Artifacts Izek Rebirth. Description of the game The Binding Of Isaac

Walking over the Internet, I could not find a normal guidance on tricks and secrets, on the intact games. Most of the texts either tells the Banalc region (control, interface), or leads a wikipedia detailed description Items, or emphasizes the living nonsense (pick up the gray hearts, go to the shops, etc.). I decided to gather in this guide some "hidden" information.

The task of the leadership is to draw the attention of players for some not the most obvious elements. Of course, you can rummage in Wikipediy on tens of hours and, in the end, all this will independently find out, but something suggests that not everything is so zealo love the walls of the text of hundreds of pages.

Things you could not know

At each floor it is always one secret room (indicated by a white question mark on the ministry) and one super secret (gray question mark). The problem is that it is impossible to determine their accurate location if you do not have a specialized subject. It can be all kinds of treasure cards, compasses, mining hat and more. But what if you are in the very first level and do not have such "search engines" yet? Everything is very simple.

Explore the level form using a mini card. Look carefully, because the secret room follows several principles:
It is necessarily bordered by two or more rooms (more often than from 3-4). This means that the places that are surrounded by rooms should be exploded;
never borders with a boss room;
If the stones or the abyss block the possible location of the door in the secret room, there can not be there. The secret necessarily there is direct access from all bordering party-side.

As for the Super Secret Room, the rules will be different:
borders no more than one room;
There can be no passage from the Boss room;
It rarely can appear for the secret room;
Very often appears near the Boss room.

You probably already know that among ordinary stones you can with an accidental probability to find the ladder leading to the basement secret room. And this staircase is quite frequent. In the basement with a very small probability (2% or so) can be generated by the passage into the black market. The market is the most mega secret secret Games in which you can make it easy to skip.

But what you most likely do not know, it is the fact that the black market can even be accessed if the corresponding passage in the basement appeared. You will need to have only two bombs and carefully study the conditions of penetration:
1) Enter the basement on the main staircase;
2) At the highest point of the main staircase, the basement bows the character into the left wall and reset one bomb down;
3) very quickly go to the right-hand side of the stairs, bite on the right wall and reset the second bomb down;
4) sharply get out to the surface before the explosion of bombs;
5) Return back to the basement and make the ladder as quickly as possible;
6) Bow the character into the left wall at the bottom of the stairs and dramatically release all the buttons (do not press anything else);
7) if everything is done correctly, the bombs will blow up at the same time and suck the character through a solid wall to the left;
8) Now just go to the right until it stops the invisible floor until you get into the black market.
9) The trick is a bug and works with 100% probability with proper execution.

Finally, in a clean room, there is a passage to the basement, right under the carpet (you need to apply an explosion).

Some monsters move unpredictably, others do it too sharply and on very unpleasant schemes. To minimize the likelihood of getting damage, try to press the walls of the room. For example, large red flies are trying to circulate circles, which does not allow them to move normally if there is a wall nearby. It will slow them to slow down and will allow you to easily shoot, without fear of getting a posthumous damage from the flock of flies.

Jumpers can be made at all to measure in place, if you stay near them over the abyss (you need a flight skill).

Also, clinging to the wall can be:
make ordinary red flies (if there are no more than two pieces) stop right in front of the angle of the room in which you beat;
provoke a pin to get out at the location center;
Cheat gungirls (they prefer not to hide a character at the Wall, if moving along this wall).

Surely you have stumbled over a couple of batteries lying in the middle of the room. With direct use, it is not enough of them - you can recharge your active item twice in a row. The present meaning of two batteries is really entertaining (by the way, one of the tablets calls two batteries into the room).

1) Find a room with two batteries, but do not pick them up;
2) Also do not pick no other risen items in the room and do not open the chests;
3) blow the marked pebbles (if any), and just try to break everything that it is only possible that it turned out to be more either in the floor;
4) to have a Blank Card subject to them (allows you to make a copy of your card or rune);
5) have a JERA card with them (allows you to copy the contents of the whole room).
6) Cut the cycle: Copy Jera Activate Blank Card, use a copied Jera for breeding batteries, eat one battery to charge Blank Card ... repeat.

So you get an infinite stream of things. Including you can copy yellow chests with the subject inside to assemble a whole bunch of equipment.

It is not necessary to fight all the monsters of the room to go through it - just bomb the door and go through it;
The killings of the keysticker, evil begging and player-beggar slightly increase the chance of the appearance of an angel room (on each floor is counted again);
Oddly enough, the murder of angel after the destruction of his statue brings only advantages - the part of the angel's key increases the spun of the angel's rooms;
If you do not get damage in the red hearts from the monsters / yourself, the chance of the appearance of the devil room will be 99% (it is still possible to donate blood);
If you do not make deals with the devil, the likelihood of an angel room in the future levels is high;
Sometimes a stone under the statue of the devil / Angel contains a secret;
It is often advantageous to save the key when you need to go to the Golden Room / Store - next to them there may be a secret room, so it is enough to try the passage to it, and then from it to the next room under the key;
If you play alone, I highly recommend using the joystick to call for an ally-familylight. In fact, this is the second player who you cannot fully control simultaneously with the main character. But if it is a special familiar, then his death can bring unexpected bonuses. For example, a glass child after death leaves the selected object (key / bomb, etc.). Another example, the baby "ISAAC 2" knows how to select items - it is able to fly over the abuses and stones.

What would happen, talk to Abraham with the Most High nowadays? Answer you will find in our selection of candy blood Arcad about Little Isaac, which is saved from the fate of being sacrificed!

Primitive graphics, many times managed to bother the format of arcade - it seemed that this workman would remain unnoticed by the Game community, but something was triggered in it truly clinging. Isaac Games - a sample of how a qualitative script is more important than any graphic bells! The main thing is that the game of Isaac is created not only for entertainment, but also to make the society think, in the right direction it goes. Desperate escape through the basements, sising monsters - a great way to smell that in modern world Only children's tears are real weapons, but they gradually cease to work.

Isaac, Son Abraham

After seeing the introductory video to the toy or reading the description on the network, many people will consider her terribly blasphemy and will even offer to ban (or, as in Germany, at least establish age qualities). However, the authors of the script cannot be accused of disrespect for the sacred books or ignorance of ancient texts. At the heart of the game Aizek lies the classic Old Testament plot, in which Abraham, obeying the command over, almost brings sacrificing his only son, and only at the last moment the voice stops him.

This event still remains one of the most ambiguous biblical incidents. After all, the deception of bringing his own son to the altar and try to kill him there - how to say, not the most favored act for the Father! However, that is why the developers and chose him as a starting point for their history. They want to remember these aspects of the spiritual life of a person who are not accepted about, but it's worth thinking exactly!

Sacrifice in the 21st century

In modern interpretation, we have to play for a little Isaac, who should perish from the hands of his own mother, driven by the same religious motives that once almost wanted his Old Testament. That's just a modern boy will find out in advance, for what purpose once a good-natured mommy took a knife in the kitchen, and therefore it does not expect her fate with humility, but trying to escape. It will not be easy to play: the way to life Aizek lies through the struggle with the terrible demons living in the basement of him of the house.

Rules and management

The multi-level arcade is divided into chapters, each of which has two locations. You can achieve the second only after all the monsters have been defeated. Locations names instill fear. While you will play, Isaac will have to consistently pass through the basement, cellar, caves, catacombs, depths and neopropolis, after which it will suit the decisive battle with the mother itself. The victory over it will allow to penetrate the frightening womb, from where the way to hell is overlooked.

You have to play online using the keyboard: You need to manage the WASD moving, the arrow buttons allow you to shoot in the right direction, and SHIFT lays a bomb (just careful not to undermine it yourself!). In short, if you think that the struggle for survival will be simple - you chose not that fun. Here only hardcore!

Supplements and continuation

TO original The Binding of ISAAC was released two additions: Wrath of the Lamb (Anger of Lamb) and Rebirth (rebirth), playing which you can, purchasing them through Steam. They contain additional levels, new monsters and new unlocked items. The plot remains the same, but the gameplay becomes much more exciting and twisted!

And without that large number of alternative endings using these addons can be increased. Also arise the plot branchings, because instead of default levels, you can walk on alternative locations!

So, we found themselves in this terrible basement of full unclean and sewage, which, apparently, is only the beginning of a difficult path. But is it really difficult? This article is written in order to help those who are experiencing difficulties. This is not a complete passage, I will not spoil you pleasure from the game and disclose her secrets, I will simply help to figure it out in some subtleties and foundations whose knowledge will facilitate the passage of the dungeon.

So, for victory, we need straight hands, knowledge of enemies, and finding and proper use of items. To straighten the hands, I strongly recommend using a joystick with two analog sticks and customize the use of items on top buttons (), if you put these actions on other buttons, you will have to press them with a thumb, removing it with analog-style, perhaps at the most inopportune moment.

With the control, we figured out, let us turn to the subjects. As you already know what they are more, the stronger the character, and when there are also a lot of them and the set of successful, the passage will not be a problem. To do this, we need to remember that there is a treasurer on each floor, in which there is always a subject, although it is not always useful.

Next, we have a store in which you can buy something good for coins. Coins most often can be found in secret roomand find it much easier if you know how. First, the secret rooms are on all floors of the dungeon. Secondly, you can get into the secret room if you put a bomb under the wall in the middle, and if there is a room behind this wall, the explosion will open the path. But here there is another subtlety - a secret room in 90% of cases borders with three others, it should make it easier for you to search for and save bombs. Finding or buying a card or glasses will greatly facilitate the search for you. Also in secret rooms sometimes there are objects and slot machines.

Always keep spare keys and bombs with yourself, try to clean the whole floor before spending them - you never know what's in the next room. Remember that your goal is not to get to the next floor, but to become as much stronger. If you have one key, select it for the treasury, since after the first floor they are locked. Thus, you have the greatest chances to spend the only key on something useful.

Be careful to the stones, in some rooms there are stones of a more dark color with a bluish tinge, if they blew them, get a prize.

Often after the basement in the center of the room there are useful things fenced by pits. If there are stones next to the pit, blowing them up, you can fall asleep one block of the pit and get to the treasure. You can also use the staircase, the Demon Wings or Hangan MAN card.

The staircase is a very useful item not only to get to the treasure, but also in battle. If you are opposed by the creatures that cause damage in the near battle, you can get up on the Poam block with the help of the stairs, and they will not be able to do anything, and you, meanwhile you can shoot them in them.

If you are in the room (usual), and you understand that this fight you are not on the teeth, or simply do not stand, you can blow the door and go out.

Do not try to remember the properties of pills according to them appearanceThis is useless, as they change in each passage. But it is worth remembering what makes each map of Tarot.

Be careful when you go to the store, there may be a miniboss greed, perhaps the most dangerous of your brethren. Try to have more health at the entrance to the store and not give him to beat you, since you will lose money at the same time.

Beggars, slot machines, health exchange devices for money and instruments can be exploded, the keys, bombs, and aid kits, are usually falling, very rarely. However, do not hurry to do this if you have more than 15 coins, or if you all needed already bought in the store, play. Very often you can get another useful item, or even a few. Also, do not hurry to blow up the automata that give money at the expense of health, at the level can be lying, including as a result of your gambling activity, great amount First aid kits, and you can convert them to money before going to the next floor. In case of abuse, slot machines explode, and the locksters and beggars fly away, leaving good subjects. Also, often one-handed gangster can give you a dollar, which is equal to 99 and coins, which will be enough for the end of the game.

Sometimes after the victory over the boss, the door leads to the Bafethome store. Bafomet worth buying things very carefully, because it takes not money, and hearts, and you should think hard, whether to buy a decrease in maximum health. Never buy a dead cat, she gives nine revivals, but at the same time you will have only one heart, and even if you increase your maximum health, in case of death, the cat resurrect you with one heart as maximum health, and this is most often just - It's too small. Also, you will be revived in the next room, which means that your efforts to demolish the boss two thirds of life before he killed you, will be in vain. Bafomet sometimes sells a shovel, as a reusable items used, it is also a waste of hearts, as it only opens the passage to the next level, and how we remember our goal is not in this - to get to the next floor we will always have time.

If you at the beginning of the game will find a discount coupon in the store, buy without thinking if you have money, it will double the price for all subsequent purchases.

There are subjects that you can spoil build. For example, never take a chocolate milk (a glass with brown liquid), which gives you the ability to "charge" an attack and make a more powerful shot. This upgrade on tears kills rapidity as stat, and rapidity is much more useful, since a powerful single shot may not fall into the target, but in such fast game it is unacceptable. It also gives the bug at least when playing with a joystick, and it often shoots where you are aimed. Many people do not like the "Blue Snake", which makes your shots fly by Zigzag.

Many players are experiencing difficulties with bosses. I will not explain the tactics for each separate boss, you just need to remember that every boss, observing the rules of good tone in the game-design, gives a hint on what he will do on. The monster, for example, grins, before sipping by bullets, the direction in which you are standing, and where he falls, making a jump, you can trace the shadows. Gurdi - a huge pile of rot meat, with which many problems have more than with the rest, always before shooting, hides their heads to slip it in the direction in which you are standing, if you are attentive to this moment, you will have enough time to dodge, going aside. Do not forget to kill the assistants of the boss, have patience, the boss will not run anywhere if you will ignore the monsters, which he calls, they will very soon too much on the map to freely maneuver, and they can also bite you in two accounts if you You will concentrate attention only on the boss. I will say on my own experience that die from the hands of a harmless goat in the battle with a steep boss is disappointing. Look for the vulnerability of bosses, some bosses are particularly vulnerable to bombs, and someone can be killed by a somewhat subject, which before that seemed completely useless.

Perhaps this is all that you need to know the novice juvenile blasphemy, heretic and demonstrapist to expose his Barnish shell to blasphemy irreversible changes and achieving its infernal goals. If I missed something, please contact, I will be glad to help.

Have a good game.


1. The mini-boss "Greedness" is not the most dangerous, he is even close to the easiest, moreover, for damage that he makes you - money is not taken away, but, on the contrary, give. So if on the floor is full of hearts that you can replenish the supply of health - boldly substitute for a blow. With the help of the artifact "Gamekid" you can earn coins and not lose health. Well, at the end, for the victory over greed, you will be given either a decent amount of money, or, above mentioned, 50% OFF, that wildly useful, for example!

2. The secret rooms are 95% of the floors. Sometimes they cannot meet them (especially on the first two), but the search for these rooms is extremely simple: a secret room in 100% of cases borders at least 3 others - on the first floors this room is very easy to notice, on the last emptiness between three rooms there will be a lot - So reserve bombs. By the way, not bombs one! You can enter cunning. The Map "Empress" gives the effect of "feet of mommy", and he, in turn, is the effect of a bomb -). There is also a pill that leaves a trace of troll-bombs behind you, it is also possible to use it, and finally - an anarchist book artifact that exposes 6 troll-bombs around the room. Well, artifacts, of course. Also around the rooms: Sometimes there is still the same "greed", quite often in it you can find a very important artifact (for example, the "mushroom", which gives an extra life), but about the slot machine, the previous speaker wrote everything correctly. (By the way, on average, it explodes after the 30-40th coins, but remember the dollar does not always appear)

3. For useless subjects: I categorically disagree with the phrase about chocolate and shovels! I will explain. If you do not play a pad, then the "charging" shot before entering the room is a very useful feature (wean into the room and apply the triple damage to the first one who fell to the eye), moreover speeding increases, and not downhow - just need to press the button more often to What you get used to through the floor, and finally: in a bundle with an art technology, your laser is also intensified! Shovel: If you want to pass the game by 100% (and this is very cool, believe me), then this item is simply not bypassed, for there is an achievement in the tasks - each of the levels without the damage. The first four - no problem, but the last 5? Without shovel nowhere! You take an accelerated charging of the artifact (battery or 9 volts), shovel - and go through everything without losing health. In the game you can meet a lot of other unnecessary items, or objects of duplicate each other (for example, a "happy foot" and "Doctoral contract"). In the network there is Russian wiki on items from this game - I strongly recommend it before each launch of the game, open it and keep it open, in order if you first spit. Do not be lazy.

1. The game is still designed for the keyboard. Try. 2. Try to go through the game 100%, then your article will be fully and without errors!

As I already said:

This is not a complete passage, I will not spoil you pleasure from the game and disclose her secrets, I will simply help to figure it out in some subtleties and foundations whose knowledge will facilitate the passage of the dungeon.

Therefore, the difference between Lucy Foot and PHD, as well as the rest that Dramatic Enigma listed here, I suggest playing to find out.

Well, just the purpose of the article is not that the players find out how to get the most complex achievements in the game, but only the information that would help them not score to the game until the moment they themselves find answers to all the questions and determine what The upgrades do them like, and what are useless for them, and even so I revealed too much in the article. I suggest you write full Hyde For those who will be interested in a full guide, and transfer your post there, and then this can be considered a spoiler.

Hmmm ... guide? Maybe. If another hour is given, I will write. From here I will cut. Only, after all, correct said about:

1. Greed 2. Shovel 3. Chocolate

Nevertheless, this is your personal opinion and therefore the description is not too objective and can give a false representation.

1 greed knocks the coin from the player and makes them fall on the floor, it does not always fall as many coins as they are taken away from the player.

2 I have already said about the shovel - it is not needed by novice.

3 What I said about Chocolate, like the whole article, do not claim objectivity initially - I give advice from my experience, follow them or not, the case of the reader. Chocolate milk rows on the gamepads, and if the reading decides to blindly follow my advice, he will play the gamepad, and, at least, he has something to face with this bug.

@Dramatic Enigma wrote:

Several amendments if you allow:

1. The mini-boss "Greedness" is not the most dangerous, he is even close to the easiest, moreover, for damage that he makes you - money is not taken away, but, on the contrary, give. So if on the floor is full of hearts that you can replenish the supply of health - boldly substitute for a blow. With the help of the artifact "Gamekid" you can earn coins and not lose health. Well, at the end, for the victory over greed, you will be given either a decent amount of money, or, above mentioned, 50% OFF, that wildly useful, for example!

2. The secret rooms are 95% of the floors. Sometimes they cannot meet them (especially on the first two), but the search for these rooms is extremely simple: a secret room in 100% of cases borders at least 3 others - on the first floors this room is very easy to notice, on the last emptiness between three rooms there will be a lot - So reserve bombs. By the way, not bombs one! You can enter cunning. The Map "Empress" gives the effect of "feet of mommy", and he, in turn, is the effect of bombs-). There is also a pill that leaves a trace of troll-bombs behind you, it is also possible to use it, and finally - an anarchist book artifact that exposes 6 troll-bombs around the room. Well, artifacts, of course. Also around the rooms: Sometimes there is still the same "greed", quite often in it you can find a very important artifact (for example, the "mushroom", which gives an extra life), but about the slot machine, the previous speaker wrote everything correctly. (By the way, on average, it explodes after the 30-40th coins, but remember the dollar does not always appear)

3. For useless subjects: I categorically disagree with the phrase about chocolate and shovels! I will explain. If you do not play a pad, then the "charging" shot before entering the room is a very useful feature (wean into the room and apply the triple damage to the first one who fell to the eye), moreover speeding increases, and not downhow - just need to press the button more often to What you get used to through the floor, and finally: in a bundle with an art technology, your laser is also intensified! Shovel: If you want to pass the game by 100% (and this is very cool, believe me), then this item is simply not bypassed, for there is an achievement in the tasks - each of the levels without the damage. The first four - no problem, but the last 5? Without shovel nowhere! You take an accelerated charging of the artifact (battery or 9 volts), shovel - and go through everything without losing health. In the game you can meet a lot of other unnecessary items, or objects of duplicate each other (for example, a "happy foot" and "Doctoral contract"). In the network there is Russian wiki on items from this game - I strongly recommend it before each launch of the game, open it and keep it open, in order if you first spit. Do not be lazy.

Also, if you opened the devil's room, without having exchanged anything on the heart, then, subject to all the same conditions, an angel room may appear, in which there will be one of the angel things. You will get her task, and sometimes these things can be very useful, or supplement your power, or it is not enough to strengthen your halo (also like a chance of an angel room enhances the cross)


After the mother of the main character hears a voice over, which demands a human sacrifice in the sign of evidence of her faith, Isaac runs away with the hope of escape to the basement filled with various monsters. There he meets crowds of enemies, lost brothers and sisters, pets and finally their mother. Isaac constantly crying, and tears is his weapon.


Gameplay The Binding. Of Isaac Reminds the games of the Legend of Zelda series, although some features - for example, the random generation of dungeons - relate to it with the games of the Roguelike genre. The Binding Of ISAAC is a two-dimensional Action / RPG, in which the player manages Isaac or several more characters that can be unlocked when the game passages. The player will have to explore many rooms filled with opponents, traps, as well as secrets. At each level there is a boss - the victory over it is required (but not always, upon receipt of the artifact "we have to go on" (eng. "WE Need to Go Deeper") You can pass 6 levels, and, activating it, get to the next level) and after it the player falls to the next level. During passage, all sorts of bonuses and improvements come across the character, which increase and lower characteristics, giving special features, various cosmetic changes and much more. There is no opponents and items in the game. With each new launch of the game, all opponents, rooms, items, bosses appear randomly.


Name Health Speed Cheating Attack Range Primary subjects Description
Isaac (ISAAC) 3 2 2 2 2 Bomb and D6 (after passing the game for ???) Initially affordable character
Magdalene (Magdalene) 4 1 2 2 2 A heart Available after receiving 7 red hearts for one passage
Cain (Cain) 2 3 2 3 1 Good luck and key Available after accumulation of 55 coins or more for one passage
Judas (Judas) 1 2 2 4 2 Book bleed and three coins Available after full passage games
Eve (EVE) 2 3 2 1 2 Bird and Curse "Babylonian Bludnica" Available after the conclusion of two deals with the devil in one game
Samson (Samson) 1 + 1x 2 1 2 1 "Thirst for blood" Available after passing two treasures and passing mommies
??? (real name - Blue Baby) 3 (blue) 2 2 2 2 Know Available after 10 game passages


The structure of the dungeons in the game is formed by chance. In the first three chapters, there are 4 types of rooms - a treasury, a room with a boss, a store and a secret room. In the fourth chapter (ward), there is a room with a boss and a secret room (sometimes a challenge room, a games room and / or a room with a minibar can appear. The ordinary room has from one to four doors, stones, poop, bonfires, opponents, chests and objects. Rooms can be a puzzle or room where the player must destroy all opponents to operate the doors to the following rooms. Often after the "stripping" of location in the middle falls the heart, coin, key, bomb or chest.


The room with the subject (sometimes called a room with treasure) does not contain opponents. In the middle there is a pedestal on which one of many objects is located. Castrains can also come across. To get into this room, you need a key (except for the first level - there is no key).


In this room, the player can purchase various subjects from the galloper. Prices are different - from three (hearts) to 15 coins (objects). Sometimes items are sold for half a power - in this case the price will be red. Occasionally items can be purchased for a certain amount of hearts (as in the devil room). To get to the store always require the key. Sometimes instead of the store you can get to the mini-boss Greed (greed).

Room with boss

To leave the level of the player must defeat the boss, teleport or die if there are additional lives. After its destruction, hearts fall out, objects and the door to the next level. Sometimes the door can appear in the devil room.

Challenge room

The door to the same room is lattice and with two crossed swords. It opens only if the player has full health. Inside there is a chest or subject. After the chest is open (or raised the subject), the player will have to reflect the three waves of opponents. After the destruction of all enemies, the door from the room opens, and may also fall out the heart, a bomb, a key or a coin (as well as after stripping the ordinary room). Sometimes one of the items that change the characteristics of the character falls after stripping.

Game room

A coin is required to enter the room. When you first enter the room, a heart or a coin can appear in the corner of the room. Inside the player, three mini-games are waiting - a slot machine, a donor blood machine and a game of frosted. The slot machine requires a coin with each use - a player can win pills, bombs, keys, coins, flies or even a dollar that increases the number of coins to 99 and explodes the machine (as well after long use). The donor blood automaton issues a certain amount of coins instead of half of the heart (or the whole heart, starting from the level of "the womb"). With a long use of this machine, it explodes and gives a blood pack, restoring 6 hearts and gives 1 extra heart. When playing, a player can get a heart, bombs, keys or special subject (with the wrong choice of player attacks fly). When destroying any of the mini-games drops a number of basic items.

Room with mini boss

In this room, the player faces one of the seven mini bosses (they are sending to seven mortal sins).

Secret room

This room is not marked on the map and does not have inputs. To get to She, the player should blow up the bomb at the wall or use the Moon Tarot map ("The Moon"). Inside there may be several coins, sometimes - slot machine, less likely - mushrooms that increase skills, or give extra life. To get into the room again, another bomb will be required. If the player has X-ray glasses, then the inputs into the room are always open. Often this room is bordered by 3-4 rooms, one of which is a store. It can be detected in the presence of such objects as a "Spelunker Hat") or "Treasure Map" ("Treasure Map"), as well as the World Tarot Card ("The World") or the "Sun" (" Sun ").

Room devil

The room is sometimes available after the boss is destroyed. Moreover, the entrance to it disappears after exiting the room. It looks like a store, but instead of coins, the player pays for his lives (including blue) for one or two subjects. In this room you can purchase unique subjects In the game, which significantly increase the characteristics or empowers special abilities. The spent hearts are taken away forever either transform into blue, and if the subject is the current number of red hearts, the purchase deprives him of all hearts, even if there are several blue. Some items from the devil room can be found after the death of the boss or in the items room, some are still taking health, although there is no warning about this.

Special room

It is possible to get into it using teleport. At the entrance, the player cannot go back without using special tarot cards, tablets or items used with the ability to teleport. Inside there is a person who says "I Am Error" (sending to the game Zelda II on the NES). The room can be any item (or several items for purchase), tablets, coins, chests and the door to the next level.



At the end of each level, the player enters the room with one of the bosses. The boss is chosen by chance (depending on the level on which the player is located). Sometimes at the level you can meet the boss from other chapters, for example, boss The Fallen. At the levels of "depth" or "womb". Also, at the levels of the fourth and higher chapter (sometimes on the third) bosses of previous chapters may meet as enemies ordinary levels. Some bosses can be painted in other colors - they are "strengthened" in contrast to ordinary (found after several passing games).


  • Monstro - Monster
  • The Duke of Flies - Duke Mukh
  • Gemini - Gemini
  • PIN - PIN.
  • Larry Jr. - Larry Jr.
  • Widow - Wedow (Wrath of the Lamb - Alternative Level "Cellar")


  • Husk - Shell
  • Hollow - empty
  • Wretched - Stripped (Wrath of the Lamb)
  • Fistula - Fistula
  • Blighted Ovum - Square (Wrath of the Lamb)
  • Gurdy Jr. - Gerdi younger
  • Gurdy - Gerdi
  • PEEP - PIP
  • Chub - Chub


  • Loki - Loki.
  • Mask of Infamy - Mask Shame
  • Mom - Mom
  • CARRION QUEEN - Queen fell
  • Wretched - disadvantaged
  • Triachnid - triahnide
  • Bloat - Zhird


  • Scolex - Skolex
  • Teratoma - Teratoma
  • Lokii - Lokia (Enhanced Loki)
  • Bloat - Zhird
  • Daddy Long Legs - Daddy Long Feet
  • Triachnid - triahnide
  • Blastocyst - blastocyst
  • Mom's Heart - Mom's Heart (becomes affordable after the victory over mommy for the first time)
  • IT Lives - It is alive (replaces the heart of mom after 10 victories)

Underworld (Sheol)

  • The Satan (Satan)

Special bosses (may appear in any chapter)

  • The Fallen (Fallen)
  • Headless Horseman (Horseman without a head)
  • Krampus.

Temple (Cathedral)


The Chest (Chest)

Unlockable bosses

Such bosses appear in the game after the first victory over the mammy. The award after the murder of the apocalypse of the apocalypse - meat cube, the award after the murder of two extra - ponies (white pony you will receive from the conqueror, the black pony - from the headless rider). They are reference to six riders of the apocalypse.

  • Famine (hunger, occurs in the basement)
  • Pestilence (Mor, is found in the caves)
  • War (War, meets in depths)
  • Death (death, occurs in the womb)
  • Conquest (conqueror, occurs anywhere)
  • Headless Horseman (Head Horseman, occurs anywhere)

Alternative bosses

  • steven (instead of Gemini)
  • C.h.a.d. (instead of chub)
  • GISH (instead of MONSTRO II)
  • IT LIVES (available after nine victories above mom, instead of Mom's Heart)

Mini bosses

At each level there is a chance to get into a special room, where the player faces a minibar. Each mini-boss is a reference to


New level system

The Binding Of Isaac's previous levels remained in their place, but now there are alternatives sometimes appear, they look different and have other names.

Cellar. (Cellar) - instead of The Basement (basement)

Catacombs. (Catacombs) - instead of The Caves

Necropolis (Necropolis) - instead of The Depths (depths)

Utero. (Uterus) - instead of the WOMB (Vsevo)

Cathedral. (Cathedral) - instead of Sheol (Underworld)

Now on the 8th floor after the victory over the IT LIVES boss (open after 9 victories over Mom's Heart) access and in Sheol (hell), and in Cathedral (Cathedral). You yourself can choose what the last 9th floor will be. In jumping in the hatch in the floor, you will find yourself in the underworld by entering the beam of light falling from above, you will get to the cathedral.


Curses (Curse), despite its name, do not act on the characteristics of the character, but on the level system. In total, there are three types of curses in the game.

For ordinary game Floors with curses may come across randomly. In the "Challenges" mode, the three first tests are based on the curses, the curses are valid throughout all the floors.

Curse of Darkness (Curse of Darkness). The floor card is not displayed, only a black square with a question mark remains in its place (symbol of the secret room). The use of objects opening a level card, (treasure map, compass, XX WORLD, XXI SUN) does not eliminate this curse.

Curse of the Labrynth (Curse of the labyrinth). Combines two floors in one large. Such levels in their name have the addition of "XL" (for example, Catacombs XL). Floors XL have two treasurers in their composition and two boss rooms (and in the second boss room, where the exit from the level can be released only through the first boss room). After passing the floor XL, you, thereby, passing two ordinary floors, and get on immediately two floors below.

Curse of the Lost. (Curse of wandering). Significantly increases the number of ordinary rooms on the floor. At the same time, the number of special rooms remains the same.

New types of rooms

The whole room is covered with blood, in the center on the floor there are spikes, there are no other gaming objects in it. Having stepped on the spikes, you lose a whole heart of health, but in exchange get a chance of a random type chest with random content. The chest may appear only one, further self-structures are useless.

The entrance to this room is not closed by the door, instead of it the path blocking the spikes from all sides. At the entrance and when you exit such a room, you will lose halfside (with the ability of the "Flight" at the entrance, health is not destructed, only when exit). Inside may be one or two chunks of Pandora. Very often, this room can fit to the secret room, in this case the passage from the Pandora's room to the secret room will be blocking the spikes.

Entrance to the room through the gate with crossed swords and skull. It is similar to the usual test room, but that the entrance to it has opened, you need not complete health, and the last remaining heart or its half (with the ability of "flight" can be included in the room through the closed grid). In the center of the room on the pedestal lies the subject. After his take, you will need to defeat two bosses that will appear alternately.

Log in to the library blocks the door closed on the key. Inside the room there are two random books that you can pick up for free.

Random may appear after the victory over the boss (instead of the devil room). Inside the room, the faceless Angel invites you to pick up a random sacred subject (sacred heart, a dead dove, fate, mitra, mercy, the robe of the nun).

There is a chance that there is a super secret room on the floor (it does not appear on each floor). She is also invisible on the map, as well as the secret room, the difference is that it is adjacent to one single room, it means that there is only one entrance. If there is a sufficient number of bombs or explosive attacks (Ipecak items, Epic Fetus) is worth checking for strength each wall at the level.

These rooms are several types:

A secret room with hearts: looks like a womb room, contains many ordinary hearts.
A secret room with a bass: Looks like a cellar room, contains one bauble.
Cursed secret room: Looks like a common damn room, content is also identical (one or two red chest, less often item), but there is no spikes at the entrance.
The Secret Room of the Cathedral: Looks like a regular room of the cathedral, contains half a white heart.

New game character

Hero Name Thing
It becomes available after the execution of the secret "Go through the game by mischieving two treasures"

New game objects

Chest Pandora - Red chest, in which it may be anything. There is always one or two such chests in the room with hidden doors (Pandora's Room). Also they may appear in the usual room. Opened without a key.

Inside the chest can be: two pills, two trolobombs, a huge trolobombomb, two blue hearts, several basic items (bombs, keys, coins), key chain, card, two spine. Also when opening can work the effect of teleportation to any room.

Predictions - Gaming machine purple with a big ball in the center. Using a coin, you can get a text prediction, there is also a small chance to win a blue heart, a map of any kind, keychain.

All texts prediction:

Ask Again Later. (ask again later)
Bring Him The Photo (Vernelize him photo). Tip Pro item ""
DON "T Leave The House Today (do not come out of the house today)
GO OUTSIDE! (Get out of here)
Give Up! (give up)
Look to La Luna (look at the moon)
Merry and Reproduce (marry and breed)
Stay Asleep (continue to sleep)
Steven Lives (Stephen Located)
Question Authority
Think for YourSalf (Think About yourself)
Wack Up (wake up)
We Will All Die One Day (we all once die)
You are Trouning Your Life Away (you spend your life)
You are Worshipping a sun god (You worship the god of the sun)
YOU WILL DIE ALONE (you die alone)

Demonic poppool - Homeless scold with the image of the heart half on the plate. Gives basic items and one collective object, as well as the usual homeless, but he asks not money for it, but rolls half a heart.

In the room with demonic beggar, the negative effects of the pill change to similar positive (Luck Down on Luck Up, etc.)


Basic Items (Pick UPS)

Eternal Heart (Divine Heart)
Adds half of white health between red and blue hearts. If you pass the level without losing this health, then the hero will get +1 to maximum main health
A DIME. (10 cents)
Adds 10 coins
Golden Key. (Golden Key)
All doors at the level open without using ordinary keys. When switching to the next level, the key disappears
Huge Troll Bomb. (huge trolobombomba)
Explodes and damage the hero. Very quickly attracts to the hero. Fits in damned chests or falls like a bonus after stripping room

Objects to improve the characteristics (Collectable Items)

They are unite given a certain positive effect. All these items can be collected without any thought. They have no restrictions and they do not occupy a place.

Reusable items (Activated Items)

Such objects are used using the Space button. You can wear with you only one reusable thing. Most of the effects are valid only within the same room, where the thing was used. After that, you need to cleanse several rooms so that the thing is restored and could be used again.

In the 2nd column indicated the number of rooms that need to be cleaned so that the subject is recovered after the next use.

The dark background is allocated those things that are originally unavailable. For the possibility of their appearance in the game you need to perform a definite task ().

3 Best Friend. (best friend)
The hero throws a mannequin, licking enemies and destroying them with an explosion
0 Blood Rights. (bloodletting)
when used, hesitates the health of the hero and causes damage to enemies. (Blood pours off the walls)
[The item is available after completing the secret "Kill Satan playing for Samson"]
0 (candle)
The hero throws a bunch of blue fire, damage to all enemies on the way
[Item is available after testing 1: "Dark Was The Night"]
4 Crack the Sky. (Heavenly Cara)
From the sky falls rays of light, getting straight on enemies and inflicting them a mass damage
6 Crystal Ball (crystal ball)
Opens a level card, randomly gives a map or blue heart
6 D20 (Game bone D20)
Randomly changes the supposed basic objects in the room
[The item is available after executing the secret "to pass the cathedral playing for Isaac"]
2 Dads Key. (papin key)
Opens all the normal doors in the room (makes it possible to leave the room without a fight). Opens the devil's room during the fight against the boss.
[The item is available after completing the secret "to pass a cathedral, having the polaroid with you]
1 GUPPYS HEAD. (group head)
Causes three friendly attacking flies. (Sold in the devil's room for 2 hearts, or falls in the damn room)
0 GUPPYS PAW (paw group)
Exchanges 1 maximum health on 3 blue hearts. (For sale in the devil's room, or falls in the damn room)
0 IV Bag (Package for blood collection)
Exchanges health for coins (portable donor automatic). (Falls out of the donor machine)
1 Notched Axe. (served ax)
Breaks obstacles. (Reference to K. minecraft game and its creator - notch "y)
6 Prayer Card (icon)
Adds the Divine Heart (appears in the treasury, in the store, and in the angel room)
0 Portable Slot. (Portable slot machine)
When using 1 coin is spent, there is a chance of loss of the basic subject
0 Remote Detonator. (detonator)
If this subject is in inventory, then the bombs delivered only when it is used
2 Spider Butt. (spider cocoon)
Slows down and causes damage to all enemies in the room
[The item is available after testing 8: "Spiderboy!"]
2 Telepathy for dummies. (Telepathy for dummies)
Tears are thrown on enemies. (The thing can be found in the library)
6 White Pony (White Pony)
+2 Movement speed, the ability to fly over obstacles. When used, the hero flies in the selected direction and causes damage to enemies, at the same time heaven
[Item is available after executing the secret "kill the rider conquest"]

Keychains, trinkets (trinkets)

Keychains are a separate category of things that appeared in the "Wrath of the Lamb" add-on. They give passive constant effects, but simultaneously you can wear only one key chain. If you take another keychain, the previous one will be thrown to the ground.

The keychain used is displayed in the upper left corner of the game screen, right under the level map.

In the game, when taking a keychain, it does not describe its properties. All descriptions of the key chains are made only on the basis of personal observations, therefore may not fit true.

Keychains are not taken into account in the number of items found and are not displayed on the "Stuff I Found" pages in the main menu.

The dark background is allocated those things that are originally unavailable. For the possibility of their appearance in the game you need to perform a definite task ().

??? "s soul (soul???)
Satellite. Shoots penetrating homosexual tears
[Thing is available after completing the secret "Complete the chest level, playing for ???"]
Ace Of Spades. (ace peak)
Increases the chance of appearance playing cards and tarot cards
Bloody Penny. (bloody cent)
Gives a chance to falling out of health every time the hero takes a coin
[The item is available after the execution of the secret "Coming Cathedral Playing for Samson"]
BURNT PENNY. (burnt center)
Gives a chance to fallout bombs every time the hero takes a coin
[Item is available after testing 3: "Large Marge"]
Cain "s Eye (Kain's eye)

[Item is available after completing the secret "Complete the chest level, playing for Cain"]
Doubles the amount of tears. (+1 damage against the heart mommy, nude, heart masks)
Childs Heart. (Children's Heart)
Increases the chance of the appearance of hearts when the bonuses fall out (-1 damage against the heart of mommy, the embryo, the mask of the heart)
Counterfeit Penny. (fifty cent)
When picking a coin gives a chance to get an additional +1 coin
[The item is available after testing 9: "ISAAC WAS Good Today"]
Cursed Skull. (poisonous skull)
When the half of the last health remains, the safety hero is teleported into the previous room
Curved Horn. (twisted horn)
+1 rapidity, +1 speed of movement
[The item is available after the execution of the Secret "Coming Cathedral Playing for Judas"]
EVE "S BIRD FOOT (bird paw Eva)
Gives the likelihood to see all the special rooms at the level
[The item is available after the execution of the secret "Complete the Chest Level, Playing for Eve"]
Fish Head. (fish head)
When the hero gets damage, a friendly attacking fly appears
[Item is available after testing 5: "Lord of the Flies"]
Flat Penny. (plugged cent)
Gives the chance of the appearance of a gold key when the hero picks coins
Goat Hoof. (goat hoof)
Randomly raises the size and damage of tears
Isaacs Fork. (Fork Isaac)
Randomly restores health when the enemies get damage
ISAAC "S Head (Head Isaac)
Satellite. Attacks penetrating through the enemy tears.
[The thing is available after the execution of the secret "Complete the chest level, playing Isaac"]
Judas "s tongue (Juda language)
All items in the devil room are sold for one heart (the price in the blue hearts does not change).
[The item is available after the execution of the Secret "Complete the Chest Level, Playing Judas"]
The Left Hand. (left hand)
Replaces ordinary chests on Pandora chests.
[The item is available after completing the Secret "Kill Ultra-Gordiny"]
Liberty Cap (Hallucinogenic mushroom)
Each new room gives a random effect obtained from mushrooms.
Lucky Toe. (happy foot finger)
Increases luck
[The item is available after testing 2: "7 Years Bad Luck"]
Maggy "s Faith (Vera Maggie)
Gives a divine heart at the beginning of each level.
[The item is available after completing the secret "Complete the chest level, playing for Magdalen"]
Match Stick. (match)
Increases the chance of the appearance of bombs when the bonuses are dropped
A Missing Page (missing page)
When the hero applies damage, gives the effect of a random book
Moms Pearl. (Mother's Pearls)
Increases the chance of finding moms. (The thing can appear from magic machines)
Pinky Eye. (pink eye)
Gives a chance to appear poisonous tears when shooting. (The thing can appear from magic machines or chests)
The Polaroid (Polaroid photo)
When half the last health remains, a shield appears around the hero
[The thing is available after the execution of the secret "Communicate a sufficient number of times"]
If you kill Isaac, having with you "The Polaroid", - the entrance to the bonus level "The Chest" (Chest) opens
Push Pin. (drawing pin)
Gives a chance to appear penetrating tears when shooting
Red Patch. (red patch)
+1 Damage, each time the hero gets damage. (Having received damage, the character loses its skin)
Rusted Key (Rusty key)
Increases the chance of the appearance of ordinary and gold chests
Safety Cap (Safe Lid)
Increases the chance of appearance pill
Samson "s lock (Lokon Samson)
+1 Damage for each killed enemy in the current room.
[The item is available after completing the secret "Complete the chest level, playing for Samson"]
Tick. (mite)
Reduces the maximum boss health reserve. The tick is embarrassed forever (it is impossible to change to other key chains). (The thing can appear from magic machines)
Umbilical Cord. (umbilical cord)
When half the last health remains, the Little Steven satellite appears

Playing cards (Cards)

Maps and - items allocated in a separate category. At the same time, you can have only one card or pill. When picked up another such thing, the previous thing is thrown away.

Disposable cards and pills, they are used by pressing the "Q" key.

2 of Clubs. (Twin Two)
Doubles the number of bombs. (If you do not have a bomb - gives 2 bombs)
2 of Diamonds. (Two bucies)
Doubles the number of coins. (If you do not have coins - gives two coins)
2 of Hearts. (Two Worms)
Doubles the current amount of health. (Restores minimum two hearts)
(Two Peak)
Doubles the number of keys. (If you do not have keys - gives two keys)
The Joker. (joker)
Teleports to the devil room or in the god room

Test mode (Challenges)

In addition, "Wrath of the Lamb" can be played in a separate playing mode - tests. To do this, select the challenge line in the initial game menu.

In trials, you will have to undergo all the same levels of the main game, but there will be special conditions: either a constant curse, or a set of objects that are visible at the very beginning. As a reward for the passage of each of the 10 tests, access to new subjects (although sometimes it happens that objects - test rewards appear in the game even before they are unlocked).

NameTask conditionsUr.Reward
1. Dark Was The Night
(Dark was night)
On each floor6
2. 7 Years Bad Luck
(7 years of misfortune)
On each floor.
There are no treasures at levels
3. Large Marge.
(Big Out)
On each floor3
4. 9 Deaths.
(9 deaths)
Get the game with the subject "Dead Cat".
There are no treasures at levels
5. Lord of the Flies
(Lord of the Flies)
Get the game with "" and "".
There are no treasures at levels
6. THE DOCTOR "S Revenge!
(Revenge of the doctor!)
Go through the game with "Dr.Fetus" and "Doctor" S Remote. "
There are no treasures at levels
(Meat forever!)
Communicate with the subject of "Cube of Meat" of the 4th level.
There are no treasures at levels
8. Spider Boy!
(Guy Spider!)
Get the game with "Spider" S Bite "and" ".
There are no treasures at levels
(Isaac was good today)
Communicate with objects "" and "Halo".
There are no treasures at levels
10. The Purist.
Get the game without having initial items.
There are no treasury at levels.
Unlock after the victory over Isaac
All.All tests are passed Achieve "Daddy" S Love "


The game has many a variety of monsters. There are quite harmless, there are quite dangerous. Total monsters 80 species, but many of them are very similar to each other, or are components of others.

Sometimes, along with conventional monsters, monsters of another color appear (blue, green, black). They are much stronger and healthy of their usual fellows, but for the victory over them you can get one of the basic things (coin, key, bomb, heart).

Dark background highlighted monsters from the original games them Binding of ISAAC, White Background - Monsters from Supplement Wrath of The Lamb.

Mini bosses

Normal mini boss Super mini boss Description

Envy (Envy)

Envy is a constantly grinning person (depicting an Internet troll with an appropriate smile - TrollFaces).

The envy of non-stop moves around the room and is repelled from the walls. After receiving enough damage, it is divided into two smaller parts, then shares again and again. As a result, you must destroy the 8 of its smallest parts. The less part of the envy, the faster it moves, and the less he has health left.

Award: The thing "Shoop Da Whoop!" Or trolobombomba (explode after 3 seconds).

Super Envy (Super envy)

Upon receipt of damage, super envy falls into three parts. Moves much faster than the usual version.

Under the disintegration of the usual envy there is a small chance of the appearance of super envy pieces.

Award: Thing "Forever Alone" or Trolobombomba.


Czechodie (by simple - gluttony) - a fat man, with a broken belly.

Uses two attacks: 1) shoots blood drops in 8 directions, 2) produces a bloody beam in a certain side in a straight line.

Reward: Health, Political, or Heart (+1 to maximal health).

Super gluttony (Super curd)

Releases the bloody ray immediately into two sides. When shooting, blood drops can release a whole volley drops towards the hero.

Award: "Bucket of Lard".

Greed. ((Greed)

Greed is a man with a swollen face and loop on the neck. Very often appears in the store room or in the bonus room.

May shoot three drops of blood or cause two jumpers. If you get excitement of greed, you will lose 3 gold (they will only fall on the floor, they can be raised again).

Award: Random amount of gold or Steam Sale thing.

Super Greed. (Super greed)

He shoots four drops of blood, causes two monster stuffiness. Very quickly moves.

Award: Several coins, or Divine Heart, or the "Quarter" thing.

Lust. (Lust)

Lust - pink man, all covered with venereological sores.

This mini-boss has no normal attack. It can cause damage only with touch, so it constantly runs at the main character. The speed of its movement depends on the level on which it appears.

Award: Health Restore Pill or Virus item.

Super Lust. (Super lust)

Runs on the hero with a twice speed of the usual lust. Leaves a bloody trail.

Reward: the thing "Yum Heart" or several ordinary hearts.

Pride. (Pride)

Gordinia (not to be confused with positive "pride") - a gray unpretentious person.

A few bombs can create at once in random places of the room (before the attack depicts a troll smile on the face), or emits lasers in four diagonal sides (before attack depicts the Forver Alone Face face).

Reward: Anarchist Cookbook, Tarot Map or Trollobombomba.

Super Pride. (Super Pride)

Instead of ordinary trolobomboms, there is huge trolobombs around the room. Lasers radiate and diagonal directions (x), and directly (+).

Reward: thing " The Dead. Cat ", or Map" XXI: The World ", or bomb.

Sloth. (Despondency)

Sadness - tired, green from time to time, man.

Slap poisonous balls that turn into puddles when landing. It may call for the help of aggressive larvae.

Award: The thing "Bobs Rotten Head" or Tarot Map.

Super Sloth. (Super despondency)

Releases at once two poisonous shells. Calls for the help of two spiders.

Reward: The thing "Bob" S Curse ", or the" Double Peak "map, or" XVI restraint ".

Wrath. (Anger)

Anger is a man in a mask, very similar to Bomberman'a.

As an attack uses bombs. It can establish them about themselves, may push towards the player (the player can also push the bombs towards anger).

Award: Bomb, item "Boom!" or "Mr.Mega". In the latter case, the player himself turns into a bomberman.

Super Wrath. (Super wrath)

Instead of ordinary bombs uses huge trolobombs.

Award: The thing "Mr.Mega".


At the end of each level, it is mandatory to defeat the boss. The boss is accidentally selected from several possible options depending on the level.

The dark background is highlighted bosses from the original game The Binding Of Isaac (when you click on their name, it will go to the description page of the original game), the white background - bosses from the Wrath of the Lamb add-on.

Distribution of bosses in levels

The Basement (basement) (levels 1,2)