Passage of "Corsairs: To each his own." Pirate saga. Corsairs to each his own Return of the Baron Corsairs

"Corsairs" - this is one of the few games of domestic production, which has gained worldwide fame. Many players appreciated the idea and how well the adventures they had to face were worked out. However, it is worth noting last game series, called "To each his own" - this is a kind of culmination, a collection of all the good that was in previous parts, and placing it within one. The result is a very interesting project that will allow you to try yourself as a brave pirate who needs to surf the seas and oceans, complete tasks, fight both on land and on water. And all this happens in open world, that is, no one ties you to a specific plot - you can sail to any part of the world at any given moment. You can earn money by trading, you can piracy and rob ships - no one limits you, so you can do what you see fit. Well, life here is incredibly rich. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to guide you through it - you will have to learn everything on your own, but the quests that you can receive during your journey can be described.

There are also add-ons in the game, such as "Corsairs: To each his own - Kaleuche", the passage of which is not necessary to consider, since not everyone may want to purchase DLC. The same goes for other add-ons. Here such DLCs as "Corsairs: To each his own - Gweek" will not be considered, the passage will only concern base game, so quests added to the game by downloadable content may not be searched.

"Rum for the Bartender", "Call Girl" and "Return the Priest St. Pierre's Manuscripts"

The first quests that you will come across in gaming world, are unlikely to present any difficulties for you. You do not need anything supernatural, special weapons or unusual ships, so you can safely take on them. The passage can take you tens, even hundreds of hours, because life here is leisurely, and if you want to enjoy it, you can take your time. But if you take on a quest like "Rum for the Bartender" you are getting closer to completing the game. So, in this quest you will have to meet real ghosts who will travel on a no less real ship. And just from them you will need to pick up the rum. To do this, first find out the password that you will need to tell the captain of the ghost ship, and then meet with the ghosts themselves. Having said the password, you will confirm your identity and receive rum, which you need to deliver to the bartender.

The passage of "To each his own" can be different - it depends on the essence of the quest: in some cases you will have to get down to business instantly, and in some you may not be in a hurry. For example, as in the quest "Call Girl", where you will need to order a special woman of easy virtue for one high-ranking person. You will need to find out information about the right girl from the pimp, and you will understand that it will be possible to pick her up only for an hour, from eleven to twelve in the evening. But on any day, so you can not rush.

But the quest "Return the manuscripts of the priest Saint-Pierre" needs to be done as soon as possible, but it is not difficult. You will simply need to deliver manuscripts from one church to another, but you will have to prove that your thoughts are not dirty.

"Warehouse Worker", "The Stolen Jewel" and "Cannibals"

The passage of "To each his own" will periodically surprise you, as you will be offered to perform rather unusual tasks. For example, Warehouse Worker is a two-part quest. It will be given to you by the seller in the store, who lost a valuable employee - a worker from the warehouse. You have to find him. It is clear that there are no time limits, but you can immediately head into the jungle and find a pirate village, in one of the shops of which the missing employee will work. He will not want to return, so go back and tell the merchant the news. This will end the first part, but you can immediately start the second. The merchant needs a replacement, and in the pirate town you will find it. After paying a certain amount, agree to conduct a screening of candidates, and if you take a nap, then when you wake up, you will see three pirates in the tavern who have expressed a desire to get a job. Choose one of them and send it to the city. The next time you go there, the merchant will say that you have brought an excellent employee. For which you will be generously rewarded.

But there are also less complicated quests in the game, such as "The Stolen Jewel". When you wander through the jungle, a scene will unfold in front of you - two natives will run away in an unknown direction. You can chase them, but it will not work - the passage of "To each his own" requires a deeper approach. Better go to where they fled from, and there will be a corpse. Examine it - you will find earrings. They can be sold quite expensive, but is it worth it? Again, think about what will be best for you, and ask the inhabitants to whom these jewels may belong. It turns out that these are earrings stolen from the governor's wife, who will generously reward you for finding them.

If you want to fight, then you need to take the "Cannibals" quest - it can be found at one of the inhabitants of the post near the city. He will tell you that his friend is going to go alone to save his daughter from the clutches of the natives. Join him and go to the cannibal hideout - there you will have to fight, but when you do it, it turns out that your partner's daughter is alive. You will also find another hostage who can also be rescued. As a result, both the partner and the rescued hostage will reward you.

"Burden of the Gascon" - story quest

After completing these tasks, you will have access to story quest"Burden of the Gascon", which you can complete, but it will take quite a long time. So get ready for it and get started. Your goal is to buy a ship, assemble a crew and go to Guadeloupe. In the project of quests not related to storyline, will periodically help you advance to the final. Naturally, you should not rush into this, but you should still understand that the game has a logical end, to which you must come in the end. After buying a ship, you will need to go to a tavern where you can assemble a team at a time - there is one sailor who is ready to offer you as many as forty pairs of hands, but only if you take everyone at once and fulfill his conditions. They are quite simple - you need to have the right atmosphere, food and medicine on the ship. You can buy a little bit of everything just to meet the requirements, but that's not all. You need a navigator, and he is in custody, as he owes a large amount of money to a moneylender. Go to him and find out what you can do to give back this amount. Here you will receive side quest"Spanish Engineer", as you have to save a fellow pawnbroker kidnapped by pirates. At first, you can try to persuade the latter to give up the engineer, but as a result, you still have to kill them - in the game "Corsairs: To Each His Own", passing quests often comes down to this. Then you will spend hand-to-hand combat with the Spaniard himself, who does not want to believe that you have come to save him. Defeat him and lead him into the city, but avoid the guards. When you bring the engineer to the moneylender, the latter will give you receipts that the debt has been repaid - you need to take them to prison so that the navigator is released and the Guadeloupe quest is activated.

"Guadeloupe", "Caribbean Mores" and "Dishonest Competitor"

This is one of the most difficult quests, here danger awaits you around every corner. Passing it may require you to have great skill and dexterity in handling both your character and the ship on which you will sail. You need to sail to Guadeloupe, where the multi-level task will begin. First you will need to talk to one person who will guide you further. There you will learn about a collection of sabers stolen by the Indians, which you need to return, but you will not find it without the help of an indigenous person who was imprisoned. You can buy it for a lot of money, but there is nothing to do - you can only argue with the commandant and bring down the price a little. After freeing the Indian, you can equip the expedition, but at the same time you will still need to complete one job, which will give the quest " Caribbean manners". Again, with danger lurking around every corner, the passage is unlikely to seem easy. As part of this task, you will need to first deliver a load of cannons by sailing past the enemy port, then get important information, hiring a beggar for this, and then completely intercepting an enemy ship with a load of gunpowder. It won't be easy, so get serious. Well, the next quest is basically running around with errands. The "dishonest competitor" ends up being a smuggler who gets in the way of a local merchant. Arrange a meeting and give him a warm welcome - it is not necessary to kill him, since he will pay a decent amount for his life.

"The Burden of the Gascon. The Sequel", as well as "Maid in the Jungle" and "The Way of the Dutch West India Company"

The passage of the game "Corsairs: To Each His Own" is moving forward, and this is signaled to you by the fact that you can continue the quest "Burden of the Gascon". But first, try to get the quest "Jungle Girl" - for this you only need to travel through the jungle until you see a girl running away from three men. She will ask you for help, saying that her father wants to marry her to one person, and she loves a completely different one. In any case, inform the men that you yourself will deliver the girl to her father, and then decide whether to let her go and do a good deed or take her to her father and receive a reward. After that, you can take on the "Burden of the Gascon". To do this, you need to return to Martinique and talk to your friend Michel, imprisoned. He will offer you several options for the development of events, which will start the quest "The path of the Dutch West India Company"The Corsairs: To Each His Own walkthrough branches off here, as Michel offers you three different options for achieving the goal. The first is joining the West India Company, the second is joining the English army, and the third is membership in a secret organization .

"Dutch Gambit", different options for passing

It will be very difficult to describe the passage in detail here, as it branches and can go in a variety of ways. This is one of the most interesting parts game "Corsairs: To each his own." Walkthrough" Dutch Gambit", the quest that will lead you to the goal of interest to you and Michel will take quite a long time. You will need to complete a large number of assignments, deal with dangerous opponents and follow complex orders. You can even say that in some places you will have to look under every stone, passing this chain of quests may well require this.Whatever path you choose, the result will still be the same - you will complete all the tasks and collect enough money to free Michel.

"Million for Michel", "Pirate Saga" and "Shark Hunt"

Check if you have a million - after all, that's how much it takes for Michel to be free. Of course, the amount is simply huge, and it will be terribly pitiful to part with it, but it is still yours. best friend. And most importantly - this is a key character in the plot of the game, so do not be stingy. However, in the part of "Corsairs 3: To each his own" the passage is not so simple that everything was limited to this. It turns out that there is not enough money to ransom Michel - you need to do what he promised, but did not do. To find out what is at stake, talk to Michel himself, find out terrible secret- you have to do something impossible. Your goal is to capture and overthrow the local government! But the island has its own full-fledged fleet, how do you deal with it? This is where you will find out that among the pirates there are those who are also not satisfied with the government on the island.

It's time to move on to the quest" pirate saga". In it you have to find all the influential pirates who will be ready to join their forces with you in order to storm Tortuga. But you will not count one, the most important pirate - the legendary Shark. You will have to spend quite a lot of time, but, alas, everything your attempts will be in vain - the Shark disappeared without leaving a trace.But in the quest "Pirates: To each his own" the passage simply cannot reach a dead end, so you just need to be distracted by other things.

"Return of the Baron", "Isle of Justice" and "The Dive"

From this moment on, real miracles will begin in the game. You will need to find a shaman who crafts special medallions that allow you to access the mysterious Isle of Justice. Naturally, you will need to complete quite a few errands and wait a couple of months before the medallions are ready, but it really is worth it. Only then will you be able to continue moving in the Corsairs game. Each walkthrough of the "Isle of Justice" may seem difficult, as this is a turning point in the game. After all, on this incredible island you will still find the Shark, and he will agree to join you, but for this you will need a ship, which, unfortunately, is not. And this whole quest will revolve around trying to get a ship for the Shark.

As for the task "Immersion", here the miracles will continue. The passage of the game "To each his own" will take a completely unusual turn - you will have to go down under the water to find an ancient Mayan city there. These unexpected plot delights await you in this wonderful game.

Decoupling is near...

So, the passage of the game "Corsairs: To each his own" is approaching its logical conclusion. It remains for you to complete a number of side and story quests in order to free Michel, capture the island of Tortuga, and also see many more various wonders associated with the Maya. Pastime for this game can not be called boring, and the project is not protracted - you decide how long you will play. You can go exclusively through the quests of the storyline, or you can complete all third-party assignments and travel around the world. Naturally, this passage of "Corsairs: To Each His Own" does not cover ships, sabers, cannons, ammunition and many other aspects that are not directly related to the plot itself. You have to study this on your own, and you are guaranteed to get a lot of pleasure from the process.

The final

As a result, everything will come down to the search for an ancient relic - a Mayan mask. And, unfortunately, not only will you be looking for her - your "millionth" brother Michel will also want riches, betraying you and practically killing you. But here you can take revenge. First you will have to fight the Indians, and then Michel himself, who is the main boss in the game. Every minute everything will become more difficult, as you will already be fighting with everyone at once, including your brother. Well, everything will end, of course, with your victory - if you have a real artifact in your hands, then you will need to finish off Michel, and then the final video will start. But the game does not end at the same time - you get the opportunity to continue to surf the oceans - piracy, trade, live, and, of course, go through those quests that you did not have time to do before.

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Leave Jan Swenson's house and Danny Hawk, Nathan's wife, will approach you. Talk to her, she will tell you what happened at the mine, and give the address of a strange shaman who can help bring Hawke back. She also joins your team. Swim along the West Main to the top, to the north. On the left there will be a huge bay, going to the west - here is the bay of Amatica. Land in it, go deep into the bay until you find a statue at one of the locations, which Danny herself will point you to. After talking with her, follow on, following the path next to the statue and turning left along the road to the next location, with the village of the natives. Enter the hut ahead, talk to Shaman Serpent's Eye about everything. It becomes clear that this statue is a kind of portal, which moved Hawk to another place. But for a safe journey, you need camancha potions. The shaman will exchange three potions for three amulets - the Ax amulet, the Cimaruta amulet, the Ehecatl amulet.

The easiest way to order amulets is at the lighthouses, each one will have to wait 2 months. Fortunately, the lighthouses are at such a distance that while you order all three amulets and sail to the owner of the lighthouse, which must get the first amulet, this first amulet will already be made. Otherwise, just do a couple of weeks of tasks, like freight charters. So, the amulets must be ordered at the following lighthouses - Guadeloupe, Santiago (Cuba) and Cartagena (South Maine). Everyone will have different amulets, depending on what the Indian calls. It may happen that you find these amulets from merchants, but this is a GREAT rarity, therefore it is better to visit these lighthouses. I had such amulets - Axe, Cimaruta and Ehektal. At the lighthouse of Guadeloupe, I ordered the Ax amulet. Next, it was necessary to sail to the lighthouse of Santiago. If you have enmity with Spain and do not have a GVIK license and the flag of Spain, then land in Anna Maria Bay and follow this way: right, right, straight (only one way forward), right, left, straight to the location with the lighthouse. Order the Cimaruta amulet here. The last amulet had to be ordered from the lighthouse of Cartagena. Sail to the shores of the South Maine, where Cartagena is located, and land in the bay to the west of it, Coveñas Bay. Follow this way: go through two locations without forks, turn left and find yourself at the location with the city gates of Cartagena. Directly opposite the gate there is a transition to another location - there is the lighthouse of Cartagena. Go there and order the Ehektal amulet from the man. After a while, take each of these amulets. Let me remind you that they are made two months from the date of order!

So, suppose you already have amulets. We sail back to Amatica Bay and go to the village to the shaman. From the bay, go to the first fork, turn left, at the next - also to the left, then two locations straight and on the next one past the statue to the left. At the last fork in front of the village, turn left. Talk to the shaman, tell them that they brought the amulets. You will receive potions and a reminder to drink one immediately after Kukulkan burps you. Speaking in human language, after teleportation. Exit the hut and talk to Danny. Follow the location with the statue of Kukulkan and rewind time between 00-00 and 01-00. The statue really shines! Talk to Danny again, who also sees the glow. Approach the statue and press the T key (eng).

Shamanic amulets have always been shrouded in legends and amazing stories about their miraculous power. Unusual appearance decorations made of fur, leather, stones and other gifts of nature already sets in a mystical mood. It is no coincidence that in Lately wearing jewelry resembling shamanic amulets became fashionable. People feel the attraction of such objects.

So what is a real shamanic amulet? A shamanic amulet is an item made, i.e. a person who is a conductor between the world of spirits and the world of people. Creating an amulet, the shaman not only gives it some kind of image, he instills the Spirit in it. And the Spirit, which the shaman infuses into the object, is also not chosen by chance. The shaman can call on a specific spirit, which, being inside the amulet, will help him or another person solve specific problems. For example, protect from evil people, heal or help in business.

It happens that some people who have become owners of a shamanic amulet do not feel any changes in their lives. And other owners of talismans have miracles. Why does the Spirit living in the amulet help some and not others?

First you need to understand that the shamanic amulet is not a magic wand. When you receive such an item, you get a Helper, the Spirit living in the item. Some creature, only without the body, the task of which is to protect you, help, send hints at the right time, teach, or even take a hit on yourself. And since it is a living being, it should be treated like a living being. First, you need to communicate with the spirit, talk, feed it, ask for help. (How to feed the spirits, we will tell in the following articles). Secondly, you need to obey the spirit, listen to your inner feelings, and not act in defiance, considering your own feelings to be the tenth thing. Thirdly, you need to make your own efforts, because the Spirit teaches a person how to change his own life. Sets it up to receive the necessary thoughts and information that can help a person change.

A very powerful tool to help people. But "Rely on the amulet, but don't make a mistake yourself." In order for the power of the shamanic amulet to keep you and help you, you need to:

- maintain positive contact with the power of the object, i.e. with his Spirit;

- trust your feelings, because it is through them that the Spirit of the object tries to teach or warn us;

- having received a hint from the spirit, follow it, working on yourself. After all, the Spirit, being in the subtle plane, knows what a person needs to change in himself so that the cause of his problem disappears.

Follow these tips and then your shamanic amulets will protect you from any twists and turns of fate.

You can get information about shamanic amulets, order an item of power charged for you at: [email protected]

Good luck and good luck!

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Passage of Corsairs To each his own. Ancient Mayan City Part 01
We received the sword "Tanat", I have not seen better. And in five days, according to Vincento, Father Adrian will arrive here, who will provide you with potions and charms. Talk to Father Adrian, he will give you amulets and other useful potions.
From the log: The conversation with Father Vincento took place. The inquisitor managed to convince me that I still need to find Tayasal and seal the portal with the mask of Kukulkan - just like Alonso de Maldonado said. Our old elusive acquaintance, Miguel Dichoso, can help me find Tayasal. Father Vincento's agents saw him in Sharptown. I'm heading to Isla Tesoro.
Everything is clear, our path lies on Isla Tesoro in the settlement of Sharp Town. We go to the tavern and ask the tavern owner.
From the log: The owner of the tavern, Isla Tesoro, told me the most interesting, and at the same time a little frightening news: Miguel Dichoso himself was looking for me. Well then. I'm not going to run from him. Presumably, he was going to Blueveld. But I'll try to ask more about Dichoso: maybe he's still around somewhere?
Then we go to the store, ask in the store, after that we go out to sea, a pirate squadron of four ships is waiting for us there.
From the log: Off the coast of Isla Tesoro, I was attacked by a squadron flying a pirate flag. All this is suspicious - as if they were waiting for me ...
Sail to Blueveld, disembark at the port. Miguel Dichoso's envoy will meet you there.
From the log: In Blueveld I was met by a messenger from Miguel Dichoso. The Spaniard is also looking for me. His goal is obvious to me: to offer a joint trip to Tayasal. Which, in fact, is what I need. The meeting is in a large crypt in Capsterville Cemetery on St. Christopher. Despite Dichoso's assurances of peaceful intentions, one should keep one's eyes open with this fruit and make sure - I will land not in the city, but in Sandy Bay, in the north of the island, and I will go through the jungle with a small detachment.
Sail to St. Christopher, land in Sandy Bay. We go straight, right, right. As soon as your squad leaves to the right, there will be a message.
From the log: Here I am near St. Christopher's Cemetery. I will go to the crypt alone, but I will order the officers to keep their eyes open and respond immediately in case of trouble.
Your detachment went to the right, you go to the left, to the cemetery, enter the right crypt. As always, a trap awaits you there, musketeers are hidden in coffins and three swordsmen, everything is quick and simple.
From the log: The damned Dichoso nevertheless deceived me and set up an ambush, sending another six in his place. Dichozo's envoy put it in a strange way in his last remark about "native blood" ... I did not understand a little. It is necessary to search the corpse of the leader of the villains - perhaps something interesting will be found.
We search the leader, we find a letter.
From the log: How blind I was! And why didn't I think of it before? Miguel Dichoso and my brother Michel de Monpe are the same person! Now everything is falling into place... You wouldn't wish such a brother on your enemy. It follows from the letter that Michel decided to eliminate me, in the most radical way. You see, I'm bothering him a lot. Well, you can't count on Miguel Dichoso as a guide to Tayasal. You will have to find the way yourself. Now we need to get out of here quickly.
Letter: Arturo, prepare yourself for the meeting properly - Charles is not the kind of person to joke with. Arrange people so that he could not escape from the pincers. Take on only the best soldiers, be sure to take more good shooters. Don't even give him a chance. Surround the graveyard in case he miraculously manages to escape from the crypt. The only thing I ask is that you let my brother die with dignity as a soldier. May his death be swift and painless. When you're done with this business, advance to the appointed place. There you will receive a reward and further instructions. Miguel Dichoso.
Yes, but the brother is not the one he claimed to be, his own blood. We destroy the ambush in the cemetery.
From the log: My bastard brother's ambush has been destroyed. He will now have no rest either in the Caribbean or in Europe; I will look for him, no matter the cost. But for now, there is more important work to be done: the trip to Tayasal. I'll get back to the ship, go down to the cabin and think carefully about how to find my way there.
We go to the ship, to our cabin, we find a solution.
From the log: Decision is made. I set off in search of a trail leading to Tayasal.
At the northernmost point of Western Maine is Doom Cove. Land and go all the time to the left, kill enemies along the way, go through about 6-7 locations and you will find yourself in Tayasala. Indians will attack you in droves, two or three avalanches. After you destroy everyone, he will come up to you and enter into a dialogue.
From the log: So, here I am in Thayasala. After a heated battle on the outskirts of the city, I was met by Hurakan himself, the military leader of the Itza, the son of the priest Kanek, who called Kukulkan to the land. From a conversation with him, it became clear that Kukulkan, or rather, his earthly incarnation, is already here, in Tayasala. And he wants to meet me. I have to go to the big Thayasala temple.
Run across the bridge, run around the first pyramid, climb the second pyramid, but not to the very top, climb the first row, there will be an entrance to the temple on the left or right. Talk to your brother, save immediately after that, then run to the right and left so that the Indians do not surround you, kill all the Indians, Michelle appears, defeat him. He will run down and to the left, then up the stairs, so follow him killing the Indians, there is no need to rush, do everything systematically. After you kill your brother, a message will arrive.