Rayman Legends Review: This game is perfect. Rayman Legends is a leap for excellence. Review ⇡ Gallery of vivid fantasies

Raiman is once again saving a colorful world from the forces of darkness in one of the best platformer of the year. The best platformers on the current generation of consoles. The best platformer of the next generation of consoles. The best platform games ever. Basically.


A scribe in game journalism is the type of person who doesn't like everything. This is a boring, arrogant person who does not feed with bread, but give something to criticize. Good, game industry in its current format - this is a real treasure for the grumbler. Gray, monotonous and almost meaningless projects flooded the market - I don't want to grumble. But now it drives you into a stupor.

At one time, it gained considerable popularity among fans of classic and bright platformers, but this was clearly not what they expected in Ubisoft... This is why the bigwigs of the digital entertainment industry decided to give players another chance. The game was not only able to repeat the success of Origins, but also surpass it in many ways.

While Raiman and his comrades were asleep, nightmares again began to smash the cities of the Babies, beat ordinary townspeople, and in general behave indecently. What to do, Raiman - you need to save the world again. And don't forget your friends.

In total, the comic hero will have to visit more than a hundred levels. Here is Raiman running away from a silly Mexican giant wrestler, trying not to get bogged down in a thick layer of various nachos additives, and a few minutes later dives under the water, trying not to run into sea ​​urchins and not become a dinner for some worms. Obstacles replace each other as in a kaleidoscope, while remaining complex, but exciting. Even though game process focused on just running and jumping in time, Legends doesn't get bored even for a second. She simply does not have time to bother, since everything in the game happens extremely quickly.

Each level is done in the same stunning cartoon style. The 2D foreground and 3D backdrops successfully convey the atmosphere of each location. Mariachi skeletons, sand and cacti - this is Mexico. Castles, dragons, siege weapons and orcs with shields are medieval. Mechanical dragons, lasers and toads with assault rifles in their hands and with night vision devices - this is an underwater laboratory that must be penetrated unnoticed, like Sam Fisher.


The atmosphere is also conveyed by the chic musical arrangement, which is just perfect for each level.

Moreover, the actions of the heroes at some levels are closely interconnected with the musical accompaniment. No, not like the same one that mixed colors and musical chords, allowing players not only to decorate the levels, but also personally write music for them. In Legends, music plays in the background, it's just that the level is built in such a way that the player's obligatory actions (be it jumping or riding a rope) seem to involve one or another instrument.

As in many games of this genre, all actions of the heroes are limited to simple jumps, tackles and the ability to soar for a short time in the air. Nevertheless, the developers have found a way to dilute this simple combination. In certain places on the levels, a moth toad named Murphy may suddenly appear, which will help the heroes overcome certain difficulties. His help often involves simply moving platforms and cutting ropes, but Murphy can sometimes tickle an enemy to drop his shield and become more vulnerable to attacks.

Bright design, comical characters, fun gameplay and just an indecent amount of various additional materials. Rayman Legends is perfect. No, really, that's the way it is.

Since time immemorial, an eccentric character named Rayman and his friends delight all lovers of classic 2D platformers with their adventures. French developers from Ubisoft Montpellier, responsible for the birth of the Rayman series of games, continue to work on their brainchild to this day, having released more than two dozen games on all kinds of gaming platforms over the eighteen years of the franchise's existence. The popularity of the series does not hold, but this time Rayman set a very high bar for himself, because not everyone succeeds in becoming a legend game character – .

Even during the advertising campaign of the project, the developers have repeatedly stated that Rauman Legends will be a special game, thereby imposing on it great expectations... However, something like this can quite often be heard from the lips of modern game makers, but the highly acclaimed by the players the previous part of the series - Rayman Origins - unwittingly reinforced these words. However, the developers did not radically change the already successful formula of games about Rayman in any way, but simply tried to add a few successful variables to this formula. However, first things first.

Meadow of Dreams. This divine place is again overflowing with our sleeping heroes, carefree snoring and snoring rhythmically. It seemed that nothing could disturb their age-old peace, but as always, out of nowhere, the forces of evil appeared and began to seize all the inhabitants of the sacred land. Naturally, all sleepyheads had to urgently wake up and, once again, set off to save the world. Those who are familiar with the games in the series, perhaps, will not be surprised at this scenario, because some of them begin that way. Such a short introduction, as usual, is followed by the most important and interesting thing - the gameplay itself begins, which, at first glance, has not undergone any changes since the aforementioned Rayman Origins. Only instead of the usual level map, there is a kind and colorful gallery with pictures, which you have to travel through the worlds throughout the game.

All worlds and the corresponding levels in them are presented in the gallery in the form of paintings. For the convenience of players, the developers have provided a visual display system useful information... For example, the difficulty of the levels is expressed in the number of shards under a particular painting, the number of collected babies - in the form of round pieces above the painting, rewards for completing the levels - in the form of the corresponding designations of medals, which are also located above the painting. It is enough just to look at the picture to understand whether all the tasks are completed at this level. This is really convenient, since there are quite a few levels in the game and from time to time there is a need for such information.

The main task of the player is still to advance the character through the levels, rescue the babies imprisoned in cages and collect the lums flying all over the place. Naturally, not all levels are available from the very beginning of the game. Access to them still needs to be earned, especially you have to sweat for the sake of last levels, covered with a veil of mystery and beckoning with their mystery (where can we go without it?). If we compare Rayman Legends with previous part series, the first thing you immediately notice is a noticeably prettier picture. Sometimes you can just look at the background and admire the imagination of the artists and level designers, because the locations in the game are simply beautiful. This is perhaps one of the most strengths project.

In addition to the visual component, a number of innovations can be noted regarding the gameplay and the character, in particular. First, the lum collection system has changed a bit. If in the previous part it was possible to meet a large red lum, take it and for a certain time all the other lums also turned red, doubling the number of collected lums, now, when meeting with a bunch of lums, the first of them will be purple, which is also worth two times more, the rest will be yellow as usual. After taking purple, the next one becomes the same color, and so on. One has only to take yellow - purple disappears. Therefore, now you need to try to collect these funny creatures in a strict sequence, if, of course, you are applying for a gold medal, which is the highest reward for the required number of collected lums at the level. However, in case of an unsuccessful attempt, you can always replay the episode by selecting the appropriate item from the menu called by the "Start" button, since the save system in the game is still sparing.

Also, now from time to time a certain flying character named Murphy participates in the gameplay, who sometimes moves the necessary objects using the "circle" button, and sometimes even "eats" the road to the main character at especially "sweet" levels in the literal sense of the word. Periodically, an evil sorcerer turns Rayman into a duck and has to run around in this funny guise, and another mysterious character gives him the opportunity to shoot with a boxing glove. Instead of passing the same levels, special levels have appeared for a while, which should ideally be run in less than forty seconds in order to save all the little ones, and these levels appear only as you progress through the game. They can become a serious obstacle for those who decide to complete all the levels one hundred percent, although they are definitely easier than the time races, which must have pretty worn out the nerves of those who played Rayman Origins.

It seems to be nothing fundamentally new, but rather quickly you begin to understand that this is not so. As you progress through the levels, the game now and then encourages this or that interesting and new bun, from which at first there is a kind of feeling of euphoria, and you want to get all sorts of bonuses again and again. It is this variety of albeit small, but certainly pleasant moments that creates a situation when, imperceptibly for yourself, you "get hooked" on this phenomenon called Rayman Legends. After all, an integral part of any successful platform game is gathering, when the player has a desire to go through the game up and down, collect everything and everyone, and constant in-game rewards only strengthen these desires.

For example, for successfully completing the levels, lucky tickets are given, which can be erased like in a lottery and won. It seems to be a trifle, but nice. Among the prizes you can find funny creatures who will then live in a separate picture and give a certain amount of lums every day. We saw something similar in the game, when you could admire the smiling flowers in the garden for hours and collect the coveted coins. Again, a trifle, but still nice. And for especially lucky players, lucky tickets will give the opportunity to open (attention!) The best levels of Rayman Origins, thereby prolonging the great pleasure of this wonderful game for a long time. Therefore, for those who have not played the previous part, it will be doubly pleasant.

In addition to all this, you can find a lot of interesting things in the gallery. Going into the picture with the characters, you can see which of them is still left to save by collecting the required number of lums, as well as select any of them and continue to go through the main campaign. By the way, there are a lot of characters in the game, so those who like to experiment with appearance they will certainly not remain disappointed. Another fun addition is the so-called "Kung Foot" mode, which is nothing more than a side-view version of soccer. Here you can compete with your friends to your heart's content, both locally and online. This mode is more suitable for big company and for those who still breathe unevenly for this sport.

Since we are talking about the network component, there were some surprises here as well. In addition to the possibility of cooperative passage of the game on one screen up to four players, the developers have prepared something special for those who pass all the levels of Rauman Legends, who shake the old days and go through all the levels of Rayman Origins, collecting everything that is possible and completing all the tasks. Now it is not at all necessary to cover the controller and wait for the announcement of the next part of the game. One of the pictures has a competition mode that can give you more than a dozen more hours spent playing the game. A feature of this mode is that the challenges are updated at regular intervals: two new competitions appear both daily and weekly. Consequently, you can take part in the first during the day, and in the second, during the whole week. The rewards are also proportional to the difficulty and type of challenges, and players from all over the world will compete with you. It is here that you can wipe your nose with a smile on your face to all competitors under the flag of your country and show everyone who the real Rayman is.

However, there are other ways to compete with other players. In Rayman Legends, the statistics of each player is clearly tracked: the distance traveled, the number of deaths, killed enemies, and the like. You can view your progress at any time by comparing them with the achievements of players both in your country and around the world. By the way, about achievements. The game supports a trophy system, and the platinum trophy is not only the most important prize that can be won in the game, but also a kind of indicator of how much you liked the game, because you can get the blue cup only by really falling in love with this game, since you have to spend a lot on it time.

The game is technically flawless. Excellent graphics, beautiful locations, the absence of bugs and freezes, at least those were not noticed at all, as well as short loading times - this is the level that many modern developers need to strive for. It can be seen that the developers from Ubisoft approached the matter with due attention and responsibility, for which they are simply grateful. The musical levels, which are simply amazing, deserve special attention. Not only that musical accompaniment the game is just great, but going through the level with a downhole tune, jumping and hitting enemies to the beat of the melody, is truly a real pleasure. For those who want to complete the game to the end, another surprise awaits - the already familiar musical levels in eight-bit interpretation, which are noticeably difficult to complete. Only the most persistent and patient players will be able to defeat them. But it's worth it, because they will be rewarded with absolute satisfaction and a lot of positive emotions that hardly any other platformer can give.

We are very lucky to be born at all. Although the previous Raiman game was Origins- sold in a relatively modest circulation, the income from it covered the development costs, and Ubisoft began to invest more and more actively in original games from small studios. So next year we are waiting and, and right now, we are playing another brilliant platformer from the team Michel Ansel .

Legends are not born

And again, Raiman runs from right to left to the finish line, collecting bonuses and giving out to enemies for nuts. Origins stood out from a bunch of colleagues in the genre, firstly, by its own recognizable style, secondly, by its unique madness and, thirdly, by its carefully thought-out design. And in all these parameters, Legends confidently surpassed the original.

If someone says that after Origins nothing more interesting can be thought of, do not believe, Legends throws up new situations one after another. At one level, you have to shrink to a tiny size, at the other, you literally gnaw your way through the cakes, and at the third, the game will suddenly slow down and teach Raiman to play hide and seek. At the same time, the levels do not bend under the load of ideas - the stages are run through almost intuitively, and the right decisions come on the fly.

The process is built with pinpoint precision. When the large levels, focused on research and collecting bonuses, begin to get bored, the player is offered a dynamic stage with a chase or a boss fight, and at the end of each world a musical level opens, where all actions must be performed exactly to the rhythm of the composition playing against the background. It turns out great. Here, take a look:

Legendary Eye of the Tiger by Ubisoft Montpellier.

The balance of complexity is clearly observed: the beginning is cheerful and carefree, and towards the end you have to try very hard to at least pass the level, - not to mention collecting all the bonuses. The pace of what is happening will increase many times, and the need to reconcile each jump will make you sadly remember Super meat boy.

Taking this opportunity, we want to say hello to the designer of one of the last levels - the one with dragons and running on falling walls. Dear designer, thanks to you, we finally smashed our first Wii U gamepad. Happy! No matter how difficult the next level is, Rayman Legends continues to amuse. There is so much pure positive in it that it is just right to sell it in pharmacies instead of antidepressants, and the same Mario in this regard is not a rival to Raimen.

The levels here are very different. There are forests, swamps, Mexican carnivals, ancient Greek ruins, and even underwater bases.

The life of a wonderful Raiman

All jokes, but Raiman is a very important character for the genre and for the industry in general. It was invented by Michel Ansel almost twenty years ago, and since then, the big-nosed legend has managed to be the star of many games.

The first trilogy includes Rayman, Rayman 2: The Great Escape and Rayman 3: Hoodlum Havoc... Of these, only the first was a thoroughbred 2D platformer. The Great Escape went 3D and is still considered one of the best platformers in history. The third part turned out to be “just good”, because it was developed without Ansel's participation.

After Rayman 2, Ansel directed wonderful Beyond Good & Evil and Peter Jackson's King Kong, and then returned to Raiman. The result is a collection of mini-games called Rayman Raving Rabbids, where the famous eared bastards from the picture above first appeared. The players loved these rabbits so much that Ubisoft started the cycle almost into the assembly line.

Each successive Rabbit installment pushed Raiman further and further into the background, but luckily Ubisoft split the series up in time. And rightly so - the rabbits have long been able to cope on their own and have ceased to need the support of a famous character. Raiman returned for E3-2010 when Rayman Origins was announced.

In addition to the main releases, Rayman managed to participate in several branches, like Rayman: Hoodlum's Revenge for GBA, Rayman rush for PS One or Rayman: Jungle run for iOS. Naturally, they do not represent the same value as the main releases, although Jungle Run is quite a solid adaptation of Origins for mobile phones.

Unlike Origins, Legends doesn't have to play through the worlds in order - all levels and competitions are accessible from the extensive lobby. True, you will not be able to immediately jump to the most difficult stages - to unlock them, you need to free a certain number of Tinzy babies from the cells.

There are only six worlds (five main and one bonus), and Legends is shorter than its predecessor. On the other hand, there are tons of additional fun here, like multiplayer challenges, mini-games and remastered levels from Origins. You can spend a lot of time in Legends, but almost half of it (or even more) will be spent on extracurricular activities. If you don't like exploring the back streets and chasing bonuses, the game will be over in six or seven hours.

The new playable heroine is the barbarian Barbara. Differs violent temper and more in general, nothing. But the addition is still cute.

Like Origins, Legends goes well with friends. The rather chaotic local co-op is still here, and up to four players can participate, up to five in the WiiU version. Playing with friends is incredibly fun, but for a thoughtful exploration of the world, of course, the cooperative is poorly suited: what is happening on the screen quickly turns into a booth, in the depths of which even your character is hard to find, not to mention the bonuses. It is best to reveal the secrets of Legends alone, maximum - together, in a calm atmosphere.

We need all the consoles, all the consoles are important to us!

Rayman Legends was originally developed as a Wii U exclusive, but shortly before its release, originally scheduled for February, went multi-platform and postponed to fall. As a result, the new Raiman came out on all current stationary consoles, PS Vita and personal computers.

Some actions, originally designed for using a Wii U tablet (see video), were simplified when ported to pressing the context button or keys. All functionality was saved only on the Vita, which has a touch screen, but the version for the portable from Sony was decided at the last moment to be delayed for two weeks and released without part of the levels. They promised to fix it with a patch, but the sediment remained.

However, whatever platform you have, Rayman Legends is definitely worth playing. If possible, we would recommend sticking with the Wii U version, but the differences are not that critical. Legends plays great on all consoles, and Wii U still has no achievements (woe behold!).

A century has passed. For a century they just yawned and snored endlessly. Seems like the heroes of the Meadow of Dreams are dominated by omnipotent idleness? Or maybe my crumbs are just really tired? During this time, the Nightmares multiplied. They spread, giving birth to new demons, much worse than the old ones! The meadow of dreams is in danger. Fly! Rather awaken our great heroes!

Have Rayman origins there was every chance of failure. The budget was small, the development team consisted of only 6 employees. Moreover, 8 years have passed since the release of Rayman 3, the last part of the series at that time, and it was not entirely clear for what purpose. Ubisoft decided to revive its former franchise. Nevertheless, the project went off. A low threshold of entry, but an ever-increasing level of difficulty, excellent game design, excellent work of artists and the ability to play the game with four people allowed the new Reiman to become one of the best platformers of our time. So it was nice to know that Ubisoft Montpellier, the developer of Origins, was allocated a fairly large budget and resources to create a sequel - Rayman legends... The main goals that the developers set themselves and voiced in various interviews are to do the same, only bigger and better. Did it work out? We'll find out now.

Let's start with the storyline. As in the last part, the plot is by and large limited to only the plot. Since the time of the last part, the main characters were in a very deep hibernation, being in a bubble. In the literal sense of the word. In addition to them, Evil grew in various bubbles at the same time, which eventually burst out and kidnapped the little ones - the local population of the world. It is at this moment that our heroes are woken up so that they once again save this Magic world... This is where the plot essentially ends. Immediately after a short introduction, we are immersed in the gameplay. No boring and primitive tutorials, no boring cutscenes to be missed. This game focuses exclusively on the gameplay - the part of the game for which we actually play them.

The game fascinates from the first seconds.

The gameplay basis remains the same - we save the babies, collecting lumens along the way, destroying opponents and bypassing dangerous obstacles. The game contains big choice characters - here you and Reiman, and Globox, his faithful companion, and two babies from Origins and about a dozen different princesses, but the abilities of all are the same. The levels can be roughly divided into two types - those on which you need to save 10 babies, and those on which only 3 babies are imprisoned. Levels with 10 babies are a classic level in which we just get from the beginning of the level to the end, collecting everything we can along the way. Levels with 3 babies are more varied in terms of concept. In some you will have to fight the boss, in some - to run away from a cataclysm that is pursuing you, such as a storm, lava, sand. As in the previous part, there are two types of collecting objects in the game - babies and lumens. It is important to collect both babies and lumens. It is thanks to the little ones that you open new levels, for the lumens the player gets access to new costumes. Moreover, having collected a certain number of lumens at a level, you can get a lucky ticket - a local lottery, thanks to which you can win a baby, classic levels from Origins, a certain number of lumens and monsters that will periodically generate ... Even more lumens. What is so much lumens for? More on this later.

At the end of the level, you will be shown all the rescued babies.

The dynamics of the game remained exactly the same balanced. Somewhere you have to rush at full speed, somewhere carefully jump over obstacles so as not to touch anything. As a result, the theme of the game does not get boring and offers a challenge that requires a different approach to the situation. The controls are quite simple - move buttons, hit, jump, run. There is nothing else, so you don't even need to get used to the controls. This allows you to focus directly on the control of the hero - various creatures, thorns, abysses and other dangers will stand on the way to salvation. And you should be careful, since one hit is a restart from a checkpoint, unless, of course, you pick up an additional heart that will absorb the damage, but only once. Nevertheless, the character reacts to any movement instantly, so the success of the level is focused solely on how skillfully the player plays, and not on the game designer's miscalculations.

In the course of the game, modes will open for a while. As such, they cause complexity, with the exception of a couple of stages.

As already mentioned, the developers have focused on diversifying the gameplay. All levels are divided into different zones, each of which offers unique mechanics. Somewhere you will have to constantly be in motion, since the level will go under the sand, you will have to stealth in the water levels, otherwise the cameras will detect you and quickly destroy you, somewhere you will have to constantly levitate above the ground, since the floor is simply absent. Moreover, at the end of each zone there is a "musical" level - a certain well-known composition has been altered to suit the mood of the game, and you overcome obstacles and break fences to the beat of the music, and after collecting 400 lumens, a whole world opens up in which you need to replay these levels with certain difficulties. for example, with an upside-down image. Moreover, the game has moments where you control the character artificial intelligence, you will destroy obstacles, move platforms while the hero is moving towards the goal. Fortunately, the player does not make thoughtless movements - if he sees an abyss through which he himself cannot cross, the hero will wait until you move it yourself. If that's not enough for you, welcome to the levels from Origins. Did you complete them too? Then you can take in the competitive mode, in which you fight with other players and break records in various tests. As a result, the game can drag you in for a very long time, because some levels are updated daily, some - weekly, and the challenge is still present - players are still competing to get the best platinum cup to get ... Even more lumens. As a result, the content has become more and more diverse.

If you are tired of all the other modes, you can go play football. With a group of friends, of course.

It becomes even more surprising that the locations do not disappoint at all - they do not visually repeat the previous part in any way. You will visit both the classic forest and underwater, even on Olympus, and the landscapes will not become boring until you have passed the entire zone. And all thanks to the designers and animators - something is constantly happening in the background, all characters, including opponents, have small animations written to make the player feel this magical world. The game has also improved from a technical point of view. Origins was developed with UbiArt Frameworks, a developer toolkit that allows you to focus directly on level and world design without worrying about optimizing your game. The developers have improved this system, so now the game has slanted lighting, shaders best quality and while the game is still 2D, the characters have become 3D. The difference is felt only when the bosses appear, which usually fly from the background to the foreground, but this does not affect the visual style of the game. And the musical accompaniment perfectly complements the picture of this cozy world.

Unfortunately, the game has certain problems. Not large, but it's a sin not to mention them. The biggest one is the lack of an online co-op. Players can now play either on a single console or locally. Yes, co-op is still more of an archaic fun than a real way to get through the game with friends, but cutting out such an element is a little surprising. Remember I mentioned that there are many ways to get lumens, but in the end they are automatically spent exclusively on suits? So, if you, like me, want to complete the game 100%, then you will have to open the costumes. The last suit opens at one million lumens, while at best, by going through the entire game, saving all the babies and getting all the monsters, you will receive at best only half a million. As a result, on full walkthrough games can take not just months, but a year constant play, so the challenge mode is nothing more than an artificial stretching of the game, I cannot call it.

Fortunately, the challenges are quite varied - there are 5 variations.

If Rayman Origins was once called one of the best platformers of our time, then Rayman Legends can be safely considered one of the best platformers in the history of video games. Origins' main complaint was just the lack of variety and short duration. The developers were able to roam here to the fullest and present an unforgettable experience that should not be missed by anyone. If you are a platformer, you have been through the game a long time ago and are probably still playing Challenge Mode. If you are not a fan of platformers, feel free to take it. The game is beginner-friendly and doesn't overload you with unnecessary gameplay mechanics. Considering that nothing better has come out since then, I strongly recommend it for purchase.

pros: low threshold of entry; enough content for a long run; the levels are excellent in terms of game design; wonderful work of artists.

Minuses: lack of online multiplayer; Challenge mode artificially stretches the playthrough by 100%.

It is simply impossible not to love the publishing house Ubisoft. Despite all its disadvantages and the frequent appearance of some games from the same series, the developers are constantly trying to improve their projects. So Rayman Legends did not stand aside. French programmers were able to make a great product out of a very good cooperative platformer that any connoisseur of the genre can like to taste.

Everything, as always, starts with running, jumping and somersaults. It would seem, what might surprise you here? But each level is better than the previous one, so from hour to hour Rayman Legends draws in more and more. After much thought, we can confidently say that the sequel is still very different from the original. All levels have become more colorful, interesting, animated. Smooth transitions between locations, interesting bosses - no complaints. It should be noted the musical arrangement, which fits well into everything that is happening on the screen. Each level is very elegant and smart. The developers have created not just a set of beautiful pictures, but whole pieces of worlds that need to be explored in order to find bonuses, characters and other little things. It is impossible to complete Rayman Legends without them. In addition, the game has a large number of intricate puzzles. Any of your actions can destroy a whole chain of bonuses, so you have to jump, run, beat enemies and at the same time think over all your actions.

The character's movements themselves look very clear, so even the flight seems to be a graceful leap of the "Black Swan" from the ballet. So that the gameplay is not limited to continuous battles, the developers have introduced many original puzzles into their project that need to be solved on the go, without any interruptions. Therefore, you need to be careful all the time, otherwise a beautiful glide on the water may result in the loss of bonuses. Well, boss battles can be characterized by a simple but capacious definition - a show. Each main villain is several times larger than your ward, so you have to be smart in order not to die. If everything goes well, then you will be shown a colorful battle.

The French treated their project wisely, therefore, if you want to complete a level, chapter or game together, three or even four, then you will find converted locations for several people. If you alone cannot always complete a level where ingenuity is required, then it will be many times more difficult to do it with friends, because you have to bring the actions to automatism. By the way, in Legends there is still one fat minus - the lack of online walkthrough... This problem is quite serious, because if you do not have a gamepad or an additional device, then playing the platformer with friends simply will not work. It is not known why the developers decided not to introduce this feature, but its absence can be very upsetting for you and your companions. But now the game has karate football for several people and even a full-fledged multiplayer competitive mode. Developers are constantly adding tests for users to it. Some need to be performed for a while, others for speed, and still others for attentiveness and dexterity. The tasks themselves are divided into subsections: daily, weekly, monthly and extreme. You have to compete for pleasant in-game bonuses, so to some extent the lack of an online co-op is compensated by multiplayer.

Special attention should be paid to Wii U. It's no secret that the project was originally supposed to be released only on the Nintendo console, but, thank God, Ubisoft changed its mind and changed its mind. But each version is different from the other. The Wii U has a built-in gamepad that makes Rayman Legends a special project. The game has a virtual assistant - a fly, which sometimes clears the passage, detains enemies, etc. If for a PC, in order to use a character, it is enough to press one key, and he will do everything himself, then on Wii U you have to switch to him and go through a mini-mission. So the Nintendo version looks better than the rest. Of course, this is not the fault of the French as such, because they are not to blame for the fact that the current modern gaming platforms do not have a screen in the device. But despite the differences, Rayman Legends is still a great game with a lot to do. It is undoubtedly worth getting for a few dozen hours of pleasure. It's also safe to say that Ubisoft has revitalized the entire genre, which will definitely continue to evolve.

Rayman Legends is the best platformer yet that came out on this moment... It's rare to find such thoughtful level design, but apart from them, the game looks very cool thanks to three elements: cooperative mode, online challenges, additional levels in the form of reworked missions from Rayman Origins - spice it all up with mini-tasks and get something incredible. Even though the game is designed for children, it can be enjoyed at any age.