Wives against tanks. Tanks in War Thunder vs World of Tanks, the overthrow of the king? Which game is better


The title of this article is deliberately slightly provocative. Although, for many obscure, questionable shadow algorithms in the game, one could apply it much stronger, however, in the absence of direct evidence, one has to beat around the bush, not stating anything for sure, but only hanging some uncomfortable questions in the air, stating some uncomfortable, for the guys from Wargaming "a, facts. So, let's immediately decide that we will not indiscriminately accuse anyone here, but only by the power of a couple of article pages we will give here a few, not so much facts, but conjectures, assumptions and hypotheses. The general meaning of them will be that the gameplay in the popular MMO game is not at all so explicit and honest. In other words, World of Tanks is an arena for cheating by developers. But, let's go in order. Maybe everything at all and not this way.

Bang for the question.

Perhaps it is worth remembering that this tank action comes from Belarus, where the deservedly tough morals of the local Old Man, in part, were transferred to some of its citizens. In general, the fact remains: for the slightest hint of a dishonest game or an “uncomfortable” question asked on the official gaming forum, the questioner is banned in the shortest possible time, and they do it, sometimes even indefinitely. The ban, at the same time, applies not only to the forum, but also to the game. What is the hidden meaning of such a harsh treatment of fans-tankers? Is it possible that the saying comes into force here: - if you are afraid, then you hear the truth. It is clear that forum provocateurs and rude people should be punished mercilessly, but when a forum member opens a topic where he asks a simple question about a strange non-penetration of an enemy by a projectile, or, conversely, about a strange penetration of a loved one, then such a topic will be immediately deleted, but the player can be forgiven on the first time, but more often you hear stories about unprecedented bans for such questions. A little strange, isn't it?

Red general.

Personally, I happened to hear a legend from a person who heard from another person who heard from a friend who knows one of the Wargaming programmers who participated in the development of World of Tanks, who allegedly talked about what is often and thickly in the form of "red" the teams moving towards you are not real players at all, but the most real and official game bots. Allegedly, several players there may still be real, but the bots led by the Red General will set the tone. According to all this word of mouth, the Red General is easy to identify. It's always heavy tank, always in camouflage, always shoots gold, always pierces everyone and everything, and, in turn, it is almost impossible to pierce. But the most important thing is that such a General in an amazing way illuminates almost half the map. Partial evidence of this is that it is impossible to draw such a General into a conversation for the simple reason that this is a robot controlled by a system from under a fake account. The presence of the Red General and bots from the enemy can be proved a little in this way: take and agree with the whole team to arrange a “rush” along the flank of the map. If bots play for the Reds, then on that “unexpected” flank, they will take you and meet you, almost the same as the whole team. Meet and smash to pieces.

The classic version of the participation of the Red General is a drain with a score of about 2:11 in the first 2-3 minutes of the battle. Moreover, such battles can be repeated 5-10 times in a row. A player who has fallen into such a stream has no choice but to simply disconnect from the game and change game server, hoping for a better relationship with him. Actually, all the other claims of not only paranoid, but also quite sane tankers come down to the fact that something very often, especially with the release of the latest patches, extremely strange non-penetrations, ricochets and suspicious "one-shots" from very frail opponents began to happen. But, more on that later.

World of Tanks: scandals, intrigues, investigations.

If we follow the trend that developers are promoting with the release of each new patch in World of Tanks, this is an increase in randomness in the form of strange projectile flight paths, supposedly for the benefit of physics, as well as a gradual decrease in accuracy. Working on new models of vehicles and new maps, the developers specifically increased the dispersion when conducting aimed fire. And the accuracy of the self-propelled guns was generally cut to the point of impossibility. Now even the most accurate guns with a pumped gunner cannot properly hit enemy tank. More precisely, it’s possible to hit, but the situation with hit / miss is assigned entirely to the shoulders of the hidden game mechanism of “random numbers”. Intra-tank mechanics, which, as it were, takes on the right to determine the accuracy of the projectile flight. The situation is very similar to how UEFA does not want to introduce video replays, due, supposedly, to the fact that the audience, having seen the wrong decision of the referee on the scoreboard, will rage, but in reality, citizens from UEFA, and even FIFA, simply do not want to lose one more control lever of game in the form of the decision of a judicial question. So it is here: so that there are no unnecessary questions like: - “What is it, I aimed exactly, and the projectile flew off into the distant distances?”. Therefore, the players have expanded the scope. If earlier the enemy’s equipment completely fit into the circle of the sight, now, not at the greatest distance, 3-4 such tanks can be placed in the “point” of the sight. Here's another reason for you to think.

Strange non-penetration and light.

Let's start with lighting. Even if we discard the semi-mythical Red General, the problem with incomprehensible light continues to heat up for more than one month. The most typical situation looks something like this: there is, for example, a Shtug with full optics, a crew, an anti-reflection coating, etc. Everyone is dead, he is alone. Here, as if on command (none of the dead suggested), one of the tanks breaks down in the direction of the Shtug. And the Shtug itself, I must say, is in a hole that cannot be shot through in any way. There is no art in the game. In general, at first the tank illuminates the T-34-85, although the Shtug itself does not see it, although it should, and then a deadly blank from the KV-2 arrives with a 152-mm cannon (which has no accuracy at all), which costs through half a card. But this is not enough: the shell hit the "Shtug" with a canopy, because there is no other explanation for HOW the shell could hit the tank, standing at the bottom of a deep pit. Asking questions on the game forum is to your own detriment. And there are many such examples. An entire book could be written.

Now for penetrations. Example: Bat Chat is standing in the bushes, then the IS-8 leaves sideways. Chat puts 6 shots from the side of the drum. 5 of them are penetrations. Rechargeable. Waiting. The same IS-8 leaves (the same cardboard, I must say). Chat starts to beat also in the side. As a result, 0 penetrations out of 6. The chat is being merged. There is only one conclusion: the penetration limit issued by the system is “exhausted”. Naturally, the team flies in at 3:15.

And if we recall a lot of incomprehensible incidents that occur with battered tanks, which, in the observation mode, quite realistically illuminated their remaining allies. You can remember a lot, but the main difficulty is that there is no evidence that the developers of World of Tanks are dishonest, and it is unlikely that there will be if one of the persons involved and offended does not tell a story in the spirit of “I was fired from MTS, so I'll tell you now ... ". In the meantime, it remains only to build hypotheses and wait for the WoT fans to come running and explain to you that you are a deer.

If you do not know what the essence is, then know: the essence is in money.

After making some simple conclusions like journalists from RenTV, we can firmly say that all the cases described above may well pursue one single goal - to extort more money from the players. With the release of the latest patches, which clearly demonstrated that this is how much you have earned now, but this is how much you could earn if you played in the "premium", many wrong things began to happen. Many players began to complain that if earlier, according to statistics, on a particular tank, for example, there were about 53% of victories, then over the past few months, victories have fallen to 42% on the same tank. Wild cases of 10-13 terrible plums in a row have become more frequent, etc.

All these aiming difficulties, penetration difficulties, and so on, can be directly related to forcing the player to open a wallet and pay real money for a premium tank, or purchase a premium account more often. After all, games are made in order to make money on them, so why can't developers “stimulate” purchasing power a little. It's no secret that during the game on "prema" the number of drains is drastically reduced, the statistics improve, and the player is more often in the top. And without a premium, the player is thrown for fun to the “premium” tankers, as they used to throw a wild boar under the drunken shots of the master. But, the boar had no choice at all, but the player has.

So think now. On the one hand, there seems to be faith in the pure, eternal and good. It is supported by the lack of material evidence. Catching developers is not so easy. On the other hand, the understanding that almost everything in this world is done because of money. So why not tweak a couple of options to hurry up an embittered and dissatisfied player a little, start injecting money into the project as soon as possible in order to increase comfort. Although premium, of course, is not a complete panacea for game arbitrariness, when the T 34-85 cannot pierce the side of the T-50 with a top-end gun, when you don’t see enemy light with optics, a walkie-talkie and a pumped-over light bulb, and you are killed on it, without any tracers. Moreover, the characteristic black especially zealous lawlessness is that such symptoms appear when the team is clearly going to drain. The system is not profitable for the team to resist for a long time. The servers are full, you should die and give way to another, and not cling to life from last strength. At the same time, when you see similar symptoms with non-penetration, strange light, etc., the realization immediately comes that you are being “leaked”. As a rule, this idea turns out to be 100% correct.

Not a bad afterword.

In general, comrades, this article does not claim to be the ultimate truth. Moreover, the author in no way pursued the goal of slandering or slandering anyone there. You can even say that this article contains some of the brightest examples of the ambiguity in the interpretation of game processes in World of Tanks, game physics and other things like that.

Play and win, and if you suddenly start to lose, then deposit a little money into your account and you will immediately see that life will become better, life will become more fun. By cabins!

To always watch the video first!

Text version:

Today's issue is dedicated to the huge, frightening combat vehicles dominating the earth - That's right, tanks. As you might guess, we will also compare ground vehicles. The impetus for this video was a lot of discussions like "That's it - the ground thunder will come out and the tank servers will be empty forever" or “Everyone is used to tanks and they don’t need that thunder, and it’s even more difficult to learn there” and many, many, many others like it.

These discussions are initially quite absurd and I will explain why:

  1. The tanks were produced in late 2010 - early 2011. That is, more than 3 years ago, respectively, their engine was developed for the realities of that time, and in order to reach a large audience, the game should not have required a powerful video card or processor, it should have worked on Vasily's average computer, which works at the factory.
  2. Also, many are mistaken about the gameplay, they say that in tanks, the developers themselves come up with "performance characteristics", which is why some tanks bend over, while others suffer. Let's take "kvass" as an example, 76mm 2 guns were installed on it, stock and so-called pre-top, ZIS 5 and F-34. Which in the game is simply impossible to use, only pain and suffering. But in the game it has a 122 mm cannon, which punishes far from every hand, believe me.
  3. and, in principle, they are games of different genres, since tanks are an ordinary arcade game with a certain number of historical elements, and Thunder is being developed with an emphasis on full historical correspondence and historical performance characteristics, so choose the best one from them tank simulator just ridiculous.
Well, let's move on to chart:
In tanks, the graphics are a little wooden, but quite pleasant to the eye, but it’s wrong to consider this a minus, since the game is not new. But what should be considered a minus is optimization. Since personally, at the maximum settings, the game lags less than at the minimum. Some cards are colorful and convey the atmosphere, and some are oblique and dull, but you can’t do without it. In the near future, HD tank models and the Havoc physics engine will begin to be introduced, which in theory will greatly improve the graphic component of the game.

In the Thunder, naturally, the graphics are 2 heads ahead of the world of tanks, well, this is not surprising. Still, the game, in principle, has not even been released yet, it is at the MBT stage. But already now there is a magnificent physics of objects, nature. A huge plus of the game is the level of graphics - "cinema" or "ultra", as you like. This mode is intended for shooting movies. After watching a couple of videos, at some points I could not distinguish the graphics of the game from the actual shooting. Summarizing all this, we can say that the graphics in the thunder are gorgeous.

Sound accompaniment in both games at the proper level. True, in tanks the sounds of many vehicles are not natural, but modified by software, which is sometimes clearly audible. When listening to the sounds of the thunder, no obvious substitution is heard. It is clear that it is impossible to record the sounds of all tanks, as some are no longer found in nature. I really like the volume of the sound, the clanging of the tracks, the change in engine speed, damn it, it's like listening to metallics or scorpions, great.

With the introduction of new physics in tanks in patch 088, everyone is aiming for commander's turrets and observation slots of a mechanized driver measuring 10 cm, somehow not realistic, isn't it? Also, the behavior of tanks in terms of realism also "does not drag".
but again on top - the realistic behavior of tanks, swaying, recoil when fired, even the grass is crushed when you run into it, after all.

You might think I'm specifically judging tanks because I like the thunder better, but no. Since I'm comparing games, to be objective, you can't take sides.
In the few things in which these games are comparable - donat. And he's terrible in tanks. Without a premium, farming silver and pumping tanks is terribly long, but premium. tanks hit the pocket hard.
The premium features in the Thunder are exactly the same as in the tanks, but playing without it, I did not notice any discomfort during the game at all - this is an incomparable plus.

Game modes:
V tanks arcade, divided by several setups, and the new “confrontation” is the most balanced.
V tandere everyone will find a mode to taste - arcade, cheerful rubilovo with resurrection and simplified physics, with a lead indicator.
Realistic fights– historical characteristics, full physics, simplified controls for convenience. The manual transmission smiled very much, I will have to try what it is like to shift gears on a tank ...
Well, for real tankers or just fans of full hardcore - simulation battlesfull control combat vehicle with all the consequences. By the way, I tried to take off on an airplane for 2 hours in the training of simulator battles, but then I flew for 30 minutes, enjoyed it, well, the truth was that the fuel ran out and I crashed.

It's time for the results
If you don’t like complex gameplay, you just want to ride for fun, then you will either have to fork out for a tank pack in , since CBT is still going on, or continue playing .

If you want to feel a huge tank as part of yourself, definitely War Thunder. Still, the atmosphere is incredible.
If you want to become an esportsman - definitely World of Tanks, since wargaming has put a lot of effort into popularizing tanks as an esports, which is strong point games.

Well, the choice, as always, is yours.

Material prepared for you by Vegas, subscribe to Coop-Land channel and only play good games. All for now.

So which game is better?

Games about the Second World War have become incredibly popular among the inhabitants of the post-Soviet space. The starting point was a game from Wargaming - all famous World of tanks.

World of Tanks is one of the most profitable games in the world today. No wonder that they began to copy all and sundry. But it is one thing to copy, and quite another to take as a basis something more, even much more than just tanks. After all, not only ground equipment takes part in the war, but also aircraft, as well as the fleet. The idea drew the attention of developers from the Russian company Gaijin. These guys set themselves the task of an epic scale - to combine all types of military equipment from 30s to 50s. And to do it at the highest graphical level. This is how the game came about newest generation- War Thunder.

War Thunder already essentially combines two games - tanks and airplanes. Next up is the navy. How it will look is still difficult to predict, but the intentions of the developers alone are breathtaking.

The graphical execution of ground battles in War Thunder is beyond praise. It is now quite obvious that the developers set themselves the task of surpassing the brainchild of Wargaming in all respects. And it seems that not only did they succeed - they jumped to such a high bar that it causes genuine delight.

So far, War Thunder is the most spectacular confrontation of all that has been in this kind of game. There are dynamic battles, a large and interesting system for the development of steel monsters and crew. Both beginners and experienced pilots and tankers feel comfortable here. The creators have paid great attention to detail. Every day the project develops. New elements appear in the gameplay. The most important thing is that the game does not tire you with long waits - it loaded and immediately into battle.

However, today's article is devoted to huge and frightening machines that dominate the earth - tanks. As you already understood, we will compare the ground War technique Thunder with the game - World of Tanks.

Which game is better?

Disputes about which game is better have been going on in various forums for a long time. Basically, there you can read something like “the Thunder ground will come out, and the Tank servers will be empty forever” or “everyone is used to the Tanks, and we don’t need this Thunder.” These discussions are initially not entirely correct, and now we will explain why.

First, comparing these two games is like comparing Cross Fire with Black Fire - that is, they are games with similar names and similar genres, but completely different weight categories. World of Tanks was released at the end of 2010, that is, almost 7 (!) years ago, so their engine was pretty outdated, because it was developed for the realities of that time (in order to reach a larger audience, the game should not have required a powerful video card or processor (it should have run on any average computer of the time). War Thunder is a newer game with a more powerful engine and more advanced graphics. I think this has already said a lot.

Secondly - many are mistaken about the gameplay. In "Tanks", the developers themselves come up with performance characteristics, as a result of which some tanks bend over, while others suffer. That is, in reality, completely different equipment and guns were installed on a particular tank than we see in the game. War Thunder was originally created with an emphasis on realism.

Thirdly, War Thunder and World of Tanks are games of different genres. The first is a large-scale military simulator with a premise for full historical compliance and real performance characteristics. The second one is essentially an arcade with a certain amount of historical elements. So choosing the best historical simulator from them is simply ridiculous.

In general, it is quite clear that the monopoly of Wargaming is coming to an end. After all, a much more ambitious project is rushing to the market. The fact that Gaijin's planes are superior to Belarusians is not seen only by the most die-hard player who created an idol for himself and prays for him. But are ground vehicles better, or, more simply, War Thunder tanks? Let's figure it out.

Similarities and differences

The first feature that distinguishes Thunder from WoT and all similar ones is the limited visibility. There is no backlighting and player names above the vehicles, which makes the picture of the game more realistic. You may notice a plane flying two kilometers away or a tank driving in your direction at a distance of several kilometers. Light equipment is needed for quick detours and captures key points. This is a real breakthrough in realism.

At the same time, aviation also participates in the battles. Planes in Thunder are also controlled by real players. So it is very useful for the tank to hide in the bushes.

You can take both planes and tanks into battle, using them alternately. And soon ships will be added to them, which will diversify the gameplay even more. At the same time, the impressions of playing, say, on the T-34 in War Thunder are incomparable with the impressions of playing on the same tank in WoT. Physics, graphics, sensations - everything is different.

On top of that, the maps in War Thunder are much larger, and besides, they are not limited by various conventions, such as a river, for example, or other obstacles that cannot be overcome. Tanks can hide in the forest, behind rocks, behind pillboxes. That is, the enemy can hide anywhere. This absolute freedom of action, limited not by the imagination of the developers, but only by the logical framework of realism - breaks all the patterns, raising the genre to new unprecedented heights.

More about the combat system. Fans of the World of Tanks can simply point the barrel at the enemy, as the contour of this enemy will immediately be highlighted. What kind of fantasy is this? It also turns out that tanks have lives, and in order to destroy it, you need to shoot until they are exhausted. In a real battle, the life of a tank is one to two minutes. As a rule, one hit is enough, a maximum of two - if the first one hits. In the game, we can shoot at the tank 10 times and not achieve a result.

In World of Tanks, we wait a long time for the start, then we wait for everyone to disperse, then ten-minute skirmishes begin - all this is somehow fed up. In Thunder, everything is different - you do not need to wait for anything, you enter and immediately into battle. Tanks are undermined mainly from one or two hits, as expected. No hit points. They will blow up the first time or the second - it depends on the place of impact. This is in WOT, padded caterpillars are put on in 5 seconds - forget it. This is a lengthy process, as it should be. Forget about the contours - you will never see the nickname of the enemy - where did you see the inscription glowing over the tank in a real battle - "Vasya", "Petya" and the like? Absurd! In War Thunder you will not see the enemy tank until it becomes visible visually - absolute realism.

Gameplay War Thunder

You have a certain garage of vehicles that we can use during the battle. They killed one, took another, and again into battle.

With the gameplay of World of Tanks, I think everyone is already familiar with it. But game process Var Thundera does not hurt to chew.

If you managed to play Thunder's planes, you will not see something fundamentally new here - everything is the same, only instead of a heavenly bird, steel titanium is in front of your eyes.

Those who like to delve into development have a place to turn around here. We upgrade both the tank itself and do research.

You can take both several planes and tanks into battle with you. True, not all maps can fly. There are maps without airfields, where only ground battles will unfold. As for mixed cards, everything looks much more fun. You can bomb enemy tanks directly from the air. At the same time, the enemy can shoot you with anti-aircraft guns.

The fights are coming on new level- the developers' grandiose plan for global militarization has been completed. Welcome to the real range. In fact, only two things are missing to complete the combat picture - infantry and battles at sea? as well as some additional species ground equipment, such as "Katyusha". But the development of the game continues, so everything is ahead.

Consider the ground war in detail. The first thing that pleases in War Thunder is the tank itself - its behavior is as close to realistic as possible. Take, for example, shooting. It is in modern machines that there is muzzle stabilization, and such that any hole is not how much - the target will be beaten in any case. But in World War II, technology was simpler. And here, in order to aim, you either need to stop and aim, or learn to shoot back on the go, which is not easy.

Comparison of graphics and sound

Graphics in War Thunder are extremely close to reality, and each tank can be seen in great detail

Every blade of grass, every twig of birch or leaf in Var Thunder moves in the wind. Having run into a thin pine tree, it will naturally break and bend realistically. And hitting a boulder, it will shatter into small pebbles.

The physical model is also on top - the slightest slide, and the tank immediately changes its speed. Turning over here is generally easier than ever. The terrain you are driving on also affects your speed. Speaking of terrain - meet really great graphics. The game uses DirectX 11, flies quickly, does not slow down, does not lag, and is simply pleasing to the eye. Trees, bushes, grass, rocks - everything is beautiful.

In World of Tanks, the graphics are a little outdated. Some maps here are colorful and convey the atmosphere, and some are oblique and dull - in general, everything is somehow ambiguous. Of course, for its time (early 2011) it was a breakthrough, but now there are other standards and such graphics are no longer impressive. What can really be attributed to the cons of "Tanks" is optimization. Despite the old engine, the game lags even on the lowest settings.

In Thunder as in more new game Naturally, the graphics are two heads ahead of Tankovskaya. Great physics of objects, nature. At maximum settings, the game produces a downright cinematic effect, that is, in some moments the picture of the game is difficult to distinguish from real footage. Summarizing all this, we can say that the graphics in War Thunder are gorgeous.

As for the sound, it is on the level in both games. But then again, in Tanks, the sounds of technology are not natural, because the developers did not set themselves the goal of making a simulator. Sounds in Thunder were recorded from real prototypes. It is clear that it is impossible to record the sounds of all tanks - some are no longer in nature. But the realism is still felt. A very cool volume of sound, the clanging of caterpillars directly reverberates in the ears.

As for physics, in terms of the realism of the behavior of technology, the World of Tanks is also lagging behind. War Thunder is again at its best - the realistic behavior of tanks includes all the nuances - swaying when fired, even grass is crushed when it is hit.

The damage system is not comparable at all. Tanks has a primitive arcade damage system. That is, you have hit points or hit points, as soon as they run out, the tank explodes. In general, standard for any old game system. From the point of view of physics, the machine is destroyed when it hits the turret or the main skating rink. War Thunder has a cool realistic system. No hit points - hit the fighting compartment, and the tank at least ceases to be a combat unit, hit the tanks - a transd. In principle, any technique can be killed with one hit, you just need to know where to shoot, and no one has canceled luck.

Donation comparison

You may think that this article expresses a subjective opinion. And indeed, graphics, physics, realism - all these are loose concepts. And tastes, as they say, do not argue. Donation is another matter. It is quite possible to compare it objectively. And in World of Tanks, he's terrible. Without premium, pumping tanks and farming silver is terribly long and tedious. And premium tanks hit hard on the pocket.

War Thunder has the same premium features as Tanks, but you can play without them without feeling completely deprived of anything. That is War Thunder - absolutely free game with some paid features that are easy to do without. This is an incomparable plus.

Mode comparison

It's time to talk about game modes. In World of Tanks, in fact, one Game Mode- an arcade game divided into several set-ups. In Thunder, everyone will find a mode to their liking:

  • Arcade(peppy rubilovo with resurrections and simplified physics).
  • Realistic fights(historical characteristics, full physics, simplified controls for convenience). In this mode, the gearbox smiled very much - be sure to try it.
  • Simulation battles(full control of the combat vehicle with all the consequences). This mode is suitable for real tankers and fans of full hardcore /

Of course, for simulation battles, you first need to learn how to control vehicles. But then the pleasure of such management will be more. Remember to keep an eye on the fuel level, especially when flying an airplane. When the fuel runs out, you just crash.


The seriousness with which Gaijin approach their project is striking, trying to please, first of all, the most demanding - a mature audience.

No, War Thunder is not a World of Tanks clone. Not a clone at all. Its own feature, its own dynamics - everything is different. And it certainly differs better side. From the very first minutes, the game causes a storm of delight. Not to mention the fact that this is a completely different scale, a different level of implementation. The game looks different, it plays differently. After what I saw, I think even the most ardent skeptics will not turn their tongues to compare these two games.

It's hard to imagine what arguments Wargaming fans will make in favor of their idol. World of Tanks is a mediocre arcade game that uses an outdated engine with clumsy graphics, physics and everything else. And also protracted, monotonous and tedious fights. It is enough just to have eyes to see the obvious.

So, if graphics and physics are not important to you, if you do not like complex gameplay and just want to ride for fun, then you can play World of Tanks, as well as 8-bit "tanks" of the "Dandy" system. Basically, if you don't care, anything will do.

If you want to become an esportsman, then Tanks is also suitable here, since Wargaming put a lot of effort into popularizing their game as an esports discipline, which is perhaps the only plus of this project. Everything else is just nothing.

If you want to feel a huge tank as an extension of yourself and get an unforgettable experience from a real quality game, then welcome to War Thunder.

That's all. Write

Your group is called "Wives vs. World of Tanks?". Do you really oppose this particular computer game?

Unfortunately, such an incorrect conclusion is drawn by those who do not pay attention to the question mark at the end of the phrase in the title. On the contrary, I have great respect for the developers of World of Tanks and have nothing against the game itself. The band's name could be rephrased like this: "Wives, are you sure that you are against World of Tanks?" I think if another computer game or, say, airsoft gained the same popularity, the name could be safely changed.

However, almost every story begins with the words "My husband plays tanks." Most women see the root of evil in them. I, in turn, try to help look at the problem more broadly.

Group "Wives against World of Tanks?" - about family relationships, problems and misunderstandings between spouses, exacerbated by this computer game (or any other).

- How many girls/women complain that their men "play tanks"?

I can't name the exact number of women, but most of them think that their husbands play too much. So, only among my acquaintances between the ages of 20 and 40, 90% of men either play WoT, or once played. In any case, everyone has come across this game in one way or another, and many have something to tell.

- Are there examples of positive solutions to this problem?

I do not think that the problem of "WoT and the family" can have a positive solution at all. "Tanks" are not the cause of the conflict. The reason is always much deeper: that the spouses cannot / do not know how / do not want to build relationships in the family. WoT is just an excuse to quarrel. Therefore, those who are trying to fight the "tanks" will never solve anything, but will only aggravate the conflict. Do not try to fight the "tanks" - look for a problem in the relationship!

It turns out that the problem of breaking family ties because of the game is far-fetched? There is no dependence on the game - just an inherently bad family atmosphere?

First, let's break the concepts of "addiction" and "hobby". The same Wikipedia says that addiction syndrome is a combination of physiological, behavioral and mental phenomena in which the use of a psychoactive substance (and in our case it is a game) begins to take first place in a person's value system. The main characteristic of the syndrome is the need - often strong, sometimes overwhelming - to take a psychoactive substance.

In the case of addiction (alcohol, drugs, gambling or computer games), the intervention of specialists and treatment is really necessary.

Very often, women tend to call the WoT hobby an "addiction". I hasten to assure you that this is a hobby, a hobby. In at least 95% of cases there is no clinical picture. Admit it to yourself - this is a hobby that you just don't like.

So, when it comes to addiction, then yes, it is indeed a serious problem that can lead to a broken relationship. But if we are talking about passion, then you can always find a compromise that will suit both.

In other words, it does not matter what the husband will be fond of - computer games, fishing, collecting or playing poker, because he will still spend resources on his hobby - both temporary and material ...

In fact, any hobby requires financial investments, if we are talking about money. And WoT of those listed is the cheapest hobby. One way or another, for a woman, this is the time that her husband spends "outside the family." Another thing is that such hobbies as fishing, hunting, modeling, collecting are more material, and, accordingly, more understandable to a woman. She can see and touch both the fish he caught and the airplane he glued together. A new tank cannot be touched. And you can not estimate how cool he is. A man who has bought a new tank or received an award requires approval and praise ... Therefore, from the point of view of "understandability" to others, tanks are worse.

There is such a term - "professional gamer": a player who earns quite real money in computer games. Based on your experience of communicating with the wives of the players, tell us, are our women ready to put up with this way of earning? Or does it lead to scandals anyway?

This term is familiar to me firsthand: my husband is a former professional virtual pilot in IL-2, one of the founders of the Separate Fighter-Assault Aviation Regiment =BY=, a participant in international competitions. Therefore, I’ll tell you honestly: talk about this kind of earnings is greatly exaggerated: few earn money, but only a few earn well. In other cases, the funds received do not compensate for the time spent. The math is very simple: divide the money received by the number of hours spent. You get a tiny amount.

Therefore, the claims of wives are most often justified.

If, nevertheless, it turns out to make good money, and the wife does not accept this way of earning, you just need to explain to her what exactly you are doing and what you are getting money for. Well, if in fishing you get money for a ton of fish, then why do you get money in "tanks"?

- Is it the fault of the second half that the husband begins to play all day long?

Imagine an average family: average income, a child, a cat. And then the husband begins to spend days on end at the computer. Why? Want to take a break? Then Why such work, after which you need to rest for 16 hours? Do you want to realize yourself? Then why can't it be done in real world? Because everything is much more complicated in it and the opponents are more insidious?

In my opinion, both are to blame: she - if she did not create the conditions for a good rest for her husband at home, he - if he did not use them.

A happy versatile person will not go headlong into the game: he has too many other interests to spend all his time on something virtual.

- But in the course of the game you can also get some skills, broaden your horizons ...

Yes, if you dream up, you can say that the players get the skill team play, train tactical thinking, get acquainted with the history of military equipment.

But, in my opinion, all this is far-fetched. If a person is drawn to new knowledge, he gets it, rather, in near-game areas. And how in life are you going to apply the knowledge gained in computer game?

But after all, everyone wants to have their own personal space, right? So why not leave him alone for a while and let him do what interests him.

Keyword- "to each". That is, both men and women. Only for some reason, if both of you have two hours free from work in the evening, then the husband usually goes to play tanks "alone", and the wife - to wash / clean / cook / iron / take care of the children. She is offended not by the fact that her husband is playing, but by the fact that he has free time, but she does not. If the family has organized their life in such a way that both the husband and the wife have a sufficient amount of truly free time, I don’t think that there are any problems with computer games.

- Have there been cases of rupture of relations precisely because of WoT?

Relations are crumbling gradually, WoT is just an excuse.

- What advice would you give to people whose relationships are seriously undermined by computer games?

Sit down at the negotiating table. Always, in any conflict. The first thing you should do is start from the end: not with mutual claims, not with fanning the conflict, but with what you want to get as a result. Try to find a solution that suits both of you. You don’t have to pull the blanket over yourself, but you don’t have to give in everything either - both of you should like the decision. After all, when you are trading in the market, your goal is to buy a product, and the seller’s goal is to sell. You do not go to the market to shout and leave.

If your disagreement is about playing WoT, social networks etc., try to find a common hobby, organize your day so that both have free time, share household chores or do them in turn. Be sure to stick to agreements and be constructive.

Unfortunately, very often attachment to a computer game, leaving for virtual world- this is a consequence of the inability to realize oneself in the real world: problems at work, discomfort in the family, low self-esteem, lack of communication, depression. Indeed, in World of Tanks it is much easier to win than in life. Take a look at your loved one. Maybe he lacks confidence and recognition in the real world. In this case, it may make sense to change jobs or wardrobe, chat with interesting people, find a common hobby, go in for sports.

In any case, remember that family is a comfort zone, not a battlefield. Support and inspire each other to exploits in real life, not virtual.

- What methods to deal with attachment should not be used in any case?

Set an ultimatum "either me or the tanks." No need to delete the game, hide the wires, turn off the Internet. Remember, family relationships are not war. If you resorted to such methods, you both have already lost. Such measures are a recognition of one's own powerlessness and inability to find a solution.