When and where the first state coins appeared. When did the coins appear? The largest purchasing power of the country's coin

Ekaterina II - the Great Russian Empress, the reign of which became the most significant period in Russian history. Epoch Catherine Great marks the "Golden Age" Russian Empire, cultural I. political life Which Tsarina build up to the European level.

Portrait of Catherine II. Artist Vladimir Borovikovsky / Tretyakov Gallery

The biography of Catherine II was saturated with light and dark stripes, numerous plans and achievements, as well as a stormy personal life, which until today films are shooting and writing books.

Childhood and youth

Catherine II was born on May 2 (April 21, on the old style) of 1729 in Prussia in the family of Governor Shttitin Prince Czyrbst and Duchess of Hollytein-Gottorpskaya. Despite the rich pedigree, the princess family did not have a meaningful state, but this did not prevent parents to provide home learning for her daughter. At the same time, the future Russian empress at a high level learned English, Italian and French, took possession of dancing and singing, and also received knowledge about the basics of history, geography and theology.

As a child, the young princess was a frisky and curious child with a pronounced "boyish" character. She did not show bright mental abilities and did not demonstrate their talents, but helped his mother in the upbringing of the younger sister Augustus, which was satisfied with both parents. In the young years, the mother called Catherine II Fie, which means a little Federica.

Catherine II in youth. Artist Louis Karavak / Gatchina Palace

At the age of 15, it became known that Princess Czyrbst was chosen as a bride for the heir to Peter Fedorovich, who subsequently became the Russian emperor. Princess and her mother secretly invited to Russia, where they went under the name Council of Reinbek.

The girl immediately began to study Russian history, tongue and Orthodoxy, to more fully learn about his new homeland. Soon she switched to Orthodoxy and was identified by Catherine Alekseevna, and the next day he wonted with Peter Fedorovich, who had to her a secondary brother.

Palace coup and climbing the throne

After the wedding with Peter III in the life of the future Russian, the Empress did not change - she continued to devote themselves to self-education, study philosophy, jurisprudence and essays of world-famous authors, as the spouse did not show any interest in her and openly entertained with other ladies in her eyes. After 9 years of marriage, when the relationship between Peter and Catherine was finally buried, the queen gave birth to the heir to the throne, which she immediately selected and did not give him to see.

Paul I, Son Catherine II. Artist Alexander Roslin / Easyart

Then, in the head of Catherine, a plan was ripe on the overthrow of his spouse with the throne. She is fine, clearly and prolocably organized a palace coup, which the English ambassador Williams and Chancellor of the Russian Empire - Count Alexey Bestuzhev helped her.

Soon it turned out that both trusted persons The future Russian empress was betrayed. But Catherine did not abandon this plan and found new allies in his execution. They became the Brothers Orlov, Adjutant Fyodor Khitrov and Wahmistra. Participated in the organization of the palace coup and foreigners who allocated sponsorship to bribe the necessary people.

Portrait of Catherine II on horse. Artist Virgilius Eriksen / Peterhof

In 1762, the Empress was ready for a irrepected step - she went to St. Petersburg, where the guards parts were sworn, which by that time were already dissatisfied with the Military Policy of Emperor Peter III. After that, he renounced the throne, was enclosed in custody and soon died under unknown circumstances. After 2 months, September 22, 1762, Sofia Frederick Augustus Anhalt-Crebstskaya was crowned in Moscow and became Russian Empress Catherine II.

Board and achievement of Catherine II

From the very first day of climbing the throne, the Queen clearly identified its monk tasks and began to implement them. She quickly formulated and conducted reforms in the Russian Empire, which touched upon all the lives of the population. Catherine Great led politics, taking into account the interests of all classes, than won subjects support.

Portrait of Catherine II. Unknown Artist / Ekaterinburg Museum of Fine Arts

To stretch the Russian empire from the financial bog, the queen held secularization and took the land of churches, turning them into secular property. This made it possible to pay off the army and replenish the treasury of the empire by 1 million souls of peasants. At the same time, she managed to Boyko to establish trade in Russia, increasing the number 2 times industrial enterprises in the country. Due to this, the amount of government revenues increased 4 times, the empire was able to contain a numerous army and begin the development of the Urals.

As for the internal policy of Catherine, today she is called "enlightened absolutism," because the empress tried to achieve a "common good" for society and the state. Absolutism Catherine II was marked by the adoption of new legislation, which was accepted on the basis of the "Empress of Empress Catherine" containing 526 articles.

Empress Catherine II. Artist Dmitry Levitsky / Tretyakov Gallery

They mentioned those principles that were to be guided by the lawmakers, first of all about the ideas, Charles de Montcape, Jean Lerona D`ambert and other enlighteners. The draft law was developed specifically convened in 1766 by the commissioned commission.

Due to the fact that the political activities of the Tsaritsa still had a "Prodvlyansky" character, from 1773 to 1775 she collided with the uprising of the peasants under the leadership. The peasant war covered almost the entire empire, but the state army suppressed a riot and arrested Pugachev, who was subsequently beheaded. It was the only decree on the death penalty, which was published by Empress over the years of his reign.

In 1775, Ekaterina Great conducted the territorial division of the empire and expanded Russia to 11 provinces. During her reign, Russia acquired Azov, Crimea, Kuban, as well as part of Belarus, Poland, Lithuania and the western part of Volyn. The provincial reform of Catherine, according to researchers, had a number of significant drawbacks.

Check out Catherine II on a falcon hunt. Artist Valentin Serov / State Russian Museum

In the formation of the province, the national composition of the population was not taken into account, besides, it was required to increase budget expenditures. At the same time, elected courts were introduced in the country, which were engaged in the proceedings of criminal and civil cases.

In 1785, the Empress organized local self-government in the cities. Decree of Catherine II brought a clear arch of noble privileges - she freed the nobles from the payment of filters, the mandatory service in the army and endowed the right to own lands and peasants. Thanks to the Empress in Russia, a secondary education system was introduced, for which special closed schools were built, institutions for girls, educational homes. In addition, Catherine founded the Russian Academy, which was among the leading European scientific bases.

Special attention during the Board of Catherine paid the development of agriculture. It was considered for Russia the fundamental industry, which influenced the economic development of the state. An increase in the arable land led to an increase in grain exports.

Portrait of Catherine II in Russian outfit. Artist Stefano Torelli / State Historical Museum

With her, for the first time in Russia, bread began to sell, which the population was bought for paper money, also entered into use by the empress. Also, the Protusen of Monarchin includes the introduction of vaccination in Russia, which made it possible to prevent the deaths of epidemics in the country, thereby preserving the number of citizens.

During the reign of Catherine, the second survived 6 wars in which the desired trophies received in the form of lands. Her foreign policy, many people consider immoral and hypocritical to today. But the woman managed to enter the history of Russia as a powerful monarchine, which became an example of patriotism for future generations of the country, despite the lack of even the drops of Russian blood in it.

Personal life

The personal life of Catherine II has a bright nature and to today's days is interested. Already in the youth, the Empress became committed to "free love", which turned out to be a consequence of her unsuccessful marriage with Peter III.

National Museum of Sweden

Ekaterina's love novels are marked by a series of scandals, and its favorite list contains 23 surnames, as evidenced by the research of authoritative "Ekaterinovdov". The Favoritism Institute has negatively affected the state time of that time. He contributed to corruption, incorrect personnel solutions and the fall of the morals.

The most famous lovers of Monarchin Stained, Alexander Lanskaya, Grigory Potemkin and Platon of the teeth, which at the 20th age became the favorite of 60-year-old Catherine Great. The researchers do not exclude that the lovelines of the Empress were its peculiar weapons, with the help of which she carried out its activities on the monarch of the throne.

Tretyakov Gallery

It is known that Catherine was a great for three children - the Son from her legitimate husband of Peter III - Pavel Petrovich, Alexey Bobrinsky, born from Orlov, and daughter Anna Petrovna, who died in an annual age from illness.

The years of sunset of the Empress dedicated to the care of his grandchildren and heirs, since it was in stretched relations with his son Paul. She wanted to convey power and crown to the older grandchildren who personally prepared for the monaster of the throne. But its plans were not destined to happen, since her legal heir learned about the Mother's plan and carefully prepared for the fight for the throne. In the future, the favorite grandson of the Empress after all joined the throne, becoming Emperor Alexander I.


Catherine Great in everyday life tried to remain unpretentious, she was indifferent to fashionable clothes, but he was fond of needlework, carving on wood and bone. Every day, she paid his favorite occupation in the afternoon. The Empress itself embroidered, knit, once personally made a dress of a suit for the grandson of Alexander. The queen possessed a literary gift, which implemented a play for the court theater in writing.

Despite the fact that in the youth of the Empress adopted Orthodoxy, she was interested in the ideas of Buddhism. Catherine established the position of head of the Lamisian church Eastern Siberia. and Transbaikalia. The government was officially recognized as the embodiment of the enlightened being of the Eastern Religion - White Tara.


The death of Catherine II came on a new style on November 17, 1796. The Empress died from the strongest stroke, she rushed in agony for 12 hours and, without causing consciousness, left life in flour. She was buried in the Peter and Paul Cathedral in St. Petersburg. On the tombstience there is an epitaph written by herself.

Yuri Zlin

After joining the throne, Paul I destroyed most of her mother's heritage. In addition, the foreign debt of the state was discovered, which lay down at the subsequent rulers and was repaid only at the end of the XIX century.


In honor of the Empress, more than 15 monuments in St. Petersburg, Simferopol, Sevastopol, Krasnodar and other cities of the Russian Empire were erected. Later, many of the pedestals were lost. Since Catherine contributed to spread paper money, later her portrait decorated 100-ruble banknotes of the reign.

The memory of the Great Empress was repeatedly immortalized in the literary works of Russian and foreign writers - and others.

The image of Catherine is often used in world cinema. Its bright and rich biography are taken as the basis of scenarios, since the Great Russian Empress Ekaterina II had a stormy life filled with intrigues, conspiracy, love novels and the struggle for the throne, but at the same time became a decent government.

Julia Snigir.


  • 1934 - "Slutty Empress"
  • 1953 - "Admiral Ushakov"
  • 1986 - Mikhail Lomonosov
  • 1990 - "Tsarist Hunt"
  • 1992 - "Dreams of Russia"
  • 2002 - "Evenings on the farm near Dikanka"
  • 2015 - "Great"
  • 2018 - Bloody Baryna

Currently, no one person can imagine life without money. But it was not always so. When did they enter the life of people? It is just known that the first money was in the form of coins.

Scientists and archaeologists still argue about the true age of the first coin on Earth. Connoisseurs in this area were held a lot of research to determine the exact date of its appearance. They studied old sources and tried to understand the purpose of such an invention. It is surprising to represent how hundreds of years ago before primitive civilization, people have found a payment option for their needs.

What does the story indicate?

She proves with indisputable accuracy that the oldest coins in the world appeared in Asia Minor (approximately the territory of modern Turkey). Who was the first to create a coin? What are the legends about its creation? You will learn answers to these questions by reading the entire article.

Find the first coin itself in the world

"The leaders were the first of the people who have learned to be minted and using silver and gold coins ..." - Hello. What does this mean and who are these leaders? Let's figure it out in these issues. The thing is that the first coins in the world, the year of the chasing of which is definitely not known, are coins from the city of Lydia (Small Asia).

Star or Stater is the first coin known to people. She was popular in Ancient Greece in the period from the V century BC. e. by the first century e. At the moment, it is established that coins were manufactured at the Lidius Tsar Ardis, in 685 BC. e.

On the territory of his city, residents of Lydia discovered the richest deposit of the natural alloy of gold and silver. This alloy is called electrical, just from it and began to produce golden stats.

One of the oldest coins in the world was sold at auction in 2012 in New York for 650 thousand dollars. Lydia was near Greece, and, thanks to such a geographical location, some cultural resemblance appeared. Because of this, the stir and entered into circulation in ancient Greece and nearby states. Some sources argue that the oldest coins in the world were in circulation still in the ancient Celts.

The earliest stars that have survived until this time have a very primitive look. One side of the coin is empty, and on the second depicted the head of the lever lion. The first stir was found in Palestine, his age is approximately 2700-3000 years. Below is a photo of the oldest coin in the world.

First silver coin

Lidius masters began to minted gold and silver coins and use them as payment Tool. This became possible, thanks to new methods for cleaning valuable metals. The oldest coin in the world made of pure silver was opened in Greece and minted in aege. These coins were also called Eginque drachmas. On one of the sides of Srebrenika, the turtle was depicted - the symbol of the city of the city.

The minted aegin coins quickly spread to Greece, and then they even penetrated Iran. A little later, they began to enjoy popular in many barbaric tribes. Looking at the drawing or photo of the first coin in the world, you can understand that she was little size And there was a kind of silver plate.

The then Srebreniki was very different from modern coins. They were very cumbersome and unwarters, some of them weighed about 6 grams, and on the front side was only a sign of the city. On the reverse side of the coin you can see traces from spikes, with the help of which the mint plate was kept during the chasing.

Illinois coin

Some archaeologists argue that the legend of the Lidius coin (Star) is incorrect. In world archeology known strange story About how in the United States was discovered an old metal plate, similar to the coin, whose age consisted of only a few decades.

The story reads: In Illinois in 1870, on the lawn of the ridge during the drilling of the artesian well, one of the workers - Jacob Moffit - stumbled upon a rounded plate of copper alloy. The thickness and size of the plate resembled a US coin of that time equal to 25 cents.

Coins from Illinois

This coin could not be called primitive, as she looked pretty interesting. On one of her sides, two human figures were depicted: one big and in the headdress, and the other is small. On the back of the plate there was an image of a strange animal, which rolled out by the village. He had huge eyes and mouth, elongated sharp ears, a long tail and clawed paws.

Historians call this find a medallion or coin. By the way, on the edges of the plate there were inscriptions, similar to the hieroglyphs that could not decipher until now.

The first mention of the coin from Illinois

The earliest mention of this coin left a geologist from Michigan Alexander Winchell in his book "Sparks from a geology hammer." He used in it the information received from the notes made by an eyewitness of the find William Wilmot in 1871.

In 1876, Professor Winchell presented to the Plate of the world, this happened at the meeting of the American Association. Many geologists considered the act of the draw and thought that this coin was nothing more than fake.

Now, unfortunately, it is impossible to confirm or disprove the authenticity of this find, as it has not been preserved to the present day. Everything that remains from her is a description and sketch.

The strangeness of this story is that some facts contradict themselves. Imagine that the coin really existed, but then many questions arise. The depth on which we found the oldest in the world of the coin is 35 meters, and these are places with age 200 thousand years. It turns out that in America then there was civilization? Even if so, it is unlikely that the Indians who lived in Decolumbov's Epoch, knew how to get a copper alloy.

First Russian Gold Coin

The first coin made of gold in ancient Russia, got the name of a scene or a spool. It was launched in Kiev in the X-XI centuries. After the baptism of Rus Prince Vladimir. There are no accurate information about the true name of the first Russian coins. Traditionally, the term "Zlatnot", which is known, thanks to the text of the Byzantine-Russian treaty dated 912, is used. The oldest coins in the world remained only 11 pieces.

The first spool acquired the city of Bunge in Kiev in 1796 by a soldier who received a coin from the mother. In 1815, the spool was bought and lost to Mogilyansky. Initially, Zlatniki was considered analogues of Bulgarian or Serbian chasing. However, later it was possible to determine the true - ancient Russian - the origin of these coins. This was achieved, thanks to the found treasures with coins, their research and decipher the inscriptions on them.

Famous finds of Srebrenikov and Zlatnikov

The news that Zlatniki and Srebreniki were still ancient Russian origin, questioned the entire collection of Byzantine coins in the Hermitage. Under Pinsky found four Zlatnik. Every year the number of Srebrennikov found found, and this served as a bright evidence of the existence of a coin system in ancient Russia.

The final argument was the treasure found in Nezhin in 1852, in which there were about two hundred Srebreniki among other valuables. Every year the number of silver coins found and, thanks to this, more and more private collections appeared.

Exterior of Zlatnika

On the front side of the coin was depicted portrait of Prince Vladimir in a headdress with a cross in his right hand and left lying on his chest. From above, a trident was depicted - a characteristic sign of Rurikov's genus. In the circle there was a Cyrillic inscription, which was reading: Vladimir on the throne.

On the turn of the coin, the figure of Christ was depicted, in the left hand of which the gospel, and the right was in a blessing position. In a circle, as well as on the front side, there was also an inscription: Jesus Christ.

Physical characteristics of golden

The diameter of the spool was 19-24 mm, and the weight of about 4-4.5 g. All now, famous marshs were minted with interconnected stamps. The size of the ottis for the front side of the coin matched the stamp for the back side.

At the moment, 6 pairs of stamps are known. The inscriptions and images on them are very carefully completed, and in a single style. However, each stamp is different from each other. According to the descriptions, it is known that three pairs of stamps are made, apparently, the same person, since it is done very carefully.

The next pair is pretty rude, and in the inscription on the front side the letter is missing. The remaining two pairs of stamps, in all likelihood, copied with the previous ones. The master, most likely, was a little serious, since only the general view of the coin retained, and such a detail as the position of the hands of Christ was changed. Lettering letters are also not quite true, not like in previous versions spools.

  1. The mint plates were cast using folding forms for the chasing, which is applied from the appearance of spools.
  2. The average mass of the spool is 4.2 g, in the future this value was taken as the basis of the weight unit in ancient Russia.
  3. The emergence of Russian coins contributed to the revival of cultural and trade relations with Byzantium.
  4. The Model for Vladimir's spools served by the Byzantine solids made under the emperors Konstantine VIII and Vasyli II. Zlatniki were similar to the Byzantine solids in their weight and arrangement of the pattern on the coin plate.
  5. In 1988, the 1000th anniversary of the ancient Russian chasax was celebrated, in honor of this event was released gold coin With the image of Prince Vladimir.
  6. The chasing of gold coins lasted only a few years during the life of Prince Vladimir, and after his death never resumed.

The use of ancient Russian coins has an exclusively commercial meaning, because the object of ritual, a gift or awards, the scenario has never been used.

In those days, Lydia lay at the crossroads of many roads. Through its territory was all trading routes to the countries of the East and ancient Greece. It was here that an acute need for simplifying trade transactions arose. And this served as serious interference of heavy ingots, which performed as a monetary mass. The inventive leaders were the first guessed to make metal coins From the electrum, which is a natural gold alloy with silver. Small fragments of this metal, in shape resembling beans, began to sprinkle, inflicting the sign of the city on their surface. With these symbolic pieces of metal began to use as a transmissive coin. The first Lidia coins were obtained in honor of the Lidius king Kröz, who, if you believe legends, possessed with an imperceptible wealth. So the world saw the kerisides - the first metal money with the image.

Money turnover

After a few decades, the rulers of the Greek city of the Egina began to minted their coins. Outwardly, they were not at all similar to Lidiysk cerebses and were cast from pure silver. Therefore, historians argue that metal coins in the aetus were invented on their own, but a little later. The coins from Egina and Lydia very quickly began to move around the territory of all Greece, moved to Iran, and then appeared at the Romans, at the end won many barbaric tribes.

Gradually, the coins of many cities came to the market, which differed from each other by weight, appearance and cost. The minted coin of one city could cost several times more than coins another, because it could be pouring out of pure gold, and not from alloy. At the same time, coins with the image or emblems were valued much higher, because Different clean metal and fullness. The stigma of the coin yard, which coins the money used unshakable authority among all the inhabitants.

Greek coins

In ancient Greece, there were several cities - states: Corinth, Athens, Sparta, Syracuse, and in each of them there was their own mint, minted her coins. They were of different shapes, various and stamps were applied on them, but most often it was images of sacred animals or gods that were read in the city where the coin was minted.

So, for example, in Syracuses on the coins, the God of Poetry Apollo was depicted, and the winged Pegasus flew on Corinth coins.

Where the very first coins were made (reached us) and got the best answer

Answer from Dynamo in spirit [Guru]
First coins
Coins - metal plates with a pattern indicating that this is money. The first coins were made of Lena in the VII century. BC e. In Malaya Asia, in the kingdom of Lydia (now the territory of Turkey) from the electra, the natural alloy of gold and silver. To confirm the established weight, the pieces of metal were stamped with a drawing. The process of stamping was called the chasing. The mined drawing played the role of printing, or stamps that the ruler guaranteed the accuracy of the weight of the coin. The experience of making coins was successful and soon spread to Europe. It should be noted the appearance of other forms of metal money: copper coins in Northern Black Sea and Italy, Bronze
imitation tools of labor and shells in China, silver rings in Thailand, gold and silver bars in Japan.
First silver coins
Coins quickly spread in the Allen world. On the coins often depict emblems of manufacturers. Lion is a symbol of a brown in Asia Minor; Vase, Caracatia and Turtle - Andros Islands, Keos and Egina. The beetle was the emblem of Athens, you can determine the time of release of these coins: they were found in the foundation of the temple of the Goddess Artemis (right) in Ephesus, built about 560 BC. e.
Cast copper coins
Copper ingots of a certain weight served money before the production of coins in Olvia (Northern Black Sea), Rome and some other Etruscan and Latin cities. On copper bars began to apply images that turned them into coins. In Olvia, the coins were usually cast in round form, but sometimes they were attached to the species of dolphin.
Elephant coins
In Rome, the first ingots with images retained a rectangular shape. The Indian elephant on the board resembles the combat elephants of the Greek army, which seized the southern Italy in 280 BC. e.
Fancy forms
First chinese coins (About 500 g. BC) Deli made from bronze in the form of workers of the labor and shells of Kauri, who served earlier money. Coins - the tools of labor for use in the economy were not suitable.
In the domontary period in Thailand they paid in silver rings of a certain weight. In the XVII century Rings began to remake into the coins: they are broken, they kissed and branded by a state stamp.
At the turn of the XVI-XVII centuries. IEYASU, the future first Songun Tokugawa, transformed the Japanese Mint. Its gold and silver coins in the form of wrought or cast plates were very similar to the ingots of the preceding eras.

Answer from ЎNona[guru]
It is believed that the first metal coins appeared only in the VIII century BC. e. in China. They were minted from copper. A century later, the first gold coins were minted.
Their homeland became Lydia - a powerful slave-owned state located in the western part of Malaya Asia. However, the coins were not quite gold. In Lydia, deposits were developed in which gold was in a silver alloy. This alloy is called electric. From it and made coins.
The most ancient coins, the date of chasing which is known, are coins that minted in Lydia (Malaya Asia) in 685-652. BC e. The first of this mentions Herodotus, reporting that the Lydians were "the first of the people .. The gold and silver coins used in use ...".
Lydia led extensive trade with Greece and its eastern neighbors. Therefore, later the coin spread to the entire zone of Greek civilization in the Mediterranean and the Persian power.
In an era of mature slave relations in ancient Greece and Rome, gold and silver played a leading role in monetary circulation, although copper coins were also in use.
For the convenience of calculations during trade transactions, the Lydians were introduced into the appeal Golden chased coin - Stater, on which the running fox was depicted - the symbol of the main Lidius god Bassareus.
However, the present gold appeal introduced into the VI century. BC e. The legendary Lidi king Crona, minor coins weighing 11 g of gold aspays of the low-majiah river Pact. They were called "Kreteyda"
After a century, gold coins were in use in Persia. After the conquest of Lydia, the Persian king Kyrome, gold coins began to be minted in other countries of the Middle and Middle East.
For example, Dariki, the coins of the king of Persia Daria I, were widespread, on which it is depicted by shooting from Luke.
After the defeat of the Persian Power in IV century. BC e. Alexander Macedonsky became the richest man of all times and peoples, capturing at least four thousand tons of gold from the treasury of the Persian kings.
Naturally, in the era of Hellenism, the most reliable money had high-quality golden stats with his profile weighing 7.27.
From the third century to n. e. Golden coins began to be minted in Rome. It was the Romans that was destined to call a new coin product - cash courtyard He was in the temple of juno-coins, the courtyard products began to call coins.
The appearance of gold coins in Russia is associated with the time of Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavovich. At the very end of the 18th century, in 1792, the first Old Russian coin was found in Kiev. She was discovered among church letters to icons. It was Srebrenik Prince Yaroslav Wise.
And within a few years, the first golden Russian coin was known and the first golden Russian coin - Zlatnota Prince Vladimir. The weight of the Zlatnik is about 4 grams. A Russian unit of weight occurred from the Zlatnik - a spool (4.266 g).
Currently, it can be considered established that the chasing of the first coins in Russia began under Vladimir, at the end of the twentieth century.

Creating coins is one of the most ancient arts. And as any kind of art, it developed with a person. During the long year, the views on the beautiful, the technologies were improved, and the situation and in the world changed. All this was reflected on the history of coin chasing.

Now the manufacture of coins is a practically fully automated process. But as a person came to this, and what stages were this ancient art? In this article we"Walk" on the history of coin chasing. We will tell you where the first coins appeared than the old masters-medalkers became famous, and how they make coins today.

Ancient world

Before the creation of coins people in different countries We used what has been greater value. Somewhere the means of exchange was cattle, somewhere weapons, and in some countries even used sugar and elephant bone. To streamline trade and exchange, there was a state payment facility. They became coins.

Medallery art originated at the end of the VIII - began the VII century to our era. For the first time, coins appeared in Lydia and ancient Greece. They were made by chasing from gold alloy with silver and even put a sample.

Freshly developing medal art has become in Greece. Many works of that time reached us, but few names are preserved. We only know those of them that were indicated on the coins. These are the masters as kimon and the emergency worked with Dionisias.

The profession of the medaler has become respected. In Rome, medalkers were with every mint, had their own corporation and leader. In Greece, the creation of drawings for coins was engaged in engravers. They engraved the image right on the precious stones.

Ancient coins, compared with modern, differed in high burners and an irregular shape of the mug. At the same time, Roman coins were seriously inferior to Greek from the point of view of artistic beauty, but were closer to modern due to rounded and bas-relief.

Middle Ages

In the Middle Ages and to the era of the Renaissance, the medal art art of Europe was undeveloped: the coins had a flat relief, the coin itself was thin and similar to a metal blossom. True, in this rule there is an exception.

In the German states of the XII century, coins were still distinguished by high artistic quality. And the Barbarossa I received your flourishing of such a broctate at the time of Friedrich.

Stamps for coins then made professional engravers. The coins even transferred the style of that era - they can be attributed to late Romanesque art. The coins depicted the figures of rulers and saints in a symmetrical frame of architectural elements. Although the figures were stylized, small details on them were carefully worked out - armor, clothes, attributes of power.

Kievan Rus

In the Kiev Rus, the coin of Prince Vladimir, Prince Svyatopolka and Yaroslav wise engraved the Byzantine masters. But at the beginning of the IX century, coins in Russia stopped.

There were several reasons for it: Russia broke off into individual principalities, and there was no need for a single state coin. And later, during the time of yoke, there was an economic and political decline in the country. As a result, medal art was forgotten for a while.

Where medallers were taken from the XIII-XV century coins, remains a mystery. It is known that when Ivan III III from Italy was discharged by Aristotle Phiorevanti. In addition to creating architecture, the master was engaged in engraving coins.


In the era of the Renaissance, the monetary art of Europe was revived. We have reached Venetian medals and the name of the painter Antonio Pisano, which during this period cast medals for the Byzantine emperor.

Then other great masters - Leone Leoni, Speradio Di Mantova, Mary, Mary, Jean Dane, Annibal Fontana ... They made coins from bronze and relied on the style of ancient samples.

In Germany, the first religious scenes appeared on the coins, thanks to Albrecht Dürer, Henry Race, Friedrich Gagenaceor and other great masters.


As for Russian coins, Russia did not have elegantly engraved coins to Peter I. Only with it, the medaler began to write out to Russia and order the manufacture of coins. It was by order of Peter I, the first series of memorable medals dedicated to the Great Northern War was created.

And at the time of Catherine II, first drew attention to the artistic of the manufacture of coins. Then the medal unit was founded in the Imperial Academy of Arts. He led the Frenchman Pierre Louis Belnier.

The leading medaller of Russia of the XVIII century was Timofey Ivanov. It made many medals and memorable signs dedicated to historical events under Peter I and Catherine II.

Under Alexandra I and Nicolas I celebrated the talent of the graph of the graph F. P. Tolstoy. He made medallions dedicated to the events of the Patriotic War of 1812.

About coin coin technology

The manufacture of the coin always began with the creation of a sketch pattern. The sketch was then created a stucco model from sculptural plasticine. This model was sculpting on a blackboard using special pointed sticks of different sizes. The flattened model has not yet completely matched the future product - it was 3-4 times more of the alleged coin.

Then cast a gypsum cast from the model. And already from the gypsum cast, a new casting from the rigid cast iron by galvanoplasty was done. Further, from a convex model with a pantograph - engraving machine made a punch of steel. Its format has already matched the projected medal or coin.

Then, if it was necessary, the master adjusted the image of the shyhel. After all, only using manual work, you can give an animal to the product. Then the Puinson booted and used to extrude the matrix or stamp, with the help of which coins or coins or medals were minted.

This technology for creating coins came to us from past centuries. Some mint yards use it now, others - fully automate production. But there are many other processes in the coinage coins that directly affect the type of coin and its quality.

The quality of coins chasing - what the difference

The separation of coins for the quality of the chasing came to us from England. This classification divides coins into two main types: performed in conventional quality and in improved. Let's deal with what this difference is.

Call coins in classification callazirkulyted. In such quality, coins we use in cash circulation, as well as some investment coins.

They are made on automated production by large circuses and manual labor is used in a small extent. Therefore, the requirements for appearance And the design of coins Coin Coin. They should be one weight, thickness and diameter, with a simple pattern. In general, the fact that it is just suitable for large circulation with lowest costs.

As a rule, the coins of the quality of the anchorculyate have a metal shine over the entire surface. They have no mirror surfaces, the relief does not stand out, there are no small parts in the drawings. By classification on such coins, small squeezes are allowed on the edges of Kant, minor scratches or stains. These damage appear due to the chasing of large circuses.

Improved view of the Coin Coin Coin is calledbrilliant Anchirculyted. They have a smooth and brilliant surface, drawings are more detailed and worked. At such coins no longer allow chips or scratches.

The following type of coin quality is the highest, orproof.Coins in this capacity are made in small circulations and with a high share. manual labor. Each stamp master carefully worries to get a smooth mirror surface and contrasting the matted pattern.

The quality feature of the proof is in the process of the chasing - so that the drawing is perfect, the stamp necessarily hits two times on the workpiece. As a result, we get a product on which there is neither scratches or irregularities. Coins as a proof are the most valuable: and for the artistic performance and for the quality itself.

Another type of quality coins -pruf-Like, or similar proof. These coins look like a proof, but the technology of their chasing may differ. For example, a billet should be produced once. Pruf-Like coins are also valuable, and are in demand from collectors and numismatics.

Old Masters and New School

Fyodor Tolstoy believed that true skill in the manufacture of coins is impossible without free ownership of graphics.

Only after creating a picture, in the opinion of the thick, it was worth starting to model model. This method of creating coins demanded from the master not only artistic knowledge, but technical, professional skill of a real engraver. It was with this method of work that the Wizard's individual handwriting could be saved.

These basics knew and transferred knowledge to the next generation. For example, in the medal class of the Imperial Academy of Arts, students studied not only the drawing and sculpture, but also engraving on steel, as well as thermal processing of stamps.

Among the outstanding medaler who owned the technologies of working with steel, were F.P. Tolstoy, I.A. Shilov, to A. Lebereht, A.P. Lyalin, P.S. Utkin, V.S. Baranov.

Already later, in the XIX century, some medallers began to be limited to the manufacture of only sketch patterns. The execution of stamps has already been engaged in engravers. Thus, the medals lost their individuality, the artist's handwriting was lost.

Progress does not stand still, and now almost any production coins are automated. All engraving work is made by special engraving machines, and the creation of a 3D model is transferred to designers. But unfortunately, not all of them have the experience and formation of engraver. After all, even after the most modern equipment, after creating a high-quality 3D model, it is necessary that the stamp touched the hand of the master. Only so you can create a product that will have artistic value.

Engraving work requires a very large number of knowledge and skills, greater experience, painstuff, hard work. Be sure to need artistic education so that the plots created by the hands of the master should have artistic value, the products were alive. To the portraits and figures of people depicted by engraver, had one hundred percent similarity with the original.

Modern technologies of medal art dictate strict requirements for the relief of the medal. He must be such that its highest details focused in the center of the composition, and then decreased. At the same time, the height of the relief should be small. Such a state of affairs limited the artistic plowing of sculptors and led to the loss of many technologies of sculpture of medals.

Visually reflects the state of affairs the situation that occurred in the 2000s. The NATO delegation came to Russia with a visit and presented the General Staff Gifts. The Russian government decided to answer worthy memorable gifts.

Employees of the General Staff appealed to the best monetary production of the country to make commemorative medals on their own sketch. But they were denied, as they could not fulfill the order. The complexity of the work was just in the relief. Its height accounted for 1.5 mm to the side (usually an average of 0.6-0.8), the diameter was 90 mm.

As a result, they turned to our jewelry house. His founder Sergei Ivanovich Kvashin agreed and in a month completed the entire volume of work. And the stamp did manually. It turned out that it was Vyatka - the center of medal art of Russia. Made by Sergey Ivanovich Med Sturdes presented with strategic partners, delegations of other countries.

At all times, jewelers engaged in jewelry proceedings were considered special people. After all, engraving work is the highest skill of jewelry art. Engraver knows all jewelry techniques and techniques, but a jeweler who does not know the engraving case will not be able to create a product of this level as engraver.

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