Police missions (Vigilante missions). Quest: Explore the Steel Factory

Mobile game with the famous character Galustyan Borodach, who got into unpleasant situations, enjoys great success. As conceived by the creators, the game is designed in the style interesting puzzles... You need to help the poor man to get out of many troubles with dignity.

How to complete the game Bearded - learn about the development of events in order to complete the game

The bearded man once again ends up at the police station. He wanted to steal a car, but only broke the hatch. The guard listens to the lectures of the district police officer, does not very pleasant work and is released. But he remained in the dungeons best friend- Palych. The bearded man does not leave his friends in trouble and tries to get his comrade out of the police station. The guard came up with an original escape plan and you need to help him in this difficult matter. For the successful escape of Palych, perform several specific actions, but the district police officer should not suspect anything.

How to complete the game Bearded Man: the first steps in the police station

The policeman will release the Bearded Man if he cleans the floor from the dirt. Your actions are as follows:

  • click on the rag in the game and lift it;
  • open the inventory and move the raised rag to the traces of dirt on the floor;
  • The bearded man will get to work;
  • after cleaning, the policeman releases the guard and demands to take the rag with him. Exit to freedom through the door on the right.

On the street, the guard starts a conversation with Palych, who looks out of the window of the "monkey house" and asks to release him. We'll have to break the grate, but it's impossible to do it with your hands.

How to pass the game Bearded Man - we pass all the levels of the game

  • take revenge on the police for not letting Beardach go to the toilet for 4 hours. Head to the trash can, find a can of paint in it. Transfer the spray can from your inventory to the inscription "Police", paint over one letter and you get the word "Pole";
  • go to the taxi driver, his clean car is on the right. Jump into a puddle, the car will get dirty. The bearded man offers the taxi driver to wash the car for 50 rubles, a rag with him. But the dirty rag must be washed;
  • direct the guard to the puddle. There he washes a rag. After the words game character"The rag has become really cleaner" again go to the taxi driver and wash the car;
  • get money from a taxi driver. In return, hand over a dirty rag to the driver;
  • buy a glass from a vendor with seeds for 50 rubles;
  • heading to the watermelon saleswoman. Distract her so that Bearded Man pulls the phone off the counter. Throw a handful of sunflower seeds on the counter, grab the phone. The lady will wipe the counter, chase away the pigeons and go to the police to write a statement about the theft. Grab the watermelon right away;
  • with a watermelon go to the police building. Pass the watermelon to Palych through the grate. Scatter seeds near the grate, pigeons will flock. Palych lets go of the watermelon, killing pigeons with it. Collect the carcasses of birds;
  • go back to the seed merchant. She is glad that the pigeons will not peck at her goods and gives Beardach a magazine for adults. Present the magazine to the taxi driver, in return you will receive a ski pole with a rope.

How to pass the game Bearded Man - freeing Palych

Tie one end of the rope to the taxi driver's car, and the other to the bars on the window of the police station where Palych is sitting. The taxi driver sees nothing, he reads a magazine. The bearded man asks the taxi driver to leave, as parking near the police is prohibited. But the taxi driver doesn't see the sign.

Go to the police station and talk to the detainee. Go outside and give him the phone through the bars. Return to the station and ask the watermelon trader to call the number of her phone stolen by the Bearded Man. The phone rings - the detainee's phone.

Imperceptibly take away the police cap, lying on the closet, and go out into the street. Stick the ski in the mud and put your cap on it. Paint the No Parking sign with a spray paint can. The taxi driver will see the sign and will go straight away. The grate behind which Palych is sitting breaks down and the friend is released. A policeman runs out screaming - but it doesn't matter anymore.

The game "Bearded Man. Understand and Forgive ”is an exciting and funny product from its creators. Fate punishes the poor guard everywhere, but he was able to free his friend. Download it to your phone and get a sea of ​​positive emotions and laughter, and the puzzle is very simple in the passage.

First chapter LEGO games City undercover- New Faces and Old Enemies - starts in the harbor and you need to get into police car and go to the police station. If you do not want to screw up, but correctly pass this level, then this article is for you.

City police station

After reaching the police station, look for the green pointer on the screen. He will always point you to your next goal. Jump over the check-in counter and approach Frank Honey. The computer will explode - so your task is to restore it. Hold Circle / B and use the blue bricks to fix the computer. Then follow Frank to the basement in the elevator.

Below Frank will show you the basement. There are many useful things here, but the main goal is to get in shape. Go downstairs and punch through all three boxes, and then collect the bouncing bricks into the cabinet. Open the locker and unlock Chase McCain's Police Suit. The Chase character can change his guise at any time using the wheel of disguise. Each disguise has a specific set of powers and functions. First, hold Triangle / Y to open the menu, then select "Police" from the list.

Follow Hani to the claim desk up the stairs after you change your disguise to a police officer. Use the security terminal next to the door to open it - only wearing the police disguise will you be able to access them - and then follow Frank inside. On the table you will receive a special item - a police communicator.

Return to the elevator, and move to the first floor, and again go to the computer that you repaired earlier. Use it, and you will have another problem - the chef fell asleep. To wake him up, you need to find the key to his office. Frank has lost him, so you need to find him yourself.

Go upstairs (stairs by the basement) and you will receive a call - press the D-Pad down to answer. You can now unlock the Detective Scan ability. To start scanning, open the chief's office door and press Circle / B on the glowing dot indicated by Detective Scan. Follow the footprints and open the closet to get the key. Take it and open the doors of the chief's office. But he still doesn't want to wake up. Smash the locker after the chef to get bouncing bricks and make a new boombox, he will wake him up.

New Case

Outside, you will receive your first police mission - the Cherry Tree bank robbery. Open the map and select the police shield. Set your destination with Square / X to create a line of Sat Nav pillars that will lead you to your desired location.

You will see robbers on the street. Cross the destination to start car chase... Follow the stolen armored car and use Square / X for turbo boost and ram the van. After four hits, the van will fall apart and the criminals will begin their escape. Jump out of the car and chase them.

To arrest a fleeing criminal, press Circle / B when the action icon appears above the intruder's head. You will drop them to the ground, then press circle / B again to arrest.

After that, you need to track down two more criminals. Follow the Sat Nav pillars to the Red Cafe, located across the street from the police station. Enter the shield and go to the roof - the criminal is hiding in this place.

You will unlock the Criminal Scan update. Watch out for its bright yellow marker. The game will switch to a first person perspective with people highlighted yellow... Aim the target in the lower right corner and hold X / A to scan the criminal.

Go down the stairs and use the vines to climb the fence. Take the trash box and place it on the green dot on the left. Create bouncing bricks and then bouncing pillow.

At the top of the steps, the criminal will bring down the vine, preventing him from climbing to the next level. Use Detective Scan and follow the trail. Peel off the leaves, take the valve and place it on the water pump. Follow the green hose and remove any LEGO stones that are getting in the way of water. When the water begins to flow, a vine will appear on the wall and Chase will be able to climb.

Upstairs, go right and see the culprit stop. Follow him and arrest him. Now head to the docks to grab the last criminal.

At the docks, step onto the shield, then climb onto the delivery containers, reaching the Criminal Scan markers. Look for a small dancing figure inside the cargo ship, zoom in and scan it in. Then you have to get to this big ship... Jump down and talk to the worker at the gate. He will take the forklift to the corner - jump on it and climb to the roof of the gate. Break the green barrel, go inside and lift the lever to open the gate.

After going through the gate, find the next worker who needs help. The seagull stole his sandwich. Walk towards the blue Detective Scan marker to the left of the worker. Follow the prints to the sandwich, then return the treat to its rightful owner. You will reach the ship immediately. On the ship, open the container doors, catch up with the last criminal and arrest him. This ends the case and concludes the chapter.

LEGO City Undercover is a third-person action game licensed from the popular LEGO franchise. The plot takes place in a modern metropolis, the main character, Chase McCain, is an undercover cop. His task is to find, infiltrate and stop criminal operations.

, Boss: Copperhead.
Gotham City Royal Hotel, Boss: Bane.
Blackgate Prison.
Finding Bane.
Pioneer Bridge, Boss: Firefly.
Blackgate Prison, Boss: Bane, Boss: Joker

Passage of levels:

Lacey Towers

Assignment: Investigate a crime in the Lacey Towers

From the ship we get to the Coventry quarter (located on the southern island in the northwestern part. You can get there by fast movement: turn on the map, use the W, A, S, D keys to move the map so that the Batwing drop point (square symbol) is in the center of the screen , then press "Enter".

Focusing on the map, we find the target. On the high roof we find three special forces, we stun them. After that we hack their radio frequency. We hear the negotiations of two more special forces, they are on the balcony of a neighboring building. We fly, we deafen them too. We enter the building.

Inside we enter the farthest room. Roman Zionis, the Black Mask, was killed here.

We start looking for evidence. 1. Examine the body under the cape. 2. We examine the body of the girl, suspended from the chandelier. 3. Examine the floor under the girl. 4. Look again at the body of the Black Mask. 5. On the girl's body. 6. On the fingerprints on the column near the corpse. 7. We examine the scratch on the floor near the corpse. 8. On the broken table in the center of the room. 9. Rewind the chronology of the crime to the very beginning (clamp LMB), examine the attacking person at the window. 10. Examine the blood stain on the bar. 11. Rewind the chronology to the beginning, notice the fallen phone in front of the bar. We teach information about the Joker.

Police station
Batman: Arkham Origins Walkthrough

Assignment: Get the Impact Detonator in Batman's Cave

To find out who the Joker is, we need to dig into the police database. Before entering the police station, we return to our base for a safe weapon.

We use fast movement across the map. In Batman's lair on the table, we take the shock detonator, and again we fly to the Coventry area.

Assignment: Infiltrate police Department Gotham through the roof

The roof is guarded by a dozen policemen. First of all, we shoot the sniper. Silently and one by one we eliminate all the policemen. Only then will it be possible to enter the door on the roof.

Assignment: Get access to the servers of the Gotham Police Department

We enter the building of the police station, blow up the wall at a dead end, jump onto the roof of the elevator. We go down the elevator and enter the ventilation of the room Isolator.

We eavesdrop on the conversation of police officers planning to capture Batman in order to save him from assassins. We crawl further.

In the Manager's Office, we neutralize three special forces at the TV. Both doors from the room are closed, but there is a ventilation hatch above the left door on top. We open it with a batclaw, we crawl.

We find ourselves in the meeting room. Use Deathstroke's controlled claw to create a rope over the abyss. On it we crawl over the crowd of armed policemen. After passing over the wall, carefully jump down (press "Ctrl"). We approach the lonely policeman at the coffee machine and put him to sleep (press RMB), but we will not knock out, otherwise others will hear. We approach the double doors on the right, break open the protective device on the right on the wall, we pass through the door.

We enter the room Special forces unit, neutralize four enemies.

In the next room we climb onto the partition above the door, throw off a smoke grenade from there and engage in battle with 7 policemen. After the victory, using the explosive gel, destroy the window to the duty room. From there we pass into the dressing room. In the locker room we stun the only police officer.

We climb up the stairs, go out into the central room.

We ended up in the police isolation ward again. Now you need to neutralize all the armed police officers in order to go further. It is best to carefully go down and silently sneak up behind lonely enemies or hide under bars and suddenly jump out of there.

Having won, we approach the double doors under the clock, break open the panel and leave here.

We pass the Shooting Range. In a small room we try to break open the door, but nothing happens due to a device that interferes. To disable a device, you need a Destructor.

Assignment: Take the Destructor from the evidence locker

We go into the door on the right, we get into the entrance to the basement. We break open the unprotected panel, we jump into the opened elevator shaft.

In the basement we enter the Prison cells. We destroy the entire group of police officers.

We enter the door to the right. In the infirmary we blow up the wall and we pass into the abandoned elevator shaft.

In the dungeon, pipes with hot steam block the path on both sides, but you can climb up the elevator shaft. Above with a controlled claw we create a cable, from it we crawl into the ventilation. Indoors, the cabinet for storing evidence from the table, take the weapon Destructor.

Having received the Destructor, we leave the basement. We fight with the bandits released from the camera. We return to the locked door near the Shooting Range. We destroy the jamming device with the destructor, then we break open the doors.

In the server room we meet a girl named Barbara Gordon. With it, we connect to the database. Also, she advises us to connect directly to the telephone cables in the sewers under the building.

Assignment: Leave the Gotem Police Department

We urgently climb into the ventilation to hide from the police officers who ran into the server room. At the shooting range, we disarm enemies with the help of a destructor and enter hand-to-hand combat... We run to the elevator marked on the map with a green marker.

After taking the elevator, we meet with Captain Gordon. We neutralize the three spetsnaz men who came running. We leave the door, find ourselves on the roof of the police station.

Batman: Arkham Origins 2013 Walkthrough

Assignment: Enter the sewer under the Gotham Police Department

Focusing on the map, we get to the roof next to the green marker. We jump from the roof into the narrow courtyard, we pass under the arch, in the center of the room we open the sewer hatch and go down into the ground.

Assignment: Load the National Crime Database into the Batcomputer

In the sewers we go straight. Everything around is littered with barrels with explosives and clockwork.

We deal with the Black Mask gang, break through the wall, and move on.

We get into the water treatment zone. We turn left and begin to climb up the ledges. Above in the control room, we press the button to turn off the water flow, in front we grab the flap of the pipe with a claw to direct the steam in the other direction. After that, we stretch the cable with the help of a controlled claw, and roll down. We break open the device on the balcony, we jump from it into the opened sewer pipe.

We pass into the premises Police - Communication room.

We jump down to the freight elevator, eliminate the bandits. We go upstairs on the elevator, we finish off one more group of bandits. We connect to the device on the left wall, from police base we learn that the Black Mask had a double. The Lacey Towers crime is fully solved.

We leave from the sewer. At the exit, we receive a message from the Hatter. Now appeared additional task in the Bowery quarter. We go to the panel to the right of the doors, break it open. There are several variants of code words in the panel, you need to select which of the options is suitable. We go out into the street.

Gotham Commercial Bank
Batman: Arkham Origins. Passing

Assignment: Infiltrate the Commercial Bank of Gotham

We move to the bank building in the Bowery quarter. On the roof of the building we find a locked door, to the right of it we blow up a flimsy wall. Inside we go down into the wooden hatch on the floor.

Below we find ourselves in the clockwork of the building.

We destroy the jammer above the door, then we break it open.

We enter the central room. We approach the southern double door.

With the help of X-ray vision, we see that there are many enemies behind the door, so we go around. We take away along the left stairs, at the top on the wall we remove the ventilation grill and climb there. After going into the mine, we put an explosive gel on the floor and explode it. We fall directly on the enemies.

Here we meet both the trapped Black Mask and the psychopath Joker, who fraudulently gained power over underworld... The Joker hides and blows up part of the building.

Assignment: Capture the Joker

A group of bandits remained in the bank building, they are actively looking for us. First of all, we catch the bandit with a portable jammer on his back in order to calmly use the detective vision. We finish off the rest, and then we interrogate the last remaining one. We find out that the next destination of the Joker is Steel Plant... We leave the building.

Steel Plant
Walkthrough Batman: Arkham Annals 2013.

Quest: Explore the Steel Factory

We get to the Industrial District quarter, neutralize enemies in black masks, enter the factory building.

Loading sector. We kill all the mafiosi, we enter the northern door. Above we climb into the ventilation shaft. In the office, we also kill enemies, then in the computer we find the codes from the doors of the steel factory.

Loading point.

We deal with the bandits, after which another gang comes out with a big Punisher. After the victory, we press the button next to the secret brick door, from this a bunch of metal rods breaks through the wall from above, but not completely. We cling to the ring on the hanging bunch of metal with the help of a claw, so we break through the wall to the end.

Hidden room.

We enter the elevator. On the way down, we scan the body lying in the elevator, we learn that it was poisoned with toxins. Downstairs in the Hidden Tech. We will knock out four bandits in the premises.

Laboratory. We quietly kill all the bandits in the room. You will have to act without detective vision, since one of the enemies is wearing a portable signal jammer. After the victory we go to the office.

We see the bound Black mask, we interrogate him. At this time, one of the assassins, the Copperhead, attacks from above. After a short fight, she poisons Batman and leaves for dead. The black mask is hiding at this time, planning to destroy the Joker.

When we wake up, we begin to scan the area around. 1. Scan the ventilation grill on the floor. 2. We calculate the trajectory of the Copperhead. 3. We scan the pipes on the ceiling, from where the killer appeared. We find a drop of poison, on the basis of it Alfred creates an antidote. Now you need to go outside.

Quest: Get to the place where the antidote is dropped

We slowly return back through the building of the steel plant. On the way we see various visions. Rising on the elevator, we meet many of the Copperhead illusions.

Boss: Copperhead

In the center of the illuminated circle, illusions attack us from all sides. We fight them off as from an ordinary crowd of bandits. Among the illusions there is one real Copperhead. It can be easily identified: after hitting it, the boss's yellow health bar decreases. Having found a real Copperhead, you can only hit it and not be distracted by illusions.

The battle takes place in three stages. After finishing off the Copperhead for the first time, even more illusions appear. After the second finish, the Copperhead will suddenly start flying out of the darkness, leaving behind three illusions. At this time, we constantly dodge by pressing the spacebar, we destroy the illusions, we dodge again. So we are waiting for Alfred to throw off the antidote. After healing, we twist the Copperhead and lock it in the container.

Now, according to information from the Copperhead, we are looking for the location of the Joker, tracking him by the sensor on the assassin Electrocutioner.

Hello ladies and gentlemen. The Gamebizclub team is in touch with you, and today we will tell you how to go through the second of five cases of the GTA Heists update, namely robbery The Prison Break in GTA Online, which, according to the laws of the genre, will be a little more difficult than the first.

Why is the second case more difficult than the first? Firstly, you have to go through more preparatory tasks, and secondly, it no longer belongs to the category of training.

In this article, you will learn:

Second case

This task is called "Prison Break" or The Prison Break, in it you have to organize an escape for a certain Maxim Rashkovsky, who is ready to pay serious money for his freedom. Some consider Rashkovsky's resemblance to Walter White, the protagonist of the TV series Braking Bad, as a little Easter egg.

You have to assemble a team of four and spend 40 thousand dollars on training. In total, you need to go through four preparatory tasks and proceed directly to the implementation of the main stage.

This challenge, like the previous one, is elite, and compliance with all of the following requirements will bring an additional $ 100,000 to your piggy bank:

  • All survived.
  • Maxim will receive no more than one percent of damage.
  • Be in time in 4 minutes 40 seconds.

Depending on the level of difficulty, earnings will differ:

  • Easy - $ 200,000.
  • Medium - $ 400,000.
  • Hard - $ 500,000.


You and your team members need to assign roles: one should be the pilot, and the other three should be shooters. The target is an aircraft called Vellum, since it is with its help that local gangsters transport illegal goods.

In order for the mission to go off with a bang, it is best to acquire an armored kuruma, like the one you used to rob Flick. With its help, you can easily break into the airport and four of us kill all enemies.

The next step is to find a plane located in the hangar, into which the pilot will climb. The remaining three, meanwhile, must check that nothing on the runway prevents the plane from taking off into the air.

After the strip is cleared, the pilot will only have to fly to the end point, since the pursuers will no longer appear. When the plane reaches its destination, the whole team will again be in free mode, then it remains to wait for the next message.


In this preparatory mission, your team must hijack a bus that is constantly being followed by a helicopter. Get in the car (again the best option there will be an armored car) and follow the target.

The next step is to shoot down the helicopter - use the rocket launcher or, if the team has a good shooter, sniper rifle... After that, you need to deal with the bus driver and get behind the wheel.

It is important for your team to break away from the chase, but the speed data of a huge bus leaves much to be desired, so the most worthy option would be to go off-road and try to hide away from the roads.

When the stars disappear, you can go to the marker that appears on the map, but be careful - crossing with the law enforcement officers promises another wanted star, which you will also have to get rid of.

When you reach the goal, the mission is complete.

Police station

This preparatory assignment will be more difficult than the previous ones. The team will have to be divided into two parts, so that two people will have to get into the police station, and two more into the docks, onto the cargo ship.

Those who go to the police station only need to take care of the pharaoh's car, in which they will need to go to the station, since they will be given cop suits anyway.

The easiest way is to dial 911 on your smartphone and wait for the patrol to arrive. After they arrive, you need to destroy the police, get into their car and try to break away from the chase. Please note that you will only have pistols and batons in stock, since you are a simple patrolman, not a SWAT.

When you get rid of the tail, you can go to the site without getting into traffic accidents, and park near it. Further, without arousing suspicion (do not run, do not hit anyone, do not aim at people and do not even take out a weapon), go to the police station and steal documents with the schedule of prisoners' transfers.

If you do everything calmly, then there will be no problems with the papers and you will only have to drive under the bridge, there you will need to use fuel and burn the patrol car to the ground. The last point is to get to your apartment and deliver the documents there.

In parallel with this action, the second group climbs onto the cargo ship and clears it from the guards. When all opponents are neutralized, shoot at the lock, which is closed by the container and climb into Rashkovsky's car, this is Lampadatti Casco (after completing this preparatory assignment it will become available for purchase) and go to the same place where the bus was delivered.

You will be pursued, so be prepared to hold the defense, but at the same time try not to get caught by the police, otherwise you will have to break away from the chase again.

Wet business

Now you need to get rid of two prosecutors, as well as Maxim's partner, with whom he was handling his affairs. Again they will have to split up - two are heading to the mayor's office, and two to the house of Rashkovsky's accomplice.
The first two climb onto the roof of the building opposite the city hall and wait for the targets to arrive.

They will need to be removed at approximately one moment. If one falls before the second, then the second will start so that be healthy, and it will be very difficult to catch up with him.

After both targets are ready, a good half of the police station will fly to the crime scene, so we recommend using Kuruma again - the driver must fly into the crowd of law enforcement officers, and the passenger must quickly jump out and pick up the suitcase that one of the targets dropped.

After that, break away from the chase and head to the apartment.

The second deuce goes to the house of Rashkovsky's accomplice, Popov, and very quietly deals with his security, because if you make a noise, Popov will try to escape. Thus, if you are not going to be quiet, then it is better to leave one player in the car so that he is ready to catch up and eliminate the target.

The escape

Long preparatory work come to an end, and now your goal is to directly escape. To do this, your team will have to go through a difficult test. So, the four will have to make out the roles of Demoman, Pilot, Prison Guard and Prisoner.

The prisoner and the guard will have to go on a hijacked prison bus to the prison, the pilot takes the plane from the hangar, and the demolition man needs a Buzzard - a helicopter with which he will provide fire support from the air.

When the bus arrives at the gate of Bolingbrook Prison, it will open and you will need to enter the courtyard. After the guard and the prisoner get off the bus into the courtyard, they will need to find the person for whom the escape was organized.

As soon as he sees them, he will begin to follow this one, which will provoke a serious firefight and a five-star wanted level.

Keep in mind that only the guard will be armed, and the prisoner will be able to get hold of a maximum of a pistol, while Rashkovsky will not provide any assistance.

It makes no sense to describe the shootout itself, so let's skip this moment and move on to the situation when the whole three will be outside the gates.

You will need to get into an armored van and head to the runway to meet the pilot.

At the same time, serious battles are also unfolding in the air - fighters attack the helicopter, which must be actively evaded, and the demolition man, meanwhile, is trying to destroy these same fighters.

By the time the helicopter is landed, the police will turn their attention to the van. Here the bomber comes into play again - he will restrain the law enforcement officers while the accomplices get on the plane.

Now the pilot can only get rid of the pursuit and fly to the territory marked on the map, where everyone jumps with parachutes over the beach. Now it's up to the Demoman, who picks up the whole company and flies off into the sunset. This completes the task.

A good bonus will be the opportunity to buy a plane similar to the one you hijacked, as well as a prison bus.

That's all for today. The second heist is complete, and you need to prepare for. Leave your questions and opinions in the comments to this article. See you soon. Bye Bye.