Patterns from coins. Coin samples: Metal creativity (20 photos). Waterfall from coins

Your piggy bank is about to burst from coins? And there is no place to fold, and threw it sorry? Well, it's time to put your coins in the case and make beautiful crafts from them. We have collected a selection of excellent ideas and step-by-step master classes for you. Today you will realize that it is not for nothing that copied coins all this time.

For crafts, you can use both relevant coins and those that have long come out of use. Most often, the wizard is used 1, 5 or 10 kopecks. For jewelry (bracelets, necklaces, brooch, etc.) better choose foreign coinsIf you have them - they look solid in accessories.

How to drill a hole in a coin?

They will answer this question at the very beginning, because it will come in handy for many crafts. So that everything was clear, we found two short teaching video for you.

If you have a drill, we make a hole in the coin on this instruction.

If you do not have drills, we will do hole in the coin using a conventional sewing needle.

Holes do not always need, but some of you will be useful.

How to connect coins?

There are two options here. If you have done in the coins of the hole, you will need wire or special rings for decorations. All this can easily be found in the departments for creativity.

If you want to make a volumetric craft from coins or save them any object, you need to glue them. To do this, it is best to use the adhesive gun. It is convenient and reliable. If you do not have it, choose superclauses that can fix metals.

Now let's get to the most interesting. Use master classes and proceed to work!


Wash the coins in the soap solution. It is best to withstand them in liquid for several hours. Coins are pretty dirty, and this handicraft will be used often. Next, dry the coins.

We need:

  • plastic bowl;
  • polyethylene;
  • glue;
  • coins.

Instead of a plate you can take balloon. True, in this case, the handicraft can get a little oblique and not quite stable. A plate, most likely, will have to be thrown, so take unnecessary. However, if you are very neat, it will win.

Wrap the plate with plastic film. For reliability, you can fix it with a scotch. Start gluing coins. An important point is to glue them for lateral facets. Do not worry if the glue will leak a bit; Later we gofi.

Leave the design to dry by 4-5 hours. Then carefully free it from the bowl and polyethylene. Take fine sandpaper and carefully remove the excess glue. From above, cover the coins with a diverse varnish - for reliability.

Through star

You can lay out any other shape. The main thing is to have a stencil or draw contour on your own. If you make a star, you can post coins to the number 23 and use the panel as a gift for the Defender of the Fatherland Day. In exactly the same way, you can make a gift for Valentine's Day - just as a stencil select a heart.

We need:

  • photo frame;
  • velvet paper;
  • stencil.

In the frame for the photo insert velvet paper. Remove the glass - it will not need it. Draw a star. Put her contour into one layer. Then add another layer of coins. Gradually reduce their number, increment the volume.

In the same way, you can lay out a flower or, for example, a Christmas tree. Fantasize!

Mirror or Frame

Using coins, you can reap the mirror or make a photo frame. This will add a highlight to the interior.

We need:

  • wooden or cardboard frame;
  • local varnish;
  • sandpaper;
  • acrylic (optional).

If you make a scratch frame, you need to make a dense substrate. To do this, use Phaneur. If you decorate ready, then it is possible to sand and paint it, so that the spaces between coins look beautiful.

Just laid the entire surface of the frame with a smooth layer or pattern. You can add a second layer to hide all spaces that occur when laying the first "portion" of coins.

If you wish, you can reorganate coins of aerosol metal paint.


Worry about birds? So, your coins can be used for the decor of bird feeders. It turns out a beautiful and useful handicraft.

We need:

  • ready house;
  • plywood.

If you do not have a ready-made house, you will have to do it from scratch. You can take a cardboard box and hang it on plywood. The most important thing is that the roof is strong enough, otherwise it will not stand the cargo of coins. We glue coins with rows from the bottom up. The last row is better to pave additional.

We would not advise you to cover the roof of a diverse varnish, as it can harm birds. Do it only if you have a special non-toxic varnish.


If you have interesting coins from different countriesthat you brought to good luck, it's time to get them. Why keep such beauty in a piggy bank, where no one sees it? Yes, and wear them in the wallet is somehow boring. If you really want to attract good luck and money, always keep coins with you - make your own bracelet.

We need:

  • metal rings;
  • accessories for bracelet.

Drill two holes on each side of the coin. If the rings are thin, do it with the needle. Secure the rings, connect them with each other. Add the clip.

Now your happy coins will always be with you!


Coins - a great way to transform old interior items. Take a look at the master class on the decoration of the vase. Perhaps he will inspire you to remake something else.

We need:

  • vase;
  • acrylic paints;
  • calcular varnish.

Vase is best painted in one tone. Acrylic perfectly falls on the glass, so it is better to choose it. Next, we get coins the entire surface of the product. The spaces will not look ugly if you painted the crawl in advance.

The inexpensive set of acrylic paints can be enjoyed on Aliexpress (see this link). Bright colors, excellent quality, high resistance - universal option for various crafts.

Many love to give friends cash trees From coins. Why not give a vase in which you can put beautiful twigs or flowers? The same money tree, only more interesting.


Usually the decor in the form of large letters really like teenagers. So if you have a baby school age, offer him such an idea. Or decorate your hallway. And even letters from coins can be a good gift.

We need:

  • stencils of letters;
  • cardboard or plywood;
  • paints.

If you want to make letters on cardboard, choose the fattest (one is commonly used for boxes). Letters can be cut out of plywood if you have such an opportunity.

Stencils letters can be taken from our selection - so you will save your time. Next, just paint letters cut by pattern to hide gaps between coins. Fix the coins into one layer. If the material allows you to lay out the second and third layer.

You can use this master class to make your own gift for the anniversary. Put the numbers from the coins, give the perpetrator of the celebration as such "medal" - let it attracts wealth.


Do not know how to decorate a homemade tray? Or do you need to hide a rubbed surface? Coins will come to the rescue.

We need:

  • ready tray;
  • coins;
  • glass;
  • paint.

If you make a tray from scratch, you will need to poll and paint it. If this is the remake of the finished item, this step can be skipped. Get coins to the bottom in random order. Or lay out the pattern.

Then the surface must be covered with glass that coincides in size with the craft. If you do not have the glasses, cover the craft of varnish in several layers. Do not leave coins just like this - contact with food will be too close, and this is not worth it.


Here is another great way to keep coins for good luck and wealth with yourself. A little effort - and you make a beautiful trendy necklace. Massive accessories are now in the trend, so it makes sense to master this craft.

We need:

  • accessories for necklaces;
  • a hammer;
  • rings.

With the help of a hammer, all coins need to be slightly flattened. It will help to remove the drawing from them, polish and thin. Still, it is not very beautiful to wear ten-leading coins on the neck, right?

Now make small holes in each coin. Insert metal rings and attach them to fittings.

If you work well with a hammer, no one even guess that you made your decoration from ordinary coins.


The coins lay the ceilings, the floors and the most different furniture. If you have several thousand extra coins, you can do it. If your reserves are more modest, make a decorative table to give.

We need:

  • table;
  • glass;
  • coins.

Coins glue on superclauses or adhesive gun. In order for the process to go faster, it is not possible to apply it on the coin, but on the surface of the table itself. Promotion in small areas so that he does not have time to die.

It is best to choose a table that can be covered with glass. If you do not plan to put food on it, it is not necessarily. You can also use varnish or cover the coins of aerosol paint - that is, to use them only to create a beautiful relief.

If you like these crafts from coins, try to repeat any of them - it is not difficult. Add this page to bookmarks or save pictures for a reference point to not get confused in your actions. And you can create your own work, inspired by these ideas and guided by the attached instructions. We wish good luck in creativity!

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Coin crafts have long been considered one of the most common types of homework. This is due to the fact that a large number of unnecessary little things accumulate in the house, which can be taken into the case, making various accessories and souvenirs from it. At the same time, you not only spend your free time with the proda, but also save money about the reserve, because they will retain all the properties of the payment currency.

Crafts from coins today are very popular

Pluses from coins

Crafts made of coins made with their own hands in lately They became very popular for a number of wines. So, if earlier work with money was instructed by jewelers or blacksmiths, which could make a monisto or necklace from coins, now the products of them can anyone. This is due to the fact that metal money has become available to most people, and not only to wealthy citizens, as well as with the fact that Handmaid entered into fashion, which uses any suitable objects to create different crafts.

Of the advantages of labor with coins, experienced handmade masters are called the following points:

  • availability of fine coins;
  • simplicity of working with metal;
  • the ability to use coins as payment weapons if necessary;
  • durability of souvenirs created from them.

Attention! Coin crafts are usually performed from a fine coin, which is rarely used when making payments.

Thus, so, crafts from coins in 10 kopecks are made of various coins of appropriate advantages that are no longer in circulation, or is limited. This is the money of the USSR stage or the 90s of the last century. At the same time, most of the householders have a home reserve of such little things, since it is not always in demand in stores. As a result, this trifle is easy access, and it can be used to create homemade.

Coin crafts help to attract physical well-being

Souvenirs from coins are good also by the fact that they are durable. The fact is that the manufacture of money usually goes metal, little subject corrosion. Naturally, products from it will serve you long, and in order to bring them a pleasant appearance, it is enough just to start them to shine. In addition, the metal can be easily handled even novice artist, which opens the front opportunities.

Coin crafts can be used as an ordinary payment remedy

Also, monetary crafts are good because they can be used as a normal payment agent. To do this, it is necessary to leave the coin itself in the preservation or damage it is minimal. By the way, in ancient pores from the coins specially made decorations in order to be able to be able to pay with their help in case of need.

It is worth saying about this direction of this type of Handmade as Feng Shui. According to his principles, if you want to attract material well-being, you need to decorate the premises using cash bills and coins. So, the money tree is created, or they are fixed on the walls of the room and on the surface of the furniture.

Wandes of crafts

Cakes from coins are of various appearance. This is due both to their practical use and the technique of manufacturing such products. If you divide these crafts on the principle of utilitarian use, then there are accessories and gifts manufactured from coins as well as decor elements made of them. If the first can be destroyed in everyday life, for example, in the form of buttons or clashes, then the second is needed unusually to meet the aesthetic needs, for example, for decoration of furniture.

Which touches the methods of manufacturing named products, the same craft bad coins Can be made by weaving. To do this, 2 holes are made in such a coin, through which they pass the line or wire. As a result, harnesses are obtained, of which the bracelet or necklace can then be soiled. A similar harness can be decorated with beads or beads, as a result of which he will only become more beautiful.

The second method of manufacturing homemade from coins is the creation of mosaic of them. It can be made, putting money on plasticine, glue or special mastic. In this way, you can finish furnishing, household items, interior items. In addition, experienced artists can fold the present pictorial panels from coins.

Decor Vases for paints coins is very simple

The third main method, with the support of which can be done from coins, is the use of them as a healthy material with jewelry, plumbing or forge works. For example, coins can be decorated with metal flakes, dishes, weapons. In addition, you can perform a memorable sign with a directive name, emblems and images of a person. Naturally, such products are monsted only to the experienced master.

Crafts from coins often bring to the wedding

It is worth noting! Coin and Covers are often brought to a wedding as a symbol of financial well-being of a young family.

This fantasy can play very widely, but the so-called money tree is the most sabot. In addition, rings and earrings are often created from gold coins, they should bring money to newlyweds.

What touches the unusual ways to use coins, then with their help, recently decorated countertops, they make supports for hot food, place the floor. It all depends on your taste and, of course, the financial condition. The fact is that coins are still money, so only wealthy people can widely use their design interiors, if, of course. Your houses did not form a margin of removal monetary signs.

How to make a money tree?

If you were allowed to make crafts, the first product can be a monetary tree from coins. In order to create such a tree, you will need:

  • pVA glue;
  • approximately 100 coins;
  • sackcloth;
  • thermopystole;
  • frame for pictures;
  • acrylic paints, brush and sponge.

Attention! The money tree is a pretty simple homemade, but if you decide to professionally make crafts from coins with your own hands, you make sense to visit the master class on this topic.

Usually, such events are narrowing about the intricacies of performing a particular product and demonstrate especially complex technical enrollments.

As for the money of the money tree, for the basis you will need to glue the burlap on the cardboard base frame for pictures. Next, from the three-layer napkin folded in half a three-layer napkin, a strip of 1-1.5 cm wide is cut. Of these, the blow of the tree will be manufactured.

To do this, take one strip, unfold and divide the pressure in order for it can be more convenient to twist. After that, containing it in one end, the strip is placed in water. As a result, it becomes soft, and it will be very easy to ride it in a flabby in the example of plasticine products. When you need a twist, it is necessary to produce in one direction at an angle of 45 °.

In the manufacture of money tree there are separate difficulties

After the consumable material is ready, you need to find a sketch of the future money tree or its image. You can make it easy on the Internet, asking the question of how to make crafts from coins and photos of such crafts. Based on such a sketch and appliqué. For this, the finished flagered flagems of PVA are glued to burlap at a well-intended sketch.

A bright monetary tree of beads with coins will be merged views every day

After the tree is pasted, it will need to dry. Next you need to take a thermal system and with its support for burlap glue coins. First, they are glued along the contector of the crown, formed by flavors from the napkin, and after the entire panels are filled. Glue flips are removed by a rough brush, and the product is put on drying.

So that the tree looks a lot of spectacular need to make several layers of coins

After drying, the craft is smeared into black with the help of acrylic paints. Then the coins are slightly shaded by bronze paint. After the glue and paint is dried, the finished money tree is inserted into the frame, and it can be brought to newlyweds to the wedding.

Money tree from coins in the "vintage" frame looks quite attractive

Cakes from the coins of 10 kopecks

Another common appearance of crafts from money are crafts from 10 penny coins. This is due to the fact that this coin is inseparable, so its reserves often accumulate in the apartments of Russians, since not every commercial enterprise agrees to accept them to pay in large numbers. But of them, there are excellent crafts from coins, for example, decorated bottles.

Attention! Starting to make such crafts from the coins of 10 kopecks with their own hands, first work for yourself with a suitable container.

So, a bottle for such a self-made can own almost any shape, but it will be better when its surface will allow coins to be easily placed on it. You will need old tights - they produce a peculiar tube and a zipper of 15 cm long.

Crafts from 10 penny coins are thinned

If before you never made crafts from coins with your own hands, you should explore the photo of this process. To decorate the bottle, you will need to start tighten the prepared tube from Capron to the container and, slightly dragged it, make a cut for lightning. It is better to make such a cut a little macash.

Golden Apple From coins - excellent gift

Next, the zippers are placed in the edges of the section and with the help of a thermoclaural pistol attach it to the Kapron. As a result, a small pockets will have to form in the estatted state. The flowing operation will be impregnated by Capron glue. After you feed it with PVA, you will need to leave the workpiece for drying all night.

Coin crafts asked to attract good luck

The next stage is the color of the bottle of steel or black color from the aerosol can. Next, the workpiece should again be saved for 5-6 hours. After again, you will need to take a thermopystop in the hands and glued to the previously created pocket tenth-art coins. To give them a pretty appearance, they are painted with bronze paint or silver. The final finish of a similar craft will be covered with her varnish.

Other items can be decorated with a similar manner. In addition, crafts from coins with a nominal value of 10 kopecks five are performed in the technique of beads. This is due to the fact that such coins have a small diameter and therefore are perfectly combined with beads. So, they are actively used in the process of manufacturing bracelets, necklace and necklace. To do this, there are 2 holes in them in which the fishing line or silicone thread for weaving. At the same time, separate experienced masters manage to weave the threads with coins of real dresses.

Suspension from the coins will be an excellent decoration of your car

If you just recently engaged in such a type of Handmade, you should be done to make up the manufacture of the most famous crafts. Having learned how to make the panel or the simplest bracelets, you can go to work in Feng Shui styles, which has its own principles and its unique techniques in the design and decoration of both rooms and household facilities. They are aimed at attracting good luck and financial well-being in the house where the situation is performed, according to the rules of this philosophy.

Today you can buy almost everything that only wants. However, now more valuable are things made by their own hands. And it's not easy because it is an exclusive, and there will be no such thing, but also because a person will definitely invest in such a self-made product and positive. And this is a very valuable gift! It is worth noting that after reading this article, each person will be able to spend among relatives, friends and familiar master class "crafts from coins", because there is a lot of information, and it is very interesting.


So, if a person has many coins that can no longer be paid in the store, you can use them with benefit. Why not create crafts from coins with your own hands? What can it be? First of all - decorations. You can make a gorgeous necklace that our ancestors were worn in the old days. It is called monisto. How to make a similar product? To do this, you need to take a cord or chain, as well as a lot of coins. It is worth noting that the necklace can be both in one row and in several. In order for coins to be copped with each other, you will need to drill small holes in them and produce thin wires. If the necklace is in several rows, it is necessary to fasten a penny at the bottom and at the top, if you wish, it is possible on the sides. Attach the coin to the chain, you can also with wire, which will be done in the hole in the chain and in the hole in the coin. If a penny will be attached to the cord, it will be possible to just go to the holes. You can make a special hook for closing to such a necklace, but it can also simply get back on the neck on a bow.


What else could there be crafts from coins? Why not make your beloved ring? In her decorations collection, it will definitely be the most valuable, since it will be created manually. So, proceed. First of all, the coin needs to drill a hole strictly in the center. How to achieve this? To securely fix the money, you can make a hole in a plank, in which a penny will fall. Next, a small diameter of the drill (about 10-13 mm) it is necessary to make a hole in the coin strictly in the center. To the tool do not jump, the center can be outlined by core. After these manipulations, something similar to the washer should be turned out. If so, it means everything is in order, and you can go on. Further, this workpiece must be put on a metal rod and process it with a hammer evenly over the entire surface (as if pressed it to the rod). Important moment: In order for the inscriptions that were on the coin, it is necessary to carry out all manipulations to carry out a rubber hammer. It is also better to warm up a lot of money, so it will be militant, and the process will not take much time. However, it should be said here that from the first time such crafts from coins may not work, for an excellent result it will be necessary to spoil several kopecks. So, this is a rough decoration result. Now you need to bring the product to a beautiful state. For this, just need a ring to polish well. You can do this with a special pasta and soft tissue. It is worth noting that these manipulations can take quite a long time, so better stock patience. Another secret: Before you need to heat again and omit in cold water, the scale will come down, and the polishing will pass more successfully and faster. That's all, the ring is ready!


If the previous options were quite complex in performance, then there are smaller crafts from coins, with their own hands that can be pretty quickly. Why not make an interesting photo frame? To do this, you need to take a cardboard good density (preferably color) and a photo, as well as stock different coins. The photo is placed in the very center of the cardboard, now it remains to decorate the frame of the pennies. For this, they will only need to "plant" on superclauses. It is worth noting that you can decorate the frame in different ways. Someone will seem sufficient to glue several coins in the corners of the cards and stop at it. And someone wants to go strength to the paper with coins, without leaving space for the lumen. It turns out such a cash photo frame.


You can also make from coins. Delica, by the way, not only beautiful in its result, but can also carry a special meaning, to be a kind of magic magnet for money. To do it, you need to stock up (you can both alone and different advantages), and, of course, cook a tree. How can it be? It can be the usual snag from the forest (it can be treated with cloth or paper) to which the wire branches will be attached. Here they hang coins, pre-drilled in the very center. The tree can be weave from beads, more precisely, the basis of lagging beads, make small twigs. That's just on them it will be possible to hang a little coins, because they simply will not be able to hold. And it is possible to go and in a simple way, decorated with coins suspended on threads or wire coins.


What else can there be crafts from coins? You can make an interesting statuette - money waterfall. For this you need a beautiful cup, an old fork, saucer and coins. And, of course, superclauses. At first, the plug should be unhappy so that she could keep the cup, and at the same time they lay well and glued to the saucer. The basis is ready. Now everything needs to decorate coins. It is necessary to glue the product from the bottom up, first decorating as it were scattered with the trifle saucer, then, climbing the fork, put the coins and a little bit of trifle in a cup. That's all, the moneyfall is ready!


Go further: What else do you still have crafts from a muster coins? Why not make a casket from old little things? To do this, you can enclose the coins an old wooden product, but it will be too simple. And you can make a box completely from kopecks, gluing them one to another. You need to start with the legs, then make the bottom, overlapping coins one to another as it is located at fish scales, then raise the walls again (you can simply create turrets, only in this case the box will be shifted). To make the lid, still need a wooden base - the top from the old casket, which is simply plated by coins.


Coin crafts can be quite simple. Why not make a simple catcher. Especially beautiful will look the product from the old coin. For this, only you only need to drill the hole in the money the necessary diameter and turn a chain or thread into it. And the decoration looks more beautiful, you can attach a coin to the base with a thin wire. So a penny will not spin and will always be beautifully lying on the neck.

Coins are a good material for the manufacture of various crafts with their own hands. Strength and absolutely correct form ensures this material wide popularity of real self-relockers. In addition, coins may have different sizes and shape, which also provides opportunities for a flight of fantasy.

2) to make coin box You will need a lot of little things that will perform the role of the frame and the decorating element at the same time. There are two ways to make such a homemade with their own hands. The first - as a frame, you can take the ready-made casket, which you can simply enclose coins. But we will go different ways - entirely carry out the craft of coins. You need to put the coins with turrets, sinking them among themselves. So you lay out the walls of the box. To lay out the bottom should stick one coin on the other in the form of scales. I forgot to say that for mounting coins with each other you can use the usual super glue.

3) Frame from coins Make much easier than a brilliant box. From durable cardboard you need to cut a rectangle with wide walls. Only here are the dimensions of these walls (in thickness) should not be much higher than the size of the coins so that the frame is not too heavy. Give one coin to another like scales. Photo should be placed behind the frame. But if you want the photo to be changed, you will have to make a simple mechanism. For example, you can glue the guide strips from the same cardboard.

4) And to make such a homemade - ring from coins, you need to be a real master of your business. This is a real work of art (by the way, there are many standing). I can't tell you how it can be done with my own hands because I hardly have even something similar. But it is always to seek what to strive for.))

Coin samples: Metal creativity (20 photos)

The thing made with your own hands radiates special energy, because the soul of the master, his joy of creative labor is embedded, and crafts from coins have a magical property to attract money. However, not only therefore a penny often become part of the Hend-Maid compositions.

The advantages of coins as material for crafts:

  • Availability (a trifle is in every home);
  • The durability of metal products (work will not disappear for free);
  • The right rounded form facilitates the manufacture of crafts with their own hands;
  • The presence of several diameters is expanding the possibilities of using (performing designs);
  • Variety of drawings (chasing) and color selection (yellow and white).

The proposed ideas of "coin creativity" are easy to implement. You only need to stock the necessary number of little things.

What can be made of a muster coins?

The simplest crafts require the presence of a glue pistol, baseline and sufficient detail. The method of manufacture is simple: the clean surface is sequentially glued with coins.

Choosing coins different dignity, It is possible to fill the entire area without lumen. Finishing elements can be plagged or at an angle (that is, stick the coin edge).

Such crafts are good because you do not need to drill anything and bending or cutting the metal.

Beautiful crafts from coins with their own hands:

  • Vase or kashpo;
  • Photo frame;
  • Souvenir "Monetary Bottle";
  • Farming cup, money crane;
  • Furniture decor;
  • Topiary (Horseshoe happiness, hearts, balls).

Fantasy masters is not limited to a simple salary of finished items. The little thing becomes fully " building material"! Coins laid one to another, forming cylinders. Then the walls are erected from the monetary columns. In this way, crafts are made in the form of a ship, a lock, caskets.

What to do so that the caretaker does not lose the spectacular appearance over time?

Experienced masters cover coins of paint from a canister (silver or golden), and then - acrylic varnish in several layers. For such a thing it is not difficult to care for. It can be wiped with a wet cloth.

How to achieve a flat surface? If the gaps are confused between kopecks, they can be filled with silicone. And it is not necessary to use a transparent composition.

Select the cardboard more slow and cut out the frame of the desired form. The width of the frame should not be too big (just larger than the diameter of coins) so that the product is not too heavy.

Then glue a penny. Everyone comes here, as prompts fantasy. You can glue only a few coins in the corners or fill the entire surface with coins, select absolutely the same in size and color of the coin or make patterns from different elements.

I place a photo from the reverse side of the frame. For easy shift, you can glue the cardboard guides for the photo card.

Coins have long been decorated with clothes, made decorations, talismans from them. And the money in the product did not lose their purchasing power. The bracelet or monisto could be exchanged for food.

Modern craftsmen are drilled in hole coins, wires connect them between themselves, forming chains (sometimes in several tiers). From the coins with a hole you can make a pendant, earrings, bracelet. In the latter case, a penny can stick to the chain or connect the lace with small rings from the thin wire.

The ring is somewhat more complicated, but the Master's business is afraid, so there is nothing impossible for a handful man.

Cash trees have long become popular crafts from coins. This wealth symbol serves as a good gift or a good interior decoration.

To work, you will need:

  • Penny (it is better to use the elements of the minimum diameter, a denomination of 1 or 10 kopecks);
  • Thin wire;
  • Stand;
  • Thick wire or branches of the present tree;
  • Acrylic paints;
  • Plasticine or putty;
  • Instruments.
  1. In coins we make holes.
  2. On the stand fix the tree formed from the thick wire or branches.
  3. We cut a thin wire on segments of 10-20 centimeters long.
  4. In the hole of the coin, we felt the wire, bend it in half and tighten the free ends. It turns out a circle on a flexible stick.
  5. Single billets combine 3-5 pieces each. Wire twist. We form branches.
  6. The resulting branches whipping the tree branches on the stand.
  7. All flaws we mask putty. Let dry.
  8. Coloring the trunk and the base with acrylic paints. Let dry.
  9. Covered with varnish. For the trunk it is better to use a matte varnish, and for coins - glossy.

A monetary tree can not only stand on the stand, but also hang on the wall in the form of a picture. To do this, we glue the stem and branches from any suitable material on the selected base. It can be wands and twigs found on a walk, rope or twine, plasticine or clay. Take what will be at hand. Around the branches are artistically posing coins. You may have to cover the creation with a thin layer of acrylic paint (for color leveling) and apply shadows, add different decorative elements.

The basis for the panel can serve as a rectangular sheet of plywood or fiberboard. This method of storing memorable souvenirs about traveling is much more convenient and more effectively than to keep the "trophies" of the scold.

Arrange the panel in the form of volumetric letters is easier than simple. Cut out the symbols from plywood or cardboard (you can use a dense foam or other comfortable material) and glue the coins of various advantages and size (currency of different states) on the heater droplets.

Inexhaustible cash flow - who will refuse him? You can only dream about it or admire the symbol of abundance, if you give it.

For this craft from coins, you will need:

  • a cup with a saucer (it is better to use a set of thin light metal or plastic);
  • aluminum fork;
  • coins;
  • glossy acrylic varnish;
  • hot glue.
  • We control the fork so that it can be clinging to the edge of the saucer, and glue a cup in a horizontal position to the handle.
  • We drag the base (we glue the handful of coins one after another).
  • Attach the plug to the saucer, and we glue a cup onto it.
  • The plug is covered with coins so that it is not visible.
  • Cover the "stream" by several layers of varnish (the more, the better) to create the visibility of the flaw water.

Instead of a cup, you can glue a faucet or horn, the meaning of the original craft from the coin will not change.

Similar gifts are made of magical power. They attract financial well-being. Money for money, a penny to a penny - the truth of these expressions is confirmed by many years of practice. A shining object serves as a magnet for bills of different dignity. The symbol of the inexhaustible cash flow will be useful and a businessman and a housewife.

Master's business is afraid!

19 creative ideas for using coins

Coins are a very convenient and practical material that is suitable for both manufacturing mosaics, bracelets and supports, and for simple decoration of pots for home plants. A little bit of imagination, diligence, and that's what happens!

With the help of a stamp for a coin chain, this is a pretty pendant. They will especially well look like coins brought from another country.

Picture laid out with coins. A little paints, the original frame, canvas - what else is needed for the work of modern art? You can make such a gift for a friend and assure it that the material well-being is guaranteed. A good idea!

Options Necklaces made of coins with complex weaving. Great to look will be with a dress in an African style!

Coins can be flattened, erase the drawing. From such flat coins, the decoration will come out unusual ...

Buttons from coins - addition to free-style clothing.

Frame for mirrors or photos. Coin will not need too much.

From such a table, I would definitely not refuse!

Place the coins ring and use it as a retainer for napkins and festive letters - an unexpected idea.

Coin tray! Let's fit into any interior.

Bar rack or countertop in coins will be an expressive room detail.

Simply coffee table. For so nice to sit cozy in the evening ...

Ordinary vases can be turned into attracting attention, interesting things. Plug them with coins - easier simple, and the effect!

Coins are able to refine almost any item. Even a horse's horse from a tree.

Money and letters. Inscriptions from coins - an interesting way to set the thematic mood in the room.

Furious house using coins for the decoration of the roof! Better than a house from cookies. It is possible not only to use the bird feeder, but also as a mailbox.

Whole wall of coins!

Sometimes coins seem especially relevant ...

Make a floor from coins - not so difficult, as it seems. They seemed to be created for this process!

Rubric: crafts from coins and bills

Coin Coin Currently gained very wide popularity. Their strength and the correct form, as well as your fantasy flight capable of creating a completely unique gift for your loved ones and friends who can not buy in the store. It is also considered that it is not just pretty, as well as symbolic, as it accompanies the material well-being of the owner of this souvenir. Best for crafts will fit ten-topical coins, due to little size Which souvenir will look neat and exquisite.

If the souvenir is done by all the rules to use to attract monetary good luck, the coins must be attached to the anvice up.

Avers (FR. Avers, Lat. Adversus - fafeed by face). That is, AVERS, it is customary to be the side opposite to the side, which depicts the nominal coin.

Money for a wedding in our time is not just familiar, but already a traditional gift. But to give them just in the envelope is not very original, and the newlyweds themselves.

There is a special sign - to give horseshoe for happiness. I suggest you show the originality and make a horseshoe with your own hands. In the master class in detail.