probably already guessed, differ not only in appearance, but also in abilities, each has its own hammer of Thor and an Achilles heel. The closest landmark is multiplayer StarCraft, which also relies on rock-paper-scissors mechanics.
And at E3 2016, the developers announced good news. Yes, For Honor isn't complete without a single player campaign. And while skeptics grumble that it would be better for developers to concentrate on one thing, I humbly remind you that the single mode is an excellent opportunity to hone your skills so that, after a few days of Sensei's training, return to multiplayer and introduce the offenders to the work of Sun Tzu - well then eat well on everyone. In terms of mechanics, the single-player mode repeats the multiplayer one, the voice of the narrator weaves the stories of knights, samurai, Vikings into a single thread. What the fuss is, is not yet clear, other journalists have heard something about a terrible warrior who walks arm in arm with death and horror. I assume that the story campaign is a perfectly disguised training mode that introduces you to the intricacies of the game mechanics, introduces ordinary opponents and bosses, and then puts an ax in your hands and blesses you to kill recruits like yourself in multiplayer. Ubisoft has already done this in you know what game.

What is gameplay For Honor (hope you don't think it is standard game Ubisoft? Get that idea out of your head.) Everything is tied to precisely timed attacks, as well as blocks placed on time. Three buttons are responsible for everything, which translate the hero into three stances: low, normal and high. You can beat and put a block from each, respectively, during the game you need to thoughtfully change the stances, know when it is best to hit, and when to hide behind a shield or parry a blow. There is a light blow, there is a hard one, the latter depletes the hero more. You can carry out combo attacks, but only if you are to this moment have already felt the time perfectly and you know what time you need to press the button again. In addition to the block, you can always dodge or try to break the opponent's defense even before he hits.

No wonder it will be a hardcore game in the best traditions For honor allows you to recreate all the popular battles from your favorite books, The Lord of the Rings and Game of Thrones. If you haven't followed this game yet, then you just hate the Middle Ages. Food for the mind - perhaps the genes of your ancestors, who were burned at the stake by the Inquisition, are flowing in your veins.

The knights will come out to fight against the samurai, while they will fight the Vikings who are running into the knights, already on February 14, 2017 on PC, Xbox one and PS4, developers are also planning beta testing. Which side do you choose?

Only Ubisoft gets a bump on its forehead from the launch of a new franchise, as the company takes on next game... If we recall the main series of the French publisher, it turns out that almost no project succeeded the first time. Far cry 2 (the original was made by the German CryTek) - a dead world and total boredom. The debut Assassin's Creed is not even remembered in decent society - lifeless cities and the same tasks. Watch dogs- everything would be nice, but in presentations the action looked, to put it mildly, better. Tom clancy's The division- a good environment was spoiled by the binding of enemies' health to their levels. For Honor has reaffirmed that Ubisoft has been making games “right” on at least the second try.

Medieval surroundings are nothing new to Ubisoft - Assassin's Creed is proof of that. In the new game, the developers moved away from the Templars and Assassins, devoting For Honor to three warring parties. Vikings, samurai and knights have been fighting each other since time immemorial, and even the old-timers have forgotten the essence of the conflict. The main reason is the battle for the land. Each faction has its own views on the map and the boundaries of their possessions.

I remember that not so long ago in the Battlefield 1 review there was a reproach towards the single player campaign: they say, this is a great training session before multiplayer. Well, in For Honor, things are much worse. The developers have focused on the network component, and there is nothing wrong with that. But in this case, it would be better to do without the "single" at all, because it does not stand up to any criticism.

In single player mode, we will see the conflict from all sides. There are even short videos and characters, but they speak sparingly and abruptly. The missions are short, the tasks are typical - to arrange a sabotage, help the allies in battle, protect the ram, catch up with the enemy, and so on. It can be seen that the developers wanted to diversify the single player campaign, but it turned out mediocre.

For example, in the mission for the girl knight (class "deliverer") under cover of night we go along the paths to the enemy camp - it seems that a secret passage was supposed. But quick kills are not provided, and the enemies do not walk alone. After the first blow, they will still raise the hubbub. Also seen are endless opponents that stick until you reach the key point.

The storyline campaign should only be viewed as a dress rehearsal for online matches. Although the game also has training modes where you can master the techniques - you can't do without it. Ubisoft got it wrong and made For Honor, perhaps the most diverse combat system. Twelve unique heroes, skills for each, weak and powerful hits, special moves - this is not a block and a weak / strong attack for you, as in many games.

Hotheads will quickly understand that this is not a duel of cowboys, where sometimes everything was decided by a split second. On the contrary, For Honor teaches you to monitor the behavior of the opponent, to look for weak sides and generally behave very carefully. The system is tied to three racks: left, right, top. They are used both in defense and in attack. Let's say the opponent is swinging, the sword is flying from top to bottom - that means we raise the right stick up, and the hero repels the blow. For convenience, the game with icons shows the direction of the enemy strike and defensive position - of course, the opponent knows the same about you. On maximum level difficulty indicators disappear.

When attacking, two types of blow are available - strong and slow, or weak and fast. In addition, you can smash your body into the enemy in order to break through his defense. But that's not all. There are special techniques that you need to memorize, as in fighting games: such as "weak hit, step forward, swipe" other. On top of all there are perks - skills that can be selected before the battle. Say, quick health recovery, improved defense, and so on. Plus a rage mode and a stamina bar.

For Honor offers an abundance of possibilities. Even fights using only three stances and two types of blows turn out to be different from each other. On the other hand, in the action there is neither an adequate story campaign, nor open world, no quests - the developers only had to work on the combat system. A greatly simplified version of the local mechanics was in Assassin's Creed: even then, Ubisoft put tactics and the ability to wait for the right moment at the forefront, and not high-speed battles.

Twelve heroes, four per faction, differ in style. There are nimble fighters (oroti, the redeemer) who literally dance around the enemies, and heavy warriors (conqueror, justiciar, shugoki), and something in between (kensei, guard). After choosing the right class, begin to thoroughly study its skills. For Honor is not a game where you have enough superficial skills to win. Moreover, it is important to know the abilities not only of your hero, but also of your opponent. The action takes a lot of time, it makes no sense to run it a couple of times a week - advanced knights, samurai and Vikings will leave no chance.

Multiplayer modes offer you to take part in the seizure of territories, regular matches with the murder of all opponents and duels - single or double. Duels are the best way to assess the variability of the combat system, but you need to choose this type of game with good confidence in yourself. Experienced fighters deal with newbies with a few swings of their weapons.

In other modes, a lot of small things often happen, especially when capturing points: four players participate on each side plus endless dummies. The latter are here purely for extras - even a stand cannot be made against them, opponents die almost from fear when you appear. But with the heroes everything is more interesting. There are also joint battles with an unequal number, and even fair battles: two players fight while the rest who arrived in time to the place of the fight watch and do not interfere. And the princesses will still say that there are no knights left.

The developers have managed to stick a donation into a paid game. Good armor sets and skill sets will be available for real money. They can be purchased for domestic currency, which is credited for participating in battles, but it will take a long time to save up. Although there is an indulgence in the form of orders and contracts, these are the conditions that must be met in order to receive a reward (experience and steel, which is also the currency). For example, win five matches or kill a certain number of opponents.

It is strange that Ubisoft, in every possible way declaring the multiplayer focus of For Honor, chose the peer-2-peer system. it a big problem for many reasons. Firstly, the technology is outdated and poorly protected from cheaters - in the PC version there are already a dime a dozen of them. Secondly, there are no own servers here - when creating a match, when enough people are recruited for the battle, the project assigns one user as a "host" to which all the others are connected. Accordingly, when playing on weak computer lags are possible, because the load increases. But there is practically no signal delay for this person, unlike the rest. However, the developers claim that they were able to put everyone on an equal footing, but it’s hard to say whether it’s true or not. Worst of all is the other. When a user exits during a match, the game freezes for a few seconds, and sometimes even crashes into the menu. Majority network games(Titanfall, Battlefield, Call of Duty) has been using dedicated servers for a long time, which solves all the problems described above. Savings Ubisoft got out sideways.

Hello everyone. The Gamebizclub team is in touch, and we continue to talk about epic battles Knights, Vikings, and Samurai in For Honor. More recently, we published guides on and, and today we will talk about the third faction - about the Vikings. And straight to the point.

The Vikings in For Honor returned from overseas to find that their homeland was taken over by knights. You will not envy them - without support, the army of warriors from the north will have to recapture their homeland and kill the invaders. In the role of a harsh warrior, the player expects a greater number of fights with knights and samurai - there are four versatile heroes (classes) to choose from, each of which has its own strengths and weaknesses.

In this article, you will learn:

Strong Holdar

The Holdars or Raiders are typical representatives of the northern barbarians who rush through the crowd of enemies and destroy everyone with a poleaxe their size. They deal high damage to one or more targets, move slowly, and wear medium armor. Vulnerable to fast opponents, because they miss and do not have time to turn in time.

The difficulty of the gameplay for Holdar is medium. Holdar can attack multiple enemies with a circular blow, inflicting average damage to all targets within the radius of the skill. At close range, he can grab the enemy, throw him to the ground and stun him, then finish off - this will work when fighting with a faster target.

The third skill, called vertical strike, deals high damage and is guaranteed to take down the enemy. But first you need to hit it, so a bunch of throw and vertical strike will be most effective in destroying enemy heroes. And the circular one will come in handy in the crowd.

Armored Chieftain

Chieftains or Warlords - wear heavy armor and shield, and are armed with a short sword. The fighting style is designed to be “starved”, in other words, they exhaust the enemy, block blows with a shield and finish them off at a short distance. Due to their high armor, they have the lowest movement speed in the Viking faction.

The difficulty of the gameplay for the Leader is low. The leader knows how to enter the full protection mode and block almost all attacks, but in this mode the movement speed drops to a minimum. Also, the Leader strikes with his head and stuns the enemy, he cannot be blocked. Sword strike deals medium damage at short range, so it makes sense to use it in conjunction with a head strike in duels with enemy characters.

Furious Berserker

Berserkers or Berserkers are aggressive fighters wearing a pair of axes and wearing light armor. They are so dexterous with axes that they inflict numerous wounds on enemies in a matter of seconds. They have the highest movement speed, so they easily dodge attacks. Their armor weakly protects against damage, so one or two missed hits will reset the hero's hp to zero.

The complexity of the gameplay for the Berserker is high. He knows how to reflect blows and give a response, which will come in handy in a fight with a stronger opponent. He can also hit and stun the enemy. But the main skill of the Berserker is rage, when activated, damage increases and combat skills are strengthened for several seconds. In a state of rage, he literally rips and cuts opponents with his axes.

Spearman Valkyrie

Valkyries or Valkyries will be available after the game launches. But already by outward appearance it is clear that these Scandinavian warriors are armed with a spear and fight at medium range. Based on the characteristics of other Vikings, we assume that Valkyries are an average class that will have medium attack and defense, but in return will receive a higher range and high mobility.

A combination of attack with a spear from a long distance and defense with a shield with the ability to retreat will be most effective in battles with knights and samurai.

Summing up

The Vikings will have four classes, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. All are good in melee, but differ in attack power, damage, movement speed and skills. Therefore, we advise you to choose the one who is more suitable for the style of gameplay and role in battle:

  • The Leader is intended to be a tank that holds back opponents and gives companions freedom to maneuver.
  • Holdar is suitable for "taking out" enemy soldiers and single fights with heroes.
  • Berserker is a pure damage dealer, whose task is to quickly eliminate a single target.
  • The Valkyrie is suitable for paired work with the Leader: while he reflects attacks and delays the enemy, the Valkyrie must "work" from behind the Leader with a spear and inflict damage.

We remind you that the online Beta test started in early January, but so far For Honor is available on English language... In Russian, it will be available only after the release, so we are waiting for the release date - February 14, 2017. We have already done pre-order- read more about this in the article about. That's all for today. See you soon. Bye Bye.

Natural disaster brought knights, Vikings and samurai in a war for resources and power. The mysterious Apollyon, the leader of the Blackstone knightly order, believes that over time the warriors have become weak and incapable of surviving in the new world, which means that only a full-scale war can return them to their former strength.

Genre: third person action game
Developer: Ubisoft Montreal
Publisher: Ubisoft Entertainment
Age rating: 18+
Translation: full
Played on: PS4
Similar works:
Chivalry Medieval Warfare (2012)
Dynasty Warriors series

For Honor brings to mind the TV show Deadliest Warrior. Here we can find out who is stronger: a knight with a two-handed sword or a dexterous samurai with a katana, an aggressive berserker or a halberdist clad in armor. The combat system is based on a duel between two warriors, each of which can strike and block in three directions. The most interesting thing is built on this simple formula - the various abilities of the heroes, thanks to which any player can find a fighter to his liking. Someone is good for powerful direct strikes, another needs to constantly dodge and counterattack. The play style for each hero is very easy to master. Thanks to this, For Honor is the rare case when you can win with any character, the main thing is to know his strengths and use them skillfully. The cards also add interest. You must constantly monitor the environment, otherwise you can miss the moment when an almost defeated enemy will send your character into the abyss with a dexterous kick. In a word, combat system was a success and will give you a lot of memorable and intense battles.

Battles take place in several modes: duels, two-on-two and four-on-four battles, as well as holding points. Best of all, perhaps, duels and two-on-two battles. They have the most verified balance of tactics and individual skill, and battles do not turn into a common dump. Of course, mass carnage is fun, but in the cramped conditions of the game, the combat system of the game does not reveal itself at all.

For Honor is the rare occasion when you can win with any character

In between matches, you can follow the global struggle between the factions on the map: depending on its outcome at the end of the season, players will be given rewards. In addition, you can complete tasks and receive additional rewards - experience for character development and game currency, which can be spent on new equipment.

Sometimes in two-on-two battles, players who have already defeated an opponent prefer not to interfere in a friend's duel, as if justifying the name of the game

But, as often happens, a good idea is spoiled by things completely unrelated to the gameplay. First, there are purely technical problems. The connection to the servers is dropped very often - both right in the middle of a battle and while searching for a match. Secondly, the feeling that the network For part Honor could well be distributed free-to-play. Microtransactions, random items from crates, decorations that cost thousands of items game currency, when a battle is given at most a couple of dozen, the need to buy heroes so that they can be developed, paid champion status - and all this is in the game for a full 60 euros. It is clear that purchases are optional, but the quality of equipment affects the characteristics of the heroes, and the player who has opened more boxes will have an advantage. And, finally, without a single player campaign, the game would not have lost anything: all events take place on the same multiplayer maps, and tasks are limited to killing all opponents on the level. The only reason to get through scene mode- receive as a reward the very boxes with items and several decorations for armor.

Outcome: multiplayer action movie with original combat system and interesting characters spoiled technical problems and microtransactions.

How interesting it is to watch the attempt of one of the most famous game companies test your own capabilities in a new role. So Ubisoft strives to show the whole world well, very much a medieval action game without trolls, witches, magic and dragons. The main actors here are knights in heavy armor with huge swords behind their backs, samurai dexterous like the wind with sharp katanas and the ability to chop everyone into small pieces indiscriminately, as well as merciless Vikings-barbarians who destroy everything in their path. That's all, or maybe the Ubisoft developers decided to display a little more in newest game- For Honor. How did they manage to combine simultaneously three different factions that existed in different time periods and countries, you will learn from our review.

What kind of beast is this - For Honor?

We are glad to present: For Honor - an online action game with a bias in the MOVA genre. If you think that there is only one warrior in the field - then you are simply doomed! In the harsh and rather tough game For Honor, there is no place for heroes. You can win here with a sharpened sword, a large ax and fire, but only shoulder to shoulder with a comrade in arms and tactics thought out to perfection. The essence of the game is very simple, but incredibly complex at the same time. The Ubisoft developers set themselves the goal of developing a point gameplay mechanic called "Art of battle". This means that each specific button will be responsible for a specific action of the player in battle. At its core, it is nothing more than motion capture technology and an innovative control system, where each participant in the battle controls his own weapons, defense, attacks, movement. For example, if we consider the joystick, then any of the turns of the right stick in the gameplay will mean a certain defensive combination against one or another attack of the opponent.

Fans of the genre will immediately understand that in such a harsh Middle Ages they simply cannot survive on their own. However, the developers still provided a mode in which we will be confronted artificial intelligence... And this, by the way, is almost the only place where you can properly improve your "skill". The idea of ​​placing the camera in a "third person" format remains interesting. Thus, it will be quite easy to observe what is happening and evaluate the entire battlefield at the same time, without worrying about your rear.

Confrontation with three or more rivals will require you to at least play the piano and, at the very least, play Beethoven's compositions with your left hand. It can be assumed that mathematicians have applied their brains to the development of the game, because geometry has a rather significant role here. In the heat of battle, you shouldn't forget about movement. Correctly chosen rebound at the right time - and the sword can split the skull of your opponent to smithereens. With all this, one should remember about the flanks, especially since game control provides blocks outside the main target to repel attacks from any angle.

Knights, Vikings, Samurai - which side will you choose?

At launch, there will be three types of military available in For Honor. The first type of soldiers is the harsh knights from the "Legion", who are chained in high-strength armor. They are very powerful and very painfully wielding a huge sword, capable of demolishing everything and everyone in its path. The second type - bloodthirsty Vikings-barbarians from the "Battle-born" faction, who with the help of spears and axes do not know mercy, ruthlessly chopping their enemies into small pieces and everything that they meet on the road. The third type is the mysterious samurai from the "Chosen" class with blade-sharp katanas and unsurpassed dexterity.

Each warrior class has its own distinctive features... The Knights are the middle ground faction. They have strong armor, they know how to strike with feeling and how to defend themselves. Vikings are fierce fighters, with the worst protection compared to knights, but the ability to fight with weapons in two hands. Samurai have the weakest level of armor, but at the same time they have a quick and dexterous attack, as well as cunning.

In For Honor, the battlefield is always chaotic and chaotic. This is because a member of each faction can trigger volleys of archers or ballistae, but on condition that the corresponding skills are unlocked. You should use such skills as carefully as possible, because the total number of volleys has its own limit and their benefits are exclusively in places where hordes of enemy troops are concentrated. Fighting one-on-one with another hero, using such skills is at least ineffective, and at most stupid.

What is the essence of the matter?

For Honor is your typical MOBA genre. All due to the fact that the game will be present great amount MOVs. To date, only one mode is known - domination or alternate capture key points... The task of the first is to hold, the second is to capture. In addition to the main tasks, there will be a huge number of secondary ones. The gameplay does not imply the presence of a mini-map - you should survey the surroundings yourself. Therefore, in order to know everything about the battlefield, it is necessary to have safe access to the heights. Domination mode involves two teams of four people each and up to 50 brothers-in-arms under the control of a computer. Naturally, the victory is for the one who is the first to score 1000 points, or the one whose army will physically destroy all the enemy soldiers. For the time being, the developers are silent about all kinds of other modes, keeping the intrigue to the last.
In multiplayer, the large scale of the battle is created by the computer - there are heaps of cannon fodder here. On the battlefield, ordinary "mobs" can be easily spotted by their worthlessness. As a rule, they fall to the ground with a half blow, while they themselves are not really capable of attacking. Although, if they surround any hero with a crowd, they can hack to death. Mobs will respawn, unlike the participants in the battle, which are controlled by real players. That is why it is categorically impossible to die here.

In For Honor, depending on the faction you choose, certain skills are available that will require unlocking. And of course, where is it without customization. For example, a legionnaire can change a long sword for a heavy mace, change a helmet, repaint a chain mail in Khaki colors. Will the equipment in any way affect game process? - hardly, but it is pleasant to the eyes!

The main highlight is a one-on-one battle

A game session lasts about 20 minutes, and each battle of real players will take 10-30 seconds. Although in a battle of equal rivals, swinging a sharp iron can last up to several minutes. The developers guarantee the players the feeling of a blow, the heaviness and sharpness of the weapon, an understanding of the cost of a miss, after which it is almost impossible to group up to repel an attack. The process of building a battle encourages non-standard attacks. Fighters can repulse an opponent with a sword, jump behind their backs, inflict a series of variable blows, and anticipate an attack.
It is the battles in For Honor that set the game apart from all the variety. To carry out a successful attack, here you need to choose the side of the swing, its strength, while trying not to get under the crushing blow of the enemy. On the defensive, it's the same story. Thoughtlessly swinging a heavy sword just does not work out like that, because warriors have such a characteristic as vigor. Its essence lies in maintaining a balance between defense and attack. If you run out of steam after a series of blows, you will not be able to defend yourself normally, if you repel several oncoming attacks, your spirits will also decrease, not allowing you to carry out a counterattack.

Drawing the line

It is sad, of course, that the option of using a knight on horseback with the ability to arrange a harsh tournament with the winner and the head of the loser is not provided. Let's hope that after the release, the developers will think about bringing such a story to life. Summing up, it can be noted: with this project, the French went for a "breakthrough" and they simply have no room for error. Whether this is worth believing is not clear. Let's hope Ubisoft has found something new or innovative. The judge for everything is time, which will show how the audience will perceive the project. The game will visit all nextgen platforms, and will also visit a personal computer.